Astrology and Your Past Lives

Your North Node and South Node signs show you past lives, reincarnation and karma. Is Taylor Swift really back from the Salem Witch Trials? Why does Princess Anne line up with her brother Charles?

Karma and Past Lives

image from rawpixel id 790329 jpeg 300x200 - Astrology and Your Past LivesThe most common relationships triggering your past life karma are partnership (typically marriage) and family. This is because they are binding agreements, or you can’t escape them. You are born into them. Karma has to complete by forcing you together with someone, for your whole life, or just a few years.

Find your North Node and South Node zodiac signs and houses, in your natal chart (birth chart) to find out why you are here. And check your progress with closure!

Your Nodes and Your Karma

The North Node and South Node zodiac signs and houses show why you are here. What you are here to completely end a circle of time, with. A lesson you can use from last time or an asset to develop further in this life is commonly shown by both nodes. You may have an Aries North Node and Libra South Node. So you were a soldier in your last life and married to a woman who lost you, because of it, and was widowed. Aries rules the military. Libra rules marriage.

Or – you may have another variation on this theme. Perhaps your Aries North Node and Libra South Node also played out when you took your husband’s police force gun and murdered him because he would not give you a divorce. Past lives are always shown by the signs and houses, but the ‘what’ of the prior incarnation is obviously personal to you. 

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The North Node

The North Node is more challenging than the South Node because the situations you face are so new. They are oddly familiar, yet you’ve not come across them before.

The South Node

This is easier than the North Node because you’re at the end of the process. You’ve gone through, what you need to go through, and can now let go.

The Nodes are a Loop

You can’t ‘do’ one node and not the other. There is a fair bit of nonsense out there on the internet about why you should pursue your North Node sign and release your South Node sign. This comes from the association of the North Node with the Dragon’s Head and the South Node with the Dragon’s Tail.

So, this is taken to mean you should feed on one sign and excrete the other. The trouble is, the nodes go in an eternal loop or infinity figure-eight. So it’s more accurate to say you can’t avoid either sign and its meaning in your life and at various times will pursue one and let go of the other, taking turns.

Which Zodiac Signs? What Karma?

These are the zodiac sign combinations of the North Node and South Node, with some common examples of the past life issues you have today.

Aries-Libra: Your husband or wife was separated from you in the First World War or Second World War and one of you was killed on active duty.
Taurus-Scorpio: You went through the Great Depression together or the Gold Rush and found losing or making money changed an inheritance.
Gemini-Sagittarius: You were swept up in a migration wave – either colonised or emigrating –  and had to deal with foreign language barriers.
Cancer-Capricorn: You left your home town and family in order to make it in the big city during a boom period or peak migration period.
Leo-Aquarius: You were the leader in a group, community, circle, team, club, association, military unit, trade union or political party.
Virgo-Pisces: Religion played a part in your sickness from plague or cholera and you may have been a monk or nun, tending to the dying.

It is possible you have been here more than once, with exactly the same North Node and South Node signs and houses. Therefore, you are still seeking closure.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift Shutterstock II 300x200 - Astrology and Your Past LivesTaylor Swift has no verified birth time so her chart is X-rated. However the date and place come from biographies and Swift has not disputed them. So let’s use her data here. Without a birth time, you never bother using the angles or the Moon, or anything teetering on the brink of 29 degrees or 0 degrees.

However, the rest of the Taylor Swift natal chart is fit for purpose. Swift was born with the North Node at 19 Aquarius and South Node at 19 Leo. Her karma is around groups (Aquarius) and friends (also Aquarius) with issues about being a leader (Leo) and being Queen or King to a younger court. (Image via Shutterstock).

Leo and Aquarius Nodes and Swift

She’s the billionaire who has donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and given to colleges. Her groups include charities like BBC Children In Need, which she has also raised money for. Three children were stabbed to death in a Swift-related workshop in Southport, England in 2024.

She’s endorsed dolls. She is a pro-choice feminist. Her fans are called Swifties.

Within this Aquarius-Leo bandwidth you can see all kinds of themes. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown” (Henry IV) is one of them. As of 2024 she has no children. Having a baby, or not, is likely to be a central piece of her karma in this lifetime.

Swift may have been here in any of the North Node in Aquarius years; let’s take a look:

From July 7th, 1691, to March 12th, 1693, for example, the North Node was in Aquarius. What happened then? Does it have any resemblance to what is happening for Swift in the 21st century? She certainly favours 17th century hair and costume. Is she unconsciously going back there?

Swift and the Salem Witch Trials

In Salem, Massachusetts, in 1691, young girls had fits and hallucinations. They were accused of witchcraft. The Salem Witch Trials took place on this nodal cycle in Aquarius, just as when Taylor Swift was born, centuries later.

As Newsweek reported, “The 12-time Grammy Award winner has been fending off sorcery and witchcraft rumors as she travels the world on her sixth concert tour. While critics have slammed the singer, accusing her of promoting witchcraft, fans describe Swift as looking like she’s doing a spell with her coven during performances of the song Willow.”

I have no idea if Taylor Swift has tried past life regression, but issues about women, power, feminism and persecution (and leading women on the same) seem so similar with the attack on abortion and women’s identity and space by men, don’t they?

And they fit Aquarius-Leo. Perhaps she led witches in 1691. Maybe all those witches are back as Swifties!

Finding the Years of Prior Incarnations

modern astrology 2050 cover SMALLER 199x300 - Astrology and Your Past LivesYou can find all the North Node sign years from 1001 until 2099 in my book, Modern Astrology 2050 here.

Find the years when your North Node sign took place and you may find a year when you were last here. Perhaps, several, if you have the same North Node and South Node issues over many lifetimes.

I do recommend past life regression. My North Node is in Cancer. The North Node was also in Cancer from May 11th, 1944, until December 2nd, 1945, then January 1st, 1946, until August 2nd, 1947. I had a past life regression and found myself back in London working for MI5. I was even told my name. Past life regression can be performed by a professional hypnotherapist. I like Sharon Stiles’s take on it here.

I used to write horoscopes for Woman’s Own and she was  profiled by them. Search around for recommendations or perhaps, buy a book or borrow it from the library and try it yourself. This is a good introduction.

Clues to Years of Prior Lifetimes 

If you are drawn to the clothing, fashions or trends of a particular year in history, that may be the clue. You can’t let go.

