Nostradamus, Trump and Biden

Nostradamus named Biden, Trump and Putin in his 1555 book. Find out how he did it and what he predicted for the US 2024 Election and beyond.

Written on July 16th, 2024, for publication on October 1st, 2024.

 How Nostradamus Predicted Trump

How on earth was Nostradamus able to pick up Donald Trump over four centuries ago? He was a medium and astrologer who stared into a bowl of water (scrying) to see and hear our century – the 21st century.

The first thing to say about Nostradamus was that he was clairaudient and heard snatches of television and radio (in English) many centuries into the future. Hunched over his bowl, he heard, as well as saw, our century.

Thus, in Quatrain LXXXV, you can see Trumpery. Don. Pres and Trump. This extract is from my own copy of Nostradamus, in its original form.

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Trumpery and Trump as Nostradamus Saw It

download - Nostradamus, Trump and BidenNostradamus to whom these words (like Trump) were entirely meaningless back in 1555 –  spelled these ‘heard’ media excerpts as tromperie, donne, pres and trompe.

He did extremely well to pick up Trumpery, which is in the title of a recent book. Some words, like fraude (in the same quatrain) may have been seen as well as heard. Obviously Trump was convicted of fraud in 2024.

Nostradamus was clairvoyant and saw newspaper and magazine headlines as well as website main headings.

Imagine scrying (peering into a bowl of water to see the television or internet of the future) in 2024 and attempting to translate what is coming to you, 500 years into the future. That is exactly what this master medium and astrologer was doing. I’ve really got no time for sceptics who scoff at Nostradamus. He was brilliant.

Nostradamus the Medium

Trance channelling in the 1500’s the old French medium set the information down as best he could, with a mixture of his own language – and the very modern media grabs of our century.

Nostradamus was also clairsentient. He picked up meaning. As a professional astrologer, he frequently articulated this by using the planets and zodiac signs.

Les Propheties (The Prophecies) was published in 1555,  and is an impressive account of mediumship used to peer across time.

The Difficulties of Clairaudience

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Mediumship is like tuning into a Roberts radio with many stations and a lot of static. I have been a medium for around 30 years. It’s rewarding but very hard work. (Wikimedia Commons).

Clair is ‘clear’ in French and audience is audio/hearing. Nostradamus did his best with radio or television phrases that meant nothing to him.

Instead he pinned them on what made sense to him in the 1500s.

Thus, Hitler is spelled Hister. Hister was a river that Nostradamus knew. Hitler meant nothing to him when he saw it in the films of the 1930s and 1940s, or in newspaper headlines.

The clairsentience or meaning comes through, though. Sometimes Nostradamus just senses it so strongly that he uses symbols or metaphor to express it. Hister always comes with bleak imagery.

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Putin and Nostradamus

Putin Wikimedia Commons - Nostradamus, Trump and BidenQuatrain LXXXIII is a good example of how Nostradamus tried to understand Vladimir Putin. This is the agent (L’Agent) who he calls butins. He is just one letter out. Vladimir Putin was a KGB agent for 16 years. Nostradamus goes on to talk about Saturn and Mars.

These two planets were in opposition in 1999 when Putin became Prime Minister of Russia and President Yeltsin named him as his successor.

In another quatrain, the famous 1999 prophecy, Nostradamus wrote, “In the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky will come a great king of terror.”

That’s July 1999. Putin was appointed PM of Russia in August 1999 one month later. (Wikimedia Commons).

A vicious war brought Putin to power in 1999 and he has used war (fought, of course, in the air) to hang on ever since. It started with Chechnya. It continues with Ukraine.

You can pick up the word ‘horrible’ in straight English easily enough.

President Joe Biden and Nostradamus

Here Biden is spelled Bien. Pres, short for president is pres. You can see ‘enemies’ spelled as ennemis. As with the Putin and Trump quatrains, the future is yet to show itself. What is Monts des Alpes here? We don’t know yet if it’s literal (Mountains of the Alps) or an attempt to capture something quite different, heard on a television news broadcast, centuries into the future.

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The G7 of 2022 Predicted?

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The Alps are a mountain range in Monaco, France, Switzerland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria and Slovenia. President Biden did in fact attend the G7 in the Bavarian Alps in 2022. The other G7 nations included France, Germany, Italy. (Alamy).

Nostradamus and the US Election

The most famous astrologer and medium in the world, had to hide the meaning of his prophecies for fear of prosecution.

He used Greek, Italian, Latin and Provencal to do so.

What many people miss is that he was also picking up contemporary English names and phrases. Sometimes he was just one letter out. That’s entirely impressive for a man working in 1555.

The Future of Trump and Biden

Well it’s all there in Quatrain LXXXV if you can interpret it. Biden appears as bien and Trump appears as trompe, next to each other in the same sentence.

“Luy & touts morts pour avoir bien trompe.”

Morts is of course ‘dead’ in French. Or was Nostradamus simply hearing the word ‘more’ on a 2024 television show? What do you think?



