The Aquarius Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Aquarians have a completely different future waiting with babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or young adults. And it starts in May 2024.

Aquarius, you have until May 2024 to take full advantage of the opportunities to improve your home life by renovating, redecorating or moving. On a broader level, property offers you chances to expand in bigger and better ways; all unique; all quite liberating for you. Aquarian Harry Styles spent millions on a listed building, turning it into a pre-school for toddlers. What do you have in mind? Another famous Aquarian, Yoko Ono, left New York behind for a farm – after 50 years of living in Manhattan.

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73 Responses

  1. hello Jessica, it is shaping up to be a very interesting year. I have a stellium in Sagittarius and Aquarius and want to make the most of 2024. Does this blog apply to me? I have
    properties, one tied to my husband and the other to my parents. my hands have been tied as my income has not been significant enough to effect change. could things change before May? thank you Jessica.

    1. The forecast is for Sun Aquarians only. You are a Sun Sagittarius and your birthday report appeared last year, in the final week of November, if you want to hit Search. It does to into your finances and property in detail. Thank you.

  2. Hello Jessica
    Happy New Year.
    My divorce hearing is scheduled on the morning of my birthday. I am anxious but proud of moving on from here. I hope my future is bright.
    best wishes

    1. Your timing is very good for divorce, with opportunities for a hugely improved life in the bedroom (or just a new courtship) from May 2024 with quite rapid results by June 2024. This pulls in quite a different long-term future for you, either with the new lover in the second half of 2024, or perhaps a second contender. In fact from 2026 you will feel entirely liberated. You don’t say if you have children or not, but sons, daughters, stepchildren, new babies, or just younger in-laws, are part of this huge new era in your life. You will find that you can operate far more independently and enjoy a greater feeling of space and autonomy. So think about May as day one.

  3. Yum. Thank you, Jessica, for this insightful Aq season outlook (says the Aquarian reader). Much to report back on! Best, Cecelia

  4. Thank you Jessica for this inspiring blog for Aquarius. I am without money and live in a tiny apartment that cannot accommodate my 22 year old daughters and my dog, yet am hopeful that the tide shall turn.

    Thank you kindly for this.
    Blessings always

    1. Start writing down/sketching what you want from your home life as the Taurus weather kicks in, April 2024, through May 2024. Your daughter could start a Pinterest board, perhaps (find photographs of your dog and put them in there). See what happens and be open to everything. Happy Lunar New Year.

  5. Hello Jessica,

    Happy New Year to you:-) My Sun sign is Leo, born on August 1, 1968, but my Rising sign is Aquarius 20 degrees. Would the this apply to me, the statement printed above apply to me? Aquarians have a completely different future waiting with babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or young adults. And it starts in May, 2024…
    My hubby Paul, born on March 19, 1960 and I are foster care parents, we hope someday have the opportunity for guardianship or an adoption of a little darling, or a teenager!
    Sincerely, Genelle and Paul

    1. Happy Lunar New Year, Genelle and Paul. No, your Aquarius Rising Sign won’t be relevant here. Your husband Paul is the one with the useful cycles. He is in the best family, household and property cycle in 12 years, starting in May 2024 and there would be some quick decisions made by June 2024.

  6. Hello Jessica, as an Aqua rising and natal Mars beneath Uranus at the moment I have lots of planets pinging with the current transit pattern. Do you see anything around the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in my chart?
    Thank you in anticipation

    1. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is at 22 Taurus and so Mars at 21 Taurus in your Second House of money, charity, property and business is quite close. April will be liberating, surprising, beneficial and provide some really sweeping solutions or big opportunities. It’s revolutionary for you. Mars in Taurus is typically dynamic and quite energetic when it comes to making or saving money. Mars is also rather fast and furious; the pace will be incredible in April but by May you will have changed your own life for the better.

  7. Happy New Year Jessica! I just renewed my membership as I love reading your blogs. 2024 began with the passing of my father and now I’m dealing with his estate. The stress is causing problems with my relationship with my sister. (my sister and dad are both Gemini). I’m hoping this year will be better! Being a caregiver during my dad’s cancer for the past 6 months also put a strain on my relationship with my husband. He’s been so patient (he’s a Libra) and I couldn’t have done it without him. Will everything in my life finally get back on track? Thanks so much for your thoughts.

