New Moon in Cancer – July 2024

How does the New Moon in Cancer in July 2024 affect your astrology chart?

The New Moon in Cancer – July 2024

The New Moon falls on Saturday 6th of July at around 9.00am in Sydney and Melbourne. In London, that’s Saturday 6th of July around Midnight. In Paris, Saturday 1.00am. In New York, Friday 5th of July at 7.00pm and in Los Angeles, at 4.00pm, same day. In Singapore? Saturday 6th of July at 7.00am in time for breakfast. (Main Image: Rawpixel).

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What Your Sun Sign Chart Shows

Before I look at your birth chart (natal chart) for specifics, what does the general weather show? We are now in Cancer season. What does that mean for your sign?

There are two stories here. One is in the horoscope sector ruled by Cancer in your solar chart. The other is the horoscope sector ruled by Aquarius.

That’s because the Sun and Moon at 14 Cancer are exactly aspected by Ops at 14 Aquarius as this New Moon unfolds. Most astrologers don’t use Ops so you won’t hear about her, but she is an important asteroid.

She is Saturn’s wife and Jupiter’s mother. So what does this rare pattern show?

Aries – The new beginning with your house, apartment, family, household, home town and/or homeland is here.

This weekend will see a lot of property transactions begin and many real-estate deals will start or finish. There may be reshuffles with tenants, flatmates, live-in partners, relatives. At the same time there is a solid solution involving friends or groups.

A really practical, firm, sweeping answer to what is an issue with (or for) your social life, clubs, teams, networks and circles.

Taurus – Basically, this is a fresh start with siblings, cousins and neighbours. A brother or sister may write a new chapter with you this weekend of Saturday 6th July. This is also about the internet, the media and your way with words, images and ideas.

The quite unusual aspect to the success zone of your chart suggests that you will be shown a reliable and non-negotiable answer for a matter that needs solving with your career, academic career or unpaid work. These stories may be connected.

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Gemini – This is a new beginning with business, finance, property, charity and/or valuables.

The New Moon in Cancer precedes the lucrative Jupiter in Cancer transit which begins on June 10th 2025, so if your plans involve ‘a year from now’ that’s on the money.

Literally, as you will save or make a small fortune from June 10th 2025 until June 30th 2026.

Even if you are not thinking that far ahead, there is a green light now. Also – a big solution for/through/with foreigners and foreign countries.

Cancer – A relaunch works in stages now, so you may begin weight loss with a view to a new wardrobe from June 10th 2025, or start pursuing a project with your name attached (like a book or website) which would relaunch you near your birthday in 2025.

That’s because Jupiter will follow this New Moon in Cancer, June 10th next year until June 30th 2026. Cosmetic surgery which takes about a year to really show, would be similar, or surgery which needs booking ahead. The aspect to the finance, business, property and banking zone of your chart also suggests a twist with your career here.

Leo – This New Moon falls in your zone of religion, Tarot, therapy, spirituality, hypnosis, self-help, counselling, mediumship and the inner life, including dreams. Nobody will see or know what is going on with your fresh start unless they are a confidante.

The quincunx to Ops suggests a duet or duel is either directly involved, or a side story. Your partnership, pair, couple can be professional or sexual. The conflict can be professional or personal. Ops is the problem-solver. She fixed Saturn and basically created Jupiter. Ops aligned to the New Moon is showing you the mother of all grand solutions.

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Virgo – New friends, new versions of the old friends, new groups and new versions of the old groups are here. Does it augur well? Yes. Long-term, Virgo, who or what begins now, socially, will vindicate your trust in people power in 2025 and 2026.

In fact, people power will take you a very long way, as you will collectively achieve what you could never do alone or even in a couple.

The aspect to Ops in Aquarius in your sector of health, wellbeing, fitness, mental health, work, unpaid work and study suggests a really thumping solution here. So, for example, you may join a running club to get fit then find out you win a marathon together. The story may be quite separate, too.

Libra – Here we have the kind of New Moon that anticipates promotion, a big hit, a prestigious new title, a very successful project, acceptance into a sought-after college or university, a good degree and so on. When? Next year and also 2026 .What you start now has a good end point.

Of course you can just play this New Moon short-term, but as it falls in your sector of success, ambition, position, status and mission why not use it for something bigger? There is also an angle to your sector of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. There is a serious answer here. And a good one. The two stories may be separated (you work with your daughter on a film due out next year) or quite separate.

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Scorpio – This New Moon is in your sector of foreigners and foreign countries. This often involves academia, publishing and naturally, the worldwide web. Here you have a green light like no other in recent memory. Why? Because it leads you to something bigger and better from the second half of 2025 until the first half of 2026. It foreshadows Jupiter in Cancer. So you may apply to emigrate now and succeed next year, landing the year after. It’s on that level.

