The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in Aries

The Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries takes place on 20th February 2026 at 12.49pm in London. How is your astrology chart affected? And why should the world watch BRICS?

Why February 20th, 2026, Matters

On February 20th, 2026, we find Saturn and Neptune in conjunction in Aries. This is historic and rare.

In this feature, I will look at the world, your solar chart, your natal chart, and the Tarot.

Richard Nolle has carefully listed all Saturn-Neptune conjunctions in recorded history on his excellent website.

Saturn-Neptune Conjunctions in Aries

  • March 15th, 593 BC – Saturn 2 Aries 36 and Neptune 2 Aries 36
  • April 25th, 91 BC – Saturn 27 Aries 28 and Neptune 27 Aries 28
  • March 24th, 232 – Saturn 16 Aries 46 and Neptune 16 Aries 46
  • March 18th, 555 – Saturn 7 Aries 03 and Neptune 7 Aries 03
  • March 21st, 1380 – Saturn 21 Aries 27 and Neptune 21 Aries 27
  • March 27th, 1703 – Saturn 11 Aries 44 and Neptune 11 Aries 44
  • February 20th, 2026 – Saturn 00 Aries 46 and Neptune 00 Aries 46


About Aries

Aries Ram Rawpixel IV 300x235 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesAries is the first sign of the zodiac and rules the First House. Aries is about coming first in competitions, conflicts, battles and wars.

Aries is ruled by Mars the Roman god of war. Perhaps the constellation was remembered as a ram by astrologers who noticed that when the Sun stood in front of this collection of stars, aggressive boys and men were born, rather like a male sheep, technically known as Ovis aries.

We associate the battering ram with Aries; an ancient military machine. Rams in the field move in a dominance hierarchy. They threaten each other and also fight. Rumbling sounds are made by the ram when courting. A ‘rumble’ is a street fight among gangs.

About Saturn in Astrology

image from rawpixel id 15569320 png 300x176 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesSaturn is an ancient symbol of what it feels like to be trapped, then released, then trapped again – then released for the last time. Saturn is the ringed planet and even looks trapped by its heavy circle of bands.

In the Roman mythology ,which gives us modern astrology, Saturn castrated his father Uranus because his mother Gaia asked him to put a stop to the constant entrapment of their children, by her husband. He released himself and all of them, but was then immediately trapped by karma, the curse being his own children would also defeat him. He was released from this by Jupiter, his own son. Thus, the idea of entrapment, release, entrapment, release.

About Neptune in Astrology

image from rawpixel id 12640302 png 300x297 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesNeptune is, of course, the sea. The ocean and all waterways, including rivers and waterfalls. Most of all it is associated with the Arctic, Indian, Atlantic and Southern Oceans. In astrology, synchronicity dictates that we drift and float on a Neptune transit.

By sign and house in your natal chart, Neptune shows where you inhabit an alternative reality.

Everybody born in your year has Neptune in the same sign and house so this is where you are all out of touch with the real world, taking a vacation from normality and a holiday from reality itself. Neptune is about a lack of boundaries.

Everything and everybody is everywhere, all the time. It rules Pisces the fish and the Twelfth House, which rules Christianity and its rivals – including quantum science, Tarot and therapy. The depths below the surface of the ocean (the invisible, unseen depths) is a neat metaphor for religion itself, or psychic ability. Powerful and real to those who can ‘see’ it.

The Conjunction

Conjunctions rarely deliver a world-shattering event. Instead, they mark a sea change in the way we all think and feel. This is the moment that Saturn lines up at 00 Aries 44 with Neptune at 00 Aries 44 in London. It takes place at 12:49 pm, so just before lunch. The chart is AstroGold.

The whole chart shows Vulcano at 4 Aquarius in a conjunction with Pluto at 4 Aquarius. Sure enough, this is about allies, groups, networks – worldwide. It’s about power and great willpower, held within a collective.

This seems likely to be military in nature, or religious in nature, which can also feed war. This applies no matter if it’s Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland during the 1970’s or any other ‘holy’ war.

The reason this is clear is the huge stellium in Pisces which rules Christianity and its historic rivals. It dominates this chart.

