Gemini Cycles and the Tarot

Using the Tarot to see what is possible with Jupiter and then Uranus in Gemini. Number one bestseller? Film? Hit podcast? What can you do here?

Using the Tarot With Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini

In 2024, we begin the first phase of an incredible new cycle for your websites, videos, podcasts, books, scripts, qualifications, films, song lyrics, poems and media use.

It’s the Jupiter in Gemini transit followed by Uranus in Gemini. This is for those of you who came along to the Tarot Guild of Australia Zoom on this and for those of you who missed out, but still need to know the details.

What’s the Big Idea?

Tarot Deck Ace of Wands scaled e1708227736989 300x226 - Gemini Cycles and the TarotBegin with this ‘big idea’ which is with you, evolving, or in place as you go from August 2024 to June 2025 – the Jupiter in Gemini cycle.

Remember, Uranus in Gemini catches up with this next year and that’s a liberating, exhilarating, ground-breaking revolution in how you articulate your ideas and pursue your plans. New inventions not even considered now will take this even further in the late 2020’s.

Pull a Tarot card from my website here or your own Smith-Waite Tarot deck and overlay it, or line it up with, the Ace of Wands. This shows you the potential of the idea, any issues with it and any natural assets. Pamela Colman Smith used tree branches to show future books, periodicals, scripts, speeches and so on. In her day, when this card was created in 1909, we lived in a paper world. Today it’s digital. Which card, overlaid with this or next to it, shows your story, starting now?

It’s All About the Groups

Tarot Deck Eight of Wands  scaled e1701569253156 300x254 - Gemini Cycles and the TarotIt’s all about the groups. The clubs, teams, networks, circles, social media websites (like Substack), ensemble casts, crew, bands, political parties, charities, societies, associations and the rest. This comes from Pluto in Aquarius – people power in overlapping minorities and majorities – at the same time.

Pluto in Aquarius is politics within a group to be overcome in order to achieve great ends for the collective. There is no room for jealousy, power issues, ego, sex or any other complication in a true Aquarian outcome. It’s about the big, big goal shared by everyone, equally, with space, tolerance and mutual respect. What an ideal.

Yet, Pluto in Aquarius, alongside these Gemini transits, tells you that the next few years utterly depends on the community if you are to see your ideas work. Look at this card, draw another and ask yourself what the pros and cons are. This is the Eight of Wands. Do you all fall in a heap or do you pull off a spectacular R.A.F. formation and land in a creative, inspiring new pyramid together?

Timing the Tarot and Your Natal Chart

Tarot Deck The Devil scaled e1716086301307 300x256 - Gemini Cycles and the TarotPamela’s cards show ‘broad/big message’ astrology through the sheer meaning of the card, but also specific references to zodiac signs. You can find Aries on an embroidered quilt in a square. You can find Leo the Lion in Strength or with the Queen of Wands with the lions on her throne.

Working with your natal chart is useful as you can find timing. In the Zoom session, we looked at the four-stage evolution of your course, concept, brainwave, idea or project.

The four cards shown to you (and you can do this now by drawing four cards) are things evolve and grow over time. The clue to timing is in the card itself. If you drew The Devil, then you are being told about Seventh House (relationship) transits which tally with the notion or plan. The course or concept. The Devil is about sex waiting to happen. Or not!

Working with your natal chart, you look at the transits to your Seventh House and figure out timing. If you are looking for a good basic course to transits then think about a one-year subscription to The Sun Sign School here with tutors including both of Princess Diana’s personal astrologers – Penny Thornton and Debbie Frank – and bestselling Tarot authors like Paul Fenton-Smith.

Basics of Tarot and Astrology

image from rawpixel id 12647327 jpeg 300x200 - Gemini Cycles and the TarotIf it’s about appearances, self-promotion, branding and your title, reputation or face – it’s about the First House.

If it’s about money, business, charity, property – it’s the Second and Eighth houses.

If it’s about the internet or media, it’s the Third House – and academia or broader publishing or reach – the Ninth House.

