Mercury Retrograde 2025

All the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025, their signs - and what to expect.

Mercury Muddle 2025

I am publishing the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025 a year ahead, so you will have plenty of advance warning. If you are a Premium Member, you can check your birth chart to see if this famously chaotic cycle has a personal impact on you. Will Mercury line up with your horoscope?

MercuryAnatolyShevkunovDreamstime 300x292 - Mercury Retrograde 2025Mercury is information, transportation, negotiation and communication. When retrograde, or backwards, we see global delays, stop-start and rescheduling.

One in four Americans trust astrology, so one in four people will be on-point on this cycle and avoid crucial decisions or actions plans. (Dreamstime)

However, three in four people will get it quite wrong and plan (say) major conventions on Mercury Retrograde. Or hire new staff. Or tell all and sundry they are in a new rebound relationship when it will be on the rocks a few months later. Bands tour, get Covid and cancel. We see people revise their decisions on this transit. Or there are historic retractions of really big statements.

Technical Error

The reasons for these 2025 Mercury Retrograde messes can range from massive technical error, to extreme card mercury 213x300 - Mercury Retrograde 2025weather. Mercury Retrograde has a pre-shadow and post-shadow, which must be included. If you see people telling you Mercury Retrograde 2025 starting a lot later and ending a lot earlier, than the dates below, they are not using the shadows. Always use the shadows for accuracy. (Justin Tabari).

The world’s worst IT disaster happened on Mercury Retrograde. I predicted it two years before it happened, with a date-stamp, on this website. So,  you knew what to expect from July 17th to 25th in the year 2024. You would have skipped the Microsoft mess. I’m sure you can remember supermarkets closing.

Many professional astrologers don’t travel on Mercury Retrograde. Nor do they launch websites, products or books. They don’t sign up to dating websites, get married, get divorced or move house. They certainly don’t sign contracts. In a moment I will look at what works on Mercury Retrograde. It’s extremely productive for first drafts, first takes and beta testing.  But first, how about 2025?

Mercury Retrograde II Shutterstock 300x200 - Mercury Retrograde 2025Mercury Retrograde 2025

When not to travel, sign paperwork, negotiate, accept signatures, make important speeches, schedule crucial meetings?

The sign Mercury goes backwards in, gives you specifics. In general, though, expect a worldwide chain reaction of stop-start. You can sometimes see meetings rescheduled twice on this transit. People often make things even messier by trying to restart plans, too soon. So their plans are scuppered on Mercury Retrograde (they have to redo their surgery) and then they reschedule, still on Mercury Retrograde, and must change dates a second time.

March 1st to April 26th

Mercury goes to 26 Pisces on March 1st. He moves to 9 Aries on March 15th. On April 7th he is back at 26 Pisces. On April 26th he is back at 9 Aries. From March 1st to April 26th, 2025, we can expect to see strike action, computer issues, internet chaos, extreme weather and more.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

Religious decisions stall or are cancelled. Appointments for hypnosis, therapy, Tarot readings or other inner pursuits may be rescheduled. Announcements made by religious leaders change later or come to nothing. Pisces rules spirituality and the subconscious mind. Pisces birth chart factors? You’ll be more affected.

Aries Art Shutterstock  300x300 - Mercury Retrograde 2025Mercury Retrograde in Aries

This is about the army, navy and air force. Expect a state of flux. It is about war. Aries also rules competitive sport, including football and baseball. Sporting fixtures both local and international will change. It is a notoriously bad time to negotiate with the enemy. People go back on their word on Mercury Retrograde. (Dreamstime/Shutterstock/Rawpixels). 

June 30th to August 25th

Mercury is retrograde from June 30th to August 25th, 2025. Mercury goes to 4 Leo on June 3oth. He moves to 15 Leo on July 18th. On August 11th he is back at 4 Leo. On August 25th he is back at 15 Leo.

Leo rules children, so this is the school holidays. It rules teenagers and young adults, so this is also music festivals. Finally, Leo rules the bedroom and courtship, so big announcements made regarding the same, “This is my new girlfriend” or particular arrangements for your son or daughter, will come to nothing or stall. It really depends on your natal chart, but if this is your stepson (say) he may make grand plans to travel overseas then have to cut his trip short.

In general, June 30th to August 25th in 2025 will see strike action, airline or cruise ship company closure, extreme weather cancellation and Silly Season in the media and on the internet.

October 21st to December 17th

Mercury is at 20 Scorpio on October 21st. He moves to 6 Sagittarius on 9th November. He is at 20 Scorpio on 29th November. He ends at 6 Sagittarius on 17th December. (Rawpixels).

Money Gold Piggy Bank RP 300x180 - Mercury Retrograde 2025

Scorpio rules piggy banks,  Wall Street, the Dow Jones, the Nikkei and other world sharemarkets.

