Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023

Psychic astrology called everything from the collapse of the First Republic Bank (on the day it happened) to President Biden declaring Russia had lost the war. What's come true and what's up next?

My Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023

What came true in 2023 in a dramatic way? Psychic astrology can call the future years before it happens. Date-stamped.  This is what you read or watched – and what happened next.

Some predictions were made six weeks before they came to pass (below, the doomed vote on The Voice in Australia, as seen on Substack). Other predictions were long-range.

The Collapse of the First Republic Bank in the USA was predicted a year before it happened. To the day.

In this feature, I’ll show you some true predictions and make some new predictions.

I’ll begin with Australia, which is where I live and work.

The Voice, Astrology and Australia

Published in Substack here.

Screen Shot 2024 01 02 at 04.54.00 - Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023

Russia Loses the War on Ukraine

“I believe that Ukraine will win the war.”

UKRAINE WON 300x214 - Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023Predicted at The Conscious Cafe on YouTube on December 8th, 2022 here.

On July 13th, 2023, President Joe Biden declared Vladimir Putin “has already lost the war” in Ukraine.

On December 12th, Reuters reported declassified U.S. intelligence showed Russia had lost 90% of the troops it began its attack with.

The Tarot was right. 2023 was the year that the Kremlin lost the war.

Screen Shot 2023 12 31 at 21.26.44 - Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023

COVID Arcturus XBB116 Arrives in March

Predicted on June 11th, 2022 here.

“The W.H.O. will privately or perhaps publicly confirm a new COVID-19 variant of concern close to Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, according to the astrology. The world will close again from March 2023 in different places, at different times.”

XBB116 or Arcturus, causing pink eye, was confirmed by the W.H.O. on March 29th in 22 countries.

No Trumpwave

Predicted on April 5th, 2023 here:

“The media is wrong on two counts with Trump. There is no increase in support for him in 2023 ahead of the 2024 US Election. The astrology tells us – there will be no Trumpwave. The very survival of the leadership in opposition is under threat.”

On December 23rd, 2023, Newsweek reported Trump could be finished with a matter of days as news broke he was ineligible to run for US President in Colorado.

The Collapse of First Republic Bank

Predicted on October 6th, 2022 here:

“March-June 2023 is a shock to the economic system not seen in our lifetime. Historic change for Wall Street is due on April 28th, 29th, 30th, May 1st.”

As CNBC among all media reported on May 1st here, the First Republic Bank collapsed. It was the biggest US bank failure since 2008.

Spain V England – Luis Rubiales Suspended

Predicted on August 19th, 2023 here:

“This is a man not a woman and he’s stuck. Suspended. There is clearly a problem with this final. This just has to be a male official doesn’t it?”

On October 30th, 2023, the suspension came to pass.

The July 2023 UK House and Apartment Price Crash

Predicted September 21st, 2021, date-stamped here, two years before it happened.

“July 7th to 17th, 2023 is my date window for world-changing economic events.”

On July 7th, 2023, UK house prices plunged the most since 2011.

July 7 UK HOUSE PRICES - Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023

And Now For 2024 – What’s In Store?

history in hd 5Nj3OdZCf7c unsplash 300x200 - Top Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023Donald and Melania Trump will go down, hand in hand. Just like the Elvis Costello song. I’m sure you know it. “No, don’t ask me to apologise. I won’t ask you to forgive me. If I’m gonna go down, you’re gonna come with me. Hand in hand, hand in hand…”

Taylor Swift will have three potential husbands to choose from. Not just Travis Kelce.

The UK two party system is over and the fight will not be between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer.

Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman will cause an earthquake in all parties before the UK election, in January and February 2024.  Proportional Representation will  come in, for future elections.

Kemi Badenoch will find she becomes just ‘Kemi’ and is part of the political quake. Pictured here in a GB News post on Twitter, she is part of Westminster whispers on 1st January 2024 that will be a shout by February.

Still in Britain, during 2024, 2025 and 2026, wheels will turn to expose the invalid coronation of Charles and Camilla thanks to the reveal of secret papers proving their marriage was illegal  and covered up by PM Tony Blair. Crowns went on heads but that was not a coronation. History will prove it’s null and void.


Image: Unsplash/Rawpixel

First published 12/31/2023, new images added 10/19/2024.

