Astrology Delivery – Sagittarius Season 2024

By popular demand, Astrology Delivery booking dates for Sagittarius Season from October 18th 2024 with final results by January 8th 2025. Which area of your life can you use, to book - some or all of what you want?

Astrology Delivery – October 2024 to January 2025

Owing to popular demand I am publishing booking dates for Astrology Delivery in Sagittarius Season, starting on 18th October 2024 with final results by January 8th 2025, at the latest, when the last Sagittarius cycle ends. If you want to see testimonials and refresh your memory of how it works, go here. 

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These are the booking dates (below) for you to write/sketch your wish list in a journal. Readers have reported new jobs, engagements, weight loss, large sums of money, university places, holidays and more – using Astrology Delivery.

The area of life open for booking, is below – based on your Sun Sign and solar chart.

To stand the best chance of success, use Pink Noise and headphones every time you book to increase your Extra-Sensory Perception.

Then draw one Tarot card from my website to show you the gateway, or access, or way through – every time you book. You can allow 24 hours either side of these dates, to factor in world time zone differences.

You book on October 18th, November 7th (though see note: expect delays and rescheduling), 22nd November, 1st December, 4th December, 15th December. Wait until January 8th for final delivery of some/all of what you want.

We do have Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius Season so there will be a backwards process, but you should still get results. When this happens please reply in Comments and let me know your good outcomes.

When To Book

Allow a day either side for world time zone differences.

18th October – Venus enters Sagittarius
3rd November – Mercury enters Sagittarius
22nd November – Sun enters Sagittarius
1st December – New Moon in Sagittarius
6th December – Sun-Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius
15th December – Full Moon opposite Sun in Sagittarius

This is the very last day of the Sagittarius Season weather, as Mercury leaves that sign.

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Which Area Of Your Life?

Which area of your life is open for booking? How could you unwrap something special for Christmas?

Sagittarius – First House

Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding. Filters on photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications (letters after your name), reputation, public face, Ozempic, Google profile, your personal brand. Honorary positions, job descriptions (for example, Dr. or Professor), marital status (Ms or Mrs), armour, accessories, posture, first impressions, portraits.

Scorpio – Second House

Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation,  philanthropy, crowdfunding, credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities. Piggy banks, savings accounts, borrowing, staggered repayments, cash in hand, swapping, secondhand goods, eBay, auctions, gold, jewellery, investment purchases, antiques, bargains, wheeling and dealing. Being firm on price.

Libra – Third House
Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections. The internet, the legacy media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes. Speech therapy, sign language, literacy, reading and writing, handwriting, stationery, the mail or post office, town criers, gossip, social media websites like Substack, advertising, copywriting, scriptwriting, speechwriting, debating, songwriting, voiceovers, crosswords, Scrabble.

Vir18profile 600x600 1 300x300 - Astrology Delivery - Sagittarius Season 2024Virgo – Fourth House

Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland. Your shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage. Air BnB, landladies, landlords, tenants, house auctions, interior design, land value, the village, the neighbourhood, the town, the city. The council and the government, as they affect your home. Emigration if home is rejected. Gardens.

Leo – Fifth House

Courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy,  fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth,  dating, mating, I.V.F. programs, erotica, pornography, orgasm, mistresses, dating websites, serial monogamy, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps, sexual healing, threesomes, menage a trois, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, cross-dressers, honeymoons, marriage guidance counselling, vows of celibacy,  activities shared by young and old – riding, music, books, plays, Harry Potter, children’s charities, adolescent charities, romance, second honeymoons.

Cancer – Sixth House

Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers, sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles, inherited conditions, prescription medication, job-sharing, unemployment, shift work, the working class, trade unions, staff, cooks, cleaners, nannies, butlers, maids, chauffeurs, dogs, cats, vets, domestic birds, hygiene, the bathroom, the kitchen, computers, smart phones.

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Gemini – Seventh House

Marriage, de facto relationships, legal separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice. Legally defined common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, trial separation. Wedding rings, engagement rings, first wives or husbands. Professional rivals, legal battles, religious-based law and justice, battles, wars, on/off relationships, equal marriage, reconciliation with an ex, two-way streets, symmetry.

Taurus – Eighth House

Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre-nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds.  Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments. Mistresses, menage a trois, funerals, funeral directors, death, murder, trust funds, trustafarians, living wills, euthanasia, murder mysteries, the marriage vows – ‘Until death do us part.’

