The Mercury Retrograde US Election

The US Election 2024 has two messy Mercury Retrograde cycles. The Biden, Harris, Trump and Vance story will change. Recounts or other reversals will roll two days after voting.

Written 23rd July/Published 14th August 2024/Updated 18th October 2024/Main Image: Dreamstime

The Mercury Retrograde US Election

If Mercury is the media, paperwork and signatures – and he’s reversing – how does that affect Trump, Vance and Harris in the US 2024 election?

Trump Hand Alamy 300x200 - The Mercury Retrograde US Election

Unfortunately, Mercury was retrograde during the Republican July 15th nomination of Donald Trump for President and J.D. Vance as Vice-President. So that’s not an A-OK decision. (Dreamstime).

Mercury Retrograde began on July 17th as the planet ruling communication, information, transportation and negotiation began to move forward in a time loop.

So that’s where we end up with Trump and Vance. As I’ll discuss in a moment, it’s no better with the Democrats. It’s quite extraordinary to see not only the nomination process, but also the actual Electoral College, both falling with Mercury Retrograde.

Expect Post Election Chaos

Expect post election chaos as Mercury Retrograde goes through Sagittarius. The two biggest problems will be accusations of illegal immigrant voting – and also overseas voting.

Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries. I recently left a post on X-Twitter about this. You can expect wrong calls by the media; legal challenges; electoral college muddle – from November 7th until January 3rd.

In fact, we’ve seen Mercury Retrograde elections before. The most notorious was Bush versus Gore. Let’s hope Trump versus Harris does not go to the Supreme Court this time.

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True Predictions

The American chart has proven itself several times on this website. I predicted the rise of Kamala Harris four years ago using it, back in December 2020.

This US horoscope is trustworthy. I also used it to predict Covid a year before it happened (it showed up back in 2019, as a virus without a name, slated for January 10th 2020). In fact, that prediction went front page in Britain.

Finally, Mercury Retrograde is reliable. I date-stamped the July 2024 Microsoft and CrowdStrike mess, two years before it happened – using this basic astrology. It’s important that we bring the receipts in this business.

And we all know about Mercury Retrograde on Bush versus Gore. As always with Mercury Retrograde, expect recounts. 

The American Horoscope

Here is the US chart again if you’ve not seen it before. There are a few horoscopes for America but this is the only I’ve found to ever work.

Again, it was possible to date-stamp Donald Trump’s infection with Covid, using it (I don’t use any chart for Trump as he has given two different birthdays). I’ve also used it to call his impeachment.


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US Election Reversals

Joe Biden dropped out of the race for President and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris on Mercury Retrograde. It happened on 22nd July. Mercury Retrograde is always a reversal.

Mercury (pictured) points backwards. He changes his mind. Mr Biden, in announcing that he was dropping out, said he would stay in office until the end of his term in January 2025. But…Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for reversals.

Mercury Retrograde Dreamstime Meunierd 300x210 - The Mercury Retrograde US ElectionThe actual Democratic Convention takes place on Mercury Retrograde, as well. The other big ‘re’ word is rescheduling on this notorious cycle.

So that’s August 19th to 22nd. We already have a question mark over the name change of Biden for President, to Harris for President.

This filing with the Federal Election Commission is a classic example of what must change, or even come to nothing, later. It may change for all kinds of reasons; mistakes in the paperwork, for example. (Dreamstime).

Newsom and Whitmer?

At this Mercury Retrograde convention, Harris will find herself up against Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Andy Beshear, J.B. Pritzker, Josh Shaprio and Pete Buttigieg. What comes out of this will change later or even come to nothing. And it’s the same with the Trump-Vance ticket. (Dreamstime).

Gavin NewsomSheila FitzgeraldDreamstime 300x214 - The Mercury Retrograde US ElectionElectoral College

As if that wasn’t enough, America counts her votes on Mercury Retrograde. The election is 5th November and Mercury begins his stuck, stop-start loop on 7th November, two days later.

