Astrology Delivery 2024

Get some or all of what you want in January 2024 using Astrology Delivery, the amazing new way to use your horoscope.

Book Your Astrology Delivery for January 2024

Astrology Delivery is a new way of using your horoscope, to get some (or all) of what you want. It uses the world’s oldest timing system to help you target achievable goals. Even if they seem to be impossible dreams.

I have been trialing this with readers since October 2023 and some amazing results have come in. These are unedited comments, below. The first one is from a reader in New Zealand who started Astrology Delivery back in November. If you are a Taurus or Virgo, you can also book Astrology Delivery for the job you want, in January 2024. I’ll explain how, in a moment.

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Using Tarot To Get What You Want

Astrology Delivery is not manifesting. It’s not The Secret. It’s not Creative Visualisation. It’s not The Law of Attraction.

It’s a focussed way of targeting what is actually possible, on given dates. You use the Tarot on my website to guide you every time you book. And what is booking? It’s writing down your wish list in a journal, on the given dates. This is how Aries can achieve a fantastic new social life, from January 2024. It’s how Gemini can emigrate or take an amazing journey overseas.

Pink Noise and Tarot

If you want the best results from the Tarot, please play Pink Noise from YouTube on your headphones for ten minutes, before you pull your card on my website. Pink noise is used in the world’s best-known test of E.S.P. or Extra-Sensory Perception: The Ganzfeld Tests.


It’s exciting when you get some or all of what you want. Especially if you get all that you want, and pretty fast too: –

Here are some more outcomes of Astrology Delivery, trialed in 2023. I really like this one: a reader wanted to see the Aurora Borealis. After two sessions, she did.AD proof E e1702804843899 - Astrology Delivery 2024

What Can You Book For in January 2024?

Taurus – Success, career, profession, status, recognition, ambition, peak achievements, the Curriculum Vitae, academia.

Gemini – Foreigners, foreign countries, multiculturalism, emigration, export, academia, the worldwide web, books.

Cancer- Finance, property, business, charity, insurance, government allowances, inheritance, wills, legacies, valuables.

Leo – Professional partnership, romantic partnership, separation, divorce, engagement, marriage, double acts.

Virgo – Health, wellbeing, mental health, lifestyle, workload, work-life balance, duty, service, job, studies.

Libra – Pregnancy, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers, young adults, courtship, the bedroom.

Scorpio – House, garden, apartment, family, household, town, country, region, home, ancestors, heritage, property.

Sagittarius – Brothers, sisters, cousins, the media, the internet, communication, Artificial Intelligence, short journeys, cars.

Capricorn – Finance, insurance, property, shares, business, charity, debts, assets, valuables, ownership, earnings.

Aquarius – Image, profile, reputation, title, personal appearance, wardrobe, style, height and weight, face, name.

Pisces – Religion, spirituality, self-help, psychology, psychiatry, Tarot, mediumship, therapy, hypnosis, dreams.

Aries – Friends, groups, associations, societies, military units, political parties, bands, trade unions, social life.

How to Book

Write down your wish list in a journal on the dates below. Every time you do that, use the Tarot on my website to draw one single card, to show you the gateway (or the obstacle to get over). This holds until the next date, when you again write down your wish list.

Example: Leo Andrew Wants to Get Married

He’s a Leo so his booking window is for professional partnership, romantic partnership – and hold my beer. He writes down his wish list in his journal on the dates below, with a new list every time. He is free to change the booking as he goes along. He may even find the woman of his dreams after just a couple of bookings, so the list may radically change and become shorter.

To help him he pulls one single Tarot card on every date that he writes down his list, to show him who or what is the way through (or the obstacle to get over) until the next time. It’s a process.

Short Bookings and Long Bookings

Astrology works on short and long cycles. You can book for a short booking (you’re in a hurry) or a long booking (you can wait.) These are the dates for 2024.

Booking in Aquarius Weather

21st January – Sun in Aquarius

22nd January – Pluto in Aquarius

6th February – Mercury in Aquarius

9th February – New Moon in Aquarius

14th February – Mars in Aquarius

17th February – Venus in Aquarius

2oth November – Pluto in Aquarius again

8th December – Venus and Ceres in Aquarius

March 22nd 2024

February 23rd 2025

FAQ – Astrology Delivery Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I book for something that’s not on the list for my sign?
A. No, Astrology Delivery only works if you stick to the available booking window.

Q. Do you have other Astrology Delivery dates for the whole year 2024?
A. Yes, these appear exclusively in your 2024 Astrology Report. These go on sale in January 2024.

Q. Can I use my Rising Sign instead of my Sun Sign?
A. No, Astrology Delivery is based on your Sun Sign.

Q. Can I use my natal (birth) chart?
A. Keep it simple and stick to your solar chart. My book Astrology Delivery (out in 2024) will show you how to use both, though, for Double Delivery.

Q. I’m actually having more obstacles than results with my booking. What am I doing wrong?
A. Your obstacles mean you are doing this right. Whatever you were asking for, required massive changes (big obstacles rolled out of the way). So you are likely to come across these, in order to get rid of them. You would never have had the fantastic results you wanted, without actually seeing who or what was in the way – and getting rid of it.

More True Results – Astrology Booking 2023

Only the names have been edited out. The comments you see here have all come in since October 2023, when I began the Astrology Delivery roll-out, to see what you could achieve. The results have been fantastic and we haven’t even finished the entire October booking yet. As you get some or all of what you want from your 2024 Astrology Delivery booking, please let me know in Comments or on Twitter. Thank you.


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Astrology Delivery Logo/Copyright Jessica Adams Pty Ltd 2023
Astrology Delivery/Copyright Jessica Adams Pty Ltd 2023


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135 Responses

    1. All the Astrology Delivery dates for 2024 are in the 2024 Report. I have given readers a free sample of delivery for January here. Aquarius money booking is March and home booking is May but that’s in the report.

  1. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this valuable information. Today, 12/17, I picked the following:
    Queen of Wands (Tarot)
    Successful Ideas (garden)
    Panacea and 8th House (Oracle)
    Again, I can’t say how this could be wrong as it is right smack into what is happening in my life. While I can place my life within this, I would be very obliged to get your views on these cards.
    On a separate note for December – about image, reputation etc….it was so true and a mix…. one of my own friends who has been in my inner circle at work outed me to HR as his boss was not going to hire him. He tried to safeguard himself by filing a complaint about retaliation and it got out in the open. Watershed moment but out of all this came that my work was excellent and I have created a collaborative environment batting 1000 and saved the company from many lawsuits. I am a cap with 29 in the South Node. Wonder what the karma is to go through this multiple times in my lift. Innovation (innovators) are natural irritants to self preserving people who look out for themselves over the organization. Can you please look at my chart and see how this transpires with Pluto in Cap ending in Jan 2024. The January cards are so right on given this situation. Thank you!