The Fourth House is home and family, town and country.

The Fifth House is about courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne (this can show up as The Devil, pictured or even the Queen of Wands).

The Sixth House is about work.

The Seventh House, as you have seen, is about partners, adultery, affairs, divorce, separation and so on.

The Tenth House is about success and rank.

The Eleventh is about friends and groups – The Star shows up here.

The Twelfth is about solitary meditation, contemplation and spiritual growth. The Hermit is a classic example of this chart-card connection.

What can you see for yourself on these long Jupiter and Uranus transits in Gemini?

It’s always going to be about far more than just the idea or goal.

Find out more about houses on my website here.


Tarot Card Images by Justin Tabieri
House Image by Rawpixel







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66 Responses

  1. uranus will be in gemini in my seventh house I think neptune and saturn will be in aries in my fifth house around same time, I just got divorced. what could these transits mean for me? Thank you for answering.

    1. Yes, as a Sun Sagittarius woman you have Jupiter in your Seventh House of divorce and post-divorce (now) then Uranus in 2025, for years into the future. You parted company on the best possible cycle in 12 years. From next year you will find the world turns upside-down with/for your former husband, but also with a new partner for the future. As a parent, stepmother, aunt, godparent you will enter a new cycle when life has never been so tightly restricted and full of waiting games…

  2. Hi Jessica,

    I wasn’t able to do your zoom session this time.. so love that you have put this up.

    I am currently in Europe working on a second draft of a novel… and did have a big business idea I was working up that got shelved in March/April when I found myself in a big financial mess.

    I would love to try and revive it.

    I pulled the King of Pentacles… not sure how that overlaps with ace of wands.

    I then got the Nine of cups… pros and cons…

    And then the four of wands, queen of cups, ten of pentacles and six swords.

    Would love to know your thoughts.

    1. Thank you. The King of Pentacles is your card. You only need one. You drew too many. If we stick to the first card, this comfortably well-off man is surrounded by possessions and investments, money and assets which are choking his freedom. He cannot move. This suggests transits to Scorpio and/or Taurus factors in your chart. Are you this man? I don’t know if you are a man or woman. If it’s you, the financial mess is shown. It will be fixed on these Gemini transits if you shear away what is so overgrown and complicated. If you are a woman, this man is part of your financial solution. Your big business idea is showing up with this card.

  3. Greetings Jessica! I have been working very hard on my business and am excited to know what effect these transits will have on its success. I drew the card Strength from your site. I’m not sure how to read my chart in relation to these transits, could you please kindly shed some light on it? I am a very driven person who loves to help others. Thankyou

    1. Strength works on two levels. It’s purely medical and dental, or psychological and psychiatric. You heal, or are healed. It is a profound transfer. The second level is purely about the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. Again there is healing. You have the North Node in Leo (the lion in the card) and Leo rules intimacy, sexuality, stepchildren, abortion, daughters, sons and so on. Your last incarnation involved a partner and child who have come back to you in this lifetime. We do not know the circumstances. What happens, ahead, is transformation and repair work, regarding this. So, if your heart has been broken by a bad man, then your heart will be made whole again. If a miscarriage has affected you, there will be closure and completion. The Gemini transits will sextile your node.

  4. Hi Jessica and thank you for the article. Can you please clarify- is between now and June 2025 a good time to publish and if so is there a specific date that coincides with my personal chart for a book series release or just any time over the next 12 months. Thank you

    1. You can publish now beyond 2030 but publishing and writing will go far beyond a paperback or even an ebook. You may want to write your first, second and third draft while Jupiter is in Gemini in your Third House until mid 2025 then pursue the new inventions which appear in stages from that year. We are likely to see accessible, affordable software and new hand-held devices which open the door to interactive, multiple-choice fiction with real-time language translation, for example.