It’s the same with a strong pull towards a particular country or city and its museums or architecture. Its never-changing natural landscape. You may be drawn there, because on some level, you remember being there. Tourists report knowing their way around a strange town in a foreign country. They’ve been there before…

Soul Groups Splintering

You are a splinter of one soul from your last life, who died and fragmented, spiritually, into many souls who all incarnate together.

You are all born with the North Node and South Node in the same signs. This may explain why you feel you are part of a trend, or a movement, or a cause – a period in the zeitgeist.

This has been the case since prehistoric times. It’s how humanity evolves. We spiral upwards, exploring the lessons we learned about our node signs last time, and putting to good use, what worked last time. Of course, there are far more people on earth, today, than there were (say) at Stonehenge. One person dies, his or her spirit fragments and those bits and pieces go into many new babies. And on it goes.


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The popular fantasy of soulmates is two hearts beating as one. Your eyes meet across a crowded room. You marry and spend your lives together in wedded bliss. Actually, soulmates often come with enormous issues to sort out. They are also far more rare than most people guess. You can fall in love, get married and have children without ever having known each other before.

Soulmates have conjunctions on the North Node or South Node. Thus, they also have automatic oppositions to the North Node or South Node. Line up your partner’s chart first and look for his or her nodes. Do you have factors at the same sign and degree? Then line up your chart. Does he or she have factors, at the same sign and degree as one of your nodes? You are from the same soul group and are fragments of the same person, who died a long time ago. No wonder you feel as if you are one and the same. Two hearts beat as one? Perhaps, but actually you are part of an even bigger soul group than that.

People Who Trigger Your Karma

Aspects to your North Node and South Node from the other person’s chart show that they will trigger your past life memories and ancient karma, coming from many soul groups over many lifetimes.

Pregnancy can come from these kinds of connections.

Aspects to the other person’s North Node and South Node from your chart, show that you trigger their old patterns from a previous incarnation and will bring about situations which hopefully lead to closure.

The Royal Family 

Princess Anne Shutterstock 300x200 - Astrology and Your Past LivesThe Royal Family is a good example. They all have past life connections or exact aspects.

Anne and Charles are typical. (Image: Shutterstock)

Charles III has the South Node at 4 Scorpio and North Node at 4 Taurus. Princess Anne has Cupido at 4 Taurus. Her Cupido is in a conjunction with Charles’s North Node and in opposition to his South Node. This is about money. Obviously, inheritance. The Firm, as our late Queen is said to have called the Royal Family.

You could speculate they were last together when the North Node was in Taurus and there were issues about the sex of the future monarch and his/her right (or not) to inherit the family fortune. Perhaps this was September 2nd, 1891, until February 27th, 1893. The North Node was in Taurus in that time. Women in New Zealand were fighting for the vote. On September 19th, 1893, they got it. Maybe Anne was a suffragette and Charles was a politician. New Zealand today is under both their watch as a Commonwealth country.

The Aspects and Karma

The quick way to find aspects is to look for the same degrees. Aspects can be conjunction (same zodiac sign and degree), semi-sextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx or opposition.

If the other person (boyfriend, former husband, sister) has exact patterns in his or her chart, lining up with your North Node and South Node at the same number, your reasons for incarnating will become more obvious to you. They will raise issues which urge you to seek closure or settlement. To try and use what you learned last time and failed with (perhaps even what led to your death) and to come back, to who or what was so successful for you. Perhaps, just so happy.

Family and Friends

You can buy a chart for a relative, friend or partner showing you possible connections through our Family and Friends chart service here.


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85 Responses

  1. Hi, Jessica
    Very interesting article!
    My son, who passed a year and a half ago, had the same NNCancer/SNCapricorn as I do. He had NN23 and I, 19. We had the most beautiful relationship. I am still wondering why things happened that way.
    Thank you!!! Excelent work.

    1. I am very sorry your son has passed to spirit and you are obviously still adjusting and adapting even though he has made the transition peacefully. Why do things happen this way? Tibetan Buddhists will tell you we incarnate many times and have been here so often; this shorter relationship served a purpose which you two would know, or perhaps you will find out. It’s complicated. It’s always complicated, of course, but as a medium I learned from Margaret Dent, that a soul contract is worked out every time. Cancer-Capricorn node relationships are always about the family versus success; home versus moving away; patriotism versus relocation and emigration. You may have parted before in a previous life as one of you left, say, Britain for America – or Ireland for Australia. You were separated then but found each other again in this lifetime.

  2. I have north node in Leo and south node in Aquarius. What is my lesson I look forward to in this life?


    1. The Leo-Aquarius nodes are explained at length in your complimentary copy of Modern Astrology 2050, but hurry to download this as the offer ends on the last day of November. You have come back to experience what it is like to be in a club, group, circle or team and deal with the leader, as well as the others in the community. This began in childhood when you may have been in the Brownies, Girl Guides, Scouts or a particular football or netball team, say. Later on you have the experience of leading the group so are elected captain or made the boss in a team situation. It rotates throughout your life.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    This was really interesting. My brother in laws’ north node is 11 cancer which is my sisters Sun (11 cancer) and her north node 3 Cancer is my Sun (3 Cancer). Perhaps the three of us are intertwined in this incarnation.
    Kind regards

    1. Yes, this is a classic Cancer-Capricorn nodal combination so the last incarnation involved decisions about emigration versus patriotism and belonging. Your sister, brother-in-law and yourself may have relocated in this lifetime or have strong views on staying or going, loyalty to a country, immigration and so on.

  4. Hi Jessica, I absolutely love learning about the nodes and past lives. My sun is at 29* Leo in an exact conjunction to my husband’s north node. We’ve been married almost 19 years. The last 2 have been very hard. We have 3 daughters together, so it’s not so easy to just walk away. Would love your thoughts.

    1. The North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius (your husband) suggest your particular incarnation with him involved a group, unit, union, band, team, society, association or similar with major issues about being in the circle and leading it. This is King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table syndrome. You might also say Henry V. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. And ‘We few, we precious few, we band of brothers.’ So he knew this well and you were involved. Your lives have been hard because Pluto has been at 29 Capricorn, aspecting his North Node, his South Node and your Leo Sun. You have three daughters who are ‘the group’ and of course there are issues about who leads the group; how they lead; the difficulties of being a leader and so on. This pressure is off you around 19th November and again near 7th December.