Main Image: Alamy

Images: Alamy, Wikimedia Commons






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18 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, apologies this note is not in response to this blog post. Over the past two days I have asked the Tarot about moving forward with a professional partnership – both times I have pulled The Tower. I’ve been feeling a bit uneasy about the engagment. The Tower seems to be saying that it wont work out. Is that reading the card correctly in this instance? Thank you.

    1. Yes, The Tower is telling you this professional partnership will end in collapse. You have drawn the card twice which is well against chance.

  2. Hi Jessica – fascinating as always! I just read this morning that Italy and Switzerland are redrawing border designations because of glaciers melting. Maybe this is a reference to that Mont des Alps phrase?

  3. Whether or not morte is literal, most likely agree about those possessing power are gripping it even if they are barely able to hold on, mentally, health wise, or otherwise. Perhaps is a morte to what the leaders represent. You’ve been writing about Pluto in Aquarius changes in who who holds the power for quite some time!

    1. Nostradamus would be chiming with the astrology here, as the end of Pluto in Capricorn, is the end of plutocrats at the top of the system. Sometimes they die; sometimes they depart, resign, are jailed or just lose power and vanish. We don’t predict death in modern astrology, though of course the old Frenchman always did. So let’s see. November is close now.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks again for that new interesting article.
    As a French reader, here is my own interpretation of the Nostradamus’ text.
    Knowing that it is written in an ancient french, one french could read that text of Nostradamus in a modern french like this :
    « Luy et tous morts pour avoir trompé Bien »
    Bien for Biden as you said
    My english translation could be :
    « Him and them all dead for having mislead Biden »
    Hope that m’y reading can help

  5. So much to unpack here. Will Putin collapse? Or will he continue to rule? Has Trump encouraged Bibi to amp up the military action in the Middle East?

    1. The Kremlin has been trying to ‘Pluto’ the world since 2008 when Pluto first went into Capricorn. There is more than one actor playing Putin and the real man may have died or disappeared some years before. Russia fails with its record on women. You can’t have power with Pluto in Aquarius and exclude women from control. Historically since 60 AD this has always collapsed and unless the Kremlin miraculously overturns its exclusion of females (along with the BRICS camp generally) time is against them. It’s the same with Donald. Scanning the horizon for powerful women in his camp, we find…nobody.

  6. Thanks Jessica, fascinating.

    “Tromper” in French means to trick, to deceive, to cheat or to be mistaken. So it’s very apt.

    This would be a rough translation of Quatrain LXXXV:

    “The City taken by a fraudulent trick / thanks to the capture of a young (?) / the assault given, ‘Robin’ close to ‘Lord’ / He and many others dead because of the deception”.

    This talks to me of the January 6th attack on the Capitol. I’ve not checked the casualty names or those convicted but I would expect contemporaneous news reports to have featured them, and for “Robin” and “Lord” to feature.

    1. The attack would show in Nostradamus, correct. If he was seeing words in website headlines, that would be the clue. Thank you.

  7. Jessica, I love it when you post about Nostradamus. It’s like a puzzle to figure out what he was hearing and transcribing. The translation is: He and all shall die for having been deceived. Could this mean that Trump’s party shall die and lose the election, meaning the Republican Party will no longer exist and that the Republicans have been deceived? I am curious what others read into this.

    1. Thank you. Nostradamus fascinates me too. People often interpret him by reaching for the French dictionary, but what he was doing was seeing headlines on websites – clairvoyantly. He did see death, which I never do, but it remains to be seen what will happen here. Basic astrology suggests that social climbing, ambitious, plutocrats falter and fall when Pluto goes out of Capricorn, which uncannily it is destined to do in November 2024 when America votes.

  8. About quatrain XXXIII, as a belgian citizen, I interpret the 2 first lines as follow:

    – When the wolf entering the cities,
    I interpret this literally : in 2022 there was the first babyboom of wolfs in the country and people became aware of it. The young ones were looking for a new territory and visit cities in different countries; (like Putins followers in boats? See next paragraph). Europ will probably change the protected status of the wolf. Maybe it is compared with the sanctions against Russia?

    – Nearby will the enemy :
    this is also literally translated : Russian ships disguised as fishing boats are sailing in the Channel (=North Sea) between UK and Europ, looking for communication cables and other important stuff. Also last month… So, they are closer than we think.

    Long before the First World War started, German “tourists” came along to visit the country while making notes about military and other important infrastructures.
    History repeats ?
    To end positively: I hope the solution is in 3th and 4th line.

  9. Hello Jessica, Could the Biden area and the word Alps that you bring to us relate to events on the day you filed this blog? It was broadcast the countries of Italy and Switzerland are redrawing a boundary line in the Alps! This brings a “timing” to a very real Now Is The Time for something to come to pass. The new boundaries are coming because of glacier melting so this could not have happened in the last thousands of years? Thank you. Best, Cecelia.

    1. Yes, Italy and Switzerland are redrawing their Alpine border because of melting glaciers, down to the Climate Emergency that half the world keeps voting against and the other half keeps voting in. Nostradamus would have foreseen this kind of event as a Frenchman. Thanks Cecelia. The Nostradamus piece was written some time ago, and was loaded to appear, when it did, on the website. Strange.

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