Mercury Retrograde 2025

All the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025, their signs - and what to expect.

Mercury Muddle 2025

I am publishing the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025 a year ahead, so you will have plenty of advance warning. If you are a Premium Member, you can check your birth chart to see if this famously chaotic cycle has a personal impact on you. Will Mercury line up with your horoscope?

MercuryAnatolyShevkunovDreamstime 300x292 - Mercury Retrograde 2025Mercury is information, transportation, negotiation and communication. When retrograde, or backwards, we see global delays, stop-start and rescheduling.

One in four Americans trust astrology, so one in four people will be on-point on this cycle and avoid crucial decisions or actions plans. (Dreamstime)

However, three in four people will get it quite wrong and plan (say) major conventions on Mercury Retrograde. Or hire new staff. Or tell all and sundry they are in a new rebound relationship when it will be on the rocks a few months later. Bands tour, get Covid and cancel. We see people revise their decisions on this transit. Or there are historic retractions of really big statements.

Technical Error

The reasons for these 2025 Mercury Retrograde messes can range from massive technical error, to extreme card mercury 213x300 - Mercury Retrograde 2025weather. Mercury Retrograde has a pre-shadow and post-shadow, which must be included. If you see people telling you Mercury Retrograde 2025 starting a lot later and ending a lot earlier, than the dates below, they are not using the shadows. Always use the shadows for accuracy. (Justin Tabari).

The world’s worst IT disaster happened on Mercury Retrograde. I predicted it two years before it happened, with a date-stamp, on this website. So,  you knew what to expect from July 17th to 25th in the year 2024. You would have skipped the Microsoft mess. I’m sure you can remember supermarkets closing.

Many professional astrologers don’t travel on Mercury Retrograde. Nor do they launch websites, products or books. They don’t sign up to dating websites, get married, get divorced or move house. They certainly don’t sign contracts. In a moment I will look at what works on Mercury Retrograde. It’s extremely productive for first drafts, first takes and beta testing.  But first, how about 2025?

Mercury Retrograde II Shutterstock 300x200 - Mercury Retrograde 2025Mercury Retrograde 2025

When not to travel, sign paperwork, negotiate, accept signatures, make important speeches, schedule crucial meetings?

The sign Mercury goes backwards in, gives you specifics. In general, though, expect a worldwide chain reaction of stop-start. You can sometimes see meetings rescheduled twice on this transit. People often make things even messier by trying to restart plans, too soon. So their plans are scuppered on Mercury Retrograde (they have to redo their surgery) and then they reschedule, still on Mercury Retrograde, and must change dates a second time.

March 1st to April 26th

Mercury goes to 26 Pisces on March 1st. He moves to 9 Aries on March 15th. On April 7th he is back at 26 Pisces. On April 26th he is back at 9 Aries. From March 1st to April 26th, 2025, we can expect to see strike action, computer issues, internet chaos, extreme weather and more.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

Religious decisions stall or are cancelled. Appointments for hypnosis, therapy, Tarot readings or other inner pursuits may be rescheduled. Announcements made by religious leaders change later or come to nothing. Pisces rules spirituality and the subconscious mind. Pisces birth chart factors? You’ll be more affected.

Aries Art Shutterstock  300x300 - Mercury Retrograde 2025Mercury Retrograde in Aries

This is about the army, navy and air force. Expect a state of flux. It is about war. Aries also rules competitive sport, including football and baseball. Sporting fixtures both local and international will change. It is a notoriously bad time to negotiate with the enemy. People go back on their word on Mercury Retrograde. (Dreamstime/Shutterstock/Rawpixels). 

June 30th to August 25th

Mercury is retrograde from June 30th to August 25th, 2025. Mercury goes to 4 Leo on June 3oth. He moves to 15 Leo on July 18th. On August 11th he is back at 4 Leo. On August 25th he is back at 15 Leo.

Leo rules children, so this is the school holidays. It rules teenagers and young adults, so this is also music festivals. Finally, Leo rules the bedroom and courtship, so big announcements made regarding the same, “This is my new girlfriend” or particular arrangements for your son or daughter, will come to nothing or stall. It really depends on your natal chart, but if this is your stepson (say) he may make grand plans to travel overseas then have to cut his trip short.

