Your Soulmate in Astrology

Soulmates can last or not. They are shown in both astrology charts. Psychic and Tarot expert Paul Fenton-Smith is hosting an event and podcast, free to Premium Members, on July 28th with Jessica Adams.

Soulmates in Astrology and in the Psychic World

Have you already been with your soulmate? Maybe you are still together. Perhaps you broke up. The biggest mistake people make, about soulmates (which are real) is to assume it’s nice and easy, happy ever after.

In fact, a soulmate is the man or woman you have agreed to reincarnate with, in order to gain closure.

Love, sex and astrology contains so many layers. There is also a spiritual and psychic angle.

If you are in Sydney and a Premium Member, come along to a free day with bestselling Tarot author and psychic Paul Fenton-Smith, about this very subject. I will be there on the day recording a special edition of The Astrology Show in the studio at Bondi Beach. All welcome. Do bring a friend. Please be quick for this as sessions tend to book out.

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How To Spot Your Soulmate With Astrology

Your eyes meet across a crowded room. Or – you meet in the most peculiar way. The charts agree on factors at the same sign and at the same degree. That’s how you know this is fated. (Nick Carvounis/Unsplash).

Take Prince Andrew and Sarah, the Duchess of York (who once took the microphone at an event and asked me to read for her).

Andrew has Neptune at 9 Scorpio. Sarah has Mercury at 9 Scorpio. Andrew has the South Node at 24 Pisces. Sarah has Fortuna at 24 Pisces. They both have exactly the same planet, Pluto, at 5 Virgo.

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That’s not just one, but three conjunctions. That’s a very old term for a power point or hotspot in the chart. By the way, nobody said being soulmates was simple.

Sarah and Andrew have seen extremely high stakes in their relationship which they can never have anticipated, when they tied the knot. (Software: AstroGold. Image: Shutterstock.

Learning about our own partnerships from the high-profile ups and downs of famous people is useful. When you look at your own chart, and the chart of your current or former partner, always see where the numbers line up. Where the first degrees are exactly the same. The signs of the zodiac which are involved; the houses (or life areas) and the actual angles made, will tell you about the connection.


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Soulmates Challenge and Change You

We incarnate from all kinds of backgrounds, to be together. Some of us died in each others’ arms on the front, in the Second World War. Some were family members who had to make awful decisions about survival. It goes on .

When you think about the dire straits humanity has been in, over the centuries, it makes sense that after multiple incarnations, we meet and marry (or move in together) with quite a lot to resolve. That is, if we are soulmates.

Rita Rogers on Soulmates

Rita Rogers was the medium who famously warned Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed before their unlawful killing in Paris.

71trrJPvmrL. SL1500  199x300 - Your Soulmate in AstrologyI was lucky enough to have Rita read for me many years ago. She was astonishingly accurate and named my grandmother and uncle, who has passed. In her book, Soul Mates, Rita talks about a soulmate as a special friend, not just a partner. She talks about those who have met their soul mate but not realised it,  those who are forced to live without their true love, and those whose soul mates have passed away.

It’s fascinating. Rita also talks about soulmates meeting in the most unusual ways. It’s almost as if your spirit guides have to bring you together, no matter what. In Seinfeld they used to joke about ‘a good meeting story.’ Maybe you have one.

Settling and Compromising With Non-Soulmates

Your astrology chart can also show you how you settle or compromise with non-soulmates. It’s usually because of sex, nothing more, nothing less. Or you want a child. Or you need someone to pay half the mortgage.

These matters show up in the chart in the signs of Leo and Scorpio, but also Cancer. Sometimes there are really complicated reasons why you marry a non-soulmate.

You may have Libra factors and need an experiment, or a real-world exercise (prac not theory) to teach you about sexism. You could marry a bad partner who is deeply prejudiced against women or men, to motivate you to become a different person.

I see a lot of readers who give me their ex-partner’s charts and I can spot it right away. They actually got into a relationship to go through something very deep and profound; the conversion to feminism. Or, a huge lesson about money, property and love. The question here, being, ‘Now, what do you love, or who do you love, more?’

When Soulmates Cancel Karma

When soulmates cancel karma, it’s a massive shift. How do you know? Well, your chart can tell you, but you will also feel the change, intuitively. It may be that the former boyfriend you fell out so badly with, now becomes your staff member. It may be that your ex-wife who committed adultery, is forgiven by you, when she faces illness.

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In your last lives you have swapped roles. If you are a mother now, you may have been a son back then. If you are a daughter now, you may have been a father, back then. (Image: Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash).

This issue will become extreme over the next 20 years, as Pluto cycles through millions of charts.

A very common outcome is divorce and child custody. A less common outcome is a crisis over the sex of boys or girls. Sometimes, family reincarnation is so complicated that particular children will find it hard to identify with being a boy, or a girl. Parents who surgically or medically interfere with that will have a heavy price to pay, according to astrology.

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Copyright Paul Fenton-Smith

Paul Fenton-Smith on Soulmates

Something Paul Fenton-Smith specialises in is cord-cutting. When you have sex; when you fall in love; you develop cords.

If you are psychic you will recognise these cords, because even months or years after you break up with someone, you will feel the pull.

They flash into your mind for no reason. They have corded you. You need to break the cord.

The soulmate connection can be deep, lifelong and full of joy. It can also be short, but deliver quite a lot, within a year. A pregnancy. Perhaps, financial support. Maybe, a legal matter.

Paul Fenton-Smith will look at some intriguing topics at our Bondi event and on our special edition of The Astrology Show. If the event has booked out on Meetups, Paul will cover some of this on the podcast.

  • What is a soul mate and how do they influence partnerships?
  • Discovering what you bring to your partnerships
  • Why do we seek soul mate love relationships.
  • Is it easier to be with someone with whom you have no history?
  • How your first crush shapes your current choices.
  • Psychic energy cords to previous partners.
  • How psychic cords can hold us back from new opportunities.
  • Refusing a soul mate opportunity.
  • What happens when the right people have the wrong timing or
  • circumstances?
  • Clearing the way for new love.

