The Aquarius Full Moon – August 2024

The August Full Moon in Aquarius

On August 19th at 7.26pm in London (adjust for your time zone) the Full Moon lands at 27 Aquarius 15, opposite the Sun at 27 Leo 15.

What does it mean for your Sun Sign chart and for your personal birth chart? First of all, though, a reminder that this Full Moon requires time and space for you and others. (Software: AstroGold).


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The Big Stretch of the Full Moon

It’s a big stretch. The Full Moon creates a T-Square with Uranus at 27 Taurus 11. Vesta is also at 27 Leo 33. A T-Square in astrology is T for tense, testing and tight. Don’t judge or act dramatically on this Full Moon, when you have this T-Square also affecting you or others.

Uranus is about shocks. Later on I will look at the implications for the sharemarkets. It’s in Taurus which rules bull markets, gold bullion and the New York Stock Exchange bronze bull.  (Image: Rawpixel).

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Your Sun Sign and the Full Moon in Aquarius

 Which area of your life will feel the tug of war? Which part of your world is most likely to stretch you? In a moment I will give you key dates in the future, which will see you taking action on the matters which do not add up now.


First House: Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding.


Second House: Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation, theft, shoplifting, greed, philanthropy, crowdfunding.

Third House: Brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbours, the internet, the media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes.


Fourth House: Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland.


Fifth House: Courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth, one night stands, sexuality, dating, mating, I.V.F. programs.


Sixth House: Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers.


Seventh House: Marriage, de facto relationships, separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice. (Image: Dreamstime).

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Eighth House: Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds, prostitution.


Ninth House: Foreigners, foreign countries, emigration, travel, migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation.


Tenth House: Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering.


Eleventh House: Friends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams, cults, allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties.


Twelfth House: Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching.

The Full Moon and the Economy

This Full Moon creates a T-Square with Uranus in Taurus, which always brings upheaval with the economy. It really depends on individual country charts, and space does not allow to go through them all. In general, it’s volatile and at least one financial front-page story will revolve around some shockwaves.

The Aquarius-Leo-Taurus combination does rather suggest the group and the leader, so we may be looking at the position of Ops at 27 Leo in the Conservative Party chart.

What happens on August 19th will see a major reshuffle involving the Conservative Party leadership and its leading lights in January, February 2025.

2025 and Pluto in Aquarius

The future is calling to the present on this Full Moon. You might say, the future is causing the present.

card pluto 213x300 - The Aquarius Full Moon - August 2024Pluto is in Aquarius so in the area of life I’ve mentioned above, for your sign, you also have total transformation taking place. There are major issues about who/what has the upper hand; who/what is in control; who/what has the power. (Image: Justin Tabari).

This has been going on for quite some time, but this Full Moon on 19th August will raise the stakes.

From this will come life-changing decisions, when we see the Aquarius weather begin to roll in December 2024, January 2025 and February 2025.

So, for example, the Full Moon might stretch you with your finances if you are a Sun Cancer or Sun Capricorn person. This is a temporary challenge, but it will really affect what you do about the house, apartment, business, bank account, shares and so on – particularly at the Aquarius New Moon in January next year and the Leo Full Moon (against the Aquarius Sun) in February, next year.

Do You Have Factors at 27 Degrees of Any Sign?

If you have factors at 27 degrees of any zodiac sign, then the Full Moon will have a personal impact. When the Sun is opposing the Moon, you end up with opposite sides in a conflict or disagreement or opposing points of view. You also end up with inner conflict.

The ‘what’ of the story will be shown by whatever you have in a particular sign and house. So, for example, if you have the Moon at 27 Cancer in the Fourth House of family, it will bring in different viewpoints or – depending on the patterns in your birth chart – a Fine Old Conflict, to quote Jessica Mitford.

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Do You Have Factors at 27 Leo?

This is about courtship, the bedroom, your heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. Avoid acting or judging on this Full Moon. Vesta is in a conjunction with the Sun at 27 Leo, so there will be issues about one male/multiple females.

Resist a harem at all costs and if you are a woman do not compete with other girls or women for male approval and favouritism. Those are the Vesta rules. Solidarity with the sisterhood is the solution. (Image: Shutterstock).

Do You Have Factors at 27 Aquarius?

This Full Moon is about your groups and your friends. Social media like Substack or X-Twitter. It is about old friend and new friends too. If you can avoid acting or judging about the same, do so. It’s not the time to join a team or rejoin a club. It’s not the time to have a heart-to-heart with a friend. Find another time.

How Catherine’s Chart is Affected 

This Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Leo, the royal sign. There is a sharp T-Square to Taurus, which rules Kate Maciej Gillert Dreamstime  300x191 - The Aquarius Full Moon - August 2024taxation, finances, property and valuables. It’s pretty obvious that the Royal Family will hit a T-junction (a place where one road meets another) on 19th August or thereabouts.

It’s likely about the royal coffers. A quick check on the charts for the major players and we find the Princess of Wales has Proserpina at 27 Cancer in the Fourth House of family.

She will be directly affected by the financial cross-currents involving the rest.

This also picks up her marriage to Prince William. She has Pluto at 26 Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, just one degree off. Proserpina, oddly enough, is Pluto’s wife in mythology. (Image: Dreamstime).

The Tarot on Video

I am happy to answer your astrology chart questions here, about this Full Moon. If you would like to watch a video taking you through the Tarot for your sign, together with the chance to ask more questions, please subscribe to The Astrology Show on Substack. I will go into a more detailed psychic exploration there and look at the decan for your sign, so the particular third of your sign, that you were born into.

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Your Own Tarot and Oracle Reading

If you are a Premium Member, you can give yourself a three-way reading using the Smith Waite Tarot, the Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle on my website. Just ask what impact this Full Moon will have on you, when it occurs and also over the next 12 months. What is the most important outcome for you? (Image: Shutterstock/Main Image: Rawpixel).







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228 Responses

  1. Hello wonderful Jessica

    Thank you for all your powerful insight….spot on as always ….I just wanted to ask/check as my chart seems to be really triggered at the moment…..I am a Sun 3 Leo, Vesta at 3 Leo, Proserpina at 8 Leo, Apollo at 26 Leo and Fortuna at 27 Libra …all seem to be relevant to this Full Moon…I have been waiting patiently for a divorce settlement offer from the ex (Tauren stellium and Capricorn Stellium…..he has Saturn at 27 Pisces) for an awfully long time and it’s meant to be arriving in the next week or so……obviously not the time to act on whatever is going to transpire ….as Mercury is retrograde too but I feel I need to finally stand up for myself. Should I keep patient and wait a little longer?? Many, many thanks Alexandra

    1. Thanks so much Alexandra. Fortuna at 27 Libra in your Seventh House is the placement to watch. This is your divorce. Transiting Uranus at 27 Taurus will quincunx Fortuna. Give yourself time and space to deal with what is random, unexpected and ‘the challenge to change.’ Try not to fix your expectations or assume too much. Uranus transits alter the shape of things. This also picks up your former husband’s chart as he has Saturn at 27 Pisces. The Full Moon is the likely day-trigger, and the Full Moon will trine Fortuna at the same time that the Sun is sextile Fortuna. You are blind to the way you send your husband high and low in life. Fortuna is blindfolded and spins the wheel, in the Seventh House of partners and former partners. In fact it’s not just him. You put men up on a pedestal without realising what you are doing, then demote them, all the way down. Then you send them up again. And down again. This is now in focus for you, as the divorce unfolds. Take a deep breath and get to know your Fortuna. Also allow for life to take you in all directions for a bit, as there is no guidebook for the unprecedented and highly unusual situations with Uranus brings. Keep your eyes on the marvellous Jupiter in Leo transit up ahead, which augurs so well for courtship, the bedroom and the part that children can play in your life – that rolls from 2026.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this article! I have moon in Aries at 27 and Minerva at 28 Scorpio. Can you please tell me how this full moon will impact me personally?

    Thank you so much!

    1. Your Moon at 27 Aries is about your image, branding, profile, reputation, appearance and external identity, usually online. Uranus semi-sextile the Moon suggests a change here – and rather unexpected. Minerva at 28 Scorpio is about joint finances and property and your wisdom in handling the same. The aspect is not exact, so the timing will be later, but situations which are completely unexpected will challenge you to change the usual approach, Lila, and it is wise to adapt and adjust as rapidly as you can.

  3. Hello Jessica. I have no factors at 27, but several at 28 and 29. Will these factors have the same impact? Hopefully it is possible to endure this full moon?

    1. You can allow a one-degree orb in modern astrology, so the T-Square of Uranus at 28 Taurus, the Full Moon at 28 Aquarius and Sun at 28 Leo will pick up Neptune at 28 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance and shared property. You have a lifelong second reality, financially, with business, charity, valuables, houses or apartments. It’s another world, not exactly real, even though it seems real. A classic example is loan after loan, or credit card after credit card. You can also find yourself in a property bubble where on paper your net worth is high, thanks to the rising value of your apartment, even though it’s not exactly tangible. Transiting Uranus will oppose natal Neptune so rather than endure the Full Moon (which triggers it) it is wise to be so flexible that you can meet change with change. Being in a position where you can be highly adaptable is sensible when Uranus transits come along as they are always unexpected, highly unusual and trigger u-turns all over the place. This is most likely to play out with partnership finance (for example, marriage and mortgage) or family assets (for example, the contents of a will naming you, or your own legacy to others). As you are one degree off, the timing may be out, but certainly transiting Uranus in opposition to natal Neptune is well-known for challenging the other reality, the bubble or the holiday from the everyday.

    1. Yes, you can allow a one-degree orb. The weather out there, which is unpredictable, unusual and quite unexpected (economically) will have an indirect impact on you. So, for example, a big deviation on the sharemarket in Tokyo will have a butterfly-wing flapping effect on someone at your bank, which in turn affects you. Your factors at 28 are on the Taurus-Scorpio axis of personal income and shared income or property. Uranus will eventually go to 28 Taurus so it’s as well to be highly flexible and adaptable, so that you are able to respond quickly to quite sudden and unexpected global economic conditions.

  4. Hi Jessica: You are a wonder, and I thank you. This seems an apt time to ask my first question. I am a new moon Cap with many 27 degree placements. I know to avoid big decisions on full moons, but this one seems rather big. I live in Tucson but had a heat stroke so impulsively decided to move home to Minnesota where it is cooler, and I made an offer on a house there, and it was accepted. This is a big, surprising change, and hopefully represents a positive pivot as I haven’t really succeeded since my husband and Mother passed – a rough period. Maybe it will be better in my hometown. I am paying cash, which is a stretch since the MN house closing is August 29 and the AZ house doesn’t even list until September, yet alone close. I can’t afford to make a lot of mistakes in this period, so your guidance will be most helpful. Thank you, kindly.

    1. Thank you very much. You are moving to Minnesota following the loss of your husband and mother, for which I am sorry. You are paying cash and concerned you are doing the right thing. First of all, property is Cancer – and so is town and state. Money is Taurus (yours) and Scorpio (shared). You have Jupiter with all his protection and good fortune at 27 Cancer in your Fourth House, so it will be squeezed out of the situation ahead, with Uranus at 27 Taurus, the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius and the Sun at 27 Leo. The transit which dominates is Uranus sextile Jupiter, which is the sudden, liberating and exhilarating revolution which triggers your natural luck factors with property, town and a sense of place. It also picks up the extended family. The Full Moon will be a challenge, as these things always are, because you also have natal Uranus so close at 26 Cancer, so there are some unknowns here. Transiting Uranus at 27 Taurus will sextile natal Uranus and that’s lightning bolts, an electrical storm and the need to meet unexpected changes – with change. I am wondering about your former or current partner here because you were also born with Neptune at 27 Libra, and that is also picked up by this quite momentous Full Moon. Take a deep breath and keep going. Your Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle will personalise this reading for you, as you are the ultimate arbiter of what you do.

  5. Hello Jessica,

    I don’t recall a time with as many powerful aspects to my natal chart as this change agent full moon. I have Many 27 degree points(MH,IC, Mercury/Neptune, Pluto) to go with transiting Sun and Mercury conjunct my natal Pluto,transiting Saturn opposite natal Mars with transiting Venus conjunct, transit Uranus square natal Pluto, transiting south node conjunct natal venus,transiting mars conjunct natal south node and transiting Pluto conjunct natal Chiron opposite natal Uranus.

    Ch-Ch-Changes!!! I would greatly appreciate any thoughts.

    Thank You


    1. The T-Square with Uranus at 27 Taurus, the Sun at 27 Leo and Full Moon at 27 Aquarius is in the fixed signs. Your Pluto at 27 Leo is what you will feel most, as your fixed approach to controlling dating, the bedroom, babies, children and young adults is on the line. You also have the marriage, relationship, divorce and separation signals of Mercury and Neptune at 27 Libra, picked up. So this is a fork in the road about your current or previous relationship. You may prefer to steer clear of actions or judgements on the day, and allow a day before and afterwards. Uranus by transit is ‘the challenge to change’ and you have to meet change, with change – which is not easy with a fixed sign Pluto in the Fifth House of intimacy and offspring. We also include young relatives here and the next generation as a whole. Your heirs, spares and pretenders. The Full Moon will trigger transiting Uranus square natal Pluto and yes, to quote Mr. Bowie, there will be Ch-Ch-Changes. Once the lunar cycle has moved on and the emotions and instincts can be set aside, in favour of more thoughtful responses, you will be in a position to compromise and cut some deals, both with yourself and those concerned.

  6. Thank you Jessica for another insightful blog – I have Aquarius at 26 in Vulcano – I am not aware what that planet might mean for me can you help me please?

    1. Vulcano at 26 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups and friends, suggests a lifetime of controlling your feelings with these people, or about them, which makes you stronger. Vulcano was cuckolded by Venus and Mars and instead of retaliating, made a net to throw over them, so that all the gods could come to mock them. Vulcano was a lame blacksmith who worked with fire and steel and in your Eleventh House, shows steely resolve which brings you respect and admiration.

  7. Good morning Jessica, I’m guessing for those of us with aspects of 27 degrees the advice is just hang tight?

    1. Good morning. I’m just putting the kettle on in Tasmania and sitting down with your comments and questions. Actually, hanging tight is the last thing to do with Uranus transits. Finding some cover so you don’t actually get hit by lightning is sensible. When the storm breaks, you don’t stride out in it. Yet, the utterly new economic conditions we will see, worldwide, suggest the smart money is on rapidly adjusting and adapting. You have Mercury at 27 Virgo in your Sixth House of work and health, so there will be a domino effect here, perhaps with your employer or staff and their own financial position. It may also have an impact on, say, your health insurance premiums or the local medical centre business. Uranus at 27 Taurus is trine Mercury, and the Full Moon triggers the timing. You have a lifelong pattern of being the messenger girl with your work, unpaid work or academic career. You articulate the ‘news’ or information flow and may also commute, travel or just travel the web in order to make your connections. This has been the case since school when you were the message centre or Communications H.Q. in your class, or did particularly well in subjects where you were required to spell it out, or say it loud. Now, in adulthood, you have expanded and developed that basic ability, which is why you are now in your current role, or working with particular kinds of projects and plans. The last thing you expected will come along on this Uranus trine, to challenge you to change that. It will be liberating, exhilarating and illuminating (but not easy).

  8. Hi Jessica. I have Taurus at 27 degrees Chiron in my 4th House. I am a Libra Sun and Capricorn moon, Aquarius ASC.
    I do not have a partner or any children so am interested in how this full moon will affect me? Thank you so much

    1. You have Chiron at 27 Taurus in your Second House of personal income, valuables, property, charity and business. You have a lifelong pattern of getting away with the so-called impossible, unacceptable or unthinkable – here. Traditionalists eschew your experiments but you often succeed in pushing the boundaries or crossing the line. You may do this professionally, or just in your personal life. The Full Moon and Uranus will create a T-Square in your chart so you may want to avoid new decisions or actions in that period, as you will have enough to deal with anyway. Transiting Uranus will be in a conjunction with Chiron so sudden, unexpected events which turn the known financial world upside-down are coming. In response, you are likely to do what you always do, which is challenge convention and the ‘shoulds’ in the world. Uranus is exhilarating, liberating, wholly unpredictable, erratic, illuminating and usually pretty confronting. Meeting change with change will set you free, though.

  9. Thank you for another fascinating insight. I have Jupiter in Libra at 27 degrees and quite a few placements at 28 degrees. Plus I am a Sun Leo with Aquarius MC.

    Life has been tough! I am thought of as optimistic by my friends, but I honestly can’t handle any more hard knocks – infertility, divorce, debt- it’s all a struggle. Is there any hope I. The stars?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Jupiter in your chart shows how you protect yourself and others. It shows where your good fortune is, where you can afford to be generous with others, and how you can bless your circumstances, because you are always cushioned and guided. In Libra in the Seventh House this has always been about partners, be they sexual partners or professional partners. Sometimes the duet is platonic friendship (two people sharing a house for many years). The Seventh House is also the duel, conflict, divorce or separation. So you have gained from both your marriage and gained from the divorce. All your life, actually, partnership is the gift that goes on giving, although it is far more likely that next time you will choose differently and aim for someone who can offer you commitment. That seems likely when Jupiter goes into Libra from 2028, for the long-term. Coming back to 2024, you can expect Uranus at 27 Taurus, the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius and the Sun at 27 Leo to pick up your former or current partnerships – perhaps a future partner – and remind you that the last thing you expect, is often the first thing that sometimes happens. Once again you can bless your natal Jupiter position.

  10. Hi Jesica,
    Thankyou for keeping us well informed with whats happening astrologically. I was hoping you could shed some light on my Pluto in Leo at 28 Leo. Anything to do with Pluto worries me a little.

