Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces

Three end-game cycles in Pisces show an important final chapter in your life, based on the area of your horoscope ruled by Pisces. For Virgo it's marriage or partnership. For Leo and Aquarius, it's finance and property. How are you affected by Neptune, Saturn and finally the North Node leaving Pisces in 2025, 2026?

The Long Goodbye to Three Pisces Cycles

The years 2025 and 2026 are a long goodbye to three Pisces cycles. Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces. The North Node in Pisces.

In this feature I will look at your Sun Sign and solar chart. Your natal chart. And – how so many predictions about this Pisces cycle you read here – have all come true.

Special thanks to Lynette Malone and Zane Stein at The Astrology Collective for hosting a Zoom session on this. It’s the leading hub on the web for astrology book groups, Zoom workshops and shared chart reading.

How Is Your Sign Affected?

Since 2011, and with even more force since 2023, the area of your life below has been reshaped completely. Now, you are looking at an end game.

It will happen in three stages. Firstly from March 30th 2025. Secondly from May 24th 2025. Finally, from July 26th 2026.

Where have you been most affected by Neptune and Saturn? And the long goodbye of the North Node? And how will this change for you – permanently – from 2026? Look up your sign and the signs of people in your life just to see where the shift is occurring.

Aries – Counselling, Buddhism, meditation, Tarot, psychics, mediums, religion, hypnosis, self-help.
Taurus – Friends, groups, clubs, teams, groups, societies, associations, bands, social media.
Gemini – Career, unpaid work, academia, success, status, your profession, industry or field.
Cancer – Foreigners, foreign countries, foreign cultures, academia, publishing, the worldwide web.
Leo – Inheritance, taxation, mortgages, business, charity, houses, apartments, insurance, ownership.
Virgo – Marriage, de facto relationships, divorce, separation, work partnerships, conflicts, disputes.
Libra – Lifestyle, workload, mental health, physical health, housework, daily routine, job, study.
Scorpio – Children, the bedroom, courtship, babies, teenagers, Generation Z, Millennials.
Sagittarius – Home, family, household, home town, homeland, houses, apartments, land.
Capricorn – Brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbours, short journeys, the internet, the media.
Aquarius – Bank accounts, inheritance, taxation, accountants, loans, houses, apartments, charity.
Pisces – Name, profile, face, shape, style, brand, image, reputation, hair, internet portrait.

Karma From 1997, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2015, 2016, 2017

You will be saying a long goodbye to karma left over in the Pisces zone of your horoscope, from January 25th 1997 to 20th October 1998. June 22nd 2006 to 18th December 2007. 12th November 2015 to 9th May 2017.

Those were the years that either the North Node or South Node stood in Pisces.

The long goodbye began on January 12th 2025 and lasts until July 26th 2026 (allow 24 hours for world time zone differences).

You are owed from the years above, or you owe. The settlement and closure is ongoing, as you read this, until July 27th 2026. This is the cycle of reclaiming. You will reclaim, or others will reclaim. The universe keeps the score on what is spiritually due, or due to be paid.

The Pisces area of your chart shows the ‘what’ of the story. This may be about the same person, or people. It may be about a completely different face, or group of faces – but the issue is the same.

Leo Examples of Pisces Cycles

For Leo this is about business, deals, finance and property. It involves family or partners. Back in 1998, Leo Monica Lewinsky and Leo Bill Clinton were involved in adultery that cost them. Now in 2025, Monica Lewinsky has a business with a podcast devoted to reclaiming. It begins with an episode about Bill Clinton.

Meghan Shutterstock 245x300 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in PiscesAnother Leo, Madonna, adopted David Banda from Malawi in 2006. Now in 2025 she has a new boyfriend, Akeem Morris.

He may be the latest in a long line of potential stepfathers to her adopted son, David. Finally, Leo Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, started dating Prince Harry in 2016. In 2025 she is launching a new gardening and lifestyle brand. Shutterstock.

Sagittarius Examples of Pisces Cycles

Again, looking at the ‘Reclaim or pay back’ years, for Sagittarius, this is all about the family and includes 1997 and 1998; 2006 and 2007; 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Sagittarius James Murdoch was born on 13th December. His Pisces cycles are about his father and siblings. In February 2025 he is in a rift with his father Rupert Murdoch over the family succession plan.

Back in 1998 his hip hop label was bought by News Limited, his father’s company.  In 2007 he was made Chairman of BSkyB, his father’s old job. In 2015, he became CEO of 20th Century Fox, replacing Rupert. There is a big question here. Is James Murdoch owed by Rupert, his father, or does he owe him? Karma calls.

Britney Spears – Sagittarius

Britney was born on 2nd December and is going through the same Sagittarius family karma cycle as James Murdoch, in a different way.

As she goes into 2025 with the North Node landing in Pisces,  she’s revealed she paid her father’s $2.2 million legal bills. Back in 2007 on a previous cycle, Spears divorced her husband. She shaved her head in a series of public struggles. The 13-year conservatorship with her father is part of that. The wheel spins around. Shutterstock.

Britney Spears shutterstock 1459165610 200x300 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in PiscesLetting Go and Moving On

This is the long goodbye – to Pisces cycles. You are letting go and moving on, in three stages, slowly but surely, this year and next year.

The nodes trigger the Pisces zone of your chart – one in opposition from Virgo – one directly in Pisces. Neptune has been there in the sign of the fishes for a long time. Saturn has also been in Pisces of late.

Use the Tarot on my website to ask ‘What or who should I release and farewell in 2025 and 2026 on this Pisces cycle?’ Intend this for your greatest good (and of course the greatest good of everyone else).

If you are a Premium Member you can give yourself a four-way oracle and Tarot reading with the same question. This will give you a detailed and in-depth answer. Use The Modern I Ching, The Smith Waite Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle, together. Just one card from each deck. You also have flipbooks to give you long interpretations.

