The J.K. Rowling Astrology Chart

The natal chart of J.K. Rowling shows a huge Virgo chart signature.

The J.K. Rowling Chart

The natal chart for J.K. Rowling can be read with one of over 30 house systems; asteroids (or not) and all kinds of twists in the astrology tale.

Harry Potter fans and astrological sleuths alike have all attempted to find out Rowling’s horoscope secrets over the years. In fact, they will never be known, as this is C data (no verified time) and thus the angles can’t be used. Nor can the Moon.

A Very, Very Virgo Horoscope

Despite this, there are some factors about the Rowling natal chart which would not change, even if she were born early or late in the day.

This is a very, very Virgo woman. There is a huge stellium in the sign we associate with method and order, routine and perfectionism, detail and finesse. Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, Cupido and Proserpina are all in Virgo in the Sixth House of work. This is where a sense of duty and service to others also shows. Pluto is just one degree off an exact conjunction with Cupido. Power and passion.

Power and Passion 

Rowling is clearly a Sun Leo woman. Queen to a younger court. She also has a stellium in Leo. It’s the Virgo overload which stands out, though. As with any stellium, it never rains but it pours. Life is very, very good or very, very tough, depending on the transits to Virgo in her chart. Recently, with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, in opposition, it’s been…well. You don’t need an astrology chart to show you that.

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The Rich Philanthropist

In astrology, Taurus and Scorpio are the signs to associate with money. Rowling has Neptune at 17 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, charity, business, valuables and property. Neptune is perfectly square Apollo at 17 Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne.

There is also an exact semi-sextile to Mars at 17 Libra. Again, this is the chart where it never rains, but it pours. Any time there are transits from the slow-moving outer planets at 17 degrees, it’s an all-or-nothing outcome for banking or business. With this kind of chart it is also impossible to separate love from money.

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Fortuna and Vulcano 

Fortuna (the Wheel of Fortune) spins, blindfolded, in Rowling’s Seventh House of partnership, marriage and also duets.

This is also where we find duels, conflicts and battles. Fortuna at 6 Libra is in an exact conjunction with Vulcano at 6 Libra. Also known as Vulcan, this is the lame blacksmith who was cuckolded by Venus.

These two asteroids are part of a chart which has found expression in the Harry Potter novels. There is a tremendous concern with justice in them. It’s surprising that Rowling did not fall headfirst into the world of romance novels instead of children’s books, with that combination.

What’s In Store?

Famous for taking up the cause of girls and women in the face of what Graham Linehan has called a War On Women, Rowling has done so during the fated South Node in Libra transit.

This can only happen every 19 years and it finishes in January 2025, when there is closure with karma for her.  The South Node will be out of Libra and out of her Seventh House of duels and conflicts. Libra, of course, is equality. The scales of justice – in France, known as Balance.

In 2025 and 2026, there is also the slow but sure release of all the pressure from the Pisces transits, opposite Rowling’s Virgo chart signature. This has not just been about who or what blocks her meticulous work; it has also been about her health and will continue to be so, for the next year or two.

New Technology

New technology with first Jupiter, then Uranus in Gemini, will open the doors to dazzling digital possibilities for all her work; not just the long-awaited television debut of Potter. Inventions not even dreamed of in 2024, as I publish this, will land with a crash from 2025 and the reimagining of Rowling’s work, including the adult novels, will offer us interactive, real-time translation along with other innovations.

With the North Node in Gemini, Rowling was born to write. In fact – she’s done this before. What is so new and different for her, far beyond 2030, is Artificial Intelligence, applied to her own.

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The Sabian Symbols

The Sabian Symbols show Rowling’s Jupiter at Gemini 22. As always, you go to the next degree. So, her Jupiter is Sabian Symbol Gemini 23:

Three Fledglings In A Nest High Up In A Tree

If we take Jupiter as the lucky planet and Gemini as books, websites and scripts – then the symbol is showing us the three fledglings who learn to fly in the Harry Potter series. 

My friend Lynda Hill has written and lectured about the Sabian Symbols throughout a long and successful career as an author, lecturer and astrologer. (Wikimedia Commons).

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She interprets the symbol as “people sharing a space, living together and cohabitating as they grow and mature.

Situations are likely to be full of promise for the future. The spirit of people and events may not be quite ready to fly on its own and is still in need of the “mother” – or the company of siblings and friends – to sustain, protect and nourish.”

She goes on to write about “Nests and tree houses” which surely invokes the famous Potter owls. She adds, “Psychological immaturity.” What will happen when Uranus goes to 23 Gemini, many years from now? Of course, the Sabian Symbols show different faces, throughout time. Once, it may have been Rowling, her small daughter and the child’s father who were the three fledglings. There is a mystery to these channelled symbols which unfolds through time.












Main Image: Shutterstock.



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12 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, I was wondering if you could do a chart on the UK now we have a new Labour government? Will they be good for the people of the uk, or will they prioritize the wants of the rich and the corporate donors? What can we in the UK expect with this new government? I’m worried for the NHS as this government see to be continuing with privatisation of this and other public assets with PFI.
    Thank you

    1. I filed a feature on Britain some years ago when Brexit succeeded and she gained a new chart. The National Health Service, or N.H.S. will be replaced after a further crisis, when the North Node goes into Pisces and South Node goes into Virgo, from January 2025. Covid was never over, despite the fantasising and denial – and of course there will be other issues ahead. Virgo has always ruled public health, medical insurance, epidemics and pandemics. It also rules issues like Long Covid and its impact on the work force. These ancient cycles of time will take the country back to the early years of the N.H.S. and you can expect a replacement with a system which is proven to work, rather like Medicare in Australia.