    1. Marie, Pluto in Leo in the Fifth House is about your need for total control of lovers, partners and children. It doesn’t work. Instead you find yourself going through periods of quite obsessive passion – as a wife, girlfriend, mother, godmother, stepmother, aunt – and then having to compromise. The compromises are with other people, or with the universe itself, which simply will not let you dominate the situation. Sometimes Pluto is a literal replay of the Roman myth and you find yourself with in-law issues, or mother-daughter issues, or husband-wife questions. It’s always about a new beginning, after a critical point when power or control is questioned. You are now proceeding towards transiting Uranus at 28 Taurus square natal Pluto at 28 Leo, so the most unexpected, unusual, unique events will come to pass, that ask you to dig down deeply for your old patterns with people and change.

  11. Hi Jessica, thanks for an insightful article. I have Mercury 27 in Pisces, Neptune 28 in Scorpio, Saladin 28 in Capricorn and ASC 29
    In Gemini and DESC 29
    In Sagittarius. And my biggest concern right now is to get my career back on track. Please let me know how this full moon will help me. Thank you so much!

    1. A Full Moon never helps anyone. It puts you at a crossroads where you have to put a full stop (like a Full Moon) at the end of the life story you are writing. Then you question it, deal with the feelings (your own or those of other people) then continue. The biggest factor here is natal Neptune at 28 Scorpio in the Eighth House of finance, houses, apartments, charity, business and ownership of possessions. In this we find marriage and mortgage; family inheritance; legacies made out to your beneficiaries. It’s big picture stuff and usually includes shares, life insurance and so on. You have a lifelong pattern of escaping from the real world here, either by borrowing from the bank, or waking up to find yourself in a property bubble. There are variations on the theme, you can (for example) benefit from a boyfriend’s house and apartment, or a friend’s home, as you are offered free or affordable accommodation. It’s not quite real, but it’s real. What happens as Uranus goes across 28 Taurus between now and 2025 will ask you to change the habits of a lifetime. Your natural inclination to avoid reality, take a vacation from ‘normal’ and holiday from the universe everybody else inhabits, will be confronted. When change comes to meet you, meet it with change. Just skip the Full Moon in particular as it’s far too much of a stretch.

  12. Hi Jessica. Thank you for the level head with all this crazy astrology acting out in real time. It’s the Wild West on steroids out there. Have three of the biggies at 27. Vesta at 28. Hoo boy! A relationship has me walking on eggshells. Sun Cap with 7 Cap placements in stellium. The big picture playing out is moving out but it’s complicated. Next year? Money is there to buy my own place but timing seems off. Stressful as I have a 93 year old mother to worry about but she is still independent to a point. Do I stay low key as possible till next spring? Scrolling property listings at 3am way too often. Hope all good in your world!

    1. Thank you. Uranus at 27 Cancer, Mars at 27 Aquarius and Neptune at 27 Libra are all aspected by the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, Sun at 27 Leo and Uranus in transit at 27 Taurus. The relationship is Libra and the lifelong pattern you have from escaping from reality (into another world) with partners will be challenged. It’s rather like the aquarium being rocked. Transiting Uranus will quincunx Neptune. You also have a lifelong pattern of fighting with (or against) friends and groups. So you may have a pattern of broken friendships with people who were passive-aggressive with you, or just aggressive. More positively when you fight the good fight, with a team, club, community – you frequently win. Just avoid this on the Full Moon. Transiting Uranus square natal Mars is disruptive and what you actually have here is a T-Square with the Full Moon, Sun and Uranus against Mars. Cool down and slow down with these people. Finally, natal Uranus at 27 Cancer is about regular upheaval in your life with the family, the household, your house, apartment, town or country. Skip the actual Full Moon, but long-term, you will find that the most unexpected and unique, unusual events come to pass as transiting Uranus is sextile natal Uranus and you will find tremendous freedom, space and independence – both with your home and within the family. This also includes your mother, of course. Later on Jupiter will go to 27 Cancer and you will be given a rare opportunity to expand your home life, your sense of belonging to your town or country, your place within the extended family. This will work out beautifully for you.

  13. Hi jessica,

    Great article and I am loving the astrology newsletters and extra sign ups, I check your site daily!
    I have 27 degrees in my chart but what in i’m not sure. I’m a sun sagi but waiting for an academic outcome, I try to avoid the full moons as they tend to be literal full stops in my life but I really don’t want things ending for me!

    1. Lilly, thank you. Your MC/IC/Ops T-Square at 27 of the cardinal signs (Libra/Cancer/Capricorn) will be picked up by other people’s inner conflict and real-world challenges on the Full Moon. So this may be a partner (Libra) or old boyfriend (Libra again). It may be a relative (Cancer) or person in your household (Cancer, again) or the price of a house or apartment (still on Cancer). Capricorn is obviously your academic career and any other career. So the point of tension in your chart which means it’s always hard to perfectly square all three areas of life, is triggered. Steer clear of the Full Moon for judgements or action plans; there are easier times. Ongoing the biggest aspect is Uranus at 27 Taurus, so the last thing you expected will take place, utterly change everything, set you free and urge you to reshape your life – with Libra (partners), Cancer (family, home) and Capricorn (ambition).

  14. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your informative article. I have several placements in 25, 26, 27 & 28 degrees. Im a sun Libra with neptune and cupido in 27 scorpio. Salacia in 26 capricorn and panacea in 28 capricorn. Please help me understand how will this full moon impact me and my family.

    Thank you

    1. Neptune in conjunction with Cupido at 27 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance and shared property is the story here, Priya. You have married into, or inherited (family or in-laws) a bubble which insulates you from the real world. It’s rather like a holiday from the everyday or a vacation from what most people would call financial reality. You may have inherited, have a trust fund, be given or loaned money by your relatives or partner, gain from the generous free offer of accommodation or a very low rent, because you know the people – and so on. The Eighth House is about sexual and financial relationships, so marriage and mortgage, but also those relatives you share legacies with, including those to whom you make out your will. It’s really about the important matters, like life insurance, or pension/superannuation, or real estate. What happens with Uranus at 27 Taurus in opposition is a challenge for you to change what is in place. It is triggered by the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius and the Sun at 27 Leo so this is a Grand Cross. Uranus in astrology is a symbol of unpredictable upheaval which alters everything in a moment. New beginnings follow and you will find that yourself and others are set free, by them. Who or what confined, trapped or severely restricted you or others, will vanish and it is up to you and they to invent a very different future in terms of all that you own, earn or owe. This looks like it will affect many areas of your life, slightly later or earlier, too, as you have factors just before and after 27 degrees. The best thing to do with Uranus transits is to accept that you have been set free. Later on you will realise that had you continued on the same road you would have lost considerable freedom and independence. Try to get yourself into a flexible position with finance and property so that you can zig-zag when the world zig-zags around you.

  15. Dear Jessica,
    Please look at my chart for me. My Sun is at 27 in Cancer, Uranus is at 28 in Leo, and Aescalapia is at 26 in Aries.
    I’ve looked at your paragraph about Cancer and how this aspect will affect wills and inheritance, which is prescient, to say the least. I’ve lost my mum and dad in the past two years, and my brother, sister, and I are sole benefactors when we sell their home. My brother and brother-in-law were the two executors. However, my brother decided to rescind this position in February and left my sister and me with a legal mess. We discovered he had lost/destroyed the original wills (both), leaving everything up to us. We’ve slowly disentangled the problem and have had to apply for a Decree by Association to represent the estate. We hope to have this resolved by the end of September.
    The proceeds of the sale of the house will mean that my sister can ensure her autistic son can get the help he needs and, I hope, give her some respite. She lost one of her other sons just before my dad died. It will ensure I can remain in my home, having struggled to keep a roof over my and my daughter’s head since she was three. There’s a lovely story here, she has a lovely partner and is expecting a son in October after having a tragic end to her last pregnancy, again just before my dad died.
    Can you advise me what I should look out for, please? Secondly, how do I get over my anger at my brother’s selfish behaviour and how he thought he could dump this on my sister at a time of so much loss and me while disparaging my parents’ memory (he did a lot of other awful things as well and seemed to have a deep resentment of our dad – who was a lovely man)? I’m not normally an angry person, so I find the depth of this emotion quite difficult to understand.
    Thank you, Jessica for your insight.

    1. I am sorry you have lost your parents and even more sorry about your brother’s behaviour. He has left you in a mess, as you say. Your sister has an autistic son, who needs the money from the sale of your parents’ home. She is also bereaved as a mother. You would also gain security; being able to stay in your own home. Your brother has behaved appallingly and you have every right to be angry. So let’s look at what is going on. Siblings are always Gemini. You have Mars at 8 Gemini tied into a huge pattern at 8 degrees across your chart. Mars is your inner warrior. I expect there was sibling rivalry or battling even when you were small; perhaps with your brother; perhaps with another sibling or cousin (Gemini also rules cousins). Part of the pattern in your chart is karmic; it is tied to the North Node and South Node. This is past life, which might explain a few things. We have no idea what the agreement was between yourself and your siblings between lives, but you have reincarnated to gain closure. This situation with the will is part of that. This can and will be sorted out, no later than June 2025 at the absolute latest. Jupiter in Gemini will provide solutions, opportunities and a sweeping win-win outcome with your siblings. Meanwhile your Sun at 27 Cancer in the Fourth House of family and property is picked up on the Full Moon. You shine at your brilliant best when you put family first and although your brother has lost/destroyed the original wills, he is still part of the family, even though he also had a rift with your father. Anyone would understand your anger, and anger is part of grief. However, you have what it takes to set an example and lead in favour of the entire clan, as a whole, including your own sister (of course) and your parents, who are very much in spirit…? What happens near this Full Moon will be unexpected and quite unique. Transiting Uranus will sextile your Sun. Allow life to take you in directions you’d not anticipated. It will be quite liberating and give you a huge amount of room to move.

  16. Good morning, Jessica! I am just a bit worried after reading this article since I have so many 27 and 28 degree points in my chart.
    28 North Node Pisces, 28 S Node Virgo, 27 Ops Virgo, 28 Poserpina Taurus, 27 Vulcano, Gemini, . What can I do to mitigate any
    problems? Thanking you in advance for your advice to each of us and also all the wonderful information you give to all. J

    1. Thank you. But please don’t worry. The idea is to get yourself into a position where you can watch the storm rather than be in it. You were born with Ops at 27 Virgo, as you know. This is the exact focus of the Full Moon and Uranus. You have a lifelong history of being the can-do person at work, at university/college, or as an unpaid working person. You are the problem-solver with solid optimism who actually makes a difference. It is the same with your health and wellbeing. You have what it takes to roll up your sleeves and fix your mind, body and spirit – yourself. This side of your nature is now coming to life again, as Uranus trine Ops will bring quite unusual, completely unexpected, unique circumstances which encourage you to once again be the fix-it person with your work, unpaid work, academia, your health and wellbeing. Later on when Uranus moves to 28 degrees, you will begin to see other areas of your life which challenge you, to change. Try not to assume too much in 2024 as what you expect, is not what you get. Loosening up about life and being prepared to invent a new way to respond to situations is very smart. The solution with Uranus transits is always to stand back from it all and see what you are actually being offered. Half the time, it’s quite exhilarating new freedom. We are only human and prefer ‘the known’ quiet life, but Uranus transits give us the alternative. This is where you’re heading at the moment and although it takes great insight, if you can stand back from things later, you will see you were being given an ‘out’ as they say. You were being given an out, from a person, organisation or situation which would have removed your independence.

  17. Thank you Jessica for all your blogs. I have Mercury at 27 degrees Pisces. Neptune transiting close for a long time has been impacting me “I think”. Saturn is getting closer to my Sun in Pisces too (exact in late October for a lot of weeks). Also curious to know if you are looking at the chart for Governor/VP Walz?

    1. Yes, Neptune has been passing over 27 Pisces, so you have been experiencing transiting Neptune in conjunction with Mercury in your Twelfth House of religion, Tarot, Buddhism, hypnosis, therapy, mediums, dreams and E.S.P. as well. This can be confused and confusing, even though it shows you other realities. The T-Square ahead is best avoided for (say) joining a new church or signing up for a course on the Tarot. There are easier times. However, Uranus will sextile Mercury, so once again it is your ability to articulate what is unseen and below the surface, which is affected. I am beginning to wonder if your Sixth Sense is not under development. Mercury in Pisces in the Twelfth House can put into words, what is below the surface and channelling is not unusual. What happens near this Full Moon will never have been on your agenda, but it will make a lasting difference to the way you think, speak and write – in the context of your soul, spirit and psyche.

  18. Hi Jessica, I look forward to your articles each month. I find them so interesting and try to learn what I can. I have 4 planets on or close to 27 degrees including My sun, MC, Uranus and Hygiea. Is it safe to say that I will see changes in my career?

    1. Thank you. You have factors at 27 degrees in Cancer (home) and Scorpio (joint finance and property). Along comes Uranus in Taurus and the last thing you expected is the first thing that happens. There is always an element of shock with Uranus, which none of us like, but being open to what/who comes is useful, as is a philosophical attitude. The end of 2024 does not give you what you assumed or expected, but what it will do is give you a chance to be far more free and independent. These transits can appear when we are on the brink of heavy commitment, the extent of which we do not really understand or see. They get us out of it, in the blink of an eye. Uranus transits shake things up but also offer huge room to move, so after this Full Moon, you should be able to think laterally about what you are actually being given, specifically with a house, apartment, family member or household member – and very much in synch with agreements you both/all have on paper.

  19. Ufff….i just checked and I have 26 degrees all over the place in my chart and a couple 28 degrees. What do you think is coming my way, Jessica? Thanks!

    1. Your timing will be different to other people with 27 degree factors, but in general, Uranus going over 26, 27, 28 Taurus is already in motion, so you will already be aware of jolts which suddenly make you aware of the need to be free of something/someone, no matter what. A good example is selling your apartment and being stuck without buyers for months, then being offered a lower price which would liberate you, financially, even though it is not what you wanted. The Capricorn-Cancer line-up in your chart is at the heart of this, so it may be about a boyfriend with whom you live (say) or your career. Uranus circling your chart in 2024 has no doubt delivered a few shocks, but every time this has happened, you have been given the key to the door, to get out of a situation, or to get into a new one, offering far more space. This will happen again as Uranus moves to 28 degrees of Taurus. The phrase ‘You don’t have to…’ (Dot, dot, dot) is part of any Uranus transit. There is nothing and nobody forcing you to do X, Y, Z and if you can only step back from the situation you will see just how much freedom you are being offered. The situation is always quite unexpected, unconventional and unique. It will also offer you a U-turn when it happens.

  20. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. I have Jupiter at 28 in Scorpio, and Juno at 19 of Leo. What should I expect? I am having constant obstacles in my finances, like mushrooms popping up after a heavy rain it seems, and also with my children and their education and work. Exhausted. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Financial obstacles are always Taurus and/or Scorpio in the chart. You have Minerva at 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, valuables, property and business. For the first time in 248 years, Pluto is at 0 Aquarius, so you have transiting Pluto square Minerva. Your innate wisdom about money matters is challenged by the most overpowering situations, people or organisations. This does not last. You will go back and forth, as Pluto retrogrades, landing again at 0 Aquarius in November, but he will eventually move on. Your children are a Leo matter. You have Juno at 29 Leo. Again, this is Pluto. What this planet is doing, is moving across 29 Capricorn and onto 0 Aquarius, backwards and forwards. This transit will ask you to draw on your strengths as a mother one last time, September to November, then it is gone. The best is yet to come as when Jupiter goes into Cancer in 2025, then Leo, from 2026, you will be delighted at the Jupiter-Jupiter trine to your Eighth House of finance and property, and then a year later, the amazing solutions and possibilities with your children.

  21. Hi, Jessica. Thanks for this great article. I’ve had a year of upheavals, from suddenly having to leave my home of 15 years, loss of my dog in the same day, and losing major business contracts. I will say that I did the astrology delivery to get a new house, as the Jupiter transit was in my 4th house. I just moved into a new home, which is everything I asked for in the astrology delivery, but was a stretch financially. Now I see this T-square coming. I have my sun at 27 Pisces, the north node at 27 Taurus and the south node at 27 Scorpio. Looks like a direct hit on my chart. And to spook me more, my brother passed 14 years ago on the 19th of August. I got approval for this new home on the last full moon in July. Now, I’m worried about Uranus hitting that same spot on my chart with the north node. Thoughts?

    1. Thank you. I am glad Astrology Delivery landed you a new home. This helps to make up for the loss of your dog, your old home and some contracts. The astrology ahead is about getting yourself into a flexible position with business, money and property so that you can zig-zag when the world zig-zags around you. You have the North Node at 27 Taurus in the Second House of personal income and the South Node at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint property and income. In your previous life you went through a major event (rather like the invention of cryptocurrency) with a number of others, and you have incarnated together to experience some karmic questions about what (or who) is precious to the point of being priceless; what you will sell your soul for, and what you absolutely refuse to sell your soul for. All this is on the line on this Full Moon. This may be felt as a general impact on the sharemarket which would affect your pension or superannuation for a time. It may also be more personal, involving your husband and his bank account (say) or your aunt and her inheritance to you (for example). Uranus transits bring all that is sudden and unprecedented. What was, falls away, very quickly and you realise that the only thing that matters is inventing the future. That is why the standard advice on a Uranus transit is to adapt and adjust as rapidly as possible, with as much space as possible to do that. In return you are given ‘freedom from’ or ‘freedom through’. At the time it may be hard to appreciate but later on you realise you were being liberated from a person, organisation or situation which would have tied your hands. Very much so.

  22. Hi Jessica, I have a lot of 27 degrees in my birth chart.I feel very unsettled at the moment and like everything is falling apart without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Please can I ask what is the main message for me to concentrate on as I don’t even know where to start. I also didn’t sign new tenancy agreement yet and my old one is ending on 30th September so I wonder if something unexpected is coming my way (Uranus) which will move me where I should be. I am also desperate with changing the job and be around more inspiring people as I feel like I can’t even breath anymore where I am now, whenever it is home, work, where I am spending my free time. Thank you for all you do, I always love reading your blogs whenever here or elsewhere. Thank you.

