New Moon in Virgo

The Virgo New Moon falls on September 2nd and 3rd 2024, around the world. It also falls on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Where is the fresh start in your life and why is it delayed until September 11th?

The New Moon in Virgo 2024

The New Moon falls on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 11.56am in Sydney, Australia. You can check for your exact time zone and date (it may be 2nd September where you are) here.

In most cases, we can safely say, a new beginning in your life, and the lives of those around you, will land on Monday 2nd September and Tuesday 3rd September, around the world.

Yet, with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo too, the birth of something very new, will be delayed or revisited later. I’ll go into this more in a moment.

Your Astrology Charts

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In this feature, I will look at your solar (Sun Sign) chart and your natal (birth) chart. If you would like to watch a  video about the Virgo New Moon, please subscribe to my Substack video channel, The Astrology Show. Subscription is US $5.00 every month and you will also receive a Full Moon video, so two long takes on your chart, every month, with Tarot readings for each decan. You can also ask questions at the Substack.

The Astrology Show podcast is free to listen to there, every week. It’s the top five spirituality podcast in Greece, Great Britain, Australia, Finland, Kenya, Ireland, Bulgaria, New Zealand and many other places. The Substack is the video version, of the free audio podcast, hosted by Alicia Fulton.

Do You Have Factors at 11 Degrees?

The New Moon is at 11 Virgo 04 and the Sun is at 11 Virgo 04. This is the AstroGold chart. If you have factors at 11 degrees of any zodiac sign, then other people’s delayed new beginnings (which play out near September 11th, 2024) will also strongly affect you. So, for example, a colleague may start a new project. A real-estate agent may post a new listing for sale. Yet, the process will stagger, stop and start. It takes until September 11th for Mercury Retrograde to complete his long loop, or circuit, in the same sign. Virgo.

If you actually have factors at 11 Virgo, what begins near September 3rd, 2024, changes your life. Slowly, with stop-start.

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The Delayed Fresh Start

This is a delayed fresh start, because Mercury Retrograde is also in Virgo. The communication, transportation or negotiation you need for a new beginning is not there.

Mercury rules the internet, the media, discussion, paperwork and the mail. Retrograde, or backwards, those matters also stall, stop and restart. It just so happens that in 2024 we don’t see the loop in Virgo end until September 11th, around the world.

So this is a green light, but you are running an amber light and red light until September 11th. Which area of your life is this mixture of start, stop and slow?

Your Sun Sign and the New Moon

First House – Virgo

image from rawpixel id 13078791 png 300x240 - New Moon in VirgoImage, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding. Filters on photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications (letters after your name), reputation, public face, Google profile, your personal brand. Defamation, slander, honorary positions, job descriptions (for example, Dr. or Professor), marital status (Ms or Mrs), armour, accessories, posture, first impressions, portraits.

Second House – Leo

Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation, theft, shoplifting, greed, philanthropy, crowdfunding, credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities. Piggy banks, savings accounts, borrowing, staggered repayments, cash in hand, swapping, secondhand goods, eBay, auctions, gold, jewellery, investment purchases, antiques, bargains, wheeling and dealing. She who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, selling out, being firm on price.

Third House – Cancer

Cancer Floral Rawpixel 300x210 - New Moon in VirgoNewspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections. The internet, the legacy media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes. Speech therapy, deafness, sign language, literacy, reading and writing, handwriting, stationery, the mail or post office, town criers, gossip, social media websites like Substack, advertising, copywriting, scriptwriting, speechwriting, debating, song writing, voiceovers, crosswords, Scrabble.

Fourth House – Gemini

Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland. Your shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage. Air BnB, landladies, landlords, tenants, house auctions, interior design, land value, the village, the neighbourhood, the town, the city. The council and the government, as they affect your home. Emigration if home is rejected. Gardens.

Fifth House – Taurus

image from rawpixel id 12766971 png 300x259 - New Moon in VirgoCourtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth, one night stands, dating, mating, I.V.F. programs. Viagra, The Pill, one night stands, impotence, erotica, pornography, mistresses, dating websites, serial monogamy, adulterous love affairs, children, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps, sexual assault, rape, incest, sexual abuse, threesomes, menage a trois, female sexual dysfunction, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, cross-dressers, honeymoons, marriage guidance counselling, vows of celibacy, multiple infidelity, miscarriage, activities shared by young and old – riding, music, books, plays.

Sixth House – Aries

Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers, sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles, inherited conditions, prescription medication, job-sharing, unemployment, shift work, the working class, trade unions, staff, cooks, cleaners, nannies, butlers, maids, chauffeurs, dogs, cats, vets, domestic birds, hygiene, the bathroom, the kitchen, computers, smart phones.

Seventh House – Pisces

image from rawpixel id 13848223 png 294x300 - New Moon in VirgoMarriage, de facto relationships, legal separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice. Legally defined common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, trial separation. Wedding rings, engagement rings, first wives or husbands. Professional rivals, legal battles, religious-based law and justice, battles, wars, on/off relationships, love triangles, sexism, equal marriage.

Eighth House – Aquarius

Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre-nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds, prostitution. Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments. Mistresses, menage a trois, funerals, funeral directors, death, murder, trust funds, trustafarians, living wills, euthanasia, murder mysteries, the marriage vows – ‘Until death do us part.’

Ninth House – Capricorn

image from rawpixel id 6430398 jpeg scaled e1727818550129 272x300 - New Moon in VirgoUniversities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas. All foreign countries, illegal immigration, travel, legal migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation. Multilingual experts, racism, religious differences, colleges, universities, student exchange programs, gap years, round-world trips, cruises, Eurostar, borders, geography, history, the Classics.

Tenth House – Sagittarius

Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering. Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations. Linked In, job interviews, owner-business, the Chief Operating Executive, staff, work experience, the ladder, getting a foot on the ladder, starting on the ground floor, working class to middle class, to upper-middle class, social climbing, going up in the world, trade unions versus management.

Eleventh House – Scorpio

Neon Scorpio RP 300x297 - New Moon in VirgoFriends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams, cults, allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties. Private membership clubs, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the Democrats, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends. Socialising and social media like Substack. Trade unions, boards of trustees, boards of management, sports fans, music fans, brotherhood, sisterhood, swimming pools, pooled resources, groupies, the human family, equality.

Twelfth House – Libra

Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, oracle decks, silence, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spirituality. Introversion, prayer, reflection, the Roman Catholic confession, the soul, the psyche, the spirit, reality, Quantum Physics, the Multiverse, alternatives to reality, past life hypnosis.

Do You Have Virgo Factors?

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The more Virgo factors you have in your birth (natal) chart, the more you will be affected by this new beginning, on hold. The New Moon and Mercury Retrograde are both in your Sixth House.

This covers your mental health (say, anxiety or depression), physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses and so on. Your Sixth House describes life at university, on the job, or with employment questions. It is also equally about your mind and body, and how they serve you (or don’t).

Have Plan B and Plan C in case your appointments are affected. If you can afford a second opinion, and the time, you may want to go back after September 11 and re-examine a diagnosis, say. It really depends on your natal chart Virgo patterns. If they are square anything in Gemini or Sagittarius, or in opposition to anything in Pisces, then you are more likely to find issues requiring a second take.

Yet, this is a new beginning and eventually it will fall into place, perhaps with adjustments. I’ll go into your natal chart and any Virgo factors in the Substack video.



Images: Rawpixel/Dreamstime/iStock/Picryl/Shutterstock.

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141 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica and thank you for another great article! I only have 2 factors in Virgo and one of them is Cupido at 11 Virgo, I guess this one is hitting an exact conjunction. Hopefully this is good news!

    1. Thank you. Yes, the New Moon at 11 Virgo is in a conjunction with Cupido at 11 Virgo in your Sixth House of work and health. You fall in love with jobs, unpaid jobs, courses – and make others feel passionate about them too. It can be short-term which is all too obvious when the passion vanishes, but while it’s there, the project or role ignites your lust for life. A new avenue here opens up on the New Moon but allow for flux until you are past September 11th. Your health and wellbeing is also in the frame. Again, you tend to fall in love with particular ways of eating, sleeping, exercising or looking after yourself. You can even have a crush on a doctor. It’s always short term so you may find yourself signing up for gym or pool membership, for example, or a personal trainer, or yoga – then find it’s not what you thought. Again, this is triggered on the New Moon. Take your time before you commit to any new beginning.

  2. Hi Jessica,
    thanks for this article.
    This Virgo New Moon will be in conjunction with my South Node: can you kindly share what this means for me?
    I lost my dad last June, and I miss him terribly.
    Actually my mum is in hospital and I’m worried.
    Do you see some light at the end of the tunnel?
    A virtual hug. Mary

    1. Mary I will touch on your question in The Astrology Show video on Substack. I am sorry your dad has passed to spirit; as a medium I can tell you he is still there, in another space, but of course you feel his loss here on planet earth. Your mum is in hospital. You have Jupiter at 2 Scorpio in the Eighth House of inheritance, wills and legacies and for the first time in 248 years, Pluto at 2 Aquarius has been square Jupiter. He goes backwards and forwards for some time. The legacy is not just financial, or about possessions, or a house, or an apartment; it is also about inheriting the spiritual legacy of others. So if this feels like an historic crossroads in your life, it is. The Full Moon on your Virgo-Pisces nodal axis suggests you need more time and space with work, health and particularly your inner life, for a couple of days. By inner life I mean religion, spirituality, Tarot, therapy, self-help, hypnosis and all you do alone with your own soul or psyche. Your last incarnation was spent dealing with twin concerns about faith and work; your beliefs and also your own health and wellbeing. So you may have been a nun tending to the sick during the war but finding your trust in God tested by the war itself. You might have been born into a Roman Catholic family more recently, in the 20th century, but found you rejected that belief system even though your job in a faith school required that you promised to teach prayer. So it’s on that level. And it’s coming back again, though in a different way this time. I hope your mother recovers in hospital and her stay is not too difficult for her.

  3. Hi Jessica! Thanks for preparing us for the upcoming new moon in Virgo! I have some factors in Virgo and have my Sun in Capricorn! I have signed in so you can see my chart.Two days ago my cat died! It was quite unexpected and I am sure that many people are facing a great deal of problems but my lovely cat came in my life 9 years ago a few weeks after I lost my mum (Jupiter was in Leo if I correctly remember).Such a supportive companion! Today I tested positive for Covid but I feel ok for now! last weeks were so difficult as I had also met someone which though he seemed quite interested in me he turned out to be much more scared than I thought I was (I haven’t been in a relationship for many many years)! We had dated exactly on the day mercury turned retrograde..
    Mid September I will move out of my house for a better place same area that I live and currently I feel extremely down! Is there anything you would advise me in regard to my current situation (other than patience 🙂 which as a Capricorn I have plenty)? (Being helped from your previous reply in another article I marked down in the ephemeris a Mars in Cancer trine Venus in Scorpio transit early October! How can I interpret the upcoming aspect based on my chart? My Venus is in Capricorn and Mars in a Scorpio)!
    Thanks so much for offering your insightful help.

