Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal Angles

How do Aboriginal Australian ideas about the Sun, Moon and retrogrades still show up in your horoscope thousands of years later?

Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal Angles

What’s your angle on an eclipse? The modern, white angle on these dramatic events is a long way from Aboriginal Australian views. As I’ll show in this feature, the owners of the land were right to shun them.

What else does this amazing continuing culture in Australia tell us about astrology?

This is a summary of two events at The Astrological Association of Great Britain annual conference and with the Kentucky Astrological Society, both in September 2024.

In this feature I will look at the Aboriginal Australian view of the Sun and Moon, and how this affects your horoscope in 2024 and 2025.

Boomerang Dreamstime 300x199 - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal Angles Boomerang Time

Indigenous Australians viewed retrograde planets as spirit ancestors, going backwards on a long road in the sky. This includes Mercury Retrograde, which recently tallied with the biggest IT failure in history, the CrowdStrike Outage of July 2024.

That’s a modern event for the world’s oldest living culture (65,000 years old and counting) but the idea of ‘backwards’ still rings true. In fact I used Mercury Retrograde to predict the chaos, date-stamped, two years before it happened.

The Wardaman people articulate the ‘retrograde’ phenomenon clearly as spirit people reversing.

Boomerangs are not retrograde symbols to Aboriginal Australians. But they do depart and reverse, just as Mercury does. As such they are good reminders of what retrogrades do. If you want the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025 they are here. 

Destiny is negotiable, as Geoffrey Cornelius said. When you see Mercury about to boomerang, remember that information, communication, transportation and negotiation will go backwards, stop or come to nothing. The sign Mercury is in, tells you what. Should you have anything in your birth chart at the same sign and degree where Mercury boomerangs, pursue that quite another time.

The Aries Equinox of 2025

Aboriginal Australians did not practice astrology. But they did relate the sky to their culture. Wurdi Youang, an ancient stone circle near Melbourne, is 11,000 years old. It shows the December Solstice (for us, in Capricorn), the June Solstice (for us, in Cancer), the March Equinox (for us, in Aries) and the September Equinox (for us, in Libra).

7. Aries Rawpixel 300x200 - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal Angles

The Aries Equinox, around March 21st, 2025, is central to your life as that year we also find the North Node gone from Aries; Chiron in Aries; Saturn and Neptune both in Aries.

Which area of your life is affected by the new cycle? If you have Aries factors in your natal chart, this is about your identity, name, face, head (as seen on Zoom or Facebook), reputation, name, profile, packaging, presentation and self-promotion.

Your solar, or Sun Sign chart, will also show a major shift. You can read more about the new Aries climate here. Even though Aboriginal Australians never used Aries as a constellation (they preferred patterns like an emu) it is still true that this March Equinox would have been measured, and still can be measured, at Wurdi Youang, which is around three times as old as Stonehenge.

The End of Pluto in Capricorn

The end of Pluto in Capricorn and the start of the new Capricorn climate in your chart (Capricorn cycles free of Pluto for the first time in 248 years) is measured by the December Solstice too. If you are at Stonehenge in December 2024 you will see it show up, just as it shows up in the Aboriginal stone circle near Melbourne.

29. Stonehenge Shutterstock 300x225 - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal AnglesAgain, if you were ever allowed into the secret, locked location of Wurdi Youang, you would see this solstice in 2024, just as Aboriginal Australians did, 11,000 years ago.

This is an incredible moment when power and control issues are well and truly over, for the first time in around 16 years. An historic transformation of one area of your life is here. You can see 2025 will be completely different.

If you have Capricorn factors in your natal chart, this is about your career, unpaid work or academic career. This crucial Capricorn December solstice also shows up in your solar chart. You can read more about what Pluto in Capricorn was going to do (and did) from this old astrology feature I posted way back for the 2017 Capricorn Solstice.

Eclipses and Aboriginal Australia

Aboriginal Australians have historically shunned eclipses. In fact, Truganini in Tasmania (the last full-blood Tasmanian indigenous person) linked an eclipse to death.

I was shocked when the Australian government announced its referendum on indigenous rights, The Voice to Parliament, on an eclipse. Didn’t they know?

18. Aborigines 300x190 - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal AnglesIn fact, it was the death of hope for this particular change in Aboriginal Australian rights. It landed on 14th October 2023 and astrology called the likely failure of The Voice referendum way back on August 31st.

Eclipses are always a cover-up and blind spot. First Nations people disliked them thousands of years ago, for different reasons. The first public hanging in Australia took place days after an eclipse. A white criminal was put to the gibbet on Hangman’s Hill, now in The Rocks in Sydney.

What was the cover-up? Very likely that the noose would be used to publicly hang Aboriginal people as a deterrent to anyone fighting the resistance. In fact, it would not be until 1972 in South Australia that the law on public indigenous capital punishment was changed.

Eclipses and You in 2024

A Full Moon or New Moon eclipse is equally misleading. It’s like taking a fork in the road with no headlights (a Full Moon) or starting on a new road with no street lights (a New Moon). I 21. Charles Diana Dreamstime 300x211 - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal Angleshave written extensively about eclipses and the marriage of Princess Diana to Charles.

