How the Conservative Party Transforms By 2035
Will the Conservative Party take on Nigel Farage as leader as it faces a dramatic defeat in 2024? How about Kemi Badenoch or Priti Patel?
The BBC combined polls predict a huge loss for the Conservatives, to the Labour Party, on July 4th 2024 and possibly the current PM Rishi Sunak losing his seat. That would make him the first Prime Minister to do so.
The Housing Market, Family and Patriotism Election
The astrology agrees. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland goes to the poll on Cancer weather. Cancer rules the housing market, the family, mothers – and patriotism. All this is set to boom in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026. The winners on July 4th will understand that.
Sunak has simply not ticked enough boxes, so fewer people will tick his. (Image: Rawpixel).
I am always happy to ignore the polls in favour of astrology, but this time both agree.
The astrology chart for the Conservative Party, using 12 noon on 9th May 1912 (date confirmed by its historian) shows shocks ahead. And revolution. The shocks will continue into 2025. (Image: Dominic Dudley/Dreamstime).
Nigel Farage and Reform
The Conservative Party has Uranus at 3 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups and transiting Pluto goes to 3 Aquarius on March 6th 2025, remaining there in the first instance until July 7th 2025. (Image: Wikimedia Commons).
This is transiting Pluto in conjunction with natal Uranus and can only happen once in 248 years.
It is a complete takeover of the party and it will trigger a revolt.
Nigel Farage has Mars at 4 Aries so will be on the attack, in terms of his title, name and reputation, in the same time frame. Is this his leadership bid?
March 2025 is a domino effect right through UK politics. The astrology chart for the Conservative Party is quite clear about that.
March 2025 is total chaos for Farage, his party Reform and the Conservative Party. We also have Mercury Retrograde triggering the chart. (Image: Wikimedia Commons).
Why the Tories Need A New ‘Birth’ Chart
This astrology chart shows an opposition from Ceres at 2 Leo to Uranus at 3 Aquarius. Then we have Venus at 2 Taurus. This is a T-Square. It’s tight, tense, taut and when is triggered by transits, extremely troublesome.

This has been lifelong for the Conservative Party.
It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher or Boris Johnson; this is not a stable organisation.
In fact, Johnson’s famous electric shock hairstyle, as if his finger was plugged into a socket, neatly sums up the astrological chart.
Uranus is about energy currents that hit us out of the blue. This is a very old association with the planet that was discovered in 1781. The Uranus T-Square is almost exact. This organisation never stops humming and occasionally zaps everybody within.
In fact, if it’s stability that the U.K. wants, the Conservative Party needs a new astrology chart. With Fortuna at 1 Scorpio this is very nearly an exact Grand Cross. It’s about as stable as an electrical storm. (Image: Rawpixel).
The Party of Rebels and Revolutionaries
For all that it tries to reassure the electorate that it stands for conservation of the past in Britain, this is a party of rebels and revolutionaries with Uranus in Aquarius, so near to a perfect Grand Cross.
The 1-2-3 degree pattern was triggered when Margaret Thatcher resigned on 22nd November 1990.
The North Node was at 2 Aquarius. The South Node was at 2 Leo. That cycle can only take place every 19 years.
The astrology for the Conservative Party as we see Pluto go across 1, 2, 3 Aquarius is similar, in 2024 and 2025.
In fact we can time the start of the revolution to December 11-18 2024, when Ceres goes across 1, 2, 3 Aquarius. This is not just a reshuffle; it is a replacement of what was. (Image: Wikimedia Commons).
Until the year 2030, the slow and steady progress of Pluto in Aquarius will transform the party’s membership, its leadership, its manifesto and its finances.
In fact, when Pluto goes to 19 Aquarius and is in a conjunction with the Moon at 19 Aquarius in the Tory chart, we will see the death of the old and birth of the new. That’s 2035, 2036. It utterly alters everything and of course, alters the state of the nation too.
Main Image: Rawpixel. First published 23rd June 2024. Images updated 5th July 2024.
18 Responses
Given Partygate and Gamblegate I wonder if this is the point when some in the party finally realise they are bound by the rules/laws the rest of us know we have to abide by? But does them ripping themselves apart and reforming mean there won’t be a good opposition to the government in parliament?
Yes, 63 Conservative MPs have now pulled out of the election so it would seem they know what you are saying about the law of the land. Does this mean Labour won’t have a decent opposition? Not if Farage has anything to do with it. He has that kind of chart.
Hi Jessica, you write about the demise of the Conservatves, and the possible birth of a new Conservatism, i.e. Reform / Conservatives combined. Surely the ‘Party of rebels and revolutionaries’ could be hinting more towards the rise of muslim / islamic candidates and parties who are bound to make inroads into British politics within the next 10 – 20 years. That, more than anything, will change the face of the country beyond all recognition ?
Quite true. This kind of astrological chart is really about quite shocking change. The last thing anybody expects to happen, will happen. So it may be a leader who is (for example) working class and black. That’s not exactly the traditional Conservative leader; they tend to be upper middle-class and white.