  5. Dear Jessica,
    In Sep 2023, I wrote to you about the sudden and sad loss of my healthy GR. You mentioned then that I could welcome another furry animal from the shelters when I am ready. Beginning of this month, I started to go to the shelters (2) to walk the dogs and see if I could adopt one. While I did identify two – a 3-month old and another 6-year old, I was deciding to select one on 21/10. That night (rather late), I received a call from a third shelter who was holding a private adoption for sheltered pups and dogs. My son and I decided to visit out of curiosity. That night, I had a talk with my GR and asked who she would like me to welcome home 3month or 6-year old. The next day, at the third shelter, we were asked to take a look at this very quiet poodle mix in a crate 9-month old. My GR passed away when she was 9 years 9 months old. We took the poodle out (never thought we would want a small dog, always decided mid- to big breed) and he sat quietly on me then my son. When we enquired more about the poodle, we were told he was born on 17-1-2024. My GR’s birthdate was 17-1-2014!!! It gave us the creeps. He was brought to the shelter because no one wanted to buy him at the breeders. Last night I “asked” my GR who to welcome home and little did we think this third shelter had the hidden gem and answer. We took him home and he’s now been with us for a month and makes us very happy. I wonder if the animals who passed on, seeks us out, waiting till we are ready. Looking forward to hear your insight on this. Much love, Nancy

    1. Pretty extraordinary evidence here for your animal friend, setting up another animal companion, in your life. Not creepy at all, but the numerology lines up with both dogs. Nancy, if you are prepared to get as involved with dogs, as they are with us, you will find they do in fact engineer situations from their side. Dog is dog, and they are on their own level, but they have a code of understanding that when one passes, it leaves a space for another dog, to benefit. And of course you gain too. Very special poodle.

  6. Wow! That’s so cool. My son is nodes (nn10 Virgo)are at same degree/sign as my Pluto And my daughter’ (a Scorpio) nodes are (nn 21 Aquarius) which is my Saturn (21 Aquarius). She was always my difficult one and now we are good and he was always my easy one and is now somewhat distant emotionally (it seems to me). What a you tell me about this? They have different fathers. Thank you, Jessica.

    1. The Aquarius North Node is of course opposite the Leo South Node, always. Your daughter is carrying the incarnation and was the leader of a military unit, trade union, Freemasons branch or similar. She had to experience both leadership and group commitment though so also swapped; she was in the ranks with a captain who had a profound impact on her, or in a circle like the Suffragettes where the leaders changed her life. You knew each other and it was unfinished; in this life your Saturn is picking that up. Your son had a healer-patient relationship with you and they may have crossed over, particularly if your daughter was in the forces and there was a hospital/medical care involved. Different fathers would not be relevant.

  7. Dear Jessica, I know I am writing again another comment so soon. My mum had a bad fall under my watch while walking down the stairs. She’s still in the hospital. I was reading today’s blog and realised I could use Tarot to find out what card I would draw about mum’s health condition. I drew the “Death” card. You have mentioned that this card is not literally as is. But somehow, it gives me the feel that this is what the card tells me, my 87-year-old mum is ready to close a chapter. When I brought the shelter dog back, I thought mum would like to see him that afternoon. But somehow, she fell that morning and has not met him. When my mum was younger, her dog was called Lucky. My son after adopting this dog, had no other names for him except “Lucky”. Speaking of coincidences!! Thanks Jessica for talking time to listen to my sharing. Look forward to hear your views on this. Warmest Regards, nancy

    1. Nancy, I hope your mother is on the mend. Death has only ever meant literal death in my experience, if somebody is asking if they should make a bold move – and what would happen – or if they are terminally ill and want to be released. I read for a woman at an event who was going to Paris in 2021. I saw Death. She would have given somebody vulnerable, Covid-19 and finished their life, or herself been infected and perhaps died. I don’t know if she ever went, but that was her card. I have also read for a woman who had not long to live and wanted to know when she could go. In your mum’s case, Death could easily mean the end of an era; the death of somebody actually in the ward with her; the ‘death’ of the old order in the family circle, as she’s now clearly in a different position with all of you – your son, for example.

  8. I have kept a small notebook of what I consider significant dreams, for many years. I have visited Malta only once in my life, but it had a profound effect; specifically in Mdina – the silent city. For a totally inexplicable reason, I felt at home; at peace. It seems to tie in with a dream that I have had on several occasions; that of being dead and being brought ashore in Malta from a ship, to be buried. There is no obvious date, but it is clearly in the Middle Ages. Separately, I would not have paid too much attention; but together, they seem significant.

    1. You have a clear and direct recall of your incarnation, which is unusual. Feeling quite at home or peace seems to happen when one goes back. The immediate sense of feeling right at home – even though the town or city is quite new. So, people tend to sleep very well in the hotel they check into, for example, and when they wander the place, feel utterly relaxed. Dreams are a gateway too; you may be somewhere near your Akashic Record when you are dreaming.

  9. I appreciate this article very much. I have struggled with the concept of the head and tail of the Dragon in reference to the North and South nodes, feeling that I am conflicted when interrupting my life’s astrological makeup due to my heavy Pisces stellium (including Sun, and Chiron) alongside my south node (conjunct my Mercury in Pisces) when reading other astrologers who state that my “life’s purpose” is to pursue the Virgo north node. As you have described it here, Jessica, it seems the nodes work in tandem with each other. I believe that I have mostly applied Virgo (NN) (attention to detail, pursuit of the mundane) while melding Neptune’s imaginative qualities (Pisces SN) in my vocational work. Now that I am retired, my challenge is to pursue a healthy lifestyle (Virgo) which was more a matter of routine (Virgo again) while I was younger. Regarding past life regression, I find myself drawn to baroque music, the harpsichord in particular. It sounds so comfortable and familiar. I’m also drawn to Virginia and England (I do have family roots in both areas and was born in Virginia but have lived in places throughout the US. I, also, lived and studied abroad in Cambridge, England for a brief time. Virginia and England are so familiar in sound (i.e., songbirds) and smells (I.e., boxwoods) that they feel knowingly comfortable. My dad’s family migrated from England centuries ago to Virginia, in fact, a town outside of London bears my maiden name. I don’t know if a past life would be related to ancestral life. I only know that there is just so much familiarity with a certain period of time and current places in both Virginia and England with scents and sounds that resonate in me. I definitely want to understand this more, thank you for piquing my interest!