  5. Hi Jessica, what is the significance of a ‘return’? Reading this, I have realised that I was born with Jupiter in Gemini at 22 degrees. So my Jupiter return is imminent, I’m guessing. What happens with a Jupiter return and how can I maximize this?
    Additionally I am experiencing my Saturn return – I have Saturn at Pisces 19, which has already happened and then Saturn went retrograde, so he will come back to 19 – is that another return? Again, what happens with a Saturn return and is there anything I should be aware of, or act upon?
    Thank-you so much for your insight as always x

    1. A Jupiter Return is an opportunity, to take a big opportunity. You first glimpsed the particular kind of expansion, growth, improvement and uplift at 11-13 years old. Jupiter in Gemini was your big leap forward at school, probably with English, debating, languages, drama and any outlet where your way with words, images and ideas let you go higher. At this age a sibling or cousin was also your protection or your big stepping stone. All these years later, what began then, takes off again. As for your Saturn Return in Pisces – again – this goes back to childhood. You were born with a heavily gated situation regarding religion. You may have been Christened and baptised a Roman Catholic with two sets of Catholic grandparents for example or put into a Catholic convent school. Sometimes the issue is parental rejection of Christianity and so you are ‘gated’ in a home where you are forbidden to be spiritual on any level. Pisces is the sign of the fishes; Jesus Christ is associated with the same, as were his disciples. The Saturn Return is the return of quite demanding, unavoidable issues which go right back to this. Being born Jewish for example brings particular realities. You may not remember the rituals and rites of infancy or childhood but your soul does and challenges as an adult (including the retrograde return of Saturn) suggest you may want to take a deeper look at what was promised, pledged or said.

  6. Hi Jessica
    I have saturn and minerva in Gemini and would love to know how this could play out. I also have neptune conjunct mercury which is opposite this gemini saturn. Could you help?
    With thanks

    1. Saturn and Minerva in Gemini in the Third House suggest restrictions and limitations with, or for, your sibling. It is sometimes a cousin, but usually a brother or sister. Why this sibling relationship was (and still is) so demanding varies. Sometimes the cause is a big family with just one parent. Sibling rivalry is a response to a parent who one has to compete for! Or, one sibling can be religious, but you are not. Siblings can also go through difficulties which profoundly affect you. The Minerva side of this is the wisdom you are born with, regarding the same. The transits of Jupiter then Uranus in Gemini will ask you to re-examine the myriad ways in which the sibling or cousin relationship affected your childhood and adolescence and to accept that now is the time for overdue improvements and solutions, with a revolution from 2026 which will liberate you, regarding them, or through them.

  7. This is incredible, Jessica. I drew the Queen of Cups as the first tarot card. It aptly describes where I am in the progress of my labor of love – a humanitarian endeavor, supported by my portfolio of books, videos, audios, media articles and speaker engagements at global conferences. I have certainly put in the work over the years and now it is time for the next step. Getting investors on board.
    Over recent weeks, the Universe has been sending me major signals about the timing for the launch being – Now!
    Wow – it seems apparent that when the Universe wants to get our attention, it does not whisper!

    I realize that Mercury is currently retrograde ( a fact that has made me delay action) but the funny thing is that the person I feel I need to speak to in order to be introduced to potential investors/and find my soul tribe – is a person from my past – a powerful and very wealthy individual who I worked with a long time ago. We were friends back then but have not been in contact for many years. So, I am nervous about approaching them to ask for a favor but I feel I have to…I would appreciate your insight here.
    Warm wishes, Emma

    1. Thank you. Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot does segue beautifully with astrology as both were trained in horoscope work. Emma, Mercury Retrograde is in Leo and Virgo. Virgo is the issue here as it rules work. You may prefer to approach people about your professional chances when Mercury correct his motion later in September. Or – you can go ahead – but there may be the usual technical problems, communication disconnects, fudged conversations and so on.