    1. I am sorry you lost your cat. In my experience as a medium, cats give up their place on earth to other cats, because they know they will be loved and looked after. They pass the space on. When the time is right another animal companion will find its way to you. I hope your Covid management is going well at home. You have time to think about things more, as you recover, so preparing for the new home life is something you can do. In fact, your future home in 2025 and beyond is so much more than it appears. It will become a sanctuary; an escape; a holiday from the everyday. The house or apartment and local area will also require a fair bit of patient work and tolerance but ultimately you will come to see that this was your true home in life, in every sense of the word. Dating will be easier when Mercury Retrograde is gone from Leo. Leo rules courtship. Mercury is communication. Mercury Retrograde is backward communication in courtship.

  4. Hi Jessica, I have a Virgo stellium and my natal Virgo is in Moon? I have been struggling with work and earning. Is there something I can look forward to after 11th Sept? Thank you

    1. A Virgo stellium in the Sixth House makes work absolutely central. You have to find it fulfilling or even – something you frequently enjoy, or even love. Virgo rules the maidservant as a symbol; the maid of all work. Even when you serve and do your daily duty, it has to be rewarding or you find nothing really functions for you. Jeeves liked his job. Barack Obama was President and strongly Virgo and Obamacare was his passionate service; we can still see how much it meant to him to serve the people. So put money to one side with your question and think about the job/jobs you do, or can do. September is the month to figure out what is right.

  5. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for this article! The new moon will fall on my birthday. Can you please look at my chart and let me know what changes I can expect? I have been actively searching for international job opportunities. Honestly, I would need a new beginning/changes on many fronts as I have also been waiting for developments on my immigration case.

    Thank you so much for all that you do and your insights as always!

    1. You want a job abroad and are waiting to hear about emigrating. You are a Sun Virgo with Gemini-Sagittarius factors which are currently in the Jupiter opposition zone, then the Uranus opposition zone. The last thing you expected to happen, will happen, out of the blue and very suddenly – by 2025. Have you thoroughly researched the country, culture and city/town you want to emigrate to? I mention this because if you do depart, these ongoing transits with Uranus in Gemini (from 2025, way past 2030) can be quite challenging, as they oppose your Sagittarius factors (foreigners, foreign countries, emigration) in the Ninth House. If you don’t mind that, it’s fine, but know your onions before you go.

  6. Hi Jessica, I’m a Virgo sun with Pluto and Minerva also in Virgo, although nothing at 11 degrees but I do have Fortuna in Libra at 12 degrees. Can you please shed some light on what that will mean for me, if anything? It feels like life has been hard work for a while now in several areas and I could really use a fresh new beginning for those.

    1. Fortuna in Libra in the Seventh House describes a woman who puts boyfriends on a pedestal then blindly knocks them off, without seeing what she is doing. It can result in a random love life. High and low the men go (assuming you are straight) from King to peasant. They then get up there again, from peasant to King. The trick to Fortuna is to take your blindfold off and be aware of what you are doing, so that you can stop doing it, or at least do the demotion/promotion game differently without creating such extremes. Fortuna is not triggered by the New Moon as you have it at 12 and the New Moon is at 11, but in general, as a lifetime pattern, it’s something to be aware of.

  7. Hi Jessica
    I have 11 degrees in Virgo and Pisces and many virgo factors. What does this mean for me as a Cancer woman. I’m looking for new beginnings in my career (looking for new role) and my personal life (looking for a life partner). Will the new beginning on sept 11 move these parts of my life forward? Or is there something else I should be doing during this new moon. Thank you Jessica for your comments in advance!

    1. Your career is Virgo. Marriage is Libra. So let’s focus on Virgo. You are strongly Virgo and do best when you serve. So, clients, customers, even staff benefit from your work ethic and commitment to doing your duty. This makes the wheels go around and people know it so your superpower is actually being Jeeves or Mary Poppins. Bearing this in mind, you will be shown a brand new way to accomplish this in September. It gets off to an uncertain start but in the second half of the month, your new project, new job or new course settles down.

  8. Fascinating as ever Jessica – thank you! I have my moon in Virgo and 2 other planets in Virgo but the nearest sign to 11 degrees is Taurus at 12 degrees in Jupiter. I long for a fresh start but will it really happen this time?

    1. You have just enough Virgo in your Sixth House to suggest a new start with fitness, food, drink, doctors, alternative health care and also your mental health – in September. It doesn’t take off smoothly until after the 11th, but from that point on you may begin riding, for example, or wearing a jaw splint for teeth grinding, or giving up alcohol, or committing to one doctor over another. It takes a bit of time.

  9. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for this fascinating article. I feel that I need a new start in my life and I wondered what this new moon conjunct my natal moon might mean. Im a sun virgo and have Virgo stellium. 6 Virgo Uranus, 11 Virgo moon, 12 Virgo Pluto, 23 Virgo Sun, 28 Virgo Venus and 29 Virgo Mercury. I also have Jupiter 17 Aries and Saturn 17 Aquarius. My Mars is 2 Scorpio and my Neptune 13 Scorpio. My birthday 16th September

    1. You are strongly Virgo and live in your Sixth House. If we open the door to this house we find your bathroom cabinet with medication or natural therapies. Your kitchen cupboard with your favourite food and drink, and the fridge – and all the emotions that are stored there too (either guilt or feelgood smugness, because you are fitter and healthier than your peers). Also in the Sixth House we find your work, academic work or voluntary work, on the desk and on your computer. Again, you store emotions here. Overworked, need work, or content with your tasks? The cleaning cupboard is of course essential in the Sixth House and although housework seems so trivial it is actually really important to your state of mind, so the cupboard will reflect how you are at the moment – together, organised, satisfied – or cluttered, confused and so on. Your Moon is in Virgo so you spend time in your Sixth House ‘needing to be needed’ and therefore you populate it with people, dogs or cats who depend on you, as your maternal instinct is strong. This may be a colleague, a staff member, a client, a customer and a puppy – for example. You are also an unofficial nurse or doctor yourself, and take care of people by handing out advice or soup. Into all this comes Mercury, walking backwards, as he is retrograde. He should be connecting everything and making it work, but instead he is taking you back and forth. Into all this, also comes the New Moon, ringing the doorbell for a fresh start. However, the timing is wrong, because of Mercury. You will sit it out until this house watching the wheels spin until September 11th, when at last you can get moving.

  10. Dear Jessica,

    As a follow on from the last full
    moon and now this new moon, I’m awaiting a decision regarding my academics. Do you see anything in my chart that will suggest I may get another chance?


    1. Lilly, Mercury Retrograde is always a second take on the same scene. Sometimes a third take. You have this in your Sixth House of academia, where you also have a number of Virgo factors. So the New Moon suggests a new direction, but you will also be retracing your steps until September 11. As others will also be retracing theirs, this could easily be a second or third chance. I’ll look at this question again at The Astrology Show video on Substack.

  11. Hi Jessica, as always your insights are interesting. I have a stellium of Virgo and am curious as to whether this is the time when a new beau will enter my life?

    1. Love and sex are not Virgo matters, so this New Moon won’t do it. If you want a new boyfriend, look to the Fifth House ruled by Leo, and the Seventh House, ruled by Libra. There is nothing major there in your birth chart in September. What about your solar chart? You are a Sun Aries woman with the transiting South Node in Libra in your Seventh House of former and current partners. You have karma to complete from 18 or 19 years ago, regarding a partner then, or a former partner you were at war with. The karma is only something you know. You owe the universe, spiritually, or you are owed. So in 2024, right up until 2025, the situation you face with any new lover, or potential new lover, will bring in what happened then. I just had a male Aries reader who had been involved in a love triangle with the mother of his child, 18 years ago. Today he finds himself with a new woman, who is bisexual and her ex-girlfriend is still in her life, because that’s where the money is. Same theme back again. Your ex is the priority now, or a new man who brings back that 18-19 year old karma with another boyfriend at the time, or an ex-boyfriend you were battling with. He will show up by January.

  12. Dear Jessica, I have six planets in Virgo (Venus 12°, Jupiter 11°). I’m struggling with housing, career, love, and financial issues. I don’t know what to do. Please enlighten me. (08/19/1968) You told me to wait after 9/11, but I need guidance. Thank you in advance for your kind help.

    1. Whenever someone has struggles with every single life area – home, work, love, money – there is usually a huge block about changing. In other words, you’ve been pushed to change several times but are refusing to do it. Is that true with your chart? You are a Sun Leo with stelliums in Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. The fixed signs. So you are fixed by nature. You don’t change easily. I filed a feature a long time ago called ‘Unfixing the fixed’ about the cycles you are in now. Basically, your lifestyle on a daily basis has to transform. It is meant to transform. You are in the right space for that, between now and December. You are being shown what to do, no matter if is working very differently; walking away from a job; pursuing a new kind of work. If you resist and change nothing, you will go on having problems. This is at the heart of the whole situation – housing, career, finance. Love is down to Pluto transits, which are about power and control. You don’t say if you are single, in a relationship or married, so I can’t be specific. If you were single, however, then you are being told to avoid a power struggle like the plague. Even if you have a weak opponent (the person who is a love rival is nowhere near as impressive as you) it is also true that you can waste time and energy trying to beat them. As your personal life is only known to you, the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle will have to help you here. And they can.

  13. Hi jessica, I have stelliums in Virgo, Sagitarrius, Gemini and Pisces. Would you mind seeing how all this affects me. Thanking you
    in advance for your great advice.

    1. You have mutable signs dominating your chart and so you change often, all the time. You also have Mars at 11 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, possessions, business and property. The New Moon is sextile natal Mars. Your natural inclination to push, compete, be first and win – is triggered. You would be a fierce rival at a house or apartment auction, or when contesting a will, or negotiating a loan. You are also a Virgo having the New Moon in your First House of reputation, profile and image. What happens challenges ‘Me’ against him/her/us/them in regard to money, objects, houses or apartments.

  14. Hi Jessica! I have been learning so much from you and your writings since becoming a member — thank you so much in advance if you get to comment on mine as I also am aware how many of these you receive daily! Due to my ongoing divorce, it certainly feels like I am going through a BIG transitional period of my life where nothing seems clear or certain about my future — CHANGE seems to be the only certainty for me right now… BUT I do hope the promise of new beginnings beckons! I’m 43, a Sun Gemini woman with 5 placements at 11deg — Sun, MC, IC, ASC, DESC all at 11deg — although no strong Virgo influence other than Vesta at 4 Virgo. I’d really appreciate any insights from you Jessica, many thanks!
    All the very best,

    1. Thank you Francina. I’ve just sat down at my desk and your question is at the top of the screen. Congratulations on your divorce. You are leaving at exactly the right time. You do have some karma to complete with this man, over children you did (or did not) have, and it ends in January 2025 so you will have closure. The New Moon itself triggers your chart. If your birth time is minute-accurate then it will indeed pick up your angles. It certainly picks up your Gemini Sun. This New Moon at 11 Virgo will be square your Gemini Sun so what you cannot square about your brother, sister or cousin will take time to sort out; from the 11th of September it is far clearer. This natal chart pattern tallies with your solar chart as well; the New Moon falls in your house of family ties and extended clan.