    1. Well done on the career feedback which came out of your image booking. The cards are talking to you about planting a successful idea for the future which would serve a younger generation. You do this, or somebody else does and you get involved. You are basically going through the end of Pluto at 29 Capricorn and will find a situation at work or in your industry/field shifts in January, with departures, mergers, demotions and promotions by February. This gives you a huge amount of relief from a situation you never thought would end. Your career will be completely different in 2025. No more politics, like those you’ve seen.

  2. Dear Jessica, Thank you so much for this, I look forward to book for career in January, fingers crossed. I am a Taurus Sun, with Stellium’s in Gemini and Pisces. Every since Covid hit and a bit before even if I am being honest, I’ve been trying very hard to find my footing in my career and still am working hard and hoping that perseverance pays off one day, but sadly so far nothing has manifested and at times I feel that I have lost my ways. I am currently freelancing. With Covid, my husband’s (Jan27/1972: Aquarius Sun, Pices, Libra , Capricorn Stellium’s) income got directly affected as well and so I have been the breadwinner for our family since. Then there is our daughter ( April18/2012: Aries Sun: Pisces, Sagittarius Stellium’s) who got heavily affected by Covid. Socially it is and has been hard. For her, I want to provide the best and hope we can find a better fit in School for her early next year. I am trying the booking for better education for her in December and praying there will be light. Looking at this, can you see a possible light coming through for our family? Will I finally be able to secure a more stable job that I like and can I make a difference in my daughter’s life for a better future? I would truly appreciate any insights you might have. With Gratitude. n

    1. Great. As a Taurus you are in the perfect space and time to book for career, with both short-term and long-term delivery in 2024, depending on what you want. You are the breadwinner so also need money. Your booking window for that is May and June 2024, but that information is in the 2024 Astrology Report. Covid has been rotten in so many ways, for so many people. I have four dead on my watch; tragic deaths that should and could have been avoided. Even those of us who are still here (and don’t have Long Covid) have had social Siberia (no big parties) and of course the knock to particular kinds of income has been really hard. So there’s been tough stuff in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. You are now in a really powerful new cycle for success, though, so take a deep breath and begin in January 2024. Your daughter will make amazing new friends and join or rejoin a group which is extremely good for her, next year and ongoing. It may be a sports team, dance ensemble, book group, debating group or something completely different but it will work so well for her.

  3. Hello Jessica,

    Please provide one quick clarification. When doing our wishes do we right them as, “I now have…” or as “I want” ?


  4. Dear Jessica,

    Astrology delivery is very interesting and of course most people are interested in their destinies.
    I remember you wrote that Putin will disappear and Ukraine will be divided for some time. The latest news is not very optimistic and the world is not very united against the aggression and is losing interest.
    I’m representing my colleagues, it’s not going too well and maybe it’s time for some change.


    1. Thanks Phil. The real Vladimir Putin is dead or has been removed from view; the astrology says, 2020. The body doubles are well-known – this was reported in The Mirror as well as Newsweek, The Guardian and other outlets. Russia has lost 87% of its troops, according to CNN recently. And of course back in July, President Biden declared Russia had lost the war. That CBS report is here again. I get a lot of Russian propaganda on this website and it’s quite funny. Russia has lost, Putin is dead or has been removed and that’s that.

  5. Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for telling us all about this new way of getting what we want in 2024.

    Can you please clarify which sign I should use for my solar chart? My birth sign in my natal chart is Leo but which sign should I use for astrology delivery please? I am worried that astrology delivery won’t work or me if I use the wrong sign.

    I am a Premium member so you will be able to see my natal chart.

    Thank you so much for your help.

    1. Just use Leo. A Solar Chart is a Sun Sign chart, based on the sign the Sun passed through when you were born. So there you go. You are a Leo. You can book for a terrific new partner or a better partnership (professional and/or romantic) in January next year.

  6. Hi Jessica, As you know, I’m one of those who has been encountering obstacle after obstacle and not seeing any progress, despite religiously booking on the dates you highlighted. I am crossing my fingers that I finally see some progress in 2024!
    Thanks, Jo

    1. As an Aquarian, Jo, you booked for career in October (final results by 29th December); friends and groups in November and your inner life in December. The last two won’t show final results until next year. Obstacles are common in Astrology Delivery, I’m finding, if there is a lot to get rid of in order to achieve the wish or hope. It’s a deep process and sometimes people are surprised by what comes up. It’s rather like a big boulder that has to be rolled out of the way, in order to actually get what is desired. Sometimes the boulder is part of life, and therefore it can feel like a real issue. So, whatever you were going for, requires an obstacle to be addressed. Until you address the obstacle, you won’t get what you want. That seems to be what is happening here, Jo.

  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and this positive insight, its everything!!! Honestly more than anything I want my daughter to have it better as currently she is not in the right school and also not surrounded by positive people…. She is working hard and have an Entrance Exam in a great school that would fit her really well, coming up for her in January and hoping and praying this could be a possibility and turning point, fingers crossed it is.Thank you again and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  8. Thanks Jessica. With deliveries, do we repeat on each days what we want until it happens? Is it recommended to write just one long list at the start or keep adding more during the process?
    On a different note, what are your thoughts on different new virus emerging? I mean, not Covid but something else. I know some parts of the world see the surge in Covid like Singapore but this is not surprise as we are at the holiday season and more people travel at this time of the year. I just think we may have completely new type of virus. I hear so many people are getting ill and they are testing Covid negative.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you. Yes, you can repeat the booking (the wish list) every time, on every date, if you still want those things. Some people are finding they get what they asked for, very quickly, so of course they leave that request off the subsequent entry in their journal. As for the virus, is there something separate to Covid, which will replace it as our main concern? It could happen. Astrology doesn’t say ‘this virus’ or ‘that virus’ it just says, clearly, a big public health warning. As you know, that was predicted in 2019 on this website. It goes on, sadly. The negative tests for Covid which people are seeing reflect the reality; most sources say 15% of tests will fail to show Covid.