  8. Thank you for this Jessica ! Apparently I am an Aries with a Gemini stellium – I did not know I had such a concentration on Gemini before doing my birth chart on your site! What does this transit mean for a Gemini (and Aries) stellium?
    With many thanks,

    1. Chloe, a Gemini stellium reveals the importance of your childhood relationship with a brother, sister and/or cousin. You developed your language skills by spending time with them (whatever the age gap) even if you can’t remember. Later on in life, communication and connection with others can be traced back to this. If you picture your round astrological chart as a vast, circular estate with 12 houses around it, the Third House is one where you live for a great deal of the time. Open the door and we find framed photographs (or not!) of a brother, sister, cousin. Maybe a picture on the wall, or a blank space where a picture has been taken down. We also find your telephone, modem and computer, together with pens and notebooks. There is a bicycle, set of car keys, taxi or Uber card or public transport card on the table. Getting around locally and regionally is so important to you; perhaps a domestic airline membership card. So, into this house, you have two new tenants. The first house guest is Jupiter, opening up all the doors and windows, arriving with a big smile, and a bulging briefcase full of offers, options and opportunities. He asks you how much better life could be – or what needs resolving. The next guest, next year, is Uranus – Jupiter leaves in June 2025 and around the same time, in comes Uranus with a flash of lightning, bringing all manner of new inventions he plugs into the mains, and a top hat full of one ‘rabbit’ surprise after another. You never know what he’s going to do next. Your Tarot can tell you more about the long-term.

      1. Thank you, Jessica, all this is very insightful! I pulled one Tarot card, it was the Star, which I read as a rather optimistic outlook.

  9. Dear Jessica thank you for this most recent article. I’ve been working with Astrology Delivery and had big hopes for June 2024 to join a photography collective as a long-term career prospect (elsewhere I’d read about Chiron return and photography – I have Chiron in Aries). It wasn’t successful but graciously I did receive some opportunities to publish and exhibit. Astrology delivery does work! I have drawn The Chariot which does resonate but I should be grateful for your thoughts. Warmly Eli

    1. Thank you Eli. I am glad Astrology Delivery gave you some, or all, of what you asked for. Chiron is not associated with photography, by the way. However, Gemini and the Third House certainly are, both for online and digital media images. You are in the right place at the right time, for many years into the future, to achieve so many goals with your camera. The Chariot shows you black and white photography, specifically (the black and white sphinx mirror each other). The card itself shows two cities, regions or countries for you. This fits your chart too.

  10. I love these articles, Jessica. I always take away something new from them. I also learn from your replies to others.
    As you can see from my chart, I am a Gemini with a stellium in that sign.
    I drew Justice as the card to put alongside Ace of Wands. In June this year I returned to university teaching on a casual basis and have work to the end on this year. I left a fulltime job in this arena in 2021, fed up with the politics and some nasty interpersonal dynamics. The other party was a Libran man.
    I did some casual teaching in 2022 before taking a government job that was wrong from day 1. I left that job and then another full time job in 2023. The Libran man is connected into one of the places I am working at casually, if not both.

    My big idea or project is a creative one in music. I am not sure how Justice fits in with that. But I could how it fits in a relationship with that former Libran.

    1. Thank you very much. Yes, Justice shows Libra through the scales in the card. You already know the man. Your musical project will see justice done. He may be involved, or given that you disliked the dynamics with him, you may steer clear – but find justice is done in terms of what was so lopsided and unfair last time. Have a look at the paperwork around the project as well because you may need to check the legalities (copyright, for example).

  11. Hi Jessica,
    I was disappointed to miss the Zoom.
    I’m coming to the end of my study in Photography, and will be launching my business (a two-fold idea, with a not-for-profit element) over the next 12 months. I’m still working through branding and not committing to anything yet.
    I’ve pulled a few cards. To accompany The Ace of Wands (the Big Idea), I pulled the Six of Wands and for the Pluto in Aquarius/Groups Eight of Wands card, I pulled The Hanged Man.
    The 4 cards I pulled representing my Idea/Brainwave/Project – 1. The Ace of Pentacles, 2. Strength, 3. The Moon and 4. The Empress.
    I also had my cat helping me, as he does sometimes, laying over my cards and booping his head on mine. He likes to help 🙂
    Thanks again for the guidance for this cycle. It will be interesting to look back and see the changes and progress.
    Blessings to you, Jessica
    DinP xx

    1. The project augurs well and could make you a lot of money. Those are Major Arcana cards for this brainwave so it is of major importance. Your cat was tuning into the Tarot as Pamela put Snuffles, the house cat, into the Queen of Wands. The Hanged Man is a man within the group, circle or network who is dithering and dangling, but he will come good.