    1. Thank you. Yes, the nodes work in a circle, so you find the circle goes backwards and forwards. It can also be influenced by stelliums, so you know this with your Pisces-Virgo combination. Your last life was very probably in England and there may be a literal connection with the maiden named town. Strangely enough you can just ask – ‘Who was I?’ or ‘What was my last incarnation?’ when in meditation, or in dreams. I was told I was Gilbert Lennox, just by asking. He worked for MI5 and was the minder of Louis de Wohl. He also wrote plays and as part of being de Wohl’s supervisor, had to learn astrology. So it is worth simply asking, and even repeating the request, as eventually one of your guides may be able to tell you why Baroque music has such appeal, and why it may have been in Cambridge or Virginia.

  10. Hi Jessica,
    thank you for another beautiful blog post.
    I recently lost both of my parents (my dad last June, my mum 19 days ago) and I miss them terribly.
    I loved and cared for them until the very end, and we had a very strong bond.
    In my dad’s birth chart the North Node was at 9 Pisces, and the South Node at 9 Virgo; in my mum’s birth chart the North Node was at 7 Pisces, and the South Node at 7 Virgo; in my birth chart, my North Node is at 11 Pisces, and the South Node at 11 Virgo.
    What intrigues me most is that my North Node forms an exact conjunction with my mum’s natal Sun (11 Pisces); my South Node, on the other hand, forms a conjunction with her natal Mars (10 Virgo).
    Last but not least, my nodal axis forms a conjunction with my dad’s Ascendant-Descendant axis (8 Virgo/8 Pisces).
    Can you give me any insight? Thank you.
    Mary 🙂

    1. I am so sorry you have lost your dad and then your mum in such a short space of time. You were their carer and very close. The connections between Virgo and Pisces in all the charts including the nodes, show you past lives. So you were all involved in a religious order last time, and possibly before that, where a hospital or hospice was on the grounds. This could take you back centuries or course. You have all taken turns at being the nurse, the doctor and the patient. Soul agreements were made between lives to fulfil karma and promises and you all came back and did just that. Now the circle is complete.

  11. Very interesting article Jessica! Thank you for sharing your insights.

    I’ve got the North / South Node at 3 degrees Aquarius – Leo respectively. Funny that it’s about being a leader since I usually resist those types of positions (ultimately to no avail though). Even though they come naturally to me I’m always reluctant because they take an enormous toll on me and I eventually burn out. I’m much happier being independent and free. But leading goes all the way back to elementary, junior high and high school for me. Now that I think about, I actually won quite a few awards for leadership when I was a child / teen. I forgot all about those.

    Oddly though I feel my life’s issues that I repeatedly have to work through relate to money / money blocks, not leadership. It’s the same cycle on repeat: significant loss because of really challenging circumstances, followed by small to moderate gain but at heavy personal cost. Then burn out, quit, suffer loss again, start over. I’m in the loss / ‘drought’ part again now, and am trying to really examine and understand so I can learn the lesson. Hopefully this block won’t last much longer because this time it will be my home that I lose, and I don’t know how I will mentally or emotionally recover from that.

    Thank you, Jennifer

    1. Thank you Jennifer. You are pulled towards Leo leadership karmically and this being a fire sign, you burn out. And it’s been happening since school – where you won awards for leadership. It sounds as if you have come back to explore what it means to captain the ship one more time. Karma is the nodes. Repetition with money problems can feel like karma, but it’s just your chart spinning its wheels. Taurus and Scorpio always rule finance. Venus at 10 Taurus is square Ceres at 9 Leo. That’s your problem. Any time you have transits at 9, 10 degrees the usual inner conflicts and mixed feelings about money, shopping, banks, business, houses, apartments and the rest surface. I am sorry you feel you may lose your home. Find out how you can handle Venus square Ceres natally and also, more about Taurus-Leo. Again we come back to your Leo side. These are two fixed signs and you may have to unfix what is fixed, about yourself, to move on. Do this before Pluto goes to 9, 10 Aquarius in the years ahead. Unfixing the fixed can sometimes be easier when you use the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to show you what the issues are and how to deal.

  12. Hi Jessica, I have Leo at North node and Aquarius at South node. I am struggling at work to get on with a manager who is a lot younger than me and also an Aries (April). There are times when we do get on, but I find her difficult over social activities with the team. She wants the entire team to be included when I invite a select few to join me for lunch. I resent this enormously. I have another colleague who is Gemini who from time to time jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts. How do I handle these two individuals?

    1. You are living your Leo-Aquarius nodes and probably had the same issues about the chosen few, the elite, the masses, the herd, in your last lifetime. You want a handpicked selection of people to join you for lunch and your manager wants everybody there. She is an Aries. You do find Aries people who are pushy, crass and rather basic – shall we say – and it sounds as if you might have one of those particular rams on your hands. You are doing your Leo and ignoring your Aquarius. Your Leo wants to be Queen with a court and your Aquarius is just about ‘all the people.’ The Tarot can help you on this website. Ask ‘What is the main issue to overcome by the end of 2024 with my Leo side/my Aquarius side?’ Then go back and ask ‘What was the issue in my last incarnation?’

  13. Hi Jessica, thank you for another great article. My husband has had ongoing issues with his brother for years .. they both have north node Gemini and south node Sagittarius, they were born a year apart. His brother has had a charmed life with everything with everyone always falling in his lap yet has acted the victim with their parents and had a lot of their sympathy for no reason..( he is happily married with grand children) yet my husband has had to make his own way and not given his parents any trouble. My husband has had nothing but grief from this situation. Is their past karma between them that needs resolving ? They are now not on talking terms so I can’t see it being resolved .. my husband is Libra and his brother is Virgo. I note my north node and south node degrees match with my sister in laws sun at 00 degrees.. she is sun cancer with nn Pisces sn Virgo and has not helped with the situation as she lives in the same victim mentality as her husband at any opportunity. We have tried everything to keep the family together but now things seemed to have come to a head with my husband not receiving the support back from him as he has supported his brother. Can you see anything being resolved between them please ? Things came to a head as you had mentioned for Libra Sun people at the recent full moon. Thank you so much for your guidance as always.