Hi Jessica…another interesting article…such interesting days to come in world politics/elections and on the heels of the elections in India/Modi and SA…Both the UK, France and USA elections have the potential to change a lot of perspectives and influence reactions worldwide with respect to issues like immigration etc. and I am following it all intently. I work in program finance in the field of democracy and it is easy to keep track of this :). Also interesting that the UK elections is scheduled for July 4, American Independence Day! Have been rethinking some of my retirement goals in the light of these election results and veering towards pondering whether I could be dividing my retirement living between my home country (where the cost of living is much lesser) and my adopted country where I could truly never retire my entire life since I have not had the opportunity to save much due to high expenses of my education as well as that of my child (tons of student loans still to repay). I work in a very stressful job and am studying too as constant upskilling seems to be the only way I can work in my job at my age. Work politics, a demanding boss (the last few years of Pluto in Capricorn did not help at all), slightly insensitive husband, death of both my parents within 5 months of each other in 2022, extremely uncooperative sister (my only sibling) who did not care for my parents when alive and now dead (has not visited their gravesite even once in the last 2 years) etc. have all contributed to my mental health and I am really thankful to GOD that I am still functioning. A bit concerned now for my health as I get older (long hours at the desk and computer for my job and studies do not help) and just now starting on some yoga and gentle walking…would love to hear your advice when Saturn is beginning its retrograde in Pisces along with the Capricorn full moon(s) for me and my family. Thank you and GOD bless you ALWAYS…
Thank you. Yes, you are right to think about retirement in terms of the elections as it will be a tax issue for you. Your job and your add-on study is demanding. You also have challenges with your husband and sister. So what’s going on and what can you do? We start with your Sun Sign and solar chart, which is most important. You are a Sun Aries with Aries, Taurus and Leo stelliums. This is the last year you will have to put up with politics at work and in your industry. September-November is the sign-off when you will see a reshuffle; some will leave, some will be pushed – and some rise through the ranks. In December there is a final bargaining period then from 7th December you can look forward to a genuinely different year. 2025 is the first time since 2007 you have a full, clear 12 month period without Pluto in your solar Tenth House of career. The situation with your husband and sister (still on your solar chart) massively improves after June next year into 2026. Switching to your natal chart, as you are so strongly Aries you do need to exercise. Yoga and walking work for you. Strongly Aries people need to use their bodies the way anyone would in the armed forces. Quick march. You also need a battle. Try to find one that does not involve your sister, although that situation will again improve a lot between now and June 2025. The financial instability of Uranus in Taurus also fades from next year, and from 2026 the wildly unpredictable nature of it all (including the world economy here and your country’s taxes) will stop. No more Uranus in Taurus. Until then, though, you may prefer to wait and see before you retire. This UK election is taking place with both Uranus and Mars in Taurus and as Labour will win, will result in quite radical changes.
Hi Jessica, I will be happy if you can enlight the chaos going on in Kenya with the president Ruto right night. Pluto in Aquarius is a live picture in Kenya with the young generation (Gen Z.)
Will the GenZs Occupy the State house?
Thank you
Yes, the Zoomers or Gen Z are using the internet in Kenya to get what they want (or try to, anyway). This is classic Pluto in Aquarius as it’s the cycle that brought us the French Revolution. President William Ruto has told the Zoomers he is happy to talk about tax (the same issue in the French Revolution). The anger subsides when Mars goes out of Taurus on July 20th. The issue is Mars (action, battles, anger) in Taurus, which rules tax, alongside Uranus (rebellion) also in Taurus. Both are square Pluto in Aquarius which rules people power, but from July 20th this temporary conflict stops.
Well that’s the trans ideology ban in schools out the window then. I had really hoped we’d seen the back of all that.
The men claiming womanhood? That’s actually a cycle that doesn’t last. So even though Labour gets in, with their obvious attack on schoolgirls and women, January 2025 is the turning of the tide. We don’t know why yet. The South Node in Libra cycle ends on January 11th. Pluto in Aquarius with all its power for women, kicks in hard on the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29th. Libra rules equality and feminism. Pluto in Aquarius is a byword for matriarchy and we’ve seen it every 248 years, ranging from Boudicca terrifying Nero, to Elizabeth I utterly replacing Henry VIII. I would also say, apropos of nothing, that you don’t mess with J.K.Rowling. The woman is possessed of something quite remarkable – very potent stuff – and she’s not about to fail.
Hi Jessica
I’m not sure if what you say about the implosion of the Tory’s will be good for the UK. Especially if Reform and Nigel Farage manage a take over of the party. Will life get any better in the UK under Labour as I am fearful of them too under Keir Starmer. Hoping that Angela Rayner will make a huge difference and the future is more hopeful for young people. It appears that with your prediction of a property boom that it will still be difficult for the young to have the security of home ownership? Will Labour bring in any policies to help with this? Do you think Labour will let Scotland gain independence? re-join the EU? Will UK re-join as our economy has been damaged with Farage and Brexit or is this another implosion to come?