  23. Hi Jessica, I have a lot of 27 degrees in my birth chart.I feel very unsettled at the moment and like everything is falling apart without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Please can I ask what is the main message for me to concentrate on as I don’t even know where to start. I also didn’t sign new tenancy agreement yet and my old one is ending on 30th September so I wonder if something unexpected is coming my way (Uranus) which will move me where I should be. I am also desperate with changing the job and be around more inspiring people as I feel like I can’t even breath anymore where I am now, whenever it is home, work, where I am spending my free time. Thank you for all you do, I always love reading your blogs whenever here or elsewhere. Thank you so much

    1. I am sorry you are going through such a tough time. Uranus at 27 Scorpio and Ceres and Ops both at 27 Virgo tell the story here. You were born with Uranus in the Eighth House of joint finances, business, valuables and property. Thus, you are prone to regular upheaval regarding the same, which always sets you free. It liberates you. A classic example is a previous divorce or separation, or a split within the family, which made you financially independent of others. Uranus is sextile Ceres and sextile Ops in your Sixth House of work and health, so your management of your job and your health is automatically tied to the bank account, house, apartment and so on that ties you to others. A decision about one affects the other. Sure enough, you currently have issues with your tenancy agreement and also your job. This is transiting Uranus at 27 Taurus, triggering the pattern in your chart. The Full Moon will bring things to a head so you realise you have to do something to steer yourself correctly into 2025. Try not to actually judge or act on the Full Moon itself as it’s not the time. Once the Moon has passed out of Aquarius, though, things will look clearer. There is most certainly light at the end of the tunnel. Jupiter will move to 27 Cancer soon enough and there will be some fantastic solutions and opportunities for you, specifically with joint finance and property, as Jupiter will trine Uranus. Jupiter will also sextile Ceres and Ops so this looks like a complete lifestyle turnaround for you; it’s not just about paid or unpaid work, it’s also about your wellbeing and daily routine as a whole.

  24. Quite concern to this Full Moon 27 Aquarius and T-Square. I have North Node 27 in Taurus as well as South Node for sure in Scorpio 27. Some really really really bad things has happened in 2022 Middle Feb when Pluto, North Node and South Node are all in 27 degree.

    Would love to see your comment if any. Always thanks for the insight to us Jessica!

    1. Astrology is really about the umbrella you need before a storm, or the road you take on the map, before a storm. You don’t just charge off in the middle of it, with no awareness. There is no ‘bad’ in this, there is only specific language to describe the symbols in your horoscope. So your North Node at 27 Taurus describes your karma with money, business, charity, valuables and property which was created in your last incarnation. The South Node at 27 Scorpio, opposite, talks about the karma with other people (a partner or family member in your last life). The Full Moon and Uranus T-Square will create a Grand Cross there, so this is not the time to enter into anything new, like a property sale, or (for example) making a will with a lawyer. Instead, try to get yourself into a position where you can be flexible enough to make quick decisions. The less fixed, binding and permanent your situation is, the faster you can adapt and adjust. You have in fact been here before. It may even have been the last time Uranus was in Taurus, so in the last war, when of course we saw rationing and printed money. You may be part of a soul group which experienced the Second World War on a purely financial level and there will be a person involved, on this Full Moon, you also knew before.

  25. hi Jessica, EEK I have a few planets around 25-28 degrees and Leo 28 on my ascendant and 28 Aquarius descendant . I am in a much better career position than last year but not wage wise.Thinking of starting an online limited edition greeting cards. I am expecting my first batch any day and started it in june.Will this be fruitful could do with a side hustle for our pension pot and if it takes off I will be thinking of moving to another country outside of the UK. Not by choice- the latter but by too being frightened of the future in the UK to stay here.

    1. The one-degree orb usually means things happen a little later, so when Uranus reaches 28 Taurus you will find the relationship with your partner is challenged by changes you’d not anticipated. This applies only if your birth time is exact, as the angles depend on that. Online greeting cards are a Gemini matter and you don’t have anything at all in Gemini. What you do have is a large Aquarius pattern, so groups and friends become powerful for you, in December, January, February when you rejoin a circle or join one for the first time. This may be a community group, club, team or similar. This continues to empower you for some time, if you can use your willpower and self-control in the situation. You want to leave the UK as well. This seems very likely in the years ahead, and the place you choose would be a holiday from the real world.

  26. Wow, North Node 27 Leo, South Node 27 Aquarius, plus other planets at 26 and 28. I guess I’d better hold on to my hat!

    1. Yes, this T-Square is tight and tense. The North Node and South Node describe karma from your last incarnation so you may well feel you have seen this before. Your North Node at 27 Leo is about the courtship, affair or partnership from your previous life and the person in question will be back in this life – in whatever role. Sometimes it’s your boss; sometimes it’s your mother. Last time around you also found friends and groups pulled you in two directions. Again, one of those people is back. It is very common for the last life to have involved a conflict between leading a division in the armed forces, versus having friends in the same. So you may have been an army captain whose best childhood friend was in the front line. It can also be more complicated; the Leo-Aquarius nodal axis can point to a prior incarnation in a monastery (the group) where there was ‘the love that dare not speak its name’ with yourself and another monk. Your vows forbade it, but here you are again in this lifetime, trying to find closure. The presence of Uranus in this Full Moon transit suggests something completely out of the blue; impossible to call; erratic in nature and here to completely change the situation for you.

  27. Greetings from Colorado, Jessica!

    Heartfelt thanks for the illumination and dare I say sanity you bring to the world stage and to my world on a daily basis.
    I’m Sun in Libra with 27 degrees of Moon in Libra, Uranus in Cancer and Apollo in Leo plus three other 28 degree placements. I wonder about the full moon’s impact on my family, finances and if it affords a peek preview of what’s possible for my second book?
    Thanks again with kindest regards.
    (I’m assuming you have access to my chart.)

    1. Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say. Yes, I can see your chart on my computer screen. Whenever Premium Members post a comment the horoscope is there for me to see. The Moon at 27 Libra and Apollo at 27 Leo are the focus for the Full Moon. This is about a partnership or duet in your life; classically marriage or a professional double-act. Sometimes it can be a duel, not a duet, so you may be at war with a jealous rival in the book world (for example) or be up against another woman in a love triangle. There is always a huge amount of instinct, emotion and need with the Moon so this two-way street or dual carriageway is not about the head, it is about the heart. There is an immediate link to the world of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne, because of Apollo in Leo in your Fifth House of intimacy and offspring. What happens here is unusual, unexpected and rather a u-turn from other people, or the world at large. Uranus in Taurus is square Apollo and quincunx your Moon. The Full Moon itself makes angles which suggest there is no fast or easy solution here. So nothing to do with your second book, unless you write for children, or write with a partner. This looks purely personal at the moment, but you may want to make your decisions later when there is less of an emotional squeeze for you or others.

  28. Hello Jessica – Thank you for always keeping us current, your community appreciates your tireless dedication! My birthday is on August 19th and I just finished an MBA in NY. I worked in the Entertainment industry and would like to return to LA, but the finances and job prospects are dismal. Any advice on moving, changing industries, where I might prosper? Thank you for the early birthday present 🙂

    1. Thank you. Happy Birthday. Your chart shows stelliums in Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Do all you can regarding the worldwide web and media while Jupiter is in Gemini until June 2025. You were born to connect and communicate across many different mediums and there are some incredible opportunities there. This need not necessarily be Los Angeles, nor Hollywood. Later on in 2026, 2027 you could easily work in children or teenage entertainment and education, or find your interest in your career is far less important than the children or teenagers then in your life, who give you so much.

  29. Hi Jessica, thank you as always for your insights. I have a little bit of anxiety around this full moon and coming months as it is my busiest season for work. Looking at my chart, I don’ t have anything at 27 degrees, but several aspects at either 28 or 26 degrees throughout my chart. Could you possibly take a look at it and provide some additional perspective for me? Thank you!

    1. Whatever you have at 28 will be under transit from Uranus at 28 Taurus in June 2025 in terms of quite revolutionary change. People or organisations which are Uranian – unconventional, highly unusual, innovative and inventive – will have an impact. Neptune at 28 Pisces is also here in March 2025, a little earlier, then Saturn goes to 28 Pisces, in May of that year. So this is a process covering most of next year. Saturn at 28 Cancer in your Fourth House of family, household, town and country is the focus. You have a lifetime pattern of dealing with restrictions and limitations here no matter if it’s the family you were born into, or particular experiences with where you come from – or actual properties. This is a major story next year, hinted at on this Full Moon, but it will be 2025 that asks you to examine the habits of a lifetime and figure out a different way of dealing with who or what confines you, blocks you and encircles you. As a general rule, the less you have that heavily weighs you down with property or family, the easier the transit will be, as it’s about change.

  30. Hi Jessica So very grateful for the insight that you share with us. I am a little concerned as l have 27 Moon Capricorn plus 28 Uranus Cancer. How will the new moon affect me and my family.

    1. Thank you. The Moon-Uranus opposition is about a tug of war within, as you are pulled between wanting to mother people in your career, your unpaid work or academia – and your other role as a real mother or maternal figure. Now and then transits trigger it, so you may find yourself (say) turning down a job where you are required to be Den Mother to others because you can’t make it work at home. Or, the reverse can happen, so you say ‘No’ to a family member about what is required of you there, or you say ‘No’ to a particular house or apartment, because you are being pulled towards a more ambitious career. This Uranus transit goes to 27 first, then 28 far later, in June 2025, so this is really a journey towards a radical change, as transiting Uranus will sextile natal Uranus and trine your natal Moon. A slow revolution in fits and starts, sums it up. The actual Full Moon in a few days’ time is a trigger (a stepping stone you were not expecting) but the path itself will be there for another 12 months or so. Ultimately a quite radical new angle on your career and status is coming and the last thing you expected with your home and family, town and country, too. The last thing we expected to find ourselves doing is usually the first thing that happens, but it will set you free. You have a lifetime pattern with the family, your home, town and/or country best summed up as a rejection dance. You are rejected, or reject. Every time that happens, it’s a brand new beginning for everyone. So you are not a stranger to this chopping and changing. Knowing that will help you appreciate that you always end up being far more independent, escaping who/what would have tied you down.

  31. Thank you Jessica, I will avoid! It’s great to be told clearly about Pisces 12th house and transits because I got into astrology mainly through studying from the ascendant (conjunct Jupiter) perspective – maybe because I feel my ascendant is more cheerful and less challenging than 12th house Pisces. Much appreciated.

  32. Hi Jessica great article I have Mars at 28 Taurus, Mars is my ruler do u see this full moon impacting me?

    1. The Full Moon is at 27, so slightly out and Uranus at 27, likewise. Far more important is June 2025 when Uranus goes to 28 Taurus and you experience Jupiter at 28 Gemini in the same month. This picks up natal Mars exactly so you will find your natural inclination to attack or defend, aggressively and rapidly, is triggered. What happens will come out of the blue; be a shock to the system (the usual economic or property system) and challenge you to meet change, with change. Jupiter suggests an organisation, situation or person from which you gain, at the same time. Mars in Taurus in the Second House is a foot-soldier in all financial, charity, business and property matters and you may use this in your profession (you are a trader on Wall Street) or in your spare time (you haggle over prices at the local market). Uranus can only form a conjunction with natal Mars very rarely so this is big. It also suggests you may want professional advice, even now, on paperwork and other agreements involving your money. What happens if the last thing you expect to happen, happens?

  33. Hi Jessica,
    I have my natal Uranus at 27 Scorpio and currently having my Uranus Opposition right now. I drew the seven of pentacles. I’m not sure how this full moon will affect but I’m worried as it’s directly hitting my Natal Uranus. Currently looking for a job at the moment. My business did not launch as expected last year.

    1. It’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot on here, how a major aspect will affect you. The Seven of Pentacles is you, watching money grow slowly from your efforts. This is likely your business, though it may also be other investments of time, energy or actual money. Finance is always Taurus and Scorpio; the Moon at 20 and Chiron at 20 are opposite each other on the Taurus-Scorpio axis of your chart. So there’s a tug of war within, when it comes to my money/his money/her money/their money (and the rest, like a company, house or apartment). This can sometimes play out as inaction. The card shows you rather stuck. The surprise is what you are missing, right at your feet. Uranus is a wake-up call. It illuminates everything so you can see it very differently. The figure in the card is completely unaware of one pentacle or coin under foot. There is also an invitation to the heavens here, to shake things up, get them moving and see some action. So that’s coming.

  34. Hi
    I have 27 moon in Scorpio and 27 Apollo in Libra. I desperately trying to get out of a violent marriage in the easiest possible way, including raising money to buy him out of property. He keeps changing the goal post (no surprise). What do you think I need to watch out for around the full moon. You’re blogs and comments offer guidance which I always read for insight.
    Thanks Jess

    1. I am sorry you are in a violent marriage. I assume you have made contact with the professionals who can help and you have also approached friends or family for support. That out of the way, your Moon at 27 Scorpio is in a Grand Cross with the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, Sun at 27 Leo and Uranus at 27 Taurus. Skip the 72-hour period around the Full Moon for judgements or action plans involving him. This would be specifically about the money, house or apartment; the valuables, possessions or other assets. It would be about a will and inheritance on either side, or the mortgage. There are far easier times to plough ahead. You may also want more time and space in terms of your husband then. Scorpio is about the sexual and financial relationships in life, and also family-based agreements about property. Your Moon in Scorpio in the Eighth House is maternal, emotional, deeply caring and protective. You don’t say if you have children or not, but if so, this also applies to them – an awful lot of time and space is required over this Grand Cross. It’s not the time to see a solicitor, nor is it the time to respond to any conversation he wants to start about your home. Apollo at 27 Libra in your Seventh House of marriage and divorce is also triggered by a trine from the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, a quincunx from Uranus at 27 Taurus and a sextile from the Sun at 27 Leo. You take the lead in partnership matters and are often imitated as a result; imitation by others being a sincere form of flattery. You are impressive as a wife, or impressive in the art of separation. You are also a formidable enemy in battle, as the Seventh House rules duets as well as duels. Again, leave well enough alone on this Full Moon. You have factors at 28 Sagittarius and 29 Taurus, in your Ninth House of foreigners, foreign travel, foreign countries and emigration – and in your Second House of personal income, banking, property and so on. Once Uranus has finished at 27, he goes to 28, then onto 29. You also have Pluto going to 29 Capricorn in September, October, November. I don’t know if you are thinking of relocating, or if there is some story abroad/with other cultures here, but the astrology suggests it’s not far off. This will be done with in November (stage one) and a deal reached in December (stage two) with a sign off in January (stage three). That’s the very last of these major outer planet and node transits over the final degree of 29…

  35. Dear Jessica thank you for your wonderful advice as always. But I’m freaking out!! I have Uranus at 27 in Libra in my natal chart, AND my nodes are at 27!!!!! Any advice would be super helpful. My Hubbie is incredibly unwell and my life is stretched as I try to fit in everything including my passion for my creative writing projects and becoming an energy healer as I hopefully transition from a corporate way of making money.

    1. Okay, so just knowing you have Uranus at 27 Libra in the Seventh House is enough to start with. For the first time in your adult life you have transiting Uranus quincunx natal Uranus. The Seventh House is of course your husband who is unwell. You were born with a rejection dance involving partners and it would have been there since you were first dating. Being rejected and hearing ‘No’ or rejecting men and telling them ‘No’ is part of it. And it always leads to more freedom. Common sense says that is often because you’ve broken up, because of it, in the past. Nothing liberates you like the end of a relationship which confines or restricts. Now you are back here again and the Full Moon will trine Uranus with the Sun sextile Uranus. So something you are familiar with, is back. It is hearing ‘No’ or saying ‘No’ and being liberated. What comes out of this will be a brand new beginning and you may have to reinvent the marriage. Uranus rules the invention of what is so very, very new. Rather like an electrical storm, it breaks tension and everything becomes quite different, with a rapid change in the climate.

  36. Thank you for your article, Jessica. I have Pluto in 12 house at 27* Vir, and I have been really struggling with mental health issues lately. I see a therapist. Will all these squares make it worse?

    1. This may be life-changing for you, but in the Natural House System, your Pluto is in Virgo in the Sixth House of mental and physical health. Cupido is at 27 Pisces in an exact opposition from the Twelfth House, which does in fact rule therapy, hypnosis, prayer, mediumship, Tarot and the subconscious. I only use the Natural House System. There is a natural tug-of-war within about your obsessive need for control over your lifestyle, food, drink, medication, fitness, paid work, unpaid work, daily routine, lifestyle – and what lies beneath. Pluto reveals how we are over-focussed, want total control and seek to take over. Just being aware of that can help. Very commonly, health problems from the Sixth House, be they anxiety, depression, chronic illness, disease (and so on) are triggered by job issues, or academic issues. So we dislike our university course but will not drop out, so we develop vision issues. Or, we feel overworked and too tightly stretched by a job, but are too scared to resign, so have one flu after another, or Covid, which keeps us out of there. Have a look at your work ethic, how you feel about serving others and doing your duty, how you honestly feel about everything together, from the housework, to your unpaid labours for others. Somewhere in there, there will be a new angle. Uranus at 27 Taurus will trine natal Pluto so this is ‘radical change meets inevitable change’. Cupido at 27 Pisces is your love of therapy, actually, and counselling, and psychiatrists and psychologists. Tarot readers too and perhaps religion or spirituality. That works against this other great need of yours, for total control, and once you step back and look at this inner conflict you might begin to see a different way of operating. The Uranus aspect will do that as it is the lightning bolt that illuminates the sky. Night becomes as clear as day and everything is suddenly very clear.