  9. Hi Jessica,
    I joined a new company only 7 weeks ago, I have been sworn at; people trying to manipulate and coerce me; the boss doesn’t care. I left my last company through bullying, harassment when is this going to change? I need my job but putting up with this is awful. I’ve done some bookings for a promotion, nothing as yet.
    Any help would be appreciated

    1. I am so sorry you are having a rotten time with this job. You were also bullied before. You have Diana at 28 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career. For the first and last time in 248 years, Pluto has been at 28 Capricorn. You are a free spirit at work; naturally independent, dislike being pinned down and are a natural feminist if there is every any suggestion of discrimination against women in your organisation. Then along comes Pluto (transiting Pluto in conjunction with natal Diana) and you feel taken over; dominated. Take a deep breath because this story in your life is already on the way out. You will either lose the problematic people, or find a far better work environment next year. You are a Taurus so want to book for promotion. You’re actually way too early! The booking windows for Taurus were partners (October) then finance (November) and finally foreign places and people (now, December). You can and should begin the process when the dates tell you, for Aquarius weather and you will get some or all of what you want next year. Go for it. In the meantime, have a look at Diana in your chart.

  10. Hi Jessica, and Season’s Greetings!
    Thank-you for this Astrology delivery roll out – what a wonderful method of using astrology!
    I was just wondering if you could tell me the significance of me having Proserpina at 0 degrees Capricorn – this seems to be quite important on Saturday (23/12) with the Mercury/Sun conjunction. I will be having my Christmas with my 5 (or maybe 4 of them) adult children and daughter-in-law and baby grandson that afternoon, or night. Do I need to be cautious about anything? Or notice anything in particular? Thank-you x

    1. Proserpina at 0 Capricorn is your lifelong pattern of being the go-between at work; with unpaid work; as a student. You habitually bridge the distance between two powerful people or organisations. Capricorn and the Tenth House are also about status, as well as ambition, so could arguably be about the family. Your role is changing here. Not the same sort of go-between, at all. Transiting Pluto at 0 Aquarius will semi-sextile natal Pluto at 0 Capricorn in January 2024 when you’ll notice it more. It is actually associated with in-laws as Proserpina’s husband Pluto had a powerful mother-in-law, Ceres.

  11. HI Jessica, not asking for anything -just wishing you Merry Xmas and thank you for the replies to my posts. I will do the bookings but do not expect anything. All the best to you and yours.

  12. Hello Jessica, I have alot in my chart at 1 degrees, how will this effect me when Pluto goes into aquarius at 1 degree?

    1. Pluto by transiting aspect usually shows up as a person or group, intent on taking over. Pluto was found in 1930 as fascism was on the rise, and the Nazis came second in the German election. Astrology runs on synchronicity and Pluto was also the Roman god of the underworld who broke all the rules by coming to earth, taking the maiden Proserpina back down to Hades with them, and essentially trying to rule the world. He failed. So what you are likely to see with Pluto by transiting aspect is a process; someone or something will try to take over. There will be resistance by yourself and others. The pushing back makes you/they stronger. That strength stays with you forever. The Pluto person or organisation fails and then falls. It happens every time. Pluto is weight training or resistance training; like going to the gym, but for the mind. Your willpower will empower you and your self-control will give you control. Once you have it you never lose it. Always push back.

  13. Hi Jessica,

    I’m a Sun Scorpio and I’ve always had a question about fourth house themes (which I can focus on for January delivery). Does family/home include partners or spouses? I know those are usually addressed in the seventh house, but would a partner moving out of a home or into a new home due to separation or divorce touch on the fourth house? I’m wondering about the definition of family and if changes in the home could indicate divorce/death of a spouse. Thank you.

  14. Thank you Jessica for your reply. Can I please ask for your insight on what impact south node and north node 29 degrees are having on my birth chart now while Pluto is at 29 degrees Capricorn? I am guessing there is a lot going on at the moment and more to come as I have both 29 degrees squaring pluto in libra? I am hoping for delivery dates next year as well. Thank you.

    1. You have the lunar nodes at 29 Cancer and 29 Capricorn so your past lives featured one or more family members – parent, brother, sister and so on. If you do past life regression you may see what happened then. In this lifetime your challenge is to be ambitious, get to the top, know the top people and do well in life – but also have a sense of family, a home, a sense of place. It flips the other way too with Cancer-Capricorn nodes. Your challenge can be to keep up with the Joneses, have success and hit your goals even though your family, your home, your town and country are pulling you back or keeping you back. Pluto at 29 Capricorn is making this issue extremely important until January 2024 and again for a brief period from September to November 2024. People or situations which you feel are taking over, have to be resisted. So a boss (say) or your father. Resisting makes you stronger; willpower empowers you and self-control gives you control. The transit doesn’t last but while it is here, it is meant to make you formidable and strong – ongoing.

  15. Hi Jessica, I srarted booking but got mixed up with dates and miissed the last 2 for Ceres and Moon, do I carry on? Thank you

    1. You can carry on and be the guinea pig in the experiment to show what happens if you miss two dates. Thank you.

  16. Hii Jessica❣️
    can you please tell me how can I register to the site as I’ve already been registered but I dont remember the username and password..

    1. Please use the Support button and someone can help you with your user name and password. Thank you.

  17. Thank you so much Jessica for your reply. It really helped and gave me a sense of direction so thank you. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and thank you for all your knowledge you shared with us this year.

  18. Hi, Jessica,
    I have my Chiron at 29° Capricorn. What can I expect for this transit?
    I did not booking anything in December bc I’m a 2X widow and for me that chapter of my life is enough!
    I’m a happy person with family, friends and pets. I just only need a house with a lovely backyard to have all my “family”reunited in certain dates.
    In January I’m gonna try your astrology delivery instructions in order to have success in my business so I can buy that “my dreaming house”. Then I’ll let you know!!
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    1. Pluto in conjunction with your Chiron in Capricorn (until January) is about your usual need to get away with the so-called impossible, outrageous or unthinkable; professionally, academically or with your unpaid role in life. For the first time in your life, you find a person or organisation trying to take that over; control it or dominate it. By pushing back you develop tremendous strength. You want a dream house? You need a financial booking window and you have it, as a Cancerian, so continue the booking you began on 2nd December.

