The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle

Trump is on a downward spiral in astrology and the rise of women has only just begun. Watch this Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius crossover as Kamala Harris runs for president in 2024.

How Women Rise While Donald Falls

I was interviewed by Newsweek and The Sun about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris this month. It’s that time again when the media wants astrology predictions about the election.

Everyone wants the horoscope prediction about Kamala Harris or Donald Trump winning or losing. That astrology prediction about 2024 is about Ancient Rome, actually.

I don’t give winners, because the margin of victory is so small in America. If enough astrologers say Kamala is going to win, thousands of people may not bother voting. That’s extremely risky.

What is true is that Donald Trump is on a downward spiral cycle and women are on a rising upward cycle. In fact women will eventually lead the Republican party.

Now, let’s talk about Ancient Rome and Nero.

Astrology and the 2024 Election

The downward spiral of Donald Trump and male power, is uncannily like that of Nero. This is really important when looking at the astrology of the 2024 election.

In fact Nero and Donald look remarkably similar. If you wanted to argue for past lives here, you’d have a pretty good excuse. (Shutterstock/Alamy).

Trump Shutterstock 300x200 - The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle

NERO Alamy 252x300 - The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle


You tend to get a stop-start, but slow and steady rise of female power, on this cycle. It’s the end of Pluto in Capricorn and start of Pluto in Aquarius. Iggy Pop is just one person who has compared the decline and fall of the Roman Empire to the US, saying “America is Rome. Of course, why shouldn’t it be?” Well, you can easily line up Trump Russia with Rome. Same rise and fall.

That Popular Vote and Pluto Power

On November 8th, 2016: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million. More Americans voted for her than any other losing presidential candidate in history.

Hillary ClintonDreamstime 300x200 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CycleOn November 3rd 2020, Kamala Harris became the first woman Vice President in history. Then she announced her run for president on July 21st, 2024. This is typical of the waning of Pluto in Capricorn and arrival of Pluto in Aquarius.

Capricorn is the traditional male system. Pluto is power. Aquarius is the diverse group, among which women have equal control.

You can see why Kamala is a chef’s kiss example of Pluto in Aquarius when compared to Donald Trump. The zodiac sign Aquarius has been associated with the equal group for centuries. The brotherhood and sisterhood of the Eleventh House. (Dreamstime).

These are the dates:

Pluto in Capricorn, Pluto in Aquarius

March 23rd 2023: Pluto enters Aquarius
June 11th 2023: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
January 21st 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius
September 1st 2024: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
November 19th 2024: Pluto in Aquarius until August 21st 2043.

image from rawpixel id 4046097 original 300x200 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CycleNero and Trump

There are uncanny parallels with Trump Russia compared to Nero and Rome. Pluto entered Capricorn in 42 AD. Rome began planning to invade Britain. Claudius ordered his invasion in 43AD: The Roman Conquest.

The push back against male power begins with Pluto in Aquarius in 60AD.  What hit Rome in 60AD? Saint Paul the Apostle arrived in Rome – Christianity rises. (Rawpixels).

Women featured as Jesus’ disciples including Mary Magdalene who saw the resurrection. Saint Paul preached, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” In a list of of nearly 30 early Christians, at least eight are women. The Virgin Mary becomes a powerful Christian icon.

The other striking thing about this cycle is Mary Magdalene. She was a sinful woman. A prostitute. The Virgin Mary and Stormy Daniels are a real stretch, but not Magdalene. They both find equality, acceptance and real power, on both Pluto in Aquarius cycles.

Boudica and Pluto

You don’t get much further from the Virgin Mary either, than Boudica, but she defeated Nero and Rome in 61AD on Pluto in Aquarius. She burned London to the ground. Even after losing the battle, she inspired years of rebellion. In 85AD Scotland pushed back against Rome.

Pluto Leaves Capricorn

The slow, downward spiral of Nero and Rome is similar to Donald Trump and the slow, downward spiral of Trump-Russia. It’s really interesting to see history repeat like this.

The full dates for the Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius crossover cycle are at the end of this feature.

What happened in 64AD? The Great Fire of Rome destroys 70% of the city.
What happened in 65AD? Plot to assassinate Nero.
What happened in 66AD? First Jewish-Roman war. Romans expelled in Jerusalem.
What happened in 68AD? Nero commits suicide.
What happened in 79AD? Vesuvius erupts, destroying Pompeii.