They went on their honeymoon on the day of an eclipse. Camilla was the cover-up. This Australian stamp, dating from that eclipsed marriage, even shows what looks like a Full Moon cover-up going across Charles’ face.

In your own life, I am going to end with a chart showing an important eclipse. Why important?

Because in Pisces, it will accompany Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in your chart. If you have Pisces factors in your birth chart, you will be in the dark about religion, therapy, Tarot, mediumship, hypnosis, dreams and other Pisces and Twelfth House matters.

The Full Moon in Pisces

On the world scale there will be a diversion or distraction on this Full Moon Pisces Eclipse. It will make us look the wrong way. We will blind about one or more world religions on this date. It may be Gaza. It may be the Dalai Lama and Tibet. It may be the Kremlin attack on Ukraine.

For more on this Pisces partial eclipse and Full Moon go here.

30. Sep 18 Eclipse - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal Angles

Respecting Aboriginal Australian History

Understanding prehistoric culture, tied to the Sun and Moon, is a guessing game – there are literally no words. However, there is a strong oral tradition and we do have the observations of some white observers from the 18th and 19th centuries to tell us basic truths about Aboriginal culture which show up in our astrology too.

34. Cancer Dreamstime 300x200 - Sun, Moon, Astrology and Aboriginal AnglesThe Moon in Tasmania, where I spend half the year, was a woman. It’s the same in a modern chart. She is your female side; your maternal instinct. Tasmanian women carved a moon tattoo near their hips, to counteract pain.

This must have been the pain of menstruation or perhaps pregnancy – we just don’t know. But we do know the Moon correlates to a woman’s monthly period. In fact Moon words, like womb, woman, mother and ‘moonth’ are still with us today. The beat goes on. And even though they were isolated from the astrology of the Romans, the owners of the land in Australia had remarkably similar ideas that you can still see in your horoscope today.

Using June 20th 2025

They didn’t know Cancer the crab constellation (above) but indigenous people did know that the June Solstice mattered enough to align Wurdi Youang to it.

This particular solstice in 2025 will be fantastic if you have Cancer factors in your chart. Cancer rules property, real-estate, culture, heritage, history, extended family and ‘my people and my place’. It falls just ahead of Jupiter in Cancer with all his huge opportunities, growth and solutions. Do use it, on 20th June 2025. By 2026 so many wishes will have come true.

I will make some time with my Aboriginal nephew Jooloo on the day. I am one of his aunties!

Images: Dreamstime/Rawpixel/iStock/Shutterstock/Creative Commons.

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20 Responses

  1. Good Morning Jessica!
    I do hope you made it to your flight with time to spare?
    Thanks so very much for this, it was fantastic as usual but particularly special, as my Great Niece and Nephew are Indigenous Australians – I don’t know anywhere near enough as I should about the magnificent Culture of the Traditional Owners of this land…but I am trying and I will continue to do so!
    I have MC, Chiron and Vesta in Pisces and Hygeia in Cancer and boy have I been feeling the Capricorn situation which I know will be lifting soon forever.
    When you say “use June 20 2025” could you give me hint how at all?
    Sandie x

    1. Thank you. Yes, I did catch my flight. My apologies for having to cut the session short in Kentucky. Sandie, using June 2025 is about taking the opportunity to renovate and repair your home or garden; it is also about purchasing a new apartment or house; perhaps making a commitment to someone who wants to pool property with you and so on. You will know it when you see it, and it will be June 2025 with particular focus on the solstice.

  2. Oooh so sorry Jessica, I hit enter and forgot to mention that I’m now terrified as I have a flight booked Oct 2nd – only one I could get, departing 5:15am to London so am staying positive by telling myself I may just get to see the Eclipse and to make it worse I return Nov 14th…yes, I am actually rolling my eyes at myself!
    Sandie 🙂

    1. Eclipses should not terrify you Sandie but don’t take the road ahead on them, or the fork in the road either. Indigenous Australians shunned them for a reason. I have seen people go off track for years on eclipses, so just be aware of this in your chart. I am sure you are travelling Covid safe, which helps, so tests and N95 masks, UVC light and so on.

  3. Thank you for this fascinating article! I am really interested in Indigenous knowledge and wisdom. Other Indigenous peoples take shelter during the exact time of an eclipse and would never attempt to look at one, as did millions of people last April 8 for the solar eclipse.

    I am so looking forward to Pluto leaving Capricorn! I have a Capricorn stellium and Pluto has really affected me. when can we expect to feel relief from Pluto leaving? I also expect this transit will give relief to the awful crazy political scene in America.

    1. Thank you. December 30th is the first New Moon in Capricorn you have had in around 16 years, without Pluto. Thus, 2025 really will feel like a genuinely new year. Pluto permanently transforms one area of our lives at a time and unfortunately some things cannot be walked back. The damage done to democracy around the world by a small elite at the top can’t be undone – at the same time it will never happen again in our lifetimes. No matter if it was Trump and Pence denying the vote, or some politicians in Britain denying the referendum (or in Australia, the Prime Minister secretly giving himself extra powers) we have seen it all – and that includes the Kremlin interfering in US democracy too. In your own life you will have seen the same issue, with a tiny number of people (usually men) ignoring you, or undermining you – or trying to. Pluto rules mines and mining, being long associated with what is under the surface of the earth. The word undermined, is redolent of Pluto. Well, there are three stages here where you will see the end of this. One is mid November. The second is early December. The third is that crucial New Moon. It will be interesting for you to see what happens to particular people who tried to take over. Ahem.