  15. Jessica this is another lovely article thank you. I asked tarot how the new moon will affect me and I got king of pentacles. Does this relate to My Diana in Scorpio at 27 and pluto in libra at 27 as I see bacchus at 27 in the virgo moon chart? Or am i completely off? Im very grateful if you can clarify for me. I had a job interview to teach and im single. Any advice you see from my chart is much appreciated. Thank you.

    1. You have nothing at 11 degrees so the Tarot is ducking the question about the New Moon at 11 Virgo and going straight to Bacchus at 27 on the day, triggering your Diana at 27 Scorpio (finance) and Pluto at 27 Libra (your other half, or the other side). The King of Pentacles is a money man who is tied down by his wealth, business and possessions. Unless you fall in love with a new man on the day, this is a man against you. Likely the man in charge of salary for the job you are going for, or a man going for the same job, tied down by his money.

  16. Hi Jessica, thank you for the article. I have 11 Saturn in Leo and 11 Pluto in Libra as a Sun Taurus with Hygeia, Ceres and Psyche in Virgo. Can you tell me how the new moon will affect me? Many thanks as always, C

    1. This is about your courtship, the bedroom, babies, infants, schoolchildren and the next generation, in the context of boyfriends, husbands, girlfriends, wives and former partners. A new angle on the same, or even a new beginning, is on the way. This works in both your solar and natal chart. As a Taurus the New Moon falls in your Fifth House of romance, intimacy, offspring and other people’s children. In your birth chart, your Fifth House, with Saturn in Leo, is also lit. Just allow for wheels to turn backwards and forwards until September 11th, C.

  17. Hello Jessica. I hope all is well with you. I am hoping you can help me understand how the New Moon will affect me?
    I have a Virgo stellium with Pluto 11 Virgo, Juno 11 Virgo. Does Mars 11 Leo play a role in this too?
    My thanks in advance! Gia

    1. Gia, this is a new start for you with your health insurer, doctor, surgeon, complementary practitioner, dentist, counsellor and so on. It may involve your food, drink, drugs or medication on a micro level. Fitness, exercise and meditation, hypnosis or sport, also come into this house. You have a lifetime pattern of making powerful commitments to particular ways of eating, drinking, exercising or taking care of more serious issues. In fact, you virtually marry your doctor, or marry your health guru. This takes a new turn on the New Moon. It will pull in Mars in Leo, in a separate story involving a lover, or the world of the next generation. The main issue is your body and mind. You will find that after 11th September the new direction falls into place.

  18. Hi Jessica
    I have Saturn at 11 degrees in Taurus and Virgo in Pluto 25 degrees and my south node at 10 in Virgo. What areas in my life is this going to affect. Ive been stuck for so long in a loop in many areas of life and a fresh start is definitely what needs to happen . Thank you

    1. Stuck in a loop is usually resistance to change because it is too radical. Sure enough you have Saturn in Taurus in the Second House of money and property, business and charity. So you have a lifetime pattern of living with barriers and restrictions here and may find any alteration to your patterns, far too challenging. Yet it is exactly what you have to do, with Uranus going through Taurus and your Second House, until next year. If you still don’t want to reshape your life budget, the issues end in 2025 anyway as Uranus pushes off into Gemini.

  19. Thank you for the interesting article. I have a stellium in Virgo running 13 to 17 degrees plus nodes at 11 degrees libra and Sagittarius. my summer has felt like a long boring slog. My work is in a weird transition as my co-worker will be having brain surgery very soon and I will do his job during the 5 weeks he’s away. I’ve also had some random problems with my homeowner’s insurance and husband’s health insurance. It’s all turning out to be extra expensive and frustrating. My 1-degree Cancer husband also has his Pluto at 11 degrees Virgo. What can we expect out of this and when might it end?

    1. I’m sorry you are being given the runaround by Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Strongly Virgo women are reliant on routine and you have had it taken away from you on this transit. It ends on 11th September. Until then you will need to duck and dive. Mercury is scheduling, planning, connection, communication, travel and transport. You will be covering for a co-worker. You are also dealing with insurance issues. At least you know this all ends. In fact it is quite normal for the ‘turn’ of Mercury back over the same degree, to result in resolution with a sign-off in September. Your husband has Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House and needs total control over his food, drink, health care, drugs, complementary medicine and fitness. Whatever his rituals and routines are, he needs them to feel in charge. This takes a new direction for him on the New Moon and although it will be days until it all falls into place, the new pathway is here. It may of course be a brand new health insurance policy from a different company.

  20. Hi Jessica, Thank you for the article. I have Saturn @ 11 Capricorn, Juno @ 11 Sagittarius, ASC @ 11 Capricorn, DSC @ 11 Cancer and Minerva @ 11 Taurus. Yikes, what is happening? Am I being shown I need to develop better communication, improve my image at work by changing my current position or embarking on travel and taking a few risks. I would really appreciate your sage advice as I don’t know which way to go. I want to understand what astrology is showing me but I have difficulty in getting my head around it all. Many thanks for your knowledge and articles, I know I still have a long way to go.

    1. Thank you very much. This looks like a new beginning made by other people or organisations which strongly affects you. The new beginning will be in government and business but have a domino effect. It will also be made in the healthcare industries. The impact will be on your career, unpaid work or academic career (Saturn in Capricorn in the Tenth House) and ask you to look again at who or what limits you and restricts you. It will also pick up your commitments to foreigners and foreign countries, or foreign cultures in your own location (Juno in Sagittarius) either in the same episode, or a separate one. This has an obvious impact on the way you deal with your money or property (Minerva in Taurus). So it’s big. The angles (ASC and DSC) depend on a strictly accurate birth time, but if you have that, then what happens will also affect your professional profile, or student profile. This looks rather like a huge change in direction in the corporate, workforce or political world which gets you, where you live. It will take days for things to sort themselves out from the 11th you will know what you want to do.

  21. Many thanks for sharing your fascinating articles! So helpful each time!
    May I ask you – I saw hygea at 11 in Virgo in my natal chart… how the new moon will act? Also I am experiencing all this stops and difficulties with mercury as we are in the mid of renovating a province house and all is very hard…

    1. Thank you. The renovations will be smoother after 11th September as this Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is affecting the work force and that includes tradesmen but also the supply chain. At the moment Mercury is still on a loop. There is also a rise in Covid cases in the US which may be stalling the supply chain worldwide. The New Moon will be in a conjunction with Hygiea, a symbol of prevention not cure, in Virgo, the sign of self-care, in the Sixth House of food, drink, drugs, fitness, doctors and complementary medicine. You will make a fresh start here, and although it will take time to fall into place, you will be on a brand new track after the 11th.

  22. Hi Jessica, many thanks for the insight and agency your work and site provides. I usually just absorb things and piece aspects together as I get on with life, and quite good at staying upbeat, using the seasons, festivals, phases, stars whatever comes my way to the work as purposefully as possible. But I am plucking up the courage to reach out this time because I am hoping that now I can really breakthrough and feel like I am actually making things happen rather than reacting constantly (with decent luck and good energy but still it’s so responsive!). I am an academic, an anthropologist, a public activist, and writer, the last of which is where I am trying to make more room in my life, to express more prolifically and creatively as a communicator. I have a very significant Virgo stellium and wonder whether this is the moment to get moving, even if its in fits and starts, with repetition thrown in but some kinds of revolutions too?!

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to Asporea, who run this website. You want to be published or broadcast. You have a large Virgo stellium, as you say – and a Sagittarius stellium too, which shows foreign publishing or overseas podcasting or media. It will take time to find the right outlet and also the right project, as you are pursuing your goals when Jupiter is in Gemini, so there is a cross-current of inner objections or real-world obstacles in 2024, 2025 but eventually life becomes a great deal easier. The trick to your particular kind of writing or broadcasting is serving. Virgo rules hard, regular, sustained work which is satisfying because it feeds the needs of others. You are an academic, so could teach with your output, but also an activist, so you have a duty to inform. Once you realise it’s all about other people the path opens up. Jupiter in Cancer in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026 will be in sextile to your Virgo factors and open up stunning new opportunities to be heard and read in a new way.

  23. Hi jessica, thanks for the article! -The new moon symbolizing a fresh start makes me curios, as it lands right on my pluto at 11 Virgo, which is in a loose oppostion to Chiron. I also have a Virgo stellium with a square to my moon in Sagittarius. My chart is available & I’ll be grateful for any insights on how this may affect me 🙂

    1. Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House describes your need for control with food and drink – and with doctors, complementary medicine and healers. This may be because you have health issues which make it necessary to push back against the supermarket, fast food, big pharmaceutical and cigarette/sugar/alcohol industries. As a Virgo stellium person you know all about your body and mind. The New Moon will bring a new beginning with your self-care and although Mercury is still finishing a stuck loop, from 11th September you will be on track. This is important over the long-term as from 2025, the South Node enters Virgo and you once again have to come back to your health on all levels as an absolute priority. The trick with Pluto in Virgo in your Sixth House is to understand you can never have complete control. You will always have to compromise with other people and life itself. This is well-known to people who have it, who spend their lives negotiating over cakes, champagne, marijuana (and so on) in order to be sociable, or who spend a lot of energy trying to trade off with Covid-lazy people or business. What happens near that New Moon will turn things around, no matter what your personal concerns are.

  24. Enjoyed your article Jessica. I am Sun Pisces with Saturn in Virgo also with moon/cancer 11, bacchus/aries 11, Ops/Leo 11. How will the new moon affect me? with thanks.

    1. Your chart will indeed by triggered by the New Moon which suggests a classic Cancer/Virgo rethink of the way you manage life at home, from the alarm clock, to the toothbrush, to breakfast and the rest. This is also very much about housework and any gardening. Cancer describes your house or apartment; Virgo is the routine there. This is central to proceedings, much more than the Aries/Leo transits, as you are now in a twin cycle in both your natal and solar chart, when it’s all about the house, garden and/or apartment. There is a lot of room here for home improvements as well as a hugely improved (healthier, more enjoyable, easier) lifestyle.

  25. Hi Jessica,

    Im a Virgo Sun and Rising with a Virgo Stellium. I would be very grateful if you could take a look at my chart and let me know what this new moon could mean for me.

    1. For a start, you will be pleased to see the end of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo on 11th September as the rescheduling, loops, circuits and just about ‘re’ everything to do with your daily routine, lifestyle, workload and wellbeing is protracted. The New Moon suggests a new way of working. You tried a version of this, but have not really committed yet. That will come. This also applies to your health on all levels. Various experimentation now becomes a commitment. Settling into something that even resembles routine comes more easily on this New Moon and as God is in the details with Virgo, it is the small things that will make the biggest difference, from the tiniest pill, to the meticulous practise of a skill, every single day. Just allow until the 11th to see the dust settle.

  26. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. I have the below placements, and my chart should be available. I was wondering if you could please share any insights you may have on my chart in terms of this new moon, specifically in terms of career, job search, and volunteer leadership, and finances and my apartment’s landlord who is trying to evict me to rent the unit for more. Thank you for your time.

