Hillary Clinton in Astrology

The AA-rated astrology chart for Hillary Clinton shows her marriage to Bill, the birth of Chelsea and the loss to Donald Trump in 2016. What does the 2024 U.S. election show?

The Hillary Clinton Astrology Chart

It has taken years, but there is finally an AA rating for the Hillary Clinton natal chart.

It checks out with her marriage to Bill; the birth of Chelsea; the loss to Donald Trump.

In this feature I will look at who Hillary Clinton is, according to her birth horoscope and what the future holds for her when America votes in November 2024.

Warrior and Powerhouse

In courtship, in the bedroom, as a parent and grandparent, she is a warrior and a powerhouse. That is the first obvious thing about this chart.

Mars at 14 Leo is in a conjunction with Pluto at 14 Leo. Mars is the Roman god of war.  She fights her battles like a plutocrat, but in bed. As a mother. As a grandmother.

(AstroGold software; Dreamstime images).


Hillary Clinton Astrology Chart - Hillary Clinton in Astrology

Hillary and Bill

Hillary and Bill Clinton Dreamstime 300x200 - Hillary Clinton in AstrologyHillary married Bill Clinton on October 11th, 1975. The chart shows karma. They were together before. The North Node and South Node always show past lives. So what was going on?

The transiting North Node stood at 22 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money.

The natal South Node at 23 Scorpio was there too. Natal Mercury stood at 21 Scorpio.

Transiting Cupido was at 12 Libra semi-sextile natal Chiron at 12 Scorpio. Transiting Fortuna was at 4 Leo and natal Hygiea stood at 4 Cancer. These are all marriage, love and parenthood cycles.

Chelsea Clinton

Hillary Chelsea Bill Clinton 300x200 - Hillary Clinton in AstrologyChelsea was born on February 27th, 1980. Again, we can see what we might expect to see, on the day.

The transiting North Node at 29 Leo in  Fifth House of children, was there, together with transiting Fortuna at 29 Leo, square Hillary’s natal Ops at 29 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money – yet again.

The Eighth House is commonly the marriage vow: ‘Until death do us part, for richer for poorer.’

It can also be more complicated than that. Scorpions during sex can either cannibalise their mates or sting them to death. The symbolism of the sign suggests potentially lethal passion. It always has.

The Loss to Donald Trump

Hillary was born with Apollo (leadership) in Virgo (service) in the Sixth House of work and duty, at 15 degrees. When she lost to Donald Trump on November 8th, 2016, Pluto was at 15 Capricorn and Saturn was at 15 Sagittarius.

More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing candidate in history. According to CNN, she beat Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%).

The 65 Million Vote Woman

That shows in the astrology. Pluto gave her power in a perfect trine. Saturn blocked her in a perfect square.

Now, what is the U.S. election on Tuesday, November 5th,  2024, showing us about her?

Always look at Pluto for power in government – and out of it, too. Clinton is the 65 million vote woman.

US Election and Hillary - Hillary Clinton in Astrology

Hillary’s Reboot in November 2024

Pluto (power) goes to 29 Capricorn as America votes. Pluto aspects Hilary’s Juno at 29 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries in a semi-sextile.

Pluto is sextile Ops at 29 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money.

Pluto is also sextile her Moon at 28 Pisces. She is being plugged back into the mains.

Women Rise

Kamala Harris and Walz Shutterstock 300x200 - Hillary Clinton in Astrology

The story continues when Pluto goes to 0 Aquarius – also in November. This is the cycle when women rise.

I predicted this for Kamala Harris four years ago ( a complicated rise, but still a rise).

Pluto at 0 Aquarius will be sextile Hillary’s Jupiter at 0 Sagittarius. Her luck’s in with Russia. Specifically, Trump-Russia.

In March 2009, Clinton famously presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a ‘reset button’ to change American-Russian relations, but there is no reset button for the Kremlin’s Putin actors, in November 2024. Try an ejector seat.

Uranus Shocks and Surprises

The other key thing about this election is transiting Uranus at 25 Taurus with all its shocks and surprises, semi-sextile Clinton’s natal Uranus at 25 Gemini.

She also has Salacia at 25 Sagittarius, so once again we are looking at Trump Russia and specifically her alliance with NATO countries, but also her fascination with Asia.

The last thing anybody ever expected is the first thing that happens on Uranus transits to Uranus.

The American election for Clinton will even find her – surprising herself.


Images: RawPixel, iStock




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15 Responses

  1. Perhaps Secretary of State in Harris’ government, or Nato’s General Secretary? She’s obviously qualified.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    This makes me think about the glass ceiling for our dreams as women when we want to make achievements in a field or career. It depends on the energy or momentum that is not created by us, so very often going against the Tides. Women must choose between nurturing children or career.

    Why do our dreams seem so close yet so far away when obstacle after obstacle present themselves? In my career, my film got funded and I am grateful for this opportunity. I do not know where the obstructions come from but it has not been an easy production since January. Juggling childcare or school schedules first to be able to work is not a burden male colleagues encounter. I wrote my list of what could be delivered by September and it is pretty unremarkable. When do things turn around so I find my creative energetic joy to return and ignite the passionate moments that once existed?
    Sometimes we dream big and the cosmos has other plans. Can you please share a few insights into what is going on with my career?

