The Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse of October 2023

On Saturday, October 28th, 2023, at 4:24 pm in New York (adjust for your time zone) the Sun at 5 Scorpio 09 will be in opposition to the Moon at 5 Taurus 09. This is a Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse, in the two money signs.

Taurus Johann Bayer 300x225 - The Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse of October 2023Taurus the Bull is associated with bull markets, gold bullion and the Charging Bull or Bull of Wall Street in the Financial District of New York.

Scorpio Johann Bayer 300x227 - The Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse of October 2023Scorpio the Scorpion is associated with predatory companies and grasping individuals. Scorpio is also associated with stings; sting operations designed to catch, for example, money launderers. We may see a ‘sting’ with Russian mobs, for example.

A Full Moon always brings things full circle and to a full stop. An eclipse is always a cover-up. On a lunar eclipse, you can’t see the Moon. It’s in shadow. An eclipse always chimes with a blind spot. Sometimes the truth is staring us in the face, and we don’t see it. The facts are in plain sight, but we’re blind to them.

Thus, we can expect shadowy figures around Wall Street and world financial markets, tied to Wall Street, on Saturday, October 28th. We will be left in the dark regarding our national and the world economy. This may be cryptocurrency. It may be oil or gold. For the reasons why, watch Wall Street and other sharemarkets near 1st, 7th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 28th, 29th, 31st October. Premium Member? Keep reading.

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155 Responses

  1. hi Jessica. I have a couple of 5 degrees: Cupido in Scorpio and Vesta in Taurus, also IC/MC in Aries/libra. I’m a Pisces with Aries/ libra stellium. do you know how this eclipse will affect me? thanks!

    1. In a few weeks or months you will look back at the eclipse and realise you were taken in by a situation. You were duped. Fortunately you will have let the eclipse pass you by and not judged or acted ‘as if’ something was real because it never was. My favourite example of this, is the way Camilla and Charles fooled the world when Charles married Diana. Nobody had a clue that Diana had wanted to call off the wedding. Taurus and Scorpio describe your tax return; banks; PayPal, insurance and so on. Suspend judgement while it passes. It is very common for there to be a distraction or diversion hiding what or who is concealed in plain sight. Again using the Diana-Charles wedding as an example, the stunning bride was the distraction, diverting attention away from Mrs Camilla Parker-Bowles, yet another face in the congregation.

  2. Hi Jessica,
    I am Gemini sun, moon taurus, and rising. I am afraid the taurus scorpio eclipse will significantly affect me since i have moon taurus, I am also taurus rising. After Jupiter move into taurus my life totally changed, my father is in bed now with mental health issue. It is very difficult now. Do you have suggestions? How can I do in the eclipse season. I know I can’t control everything and I want release control at all. But I have to put some boundaries around me. Thanks

    1. I am sorry your father has mental health problems. Jupiter going into Taurus is not the source of that. Taurus has nothing to do with your father and Jupiter is good news, not the reverse. Your issue is the South Node in Cancer in the Fourth House of family. The South Node is karma from your last life. You knew your father in your prior incarnation; he may have been your son, back then. You owe him a spiritual debt and so have been put in a situation where you must take care of him. I am sorry it is so difficult. You obviously have choices to make about your will, and his legacy. Don’t make them on the eclipse as you will not see, and cannot know, what is actually going on. Yun, you need professional expertise to deal with the questions about the family money situation so please get it if you’ve not done so.

  3. Hi Jessica, thank you explaining the upcoming October eclipse. I have north/ south nodes in Taurus/Scorpio and also a Scorpio stellium. Would you be able to explain what this eclipse means for me please? Thank you so much.

    1. Taurus and Scorpio is really about the difference between your life budget and that of your partner or ex partner. You don’t say if you are single or married which makes it impossible to say more. Scorpio is sex, death and money, for example, so it is commonly about the bank, the mortgage and the partnership – and what happens if you break up. In general, just as the article advises, do not act or judge about money, property, business, charity on the eclipse because you will not know and cannot see.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    I have my nodes in Aries and Libra as well as a Scorpio stellium. Could you please help decode the way this could impact me? I’m in a stuck and lack mode where work is concerned. Thank you.

    1. Eclipses won’t change work. They are cover-ups. In Taurus and Scorpio, they cover up financial truths. Your Aries and Libra nodes are also irrelevant to work. Work is Virgo and Capricorn. You have a Virgo stellium with the Moon at 27 Virgo and you need to be needed, doing your duty and providing a service. Whenever you feel high job satisfaction in being Jeeves to somebody else’s Wooster, you are happiest and you also thrive on routine as Virgo is about the meticulous details, perfecting the craft, skill or trade to perfection, if you can. When this does not work in your life, either because you have mild depression (which can remove motivation) or just because you no longer find the job satisfaction, it is time to resign or part-resign if you can. 2024 will see Jupiter with all his opportunities and solutions trine your natal Moon so as you draw closer to the middle of the year you will be given your chance to have your cake and eat it too.