The importance of the collective gathering of people – all over the world – is shown by the Aquarius stellium. Likely contenders are NATO, the European Union, the United Nations and BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. What is interesting about this chart is the importance of women in the group. Feminists.

Saturn Neptune Conjunction 2026 1024x788 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in Aries

The Tarot

Tarot Deck Ace of Cups scaled e1708226587903 300x261 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesThe Tarot comments that the Ace of Cups is the outcome of our February 20th, 2026, conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries. This clearly shows the group. The lotus flowers floating on the surface of the water shows a nod to India here. Is this BRICS making its presence felt in a global trade war contest? This is being written on 29th August 2024 ahead of publication in 2025, so I’m looking a year or two into the future with the Tarot.

The lotus is also associated with China. The Tarot card here is chatting quite openly about China and India. The lotus is sacred to both Hinduism and Buddhism. In Christianity it is associated with the apostle Thomas and his mission to India.

There is no aggression in this card. No battle, nor war. However, there is a classic burst of Aries energy as the cup appears. Watch China, India and BRICS on February 20th, 2026 as this may develop into a strong trade war. Christianity is shown in the imagery of Pamela Colman Smith’s card too; this may also be a religious difference between all three super-beliefs.

St. Petersburg in Russia was actually founded on a Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries, year. This rings loud bells about BRICS and its collective force. I am also beginning to wonder about what is below the surface. Submarines? Is this about ocean borders as well? What can you see in the Ace of Cups?

The World

Tarot Deck The World scaled e1708227094759 300x253 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesThe Tarot is only showing us the very start of the Neptune and Saturn transit in Aries. From this moment of energetic announcements and beginnings, probably by India and/or China, we have the potential for military conflict. It’s fair to say that would be the Kremlin’s objective, given their long history of cold war against the West and outright military aggression in Ukraine.

What does history tell us? As you might expect, the Neptune-Saturn conjunctions in Aries through the centuries have shown us some important events.

The Recruiting Act of 1703 forced unemployed men into the army and navy in Britain. This is a classic case of a Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries.

The rigid, unyielding, inescapable entrapment of being a soldier or sailor – along with the escape from being unemployed. The departure for foreign shores, away from home. All in Aries, the sign of the soldier, sailor, pilot. Conscription may in fact be back in 2026 in some countries, on this Neptune-Saturn conjunction in Aries.

Fantasy, Imagination

HiroshigeChushingura 300x200 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesNeptune’s reputation for fantasy, imagination and above all, mythology (people write their own script) might be expected to generate military mythologising in Aries.

On another Saturn-Neptune conjunction year, The Ako Incident in Japan saw 46 Samurai commit ritual suicide. (pictured, Wikipedia)

Wars happen all the time, so it’s not enough to say a Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries will kick off another war. In fact, the chief signal for global conflict is any slow-moving transit in Cancer, the sign of patriotism. Men and women die for their countries when that happens.

Unfortunately we do have Jupiter in Cancer in 2026. This does rather suggest the powerful identification with one’s roots (the lotus) and we’re likely to see a big signal here about Christian countries (the Holy Communion wafer on the Tarot card) and the lotus of the Indian Hindu religion. This isn’t really drum-beating but it is flag-waving. And yes, it’s dangerous.

Do You Have 0 Degree Factors?

Whatever you have, by sign and house, at zero degrees – will tell you the story.

Neptune and Saturn will come past, showing up as people, organisations or events which are partly about escaping from reality and partly about being trapped.

So, for example, if you have Bacchus at 0 Gemini in the Third House of internet and media, a company which is 50% on a holiday from normality and 50% ring-fenced by what cannot be escaped, may come along to commission a project.

Do You Have an Aries Stellium?

Aries AI Rawpixel Ram 300x300 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesThis is about the new technology which allows you to duplicate yourself online with a different sex (male or female), a different age (old or young) and a different language (French to English).

Welcome to the strange new world of internet avatars, which thanks to Artificial Intelligence will become a normal part of your online life by 2030. At the same time, because of all this online confusion about your name and face, there will be a very heavy global focus on government-controlled I.D.