    Many blessings for all that you do.
    thank you

    1. Thank you. Clinton was too early for Pluto in Aquarius, as she took on male power during Pluto in Capricorn, but her time is rapidly approaching. Women do of course, have to be mothers as well as professionals. It’s tough. You are experiencing this with your film career. You have a Virgo stellium with Juno at 28 Virgo in your Sixth House of workload, housework, health, wellbeing, mental health and self-care. You have had a strong sense of duty and service to others, from childhood, and were probably the goldfish monitor, the dutiful daughter who did the washing-up and the gold star pupil in your favourite subject. Juno is about commitment. You marry your workload. What you are going through is the historic opposition of both Neptune and Saturn at 28 Pisces, right opposite – and the trine from Uranus at 28 Taurus. This is now through 2025. The issue is your daily routine. You are also still in Mercury Retrograde in Virgo which profoundly affects you, because you have a Virgo stellium. That stops on September 11th. Longer-term you are being asked to radically reinvent your daily routine in every tiny detail, so that your service to yourself and your duty to your own wellbeing is more important than your obligation to your children and colleagues. This will make all the difference.

  3. Thank you Jessica for your insights. I’ve been a premium member for a couple years and have truly found your predictions helpful.
    Reading the Women Rise section prompted me to ask you about myself. I am not happy in my current job and are putting things in place to start my own company helping others, specifically women. I’m a sun Aquarius with Capricorn rising. I feel the need to leave my current job sooner rather than later – like next month. With Pluto coming to Aquarius in November do you have any insight for me?

    1. Thank you for being a Premium Member; I am glad the astrology is helpful. Starting in June 2025 you begin a fantastic new cycle for work, job satisfaction, lifestyle and wellbeing. As an Aquarian you are entering Jupiter in Cancer in your Sixth House of duty, service and health. Opportunities and solutions not possible in 12 years will take you higher and by June 2026 you should be able to look back at your current issues and realise how far you have come. I am sure you are setting long-term goals and your solar chart suggests that is wise. This is about playing a long game. What does your natal chart say in the same time frame? Vulcano at 28 Capricorn receives a trine from Uranus at 28 Taurus for the first and last time in your life. This is exhilarating, liberating, empowering and wholly unexpected. You are by nature very self-controlled and possessed of great willpower in your field. No matter what happens to you (or who happens to you) you can master your own emotions and win. This comes into play with a brand new angle on success from June 2025. So whatever you do now, it’s all about the second half of next year. As a Sun Aquarius, for the next 20 years, it is your destiny to supply one or more groups with what they need and to enjoy the satisfaction of seeing women rise.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    Another fascinating blog post. Hillary was right about everything. Although I didn’t always agree with her decisions, she certainly would’ve been a million times better at handling those turbulent 4 years than the tomfoolery we ultimately got.

    I’m curious – does her chart show her working for a Harris administration in any capacity? There have been Twitter rumblings that she would make a great Supreme Court Justice, but her age would not make that a wise, lasting choice by the Dems. Thanks for all you do!

    1. Thank you. Hillary Clinton ran up against the double whammy of huge popularity, vanquishing Donald Trump, then being defeated by Electoral College rules. That was shown in the chart, as you can see. She won the people and lost the top job. What the election reveals is her tremendous capacity for foreign relations. What she chooses to do with that unbeatable experience and status is her free will; astrology can only set the conditions, not steer the woman. This Harris-Trump contest, as it stands at the moment, is actually about the Kremlin in September, October, November and so that’s most certainly about Clinton. A very old system is about to be toppled and that system has corroded democracy in America, with Russian interference – but not for much longer. Clinton is front and centre with that.

  5. Hi Jessica

    I am not sure I would back Hillary Clinton in the sphere of foreign relations. She is pro Israeli – and in her recent comments about Hamas and the October 7 massacre, she refers to ‘beheadings’ etc — we now know that this is Israeli Goverment propaganda.

    Kamala Harris appears to have a more balanced view on the situation in Gaza/Palestine , but how could she handle the pro Israel lobby and the military industrial complex — these are the organisations that run the show and US foreign policy.

    A woman may get elected to the Presidency – it would certainly be symbolic – but will it be effective?