Looking at these time-frames for the end-game Pisces cycles, you can see how the long goodbye works out in 2025 and 2026. This gives you exact timing.

Neptune is about escapism, alternative reality, no boundaries and confusion. Saturn is about tests of patience, ring-fenced situations and long learning experiences. The North Node is about incoming karma – you receive spiritual debts or credits. The South Node is about outgoing karma – you pay spiritual debts or credits.

Allow 24 hours for world time zone differences in these Pisces transit tables. Yet, this is when you are slowly farewelling people, situations, places and organisations over a period of two years – starting now.

When Was/Is Neptune, Saturn, the South Node, North Node in Pisces?

When Was/Is Neptune in Pisces?
April 4th to August 5th 2011. February 3rd 2012 to March 30th 2025. October 22nd 2025 to January 26th 2026.
When Was/Is Saturn in Pisces?
March 7th 2023 to May 25th 2025. September 1st 2025 to February 14th 2026.
When Was/Is the South Node in Pisces?
January 25th 1997 to 20th October 1998. 12th November 2015 to 9th May 2017.
When Was/Is the North Node in Pisces?
June 22nd 2006 to 18th December 2007. 11th January 2025 to 26th July 2026.

True Psychic Astrology Predictions – Pisces Cycles

I like to make world news predictions and headline forecasts years before they happen, to show you how reliable psychic astrology is. You can relax in knowing that this ancient, alternative way of timing is something you can lean on, in your own life.

On September 19th 2021, I predicted the year 2025 would bring reform for the Roman Catholic church. As you read this, the Pope is in a critical condition. We hope he pulls through, but his life-threatening illness will already have raised questions in the Vatican about the next Pope and change in the church. This is the original forecast, below –

Screenshot 2025 02 24 at 9.37.41 am 1024x178 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces

It was also possible to make these two predictions on January 21st, 2023 about the big Pisces cycles. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, resigned in 2024. There is a constitutional crisis for the Anglican faith. What is yet to come to pass – proof that Charles and Camilla did not legally or constitutionally take the throne. When Charles III dies, by law, a secret sealed document about his right (and her right) to the crown must be opened. I believe that when this happens, we will discover this was never a true coronation.

The other prediction, which has come to pass, was about Pfizer. “After a long period without any boundaries, it will be restricted…We’d expect class-action lawsuits, perhaps, or strong action from the W.H.O. or big governments.” This was an exact prediction, with Donald Trump withdrawing America from the W.H.O. and Robert F. Kennedy Junior, who is anti-vaccine, leading his government on health.

Screenshot 2025 02 24 at 9.42.17 am - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces

Do You Have Pisces Chart Factors?

I’ve looked at the end games with your solar or Sun Sign chart. I’ve also shown how world headlines could be predicted with these Pisces cycles, years before they happened.

image from rawpixel id 13317876 jpeg 300x200 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces
Pisces – Rawpixel.

How about your birth chart? If you are a Premium Member you will have it to hand. If you have Pisces chart factors in your Twelfth House, then you are really going to feel the final chapters of 2025, 2026, with the following areas of your life –

The Roman Catholic Church. The Church of England. Judaism. Hinduism. Islam. Buddhism. Dreams. Tarot. Auras. Chakras. Mediumship. Spiritualism. Psychics. Psychiatrists. Psychologists. Psychiatric medication. Prayer. Dreams. Meditation. The I Ching. Crystals. Angels. Fairies. Hypnosis.

This is just a selection of the solitary, psychic, spiritual or psychological concerns of Pisces. You may have your own personal example which is not listed here. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Quantum Physics, for example. Whatever is within, solo, hidden and about your soul, spirit or psyche – is an ending chapter.

The End of Solitude For Everyone

Pisces and the Twelfth House rule solitude. In the Middle Ages, the Twelfth House was associated with monks, nuns and priests who often kept vows of silence or lived in solitary cells.

In the Twentieth Century the Twelfth House became associated with mental illness, psychiatric wards, prisons and solitary confinement in a jail cell. This is a good example of bad old astrology!

It’s far more truthful to say Pisces and the Twelfth House are about submerging yourself and disappearing from view. Like one of the two fish in the sign. It is about taking a deep dive down below, which often entails meditation at a retreat (for example) or thoughtful prayer in a church. A Jungian analyst can also take you into the depths of your own subconscious.

None of the wheels turn in this process without being alone. When Neptune was in Pisces, all of us were alone in 2020. Some in apartments – some within a household, isolating from Covid.

This is one example of what this transit can do. Many of us are still by ourselves more than usual, because the pandemic continues to infect people in crowds or in poorly ventilated public spaces.

Yet, the astrology tells us – this stops. It stops in three stages across 2025 and 2026. We don’t know why yet. Could this be a turning point for Covid? A genuine turning point at last?

Neptune, Saturn and the North Node Exit Pisces

Here are the Los Angeles dates and times for Neptune in Pisces (exit) Saturn in Pisces (exit) and the North Node in Pisces (exit). These are of course the ingress dates for Neptune in Aries, ingress dates for Saturn in Aries and ingress date for the North Node in Aquarius. This is the exact minute of crossover. (Software: AstroGold). On every date you will see your Tarot and/or Oracle card readings coming to land. This is when you will be quite clear about who or what you are releasing – and why it’s a good idea.


1. NEPTUNE OUT OF PISCES 1024x788 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces 2. SATURN OUT OF PISCES 1024x788 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces 3.NORTH NODE OUT OF PISCES 1024x788 - Goodbye Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces


Images: Shutterstock/Rawpixel/iStock/Wikimedia Commons/AstroGold Software.

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67 Responses

  1. …I just reread about Aesculapia in your asteroids book. I think I have answered my own question. I think I’m going to be ok 🙂 and the conjunction nearby might signal the turning point for me 🙂 I hope for insights on this and the nodes during the zoom event. Thank you so much for providing these tools for self-understanding.