  37. Hi Jessica,
    I have North Node 27 Cancer and South Node 27 Capricorn.
    I’d welcome your thoughts on what this might mean for me.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. The North Node shows your last incarnation, as does the South Node, which is always opposite. The signs show you, what the issue was – and who the people are. In Cancer, this is one or more family members you were involved with last time. In Capricorn, the same with employers, staff or colleagues. The push-pull of the nodes begins in childhood, so you may have been sent to a better school than your mother. You may have found one side of the family to be more successful and have more status than the other. You might have left behind your home and family in order to be more successful (and done it more than once). You could also have reversed Capricorn-Cancer by moving back home and thus affecting your career or social rank by doing so. What happens next is a new spin on old tale. The Full Moon is the trigger for transiting Uranus sextile the North Node and trine the South Node, so wholly unexpected, unique, unprecedented events will turn things upside-down. From this, you intuitively reach for what you learned in the prior incarnation and put it into action.

  38. Hello Jessica, Thank you for the great article. I have 3 aspects at 27 degrees: Chiron in Cancer, Vesta in Taurus and Apollo in Virgo being a Scorpio sun. Not quite sure how to interpret this as seems is a period in which I have a job with a lot of things being changed due to project restructuring and top management reshuffle and my role not being very clear, I own a home for which I have a loan and I would like to see if there are some ways of refinancing due to high interest. If you could provide me some insights it will be very appreciated. Kindest regards.

    1. Thank you. Chiron in Cancer in the Fourth House is about a lifetime of quite daring experiments with your extended family, household, house and apartment. You are permanently in the laboratory of life, mixing it up differently. You frequently succeed. This goes together with your lifestyle, daily routine and housework; the gardening, the dog or cat; the usual house or apartment chores. That’s the sextile to Apollo in Virgo, at the same degree (27). Finally, there are accompanying issues about male-female politics which come along with the bills; the mortgage; the lease. So, husbands or boyfriends, fathers or male flatmates, male landlords or bankers. It’s quite a complex pattern and here comes Uranus to shake it up. That Full Moon and Uranus transit will ask you to radically reconsider how you have set things up to date with home, clan or property. It will happen suddenly, as all Uranus transits do, and a lot will be illuminated for you. You could take quite a u-turn actually, but doing so would make you feel free of something (or someone) which is otherwise a real restriction for you.

  39. Dear Jessica, thank you for your articles and comments section. I read the comments from other people to try and relate aspects to my own chart and gain a better understanding. I am about to move back to Spain on the 15th August, this will be my 3rd new location within the country, by the sea and in a location where I have friends. I am hoping that this is the final place so I was nervous to see this article. I am Sun Virgo, with rising Scorpio and stellium in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn, which happen to be the star signs of all the members of my close family. I also have 26/7 degrees to the following Neptune 26° Scorpio, Ceres 27° Capricorn, Aesculapia 26° Cancer, Salacia 26° Capricorn. I tried asking Chat GPT about the move and it was very interesting, it picked up on my need for order vs my desire for routine and the constant fear of mental health issues if I am unbalanced . I have two related questions, firstly do you foresee any issues with the move? second, what is your view on using AI in this way? Thank you for your reply. Btw, I am reading with interest your coverage of the US elections, I pray for the Aquarian spirit!

    1. I’d really prefer to read a whole chart if you have mental health issues, as these things are complex. On a basic Sun Sign level, though, yo are a Virgo moving back to Spain. This is a massive lifestyle and health change, because Pluto (total, long-term transformation) is in Aquarius (your Sixth House of wellbeing and workload). It’s echoed in your natal chart as you have Ceres at 27 Capricorn in the Tenth House of paid and unpaid work. I wouldn’t ask AI (Artificial Intelligence) for advice, by the way. Robots have enough trouble with basic issues, let alone complex questions like emigration. What you will find most of all, long-term, is a question about who and what has the power. Is it you, he or she? How are you to deal with questions about the upper hand or control, regarding your workload and your wellbeing? That’s what Pluto in the Sixth House brings. The trine from Uranus at 27 Taurus to natal Ceres at 27 Capricorn suggests just what you will experience. A sudden, unexpected, ‘challenge to change’ about your place in the world. Ceres is about compromise. In Capricorn, she is about deal-making regarding your success, status, position, mission and ambition. It will happen out of the blue near that Full Moon.

  40. Hello Jessica

    After going through the article, I have to admit, I’m feeling a bit uneasy.

    I’m geared up with my surfboard to ride whatever wave comes my way, and my black umbrella is ready to shield me from any metaphorical hailstones.

    What should I be preparing for, mentally and physically, with the full moon approaching on August 19th?

    Minerva 27 Aries
    Mercury 27 Pisces
    Venus 26 Aries

    Your words carry such profound meaning, and I want to thank you sincerely for everything you do!

    1. Thank you very much. Well, you have already had Uranus at 26 Taurus semi-sextile Venus at 26 Aries, so you have been jolted, quite suddenly, about your image, appearance, profile or reputation. Aries rules your First House of exterior impact and it is usually about the web. It can show up as being discussed by some bitchy anonymous women on a forum (for example) or discovering that you need to do something about your weight. As this is only your shopfront it doesn’t really affect you, but having been through one necessary question, another comes along as Uranus aspects Minerva in Aries, too. You have endless amounts of wisdom about self-promotion, presentation and packaging which you will now call upon, through this Full Moon and Uranus transit. The Uranus sextile to Mercury is about your religion, Tarot, mediumship, hypnosis, therapy, self-help or counselling. Your inner world. The most unexpected, highly unusual event will turn some existing ideas upside-down and set you free on some level.

  41. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for another great article.
    I’m concerned as I have factors in 26,27, 28 and 29. Can you please tell me what could be coming my way and what can I do about it?

    Could you please explain what my node positions mean for me.

    Thank you so much. Your articles and insights really give us hope in some difficult moments.

    Kind regards,

    1. You don’t have factors at 27 degrees. You have Neptune at 29 Sagittarius in your Ninth House. You have a lifelong pattern of escaping from the real world by travelling, relocating, emigrating or immersing yourself in the world of foreigners online. You find alternatives to reality by diving into all that is global or multicultural. You can do this at university or college, in the world of publishing, or more commonly, the worldwide web itself. What is happening in 2024 is Pluto at 29 Capricorn coming along to change that. Neptune is really about ‘everybody all over the place, everywhere, all the time’ and yet here we have Pluto coming to bear on that. This happens in September, October, November. It may be as basic as the need for a new passport or visa, or more specifically about a foreigner in your life.

    1. Saturn in Gemini in your Third House is a lifetime pattern of dealing with restrictions regarding your ability to speak, write and be understood. You may trace this back to a brother, sister or cousin you grew up with. It can show up as the need for speech therapy, catch-up lessons in literacy, deafness (if you can’t hear it’s hard to communicate) and even poor eyesight in school, so it was hard to see the board. Saturn can also show up as mental blocks about public speaking, or issues about spelling and grammar. Language differences are also very common. So, however this has manifested in your life to date, there is always time to rethink, restructure and figure out some new strategies. Uranus is semi-sextile Saturn and later on Jupiter will be in a conjunction with Saturn, actually at 27 Gemini, in May 2025. So this is the start of something. We might call it a solution – a really big solution, actually.

  42. Hi Jessica,
    August 19th seems like a big day!!!
    Not only is the new moon creating a T square with Uranus but I think there is also a Jupiter/ Saturn square happening on the same day in Gemini 17 and Pisces 17. Any insight into this square.

    1. Thanks Julie. Yes, I’m going to chat a bit more about the Jupiter-Saturn square in the video we are making for The Astrology Show on Substack. as it does indeed fall on the same day as the Aquarian Full Moon on Monday 19th August. This is a classic clash between the internet (Gemini) and religion (Pisces). It is a clash between the media (Gemini) and the churches and temples (Pisces). We have already seen the dolorous effects of Israel and Palestine, not to mention the Russian church and Ukraine. In Britain we have seen an uprising against Muslim immigration. Jupiter is the expansion of the media and the internet, Pisces is traditionally Christianity in astrology (the fishes) but of course Christianity itself immediately becomes about other religions like Judaism and Islam. So yes, it’s a very tense day. We would allow a day either side for the world to catch up with itself.

  43. Hi Jessica,

    My Vesta is at 27° Cancer and Fortuna at 27° Virgo. I’d appreciate your insights on how this might influence me. Thanks.

    1. Vesta at 27 Cancer in the Fourth House describes your family circle, dominated by one male and two or more females. It commonly appears in extended families where there is a pocket of father/mother/daughter or small boy/elder sister/mother-in-law or husband/former wife/current wife. Gender politics ensues. This Uranus sextile to Vesta will remind you of how this has played out before. The shared household in a flat or house can be similar; you can have a Man About the House scenario (hopefully without the apron). The way out of Vesta is to side with the other female. I don’t know if you are a man or a woman. I assume, a woman. However, if you are a man, be aware of your role as the male, allowing two or more females to compete for your approval or attention. Is it really healthy? Fortuna in Virgo is pulled into this. Without realising what you do, you tend to put employers, staff and colleagues high up on a pedestal, where they are King or Queen. Then you pull them down to peasant level. Then you haul them back up again. Then you pull them down again. This also applies to housework and home chores, gardening and your lifestyle involving unpaid work as well. This seems to tally with what is going on within the household or family, so again, this transit will make you sharply aware of that. Time to change?

  44. Hi, such an interesting full
    Moon thank you for your intelligent analysis. I have Chiron @ 27 degrees of Taurus – what impact might this have and how should I approach? Many thanks

    1. Chiron in Taurus in your Second House describes a lifetime pattern of seeing what you can get away with, in terms of money, property, business, charity or possessions. You are the bidder at auction who sees how far you can take things, either on eBay or at Sotheby’s. Without seeing the whole chart it’s impossible to say more, but Uranus at 27 Taurus will trine Chiron, so you will be prodded into one more punk rock episode, pushing past the barriers of what is conventional or traditional, with your finances or ownership.

  45. Hi Jessica, I’m waiting for a renewal of my work contract and starting a new business. Everything is going well for me. I have 27 degrees in Ceres. What should I expect?” very grateful.

    1. Ceres at 27 Virgo in your Sixth House of workload, lifestyle, wellbeing and daily routine suggests a lifetime pattern of chopping and changing. You are powerful as a person who can provide a service and do her duty. You also have great control over your mind, body and spirit. Yet, every so often, other people, organisations (or even events) come along which challenge that. Your natural position as a potent and influential life manager (and manager of yourself and other people) is provoked. When that happens there is always a deal or compromise and you have to time-share, or spread out the controls, or agree to divide the territory, or split up the turf. A new world is the result. So here comes Uranus at 17 Taurus and transiting Uranus trine Ceres will be a wholly unexpected, quite unusual, unprecedented event which shakes up what you were assuming or expecting. The Full Moon is the trigger. It’s time to remember how you have compromised with staff, employers, clients or colleagues in the past. It’s also time to remember how you have reshuffled your medical, fitness, food and drink priorities in the past. This will help you come to a new agreement with yourself and others.

  46. Dear Jessica, thanks for this. I have the following placements, and am a bit concerned about this full Moon’s timing since I am dealing with a landlord who is appears wants to rent my unit for a higher market rate, and am also job hunting (unavoidably on Mercury retrograde, although the application for the position I interviewed with as filed before the shadow). If you have time, your insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Saturn 26° Cancer
    Jupiter 28°Aries
    MC 28°Aries
    Hygeia 28° Gemini
    IC 28°Libra

    1. You already had Uranus at 26 Taurus sextile Saturn at 26 Cancer in your Fourth House of property so that was your landlord’s rental increase. You won’t see Uranus go to 28 degrees until September and that will pick up your self-promotion, title, internet life and (if your birth time is minute-accurate) duets and duels. Uranus will semi-sextile Jupiter, your MC (based on your birth time), Hygiea and the IC (again, based on your birth time) simultaneously. Even if your time is out, you will find that your online (Gemini) branding (Aries) has to change (Uranus) quite suddenly (Uranus again).

  47. Hello Jessica – I have 27 degrees in Scorpio, Taurus & Leo.
    Would you please shed light on what this might mean for me?
    Thank you, in advance

    1. You have a fixed sign T-Square at 27 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finances, Second House of personal income and Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, children and a younger generation. If your birth time is minute-accurate then it is time to unfix what is fixed. There is a decent chance your birth time is wrong as you say it’s 00.00 hours. Even so, you are still left with a Leo 27 pattern. This may be about the start of a sexual relationship; the intimacy of a bond itself; pregnancy, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or young adults. It can be personal in the case of the latter (a godson) or general if it is professional or unpaid work (a charity for children). Uranus by square and the Full Moon in Aquarius creates a T-Square all by itself, so this is a tense, tight time when you will have to make decisions about how to deal with quite unexpected events. Uranus shows up as people or organisations which are about saying ‘No!’ quite vehemently. In turn, you also say ‘No’ and this creates a new direction for you. It may be time to become quite free of someone or something and to declare your own State of Independence. If you were also truly born at 00.00 hours then this will pull in an inheritance or mortgage; perhaps a trust fund or lease.

  48. Hi Jessica, I hope you’re well. Thank you for everything you share so generously. Giving this another try. Could you share how you see this Full Moon’s impact on my chart? I have Saturn late 26 Capricorn, Cupido at 27 Virgo, MC 26 Cancer, IC 26 Capricorn, Diana at 27 Sagittarius. Thank you so much for your input, I really appreciate it.

    1. It’s a pleasure. Your factors at 26 degrees have already been picked up by transiting Uranus at 26 Taurus as recently as July and early August. Uranus always comes as a shock which turns the known world upside-down, with the outcome being a determination to be free of someone or something…to make oneself independent. So for you this was your career, unpaid work or academic career (Saturn, structure) and your ideas about success (Capricorn). Even a trine from Uranus can be confronting, as it is the challenge to change. If your birth time is minute-accurate it would also have picked up your Midheaven (MC) in Cancer, which is similar. Now, you go onto the aspects to Diana in Sagittarius. You have a lifelong pattern of uncompromising autonomy, with travel, emigration, foreigners, foreign countries. It is sometimes expressed through publishing or academia and inevitably through the worldwide web. You are a refusenik of sorts, as you don’t want particular commitments in these areas; you would rather do your own thing, in your own time, in your own way. What happens as Uranus is quincunx Diana will ask you to rethink your usual way of operating (flying for example or dealing with those from other countries) and the Full Moon will trigger it. You may decide to carry on in just the usual way or put a new spin on your approach. It may be one specific foreigner or foreign location which does it.

  49. Hi Jessica, I am sure someone has already mentioned the blog above has a typo: the New Moon in Aq in Jan 2025 is on January 29th and not Jan 9th. ………Questions later for you as I continue to dig into this great batch of your work!!!! Best, C

    1. Oh, bollocks to Mercury Retrograde. You wouldn’t believe the amount of rewriting going on in my world at the moment. I am currently working on a script where my co-author is rewriting the rewrite; another colleague is fixing typos all over the place. I will fix this next, many thanks C.

  50. Hi Jessica…I love your blog articles and the divination tools on here – they really help. I’ve many factors at 28, so 1 degree off. I wonder what this full moon might mean for me? I’ve been feeling ratty in the the last few days, so perhaps this moon is exasperating my feelings. Thanks for everything you do for your audience 🙂 x

    1. One degree can mean many months in astrology, with a slow-moving outer planet, so you are actually heading towards a radical change as Uranus eventually ends up at 28 degrees. The revolution which liberates.

    1. People brace themselves for Uranus which is actually the wrong response. Loosening up and being flexible enough to surf the waves of change is far wiser. If you are resisting rigidly you will only find the transit more difficult. You were born with Minerva in Pisces in the Twelfth House and are a source of great wisdom when it comes to religion, Tarot, hypnosis, self-help, spirituality, dreams, meditation, mediumship and the inner life. You were born knowing. Now, Uranus sextile Minerva suggests a completely new and unexpected, quite revolutionary development, which asks you to question how you have handled these matters to date. It will set you free but also be the last thing you expected.

  51. Hi Jessica…thank you so much for this article. Trying to understand what this means for me since I have Pluto in Virgo, Aesculapia in Scorpio, Panacea and Cupido in Taurus all at 27 degrees. Work has been tense, and I am getting ready to apply for a mortgage for an apartment in the next couple of months. Relations with the husband is getting worse and since he is retired and home all day (and I work from home), there is no getting away from him at all…with work pressures (very unrealistic demands from the boss), study pressures (working on a degree also), and a bit of fiscal pressure, I feel a bit sad and out-of-sorts…dreading the passage of Pluto through Capricorn again (even if for a few months only). Thank you so much for all you do…will say it on repeat! <3

    1. Thank you for your thank you, thrice. Your marriage and mortgage show up in the chart. The Scorpio-Taurus oppositions at 27 degrees and Pluto at 27 Virgo suggest something has to give in the name of freedom. You will have a Grand Cross in your zones of property, finance, charity and business. Unfixing the fixed is essential. Scorpio and Taurus are fixed signs and you have your patterns and habits with your bank account, joint income and expenses and fundamentally, the will where you name your husband and the will where he names you. Unfixing what is fixed is smart, as it gives you more space, more autonomy and more room to move. Suddenly, the past falls away and you can see how very different the future could be. Uranus trine Pluto is also typical of a transformation in your lifestyle and work. There will be one event that encapsulates it all, or a couple of events which move in tandem. The Full Moon is the trigger but the real story is the Uranus transit. Uranus is a symbol of the known world turning upside-down. It feels like your stage coach overturns in a ditch. When you are the right way up again, you realise you are in a different world. Who or what restricted you (and would have gone on doing so) is now irrelevant and a thing of the past. Quite radical and revolutionary possibilities are there if you are willing to unfix the fixed.