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76 Responses

  1. Happy New Year Jessica. I hope it is a great one for you and for all your readers also. Sending good wishes across the world. I love reading your predictions. I have to say each topic you mentioned on this blog is so interesting. I had a milestone birthday other day and I am looking forward to 2024. I just love astrology and i cant wait to read the 2024 horoscopes. Many thanks.

  2. Hi Jessica, happy new year. Wow your predictions are amazing. I must admit I do hold on to your predictions to keep my hope alive. I was wondering if the corrupt politicians of the UK will be held to account for the harm they’ve done to the UK? Corrupted politics and the HoL and stolen our money in the PPE scandal, or will they be allowed to walk away?

    1. There will be no jail terms for politicians if that’s what you’re asking! There is nothing in the UK astrology charts to suggest that. It’s not the 17th century any more when kings could go for the chop. What you are going to see is the end of the two party system where unelected people could become Prime Minister and a small number of politicians could take over. This is Pluto in transit. Pluto has a way of removing people from power for whatever reason. They resign; they are fired; they become ill and retire and so on. Pluto in Capricorn is nearly over. Happy New Year.

  3. Congratulations to you Jessica, you’ve been spot on all the way through 2023.
    And not just world events, for me personally as a sun Leo you predicted it would all be about the family and younger generations. You were absolutely correct, I became a grandmother for the first time ever!
    Good Luck and Good Health to you for the New Year 2024 Jessica , any thoughts on the future of the WHO? A number of countries have recently rejected its proposed pandemic treaty.

    1. Thank you. Congratulations on becoming a grandmother. Happy New Year. As for the W.H.O. they will be overhauled when the South Node goes into Virgo, the sign of public health. Give it a year or two and you won’t recognise it.

  4. Hi Jessica, I have been avidly watching your predictions over the years. What about upcoming Indian elections, do you see Modi winning again ? thanks

    1. Thank you. Modi is the old order. The new order is very different. Pluto in Aquarius is about women holding up half the sky; not just one man. It begins in three weeks and lasts 20 years.

  5. I really hope your prediction about Trump comes true. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that gives me hope for my country. Is this man ever going to pay for his crimes?

  6. There’s a good chance the Supreme Court will over rule the decision by Colorado to keep trump off the ballot. Maine has followed suit as well. I sure hope you’re right about his downfall because right now he’s leading the Republican Party as nominee.

    1. The downfall of Donald Trump was predicted (date-stamped) with astrology starting in October, pre-election, when he became infected with COVID-19. His impeachment month was also predicted. The astrology is very clear that this is a downward spiral for both himself and his wife.

  7. Congratulations Jessica!
    Always amazing to read your predictions in hindsight.
    Wishing you and your team a wonderful year.

  8. Happy New Year Jessica! I love to read your predictions! 2024 is the last year Pluto will move above Capricorn’s last degrees and Aquarius’s first degrees, as I understand it. There are those who predict revolution, that it is what Pluto in Aquarius comes with. What do you say about that? Can’t democracy increase in the countries of the world without revolution?
    All my wish for more love and peace in 2024!

    1. Thank you. Pluto enters Aquarius in three weeks, having first appeared there briefly in 2023. This time around, the cycle is here to stay for around 20 years. There will be revolutions in some countries where the charts are triggered. Elsewhere, proper Democracy with a capital D is back in a big way, Inger. Happy New Year.

  9. I really don’t see that the Russia has lost the war. It’s still going on, so I don’t understand how can you claim that your prediction came true.

    1. This was a purely psychic vision of Miss Swift, similar to a scene from Shakespeare.

  10. Jessica

    Happy New Year. In 2022 you predicted I would see karma related to someone who had mistreated me 35 years ago and you were spot on – I was shocked. I have a question from your predictions – you said Taylor Swift has 3 potential husbands to choose from – does that mean she gets married in 2024? Thanks.

    1. Sometimes shock is good. Taylor Swift has the ultimate choice to accept a ring or not…it’s not fated. But there will be three suitors. And a woman also declaring her love.

  11. Hi Jessica, well done once again for so many correct predictions.

    I hope you can please shed some light on the gun & gang crime situation in Sweden. It’s becoming out of control in some areas. Will law & order prevail once more, or will there be further upheaval from crime, especially in and around migrant majority communities?