We might also say that it’s the crackdown on your identity by politicians, which makes you want to escape, so you make a beeline for the new online spaces where you can present as just about anyone or anything. Even a ram.

Your Solar Chart

How is your solar chart, or Sun Sign chart affected? This is always first in modern astrology. It shows the weather forecast, accurately, at a broad level – for your sign. After that, go to the natal chart to see how it comments on this.

First House – Aries

Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding. Filters on photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications (letters after your name), reputation, public face, Google profile, your personal brand. Defamation, slander, honorary positions, job descriptions (for example, Dr. or Professor), marital status (Ms or Mrs), armour, accessories, posture, first impressions, portraits.

Second House – Pisces

image from rawpixel id 14541566 jpeg scaled e1727812641929 300x296 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesFinances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation, theft, shoplifting, greed, philanthropy, crowdfunding, credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities. Piggy banks, savings accounts, borrowing, staggered repayments, cash in hand, swapping, secondhand goods, eBay, auctions, gold, jewellery, investment purchases, antiques, bargains, wheeling and dealing. She who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, selling out, being firm on price.

Third House – Aquarius

Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections. The internet, the legacy media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes. Speech therapy, deafness, sign language, literacy, reading and writing, handwriting, stationery, the mail or post office, town criers, gossip, social media websites like Substack, advertising, copywriting, scriptwriting, speechwriting, debating, song writing, voiceovers, crosswords, Scrabble.

Fourth House – Capricorn

Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland. Your shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage. Air BnB, landladies, landlords, tenants, house auctions, interior design, land value, the village, the neighbourhood, the town, the city. The council and the government, as they affect your home. Emigration if home is rejected. Gardens.

Fifth House – Sagittarius

image from rawpixel id 14541317 jpeg scaled e1727812729116 300x298 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesCourtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth, one night stands, dating, mating, I.V.F. programs. Viagra, The Pill, one night stands, impotence, erotica, pornography, mistresses, dating websites, serial monogamy, adulterous love affairs, children, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps, sexual assault, rape, incest, sexual abuse, threesomes, menage a trois, female sexual dysfunction, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, cross-dressers, honeymoons, marriage guidance counselling, vows of celibacy, multiple infidelity, miscarriage, activities shared by young and old – riding, music, books, plays.

Sixth House – Scorpio

Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers, sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles, inherited conditions, prescription medication, job-sharing, unemployment, shift work, the working class, trade unions, staff, cooks, cleaners, nannies, butlers, maids, chauffeurs, dogs, cats, vets, domestic birds, hygiene, the bathroom, the kitchen, computers, smart phones.

Seventh House – Libra

image from rawpixel id 12090896 png 300x231 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesMarriage, de facto relationships, legal separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice. Legally defined common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, trial separation. Wedding rings, engagement rings, first wives or husbands. Professional rivals, legal battles, religious-based law and justice, battles, wars, on/off relationships, love triangles, sexism, equal marriage.

Eighth House – Virgo

Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre-nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds, prostitution. Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments. Mistresses, menage a trois, funerals, funeral directors, death, murder, trust funds, trustafarians, living wills, euthanasia, murder mysteries, the marriage vows – ‘Until death do us part.’

Ninth House – Leo

Leo AI V RP scaled e1727812820126 264x300 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesUniversities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas. All foreign countries, illegal immigration, travel, legal migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation. Multilingual experts, racism, religious differences, colleges, universities, student exchange programs, gap years, round-world trips, cruises, Eurostar, borders, geography, history, the Classics.

Tenth House – Cancer

Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering. Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations. Linked In, job interviews, owner-business, the Chief Operating Executive, staff, work experience, the ladder, getting a foot on the ladder, starting on the ground floor, working class to middle class, to upper-middle class, social climbing, going up in the world, trade unions versus management.

Eleventh House – Gemini

image from rawpixel id 14473679 jpeg 300x300 - The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in AriesFriends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams, cults, allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties. Private membership clubs, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends. Socialising and social media like Substack. Trade unions, boards of trustees, boards of management, sports fans, music fans, brotherhood, sisterhood, swimming pools, pooled resources, groupies, the human family, equality.