I hope you can join us at Bondi Beach, Bondi Pavilion on July 28th or tune into The Astrology Show.

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95 Responses

  1. Can you tell from one’s chart if that person will meet his or her soulmate or has already met this person who has come and gone? Can anything be gleaned from my chart? Thank you.

    1. In astrology, soulmates are found by comparing two charts, but just looking at your natal chart for likely times when you met such a person, you have Scorpio factors at 2-27 so the transit of Pluto at 2-27 Scorpio was when you likely encountered someone who had karma with you over a house, bank account, apartment and possessions. So 1983 to 1995 found you dating, mating and relating with a person who had agreed to a plot, in the story of your lives, that would be written in the late Eighties and early Nineties, hopefully with a closed book.

  2. Hi Jessica
    How can we see in our own birth chart, how many we are destined to have? Thank you

    1. It’s really about your husband’s chart, your boyfriend’s chart – and so on. When there are exact aspects between both, and usually in Libra (marriage, divorce), Scorpio (inheritance, legacy), Cancer (both families), Leo (the children) a picture emerges of two people who have met to go through the same chapters together at the same time, often because the plot was agreed to in the prior incarnation. So over your lifetime the key would be to compare charts with various men, or perhaps just one.

  3. Hope this event goes well for you and everyone you have invited. I look forward to the Astrology Show broadcast. Best, Cecelia

    1. Thank you so much, Cecelia. Alicia, Paul and I are looking forward to the day at Bondi Beach and we hope to have Paul’s podcast on soulmates released soon after this at The Astrology Show’s new Substack page.

  4. This post reminds me of a book and movie titled “How to Make an American Quilt” that tells the story of several women and their soulmates, one who realizes that the daughter conceived in a relationship – vs the baby’s father – was actually her soulmate. I think about that idea now, even 25’ish years later, as I wonder if I am with my soulmate. Some days, I am not sure about my marriage, as we have been in counseling for 6 months. Which cords will endure? I so want a partner but wonder if I’m too romantic about the notion of love and forever.

    1. That is so interesting. Thank you. Counselling in marriage is common when there are transits in Libra, which rules both marriage and divorce. You have a stellium (unusually high count of factors) in Libra, so the South Node in Libra, which can only take place every 19 years, is now setting up the conditions for the rebalancing of the scales. I wish you well with it. The transit ends in January 2025.

  5. It is really an intriguing topic but physically I am not in Australia. Will Mr Fenton-Smith’s event be recorded? If not, I really hope the special edition of astrology show can talk more about how to clear the soulmate effect for new love.

    Really thanks to you and Mr Fenton-Smith to bring out this topic.

    1. Thank you. Yes, Paul Fenton-Smith is recording a podcast on soulmates for subscribers at The Astrology Show on Substack, after the Bondi Beach event.

  6. Hi Jessica, This is fascinating. My ex husband is a Leo 13 sun sign and has mercury at 27 cancer and 27 venus to my 27 leo cupido and Bacchus 27 scorpio and ceres at 27 capricorn. But I wonder if it is our Jupiters – mine at 16 Taurus and his at 16 cancer that were our link.

    We have been divorced for 5 years now and have a happy friendly relationship these days – and probably should have always been only friends – except for the fab sex in the early days. 🙂 Weirdly, he is about to remarry his first wife (before me) – and says she was his soul mate… I had a quick look at both there charts – and she has Jupiter at 28 Libra and he has Ops at 28 Libra… so maybe that is their connection.

    1. Thank you. An exact line-up of factors at the same degree is usually the clue. You can double that message if they occur in Libra (marriage, divorce) or Leo (parenthood). Your former husband also linked to you through Scorpio, which is the other sign (property, money, inheritance and marriage).

  7. Wow! Another fascinating article. Thank you Jessica. I have been estranged from my blood family for almost 7 years. The sudden and abrupt separation from my mother has been tough to bear for me and my daughters. I am in contact with my younger brother he is a Capricorn (19.01.76 born at 07:02am) I have no Capricorn factors in my chart. We have always had a strong bond, I hope to see him more often than I have managed to in the last few years, he is very dear to me.

  8. Interesting results when I match my chart with husband and ex.
    Husband and I have 4 exact matches, yet another 13 if I allow 1 degree difference.
    My ex and I have 7 exact matches and only 2 more if I allow 1 degree of difference.

    No wonder I feel so close to both of them. (ex has now departed this earth, but spent over a year after his death visiting me. On his last visit had this overwhelming feeling of him saying good bye)

  9. hey Jessica, I thought about my old ‘soul mate’ but he was plain nasty to me. he was sun cancer moon libra or scorpio. but married triple cap. more stable. fir me sun leo. TV, NSW

  10. Hi Jessica – what an interesting and fascinating post that makes me think about two soul mates (we can have more than one right?) that I am sure I have met in my life. One was in the middle of a farm yard while climbing through a fence (you mentioned meeting in a peculiar way…) who taught me much but for many reasons did not last, but the other who I think was the deepest connection and has reappeared in my life after many years, has many factors in the same sign and same degree. Not something I had ever thought to look at before so thank you for that! Hopefully we can sort it all out this time with a better outcome as it felt like something unfinished the first time around. (And yes, the settling and compromising with non-soulmates unfortunately also struck a chord.) Thanks again for all you do and the topics you cover, and a very happy birthday for the 25th. You look amazing and can’t believe you will be 60!!

    1. Thank you. It is odd how soulmates meet. My parents met on holiday when my mother was pretending to be French, with a girlfriend, and my father who could actually speak French fluently, came over and bailed them up on it. From that 1-2 minutes in the 1960’s came a long marriage, two children and a big fork in the road. I do hope it works out with your soulmate again. And thank you for the compliment.