  6. Hello Jessica,
    Once again, you’ve written an inspiring article that reflects my life. I, too, am going through a career reset, having been made redundant from a job I loved and was very good at. My colleagues were told this morning, and I’ve received dozens of shocked but supportive messages from all quarters of the company where I used to work.
    I am pretty devastated to lose this role and now have to decide what to do next. At the age of 62, I’m hoping my experience will propel me forward, but I do feel like a has-been. I am not in a financial position to retire, nor do I want to.
    Last week, I also got informed that I have another autoimmune disease to add to my woes.
    I know I have a huge stellium in Virgo, and you have told me before that my plethora of 8-degree placements means something karmic. Can you please help me find a way forward?
    Thank you, Jessica,

    1. Thank you. I am so sorry about your redundancy at 62 and also your disease. This is of course a Virgo matter and you know you have a huge stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House. When your immune system mistakenly damages healthy cells in your body, you have to put your service to your own health first, and your duty to your own wellbeing first – as well. You don’t want to retire and you can’t afford to do so; thus a big reset is called for (after the deep breath, because this has devastated you). You are a Sun Cancer woman with Virgo factors at 8 through 21 degrees. Your temporary issue is Saturn at 8 through 21 degrees of Pisces (transiting Saturn in opposition) and it can only happen every 29 years. The cycle ends in 2025 when your test is over. Until then, you can push back against the opposition by returning to what you do best, as a heavily Virgo person. So that’s meticulous research, for a start. You need to trawl the web, the nearest library and perhaps chat to an expert or two, about your new diagnosis. What works? What does Google Scholar tell you, or forums online? Virgo rules total self-care, so mind, body and spirit as a whole. Virgo is about routine. You will need a new one, until 2025. Daily details matter and these now have to alter, for obvious reasons. Virgo is also about understanding that you have to serve, no matter if you are paid for it or not. While you are going through this hiatus from paid work, find your mission elsewhere, even if it is with a charity as a volunteer. Pushing back is very important and you need to play to your strengths. Next year brings the end of Saturn but also the arrival of Jupiter in Cancer which will slowly sextile all your Virgo factors. So there will be historic opportunities to take advantage of, as you rethink how you are to work in future and how you are to look after yourself, physically. Jupiter always fixes what Saturn set up. You will have a financial reset in November, December, January, February in the meantime and find that willpower and self-control empower you tremendously so that by February you find yourself holding the reins very firmly with a new sense of strength. You also need the right professionals on YouTube to help with the healing process. I really like Johanna Blomqvist but the hypnotist Paul McKenna is also extremely popular. You are not a has-been; in fact, you will find that you are offered a way to offer your talents, skills and abilities that feels like a holiday from the real world in 2025 and following. If you wished you could do this for years.

  7. Interesting read, Jessica! I was reading all your stuff about Mercury Retrograde re: election as well. Past few days Republicans have dumped many polls into the mix to move the averages- they are working to create a Red Illusion so when the time comes, Trump can claim that the election was rigged because- surprise! the polls said he would win. Lots of lawsuits to disenfranchise voters, including those who live outside US and miltary personnel as well.

    But energy on the ground with volunteering is off the charts- women, men, of all stripes working together to bring the America we love back from the brink- or in this case, to keep her ability to transform. I’m awed by all the volunteers I’m working with, and how hard they are working. Ordinary people stepping up, when the media and our politicans have let us down.

    I’m also thinking of switching jobs into the new year- hopefully it’ll all work out!

    1. Thank you. You are on the front line of the election and I daresay will never forget it. You are also working for democracy, which has been under threat since Pluto entered Capricorn in January 2008. Every country has lost its democratic freedoms in different ways. Australia had a Prime Minister who secretly gave himself extra ministries; clandestine super powers. In Britain, people voted for Brexit and were given a Prime Minister who did not want it herself. In America, you had Donald and Mike claiming victory when Harris and Biden had the landslide. Quite incredible to see. I think you will see two turns. The first near November 19th and the second near December 7th. Those are the dates Pluto and then Ceres go out of Capricorn. This is a change in the balance of power, away from dictatorship tactics and ‘One man to rule them all’ and towards the people and particularly women. It’s system change too. Every time we see this transit, the dictator stumbles and falls over a number of years, in a slow descent – and with him goes the system. You will have a new title, if you want it, on your business card or online profile, by May 2025 and it will be a tremendous image booster for you. Long-term you will actually find yourself front-and-centre; your name and face, reputation and profile will be far more important than you may have imagined. Perhaps you will run for politics yourself.

  8. Thanks Jessica- boy was I wrong re: the election- Mercury Retrograde! I saw that you got some comments re: Harris vs Trump, but you, and other astrologers have said that there would be chaos, recounts, and the truth would start coming out around/after November 19th- which could result in a shift in results. I understand that many (including myself) were hoping for a clean Harris win, but if it so muddled around this time, then why can’t we be patient until the 19th?

    You have been accurate about world events- I remember when you forecast Georgia in 2020, and I have faith in you now. And I see now what you have been trying to tell us- a radical change needs a radical reason. If American really is going to be a different country from 2025-2026 onwards, this election playing a part means that it is going to be chaotic and the reason for radical transformation. And those are never easy. But the planet, and the life living on it requires it from us.

    Thank you for all your hard work!

    1. Thank you. The result was called extremely early, wasn’t it. Mercury is about to turn. Pluto is still in Capricorn spiralling downwards before disappearing on 19th November. So although the astrology and Tarot called a money man in the White House in 2025 (back in 2023) there is still more of this tale left to tell. We’re not actually even at the first sentence yet.

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