So that’s Electoral College. The first loop is 7th November to 15th December. The second loop is 26th November to 3rd January 2025. If you think American politics is loopy in 2024, there’s a reason for that.

2020 Bush-Gore

The most spectacular Mercury Retrograde election in history was Bush-Gore. This legal case was decided on 12th December 2000. Remember? We had the usual Mercury Retrograde ‘re’ prefix words. A Supreme Court reversal. A recount. On November 7th 2000, election day itself, the media had to retract its statements about winners and losers. Gore retracted his concession to Bush.

White House 2025

At time of writing, 23rd July 2024, it seems clear that the current line-up of Trump, Vance, Biden and Harris will change. Yet, this hugely Aquarian chart for America suggests the original 1776 vision of a big, diverse group is about to reboot. Despite the muddle and mess of this Mercury Retrograde election, the US is headed for diversity with both parties. That’s sex, race, age, class – the lot.

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The Female Reboot 

Pluto in Aquarius is here. The reboot will be powerful and historic. It will take around 20 years to complete.

This is the transit where the old system vanishes (men at the top) and the new system arrives (women at the top).

We can date it quite specifically. December 8th to 15th sees emotional reshuffles for the Democrats and the Republicans. Power shifts for both parties. Women are the story, then. From Boudicca to Elizabeth I, to Catherine the Great – Pluto in Aquarius elevates females over males. (Rawpixel).

Violence Risks in 2025

Change away from male power to female power is never easy on these cycles. Inauguration day suggests a flashpoint of potential violence shortly afterwards. Pluto moves to 2 Aquarius in a conjunction with Mars at 2 Aquarius in the American chart. This takes place from January 31st to March 5th, 2025.

The risk of violence increases again from July 8th to August 20th and December 6th 2025 until January 10th 2026. That’s the last pass of Pluto over America’s angry, gun-toting Mars.

We have to remember this is a 1776 chart and she was born this way.

On January 6th 2021 Saturn was at 2 Aquarius in a conjunction with Mars at 2 Aquarius in the American horoscope. Pluto going to 2 Aquarius is another warning about group violence (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers or similar).

Goodbye Two Parties

Eventually, America will end its two-party system. It might seem impossible in 2024 but it’s here within 20 years. From an angry 2025 reboot, the nation becomes unrecognisable from the 2030’s and beyond.






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36 Responses

  1. Everyone is warning us of astrological weather conditions ahead, and this Yank sees and hears them clearly.

    My Jupiter is at 2 degrees Aquarius. I dipped my toe in a leadership position last year when Pluto entered Aquarius, and then I bowed out last week, mainly because of the workplace environment and to complete the second half of some training which would get me better credentials for that position. It’s scary but strangely fun. Did you have any thoughts?

    1. Jupiter in Aquarius benefits from supplying the group with what it needs. You are never actually inside the group, rather like Yoko Ono, you sit on a chair and watch The Beatles rehearse. However, you supply ‘vibe’ perhaps, or ideas which inspire one of them. This has been true since childhood with teams, clubs, societies, associations, bands, groups, circles, collectives, networks of all kinds. It goes on. Pluto entering Aquarius is power entering the space. A powerful new collective is in your life (or could be if you did anything about it). A powerful new friend or a rebooted old friendship with a person who has clout. Nothing will happen until Pluto goes to 2 Aquarius but the stage is set for a new act.

  2. I am an avid reader and a real fan of yours , Jessica. I have been waiting for your prediction about this volatile election. Can you look at my chart to see if the move I hope to make and the unrest within US would be a problem for relocation. According to my horoscope prediction , I should have luck and the ability to find a happy new home in 2025. Please look at my chart and help me with my decision.

  3. Hello! I hope all is well with you. When you speak if these days; the time, and how it indicates a reboot with women moving into power does that necessarily mean female power in human form? As countries are referred to in the feminine could the reference to a shift in power be about America and not a person?