  19. Hi Jessica – can you book on behalf of other people? I’m thinking of my daughter (22.12.84) and son (22.3.88). Daughter is going through IVF and son has had a difficult year business wise and would really love him to have a lovely partner to share life with.
    Many thanks and happy peaceful Christmas x

    1. Yes of course, if you have the right weather conditions in your Fifth House of parenthood.

  20. Hi Jessica,

    Question. I have a male friend/potential boyfriend who says he is very attracted to me and asks me out often. I have had a bunch of weird health things these past 2 years that have prevented us from going out, but we talk and text often. I am feeling better. He is divorced and not seeing anyone. Is this ever going to go anywhere? We seem to go in circles and I am getting frustrated. His DOB is April 3, 1958. He travels with his work sometimes which I understand. If he is not serious or sincere about me I am okay being friends. We have many friends in common etc.

    Thank you,


    1. The weird health things are your unconscious mind rejecting your potential boyfriend. In astrology the body ‘talks’ the language of the subconscious because of the Pisces-Virgo opposition. So perhaps you really do just want to be friends. And if you allowed yourself that it would be interesting to see the outcome for your health. Suggest a long Tarot/Garden Oracle/Astrology Oracle session with yourself to dig for what’s actually going on here. Two years of self-prevention with possible dating suggests your soul is at odds with the rest of you.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    Happy Holidays !
    Thanks for the articles and insights you give us its really amazing.
    I’m a Capricorn with stelliums in Sag, Aquarius and Libra. With Pluto leaving my sign soon what shall I expect ? also for the career front I lost my job back in Jan 2023 and didnt find a similar one until now, is it going to change or is it time for retirement ? (im gona be 50 in Jan).
    I would really appreciate any insights you have for me.

    Thank you so much.


    1. Whatever you decide to do, Reham, May and June are the best months to either retire or take a superior role which is great for your lifestyle.

  22. Hi Jessica, as a Capricorn, career/job has been unusually unpredictable since 2021, so will this calm down and will there be more stability? Thanks so much.

    1. Yes, Pluto out of your Tenth House natally from January will stabilise things for you; he’s back briefly in September but otherwise 2024 is so much calmer and easier for you.

  23. Do the dates for delivery need to be adjusted depending on where you live? I’m based in the UK, so do I book my next December delivery when it turns Dec 23rd here, or do I need to adjust the date to account for a different time zone? Thank you!

    1. Good point. I’ll address this in the book, Astrology Delivery, as we all have different times zones for something like the Moon going in and out of a sign. You can allow +/- 24 hours of any booking date and still catch the wave. So ‘around December 23rd’ is correct for you.

  24. Thanks Jessica. I have been through a lot, changed jobs, moved to a new home, there has been a whole re-set going on. With this really good guy, this great man, I just don’t want to get hurt and am not sure if he even knows what he wants in terms of casual, serious, or what. I don’t know if we want the same things ultimately. We have good astrology.


  25. Hi Jessica
    I’m finally trying Astrology delivery after you have repeatedly recommended it because I was an avid fan of ‘the secret’ and nothing really manifested for me.

    I’m a sun cancer and understand booking has only to be done on the dates you provide for best results and I intend to do it but I also booked today to learn the process.

    I wished for a gold set from my father because recently I sold my wedding jewellery for the money- short booking
    I wished for an apartment which belongs completely to me as I live in my father’s house- long booking

    I drew the queen of swords. While it did remind me of myself, it did not provide the pathway or obstacle to overcome. What am I missing here.

    Request your advice. Thank you

    1. You are booking for the right things as a Sun Cancer person. You are a little late as you should have started 2nd December but catch up and let me know what happens, please. The Queen of Swords, reminded you of yourself. The obstacle to overcome is just what you read about the card. It’s the family tree which you can see in the picture. You can find out more about this card in Pamela’s Tarot, free to you on the site.

  26. I’m brand new to exploring birth charts and have no idea what mine suggests. I’m hoping to start with delivery booking, in the hope that this will help me to understand how things shift and change for us over time. According to a friend’s sun sign, they have partnerships and relationships in their booking window for December. Could I book things in these areas on their behalf (even if my booking window is focused on finances, savings and property) or would that not be wise? Thanks!

    1. I have seen this question a lot; can you make a booking for somebody else? I’m afraid the answer is no. The only exception is, if a husband (say) is drawn into your own booking, because you do actually have a window for partnership results, or if a child (for example) is part of a parenthood booking.

  27. Hi Jessica,

    I work for a Leo company. Can I do astrological delivery on behalf of work, using its astrology chart?

  28. Hi Jessica, thanks for all the work you do! June 1973 Gemini here. I got laid off back in April 2023 and have had a tough time landing a new position. Got bites, interviews, etc, but things are just not clicking into gear. I have plenty of practical, good experience, speak multiple languages, but this is unsettling. I’m lucky otherwise – have a wonderful family and am healthy. Is 2024 looking better for Gemini? Can’t wait for this year to be done with. Thank you again! Have a great Holiday break!

    1. Thank you. I’m sorry you’ve had trouble finding a new job. We all know how frustrating that can be. You’re a Gemini so you would be booking for a new job (or a promotion in a job you find) in February, March next year. Speaking many languages is a huge asset and I would be amazed if you don’t use that to get what you want, from May 2024 through June 2025. It’s the right cycle for you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  29. Hello Jessica and Happy Holidays! Thank you for December astrology booking dates. I’ve kept up with the Scorpio and Sagittarius bookings (good success so far with the Scorpio/4th house ones) and working with Capricorn/6th house goals now. I followed the instructions and made my wish list, listened to pink noise, and pulled the Six of Swords. My wishes for the 6th house are to improve my mental health and wellbeing (be more confident and reduce anxiety), leave my current job for a hopefully better one, and see improvement in chronic back pain, as well as just improve health overall. This card seems to say I need to go somewhere else for this to happen ( I also have an adolescent child, so this card definitely speaks to me), but I don’t have plans at this time to move. I want to make the most of my bookings, so could this card just mean moving on from what I’m currently doing and accepting changes?
    Thank you again!

    1. Thank you. Merry Christmas. I’m glad your bookings from October are paying off. As a Leo you are in the right time and place to ask for a cure for your anxiety; more confidence; the end of back pain; better health. You also want a better job. All this is do-able. The Tarot card has been talking to you about what to pursue/what to lose by the next time you book, so it’s very much about the future. The Six of Swords shows moving, as you saw. It can be relocation or emigration. It’s not ‘moving on’ thematically; it’s literal. So until the next time you book, in order to get what you want, this is probably what you have to do – or for other reasons, not known yet – this relocation or emigration is the obstacle you have to remove. That may even be for somebody else. You’ll know it when you see it. Based on your good results from October onwards you can be confident about getting some or all of what you want between now and 2024. Onwards.