    1. Thank you. You have Mars at 0 Cancer in the Fourth House of apartments and landlords, natally, and are going through Pluto at 0 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, so transiting Pluto quincunx natal Mars. Choose your battles with this one. I am sure your landlord wants more rent, but unfortunately this transit has a reputation for being extremely demanding in terms of time and energy. Pluto goes out of Aquarius in days, back to 29 Capricorn, but then goes onto 0 Aquarius again in November. If you wanted to fight this battle you would find a huge amount of power (his) stacked against you. Have a look at your natal Mars in the Fourth House, even in childhood with the family, or the home situation in adolescence, and see if you can detect patterns. You also want a new job. If you expanded this into academia, education, volunteering online, you would find far more choice as in your solar chart you have Uranus (the liberating revolution) in your Third House of words/ideas/images/connection/communication and natally, Jupiter is going through the Third House too.

  27. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for another great article!

    I have Mars at 11 Scorpio and
    Vulcano at 11 Virgo. Can you please tell me how this new moon might impact me?
    My child also starts his academic year the same day.

    I’ll be grateful for any insights.
    Thank you very much.

    1. Thank you so much. Your chart tallies with the change in routine showing up with your child’s new academic year, as Virgo and the Sixth House rule the daily details from waking to sleeping, including of course, the cooking and housework. Vulcano is a lifelong ability to control your emotions in this regard and you can be a formidable parent and housekeeper, cook, bottle-washer and gardener. There may be a few days of stop-start until September 11th until the new routine is in place. Mars in Scorpio describes joint finances and property with a partner, usually, or family member and again, changes with the children usually mean a new direction there. It would be wise to reduce the heat and speed, though. Your Mars in Scorpio can be assertive, to put it politely, as you know.

  28. Jessica, thank you so much for this! I have a Virgo stellium and several factors between 10 and 12, including Pluto at 10 Virgo. I’m a writer, hoping to make a career change that includes working independently (I currently have an 8-to-5 job), and am working on ideas for both a children’s book and a novel. I am also waiting for a sale of inherited property, involving siblings, to come through; it’s been tied up for a while in red tape. I’m not expecting immediate change, but am hoping for real progress into a better future over time. Can you tell me anything from my chart? Thanks again!

    1. Thank you. Your Gemini, Cancer and Virgo stelliums tell the story here. You are in luck as Jupiter with all his opportunities, hope, growth, expansion and solutions goes through Gemini (siblings) until June 2025, then immediately goes into Cancer (property) that month, remaining there until 2026. So this augurs well for selling a property with siblings. The Virgo side of your life is about the meticulous attention to detail which goes into a skill set, talent or ability designed to serve others; dutifully delivering as requested. J.K.Rowling has a Virgo stellium, for example, and is not a remote figure publishing books; she has regular contact and a keen sense of duty to her fans. Once Jupiter goes into Cancer, he will be in a long sextile to your Virgo factors – so from June 2025. You then have even more of this cycle to assist you as he goes into Leo (children’s books, radio, television, film, theatre and podcasts) thereafter. You will have a good run of open doors with this planet, because of the way your chart is set up.

  29. Hey Jessica–Thank you for your update on the Virgo new moon! I took a look and I have Ceres at 11 degrees of Virgo. From your previous articles, I do know that Ceres is about compromise, but I am having a hard time understanding how to interpret that in the context of my chart. Any chance a romantic interest could appear? I would love to meet my person! I’m also currently working on a new social media startup educating viewers on a niche topic. I had the idea at the start of mercury retrograde so I used this time period to review/revise and hope to launch it late September/October.

    1. Ceres at 11 Virgo in the Sixth House will be triggered by the New Moon in your natal chart. Nothing to do with love and sex, everything to do with your social media startup. Ceres is a symbol of tremendous creative power, entitlement, control and passion. She also symbolises powerful emotion, ranging from rage to joy. She is a symbol of necessary compromise, because she cannot have it all her own way, and agreeing to differ and learning to share is the Ceres path. In Virgo this is about work, unpaid work and academia. It is also about food, drink, drugs, doctors, dentists and complementary health professionals. Since you were quite young you have been shoehorned into compromises regarding this. Here comes another one, probably with your startup, but it may take until September 11th for things to sort themselves out. As you know, Mercury is retrograde.

  30. Hello Jessica, Thank you for the article. I have Jupiter at 11 leo degree, scorpio sun and 2 factors in Virgo. Not sure if this aspect has anything to do with my career, job but somehow this aspect of my life is very confusing and I long for a new fresh start. Any insights will be really appreciated, hope after September things will improve. Thank you very much.

    1. You find your job confusing and want a new career. You are a Sun Scorpio with Minerva at 29 Capricorn in the Tenth House of professional life, unpaid work and academia. You will indeed find total transformation on your C.V. starting in just a few days and ending in November. This shows up in your natal chart and solar chart. Transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn will be in a rare conjunction with natal Minerva, so the most powerful people, organisations and situations will take over and you will find your position, mission and ambition is reshaped. In your natal chart, as a Scorpio, you are up for a complete lifestyle shift, tied to work, as this is ruled by Aries in your chart and we have the North Node and Chiron in Aries in 2024, followed by Saturn and Neptune in Aries in 2025. You are absolutely looking at a new job by next year.

  31. Dear Jessica. I am a Sun Virgo but otherwise have no Virgo factors. I do however have Minerva in Aries at 11. I’d like to understand, what the significance of this factor is?
    Thanks for your insight!
    Kind regards

    Sun – 23° Virgo 15′ 17″
    Moon – 00° Pisces 26′ 40″
    Mercury 02° Libra 17′ 26″
    Venus 07° Scorpio 22′ 06″
    Mars 19° Capricorn 07′ 49″
    Jupiter 17° pisces 07′ 44″ R
    Saturn 04° Sagittarius 20′ 36″
    Uranus 18° Sagittarius 31′ 16″
    Neptune 03° Capricorn 02′ 24″
    Pluto 05° Scorpio 36′ 59″
    Chiron 21° Gemini 16′ 53″
    Juno 07° Sagittarius 08′ 11″
    Vesta 13° Aries 53′ 09″ R
    Ceres 19° Libra 03’14”
    MC 21° Capricorn 28′ 28″
    IC 21° Cancer 28′ 28″
    ASC 18° Aries 52′ 40″
    DESC 18° Libra 52′ 40″
    Diana 27° Libra 55′ 21″
    Fortuna 02° Gemini 08′ 25″
    Minerva 11° Aries 06′ 57″ R
    Bacchus 09° Sagittarius 40′ 17″
    Apollo 17° Leo 59′ 14″
    Aesculapia 09° Leo 06′ 29″
    Hygeia 29° Gemini 03′ 10″
    Panacea 24° Taurus 58′ 39″
    Ops 01° Pisces 08′ 30″ R Salacia 19° Aquarius 47′ 48″ R Proserpina 00° Virgo 51′ 17″ Cupido 29° Scorpio 44′ 23″
    Vulcano 26° Leo 04′ 52″
    Psyche 22° Leo 07′ 30″
    NorthNode 21° Aries 04′ 32″

    1. Minerva in Aries in the First House is wisdom about your reputation, image, profile, title, personal appearance and the first impression you make. Minerva is a symbol of deep feminine knowledge and intelligence and we associate her with the owl. In Aries, the sign most associated with competition, conflict, pushing, fighting and battling – she helps you push on, push forward and push back. It’s all done through ‘front’ and you are regularly in situations where you must be front and centre, or upfront. We find Minerva in Aries in the charts of footballers who play centre-forward or lead singers who take on the front row of the audience. So Minerva is about to wake up; the New Moon will quincunx her in your chart and this side of your personality and life path will be quite prominent.

  32. Good Morning Jessica,
    How are you ?
    I have Psyche at 10 Virgo and pulled seven of wands with question how will this new moon in Virgo show up for me… so 3rd house Solar chart, 6th house natal, wands I see news etc… how do I tie all of this together with Psyche or is she irrelevant as not 11.. or am I making it to complicated, struggle getting my head around the pulling it all together.
    help please…

    1. Good evening Amanda; it’s almost 6.00pm here in Sydney so I am just ending the working day. The Seven of Wands shows one against the many caught in a battle of ideas, opinions and plans. The many are gathered; the one is ungrounded. The New Moon at 11 Virgo would be showing up pretty obviously with this; Saturn at 11 Aries and Apollo at 11 Leo stand out in your chart. Saturn in Aries is about your reputation, image, profile and the impression you make, quite publicly. Saturn can feel ring-fenced or encircled, so this is you, pushing back against a group or circle. Leo rules courtship, the bedroom and a younger generation. This card doesn’t really show the former, but it does show the latter, perhaps. Younger people en masse holding one set of views and yourself, quite another. You will feel singled out for attention. The trick is to understand you are all remarkably similar in your angles on life and some kind of compromise, communication and connection can be made, once you focus, centre, ground and figure out where you are, even geographically. You appear to have one foot West and one foot East here. Once you are feeling more together, with a sense of place, you can then proceed with negotiations.

  33. Dear Jessica, reading this article along with your newsletter warning of the Covid outbreak due from 2025-26, I hoped you would look at my chart, since I have a Virgo stellium. Interestingly, I have worked on health, both physical and emotional (checkups, therapy etc) over the past few years in light of the warnings you have been giving on Covid. Another major breakthrough (which I’ve asked you about in another blog) is my planned conversion to Catholicism in April 2025. Am I correct in thinking I have modified my life according to planetary placements? How do you see these plans going? Thank you!!

    1. Congratulations on your conversion. I’ll start there and say as a Cancerian with the Moon and Minerva at 28 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign cultures, you are completely on track. Pluto is going to 29 Capricorn in a few days, until November. This is deep transformation. Next year, Uranus goes to 28 Taurus. Transiting Uranus quincunx natal Moon is well-known in astrology as liberating. You were always going to be drawn towards people, places and organisations which were quite foreign to you in some way; the Roman Catholic church is all that. Your Virgo stellium is also associated with nuns; the virgin or maiden who attends to her service and duties is an archetype of the women who enter convents. Nuns of course grow their own vegetables and are often charged with tending to the sick; all very Virgo/Sixth House. Covid is omnipresent until the last historic transit in Virgo, or in opposition to Virgo, goes away and that’s this nodal transit ahead, starting in January 2025. As you know, avoiding Covid is all. So congratulations on avoiding it. This is also very much a case of ‘Do unto others’ as nobody wants to infect another, particularly if immuno-compromised.