The angle to Ops in Aquarius is exact and I’ve spoken about emigrating because it involves your sector of property, home town, homeland and family. Of course not every Scorpio is going to up sticks, but there is a really encouraging solution here with your house, apartment, relatives and sense of place. It’s not just an attempt at an answer. It’s an answer that is going to delivery in a full, satisfying way. Thinking laterally, you could open up Air BnB in your spare room to foreign visitors.

Sagittarius – Cancer rules joint finance, possessions and property in your chart so you may inherit, marry a richer person or reach the start of a separation where you can gain financially by selling the house, for example. You may also hear of the change in a will naming you, or reach some other optimistic fresh start. This is the Eighth House of your solar chart and it’s about sex, death and money to put it crudely. There would be a vast pay-off in 2025, 2026 thanks to Jupiter in Cancer. I suspect this will be about a house, apartment, real-estate investment, land and perhaps a relative.

The angle to Aquarius does indeed suggest a brother, sister, cousin, neighbour is in the story. This is where you will see Ops at work. She is indefatigable. There is a solid long-term solution shaping up.

Capricorn – This New Moon is about your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or wife. It is the green light ahead of a new journey. That journey will take you to bigger and better places in 2025, 2026. Do not underestimate a date this weekend. If you are unhappy with a partnership then a separation or divorce is in the air now. Perhaps, successful counselling. It depends on your natal chart.

This Seventh House New Moon is also about professional partners or platonic partners. So the person you share credits with on a project or a friend you share a house with, but don’t sleep with. Again, expect a green light. Later on you will realise how right you were, to take it.

The angle to Aquarius is about solutions for money, possessions, houses, apartments, business and charity. This rather suggests a moment whose time has come.

Aquarius – The New Moon in Cancer falls in your Sixth House of wellbeing, mental health, fitness, food, drink, doctors, surgeons, alternative medicine, housework, the daily routine, dogs and cats, unpaid work, paid work and your sense of duty to others. Many Aquarians will apply for a new job this weekend or begin membership of (say) a gym or swimming pool. It’s personal to you.

The angle to Ops in Aquarius in your own sign does suggest your reputation, appearance is offering up quite incredible solutions. So you may kill three birds with one stone; take a new job with discounted health centre membership and reshape your body. It’s on that level.

Pisces – The New Moon falls in your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. Your daughter may announce she is pregnant. You may have a one-night stand. You could decide to end a relationship and put yourself out there online as single.

This outcome is intensely personal and so depends on your natal chart, but what you begin now with dating, mating, relating and particularly the world of children and young adults (even en masse, as a teacher) is important. It leads you to next year and the year after, with huge opportunities.

Ops in Aquarius is one sign behind you and proves to you how much will be fixed, and on what a grand scale, with religion, Tarot, mediums, spirituality, self-help, therapy, counselling and the like. This may be connected to the first matter or quite separate from it.

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Your Personal Birth Chart

How does this New Moon chime with your natal chart? It falls with the Sun at 14 Cancer 23 and Moon at 14 Cancer 23. If you have anything at 14 degrees (the minutes don’t matter) then you will find a new beginning made by other people, strongly affects you.

The ‘what’ of the matter depends on what you have at 14 degrees and I am happy to take comments on that. I can’t answer every question (there are 15,756 on the list today) but I will do my best.

You can also DIY astrology by using your library as a Premium Member.

Asking the Tarot

You can also ask the Tarot on my website, ‘How will this New Moon affect me most, in 2024?’ Big question but the Tarot will tell you.

If You Have a Cancer Stellium

If you have a Cancer stellium (four, five, six or more factors in Cancer) then you could easily sell your apartment; buy a home; begin extensive renovations; rent out your home for Air BnB.

Cancer rules more than the bricks and mortar though. It also rules your extended family. The nuclear family you were born into, but also the sense of kinship with your godparents’ clan, for example, or your own godchildren. Here too there will be a new beginning if you have a Cancer stellium.

Your home town and homeland also calls strongly with a Cancer stellium. What happens on this New Moon is a green light for the future. You may emigrate back, relocate homeward or just spend a long trip to your birthplace in 2025, 2026 as a result of this New Moon.


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Global Predictions in July 2024

What we will see happen near July 5th 2024 is the beginning of a building and property boom in 2025 and 2026. This New Moon in Cancer foreshadows Jupiter in Cancer, which rules real estate. Jupiter is always a boom. In fact he is always pictured with a thunderbolt in Rome, where modern astrology comes from.