    1. This is the famous Pluto in Aquarius cycle which always elevates women, for many years, and has a trickle-down effect to other women, who become better valued, respected and admired for their leadership potential. Our first recorded account of this is Boudicca who transformed the British perception of women for all time (not to mention the Roman perception too). Most recently, Catherine the Great (on the last cycle) founded the Smol’ny Institute, Russia’s first girls’ school, in 1769. She overthrew her husband and changed not just Russia but Europe. This cycle lasts 20 years and typically has one female leader, in one leading nation, in command for years. Long enough to change the culture. I would be amazed if America were not heading that way, if not now, then later.

  4. Hi Jessica, you and every astrologer must be very busy morning, noon and night! Believe me it is much appreciated by us all. The fact that the Democratic convention opens on a full moon feels very much eclipse like in a way only in the opposite direction where all hell breaks loose and is fully exposed! I believe in your last post on the full moon you said that would affect Kamala’s chart and I hope this doesn’t mean something terrible will happen? I sincerely hope that is will not be a circus. Personally, for myself I am very afraid of this coming full moon. I didn’t realize I had all these squares and oppositions at 26, 27 and 28 factors of Aries/Libra/Cancer/Capricorn. I think I will just hide under a rock for three days until it is safe for me to come out.

    1. Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say. Kamala Harris is part of that Trump/Vance/Biden/Harris/Walz story which is being written on Mercury Retrograde, so this is a chapter waiting to be rewritten later; some of the names may change, or particular plot lines will. The US chart set for inauguration at 12 noon on January 20th 2025 is the one to watch. Harris stands to make an absolute fortune, be she leader or not. This may end up being her wealthiest year ever. Your chart shows a T-Square between Cancer, Libra and Aries so this is a lifetime pattern of inner conflict about/through/with your family (Cancer) and partners or opponents (Libra) and your reputation, title and profile. Your external self. A typical example is the woman whose parents disapprove of her marriage and her own objection to changing her surname. You will have your own play on the Aries-Libra-Cancer T-Square, which lines up at 27 degrees in your chart. This entire habitual response to relatives, people in the household, domestic life – was set up in childhood. With Uranus coming along at 27 Taurus it’s time to change old ways of handling what is so hard to square, with relatives, partners or those at home. It will be quite liberating actually, once you realise how free you are to experiment. The actual Full Moon is a stretch, though. Best avoided for a talk with your father (for example) or a question about a new apartment with your husband (for example).

  5. Hi Jessica,

    What are your thoughts on Gavin Newsom? Do you believe he is someone that could potentially replace Harris or will he be seen as a new Democratic Party king or queen maker operating more so from behind the scenes?
    Also I believe that Andy Beshear is someone to keep an eye on. From the very first time he became Governor of Kentucky I could see him as a potential Vice President. What do you see in him?
    Have a good day.

  6. Dear Jessica, I’ve just returned from visiting family in the US and the mood there was definitely volatile. I think your predictions are accurate.

    have a personal question- my mother, brother and family are Americans and with my mum getting older, they want me to apply for citizenship so our family doesn’t remain fractured. I have never wanted to as I’m deeply invested in my home country (India). However, I’m close to completing my journey to becoming a Catholic and am running against many hurdles as the right wing government here are rabidly fighting against conversion. So for the first time, I’m wondering if it’s not a bad idea to least apply under the family quota – if not for me, at least to keep my sons and husband safe in case of future troubles that may come up due to my conversion from Hindu to Catholic. But reading your predictions for the US (a country I have always admired for its democratic institutions), wondering whether it’s a good idea. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Do you apply for American citizenship or not? You are Indian and love India. This is a Cancer/Fourth House matter. Your chart suggests you would gain from it, for all kinds of reasons – particularly legacies, wills and inheritance. You could start the process now and expect to see good outcomes from mid 2025 to mid 2026 when Jupiter goes through Cancer for the first time in 12 years. This is very much about finance, a house, apartment and valuable possessions and it may be that just becoming a US citizen helps you in this regard, later on.