  12. Thank you Jessica! A note to say I shoot with black and white film – spot on as always.

    1. Thank you for the confirmation of this psychic reading of your Tarot card. Good luck with the photography.

  13. Jessica,
    my darling daughter and me both have jupiter in gemini. what’s install for us both pl? I drew tarot card the chariot for me sun leo and QOW for sun taurus. thank you. tv nsw

    1. You will benefit from a new arrangement where you commute between cities or divide your time between two states or countries. She pursues parenthood or a younger audience for her projects or a youthful marketplace for her work.

  14. Hello Jessica
    Thank you for this very helpful article. I am working on a Big Idea for a book and I pulled, in order, the Sun, the Fool, Death and the High Priestess. I’ve interpreted this as a good start, needing good advice, some significant challenges to overcome, but then a long-lasting positive impact. Would love to know your thoughts! Thank you so much.

    1. The book suggests children or young adults as an audience. The child in The Sun is flanked by what appear to be book shelves. So this is your Big Idea or it may be the successor to it, if your first book concept was for adults. The Fool suggests taking it to another country, which can be Scotland from England (say) or England to the USA (for example). Death is the end of the old and birth of the new. The High Priestess shows the manuscript in a woman’s hand. This is you or your powerful female publisher.

  15. Dear Jessica, always great to read about your astrology and tarot articles and comments. I had the 4 of wands, and think that sounds quite wonderful, having in mind that my new job starts the 1st September and I assume September to November will be quite under pressure, hopefully I manage. Networking will be quite important and currently not quite my strength, so it seems possible for me to achieve a good development in the next months into 2025. (?) Thank you for any comments or tipps, sending many regards

    1. Thank you. The Four of Wands is a coded Gemini symbol as you can see the glyph hidden in the twin gates. This is a terrific Tarot card which shows your social life, family circle (where relatives dovetail with friends) and a celebration. These Gemini transits pick up your siblings and cousins very nicely and one of these faces is shown in the card. The entry point to this happy gathering is Gemini in nature so you enter through the portal of the internet.

  16. Hi Jessica,
    I have pulled the ace of wands to cover the ace of wands lol! To me it sounds like whatever is coming is coming quickly!


    1. Most unusual. Yes, this is a massive idea, concept or brainwave. It will come out of the blue and it needs to be accommodated quickly so it can grow. Do some rapid research about ‘Where’ and this will reward you long-term once you have secured it in the right location.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    First off thank you so much for sharing your gifts and guidance. I often find so much comfort and help navigating life with the support of this site. It’s become a regular part of my daily routine.

    I am trying to revive my writing/artistic career, but am currently a stay at home mom, potentially homeschooling my two kids. I feel so drawn to my work (writing/art) yet feel I often it’s pointless and that I’m here to support and help others. In my need to help others, I feel like I should be contributing monetarily as well, even tho my husband has a good job and is super supportive of me in my personal and career goals. I am feeling stuck in a loop unsure if this is the right time to be investing in myself or if there is a better time to launch a creative career.

    Thank you so much

    1. That’s very kind of you to say, thank you Ashley. You have a huge stellium in Sagittarius and are a natural teacher. Sagittarius and the Ninth House rules education and academia; the world of big ideas and vast subjects. It also rules publishing and the worldwide web. This isn’t so much about making money from your ability to inform and instruct; it can earn, of course, but the pathway is intellectual, cerebral and not so much about the business end. You are also a natural student and will go on learning informally all your life but may eventually decide to pursue a degree, or even just remote learning at a major university on a part-time course. Qualifications call from the future.