  11. Hi Jessica

    I believe people can have one or more soulmates during one lifetime.

    I had an 9 year relatioship – some of those 9 years were spent apart due to family ties/kids and living between England and Australia In synastry: His Cancer Sun conjunct my Uranus and South Node ( the past!) in Cancer – which is an erratic combination in synastry.
    My Jupiter in Gemini was conjunct his Mars Uranus Gemini conjuction.
    My Venus in Libra was conjunct his Neptune.
    His Venus Pluto conjunction in Leo was conjuct my MC ( house based astrology) and his Jupiter in Capricorn was conjunct my North Node.
    My Mercury trine his Sun.
    My Moon trine his Saturn
    In a conventional sense it was erratic, but deep’; we eventually ended up living in different countries. I saw him 5 years later at a funeral, he was with someone else, but it didn’t last. He contacted me 6 years after that asking me to visit him in the UK, while on holiday, I didn’t feel warmly towards him and ran out of time. He died a few months later.
    7 years late on his birthdate, he was on my mind – to cut a long story short I went to a counsellor who turned out to be a medium ,she had a detailed message for me.. He said his biggest mistake was leaving me, that he was a fool etc etc and he wanted to tell me as he never got the chance when he was alive. Even asked for a hug! Lots more too, I knew on some level that he felt that, but it was still surprising to hear – our timelines weren’t quite right! Other soulmates have been a couple of friends and a little boy I used to look after as a nanny. It’s a fascinating topic


    1. Paul Fenton-Smith will have details on this in the podcast on soulmates, which we will release after the event, to subscribers at The Astrology Show, on Substack. He really is the expert. The College of Psychic Studies also offers an online workshop this December with Giancarlo Serra. The Gwyneth Paltrow website Goop has a good feature on cord-cutting.

  12. Dear Jessica, thank you! I had a look at mine and my partners birth chart. After 30 years and two kids together we are going through a horrible rough time in our relationship. The only sign and degree we got together is Cupido 4 degrees in Sagittarius. We always fancied each other, still do and we are fom from different countries. Do you by see anything else that can give me an insight to why we are in this difficult sitiation? Warm Regards L

    1. Thank you. You have Hygiea at 1 Libra in your Seventh House of marriage, divorce, common-law marriage (de facto partnership) and separation. You were born with an urge to prevent and protect, to shield and to guard, in those areas of your life. You have been with each other for 30 years and had two children. For the first time in 248 years, Pluto is at 1 Aquarius, so the most overpowering, dominating situations or people are here to make you transform the way you protect the future. Whatever you have used in the past to insure the marriage (perhaps even literally insurance for the pair of you) must alter. Once you reach December there will be a deal or bargain on the table between you.

  13. Can’t wait to see the recording as unfortunately too far to attend. I have always been fascinated by this. Maybe one day your site can have either a paid version or a way to compare and contrast charts. I have tried on different apps but find yours to be the most accurate with the correct aspects in Natural charts. That would be so great. My ex and I matched my sun his moon (cheating liar, lol) but my current we match at his Venus 04 libra with my vesta 04 libra is what I see so far and will continue to study this. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Paul Fenton-Smith is one of the most experienced professional psychics in the world and we are looking forward to his podcast for The Astrology Show on Substack too. I’ll pass on your comment about a way to compare and contrast charts, to Asporea, who run this website. I agree, it would be a great add-on for astrology readers. The Venus-Vesta conjunction with your current boyfriend needs a careful eye. Avoid any situation where you and another woman are being manipulated, even in the most subtle way, by this man. Do not compete with her. She may be his former wife; a girlfriend who died; even another female like a sister or mother in the story. You can find out more about Vesta in your flipbooks.

  14. Hi Jessica, thank you for using Sarah Ferguson’s chart as the reference. While she and Prince Andrew have not been married they have stayed together as supporters of each other. On a personal note for me Sarah and I were born same day and year and almost at the same time so we have the same Scorpio ascendant. On the day she married Prince Andrew, our house was robbed and strangely it was mostly my clothes taken. I guess there is still a lot of free will and other life lessons at play despite being born at the same date/time? I married late in life because I knew the men before then didn’t feel quite like soul mates.

    Today 18 years later I am still with my husband. As you have noted in the past his Uranus is 21 cancer, square my sun 21 Libra which makes us soul mates. We have productive arguments that lead to better outcomes so I guess that is the power of the square. What do these other common placements tell you about our soul match and prospect with this last Pluto trip back into Capricorn? He has Fortuna and MC at 29 Libra, I have Prosperina at 29 Gemini. We are in business together. How about the fact he has Salacia Capricorn, Hygeia Leo, Minerva Aries, Asc Cancer all at 6 degrees and I have Neptune in Scorpio at 6 degrees?
    As always, your kindness and prescient ability are a wonder to behold. Well done on saying July 21 would be the day Biden would step down… now for the others to find their path out of the limelight!

    1. You were born on the same day as Sarah Ferguson and your clothes were robbed when she married Prince Andrew. That date was about the external and the exterior and having that taken from you. I’m sure her clothes were ‘taken’ from her by Buckingham Palace at the same time. Congratulations on your 18th wedding anniversary. Quite agree, the squares are the productive arguments. You two are also in business together. The last hurdle about power and control is September-November with a sign off in December. And thank you for the compliments. Yes, Biden has gone, as predicted, on 21st July and this historic Full Moon.

  15. Just a follow on to my last comment, I just discovered my husband also has Mars in Cap 5, Jupiter in Cancer @ 5 and I have Pluto in Virgo at 5 degrees. I guess these common elements add a lot more to the soulmate story. Can’t believe I didn’t notice the points till your article.

  16. Hi Jessica, thank you for another great article. And congratulations on correctly predicting the timing of Mr. Biden’s exit from the race – your prediction track record continues to impress.