    Wishing everyone around the world peace and better times in 2024. Many thanks.

    1. Sweden is one of those countries which suffers from weak or non-existent borders within Europe. Gun smuggling and organised crime obviously ‘float’ across the European Union and surrounding areas. In May 2024, we see the best and greatest cycle in 12 years arrive, helping fix issues with neighbouring countries. Jupiter is about solutions on a grand scale. Gemini is the neighbours. Normally this wouldn’t be so important, but soon after this, Uranus (the revolution) goes into Gemini as well. This is rare. It suggests a radical change not possible since the end of the last war, dividing Europe up very differently with freedom from many of the problems Sweden has had with her geopolitics. Beyond 2030 we will see a completely different map. Very new ways to travel. A total replacement of the old rules. From there comes actual management of violent imports.

  12. Jessica

    Wow on Taytlor Swift. One of the things I have noticed is that your predictions are spot on – you have given dates that are precise to the day. Yes, shock was a good thing. It is interesting though I felt compassion for this person when he told me how much was happening and had happened to him – even though he had treated me so poorly. Thank you for all you do.

  13. Jessica

    happy new year!
    always good to read your posts.

    So many ppl made predictions on Taiwan for 2024. would you mind sharing your thoughts on Taiwan in 2024? thanks.

    1. I filed a feature on Taiwan and China a long time ago if you want to use Search. Thank you.

  14. Hi Jessica, are you doing the full year charts for purchase again this year? I found mine from last year incredibly useful.

    1. Thank you, yes the 2024-2025 Astrology Reports begin on Year of the Dragon (February) and will go on sale in January. You will hear about them first on Twitter @jessicacadams and as usual, the first 200 readers to order will receive exclusive access to an online Q&A forum on their birthday.

  15. Happy New Year Jessica!
    Your predictions about me were also true
    I am looking to change my job and career as I’m suffering in my current position. Thinking of resigning …please guide me! What do I look forward to this year?

    1. Happy New Year. Shortly after Pluto changes signs to Aquarius on Monday 22nd January you will find the balance of power changes in your own work place or within your industry. There will be takeovers, demotions, departures and other kinds of shift in the controls. This is the start of a chain of decisions you can make, because of a chain-reaction elsewhere. February 6th-23rd will involve announcements, paperwork and a lot of questions. By 22nd March at the very latest the stage will have been set for new choices. Use the Tarot, the Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle in unison to help guide you with your own three-way reading.

  16. Yay!! This is the best news! You cannot believe how much this prediction of yours has given me so much hope since he left power and country was able to get some sleep at night again without worrying about what craziness he had tweeted at 2am upending the previous days work and that of the months ahead, all while we were all in bed! Covid and riots were raging and he was choosing which shade of orange to wear the next day. What about local governments though? I have a particularly corrupt neighbor and tenants, who have been a nightmare to deal with, between intimidation tactics, mind games and vandalism all over THEIR entitled encroachment of my space, and its not like I have anything to share to begin with! Nothing would make me smile more broadly than to see them all loaded up in a police van after 4 years of hatred and smear campaigns, and that place put up for sale. Otherwise on a more national scale, I hope there are great things to come for that Gov of Maine, who said it was only right to follow the constitution and more power to Colorado for bravely taking the first step. Finally some people of sound mind in power. US 2024 elections cannot come fast enough to rid us of the remaining trump (hate centric) inspired snakes. Your last prediction about the UK crown was shocking! What makes you think the marriage is illegal? What implications will that hold for all that he will have signed up until this discovery! Never a dull moment! You must have the best dreams! Thanks again for keeping us all on track with astrology booking…so far so good..I think! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you. Karma will out for Donald and Melania. They have to be treated as a pair, which people forget. You say you have neighbour problems. You will be delighted with the solutions that begin to appear in May 2024 when Jupiter (big answers) goes into Gemini (neighbours) until June 2025. Finally, karma will also come for Charles and Camilla. It’s exactly the same cycle. The South Node in Libra, the sign of marriage, divorce and partnership. It’s an historic fact that PM Tony Blair agreed to the sealing of legal documents giving the verdict of the Charles-Camilla wedding. They can only be opened when Charles is dead. Freedom of Information requests to see the papers have all been turned down. The coronation was a piece of theatre, no more. She never got her marriage to Andrew Parker-Bowles annulled by the Roman Catholic church. Charles confessed to adultery against Diana. Case closed.

