Your Cancer Stellium Luck in 2025

If you have a Cancer stellium in your astrology chart (four, five, six or more factors in Cancer the crab) then you stand to gain with your home, town, country and family in 2025. These are the dates to use.

Your Cancer Stellium Luck in 2025

If you were born with four, five, six or more factors in Cancer in your astrology chart, then you will be lucky with your house, garden, land, apartment, houseboat or alternative residence on several occasions in 2025.

As a Cancer stellium person you carry your roof wherever you go. Your ceiling comes with you. You also disappear into your burrow on auto-pilot if you are true to your Cancer the crab sign traits. You have more of them than other people.

The Best and Greatest Home Cycle

Jupiter in Cancer is back after 12 years away. Jupiter was ‘best and greatest’ or Optimus Maximus to the Romans. They gave us the modern astrology you use today. Nothing’s changed. Jupiter still delivers huge opportunities.

This is about architecture and landscaping, garden design and home extensions. A conservatory or a granny flat. It’s also about an affordable first home purchase or a lucrative real-estate sale.

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Meyer Goldbaum/Rawpixel.

If you are a Premium Member you can also download or print your 2025 Astrology Delivery calendar with instructions on how to specifically book what you want. It may be a new baby. It may be a new apartment. Perhaps you need your garden landscaped.

This is research-powered astrology and if you look back over this website you will see many examples of readers who saw their journal booking, delivered.

I will also look at those of you who are most fortunate, in 2025, who have Cancer planets, asteroids, angles, nodes (and so on) at the same degrees where fortunate Jupiter will land.

Jupiter is a gas giant in astronomy. He represents growth, expansion and all that is greater, than you currently know. In Cancer, the sign which rules your house, apartment, garden, land, extended family circle, household, home town and homeland – you will see benefits.

The Dates to Watch

Check your natal chart now to see if you have anything at these degrees. If so, use the day in question (allow 24 hours either side for world time zone differences) to snap up a Jupiter opportunity or solution.

Even if you don’t have factors at these degrees, if you have four, five, six or more factors in Cancer in your Fourth House of home, family, real estate, town and country – you will see historic improvements, offers and answers.

It can be as lucky as finding a chair you love on the side of the road, ready to be recycled in your apartment, or as substantial as a drop in mortgage interest rates, or a steep rise in the value of your home, before you sell it.

June 9th 2025: Jupiter enters 0 Cancer.
June 24th, 2025: Sun 3 Cancer in conjunction with  Jupiter 3 Cancer.
June 24th 2025: Jupiter 3 Cancer quincunx Pluto 3 Aquarius.
August 12th, 2025: Venus 14 Cancer  in conjunction with Jupiter 14 Cancer.
September 3rd 2025: Jupiter 18 Cancer trine the North Node 18 Pisces, sextile the South Node 18 Virgo.

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Jupiter Furniture Meubelen Rawpixel 300x243 - Your Cancer Stellium Luck in 2025






Jupiter Cycles in Your Life

You can check back on your old emails, paperwork or photographs to see the Jupiter cycle at work every 12 years. This may be when you bought your first block of land, or you found your new boyfriend also happened to be a

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very good handyman or home builder.

This may be when your uncle acquired a new girlfriend (who found you a new job) or you had a child, extending the family tree.

Perhaps 12 or 24 years ago, your parents figured out a deal to end a difficult period and brought the blended or extended family back together in a better way.

The ‘what’ of the story will be personal to you and depend on what you have in the zodiac sign of Cancer in your Fourth House of home, family, town and country. The planet, asteroid, angle and so on (actually in Cancer) tells you the details.

On June 25th, 2013  Jupiter entered Cancer and remained until July 16th 2014. On July 12th, 2001, Jupiter entered Cancer and remained until August 1st, 2002. So, as a rule of thumb, what/who began to grow for you in 2013-2014 and further back, 2001-2002, is now going to grow again. Or bear fruit.