    My husband (DoB June 10, 1983 – chart purchased from your website) and I have so many aspects between our charts that I can’t make heads or tails of them.

    Would it be ok to ask you to please take a look and let me know which of our aspects could indicate a soulmate level connection? There seem to be multiple squares and oppositions between our charts – are these still considered soulmate indicators, or should I just focus on any conjunctions/sextiles/trines?

    Many thanks for your continued generous guidance. I’m learning so much from you.

    1. Thank you. Astrology is a reliable indicator of where we are headed. I have also been doing this for a very long time; I was just 23 when I began writing horoscopes for ELLE magazine. Your husband is indeed a soulmate and you may have been relatives in the last incarnation. Does he have a sibling? If so, the sibling may be part of the soul incarnation group. There is a misconception that soulmates live happily ever after. Sometimes the pair of you agree to reincarnate in order to overcome challenges from the past. These classically revolve around pregnancy; the children; fidelity; finance; the in-laws. Something very important for him is the end of karma surrounding pregnancy, fertility, children, young adult children – and that’s January 2025. There is closure with you then over one matter.

  17. Hi Jessica, my husband does not know his exact time of birth so I have done his chart using 12 noon, we have the following degrees the same:
    He: Moon at 23 and I have Ceres and Jupiter,
    He: Jupiter at 29 and I have Pluto,
    He: Saturn, Panacea and Psyche at 13 and I have Ops.
    He: Neptune at 17 and I have Saturn, Hygeia and Apollo.
    He: Pluto at 16 and I have Sun and Juno.
    He: Juno at 1 and I have Mars Cupido and Neptune.
    He: MC, IC, Aesculpia and Cupido at 3 and I have Aesculpia.
    He: Diana at 11 and I have Psyche and Venus.
    He: Hygeia at 28 and I have Baccus and Salacia.
    He: Proserpina at 9 and I have Minerva and Proserpina and finally he has NN/SN at 8 and I have Vulcano, MC and IC

    This is a second marriage, previously we were both married to other partners and our weddings were at the same time, same date, same year so literally while he married his ex wife I was marrying my ex husband. We seem to share quite a few degrees. xx

    1. That is quite an extraordinary line-up of aspects between you and your second husband. You also married other people at the same time. The relationship indicators in a chart include the Moon (his maternal instinct, which can exist in a man too); Psyche (immortalised relationships); Juno (who or what one weds oneself to). That’s just to name a few in these charts. With Cupido involved too, desire never ends. It can come and go but it is always there, like Cupid repeatedly hitting you or him, with a little arrow.

  18. It is so true in my case ! Yes, we met in a peculiar way, we were the couple but it was not easy so we separated.We live in different cities,have families, 40 years passed and we met only once at the funeral of our friend. But we contact quite regularly to check how we are doing. I checked and we both have: Uranus at 27 Lion, Pluto at 8 Virgo and at 26 Aquarius I have SN and he has Mars. Now everything is clear:) Thanks!

  19. I have the same birthday as you! Does the birth chart reveal if you’ve met your soulmate? I don’t have his birth details but never had this feeling from a meeting before, and haven’t been able to shake the feeling though I keep trying to date other people.

    1. You were born on the 25th of July, as I am, so have your Sun at 2 Leo. Apart from that our charts are completely different. Soulmates can only be detected when both charts are compared and what you are seeking are exact aspects involving Cancer factors (both your families), Leo factors (pregnancy or children), Libra factors (equality and legality) and Scorpio factors (will, inheritance and legacy). It is possible that the man you met, had a chart aligned with yours, yes. Paul Fenton-Smith has more detail on soulmates in his podcast, next.

  20. Hi Jessica, this is an interesting topic and I am familiar with it. Unfortunately I don’t know what time my late husband was born, but he was a Pisces, born 5 March 1945.I have a stellium in Pisces. I was always told he was my soul mate and indeed our marriage was not easy. We met 21 December 1988, married 9 December 2000 and he passed on 19 December 2006. It was a sudden death. He taught me lessons that I could have without, but of course soul mate relationships are not mean to be all love and roses. How can I avoid making a poor choice again?

    1. You can’t avoid falling in love with someone who is going to pass to spirit. I am very sorry you lost your husband so suddenly. Minerva at 8 Scorpio trine Chiron at 8 Pisces is exact in your chart. Minerva is your independent wisdom, irrespective of men and here it is in your Eighth House of inheritance, wills and legacies. Scorpio is the sign most associated with the risk of death in sexual partnership and in fact the old astrologers gave the scorpion to this constellation because these creatures can sting each other to death, or even eat each other, when mating. They had a dark sense of humour. You were born with answers to all this, in the context of finance and property, business and valuables. The trine to Chiron in the Twelfth House of spirituality, psychic ability, religion and your relationship with God (from strong to absolutely non-existent) is tied in. Chiron shows how you gallop past the boundaries and shoot past the barriers. So this pattern was well and truly triggered when your husband passed so suddenly, but it is there all your life and you will experience it in many different ways. For example, you may form a partnership in future which is very much about the house or apartment, but what it actually entails is the redrawing of two wills, out of a sensible need to be practical about the future. Have a look at Minerva. She was born full formed from her father Jupiter’s brain and is usually seen with an owl – the owl of wisdom.

  21. Hi Jessica

    Makes perfect sense and looking forward to listening to podcast as am still trying to work out why my soulmate couldn’t continue out connection.

    We share
    Uranus in Libra
    Neptune in Sag
    Chiron in Aries

    We were so perfect but he walked away silently, no explanation,. nothing.
    I shall always wait for answers even i know he cant tell me, but i d wonder what was the lesson or our purpose????