  17. Happy New Year, I’m from Norway and follow your predictions which show great accuracy. I am receptive myself and know when it is right. So the question of Sweden and the crime there and the same is very similar here in neighboring Norway. Do you think we will see any major political change in Norway in the future? Many years ago I witnessed a prophecy about Sweden going down, and thought a lot about what that would mean, I think the answers are more obvious today. I strongly believe that the Nordic countries will come closer together outside the EU. Do you have any thoughts about the Scandinavian countries going forward?

    1. Hello to you in Norway and Happy New Year from Australia. The Uranus in Gemini cycle, is about ‘the revolution with the neighbours’ but also ‘the revolution against the neighbours.’ We last saw this after the war when of course the map of Europe was redrawn, most obviously in Germany. A wall was even provided. It is entirely possible that the Scandinavians will create a new relationship with each other and reject some other EU nations. This would happen in tandem with the invention of new trains/cars/buses which also alters the way people actually travel in the region. This also fits Uranus in Gemini; it would be preceded by some very high hopes from May 2024 when of course Jupiter is in Gemini.

  18. Hi Jessica and team! Happy Prosperous New year to all. It’s always fun seeing all the validations of the previous year predictions. Spot on every single time! I really love the Taylor Swift prediction.You’ve shown us how her Astrodelivery came to fruition. Personally for me, you predicted my Leo Sun husband with the big 5 factor Capricorn stellium would get a job, possibly leave and get a second! And so he did! He got a job but everything was done on Mercury retrograde, and so by the end of this year he said ADIOS to that terrible job and is on the hunt for the second job. While it is a wee bit scary for me to see him to be out of work, I am trusting the process and I have faith in him. I believe that things will get moving for him after the 18th of January. He is in his second Saturn return but I do believe he is learning the lessons Saturn in Pisces is teaching him. Super excited for the year of the Dragon reports. I’ll be purchasing for both of us when they are released. Thanks for all you do! xo Lizzie.

    1. Thanks Lizzie. I am glad the prediction for your husband came true. And I hope you like your 2024-2025 reports when you receive them. Happy New Year; I will pass that on to Alicia, Alyas, James, Jodi and Justin.

  19. Happy new year Jessica and thanks for the insightful predictions, as always spot on! Besides the war against Ukraine, how do you see the Israel – Hamas war developing? is there a possibility of further regional escalation and do you see signs of a third world war as some are speculating? Moreover, you rightly predicated that this year my love interest would be doomed to fail. Do you have any hints on improving love-related matters in 2024? Wishing you all the best for a blessed new year!

    1. Thank you. Happy New Year. Hard to say more about your love life without a chart I’m afraid. Try a Tarot reading; they are free. Israel is in an old prediction about Covid, borders, and the map which predates the Gaza attack; I was looking far ahead to 2025, 2026 with that one, so it actually went beyond the war. There are no world war indicators; none of those time cycles we saw during the last two wars.

  20. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for the reply. I relied so much on my yearly forecast last year , it was incredibly accurate and really kept me going in tough times. I will definitely be investing in the 2024 forecast as soon as it’s available and would recommend anyone to do the same.
    As Aquarius and Gemini are so important in the astrology now and are air signs, do you have any insights into the cloud seeding and chem trails that seem to be blotting out sunlight needed for crops and showering flora, fauna and us with harmful metal particles. Bill Gates has openly said he wants to block sunlight and change the food supply, stopping livestock farting methane into the air through administering them his vaccines. He is invested in a company which releases millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the air in Florida.
    Tedros of the W.H.O. and John Kerry at COP 28 have also announced that farming is driving climate change and must stop.
    German,Dutch and French farmers are fighting back against proposed taxes/rules which will put them out of business. Can the farmers prevail and save the real food supply or is farming doomed and we’ll eat the insects and Bill Gates’s lab grown “meat” ? Will the air continue to be deliberately poisoned? Does the astrology give us any pointers regarding air and food supplies?