  7. hi Jessica,

    Could you please look at my chart and guide. there’s a lot happening right now in my life. lost my dad end of June (27th). struggling with family, career and health atm .


  8. hi Jessica,
    need your advice and guidance.
    Struggling with family , career and health atm.
    lost my dad this June (27th) worried about mom, I may not be there when she needs. hope everything will sort eventually.


    1. I am sorry you are going through this. Pluto is at 29 Capricorn in 2024, in a conjunction with your Sun at 29 Capricorn, so you are going through a massive transformation with your career, status within the family, role and position in life. In fact it can only happen every 248 years. You were also born with Minerva at 29 Leo, so Pluto is quincunx Minerva, again for the first and last time in 248 years. This is not for very long. You need to push back with willpower, self-discipline and self-control in September, October and the first half of November, then it’s over. Transiting Pluto in conjunction with the natal Sun has been studied since the Thirties by astrologers and it is typically felt as dominating people or dominating situations which make you stronger – permanently. You are stoic, patient, respectful of a system (be it the hierarchy in the family or the pecking order in your profession). You are a natural climber who has already come a very long way since 2008. Now, you are being asked to play to your strengths under quite historic challenges, but you will do it. If you need to know ‘How can I do this, September-November 2024?’ ask the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle on this website. They may show you a person to lean on; a situation to exploit; an ability you need to tap. You also need to remember your father has passed to spirit with a new life with other family and friends in spirit too. He is in the Summer Land now in transition, but still able to hear you and help you – or he can ask others to help. So find a quiet time and place, light a candle and say aloud, what you need him to know. Perhaps, address other relatives too, because they would all want to assist with your mother. There will be a completely different set-up with your mother and the rest of the family in 2025, from April and May. You will find that from June 2025 you are offered the biggest and best solutions with your extended circle of relatives, as well as a particular house or apartment.

    1. Kamala Harris has a complicated chart, July-September, in terms of the entire party. The entire election is affected by Mercury Retrograde, twice, as it was there when both parties nominated their candidates and will be there, right after the vote. This is not a simple affair.

  9. Jessica – as an American I find your post very hopeful. I’d love to see us reach for better choices as leaders. Personally, I feel pretty nervous about August 19. After a really stressful few years (mostly heartbreaking, complicated losses of loved ones), I’m really hoping to avoid any more draining issues for a bit. Should I stay in bed the rest of the month and hide!? 🙂

    1. Thank you. The heartbreaking losses of people you love is partly down to your Libra stellium in the Seventh House of former partners. This has been opposed by a chain of Aries patterns. This Mercury Retrograde doesn’t affect you particularly. However, you are in transition. This year, 2024, is the last year you will ever have to deal with people politics in your career, unpaid work or academic career. It’s the end of a cycle that started in 2008. You have a Capricorn stellium in your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission. So after a long flashback in September-November this year, you sign off with an ultimate compromise or deal, with yourself or him/her/them – in December. The future really will feel quite new in 2025 as the issues about power and control have gone. In their place you will have a new 20 year cycle of quite profound transformation with, for and through friends. This means powerful new friends and particular circles of people coming into your life, or re-emerging with new potency and impact. This is the Aquarius stellium in your chart, under transit by Pluto for the first time in 248 years and slowly but surely, you will realise why you are here. Your purpose is to give a community what it needs.

  10. Jessica, thank you so much for your predictions about the United States and the upcoming election. I remember being pretty surprised all those years ago when you predicted Kamala Harris’s rise to power, at a time when the rest of the world had basically written her off, and I am so glad you were correct. I think she will be a very good leader, and she has already proven to be an inspirational candidate and campaigner.

    The Democratic Convention is next week in Chicago (where I’m from); I know several people who are attending. I think many folks not from here are worried about it more due to memories and superstitions surrounding the infamous, and infamously chaotic and violent, Chicago convention of 1968 than because of anything that’s actually likely to happen. Regardless, Kamala Harris is already confirmed as the nominee–she was nominated via virtual role call a few weeks ago–and Tim Walz is her running mate. Plus, everyone in the Democratic Party is aware that we face an existential threat in the form of the previous president and his party, and everyone is committed to an all-hands-on-deck approach; political egos notwithstanding, a challenge at the convention seems really unlikely, and will be slapped down hard by party leadership if it materializes.