  18. My natal 7th house is indeed Gemini. I drew the Magician from the Tarot. So much possibility in that card maybe it’s an “anything can happen” kind of thing? Appreciate any insights you can share Jessica on the family/job/home/money/man front – thank you!

    1. The Magician may be you, or it may be a key mentor, guide or strong influence. If yourself you are in a position to channel insights and make them real, using inspiration in a practical way, laying out the possibilities with finance, relationships, the worldwide web and the world of action. If another, this person is ‘magical’ in the sense that something rather powerful is in their hands. A kind of alchemy.

  19. I’m Aries solar sign with Gemini ascendant, Saturn in Gemini, Jupiter in Aquarius, Uranus in Libra, I tried the tarot as you say in the article and got Seven of Pentacles. How does it combine with Ace of Wands as you told us to superpose the obtained tarot to this card? I just asked what this year 24-25 would bring me and got Seven of Pentacles…??

    1. The Seven of Pentacles shows you cultivating income over a long period, patiently waiting to see results. The Ace of Wands is ‘the big idea’ and it comes out of the blue, ready to be planted. If you do this, you will make money, slowly but surely. Saturn is about the long passage of time and here he is in Gemini in your chart, in the Third House of ideas.

  20. Hello Jessica, Hope you are well!

    I have several planets in Gemini including my sun and mercury. I would be grateful for your thoughts on how the upcoming transits would impact my chart.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you. You have a stellium at 1 through 29 degrees of Gemini so are part way through a long and welcome improvement and change, with your use of the worldwide web. This may mean an opportunity to make money from your content, or a gifted person who can assist you with the technicalities of a website. New technology in the shape of superior smart phones or computers will also give you the chance to see much better results from (say) photographs or videos. Don’t let any of this pass you by. One sterling idea will grow and grow over many years, evolving as you snap up exciting new ways to do so much more with the original brainwave or concept – well past 2025.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    I drew the nine of pentacles and wondered what the significance of this is for me? I recently finished the first draft of a story started during lockdown and I am dithering about whether or not to try and get it published so wondered if this could give me guidance? Another long term idea concerns property but it is more of a pipe dream at the moment! Which plan would the cards suggest I focus on-or not?Your advice would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance for your help.

    1. The Nine of Pentacles shows you comfortably off, with more than enough money to go around – or this is a rich woman who may pay you for your assets. If you were focussed on your story then you would make money from it, or could make money from it. If you were focussed on property, that’s a different transit and question.

  22. Thank you Jessica, I have to get used to receiving good news again and wished for some good ones. And there they are

  23. Thank you so much. I cannot begin to express how much this helps. I have been feeling the intense full moon energy, trying to interpret it for myself, and now I understand more fully the areas of my life that need more attention and focus.

  24. How apt, I drew the six of swords card yesterday but couldn’t figure out what it meant. But thinking about it today it feels like it fits with where my mental health is right now and what you said on my birthday reading in the Leo forum about the future? How reaffirming and hopeful for the future. Thanks 🙂

  25. Thank you so much for your advice. It’s really inspired me to pursue writing in the future. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  26. Hi Jessica! Happy Monday 🙂

    Clearly the full moon today has upped my energies 😀

    I have my Jupiter in Gemini this year and I drew Tarot Card – Three of Wands. As always, my biggest question all the time to you for reading is around my career. You have predicted for me that change will come soon starting September onwards in terms of changes in my career path/job/new role and I am only being positive about it (because the last few years have just been hell in my career).

    I remember 12 years ago when I had my Jupiter in Gemini in 2012, the odds were on my side, the Universe really conspired to be on my side and career growth started until 2018 December – I grew in my career year on year with senior positions and salary increments. Come 2019 January, everything started falling apart slowly and it was hell. You had predicted for me in April 2021 that between May 2021 – July 2021 I will be hired by a bigger company and indeed your prediction was spot on & I started my new job in June 2021.

    Does the Tarot Card Three of Wands align with my successes and your prediction and i will see a better career outcome?