    1. Your husband and brother-in-law are acting out Castor and Pollux, the heavenly twins of Gemini, to the life. Placements in Gemini which are difficult are always the issue with sibling rivalry or even one sibling sending the other one to Coventry for years. I’m afraid this may not change, mainly because of the Virgo brother (not so much your husband). Your sister-in-law has one final chance to fix this by January 2025, but if she has not resolved this by then – again – it may not change. Sometimes you have to disconnect emotionally from a situation like this if it is wasting your energy and time. They are living rent-free in your head. You are allowing that to happen, so you need to evict your tenants, if you’ve not seen a sign-off by January 2025.

  14. What an amazingly profound post Jessica! So many things fell into place here, I have actually gone through a self regression ( I am a past Life Regressionist and certified Hypnotherapist) and been led to past lifetimes which gave me so much insight into clearing blocks around challenges I have in this lifetime!
    The biggest eye opener was your mention of the nodes feeding into each other, negating the need to focus exclusively on ones North Node. Mine are on the Capricorn (nn) / Cancer (sn) axis. And Ive always felt so compelled to my place of birth (India) after living overseas for a decade. I am naturally inclined to prioritise my family (parents and sister’s needs) over my own work, financial well being. And kept on feeling like I needed to change this. Now I understand its probably karmic and necessary to complete the cycle/ soul contracts. Also the concept of soul fragments is new to me. Lastly I always thought that any planets at the same degrees implied a Soul connection, but per your post am I right in assuming , this is only when its the same degree aspects the Nodal positions? As always many thanks for such a wealth of knowledge.

    Much love for all you are and all you do.

    1. Thank you Kimberley. Yes, the North Node and South Node feed into each other, constantly, so this rather bizarre idea about ‘taking in’ the North Node and ‘letting go’ of the South Node doesn’t really work. Soul fragments explain why a world population which was very much smaller in, say, 1066, could possibly result in people reincarnating in their multi billions in 2024. I was taught about soul groups in my twenties. The men who choose to wear baseball caps today (and the women) are part of a soul group who aren’t just interested in covering up their baldness. They are remembering an American lifetime either as a baseball fan or in the military. Some of them are just soul splinters from one US soldier who died in Vietnam, for example. And finally, past lives are shown by aspects to the North Node and South Node. The story will show up in the signs, planets, houses and so on.

  15. If your karma is to marry someone, can witchcraft or spells interfere with that, causing a breakup or divorce? Or, is witchcraft itself part of the karmic cycle in the Pisces-Virgo axis, or a human effort(hack it) to influence destined events?

    1. Witchcraft, black magic, voodoo, psychic attack and curses are karmic in nature. If you successfully bring harm to others using the lower astral, then harm will come to you. To quote Danny in Withnail and I; ‘Very foolish, man.’ Astrology and Tarot are two fields where inexperienced people will try ‘magic’ or ‘magick’ and be drawn into lower astral mischief, as of course those souls enjoy making a mess for anyone and will quite happily turn their attention next on the person who summoned them. I am sure you know The Rule of Three, also known as the Law of Return or Three-fold Law, held by some Wiccans, Neo-Pagans, and occultists. It states that any energy a person puts out into the world, whether positive or negative, will be returned to them three times.

  16. My goodness that is so interesting! Wish I knew more so I could navigate the best way to be with each of them. There’s some complicated stuff.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    This was a beautiful read. Ive always found myself drawn towards victorian houses/ victorian shows on TV/ anything old like early 18th – 19th century intrigues me. I often tell my husband i must have lived in that era. Fast forward born in the 80’s moved to US in 2011, there has been growth but tremendous challenges.
    You once mentioned about some karma i have carried over from previous lifetime for my career. Of the last 3 years ( bad bosses) this is the first year i have a fantastic manager who treats my like human and respects me. Been trying to change careers since JAN and nothing works. I interviewed in sep for a role i like which didnt go through. A part of me wants to stop trying , i am like let life reveal itself. enough is enough. No monetary growth last 3 years either just being denied is the norm now for me.

    My North & south nodes are in Gemini & Saggitarius. Can you please please tell me if i will ever see light at the end of this dark tunnel in my career ?

    1. If you are drawn towards Victorian houses and settings, you probably did have a lifetime under Queen Victoria and are still drawn to it. Your career is ruled by Capricorn and Virgo in your chart. You are also a Taurus. You will see reshuffles of rights, roles and responsibilities in your job and/or your chosen field from November 19th, with another development by December 7th, and a final chapter near December 30th. The waves from this will reverberate in January and February 2025 when you could easily move sideways where you are or accept a new position. You haven’t seen anything firm because Pluto has not been firmly out of Capricorn yet, but that starts to change within about 17 days.

  18. Hi Jessica

    I have had several relationships – and one ‘big love’ -perhaps he would qualify as a soul mate — his Sun conjunct my South Node/Uranus /Hygiea at 29 degrees Cancer and his Jupiter conjunct conjunct my North Node in Capricorn. My Libra Sun is in a T square with my nodes too.
    He left me to return to the UK (Cancer!) ; he died 10 years ago. A couple of years ago when Pluto started to transit my Sun and Nodes , I strongly felt his presence and so trying to cut any ‘karmic’ ties, I visited an intuitive clairvoyant, not knowing she was also medium – apparently one of the things he wanted to tell me leaving was his biggest mistake. I wish he hadn’t contacted me – it brought up a lot of mixed feelings. Interesting though.

    Thanks for the article.

    1. You had a powerful reading with a medium AK and heard your former partner wished he had never left you. It may help to know that it’s quite rare to have just one soulmate. You can have one principal de facto relationship, marriage or partnership – of course – but soul bonds are numerous. There may be another.

  19. Hi Jessica
    if I understand correctly
    when pluto goes aquarius 1 conjunct my south node at aquarius 1
    is my karmic loop complete with groups of people ? leo In NN having 8 planets in Leo.. another big karmic journey begins ?

    it sure feels like that ..

    1. Yes, the karma is with the group. Sometimes a circle will reincarnate together. You may have been on a jury for example or in a nursing unit. Pluto will transform the karma and you will realise this is about power and control within the circle. Perhaps, issues about being dominated or even manipulated by a friend or face in the group. It can work the other way. You realise you are the one with the upper hand, with a community or within a friendship. Handle with care. It’s atomic.

  20. Hi Jessica,
    I love this article. I have always been in two minds about souls returning, but would love this to be the case. My husband and I share north and south nodes in Scorpio Taurus respectively, mine at 14 and his 7. My north node is exactly conjunct his ascendent. My Ceres is 7 Gemini and Salacia 7 Aquarius. We have been together a very long time, and when we met it very much felt like meeting someone familiar. I wonder about your interpretation of this. Is our karma about money, security, inheritance? Thank you so much again.