    1. Thank you, that’s really kind of you. I am sure you are glad to put January behind you as February comes into view; the loss of your father is a sad way to start the year. Your Gemini sister is an issue as the estate is too. Okay, so she will be open to compromise without the power or control issues, from February 8th 2024 until December 7th this year. It will still take time, patience and a lot of give and take, but you will both get there. A deal or bargain will be struck by pre-Christmas at the very latest. Your marriage was also affected by your role as carer for your father, who had cancer. You and your Libra husband are in a karma cycle together which ends on January 11th 2025. So one more year of you repaying him, or him repaying you, or perhaps both. This goes back to life as it was 18-19 years ago. See if you can spot the familiar theme or symbolic exchange of karma; it may not even have been with him (or for him with you). Yet it would have been about partners, duets and double acts – and what is fair. So, you will be completely back on track at the end of this year. There are some nice things to look forward to, though. Delightful short breaks are in store from May 2024 and by June you will be looking at the map quite differently, locally or regionally, with some relaxing weekends or longer stays in neighbouring places. The door will open to that quite quickly and you will be on your way. You need it. And of course your Dad goes on in spirit and will be in touch with you when the time is right.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    After a traumatic 2023 for my whole family I am hoping for a much better 2024. I have serious health issues in 2023 and nearly passed on. I am returning to work to a new job where they don’t know any of this. I have so many worries about returning I don’t know where to start.
    I need to achieve the correct work life balance. I dream of having a holiday home to visit and maybe work remotely from. I feel my instincts are not as sharp these days. I have started astrology delivery and hopefully it will help me with certain things.
    is there anything I should particularly pay attention to this year. Does astrology weather show anything to look out for this year.

    kind regards and thank you

    1. Rosie I am sorry you had such critical health issues in 2023. You’ve not told your new employers. You hope for a holiday home. Okay, so you are a Sun Aquarius woman who experienced transiting Pluto in your First House of body shape, height, weight and appearance – strength and energy – for the first time in 248 years, from March 24th to June 11th. Pluto transforms. This cycle is about finding the self-control to take back control of your appearance and the willpower to become empowered through the challenges Pluto brings. The First House is not strictly speaking about health unless it really does affect how you walk in the room; front up to a meeting; make a first impression. So naturally if your health issues were serious, this would have been reflected. Pluto is now back in your First House but your actual health Astrology Delivery window is June 2024. Details of this are in the 2024-2025 personal astrology reports. Rather than wait until June, though, look at Pluto and your First House and see what is possible, Rosie. You also want a holiday home. That is entirely possible and you should try for it, on all the Taurus weather booking dates in 2024. Again these are shown in the 2024-2025 personal astrology report.

  9. How is it that Aquarians are able to read their whole Birthday horoscope but other signs are not allowed to, when I tried to look at my Birthday horoscope it just says “available to Premium members only”?

    1. That’s because the Aquarian birthday horoscope is yet to be switched to Premium Member paywall. So enjoy it while it lasts. All birthday readings are usually paywalled to members – Mercury Retrograde meant, not this time.

  10. Thanks Jessica…an interesting read. I have been on and off looking to buy an apartment for several years but there always seemed to be obstacles and I didn’t feel the connection to anything that I saw. Hoping that changes and am intrigued about the definition of ‘home’ not being what I expected. I wonder. I am also working on health.. like Oprah…weight has always gone up and down. Feel good about sticking to a path and feeling good. Best Cheryl.

    1. That should work on both levels, Cheryl, so you can lose weight in 2024 and also be nicely surprised by your home options in April, May 2024.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve lost my job in Feb ’23 and not able to find one to date. I relocated to a new country last Dec 31st but due to some immigration complexities I’m not able to secure a tax number so not able to work. I have been anxious as a lot happened since last year… and it’s all been outflow of money. I’m also staying with relatives so I really want to be independent and find my own place soon. Will you be able to tell if I can find work soon, or able to obtain a tax number? I’m a Cap rising 29 degree and a Sun Aquarius. I wonder how Pluto to Cap now moving to Aqua impacts me (I mean how will it be different to my Cap transit plus it’s also on 29 degree).

    For the birthday horoscope do I focus on Aquarius or also Capricorn forecast?