Aries – Ninth House

Universities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas. All foreign countries, illegal immigration, travel, legal migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation. Multilingual experts, racism, religious differences, colleges, universities, student exchange programs, gap years, round-world trips, cruises, Eurostar, borders, geography, history, the Classics.

image from rawpixel id 13317876 jpeg 300x200 - Astrology Delivery - Sagittarius Season 2024Pisces – Tenth House

Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering. Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations. Linked In, job interviews, owner-business, the Chief Operating Executive, staff, work experience, the ladder, getting a foot on the ladder, starting on the ground floor, working class to middle class, to upper-middle class, social climbing, going up in the world, trade unions versus management.

Aquarius – Eleventh House

Friends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams,  allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties. Private membership clubs, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends. Socialising and social media like Substack. Trade unions, boards of trustees, boards of management, sports fans, music fans, brotherhood, sisterhood, swimming pools, pooled resources,  the human family, equality.

image from rawpixel id 14562581 jpeg 300x300 - Astrology Delivery - Sagittarius Season 2024Capricorn – Twelfth House
Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, oracle decks, silence, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spirituality. Introversion, prayer, reflection, the Roman Catholic confession, the soul, the psyche, the spirit, reality, Quantum Physics, the Multiverse, alternatives to reality, past life hypnosis.

Images: Rawpixel/iStock/Shutterstock/Dreamstime

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75 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    As a Leo, am I suppose to do the booking for 5th house, Leo ? I am asking you this since it is not very clear from the blog to me.

    Thank you

    1. Keep it nice and simple. You are a Sun Leo. In Sagittarius Season you have booking windows in your Fifth House, yes. So you can book for (example) a husband. A husband with a son or daughter who becomes like your own. A wife. A wife who has nieces, nephews or godchildren who make you happy. A vastly improved life in the bedroom with a sexually compatible lover. Stunning success for a class you teach (if you are a professor) of younger people or a really big hit with a children’s project. So you see. It’s not complicated. The rest is up to you. Let me know when you have some or all of what you want. And remember – nothing is impossible or too far-fetched. Don’t leave something out of your wish list or sketches, because you can’t see it happening. Put it all down and keep following the steps.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for sharing the astrology delivery dates. I’ve tried it earlier and swear by it now.

    I have some questions, please.
    Do we use 6th house or 10th house when looking for a new job? As I understand both are work or profession related houses.

    Secondly, when we pick a tarot card what if we are still unable to decipher the meaning? Will Astro delivery still work for us if we don’t understand the card or should we pick another card?

    Thank you very much.


    1. Thanks MG that’s a great quote. I swear by Astrology Delivery too. I tried this, with all of you, in the test phase last year. I was astonished at outcomes I thought could not possibly happen. So my rule for this is ‘Write everything, absolutely everything, down in that journal.’ New jobs are both Sixth House and Tenth house. The meaning of the Tarot card is clearly stated on my website below the card you draw. There is also a quick guide here. Sometimes people don’t understand the Tarot card because the event/person/situation has not happened yet. Remember you are asking about the future – an interval in time between one booking date and the next. Let me know when you get some or all of what you want. As a Sun Cancer person you are ready to go and if you follow the steps will see results. Thank you.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks so much for this. I have used astrology delivery in the past with excellent results. But As a Capricorn – I am unsure of what sort of things could I want with Cappy in the Sag season 12th house… I see you have a long list starting with hypnosis etc – but am unsure and would love a couple of examples from your intuitive good self. 🙂

    1. Yes, Twelfth House bookings are not money, love, success, holidays or the material world. So it can seem a little disappointing if you were actually after a husband or a windfall. Yet, I have also seen people transform their lives on this booking window, because they had anxiety, or phobias, or were addicted to drugs or alcohol, or had childhood trauma. Basically as a Capricorn in Sagittarius Season you are booking for your inner self. Your soul, psyche or spirit. That’s up to you. You may want to become a more accurate psychic using the Tarot on this website. You may want to give up smoking or lose weight. It’s about your unconscious mind or your sixth sense. Your higher self or your hidden self.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I was all set to start Sag season booking when I saw this article this morning. Can you clarify if retirement can fall within 6th House or is it more 10th house.
    If you have a chance what is ideal time for retirement from current job I am in which is both unfulfilling and toxic workplace.
    I get a little confused as to the card I pull and how to detect the gateway through the card until next hooking.. is that something you can explain a little more.
    Eg I asked tarot how does my job show up for me by Christmas 2024 and I pulled the Chariot..
    Appreciate all the articles and time you and your team dedicate to all of us.