    1. The Three of Wands is great if you wrangle it. The wands are your projects or qualifications. You have seen the astrology predictions come true for you before on this website, so here is another one. You will be looking at moving your plans and/or yourself elsewhere. This is very wise but you need to juggle and multi-task. Don’t fixate on one application or proposal and ignore the other one or two. Ground, focus and get ready to move this. You may travel or emigrate with it/relocate with it.

  27. Hi Jessica,

    My big idea is to get a remote job that pays better than the one I have now and allows me to live and work in a different state (or even another country). Currently I have a remote job that limits me to a two-state area, and I don’t want to live in either one of them. To overlay with the Ace of Wands, I got the four of wands. What does this mean for my life going forward?
    Thank you as always.

    1. This is a good Tarot card to pull. There is a big, big idea waiting to be planted in the right setting. This tallies with a welcome mat for you, a circle of friends or family (perhaps both) and a terrific property to stay in, or even live in. Your Ace of Wands can be seen in the four wands making the gateway to the celebration. Hard to say if you will be there for a holiday or vacation or something more permanent, but it’s your free choice.

  28. I pulled ace of wands! lol. I’m pretty sure this is affirmation that I need to start promoting a book I wrote a few years ago and experiment with other mediums for it, however, there is a part of me that thinks it has to do with supporting my husband with his new foray into politics-i am a Libra after all. could it be both?

    1. The Ace of Wands is only about one project (one big idea). It is about the print media and the book world, so far more about your book than your husband’s foray into politics, unless you do all his media for him, of course. But – you have to choose fairly soon. There are a number of Tarot cards showing two, three or more simultaneous projects. This is not one of them. It’s about a single, solo, vast concept. So which will it be?

  29. Hi Jessica,

    June the 8th 1973 here. Been unemployed for over 1 year, and the wife wants to separate. Been looking for work, but this economy is tricky. Will this new period/Gemini cycle offer some relief? I feel like I’m at the bottom of a long, unpleasant slog.

    Thank you for your insight and kind words. You’re s star and we’re lucky to have you.



    1. Thank you, that’s too kind. I am sorry about the long stint between jobs – and now your wife wants to part company. As a Sun Gemini you have Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in 2024, transiting your Tenth House of career. You will be pleased to hear they depart Pisces in 2025. Saturn describes limitations, restrictions, tight situations and quite heavy obstacles to get past – it is always a waiting game. Neptune describes no boundaries; an escape from the real world; a holiday from what most people would call regular or normal existence; a vacation from the everyday. This does not last but while it is here, there are things you can do. Update your C.V. and update your online photographs, Google name trail, YouTube videos and so on. You are in the best possible cycle in 12 years to enhance your appearance and reputation. This is also a very good cycle for acquiring qualifications to add to your name; Jupiter in Gemini in the First House is about your visible identity or title. You also have Pluto in your Ninth House of academia, further education and higher learning so life from December 2024 is full of chances to gather your potential with a new skill set or a more advanced version of your original qualifications. Your marriage is about this Ceres Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde transit of Capricorn in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships. This is genuinely now or never as this is the last time in 248 years Pluto will be here; he returns to this zone of your chart in September and is gone from November. Ceres is gone by December. I dare say your wife has been covering costs and I am sure this has been very difficult for you both. Is the only way a separation? No. But you would need to spend an intense few months from September to December, nutting out a deal. A compromise or bargain. If it does seem to be unavoidable, that you should part, the intensity drops dramatically from December 2024 and 2025 will seem very, very new indeed with a fresh start for you in January, February.

  30. Dear Jessica, I hope you are well and thank you for your work. I have saved my marriage after working really hard for it and now it’s time for my life. Meaning that I have started a procedure of improving my mentality and sentiments in order to improve my career, financial position and my everyday feelings. I would be grateful if you could give me some hints to guide to this effort. Many thanks

    1. Congratulations on saving your marriage. Your mentality, state of mind and thought processes are ruled by Mercury and the Third House, also ruled by Gemini. You are talking about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy here, although you may not label it as such or be using specific techniques. Your Moon at 28 Gemini does show that your feelings, instincts, emotional response, needs (and need to be needed) all run through your mind first; it’s about communication for you. Talk therapy is something you could do for others; also being a good listener for a phone service like the Samaritans. With Jupiter going to 28 Gemini in 2025 you are heading for an opportunity not seen in 12 years to expand your intellect and find big solutions. Positive thinking is the literal translation of Jupiter in Gemini and so your instincts are correct; either C.B.T. or old-fashioned Norman Vincent Peale techniques could really serve you.