  52. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. Looking at my chart I have Vesta at 27 in Virgo. Can you please provide your insight on how this will affect me during this period. Thank you!

    1. Vesta in Virgo in the Sixth House describes work, unpaid work (cleaning, gardening) and academic work (study) as an habitual lesson in sexual politics, as there is typically a male-female imbalance. You can grow up in a home with one father, one mother and two daughters for example. At work itself Vesta shows up as situations where a harem atmosphere is extremely easy because of the imbalance in a department or a whole company. Female dominant professions where one male dominates (flight attendants and pilot or ballet company and director) are common. Uranus trine Vesta suggests a revolutionary change which unfolds quite rapidly, which liberates a situation, even now, where the one male/many females syndrome does need to be reconsidered and responded to in a new way.

  53. Hi Jessica,
    I don’t have anything at 27° in my chart but my 8th house- Aquarius- is packed. What would be a good area for me to concentrate on for this full moon? As well, do you see a future move (home) in the near future?
    All the best, Kristine

    1. A packed Eleventh House (not your Eighth House, not using the Natural House System) is about a life lived through the group, circle, community, team, club, association, charity, band, society and so on. This is there from childhood. One can be in the Girl Guides or a football team, for example. This is the earliest lesson about the power of a group to change things and also to change oneself. Your photography club wins a group prize and you end up with a camera. Right now, Kristine, you are at the first stages of a new 20 year cycle when your collectives will explore power and control within the group. This began to happen in 2023 and right now it is obvious that the old way of running things is no longer applicable. Ongoing, you will also find that together you can change some truly important things about your world. The Full Moon lays this on the line. You may prefer not to act or judge about the group or your friends until it’s gone.

  54. hey Jessica, I have Mars 27 degrees & Neptune 28 degrees in scorpio. we have just accepted an offer for investment property we have been trying to sell, I hope this alignment I positive for this sale. I also have 27 Salacia in Capricorn, I am awaiting news on job I applied for in another town, not sure if this could be relevant? thanks for your time as usual!

    1. You have a chart line-up here which shows in the two events described. Selling a property and interviewing for a new job. Uranus at 27 Taurus is the wild card. What you assume, guess and expect usually goes out of the window on a transit from this planet. It describes whatever is required to liberate one, from people or situations which would have confined you and restricted you long-term. It takes great insight to be able to see that. Factors in your chart at 27 Scorpio and 27 Capricorn are triggered on the Full Moon, but also by this simultaneous Uranus transit. Reshaping what you thought you were already reshaping is very likely.

  55. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for another interesting article. I have only Chiron in 27 degrees Aries. But I have other players in 26 deg – Sun in 26 deg Virgo, Monn in 26 deg Pisces, and Bacchus in 26 deg in Sagittarius.

    Can you please make it clearer for me how this Full Moon will play out for me?

    Thank you very much.

    1. Chiron at 27 Aries in your First House describes a life of experiments with your image, reputation, title and profile. You classically see what you can get away with. It may be using a pen name online. It may be dyeing your hair. We are currently going through a Chiron transit in Aries, so the whole world is experimenting with (say) pretending to be a woman, despite the XY chromosomes. Or, using Instagram filters, or even AI to generate an alter ego. This is currently where we find Uranus semi-sextile Chiron and so all that is new, different, revolutionary, unique and highly unusual is coming to bear on your usual experiments with the projected self.

  56. Hi Jessica, as always an enjoyable read. I have a stellium in Aquarius. What will this full moon to me? What should I focus on?

    1. Thank you. If you have a stellium in Aquarius then you live in your Eleventh House for much of the time. If we open the door to that house we find photographs of friends and groups, dating from childhood, on the shelves. Not every friend and group, because there have been people you need to let go of. However, the sense of community is strong in this space and there may be a computer on the table open at a social media site like Substack, or a website connected to a team, club, society, association, band, charity or similar. The atmosphere in your Eleventh House is light and breezy, very easy. Tolerant, open and above all – hands-off. It’s mostly a house where people gather together to see what they can do together. To extend the analogy, if you think about a new house guest – powerful, rather controlling, dominating, seductive, emotionally intense, obsessive – you realise how much has changed, even now. His name is Pluto and he is here for 20 years. The Full Moon will shine a light on his new room, in your Eleventh House, and on him. It’s time to stop and really absorb what your new resident will mean to you, your friends, and the circle.

    2. Hi Jessica,
      I’m a bit late to this post and can see you’ve given so much to learn from already. Just wanted to say thankyou. And wish you well with the rewriting of rewriting of scripts etc during this merc retro.
      Thankyou for illuminating the Ceres, Proserpina, Pluto story! I’m gonna start using that half a pomegranate euphemism and see if we can trend it.

      Right on this full moon I have financial issues raised of my recently deceased Taurean mother’s money via a conflict in my family, which is being confronted at the bank on Tuesday morning. There’s a generous dose of black/white difference in general of opinion worldview but also around finances between my father and I. I am estranged by choice from my brother who has also recently attempted to force communication. So, I anticipate a flashpoint soon.
      Have started therapy ( just after the last new moon) and your tarot on this site has been gold ! In my natal chart I have mercury at 26 Gemini, NNode at 26 Capricorn, and Ceres at 26 Leo.

      Friends around my age (Pluto Virgo gen) seem to be having more heat in their clashes with Leo Pluto generation parents lately. Could be the Uranus happenings.

      Take care Jessica, and thanks again for your site, the podcast – which is so full of intel!.. and the learning opportunities that just seem to pour forth wherever you speak or write.
      Xx K

      1. Thanks so much, K, the rewriting of the scripts continues apace. I am glad the Tarot is helping your therapy too. I am sorry you have lost your mother, but are also going through financial issues with your father and also the situation with your brother. Your South Node is at 26 Cancer in the Fourth House of family and Uranus at 26 Taurus has triggered that. It is past life/karmic and so you, your parents and/or your brother have agreed to incarnate again to gain closure from a previous episode together. Perhaps even several across many lifetimes. Now you are moving towards 2025 which is all about Pluto at 2 Aquarius square Hygiea at 2 Scorpio. You were born with Hygiea (protection, shielding, pre-emptive measures, strategies) in the sign of sexual and financial relationships, but also family-based property agreements. This is the Eighth House of your chart where wills, legacies, trust funds, mortgages and so on are the main story. The square from Pluto is a big stretch and you need time and space for this next year. You may also want to reduce the stakes as much as you can. Try to bring down the emotional or financial stakes (despite the fact that they are currently rather high) so that this transit finds you having to deal with far, far less – psychologically, spiritually and of course, with the money, possessions, house and/or apartment. This is just common sense, really. The transit has a time limit and Jupiter will be at 2 Cancer in the second half of 2025 to help (he changes signs in June next year).

  57. I have a Friends & Family birth chart from you for my Aries husband (30/03/1955) I am alarmed to see factors at 27 degrees at Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, MC, IC, Aesculapia, Op
    Is this as disasterous as it feels? Thank you Jessica

    1. No disaster, just quite radical change and liberation. Uranus aspecting your husband’s chart is the sudden impact of freedom. It does take getting used to. You have the Sun at 27 Capricorn so are tied into the pattern, and of course entwined with your husband. This is pretty common with couples. For you, this is the wholly unexpected change which reshapes your identity as the ambitious success story who has status or position. You can expect the spotlight. For your husband, it’s more complex. Uranus aspecting Saturn restructures what was there. He has patiently developed a particular response to life’s barriers and barricades, its obstacles and gates. Now, Uranus comes along and challenges him to change. Uranus transits tend to concertina time so everything feels far too instant, but once enough time has passed, we realise we were being released from a situation which would have trapped us long-term.

  58. Hi Jessica, hope you’re well. Could you share how the Aquarius full moon might impact me? I have the Sun in 26 Taurus, Ceres in 27 Virgo, Vesta in 28 Cancer. Many thanks!

    1. Ceres at 27 Virgo is the one. You are a lifelong deal-maker and change-maker (as well as a change-taker) in relation to your workload, be it paid, unpaid or voluntary. It’s the same with your mental and physical health. You have a pattern of trading with yourself and the world, bargaining over (say) food, drink, fitness, medication, drugs, alternative healing. Uranus comes along to 27 Taurus and the trine liberates you from this. It is not easy, but the transition will be worth it, despite the Full Moon, as Uranus trine Ceres sets you free. A new wonder drug may do it. A new interest, like riding, may do it. An alternative professional outlet may do it.

  59. Hi Jessica,

    Hope all is well.

    I would like to ask you if you see any light at the end of the tunnel for me specifically with my career? Boy has it been a rough year or might I say a few years now! I am looking for a new job internally within my current company or externally as well. I have been in sales since the beginning of my career but I am also looking for a change of career outside of sales and leaning more towards operations or back end. I have dealt with rough to horrible bosses. I have been applying to different roles internally and externally for the last couple of years and I get to the final stage of the interviews including them confirming me but somehow at the stage of them sending me an offer it never happens! almost as if someone is sabotaging me or the odds are just not in my favor 🙁

    I was hoping that the Jupiter in Gemini would be good but things just seem tough and hoping if you see any good news in my chart moving forward?

    Thank you Jessica, hoping for some good news.

    1. Thank you. You have transits in your Tenth House of career in your natal and solar chart, so privately and publicly you are now in a challenging phase, but it has an end point. You have had no luck with interviews, which must be very frustrating, but the sense of backwards/forwards is pretty common with transiting Ceres in Capricorn, Retrograde. This ends December 7th. There will be a reshuffle of rights, roles or responsibilities in your work place or within the whole industry, September-November. The bosses who have been either rough or horrible are history from that point. Many will be hoist by their own petard. If it’s any comfort, your Capricorn factors have been crossed by not just Ceres (backwards) but by Pluto in recent years, all in the sign of ambition, position and mission. This cycle can only take place every 248 years and beyond November it will be gone for another 248. In your solar chart as a Gemini, you have Neptune and Saturn transiting your Tenth House at the same time. This ends in 2025. You will see the turn in November, another turn in December, then the final turn as you are in the first quarter of 2025 and will know that recent challenges are indeed, history. Jupiter in Gemini suggests a more flattering title, a better business card or a bigger space for your profile online and this holds until June 2025. I have been told ‘Simon’ clairaudiently for you.

  60. Hi Jessica. I posted a message a few days ago, but it seems to be stuck in the queue, so I’ll try again. I don’t have factors at 27, but I have Diana at 26 Capricorn and Minerva at 27 Leo, which I knew nothing about until I recently looked them up. Any insight would be appreciated. I also used the Tarot and pulled the Seven of Pentacles. Thank you so much for your time.


    1. You have nothing at 27 degrees so the Tarot has jumped to any other pattern in your chart, Lauren. The Seven of Pentacles is about patiently waiting for investments of time, money or energy to be recuperated. It is always about Taurus or Scorpio in the chart and sure enough you have factors in both signs, both fixed, which suggests a grounded, down-to-earth, rather fixed approach to investment or saving. This is now under transit so you are looking at your usual approach, which is ‘Work, wait and be rewarded.’ Is it still the right way for you? That is the question.

  61. Dear Jessica

    This is so interesting because strangely enough I feel like I’m having a little oasis of peace and calm. Coasting along, slowing down to enjoy life (finally!) But it seems everyone and everything around me has gone into confused “hyperdrive” mode, chaos everywhere and escalating conflicts and battles of will in the workplace (in particular a clash between Sagittarius and Auquarius business partners). I’ve so far resisted being roped into any of their drama. Do you think I’ll be able to keep my peace and what I’ve been working towards or am I going to be sucked into the vortex? If so how is best to get through this with my factors in play?

    thank you for your time and advice.

    Kind regards

    Sun – 23° Virgo 15′ 17″
    Moon – 00° Pisces 26′ 40″
    Mercury 02° Libra 17′ 26″
    Venus 07° Scorpio 22′ 06″
    Mars 19° Capricorn 07′ 49″
    Jupiter 17° pisces 07′ 44″ R
    Saturn 04° Sagittarius 20′ 36″
    Uranus 18° Sagittarius 31′ 16″
    Neptune 03° Capricorn 02′ 24″
    Pluto 05° Scorpio 36′ 59″
    Chiron 21° Gemini 16′ 53″
    Juno 07° Sagittarius 08′ 11″
    Vesta 13° Aries 53′ 09″ R
    Ceres 19° Libra 03’14”
    MC 21° Capricorn 28′ 28″
    IC 21° Cancer 28′ 28″
    ASC 18° Aries 52′ 40″
    DESC 18° Libra 52′ 40″
    Diana 27° Libra 55′ 21″
    Fortuna 02° Gemini 08′ 25″
    Minerva 11° Aries 06′ 57″ R
    Bacchus 09° Sagittarius 40′ 17″
    Apollo 17° Leo 59′ 14″
    Aesculapia 09° Leo 06′ 29″
    Hygeia 29° Gemini 03′ 10″
    Panacea 24° Taurus 58′ 39″
    Ops 01° Pisces 08′ 30″ R
    Salacia 19° Aquarius 47′ 48″ R Proserpina 00° Virgo 51′ 17″
    Cupido 29° Scorpio 44′ 23″
    Vulcano 26° Leo 04′ 52″
    Psyche 22° Leo 07′ 30″
    NorthNode 21° Aries 04′ 32″

    1. Diana at 27 Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels is the most important natal chart factor here. Avoid the Full Moon if you are thinking about beginning a partnership; taking legal action against others; signing a two-way agreement; engaging in a battle. There are easier times to pursue the duet or duel. Uranus is quincunx Diana so your lifelong pattern of avoiding true commitment with partners is about to alter. Diana refused marriage and motherhood and Jupiter made her goddess of the hunt. She had a relationship with Endymion who was a passive sleeping partner. So, you can be husband or wife, but never really there. You may wed someone who is already unfaithful before you even get to the vows so that the failure of the commitment is guaranteed and you know you will be set free, even as rings go on fingers. That can happen. You can also have children but again, not really have them, as a nanny may be there to take them away, or there may be a split in a relationship which means you co-parent and are effectively single for the other half of your time. However you have played Diana in Libra, she is about to receive Uranus and so the very last person or situation you expected is coming and it will profoundly alter how you see your own great need for freedom.

  62. Fabulous article Jessica, Thank you. I have my Saturn at 27 Capricorn, and at 28 Diana in Sagittarius and Cupido in Leo. Could you please look at my chart and see how this moon is going to affect me? Thank you. C.

    1. Thank you. Saturn in Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, ambition, position, status and mission is a lifelong test of your patience as you typically find particular careers inaccessible, or get into jobs where there are very high walls. You also sign up for careers or jobs which are impossible to get out of. It’s the same with academia or unpaid work. Uranus trine Saturn is the key here, not only on the Full Moon, but for the rest of 2024 and into 2025. Quite sudden, highly unusual and wholly unprecedented events will ask you to see the usual professional patterns in a new way and make overdue changes to the way you handle the unavoidable in your life. It’s like someone shining a torch when you least expect it.

  63. Hi Jessica, Correction, 19th Full moon is opposite my natal Pluto, and 19th Sun is conjunct my natal Pluto. Along with other factors, if you don’t mind, I’d truly appreciate your thoughts on this. Im finding it intriguing. Thank you for wisdom and kindness that you share.

    1. Your Uranus at 27 Cancer is the one to watch. Transiting Uranus sextile natal Uranus is life-changing. Avoid the Full Moon itself as you really don’t need it in your life. However, a pattern with the family or household which has been there since infancy is about to repeat. You habitually reject relatives and are in turn rejected by them. It can be rejection of the ancestors, if they loom large. More commonly it is about a parent, sibling, aunt, grandparent and so on. This Rejection Dance is liberating, if unpredictable and sets you or others free. Sometimes the household is just a husband, say, or a tenant in your home. The same thing happens. It’s Independence Day all round when you say ‘No!’ or hear it. What happens now, as 2024 ends and 2025 falls into place, is a new kind of freedom, once again. It will be unexpected, unprecedented and quite revolutionary in its impact as for the first time in years, you are being shown a completely different way to be part of your family (or not).

  64. Hi Jessica!
    I wonder what this full moon means for me. I am a Libra white a stellium in Virgo. Jupiter in 27 Capricorn and Vulcan in 17 cancer, Apollo in 26 leo.

    Thank you

    1. Jupiter at 27 Capricorn is at the heart of these transits at 27 degrees. You were born lucky with your career, unpaid work or academic career. There is always the Eleventh Hour to save you, if things are tight. At its best this cycle will reward you with big hits, promotions, sought-after jobs and effortless social mountaineering – particularly every 12 years on your Jupiter Return. So what does Uranus trine Jupiter bring you? Well, unprecedented, unique, unexpected, unusual situations (and perhaps, people) who liberate you from the past and urge you to carpe diem. This could so easily develop into a new kind of success for you. The Full Moon itself is likely to bring things forward, but it is the Uranus trine which matters.

  65. Hi Jessica and thanks for this article! Could I have your insight on my relationship future? Strongly Capricorn as you can see from my chart and impacted by many transformations in the past years! What should I expect?? Thank you! Wishing you the best

    1. Thank you. We start with the fact that you are a Capricorn woman going through the most unpredictable, unusual, cycle of your life with lovers, the bedroom, courtship, pregnancy, babies, infants, children, teenagers and Generation Z. It began in 2018 with Uranus entering Taurus and your solar Fifth House. Rebellious behaviour from a son is not unusual; your own rebellion about being cast in the role of mother is also not unusual. You don’t say if you are married or not, or have children or not, which makes prediction difficult. Are you single and don’t want to be? Is that the issue? All I can say is that life is far more predictable, regular, certain and grounded for you in 2025 and beyond. A great many Capricorn women will become engaged or move in with a new partner when Jupiter goes through Cancer, mid 2025 to mid 2026.