    1. Thank you. Yes, your karma with your husband is about finance and property. You may have more than one lifetime based on money, a house, apartment, valuables and so on. Feeling as if you ‘know’ someone when he opens the door for the first time, or you walk into the room for the first time, is very common. There is often a magnetic pull. And classically you will realise you were in the same location – streets away – more than once. Sometimes in the same building – but you never met. Until you did…

  21. Vey interesting read Jessica and I am glad you posted blog on this topic. I have North Node at 29 Cancer and South Node at 29 Capricorn and I am intrigued to understand what Pluto at 29 Capricorn in combination with my nodes at the same degree means for me? I had few regression therapies since 2018 and managed to close a lot of karmic relationships over that time. I also lived at different countries in this life and I am just about about to leave the country for roughly 3 month, first time after 18 years (Libra-Aries north/south node cycle). It feels like I am hungry for being elsewhere a lot and every time I get on a plane I meet like minded people, my tribe and I flourish most when I am on a move which is seriously making me think I may need to change my career. Any insights, thoughts ad psychic guidance are welcome. Thank you Jessica and thank you for all you do. Your website and substack is my regular go to read.

    1. Past life regression can be a bit life-changing, can’t it. You have 17 days to go before Pluto is off 29 Capricorn and that trigger to your nodes. You are leaving the country for the first time in 18 years, right on cue. Of course you may have planned to do that, knowing your transits. This is about your home town and homeland. Where you were born, where you grew up. Any adopted home town or homeland. The final sign-off is Ceres at 29 Capricorn. It is entirely possible that a change in politics at the top will have a personal impact on you.

  22. JD Vance’s attack on ‘childless cat ladies’ certainly gives the impression that he was there, ready with a hangman’s noose, at the Salem witch trials.

  23. Hi Jessica, love reading your articles. My husband and I both have Capricorn North nodes. His North node at 18 and my Mars in Capricorn at 18, he also has moon and Jupiter in Capricorn. It’s funny that you mention leaving a home and going to a City, we love London. Usually I have zero sense of direction but instinctively I find myself knowing where to go. Wonder if this is in some way connected?

    1. Knowing where to go in London (when you don’t even have a map) is a good indicator you were there before. And quite possibly with your husband.

  24. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for more information about the Nodes. I find them fascinating and I am always wanting to learn more about how they work and what they mean 🙂
    I have my North Node at 29 Scorpio/South Node 29 Taurus.
    I was looking at the chart of someone from my past who has never left my heart, often to my utter frustration, because it was a very long time ago.
    I don’t know his exact time of birth, only the date/location, but if he (a 7-factor Aries Sun) was born in the morning he has Venus at 29 Taurus.
    His Nodes are at 01 Gemini , just next to mine, but not quite aligning, though he does have Bacchus at 29 Capricorn.
    We both have Salacia at 06 Aquarius.
    If he was born from mid-morning onwards, his Venus would have just entered Taurus at 00, along with Uranus at 00 Scorpio and I have Venus at 00 Virgo, Vesta at 00 Aries.
    He has Jupiter at 06 Aries, Cupido at 06 Leo, I have Mars at 06 Taurus, Minerva at 06 Virgo and Pluto at 06 Libra.
    He has Pluto at 07 Libra, and I have MC at 07 Libra/IC at 07 Aries.
    He has Neptune at 11 Sagittarius, I have Vulcano at 11 Cancer.
    He has Mercury at 18 Aries, I have Apollo at 18 Gemini.
    He has Vulcano at 22 Taurus, I have Jupiter at 22 Aries.
    His Sun is at 23 Aries, along with Chiron 23 Aries and MC Aries/IC at 23 Libra, I have Aesculapia at 23 Cancer.
    My Sun is at 17 Cancer, his Juno is 17 Taurus.
    He has Ceres at 21 Aries, I have Saturn at 21 Cancer.
    I always wonder why, other than obvious life things, and being very young….
    Thanks again Jessica,
    Blessings to you
    DinP xx

    1. Thank you. Magnetic attraction (despite unsuitability or impossibility) usually shows up as exact aspects from the North Node and South Node. The pull is there, because you two agreed to go through particular experiences based on a prior incarnation. The spiritual requirement may be – forgiveness, compassion, or just the ability to release and let go. It can be more complex than that too and involve sins of all kinds – like adultery or theft. Dreams are often the way to find out more – or hypnosis.

  25. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for another great article. Would you be able to see what my purpose is in this lifetime is? My NN is in Sagittarius, SN in Gemini. I was born in Germany, and since I was 7 years old I knew that I wanted to live in America (California). I immigrated when I was 20 years old and although I didn’t speak English then nor did I have any Family in the US, I felt at home and happy when I came.
    Also, my youngest Son has the exact degree of my SN 26 degrees Gemini as his Ascendant. I am curious if he was my brother in another life? My other Son has my Moon on his Ascendant. Would love your thoughts. Thank you so much, Jessica!

    1. You can pick up my book Modern Astrology 2050 free for Thanksgiving. Just follow the links on the Welcome note this month and you can find out the rest. Your sons did know you in another life. The book explains the nodes in full and reincarnation.

  26. Hi Jessica,
    If you have a moment can you explain the soul splintering in a bit more detail.
    I thought when we passed that our souls were the same and we continue our journey and lessons whatever they may be to become our better selves.
    Best wishes

    1. After 1800, over-breeding and overcrowding meant the world population has gone from 1 billion in 1800 to around 8 billion — 8 times larger than it used to be. (Source: Our World In Data). So, the 1 billion who died in the 1800’s have splintered as souls and fragments have gone into the 8 billion now. Does that make sense? I was always taught (as a medium) that one person who died can ‘feed’ many more people who all carry bits of his/her spirit within. So you get a massive soul group of American men who died, for example, who were either baseball fans or in the military and just one man can fragment into an awful lot of blokes walking around in baseball caps watching violent television when they don’t really understand why. And of course the Americanisation of culture, no matter if it’s listening to US singers or saying ‘Guys’ a lot and of course ‘Awesome.’. They called them Pseudoamericans and they exist in Sydney, London and all kinds of places – they are recycled bits of old American souls. That’s the theory anyway. I find it really interesting!