In general, June 30th to August 25th in 2025 will see strike action, airline or cruise ship company closure, extreme weather cancellation and Silly Season in the media and on the internet.

October 21st to December 17th

Mercury is at 20 Scorpio on October 21st. He moves to 6 Sagittarius on 9th November. He is at 20 Scorpio on 29th November. He ends at 6 Sagittarius on 17th December. (Rawpixels).

Money Gold Piggy Bank RP 300x180 - Mercury Retrograde 2025

Scorpio rules piggy banks,  Wall Street, the Dow Jones, the Nikkei and other world sharemarkets.

It rules mortgage interest rates and the property market. It also rules banking and cryptocurrency. Expect extreme highs and lows, October 21st to December 17th 2025.

Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries. It rules emigration and travel. Expect strike action, extreme weather, Covid outbreaks and business collapse to affect airlines, cruise ship companies and car ferries, from October 21st to December 17th 2025. International couriers and shipping are classic examples of supply chain retrograde issues.

What To Expect

The ‘re’ prefix applies to all terms covering information, communication, transportation and negotiation. So people retract statements. They re-issue press releases. They reschedule flights and train trips, cruises and road trips. They renegotiate contracts. You will see this on Mercury Retrograde in 2025.

Astrology is Latin. The idea of ‘again, back, against’ comes from the Latin use of ‘re’ in that old language. I sometimes see people use the phrase ‘Mercury is in retrograde’ which is quite wrong.

Mercury is retrograde, it can’t be in retrograde – so we have the same episode again, or we go back, or people move against an original statement. Product recall is extremely common. It’s also very common to see people going back on their word. Mercury rules words. The ‘re’ prefix means going back. Hitler lied to Chamberlain on Mercury Retrograde. There was no ‘Peace in our time.’

Remarry and Remarry

MercuryRetrogradeIIDreamstime 300x169 - Mercury Retrograde 2025People remarry on Mercury Retrograde but can break it off on another Mercury Retrograde.

People reject dates and revert to original plans. Just imagine this, multiplied in billions of charts and you can see why a massive worldwide chain reaction can appear on this cycle.

You’d have to be a twerp to launch a major global event on Mercury Retrograde, which is exactly what the French did with their July and August 2024 Olympics. From a disastrous opening ceremony to Covid infection among swimmers (and dirty water in the Seine), France got it so wrong. Don’t be France in 2025.

What To Do

Mercury Retrograde in 2025 is extremely good for rehearsal. Again, put the ‘re’ prefix in front of terms relating to Mercury matters. This is a good time to rewrite a project. You can rethink your plans now.

You can rebuild, or better still, rehearse rebuilding your property by reviewing quotes. Your journal, a pencil and eraser are your best friends on Mercury Retrograde 2025. It’s good for reflection.

My colleague Rachel Wells and I used Mercury Retrograde in August and September 2024 to rewrite our Leo Moon Astrology Detective series for Audible UK, quite deliberately.

You can recreate, reform, regenerate on Mercury Retrograde. Successfully so! Circle back and make it work.

Your Birth Chart

If Mercury Retrograde falls in the same sign and house where you have factors (in your birth chart) you will find the rescheduling and stop-start, the delay and cancellation has a bigger personal impact.

If Mercury Retrograde falls on the same degree as any planet, asteroid, point, angle and so on – you would skip that day for signatures or handshake agreements.

Mercury Retrograde was there when the Titanic sank. Enough said.


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So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.

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56 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I am mapping my godchild’s (I see him in the Leo house to me) cruise ship trip with his parents and extended family in 2025 during the August Mercury Retrograde. With these dates in your blog, his “foreign” trip involving airlines, trains, ferries and a cruise ship brings goosebumps. And transiting Pluto will be on his natal Venus then…with Mercury Retro opposing his natal Vulcano and Proserpina; his wife’s chart has many aspects to it then, too. It is a school holiday for their son, who goes along with them. Thank you for the year ahead look! At that same time in August 2025, Mercury Retrograde will conjunct my natal Uranus, and his wife’s Aesculapia. I adore the ability to have a think about my life when I join your blogs!!! Best, Cecelia

    1. Thank you. It’s good to know about Mercury Retrograde in advance. If you have goosebumps your spirit guide may be trying to tell you something, so tune in.