Twelfth House – Taurus

Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, oracle decks, silence, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spirituality. Introversion, prayer, reflection, the Roman Catholic confession, the soul, the psyche, the spirit, reality, Quantum Physics, the Multiverse, alternatives to reality, past life hypnosis.

The Sun Sign School

If you are curious about professional level astrology and Tarot and want to learn more, subscribe to The Sun Sign School here for US $100 over 12 months. Graduates are already employed as astrologers and Tarot readers. Did you know an astrologer can net $500,000 a year? We even show you how to get started on Substack.

No matter if this is for profit or for your own interest, modern astrology and Tarot is worth your time. Tutors at The Sun Sign School include both of Princess Diana’s astrologers, Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton – along with world-class lecturers and bestselling Amazon authors, Maggie Hyde, Paul Fenton-Smith and Daisy Waugh. Several tutors are involved in academia. Others have appeared everywhere from CNN to Harper’s Bazaar.  Learn at your own pace and choose which tutorials interest you.


Images: Rawpixel/Shutterstock/Dreamstime/iStock. 

Tarot cards: Justin Tabieri courtesy of

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22 Responses

  1. Good morning Jessica and happy new year!
    I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart? I am being offered a fantastic and totally out of the blue opportunity to move to Norway in the next 12 months- I should be thrilled, however I’m hesitant, probably because it is so unknown to me, but also because I’ve really settled into the area where I live, my children have finally settled and I feel like we finally have a routine that everyone likes. Especially as I went through a very messy breakup with their father in 2018. I don’t like to let people down, and I don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted an opportunity, but does this opportunity look to be a good one? or one best avoided for now?
    Thank you for the feature, always fantastic

    1. Thank you. You are a Virgo woman with large Sagittarius and Gemini stelliums. Sagittarius is foreigners and foreign countries; Gemini is local travel and neighbouring nationalities. I don’t know where you live but I suspect your sudden offer of a new life in Norway puts you in Europe rather than Australia, or in the United States, rather than Africa. That’s because Jupiter (opportunity) is in Gemini. If, however, Norway is far distant then you are going to find it very foreign indeed, as slowly but surely, Uranus in Gemini will oppose everything you have in Sagittarius, from July onwards, for years into the future. In fact it would be one test after another. So it really depends – does this feel like a short journey (Gemini) or an epic trek? If a short journey then luck is with you until June. And from July you would find Norway liberating along with the potential it offers for side trips.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    I have an Aries stellium, including Psyche at zero degrees. I’d be very interested in your thoughts on how this shows up in my chart. A wild ride for 2025 ahead of all of us it would seem. Thanks very much for your insights.
    Love and light

    1. Psyche is a symbol of what lasts forever; she is in the Venus family of asteroids and shows immortality after suitable tests and trials. In Aries this is about your face and name, which will outlive you online. At 0 Aries, this is now being reshaped, as Pluto is sextile Psyche and later on, Saturn and Neptune will be in a conjunction with Psyche. This can be reputational or just your face on YouTube or on Google. Whatever you put out there, do remember it is forever.

  3. Good day Jessica,

    Re: Saturn and Neptune conjunction at 00Aries.

    My 0 degree factors are as follows:

    Mars in Cancer square Apollo in Libra
    Cancer Ascendant/Capricorn Descendant

    Please can you take a look and let me know what I need to know about this?

    Thank you in advance

    1. You’ll be offered the choice to adopt a second name and identity online. You will also have the choice to relaunch your face, shape, style, hair, wardrobe and so on, as the year goes on. (This depends on an exact birth time). If you are not sure, or you don’t have it, the principal story is about your house or apartment. Take your time deciding as Mars Retrograde in Cancer is with you, ongoing and one situation will go back and forth. Read the fine print if you are making your move before mid-year.

  4. Dear Jessica, this blog sent chills down my spine – you have seen India, China, the Holy Communion wafer. I am converting to Catholicism this March. Being Hindu in today’s India, makes it too dangerous for the clergy and myself, so am taking a short trip to the US for the actual baptism this March.