  27. Hello Jessica,
    Interesting article as always. I have the nodes on Leo (south) and Aquarius (north) axis. I find myself in all the explanations that you provided for this placement. I picked Queen of Cups for the issue that I need to overcome until end of 2024 and hope to find a solution to change the current job in which I cannot be a leader for some members due to other persons from top management. I will need to figure out and find a new job, role, increase my overall satisfaction at work as with the current top management things will never be improved for me and I feel that the current situation is a stuck one for me in being a leader on paper but not being allowed to decide things for the people that are reporting to me. I feel that these leader skills are coming in a natural way for me probably due to my Leo south node however currently I am in a phase in my life in which I found myself at a crossroad with my job not knowing if leadership roles should be put on hold or not. Any insights for me will be really appreciated. All the best.

    1. Thank you. For basic questions about work, always look to Capricorn and Virgo in the chart. The Queen of Cups, by the way, is talking about personal relationships, love and sex, family and romance – not work. Your chart shows Minerva at 29 Capricorn and Ceres at 28 Virgo in a trine. Your entire problem is transiting Pluto at 28, 29 Capricorn (he is at 29 Capricorn today) and he goes on November 19th. Transiting Ceres herself will have passed 28, 29 Capricorn by 7th December. Pluto shows up as dominating men, manipulative and game-playing women, sometimes control freak women as well. Game playing is very common; the men rather do remind you of puppeteers trying to pull strings. Sometimes it’s obvious to the point of being quite crass, actually. So transiting Pluto has been circling 29 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years, thus the intense emotion and possibly obsessive or compulsive thoughts you have been experiencing. Pluto also rules obsession. And the others may be obsessed too/either. This ends very soon and you will have a completely different year ahead. There is a little bit of your Leo-Aquarius nodal axis in here, but your main issue is transiting Pluto and transiting Ceres at 28, 29 Capricorn.

  28. Hi Jessica ,
    What an insightful and wonderful article.
    It resonates with me because my wonderful father died a few hours before my mother during COVID. He looked after as she was very ill and unable to do anything for herself. He has very good health and went at 90. It was as if he was if he had to repay a debt to her .
    I’m trying to break free from a pattern in my life with a controlling husband . We have relocated after retiring after successful careers and I’m trying to find a new creative and a spiritually more rewarding life. I am constrained by him and his habits and it has created a lot of stress in my life which has affected my health & triggered auto immune syndromes.
    Is there a past life connection like it was with my parents? How do I break this cycle or will be recurring again in the future? How do we repay a debt so that it doesn’t continue in our next life ?
    Please guide me going forward .

    1. I am so sorry you lost your parents at the beginning of the pandemic. Your controlling husband will show up in Libra or Scorpio factors in your chart. You actually have both. You can decode these using the flipbooks and articles on this website and figure out a way through. If he is making you anxious to the point where you are ill, you likely know you must do something. The South Node leaving Libra in January will be a turning point. You have your North Node in Libra in the Seventh House of duets and duels. You did know him in your last incarnation. Perhaps more than one. You may have been in battles or wars together as Aries is the other node, ruled by Mars, the god of war.

  29. Hi Jessica,

    I’m looking forward to downloading the book. Thank you for writing it and congratulations! I’m curious if the book explains how/if transits impact the nodes. Uranus is near my NN in Taurus. I would appreciate any insights. Thank you!

    1. You can track the transits on this website any time, to see if they hit your nodes. Uranus going across the North Node in Taurus and in opposition to the South Node in Scorpio is the last thing you expected, changing your life budget. The price tags you hang on what money cannot buy. You will find the challenge to change – wise idea – and also find freedom from (or freedom through) too.

  30. My Nodes are at 17° Libra / Aries respectively, with my North Node conjunct my Moon and Chiron in the 12th house. I did some research on the matter and the two most recent dates prior to my birth time frame in which the Nodes were also in these positions were June 1958-December 1959 and January 1977-July 1978. Keeping in mind what you said about Taylor being drawn to 17th century hair and costuming, I’ve also noticed I tend to be drawn to the music and fashion trends of the 1950s and 1970s. I’ve also read on TikTok recently that one’s Ascendant in this lifetime was their Sun sign in the previous; I’m a Pisces Sun and Scorpio Rising, both notably at fame degrees, 17° and 5° respectively. What does this say about my previous incarnation?

    1. You may well have been here in the Fifties or Seventies. You can collect a complimentary free copy of Modern Astrology 2050 this month (see welcome note for November) which has all the years of node sign incarnations at the back going back centuries. That’s nonsense on Tik-Tok by the way.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    I’m a North node Leo at 10 degrees, one thing I feel often is the tension of wanting to be part of the group and not stand out and taking positions of decision making and responsibility that I sometimes end up doing. I even get nervous when I have to lead a group of friends to a new restaurant using Google maps in case we go wrong and everyone blames me.

    I’ve never had past life regression but I do wonder if the fear of standing out comes from a forgotton past life issue.

    I married a lovely sun Leo, I’m in equal awe and annoyance at how he can naturally stand out and enjoy being the centre of attention. 🙂

    1. Thank you. It’s funny how often we marry or form partnerships with people who ‘carry’ one of our nodes by sign. Perhaps we fall in love with them to teach us, how to master that node.

  32. This is so interesting, thank you – I hoped you would write an article on the north and south nodes. My south node is in Taurus and as the child of a teenage pregnancy who grew up poor a combination of luck and utilising my skillset in life has enabled me to earn enough money to be comfortable and financially independent but I think worry about money too much. Don’t get me wrong I don’t aspire to be super rich or flashy and I’m happy with my modest car and dress sense and the simple pleasures in life including the outdoors – but having grown up poor I worry about losing it and not being able to afford a roof over my head and food on the table kind of worried – or ending up being financially dependent on someone. Also every time I meet someone where it feels like I already know them in a fated way and I’ve been able to get their chart I’ve often found some aspects triggering the north/south nodes in each other charts. A couple of them are friends for life but others have come for a season and then left again. Fascinating.

    1. Thank you. Taurus-Scorpio does go through these rich and poor incarnations. It should be a lot more relaxed once Uranus moves out of Taurus next year.

  33. Hi Jessica, So the nodes are in the signs we have in our natal charts and can be read as North or South node using your descriptions above? For example, You cite South Node Aries to North Node Libra yet I was born with the opposite combo, with Aries as my North Node. How do you see the person using a North Node Libra?
    And the Taylor Swift reference: you mention the Newsweek witchery quote which brings to my mind how in many cities it has been confirmed that when the 70,000+ fans jumped as one during a certain song in her 2023/4 tour there were earthquakes! The quakes would have scared the towns in the 1600’s surely!! Professionals call them distinct harmonic tremors.