  2. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. I just realised that my son is getting married next year during Mercury retrograde .. right at the end of the retrograde in August. He has Vesta 15 Leo, Asc 04 Leo , Desc 04 Aquarius , Apollo 04 Cancer, panacea 04 Virgo. He is a Sun 14 Aquarius. He has been with his fiancée for the last 7 years and all has been ok. She is Sun Capricorn and I can’t see anything in her chart for these exact degrees. Is there any reason to have concerns ? Thank you so much .

    1. Mercury Retrograde is in Leo which rules your son’s Fifth House of fatherhood, stepchildren, courtship and the bedroom. Also in his future wife’s Fifth House of motherhood, intimacy, younger in-laws and the next generation. Whatever is on paper or verbally promised will reverse or come to nothing. It could be as trivial as the name for the baby (if they have one) under discussion at the wedding. Mercury is paperwork and discussion, internet and media, short journeys and connections, languages and messages. When retrograde or backwards, these get stuck, stall or are retracted. So that’s the picture, here.

  3. Hi, Jessica. Thank for the article, there’s a LOT of food for thought here. I have a question about the market, my home and job. My past career, definitely in the past, now a job, how’s the next few months? I always noticed some upcoming changes, including my supervisor moving to another team, too bad but good for her. What’s next for me? I’m also working on a side hustle.

    My home. I want to live here until I retire, or stay past that, no plans at this time. My weekly horoscope unsettled me a bit, thoughts?

    1. You are a Capricorn with Capricorn and Virgo stelliums in your Tenth House of success and Sixth House of workload. You have terrific opportunities with your current job; your side hustle; any future job – until halfway through 2025. That’s your solar chart. In your natal chart we also find all those Virgo factors being picked up by karma from 18-19 years prior, from January 2025. This is extra detail. What you did for others has built good karma from that time and you will be repaid as 2025 begins. Perhaps you hired someone, or paid someone generously, or worked extremely hard for no extra rewards, helping build success for others. Well, it’s time for the universe to repay you. The other month to watch is November as the endless undermining of you; the refusal to acknowledge your power; the game-playing; the manipulation – vanishes. It has been there on and off in your chosen field for years, likely engineered by men, rather than women. (Men tend to play Pluto). However it stops dead in November. There’s a final tie-up in December. As for home, you will have a marvellous new place, or long overdue renovation, from the middle of 2025, well under your wing by mid-2026.

      1. Thank you, Jessica. I was in radio for 30 years, the industry is sadly being automated to the hilt, I admit, I have the voice and gift of chatter. But time marches on, and I’m happier out of the industry, it could be vicious, I was worn out by the toxic environment. My current job is, a job. Though I find it interesting, and I’m grateful to have been with the company for 15 years, I will miss my supervisor, but all will be well. The recent MercRx brought on quite a bit of miscommunication with my job, her announcement came as no surprise. You hit the nail on the head for November, remembering to not be my own worst enemy. I do believe in helping others, repay in kind as well. I’ll take the renovation of my home, moving is a pain. We shall see. Thank you again.

        1. This does work out for you and you will be pleasantly surprised to find new opportunities to use your way with words, images and ideas – starting in 2025.

  4. hi Jessica I’m worried about my young adult child. sun taurus. changing hus mind from nursing to defence. do you seem him settling on something??? thank you phyllis Nsw

    1. Any Taurus man (or boy) is about to transform his career from November to February 2025 as the powerful Pluto in Aquarius transit begins, once and for all. These people are looking for power. Defence is empowering. So is nursing. One protects lives; the other saves them. Phyllis, he will settle on a final career once he decides which puts him in control, more. And there may even be a third option. This is a very long cycle and his choice by February may not be his ultimate choice later on.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    I am also planning to change my career totally. Current job does not give me anything, it only takes all my energy. I long for freedom, independence and be in charge of my choises. Maybe not clever at my age, but if not now, then when?

