Astrology Delivery Event

Join Jessica at an Astrology Delivery zoom event hosted by the Cosmic Intelligence Agency in October 2024. Recording included.

Astrology Delivery Zoom Event

Join Jessica for a 90 minute Astrology Delivery Zoom on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th October 2024, hosted by the Cosmic Intelligence Agency.

What can you unpack from your potential future? People have found everything from love, to money, to weight loss using Astrology Delivery.

Find out how to get some or all of what you want, in three different areas of your life, by the end of 2024 – plus a bonus 2025 delivery. You’ll use the Tarot and astrology together, plus a journal.

Astrology Delivery - Astrology Delivery Event


Four Areas of Your Life to Book

Discover how to use your solar and natal chart together, to tick as many boxes on your three wish lists as possible. Learn tips and tricks that have delivered for others. Jessica will go over all the dates for four different booking opportunities in the session and guide you through the Astrology Delivery method.

Scorpio Season – October 2024
Sagittarius Season – November 2024
Capricorn Season – December – 2024
Bonus Booking Gemini Season – May 2025

Jessica’s readers who have tried Astrology Delivery have reported great results, by following her unique technique and dates, below –

Astrology Delivery Results

$15,000 lump sum
£60,000 lump sum
$1000 lump sum
$15,000 lump sum
$20,000 lump sum
Overcoming anxiety
Successful crowdfunding
Job offer
Weight loss
MA course offer
Five-star hotel date
Oxford University acceptance
Two year work contract
Business trip to see the Aurora Borealis
YouTube video going viral

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What Time is the Zoom?

You can pick up the Zoom recording after the live session, if you are unable to attend.

For those who are there, Jessica will answer your questions in real time.

You can also follow up afterwards with an exclusive feature on this website to show you how to get the most from Astrology Delivery in 2025, as a whole. Even, for the rest of your life.

Join Jessica From Your Nearest City

Los Angeles
Thursday 10th October 4.00pm

Friday 11th October 12.00 Noon

Hong Kong
Friday 11th October 7.00am

Friday 11th October 10.00am

New York
Thursday 10th October 7.00pm

Friday 11th October 8.00am

Book Now With the Cosmic Intelligence Agency

 This event is hosted by the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, with thanks to Julija Simas. Admission is $25.00 and includes a recording of the Zoom.

Find out more about Astrology Delivery, here and also here.





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Astrology Delivery Event

Join Jessica at an Astrology Delivery zoom event hosted by the Cosmic Intelligence Agency in October 2024. Recording included.

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2 Responses

    1. Thank you Alison. We’ll do a lot at the session and get you set up for the next three months with Astrology Delivery, but also with one eye on 2025 as May is waiting to be used.

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