    1. Retirement is certainly the Sixth House. Lifestyle and housework, unpaid work and wellbeing. Make sure you ask the right question with the Tarot. Don’t ask ‘How does my job show up for me by Christmas?’ as that’s not the task. The task is ‘What or who is the gateway, to what I want, until the next time I book?’ I am sorry you have a toxic job. You are in exactly the right Sagittarius Season to write/sketch what you want from retirement, or even a different job. You also have plenty of time to get some or all of what you want. So start again with the Tarot and this time ask the right question, A. And please let me know when you begin to see your deliveries. Merry Christmas.

    1. Sure. You’re a Pisces. You can book for promotion, a big hit, a new job or other success – because it is Sagittarius Season. This sign rules peak achievement for you. On every date you see listed, write/sketch what you want in your journal. Play Pink Noise (free on YouTube, just search for it) through headphones for ten minutes. Then choose one Tarot card from my website, to show you who/how you will get what you want…until the next booking date. On the next date, write/sketch again, making any changes. Play pink noise again. Draw a card again. Follow what/who you see in the card again. It’s a journey. But as you can see from a couple of readers already on this forum, it can deliver twice the income – or new friends – for example. In your case it might deliver the contract of your dreams or a huge win.

  5. Single Gemini sun and I drew the 10 of cups. Could I get a better card for Sag season?!? The answer is written right there….this is one of the best cards. Thank you for posting this astrology delivery article!

    1. That is a great card to see. Your gateway is obvious in the card. There may even be a rainbow symbol, or actual rainbow, ahead. You have a nice long time to get some or all of what you want.

  6. Dear Ms ADAMS,

    I can hardly wait for your book! Amazon says it comes on Wednesday, 23rd!

    1. Thank you so much. The paperback edition of Your Birthday does indeed land later in Britain; it’s just arrived in America this week. I hope you like it.

  7. Hi Jessica. I just want to tell you I had great success this time last year by following your advice, I asked for paid work through friends and have since had a steady stream of business from old friends, which has doubled my earnings for this year. I also asked for good friends around me and then met some absolutely fantastic new friends in the area I moved to – I found my tribe 🙂 This year, as well as continuing these things, I am going to ask for good friends on my new MA studies (also a result of astrology delivery!) and support from trusted friends with writing my book. I have to tell you I keep pulling the Knight of Pentacles, we have a big building project ongoing and I’m certain the knight represents my builder! I wonder if the tarot might be picking up that our house is in utter chaos and finishing this project and having a calmer environment and less financial pressure is needed. Thanks for sharing this very effective system with us.

    1. Thank you for passing on your excellent Astrology Delivery results. Doubled earnings is great – and a tribe of friends is priceless. The Knight of Pentacles may be your builder. Look at the book in the saddle. Is this a laptop or a builder’s notebook? That’s the clue. You are on track with booking for even greater things to come out of friendship, groups and your social life on this Sagittarius Season.

  8. Hi Jessica
    I’ve been using astrology delivery and some things have finally come true for me! I’ve just made more of a “wishful thinking” booking for tonight looking for better and more flexible and abundant work options so my children and I can experience a more flexible and emotionally & abundant lifestyle . The card i pulled was the 4 of wands!
    Do you see my income and flexibility increasing anytime soon? x

    1. That’s great you are seeing Astrology Delivery work so well. As a Sun Taurus woman you are in the booking zone for Sagittarius Season (lifestyle and work) and later on in 2025 will be in the zone for more money, saved or made (Gemini Season). Just make sure you don’t mix them up. This is about work and wellbeing, not finance. That comes later. The Four of Wands shows you the gateway – a gathering of friends and/or family – with your job and life with the children. This may be Christmas, for example.

    1. You’re not a Premium Member so are seeing general dates for the public, who don’t have a birth chart. Astrology Delivery dates still work across both solar and natal charts, but as you’ve not paid for membership, you are seeing the less detailed version.