    Thank you, Jaana

    1. You will be amazed at how many jobs end and begin, from the second half of November 2024. This creates a global reshuffle as there will be demotions and departures, as well as promotions and mergers. Jaana, you will have a lot of new choices resulting from this, and will probably be able to make up your mind by January 2025, as the transits pick up your Tenth House of career and Sixth House of workload.

  6. hi Jessica
    what are my life lessons please? sun leo moon. I drew wheel of fortune tarot card.
    thank you Pete

    1. The Wheel of Fortune describes a life which makes a philosopher out of you. Every high is a low, in the making. Every low is a high, becoming. Fortuna is associated with this card and she is blind to her own fickle ways. She elevates and promotes some and demotes and casts down others. And she can do it to the same person, too. Understanding that both you and others are capricious can help you manage life more effectively. Knowing yourself and your patterns helps. So does understanding the impermanence of things and finding an approach that accommodates that: Tibetan Buddhism would be high on the list.

  7. Hi Jessica, thank you for sharing these dates with us.
    It’s a bit of a random question, but work is paying so minimal and I’m flat out fed up on living so deep in poverty. A friend suggested I look for a sugar daddy to help lighten the financial load. I’m well presented and don’t seem to have a problem with men noticing me, but it’s still wild to me to even consider that haha but I’m literally at my wit’s end, trying to find ways to increase my income and put food on the table each week.
    Do you see this being a viable option for me or is there any good financial news on the horizon?
    Thank you x

    1. Sugar daddies are Scorpio because they want sex in exchange for paying for you (dinner) or accommodating you (the apartment, for nothing). Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which is about power and control. So the exchange is – to understand that the power is with him, not with you. You are in poverty but this is not your answer. You will be given opportunities to save or make money between now and June 2025. Being what is basically a groupie isn’t one of them!

  8. Hi Jessica thanks so much for the insights 🙂 I have Mercury in Pisces at 27 degrees.. I am an Aries Sun. Will it have anything to do with my beliefs, God, spiritually ? Is there anything I can do starting now ? Thank you in advance.

    1. You are coming to the end of Neptune and Saturn in Pisces in your Twelfth House, where you use the internet a great deal for spirituality, religion, Tarot, hypnosis, distance healing, therapy, counselling and your inner life – which may also be about science in relation to your beliefs. This has been a really long transit and 2025 is the end. Going back over old ground is typical with Mercury Retrograde. So the old books on Buddhism you set aside turn up again, or you find the Indian guru of 2020 is strangely back in your life. Next year brings the North Node in Pisces, so life as it was 18-19 years ago for you with religion (say) or self-help is also back for consideration. You may have attended a weekend workshop on mediumship, for example, and that medium turns up again.

  9. Hi Jessica, back in the summer with awful days at work trying to fix all the IT issues I started laughing when I remembered your prediction, my choice was not to go on holidays so I had to deal with the retrograde another way. Next year I don’t have much choice as all the UK school holidays are a retrograde period so we are going on a long haul to South America to visit family in Easter. I hope it’s not too bad. I have had previous retrograde trips without issues but it just wasn’t all joy and difficult making plans to meet people. Any advice? Thanks

    1. Retrogrades are a pest, but Plan B and C is wise. I just paid for a friend to have all the boxes ticked for insurance as he chose to fly to America on Mercury Retrograde. He did in fact get stuck on the runway for two hours. Fortunately I also gave him a hand-held UVC device to scrub the air of Covid! Just take more precautions than usual. It is often other people’s retrogrades which affect you.

  10. Hello Jessica:
    Thank you for the article!
    Mercury retro will impact my chart.
    I appreciate your feedback. Regards!

    1. Before you even get to 2025, Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius will bring foreign travel, export, emigration, tourism delays and reversals. You are strongly Sagittarian and have a stellium in your Ninth House of foreigners. Allow for that as you end the year. The issue may be baggage handlers’ strikes; airline or cruise ship cancellation; extreme weather affecting flight schedules; new laws affecting visa or passports and so on. Plan B and C is a smart idea.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    my Mercury is actually in Aries. Would the first retrograde of the year trigger anything for me?
    Thank you.