  34. Hi Jessica l have been struggling with menopause and finally agreed to try hurt again. Although not too much avail at the moment . I believe in alternative and have pretty much been managing naturally. I’m interested that l have psyche at 11 degrees of Virgo. As depression has been a large part of the problem. Well losing my mo Jo as l put it. How would psyche play out.? Or is this just a coincidence? Would you kindly please look at my chart. Thanks again for another interesting article. September has always been quite a significant month in my chart over the years. Birth of my niece. My dad’s accident and last year the breakup or my son’s long term relationship. I’m holding my breath with this eclipse expected. As l have vulcano 27 Pisces.
    Very best wishes and thank you Selina

    1. Thank you. The eclipse can just be managed by avoidance, Selina. It’s always a blind spot (history tells us that) so just try to avoid big decisions or judgements while it is here. Menopause is a Virgo/Sixth House matter so Psyche at 11 Virgo and Cupido at 28 Virgo are both under transit (Pluto is going back to 29 Capricorn in a few days). We allow one orb’s difference, or a degree’s difference, in modern astrology. Virgo rules daily work, including housework, as well as paid work and study. It is about everyday duty and service to others, so walking the dog, and even running a country, if you believe that being a leader means serving the public. Doing your very best comes down to being fit in mind and body. When that’s not taking place, the issue is commonly an unconscious desire not to cook and clean (say) or a subconscious drive to take time off work, or even stop work altogether. In astrology transits in Pisces in the Twelfth House of the ‘hidden depths’ of the mind, are always in opposition to any Virgo factors so they can work against, actual work, through the mind (depression) or the body (a gammy leg, for example, if you are a professional runner). It can be very useful to sit down with the Tarot, the Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle, to decode if this is happening with you. Certainly, the transits of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces across 11 and 28 degrees in 2024 (Saturn’s been at 11, Neptune’s been at 28 Pisces) suggest you are being well and truly triggered. This lunar transit across 11 Virgo will pull it all into focus for you. The transits do run into 2025 so it’s worth understanding how the temporary impact of transiting Saturn in opposition and transiting Neptune in opposition pan out. Just looking around the web can help you. Basically an opposition in astrology is like an opposition in football. When other people, or life itself, seems against you, you pull back into what you know best, and what you do best. So this is your Virgo side, which has long been so concerned with the tiniest details of being fit and well, and the intricate business of serving and doing your duty, as best you can. This was there even at school. I also suspect you are well and truly ready for quite a radical change in the way you handle your depression, as Uranus (the revolution which liberates) is going to 28 Taurus in the year 2025, and transiting Uranus trines are all about quite sudden freedom from – or freedom through. I’ll leave it to you to explore what Psyche and Cupido mean in your chart; all the flipbooks are here for you to use on this site along with previous features. The opposition from Vulcano at 27 Pisces to Cupido at 28 Virgo is also part of the issue. There is a crucial part of you which is religious, psychic, sceptical of both (scientism, for example), or drawn to self-help and therapy. It has to be accommodated along with this Virgo side, which just wants to roll her sleeves up and feed the cat, or deliver the work on time. Again, you can use the cards on here to help you figure out a useful way to balance both sides. I heard the word ‘melancholy’ clairaudiently and I believe this is what you have. We don’t honour melancholy enough these days, but it used to be respected once upon a time!

  35. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for another insightful article. I am looking for a career move and wonder what the new moon indicates for me? Location, and industry would be helpful.
    Many thanks in advance

    1. Thank you. You have the South Node and Bacchus both at 29 Capricorn and Pluto is going back to 29 Capricorn within days. By December you will in fact have transformed your ambition, position and mission. Powerful people, organisations or situations which take over, will have moved in to permanently alter how you work. Pluto tends to accompany big business and politics, because that is where the power is.

  36. Hello Jessica, Hope you are well. This is a very interesting article indeed . On 1st Sept around New moon and I am going to do my first travel into a new city for a short work assignment and never been to this location before . I have Panacea 12 Virgo and Ops 13 Virgo . I been going thru a lot with work since 2008 since Lehman days and with Pluto back into Capricorn around New moon I am quite nervous what the next few months will be like . Can you please advise and give me your insights . Do you see a new career or parallel careers in the future . I do hope this is a start of a lot of nice and new things in life .Please help me with your insights and really appreciate your work . Sending much love RA Xx

    1. Thank you. The New Moon is picking up your chart with a one-degree orb aspect to Panacea and Ops in your Sixth House of work and lifestyle and you will experience a new lifestyle, routine and workload while the New Moon is here. Work improves hugely in 2025 as you lose Saturn and Neptune from your solar Tenth House of career. The rather odd situation you are in, where you are being offered a holiday from reality (in your case, literally travelling away for work) but also bound tightly with quite heavy restrictions, will stop. If you did all the right things by others 18-19 years prior, then 2025 and 2026 are years of karmic balance and wholeness. So, for example, if you hired or promote others then, you will be hired or promoted in turn.

  37. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your exceptional work.

    I have been experiencing a lot of jealously and vindictive behavior from a female VP at work. It’s made me wonder if I should just quit and wait for another job. I’ve had no luck in getting one(I’ve been applying from a long time).

    My health is not doing well either, been going to doctors every week for chest pain on the left side but no diagnosis or real reason why.

    When can I expect some relief from all this?

    Thank you as always!

    1. In astrology, Pluto rules dogs, and a dog-eat-dog atmosphere, as well as bitches. Pluto had a multi-headed dog called Cerberus. So bitchy women who want to control you are quite common on Pluto transits, or transits to natal Pluto. You have a number of chart factors at 0 degrees and Pluto has been circling 0 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years. He goes back to 0 Aquarius in November. This does pass. For a short period of time, though, the bitch is omnipresent. Use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle here to ask ‘How do I best deal with her?’ Eventually Pluto goes off 0 Aquarius and the atmosphere stops, for whatever reason. She may go, you may go, or she may change. That can happen, believe it or not. Your chest pain on the left side may be anxiety. If a doctor has run tests and not found a heart issue, for example, you may be having the physical outcomes of worry. I strongly recommend a distance healer on YouTube. Johanna Blomqvist is her name. Play the video as often as you need to. I have seen good resuls.

  38. Hi Jessica,
    I am a sun pisces with a stellium in virgo and I’m married to a virgo. His date of birth is 28-8-1958
    How does this affect me/us at this time and for the future?
    My very best wishes to you

    1. Thank you. The Virgo-Pisces axis is about the impact of your soul, spirit and psyche on your health and wellbeing. Your husband is part of this pattern. When you do not wish to work, do the housework, do any unpaid work or study – but are not admitting it – your body or mind cuts in and gives you a reason to stop. This may be an episode of depression or anxiety, for example, or a case of Covid or even a chronic health condition. The unconscious mind drives the bus. This New Moon in Virgo, but more importantly, the return of the lunar nodes to Pisces and Virgo from January 2025, suggests you will gain from understanding how you unwittingly program your own mental and physical health, based on how you really feel about labouring away, doing your duty for others and performing a service. Any disconnect there will always show up in a condition which means time off, or even resignation/retirement, is the outcome. Just being aware of this lifelong pattern, which began at school, can be enough to change it.

    1. No, Mercury is in the retrograde loop that began many weeks ago. I just gave a lecture on this at The Astrological Association of Great Britain. The loop begins whenever Mercury passes the same sign and degree where he will shortly go backwards. It only ends when the entire circuit has finished.

  39. hi Jessica, I’ve been and out if jobs, learnt late in life 61 to study a nursing (RN) course. I have planets and asteroidsbin virgo for sun leo. I pulled the magician tarot card. what wonders will this bring? PP

    1. The Magician in Tarot is you or your mentor. If you, then you are about to instruct others. Are you a nurse who teaches? If not, then your guide or guru is here to change the way you operate, not only with plans and projects, but also with relationships and money. This person is genuinely magical; transformative. An alchemist who channels something greater than herself or himself. Worth learning from.

  40. I have Pluto at 11 Virgo. And even thought I’m a Scorpio, I have Virgo everywhere in my chart. It’s a very strong presence. I think this fall is important for me, and I feel, in my heart, that I could really use a new start. Can you provide any particular insight for this upcoming time period or things you think my chart indicates I should focus on.

    Your input would be so greatly appreciated. T.

    1. Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House is common to everyone born in your year at school, but to have it at 11 Virgo does suggest a new beginning with your food, drink, drugs, medication, doctor, surgeon, nurse, alternative therapist, dentist and so on. It is very important to you, to tightly control what you have in the kitchen and bathroom and to have to compromise is never easy, though life and other people always make you do that. What happens after September is a new way of looking after yourself, inside and out. It may mean a new healer, for example, or a course in learning to ride. It may mean a totally different emphasis on one side of your career. This tallies in your natal and solar chart. As a Scorpio you have major transits in your Sixth House of daily life, workload and wellbeing in 2025. Right now, the New Moon on Pluto in your Sixth House is a nod to the same thing.

  41. Thank you for the article Jessica. My ex-partner is collecting his belongings from our house on 3 September. With Asculapia at Virgo 11 degrees in my birth chart, I hope the current astrological weather signals healing from heartbreak and rebirth.

    1. You were born with Aesculapia at 11 Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing so have what it takes to heal people or animals and bring them back from the brink. You can also do it with yourself. This has nothing to do with your ex-partner and everything to do with your lifestyle, health and job – perhaps an unpaid job or course. It will take time to fall into place, but September is the beginning of a rebirth on a day-to-day level. So he may, for example, take objects from the bathroom or kitchen, never mind the bedroom! What you will feel, more than anything else, is in terms of the housework; your day-to-day schedule, from alarm clock to sleep and so on. Much later on, when Jupiter goes to 11 Cancer, you will be given a rare and wonderful opportunity to perform a miracle of near-resurrection proportions with a person or animal which needs your healing touch. So that cycle begins halfway through 2025 and is with you until 2026.

    1. You are a Sun Pisces woman, with stelliums in Capricorn, Aries and Virgo. The biggest change you will notice over the next few months is the end of politics in your profession. This has been going on since 2008 with your career, unpaid work or academic career. That classic Pluto in Capricorn issue of a very few people holding an unhealthy amount of power or control will end in November, with a final sign-off in December. You will no longer work, study or labour under the same conditions and the end of 2024 brings a New Moon in Capricorn that really will feel like a new beginning.

  42. Hi Jessica !!

    As always , Thanks again for the great article !!

    I have Venus , MC and IC at 11 degrees and my ASC and Hygeia in Virgo
    Can you please check my chart and how this new moon affects me


    1. Your MC, IC and ASC (Midheaven, Immum Coeli and Ascendant) depend on a strictly accurate birth time, but if you have that, this will be a new beginning in your life with a doctor, nurse, surgeon, particular way of eating/drinking/exercising – and a specific work direction. Sometimes the work is unpaid or academic. It will take time to get going, but will eventually fall into place.

  43. HI Jessica,
    Thanks once again for such a fab article, coming here at the end of the month with a cuppa for a read, is now my Astrology ritual! 🙂 As a Libra Sun, with 9 planets in Virgo – Uranus and Diana at 12 degrees and Cupido in Leo at 11, I guess it’s just more of “delay city ” for me again but I’ve kind of become so used to it now that I’m not sure what I’ll do with the right to make my own choices when this all lifts! – dare I ask if that’s anytime soon?
    I do hope all is well for you, and everyone reading this – I keep telling myself ‘it’s temporary’ so maybe that can help someone else too?
    Sandie x

    1. Thank you. You are strongly Virgo and are delayed in your life. This is pretty standard when you have oppositions from transiting Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, which put the brakes on. So you have work goals but haven’t achieved them. For whatever reason time keeps slipping away and you’ve not finished what you started. You have body goals and haven’t achieved them. This changes in 2025 as Neptune and Saturn move right out of Pisces and a long chain of oppositions is also over. This New Moon in Virgo is a nod to the future. It’s not quite the Full Monty new beginning, but next year certainly will be. From the second half of 2025, Jupiter moves into Cancer and will sextile every one of your Virgo factors, so that by the middle of 2026 you will have had one opportunity after another to pull off a successful job, course or project and do what you always wanted to do, in terms of your health, fitness and wellbeing.