You will also see the future boom in patriotism, history, heritage, ancestors and culture begin near July 5th 2024. Cancer rules your home town and homeland.

There is another big trend here which suggests a push back against immigration, worldwide. That is the quite radical Uranus in Gemini transit which begins next year. Uranus is a revolution. Gemini is neighbours. There will be a revolution with the neighbours in Europe in particular and ultimately the end of the Schengen Area with borders radically changed.

This is likely to pull in even countries which have escaped the EU, like Great Britain, as her neighbour is France.

Cancer rules ‘My country, myself’ and Gemini rules ‘My neighbours’ so this is basic astrology 101. Watch what happens near that New Moon. America and Canada too.


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41 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    Hope you are doing well. It’s quite interesting to notice here in Europe, especially in Spain, more and more people are protesting against the mass tourism & Airb&b right now. The consequences of this mass tourism in a lot of cities are that there no longer is affordable houses as people prefer to rent out their houses to tourists and also expats. I find you can often start noticing new major transits a few months before they are happening. Like a pre-shadow of sorts. As for myself I have my natal Saturn at 13 degrees Cancer and it’s a planet I always fear a bit. How will I be affected with this particular planet? Many thanks and have a great day!

    1. Mass tourism and the Air BnB takeover of the property market is a worldwide issue; the generations born with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Sagittarius (foreign tourism) are driving it, and the transit of Pluto in Sagittarius (it only ended in 2008) permanently transformed the worldwide travel landscape. Now, you will see Jupiter in Gemini oppose those generations/that set-up so there will be a beneficial new focus on local people and their needs. From next year it becomes a revolution as Uranus goes into Gemini and then firmly established in the late 2020’s and beyond 2030. Governments are changing; politicians are changing; expect a long revolution ahead.

  2. Hi Jessica, many thanks for another great post! If you can see my comments, I would love to hear your thoughts. I have my MC @ 14 degrees Cancer. I have just been informed that my corporate landlord is going to drastically increase my rent and change some conditions of my lease as of 1 January 2025 hence I need to find a new place. I won’t be able to look before September as I will be staying at my dad’s in another city this summer. Also I am going to start learning about healing (i.e. reiki etc…) in July for a plan to change career. Many thanks. Greetings from France!

    1. Bonjour. The New Moon will be in a conjunction with your MC or Midheaven in Cancer in the Fourth House of home, home town, homeland and property. This goes beyond staying in another city this summer, or seeing France go to the polls (though both are a part of what is going on). It’s also about a new phase in your relationship with your father. The Reiki course isn’t related at all, but your peak achievements in life (MC) are very much about where you come from and where you live and your family tree. That is now about to show itself with a fresh chapter, in days.

  3. Good day Jessica. Feeling excited about this new moon. I am planning to start a property search however concerned about home prices and interest rates. I have Fortuna Saturn and Uranus at 14 degrees with Pluto at 15. Could you tell me when my timing would be right to move forward? Or would this new moon have an impact in other areas? Thank you Jessica!

    1. The New Moon is a nod to the second half of next year.That’s when Jupiter goes into Cancer. The New Moon in Cancer, of itself, is not going to do much in terms of your desire to buy a home There is nothing in Taurus (your money) Cancer (the housing market) or Scorpio (joint finance) being triggered now. What the New Moon will do is trine Uranus at 14 Virgo in your Sixth House of daily routine, health, mental health, fitness, housework, all unpaid work, your job, any academic work. There is a part of you which rejects aspects of this on a regular basis; whenever you do that, sudden and quite unexpected events come from nowhere and there is a brand new beginning, usually with a ton more freedom for you and others. You will have had trines to Uranus all your life so are probably familiar with the process.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    Great article as always, I have Minerva at 14 Cancer and Fortuna at 14 Capricorn, would you mind to tell me what is the matter brought by this new moon? is it related with my apartment already listed out for rental, but nothing happened though. Waiting for your insight with fully thanks.


    1. Thank you. Yes, the New Moon brings a new chapter with your apartment, Maia. Minerva in Cancer is your wisdom regarding real estate; Minerva is a symbol of deep feminine insight and knowledge. She is usually seen with an owl. The opposition to Fortuna in Capricorn won’t be triggered by this particular New Moon. You are fortunate in having Jupiter with all his reputation for luck in your Eighth House of joint finance and property, in Scorpio.