Think about June, August, September 2025 as useful times to call builders; size up the price of apartments (perhaps in areas you have not considered before) or to gather relatives together for important decisions.

Cancer rules your town and country, so Jupiter in Cancer is associated with decisions made by the Lord Mayor involving you, as much as the Prime Minister or President. The bigger picture of belonging to a place, is brought home to you when Jupiter goes through Cancer and your Fourth House. You gain. The rewards are rare.

Your own research on your own past will show you how Jupiter works. It may be your council or government which makes decisions which directly benefit you. Tax breaks, for example, or new policies on first homes. Stay tuned.
Images: Rawpixel.


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48 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, thanks for this great article. I’m so excited for the upcoming year! Sun cancer at 14 degrees and cancer stellium with 6 factors. Grateful for any insights based on my chart. Love your work!!

    1. At the very least you will do something about a feature of your home which niggles and it will be far easier than you imagined. At the most, you could snap up a new home at the right price, in the right area under the right circumstances. If, for example, you wanted to purchase purely for Air BnB then you may hear of a good local management company to do that for you. The Jupiter in Cancer transit extends to your home town and homeland so political changes there may fix what you consider to be quite heavy ongoing issues; from mid 2025 it becomes clear that what bugs you about where you come from (because where you come from, is who you are) is finally going to vanish as politicians realise they will be of a job if they don’t act. The extended family circle is also ripe for expansion and you may start dating someone new who brings his own family into yours, or marry (for example). It may be that your children or godchildren open the doors to so much more. Any difficult relationship with a relative can be fixed, for whatever reason.

  2. This rings so true for me already. We have been living in Munich since 2017. We are a Brit family with a UK property, after a recent move, (where I finally feel settled) my husband and I have started discussing the long term rental of the UK property with the current long term tenant showing interest to buy it. I still have a teeny amount of emotional attachment to “our house” I like the idea if having a property… ( I am UK born to Indian parents who always put the importance of owning land/ house and having something to show for your earnings!) I am 90% certain we should sell I al unsure of what and where we should settle as all if my life I have always felt “I don’t fit in or dont being here” Europe seems like the obvious choice I struggle with UK Winters so weather is an important factor…. we have discussed Croatia or Italy, even Gran Canaria but it is another language and although I like Munich the cost of property here is crazy! I would really appreciate some guidance on this matter. I read my horoscopes daily and normally would use the tarot but I haven’t asked bc I am unsure how to frame the questions. Thank you Jessica you are a true gift. Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year ☺️

    1. Thank you. It would be worth tracking British government and council policy quite closely, but also the countries where you wish to emigrate, including Croatia, Italy and Gran Canaria – or Germany. You are talking about Sagittarius matters here, in the Ninth House, as you wish to move abroad (not just move). You have a stellium there including the node, so your last incarnation was spent in one of those countries and it seems familiar to you. Once Saturn and Neptune enter Aries in May, they begin slow trines to your Sagittarius factors, so by 2026 you may very well have packed your bags. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  3. Merry Christmas Jessica
    Thanks for all your hard work this year. So enjoy all the reading and learning as a Premium member.
    Thanks also for answering my questions. I am so uplifted and hopeful for 2025.
    Enjoy the Christmas season.
    Wishing you good health, joy and peace in 2025.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I have a stellium in Cancer…Panacea at almost 3 degrees, and Mars at 14. Minerva and IC come later at 25/26. Twelve years ago I lost the childhood home I was expected to inherit because of an uncle and my mother’s situation, which was dementia. I signed it away, not wanted to keep living in hostilities. My mother and uncle have since died. I am happy to have moved on from the house. My factors about to be activated…Panacea in Cancer and Hygeya in Sagg at zero degrees, sound like a cleaning spree Might something more exciting happen? Good exciting, that is.24 years ago I lost a political race I was in…though good things came later. So Jupiter in Cancer needs to become jollier…