It rules mortgage interest rates and the property market. It also rules banking and cryptocurrency. Expect extreme highs and lows, October 21st to December 17th 2025.

Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries. It rules emigration and travel. Expect strike action, extreme weather, Covid outbreaks and business collapse to affect airlines, cruise ship companies and car ferries, from October 21st to December 17th 2025. International couriers and shipping are classic examples of supply chain retrograde issues.

What To Expect

The ‘re’ prefix applies to all terms covering information, communication, transportation and negotiation. So people retract statements. They re-issue press releases. They reschedule flights and train trips, cruises and road trips. They renegotiate contracts. You will see this on Mercury Retrograde in 2025.

Astrology is Latin. The idea of ‘again, back, against’ comes from the Latin use of ‘re’ in that old language. I sometimes see people use the phrase ‘Mercury is in retrograde’ which is quite wrong.

Mercury is retrograde, it can’t be in retrograde – so we have the same episode again, or we go back, or people move against an original statement. Product recall is extremely common. It’s also very common to see people going back on their word. Mercury rules words. The ‘re’ prefix means going back. Hitler lied to Chamberlain on Mercury Retrograde. There was no ‘Peace in our time.’

Remarry and Remarry

MercuryRetrogradeIIDreamstime 300x169 - Mercury Retrograde 2025People remarry on Mercury Retrograde but can break it off on another Mercury Retrograde.

People reject dates and revert to original plans. Just imagine this, multiplied in billions of charts and you can see why a massive worldwide chain reaction can appear on this cycle.

You’d have to be a twerp to launch a major global event on Mercury Retrograde, which is exactly what the French did with their July and August 2024 Olympics. From a disastrous opening ceremony to Covid infection among swimmers (and dirty water in the Seine), France got it so wrong. Don’t be France in 2025.

What To Do

Mercury Retrograde in 2025 is extremely good for rehearsal. Again, put the ‘re’ prefix in front of terms relating to Mercury matters. This is a good time to rewrite a project. You can rethink your plans now.

You can rebuild, or better still, rehearse rebuilding your property by reviewing quotes. Your journal, a pencil and eraser are your best friends on Mercury Retrograde 2025. It’s good for reflection.

My colleague Rachel Wells and I used Mercury Retrograde in August and September 2024 to rewrite our Leo Moon Astrology Detective series for Audible UK, quite deliberately.

You can recreate, reform, regenerate on Mercury Retrograde. Successfully so! Circle back and make it work.

Your Birth Chart

If Mercury Retrograde falls in the same sign and house where you have factors (in your birth chart) you will find the rescheduling and stop-start, the delay and cancellation has a bigger personal impact.

If Mercury Retrograde falls on the same degree as any planet, asteroid, point, angle and so on – you would skip that day for signatures or handshake agreements.

Mercury Retrograde was there when the Titanic sank. Enough said.


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4 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I am mapping my godchild’s (I see him in the Leo house to me) cruise ship trip with his parents and extended family in 2025 during the August Mercury Retrograde. With these dates in your blog, his “foreign” trip involving airlines, trains, ferries and a cruise ship brings goosebumps. And transiting Pluto will be on his natal Venus then…with Mercury Retro opposing his natal Vulcano and Proserpina; his wife’s chart has many aspects to it then, too. It is a school holiday for their son, who goes along with them. Thank you for the year ahead look! At that same time in August 2025, Mercury Retrograde will conjunct my natal Uranus, and his wife’s Aesculapia. I adore the ability to have a think about my life when I join your blogs!!! Best, Cecelia

    1. Thank you. It’s good to know about Mercury Retrograde in advance. If you have goosebumps your spirit guide may be trying to tell you something, so tune in.

  2. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. I just realised that my son is getting married next year during Mercury retrograde .. right at the end of the retrograde in August. He has Vesta 15 Leo, Asc 04 Leo , Desc 04 Aquarius , Apollo 04 Cancer, panacea 04 Virgo. He is a Sun 14 Aquarius. He has been with his fiancée for the last 7 years and all has been ok. She is Sun Capricorn and I can’t see anything in her chart for these exact degrees. Is there any reason to have concerns ? Thank you so much .

    1. Mercury Retrograde is in Leo which rules your son’s Fifth House of fatherhood, stepchildren, courtship and the bedroom. Also in his future wife’s Fifth House of motherhood, intimacy, younger in-laws and the next generation. Whatever is on paper or verbally promised will reverse or come to nothing. It could be as trivial as the name for the baby (if they have one) under discussion at the wedding. Mercury is paperwork and discussion, internet and media, short journeys and connections, languages and messages. When retrograde or backwards, these get stuck, stall or are retracted. So that’s the picture, here.

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