  9. Good morning, I wanted to let you know of delivery successes. I’d been wishing big for nearly a year for them and they both came through in the same week. One was for more recognition from my work, and they sent me overseas for a vied conference where I was able to talk to people about big plans for next year. And then the other was reconnecting with an ex family member, she literally messaged me right out of the blue wanting to catch up. It was absolutely wonderful and reassuring. I will be continuing with this method! I think the hardest bit is being specific and getting that focus of what you really are wanting.
    Thank you!

  10. Hi Jessica, Excited to try this out. Reviews sound promising! My focus is on my agency business, its growth, abundance, expanding our projects, margins and client base – as a means of greater security for us all. So I have a wishlist but I’m uncertain how to use the seventh house to that end. I pulled the four of wands from the tarot and would love any interpretive help you can give. Thanks so much.

    1. As a Sun Gemini woman your booking window is for a professional or sexual partnership. Perhaps, a platonic partnership. If you want career outcomes, it would only be for a professional partnership. Otherwise this is not going to work for you. Wrong timing. Your career window is actually 2025. Your Christmas present this year as a Premium Member is a 2025 Astrology Delivery Calendar which will give you all your dates to use, next year. Please let me know when you get some or all of what you want. Thank you.

  11. Jessica, I have checked and saw that the date for Mercury ingress into Sag is wrong. The numbers should be changed places – Mercury ingress on the 3rd (not 7th) of November. The end of Sag delivery season – on the 7th of January (not the 3rd).

    1. Thank you, this has been corrected. Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius means, the dates for Mercury in Sagittarius were strangely switched!

  12. Thank you Jessica for guidance. I followed instructions and booked 1st house as sag sun. Identity, public relations, title, marital status, branding. For me it’s all about meeting the man that would be proud to have me as his Mrs one day. To take the journey of mutual feelings, love, attraction and loyalty and being a part of each other’s families and social circles. Cherry on top would be work from home wife, to be able to make a financial income by turning hobbies into an online and local small business somehow. “The dream life”. I’m in my 40’s never been married. I’ve watched plenty of friends have their right of passage of wearing a dress, having a bouquet, and the best of all a man/woman who loved and adored them. I keep wondering where my passage is or where I could have missed him somehow. I pulled the 2 of wands.

    1. Sagittarians in Sagittarius Season can certainly book for a new married name. It’s stretching it a bit, because your real booking is for a husband (that’s next year) but you may as well see what you can get away with. And you want to work from home – again, that’s not really what the First House is about, but if you want to try your luck, you could list a new job title. You want to get married and don’t know why that’s never happened. Always have a look at your Seventh House and Fifth House, to find that out.

  13. Lol amazing. It just dawned on me to me look at current planet alignments on this site. Current is 11 moon in Taurus, my natal moon is Taurus. I looked up Sabian symbol Taurus 12 (1up as directed)
    “A young couple walk down main-street, window shopping” meaning inner interest in outer life that leads to whole soul participation.
    How amazing to see the match of meaning to what I journaled booking for my dream. Lol I frequently ask myself if I’m going mentally crazy when I read things like this.

    1. The Sabian Symbols are astonishing. The challenge with them is always to direct them, like Jane Campion, so you end up with a film in your life you can be content with. Lynda Hill is the expert, of course.

  14. Hi Jessica, I’m new at this and really want to try and see how delivery works. I would appreciate guidance as I am at a life stage where I really need to be careful with decisions.

    1. You are a Sun Aries woman. Your booking window now (Sagittarius Season) involves foreigners, foreign countries, the worldwide web, academia and publishing. Start with the first date, which is October 18th. You can allow a day either side, for all dates, to cover world time zone differences. Write and/or sketch in a journal, a wish list relating to the subjects above. Perhaps you want to find a British husband and get married there so you can move abroad. Maybe you want to enrol in a B.A. by distance learning at Oxford University. Whatever it is, play Pink Noise on YouTube to increase your E.S.P. and then draw one Tarot card on my website to show you who/what is the gateway to what you desire, until the next booking date. On the next date, make your list again. Many people have results so quickly that they cross things out from the first list. Or – they may realise they want something quite different. Again, play pink noise to help your Sixth Sense, then pull another Tarot card to show you the next gateway. Just keep going on all the dates I have given you, until final delivery date next year. Simple. Please let me know when you have achieved some or all of what you want.