  44. Thank you Jessica for this video. I am Libra sun but I feel more like a half Libra and a half Virgo as I have a huge Virgo stellium. Would this new moon bring some more positive results for me? House, family, job, health and not being able to move forward and being alone are huge struggles for most of my life. I feel like even when I have some ideas and inspiration and want to move forward, I get stuck at old the same and can’t find a way to get out of it. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Thank you. Libra Sun women can get stuck in the middle of ‘seeing both sides’ and also not wanting to rock any boat. The need for harmony can actually impede progress as making any change with a house, apartment, family, career, health (you have named quite a few there) as well as love and sex, seems to disrupt life. Then you get stuck. Another classic indicator of stuckness is an exact square, opposition, T-Square or even a Grand Cross in the chart, which can wedge you in. Sure enough you have a 28/29 degree T-Square from Capricorn and Cancer to Libra, involving the lunar nodes and Mercury. Mercury is at 28 Libra and the South Node is at 29 Capricorn in opposition to the North Node at 29 Cancer. Take a deep breath because your career, partnerships, any duels and home, family and place in the world are about to be transformed. Pluto transits to 29 Capricorn within days and by November you will have experienced the most powerful people, organisations or situations completely changing your aims, goals and ambitions. There will be a corresponding shift with your home life and household or family and it will pull in your double act or difference with another. The final deal with him, her, them or yourself will come by December 7th and you will sign off from 2024 feeling that 2025 will be utterly different in every way, because it has to be. Pluto transits over a T-Square take time, space, stamina, willpower and self-control but your reward will be empowerment and lasting strength.

  45. Hi Jessica,

    Your ability to explain astrological concepts with practical advice always makes your content deeply meaningful, I genuinely appreciated the depth of your analysis. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping readers like myself navigate astrology. I’m already looking forward to your next piece!

    I have Uranus (Scorpio) and Vesta (Cancer) in 11 degrees and I have to appear in front of court on September 5th to continue an atrocious litigation that has been going on since 2018 and is related to disolution of my former marriage. It has been going “back and forth” since and all the process has been done “in written” form due to Covid and after, until Supreme Court returned it for a secound round, as my human rights have been violated by not being able to attend in person and bring witnesses etc. My whole family (including my parents) living situation and ancestral home depends on this trial. How do you see this relating to astrology of the moment?
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say. I am sorry about this litigation over your ex-husband. You’re in court on September 5th. This sounds like a Scorpio issue in your Eighth House of marriage and money, but also property and parents. Juno at 27 Scorpio and the North Node at 26 Libra will do it. The South Node at 26 Aries and Chiron at 27 Aries are also tied in. Any time you see transits at 26, 27 degrees by the slow-moving outer planets or nodes, you have a major financial or property episode. There is karma here with your ex-husband and you incarnated to go through this by mutual agreement, dating from your last incarnation. Uranus is at 27 Taurus in September 2024, which is the radical change which sets you free. Transiting Uranus is in opposition to natal Juno and just one degree away from a quincunx to the North Node and a semi-sextile to the South Node and Chiron. Any Uranus transit like this will operate suddenly and quite unexpectedly, rather like a lightning bolt. You will be offered quite unpredictable independence as a result. Neptune goes to 27 Pisces in October and again, this entire pattern in your chart is picked up, so this is a long story about dealing with the karma of the lunar nodes. It is possible that you and your ex-husband have had several incarnations and may have been at war against each other on opposite sides, as well as married and very possibly divorced before. What we are waiting for here is for Uranus to get right off 26, 27 Taurus and Neptune to move off 26, 27 Pisces. This happens in 2025. This must have been extraordinary stressful when transiting Pluto was at 27 Capricorn and you had a T-Square to the nodes. Fortunately the intensity has gone from next year forwards. As I said, what happens will be rather like a lightning bolt and yet if you step back from it impartially you will realise you are being offered what money cannot buy, which is autonomy, space, room to move and what feels like a revolution.

  46. Hi Jessica ,
    Thank you for being a guiding light in my life at very important crossroads . I have been following your advice and have benefited immensely in dealing with both my health issues and family disputes.
    However I still feel unstable and not able to focus on my priorities of health and an intellectual pursuit. I have been taking is slow because of the Mercury retrograde and even cancelled a wonderful travel holiday because of the monkey pox upsurge.
    I am retired after a full time rewarding career . But I feel very caught up in family issues and unable to find the right direction and time for my intellectual pursuits. My husband is not very supportive and is a very controlling person so my priorities get diluted in our home life.
    I am a Sun Leo with 5 Virgo stelliums. Will the next few months give me the space that I so strongly miss and wish for before I’m too old .
    Looking forward to your response .

    1. Thank you. I am glad the astrology has helped you. You are retired and have a controlling husband. The family is taking up your time. You are a Sun Leo with stelliums in Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aries. What happens near the New Moon on September 2nd and particularly Mercury correcting his motion on September 11th, suggests you sign off from your current lifestyle, housework schedule and all unpaid work around December 7th this year. In fact, by the time you reach the Capricorn New Moon and Solstice at the end of December, you will be in a completely different space. Your husband no longer controls your days. We don’t know why. You will in fact be studying for many years into the future, starting in 2025 and no matter if this is in formal academia or less formal courses, will find your holiday from the real world is with foreign tutors and fellow students, online or in person. You could easily gain qualifications when Jupiter goes into Leo, so that’s 2026-2027.

  47. Hello Jessica

    Thank you for all your interesting articles. It gives me so much plesure reading them.

    Could you tell me how my Virgo IC will be affected by the Virgo New Moon. Many thanks.

    1. Thank you. Well, the IC or Immum Coeli depends on a strictly accurate birth time; the moment the umbilical cord was cut. If you have that, then your Virgo IC points to a family pattern with ancestors or more recent relatives of health issues impacting work. So this is the nurse in the family tree who became interested in nursing after battling, say, her own asthma. Or it’s the trade union member a couple of generations back who went on strike to protect the rights of factory workers on health grounds. The Virgo New Moon is a green light for a new road in this area. So, for example, you may decide to retire and spend more time and money on Bowen Therapy and less on sitting at a desk. Or you might decide to radically change your diet, so that you have more energy for a special project.

  48. Dear Jessica, I am awake in the pre-dawn hours and have just read a question and response, where the questioners life and circumstances eerily reflect my own. I could feel what she was saying and who is also a third decan Leo sun. Their birthdate was 19/8/68. They also had a large Virgo stellium.

    My life is in absolute turmoil and chaos (17/08/73), and I can’t ‘see’, where usually I would have some vague sense of direction. If kitchen cupboards reflect your inner life then I am in trouble.

    Housing, health, finances, a platonic but long term ‘housemate’ who has changed the road which I wanted to be on, yes, since late 2007/8, and all of it is beyond stressful right now. Almost overwhelming. Really overwhelming. I am scared.

    This morning ahead, I will have to tell my landlord, where I am now overstaying and the place is now sold, if I will be out tomorrow and which would involve me discarding the remaining of my belongings and with nowhere to go for now.

    I have found a place to live, available in 2 weeks. Yet my feelings are all over the place with it. A suburb I once would never have considered, and involves having to rehome with said long term but problematic on/off housemate. Where I live now also provides faniliarity and aquaintances if I need social interaction, after years of dealing with social anxiety and other issues.

    Not only that, but I was required to make an immediate decision and had to sign for it on the Aquarius August full moon, so I am even more trepidatious. Of course move in date would be around the 15th September. Another one of those better to wait then act dates.

    My health, well, its weekly trips, and tests, and medication ongoing. I have not been so unwell. Saturn doing the bones, Pluto doing the rest. I have Saturn and Mars natally at 1 degree. Pluto at 2.

    Of course I have Venus in Virgo at 27 degrees. Opposing my natal Pisces Moon at 27 degrees as well so it all lines up so to speak.

    Your response to the previous post was ‘unfixing the fixed’. That not moving forward will extend and prolong problems. I know you can’t see my chart as I am not a member unfortunately. Are you able to expand further with what you told the previous poster and with my dilemma? If you are unable to respond, please know reading these posts has given food for thought. Yet the dawn is approaching. Literally. I wonder what she brings today. Thanks for your time.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you are going through this upheaval in your life. What is happening is the end of a lifestyle cycle and this does settle down once you are at 7th December. So this is temporary. You will have to drop some possessions, so enforced Lifesweeping is here. This can be a good thing. Rather like Spark Joy and Space Clearing, it’s about having only what you love and need in your life. Everything else can go to the charity shop and if you really need it, you can buy it again one day. It’s good you have a temporary place to go to. Pluto is at large. Any situation or person which does not empower you has to go and it takes great insight to realise when you are being put on a different road, as the road you were on would have actually taken the control away from you. So even though this feels like the end of your hands on the reins, you are being put in a position where you will eventually have your hands back on again. If you think back carefully to what’s been said and done, presumably with the landlord, you will realise that you were being disempowered. Put in your place, maybe? Taken down a peg or two? Maybe even manipulated? That can happen when Pluto is around, or perhaps it’s quite another person. This astrology sorts itself out. Get through September-November (the immediate issue ends in November). Get to a deal-making stage by 7th December when you will have a compromise with yourself and the world about your living situation and money. Then know that 2025 is the first year since 2008 when you will no longer have to duck and dive with your lifestyle; the New Moon in Capricorn is coming, without Pluto for the first time in years and it genuinely is a new start.

  49. Hello Jessica, I wonder if you could shed some light on something you have mentioned before regarding both my husband (Aries 30/03/1955 Family & Friends chart) and my chart concerning karma 18-19 years ago. We are both puzzled by this and have no clue as to what it refers to. I also have factors at 11 degrees. Can I also thank you for your comments previously regarding our land sale and planning permission (for our forever house) which finally came to fruition at the very end of the time frame you suggested! Phew!

    1. The North Node and South Node move backwards through the zodiac signs in 18-19 year cycles so transits of the nodes hark back to that time and in your natal charts, the position of the nodes shows why you reincarnated. You have Scorpio-Taurus nodes so your last past life was in fact with your husband and you agreed to return for closure on financial or property matters dating from that lifetime. At the moment the transiting nodes are in Aries and Libra. Thank you for confirming the predication came true.

  50. Hi Jessica,

    After having read your blog and watched your new moon video, I would highly appreciate you could let me (Sun Libra with Virgo factors) know if my Mars at 11 Libra is the most important factor for this new moon? Or should I rather look at my Virgo factors? I’m currently applying for a new job and will have an interview on the day of the new moon.

    Thank you and have a good day over there in beautiful Australia!

    1. Thank you. Mars at 11 Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels will indeed be triggered, so somebody else’s new beginning will motivate you to take action about the partnership, double-act or dual carriageway. Perhaps the feud, conflict or rivalry. As always with Mars, you have to pick your battles (if the latter) and with the former, remember the amount of heat and speed you can bring to a duet, with the other person in mind. Your Virgo factors in the Sixth House of workload, lifestyle and wellbeing are also triggered, but you are being interviewed on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, so are still in the stop-start/stuck zone until 11th September. It may be something as trivial as a stray email so check. I just gave a lecture where there was no sound with my booked host, because the Astrological Association put their conference on, during Mercury Retrograde!