  2. Jessica, I think Jk Rowling is amazing. I love her work and also her philanthropy she does for supporting women re war on women.
    I was wondering if you can help me. I asked tarot how the moon in aquarius will affect me in August as I also have the moon in aquarius and I got the ace of cups. I am single…is this a sign from heaven im potentially going to meet someone I hope! thank you for any insights you see in my chart.

    1. Yes, when the Labour and Conservative parties in Britain failed women, it was J.K.Rowling who achieved what politicians did not. My godchildren owe her a huge favour, many years from now, as she has protected girls into the decades ahead. Have you read the flipbook Pamela’s Tarot, on this website? It’s free to you as a Premium Member. It will explain the Ace of Cups to you.

  3. Maybe this is the second time I am posting this comment because I couldnt see my comment. Hello Jessica I know this has nothing to do with this article but I want to ask you a question thats very important to me. I just got my Schengen tourist visa rejected for the first time. I travel to Europe 2-3 times every year. I travel frequently as travelling is a very important part of my life. I never overstayed or had any issues anywhere. The reason for the rejection was my justification for travelling wasnt reliable, I have no idea why but Jupiter is transiting my 9th house and I was really excited about the travelling this year I havent been to anywhere as I was planning on my travels to Europe now they are all canceled. My visa application in the future for Europe is now going to be really hard cause one rejection raises questions. I just want to know what transit or what do you think the cause for this? Sorry for the long comment but travelling is very dear to me and I feel heartbroken

    1. Thank you. You can’t see your comment because there are 16,129 in the list today. I’m not ignoring you, I literally can’t see the screen where your comment appears. You had your tourist visa rejected on Mercury Retrograde. Jupiter in the Ninth House is no match for Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is travel. Retrograde is rescheduling. I am sorry you are being held back, but it’s temporary. From September wheels turn again. Have another go later.

  4. Hi Jessica, interesting that JK Rowling is so Virgo! Peaked my interest as I am also very Virgo but also very Pisces, Sagitarrius and Gemini. Are the transits affecting me in the same way? Thanking you in advance for all you do for all of us!

    1. If you have a Virgo stellium like J.K.Rowling (four, five, six or more factors in Virgo) then your Sixth House is full. You live in your Sixth House for much of the time. So your work is your life. This includes unpaid work and academia too. You have a strong sense of service and duty to your staff, clients, customers, colleagues, employers. It takes a really unusual situation, like depression, or anxiety, or poor physical health, to stop you from fulfilling your obligations. Oppositions to Virgo are here at the moment, thanks to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Ongoing, the ‘machine’ is obstructed by health issues or other people. This can range from bitchy and jealous people in your profession, to internet trolls, to annoying medical concerns. The natural Virgo and Sixth House functioning is temporarily blocked. This only serves to make the Virgo stellium person, even more Virgo! They retreat into more focussed self-care, with health and fitness. They double back and modify and improve their projects and plans. It’s impossible to say if you are affected the same way as J.K.Rowling as there is no chart here. She is also a feminist activist. If you are too, then look at Libra in your chart, not Virgo. She wins this. In fact she is already winning.

  5. Hi Jessica I hope you are well. My Scorpio husband and I have committed the ultimate Mercury retrograde sin in finding and buying a house at this time and also applying for a mortgage. Will it all come to nothing? should we persevere or go back to the drawing board? Jessica I would be so grateful if you could help with some advice. Thanks so much for always being there for us.

    1. The signs and houses tell you where the stop-start, delay or possible cancellation is. Your Scorpio husband has these two retrogrades in his career (Leo) and friends/groups (Virgo) zone. So, not relevant to a mortgage. You are a Virgo with this in your sector of inner life (Leo) and reputation/appearance (Virgo) so again, it’s not relevant unless you have anything in your reputation, financially, (like a past bad credit record) which would put a bank off.

  6. What an interested read! Have you done something similar for Elon Musk Jessica? He is working very hard to hurt democratic institutions ahead of the election in the U.S, including suing non profits that are calling X out for hate and election denying content. I like the potential of X, Tesla, and Space X but he seems to be becoming an increasingly dangerous man. Anything that can bring hope regarding him?

    1. I looked at the Elon Musk natal chart a long time ago (most astrologers have) and it’s all about his mother. His mother is even on X-Twitter. That complicated relationship with her, is at the heart of all his acts of rebellion against the left. Cancerians are all about family, country, home and heritage. Patriotism, ancestors, father and mother, the children and grandchildren. There are some left wing movements which seek to confront this (uncontrolled immigration and the male takeover of female space and identity, as well as the female takeover of the same). So everything you see from this increasingly Cancerian, Cancerian – is about that. Grimes and his son, part of his extended family, along with his mother, are really the story here. Is he dangerous? Is free speech dangerous? The only danger is misinformation and he has actually set up his own fact-checking portal on X-Twitter to stop himself, which is too funny.

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