  15. Hi Jessica, I have just booked as a Sun Pisces and for something specific in the realm of work, and for reward psychologically and financially with what would be a brave change in role. Delivery worked amazingly for me last year. This season chimes with what I am already hoping to change. I pulled ten of wands as my card, which describes perfectly the reason for a need for the change but also I think, how to start the process.
    I love the journaling aspect you recommend. By writing and drawing we are making concrete our wishes. Thanks so much for explaining again this system. Merry Christmas to you to when it comes!

    1. Thanks so much for letting me (and others) know that Astrology Delivery worked so well. The Ten of Wands is a good gateway clue to use. Another tip is to state aloud, over the top of the Pink Noise on YouTube, what you want. Along with the drawing and writing in your journal, this helps. The rushing sound also means nobody can hear except you!

  16. Thank you for direction! I’m definitely better with thoughts than I am with detailing words. A new job title

  17. A granular question but… is the physical act of writing or sketching important? I’m typing into my notes app you see.

    I am a Sun Leo and booking a strong and lasting emotional connection with another, amazing sex, humour and intimacy with someone who is compatible and emotionally available to me. The card I drew was Ace of Cups which talks to me about about ‘not being able to help oneself’ and overflowing of good things. Cheers! Alex

    1. The physical act of sketching or writing slows you down and concentrates your mind. However, typing into notes, or even sending yourself an e-mail, is also a good way of booking Astrology Delivery. Some people also like to play the Pink Noise aloud in their room and firmly state (over the top of the noise) what they want. A bit of experimentation will prove to you what is best. The Ace of Cups is a great card, Alex. The gateway to a new partner is a group. A group of people who are all connected, spiritually, although they give each other a lot of space.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    The last 2 booking dates listed here for Sagg season were not included in the C*I*A webinar and the last date seems to be in/part of Capricorn Season? Can you please explain? Thank you!

    1. The C*I*A* session included people who are not Premium Members and don’t have a birth chart so the dates were kept simple and streamlined. As a member you will have more dates to book, because you have your chart (in front of you now). And the seasons overlap; Sagittarius Season and Capricorn Season coincide. I hope that helps.

  19. Hi Jessica – I am in critical need of employment – it’s been a year since my last gig. I have been busy for sure, lots of UNPAID work related to caregiving for an aging relative of mine, which I have been doing for 10 years now. And this year I have been donating my time to a nonprofit organization to keep them afloat.

    I missed drawing a card on the first booking date yesterday, can I still catch up on the next key date that you have provided? If you can shed any insight into this frustrating cycle – I know it’s partly down to Ceres and Pluto in CAP if I remember from some other posts – would appreciate. I worry that my professional career is totally over. But it can’t be, I really need to work for quite a while yet. Thank you 🙂

    1. Yes, you can catch up late. Good question – can you book on a subsequent date if you missed the first one? Try and see what happens. A partial result is still a result. You’ve not had paid work for over a year and want to know when this changes. You have a huge stellium in Capricorn in the Tenth House and yes, Pluto and Ceres are both in Capricorn. They both leave; November then December. You will find different ways of feeling in control and empowered in future. To donate your time is powerful; a nonprofit depends on its survival. Similarly, an older relative depends on surviving, because of you. Well and good, but from around December 7th there will be other ways to know your own influence and potency.

  20. Thank you Jessica, I followed you instructions, listening to pink noise (sounds of the waves) and drew the Hanged Man. I wrote my list and tried to draw (I’m a terrible artist) what I wanted. Tonight is the 19th in SA so I’m holding thumbs and will definitely let you know. As always, thank you for your amazing guidance and advice.

  21. Hi Jessica

    You replied to a query above and mentioned Astrology Delivery works for both solar and natal charts?

    As a Libra Sun with Scorpio rising – am I correct in assuming that I both 2nd and 3rd house topics are applicable for me?


    1. Astrology Delivery is based on the solar or Sun Sign chart, primarily. The natal chart can back it up. You are a Libra Sun so you are in the booking zone for Third House matters now. Brothers, sisters, cousins, short trips, the media and the internet. Your natal chart will only back this up, if you have factors in Gemini in the Third House, currently under transit by Jupiter. That is how this works.

  22. Hi Jessica
    I am concerned about my job. It is just as you’ve said that we will have shake ups until January. Reorganizing and reshuffling. When can I book for a better job? Do you see a better or new job in my chart? The reorg brought me a new boss, she’s the worst but she’s a puppet.