    1. I am sorry you lost your inheritance when your mother had dementia. Both she and your uncle are now dead and you have moved on. Panacea, Mars, Minerva and your Immum Coeli (IC) are all in Cancer, all in the Fourth House of property and family. Twelve years ago when Jupiter was in Cancer the last time, you had the opportunity to gain the childhood home, but gave it up because you did not want hostility. I am sure you know Mars is about soldiering on in a battle. You chose not to. Now, Jupiter will be back. Take everything you learned about property and family the last time and use it again. If you would like closure, light a candle and have a word with your mother. Dementia has no impact on the spirit or soul. If you feel you need settlement with the past you are absolutely free to communicate with her. If you would rather not, that is perfectly fine, but it looks as though the universe will offer you a bigger or better home, yet again, or just a home – a proper home – full stop. You have from mid 2025 to mid 2026.

  5. Wow! such an interesting blog as always ! Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to you ! This is intriguing as I do have stellium in Cancer and in Jupiter Venus Cupido and Vulcano . My 2013 -2014 was so unbearable to hold back my feelings and I expressed to my then love interest which was reciprocated but eventually 2019 broke up and now I know it was a karmic connection and 2001 I felt evolved as a naive girl who finally felt free from a crazy crush and infatuation . I am seeing nobody currently and I been hermit last few years and with a new job this Oct after a crazy few years of not so great opportunities financially mentally and PTSD around work trauma in 2019 . So buying a property of my own next year will be a dream or find a new job with better prospect mentally financially and soulfully or a two source of income . Or a miracle to meet a soulmate aligned with my soul . Can you please guide me what I understand is correct about my Cancer placement or i have understood it all wrong . Please advise me to help me navigate 2025 to help my nerves your insight is very much appreciated and guidance comes as a reminder when things go way out of control which was what happened in 2024 .Really helped me a lot navigating the twist& turns in 2024 . Sending you lots of love RA Xx

    1. Thank you RA and Merry Christmas. You wonder if there is a special job, partner or home in 2025. You are a Sun Gemini with an Aquarius and Cancer stellium. Friends and groups change your life this year. Not husbands or wives; true friendships and extremely important clubs, teams, bands, societies, associations, charities, unions and so on. This builds all year. From May 2025 you realise this true alliance will give you what you want to escape from reality and take a holiday from the everyday. In fact over 20 years, this and other circles of quite powerful allies and friends will help you change your life and change the world, just a little bit. You will be offered an easy chance for home improvements, a new home, a second home – from the middle of next year. By mid 2026 you should be fulfilled.

  6. Hi Jessica, I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas and all the best for the coming New Year. I don’t have any matching degrees in Cancer but I do have a stellium with 5 factors. I would greatly appreciate any insights of my Cancer based stellium luck in 2025. Thankyou for another year of your astrological guidance.

    1. Thank you. With Ceres at 23 Cancer in your Fourth House of family and household, your life has always been about compromise deals with relatives or flatmates, carving up the time, the territory or the turf. This has been the case since childhood so you are quite used to dividing up the space, or dividing up the controls with everyone else. Now, the best and biggest ‘deal’ in 12 years is coming and it may well pull in the house, garden or apartment as well. The stage is set from June 2025 when you begin to see new hope for the future and by mid 2026 will have agreed to something very special and quite powerful for you, him, her or them.

  7. Hello Jessica,
    As always, thank you for sharing your talent and expertise with the world! Your article got my special attention because I have six factors in Cancer.
    What does this all mean? What can I be excited about? Your perspective has already helped me to see things in different colors before. And I am very grateful for that.
    To tell you the truth, I am hopeful for the upcoming year and the changes Jupiter brings with him. We, the Cancerians, have been waiting for positive aspects in our lives for such a long time now.
    Thank you for your time and I wish you and your team all the best in the New Year!