    What’s keeping me up at night is not the convention or even the election itself, but possible attempts to subvert it. It seems very likely that Harris will win, and will bring downballot Democrats with her. However, it’s well known that the Republicans have been perfecting the program of election tampering and legal chicanery that they attempted in 2020, and have plans in place to use corrupt election officials to delay certification of the vote in some states. The effect of this would be to throw the vote into the House of Representatives (due to an obscure, 200-year-old amendment to the Constitution), allowing the vote to be taken by state delegation rather than individual congressperson. In this event, the Republicans would likely be handed a win, even though it would subvert the will of the people and possibly the Electoral College vote. (Remember, it’s possible to lose the White House while winning the popular vote.) Although this maneuver would undoubtedly be challenged legally, it is expected that the corrupt Supreme Court would hand an illegitimate win to Trump–sort of a Bush v. Gore 2.0 situation.

    To sum up–everyone expects some unrest, violence and craziness around the time of the election, and the government is planning for it accordingly. (Sadly, you’re right: America was born this way.) What’s worrisome is what comes after. What do you see in the U.S. chart–and perhaps in the Democratic and Republican charts as well–for the days AFTER the election, and especially for who ends up being on top when it all settles out in January of 2025? Perhaps the Republican chart might give a hint as to the success of their election-manipulation attempts? It’s well-known that the Republicans are hoping for a close vote, since those are much easier to steal; therefore, I’m praying for a Democratic blowout. Again, as always, thank you so much for your insights! They’ve helped keep me sane during some very difficult times in this country.

    1. Thank you. It’s good to have inside knowledge here which I know other readers will appreciate. When we bypass the Mercury Retrograde chaos after the election in November (which may in fact include legal challenges) and go straight to the inauguration, we have a picture of power moving away from a small, male, elite at the top of a pyramid and instead, power shifting to women, as well as men, in a more equal way. And that’s not all; this is the transfer of power from White to Black, straight to gay and lesbian, and other obvious markers of the diversity that Aquarius is famous for. Unless the Republicans switch candidates to one or more women, this looks like a Democrat victory, as they are the only political party ticking the Aquarian boxes. Whenever we have seen Pluto in Capricorn change to Pluto in Aquarius, there is always rock bottom, in terms of power-tripping by men; actual misogyny to the death, in fact. This is happening in 2024 but it ends in November, just as the US election results are here. This is pretty extraordinary. The date of the US election is ordained far in advance. It just so happens that the 248 year cycle of Pluto also happens to chime with these times. The Democratic convention itself is ill-starred and unwisely timed, but long-term (for the next 20 years in fact) we are up for a cross between Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great; Mary Wollstonecraft and Boudicca. The future, historically and astrologically, is female. For whatever reason.

  11. So much changed between you writing this blog and posting it! Curious to know what you think of Tim Walz. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. The Walz natal chart is X-rated unfortunately so not fit for purpose, but just knowing he is a Sun Aries man, suggests a reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities among Democrats in September, October, November. This, even beyond the Biden decision. We have Pluto Retrograde as well as Mercury Retrograde dominating this election so what we hear and read now, is not what we hear and read, later on.

  12. Recently there has been groups such as “Republican’s for Harris” and even more surprisingly “Evangelicals for Harris” sprouting up and gaining momentum and influence. Evangelicals haven’t openly supported a Democratic candidate since Jimmy Carter in 1976! Are groups such as these a part of Mercury Retrograde, in the sense that they are groups that you would not expect to support a Democratic candidate in particular one of the ilk of Kamala Harris?