  66. Hi Jessica, thanks for another great article. I have Minerva 27 Sagittarius, Bacchus 26 Scorpio and Ops 28 Leo . Would you be able to explain what this means for me with this full moon. Been dealing with a lot of difficult women on both my and my husbands side of the family . Is this the case for Leo’s at the moment .. duels and entrapment ? Thank you so much .

    1. Leo women have Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships. Typically this is marriage and mortgage, or being given discount rent by a potential boyfriend. It extends to family-based agreements about property and money, so a relative’s will is one example and your own legacy to others, a further example. Problems with women in your clan and also your husband’s clan are typical of this transit which ends next year. Saturn brings restrictions, tests of patience, obstacles and a sense of one’s hands being tied. Neptune brings the bubble to escape into; a holiday from reality. That’s the way it should be anyway, as houses and apartments are usually tied to property bubbles which can rise, fall or pop! What is different this time around is Saturn in there with Neptune so it’s rather like a bubble inside a fortress. As I said it all goes away next year. The actual Full Moon and Uranus transit is in aspect to Minerva in your Ninth House of foreigners, foreign countries, universities, publishing and the worldwide web. You are extremely knowledgeable about these areas of life and are a go-to source for people who need answers. This role will be utterly changed, for reasons which are so sudden and unusual, as the Full Moon comes to pass.

  67. Hi Jessica,

    I have several factors at 26 to 28 degrees.

    Sun: 26 Scorpio
    Vesta: 26 Gemini
    Neptune: 27 Sagittarius
    Cupido: 27 Capricorn
    Diana: 27 Capricorn
    Aesculapia: 28 Capricorn

    I’m worried about this full moon as I’m going through a very tough time right now with ongoing psychic attacks, terrible health and stalled graduate studies. Especially with Uranus nearly opposing my Sun.

    Could you kindly let me know what I should look out for at this full moon? How much worse should I expect matters to get? Many thanks

    1. I am sorry about your psychic attacks, poor health and stalled studies. Psychic attacks can be blocked and stopped with your preferred religious belief or spirituality. It’s different for everyone. Tibetan Buddhism may not work for Christians, Jews may have their own system, likewise Hindus. Yet every major religious order has protection on offer. That’s where you start. Your poor health is temporary. You have Vulcano at 1 Virgo and Pluto is circling 1 Aquarius. He moves off that degree within months. While the transit is there (Pluto quincunx Vulcano) you have to resist someone or something taking over. It may be an illness, disease or condition. It can feel as if you are being dominated. Yet, pushing back makes you stronger. And that strength is with you for life. Willpower and self-control are always required with Pluto transits. Your studies are shown by your huge Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of academia, currently being blocked by Pisces transits (squares) which tend to put hurdles in your path. These end in 2025. Long-term if you keep the faith with the subject that fascinate you, foreign tutors, classmates and/or institutions will give you what you want and need when Jupiter begins a series of trines, so from 2026 into 2027. The slow trine of Neptune in Aries from 2025, for many years, will also take you higher, as a student and perhaps as a tutor. This Full Moon (bringing the present into focus) aspects your Ninth House of college/university and your Tenth House of ambition. Skip the actual lunar transit for judgement or action as it’s too hard. Yet, Uranus at 27 Taurus is coming along to end 2024 and begin 2025, so that you radically change your goals and revolutionise your roles. What happens (or who happens) will be sudden, arrive with an electrifying atmosphere and require a fast response. Never say no to freedom. Foreigners, foreign countries, academia, publishing and the web are also impacted. People, organisations and situations which are radically different, send shockwaves, come from nowhere and are exhilarating and liberating should be run with.

  68. Hi Jessica!
    I’d appreciate your insights on how might influence me these :
    Sun 27° Capricorn
    Panacea 27°Cancer
    I have stellium Gemini
    Pluto 28° Leo
    Juno 26° Sagittarius
    Hygeia 26° Sagittarius
    MC 26° Virgo
    IC 26° Pisces
    Thank you!

    1. This is the transit of Uranus sextile natal Sun, which brings a chance to shine at your brilliant best in your profession; your academic career; with any unpaid vocation. You are ambitious, patient, stoic, cautious, respectful of the people at the top and mindful of the need to climb from the middle upwards, no matter if this is High Society or your chosen field. This now comes to the fore as the most unexpected, sudden events swirl around you. Uranus is also sextile Panacea in your Fourth House of extended family, household, apartment, house, town and country. So once again, it will be quite unprecedented events, out of the blue, which urge you to act on solutions, remedies, answers and fixes here. Uranus will move on to square natal Pluto at 28 Leo in your Fifth House of the bedroom, courtship, pregnancy, babies, children, teenagers and Generation Z. You classically need strong control here and find your empowerment through (say) being a mother or (for example) ruling the bedroom. Yet, along comes the square from Uranus and the end of 2024 and start of 2025 looks like a situation or person you cannot square – cannot make fit easily – have to adjust and adapt to. If entering into a new sexual relationship be aware that it will be starting with quite a tough transit.

  69. Hi Jessica,

    I have Mars at 27 degrees Scorpio, and I’ve been wondering what this might signify in relation to the rest of my chart. I haven’t found any references to Mars in Scorpio at 27 degrees in the comments or replies.

    Situationally, my full-time job ended in June, and I’m still owed some superannuation and waiting for my final payment. Part ( about 10% of its overall value) was sent last night, nearly two months after my employment ended, as they couldn’t sustain an employee. I’m uncertain if I’ll ever receive the remaining final payment and accrued holiday pay, which has been quite stressful and frustrating. I’m curious to know if all of this is connected to my chart. I’ve got a small amount of part-time work, but as a single parent with no child support I’m obviously very aware thanks to your blog as a Capricorn this is all hitting my finance house. Is there any upside for this in 2025 and beyond. Thanks for your hard work. xx

    1. Thank you. Transiting Uranus at 27 Taurus is in opposition to your natal Mars at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House of ‘sex, death and money’ as they call it. This can describe the impact of legacies you make out to others, as any will that names you. It is also very much about sexual partnerships that involve a house, apartment, bank account and any government benefits. It is also about child support as well as the actual contents of a will; shares, assets, any debts. I am sorry you are going through this frustrating situation which is typical of the once-in-a-lifetime Uranus opposition. As you say, you have no child support and it’s extremely unfair that your former employer has been doing this. The opposition stops. Uranus goes off 27 Taurus and it’s over. Avoid the Full Moon as it forms a Grand Cross with your chart. There are easier times to pursue, say, the accrued holiday pay. You will make good in time as Jupiter goes to 27 Cancer and makes a stunning trine with Mars. Jupiter enters Cancer in June 2025 and is with you in 2026 as well. You have your MC and South Node in Cancer, so mid 2025 to mid 2026 does look like a couple of huge opportunities to gain from your house, apartment, extended family and/or household. Within the same time-frame the trine from Jupiter suggests you will have an unusual, big, beneficial opportunity to really push quite hard with what you want and need, with money or a home. This does tally with your solar chart as well; Pluto will be in Aquarius in the Second House of money saved and made (yours) – and that suggests quite an empowering period which will make up for the current merde.

  70. Thanks a lot Jessica! Spot on as always , I do not have a lover nor children! Some weeks ago (during the week of the new moon in Leo) I met a man through an app,he seemed he was really interested and we met a couple of times but our romance did not move on unfortunately! Another uranian incident to contribute to my insecurities..I would be shocked if he would show up again..for the past years the ground is not stable when it comes to lovers and I really want to have an opportunity to share my feelings and life with another individual!
    PS: my Saturday morning routine starts with your podcast
    Thank you
    Love from Greece xxxxx

    1. Thank you Iris. And thank you for helping to make The Astrology Show #1 on the spirituality podcast charts in Greece. You want a sexual partner. With Scorpio factors at 6 through 15 degrees (a stellium) it will always be financial for you too. You have below average placements in Libra (marriage) and Leo (motherhood or substitute motherhood) so this is about a whole lifetime of bank-based partnerships or property-based partnerships, rather than the kinds of relationships other women might have. Any time you have Scorpio transits or there are transits to your Scorpio factors, you have new choices. The very best of these starts for you in June 2025 and runs until the middle of 2026, with Jupiter in Cancer, trine your Scorpio stellium. That is a good opportunity to find a commitment. You will also lose the Uranus in Taurus oppositions which have made life so unpredictable and difficult with men, since 2018.

  71. Hello Jessica, Hope you are well . Thanks for the interesting blog . I have nothing in 27 degree but have Prosperina and Bacchus with closer degree at 29 and 25 . Does this affect me as well . I been going thru intense childhood trauma healing solitude and lots of purging and clearing . it helped me a lot to revisit and recreate. anew perspective to my 3 year old soul wound been working with a spiritual therapist really helped me too . I am ready for my new beginnings and life to start now . Can you please advise me . Much appreciate your insight and feedback . Sending you lots of love and regards RA

    1. Thank you RA. I am sorry you grew up with childhood trauma and can understand why you have been seeing a therapist. This Full Moon is not about that, but long-term, you will be relieved that you began the process and will gain from it enormously by June 2025. Venus and Vulcano are both in your Fourth House of family and household. These two horoscope symbols are complicated and intense and have turned up in the chart sector associated with relatives. You will find even more healing when Jupiter (solutions) goes through this chart zone, in the sign of Cancer, which begins in June 2025 and extends to 2026. You are on the right path.

  72. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for the article

    I have my moon in Aquarius.
    Although I don’t have any factors at 27° I do have Sagittarius at 26° Venus & Scorpio at 28° Uranus.

    Unfortunately I have been caught up in a conflict between myself, my narcissist ex boyfriend and a married couple regarding his affair with the wife.
    After he disclosed some information to me while he was drunk, he then accused me of making accusations to cover himself….for which I have been publicly slandered (unfortunately we live in the same town)

    This has been ongoing since April and I have tried my best to keep out of it and stay silent, but after being confronted and accused by the wife and daughter of things I did not say/do I eventually flipped and told her he bragged to me about their relationship.

    I unloaded a lot of information and the husband has now found out and my ex exposed as a liar, however I feel I will still be portrayed at the “jealous ex” out to destroy him which is simply not the case.

    I naturally have a deep need to defend myself and will stick to my guns when I know I’m right, but I have no back up while all his flying monkeys cover for him.
    I feel I’m alone against an army of people, it has been very stressful and upsetting to deal with especially 4yrs after our break up…I just want to move on and be left to get on with my life.
    I’m expecting more drama and this full moon makes me nervous??
    Your advice would be appreciated as always.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you. Four years after you broke up with your boyfriend, you are still at war. This sounds like a Libra issue and you have just had the South Node at 9 Libra for the first time in around 19 years. You were born with Jupiter and Saturn at 9 Libra. Libra rules the law as well as what is the unpublished, moral, ethical and spiritual law – of what is fair and right. So this is not the Full Moon. Later on, though, the second part of this story will emerge with Uranus at 28 Scorpio in your chart opposed by Uranus himself, also at 28 Taurus. Get legal advice. You say ‘slander’ and it’s unclear which country you live in, but defamation is something you need to look at with a professional to find out where you stand. The first transit (Libra) is over but the second one needs a practised eye. You won’t be the first or last person to go through this kind of malarkey and there are things you can do. So book an appointment.

  73. Hi Jessica,

    This is an insightful article. Thank you!

    In relation to the upcoming full moon, my chart shows Fortuna 27 Aquarius, along with Neptune 28 Libra and Pluto 28 Leo. I’m planning to travel on August 15 from San Francisco to Vancouver, BC, returning August 20. Any guidance into what I can look forward to during this time?

    1. Uranus at 27, 28 Taurus will sweep right across your chart and make a random situation with your friend and the group, even more random. I don’t know if you are travelling with a friend, or attending a group event, but it could be useful to step back from this and ask yourself how you send people high and low in your life. You do this unconsciously, but there is a lifelong pattern, since your childhood and teenage years, of making particular friends King or Queen and then demoting them to virtually peasant status! (Fortuna is a very old image, much used in Shakespeare). Later on in 2024, into the year 2025, a duet or duel which is an escape for you, rather like a holiday from reality, is fundamentally changed by the last thing you expected. This pair, or even this feud, is a bubble for you to ride around in, feeling real-world enough, yet actually an alternative to reality. An electrical storm and lightning bolt comes along and reshapes it, or even invents it for you. It does pull in quite deep questions about the control you need, with courtship, the bedroom and the world of pregnancy, babies, children, teenagers and Generation Z. This is also lifelong. The combination of Neptune and Pluto in the relationship zones of your chart suggests that the habits of a lifetime ,with intimacy, parenthood or substitute parenthood, are about to be altered quite radically and quite suddenly. It will be utterly liberating.

  74. Love this blog! It has taken me two sessions of reading to absorb your informative remarks with the many comments. Thanks for being kind when I send typo remarks or suggestions on how to navigate all the info you provide: I read your remark to me above in this section. I naturally pull details from your posts and move them into my calendars to use in future so I am constantly checking things. My 27 degree factor in reference to this blog is Mars at 27 Taurus: what does it mean when Uranus will conjoin it at this Full Moon, asks this Aquarian? Thank you. Best, Cecelia

    1. Thanks Cecelia. Mars at 27 Taurus in your Second House of personal income, values, property and possessions is a lifelong push to own, earn or owe with quite a lot of heat and speed behind it. This began when you were two and may have been quite fierce about your toys, for example (or food). At 27, 28, 29 your Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn factors suggest an eternal story unfolding, always about your carer and money, your side hustles and income, your unpaid vocation and the funding which makes that possible from family or partners. Uranus in a conjunction with Mars is an unstable power surge which affects money, cryptocurrency, houses, apartments, valuables, charity, business, insurance, superannuation/pensions and so on. This feels like the start of a process of quite radical change into 2025, as Uranus will slowly aspect this entire pattern in your chart. You may be the electricity conductor, or others/organisations may be. It is in the nature of the transit to be wildly unpredictable; it would not shake us up, wake us up and give us new space to explore, unless it was wholly out of the blue. It’s also wise to be flexible, in a good position to adapt and adjust, and loosey goosey. This is especially true financially. It’s not the time to try and lock everything down. Far better to see where the wind is blowing and follow it. When you land you will realise you have been set free from people, situations, places or organisations which would have denied you the exhilaration of independence.

  75. Hi Jessica! So this is already dramatic days leading up to the full moon in Aquarius. In my country, Norway, we have a crown princess Mette Marit who has a birthday on the 19. of August. (born 19. August 1973)
    She was a single mother before marrying into the royal household with our crown prince Håkon in 2001.
    This boy is now 27 years old ( born 13. January 1997) and has beaten his girlfriend to concussion and smashed her apartment some days ago.
    He says today that he is a drug addict. He doesn’t work or study and can run around on motorcycles and party.
    My question is about what this will bring for us all in our tiny country. Will it amount to nothing, or will there be any consequences in the long run? Will Norway be a republic? What will Mette Marit do? (She has otherwise been doing a great job).
    Some editors in our newspapers have called the royal household for a freak show lately, with all the things Sjaman Durek (who is marrying our princess Marta Louise on 31. of August) says as well. Just to make it clear: we love our King Harald and Queen Sonja, no doubt about that.

    1. Norway is as prone to royal shenanigans as the House of Windsor, isn’t it? She was founded on 7th June 1905 at 11.00am in Oslo, making her a Gemini nation. Norway is also heavily Virgo, with a stellium there. She also has a huge Taurus stellium. The monarchy is always shown by Leo and her Moon is at 6 Leo. She is indeed proceeding towards a push for a republic. Pluto will eventually go to 6 Aquarius and oppose the Moon. In fact, the Moon lines up with Psyche at 6 Taurus (the economy, the currency) and Apollo at 6 Virgo. The monarchy has always been unstable, according to the chart, as Chiron is also at 6 Aquarius, in a direct opposition to the Moon at 6 Leo. We have to wonder what the future holds for Crown Prince Hakon and his own offspring. You will find the year or so that Pluto is at 6 Aquarius, completely transforms the country as reforms have to be made, or a referendum on a republic, even ushered in. Christmas 2028 will be very different.

  76. Hi Jessica, Thank you for an indepth valuable read! I am a Sun Gemini with Bacchus 26° Aquarius. My Husband is a Sun Libra with Bacchus 27° Leo – Uranus 27° Libra. I would love some insight please as this Full Moon affects our charts! Thank you once again, enjoy your weekend x

  77. Hi Jessica
    You’ve been so on the money recently – thank you! Only have the one planet at 27 degrees – Mercury in Aries. But do have a stellium in Aquarius. (Taurus Sun). Just wondering what insight you might have, thank you!

    1. Mercury in Aries in the First House is about the internet and the media, in relation to your image, reputation, appearance, title, name and face (particularly your face, so Zoom and Facebook, if you are even on there). Uranus is semi-sextile Mercury at 27 Taurus and the Full Moon will also pick up Mercury in your chart. This is likely to be a wider change by social media companies which affects your choices about packaging and presentation, but it may be as personal and micro-focussed as a sudden discount offer with a cosmetic surgeon which sends you rocketing into the salon for dermal filler, with a very new social media face as a result.

  78. Hi Jessica,
    Your articles are the golden thread that help me work out what’s really going on in my world so a deep thank you for that!

    I have 27 Saturn in Scorpio and 27 Neptune in Libra which seems to pull me in two directions at the same time. I also have a lot of +/- 1 either side numbers going on. Can you help me navigate a little better please?

    I’m currently working on a new website for my business (Publishing) and getting ready for a 30th wedding anniversary cruise planned for next month (Cruising/Foreigners) any further words of advice would be welcomed with open arms!
    Thank you for all the guidance and skills that you share.