    1. Thank you. I am really pleased astrology helped. It’s amazing how many women dislike Bill Gates. He was born with Uranus at 2 Leo in his Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, children, teenagers and young adults. He was born to be disrupted in that area of his life – and to be at the heart of upheaval. He has three children. He has also been linked to Jeffrey Epstein and his abuse of minors. For the first time in 248 years, Pluto is going to 2 Aquarius where it will be in opposition to Gates’ Uranus. I feel extremely sorry for his children and of course their mother, but this is the end of Bill’s known world, if he was in fact guilty of having sex with the Epstein girls – or even got one of them pregnant. The transit begins on April 12th 2024 and runs through January 10th 2026. It is the kind of upheaval that affects everything. Work. Money. Life itself.

  21. Hi Jessica. As an American, you’ve provided hope for some time and I’m grateful. Love reading your predictions.

    In a personal note, I believe I’m having a spiritual awakening. Back in 2008/2009 when I was trying to get pregnant (and I did, my youngest son is 13), I had visions of becoming pregnant. In 2018 I had a few after a very painful marital crisis, and then again in the last couple of years. I actually had a visitation from my mother’s soul (she’s still alive) after she was diagnosed with cancer early in 2023. My question is, will these visions and visitations, etc. become more than just random, spontaneous happenings? I am spiritual and practice meditation daily, and generally in my life have been empathic and intuitive, but I would love to give this more purpose. I have some feelings about mom’s passing being a catalyst.

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you Lauren. I have friends in New York and went through Trump with them. So I understand a little. You are a natural medium and your mother has made contact which is fantastic. If you are curious about mediumship go to YouTube and look for Gordon Smith. A wise soul and brilliant communicator. That may help you find the path to education online which will help you develop your gift if you wish.

  22. Hi Jessica,
    Happy New Year to you!
    My husband and I are in the U.K and thinking about moving home to Cornwall for retirement from where we are in East Sussex either this year or next.
    We’re not sure when the time is right for us or whether we should sell our current home now and live in a caravan for a while to give us time to find the right home.
    I suppose house prices are a factor if they are likely to go up or down as we would be devastated to be out priced on the market at our stage of life.
    I’m having health problems at the moment and now being referred to hospital with swollen lymph nodes which is a worry and wondered if you could see anything in my chart.

    1. I am sorry you are in hospital for 2024. Before we get onto moving (which I will look at for you) ask yourself if you are fully 100% committed to moving to Cornwall from East Sussex. And how in your heart of hearts you feel about living in a caravan. The body often stops us when we are ignoring the soul. Our mind says we ‘should’ do something but the rest of us disagrees and so we find ourselves in hospital or really obstructed by a health issue. So I’ll look at that first. You have Hygiea at 27 Virgo in your Sixth House of health and are also a Pisces woman. You have transiting Neptune at 27 Pisces right opposite there in July, August 2023 and returning March, April 2024. That’s a challenge alright. You are normally very good at ‘prevention not cure’ with your health but you are going through a rare opposition from transiting Neptune to natal Hygiea and that takes time. Get better first. You are in a fantastic position to get what you want with your next home from May 26th 2024 until June 9th 2025. It’s the luckiest cycle in 12 years for finding the right house, apartment or other residence. From July 8th 2025 there would be a surprise that changes everything though so leave yourself with flexible paperwork regarding the same; try not to lock yourself in so tightly that everything is tightly fixed with your next home. You want wiggle room as Uranus goes into your home zone from July 8th 2025 until May 22nd 2033 and you will repeatedly meet quite radical changes which make you far more free and independent with your home, but you need paperwork that lets you move around a bit, if you have to. Get well soon. Put headphones on in hospital and listen to Dr. Paul McKenna on YouTube and his health hypnosis.

  23. A belated happy and prosperous New Year! Loved the look back of your predictions. You are amazing and have touched on a lot of timely subjects – thank you for that. Could you please take a look at climate change or future developments in that area for our planet? This one subject that matters to all of us, everywhere.