Pluto and Women Rising

Loss of popular vote to Hillary Clinton by 2.9 million: November 8th 2016.
First impeachment of Donald Trump: December 18th 2019
Trump loses election in a landslide to Harris-Biden: November 3rd 2020
Second impeachment of Donald Trump: January 13th 2021
E. Jean Carroll wins against Donald Trump: May 9th 2023
Convicted of felony as Stormy Daniels wins the day: 30th May 2024
Trump assassination attempt: 13 July 2024

Stormy Daniels 2010 200x300 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CyclePutin and Astrology

This cycle, about the transfer of power to a small number of men, and then the loss of that power, moving across to women, shows up nicely when you look at 2008.

The New Patriarchy, if you want to call it that, began right on time as Pluto entered Capricorn.

On January 26th and and November 27th, 2008 Pluto entered Capricorn. Vladimir Putin became the Prime Minister of Russia on 8th May 2008. The Republicans lost the 2008 election and Donald Trump begins his rise to power inside the party. (Wikimedia Commons).

Pluto and Girl Power

On May 30th 2024, secret payments made by Donald Trump to porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up an affair, went front page. Trump lost.

E. Jean Carroll cropped 220x300 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CycleGiven that Pluto in Aquarius can give us Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary and Boudica, it’s intriguing to see how the girl power of the 2020’s shows up. How about E. Jean Carroll? (Wikimedia Commons).

The other player here is Nancy Pelosi who impeached Trump on 8th January 2021.

What you are seeing here, according to astrology, is the slow downward spiral of Donald Trump against the rise and rise of female power. Just like Nero.

Christianity with its focus on women, became Rome’s official religion in 380. Of course, Nero had committed suicide a long time before.

Capricorn and Aquarius, Defined in 1951

Margaret E. Hone D.F.Astrol.S. wrote The Modern Text Book of Astrology in 1951. Given that Pluto has been associated with power since 1930, what did Hone have to say about Capricorn and Aquarius, around 70 years ago?

Capricorn – Old age. Politician. Discontent.
Aquarius – Humanitarianism. Free thinking. Revolutions.

Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius Under Nero

January 1st and November 6th 42 AD Pluto enters Capricorn.
March 28th 60 AD Pluto enters Aquarius
June 3rd 60AD Pluto re-enters Capricorn
January 27th 61AD Pluto enters Aquarius
August 16th 61AD Pluto re-enters Capricorn
December 7th 61AD Pluto in Aquarius until October 14th 85 AD

Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius Under Trump

March 23rd 2023: Pluto enters Aquarius
June 11th 2023: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
January 21st 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius
September 1st 2024: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
November 19th 2024: Pluto in Aquarius until August 21st 2043.

Main Image: Shutterstock. Data: Tables of Planetary Phenomena, Neil F. Michelsen, 2007.


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2 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica
    I am getting in touch as my lovely son was born in 15/05/2008 as pluto was retro in Cap at 0 degrees. Over the last number of weeks he has come to me to ask for support with his mental health. He says he feels he is living in two universes. His NN is at 0 Aquarius. As parents we have done the usual supports, docs, therapy, sports. Medicine has been given to help him, which I dont want but which he wants to try. My difficulty as his mum is that I know that it is the current astrology that is affecting him. Ive tried with all the family to explain astrology transits but to no avail. I was wondering if he is also, like trump on a downward spiral with Uranus and Algol on his sun and if there is anything more I can do to help/support him? He is the most kind empathic lonely teenager and it so hard to watch this transit affect him so much?
    Thanks so much

    1. I am sorry your son has mental health issues. I don’t use Algol. And there is no reliable data for Trump who has given two different birthdates. I would let him try medication, if he wants to try it – depression is being successfully treated with new pharmaceuticals. He is in a long-running solar Twelfth House cycle which is, of course, about the psyche, soul, spirit and psychology. He does actually need to be alone, and alone is not always lonely. The other proven help for depression is walking in a group. Have a look at Google Scholar and the latest research. But trust him with his own choices about which professional help will aid him best. One of his grandmothers can help.

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