    Your teaching is much appreciated. 🙂

    Thank you.

    1. I am very sorry you lost your job. You also emigrated. You can’t work without a tax number. You are staying with family. There is a lot going on here but persist with the taxation quandary. Do so in February, March and be prepared to wait for answers. That is also when you should ring for help; there are organisations which charge nothing who assist with this kind of problem. Try your hardest until May 2024 to make your new country, also your new home. Have Plan B (an alternative) which is either going back to your own country or even emigrating to another one. You will find by May 2024 you can either settle tax in your new country (and thus get a job) or have to move back home – or move somewhere else – but it would still work out extremely well for you. Try hardest January, February, March, April, May for a result. Read the Aquarius forecast, don’t bother with a rising sign forecast please.

  12. I’m a libra but my husband was born January 20, 1961 (birth time known, only that it was in the wee hours of the morning). He has recently gotten involved in (town) politics and people are astounded when they meet him. Its like he’s the leader they didn’t know they were looking for! I think he’s really going to go far this year while Pluto conjuncts his natal Sun at 0 degrees. He’s a natural but the question is, can I handle the spotlight!

    1. You have karma with your husband from 18-19 years prior, either involving him or another partnership question, when similar matters came up. So his high profile and. your feelings about that are part of the karmic debt repayment. It’s over by 2025.

  13. Hi Jessica, I noticed you talked about if we have anything 19 degrees of something in our natal chart in the weekly horoscope. My natal chart is 19 degrees Venus in Libra. Could you tell me what that means in terms of the transit on Jan 23rd AND 27th 19 Aries 19 Libra and 19 Uranus? Or what to read?

    Thank you!

    1. This is the nodes and Uranus all at 19 Aries, Libra and Taurus. Your duets and duels are most affected, be they love triangles, professional battles, marriages or de facto relationships. The nodes remind you life 18-19 years ago has a karmic pull. You owe, or are owed. Uranus is here to radically change your patterns with others in duets and duels and set you free.

  14. Thank you Jessica, I am so grateful for your insights and the gifts that you share with us. As someone who is heavily Aquarian, I had a profound sense of relief when the clock ticked over into 2024. Weirdly I’ve always preferred ‘even’ years however, this felt different and your article indicates the reasons why moving into this year may have felt so different. I had a significant career change last year but I struggled with confidence and often wondered if I had made the right move. This year I feel far more grounded and I’ve returned to meditation to help me feel less scattered and more in control. I was thrilled to be one of the first 200 to purchase a yearly guide with access to the forum and I look forward to the opportunity to gain more insight into what may lie ahead for me this year. I’ve also recently started astrology delivery and am looking forward to seeing how that plays out. Wishing you all the best for a wonderful 2024 and thanks again.

    1. Thank you so much and I look forward to answering your questions, closer to your birthday. Happy Lunar New Year.

  15. Hi, Jessica, thank you for your forecasts and all the interesting information. I am an Aquarius (09.02.1980), last year I moved into a new house. My husband is a Libra (26.09.1976). What are the signs of the karmic debt repayment? How to understand if I am paying this karmic debt? My relations with my husband are not so good, the last 5 years.
    Also, I just finished Systemic Family Constellations courses and I feel very much attracted to become a facilitator (I am an economist). Is it the right time to start this new path?

    Thank you very much!

    1. Thank you. The karma within the marriage is with your husband, not you, and it concerns your life together 18-19 years ago, or (for him) with his then-partner. He is owed or he owes, on some level. That spiritual debt must be repaid in 2024. You’d like to switch jobs. I can see why you are attracted to working with families on this cycle, but there is no particular trend in your chart that says do it/don’t do it. However your success with children and teenagers begins in May and lasts until June 2025. From 2025-2026 an exciting new path with a younger generation opens up so this may well be your role with S.F.C. or perhaps for you as a parent. It’s liberating and exhilarating.

  16. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for the Birthday forecast! 2024 brings me hope in terms of career, social, and family life!
    I do have lots of Aquarius, Aries, and Pisces factors in my birth chart. I’d be grateful if you could pick out anything that stands out for you that I should be aware of.

    Thank you so much again!