  4. Hi Jessica, such a beautiful piece, thank you. I am eager to watch the wrongs done – on Aboriginal peoples of Australia and their lands – being righted. I wondered if you can see how the light I bring will support the changes to come? or is this not a story to which I can make a difference? I am looking forward to 20 June 2025! warmest wishes.

    1. Thank you. Australia was born under Pluto in Aquarius in her 1788 incarnation and Pluto is back there from November for another 20 years. A Pluto return in the sign of ‘the many tribes’ suggests power comes back to the traditional owners of the land. A referendum on the monarchy seems very likely and with it, perhaps a second question about indigenous rights. Hopefully this time the government of the day will not choose an eclipse for the vote.

  5. Hi Jessica. This was a fantastic read.
    I have my north node in Cancer, and after years of being a slave to my south node Capricorn, I feel I am finally understanding my life’s purpose as a cancer north node (albeit im single with no children!).
    Do you see anything in my chart of interest with Pluto leaving Capricorn and also for June 2025?

    1. Thank you. Your lunar nodes in Cancer and Capricorn suggest you have in fact been a mother, before (and perhaps many times over) and always faced big life choices about your ambitions as opposed to maternal instinct. In this life you have no children. Pluto moving off a regular four-week opposition to the transiting Moon, every year since 2008, is a welcome change. Years of regular pressure you have felt over your local area at the time (property developers, for example, or government decisions about your home town and homeland) stop. So too does a regular pattern of not being able to feel at home, sometimes because of neighbours, sometimes because of a landlady or landlord, tenants, flatmates, partners you have lived with and so on. The best is yet to come and from June 2025 you are in a great position to resolve anything from the last few years but also move forward into a strong sense of security and belonging at last.

  6. Hello Jessica,
    as the time passes I am beginning to get closer to making an important decision about groups that I have classes with at my uni. I am thinking about changing a group to be with my best friend and I need to make the decision till the end of September. Should I do it based of my chart?
    Best regards

    1. You’re a Sun Aquarius person with a huge Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House of friends and groups, so allies in a combined brotherhood and sisterhood are central to you. A best friend can matter as much as family. Your degree is the most important thing, though. There’s nothing in either your solar or natal chart to suggest this is an issue.

  7. Dear Jessica,
    thank You for Your respond. I would also ask about romantic aspect of my life in September and October since I have another decision to make regarding getting into relationship or not with a Sun Virgo. Are there any clues in my chart of the direction in which the whole situation could go and resolve?
    Kind regards

    1. Virgo people are going through Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in their Seventh House of marriage and sexual partnership. The first question is, what is the situation with their ex partner? If the scales are not balanced with this person, then this will affect you too. I also mention this because the North Node goes into Pisces in January 2025 and so Virgo people are up for karma going back 18-19 years, also with a previous partner. So if there is anything lingering you need to know about it; hopefully this has been cleared up and closure has taken place, but you need to know. The other issue for any Virgo until December, is a pregnancy that did/did not take place in the past, or the existence of a son or daughter, stepchild now. Again you need to know where this person stands in relation to that.

  8. Good morning Jessica! Haven’t had time to read this yet but I am super excited to get right into this tonight. Just had to say, and wishing all your readers and you, of course, a most wonderful day!

  9. Loved, loved, loved the Melbourne Astrology Walk video on YouTube.

    Jessica you pick the most amazing music, absolutely perfect (no surprises there, the music on your podcast still moves me). I always listen to the entire introduction and the outro, even if I skip a few signs throughout the podcast.

    1. Thank you so much. I will pass that on to Peter Clarke who produced the video and to Shayne Brian who produces The Astrology Show.

  10. Thank you for a very detailed explanation. It puts many things into context.
    I am looking forward to new beginnings coming in 2025 when I can leave behind a lot of issues that surround me currently.
    Thanks again for your insight and inspirational posts.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    I did my last round of interview yesterday for a role in another company ( a tech giant) and i wanted to get a reading from you if I will get the job at all. I am currently not enjoying working in my current role/company and I have been looking for other opportunities.

    I did three rounds of interviews and I felt they went very well. Is there any hope/possibility of me getting the job soon?

    Regards, Gems.

    1. Gems, you have done well to get through three rounds of interviews with a tech giant. You are strongly Gemini, have a stellium in your Third House of I.T. and the internet, the media and all communication. Jupiter with all his luck, growth, hope and expansion is passing through your Third House until June 2025. He is in your First House of title and business card, in your solar chart, as a Gemini. So you are right to look for other opportunities and will hugely expand your knowledge base, your network online, your grasp of the cutting edge of I.T. and also be given a chance to add to your C.V. and your profile. If not this time, then another time, by June 2025. Relax into that knowledge.

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