    1. I’m sorry about that, I will send your comment to Zane Stein and Lynette Malone, who run The Astrology Collective. Thanks.

  2. Hi Jessica, I’m feeling tired of my long distance relationship not having any firm plans of being a permanent togetherness. Kids, jobs & parents seem to be factors for my partner delaying permanence. I’m also guilty of stalling. I seemed to have suddenly run out of patience. He’s a wonderful person but I’m unsure I can get through the Venus retrograde without spewing out an ultimatum! How much longer will the planets complicate my relationships?!

    1. You’re a Virgo with Libra, Cancer stelliums who is waiting for the right cycle, which is Jupiter in Cancer (from June) and Uranus in Gemini (for years into the future, from July). Your life path is a proper home and household or extended family circle with a strong sense of belonging to a place and a particular clan (or clans, plural). Similarly, partnerships of all kinds, sexual or professional. This mid-year changeover will either change the relationship for you, or will switch you to a new partner by June 2026 as Jupiter going through your Fourth House suggests a kind of homecoming. If he can’t fit that, others can.

  3. Last night I asked my tarot deck (which is the universal waite one) what 2025 will mean for me. First the ten of cups reversed fell out, then I pulled the tower. I wanted to have a place to publically document this as I feel the tower may be relevant for us all in 2025 and moving forward, but Jessica, how do you think this aligns with my chart?

    1. The Smith Waite, created by Pamela Colman Smith, is also on my website if you want to follow the steps. She was in The Golden Dawn and never reversed the cards. So I can’t really comment on your reading, as I don’t either. Thank you.

  4. I’m in a similar situation in my LDR. I had hoped to meet up with my Aquarian in October in a neutral country so we could both switch off from the normal day to day life. Sadly, it looks like I am going alone. Why do I end up with complicated relationships?

    1. Why do you end up with complicated relationships? That is a very good question to ask in the Divination section of my website. Choose one card from all four decks so you have four different angles on the same situation. These would tally with your birth chart, which shows Apollo, the North Node and Uranus in Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, babies, children, teenagers and young adults. The North Node shows karma so you have been through life-changing events in your previous existence, probably involving a pregnancy or baby. You are too old to have children now, but men are not. You don’t say if you or the Aquarian has offspring from a previous marriage or de facto relationship. Uranus in Leo is very common in the charts of men who have unplanned pregnancies and can be baby trapped by women who claim to be infertile (and then the miracle pregnancy takes place and of course an abortion is refused). There can also be an erratic, unpredictable relationship with any son or stepson. That’s just two examples out of many, but in general you find people tend to avoid old-fashioned commitment after a certain time because step-parenting, pregnancy or even just a relationship with too much present baggage is too encumbering. Uranus is a symbol of freedom and independence. The cards can tell you more; this is personal. There are billions of men onthe planet – why do you choose hard-work relationships? Or relationships which mean there is no marriage?

  5. There are no children or step children or any form of children in either of our lives. I don’t purposely choose these men. Actually they come looking for me:) I don’t know if the Universe is trying to teach me lessons from my previous lives 🙂

  6. Hi Jessica,
    Ladt September, I had a biopsy on a breast lump that was negative. I’ve found another lump and am due to go for a medical appointment later this month, by which time the Sun and North Node will be in Pisces. My Mum died of cancer at my exact age, so the timing of me finding these lumps is noteworthy. I’ve a few Virgo factors and juggle paid work and my responsibilities as a single mother. I pulled Mercury in the 6th house and the 2 pentacles which are self-explanatory. I also pulled taking risks which seems trickier to understand in this situation. Can you please share your insights? Thanks.

    1. I am sure you are justified in being concerned about a second lump in your breast. Mercury in the Sixth House is good. That’s information, news, intelligent questioning and when you push for it – well-researched answers – regarding health. The Two of Pentacles is about the money, not the breasts. Have a look at The Modern I Ching and The Garden Oracle too. I wish you the best.

  7. Hi Jessica, so disappointed to miss my Capricorn forum. Fell and broke my wrist on Christmas morning. Very painful and still is. Quick question regarding a decision I have to make. Do I risk booking a holiday of a lifetime in South Africa leaving 8th October? A 3 day safari, beach holiday afterwards. Lots of travel on train and planes is worrying for me at 67 and hubby at 70 (on 30th March). We have minor health issues. I catastrophise everything!! Hope you can reassure me that it won’t be a horror story but a holiday of my dreams! Thank you so much.

    1. I am so sorry you broke your wrist. No wonder you want to go on holiday. You have a Sagittarius stellium so live for foreign vacations. You have Minerva and Mars at 18 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries and in October, this will be in a T-Square with the North Node at 18 Pisces and South Node at 18 Virgo. It’s not ideal. I strongly recommend you give yourself a reading with the four decks on this website. A T-Square is tight, taught, tense and rather like a T-junction in traffic.

  8. Might this trip be challenging because I am not physically fit for all the travel? I plan to make improvements in this area before we go. Worried about the taut and tense bit. We are visiting South Africa. Not sure how to find four decks on the website or understand what they would mean but thank you Jessica. Bit worried about this now. Was in two minds whether to book.

    1. The trip is in your hands and the astrology is a T-Square. No astrologer would tell you to expect an easy ride on a transiting T-Square with anything. You can find the Divination section on my website – look at the top of the home page – and see how the four decks explain in more personal detail to you, in a private way, what to expect from this astrological weather. Thank you.