    1. I am sorry you were disappointed in love. Uranus in Libra in the Seventh House is notorious for sudden and unexpected upsets, when the new replaces the old. If you both have Uranus in Libra then it can come as a shock when the world turns upside-down, but what you are left with is freedom. It takes great insight and a certain amount of detachment to realise that, had you remained together, this man would have taken your independence away. Something or someone always has to break free with Uranus in Libra, and if there is an opposition by transit (for example, Chiron or the North Node in Aries) then it can feel as if it is you versus him or you versus the world. Later on, when Jupiter goes into Libra, you will have an opportunity not possible in 12 years to form an expansive new partnership.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    Quite unexpectedly I connected with my college mate after 23 years in November 2023, during college reunion. The connection was instant as we changed a lot after college and are now in our forties. His Sun in Libra conjuncts my Saturn in Libra in 6 degrees, my Moon
    in Scorpio conjuncts his Mercury in Scorpio at 2 degrees, and we both have Pluto in Libra in 23 degrees. Since the time we connected, which is nearly a year, we have taken 3 trips together, which has significantly progressed the relationship. We are geographically separated and have a set life with no predictability to be together. Yet we communicate most days and feel a deep bond with each other and have planned to travel together whenever we can. What is unfolding here in terms of Karma? I am a single mother and would not want to be tied legally to any man. For me, my kids are priority.


    1. You’ll find the Libra story ends in January 2025 when the South Node leaves Libra for another 19 years. The emphasis so far has been on your equality (or otherwise) on opposite ends of the scales. The Cancer story in your life is next, from the second half of 2025. Jupiter goes into Cancer for the first time in 12 years, forming conjunctions with your Cancer stellium, which is about your children, your in-laws or prospective in-laws, your house or apartment, your home town and homeland. Life opens up then. It expands and improves, on those terms.

  23. Hi Jessica,

    My ex husband ended up being rather ill with lots of surgery towards the end of our relationship. He was abusive, he now has alzheimers and is in a nursing home. I looked after him until he went in a home this year. I don’t have his birth chart and am wondering if he was my soulmate and we came back together for this completion. I will get his chart from your site so I can check for any matches.

    The man I am with now, he has 8 Sagittarius Mercury I have 8 Sagittarius psyche and he has 23 Sagittarius Vulcano and I have 23 Sagittarius Saturn. Is this man my soulmate we get on really well and I feel safe with him, I was scared of my ex husband. Maybe you could explain what these matches mean please.

    Thanks Jessica for all the time and help you give us all x

    1. You may in fact find your former husband was your soulmate. We don’t just have one though; we can incarnate to have two, three or more, depending on our soul contracts made in the spirit world, in the life between lives. Your current partner is a soulmate, correct. It may be that your ex was also your soulmate, but for different reasons (difficult reasons) too. All that Sagittarius in both charts suggests foreign countries and foreign people have a part to play.

  24. Ok. I will definitely take that under advisement. He is one of the most loyal people I have ever known so far (16 years). Leo

  25. Hi Jessica, I’ve been using the Gemini weather astrology delivery dates to focus on finally bringing together a relationship that’s been a push pull dance since 2016. The last 2 cards I pulled in the last two booking dates were the Tower and then most recently Lovers. We have so many exact degree connections I think there is a soul mate connection. I think the Tower ended up being me – back in early June I finally told him, completely out of the blue for him, how I really feel and that I’m looking for marriage or a serious LTR. I think it totally shocked him, I’ve never been that intense with him before, in fact I’ve been the more distant one really, but we seem to now be in open discussion re whether that might be possible, just not sure which way it will turn, so waiting for those final Gemini dates! His Moon is exactly conjunct my North Node, his Pluto is exactly sextile my N Node. His North Node is trine my Asc by 1 degree. His Saturn is exactly conjunct my Jupiter. His Venus is exactly trine my Cupido. His Mars is exactly opposite my Venus, and conjunct my Chiron by 1 degree. My Mars is exactly square his Sun and Uranus, and sextile his Jupiter by 1 degree. There’s even more to list – and even freakier I think he’s a soul mate to my teenage son too, though they haven’t yet met, but they have crazy conjunctions and trines within their chart as well (mirroring mine, I already know my son is my soul mate too) It’s wild. Just don’t know how it will turn out! really looking forward to the Astrology Show podcast on the subject. Thanks!

    1. Thank you. You are a Sagittarian woman who has been using the Gemini cycles to make a booking for a sexual partnership. You most recently drew The Lovers in the Tarot to show you the gateway. Well, that’s pretty obvious! You are soulmates with a number of conjunctions. This is the Long and Winding Road, to quote McCartney. In fact you have years of twists and turns together until 2032. It is quite important on this long Uranus transit of your solar Seventh House to understand that freedom, space, autonomy and independence will have their way with you. They will work their way to the surface and conventional or orthodox ways of being in partnership are irrelevant. Uranus is about the shock of the new. You already saw that with The Tower. In fact the lightning bolt on the card is indicate of Uranus, which is symbolised by sheet and forked lightning in astrology. Deep breath.

  26. WOW! Goodness this is fascinating. I hadn’t really understood this before. My partner is much younger ( 20+ years) than me but we have been together for 20 years next year. We are from very different cultures and backgrounds but connect deeply on a number of levels and have helped each other through many strange and challenging times.
    His date of birth is 11/7/81 at 6.15 pm Bangalore. We share:

    Me: Jupiter 3 Cap, Pluto 3 Virgo Him: Jupiter 3 Libra (also Saturn 4 Libra)
    Me: Venus 25 Aries Him: Mars 25 Gemini
    Me: Mars 21 Pisces, Mercury 21 Aries Him: Pluto 21 Libra, Chiron 21 Taurus
    Me: Chiron 1 Pisces Him: True Node 1 Leo
    We also have other planets one degree apart – my ascendent is 12 Sagg is is 11 Cap.