  30. Hi Jessica,

    As a Capricorn my Astrology Delivery is for appearance. My goal is to lose weight and get fitter than ever. I drew the King of Cups and I’m not sure how to interpret it. Would it be a man that might get in the way of achieving this? Or a man that might help me? Merry Christmas to you!

    1. Good question. The thing about the Tarot is, you won’t know until you realise who it is. And this may be a vague, detached personal trainer who is your key to getting the weight loss – or a rather wafty man who is getting in the way of getting what you want. These cards predict the future and don’t usually show the present, so you’ll know what/who this is all about by the next booking date.

  31. Hi Jessica,
    Absolutely zero has panned out for me so far.
    I’m following everything so I don’t understand.
    Feeling a bit disheartened by life right now!

    1. I’m sorry to hear that. You are the only person who has commented so far, who has not seen results with your October (onward) booking. You actually have five more days for that to deliver. The rest won’t finally deliver until 2024 of course.

  32. Hi Jessica
    Replying to our thread as you mentioned wanting to know the outcome- I will use this thread to repeatedly inform you of the status.

    I booked today for the same 2 things and drew a 3 of pentacles.

    The person on the bench is my father while the rich looking character is my sister and the poor lady is me. My father is bestowing jewellery to both of us in march .

    I still have the other desire to buy an apartment and should not go on a wild goose chase over the wrong job as now in desperation I’m searching for jobs in different countries.

    Please advise what you think of the gateway or obstacle from this card?

    1. You’re a Cancerian so started booking about children or romance from October; work and health from November; now you are also booking for a partnership. An apartment is not in any of those windows so wait for the right time to book that next year rather than look for something that isn’t there right now. Looking for jobs is wise; follow the steps; final outcomes are in 2024.

  33. Hi Jessica,

    Will the Capricorn 20 23–20 24 Birthday horoscope be up soon? Lotta caps in my family and a lot of them are early caps that were born the 21st and 22nd. We are anxiously awaiting.!!

    Thank you,

  34. Merry Christmas Jessica!

    I just pulled the Judgement card for my Aries Capricorn booking.

    I booked for career success. I just met my new recruiter a couple days ago and she has a ‘hot’ job opportunity with an Australian company looking to expand into North America. She has not divulged the company or any details yet, but has demanded I update my CV by no later than the 8th January. Ready to regroup and meet on the 9th Jan.

    What do I need to look out for in the very near future? I understand it can be gateway or an obstacle to what I want?

    Need your help on how to read the tarot card. Much appreciated.

    1. That’s great that you met a recruiter and have booked for career success. Judgement is about your family in the spirit world. They are connected to you throughout. You won’t know it until it happens; you will realise a relative who passed (sometimes a friend) is the way through, or the thing to break through. Then you can take steps.

  35. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jessica. Astrology Delivery: The dates for December 2023 and January 2024 are different. Please explain. Thanks.

  36. Dear Jessica, thank you for your reading when I pulled the cards on December 17th for January. Today is December 23rd and I got the following cards for December with outcomes into 2024 which relates to reputation, image, etc..
    Tarot – Two of Swords
    Garden – Endings and Beginnings
    Oracle – Salacia and First House
    As I had mentioned earlier in my comments/requests to you, I got outed by a friends and the process is going through. When I see these cards, I am not surprised. May I have your insights on how this will affect me in 2024 as the December manifests through end of December 2023. Obviously, my guard is up and need to address the matter as Pluto exists Capricorn in January…how does this all affect my current role where I work. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Your cards are accurately talking to you about image. It looks like there will be two of you. The Two of Swords shows alternate image one, and alternate image two. Salacia is about existing in two different worlds. The First House is your profile. I hope that helps explain it.

  37. Reading the results is so inspiring, I wanted to share mine: I’ve been booking since November: I have had my anxiety completely disappear, opportunities for social gatherings like never before and found out my work had not been paying me properly for 3 years and received a $20,000 lump sum! It was taxed though, but still- never the less the last 3 months have had incredible results, I’ve felt very calmly detached from the process and am enjoying the ride from a separated mind set! Hoping 2024 is the start of manifesting the life we all want! Thankyou Jessica for your valuable and dedicated insight over the years !

    1. This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing those incredible results from Astrology Delivery. Happy New Year.

  38. Hi Jessica, I have tried to make a booking for my young adult. And I have asked the question several time for a booking in Jan. Twice i had the 6 of wands and once the knight of sword. Some time ago you sent me his birthday chart. Name Pamp.
    Is it often you get the same card ? What should I think of it. ?
    Thank you. And my best wishes for this festive season.

    1. It is unusual to get the same card twice in the Tarot so the Six of Wands is talking to you. You can find out the long interpretation in your copy of Pamela’s Tarot. The Knight of Swords is in fact the young adult in question. Merry Christmas.

  39. Hi Jessica,

    I have begun to do Astrology Delivery, it is very fascinating! and exciting. I accidentally missed my booking window yesterday, with all the holiday chaos. Do I just wait for the next one? I’m a member of your site and put forward a question to you in the Capricorn Forum on December 15th, I’m very keen to hear your response. All the very best to you.

    1. Thank you Karina. I’ll follow up on the Capricorn Forum now. You can skip a booking and go to the next one if need be; it’s not ideal but you should still have momentum for delivery in 2024.

  40. Thank you Jessica! Don’t see it yet. Maybe the time difference!

    Have a very Merry/Happy Christmas and New Year!
    So Excited for 2024


  41. Hi Jessica
    Is this mercury retrograde in action?

    My first comment to you on this thread mentions I will book for a gold set and apartment from January onwards as you mention in the blog that cancerians can book for property and valuables- you mentioned I was late!

    In the second comment you say these things are not on the list

    Please clarify

    I intend to book from January onwards as the December booking can function as a trial to the process only with all the confusion

    1. You’re a Cancerian and you are too early to book for property and valuables now. You can begin in January and February, yes.

  42. Hi Jessica and Merry Christmas!
    As the sun sign, Libra I have worked with astrology delivery to sell my apartment and then to move back to my city and family.
    I hope i will rent an apartment and hope that this change will come soon. I work in my hometown so it will be shorter journeys to.
    Thanks fore advise

    1. Yes, Monica, as a Sun Libra woman you are on track with this booking. It will have short term and long term results in 2024.

  43. Hi Jessica,

    I read in another comments section that you have +/- 24 hours for the booking dates to book so I managed to get in on time for the 23rd!