    1. Mercury in Aries in your First House of reputation, image, profile and personal branding makes you a good front person for any organisation or group; you know how to push yourself forward or be in the front line for them. You ‘speak’ internet regarding yourself very well. This becomes more of an issue in 2025 as Neptune and Saturn go into Aries and your First House. That’s a far bigger deal than Mercury Retrograde but the general rules for Mercury apply; assume people will go back on their word; plans will stall or reverse; extreme weather is more likely, afflicting schedules – and computers tend to misbehave.

  12. Hello, ma’am.

    How this retrogade can impact my life and how can i be a better person for me and the others surround me

    Best Regards.


    1. Mercury Retrograde is basically about having Plan B and Plan C, particularly with the internet and travel; transportation and the post office. We have a huge amount of historical evidence that this transit coincides with big, world-affecting flux. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the Wall Street Crash in the Twenties or more recently the world’s biggest IT outage. Being a better person? Paulo, live out your stelliums. They show you why you are here. You are Taurus-Cancer-Pisces. You are a born fundraiser for charity or a generous donor to needy partners or relatives. You give without expectation of reward. You have a strong sense of patriotism, heritage and history so honouring your town and country is another way of giving back. You are also spiritual, possibly religious, potentially psychic. That is another gift you have.

  13. Hi Jessica,
    I am about to start my first student placement in what, I hope, will be a new career. Last year I travelled – unfortunately the trip was planned before I was aware of the astrology
    – during Mercury retrograde. As a result I faced delays from weather, missed connections and stress! I don’t want to be caught out with any aspect of the retrograde in 2025. Are there any areas I should keep an eye on? I am a sun Taurus with Leo rising.
    Thank you x

    1. Mercury Retrograde always points to one area of your life as the issue; the sign it’s in tells you the life area to be careful with. As 2024 ends, for example, it’s in Sagittarius, which rules your house, bank account, apartment, business, charity, valuables. As you know, this cycle always coincides with flux. Your rising sign or Ascendant has nothing to do with it; your Sun sign and solar chart is the main story. The second key to this transit is understanding that other people have it in their Third House (short journeys, commuting) and Ninth House (foreign travel, foreigners) and so you receive their issues! That’s why in general it’s best avoided. As you know, I called the CrowdStrike global IT outage a year before it happened, using this cycle.

  14. Hi Jessica, Just a request please for an article about the P Diddy court case that’s been on the news. Looks like a huge storm is brewing for Hollywood with the internet gone mad with all kinds of conspiracy theories. It’s hard to know what the truth is these days. Would love to know your thoughts on who else might be connected and how the astrology ties in. Thanks!

  15. Hi Jessica, I want to start by saying thank you, I was made redundant at the beginning of the year and had asked you about a career change and you said it would happen and be over by August/September. It has and I’ve embarked on a new career so thank you for your interpretations and I’m really enjoying it so far and can see a lot o potential. I am due to renew my mortgage next November is that going to be a bad time to do it? Also I have always wanted to do something creative – writing or art but always seem to get stuck about starting, is there a good time to look at it next year? Thank you!

    1. Thank you. I am glad my prediction came true for you. You’d like to renew your mortgage in November. You will be doing this on Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius in your Eighth House of banking and property, if so. Allow for delays, changes and flux with paperwork. It’s always wise to have Plan B and C if you absolutely have to negotiate on the cycle when communication and information flow is stuck and in reversal. In general you are in a good place with property from the second half of 2025 when Jupiter (expansion, growth, solutions) goes into Cancer and your Fourth House, where you have a number of factors, pointing to your house or apartment.