  9. I’m curious to know more about the potential impact of Neptune in Aries please. The technology in my industry has evolved and after some hugely stressful years when I struggled to even exist let alone work I’m in a slightly better place mentally. I have purchased a course to study for one certification in this new technology (which I have already started working with) to see if my brain is capable of enjoying learning and studying again. I am also hoping to start writing short stories about my experiences over the last few decades of working in engineering, as a woman, from a poor background and ethnic minority (although with all your reminders of our being in the era of groups I’m now thinking this would be better as part of a collective effort of shared stories). But with Neptune going into Aries my solar 9th house I hear it can make it harder to focus on the mundane – in terms of studying and writing – so I am wondering if it is possible that while it might make these things harder, are there any ways that it also might make them easier – or enjoyable at least? And does my having a stellium in Aries help or hinder please?

    1. Thank you. Neptune in your Solar Ninth House is joined by Saturn, also in your solar Ninth House, so the pair transit your zone of publishing, the worldwide web and foreigners – as well as academia – in the second half of 2025, into 2026. That won’t hinder study or writing. The trick is a writers’ group, writing community (like Substack) or anthology. This is already an opportunity waiting to happen. From July new technology takes it further. If you want to, you would have qualifications and publication within mere years.

  10. Dear Jessica
    Last year I asked you if I will find a dog which will fit lovely well in our familiy and we found her. Your answer was also yes. It’s amazing!
    I work with Lenormand and I love this deck. But since I know your Website I will buy a Smith Wait. I miss some details at Lenormand. Are you giving also learn Sessions for Smith Wait? Could you recommend something?
    Thank you and kind regards

    1. Thank you for confirming the psychic astrology prediction came true. I teach Tarot at The Sun Sign School, Karin, which is a US $100 subscription website with some video, audio, PDF downloads and many features. Other Tarot tutors include Daisy Waugh and Paul Fenton-Smith. The Modern Lenormand will be launched as this year’s Christmas present for Premium Members, with a card deck and guidebook, in December.

  11. Hi Jessica, I have a Virgo stellum and just started a new job today back in my profession of work in travel weirdly I don’t feel nervous? Im hoping that this cycle will be positive for me it’s been a long journey to get here.

    1. Congratulations on your new job. Your Virgo stellium suggests you have a strong work and unpaid work ethic, which began when you were a schoolgirl, so you are used to mucking in, doing your homework, being on time and all those other essential Virgo traits which, as an adult, make you a very good employee or excellent professional pair of hands. You are a Sun Gemini woman with a Virgo stellium, both ruled by Mercury the messenger of the gods, so you are here to connect people, places and ideas. Almost as if you had wings on your shoes and hat.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    I hope to join the zoom, its from 1 am to 3 am for me. As a sun Pisces with a Pisces stellium, I’m sure it would be very helpful.
    I am trying to schedule a reconstructive surgery (from a lumpectomy) for the 2nd or 3rd week of March. I won’t know the exact date until my consultation with the surgeon on March 4th. If I don’t do it then, I will have to wait quite a while because of work/travel commitments. Now I’m concerned about having surgery with Mercury going retrograde at that time. Do you have any insight on this for me?

    Thank you for all you contribute to everyone here. Annette

    1. Thank you, in advance. We hope to see you there, but you can also pick up the Zoom recording from The Astrology Collective afterwards. Annette, your reconstructive surgery on 4th March will take place with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces in your First House of appearance, so you may find you change the date more than once, or that there are details connected to form-filling or paperwork which go backwards and forwards. Just have Plan B and Plan C up your sleeve. Other classic Mercury Retrograde outcomes are issues with the car or public transport, computer or telephone issues and technical concerns. Neptune and Saturn are both out of your appearance/image zone together from the final week of May, so this does have an end point, which is good. Proceed as you were but be aware of the potential for (say) a phone running out of battery or a letter going to the wrong address.

  13. hey Jessica, everytime you give a little info on how our sun dign is affected, for me sun leo is always about inheritance, children, or mortgage. csn you hrlp me understand more please? i wish it was more about jobs, studying etc.
    because I’m studying with very unscrupulous people. Ty P.C.

    1. Yes, Sun Leo women have major transits in Pisces in the Eighth House of inheritance (not children – not sure where you got that from), insurance, superannuation, pensions, trust funds, marital bank accounts, divorce settlements and all sexual/financial relationships (like hiring your old boyfriend to work with you) and family-based financial and property relationships (like asking your sister to pay half the costs of a parent’s health care). I regularly write about career or study for Leo as well, as you have Uranus transiting your natal Tenth House. You may want to go back and read old predictions for Leo.

  14. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this post. I write to request your advice. I am going through a major decision making period. I have an offer to an amazing doctorate in England. I don’t have scholarship as yet and it is an expensive, highly sought-after programme in London. So the question is financial, in one realm. I am currently applying for scholarships. I was in this exact same situation during my masters in 2013, moving abroad, tight on funding but everything worked out like a miracle; Jupiter in cancer, like you said. Knowing the work and love that my academic research focus carries, I know something will work out. It is a spiritual journey, deep down. But until then I have to fund it through an education loan — big sum, more in forex. I am fine with it as long as I can manage it in the long term; my educational background is very strong, so is the work profile. Do you see the financial part working out well given my particular birth chart? Like a manageable complexity. What advise would you add to help make this work?

    Additionally, the Tarot showed me – King of Pentacles. I-Ching said, Forest (19) and Elegance (22) – as the best gateway for this. I read through the flip-books too. They are speaking to my current situation.

    The final part of my question is about home/love/family life. I am single. Would I ever find love or get married? I know it is not going to be traditional or mainstream; because that won’t sustain with the way I imagine/hear my existence, which is also where my academic work/job is coming from. I also know that I am not defined by married life/partner (I do acknowledge the constant media and social push for settling down). I would say that a loving home environment (kids or no kids) is important to me. Relocating to London has a very, very positive feeling. I tried to go back to the US for years, but strangely it didn’t work although I studied there. With this doctorate abroad, I am embarking on a different plane of life. So having seen my birth chart (I am a premium member), what do I keep in mind on building a nice home life?