    May I please ask where the replies to the Capricorn Forum are posted? I’m not sure I’m looking in the correct place? Looking forward to 2024 and wishing you the very best in the coming New Year. I’m excited to see what it brings.


    1. Yes, the time zone differences in the world mean there is a +/- 24 hour window when you book on a date. I’m glad you were able to do that on the 23rd. If you can’t find the Capricorn Forum, please use Search and they will direct you there. Thanks Karina. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  44. Jessica,
    I am a Leo and jumped in after the 1st booking date in October. 4th house went ok, but I was deep into 4th house issues when I started.

    November is 5th house. I have booked faithfully and drew so many Pentacle cards (I had to work at making those connect) and have felt no results. Then.. December 13th I book and draw the Lovers. . The following day I made a 6th house booking for December regarding my lifestyle and well- being, and, again draw the Lovers. Do you find this to be significant?

    1. You don’t say if you are single or married; in a partnership or trying for a second chance. It all depends on that. I also don’t know if you are a man or woman. Basically you are seeing a Fifth House outcome (love and sex) and you and your past, present or potential partner must decide to commit or split. That will happen if you keep on booking through this Sagittarius Fifth House weather. The Lovers card just told you that but it arrived on your Capricorn/Sixth House booking. This suggests to me you are not focussed. You’re seeing your Fifth House outcomes when you are trying to see your Sixth House outcomes. You may want to concentrate really hard on the matter at hand when you keep going, but you may (if you are single) become engaged in 2024.

  45. I can’t wait for January 2024 bookings – money and finance! Hopefully I see my wishes come to fruition, manifesting my wealth!

    1. I trust the process of Astrology Delivery will go well for you Daniel. It’s not manifesting though. Manifesting is very hit and miss as readers have posted here.

  46. Hey Jessica! Thank you for all the energy and everything you do. I am a big fan. I have a question: I have two sons. I am an Aquarian, and they are Pisces and Taurus. Can I book for them when my window is open?

    1. I’m asked this a lot. You can’t book for your sons. They have to do it themselves. However, as a parent you can book for your sons, when the time is right. That will be the Gemini weather of May, June 2024. Those dates will be listed in the new 2024-2025 astrology reports. Thank you.

  47. Hi Jessica,
    Happy New Year!
    I wanted to THANK YOU for teaching us – your followers – how to use the Astrology Booking Date.

    My family home that has been in the market for 8 years was finally SOLD with a good price before Christmas. Now, my mother can use the money to support herself in her old days. We are very grateful.

    I used the Capricorn Booking Date to manifest. As the moon entered Capricorn on 14 Dec 2023 – the house was sold. My birthchart has Moon at 10° Capricorn, my mother has her Sun at 8° Capricorn, astrology is quite marvelous.

    Bless you Jessica.
    May life bring you health, joy and bliss.

    Forever your follower,

    1. Thank you, for your thank you Ipey. I am thrilled you sold your family home after eight years of trying. Congratulations and Happy New Year to you and your mother.

  48. I can’t wait for January, the December Capricorn image involvement was spot on! I became more comfortable with my style and let go of controlling a certain look/aesthetic. On New Year’s Day Kathy Hilton randomly started liking my Instagram posts after I posted to my story! Capricorn is about status and I’m constantly -in the back of my mind – worrying about how I am perceived. This has passed and a chapter has closed, with Pluto moving out of the 1st house as well! Huge shift. Interested in what the money side will bring from Januarys Cap booking

    1. So great to hear. Kathy Hilton is even backing you. Thanks again for the validation of Astrology Delivery…Happy New Year.

  49. Jessica…just got word of a planning meeting with my county council to find out for planning permission for a house. 23rd of Jan day after pluto in aquarius ♒️. Irony of this one is its from 1874 Church Land being released for fair value & sold for housing. Virtues of Christianity for this pisces couple… Shocked the local community – hopefully it’s gold ✨️

    1. Please let me know what happens. I’m seeing some fascinating results from Astrology Delivery.

  50. I will thank you – not the easiest task ahead. I am manifesting strike gold witg this – 23.02.79 born 10.40am Dublin.

  51. Hi Jessica,
    Happy New Year. I’m a Cancer (23rd June), and launched my business last July. It’s been a slow start so hoping it will pick up this year, and also hoping to move from renting to buying a house. Can I ask for both these things in the delivery? I haven’t done it before so want to make sure I am doing it right!
    Thank you.

    1. The rules of Astrology Delivery are – you can only book for what is available. As a Sun Cancer person you wanted a better business, so should have been booking since Sagittarius weather began in November. If you want a house, that’s not available for booking until September 2024. You are, however, in the right zone for money. That’s Aquqrius weather, which begins next. So that’s good news. Take a deep breath, start at the beginning, and target January-February for income and a house purchase. Give it a year but you will get some or all of what you want if you follow the steps.

  52. Hi Jessica,
    Apologies for not completely understanding this – can you please clarify?
    Do I use the dates on the calendar to manifest those things specific to the sign on that date? So, say, for Jan 4-5 and Mars in Cap, is this a date to write down a wish list related to finance, insurance, property, business, etc. as per what you’ve identified above for Capricorn, regardless of one’s sun sign? I’m a Gemini sun, btw.
    Apologies again for not getting it first up!

    1. Thank you. First of all, this is not manifesting. Manifesting is too hit and miss so I have replaced it with something targetted, which is Astrology Delivery. You are a Gemini so you have booking windows for more money in Capricorn weather, correct. You use the dates on the calendar to book what you want, by writing down a list on that day. You will get some or all of what you want in 2024. For faster progress use Pink Noise and draw a Tarot card to show you the gateway or obstacle, between that booking day, and the next one. Let me know how you go. Happy New Year.

  53. Hi – I can see from the blogs and the 2024 annual horoscope astrology booking dates for Sagittarius, Capricorn Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus and Gemini, for which I am following the process.
    My question is, are there any Aries booking dates for 2024, as we seem to have leapfrogged it?
    Thanks and regards

    1. Thanks Ian. Astrology Delivery began in October 2023 as a pilot/test and is proving itself well, but I stopped the dates at Capricorn Weather. If you want Aries Weather booking dates please order a 2024-2025 chart which has the entire 13 months of Astrology Delivery booking windows at the back. These go on sale soon. Regards.