  5. Hi Jessica; Happy July!

    The only thing I have at 14 degrees is Chiron in Pisces, but I also have several factors at 13 and 15 degrees, including Ops at 13 Cancer. I also have a Cancer stellium. I am making long-term plans to improve my health and appearance, start a professional project that may take about a year to complete, and paint and side our home. Longer-term, my husband and I, who live in the UnitStates, are discussing changing our lifestyle so that we spend part of the year in a South American country that we have visited frequently, love, and have some relatives (he is a dual citizen). We are trying to decide if it would be better to rent or buy there. Despite anxiety surrounding the election, I am excited about making a fresh start! Does anything particular stand out for the future when you look at my chart? Thank you!

    1. You are lucky to have your Cancer stellium as this New Moon will be just one degree away from a conjunction with Ops. You are a problem solver when it comes to your real-estate, family, home town and homeland and have a lifetime pattern of being able to fix anything, with your optimism, no matter how challenging. You are painting your home which is typical. You want to live part of the year in South America and spend time with his family. Do you rent or buy? Your chances are actually much higher later as Jupiter with all his growth, expansion, opportunity and sweeping solutions enters Cancer in the second half of 2025 and will be there in the first half of 2026. This is purely on the level of real-estate and family. As a Cancerian with 11-29 degree factors in Cancer this looks irresistible and the financial decisions seem set to come in December, January and February next year. Your own card reading with the Smith Waite Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle can help you make more personal choices about renting or buying but I dare say your husband’s family will be immensely helpful next year.

  6. Thanks for this blog Jessica! I’m a Sun Cancer woman with Juno at 14 Cancer in the first house and Mars at 14 Taurus my 11th house. I also have Bacchus at 13 Aquarius and my AC at 15 Aquarius in my 8th house, and Panacea at 15 Aries in my 10th house. On top of this I have Cancer, Taurus, Aquarius and Aries stelliums plus Ops at 15 Scorpio. I’m ready for a career change and have been waiting for a job I’m interested in to be advertised. (There have been delays.) I feel there’ll be momentous changes shortly so gave myself a three way reading. I got AC in the 10th house, strategies v speed, and the 8 swords. I think I need to bide my time in my current (frustrating) role and then this positive career change will happen when the time is right. Can you please share your insights? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. The AC or Ascendant in the Tenth House talks about your photograph, any YouTube clips, your Linked In portrait (for example) and all packaging matters relating to your career, unpaid work or academic career. Strategies versus Speed suggests slowing down with this and coming up with a game plan. The Eight of Swords is you, as you are a woman, temporarily tied up and unable to move. The cards are all in agreement that you need to plot and plan a way out of your current job. When we go to your solar chart you are a Sun Cancer woman who indeed has Chiron and the North Node both going through her Tenth House of professional life. They are both transiting in Aries. In your natal chart, you have the Moon at 18 Capricorn, again in your Tenth House of position and mission. Your desire to get to the top, be with the top people, and go higher is shown in the Tarot as you can see your next work place is perched on top of a mountain. Capricorn the goat climbs. Yet you cannot put a foot wrong, so this is where the strategy comes in. The New Moon in Cancer itself is not really your timing here; transits to your natal Moon at 18 Capricorn are the key and both Jupiter at 18 Gemini and Saturn at 18 Pisces pass in August 2024.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    Another fascinating article! I typically read them multiple times as I’m learning and pick up something new each time.
    I have a Capricorn stellium, Cancer factors as well as Mercury at 14 Aquarius.
    MC @ 21 Capricorn
    IC @ 21 Cancer
    Proserpina @ 23 Cancer
    Sun @ 25 Capricorn
    Ops @ 28 Capricorn
    Ceres @ 4 Capricorn
    Psyche @ 5 Capricorn
    Salacia @ 26 Capricorn
    Mercury @ 14 Aquarius
    How is my birth chart affected by the upcoming new moon in Cancer and Capricorn full moon?
    Many, many thanks!

    1. The most important aspects are always exact and you have Mercury at 14 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. You are the go-to person online with your old and new friends, as well as informal circles (like Substack or X-Twitter) and more formal networks (clubs, teams, bands and so on). The New Moon will be quincunx your natal Mercury and in a few weeks, transiting Jupiter at 14 Gemini will be trine natal Mercury. In September and October transiting Saturn will be at 14 Pisces, semi-sextile natal Mercury. There are opportunities and also new restrictions here, which typically occurs when someone accepts a new role with a group of allies and pals, be it secretary for the local political party or a drummer in a band. You are also a Sun Capricorn who will experience Scorpio Season in her Eleventh House (same thing) as you go into September, October 2024 so that is your timing. You were probably aware of Mercury in Aquarius as a child and were Snoopy typing on top of the kennel while the gang played around you – or just had a lot of speech balloons with your Lucy, Charlie Brown and so on. Well it’s back…a school reunion where you volunteer to help is another classic example.