    I have no idea what my life will be like once I return – suffice to say that I feel a renewed energy in my unpaid, voluntary work. A lot of wonderful things relating to healthcare for the poor in rural areas are happening with the organisations I volunteer with. I would be thrilled if I could continue quietly to follow my faith and work for others. Do you see this happening or should I prepare for conflicts thanks to the right-wing politics in my country? Thank you!!

    1. Thank you. Chills down the spine is confirmation that your spirit guide/s have drawn closer and are overshadowing you. I am sure you are used to that. They are interested in this issue! You have an exact Virgo-Pisces opposition and a huge Virgo stellium. This is common in the clergy. Pisces rules Christianity and its alternatives; Virgo rules service and duty. You are entering the historic transit of the nodes in Virgo and Pisces this January and will spend a year or two cycling through the need to serve (healthcare is Virgo) and the need to escape from reality through prayer and the spiritual side of life. My only comment is that your own health comes first. You cannot serve if you do not do your primary duty to your own wellbeing, both physical and mental. That is the priority. As for India, a very old system of male dominance is on the way out, over a 20 year period. She’ll be very conflicted over that, but Pluto in Aquarius is here.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    Happy New Year! I have Fortuna at 00 degrees Pisces and Proserpina at 2 degrees Aries and Hygeia at 2 degrees Aries.
    Can you share what this might mean for me? Thanks in advance. Muffy

    1. I’m beginning to wonder what Zuckerberg, Musk, Dorsey and the rest of them have in mind for the web this year, as so many people are reporting with Aries (image) factors. Pluto will aspect those for you along with Saturn and Neptune so if you want a new identity, it’s coming. You may find digital ID is a very new issue this year and also in 2026. Changes to your shape, face, hair and so on are also on offer if you want them. Relaunch time.

  6. Great article, Jessica!! can you tell me how this will affect my chart?
    My chart:

    My chart:
    sun – 01° aquarius –
    Moon – 16° capricorn –
    mercury -10° Aquarius
    venus -04° aquarius – Aquarius 36′ 30″ R
    mars -11° taurus – 18′ 29″
    jupiter – 19° aquarius
    saturn – 28° gemini –
    uranus – 27° libra –
    neptune – 08° sagittarius –
    pluto – 06° libra
    chiron – 16° aries – – 24° capricorn
    – vesta -14° libra –
    ceres -27 capricorn –
    ASC 16° virgo –
    DES -16° pisces –
    diana – 06° sagittarius –
    fortuna – 05° capricorn –
    northnode – 28° Sagittarius 23′ 22″ R southnode – 28° Gemini 23′ 22″ R
    Stelliums in Sag, Aqua, Libra, Capricorn & Gemini

    1. Your Sun at 1 Aquarius in the Eleventh House is the immediate focus for Pluto at 1 Aquarius and the sextiles from Saturn at 1 Aries and Neptune at 1 Aries in 2025. You shine brightly when you supply a group with what it needs and stand out as a friend – even if it’s only as close as social media. You are well-known for playing your part with the most diverse circles and have been like that since childhood. This transforms, this year. The most powerful people or organisations or dominant situations, will ask you to go deeply into your feelings about societies, clubs, teams, bands and so on – and meet change, with change. If you push back it will be empowering. Quite new situations are coming which require time and space to adapt to in 2025. Go into any new group or new friendship carefully.

  7. Dear Jessica,

    I always enjoy your articles and find them incredibly insightful. This one, in particular, has left me wondering about Estonia. What could the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries mean for our country, especially in the context of potential conflicts or challenges? (Modern Estonia’s “birth time” is August 20th, 1991, at 8:04 PM in Tallinn).

    On a personal note, I’m curious if this alignment might suggest a significant change for me. Would it perhaps be wise to consider moving abroad?

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom – I truly appreciate it!

    1. Estonia is part of that EU pattern we are seeing where there is a push back against foreign immigration (Uranus in Gemini in opposition to the Sagittarius placements of millions) and a radical change in borders (Uranus in Gemini is a revolution with the neighbours). This begins in July 2025 and goes for years into the future, so you will see results past 2030. Only you can decide if you also want to emigrate, but you have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of international relocation, which will be steadily opposed by Uranus over a long period, so need to take your time deciding.