    Happy Birthday for the 25th Jessica and thanks for all your incredible insights. I’ve been following for a number of years and you never fail to blow me away with your vision and reading of life on this blue dot. Thanks for all your incredible work and for educating us all in this fine art of astrology.
    Jules x

    1. Thank you Jules, for the compliment and birthday wishes for 25th July. Your partner is a good example of a soulmate. You are very different but you have the crucial Libra tie-in (marriage, de facto relationships) and also Leo (courtship, the bedroom, any children or young in-laws). You go through the same things at the same time, both highs and lows, and it does in fact bind you more closely together.

  27. Thank you Jessica for the informative reply. As always, I learn more about myself. I hope you have a beautiful birthday on Thursday!

    1. Thank you. I am staying in Richard Sterling’s former home in the Blue Mountains and it’s a wonderful place to be.

  28. Dear Jessica,
    Hope you and Tess are having a wonderful day celebrating your Birthday. My partner is a Sun Leo 28 with Aries factors in Chiron, Cupido and Desc. I have purchased his chart so I am not sure if you can see it. He is working on his new album and in the process of preparing to contact venues for launch . As we are in Mercury retrograde is it best to hold off until Sep 11 for contacting for promotion ? I was just looking at Rachel Wells’s power hour on Twitter for Friday in relation to publicity so would it be a good time to contact venues during this power hour? Thank you Jessica. XX

    1. Thank you. Tess is with her dog-sitter and I am in the Blue Mountains but I think she may have sent me a 60th birthday card. If your partner wants to launch anything, wait until after 11th September when Mercury is out of two loops. You can beta test and trial tentative plans but firm up after the 11th when information, communication and transportation flow normally. Plan B, C and D on a power hour work.

  29. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks so much for the reply. Wishing you a lovely birthday on the 25th. x

    1. Thank you. I think my 60th birthday present today is the new cover we’ve seen for Your Birthday. There’s even a lion on the front, for Leo…

  30. Hi Jessica, I have been with my partner almost 9 years now. We are not married. I am curious if he is one of my soulmates and if we had a past deal together. And if so, is the deal fulfilled? We have a very rocky relationship currently as he has been a sober alcoholic for a steady 9 months now. He is a very angry person currently, but I am trying to stick it out with him as we have very much intertwined our lives together with a house and other materials. Any insight would be great. Here are the things I see in our charts:
    His Moon and My Mercury are at 9
    His Pluto and Mercury and my Vesta are at 15
    His Mars and My Venus are at 26
    His Saturn and Hygeia and my Apollo are at 5
    His Chiron and My Minerva & Proserpina are at 16
    His Juno, Cupido, DESC, Leo & ASC and my Fortuna and Vulcano are at 18
    His Diana, Ops & panacea and my Neptune and Salacia are at 28
    His Fortuna and my Cupido are at 4
    His Bacchus and my Chiron, Uranus and Ops are at 2
    His Salacia and my Hygeia & Panacea are at 22
    His Proserpina and my IC, Psyche, Ceres & MC are at 27
    His Vulcano & Sun and my DESC, Aesculapia, Pluto & ASC are at 23

    Thank you again Jessica!!

    1. Mars is where the anger is in a man’s chart and his Mars aspects your Venus at 26 Aries. Aries is actually ruled by Mars so this is a relationship which will flare up into arguments. You have a ton of other patterns which show you are soulmates but your Venus in Aries aspecting his Mars needs management. Understanding your own Venus in Aries is something you can do. You need an outlet as you are assertive, competitive, combative in sexual relationships. Venus herself had a lover which enraged her husband Vulcan. Again in the chart, Vulcano is Vulcan and here he is in your partner’s chart, aspecting your chart too. Never put him in a triangular situation with your ex or any other potential suitor as the heat will rise. You can make this work but it all goes back to his Mars and your Venus.

  31. Hello Jessica , this is such an interesting blog . I have always wanted someone to write about soul mates and reincarnation . i grew up in Bombay but fate had me moved to London and then in 2009 saw a group picture of a person in a friends home and I warned the person to not get me introduced or ever want to meet him . I dodged meeting him for a year at all cost and finally we met 2010 and I just cudnt stop my feelings . 10 years of struggle & then in 2019 we broke up and only in 2022 after a lot of very intense 4 years of soul searching incidents and experience and tons of intense mediation & my awakening process and one morning I got a dream of me being in Japan a young man and he a young girl and the Miyajima corridors( which I never ever heard or seen or been to Japan ) and the Momiji manju pancakes and then a micromillisecond death with bombing in Hiroshima . I have no relation with him anymore and it’s all done with . I have never dated or met anyone who are attracted they are like karmic connection and never met a soulmate yet . I hope I was in Sydney would love to have come along and intrigued to know my cards and astrology says for my soulmate in my charts . I am too nervous to even look at the topic with all the intense experience I been thru . Can you check if I have a soulmate in my astrology and it will be calming one and will be supporting my soul 🙂 thanks in advance RA

    1. The dream you had about your long-time love (on and off) involved specific Hiroshima detail. Given that the world has been through so many wars it is not uncommon to reincarnate from an emotionally devastating period like this. One of the characteristics of a soulmate in astrology is the same degree showing up in two charts. The more matched degrees you have, the more extreme things can feel. You will find Paul Fenton Smith has a podcast about soulmates for people outside Sydney, after the event this weekend. It will appear on Substack and also for Premium Members of this website, like you. It will help you clear the path for a new boyfriend. You have a huge stellium in Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom and parenthood. When Jupiter goes through Leo in 2026, 2027 you will be given the opportunity to marry and have children if you want them.

  32. Happy Birthday Jessica!!

    Does 1 degree either side of the aspects still count?

    I have many degrees bang on with husband, his sun 12 and my moon 12 for example. I have done his chart if you can see it.. either way, shall I count the degree either side?

    Thank you. I love this feature.

    1. You can use a one degree orb (one degree’s difference) when comparing charts. The Sun and Moon pairing was first spotted by Carl Jung who actually ran an experiment on couples with Sun-Moon correlation. Thank you, I’m glad you like this feature.