  8. Hello Jessica, Sun Cancer here! Thank you so much for this cheerful news for Cancerians after such long hard years with Saturn and Pluto. I really appreciated the link to your 2021 Cancer Factors article too, it’s also been helpful and enlightening in equal measures.

    I have a stellium in Cancer and quite a few “hits” around 14 degrees: Jupiter 14° Cancer, Juno 12°59 Gemini, Vesta 14° Leo conj. DSC, Minerva 15 Virgo, ASC 13 Aquarius.

    I would love to hear your suggestions re. how I can make the best of Jupiter and Ops’ luck. I’m not really interested in changing my appearance, but I have been redefining my understanding of my “self” for some time – is that also a 1st house issue? My long term goal is to have a successful business and be able to afford my own home with garden again. At the moment I am still very far from this but remaining confident that I will get there eventually.

    With heartfelt thanks for your generous help 🙂

    1. Thank you. I’m glad the previous features were useful. This New Moon will pick up your home (Jupiter in Cancer) and its future, no matter if you renovate or decide to end the lease/sell and go somewhere bigger and better in the second half of 2025, first half of 2026. This tallies with Juno in Gemini (neighbouring places, neighbours, commitment to the same) and also Minerva in Virgo (lifestyle). Watch for clues and leads near the New Moon as you could easily find what you are looking for – the right direction to take – with what looks like relocation later next year or in early 2026.

  9. Hi Jessica
    I’m curious how this new moon will affect me. I am a sun Cancer with 14 degree factors in Libra and Leo in my birthchart.
    Thank you so much!

    1. New light will be shed on your partner or ex partner, with a big focus on your children, or the children which never came to pass. Sometimes it’s stepchildren. Expect a green light.

  10. Hi, I’m sure you’re snowed under due to how popular you are but I’d love a bit of guidance as to whether we stay in New Zealand or emigrate to Australia.

    My Aquarian eldest son, who has two adorable young children, is considering (really considering) divorcing his Gemini wife. I’ve been following your blogs and have discovered this is spot on! He has a successful career but this will mean staying in NZ. He’ll no doubt require support from us.

    However, my youngest son has already moved to Australia and has really embraced the experience. His Cancer Sun, Moon and Venus means he’s moving into his new home on July 5th! Wonderful confirmation he’s on track.

    My Pisces middle son, is planning on selling the 3 businesses we co-own, that got hammered in Covid lockdowns and moving across the ditch, too!

    I’d love a bit of insight if you have time to consider as my Libra Sun is torn but feel my Cancer partner (and their Dad), will make the final decision.

    Cheers x

    1. Thank you. Your Aquarian son wants a divorce in New Zealand and there are children. Your Cancer son is in Australia. Your Pisces son wants to move to Australia as well. So do you stay or go? Start with your solar chart. You are a Sun Libra woman who is in the best possible position in 12 years to emigrate as Jupiter (opportunities, growth, optimism, solutions, expansion) is in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries until June 2025. We also find Pluto with his huge transformation going through your Fifth House of children and grandchildren, then back to your Fourth House of property and family, then again back into your Fifth House in 2025 and beyond, for about 20 years. In the mid 2020’s Uranus with all his radical changes goes into Gemini and again, your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries so this looks like quite revolutionary new directions with travel and emigration, far beyond 2030. In your natal chart, Ceres and Ops at 2 and 12 Cancer and a huge Leo stellium show your Fourth House and Fifth House of home, family, property, children and grandchildren are set to expand in the same time-frame, as Jupiter goes into Cancer in the second half of 2025 and then into Leo from 2026. So you could stay in New Zealand and experience all this with regular trips backwards and forwards or take the plunge and head for Australia. Whichever you do works out for you and it does rather look as if another grandchild, or grandchildren plural is on the way – perhaps even stepgrandchildren if your Aquarian son finds a new partner.

  11. Hi Jessica.
    I have IC at 14 in Taurus and MC at 14 in Scorpio.
    Not quite sure how to interpret IC and MC.
    I would appreciate your insights. Thank you!