What the chart for election day shows is a big nod to the future. The future is causing the present, if you like, as from the second half of 2025 until the second half of 2026, Jupiter with all his growth, solutions, expansion, improvement and hope is firmly in Cancer, the sign which rules housing, families, patriotism, national security and mothers. Farage has ticked some of those boxes with Reform. Rayner has ticked the housing box, but not the ‘mothers’ box, according to feminists. Nor has Starmer. As for Sunak, he’s missed a couple of boxes, with the NHS still funding what they call ‘chest feeders’ – men. It really will be a Cancerian election, with a large stellium in that sign, ahead of what will be a massive delivery on property, matriarchy and defence of the realm, which are classically Cancerian concerns, set to boom. As for Scotland, I predicted many years ago there would be a second referendum and she would pursue independence.
Hi Jessica
No one party has completely won me over with their manifestos or contract in Reform’s case. I do like some of Reform’s policies, I do think the tax system needs a big shake up so those at the very top pay more, those at the bottom pay nothing and those in the middle pay less, the current system has people entering the higher rate tax bracket at a not very high salary. My worry is if Labour gets in everyone’s tax will increase, mortgages will increase (which we cannot afford given the current state of interest rates in the UK) women’s spaces become invaded by men (although from what you have said the tide will be turning on this, thankful for the wise words of JK Rowling).
Will this be about Labour not having the huge majority they initially anticipated and other smaller parties, such as Reform getting seats so they can properly challenge what the government plans to do?
Will the USA election have an impact on Prince Harry? I have seen in the press reports of him looking for a UK base, is this in case Trump gets in and kicks him out? a tax avoidance issue? or because of a marital separation?
Julie xx
You are articulating what many feel in Britain; there is no genuine choice. There is something wrong with all the parties. Labour does not know what a woman is. The Conservatives increased immigration when they were told to stop it. Reform supports Donald Trump. The Liberal Democrats and the Greens are not giving everybody what they want either. The two-party system is just about to collapse, partly because of this, as clearly people want power to go to individual, independent candidates who might just give them everything they want. We have about 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius ahead of us and Proportional Representation will come in. It’s fascinating to speculate how, but one possibility is that Farage takes over the Conservatives or merges Reform with the Conservatives, in time for the next election. Labour (who win this time) lose next time and thus, Farage gets what he wants, which is P.R. for the U.K. Pluto in Aquarius is about power shared horizontally, not vertically, between women and men, and then among the classes. It’s going to land with a thump in November this year. And…Prince Harry does not want to move to Britain. Vanity Fair declared that rumour null and void last week.
Hi Jessica,
I’ve noticed that this current UK election has parallels with the previous Australian election. Both Labor look like winning purely based on the long, drawn-out, tired, scandal prone, incompetence of the Conservative/Liberal governments and carrousel of leaders. Both Starmer and Albanese, two middle aged men with black rimmed glasses who are not spectacular but competent, offer stability and are elected not out of personality but out of the publics disdain for the government. Both elections have been decided by the public months ago before the election had been even called. Regardless of polls or media influence, the public had made up their mind ages ago and are eager to go to the polls to rip the bandaid off the wound. The rise of the alternatives. In Australia, the Greens and especially the Teal Independents blossomed and bloomed, in the UK so will Reform and Lib Dems, and maybe others who have been floating under the radar. This is extraordinary as they don’t usually overlap with each other but this time it’s almost a mirror image. There were some similarities with the 2019 elections, especially between BoJo and ScoMo (two buffoons offering personality and not policy) but nowhere near as much as now. Do you feel the same way? And what about the next Australian election? Thanks have a good day.
You are quite right to see the similarity with the UK and Australian elections. In Australia, independent female politicians (called Teals, because of their turquoise colours) managed to unseat the government. In astrology, this is Pluto in Aquarius landing for the first time in 248 years. Pluto is power. Aquarius is a diverse group of men and women sharing the control. What you are going to see in the UK election is powerful black women like Kemi Badenoch (the Conservatives) ending up in the same pool as powerful white men like Nigel Farage (Reform) and both of them seeking space with Labour. Ultimately P.R. or Proportional Representation will come in, to more fairly represent the millions who are going to shun the two party system. Two parties is over, long-term. That is also happening in Australia. Thank you.
Hello Jessica!
thank you for this article, as well as your tweets about the opening/closing of votes and the cancer factors. I have seen your tweet on the chart of Starmer’s leadership (also strong Cancer energy).This can only please Nigel Farage. Do you think Farage will impose his ideas somehow?
Also, what does the chart of Starmer’s leadership represent? time of creation of his governement? meeting with King Charles??
Thank you again for sharing all this.
Nigel Farage has the kind of astrology chart which suggests he is poised for 2029 when Labour could very easily lose power. That year, the North Node is in his success zone. Pluto is in his zone of groups and people power. The astrological chart for the minute that Starmer was approved as PM by Charles tells a tale of women within Labour pushing for leadership. If you subscribe to my Substack you’ll see a full prediction here.