    Truly grateful for this web platform, esp the opportunity to ask about key life questions. Thanks for all you and your team do. Love, n

    1. Thank you. Using the online cards with your chart is the right way to proceed. The money is with the man who finds it hard to pay it out, but at least it is there. And you need money to study in London, which is an expensive city. I don’t know what question you asked, is all. Did you use a deadline? How did you frame the question? You also drew two I Ching cards when you should have drawn one. Go back and do this again, with one card each from The Garden Oracle, The Smith Waite Tarot, The Modern I Ching and The Astrology Oracle and follow the steps. You want a sexual relationship or marriage too. Again, use the cards and follow the steps. The South Node at 15 Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, children and stepchildren will be crossed by Jupiter with all his opportunities and solutions at 15 Leo once you are into the cycle in 2026, 2027 and that’s a milestone. Of course you can date until then but transiting Jupiter in conjunction with your South Node suggests a karmic connection in bed, perhaps with children involved.

  15. Hi Jessica, I am a virgo sun, Leo rising and Aries Moon (2.32) with Apollo, Pluto (19.56) and IC in Libra (22.12), so the ingress of Neptune and Saturn in Aries worries me because I already had their opposition to my stellium of virgo planets and my Moon makes a trine to my rising sign which is at 5.48. What should I expect?

    1. The trine from the Moon to your Ascendant is negligible. The issue here is Aries-Libra in your chart which is a lifetime challenge to think about ‘we’ and ‘us’ in any sort of duet or partnership (be it sexual, platonic or professional). Up against that is your Aries side which is far more self-involved. Figuring out the balance as we have transits in Aries is your challenge, should you accept it.

  16. Dear Jessica thank you for this information. My south node is 28 gemini, north node 28 sag and psyche 28 sag also. Does this mean because of the nodes i am dealing with a “grand cross”? I am not sure what to make of it. thank you. If there is anything else major in my chart you see for this year to watch out for im very grateful.

    1. Thank you. Yes, you have a Grand Cross by transit as the North Node goes to 28 Pisces, the South Node goes to 28 Virgo and both create squares with your natal South Node at 28 Gemini and North Node at 28 Sagittarius. It’s a cross to bear, or temporary burden to carry, involving siblings, cousins, neighbours, short journeys, the media, the internet, foreigners, foreign countries, academia and/or publishing.

  17. Good day Jessica,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights here regarding the New Pisces Cycles 2025-2026. Would you please have a peek at my chart, as I do have placements in Pisces and Aries. World and political events are changing so quickly, I feel it behooves one to gain as many perspectives as possible for good, solid decisions with resources and family.
    I am a 5 degree Taurus sun woman,( a member here.)I have worked all my adult life for financial stability along with a gratifying lifestyles, in the USA and NZ. I am blessed. Now, There have been a string of synchronistic events that have led to personal freedom, since Pluto took up residence in Aquarius. I am aware that the transits of the planets are powerful and life changing. Any insights would be greatly welcome.
    Cheers and blessings,

    1. Thanks Susu. You are a Sun Taurus woman with stelliums in Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius. Looking at both your solar and natal chart in 2025 and 2026, the most obvious improvement is money saved (or made) on a grander scale than you have seen in years. You have until June to do this, then from July, when Uranus changes signs to Gemini, you will be in a radically different space with your house, investments, apartment or bank account when the new direction you take, will be matched by what happens externally; all that is reshaped in your town or country from July 2025, into 2026, suggests a new life budget for you. Independence becomes more important. The other really big change is in your Third House in both charts. Exploring more of a neighbouring place comes easily from mid 2025 until mid 2026. You will also find quite exhilarating and liberating choices with the internet; your way with words, images and ideas will be set free. So you become who you are – strongly Gemini. At around the same time you may experiment with your car, yacht, public transport, domestic flights as new inventions come to meet you halfway. So the new you is far more mobile, unfettered and much more able to see what towns, regions or even countries next door can offer. Friends and groups (your Eleventh House) are also picked up from 2025 and beyond. You will deepen the involvement that exists now, finding real power with those people, or join a new circle by 2026 which also changes your life.

  18. Hi Jessica I hope 2025 is being kind to you <3

    I wanted to share that As a cancer sun and stellium in 2011 I went back to school and became a registered nurse and then in 2023 after 10 years I returned to school to further my degree and get my masters in nursing. I graduate in October 2025. I have no idea what I really wanted when I returned to school in 2023 but the push was too intense to ignore. Although school is overwhelming at times it’s been one of the smoother journeys in my life and the reward of a hard earned degree always feels great especially compared to the hardships and complications I’ve faced in my relationships. Do you think once my program is complete I’ll have a better sense of direction of where I want to work or use my degree?! I’m thinking women’s health!

    Thanks so much

    1. Thank you. You are a Cancerian woman with a Cancer stellium in your Fourth House of home, family, home town, homeland, household and real-estate. You also have Ops at 28 Virgo in the Sixth House of nursing. You will have your Master of Nursing degree in October and want to pursue women’s health. This tallies with your chart, as the South Node is crossing 28 Virgo for the first time in 18-19 years and in fact life as it was, back then, may be influencing what happens in 2025. Ops is a symbol of female resilience, optimism in the face of difficulty and a can-do attitude, so you are a natural in the mental and physical health professions. Never say never, is Ops’ motto. Uranus goes to 28 Taurus trine Ops which will set you free to explore how to really work your sense of service and duty to others in an unexpected way; what you see yourself doing now may not be what happens, yet you will find it quite liberating to take a road less travelled. At any point from June 2025 you are also in a terrific position with your house or apartment situation, rolling into June 2026.

