Your Birthday Bookcover


Your Birthday #1 Amazon Bestseller

Thanks to American readers for making Your Birthday a #1 Amazon bestseller in the New Age Horoscopes Hot New Releases list.

Your Birthday #1 Amazon Bestseller

Thanks so much to U.S. readers who put Your Birthday into the Amazon Hot New Releases bestseller chart at number one, in New Age Horoscopes.

As a thank you, please download this complimentary 2025 Moon Calendar, for your computer. You can also print it as poster for home or work.

NUMBER ONE 19 Oct 2024 1024x570 - Your Birthday #1 Amazon Bestseller

Your 2025 Moon Calendar

If you are a Premium Member, you can also collect a free 2025 Astrology Delivery Calendar at Christmas, as your present this year. This will be available for you in December.

What the 2025 Moon Calendar does is show you the most important New Moons, Full Moons and Eclipses of the year ahead.


Find the Book in Barnes and Noble

You can find Your Birthday in your nearest Barnes and Noble now, or as an ebook, worldwide, from Amazon. Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a guide to the 366 birthdates of the year (including an extra day for any Leap Year).

BN Your Birthday in the Wild 19 Oct 2024 225x300 - Your Birthday #1 Amazon BestsellerUsing astrology, numerology, Tarot and the Sabian Symbols, I’ve looked at the personality and destiny for every birthday.

There is also a detailed look at the decans and the transits of Pluto. The decans, an Ancient Egyptian idea, recently arrived back in the news, thanks to the discovery of missing astrology history, hidden in the Temple of Esna.

A simple, modern, updated Tarot card guide is also in the book, enabling you to give yourself a year-ahead birthday reading, for life, using the cards on my website. Rachel Wells has taken the famous Smith-Waite Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite and adapted my original interpretations so that both beginners and professionals can use the deck. Thanks to Karen Moline for photographing Your Birthday in the wild at Barnes and Noble New York, keeping company with the wonderful Parkers’ Astrology by Derek and Julia Parker.

YOUR BIRTHDAY 1024x768 - Your Birthday #1 Amazon Bestseller



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24 Responses

  1. Hello Ma’am

    I bought your latest book (2025 Your Birthday, etc…) on Amazon (Kindle Version, Amazon guys dont dispatch the Hardbook to the The Azores)

    Having a hard time finding my Indian Sign although you provide a link in the book but it´s not working (or i cant find it).

    Tried some online calculators (dont know if it was the best option) and most of the time i got Makha!

    Any toughts on that?

    Kind Regards.

    1. Thank you. Let me pursue that link issue with Asporea who run the website. This link is working perfectly well, when I test it now, and if you are logged in, will show you your Indian, Asian and Egyptian (decan) sign. Here you are.

  2. Aw Congratulations Jessica! Fantastic news and very well deserved. Looking forward to the moon calendar for 2025. For now am following the Capricorn booking dates…only two more to go…bit of a nail biter as am really trying to sell my business and move on but feel like my politically connected neighbors may be blocking? Have a foot in two locations at the minute with lots of crazy travel between. Could you possibly take a look and see if you might be able to help me understand how most efficiently I can move forward please? Last booking date I got the King of Pentacles as my card. I’m holding a total low ball offer that am not even convinced has any funds behind it so really hoping for something much better. Not sure how long more I can hold out though. Thank you so much, and huge congratulations on such amazing success with the book.

    1. Thank you. Rachel and I were very excited to see our book do so well, given that it took us quite a long time to write. You want to sell your business. Aries, Gemini, Libra and Cancer stelliums pin your chart and you are a Sun Gemini. You are quite correct to make bookings about finance and property in Capricorn Season but I hope you realise that it’s very early days, yet. I can understand that you are in a hurry, but we’re not seeing the Sun go into Capricorn (a booking date) until December 22nd, nor that crucial New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th. The King of Pentacles is the man you need to negotiate with, as a next step. Correct. He is mired in his money, investments and possessions and unlikely to simply cut loose and do deals. You will need to read his mind and heart, in order to make him an offer or meet him halfway. If you look at the card closely you will see just how bogged down in his security and material wealth he actually is. Keep booking and follow the steps into January 2025.

  3. Congratulations on your latest venture.
    Speaking of birthdays, Ive had a query about my chart for well over a year now, and unable to find an explanation. Im hoping you can explain it for me?
    I have four stelliums. The thing about them is this – my sun sign is one of those stelliums; the three remaining are that if my fathers sun sign; my mothets sun sign, and my brothets sun sign.
    I feel surrounded. And as the lack sheep of my family they feel oppressive – as individuals, and as stelliums. I don’t relate to them.
    Can you advise a) is it common for a person’s stelliums to represent their family members as mine do?; and b) how can I best exist with these stellium energies which feel heavy, oppressive and thwarting my every move?

    (apologies for any typos – the text window doesn’t allow me to scroll back to proof read my query).

    1. Thank you. I have replied to you elsewhere. No need to apologise for typing errors.

  4. Congratulations on your latest venture.
    Speaking of birthdays, Ive had a query about my chart for well over a year now, and unable to find an explanation. Im hoping you can explain it for me?
    I have four stelliums. The thing about them is this – my sun sign is one of those stelliums; the three remaining are that if my fathers sun sign; my mothets sun sign, and my brothets sun sign.
    I feel surrounded. And as the lack sheep of my family they feel oppressive – as individuals, and as stelliums. I don’t relate to them.
    Can you advise a) is it common for a person’s stelliums to represent their family members as mine do?; and b) how can I best exist with these stellium energies which feel heavy, oppressive and thwarting my every move?