  16. Hi Jessica, I love checking the Current Planetary Positions on your website (including waiting for Uranus in Taurus to shuffle on from 27/26 degrees 🙂 ). Today I noticed that I am having my Ceres Return. Is there any significance of it? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I love the Current Planetary Positions too. I am very lucky to have such brilliant people to work with at Asporea. Your Ceres Return is in Capricorn, the most ambitious sign of the zodiac. So, to be born with Ceres in Capricorn in the Tenth House of achievement and aspiration, is to go through recurring compromises about that, where you must handle the controls very differently. You periodically go through reshuffles at work; academically; with unpaid work; with your status. These typically involve takeovers, promotions, demotions, departures or mergers. They can happen without any formal restructure as well; it may be that you see a change in the balance of power for other reasons. The Ceres Return is the return of something you know very well. It challenges you to change, basically, and as Pluto is also on the way out of your Tenth House in November, this suggests the final transformation in your professional or academic life for quite some time. Ceres tends to accompany deep feeling and intense emotion. That has to be honoured but it’s also not useful if you are just trying to make new deals or arrangements with others; try to aim for a trade-off which you/she/he/they can live with over the long-term.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    My Mercury is in Pisces. At the moment our company is in a bit of turmoil. Cutting expenses wherever they can and have a staff freeze. I am close to retirement( 2027). Can you see if there is anything I need to be aware of. I am hoping to continue in this company until I retire.

    1. The issues will fade from the second half of November with a final compromise by the first week of December, according to your chart. You will realise 2025 is a completely fresh start after Boxing Day and by January your new future lifestyle will be falling into place for you. The intensity of October and November will go.

  18. Hi dear Jessica! I have a question about next year’s Merkur retrograde and me. I plan to have surgery in 2025. When should I avoid it and when should I go? ( I have Pluto in my 6. house) Saturn is in the first house for Pisces in 2024 2025 and 2026?, and you have mentioned before that I have to be careful with my health these years. AND you are so right, I had a stepped-over ankle in june, bronchitis in July/august, and terrible pain in my heart in October (has to be investigated further, but is not serious, it seems). At the same time, I hoped to write a book 🙂 I try to understand the astrology delivery, too, but I find it difficult to understand….so I have to translate it into my language, I think. I say it like Lisa Bozwell: if all the ways you try to go are blocked, skip it. Leave it to the universe! Sigh heart, but do not break. Love and light 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Well, health is Virgo and the Sixth House of your natal chart and you have Pluto at 0 Virgo and the Moon at 12 Virgo as you know. You need surgery. Once Mercury Retrograde has finished his loop in January, there is nothing standing in your way. In fact, getting it out of the way by May 2025 is wise. Later on, Jupiter goes to 0 Cancer and 12 Cancer and makes two excellent sextile patterns to Pluto and the Moon, so you are on a far easier road now. Just skip any December 2025 health commitments as the South Node will go to 12 Virgo then and the North Node to 12 Pisces and aspect your Moon with an opposition. There are easier times to choose. As for Astrology Delivery, I’ll be chatting about that in a few hours at the Cosmic Intelligence Agency Zoom event.

  19. Thank you Jessica 🙂 I will listen to your chat about Astrology Delivery. (saturday). I will welcome some slack when Pluto and my moon have excellent sextile patterns, yay! I do love Tarot, of course, and the psychic medium bit. I will attend some courses again this fall.
    And hopefully, I will eventually understand the Astro delivery bit as well. I got mail from your website, which explains it alongside your blog and including C*I*A. If I dont get it then, I will check out my marbles 🙂

    1. Astrology Delivery is simple once you begin. It takes a bit of getting used to (it’s a commitment) but I think you’ll agree the results readers have achieved make the effort worth it.

    1. I’m sorry, I don’t see a question on this screen. There are 16,654 comments today and I’m afraid I can only see one screen at a time. Thank you.

  20. Dear Jessica! Yes indeed! It wasnt my marbles that was wrong or..well maybe it was, because I couldnt wrap my head around that Astrology Delivery really works.
    What a Wake up call 🙂 Its sounds like magic. I´m in – warts and all! Youre such an inventor (and have ants in the butt by the way, at the C*I*A gathering). 🙂 🙂 🙂
    And – for previous comments: did you know, that Norways crown princess is no longer on Astrodienst? Strange dont you think?

    1. Ants in my pants? Interesting. Not that I recall. As for the Crown Princess of Norway, I expect her data is wrong, which is why Alois Treindl has had it removed from Astrodienst. They are very good with dirty data.