    1. Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say. You were born with Saturn in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money (to put it crudely) and Saturn is semi-sextile Neptune in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, de facto relationships, professional partnerships and duets, as well as duels – typically, divorces or love triangles; sometimes legal issues with a work partner. The Uranus transit at 27 Taurus picks both these patterns up and changes them. Your typical pattern with marital finance, your will, your husband’s will (all Eighth House matters) is to deal with restrictions by figuring out patient strategies, either living a deliberately stoic and quite strategic existence, or minimising the financial or property commitments so that they seem less heavy to you. This always tallies with the marriage itself which is an escape from the real world; a holiday from reality. Uranus is a disruptor and some quite entrenched systems you have with your husband will be challenged. This is the famous ‘challenge to change’ but doing so, liberates both of you. You gain independence and in doing so are also asked to give him greater independence as well.

  79. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for an indepth valuable read! I am a Sun Gemini with Bacchus 26° Aquarius. My Husband is a Sun Libra with Bacchus 26° Leo – Uranus 27° Libra. I would love some insight please as the Full Moon affects our charts.
    Thank you once again, enjoy your weekend x

    1. Your husband’s Uranus at 27 Libra describes his marriage to you, as well as any other relationship with a partner (for example, a former wife or girlfriend) and rivals too (perhaps, any man in your life who poses a threat to him, or a professional rival that he has). He was born with a lifelong pattern of quite sudden upheaval in partnerships and also in battles with others, when the world turns upside-down and the usual order of things is inverted. Everything changes and he is free, as is the other person. What is happening next is transiting Uranus quincunx natal Uranus, which will reshape 2024 and 2025. Uranus is always about distancing, rejection and new beginnings, so you tend to hear ‘No!’ and also say ‘No!’ on this transit. Out of this rejection dance comes a completely different world and one in which old restrictions have gone. Whomever or whatever confines your husband will go; in its place will be a very different sort of duet or duel for the year 2025.

  80. Hey Jessica,

    I can foresee the stormy weather and would like your take on my chart placements especially since natal Uranus is at 27 degrees Virgo in a trine angle to transiting Uranus at 27 degrees Taurus. I also have Asc at 28 degrees Capricorn, Dsc at 28 degrees Cancer, and Cupido at 28 degrees Leo all very near that 27 degrees. I am interested to know what shocks and upheavals might affect me. We are trying to sell our rental property and expand on a small family business and prepare for renovations to our existing home. I’m feeling that these plans may be tossed upside-down.

    Love to hear your thoughts

    Roanne – Sun Leo

    1. Thank you Roanne. Transiting Uranus at 27 Taurus trine natal Uranus at 27 Virgo is historic and will change the way you work, look after yourself, approach the daily routine and organise your lifestyle. This sounds like working from home (I assume you have a home office) and of course the family business. You have a lifetime pattern of upset applecarts with work and employment, no matter if it is suddenly seeing one door close, and another one open, or even radically changing career paths. Uranus in Virgo can be like that, yet despite a C.V. history which shows periodic disruption, you have ended up being independent; being your own woman; being quite free to organise your lifestyle right down to breakfast, lunch and supper – and essential daily fitness. This now changes shape again. Uranus comes along in a trine and you are suddenly shown a way to liberate yourself yet again. People recoil at Uranus because of his reputation for shockwaves, but it is more useful to think of these as the kind of waves that clean a beach of everything that has accumulated there over time and does not serve any purpose, except to get in the way. As Uranus moves onto 28 Taurus he will aspect Cupido at 28 Leo in your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, babies, children and young adults. An unexpected event or unprecedented, highly unusual arrival (sometimes a person who turns life upside-down) will have an impact on a relationship, which urges you to examine old patterns as (say) a mother or (perhaps) as a wife or lover. Your angles in Capricorn and Cancer depend on a strictly accurate birth time. If you have it, then Uranus will also, later on, change the way you package and profile yourself in quite an unexpected and liberating way. That’s the Ascendant. Your other half, or the other side (partner or opposition) is also likely to change shape, but once again, in quite a liberating way.

  81. Hi Jessica,
    I have been trying to sell an apartment since March 2024 on my own. While I did receive an offer, unfortunately, the buyer could not secure the necessary funds. I am now attempting to sell the apartment through a real estate agent. What are the chances of selling it before the end of October 2024? I am feeling quite desperate to sell at this point. I hope you can provide me with some guidance. Thank you.

    1. I am sorry you have been stuck with an unsold property since March. You have a Taurus and Cancer stellium in your Second House of money and Fourth House of property. This does end up very well for you if we go to June next year and project as far as the first half of 2026. Jupiter with all his growth, expansion, improvements and problem solving goes into Cancer, where he will trigger your real estate and also pick up your cash flow and ‘money saved’ department. So in a funny way, whatever you do now, works out. The future is already telling you that. Something to observe, though, is that the window for deal-making and bargaining (buying a property or selling one) is December, January, February for you. As a Sun Cancer person you experience a rush of traffic, including Ceres with all her compromises, into your finance sector in those months.

  82. Hi Jessica – as excellent as ever thank you. I have Fortuna at 27 degrees Libra -(Leo sun, Taurus moon, Sagittarius rising). I am currently visiting California from the UK (for both work and pleasure) but have been fearful of major events happening while I’m here.

    Please tell me my fears are unfounded and give me some good news!

    Thanks again

    1. Thank you. You must mean the riots against immigration in Britain. I know warnings about travelling have turned up all over the world. Libra rules partnerships, both sexual, professional and other kinds of platonic (so, for example, a travelling partner) and has nothing to do with your own personal safety. Fortuna in Libra suggests that your pattern of putting partners on a pedestal, then knocking them off it, is really what is at stake here. You don’t even know you do it; Fortuna is blindfolded when she elevates people, and quite unconscious to her own culpability when she pulls them down. Then she puts them back up there again; then she pulls them down. So this is really the focus on this Full Moon and T-Square with Uranus. You may want to be sharply aware of that. Libra also rules duels; opponents; competition; rivals; the enemy. Obviously if someone like this is in your midst, you would not choose the Full Moon period for a battle as it is more unpredictable than at other times. If you are interested in astrology and lucky enough to be in Wiltshire, head to Avebury and see the ancient stones, if you have time…

  83. Good morning Jessica,

    I trust that all is well with you and yours

    I’m wondering if you’re up for giving me your opinion on the state of my chart at this time.

    It’s been exciting reading other’s posts and your comments that follow. I can relate to so many.
    My chart has quite a few late degree planets, with the following planets and asteroids at 26, 27 or 28°
    Pluto , MC/IC , Uranus, Diana, Apollo, Hygeia and Ops.

    Also right now, transiting Mars and Jupiter are conjuncting my Venus, Mercury and the Moon are trining my Sun. Transiting Neptune and Pluto are aspecting my Sun, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn, transiting Uranus sextiling my natal Uranus …. then add the full moon in all her glory visiting Aquarius on the 19th @ 27° …

    Due to the slow moving nature of a lot of these aspects, I expect and accept that the pressure and wild times won’t let up any time soon.
    For the last 2 years my life has been intense, completely unpredictable with highs and lows that have left me speechless and often trembling. The seeming relentlessness of “the storm” felt especially daunting in 2023

    Astrology has been such a Godsend though. It’s helped me understand the energies affecting me and surrounding me. It’s helped me to surrender to the inevitable changes that are upon me (Pluto?), I now see that these changes have been long overdue and are necessary to my souls evolution. It’s taken away a lot of the fear.
    I’m grateful for the access you give to the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and the Garden Oracle. In particular, the Garden Oracle 3 card pic, blows me away with how bang on the information is, and how gently the information is delivered.

    Dear Jessica, thank you for reading all of the above.
    If there’s anything that stands out for you, and that you’d be interested in commenting on, I would appreciate that so very much.

    ps I’m gearing up to retire (any day now … in 1 yr max) from my longterm career and I’m feeling a change of residence coming on as well.
    I’m planning on selling my place and moving next spring. I’ve been ‘stuck’ for 15yrs in this place that I’ve never really liked (hard to wrap my head around). The location is great but that’s it. So, I’m hoping next spring is a good time to take on such a project. Aries optimism? Thoughts?

    Many thanks!
    Stay well!
    Marie T

    1. Thank you, Marie. Cancer, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius dominate your chart. You are an Aries woman but far more like a Cancerian, Gemini, Leo or Aquarian, depending on how you feel. It is very important that you make the internet or media a priority as big things are possible by June 2025. A successful Substack for example or a really satisfying involvement with radio, say. You were born possessing a way with words, images and ideas and now is the time to really back yourself. You are also heading for a terrific cycle in terms of houses, apartments, gardens, land and real-estate, starting in mid 2025 and lasting until mid 2026. You could end up in a relationship with someone who offers you the keys to a beach house, for example, and time in an inner-city apartment – weeks, if you wish. That is just one example of the way Jupiter can deliver. Finally, December, January and February offer you far more power with a group and a lot more control with new groups – circles, societies, clubs, teams, associations and so on.

  84. Hi Jessica – with Venus at 27 Virgo and Pluto at 27 Leo, is there one area to watch more than the other or because Virgo is also my sun sign does it carry more importance? Thank you.

    1. Uranus at 27 Taurus is trine natal Venus, so your usual pattern of having complicated relationships with staff, employers, colleagues, clients, customers (assuming you have a career) is reshaped very suddenly and you may find yourself rapidly aware of your patterns with these people which can be intensely personal; not really professional. This does rather pull in Pluto at 27 Leo as well, which suggests a great need for total control with lovers; the world of children, teenagers and younger generations. So this may dovetail with the work picture. Uranus at 27 Taurus will square Pluto so to reduce the amount of work involved, you may prefer to reduce the stakes. Don’t make this the time you hit on the man you want, for example, if you know he has a girlfriend – no matter how many signals he has been giving you. Don’t make this the time you invest, financially and emotionally, in your daughter. There are far, far easier times to do so.

  85. Countries have charts, and Norway was born in Oslo on June 7th 1905 with Mercury at 27 Taurus. Norway had at the time a referendum wether to become republic or a monarchy. Only men could vote at the time …
    This week the son of the Crown Princess (he’s not a prince) got arrested for beating up his girlfriend under the influence of drugs/alcohol. Apparently it’s not the first time. Former girlfriends are now talking. He has Jupiter 27 Cap conjunct Neptune 27, Sun 23 Cap. Out of curiousity I looked up the charts of the royals, and the 27 degrees is a thing for most of the members of the royal house. Not all in the same signs; the King and Queen both Pluto 27 Cancer, Crown Prince with 27 Sun Cancer, Crown Princess Sun 25 Leo. As you can imagine, a huge scandal and quite a few discussions about the end of the monarchy. Especially since there has been huge controversies for awhile with the Princess (King’s daughter) who has Sun and Pluto conjunct at 29 Virgo and her soon to be husband, Sun 25 Scorpio and Venus 27 Scorpio. What do you think? Will the monarchy survive?

    1. The 27 degree hit from Uranus and the Full Moon will jolt your royal family there in Norway, but it is the kind of jolt that liberates. It sets people free from something or someone that would have been so restrictive long-term. I have answered this question elsewhere; a referendum on the monarchy is coming, or perhaps even an outright ending of some sort. Pluto transits can be like that, long-term.

  86. Oops! Classic mercury shenanigans – I accidentally replied to Kirsty Pelger’s comment . It was meant as a stand alone comment on this post. Sorry. Hope you see it, Jessica, it was mostly thanks and praise. K

  87. Hi Jessica I hope you are well. Thank you for your time and insight. I don’t have anything at 27 but several at 26 and 28. I’m particularly interested in my Jupiter at 28. Thank you in anticipation.

    1. I’m very well, thank you. Jupiter at 28 Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels suggests protection and good fortune all your life. Jupiter is that feeling of being lucky or blessed. So at 11-13 years old you found your first pairing and this person was really good news for you. This transit repeats about every dozen years. How can a duel be fortunate for you? Well, a weak opponent in a contest is a good example. Or, enemies are actually great for business or popularity, as people do love taking a side. Meghan Markle has Jupiter in Libra. Madonna has Jupiter in Libra. It’s pretty common to marry or pair off with someone who gives you opportunities to do more in life; to have more. He or she may be a gateway to a world you want to be part of. Do these pairings always last? Of course not, but while they are there, they elevate you. So that’s where you’re coming from, historically, and you’ve no doubt had your Prince Harry experience or your Guy Ritchie story. Now, along comes Uranus quincunx Jupiter so the rather sudden, wow-factor, pow-factor of Uranus will instantly make you aware of your current duet or duel, in quite a radically different way.

  88. Dear Ms ADAMS,

    I am very happy because I pre-ordered you book on They will delever it to me on 25.10.2024!

  89. Great post on the August Full Moon in Aquarius! I’m excited about the chance to embrace change and try new things. Thanks for the inspiring insights!

  90. Hi again and thank you for answering my question about Norway. And of course, I do wonder what will happen to our Crown Prince Håkon and his offspring. His daughter Princess Ingrid Alexandra has Pluto in her 10. house, ( so maybe she will never be queen, and maybe neither will her mother. He is a remarkably good man. The thing is I had a dream about you Jessica! being in my house on a sleepover! Your bedroom door was open through the night and you were the first to hush my talking or giggling because a baby was crying from the first floor. So we had to bring her up and feed her. Then you listen to all the advice you have given me , but got bored with that and wanted to go for a walk. Somewhere in the meantime, we were sitting on a porch looking at the sea. Then I woke up, smiling! I wish I was as good and clever as you are (in astrology and getting the message out there) but no. So therefore my next question will be about that baby in my dream. Is there any news or anything new that I am not aware of ? Because I have uranus in my fifth house where my sons are I do hope they do not surprise me too much. And I have my ascendant and descendant 26 degrees of aquarius this full moon. How will that play out do you think? Thank you for your brilliant advice and for visiting me in my dreams 🙂 🙂 That was funny 🙂 🙂

    1. Thank you. The dream was interesting. I do in fact have a porch which overlooks the sea. The crying baby will make more sense to you, rather than me, I think. If your birth time is minute-accurate then Uranus has already created a T-Square with your Ascendant and Descendant, so a bolt from the blue would have radically changed your image, name, profile, labelling – and also your other half, or the other side.

  91. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for everything you continue to share with us all so generously! I’m sorry to be so late in the day but wondered if you would have time to take a look at my chart? A bit concerned about the upcoming full moon as have placements at 27* as well as natal Saturn at 26* Virgo. Life has been immensely challenging for many years, however I had been in remission from cancer for well over 4 years. Unfortunately, it’s recurrence is now suspected and I’m awaiting further tests. Any insights you are able to provide will be very welcome. Many thanks Jessica , Hardip

    1. I am sorry you have had to take on cancer in your life. Virgo and the Sixth House both rule illness as I am sure you know. Saturn at 26 Virgo in your natal chart is the story here. Saturn describes unavoidable restrictions and heavy limitations. So you have been in remission, which is good news, but you have also been living with big obstacles, walls, gates, locks and fences. This is typical of a particular food and drink regime, or a specific ritual like chemotherapy, say. Why now? Well, for the first time in your adult life, you have transiting Uranus at 26 Taurus, trine Saturn, so radically changing your old views about your body, mind and spirit. You also have the dual transit of both Saturn himself and Neptune in Pisces, right opposite. The former cycle is closing fast as Uranus leaves Taurus in 2025 and goes into Gemini. The latter cycle is also on the way out, with both Neptune and Saturn going out of Pisces, into Aries, in 2025. So you are at the tail-end of one of the most challenging health cycles possible (you will be pleased to hear). Second and third opinions and further tests are a wise idea on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, again in your Sixth House, which ends in September. Mercury is information and news; when retrograde it is all that – reversed, stuck, stop-start and sometimes retracted. I hope very much that the suspicion here comes to nothing. In any case, you can wave goodbye to 2024 and these transits, sooner rather than later. Hardip, in 2025 you will also experience the transiting South Node in Virgo and North Node in Pisces, once again moving across Saturn in your chart, which suggests life 18-19 years prior, has something to teach you about your own body, mind and spirit – which you can learn from. Once both lunar nodes have gone past 26 degrees, you will once again have faced another high wall in your life. It may also help to read more widely about Saturn in the Sixth House and what it means. Have a look at your deepest feelings about work, employment, housework, unpaid work, service to others, duties to others and related issues, like study or volunteering. It is not unusual for there to be an issue with the body, which points directly to the soul. On a soul level, how have you felt/how do you now feel about daily work?

  92. Hi Jessica – as always you have given us great insight and we all appreciate it! I am a little late to conversation here. I am a Taurus sun, Virgo moon with 27 deg Scorpio in Jupiter and 27 deg Aquarius in Chiron. Taurus sun shows the stretch in areas of success and ambition among other things. I have always had issues with that anyway. I am a liitle worred how this full moon will impact me at work and at home. Thank you

    1. Thank you very much. This T-Square is now slowly developing in the heavens with Uranus, the Full Moon and Sun all at 27 degrees of the fixed signs, so you are not late to the conversation. Mercury at 27 Leo is with you now as an introduction to the issues, which for you are financial and sexual (Scorpio) or family-based and revolving around property (also Scorpio). Aquarius is of course friends, your social life and the groups around you. The actual Full Moon is best avoided as it’s such a tight squeeze, emotionally. Yet, Uranus at 27 Taurus will have his way and you are being asked to radically revise your previous ideas in favour of something quite new. Doing so will set you free, psychologically and spiritually and liberate you from someone/something which quite honestly would have severely restricted you, boxed you in or blocked your headspace in the rest of 2024, 2025. Uranus is about the honest self-conversation. It is amazing how people wake up to themselves on this transit and rather than continuing to duck and dive the issues (fooling themselves) get real. Getting real has the immediate effect of altering who and what is out there. As I said, very, very new.

  93. Hi Jessica… noticed my comment is perhaps still held up in the que, figured I’d try again. Would appreciate your feedback on how this full moon would possibly play out for 27 degrees Pluto and 28 degrees Fortuna. Thank you !