  19. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this great information! I’ve had a really difficult past few months. I started a relationship last year and recently found out my partner has been stealing money from me. I’m a Leo and dealing with the difficult 8th house cycles in Pisces. I’m really shattered in finding this out and am getting legal assistance and have law enforcement involved now. On top of that, my job is in jeopardy due to federal funding cuts from the Trump administration here in the U.S. I’m curious as to what you see in my chart as you made a prediction to a question I asked back in 2020 that I would need to develop my negotiating skills with men, rather than women, who have money. This man I’ve been dating fits this description. He is definitely “all of a type” and the material world really weighs him down. I’m trying to get through to him. He’s also a Leo. Do you see any good news on the horizon?

    1. I’m very sorry your former partner was stealing money from you. You are a Sun Leo woman who has been dealing with Saturn and Neptune transiting your solar Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships. On the plus side, the transit is slowly but surely on the way out, with a long break from the final week of May 2025 – completely gone from 2026. Much as we’d wish Saturn was different, it is the planet of unavoidable reality and involves acceptance and patience while it is going through a particular sign and house. Neptune I am sure you know is about an escape from the real world; a vacation from the everyday; a holiday from normality and regularity. In your natal chart you have a stellium in the Eighth House, in Scorpio, which includes natal Saturn. So the reason you have been through a particularly serious situation is that both charts, personal and public, show Eighth House challenges. (In your natal chart you have been going through transiting Uranus in opposition to natal Scorpio factors). Again – this is on the way out – and from July 2025 you have a long, long break from this cycle, with it completely gone from 2026. You are now dating a Leo who is also going through the solar transit of Neptune and Saturn in his Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships. The timing for him, at least in terms of being a Leo, is the same – the odd combination of escaping from the real world, but also having no immediate exit from a situation – is slowly going away, but it will not be until 2026 that he feels he can pursue that crossover of the bedroom and the bank account without being ring-fenced, which is what Saturn does. I am sure you know it is the ringed planet. Your job situation is being hit by Donald’s funding cuts, in the meantime. Is this also that cycle? No. This is Uranus in Taurus in the solar Tenth House of career and you are being urged to do things radically differently; to break free of the way things were; to become your own woman and far more independent of old systems and set-ups. In fact, it will feel exhilarating and liberating to branch out like this, but do use the Tarot and oracles on my website to personalise your reading and navigate in a more detailed way, specific to your own needs. I strongly recommend getting into a regular relationship with the cards and developing your E.S.P. when you are going through difficult times of change. Free for you to use as a member, with the guidebooks.

  20. Jessica,

    I’m not in a relationship with anyone right now. The last few years, I have been trying to improve my life, so that I’m ready for the kind of relationship that I desire. I have done several of your website readings and feel that they are showing me that a new relationship is on the horizon. I just want to know if that is correct or just wishful thinking on my part?

    1. I’m afraid I can’t see your birth chart here; you need to be logged in so I can look at your natal horoscope. Thank you.

  21. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for sharing the event. I am a Scorpio sun woman who is in a confused and hard period, expecting to be fired due to project and management reshuffles, trying to apply on a new role in the same company and be accepted or applying also externally in case of laid off. The last year was very difficult for me in terms of my career and left me with a disappointment and even questions related with what I want to do in the future. This year, Saturn and Neptune will enter in my work sector in Aries which seems a restriction and an escape, picked tarot cards The Moon and Knight of Pentacles. Any insights for me will be really appreciated. Wishing you all the best.

    1. As a Scorpio Sun woman you are in the deep career change cycle in 2025, with Mars Retrograde in Leo in your solar Tenth House for months (on and off, stop start action about work, resolving towards the middle of the year) and of course Neptune and Saturn moving into your Sixth House of daily workload, together, from the final week of May. The Moon is talking to you about a pair, partnership, duet or duo in your life where you must both decide on a path together or separately. It will come about as the result of a tight financial or property deadline. The Knight of Pentacles is a money man you need to negotiate with. Thank you.

  22. I had trouble logging into your website yesterday. My birth chart has been completed. My apologies about it not being available yesterday.

  23. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for your reply to my question regarding these planetary egressed and ingresses 2025-2026. It looks to be a major time of personal changes on many levels! It is True, world events are shaping major life decisions moment by moment. Adaptability is recreating one’s environment and bringing forth untapped personal potential.
    I remember the Tarot card you pulled for my decan of Taurus, looking forward into the new year 2025. It was Strength! That image has and will sustain and encourage me in 2025. Strength is exactly what I need for myself and others. The card’s message prepared me….Once again, thanks to you for Your generosity and exquisite work!

  24. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks once again for the opportunity to ask questions!
    I’m hoping to be able to join the Zoom, still trying to arrange it at this stage.
    I am a Sun Libra (20 degrees) with Saturn at 28 Aquarius, Neptune at 16 Scorpio, Vesta at 16 Pisces, MC at 20 Pisces and Chiron at 14 Pisces, plus Virgo and Leo Stelliums – with no particular timeline in mind (can be flexible) I am hoping to launch my small business this year – two in fact, one of which involves international shipping (well, I guess they both might!) and I’m floundering a bit, to be honest. I don’t know if it’s fear or if I’m just completely exhausted after the hell I’ve been through. I’m hoping you might be able to give me a clue on the right timing, and best avenue to use i.e. Facebook versus a dedicated Website or Etsy etc?
    Thank you for any feedback,
    Sandie x

    1. If you can’t join the Zoom session with Zane Stein live, just request the recording. Sandie, you may want to wait to see how international shipping goes because Donald is making decisions about the American postal system which may alter that completely. With Uranus (the world turning upside down) in Gemini (the mail) that seems likely after July. Irrespective of that, you end a long period of confusion about your daily routine, housework, unpaid work, paid work and also your lifestyle from the final week of March, with the end of a series of waiting games, tests and trials from the final week of May. By June you begin to see opportunities to achieve so much more and from July will have made a good decision about your career. From July you also begin to see radical changes with the internet and so again, you may want to see what those are before you commit to Etsy.