  51. Hi Jessica. Very interesting article. I’ve been looking forward to the new moon. I have a Virgo stellium, and this New Moon will be conjunct my natal moon, and Neptune at 11 degree Scorpio. I would love to hear your input on this.

    1. Give or take a few days, until the 11th, you are on track for quite a different lifestyle and would have found a key turns in the door in the last few days – if you do want to go through that door. This is about distance healers, doctors, the nature of medication, food, drink, fitness, daily routine, even the dog. Neptune in Scorpio is also being triggered and in fact Jupiter will trine Neptune eventually, from the middle of next year. This describes the family financial arrangements or partneship deals over a house or apartment. The only caveat is to get it crystal-clear and get it in writing as there are no boundaries unless you put them in.

  52. Hello Jessica, I have a stellium in Virgo including Apollo at 11°, I am planning to start my therapy practice on 12th September. Would be grateful for some pointers on how this will impact me? Thank you.

    1. This is good timing for your practice and long-term you will use the internet in new ways to enhance what you do. You may go more deeply into areas like C.B.T. for example or find there are new inventions in the years ahead which transform your work. This is an exciting but unpredictable path for you until 2025 when it slowly starts to settle down. Mercury behaving himself from September 12th is what you need and it’s close now.

  53. Sincerely, thank you so much for your comments regarding my question. I have had a frozen shoulder – and extremely painful condition, for the last year, and it is finally unfreezing. I have a procedure scheduled for the 26th of September, where they will inject the shoulder with 50CCs of saline and anesthetic, in order to break the adhesions. I hope it doesn’t hurt too much – because I’m finally out of pain. And I hope I can regain the range of motion. You also speak of “learning to ride”. I have ridden to the 1st international level of dressage – but health concerns and my shoulder and being incapacitated have kept me out of my barn chores and unable to ride. It would be my hope that perhaps I am not too old, not beaten up to bring my two horses back into work.??? And yes, diet and exercise are critical to all my plans. I have been working exceptionally hard on eating better (I have put on 10 pounds – being incapacitated and also facing the hormone changes of the early 60’s). You have touched on it all. I did my own barn chores for the first time last Friday and tomorrow I have committed to doing my own horse care for the month of September on Mondays – until my shoulder procedure. (Start/stop/re-start). So, for me… it is all new beginnings… new beginnings but old beginnings… and I’m hoping to be able to start at the beginning and ride again… after a long absence. You touched on it all. Thank you. Your words have helped to highlight many things I known in my heart about this time period, and many things I really want but fear that I am too old. (I know the muscle memories are there, if I can “re-learn” and dust them off… but safely, I hope. I don’t bounce so well, anymore.). I have also joined a group (out of England) – online – to specifically work on diet over the next three months. It’s starts tomorrow. Many things start tomorrow. Or have started in the last week. Thank you. I’ve been a member of this sight for quite awhile and read but rarely write in. Again, thank you. T.

    1. Thank you. My psychic impression of riding for you has not changed and you could return to your two horses, but in a new way. You would also lose weight, which I also saw. The group of online dieters will work well for you. And if you can get Ozempic, get it. It works. Being out of pain will be wonderful; you just need this Mercury Retrograde in Virgo to be over, and it’s close now.

  54. Hello Jessica

    My moon sign is Virgo and I have North Node 11 Capricorn and South Node 11 Cancer.

    I have had 4-6 weeks of health checks from hormones, mammograms, to skin cancers, 6 blood tests, commenced HRT, liver ultra sound ….. I have had a fully health check. I have also been working with professionals on my mental health. Thankfully I am healthy, physically and mentally.

    I was hoping you could help me understand what and how 11 degrees in both North + South node means when in Capricorn and Cancer.

    I am assuming this relates to my work. I could be wrong. I have three job opportunities in the air and patiently waiting for one opportunity to be put into a contract. It has been stop and go for a while with all three opportunities and I was hoping you can shed some light on the timeline of when I will have a permeant job.

    Always grateful for the work you do for the community 🙂

    1. Thank you. You are correct. The transits are to your Capricorn-Cancer nodal axis and so about your career (Capricorn) which of course affects your home life, any rent, mortgage and real-estate. The stop-start nature of the job talk is Mercury (contracts) Retrograde (backwards, stuck) in Virgo, but that ends on September 11th.

  55. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your article. It’s the time of new moon in Virgo now. I have moon at 11 Capricorn and Cupid at 11 Cancer. I have Mars and MC in Virgo. I have been waiting long to get two projects relating alternative health products. Will I hear good news after Sept 11? Thank you again for your predictions.

    1. You are a Sun Aquarian with a strong leaning towards Virgo in your chart so have alternative health products to launch. Your best work period in 12 years starts in June 2025 and runs into the middle of 2026. In terms of actual launches, if you have been running ahead with this since July you have already been doing so on Mercury Retrograde so need to complete a circuit or loop by the 11th of September. So this whole period is about rehearsal and second and third takes. If your main motivation is money you are still stuck with Saturn in your solar Second House of income at the moment but he changes signs in 2025 when the usual waiting games are well and truly over. Everything about your chart is nodding towards next yeqr for business.

  56. Hi Jessica. I have nothing at 11 degrees but am curious to know how this new moon may effect me health wise. I have some (female) health issues going on and will most likely need surgery (hysterectomy) due in part to abnormal post menopausal bleeding. I have been on bioidentical hormone therapy for three years.

    Thank you.


    1. Lauren, I am sorry you have these health issues. Virgo season does tend to produce surgery, diagnosis, new medication, new doctors and so on and you have Pluto and Uranus in conjunction at 16 Virgo in the Sixth House of wellbeing. Panacea is at 16 Gemini so there is an exact square. Look at your work, unpaid work and/or study as the back story here. Your chart suggests you cannot square your life online, on your smart phone, commuting (or short-haul travelling) with your need for total control of your schedule, daily routine, service to others and duty to others, too. Transiting Saturn was recently at 16 Pisces so you had a T-Square in your chart; he goes back to 16 Pisces in 2025 before leaving the sign. This will take time, which you know. Saturn rules any time-consuming process and waiting game. However the T-Square does not last. What is more permanent, going right back to childhood and adolescence, is the need to run and own your efforts for others; your work for others. If you cannot do this, you may find your health issues get you out of it. That’s Pluto in the Sixth House. Uranus in the Sixth House is about your rejection of the same; you may have found this began at school as well; you don’t want to know about particular chores or tasks as a student, or with a part-time job after school, or for pocket money housework. It then tends to reach a point where everything changes very suddenly and you find yourself with a new, sudden, quite unpredictable and forced independence. As an adult I am sure you are completely aware that the body talks to us about what we do not want to do/cannot do by shutting up shop. Your uterus is the key here. A woman’s work is never done, they say, and that includes motherhood and even sex, as well as cooking and cleaning. Virgo season in September is a good time to pull right back and look at all of this in a detached way and see where you’re at. You can also use the Garden Oracle on this website to find intuitive answers. I hope you are able to get through this as quickly and easily as possible.

  57. Another fantastic article, Jessica. And I listened to the Substack new moon video as well. I’m sun sign Aquarius but don’t have anything at 11 degrees. I have Virgo 29 degrees in Cupido and 13 degrees in Psyche. Asking what this new moon will bring for me, I drew Ace of Wands. I would be grateful for any insights. Your website and knowledge are invaluable to so many people. Thank you

    1. Thank you. Well, the Ace of Wands is chatting to you about a really big idea which needs to be planted in the right location so it can grow. This shows in your natal chart as Pluto will trine Cupido at 29 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, study and unpaid work. It also shows up in your solar chart as there is a digital, media or other web-related focus in 2024, 2025 and beyond. The trick to this is researching likely places and people to best accommodate which is a really striking brainwave.

  58. Hi Jessica,
    I have a stellium in Virgo, including Minerva at 10 Virgo. On the new moon, I was hoping for some good news about a job I applied for. But today I was shocked to find out I need to undergo additional medical tests due to an abnormal mammogram result. I realised I have a grand cross with transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn and my natal Sun at 28 Cancer, Uranus at 28 Libra and Chiron at 28 Aries. I’m a single mother of two primary-aged children, and my Mum died of breast cancer at the same age as me so it’s confronting. I pulled the Judgement card so think my Mum is with me in spirit. I will follow the advice of medical practitioners. But I wonder if you have any psychic or astrological insights. Thank you.

    1. I am very sorry your mammogram was abnormal. Yes, your mother is with you in spirit – Judgement shows her and other family and/or friends in the card. There is no chart here so I will not read it out of context. However, if you have Minerva in Virgo in the Sixth House of health and wellbeing, you already have an advantage because you have innate wisdom about your own body and know what to do. More tests can be taken in your stride as you go though this Virgo season, also in your Sixth House. A separate issue is the Grand Cross which Pluto at 29 Capricorn is triggering, picking up the extended family circle (Cancer) the children’s father or any other former/current partner (Libra) and your image (Aries). This is here until November 19th when Pluto leaves Capricorn for another 248 years. So there are two short-term challenges here for the moment. Become your own best researcher and expert on breast cancer now; update yourself with Google Scholar and consult widely. That’s your Minerva in Virgo trigger. Secondly, circle back to the family in particular, as well as any former or current partner, because that needs to be reshaped for as long as Pluto is here. I wish you well and hope you are through this as quickly as possible with any necessary changes being made comfortably for you.

  59. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your post. Although I’m reading this late perhaps it is to explain hearing news about my past over the weekend that was very distressing. I have a stellium in Virgo (moon, desc, juno,north node) and minerva in juno at 11 degrees. Could you please tell me what this mean for me?
    Thank you

    1. I am sorry you have had upsetting news. You are strongly Cancer-Virgo and need emotional security, particularly with your extended family circle and/or household. You also very much need routine, no matter it’s the morning walk, a cup of tea or eggs and bacon. You will get back on an even keel after September 12th when Mercury corrects his motion in Virgo and even further ahead, in 2026, you will find Jupiter in Cancer in your Fourth House of home, belonging, sanctuary, history, heritage, emotional anchoring, your clan, your town and country – delivers. At the same time Jupiter will be sextile your Virgo factors so this will be immensely grounding for you. The transit goes on into 2026.

  60. It is interesting how you have just made up that there is a mercury retrograde in September and people believe it. Very poor astrology. (I bet this won’t appear in the comments because I notice your belief in censorship means only self promoting comments exist).
    Very biased when commenting on American politics.
    Blogs on Meghan and Harry do not capture their true characters.
    Poor quality astrology.