    1. Thanks Cecelia. The South Node is about what you release to be recycled. The North Node is about what you take in, to process. They work in a loop. So your last life involved you signing up for the military as you released an engagement or marriage to set off for the front. Perhaps just a love affair. It was intense and that intensity will surface again when you are with the person you had to farewell. An Aries North Node is pulling in the army, air force, navy. A Libra South Node is letting go of love because of that.

  34. Hi Jessica This sounds super interesting and complex. Do I have a soul mate connection with a guy who turned up and it felt familiar and right / his dob is 11.8.70 and you have his birth chart but I can’t see the connection/ purpose. Is there one ?

    1. If this is a past life connection then your nodes would be in the love and sex signs, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and be triggered now. Your nodes are in Capricorn and Cancer, so no dice. It may feel right but he is not a past life connection. You can still enjoy yourself.

  35. Hi Jessica,

    I absolutely loved reading this article! I’m really interested in exploring past life regression, and I’m based in London. Do you have any practitioners you’d recommend? I’ve already reached out to Sharon Stiles but would love to hear any other suggestions you might have.

    Also, since my nodes are in Scorpio and Taurus, any insights you could share around those placements would be really helpful as I start this journey.

    Thank you so much!

    1. Past life regression is a speciality of some professionals at the College of Psychic Studies in Kensington. Your nodes suggest the last incarnation was about a marriage or family relationship which revolved around an inheritance or property. It conflicted with your own values. So you may have married a poorer or richer person, for example. Flashbacks and ‘met you before’ feelings about partners or family in this lifetime and strong emotional reactions to even trivial issues (he gets the wardrobe when you break up; she still owes you fifty dollars) are a sure sign. It’s not the issue it’s the principle and the memory. A really up and down time with finance or property ends in 2025 and is over for good in 2026. Karma completed for the moment.

  36. Hi Jessica
    This is so very interesting thank you! I know I have a grand cross in my birth chart (because you told me 🙂 ) I’ve only recently learned also that my Dad had one too (cardinal signs), as does my sister (mutable signs). Our family relationships have been somewhat complicated over the years and I’m unpacking some of this right now (I’m studying to be an arts psychotherapist (thanks to Astrology Delivery getting me a place on an MA!) and personal therapy is part of my training). I’m intrigued by my north and south nodes. I read elsewhere that south node in Leo people may have been famous in a previous life, not sure how true this is? Would it be correct to say I seem to have some karma with younger people? My mum and my sister both have the nodes in Sagittarius and Gemini and they have a super difficult relationship. Grateful for any insight you may have! Thanks

    1. Thank you. If all the family have Grand Cross patterns, that’s the complicated relationships explained. No wonder you are studying your MA in arts psychotherapy. (Thank you for confirming Astrology Delivery worked for you so well). You have the North Node in Leo in the Fifth House and South Node in Aquarius in the Eleventh House. It’s not true that the South Node in Leo meant fame in a previous life. Leo actually is not about fame at all. It is about standing out – being prominent – being seen – but that can happen because you are a headmaster and not a Hollywood star. Your nodal axis clearly shows some conflict over the class system. Working class, middle class and upper middle class push-pull. If you are a woman of the people then it does not feel right. If you are above the people, that does not feel right either. The last incarnation involved the crowd and you, or you within the crowd, dealing with the leadership. This karmic tussle has been acted out for you since childhood and is a lifelong quest for wholeness. Queen and court themes may be evident, increasingly, as Pluto transits Aquarius. Your mother and sister have foreign language issues from the last incarnation. Fundamental communication problems translate into this life even though presumably they both speak English. It takes time.

  37. Thank you for your response to my question, Jessica. You are the gold standard in astrology and psychic ability, plus your generosity with your knowledge gifts us in your blog forums! Best, Cecelia

  38. Hi Jessica, I see you explained the axis as NN for Cancer-Capricorn, is that the same as the opposite? I feel as though in this lifetime it means that I need to leave family instead of stay with family, can you confirm?

    1. Cancer-Capricorn nodes go around in a circle backwards and forwards, so you can (say) leave home to go up in the world, then go up in the world and go back home – because it’s home. And it’s the same with family. Leaving the family and going up a notch in terms of class, money or status and then going back to the family, because…well, because of the Cancer node. Your mountain goat side climbs higher and your crab stays close to the tribe and the burrow.

  39. Hi Jessica my NN is 11° gemini 3rd house conjunct jupiter. I’m studying nursing. does everything look rosey for me pl? thx PL

    1. Studying anything is a lifelong path for you as Gemini-Sagittarius is the knowledge circuit and information channel. It’s not nursing. It’s the hospital radio, actually. Or the switchboard or H.R. department. Without a chart it is impossible to say. You would hope for Cancer and Virgo placements, in which case, yes, the second half of 2025 is take-off.

  40. Jessica, my north node is in 4th house cancer for this weary cappy. I’m looking for any possible PT work. non heavy-duty. thanks. peter

    1. Jupiter will go over your North Node in Cancer in the second half of next year when good karma involving a house, apartment or other residence will visit you.

  41. Hi Jessica,

    Very interesting read. Curious to know if there a way we can stop reincarnating? With my South Node in Gemini and North in Sagittarius, I have emigrated from my country and embraced the new culture which gave me solace and a new identity. I feel this was the purpose of my North Node. Please share your thoughts, thanks

    1. Gemini-Sagittarius is about language, accent and local versus global so it’s common with people who emigrate, who probably did that before too. My understanding as a medium is that we can choose (in consultation with our guides) not to come back. Yes.

  42. Hi Ms Jessica, my 4th house NN is in taurus. sun cancer. I’m hoping to live overseas as soon as I retire. I hope it goes well.
    card I drew was wheel of fortune. thank you so much. GM

    1. You may want to ask a range of different questions and put them into strict time-frames until you get what you want from the future. The Wheel of Fortune is not really what you want. Yet you will find mid 2025 to mid 2026 is packed with potential as Jupiter in Cancer will sextile your North Node in Taurus, trine your South Node in Scorpio and form a conjunction with your Sun in Cancer. So that’s housing, home town, country, money…what you want. Start again with the Tarot.

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