    1. Happy Birthday. You are strongly Aquarian and Pluto’s entry into Aquarius will bring 20 years of transformation within and around groups. The true spirit of detached friendship (easy, breezy, light and easy) is something you have understood since childhood and over the next two decades you will join and rejoin networks of people where the energy is circular. People are together for a common purpose and enjoy the connection but they also know there can be no politics; no complicated relationships; nothing too difficult. For these circles to work, they have to be respectful of individual space and extremely tolerant of individual difference. They also embrace diversity so your most successful involvements will be with circles made up of straight, gay, black, white, male, female, bisexual, old, young, rich, poor. This begins in the smallest way in February 2024 and is the new reality from February 2025.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for sharing your insights and putting together this amazing resource. I’ve only recently joined, am relatively new to this and am slowly working my way through what you have put together and trying to join the dots. There’s so much to take in.

    I’ve recently retired and am trying to figure out the journey (home, family, relationships, lifestyle, etc) in this next phase of my life. I was wondering if you could help point out events I should or be aware of?

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you very much. You are strongly Aquarian and ‘live’ in your Eleventh House of clubs, friends, circles, teams. You are never immersed in them but always slightly apart or on the outside. Nevertheless these people need you and you need them. You have a Vesta-Sun conjunction at 1 Aquarius and transiting Pluto is now moving to 1 Aquarius. In plain English, you have a history (since boyhood) of being the only male around two or more females – in the circle. This is now triggered again so in 2024 you will find that very same situation within a community of friends becomes transformed. It changes shape and you realise how powerful it is. Alternatively, if there is no online or real-world circle around you, you will be tempted to join one. You will find that it is extremely influential; can change a small corner of the world; can change you. Just be aware of the politics when one man is surrounded by two or more women. Avoid playing the harem. It can happen with Vesta. Try to keep your sense of humour about the male-female divide and the fact that you are in the rather potent minority. You can read more about Vesta, Aquarius and the Eleventh House on this website as a Premium Member or through your flipbooks. Happy Lunar New Year.

  18. Hi Jessica I hope you are well. I recently met an Indian astrologer who advised me strongly to get into spirituality and consultancy which I can turn into a second income. My first is that I am a lawyer. I have thought about writing a book too. Do either show up in my chart ? I have done Astrology delivery and out of the blue went on a trip to India which was amazing!

    1. Thank you. I disagree with the Indian astrologer about taking on a spiritual consultancy to earn a second income. Maybe in 20 years time when Pluto goes into your Second House of finance. Perhaps he or she was talking about the long-term future. Writing a book? You would be better off writing a Substack or contributing to the media through podcasting; freelance articles; website contributions. You do have the right transits in your Third House of writing and broadcasting, starting in April 2024 and picking up momentum in May and June 2024. This shows up in both your charts. I am glad Astrology Delivery worked so well for you. Happy Lunar New Year.

  19. Will my sis birth 27 August 1970 be ok at work with new regime at work? The changes around her are from real devil… I will appreciate your feedback…

    1. Your sister is a Sun Virgo who will be promoted, have a huge success or move to a superior job at any point from May 26th.

  20. Happy new cycle to me and all fellow water bearers!! Thank you Jessica have loved following you over the years with your insightful star guided perspective.

  21. Dear Jessica,
    You very kindly replied to me when I joined as a premium member last year. I had concerns about where we were living and how my husband had a ‘Steptoe and Son’ attitude to our home. Whilst there has been some progress, it is painfully slow and I’m feeling like it’s never ending and ‘What’s the point?’ We also had to make the heartbreaking decision to have our little dog, Keeva, put to sleep at the end of November – she had kidney failure, so I am grieving her as well. I’m at the point I don’t know what to do any more and wonder if you can see anything in my chart that will give me hope instead of this constant despair I’m feeling. Thanking you in anticipation and Happy Lunar Year to you and your team. Claire.