    1. Climate Emergency is the result of the 2008-2024 Pluto in Capricorn cycle which attacked Cancer (Mother Earth, Mother Nature) for 16 long years and is still with us. It got better in 2023 and stops in 2024. Pluto is any organisation, nation or corporation which takes over and dominates. Any President or Prime Minister. Capricorn is big business and politics. Cancer is of course the Moon, so we get Mother Earth and Mother Nature and also our home the earth too. This cycle can only happen every 248 years and it has pushed us into the worst climate emergency of our lives. Thankfully it stops. The Global Stocktake appeared during the first disappearance of Pluto from Capricorn, so March-May 2023. That’s a clue. The other clue is the phrase ‘stocktake’ which is Uranus in Taurus. It will be the Global Stocktake and a reborn United Nations and W.H.O. with Pluto in Aquarius from January 2024 that turns this around. Greta Thunberg like so many Greens has been captured by the trans lobby, quite deliberately, as it has been manufactured by the Right to get rid of women, who have power and money, from the environmental cause. Women don’t want to be deleted by men. Greta is thus already a casualty of that cycle, which is the South Node in Libra, and you will find the eco movement becomes stronger and better once people who have been converted to trans, are out of it – or replaced. There are a lot of cycles here all at the same time but they all say the same thing. So Happy Year of the Dragon.

  24. Just wondering if you have ever come upon a chart that works best with intercepted signs? I know you prefer the whole house system. What do you/could you make of a chart that might work best that way and why? Mine only works that way. Thanks for your wise predictions on world events!! I take heart about the future!!

  25. Hi Jessica. I have been eagerly waiting to hear your thoughts about the US immigration in 2024 and 2025 ? Is there any hope for physicians like myself who are stuck in limbo in the US green card. I am applying under a different category this year but wonder if the Uranus and Gemini movements will have what sort of affect on the application ? Or is there a better time next year ?

    1. Actually the reverse is true. Gemini transits block Sagittarius. Sagittarius is immigration. You are a doctor who wants to emigrate but are also a Sun Cancer person. Cancer is in a hard work cycle for immigration with Saturn in the Ninth House. Take your time with this – it will certainly take time.

  26. Hi Jessica, Is it too late to wish you a Happy New Year?! I was wondering how the new Pluto cycle would affect Prince Harry’s ongoing courtroom battle with the British Press? Thanks JND x

    1. Happy New Year. Prince Harry will hit the heights with his success and status starting in May 2024 and by June 2025 be up where he belongs. Will he win against the press? Partly.

  27. Thanks. When do you see the next window of opportunity ? All these applications and lawyer fees quickly add up.

    1. Emigration is Sagittarius and Ninth House and it’s ongoing in January with Venus in Sagittarius. You need Saturn out of the way in Pisces though and that’s not this year. So you are sailing against currents I’m afraid; Saturn is in your solar Ninth House you see and he is a symbol of what is hard to access; hard to get into.

  28. Happy New Year Jessica…somewhat belated due to us being away….love all the above questions and your replies…hope your year is blessed with good health, love and harmony….

  29. Happy New Year! I was wondering being born in the year of the Dragon if being again in the year of the Dragon that bodes well for us Dragons? Or do you primarily focus on the astrology chart? Thank you for your predictions. It looks like this is the year people get some karmic retribution whichever way that flows!

    1. Dragons have their Jupiter Return on Year of the Dragon so yes, this is an exceptionally lucky time with something/someone big about to show up for Dragons – from which they gain.

  30. Thanks Jessica. Does 2025 look better then ? I am okay to wait and I completely trust your analysis so I would wait if 2025 is a better idea.

    1. Okay. As a Sun Cancer man who wants to emigrate we go to your solar chart first. Two things. Your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries and your Fourth House of home, citizenship and property. In your Ninth House you are blocked, stopped and delayed by Saturn in Pisces until February 2026. So 2024 and 2025 are obstructive. You could emigrate, for example, but it would be a process that was one obstacle after another. It is more likely you would be made to wait. Then wait. Then jump a hoop. This would apply even if you were actually physically in the new country. At the same time the South Node, which moves backwards, is in Libra until January 12th 2025. Same time span. The South Node keeps you stuck on a loop, with repetition and no forward movement. If you don’t mind waiting the astrology would suggest you skip 2024 or attempt the process but do not bank on anything this year. Uranus at 15 and Fortuna at 17 Sagittarius are in your Ninth House (foreigners) natally and will be opposed by Jupiter and squared by Saturn in this period. So blocked. And again you have your Fourth House of property and citizenship showing 2, 6, 9, 20 Cancer patterns. The nodes going into Aries and Libra will square that, so again, more roadblocks. For whatever reason: actual admission; job opportunities; the cost of renting a new home; feeling at ease (or not) in a foreign country – you are dealing with a bit of a marathon here. Have a look at the Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle and give yourself a reading. There may be easier options.