    1. Thank you. Pluto at 27 Virgo in your Sixth House of work and wellbeing suggests a lifetime pattern of quite detailed, methodical crafting of (say) essays, homework, lessons – which later on gives you the total focus you need for meticulous attention to professional projects and tasks. You have that rather handy trait, obsession, which can make you passionate about what some people would find too demanding, on a day-to-day basis. At the same time, just about the only thing that will stop your dedication is your own mind, body and spirit getting in the way. If there is unconscious resistance to work (or to clients, employers, staff, colleagues) you may well find your health becomes an issue so that you are forced to take time off, or even leave a role. It is far better to be aware of all your unacknowledged feelings about your career, academic career or voluntary (unpaid) efforts before that has to happen. I said this was the pattern of a lifetime and so it is, but Uranus trine Pluto at 27 Taurus is radically reshaping this. The Full Moon will time it. Expect sudden and abrupt, rather exhilarating but challenging developments which ask you to pull of a u-turn. This is likely to be all-encompassing, so the impact is not just on your profession (for example) but also on your lifestyle, in terms of fitness, food, drink, sleep, doctors, dentists and the rest. A common example is a rapid decision to retire and take a financial package, thus fitting in time to go riding, or to cook differently.

  94. Kia ora Jessica – I know I’m a bit late (the full moon is already here…) but would love to know a bit more of how my life will be affected. I have Venus at 27 degrees in Scorpio and Vesta at 27 degrees in Aries. What parts of my life will be triggered, what do I have to be aware of? I already had a lot of changes this year… Thanks so much for your help and all your interesting articles, very appreciated !!!

    1. Thank you. We are yet to approach the Full Moon but it is close and building to exactitude in New Zealand. Venus at 27 Scorpio is a complicated relationship, possibly with a lover, husband or son, involving finance or property. It may be with somebody who is neither related to you or in a sexual relationship with you, but the sense of intimacy, complication and emotional layering is the same. A will, inheritance or legacy may be involved. A mortgage or life insurance. Uranus will be in opposition and the Full Moon creates a Grand Cross. So this is a big bridge to cross and you may want professional advice.

  95. Jessica thank you for this article, I know you are very busy responding to lots of readers. I have diana 27 scorpio, uranus 27 libra, NN 28 Sagittarius SN 28 Gemini and Psyche 28 Sagittarius. I was wondering how the full moon will affect me? If it is finances, an inheritance i invested has devalued very significantly and Im wondering if you see any good news re this. Or is there anything else I should be looking out for. I can already see the moon last night and it is beautiful, maybe scary too! Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Diana at 27 Scorpio is about financial and sexual relationships, or family agreements about property. Uranus at 27 Libra is about duets and duels. Both these symbols show fierce independence and the importance of freedom. Uranus at 27 Taurus is opposite Diana and quincunx Uranus at the same time, by transit. So this is an electrical storm with lightning bolts which illuminate the facts and figures, but also the feelings. Everything looks different – strangely so – and from there you must figure out who and what you essentially need freedom from, or freedom through, because it is coming. The Full Moon times Uranus.

  96. Thanks Jessica for your detailed response – very eye opening. Diana at 27 Libra in my Seventh sounds like I need to bunker down and brace… Thank you!

  97. Hi Jessica,
    My Sun is 27 Capricorn and my Cancerian husband’s Jupiter is also 27 Cap. I’m fascinated to understand the significance, if any, of that conjunction and would appreciate your expertise and input. I also have Jupiter 26 Scorpio and Vulcano 27 Taurus.
    Many thańks.

    1. Mutual conjunctions reveal two soulmates and you and your husband incarnated from the same soul group (fractions of an entire person who passed at a time in history when social class, emigration, citizenship and nationalism were big concerns, thanks to social change at the time). So here you are together and your ambition to do better and ascend, in terms of status, is entwined with his own aspirations, position, mission and upward climb. The trine to Vulcano at 27 Taurus suggests steely self-control over finance, business or property which helps this in a powerful way. Uranus going to 27 Taurus confronts you quite suddenly in terms of your life budget, values, existing bank set-up, or house/apartment commitments. This is about what you will (or will not) sell your soul for; who or what is so precious to you that it is priceless. Out of the blue comes the Uranus conjunction, and also the Uranus trine to both your charts. This is about your career, unpaid work or academic career – and his. By 2025 the most unorthodox, unconventional, unprecedented situation will have come from nowhere to challenge you to change, but that change will guarantee independence.

  98. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for all your valuable guidance. I am fascinated but also slightly spooked at how things you have previously mentioned are coming together to make sense for me in ways I had not fully seen or expected at the time. 2 weeks ago I met a Scorpio man (DOB 6/11/85) with whom I have unexpectedly connected in a secure, contented manner I have never experienced before. He seems to feel the same way, but as I am in the UK he is visiting but lives and works in Mumbai for the past 6yrs, though born in England and grew up in Australia. I feel there is great future potential here, but may be caught up in overthinking here as based on my chart and current and upcoming transits, you had previously
    mentioned marriage could happen with Jupiter in Leo 2026, but tarot re:Pluto pulled King of Swords and you mentioned a lifetime of hard lessons with Saturn and Pluto in Libra. I was becoming quite happily resigned to a single future until he appeared, and whilst happy I am now also somewhat afraid as I try to pull various astrological strands together. Is there any final guidance you could offer me please?

    1. Thank you. Yes, the astrology and Tarot can seem spooky, when it comes to pass. You are in a potential long-distance relationship with a Scorpio. He is in fact the King of Swords and you are in fact looking at the potential for a 2026 commitment here. Nothing to be afraid of. Does he have children? This is very important. If so there are confused and confusing circumstances regarding that. Does he want children? Again this is a crucial question. I doubt very much being single is in your future. Either with him or another man you will be in an extended holiday from the real world, for many years, going into the future. The King of Swords does not own your situation though. You have questions to ask and deals to strike; you are equally powerful in negotiation and terms and if you and he want this to go further then he has to meet you halfway, no matter how strong he is or how intimidating, at times.

  99. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are doing good. I have an Aquarius stellium with Venus and Ceres at 27 Sagittarius, and so nervous about how this Full Moon will affect me. My family situation has been strange for the past few months. To help my son get good treatment for his mental health, I am forced to interact with my ex more than I would like to and even have home stay at my house. What do you see for me? Thanks

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have this difficult situation with your son and his father. You will be set free from this in 2025. At the moment it is unpredictable, and your son and his mental health bring issues about boundaries (they keep disappearing). These transits (Uranus, Saturn and Neptune) are historic, rare and all of them leave you next year so you don’t have too long to wait. In astrology the solar or Sun Sign chart always comes first and so I have just summarised what is going on there for you. When we go to your natal chart to look at the Ceres-Venus conjunction at 27 Sagittarius, we find your Ninth House of foreigners, foreign countries, travel, travellers, immigration, migrants, multiculturalism, globalisation, the worldwide web and academia is all about personal relationships. I don’t know if you and your ex are from different nationalities or the in-laws are, but that would be quite common. In other cases you have a lifetime pattern of shifting between countries or cultures, for personal or professional reasons. There is usually compromise after compromise regarding this, so you have years of making deals with yourself and others; bargaining over the way time, control, the reins – are shared. Venus adds the complication of relationships which have all kinds of issues there – insecurity, envy, vanity, entitlement. So this isn’t just the usual detached experience of moving to a different country or dealing with arrivals from abroad in your own country. What the Uranus quincunx from 27 Taurus will do is liberate you from a pattern. It will very suddenly set you free from an habitual expectation or assumption. The Full Moon will increase the emotions involved. But you are up for a u-turn and quite a sudden and unexpected one. This may be about emigrating, for example.

  100. Thank you Jessica. Wow. That is so interesting! The social aspect is spot on; we both come from quite poor families and have achieved changed circumstances, mainly through higher education denied to them, that they would associate with being ‘posh’. We’re so not
    We do have other conjunctions: his Diana is 19 Capricorn to my Fortuna 19 Cap; his Pluto 15 Leo to my Uranus. Also just realised his panacea is 17 Taurus, so yet another conjunction!
    Many thanks for all your help and input.

  101. Hi, lovely Jessica!

    Thank you again for such an insightful article. This seems to be a very powerful transit, so I’m taking your general advice for Full Moons and staying calm and making no big decisions – this moon seems to merit caution more than most!

    Rather late to the party here, but I’m going through a lot with attempting to manifest breakthroughs with my personal health, as well as dealing with a sick relative, plus what feels like deep spiritual and karmic stuff – all very turbulent! I have two factors at 27 degrees Virgo – True Node and Apollo. Any insights into how I will be affected by the current energies, especially by the Uranus transit, would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Love, light and blessings,


    1. Angelina, Virgo rules the healer and the healed and you have the True Node and Apollo at 27 Virgo. Now, Uranus is trine those from 27 Taurus. Just about the last thing you expected is now coming to pass. It can be quite liberating and show you that you had more options than you realised. There is also (usually) a second event along with the ‘Well, fancy that!’ moment of the first, which opens an exciting door into 2025, 2026. The second event is probably far more confronting and yet it is also the solution, inasmuch as it’s a challenge. Within the moment of truth is an answer that should have been attended to a very long time ago. Someone, perhaps more than one person, has been tied down and stuck. Along comes Uranus and radical change must happen. Your sick relative is part of this. So is your own health. Uranus lingers longer at 27 Taurus so there is more to come, and more time to pass for things to shift.

  102. Hi Jessica, Today, the Full Moon day, I received an email that my job was discontinued. I had been battling with – the group – the whole way through so although it was a surprise to open my emails and find the notification, it was brewing. And, I am feeling so relieved and so blessed to shed the toxic energy from my life. What trends might the astrology be saying in my chart going forward? Thankyou for all your insight over the last few years. Veronica

    1. I am so sorry. And yet, Veronica, this Full Moon T-Square with Uranus sets you and other people free. Stuck patterns which tie you or others down are breaking up. The future is calling and it has to be different. Even though Uranus usually arrives with shockwaves, which we dislike, it can take the rug to be pulled, or the jaws to hit the floor, in order to effect change. Some people will never change at all unless they get a rude awakening. Relief is not unusual following the moment of Uranian truth. Relief for you, others, perhaps, too. You now need a new job. You will be in negotiations in December, January, February and it will take a bit of willpower, but you’ll find you are being offered real clout, or access to the most empowering set-up. Onwards.

  103. Hello Jessica, apologies for this probably unusual write. today Monday early morning was a sort of shocker as the geyser started make loud sounds and hot water started leaking from the pipe. I managed to switch off the geyser , shut off all other electrical appliances. In a lot of worry I called the neighbouring building uncle who checked and switched of the mains. the plumber and electrician were immediately called and now the old geyser needs to be changed as per my insistence not just repaired. My mother was shaken by episode as was I. I got scared frankly as electricity matters, machines and all things mechanical I don’t operate. the electrican said there was is nothing to worry and the pipe leaked bcz of overheating bcz the geyser was old.
    I’m not sure why this happened early Monday morning to disturb me and my retired mother by quite some. Why does this electric matter have to happen Jessica please. I have just Jupiter at 27 Gemini and ic at 26 Gemini. I just keep thinking now why did such a electrical related thing happen , it can be so unsafe. Apologies I felt i should tell you Jessica, it was a scary morning today for me and my mom and so unneeded. Hope it never happens again ever. Thank you Jessica.

    1. Monday was the Full Moon and Uranus T-Square and Uranus rules electricity. The Full Moon is associated with the tides, of course. So you and your mother went through both a shock with the geyser and potential floods, from a leak. What you went through was experienced in different ways around the world. In New York and Connecticut they had dangerous storms and of course flooding. Storms bring an electric sky. President Joe Biden wept. The twin matching of water/fluid and shock isn’t unusual with this astrology transit. We often find that the natural world or the house seems to comment on the real issues, which are psychological and emotional. So this is about your mom. How can an older person change? How are you to deal with life when your retired mother eventually passes on? When you sit down and look at the paperwork about your building, insurance, her name on the documents and/or yours…it opens up other questions too. Better to be prepared. There may be a situation here with or for your mom, where there is ‘overheating’ emotionally. So have a look at that as well.

  104. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for responding to my question and bringing perspective and comfort, you truly are a gift. He has no children and we discussed that I don’t see having children in my future. Thank you so much for reminding me of my own power too and helping me step into it. Your time work is immensely appreciated.

  105. Thank you Jessica for this post and for video on Substack for this full moon and answering our questions. What a full moon just as I write this, the full moon is in full peak in the UK and looking at my birth chart and listening this week horoscope, it is just hitting me personally with 27 degrees of Uranus at Scorpio. Someone just bumped into my car this morning, by strange coincidence I actually know the person and when I tried to get to London by the train later on, all trains were cancelled (I am just waiting on train fare refund). I guess that’s full moon and mercury retrograde in one 🙂 anything else that’s screaming from my birth chart please and I should prepare for? I love your work and really appreciate all your insights and posts. I love reading them. Thanks so much for all you do.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. This is a classic Uranus/Full Moon T-Square. The bump and the unexpected u-turn with your cancelled train. This transit is now subsiding though the effects linger on. I think the person you happened to know, who ran into your car, was part of the story – or you were part of theirs – maybe it was you, who ‘happened’ to them. That would have particular meaning for them! Ops at 27 Virgo and Uranus at 27 Scorpio are in a perfect sextile in your chart. This was triggered by the Sun at 27 Leo, Moon at 27 Aquarius and Uranus at 27 Taurus. As the latter lingers, that bump and cancellation are a nice reminder to update your insurance on all fronts. Ops in Virgo is about your capacity for problem-solving with work and health challenges. It is tied to a rather unpredictable existence with finance, business and property. Every so often a transit comes along which activates that. This was one of them. It’s worth going over the insurance claims process over all aspects of your life, not just travel interruption, car repairs or the obvious things. Any gaps there?

  106. Went to visit a client for the first time in San Diego today (I’m visiting from the uk) and when I opened my laptop to prepare for my presentation, I couldn’t log in as it had crashed and needed a recovery key. This is the first time this has ever happened! I didn’t panic though and immediately put it down to the astrological events of today!

  107. Thank you for this. It was a doozy, as it seems like so many of us are feeling. I have a full moon hangover and am not entirely certain that there isn’t another shoe to drop. I went to a family funeral and saw my parents, from whom I am estranged (for very good reason). I managed to keep it together but I feel like there’s going to be fallout. Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated but again, this was a doozy for so many and so I understand if you don’t have the bandwidth to answer one more question! Take good care and thanks for being there with these posts and support in these stressed moments.

    1. A Full Moon hangover is a good way to describe it. Your family is always shown by factors in Cancer in the Fourth House of extended clan, ancestors and relatives. You have Saturn at 27 Cancer and so were right in the zone for this transit. The people reporting the most difficult challenges were all born with 27 degree placements, or they are in the company of those who have them, so are directly affected by somebody else’s complications. The funeral was your trigger and now you wonder if there is more to come with your estranged parents. Yes, this is a process of quite revolutionary change with them/for them and between now and 2025 you will be liberated from the past and offered a new kind of freedom, regarding the whole family actually. Transiting Uranus sextile natal Saturn is notorious for suddenly making restructuring necessary. It can sometimes be echoed in your house, apartment or garden as well, where there may be a refit or remodelling; occasionally in the local area where the council might start to restructure buildings or roads. It ends next year.

  108. Hi Jessica,

    I don’t have anything at 27 degrees, but I have Mercury at 28 Capricorn. Would you be able to give me any insight into how this full moon might impact me?

    Many thanks,

    1. Thanks Kim. Transiting Uranus is on the way to 28 Taurus where it will trine your Mercury (transiting Uranus trine natal Mercury) in your Tenth House of success, status, position, mission and ambition. This is where you are born to connect, communicate, network, translate and relay information. You are a one-woman hub, Kim. Women with Mercury in Capricorn often fulfil a messenger role within a larger hierarchy or system. What happens shortly is out of the blue and liberating too. It will free you up to pursue your usual role in an exhilarating new way which gives you far more room to move. A new project, course or job is very likely, or a new spin on an existing position or task.

  109. Hi Jessica,
    Your reference to the dangerous storms and a reader’s question re a geyser incident made me think of this recent event.
    Have you heard the news about the sinking of a superyacht on Monday? Sadly lives were lost. It’s a mixture of tradegy and almost miraculous survival of others including a mother and infant.
    Strange story, also if you read the backgound, especially as a related death took place in the UK due to a hit and run accident.

    1. Yes, a reader who knows those involved, got in touch about this, privately. You have indicated a geyser incident. As a clairaudient, I heard ‘leak’ and this is of course as much about leaked information as it is about the vessel. I am sure many professional psychics have been looking at this tragedy. Thank you.

  110. Hi Jessica,
    Wishing you well and thank you for all that you share and do for so many of us here reaching out to you. I do not have any factors at 27 degrees but do have 17 Leo in my VII house. I keep re reading this post as I was extremely worried as a sun Leo about Mercury Retrograde in Leo and The Aquarius full moon that just passed ( what a site it was) I’ am mesmerized by the words you wrote ” ‘Resist a harem and at all costs do not compete with other girls” I am currently have way through a 12 week work contract and am really struggling, some of it is with the role itself but most of the issues are that I am in a team of 8 ( all female) and they are all young enough to be my daughters ( not that I have any children). I am really struggling to work with them and needless to say have not much in common and find it challenging to deal with their behaviour . I am at my wits end and unsure if I can even complete the contract. I feel so old and challenged, I really do not know what to do. Any guidance would be a blessing and greatly welcomed.
    Thank you and take care.

    1. The message about a harem for Leo people was based on Vesta passing through, which is temporary. You are in an all-female team at work who are younger than you. You are at your wit’s end. Who is the male? Once you identify who the man is in the situation, you can find solidarity with the women. In any case this is a temporary transit. It does not last.

  111. Thank you for replying to me Jessica, this feels like one of the worst weeks of my life financially! I hope it all improves….

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