  33. Happy birthday Jessica!
    Compared my chart and my partner’s – every single one of his planets or asteroid I have a planet or asteroid at the same degree or one degree apart. No wonder we have a whole lot of stuff to work through.
    By the way, the recent full moon at 29 Cap was a doozie for us and I expect (as you predicted in my birthday forum) when Pluto goes back to 29 deg a whole lot will come out in the wash Forewarned etc
    Thank you as always and wishing you many many happy returns x

    1. Thank you. Many happy returns is – solar returns – so this is it. Your upcoming transit with Pluto at 29 Capricorn will be the last time for 248 years you are challenged to find your strength of mind and to keep your hands firmly on your own reins. Pluto’s gift to Proserpina, his wife, was to empower her so that she transformed from being her mother’s little girl into being his queen, and ultimately her division of time between Pluto and her mother gave her power over both. Pluto’s gift to Ceres (the mother) was to make her find so much self-control that she could put up with her daughter’s autumn and winter absence with her son-in-law. This made Ceres ever more influential. She also learned to have a more intense experience of love, we would suppose, as her time with Proserpina was limited to half the year – spring and summer. So Pluto transits require a lot when they hit your chart but you will, by rights, be a far greater force on the planet once the changes are met – with change. That’s permanent. Formidable in fact.

  34. Hi Jessica, wishing you a very happy 60th Birthday ! Thank you so much for another amazing article.. I’ve had a look at mine and my husbands chart.. we have been married for over 30 years with our fair share of ups and downs but hey still together ! This is what we have in common he has 25 Minerva in Leo to my 25 Vesta in Scorpio, 14 Cupido in Libra and 14 Aesculapia to my 14 Vulcano and his 21 Neptune in Scorpio to my 21 Diana in Scorpio. We both have a Scorpio stellium too and his is a Libra sun though I have nothing in Libra in my chart.Would you be able to explain this please .. Are we soulmates ? I do feel that we are, even though his hot temper and independence has been hard to deal with sometimes. Thank you so much for all you do .

    1. Thank you. You are soulmates. Life being full of tests is frequently what soulmates experience. The issue in the last incarnation was pregnancy, children, adoption or stepchildren. You don’t say if you are parents or not, but the square from Leo to Scorpio is all that. You would find some aspects of being parents (or not being parents) hard to square. The Scorpio link is extremely important as Scorpio rules the Eighth House of financial and sexual relationships, be it marriage and mortgage, or the last will and testament within a de facto relationship. The Eighth House in turn, and Scorpio, are ruled by Pluto, who was passionate, obsessive, empowering to his bride and in a power struggle with his mother-in-law. Pluto also ruled of the souls of the departed. Thus the connection with ‘Until death do us part’ marriage, for example. Scorpions have a promenade a deux when they mate; they can sting each other to death or eat each other. The old astrologers had a black sense of humour. The heat in the relationship comes from Vulcano, the blacksmith of Ancient Rome (Vulcan) who was cuckolded by Venus, with Mars. He is associated with volcanic depths of emotion, usually suppressed, but still felt.

  35. Thank you so much for your reply Jessica. Yes, we are parents but only after years of fertility treatments .. thankfully though, we have two children , both now young adults. Very interesting that this might have been the case in our previous incarnation together too. I was also thinking is the Cupido link what keeps our relationship going.. I remember you mentioning it to another reader ? And everything else you said rings so true, amazing. Thank you

    1. The fertility treatments are the clue, here. The last time you were together, they did not exist, and the infertility of one of you, created tremendous issues in the marriage. This time around you are back together, to try love and life without that baby barrier. Thank you, I am glad the astrology is true for you.

  36. Dear Jessica,
    For the past four decades, from what I understand, you have used astrology, to alleviate suffering.

    Many returns.
    You are the gift to the world of astrology.

    I have Venus conjunction Orcus with someone (who is a bit intense) which seems to be a lot like Pluto.

    Any thoughts on how how this plays out?

    Other aspects include this person’s Venus trine my Jupiter and sextile my Mercury.

    Again, Wishing you recognition by multiple nation’s.

    Best wishes.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I have been a professional astrologer for almost four decades; my first job with an international magazine was ELLE when I was 23 years old. Orcus is something I do not use in a chart. However you are very welcome to use the Tarot which is free on this website.

  37. Hi Jessica, wondering if this is significant at all: I’m Mars at 4 degrees Libra, my partner is Mars 3 degrees Pisces. We have been going through a challenging time of late. Thank you.

    1. Mars is the Roman god of war so he is alive and kicking in both your charts when you are together. You will fight for justice in a relationship particularly if you feel a man is being sexist. He is unconsciously aggressive so may not even realise he is sending darts your way – you being the dart board. The story here, according to the Sabian Symbols, is you ‘Teaching the true inner knowledge of the new world to your students’ and him ‘Heavy traffic linking two seaside resorts.’

    1. Most of us have soulmates, plural. Two souls agree to re-meet and it is arranged by your spirit guides who nudge you in the right direction. It is very common to find out that there were multiple ways one could have met a boyfriend, for example. Rita Rogers believes that soulmates can meet in the most unusual, peculiar circumstances – because spirit has to move heaven and earth to get people together. Some people have one soulmate. Many of us have several. Jaana, you have that Cancer/Scorpio combination in your chart from the Fourth House of property to the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, which suggests that an opportunity to get together with one soulmate will appear as Jupiter transits Cancer, 2025 to 2026.

  38. Thank you for such a fascinating article. Made me think of an old crush, and lo and behold we have 12 matches, among them 8 Cupido libra and my venus in virgo, 9 venus cancer and uranus in scorpio. 6 chiron cancer and my sun in libra, 5 juno in virgo and jupiter in cancer, 11 neptune can/ psyche libra and libra moon and mc libra at 3 as well as his sun at 21 gem/ mercury virgo. But with so many, whats the key story, not sure where to start? Thank you for all you do!