  21. good morning jessica, thank you for the heads up on mercury retrograde 2025. i have bacchus at 6 degree sagittarius as well as other 6 degree pattern sun/pluto…..i am grateful if you can tell me how this will affect me based on my chart. we will also be properly into aquarian territory next year and i am delighted. thank you. listening to your podcast now….brilliant.

    1. I am glad you like the podcast. The Astrology Show was #2 first week in again in Australia on Saturday which is great for my producer Shayne too, as he is based in Tasmania. Mercury Retrograde will walk backwards through your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. So a visitor from abroad may be delayed or reschedule her trip, or there may be a cancellation, depending on his/her chart. If you are even travelling abroad, you may also see extreme weather or strike action affecting flights, or depending on your timing, a possible new outbreak of Covid with the arrival of the South Node in Virgo, the sign of public health, in January.

  22. hi Jessica, off topic please can you help decipher why do I always get 5 of swords re my ex boyfriend. out of curiosity. he was nasty. Ty paulette

    1. The Five of Swords is the peacemaker with the injured party and the attacker. Paulette, you are the injured party, your nasty former boyfriend is the attacker and you only have to follow the peacemaker. This person is cheerful, energetic, focussed and positive. A real boon to you.

  23. Hi Jessica: I find that when I do genealogy research during Mercury retrograde I am always successful in finding information that I couldn’t find before. So now when I have a really difficult ancestor that I am working on, I make sure to do the research during Mercury retrogade!

  24. hi hello Jessica I drew 9ow. ideas, marriage, lifestyle careers came late to me in life. di you know why? dysfunctional family growing up. thanks mate. DM

    1. There’s your answer, DM. You had a dysfunctional family growing up, so nobody taught you the life skills you needed to marry or have a career any earlier. You trained yourself. Well done. The Nine of Wands is your gateway.

  25. Hi Jessica,
    A very interesting article thank you.

    Sorry to also go off topic but I wanted to let you know how spot-on your reply was to me on the 30th of June I’m not sure if you can see the comment trail but it was in regards to an ex-partner who is Cancer/39y making a decision about myself/another woman that I didn’t even know was in the picture but it came to light and to be true a few months later. If you do get any time to offer any advice I would appreciate it based on his chart/my chart as I’m so confused about what to do with him right now. He keeps messaging me and calling me and I have been ignoring him for obvious reasons, I am also aware of this other woman who seems to be his ex-girlfriend they were recently on holiday but he is still trying to stay in my life. He is not aware that I know that and has hidden that from me, portraying to me and the world that he looks single on social media. Do I carry on ignoring him or call him out and give him a chance to explain himself? I also now feel that when we were seeing each other for 7 months last year May to November maybe he was not fully faithful. Does this continue into 2025 with the Mercury Retrograde? Thank you very much.

    1. Thank you for letting me know the psychic astrology reading came true, although I am sorry you have just found out about the other woman. I am sure you are confused. He’s calling you. You are ignoring him. The other woman (his ex) has been on holiday with him and he is pretending he is single online. Stepping back and looking at your chart, you are a Virgo with Vesta in Scorpio. Vesta is always about one man playing two or more females and it can feel quite intense and arouse really strong, difficult emotions. Scorpio of course rules sexual and financial relationships. Vesta is at 21 Scorpio and you’ve had Chiron and Jupiter both at 21 degrees, so triggering it. Men do this for ego reasons, because they are very insecure, or have (sometimes) erectile dysfunction. If you want to sidestep the confusion, and also the rather heavy situation, you will sidestep him – which you have been doing. The whole thing ceases to be an issue from mid 2025 anyway, which is when you will likely realise ‘That was then, this is now’ in terms of future lovers – or you will hear about a major event affecting him. However, life is too short. Ask the Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle for advice too, but your chart says – avoid, avoid.

  26. Thank you so much, Jessica! I really appreciate your support. His birthday is on the 10th of July, in case that’s helpful as the connection we had was so passionate. It’s just baffling to me—he pursued me for over ten years, and when I finally gave him a chance, this is how it turned out. Technically, we weren’t in a relationship, but I can’t help feeling frustrated with myself for letting him in.

    I truly hope my person is on their way to me because I’m really craving a relationship and a family of my own.

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