Astrology Delivery – Sagittarius Season 2024

By popular demand, Astrology Delivery booking dates for Sagittarius Season from October 18th 2024 with final results by January 8th 2025. Which area of your life can you use, to book - some or all of what you want?

Astrology Delivery – October 2024 to January 2025

Owing to popular demand I am publishing booking dates for Astrology Delivery in Sagittarius Season, starting on 18th October 2024 with final results by January 8th 2025, at the latest, when the last Sagittarius cycle ends. If you want to see testimonials and refresh your memory of how it works, go here. 

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These are the booking dates (below) for you to write/sketch your wish list in a journal. Readers have reported new jobs, engagements, weight loss, large sums of money, university places, holidays and more – using Astrology Delivery.

The area of life open for booking, is below – based on your Sun Sign and solar chart.

To stand the best chance of success, use Pink Noise and headphones every time you book to increase your Extra-Sensory Perception.

Then draw one Tarot card from my website to show you the gateway, or access, or way through – every time you book. You can allow 24 hours either side of these dates, to factor in world time zone differences.

You book on October 18th, November 7th (though see note: expect delays and rescheduling), 22nd November, 1st December, 4th December, 15th December. Wait until January 8th for final delivery of some/all of what you want.

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Which Area Of Your Life?

Which area of your life is open for booking? How could you unwrap something special for Christmas?

Sagittarius – First House

Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding. Filters on photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications (letters after your name), reputation, public face, Ozempic, Google profile, your personal brand. Honorary positions, job descriptions (for example, Dr. or Professor), marital status (Ms or Mrs), armour, accessories, posture, first impressions, portraits.

Scorpio – Second House

Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation,  philanthropy, crowdfunding, credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities. Piggy banks, savings accounts, borrowing, staggered repayments, cash in hand, swapping, secondhand goods, eBay, auctions, gold, jewellery, investment purchases, antiques, bargains, wheeling and dealing. Being firm on price.

Libra – Third House
Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections. The internet, the legacy media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes. Speech therapy, sign language, literacy, reading and writing, handwriting, stationery, the mail or post office, town criers, gossip, social media websites like Substack, advertising, copywriting, scriptwriting, speechwriting, debating, songwriting, voiceovers, crosswords, Scrabble.

Vir18profile 600x600 1 300x300 - Astrology Delivery - Sagittarius Season 2024Virgo – Fourth House

Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland. Your shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage. Air BnB, landladies, landlords, tenants, house auctions, interior design, land value, the village, the neighbourhood, the town, the city. The council and the government, as they affect your home. Emigration if home is rejected. Gardens.

Leo – Fifth House

Courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy,  fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth,  dating, mating, I.V.F. programs, erotica, pornography, orgasm, mistresses, dating websites, serial monogamy, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps, sexual healing, threesomes, menage a trois, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, cross-dressers, honeymoons, marriage guidance counselling, vows of celibacy,  activities shared by young and old – riding, music, books, plays, Harry Potter, children’s charities, adolescent charities, romance, second honeymoons.

Cancer – Sixth House

Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers, sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles, inherited conditions, prescription medication, job-sharing, unemployment, shift work, the working class, trade unions, staff, cooks, cleaners, nannies, butlers, maids, chauffeurs, dogs, cats, vets, domestic birds, hygiene, the bathroom, the kitchen, computers, smart phones.

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Gemini – Seventh House

Marriage, de facto relationships, legal separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice. Legally defined common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, trial separation. Wedding rings, engagement rings, first wives or husbands. Professional rivals, legal battles, religious-based law and justice, battles, wars, on/off relationships, equal marriage, reconciliation with an ex, two-way streets, symmetry.

Taurus – Eighth House

Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre-nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds.  Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments. Mistresses, menage a trois, funerals, funeral directors, death, murder, trust funds, trustafarians, living wills, euthanasia, murder mysteries, the marriage vows – ‘Until death do us part.’

Aries – Ninth House

Universities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas. All foreign countries, illegal immigration, travel, legal migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation. Multilingual experts, racism, religious differences, colleges, universities, student exchange programs, gap years, round-world trips, cruises, Eurostar, borders, geography, history, the Classics.

image from rawpixel id 13317876 jpeg 300x200 - Astrology Delivery - Sagittarius Season 2024Pisces – Tenth House

Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering. Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations. Linked In, job interviews, owner-business, the Chief Operating Executive, staff, work experience, the ladder, getting a foot on the ladder, starting on the ground floor, working class to middle class, to upper-middle class, social climbing, going up in the world, trade unions versus management.