    Also, I was sort of cursed by a psychologist astrologer years ago – a very malevolent story. Anyway, just wondering what your advice would be for someone with a completely empty second house? Poverty is unpleasant and she said there’s “no point” me doing anything because I’ll “never have any money”. I’ve never got over that. Would welcome any insights about how to address that missing element of my chart.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. It is very common to have stelliums which are the same signs as parents, brothers and sisters. You are free to express the signs differently, than your mother, father, brother and/or sister did. You don’t have to relate to them, to inherit the astrology. You just find an alternative way of living out the stellium. It’s like inheriting musical ability and, because your father was in a jazz band, you reject jazz and turn to punk. The curse you mention sounds like an issue to solve next, if you’ve not already done so. Were you baptised and confirmed a Christian? If so, go back to Christianity and follow the steps that the church advises. If not, there will be an alternative. Tibetan Buddhists also have methods, for example. You can ignore what this astrologer said about money. It’s a load of rubbish. An empty house means you are not defined by that house. You are not defined by wealth or poverty. You have a normal Eighth House of joint finance, property and valuables and all your life will gain from family or partnership finance, apartments, houses. You have Neptune there. Every so often the transits line up and it is a relative, lover or sexual partner who will give you an escape from the real world via possessions, a home or money. You are due that again when Jupiter goes into Cancer and will trine Neptune. So that’s from the second half of next year and first half of 2026.

  5. Hello Jessica, Congratulations to you and Rachel on your new book, I bought two and will be giving one copy to my daughter on her birthday, November 7. I think it will be a “funtastic”gift!
    Could you please guide me in looking at my birthday? All of my life, I had thought myself to be an Aquarian, born on February 18, especially since the cusp date is always shown as the 19th. It wasn’t until I was 48 years old and had a natal reading that I learned that I was 0 degrees Pisces! So for those of us who know, through our natal charts, that our birthday doesn’t reflect the sign as written, should we go to the next birthdate, in my case, February 19 or even the 20th? To put it differently, how does one know which date to read when one knows that their birthdate does not reflect the sun sign (and thus, AC, MC, IC, DC) mentioned? Any clarity you can provide is greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you. That’s very kind of you and I will let Rachel know. Good question about the cusp. But – use your actual birthdate of 18th February. You were born at 5.00pm that day. I use numerology as well as astrology, the Sabian Symbols and the Tarot for every date, so if you were to use the 19th it would not work. Part of the message for you is based on the numbers one and eight, as you will see.

  6. Thank you for your extensive reply, Jessica. You’ve done me a great kindness as I’ve borne that curse for 16 years. And having just lost everything only ten days ago, I can say, it’s plagued me to breaking point. I will inquire about some Tibetan practices, and maybe a Christian one, and see if I can free myself, and hold on a while longer. With gratitude to you.

  7. great article Jessicai was born 14/8/1965. I’ve applied for jobs. a while ago I wrote to you. 2026 you told me I’d be settled. is this true? please. thank you for your response. Leo nsw

    1. Thank you. As a Sun Leo you are in a career cycle when you need to be free and independent. You cannot be trapped and confined, either by the job or the projects, or the people. It is important that you do not just apply for any position. Even having two part-time jobs, which would give you time off, is better than taking a role which would confine you. This cycle ends in 2026 when your professional life will be more stable. Until then, work with this Uranus in Taurus transit, and the Pluto in Capricorn transit (which ends on 19th November) by asking yourself how you can work (never mind the salary) and still be independent. That will function.

  8. Thank you so much Jessica. Great to know about the new booking dates in Capricorn but I am still working on the 2023 booking dates with one today and the final delivery on Dec 7th if I am not mistaken? I was so successful with this Capricorn booking cycle early in the year with a purchase in Feb, and you once previously gave me hope of being completely out of the old corrupt location by last May. The initial interest is there but quickly wanes with the location, the one with the offer has all sorts of peculiar ways he wants to trickle pay, and the God awful local officials have just been re-elected despite their criminal intimidation campaigns supressing businesses in the community. Now with the hater back at the top of the ticket I fear it’ll be a free for all? There are two components the business, which I may have to reluctantly ditch before it is run into the ground while I spend more trying to save than I should? (relocation is too far unless I were to invest from afar) and the property. It has been a very long 5 years fighting for this location with about 50% success. I just need a better offer to move on. Can you see anything in my chart that could help guide me please? Thank you again

    1. Thank you. The booking dates for Astrology Delivery always overlap so yes, you are sometimes chasing two different lists at the same time. You should keep going. There is a free Astrology Delivery calendar for you as a Premium Member here, which you can print and put on the wall, or have on your computer. If you have been fighting an issue for five years it can take longer than a few weeks, sometimes, to get what you want. As a Sun Gemini you can book for Pisces Weather outcomes (career) soon. You can book for Capricorn Weather outcomes (finances) even faster than that.

  9. awesome thanks! I just found the 2025 calendar! fantastic! will report back…:) Thank you again

  10. By the way I drew the Ace of swords this time for what or who can help me sell by final delivery Dec 7th. It mentions elections, the balance of power is heading out of my favor with what looks like a local re-election of the criminal family interfering with my business (neighboring building harbors elected official extended family member) and what appears to be the hater (rather than the prosecutor) back in power…

    1. That’s odd, isn’t it. You are looking at the reality of Pluto out of Capricorn and Ceres out of Capricorn as well. So that’s November 19th and then December 7th. The astrology tallies with your card.

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