    1. Thank you. Cupido (Cupid) produces intense longing and of course Libra rules marriage – the desire to marry someone. Venus is the mother of Cupid and is ‘the mother of all longing’ as a result. Scorpio is sexual and financial relationships. No wonder you had such a crush. Soulmates can meet at the wrong time, wrong place and never get together. That also happens. They can be married to other people, for example. The key story at any point in your life will be the transit of a slow-moving outer planet like Jupiter, or a slow-moving North Node or South Node, across those signs and degrees. You might also want to look at the Sabian Symbols for those degrees and signs to see the story. Lynda Hill is the expert on this.

  39. Jessica – you have a true gift to convey the depth and wisdom of these ancient and timeless myths. Thank you!

  40. Thank you for this interesting article, Jessica. I will be traveling to see my mother during the talk, but I will listen to the replay.

    My husband and I have been married for
    13 years with 2 children. Both second marriages, but I wanted children. He is a good man, provider, and father, but the relationship is growing weaker/more difficult. Wondering how to see our charts together and if this is a karmic relationship only or if we are soulmates as well. Thank you.

    1. You can pick up his chart by ordering from the Family and Friends option on this website. Look at anything with the same degree, particularly in your case – 11 Libra or 22 Leo. If he has anything at 11 or 22 it aspects the marriage and children zones of your chart so you are in this together and agreed to incarnate together, too. There is more, but start with that.

  41. Hi Jessica and Happy birthday.
    I am a woman in my 60:s and wondering if their is a soulmate fore me in the future?

    Thanks for all info about astrology.

    1. Thank you. I was once taught screenwriting by Alan Plater who was then quite a lot older than you are now – and had just met his soulmate. He was madly in love. Cycles in Cancer (Fourth House), Leo (Fifth House), Libra (Seventh House) and Scorpio (Eighth House) set these things up and if you have a stellium in any of them, you have an important relationship story ahead. You have a huge Scorpio stellium and I would expect Jupiter transiting Scorpio in the years ahead to deliver a sexual and financial partnership opportunity which may well be the biggest and best, in terms of the home and the finances, the valuables and the intimate bond.

  42. This is so interesting reflecting back at the past, and looking at where I am now! I met my husband some years ago in a nightclub (of all places) when transiting Jupiter was conjunct the sun in my personal chart – he just stood out. We have 6 planets exactly conjunct and another 6 that are 1 degree apart.

    1. Thank you. Your two horoscopes were timed to be triggered when you met. I’ve heard some good meeting stories over the years. Just incredible to think a few minutes would have meant all the difference. Perfectly expressed by Jarvis Cocker in the Pulp song, Something Changed.

  43. Thank you Jessica for yesterday at Bondi…and please thank Paul and Alicia. It was a fun and interesting day and learnt lots.

  44. Hi Jessica,

    Another incredible entry as always. Synastry is something that fascinates me most about astrology, as I’m a firm believer in reincarnation, soul lessons, and all that comes with it. I met my partner last October on a dating site, and I popped up in her list of matches even though I was well outside her search radius. (The universe really did have a plan for us.) We have 10 exact aspects which I’m astonished by, since I never once thought I would be compatible with a Capricorn. We balance one another out, and time flies when we’re together. There’s a feeling of home with her, and I couldn’t be happier. It took a long time to get here, and I just wanted to share with anyone still waiting for their soulmate. Anyhow, thank you for all you do!

    1. Thank you so much. Your real-world astrology experience also confirms what happens when two horoscopes line up.

  45. What an amazing day at Bondi Jessica.
    Paul was engaging and so generous in gifting us with an autographed copy his book “Finding Your Soul Mate”. We were all so captivated by his presentation and audience participation.

    Absolutely Fabulous!!

    I am so grateful to you for your continued generosity and to Alicia for her tireless work in making it all happen in the background and on the day.
    Thank You
    Linda x

  46. Hi Jessica what is this man that works with me going to be to me if anything? Born in Ireland March 26 1980? Thank you for any feedback. We work together and he is going through divorce process. I don’t know why is he divorcing he has two children boy and girl…

    1. Aries men are in the Libra South Node cycle when divorce, bereavement or basic separation is quite common. Even new relationships for an Aries man on this transit can fail. If so, it would be by January 2025 at the very latest when the South Node is out of Libra. This is an historic cycle not possible more than once in 18-19 years. If you wanted to begin a relationship with an Aries man you would be wise enough to wait until the loop or circuit has finished, in January next year. He will have karma with his previous partner to deal with, as what was said or done, 18-19 years ago, comes back. If he was unfaithful, for example, he will now be with a new woman (who you may not even know about) who is also unfaithful by nature. She may have committed adultery in her own marriage for example, or be prepared to cheat on him next. Women don’t leave men with two children without a very, very good reason. Be aware.

  47. Hi Jessica, I am reading with interest about soulmates and incarnations. In 2014 there were upheavals in my life after a lifelong era ended at the beginning of 2012 and I was looking for a new meaning in life. I met what feels like a soulmate in 2014 and since then we have been together as just that, soulmates even though I was born in 1962 and my soulmate in 1994. We are both Libra. I have a strong spiritual connection, as did my mother and her mother. I believe that I am in my last incarnation, or one of the last and that my soulmate and I have had relationships several times. I was born at 13.05 in Oslo on October 17, 1962. My sister born in 1948 died in 1979. I have been wondering if it could be her or if we were last together in the 1940s-1950s. Can you see any of the astrology?

    1. This may be your sister, or part of a soul group, including your sister. A sense of instant familiarity or knowing is a sign that you have met your soulmate. He or she opens the front door and there is an immediate sensation of ‘rightness.’ The strong, strong magnetic pull that one feels, even after many years is also a sure sign.

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