Aquarius – Eleventh House

Friends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams,  allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties. Private membership clubs, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends. Socialising and social media like Substack. Trade unions, boards of trustees, boards of management, sports fans, music fans, brotherhood, sisterhood, swimming pools, pooled resources,  the human family, equality.

image from rawpixel id 14562581 jpeg 300x300 - Astrology Delivery - Sagittarius Season 2024Capricorn – Twelfth House
Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, oracle decks, silence, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spirituality. Introversion, prayer, reflection, the Roman Catholic confession, the soul, the psyche, the spirit, reality, Quantum Physics, the Multiverse, alternatives to reality, past life hypnosis.

Images: Rawpixel/iStock/Shutterstock/Dreamstime

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Astrology Delivery – Sagittarius Season 2024

By popular demand, Astrology Delivery booking dates for Sagittarius Season from October 18th 2024 with final results by January 8th 2025. Which area of your life can you use, to book – some or all of what you want?

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22 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    As a Leo, am I suppose to do the booking for 5th house, Leo ? I am asking you this since it is not very clear from the blog to me.

    Thank you

    1. Keep it nice and simple. You are a Sun Leo. In Sagittarius Season you have booking windows in your Fifth House, yes. So you can book for (example) a husband. A husband with a son or daughter who becomes like your own. A wife. A wife who has nieces, nephews or godchildren who make you happy. A vastly improved life in the bedroom with a sexually compatible lover. Stunning success for a class you teach (if you are a professor) of younger people or a really big hit with a children’s project. So you see. It’s not complicated. The rest is up to you. Let me know when you have some or all of what you want. And remember – nothing is impossible or too far-fetched. Don’t leave something out of your wish list or sketches, because you can’t see it happening. Put it all down and keep following the steps.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for sharing the astrology delivery dates. I’ve tried it earlier and swear by it now.

    I have some questions, please.
    Do we use 6th house or 10th house when looking for a new job? As I understand both are work or profession related houses.

    Secondly, when we pick a tarot card what if we are still unable to decipher the meaning? Will Astro delivery still work for us if we don’t understand the card or should we pick another card?

    Thank you very much.


    1. Thanks MG that’s a great quote. I swear by Astrology Delivery too. I tried this, with all of you, in the test phase last year. I was astonished at outcomes I thought could not possibly happen. So my rule for this is ‘Write everything, absolutely everything, down in that journal.’ New jobs are both Sixth House and Tenth house. The meaning of the Tarot card is clearly stated on my website below the card you draw. There is also a quick guide here. Sometimes people don’t understand the Tarot card because the event/person/situation has not happened yet. Remember you are asking about the future – an interval in time between one booking date and the next. Let me know when you get some or all of what you want. As a Sun Cancer person you are ready to go and if you follow the steps will see results. Thank you.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks so much for this. I have used astrology delivery in the past with excellent results. But As a Capricorn – I am unsure of what sort of things could I want with Cappy in the Sag season 12th house… I see you have a long list starting with hypnosis etc – but am unsure and would love a couple of examples from your intuitive good self. 🙂

    1. Yes, Twelfth House bookings are not money, love, success, holidays or the material world. So it can seem a little disappointing if you were actually after a husband or a windfall. Yet, I have also seen people transform their lives on this booking window, because they had anxiety, or phobias, or were addicted to drugs or alcohol, or had childhood trauma. Basically as a Capricorn in Sagittarius Season you are booking for your inner self. Your soul, psyche or spirit. That’s up to you. You may want to become a more accurate psychic using the Tarot on this website. You may want to give up smoking or lose weight. It’s about your unconscious mind or your sixth sense. Your higher self or your hidden self.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I was all set to start Sag season booking when I saw this article this morning. Can you clarify if retirement can fall within 6th House or is it more 10th house.
    If you have a chance what is ideal time for retirement from current job I am in which is both unfulfilling and toxic workplace.
    I get a little confused as to the card I pull and how to detect the gateway through the card until next hooking.. is that something you can explain a little more.
    Eg I asked tarot how does my job show up for me by Christmas 2024 and I pulled the Chariot..
    Appreciate all the articles and time you and your team dedicate to all of us.