    1. As a Sun Leo you will be seeing reshuffles in your job but also/or in your wider field. So there will be resignations, retirements, sackings, promotions, demotions and new appointments right through November and December. Your booking window for a better job is the Capricorn Season ahead. Book on November 11, December 21, December 30, January 8 2025 and expect results by January 28 at the latest.

    1. Fantastic. Thank you for letting me know that your Astrology Delivered, landed you a new home.

  23. Hi Jessica, although I am 2 days late, I want to give it a try. I am a pisces and started my new Job in September (offer came last minute financally seen) the themes I can book seem actually perfect and seem to fit, after all the downs in the past 14 years. At the moment I am feeling quite low and exhausted and that makes it quite difficult going through the probationary period and I am not sure what to focus on in my journal, it would be great to build an supporting environment in a team and creating (quite late with 60 years) financial stability. I am assistant to the board in a real estate company, therefore it seems to fit but is currently under enormous pressure. In addition it is a men driven conservative company, more old school, which faces difficulties nowadays. I feel as if I learned an enormous lot during the past years, but hope so much for some good years to come. Can you help with a hint how I can proceed,

    1. I’m interested to see the results from people starting late, so thank. you for trying. As a Sun Pisces you are in the right booking zone for a happier job, or a better job. People who get what they want (or even more than they asked for) follow the rules. They book (write/sketch their wish list) in a journal, on the correct date. They play Pink Noise from any of the YouTube channels on headphones, which opens up their sixth sense. They draw one Tarot card from my site to ask ‘What or who is the way to get what I want, until the next booking date?’ Then they just do this every time, on every single date in the sequence. I have seen the apparently impossible miracle happen in weeks, myself. It’s really interesting. But you have to commit. Let me know what happens, please.

  24. Hi Jessica

    I got the Ace of Wands for my 3rd house requests – which included fun on visits with my brother, sisters family and cousins who all live overseas learning a language, reading more, better communications and social connections including with neighbours ( I live in an apartment block).

    The hand holding the want has emerged from a small cloud which looks to me like opportunity.

    I will expand the list on the next date.


  25. Hi Jessica, I bought the book via Amazon and cannot wait to have it.
    I’m a Gemini with Cancer rising and Sag moon. Been divorced for over 4 years now; my ex has had a solid relationship since.
    I’m tired of being alone and sometimes I feel helpless. I’m not sure I’ll find a fulfilling relationship anytime soon.
    Any insights?

    1. Thank you so much. The book in paperback and ebook format is now showing up as #2 and #4 on the US Amazon new release bestseller list. I hope you like it. Two cycles are ending which will free you up for a new relationship. One is Pluto out of Capricorn (sexual and financial partnerships and separations) and the other is the South Node out of Libra (the bedroom, courtship and children). The former ends on 19th November; the latter as January 2025 begins. The years ahead will in fact give you the opportunity you want for a completely different (better) new lover. What you will notice most about 2025 is that the pressure is off. The concern with your ex will fade. Life will seem easier, lighter and brighter. Jupiter going into Libra and your solar Fifth House from 2028 to 2029 may bring a stepchild your way; it happens. A blended family of his nieces and nephews (say) and your godchildren for him (for example) is a likely scenario in about four years. You can date before then of course but the proper leap forward for parenting commitment is later.

  26. I am an Aries and have booked to be in the right higher educational place as a student, and also as a teacher, and to have the financial aspects of being a student taken care of. I teach at a college, and am looking to apply for graduate programs. Since the applications are due in January and February, the final delivery of January 8th doesn’t work exactly, but I’m sure something will be delivered! I got the 10 of Pentacles on your website as the doorway. What do you think? I am going to an Open House for three possible programs in November. The fourth I am already familiar with.

    1. Capricorn Season follows Sagittarius Season and the timing is correct for what you want in terms of being a teacher and student. Sagittarius is academia; Capricorn is ambition. So the sequence is right. The Capricorn dates will appear in your Christmas present this year, an Astrology Delivery calendar for Premium Members. You can pick it up in December. The Ten of Pentacles will show up for your Sagittarius booking, at some point between now and the next date in the timeline.