    1. Thank you very much, you are very kind. At 0 through 17 degrees, your Cancer stellium starts rewarding you as early as June 2025 and by August you will realise how lucky you are in terms of one specific house, apartment or other residence. This may be your current home, which is overdue for improvement, renovation or redecoration. In other cases you will move somewhere better or acquire a second home. The first signs are there by August and there is more to come by mid 2026, particularly with your family circle and/or household. You may acquire a second family through a boyfriend or husband, for example. Issues with a relative may vanish. New faces may enter the family or domestic space who open everything up for you. The attachment you have to your town and country will also reward you as you are genuinely emotionally tied to where you come from (where you come from, is who you are) and this will deepen from mid 2025.

  8. At loose ends in my life.Back in 2013, my husband retired but it only lasted a year. A house we had bought to live in , up in the woods, had to be sold and we moved-back to our primary residence and he went-back to work.In 2021 our son became-ill (an injury from the covid jab) and took a few years of my life.. for caregiving.It has taken me the past year to rebuild my spiritual mental and physical health after all that.Now, what’s up for ME? Husband works, son will be moving to Europe more than likely, I am 71, mostly healthy now, but feel a bit washed up. I am bright,creative, and open to ideas on what to do next in my life. . I had a part time astrology practice of my own but I am mentally exhausted from caring for others and retired from helping” people! I don’t want a regular job, but need some direction and inspiration.Help! !

    1. Your Gemini, Cancer and Leo stelliums look good. Basically you were Plutoed – you also have a Capricorn stellium in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia. Pluto going through this 2008-2024 pressured you with your job, then you found an unpaid job as caregiver for your son. I am very sorry he had a Covid jab injury. How awful. But now he is moving to Europe and your Pluto in Capricorn transit has gone forever. The best is yet to come. Jupiter and Uranus go through Gemini in 2025 and the internet and/or media are open for you to enjoy with quite astonishing opportunities to use your way with words, ideas and images. In fact, by 2026 you may realise you are part of an internet revolution. From mid 2025 until mid 2026 you will see real improvements with the family and also your home. From mid 2026 until mid 2027 you could easily become a grandmother or find your son repays and rewards you many times over for your care. You are a natural teacher or mentor, particularly online, and could easily go back to study, then recycle that into a part-time role where you educate and inform others. This is the case far beyond 2030. Your age is irrelevant. Jupiter in Gemini, Cancer, Leo is a gift.

  9. Hello Jessica,

    Thank you for another beautiful article.
    I’m so looking forward to 2025 after reading this article. I have cancer stelliums. Please tell me what I can expect.

    Thanks so much.
    A very happy new year to you! 🙂


    1. Happy New Year MG. You have Cancer factors at 3 through 26 so will see successful renovations, a hugely beneficial move, long overdue redecoration or a very fortunate real estate move, from June. By August 2025 it will be clear you are on a roll. Sometimes you gain the keys to a second home (this can happen with a new lover, for example) as well.

  10. Merry Christmas Jessica,I have been waiting a while on getting a smaller house and was hoping 25 might be the year,any time one became available one of my adult children had moved back in.I now have my 2 great nieces in my care which was supposed to be temporary but it’s now looking longer term.I have Vulcano Mercury and Ceres in Cancer,any insight into how my housing situation might pan out will be greatly appreciated.Thank you x

    1. You will see everything turn around mid-year as Jupiter moves into Cancer. Ceres describes a compromise with the family and also the house itself; it will be a major deal and with Jupiter slowly proceeding to pass over Ceres, by mid 2026 you will have signed off on a really fortunate 50-50 style, share consensus. Until then you have this pesky Mars Retrograde in Cancer so be kind to yourself and don’t expect quick outcomes. This is a long road until mid-year and one situation will go backwards and forwards, but also get stuck. It may be your great niece. It may be an adult child, or the house itself. I strongly recommend you try Astrology Delivery as we get closer to June, July. There is a free Astrology Delivery calendar for you as a Premium Member on this website. Merry Christmas.