    1. The IC or Immum Coeli and MC or Midheaven are both dependent on an accurate birth time, so when the umbilical cord is cut. If you have that, then the New Moon will be sextile your IC and trine your MC. Your IC is where you come from; your roots, heritage, history, ancestors and home town, homeland and family tree. It’s what grounds you and holds you. The sign of the IC always tells you what/where you come from, thematically. In Taurus, there is a pattern here about money, property, charity, possessions and business showing up with one or more generations, so your grandfather may have volunteered for The Red Cross, say, or your people have always been married to the business. The MC is about your highest achievements and peak accomplishments and ambitions in life. In Scorpio, this is about financial and sexual relationships (typically marriage and mortgage) and family agreements about property, valuables, business, charity, money. So there’s a bit of a loop here. You often see Taurus-Scorpio angles (the IC and MC are angles) when someone has quite a big family story about inheritance; the death of a spouse; a family business – and it can be on either or both sides of the tree. What this New Moon will do is remind you about where you come from and where you are headed.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    This is a bit of a desperate plea – I know this is about the new moon, but the full moon in Capricorn lights up the 29 degree of Mars in my chart and I am terrified as June had me stretched to the max spiritually and I am going through a difficult separation while cohabitating and coparenting alongside a scorpio-unpredictable person.

    July sounds so cryptic and I know whatever is meant to happen will happen – but is there anything in my chart to mitigate that 29 degree of Mars squaring Pluto on that full moon. Thank you for being so compassionate in the monthly horoscope, I felt deeply the kindness of your words, there is so much depth in your writing – and as I type this, I am thinking of a meditation you once taught in one of your gatherings where you said to feel green (something) coming through our feet. I am going to practice that right now indeed.

    Thank you and beyond.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. You are breaking up with a Scorpio and have a child. Uranus at 28 Scorpio and Mars at 29 Capricorn are both under transit from the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn and eventually, Pluto at 29 Capricorn. No need to be terrified. You are quite naturally drawn to financial and sexual relationships (Scorpio) which often involve an apartment or house (Eighth House) and regular upheaval (Uranus in Scorpio in the Eighth House). Whenever radical change occurs it sets you and everybody else free (Uranus) and independence alters everything. You also find your ability to attack and defend (Mars) is triggered at the same time, usually at work (Capricorn) but sometimes with issues about your status (Mars in Capricorn in the Tenth House). Again this has happened all your life at recurring intervals. The Full Moon will emphasise the differences in the situation to you. It is possible the other person/your child also has factors at 29 degrees. Ask the Smith Waite Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle on my website to describe the most important issues about that Full Moon, as within all three cards there will be answers and advice. Moving on to Pluto at 29 Capricorn in September-November and Ceres at 29 Capricorn in the first week of December, you can expect the usual issues about power and control and how the reins are to be managed, in terms of your career, status, academic career, unpaid work – and your finances. This is the last time in 248 years you ever have to sort this out and you will. Pluto was at 29 Capricorn in December 2023, January 2024 so you’ve already experienced this. It happened near Christmas and Thanksgiving. As you were born with a Mars-Uranus sextile it is important to have an outlet for your considerable energy, particularly as you go past the Full Moon and this Pluto and Ceres transit. Some people use sport, others head for the great outdoors, some for the yoga mat or the gym. Mars is about action. It may also be useful for you to chat to a professional about the legal terms of the separation and how to manage an independent future. The great gift of Uranus, under transit, is to offer you room to move; space; all possibilities and you will see this financially, with your possessions and any house or apartment. Have a look at the cards and follow the steps.

  13. Hello Jessica-
    My chart also has numerous 14 placements; Mercury 14 Leo, Diana 14 Libra , Juno 14 Aquarius , and have Cancer stellium, and other very close placements to 14:
    Saturn, Ops , as mentioned Uranus 16, Venus , Aesculapia and Minerva of which I wonder if those close degrees play a role also right now?? I am feeling so much energy and a bit freaked out as I chose the Death card yesterday and the Sun today, of which I could resonate with both. I need so much more training , but everything you’ve advised has been right on. I need focus on where to put my energy as I think it is spiritual of some nature. I know you have thousands of questions, and thank you for all your hard work to respond to so many.
    Best to you,

    1. Vikki, not sure why you are choosing Tarot cards ‘just for the day’ with no question. Follow the steps; you will need to ensure you are reading the present correctly, then look at the future – with a deadline date and specific question. Ground and focus then proceed.

  14. Hi Jessica! I really love your analysis and predictions and look forward to reading everything you write! I have my ascendant at 14 degrees Cancer and my Uranus in Sag opposing it at 14 degrees. Any thoughts on what’s to come? Thanks in advance!

    1. The ascendant is often wrong as the birth time has to be accurate, so I tend to skip that, especially if I can’t see a chart. If you were born with Uranus at 14 Sagittarius then the New Moon will be quincunx Uranus. This is a new beginning for other people/countries/large organisations regarding their nationality, citizenship, patriotism, housing market, heritage, culture and history. It will affect your plans to travel or emigrate, deal with foreigners, engage fully with the worldwide web abroad – and there will be passing upheaval.