  27. Hi Jessica, I am also starting a bit late with the delivery. Fingers crossed. I have not managed to have long term stable work for quite some time and am struggling with job rejections. I am a cancer sun, Pisces rising, Virgo moon. I have made my delivery list for the sixth house and pulled a four of pentacles. Could you leave help me interpret this and also if you could help me understand if my Pisces (1st house) will help with this area in life? Thank you

    1. As a Cancer Sun person you are in the right space to book Astrology Delivery for a new job. I am sorry you have had rejected interviews and applications so far. You are at the very first step and there are a few more to go, into 2025, as you know. The Four of Pentacles shows you who/what is the gateway until the next time you book. This is a person who is tightly hanging on to her or his money. And there is rather a lot of money here; this is someone who is very comfortably well off, from. head to foot. In the background there is real-estate or property. So this is very likely to be a person who is successful in business; actually works in banking; may have a passion for investment in houses or apartments. That is your gateway person. It may, for example, be a future employer. Keep going with the booking and please post when you have seen some or all of what you want, delivered. Thank you.

  28. Hi Jessica,
    I hope you’re great. You mentioned the 26 degree factors. I have Saturn at 26 Cap and the 4th and 10th House cusps at 26 Cap. How liberating is this going to be for home and career? Like breakthroughs? Thanks so much, as always, for your insights.

    1. Yes, Uranus is circling 26 degrees until the end of October, along with other transits also at 26 degrees. I use a different house system to you, so those cusps don’t apply, but you certainly have Saturn at 26 Capricorn. A lifetime pattern of habitually putting up with a career, position, status and role which is very tightly restricted, is changing. Uranus at 26 Taurus trine Saturn at 26 Capricorn matters even more if your birth time is minute-accurate as the angles are also there. People, organisations and situations which are unprecedented, unpredictable and unique will continue to challenge you, to change your usual approach. What or who comes out of the blue is rather like an electrical storm which illuminates the sky; night looks like day and everything is suddenly clear in quite a shocking way. The other major factor here is the departure of Pluto from Capricorn on 19th November. This will feel like someone or something, leaving the room. What goes is politics (there since 2008) and what arrives is a clear and empty space for success without the endless power and control issues.

  29. Jessica

    I have made a booking for my mother in the Sagittarius season , thanks for sharing the dates. She is very sick and we are working hard to get her back on her feet. A person who is supposed to be a medium and a psychic recently told me she will die for sure of cancer, and that has made me very disturbed and upset., I have always believed in free will with astrology and future. And while I don’t think we all
    Live forever I do think we can make our lives better and work towards a peaceful end. She has predicted nothing but doomsday for my family after that. I will never consult someone like that again. What are your thoughts ? Can someone predict death?

    1. I am so sorry your mother is unwell. Ignore the medium. The best mediums work with spirit guides who would never, ever, pass on that kind of prediction. So whomever you have been consulting has not been chatting to your relatives; your family in spirit know what is coming and would never upset you like this. Can death be predicted? Only when the questioner wants a merciful release. I read the Tarot once for a terminally ill woman who needed to know when she would pass and what would happen on the other side. Tarot can help, but only if death is welcome. Astrology is not designed to show death at all and fails to do so; it has even been tested with huge quantities of data in New York records. The most astrology can do is suggest it’s time to update one’s will, or check that a family member has updated her or his own legacy and paperwork. Sometimes the chart shows a shift within the family circle too. The former is an Eighth House transit; the latter is a Fourth House transit. You have the latter, being born with Saturn at 29 Cancer in opposition to the Moon at 28 Capricorn. Pluto is at 29 Capricorn now, until 19th November and is triggering your family circle, your roots, belonging, home and origins. Your mother is obviously the central figure in this transit. Ceres is also moving through 28, 29 Capricorn until 7th December, so this is really about all the relatives, shifting their relationship. There is hope. In fact, the second half of 2026 will see Jupiter with all his solutions, growth and improvements line up with Saturn in your chart, so the extended family circle will see tremendous progress and big answers then; a new baby may arrive or a relative may marry or move in with someone – a godparent can arrive – it all enhances your clan. So current difficulty will be replaced by future hope and optimism. Until then you will all need more time and space, but yourself particularly so, as Pluto can only oppose Saturn like this and be in conjunction with your Moon, every 248 years. This is an historic bridge to cross for you. It is not only about your mother, it is about other household and family members, and equally, very much about your home, real estate, home town, homeland. Once you are past early December the main pressure points in your chart have also gone. Your mother may benefit from YouTube meditation and hypnosis; have a look at Paul McKenna.