  25. Jessica,

    I haven’t been involved with anyone for various reasons because I wanted to focus on myself for a while and improving my own life to attract the right relationship. Is there any possibility of me meeting someone in the future?

    1. Sexual relationships are always the Fifth House (they can be short-lived here) and/or the Seventh House (marriage or other kinds of commitment, not necessarily co-habiting). So in your birth chart that is ruled by Leo, the Fifth and Libra – the Seventh. The Moon at 4 Leo and Ops at 24 Leo are in your Fifth House. You have nothing in your Seventh House so I am not surprised you wanted to focus on yourself, not an engagement. You are not defined by your partner. Yet, when Jupiter (the big, rare opportunity) goes into Leo and passes 4, then 24, you will have the best chance in 12 years to form a superior sexual relationship to those previous and it would likely involve stepchildren, fostering, a man’s nieces and nephews and so on. Jupiter is in Leo from 1st July 2026 until 26th July 2027.

  26. Hi Jessica ,with the end game/change just to clarify does it mean these areas will improve if they have been effected ,I am a Taurus ,with Pisces stelliums and I am looking for a new job and a hopefully one with healthy work culture ,do you think these changes would benefit and assist my search .

    1. The annoying answer is – it depends on what you did when the lunar nodes were last in Pisces. Are you owed? Do you owe? This would be about friends and groups. Not jobs and work. So go back to what you gave to others, or perhaps what you took, in the years 1997 and 1998 (South Node in Pisces) and 2006-2007 (North Node in Pisces). Also 2015-2016-2017 (South Node in Pisces) – now here we are again – with you experiencing since January 11th 2025 – until 26th July 2026 – the North Node in Pisces. Looking back at old emails can be useful. Look at clubs, teams, trade unions, bands, political parties, charities, societies, associations, old friends, new friends. If you want a new job, use Astrology Delivery, and target the Libra weather ahead. Of course you can get a new job before then, or a new project, but if you want something really great, you will try Astrology Delivery later this year. All the information you need and the calendar are here on my website for you as a Premium Member.

  27. Dear Jessica,

    To share with you, my website for this phase of my life: I feel an energetic release from the past and a sense of hope, expansiveness in a way not felt for some years. You have my chart, you know that I have a stellium in Libra (8) Scorpio (6) Cancer (5). I am a Libra sun, Cancer moon. In the past, pre-Zoom era, working as a transformational life and leadership coach, love and relationship coach it was so much slower going and limiting in terms of who my clients could be geographically. Today I feel the world could be my oyster in 2025 and for the remainder of my life. A big statement, I know; yet I feel it. You often write about May 2025 as the turning point for this time, when I read your horoscope guidance daily, weekly, monthly, annually. A long held dream of one day having a place by the sea in Greece, Spain or France now feels much closer than ever before. So my world now is no longer about the past. I am no longer limited by location as before, because of Zoom technology. One question: we are in process of selling our house in Palm Desert, California as I write, escrow closing end of March. It is the move I asked you about 4-years ago before we bought the house. Your guidance seemed in alignment with my desire to buy it. Now we can buy the house we have been leasing for ten years in Sonoma, wine country California. Selling the desert house, allows buying the Sonoma house. Is this the right move, for now? California particularly, as you well know, is sooo expensive a place to live. My husband’s work is in wine country so for now, this is the base. Anything you might feel on the psychic level for buying the Sonoma house or not and which country choosing among Greece, Spain, France is where I should consider best for me, for us? Thank you, Jessica.

    1. You’d like a home by the sea in Greece, Spain or France and selling in Palm Desert, California – but you also want to buy in Sonoma, California as well. Your husband is in the wine business. As he is one half of the deal, I need his chart as well. Your own chart shows factors at 12 through 28 Cancer in the Fourth House of property, home town, homeland and family. Jupiter, the lucky planet, moves into Cancer in June 2025 and will pass 12 through 28 degrees, August 2025 to June 2026. Jupiter expands, improves, increases, enlarges, solves and fixes. So you are in the right time and place, beginning in a small way in June 2025, rolling from August 2025 and with fulfilment, if you take the opportunities, by June 2026. The rest is up to you and the Tarot and three oracles on my website, as you and your husband can both use those to ask ‘Where, when, which?’ Just follow the steps.

  28. Hi Jessica, Zane, Lynette,
    Thank you for the information insight of Pisces cycles tonight ! So worth to listen to your zoom meetings.
    I’m a Capricorn Sun, Pisces raising & Cancer moon. In 2006 – 2007 marriage & family dysfunction was not that good.
    I remembered clearly 2015 divorce emails ending with little money, no house, now renting & since back to 2015 relationship with siblings and cousins was and still is distance. I did however had a dreams in 2017 of relationship with this person who I have known for a long time re- entered my life in 2023 – now have become really good friends and business associates.
    I drew the card Five of Pentacles
    Thanks for your advice x

    1. Thanks for coming along to the Zoom session at The Astrology Collective. Your Tarot card tells you who or what to release, as you go towards the end of Saturn in Pisces, Neptune in Pisces, the North Node in Pisces. This happens in stages in 2025 and 2026. Your E.S.P. told you to release the Five of Pentacles, which shows two downcast people, one on crutches, one depressed, trudging through the snow, unaware of the money that could help save them. That’s pretty basic messaging. Is this you? Or is it a pair that you know? Is it a broad representation of those in need (a charity’s hard cases, for example)? Only you know. One glance at your solar chart and I see Jupiter in your house of health and healing until June, then Uranus in your house of health and healing from July. So you are being well and truly told – encourage others to change their attitude to find the money that could pay for surgery, therapy, the right doctor. And if this is you, stop assuming that things are hopeless as in fact you can access government assistance, a bank loan, and so on – which would help you recover.