    1. Claire, I am sorry you are going through this situation with your husband and also the loss of Keeva. You have depression of course, which I am sure you know and have hopefully seen your doctor to help you, or an alternative practitioner. Fortunately we now know what works for depression and sometimes it’s just walking (even when it’s cold outside and you no longer have a dog to walk). You were born with Pluto at 1 Virgo in your Sixth House of mental and physical health, but also dogs, oddly enough. What is happening is that for the first time in 248 years, transiting Pluto is coming to 1 Aquarius, so you have ‘transiting Pluto quincunx natal Pluto’ which is total transformation of your lifestyle, daily routine, wellness, care of animals and the rest. 2024 is turnaround year for sorting out your mental health (which may also be showing up as fatigue) as well as the part that animal friends will play in your life. You also have Diana and Venus at 2 Aquarius, in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. So Pluto will land at 2 Aquarius as well, which suggests 2024, 2025 is complete life change. It will involve old and new friendships but also a club, team, society, association and so on. Again, we have dogs here because Diana is a symbol of the woman who runs with her hound. You often see Diana as a statue (there is one near the Ritz in London) running with her greyhound by her side. Constant despair is as much a symptom of the illness we call depression, as a totally understandable response to an unhappy marriage phase and the loss of an animal. So you are allowed to feel this way! But your chart shows me you make it through and actually have a new life waiting. If you want to speed this up ask your family and friends in spirit to help you. They can hear you but you need to ask.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    Interesting that my adopted Nan passed away last year, she treated me as her own & I miss her dearly. Of late, her son and his family have been very antsy regarding her will, I don’t know if I should expect anything but if I do receive anything do you for see any issues with this? I feel like there’s a storm brewing and I’m about to get caught in the cross fire! I have an Aquarius Moon.

    1. You are a Pisces so I’m not sure why you are reading the Aquarius Birthday Forecast. April will sort this out for you. It’s karmic in nature and in fact what happened 18-19 years ago is now affecting the present. You owe, or are owed, from that time and what goes around, comes around. I don’t see any issues with your family; in fact from May 2024 you will thoroughly enjoy what develops with one relative.

  23. Jessica, Thank you for your feedback. Should I share your feedback with my sis or not? Thanks!

  24. This life is difficult… I found a job and started working after I was layoff from previous company so in this current company I come work there for few weeks and person I am suppose to work with resign as she finds new job… So my boss asked me to serve in her role with a promised promotion to new title and higher salary…. So the other day she said to me I will bump you up with salary and she gave me minimum bump so that I am same salary with new person that is coming to work with me that I recommend… So I am like dear God where am I and where did I come to work? What is this Jessica?

    1. You have Panacea at 10 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career and transiting Psyche just went to 10 Capricorn so that’s your answer. This is temporary and very much a test. Have a look at what it means to have Panacea in Capricorn in the Tenth House natally. I don’t think you’ll care too much about this in April as the project or plan then is a good reward. You’ll get more money later, either through salary or another source, with the first signs arriving in May and June.

  25. Hi Jessica,

    i am currently single, wanted to know more about the fifth house and whether that means a there is a chance for potential romantic partner this year that will lead to starting a family?

    Regarding my job, I recently took on a new project that is linked to a big corporation, am hoping it will provide more opportunities maybe a chance of relocation? do you see this for aquarians?

    Family matters are in quite a bind regarding certain situations and putting a lot of emotional burden on me, will it be resolved soon?

    Hope to hear your insight, a very happy new year to you!

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the Fifth House is about courtship, the bedroom and parenthood. It is also about being a step-parent too. You are an Aquarian with Jupiter at 7 Leo in the Fifth House so were born to have children and teenagers in your life, on whatever level you choose. It may be a children’s charity; it may be your own offspring. Your next best chance is transiting Jupiter at 7 Gemini sextile natal Jupiter at 7 Leo so you don’t have long to wait; June and July will give you an opportunity for a new relationship, or just a new relationship with the next generation. In your Aquarian solar chart you also have Jupiter in your Fifth House there too, so this is going to be doubly important. If you want to relocate you can easily do that too, but by May. The chance to move would turn the known world upside-down as Uranus is also involved and that tends to radically change everything very quickly. This is also your family sector so April, May will solve a lot.