  54. Jessicajessicajessica!!
    I just wanted to say I have been doing AD for a couple of weeks? Not even? And have been noticing definite shifts. I have a very particular way of choosing the tarot cards and they have been consistently really valuable, today I was ‘booking’ moon in Sag – 2nd house and I wrote about property and having a ‘lush’ garden blah blah. Thing is I really hate the word lush and have never used it, but was just letting myself just write…
    I pulled The Empress card- 1st paragraph is pretty much what I wrote with the word lush in the 1st sentence….
    Ok so it looks a bit bonkers trying to explain the significance here but it gave me goosebumps and I wanted you to know
    Ta very much

    1. You were tuning into your own card. The way through to what you want is a lush garden. A lush home or place to stay. I am glad Astrology Delivery is working for you.

  55. Hi Jessica!
    Wishing you a joyful and successful 2024!
    I did a booking each day these last 3 days with the Moon in Sagittarius to find the gateway for raising my profile, reputation, title, to get the next level. I first drew the King of Wands, then the Hierophant, and then the Chariot.
    Could you shed some light on the cards meaning for the bookings please? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much!

    1. Every card showed you the way through each period to become better known. The first was a man. The second was a philosophy, religion or belief. The third was a two-city or two-country plan. I hope you followed through.

  56. Dear Jessica, I’m an Aquarius Sun – does that mean I can only book on Aquarius booking dates throughout 2024? Also Aquarius is my only stellium, with 9 factors in it (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Minerva, Apollo, Salacia, Cupido, Vulcano). With Pluto going into Aquarius in January, does this mean that I’ve finally reached a time where I can totally change my life around after some difficult years?

    1. Not at all. You can book all 12 windows for 12 different areas of your life this year. If you are ready to book, you can change your image, brand, reputation, personal appearance, profile and title in 2024 in a powerful way. This may be letters after your name; a new business card; weight loss; cosmetic surgery; a new wardrobe; a niche for your portrait. If you wanted to book the other windows, then all those dates and that information will be in the new 2024 reports, which begin in February.

  57. Hi Jessica,
    A belated Happy New Year to you and your team. I am a bit late to the Astrology Delivery for Sagittarius, I did manage however to put in a request for this last day January 10, and listened to the pink noise on the your tube link as well as drawing a tarot card. My list was all business related, I am a fine art photographer, as well as asking for more internet visibility to my website, selling more fine art prints, booking more clients for 2024 and business success for 2024 and the coming years. I drew the 3 of cups, one of the women in the card looks like one of my collaborators/business partners she is an Aquarian and we have been partnering on a branch of my business, this will be our third year working together. I am also looking in to partnering with a male to begin a new venture teaching photography workshops later in the year. My interpretation of the card is toasting to success as well as collaboration, I cannot think who the third person is on the card but my feeling is that it is someone I am to soon meet or have recently met. The other thing that stood out to me was the bunch of grapes on the ground, the gentleman whom I am thinking of partnering with lives in an area that grows grapes for wine. The card gives me the feeling that I am sowing seeds right now for what will grow and continue to grow, I actually told my business coach yesterday that I feel like the next couple of months I am in a cocoon working behind the scenes on my business/work waiting to emerge. So it could possibly be, I am/my business is/partnerships, are a seed just planted to grow into a vine that is going to deliver wine where we will toast to our success. I would love to know your input and if you have any insight to the coming year. I have put the other booking dates into my calendar as I feel like the next ones are very important especially as I have aspects in Taurus and Aries. As always thank you so much for all your hard work.

    1. That is a great Tarot card for you. You have a man who actually grows grapes in your world and there he is in the card. You have also spotted another face in the Three of Cups. So you have your gateway. You will get some or all of what you want. Maybe even more than you bargained for.

  58. Thank you Jessica – I will start on this month’s booking dates! Is it unusual to have such a large stellium in a single sign? Does that create any particular problems or benefits?

    1. You have a huge stellium in Aquarius, in the Eleventh House of communities, friendships and groups. It is unusual. It never rains but it pours. When your social life, friends and circles are good – they are very, very good. When they are not so good – it is extreme. You are very close to the original Roman Aquarii family – the aqueduct workers – the slaves who carried water for bathing in the famous Roman baths. This raw, core symbol is about supplying the group with what it needs. As a community Romans of all backgrounds could bathe, swim, borrow library books, play games, commune – in the baths. The Aquarius (or water bearer) could seldom join them, but without him, it didn’t happen. From this ancient idea comes your prime sign. You give the club, team, band, network what it depends upon but always from a distance. Your life will change over the next 20 years as Pluto goes into Aquarius and you are empowered by extremely powerful people or organisations and understand, well and truly, what a like-minded and diverse collection of people can do.

  59. Hi Jessica!

    This is my first attempt to make my list of goals. After written down my list of goals on 11/1, I drew a Judgement card. I can’t figure out what the message is, after reading Pamela’s tarot. Would you please help to explain?

    By the way, when will the book of Astrology Delivery to be launched?

    Thank you so much .


    1. Alice, Judgement is your family and friends who have died, progressing spiritually. Their progress affects you. And the Astrology Delivery book will be launched later in 2024. Thank you.

  60. Hi Jessica
    I’m a bit confused- I’m a Capricorn, is my booking theme for 2024 Image, title, reputation, appearance etc?
    In Decembers delivery post above it reads that for dates in January it’s about property, finance, shares etc. Can you kindly which theme
    I should have my wish list based around? Thank you.

    1. Capricorn weather which began in December is about image for you – because you are a Sun Capricorn. Aquarius weather is next, and is about finance. So that’s January.

  61. Hello Jessica,
    my goodness, January goes forever, doesn’t it? Is there a glitch in the website or….I was hoping you could offer some insight:
    I’ve pulled the same card for two different deliveries: four of swords. The Capricorn delivery I’m asking for help with an ex who is dodging the system and so doesn’t have to contribute to the upbringing of their children in any way. The Aquarius delivery I’m asking for help to find more time to be able to work on my health. I guess they are both job wishes, as I wouldn’t need the high pressure job which takes up all of my time (literally having to get out of bed at 4:30am just to get to work means getting up early to fit in exercise is just ridiculous) but I wouldn’t need this kind of job if the Capricorn issue was sorted. I have a 29 degree aspect triggered at the moment if that makes any difference.
    Thank you for your time!