  8. An interesting and thought provoking post Jessica. A lot to think about. 15 years ago whilst up in a spiritual retreat in New Zealand, I had 2 distinct visions of the future. Leadership in America – lotus woman rising from the mud to take her place in the pond. Kamala means lotus as well. And that the Catholic church would begin its descent into irrelevance mid 2029. And yes the lotus is revered in China and India. The significance of the card you drew is strong. The Ace of Cups. “seen and unseen hands” holding the cup, dove of peace pointed towards the lotus with the symbol of the cross ( Christianity or what is being crucified right now to be born again – around Easter of 2026.) a lot to unpack with this draw and the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Aries. The lunar year 2025 is the wood snake- shedding and transformation.
    Thank you for highlighting this – it feels like humanity is on the cusp of something HUGE.
    Wishing you and your team a wonderful 2025.

    1. Thank you. You had a vision of a woman leading America, some 15 years ago. I agree, we are on the cusp of something huge. History and astrology agree; you don’t enter the Pluto in Aquarius cycle without something as groundbreaking as Christianity, or the rise of matriarchy, or the liberation of slaves. These are very, very early days but as I reply to you, Donald Trump is being sentenced. And another case against him is dangling.

  9. Good morning Jessica,How is Saturn and Neptune likely to impact me in 26,I have Saturn and Diana and Proserpina in Aries,nothing at 0 but Chiron at 29 Pisces.Thank you

    1. You are quite strongly Aries and so your forward-facing, upfront approach to situations where you must be in the front line, or front-and-centre is a big part of your personality and also what you do with your life. You are set to experience your Saturn Return in Aries and will need to deal with all kinds of walls and barriers, in place for 2-3 years, regarding how you look, how you are known (reputation) and even your name. A classic example would be taking on a position where ‘heavy is the head that wears the crown’ as you find yourself loaded with responsibility at the same time that you realise your photograph is out there where others can see you. Take your time getting into choices on your Saturn Return when it comes along. You do have choices about what kind of Saturn Return…

  10. Thank you for your fantastic post. This should really be affecting me, as I have a stellium in Aries and I have North Node 0 deg Sag, South Node 0 deg Gemini, Juno 0 deg Cancer and Sun at 4 deg Cancer. My father is still working in the family business (he is close to 90) and there is a part of me that really hopes that he finally retires for both our sakes. While in the past we had a lot of power struggles, these have decreased significantly, yet he is still working almost full time. While I appreciate his insight and his experience, I want to (finally) fly free. Any insights?

    1. Thank you. Your father is your Juno at 0 Cancer as you are heavily committed to him and/or the family by nature as Juno shows who or what you sign up for, classically tying you down, even as you gain from it. You will experience Saturn square Juno and Neptune square Juno so a new situation you find hard to square is coming along, in place by May 2025. At the same time there is karma with a brother, sister or cousin (South Node in Gemini) which is also hugely important. In fact the situation with/for a sibling or cousin undergoes a revolution later on when Uranus goes to 0 Gemini near July.

  11. HI! jessica. ^^
    wow~ i was amazed after reading what you wrote. february 20 is my birthday and i have Ceres at 0 degrees Aires. i’m really curious to see what will happen. could you give me some adivce?

    1. Ceres at 0 Aries in your First House is about your physical appearance, wardrobe (or uniform), reputation, title and ‘front’ as presented in any situation where you must be upfront, or front-and-centre. Rather like a centre-forward in football. This is where you are gifted with quite natural power and control, but have to compromise over this on a regular basis, with other people, or the universe. The aspects to Ceres ahead (Saturn at 0 Aries in a conjunction, Neptune at 0 Aries in a conjunction) suggest an escape from the real world, perhaps taking on a second identity online, but also a necessary waiting game and set of restrictions. Another possibility is slipping away from the real you by using particular contact lenses or a persona which is a total departure. A false name is another. Take your time with all you decide as it will be quite a heavily gated situation for you.

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