  11. What an amazing and inspiring post! It resonates with me immensely. Last time I felt truly lucky professionally was 2013-2014. I now have a new job interview scheduled for February. Not sure what will come out of it but it sure feels good to be short-listed. Your article gives me hope that we may finally be able think about settling somewhere instead of jumping from one temporary position to the next. Maybe even buy a house? I was not able to log in before I send this comment for some reason but I am a premium member. Perhaps you can see my chart? In any case, thanks again for bringing me hope and Happy holidays!!

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Cancer woman with a huge Cancer stellium so are in the best real estate and accommodation cycle in 12 years, starting in June. That Jupiter in Cancer transit will also make good patterns with your Taurus (personal income) and Scorpio (joint income) factors, right up until June 2026. For reasons you do not know yet, you would at the very least see overdue improvements with your current space, and at best, a new home of your own, bigger and better than the previous one. You should try Astrology Delivery for this. The calendar is free to you as a member of this website.

  12. Dear Jessica,

    Greetings from Philippines! I hope you’re well. And I would like to thank you for all your writings and I hope that your in good health and always be strong so that you can give us your readers more inspirations.

    I have my Sun in Cancer at 15 degrees , Mercury at 22 degrees and Descendant n Cancer at 23 degrees.

    Just sharing you back In 2001, I graduated and took up my degree and in 2013 I got promoted to my job despite of struggles, and difficulties that I’ve gone through at work. I would say it was like a miracle.

    My question is when my true love will finally arrive ?

    Thanks so much again.

    More power to you Jessica!


    1. Thank you Charlotte. That’s very kind of you to say. I hope New Year’s Eve in the Philippines will be exactly what you want it to be. You want love and are a Sun Cancer woman. First of all, the most demanding cycle for love, sex, partnership and marriage in 248 years has now finished. It ended in November. Life will be far more relaxed and a great deal less challenging from now, onwards. You are now in the market for a financial and property ‘marriage’ or literally a marriage, for 20 years into the future. Pluto is in Aquarius in your solar Eighth House of sexual bonds with bank accounts attached, as well as any loans, inheritance, mortgage or wills. This is not so much about true love, as about a powerful new contract in your future, which you will need a lawyer’s advice on if you are wise. Pluto transiting your solar Eighth House is slow, deep, complicated, demanding and potent. So when it comes along make sure you know exactly who and what you are letting yourself in for, as the house, apartment and/or business will be a core part of the story.

  13. Thank you.
    I am looking forward to all of the opportunity that this cycle will bring. It’s been a dream of mine to purchase a place of my own, though I do not currently have the resources etc. Do you somehow see this happening in 2025?

    1. Put it this way. Your odds of buying a home are at their best in 12 years, from June 2025 until June 2026. Why, you don’t know yet. Beyond actual purchase you will see opportunities for a hugely improved space where you are now; someone else’s home to gain from; the chance to rent elsewhere – bigger and better.

  14. I bought my first property this summer after a long wait! I am now facing redundancy from work. Will be cancer stellium help me with opportunities to become financially stable with a new job so I can sustain my property expenses. Which months will be of significance importance for me. Thanks

    1. I am sorry you are being made redundant. Minerva at 24 and Chiron at 26 Taurus are in your Second House of income. Uranus has passed 24 and 26 Taurus and is the planet of sudden upheaval which also, quite honestly, liberates you. It takes great insight to stand back from the world turning upside down like this, to see that you have been freed from someone (or something) that would have heavily tied you down, but it can help. Uranus will be off 26 Taurus in April 2025. That is when the instability and uncertainty ends, even if you acquire a new job prior to that. You are a Cancerian going through total transformation of your finances, house and/or apartment with a deep change in the balance of power. It will take willpower, and self-control, but you will do it. In fact you will be stronger for it. Job-related paperwork, telephone calls and emails which are stop-start or stuck, will roll again from January 3rd. The next role will change your life, and represent a holiday from reality. A departure from the everyday. A vacation from ‘regular’. And yes, you are in a blessed property cycle from June, until June 2026, when luck is with you – a big solution then – or a grand opportunity. Jupiter goes right through your Fourth House of home and real estate with all his usual sweeping answers.

