Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 29 - August 4, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 29 – August 4, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

1080x360 300x100 - Your Weekly Horoscope July 29th to August 4th

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In addition, Astrology Delivery dates are given on the New Moon and some questions are answered with the Tarot. It’s US $5 a month to subscribe and astrologer Julie Fowler also has information for you on the sign of the month.

Finally, we will be offering you podcasts from Paul Fenton-Smith and a new self-guided Astrology Walk tour in September. Your host is Alicia Fulton from the #1 spirituality podcast. Join here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – The Full Moon on August 19th, 2024, in Aquarius suggests a necessary new start with friends and groups. But the situation with courtship, the bedroom, or children will be back to front. What was planned or discussed will be replayed in Mercury Retrograde and there may be a rewrite of the original discussion or plan or even a cancellation.

Pluto also in Aquarius suggests a power or control issue with the friendship or the circle of people involved.

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Taurus – Your career, unpaid role or academic career is a process, not a destination, with the Full Moon on August 19th, 2024, up ahead. There is a full circle then. But, in terms of the family, you are still replaying old discussions or paper trails as late as September.

Perhaps with the household, flat or house too, Taurus, as there are crossroads decisions to stay, go, move sideways or accept a re-route. So that’s Mercury Retrograde for you. Do get everything in writing, read the fine print, and have Plan B and C up your sleeve.

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Gemini – Foreigners and foreign countries show up in your chart this week, Gemini, as you head towards a full circle on August 19th, 2024, in your solar Ninth House which rules people and places abroad. Your other main story is local or regional travel and commuting to neighbouring places.

Despite galloping denial by some, we are still in a global pandemic when ‘the life lived backwards’ is normal, if you even think about airports, Eurostar or cruise ship ports). You will have the final, full, finished, firm story once Mercury is over the retrograde in September when you can release particularly heavy waiting games and tests associated with regional tourists, local travel, other neighbourhoods and so on.

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Cancer – You can be as rich as Elon Musk (a Cancerian like you) or as poor as a church mouse and still have a powerful financial cycle now. A full circle is up ahead on August 19th, 2024, with the Full Moon (the crossroads) with insurance, income, the bank, investments, shares, property, business, charity, or valuables.

Yet, bide your time and have Plan B and C. Why? Mercury (paperwork, discussion, news) is still retrograde in Leo and that won’t finish until September. Get it in writing and read the fine print. People will go back on their word, or you will go back on yours.

Wildly unpredictable areas of online finance, like disappearing art, or cryptocurrency, remain in the background (Uranus in Taurus is with you too in your natal chart in the Second House of money). Conversations or paperwork slides back and forth in July, August. What you will (or will not) sell your soul for. Who or what you will not budge over, no matter what the price. Who or what you will absolutely sell out for, too.

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Leo – Into the Seventh House of duets and duels goes the Aquarius weather ahead of the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, 2024. The duets may be marriage or professional partnership. The duels may be professional enmity or something more personal, like a divorce.

Meanwhile, in your natal chart – specifically in your zone of courtship and the bedroom – we have a faux fresh start. And…You won’t have the full and final story until September. The duet can be a prospective sexual relationship or a budding co-parenting partnership too, Leo.

Think of a set of scales. Who is on the other end? That is the story. If you need professional advice about your husband (say) do not hesitate to acquire it. If you need esoteric advice, there are two oracles and one Tarot deck on this website which can help you.

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Virgo – The Full Moon on August 19th, 2024, brings pending decisions about your lifestyle, workload, health, wellbeing, mental health, fitness, daily routine and the rest. If this involves therapy or hypnosis, then you are still spinning your wheels with discussions, plans or paperwork as late as September. If so, treat July and August as a dress rehearsal.

Pluto in Aquarius in your Sixth House of everyday life, housework, walking the dog, your paid work, your aches and pains, your mental health, food, drink, fitness – is a game-changer. What you are seeing now is the path to a crossroads on the 19th of August.

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Libra – Sexual relationships, pregnancies, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and/or Millennials are the focus this week as a Full Moon in your solar chart is on the distant horizon on August 19th, 2024. You also have Mercury Retrograde in your natal chart in the same zone – parenthood and the bedroom. You will need to back over discussions or back over the paper trail or e-mails, Libra, in July, August, and September.

This week is good for homework, research and mulling over the options. You do have some practical choices to make, ahead. These will have long-term impact so take your time. Pluto in Aquarius is about transformation, but you can help yourself by using astrology. The crossroad choices come in December 2024, January or February 2025.

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Scorpio – On August 19th, 2024, you will come full circle on the Full Moon with your house, land, family, shared household, apartment, tenant, builder, council, or deal with questions about your hometown/homeland.

Meanwhile, your career is back and forth as is your unpaid work or degree. You must have seen the Mercury Retrograde dates I posted on this website as they have been there for quite a long time. Mercury is paperwork and discussion. Retrograde is stuck – backwards. July, August comes back to you until September for revision, rewording, or reconsideration. Maybe a plan will be pulled. Try not to add to the complication before September. From that point forward, Scorpio, you will know where you stand and what’s what.

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Sagittarius – The Aquarius transits now are about your brother, sister or cousin. Pluto is there and you have a Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, 2024, up ahead. Things will come full circle there. These Aquarius transits are also about your transport and local travel agenda.

This zone of your chart rules connection and communication, so the telephone, microphone and internet. The media, publishing or education. If any of this should also involve foreigners and foreign countries – wait until September for a circular situation to correct itself as you are now rewinding in July and then in August.

A classic example is a COVID outbreak preventing you or others from travel. Flights are obviously haywire in the pandemic anyway – if you are even flying at all during this period. Siblings and cousins? That’s obviously more personal but the story is going to change so dramatically.

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Capricorn – Pluto in Aquarius is here and a Full Moon in Aquarius is imminent on August 19th, 2024. The power and control issues with your salary, any debts (from credit cards to mortgages) and even the reality of being wealthy (a difficult call during a pandemic) is now the story.

Mercury Retrograde is also in Leo in your sector of joint finance and property. An inheritance, say, or a mortgage. Taxation or life insurance, for example. Allow for one situation to circle back on itself, by September. Try not to add to the complication as a long rewrite or second take need not become a total scramble!

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Aquarius – The focus between now and February 2025 – when your quite transformative relaunch is complete – is your image, profile, reputation, title and personal appearance. The advertising and the ‘front’ in being upfront, if you like. If you have factors in Aries in your natal chart, in your natal First House of self-assertiveness, then double that message. The upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, 2024, has long-term repercussions for your brand, your face online and so on.

Meanwhile, with duets or duels, life is now on rewind until September 2024. So, what was final in late July or August, is not. It will change, be held up or scrapped by September as Mercury backtracks (retrogrades) in Leo. After that, you will have to choose. The duet can be you and a parent, if it’s just the two of you. More obviously, you and your husband or girlfriend. The duel may be legal, intensely personal or purely professional. Democrat versus Republican for example.

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Pisces – It’s time to hit a crossroads with your other reality. That other reality is on the line on August 19th, 2024, up ahead. You are so well-known for inhabiting another reality, alongside this one, Pisces. Thus, your sign is associated with counselling, Buddhism, quantum theory, orthodox religion, alternative spirituality, astral travel (even), dream interpretation, therapeutic hypnosis and the like.

Right now, you have heavy Plutonian ongoing traffic in that zone of your chart. This is about your soul, psyche or psychology and it is intensely personal because that defines you. Your subconscious or your role in the collective unconscious, defines you. So does God, or your disbelief in God. This week puts you on the path, to the big bridge to cross, August 19th.

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