    1. Retirement is certainly the Sixth House. Lifestyle and housework, unpaid work and wellbeing. Make sure you ask the right question with the Tarot. Don’t ask ‘How does my job show up for me by Christmas?’ as that’s not the task. The task is ‘What or who is the gateway, to what I want, until the next time I book?’ I am sorry you have a toxic job. You are in exactly the right Sagittarius Season to write/sketch what you want from retirement, or even a different job. You also have plenty of time to get some or all of what you want. So start again with the Tarot and this time ask the right question, A. And please let me know when you begin to see your deliveries. Merry Christmas.

    1. Sure. You’re a Pisces. You can book for promotion, a big hit, a new job or other success – because it is Sagittarius Season. This sign rules peak achievement for you. On every date you see listed, write/sketch what you want in your journal. Play Pink Noise (free on YouTube, just search for it) through headphones for ten minutes. Then choose one Tarot card from my website, to show you who/how you will get what you want…until the next booking date. On the next date, write/sketch again, making any changes. Play pink noise again. Draw a card again. Follow what/who you see in the card again. It’s a journey. But as you can see from a couple of readers already on this forum, it can deliver twice the income – or new friends – for example. In your case it might deliver the contract of your dreams or a huge win.

  5. Single Gemini sun and I drew the 10 of cups. Could I get a better card for Sag season?!? The answer is written right there….this is one of the best cards. Thank you for posting this astrology delivery article!

    1. That is a great card to see. Your gateway is obvious in the card. There may even be a rainbow symbol, or actual rainbow, ahead. You have a nice long time to get some or all of what you want.

    1. Thank you so much. The paperback edition of Your Birthday does indeed land later in Britain; it’s just arrived in America this week. I hope you like it.

  6. Hi Jessica. I just want to tell you I had great success this time last year by following your advice, I asked for paid work through friends and have since had a steady stream of business from old friends, which has doubled my earnings for this year. I also asked for good friends around me and then met some absolutely fantastic new friends in the area I moved to – I found my tribe 🙂 This year, as well as continuing these things, I am going to ask for good friends on my new MA studies (also a result of astrology delivery!) and support from trusted friends with writing my book. I have to tell you I keep pulling the Knight of Pentacles, we have a big building project ongoing and I’m certain the knight represents my builder! I wonder if the tarot might be picking up that our house is in utter chaos and finishing this project and having a calmer environment and less financial pressure is needed. Thanks for sharing this very effective system with us.

    1. Thank you for passing on your excellent Astrology Delivery results. Doubled earnings is great – and a tribe of friends is priceless. The Knight of Pentacles may be your builder. Look at the book in the saddle. Is this a laptop or a builder’s notebook? That’s the clue. You are on track with booking for even greater things to come out of friendship, groups and your social life on this Sagittarius Season.

  7. Hi Jessica
    I’ve been using astrology delivery and some things have finally come true for me! I’ve just made more of a “wishful thinking” booking for tonight looking for better and more flexible and abundant work options so my children and I can experience a more flexible and emotionally & abundant lifestyle . The card i pulled was the 4 of wands!
    Do you see my income and flexibility increasing anytime soon? x

    1. That’s great you are seeing Astrology Delivery work so well. As a Sun Taurus woman you are in the booking zone for Sagittarius Season (lifestyle and work) and later on in 2025 will be in the zone for more money, saved or made (Gemini Season). Just make sure you don’t mix them up. This is about work and wellbeing, not finance. That comes later. The Four of Wands shows you the gateway – a gathering of friends and/or family – with your job and life with the children. This may be Christmas, for example.

    1. You’re not a Premium Member so are seeing general dates for the public, who don’t have a birth chart. Astrology Delivery dates still work across both solar and natal charts, but as you’ve not paid for membership, you are seeing the less detailed version.

  8. Good morning, I wanted to let you know of delivery successes. I’d been wishing big for nearly a year for them and they both came through in the same week. One was for more recognition from my work, and they sent me overseas for a vied conference where I was able to talk to people about big plans for next year. And then the other was reconnecting with an ex family member, she literally messaged me right out of the blue wanting to catch up. It was absolutely wonderful and reassuring. I will be continuing with this method! I think the hardest bit is being specific and getting that focus of what you really are wanting.
    Thank you!

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