  31. Hi Jessica,
    I understand I have a lot of Gemini factors – not exactly sure where.
    There is a particular job I really want and am trying some creative ways to get it. I pulled the seven of pentacles. Could you tell me what this all means for me?

    Thank you 🙂

    1. The Seven of Pentacles shows a growing concern, and a going concern, financially. It really depends what your question was. Asking the right question, being specific and having a time-frame in mind is the key with the Tarot. If you were asking ‘How do I get this job?’ then you are being told, ‘By patiently cultivating savings, investments or assets.’ This is a Taurus and/or Scorpio card. You have factors in both signs, so there’s another clue.

  32. Hello Jessica,
    I’m constantly in awe of how prolific you are and wonder if you might share how you produce so much every week. Are you internally motivated by the dynamic subject matter or do you have a special technique that keeps you on track?
    In addition, does the playful nature of quantum physics (I am not very scientifically minded and might be getting this wrong) with regard to the uncertainty principle (the watched pot never boils) cause things that we predict through astrology to turn out differently than we expect? Does quantum physics interfere, sometimes? I hope this makes sense!
    Wishing you the best, C.

    1. Thank you. I was taught how to stretch time, 30 years ago now, by a scientist. I love what I do, which helps. But I multi-task with all my books, podcasts and columns by figuring out time differently, to most people. I don’t wear a watch, for example. Quantum Physics with astrology is best explained by the Max Tegmark theory of numbers. Reality depends on how you calculate it. Astrology is a numbers game and when we enter into that world of aspects, degrees and transits, we walk into one of many, many parallel realities. That’s how it’s done.

  33. Hi Jessica,
    Loving the Substack articles as well as these longer posts.
    I have no factors in Gemini, I haven’t asked tarot a a question as yet, would something like how will this Jupiter in Gemini season show up for me over the next 12 months be suitable, would I relate it back to solar chart only Gemini being 12th house for me.
    A x

    1. Yes, you can predict the future this way, with Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini. Even if you have nothing in Gemini, just ask how the rest of the Jupiter in Gemini transit will primarily shape up for you. I’m about to give a Zoom workshop on this from San Francisco in a few hours. I am glad you are enjoying Substack.

  34. Dear Jessica. I have happy (with an asterisk) news that feels a mix of astrology delivery third house matters, Uranus shearing the past suddenly (your words from substack), and quite Jupiter in gemini. I got a doctoral opportunity with a top of the line school overseas in England. It happened so suddenly last week as if the world is different all of a sudden — they have made a number of exceptions seeing the creative work I presented. I so want to go. The big catch is financing. No scholarships yet, I am required to pitch in (it’s big sum in foreign currency). But it could open so many doors for my vision. I could defer to next year, but I am not getting a NO from inside. I just want to wish through in an informed, with clear head and heart. I asked the tarot, what the big message here in this situation is — the king of wands showed up. What do you see in my birth chart? I am looking forward to your advice. I hope you catch this message! Sending gratitude your way xx

    1. Congratulations on classic Astrology Delivery. You booked and are now seeing some, or all, of what you want. A doctorate is available in England. It’s expensive, so you have asked the Tarot. The King of Wands is you, hesitating, with your application in your hand. You are procrastinating. This fits with your natal chart, as Pluto and Ceres are stuck and stop-start in Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition. This ends in November (phase one) and then December (phase two) when all prevarication is over. You are heavily Capricorn, as you know. Don’t be surprised if you waver for some time as these two retrograde planets keep pulling you back. Later on, though, you’ll know for sure.

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