    1. The sign Mercury Retrograde passes through, tells you what is stuck, reversing or possibly coming to nothing later. Virgo rules employment and health. Leo rules the monarchy or presidency. What you describe here is neither of these, but it certainly is Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, the sign ruling Christianity and its rival religions – in the case of Evangelicals. Unfortunately religion is an extremely difficult road to take for either party on this election.

  13. Hi Jessica
    Love your site and the great blogs.
    I need to sign a legal document soon but I have Pluto at 23 Leo and it will be hit by Mercury Retro. I know you said bad time up to 9 Sept but not sure I can delay it. Help. It’s about property builder buying from me. What might outcome be if I sign before then

    Thanks Jessica hope you have time even for a one liner.

    1. The sign Mercury backtracks in tells you what goes backwards, stops or comes to nothing. In Leo and Virgo, this is not about a property sale or purchase, unless you work from home (in which case, yes it is). Leo rules courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. So once again it would not be an issue unless the house or apartment was for (say) your child or you were in this with your husband or boyfriend, for example. Outside this, there is no issue. The builder may have an issue, though, so be aware of that. Plan B and C is a good idea. Have copies of the copies. Assume flux or delay. The transit of Mercury backwards in Leo is far more likely to be about a prospective boyfriend, or a sexual rival, or a potential new stepson. It’s on that level.

  14. I want to thank you for your blog and always insightful observations on current events. I am anxious about the Mercury influence in this election cycle, having lived thru Bush V. Gore. This anxiety has had me stuck, since Covid hit, about making investments and improvements in my home. Have sufficient savings and financing available, but am afraid to move ahead. Will things become clearer in the future? Or am I needlessly stuck?

    1. Yes, we are up for a double Mercury Retrograde election with nominations and Electoral College, both. This will take time. I remember Bush V Gore as well; I was in New York at the time. You are unsure about home improvement and investment even though you can afford it. There are all kinds of obstacles, high walls, big fences and waiting games around finance and property now, but they end in 2025. So does the confusion. You are stuck in the Saturn and Neptune transit of your solar Eighth House so things take an awfully long time but as both planets exit Pisces in 2025, you will see the end of the transit and the light at the end of the tunnel. In your natal chart you have Uranus transiting Taurus, so in opposition to the Eighth House and here, since 2018, you have seen such an unpredictable, crazy world economy (everything from Bitcoin to the NFT market) that you can be forgiven for not wanting to make any fast moves.

  15. Hello Jessica! I love reading your posts! Your comments are very interesting and although this is quite new to me, I am learning as I go. I have had a streak of luck with my business, however, had a blow from a Dr last week that told me that I needed a spinal fusion (2nd one) on my 4th lumbar disc. The disc is literally “closing up” due to the past fusion on 5 and the impact it takes for disc #4 above it. This was a huge blow. I am feeling like I just need to get more information (MRI) and other opinions. I understand we are in a “waiting period” and so I am just getting the facts in order to make a firm decision about literally “my life”! Any feedback would be tremendously helpful. Last, thank you for your comments on the election. I am firmly in support of Harris and “women in power”. It would be a welcomed change! Thank you.

    1. I am sorry about your spinal fusion news. Yes, Mercury (facts, information, news) in Virgo (health, doctors, surgeons) is retrograde, or going backwards. So you are quite right to ask for more information, more options and second opinions. Aim to do that between now and September when Mercury corrects his motion. Then you will at last have the full and final details as the messenger of the gods, finally move forward.

      1. I received facts from one of the best spine surgeons in the world on Tuesday (Dr Watkins- Marina Del Rey Spine Clinic). I am bone against bone at 4/5 and the good news is that he can do a laminectomy ( 1 inch incision & in-out same day procedure) rather then a spinal fusion like the first doctor told me. So very happy I got a second opinion! Can you tell me what would be a good time to have this done based on my chart. I am in considerable amount of pain and he said it would be best to do in 1-3 months. You advice is greatly appreciated. I am still learning 🙂

  16. Thank you. I feel better knowing why I feel ‘stuck’ while others go headlong into stuff like I’m procrastinating on. Hope you have a lovely week!

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