  15. Hi Jessica, I have a cancer stellium. I wonder if any of my placements support extending the family? I do see opportunities for property and home developments in 2025, that really uplift and warm my heart and bring me lots of joy to think about. Many thanks.

    1. You could easily have a bigger family from mid 2025 until mid 2026, either welcoming in new in-laws, babies or people on the family tree who make a comeback. Property looks good too.

  16. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you so much for all your work and time answering everyone. I don’t have a stellium – but I have Sun, Moon and Jupiter in cancer – would you pls share what to expect..would love to move 🙂 During the last two Jupiter transits in Cancer I moved to much much better places. 🙂

    1. Thank you. You will love the new house, apartment or other residence you are offered between June 2025 and June 2026. Open your net wide and look at real estate listings in other areas and perhaps think about other options, quite apart from the usual apartment, house and so on that you would consider. Your luck is in.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    This will be a Jupiter return for me. 24 years ago a whole lot of life changing things happened in my family and also my residence. Twelve years ago not so much as in year 2000. Do you see anything for me on this Jupiter cycle? Thank you.

    1. Your Jupiter Return at 1 Cancer is unusual this year because Saturn goes to 1 Aries, Uranus goes to 1 Gemini, Neptune goes to 1 Aries and Pluto goes to 1 Aquarius. You also have the North Node going to 1 Aries and South Node to 1 Libra. All of this escalates slowly from January, peaking in June and July. Your family circle, your home, your town, your country are at the heart of the biggest solutions and opportunities in many years. This is not just about relatives; it is about your heritage and ancestry; your cultural origins. It’s also very much about real estate, renovations and home improvements. This sweeps 2025 and 2026 and you will be in a completely different set-up if you accept who or what comes. I have been told Texas and shown a cowboy hat, clairaudiently and clairvoyantly, for your question.

  18. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you very much for your kind response. You are the best! Most genius and generous astrologer in the world for me. I feel that you really have a good kind heart Jessica. May you prosper and successful to your craft.

    I was really working hard and dreaming to get financially stable in the future also I can support my parents.

    Yes I really want to be married to have family of my own and a home that’s my ultimate dream in my entire life and to travel around the world.

    Happy New Year! May you prosper more.


  19. Hello Jessica, First my very best wishes from Canada to you for 2025 and a very Happy New Year filled with love, kindness and good health. I love all your work and the amazing insights you continually share with everyone from around the world. I am fascinated by your comments regarding the Cancer stellium. I have 7 in Cancer (Cupid – 0, Jupiter – 10, mercury – 11, south node – 14, sun – 16, Apollo – 20 and Uranus – 22 degrees!). It’s so many I don’t know what to think. My concerns at this time are 1) selling my parents home ( both have passed and it’s already been on the market for 9 months with not one offer although my niece is there looking after the property – perhaps she is not ready to leave it yet?) and 2) I learned today that my brother who had cancer about 12 – 14 years ago and was cancer free has now returned. He is a Leo Aug 6, 1957 Vancouver Canada). More investigation is underway, but now it’s very worrying for me. Any insights you can share would be appreciated. Many, many thanks.

    1. Thank you. Happy New Year. My cousin lives in Canada and my friend Kyra Oser also lives there. There’s lots going on in your life. Your parents’ home hasn’t sold and your niece is in there. A solution for both those things will appear in June, July as light at the end of the tunnel and in fact by June 2026 you will be completely happy with the outcome for the real estate and the family. You will actually have your Jupiter Return so will be unusually lucky with property from mid year. I am sorry about your brother’s cancer. I am sure you are very worried. You are going into the South Node in Virgo cycle in your Third House of brothers, which starts on January 12th 2025 and ends on July 27th 2026. This is karmic in nature and will take you back 18-19 years to a situation with him, a sister or cousin – which needs closure. You will find this comes out in all kinds of ways. I just had a reader whose brother owed her, spiritually, from 18-19 years ago. This time around she found herself in a powerful position with him; she held all the cards. It will be different for you, but the Tarot can help you figure out what the karmic theme is, this time around. You should also look at The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to see what your E.S.P. is telling you.