  29. Hi Jessica on each of these cycles, i started a new job (uni, first full time job, got a job abroad and moved), dealt with mental health issues and also interesting either entered a relationship or ended one which isn’t a 6th house matter but directly affected my mental health. So spot on! Asked the question what to leave behind and got 5 of wands, Recovery and Restart, North Node and 6th house and Home. These seem to describe what happened very well but I struggle to interpret these as something to leave behind? l’ll add that im looking for a new job/career, addressing some health issues slowly but surely and casually dating. Thank you, this is all such fascinating stuff!

    1. It sounds as if you are having textbook astrology cycles. You are in a position to release complicated group politics in 2025, 2026 and let go of having to plug into a circle of people who cannot agree and find it hard to compromise. This may be at work, of course, but it may also be in your social life or on social media. It likely is your job, as the North Node in the Sixth House is very much about your workload. The Sixth House also rules your health and wellbeing, so there is also something to shed there. Sometimes it’s an attitude.

  30. Hello Jessica, thank you for this articles and the valuable advice you have given me on your pages. I am remembering things from the years you’ve noted and mostly they seem to involve career changes and sometimes very difficult upheaval and challenges – e.g. bad bosses, bullying etc. In these case things turned around and I ended up being very successful after my next move, but I did have some rotten people gunning for me, in 2006 for example! And again had some challenges e.g. 2014 got laid off. I believe these things happen for our highest good and I moved on to better things, and learned to spot a toxic environment and remove myself from it. I’m in the process of changing my career right now – I’m studying to be an art therapist and am also attempting to become a published author. I remain doing my “old job” self employed until I can transition fully into one or both of these. Meanwhile a longstanding client has given me a regular contract which has been a great comfort (this happened just as the nodes changed signs in January). I’d love to hear any further insights you might have for me career and business wise. Thank you

    1. It’s a pleasure. You have a Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House of career, academia, unpaid work and success (as you know) and are now well out of the long Pluto in Capricorn cycle which was so challenging. You are also a Sun Aquarius woman who has an excellent lifestyle and workload solution emerging in June, July 2025 which suggests a bigger and better way to operate on a daily basis – one that would also beenfit your mental and physical health and fitness. Jupiter in Cancer is coming into your Sixth House for the first time in 12 years and will be with you until the middle of 2026. In your natal chart, Jupiter will oppose your Tenth House planets. Even in opposition, Jupiter is still what they used to call ‘the greater benefic’ and you will benefit from see-saw choices.

  31. Hi Jessica,
    In August 2006 my Dad passed away suddenly. From that day I resigned from my job and became my Mums full time carer. Mum passed away in 2020 and since then have had a lot of difficulty finding employment.
    I have a stellium in Virgo and Cancer including my Sun Cancer 3. Taking care of my mum (with dementia) was not a chore or a burden in fact was a labour of love, and even though some days were hard most days were good. But in hindsight I lost over $500,000 dollars in wages, I lost my freedom and many friends, and now it appears I have lost my career, which I loved. I thought after mums passing I would be able to return to work, almost picking up where I left off, but after 100s of applications over the past 5 years I am loosing hope. I feel like the universe is punishing me for choosing my mums care over my career. At 63 things seem hopeless.
    You talk about when the nodes return what is owed is repaid. I feel like I gave up a lot to care for mum, I guess I just can’t see how what is owed will be repaid. Or am I even owed at all, it was my choice to make the sacrifice to care for mum at home, and even now I don’t regret that decision. A friend recently asked me if I knew then what I know now would l still make the sacrifice to care for mum at home, and my answer was yes. So if the sacrifice made is willing does the universe owe me anything at all.
    Any insight would be helpful.

    1. Virgo-Cancer stelliums are often about unpaid carer roles for a parent. Virgo is the archetype of the dutiful daughter who is the maid of all work at home, without salary. Cancer is the archetype of the good mother and of course you can ‘mother’ your own mum. You gave up a career and wages to live out one expression of the signs. You will never regret it. You are 63 and feel hopeless about new work. Without a chart (you are not logged in, or not a member) I can’t do more than talk about your Cancer Sun in terms of work. That will still give you an accurate weather forecast though, Margaret. So, you will find two turning points in the search for a new role. One is the final week of March when Neptune goes into your Tenth House of ambition, achievement and success. The other is the final week of May, when Saturn goes in there. What you end up doing may be a hybrid of voluntary and paid work; study and paid work. By 2026 you will realise ‘That was then, this is now.’ Jupiter goes into Cancer from June 2025 which suggest opportunities with your house, apartment, family circle, town and country. These may be related to what you end up doing, professionally, or just help and support you, even if your path to employment, volunteering or study is separate. Have a look at the Tarot on my website and see what it suggests. Just follow the steps.

  32. Hi Jessica,

    How does this bode for a Capricorn woman with Taurus Rising and Libra Moon and with Mars, Jupiter and Ops in Pisces?

    I’ve had trouble getting a full-time job since 2022 and have mostly been a stay at home mum, or child-minding, or doing some data annotation, or grading papers, or learning to invest in the share market. I’m increasingly feeling like a Jill of all trades but master of none and wish I could contribute more towards the household finances (and help my husband with his mental/financial load) than I do right now.

    When might it be the best time or in my favour for job opportunities in these coming years?

    thank you in advance for looking at my chart.

    1. Career is always the Tenth House and Sixth House. The Tenth House rules ambitious striving for the top; the Sixth House rules the service and duty you are obliged to offer others. Three years is a long time to be without full-time work, so what’s been going on? You have in fact been given more than one opportunity to improve your professional life since last year; perhaps this was grading papers or doing data annotation. There may have been other opportunities you did not take. There will be more in March, April, May if you do want to turn things around, but the emphasis is not on the top – it is on working for others (Sixth House). A radical change is set for July, however, which will begin a slow revolution in the way you see your workload and handle your daily routine. In fact by 2026 you seem likely to be doing the last thing you expected and by 2027 it will become clear that this new way of life is set to make you far more independent – permanently.

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