  31. Hi Jessica Happy New Year. We have a new grandchild in the family born November 29th, who is a lovely child but the parents have problems to overcome which makes that daughter stressed. My older daughter is going through a difficult patch too with stress and little money. I would also like to move area but cannot find the solution. Will 2024 bring any resolution.

    1. Happy New Year. I can understand why you are concerned about your children and grandchildren. You also want to move. You are a Scorpio with Apollo at 3 Leo in your Fifth House of offspring. In your Scorpio chart you have transiting Saturn and Neptune in your Fifth House of offspring. So all the charts are triggered at once. I strongly recommend you do not try to take over with the grandchild. You are in a risk zone for power struggles of many years’ duration. Unless it is absolutely critical, don’t ‘do Pluto ‘as they say and try to control. Driving from the back seat, and all that. It’s the same with your older daughter. Don’t do Pluto. You are going into the historic opposition of Pluto at 3 Aquarius to your Apollo at 3 Leo and to minimise the issues, start this right and try to ‘let it be’ as they say. Sometimes it helps to have an issue about children (like a children’s charity) to play out the transit on. That way you don’t involve your family. As for moving – you will move. You will either do that by February this year, or do it at the end of this year. I strongly recommend you try Astrology Delivery for moving. You’d be booking the home you want, on Aquarius weather. Starts now. (You can find this on Search).

  32. Hi Jessica,
    Congratulations on all the accurate predictions, once again !
    I just recently got diagnosed with a rare type of breast cancer and about to start treatment. It’s been tough, to say the least. Given that I don’t have an exact birth time (it’s sometime btwn 8 am and noon) would you be able to tell when I will be out of the woods? Thank you !

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have breast cancer and glad you are starting treatment. We go to Virgo in your chart and the Sixth House of health to see what is going on. At 5, 8, 10, 21 degrees you have a Virgo stellium. This means your health and wellbeing, is directly connected to how you feel about work, your lifestyle, housework, your unpaid work and any study. Your issue has been a couple of oppositions from Saturn and Neptune. Neptune is now well and truly out of the picture but Saturn remains. Basically, transiting Saturn in Pisces is in opposition to your Virgo placements and his pass at 5 Pisces clashed with your Jupiter at 5 Virgo. I am glad you have Jupiter in Virgo in the Sixth House because it will protect you and help you. Yet, that opposition really challenged you. You need to treat this as long-haul, which you already are. Saturn has to slowly pass through all the oppositions to your Virgo factors, so get to 21 Pisces, before you end this transit. In 2024 Saturn is at 3 to 19 degrees of Pisces. In 2025 Saturn is at 14-29 Pisces. In 2026 Saturn is at 26-29 Pisces and then he’s out. So, for you, in 2026 your breast cancer is a distant memory. It’s history. You need to stay on the path of healing in 2024 and 2025, though, because he has to get past 21 degrees and the opposition to your natal Saturn-Mars conjunction at 21 Virgo. March 2025 is the final hurdle. You also need to know what it means to be born with Saturn in conjunction with Mars in the Sixth House. Space does not allow me to go into this with you, but you can read widely on that in astrology. For my money, you need to look quite honestly at your true feelings about serving others; doing your duty; doing the cleaning; turning up to work for the man and so on. Illness gets us out of that. Try the Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle and ask ‘Why do I need months off work? Why do I need months off housework? Why am I interrupting my own life?’ An open mind and a journal is a good place to start. I am happy to see Jupiter in Taurus trine your Virgo stellium, ongoing. That’s really going to help you with your journey. It can only happen every 12 years and it’s happening now, alongside this Saturn transit. Onwards.

  33. Hello Jessica! I loved this post!! I’m curious about good times for career opportunities/moves in 2024? Currently looking for a job and I’m hoping I can find a great one soon! And would a change in location help me? Aries Sun, Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising here 🙂 Thank you for all of your insight!!

    1. You will switch job in 2024 if you are prepared to compromise; there are several dates this year to use, and there will be a reshuffle after September, until November, which suggests you may change your mind again.