  26. Dear Jessica I hope you are well. I need your further guidance as the next days I will be in a enormous crossroads in order to leave my current job position and start my own business. Your wise words will be my lighthouse. Thank you

    1. Thank you. Work in the chart is Virgo and Capricorn; Virgo being the duty to others and Capricorn being the ambition to go higher. So starting there we find transiting Juno moving into conjunction with the North Node in Virgo in the Sixth House of duty, service and your work ethic. You also have Capricorn transits too. This is rather like getting married; Juno is about who and what you wed yourself to. You were born with the North Node in Virgo as a past life pattern. It always shows life going back in 18-19 year loops, so actually if you start there, you will realise that what is happening now, is related to that time. However it also goes back to prior incarnations, so you have done this before. Even with the same people, perhaps. The key to success in every meaning of the word is your work ethic. Putting others first and attending to the details of your craft or skill over a long period of time so that you perfect your trade. Have a look at the North Node in Virgo/North Node in the Sixth House as that is the key to all this. You are also a Scorpio Sun who is heading for the biggest and best financial cycle in 12 years starting in May 2024. Jupiter goes into Gemini and into your Eighth House of joint finance, charity, property and business. So you’re doing this at the right time. Jupiter remains there until June 2025.

  27. Jessica, you are appreciated. I don’t know where else to post this, sorry to be off topic.

    I’m not really following or focusing on USA presidential election at this time. Yet as a strong intuitive this morning I had one of “those” thoughts/senses strongly and persistently. I thought “well, wouldn’t that be nice and no way”. yet the sense is persistent.

    So I googled it – ?? Will Michelle Obama run for president? To my surprise there were a multitude of recent articles and reports saying just that, that indeed this is something that’s really being considered.

    It could be very interesting to look at her chart/the USA election from this angle.

    Warm thanks.

    1. Thank you. Michelle Obama as President? That would be popular. She is hugely admired and everything she touches is a commercial hit. Would she do it? Could she do it? Well, it ticks the Pluto in Aquarius box. We can’t really say more; she has no verified birth time. Without that, you don’t have the angles, and without the angles, you can never pick a president. Her chart, for what it’s worth is here, at Astrodienst.

  28. Hi Jessica,

    I’m curious about the Full Moon’s impact on me. I am an Aries with Pluto at 5 Virgo and NN at 5 Virgo, Ops in Scorpio at 5. Currently Saturn is at 5 Pisces opposing my natal Pluto. Would that be Health, Money, Groups and Children/Creativity? Some sort of event dealing with all four?


    1. The Full Moon is now behind you, but while it was there, it picked up your health and wellbeing. Pluto and the North Node in a conjunction at 5 Virgo are typically about dealing with past life memories of being a servant, factory worker, or in the armed forces – but also having to deal with specific mental or physical health issues. That classic split between doing your duty and being of service, versus your own very real need to serve yourself. The transiting Saturn opposition will be emphasising this now. The Full Moon will have laid it on the line. You want and need to control your food, drink, drugs, doctors, complementary health practitioners, exercise. This is empowering for you. More than that, it is part of your soul contract for this lifetime. Perhaps you had no control before. You are being tested at the moment so take your time with the test.

  29. Dear Jessica,
    None of the other astrology predictions have the same accuracy AND clarity as yours do!!

    My Cap-Aquarian near ones have health issues. So terrified. They refuse to get health check-ups.
    Mars, Mercury 11 degrees Aquarius.
    Your prediction about air quality is Bankable.
    With Gratitude,

    1. Thank you Estelle. There’s not much you can do if others will not get health check-ups. Sometimes you have to leave people to their own devices. Having said your piece, or put it in writing, you just have to leave it. The Capricorn will have sound health options and solutions from May.

  30. Hi Jessica,

    Happy Lunar New Year!

    The Jupiter Uranus conjunction will conjunct my natal Venus 23° Taurus amd sextile my Aesculapia 23° Pisces. I would love some insight please,

    Thank you once again x

  31. Hi Jessica,
    Happy Lunar New Year! The Jupiter Uranus conjunction will conjunct my natal Venus 23° Taurus and sextile my Aesculapia 23° Pisces.
    I would love some insight please,
    Thank you once again x

    1. Happy Lunar New Year. You prefer complicated financial, business, charity or property relationships (rather like mother-son, or husband-wife, or mother-in-law and daughter-in-law – not to mention lovers). This can extend to valuables and collectables. It’s rather intricate and has many layers for you. This expands in the most beneficial way at the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Jupiter is about growth and solutions. The Romans knew him as Optimus Maximus; best and greatest. Uranus is always about the revolution that sets you free. The world turns upside-down and independence is the result. Whatever is coming, will change your life. The Pisces/Twelfth House placement is under the surface but connected: the Twelfth House is about the subconscious mind; the spirit; the soul; the psyche; psychology; psychic ability.