  20. Hi Jessica; Thank you so much for your comments and suggestions. I really appreciate your message and I will definitely look into the Garden Oracle and the Astrology Oracle for more insight into the karmic theme! I am extremely thankful to have my niece looking after my parent’s property for now and I am very happy to hear it will work out for the family. Wishing you success and happiness in 2025.

  21. Hi Jessica. I have a 6 factor stellium in Cancer, I’d appreciate your insight on the 2025/26 oportunities for growth and change based on my chart.

    1. Lucky you. Jupiter is about expansion, increase and a far bigger picture, so you have opportunities to move, renovate or redecorate on a grand scale. It really depends what you put in place 12 years ago. The more acorns you planted, the better. Transiting Jupiter will be in a conjunction with Jupiter itself, so this is your Jupiter Return in Cancer in the Fourth House of homeland, home town, real estate, house, apartment, family circle and household. You can pick up in all areas. For example, you may acquire the keys to a second home; see the right circumstances line up for a very successful home extension, redecorate with stunning results, see an increase in the value of your apartment or house, be offered the ideal home exchange, take lucrative bookings for Air BnB, acquire a second family through a new relationship or marriage, see overdue improvements within your own family – and so on. You are one of those people who would gain from Astrology Delivery bookings during Libra Weather, later this year, in terms of your home life. You may also go back to your home town or homeland if you ever left and gain from overdue changes there too. You can pick up an Astrology Delivery calendar from this site as a Premium Member.

  22. Thank you for this article Jessica! I am excited about Jupiter’s transit in Cancer this year. I am wondering what you see for me in my chart. I am an expat currently living in a country I no longer feel comfortable in. My family and closets friends are in my natal country and I am always yearning to move home. My partner on the other hand has no interest. I feel so torn. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

    1. You are not logged in, so I can’t see your chart, but in general if you have Cancer factors in the Fourth House of home, family, history, culture, heritage, household, apartment, garden, house, land – you will gain. Even if wheels turn backwards and get stuck between now and April with Mars Retrograde in Cancer, as you go towards mid-year, particularly in June and July during the new Cancer Season with Jupiter and all his opportunities and solutions, you can expect sheer luck to play its part, along with your own plans to expand and improve.

  23. Thank you so much Jessica. I appreciate it. Sorry I thought I was logged in when I posted my question. I am logged in now.

  24. Oh, sorry, I have the page translated and I wrote in Spanish. This is the translation:
    “Hello Jessica, thank you very much for your articles, I have been following you for years from Madrid, Spain. I wanted to ask you, I am a Leo but I have 6 stelliums in Cancer, as well as an ascendant in Cancer, but I have Jupiter and Neptune retrograde in my birth chart. Is that why my luck is not working? I have been trying for years to move house or do a complete renovation, but my husband, Leo, doesn’t see it, he says that everything is very expensive, that we have to save, the children… etc. I will move or I will reform in this year 2025, or isn’t Jupiter the lucky one for me? Thank you in advance for your response, have a very happy year Gemma.”
    P.S. studying English, to follow the postcats. 🙂

    1. Thank you for the English translation. I hope to return to Barcelona one day. You want to renovate or move and have a difficult Leo husband stopping that. The obstacles vanish in the final week of May and are gone for good from 2026 – with him. Retrograde planets have nothing to do with your luck or bad luck. You will have opportunities to fix your home or relocate from June 2025 and will have agreed to a compromise by June 2026.

  25. Thank you so much for your reply. Retrograde planets are a bit scary, I need to start to understand what is going on.
    Best wishes

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