  34. Hi Jessica

    We have a number of public inquiries going on in the UK at the moment, including The Post Office Horizon Inquiry, The Covid Inquiry, as well as the Infected Blood Inquiry that has been going on for a number of years, the latter is due to provide its final report in the early part of this year, it is a scandal that has gone on for many decades but generates little publicity in comparison with the other inquiries, yet thousands of people were infected through contaminated blood and so many have already died and they are still dying without seeing justice. The government should be putting in place a compensation scheme for those infected and affected by the contaminated blood and this should be done this year, how does it look for 2024, will a proper compensation scheme finally be set up and justice achieved? Or will it be similar to the Post Office where the schemes implemented are inadequate? Does it look like whether any prosecutions will follow for those who knew the blood was infected? Thank you!

    1. Yes, lots of enquiries in Britain, including the awful case of contaminated blood. You’d like to know about prosecutions and pay-outs. The chances rise enormously once Pluto goes from Capricorn into Aquarius, so that’s 21st January 2024. Pluto is power and Aquarius is the people. We have this cycle for another 20 years so the tide is turning against the few at the top (Capricorn) and in favour of the many down the middle and bottom (Aquarius). Between 1970 and the early 1990s, an estimated 26,800 people in the UK were given contaminated blood transfusions and blood products infected with hepatitis C or HIV.That’s part of the ongoing NHS problem, along with (of course) the Covid pandemic mishandling. So the bigger, bigger issue here (beyond people power rising) is actually the National Health Service. A change in politics means a change in structure and funding and it will be replaced by something that actually works. What we are waiting for here is the slow but sure cycle of Uranus in Taurus, which will ultimately trine the Virgo (public health) placements of the millions, in turn. It may be when Jupiter goes into Cancer, so 2025 at this rate.

  35. Dear Jessica,
    Wishing you all the Best for 2024. I am a big fan of yours so much so that I decided to become a member. This worked for a couple of weeks but went recently ‚offline‘. I tried changing my password but to no avail. I sent a request to your support but have not heard anything back. Sorry about the unorthodox way to ask for assistance but going through a rough patch at the moment and need all the guidance I can get 😉 all the Best Marie

    1. I am very sorry Marie. Mercury Retrograde has been with us in December and January. I will pass this on to Support and ask them to follow up. If you are going through a rough patch, remember the Tarot is always free to use on my website.

  36. Hello Jessica, Appriciation to you and your team.
    I’m all for helping people moving on in search of a better life, but not at the negative unbalance distresses caused to other people and their country. How does astrology look at the UK’s none vetted immigrants, along with religious unbalance. The disruption is fearful. (I hope I’ve placed this comment on the correct Blog). With thanks and Kind regards.

    1. Immigration and religion are ruled by Sagittarius in astrology and today there are several generations of people born with the slow-moving outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Sagittarius. When billions have that sign collectively shared in their charts, we tend to find big universal changes which are impossible to stop. Globalisation is the obvious one with Sagittarius dominating the charts of so many. As with everything in astrology, when these generations die, so does the trend. You will also find this trend (everyone and everything everywhere, all over the planet, all the time) is blocked and stopped when Uranus goes into Gemini, so from 2026 onwards. We don’t know why yet, but it’s halted.

  37. Hello Again Jessica, An add on to my above comment. Does astrology show peace, healing and togetherness for what’s becoming an expandingly, populated, polarized Britain? My philosophy is that ‘Good conquers bad’. However, In which way does astrology show these present day events unfolding?
    With thanks and Kind regards.

    1. Great Britain is at her lowest ebb on these cycles of Pluto in Aquarius, before rising. There is typically a decline in the arts, but also in nature. We can see this in 2024 with the dire state of the BRIT Awards but also the sewage in the sea, making it unfit for swimming. Every 248 years or so we get these critical ‘the only way is up’ cycles with Pluto, but before the rebirth takes place there is always a breaking down or breaking apart. That is because the old Pluto in Capricorn set-up has to end. What you’ve been seeing in the British Isles is the deliberate increase of numbers of people in the middle class and working class, the better to serve the tiny number of plutocrats at the top. Capricorn rules hierarchies and mountain structures, shaped like pyramids. This very long cycle began in 2008 and has been breaking down for the last few years. 2024 is the final year. If you think about Queen Elizabeth I and her rule, replacing the brutality and chaos of Henry VIII, you have some idea of what is coming.

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