  32. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for all your insights. I was re-reading your book on asteroids and noticed I have Ceres in acquarius at 0 degrees which is being transitted by pluto and conjunct my venus at 0 degrees.
    (my partner also has north node aries 0 and south node libra 0)
    I feel lately I have settled into a better relationship with my partner but it isnt deep and intimate as I would love it to be.
    Instead, I have thrown myself into learning, shamanism and art in the last 4 months. I have a dream of having a healing centre in nature, and have met through synchronicity an older couple who are interested in selling me their land with three ruined cottages.
    For the potential outcome of committing to this project, I got the Lovers.
    I would love to know if you have any thoughts on this transit in my chart, thank you.

    1. The Lovers shows yourself, usually, and the man in your life – deciding if they should commit, or re-commit. It is possible The Lovers shows the older couple who are selling the land. Only you will know. Three cottages and a healing centre is a Fourth House (property) Sixth House (work and lifestyle) Eighth House (joint finance) or Tenth House (career) matter. It really depends how you see it. As a Sun Libra you are best placed to view this as an Eighth House matter in 2024, because until May, both Jupiter and Uranus are transiting your solar Eighth House in Taurus. You have Neptune at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House natally and transiting Jupiter will oppose that from 27 Taurus in May 2024. That looks like the month. You’d want professional expertise on hand, though, as Neptune in the chart always brings issues about boundaries. This would be boundaries with your partner; perhaps with the older couple; very likely with clients or customers. Get it all in writing, read the fine print and get a second opinion – even if this is Jupiter – it’s still an opposition to Neptune.

  33. Hello Jessica,
    I read with great interest about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aprile…But since I am Aqua with a Virgo rising, it will affect my 8th house and not the mentioned home area (4th house), right?

    What to expect? Hopefully the Pluto transit through my 5th house will deal with literally FUN ;-)….

    1. You use a different house system to me. If you are a Sun Aquarius then the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April in Taurus is in your solar Fourth House, which rules your apartment, house, family, household, town, country. Big, sudden, unexpected solution or opportunity up ahead.

  34. Hi Jessica, I’m an Aquarian Sun with partner Virgo sun, and Daughter Sagittarius sun, and two Leo grandsons. I know this year has a lot to do with children and home for me. I’m being pulled in two different directions and wonder if you have any insights on my path this year. Thank you.

    1. You will know what to do in May, and by June will have done it – to your total advantage. You’re a bit early now, but it can take 4-5 months to work up to a decision about partners, children, grandchildren. Jupiter’s arrival in your solar Fifth House, but also sextile your natal Fifth House and trine your natal Seventh House, is the most fantastic beginning of huge solutions, win-win outcomes and sweeping new opportunities. This transit lasts until June 2025.

  35. Thank you so much! Yes to all you wrote, and also I have a minefield of tests with authorities in the next two weeks, and I am doing my best to get the right attitude to navigate them. I actually scheduled them so that they were after transiting Saturn exactly opposed my natal Pluto (yesterday). I am hoping now that transiting Saturn is moving away from the opposition that things will get easier. I’ve also gotten friends aboard my side in the meantime, thanks to your suggestions in the horoscopes. Do you have an article on the website about how long a Saturn transit has effect? If it is separating, can I breathe easier?

    1. In modern astrology we work with exact orbs so your Saturn opposition to natal Pluto at 5 Virgo, from 5 Pisces, ended yesterday. It’s over. Happy Lunar New Year.

  36. Jessica,
    You are right.
    The air “bubbles” and air travel you wrote about , and the respiratory virus because of Virgo, and the travel issues are such accurate predictions.

    The Boeing 747 issues will also affect travel.
    What does international travel look like for Caps, Taureans and Librans look like in 2024 ? Safe?

    A tiny sliver of my Astrology booking about some work came true.

    Thank you.
    A million thanks.
    Tiny hope.


    1. Estelle I am so glad you got some of what you wanted from Astrology Delivery. International travel brings a higher risk of Covid-19 and also Scabies (there is an epidemic in various countries now). Why? We are still living through mutable squares and oppositions all picking up Virgo, the public health sign. And it doesn’t matter which sign you actually are.

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