  15. Hi Jessica, thanks for the article. My sun is 14 Aries – how will I be affected by the new moon? I pulled a tarot card, as per your instructions above, and got the Tower! ‘Yikes!’ was my immediate reaction. I am still house hunting and was wondering how Jupiter in Cancer will affect my search. Unfortunately, I live in a city in New Zealand where landslides and earthquakes are frequent due to climate change and fault lines respectively. This makes finding a suitable property very difficult. Furthermore, rampant inequality and the cost of living here has made me ponder moving overseas. Should I consider this? Thanks for your help.

    1. The Tower shows the choice to walk away and start again, or go back and rebuild. You asked how the New Moon would affect you and the Tarot has mirrored your birth chart. Cupido at 14 Capricorn is square your Sun at 14 Aries. The New Moon at 14 Cancer creates what is known as a T-Square, from your sector of career (Capricorn) to your sector of identity and image (Aries) to your sector of home and property (Cancer). A T-square is usually the tension before the decision, so ongoing, you will have to sort out if you think your old life is worth shoring up, restoring and hanging onto – or if you want to start with a blank canvas. Only you know the answer to that one. You are already pondering moving abroad. The second half of 2025 and first half of 2026 is fantastic if you want to emigrate – Jupiter with all his opportunities, growth, solution and expansion is then in your sector of home and property.

  16. Hello Jessica, I asked the Tarot how the new moon will affect me the most in 2024 and drew Justice.
    I am in the midst of a messy situation with a husband who cheated, which led me to asking for a divorce a couple of months ago. My husband wants to stay married and now that I am over the worst of the emotional shock, I am no longer sure if we can afford to or even should split up straightaway. With a child and very steep house prices it may make more sense to wait a couple of years until the chick has flown the nest and decisions are made with less emotion, so I am keeping an open mind and hope that we can both find a compromise for our situation to help us through the coming years. In the long term, however, I am struggling with the idea of rebuilding and recommitting fully to the relationship. I feel the ratio of giving and taking is out of kilter and cannot be rebalanced.
    I am also getting itchy feet. As a foreigner, I can see myself moving back home to my family in Europe or even a more sunny location. My in-laws, who I like a lot, are upset and worried about the current situation. Over the new moon, my sister-in-law will visit and she hopes to mediate a reconciliation. Overall, I am amazed how much your writing on the new moon chimes with my situation and my cancer stellium. The Justice card obviously refers to my current marital situation and the imbalance, but could it possibly speak to 11 Pluto in Libra and 11 Saturn in Leo in my natal chart? Any thoughts on this and beyond? Many, many thanks!

    1. The Tarot has spoken and you drew Justice as your card for this New Moon in Cancer. You are divorcing an adulterer. You are also wondering if you should live with him and your child for two more years. These are big questions. Your sister-in-law wants you two to get back together. The Justice card does in fact talk to you about Pluto at 11 Libra in your chart, sextile Saturn at 11 Leo. Libra of course is the scales of justice and rules your Seventh House of divorce and reconciliation. Meanwhile the New Moon in Cancer is landing in your Fourth House of property, family and household. You have Vesta there. She turns up when one man manipulates two or more women so be careful with your sister-in-law in case your husband is playing you off against each other. She may not be a Vesta problem at all (though clearly the cheating woman was) – however it’s important to mention it. On the most basic level, see a lawyer if you’ve not already done so. Consult divorce and adultery websites where people have done the legal process. Your card and your chart are telling you that fair is fair. He did the wrong thing. You married and he completely betrayed the legal contract. This is a financial issue for him and you are in the right. So go to the law. The law is the key here.

  17. Hi Jessica ,

    Hope you are well.
    It has been a long time since my last comment , but I really need your help.
    For the past few years , I was hoping for a change in my finances and my relationship status .
    It seems like I am stuck in the same place for no reason with the same people.
    Do you have any advice, please?
    Thank you .

    1. You want more money and a better relationship. You are a Sun Aries so have unpredictable finances in 2024, 2025. Creating a life budget which can take the sudden changes is a good idea. If you are stuck, it is because you are still trying to run your personal economy as if it’s 2017 and earlier. In fact since 2018 you have been in the most erratic, uncertain money cycle of your adult life. You have a stuck cycle with partners, be they former or current. This ends in January 2025. Until then you have karma from 18-19 years ago to sort out, as you owe or are owed, spiritually. Not long to go before the circuit ends. In your natal chart, there are patterns also suggesting January 2025 as sign-off. Minerva in Libra will be crossed by the South Node in Libra for the first time in 19 years. So you will know exactly what to do about the other person.

  18. Hello Jessica,

    I sadly lost my dad and my job in the last month. I am an expat trying to find a new job in the city that is far from my home.