  30. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I have a question in regard to the 6th house booking, please.

    As Mercury will be retrograde from November untill mid December and
    Mars will be retrograde from December untill February.
    So is it a good idea to start a new job or interview for one during this time, if i get it?
    I understand both these planets are important for clear thinking and drive.
    Please advice.

    Thank you.

    1. Good question. As I explained at the Zoom event, Mercury Retrograde means the process will be back and forth. So your booking for Sagittarius Season will stop, start and stall but you will get some or all of what you want, all being well.

  31. Hey Jessica,

    Please may you kindly give me some advice, instructions and insight on the astrology delivery please as I’m completely new to all this (also late) but am really interested in trying this, also do we have to write in any type of journal or can we use notes or calendars on our phone thank you very much I’m looking forward to this journey and experiencing life in a different way.

    Thank you
    Best wishes
    Cheryl k

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Hand writing this in a journal or ordinary notebook is the best way. It slows you down and makes you focussed. Second best way is typing into a phone. Every time you make a booking, you can cross out or add to, the original list, or write it out as a new list. Just keep going and follow the dates. As a Premium Member you will receive a free 2025 Astrology Calendar in November which lets you keep going, until the end of next year, with different new bookings. Please let me know when you have deliveries. Sometimes it can happen very quickly, even before the next booking. It is also very common to have people or situations which are ‘close’ show up early on too, as potential future options.

  32. Hi Jessica,

    I had some success with Astrology Delivery earlier in the year.
    This time I tried on Oct 18 (for career) and pulled 2 Tarot cards. First I got Judgement and then Justice.
    I am hoping a job change option comes through for me this time!
    I have been negotiating since September but it has been stuck.


    1. Thanks Gyara. You only need one Tarot card. Do you want to try again? Or choose either Judgement or Justice? Until the next time you book, the gateway to a new job will be either of those. Judgement is your family in the spirit world. Justice is usually a legal decision, or at the very least, a fair decision.

      1. Hi Jessica,
        I picked a Tarot card again and drew Seven of Pentacles. Happy to hear what you think of it, specially in light of my goal to get a better job.
        That said, in last couple of days I did get to know of a potential legal aspect due mid of next month – and am wondering if the original Judgement/Justice card might be alluding to it.

        1. Gyra, if you stick with the Justice card then yes, the legal story is all that. The full interpretations of all the Tarot cards are on my website and as a member you can also download Pamela’s Tarot.

  33. Hi Jessica
    I’m applying for part time jobs. with sagittarius season I’ve applied 15 November to make my wish. I drew tarot card was The Hermit card. thoughts? Ty Rob

    1. Assuming you are a Sun Pisces or Sun Cancer (both are in the zone for new jobs in Sagittarius Season) the way through, until the next time you book, is solitude and soul-searching, Rob.

  34. Hi Jessica I had some success with Astrology booking .. for Scorpio weather as an. Aquarian for career success I drew the Queen of Wands. Your help with the interpretation of this would be gratefully welcomed.

    1. I’m glad you have had some success with Astrology Delivery. The Queen of Wands is you, with your project, idea or qualification – if you are accessing a younger generation with it. That concept or degree needs to be planted and nurtured. If it’s not you, then this is a very well-respected, brilliant woman who has the eyes or ears of younger people, ranging from children, to teenagers, to Generation Z. She is your gateway to success until the next time you book.

  35. Hi Jessica,

    After reading comments from those who have tried astrology delivery, I’d like to give it a go too. I missed October 18th though, is it OK if I start on November 3rd?
    Also I can see that for Libra it’s all about neighbours (I’ve got a noisy one) and the Internet (I’d like to design an online course) so should focus on these things? How many areas/questions can we focus on? Many thanks!

    1. You can try late and see what happens – if it works for you, that is good to know for other readers. Your next booking is Capricorn weather, Mihaela, so very much about your home. Noisy neighbours included. The one after that is Aquarius weather, so children and relationships. The internet is Gemini season, so May-June 2025. All the 2025 reports will have the dates in them and as a Premium Member your Christmas present in November is a calendar giving you all the information you need to book from that month forwards into January 2026.

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