Do You Have 0 Degree Astrology Factors?
If you were born with anything at 0 degrees of a zodiac sign, you are embarking on a 12-month journey of new beginnings. No longer prepared to be taken over, or taken for a ride (in one area of your life) you are leaving 2024 for a very different 2025.
For the first time in years, the slow-moving outer planets and nodes are moving to 0 degrees in sequence. In December 2024 Pluto is at 0 Aquarius.
In January 2025 the North Node is at 0 Aries and the South Node is at 0 Libra. In February, Ceres is at 0 Pisces. In April, Neptune is at 0 Aries. In May, Saturn is at 0 Aries. In June, Jupiter is at 0 Gemini. In July, Uranus is at 0 Gemini. There is a Full Moon at 0 Virgo on August 23rd, 2025 too. And sometimes a planet slips back to 0 degrees like Neptune, at 0 Aries in September and October 2025.
No Longer Taken – Or Taken Over
Let’s start with Pluto, which will aspect your zero degree factors between November 20th and December 29th, 2024. That is quite an intense period of around five weeks, when your life will transform.
Old situations will go, in time for 2025. You are no longer prepared to put up with takeovers, or people who take. Pluto is associated with who/what goes on taking and dominating. This painting by Alessandro Allori illustrates that well, above. When you push back against Pluto, you are empowered. You gain the upper hand. And you leave the situation.
What the 0 Degree Cycles Mean
You are correct if you assume 0 degrees is a new, empty space in your life. Zero actually means ’empty’ in Arabic. When you have historic cycles at zero, triggering whatever is in your birth chart at zero, it’s rather like catching a train at Platform Zero at Oslo Airport. Anything can happen. You might see the past reflected there, but you are going into the unknown.
The ‘what’ of the story concerns whatever you have at zero degrees by sign and house. This shows you the life area concerned. It shows you the part of your world that now offers up a big, important, empty new space.
The details are filled in by the particular planet, asteroid, node, angle or other horoscope factor concerned. You can decode all this on my website if you are a Premium Member. In fact, you have a whole library to consult.
We could use Prince Andrew as an example, because I am writing this on 18th December 2024 and he has the Sun at 0 Pisces in his Twelfth House of religion and also therapy. His friendship with an alleged Chinese spy has resulted in him withdrawing from Christmas at Sandringham. So, no Church of England service with the family. He is now catching a train from Platform Zero, in terms of his faith.
Syria, Germany, France, Korea All Have Zero Factors
Countries have big, blank spaces opening up for a new future, too. You won’t be surprised to hear that Syria has Uranus at 0 Gemini. France has Saturn at 0 Taurus. Germany has Mercury at 0 Sagittarius. North Korea has Uranus at 0 Cancer.
2025 Calls You
This all begins with important questions about your power, control, lack of power, or lack of control in a situation which has been with you for a long time. 2025 calls you, once you have decided to leave 2024 where it falls. This will directly concern the area of life where you have zero degree factors. That house, or life department, is where the future calls.
Perhaps you feel you have been ‘played’ or manipulated by somebody who habitually does this in order to give himself power. Some really common examples are – ignoring your emails, breaking promises, hinting at outcomes then failing to deliver, failing to ‘hear’ or read your issues.
These may be the ‘players’ of Amy Winehouse’s famous song. Or, you may have been dealing with a whole organisation. Maybe even an entire country.
Taking Back Control With Pluto
What Pluto at 0 Aquarius does is offer you the chance to become empowered. To recognise your own position, clout, influence and importance. Perhaps, your own popularity. This is what opens up the blank space in 2025.
I just had a reader who wrote about this in the comments section. She had spent years kow-towing (being subservient) and spending a great deal of time, effort, energy and money – in honour of her dead sister’s memory and the husband left behind, her foreign brother-in-law.
Pluto moved to 0 Aquarius on November 20th then Ceres moved to 0 Aquarius on December 9th.
The dead sister cost her another few thousand dollars. Then the brother-in-law let her down at her own Thanksgiving party. It was at that point she woke up and realised it was time to own her power and pull out of the situation. She also realised she had substantial business and financial clout she had failed to use, thanks to her sister’s will.
I’m giving you this example as a very recent zero degree story. The birth chart shows Mars at 0 Gemini, the sign of siblings.
Your story will be different but what is happening as 2024 turns into 2025, is the chance to recognise when you have been giving your power away (perhaps wasting your money, or energy) and instead, firmly taking it back.
This opens up the big, blank, empty new space of 2025. You are at Platform Zero taking a train which could take you anywhere!
Using the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle
If you are a Premium Member then you have access to three digital card decks on my website which have been designed to complement each other. They work together to give you three angles on the same question. The more you use them, the better you will become at using your E.S.P. (Sixth Sense) to find accurate and useful guidance.
You might ask ‘What is the power being offered to me by Pluto at 0 Aquarius?’ You could ask ‘How will all the 0 degree patterns of 2025 most affect me?’
In January 2025, I am launching The Modern I Ching oracle cards on this website, with an accompanying book for Premium Members, which will give you a fourth online oracle to use, so you can have first, second, third and fourth opinions on important questions like these.
All this will help you go deeply into what is happening (and what could open up for you) as a result of these historic transits at 0 degrees, triggering the 0 degree placements in your birth chart.
Images: Rawpixel/Creative Commons.