    1. Yes, the website had classic Mercury Retrograde problems – now all fixed. You are a Sun Virgo booking for better health and a better job. You don’t want 4.30am starts. Well, start booking and just follow the process as the time is right. You will get some or all of what you want. You will also see short-term and long-term results. This Aquarius weather in your Sixth House of lifestyle and workload will really help you. Your children are of course a Capricorn weather and Fifth House matter. You started booking for that last year, as the children’s father is an issue. Again, just stay with the process and keep using the dates to book. This is another example of an outcome which will be short-term and long-term. I am seeing readers get incredible results so do read the testimonials which are quite inspiring. Happy Lunar New Year.

  62. Hi Jessica, I just drew the seven of cups when I did today’s Astro delivery – would this suggest that I need to start imagining in my head that everything is ok in regards to finances even though they are not?
    And then tomorrow when I do it again I then do what the next tarot card says I need to do?

    1. You are a Sun Capricorn woman so booking for more money, as the Aquarius weather dates turn up. The Seven of Cups is your obstacle to overcome. It shows confusion. So you need to become clear about what you want, as well as what you don’t want, in order to get more money. This holds until the next booking date in the list. Then you will draw another card and find the next access point, or thing to overcome. Thank you.

  63. Hello Jessica,

    Got my 2024 astrology report and also started doing the bookings. Can you explain the difference between the short and long term results? I can see that a lot is happening on my 5th house. I want to establish a consistent work routine, and also get fitter and lose weight. Will this fall onto a short/long result window? And does workload include more business, or just busyness? Thanks for clarifying.

    1. Thank you for ordering your report. As a Sun Virgo you have major Fifth House booking windows with this Capricorn weather at both ends of 2024. So that’s courtship, the bedroom and children. You want to lose weight and work more efficiently. That is an Aquarius window booking (Aquarius weather) and as you know it starts now. Short-term results are in the first wave of Aquarian patterns, so you may lose three kilograms, for example, or do well on one project. Long-term results come at the end of 2024 and into 2025 with the next big lot of Aquarius weather so that is when you could hit goal weight and drop your third dress size, for example, or actually gain a new job thanks to your new work routine.

  64. HiJessica,
    I started booking for a reason why my eldest sister who is still residing in my late Mom”s flat with her son (mental health)and another grandson in November 2023. They have continued to live in Mom’s flat since she passed on in October 2021. I paid for legal advice from a Probate Lawyer who did a title search and the flat is still under Mom’s name. What is remarkable my eldest sister filed a Grant of Probate to sell under a new valid 2nd Will done with Mom tested by a psychiatrist to have only mild dementia. My younger sisters and I were not informed of the 2nd Will .The 2nd Will names my eldest sister as Executor ( more share)and three of us as beneficiaries. She is delaying the sale of Mom flat till 2027 when the flat price will rise highest. .Thats also when the Grant of Probate expires. She is applying for a flat and she and her son will be homeless if Moms flat is sold. Actually, its only me and my youngest sister who insists on selling the flat in 2024. We wish for a fair resolution , integrity and karmic closure (ancient justice)because my sister and her son are using it as their own permanent home . This is blatantly unfair.
    I pulled a tarot card today for the obstacle gateway and it was Four of cups.. A young man, my nephew, in charge of the family inheritance flat, feeling depressed blaming everyone for his emotional burdens and his missed opportunities.
    The lawyer recommends writing a legal letter to my eldest sister , the Executor to sell Mom’s flat. I puled a Tarot card of Justice which is a Major Arcana.Lady Justice wearing a red cloak is a symbol of power and authority that justice will always prevail in the legal system. The crown she adorns is authority. The upright sword in her right hand represents the swift hand of justice.The scales in her left hand signify balance and harmony with logic.The white shoe is a spiritual reminder that our actions have consequences. I think its wise for me not to proceed with any legal letter process. Would the flat be sold in 2024 ?Would like to hear your insight,
    Jessica. Thank you .
    Happy Lunar New Year, Jessica


    1. Thank you Evelyn. Happy Lunar New Year. This is very complicated with your sister, nephew, grandson and mother. You also have another younger sister involved with this. Your Tarot shows you the nephew who has depression. You also drew Justice. Your lawyer already showed you the facts. She is wrong and you are right. Focus on your nephew. That is your entire answer until the next time you make a booking. You are a Sun Taurus who is now looking at a great deal more money or property after May 2024 until June 2025. I suspect that is the property sale. But go to your nephew, or your sister (about your nephew).

  65. Hi Jessica, I’m a Sun (& Moon) Aquarius with a stellium of 9 in Aquarius. I bought the 2024 report and been working on outer image/reputation-related issues with astrology delivery to work on building a new writing career for myself and attracting new/healthy relationships. The most recent card results I’ve had are the High Priestess tarot, Jupiter and Eleventh House for the astrology oracle, and Planting Ideas (past), A Fresh Start for Mind Body & Spirit (present) and The Need to Reconnect (future) with the garden oracle. I’m really putting myself out there (e.g. on Twitter/Instagram) and reaching out to people to introduce my ideas for potential collaborations, etc. However, it’s really uncomfortable for me because I’m quite an introverted person. Also, I don’t seem to be getting much response and I hate being ‘pushy’ or intrusive with people. My instinct is that there’s a limit to the extent you can pester people to get noticed and ask for help, although that’s often promoted in our culture as ambitious/resilient/persistent. I’m now not sure whether to back off for a bit, get on with my writing projects by myself and see what happens later down the line. How would you interpret this?
    Best wishes, Jess

    1. That’s a big Aquarius stellium. Thank you for buying the 2024 report. You are a bit early with your expectation of results for self-promotion; the Aquarius weather has only recently started and Astrology Delivery takes time and comes in stages. You may also want to look at other ways to promote yourself, than something you find uncomfortable because you are being pushy. The answers are actually in the cards. The High Priestess tells you to advertise yourself with your work. The scroll in the hand is everything. Not the priestess. You were also told about Jupiter and the Eleventh House. That’s a group of people online you enjoy and grow with. So it’s not you, by yourself. Go back to your reading and have another look; this will work for you.

    1. All the Astrology Delivery dates and information is now in the 2024-2025 Astrology Report as the free trial period has ended. Thank you.

  66. Hi Jessica, I’m a Capricorn and have just finished my astrology delivery for the short booking. These were the cards I drew, starting from the earliest date to today –
    Seven of cups
    Three of wands
    Five of swords
    The empress
    Three of wands
    Knight of cups
    Would you say that these will be for a positive outcome for me asking for money to clear our debts and mortgage?
    Thank you for any insight!

    1. The idea is to use the Tarot cards as your guide for action, between bookings. The last one is effective now, so your gateway is a man who is on a journey to you, meeting you halfway.

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