  61. Thanks for your help over the years Jessica.
    Your work has helped me a lot to make sense of things.

  62. Jessica needs no defence, by me or anyone else really, her well-documented track record, across many media platforms, and her extensive satisfied readership speak for themselves.
    We are all entitled to our opinions of course, but when they are uninformed or ill-informed, they are just irritating in the extreme, and a waste of space and time.
    Kristina didn’t even organise herself to post her comment in the relevant blog, perhaps fortunately for the readers, who can do without the sideshow.
    “Made up there is a Mercury Retrograde in September’? She obviously hasn’t bothered to read Jessica’s many blogs and articles explaining Mercury Retrograde in depth, with many examples. Many other websites give Mercury Retrograde Shadow periods in their charts and calendars, if she bothered to look. From her post however, I very much get the inference that Kristina knows it all already, without telling us how she does, as illustrated further by her comment about “Meghan & Harry’s true character”. What does she even mean? Who would know?
    Kristina also gives herself away by saying that you would not post her comment, that “only self-promoting comments exist”. This is further proof that she has not read much at all on your website, as many times you have posted this critical type of comment (& had fun with them & used them as educational tools for us), still in existence on the site.
    Kristina’s accusation of bias in American politics falls completely off the cliff and into a hole when what you have predicted has come to pass.

    Jog on Kristina.

    Shine on Jessica, you are a big star in our galaxy.
    Janie Bee

  63. Apologies Jessica, tarot is difficult to understand. I was worried now as I found my hair thinning in some places and was thinking if it is because of me taking blood thinning medicines. In May this year I had a emergency and ended up in the hospital ICU with blood clots in my leg caused by my huge uterine fibroid. This removal surgery with the uter is awaited as the doctor – he’s quite sharp tongued and curt , yet I think I need to ask him about this, – has said only when blood clots are all gone that I can proceed further with the gynaec surgery. today I looked at myself now see my hair thinning and it got me so worried, is the medicine causing this? why is it thinning? I asked the tarot twice and got three of wands twice. i didn’t understand but tarot made my mind go what is going on. You had once said that tarot may show you a different area of focus, yes I’m a researcher writer but it’s all stalled now since more than year for very difficult reasons. Now with my movements walking restricted and waiting for this surgery to get done, don’t know when, I’m just paused. Just thought to write in Jessica. Apologies this unusual post. I need my hair to its thick curly glory like right now but the tarot’s answer I didn’t get, wish I’d got the strength card. Thank you for all you do. Best.

    1. I am sorry you are going through this. The Three of Wands shows you three hair follicles with nothing to nourish them. (The three wands are on barren, rocky ground). So this issue is nutrition. If you drew this card twice, the Tarot is emphasising a point. A hair cut would help, if you’ve not already done that. The person in the card has a clipped bob. Research your diet and hair loss. Your waiting game with treatment is best played by researching, which you do anyway, and once you know – you can write a blog to share it with others, or just add to forum discussion online.

  64. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article, which I have read a few times now. I’m not sure if you will see my comment, but in wondering about it’s importance, I then tested positive for Covid on the 2nd of September, in what was my first ever positive test (albeit may have had asymptomatically). It has been a rough week and I am feeling pressure to get back to work but dreading trying to juggle family and work while feeling my energy reserves are completely drained.
    With Virgo in Juno (10) and aesculapia (21), I wonder how best to proceed. I feel the weight of several years deliberation around work on my shoulders but a desire to stop and change tempered by the financial consequence albeit I have a plan B put into effect in 2022. Can you see a clear path in the astrology for my decision making? Many thanks

    1. I’ve just sat down with a cup of tea and am reading your chart now. I am sorry you have just had Covid. You feel drained but also have to go back to work and manage the family. That is definitely a Virgo issue. Aesculapia at 21 Virgo in your chart shows your ability to resurrect and revive (yourself) and a huge comeback is on the way, as Chiron goes to 21 Aries and Jupiter goes to 21 Gemini. You are also a miracle worker, with your job and have what it takes to bring back projects, plans or people from the point of no return. Aesculapia is a symbol of powerful rebirth in the face of situations where you would write something, or someone off. These transits at 21 degrees begin on the 25th of September. This is about your entire lifestyle; paid work, volunteer work; housework. It is also about your physical and mental health. So Covid is playing its part in getting you to a quite dramatic turnaround. Until then you need healing. Your immune system is fighting. You cannot serve others without serving yourself first. Use the time off to research Covid recovery and what is proven to work.

  65. I found it particularly interesting that Miss Kristina has left no evidence of her own Astro quals (leaving her unqualified to comment AT all LOL!) bagged out our beloved Jessica but clearly seems to have devoured nearly all the articles on this website!
    Noice…gimme some more entertainment late at night!! 🙂
    As always Jessica, thank you for everything! xx

  66. If you feel so strongly Krystina, then also feel free to not avail yourself of the service Jessica provides on this site. Personally, I’d rather not be confronted with your negativity.
    Cheers Jessica 🙂

  67. Jessica,
    Just catching up on your articles and comments, you provide such generous warmth and detail, in your responses, also your articles. I learn and enjoy, gaining from your insights. I felt to add another voice of support, regarding the unfriendly, unprofessional, disrespectful comment you received complaining about censorship and bias. It does seem true you and readers you attract here, the ones that write in, probably lean more left, definitely most don’t have much constructive to say, for example, about President Trump. I just wanted to say that I am one who sees things often a lot differently on some issues, but I always feel welcome, and it’s good to see what you and others have to say. Isn’t that part of the whole point of the passage we are in now, the whole world seems quite divided, into one camp or the other … the job is to create space that is open for dialogue and being honest about what see and think … if people take such offence, then it says something about their own inner life. Where you talk about Trump, for example, I myself definitely lean more towards the way the justice system is being weaponized, and I see a lot of hypocrisy and double-standard, where you and other readers don’t tend to, and see the weaponization and hypocrisies from the other side … in truth, there are probably enough to go around in every direction, lol … what a time we are in … people should spend less time thinking they are right or others are wrong, and be appreciative that there are others around with different views, it is refreshing, and challenges us in good ways … Anyhow, we are all allowed bias, it’s called a different point of view in this case, and with some of the stars aligning to it … Anyhow, I just wanted to express my thanks for your work and the way you handle these things, and that myself, despite having probably different views, I don’t experience this site or you, with bias, or censorship. It’s always a clue when people attack the person, instead of debate their ideas or positions. Anyhow, thank you.
    I don’t know if I’m still allowed to ask a question lol after giving a cheer for Trump, and for you in the same post 🙂 but this new moon in Virgo felt very big for me and keeps on giving … I have three factors at 11 degrees, Ops 11 Taurus, Jupiter 11 Aquarius, Apollo 11 Virgo … Apollo just crossed over to 12 Virgo, so landed right on my natal Apollo couple days after the new moon, and then I saw also Jupiter 19 Gemini right on my Saturn 19 Gemini. I am trying to take advantage of the Jupiter passage through my second house, where I have challenging Saturn and Vesta, to time good investment decisions, also take advantage of planting the acorns for sharing my poetry online somehow, still collecting the pieces together. And now Mars 2 Cancer right on my moon in Cancer. I was wondering a bit more about the impact of Apollo 11 Virgo, also if Jupiter’s expansion energy, what does Jupiter Gemini do when he meets Saturn Gemini!? I am Sun Taurus.
    You help so many people in heartfelt and deeply meaningful ways, I wish you and your staff a lot of continued goodness,
    Thank you,

    1. Thanks Cathleen, that is really kind of you. To move to the second part of your comment, you have a question about your poetry and your Gemini placements. You will in fact succeed with your poetry and any other writing you do, by June 2025 at the very latest and an overlapping 2025 change with the internet will help you pursue your craft in a new way. New technology, websites, innovations and inventions will appear out of the blue in 2025 that help you to see your poems very differently along with an exciting new way to deliver them. I suspect a group will be involved as natal Jupiter in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of community is being well and truly triggered.

  68. Jessica,
    This is interesting, I think, in my reply regarding one comment that you had received, which garnered comments of support, including my own, I was going to mention as an example of how I saw the unfolding with President Trump differently, one of the double standards is the way he has received the felony charges for the way the payment, really a typical NDA (non-disclosure agreement, distasteful area maybe, but the Prime Minister of Canada, current one, has one with the family of young woman from the days when he was a teacher at her school in West Vancouver, but he comes off suave, so the legacy media don’t apply the same standard, and this was a minor) … same goes for Hillary Clinton, as people have known in press that reports more factually that regarding the Russia-gate Steele Dossier events, her campaign paid for this and also wrongly classified it in the accounting document, same crime as Trump was accused of … and the dossier was also proven false by many compelling reports … President Obama reversed a law when he left office that guarded against the propagandizing of the American people, which had been instituted after the war or roughly so … our press is deeply compromised globally, it seems … it makes for division and people more sure they know rightly and then get angst and are disrespectful when others have a different point of view … I can’t cut and paste a link, but I just saw it reported this morning, even on CNN (!), about Hillary’s campaign and the way this very dodgy expenditure for a very dodgy finding was recorded … there seems to be a lot of truth to be unearthed in all kinds of direction, and we are in those times. Maybe Kristina, bless you also, if you are reading these responses, and perhaps consider to leave the blaming and shaming elsewhere, and simply make room for other points of view. A lot of people come on this site and receive deep and generous guidance, for which we are all very grateful, and we receive it also not always directly but in the sharing that comes when one person rights very vulnerably and Jessica is able to repond, and we all benefit, especially when we might be going through similar.
    Thank you again Jessica, sorry if this is too much, I just felt the synchronicity of the Clinton piece, which you have posted an article on, and to vouch again with some encouragement about this space and all you give through it, no matter some comments … it is going to get really ‘interesting’ now … in a world that has so much to shake off … probably that’s all in the stars too.
    have a wonderful day,

  69. Jessica,
    And don’t feel any need to post that one, or either, whatever feels right to you, if you happen to even have these notes come upon on your screen … I just wanted to send some thanks and support … there is always room for kindness in talking about global affairs, you ought not be receiving winds like you sometimes do in some comments,

  70. Thank you so much Jessica for your kind reply on the 9th of September (8.48- I didn’t manage to reply direct to post). Your messages are always full of hope.

  71. Hello Jessica, thank you for replying. I am not able to direct post to the reply. You mention nutrition and my nutrition is a bit defined by the doctor till the fi roid uter surgery – just some few things I shouldn’t eat. I had an appt today with my gynaec and she immediately said it’s anemia because of fibroids and not meds for hair thinned. So I guess a little time more for this and once surgery is done all healthy she assured. Also informed me that my surgeon has changed as per my condition, so now it’s someone new I need to go forth with fo the surgery along with my usual primary doctor. I had a feeling some change in surgeon or procedure was needed and thought to ask her but she answered before I could, it was a relief.I had to meet her today and saw that the moon was still in Aquarius so it wasn’t quite the eclipse time of somethings being hidden in the dark. I’m (Aries Sun 0 deg) and so Virgo relates to health as you have informed so was concerned about the timing of the appt but it went smooth. The main thing begins now with the new surgeon and my primary doc but I’m waiting till after the eclipse thanks to you informing us about this always. Thank you Jessica. Best.

    1. Aha, you are an Aries. You have been dealing with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo in your Sixth House of health and wellbeing, since July. It stopped on September 11th. So you are now catching up with what should have happened, but did not. You are on a straight road now, but just skip that partial eclipse.

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