Premium Podcasts from Jessica Adams: (Protected Content)

Plath, Hughes, Astrology and Tarot
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
Premium Podcasts from Jessica Adams: (Protected Content)
For those of you who missed Paul Fenton-Smith at Bondi Beach with this amazing session on soulmates, here is the audio podcast.
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Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.
Canada in psychic astrology with a 1982 natal chart and some Tarot cards which show why Mexico and America are in a highly-charged future.
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14 Responses
I don’t see it?
Apologies, Mercury Retrograde at large. Check again in a moment, thank you.
For some reason, I cannot hear anything………………..
Sorry, it is Mercury Retrograde. This will be fixed next. Thank you for your patience.
Thanks Jessica – I signed up and paid for the extra Paul Fenton – and also saw somewhere that Alicia said the dates for the next lot of Astrology delivery would be available?
I am still having a terrible time with my ‘tax’ issues – but am repeating your mantra from my weekly Capricorn – ‘navigate – don’t escalate’.
I used your tarot – and got a Leo leaning card – so hoping August may help sort the situation out.
Yes, Astrology Delivery is always included in The Astrology Show paid membership on Substack, in the New Moon video for the month. If it is not relevant that month, I will talk about Astrology Delivery for another month instead, which gives you time to prepare. I am sorry about your tax situation. This ends up, the right way up for you, long-term. Please don’t worry about the short-term. But…you will change your life budget. Long-term you will be extremely comfortable, following alterations you make by 2025.
Has the sound been fixed?
I thought the new MP3 audio was playing properly. Let me check. Apologies for this, thanks Jessica.
My video shows no content ie it has no length of time and won’t play
I’m sorry, there should be no video – and only MP3 audio. Mercury Retrograde drives us all potty, but it will be fixed.
The MP3 doesn’t play!
Sorry, I have been doing the rounds (Mercury Retrograde) with this recording by Paul Fenton-Smith, which has gone from video, to audio, then new audio. I will fix this next, for you. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks it’s perfect now … brilliant piece for future life encounters. x
Wow, love this, Jessica. A lot here. Just a bit is……May he be: single, available, attracted to my gender and in love with me. May I trust another deeply. May I identify the current lessons in this life between us and move quickly to live them in this relationship. Thank you, Jessica. Best, C.