    I have applied for new position here how do you see this new moon working out for me?


    1. I’m so sorry, Kane. That is far too many losses in a short space of time and you are also a long way from home. I hope you are getting through this. You are a Sun Libra so I’ll look at your solar chart first. You have your family and home sector both transited by Ceres Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde in 2024. This does end on 7th December but you do have decisions to make about your other relatives, your household, your home town, homeland and property between September and November. 2025 sees the pressure off. Your career chart as a Libran shows Saturn and Neptune both transiting the Sixth House of work this year. What you will find is that you end up with a job where it’s a holiday from reality for half the time, but a heavy set of restrictions and barriers, the rest of the time. It’s rather like working on a cruise ship back in the good old days, when you could take a vacation from the everyday but also have to get to work and look after the passengers. That kind of position! In your natal chart, you are actually having your Ceres Return in Capricorn in the Tenth House of career. So it’s the same thing. A role where you have to compromise and either time-share, job-share or just share your life, until December, figuring out what’s yours, and what is other people’s.

  19. Dear Jessica

    I am so ecstatic. I pulled the ten of cups. I am optimistic and have been feeling the change. Thank you!

  20. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you so much for all your articles.
    I have a stellium in Cancer as well as Uranus 14° Scorpio, Pluto 14° Libra and Apollo 14° Leo.
    I’m currently feeling very anxious about the results of the Legislative Elections in France on July 7th.
    In an article, you wrote that Macron will eventually have to go… But he said he wouldn’t quit until the end of his mandate (2027) whatever the results… Hum.
    Meanwhile, I fear that Jordan Bardella will have full majority. It would be the first time since WWII that the extreme right obtains full power…. I can’t stand this idea. Macron has been totally irresponsible jeopardizing our institutions… And right before the Olympic Games! How bright.
    I drew The Chariot on your website when I asked about the results… The driver looks like Bardella, young and preppy, a dangerous mascarade going nowhere… (The horses are going left and right at the same time).
    What do you think about the elections’ results in France ? Many
    Also I haven’t been able to get rid of a constant pain in my left ear since last March despite many
    health efforts, do you think it could be linked to Saturn and Pluto transits?
    Thank you very much.
    Take care
    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité ?

    1. Thank you. What you are dealing with here is Jupiter in Gemini, followed by Uranus in Gemini, so it’s the beginning of the end of the Schengen Area. Jupiter is solutions, Gemini is neighbours. Jupiter is sweeping, vast problem solving and Gemini is the country next door, or the state next door. Uranus follows next year – same issues – and shows revolution, radical change, freedom and in fact liberty, too. So this isn’t just about France it’s about Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. You could also count Great Britain as she is France’s neighbour via Eurostar. Uranus in Gemini is here for a long time, just as he was at the end of the last war, and there will be completely new borders and a new wave of transport. Your Tarot card, the Chariot, shows the transport. I had a look at Jordan Bardella to see what his policy was, regarding local travel, neighbouring and regional travel. There’s nothing there but he does want to restrict Schengen space to EU citizens. So your chariot here is really about Bardella in control of the means of transport/travel through the region. If your question was, will he become Prime Minister, then the card says – yes – though I don’t know if you meant 2024 or later in his career. He’s very young. Finally, your ears are a Gemini matter. All communication is Gemini and the issue with pain here is your Moon at 28 Gemini which has been under transit from Neptune at 28 Pisces (transiting Neptune square Moon) and Pluto goes back just one degree away to 29 Capricorn in September, October, November. It’s a fading matter but it’s related to your life as a good listener, as a translator, as a communicator. You need to be needed her. It’s how you care for people. It’s how you mother them, actually. So there is some inner conflict about that and it’s showing up as a painful ear. I am sorry you are going through it but it’s temporary. Are you a baby sitter for someone, young or old? That can sometimes produce quite mixed feelings. Always in astrology you go to the message behind the symptom.

  21. Hi Jessica, What a great post! I have Pluto at 14 Scorpio and Aesculapia at 14 Aquarius. I also have Chiron at 16 Cancer. I am very much thinking about whether staying in North America or returning to Europe as I finish a long degree. Any insights on how to finds solutions within me and the universe would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. This all sounds like the Ninth House, which is foreigners, foreign countries and academia. You are a Sun Scorpio woman with (sure enough) the New Moon in your Ninth House. Going to your natal chart we find Venus at 22 Sagittarius in the Ninth House. There’s really no perfect in the situation, as you’ll have oppositions from Jupiter, trines from Chiron and squares from Saturn in 2024 and 2025. So it is to the Tarot you must turn for your answer as your priorities are private here and go beyond the actual degree…

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