  5. Dear Jessica
    Hope you are doing well these days. This one really hits home for me- my sun is at 4 Taurus and I also have Vesta at 5 Scorpio. It also falls on my granddaughters birthday, who will be age 4, who is 4 Scorpio sun and has her Uranus at 4 Taurus. I’ve written to you before about her chaotic birth, where she and my daughter were both injured, and were both at risk of being lost to me. Enough of that, I just want to know how it all affects us, I most certainly am her second mom, we are extremely close, though I guess the opposition will come out later on? How will eclipse affect all this? Her mom is a Pisces with her North Node at 4 degrees Pisces and her Mercury at 5 Pisces. We can be quite the trio. When I see the tarot Three Cups, I think of the three of us.
    I sure hope this one finds it way to you. Thanks for being there to send it to, regardless.

    1. People look for effects from eclipses, which will offer up nothing, as the whole point of eclipses is that they pass without anybody being any wiser. The event certainly takes place but it is usually months later that you realised you did not see/could not know. This is why you will see absolutely nothing on the eclipse, either regarding yourself or your granddaughter. It is also why you avoid judging or acting on financial matters, which Taurus and Scorpio rule. Later on, there will in fact be a wake-up call and you will realise you were right to avoid assuming anything.

    1. Thank you. You tend to get financial, house, apartment, business or charity decisions during Scorpio season and so the temptation is there to choose, definitively, what you’ll do. This may be a legacy or will, for example. It may be a new house with all its splitting of bills. The best way to navigate is to avoid the eclipse entirely and remember it affects different parts of the world at different times. If you don’t judge or act, you won’t have that ‘What?’ moment weeks or months later.

  6. Hi Jessica,
    I was looking forward to this article because in my natal chart I have Mercury at 5 Taurus.
    The Tarot card I pulled was the Ace of Wands, and this impressed me a lot, because in the next few days I will publish on Amazon my first planner, and I hope it will be the first of a long series (I have several ideas for creating calendars, notebooks, playing cards and oracles).
    What do you think I can expect?
    Many thanks. 🙂

    1. The Tarot is accurate and a trustworthy friend once you become really familiar with it. Congratulations on your planner publication. Are you using Amazon Italy? Think about other countries. At the moment this is not the final market. If you are using Amazon US, the same applies. Look at the actual market for your products for the best success.

  7. I have a Scorpio Sun with a stellium in Libra with Taurus North Node at 4 51′ 55″ and Scorpio South Node 4 51′ 55″, not quite 5. Does this eclipse affect me?

    1. Yes, the eclipse picks up issues about bills in a shared house (for example), your accountant, your will, any legacy which affects you, your business interests, cryptocurrency, the NFT market, your valuables, your income, banks and so on. Avoid judging or acting on it as you will be in the dark.

  8. Hello Jessica, this Eclipse signals the last one of my nodal return. The last one saw the start of a new career for me and this one is also seeing me going down a new path of teaching. As you predicted, I have been providing mentorship to millennials and being called upon to lead. I had a really horrible relationship end in June with a man who had stelliums in Taurus and Scorpio. I had both my personal and professional integrity called into question. It has been a challenge but a catharsis and I wondered as being a Capricorn with stelliums in Leo and Aquarius, what will this final chapter of my nodal return herald. Thanks so much.

    1. Thank you for confirming the prediction. I am sorry about the horrible relationship with the heavily Taurus and Scorpio man. You occasionally get these people with skewed values with that sign combination. They were usually taught how to be pond life, by their fathers, who were also pond life. There is a fixed, stubborn, immovable quality about them and they can also be surprisingly corrupt, justifying it to themselves on all sorts of moral high ground! Anyway you are well rid. Your Aquarius stellium’s not really had a look-in, but once Pluto settles into Aquarius from January you have about 20 years of impressive transformation ahead as you will be drawn towards a community of people who are incredibly diverse but also very much together – in a loose way. They will prove to you that a group can be powerful in terms of achievement not possible in any other way, but also quite potent in the way it affects its members or players. You are the supplier and while you’re never immersed in the group it could not exist without you. Expect clear signs in February 2024 and remember that Taurus-Scorpio is headed for karma once the lunar nodes go back into those signs a few years from now. Ouch karma.

  9. Hi Jessica, I’m hoping this eclipse cycle ending brings me relief one way or another. It’s not particularly my favorite. I’m a Taurus sun and rising and my father passed suddenly during the last cycle 19 years ago. Though this time has been hard in different ways: problems in a long term relationships (he’s a Scorp rising and his father passed this time around), and issues surrounding children, career, property, legal, health, you name it. Probably doesn’t help that Pluto is moving back and forth over my MC, Uranus is in my sign etc. I was feeling hopeful about Jupiter in Taurus, but needing that luck to kick in soon and this pressure cooker to end. Wondering if you see any easing of tensions ahead? Many thanks, Nyx

    1. Eclipses don’t bring relief, they bring a cover-up or blind spot. You have a pattern in the late degrees of water (feelings, emotions) and earth (finance) so Jupiter in Taurus will make all the right aspects once you are in 2024. Avoid the eclipse for judging or acting regarding the matters it rules; property, the law, your partner as you will not see and cannot know. Make decisions about the rest in 2024 when Jupiter is on your side.

  10. Hi Jessica, thank you for another insightful article.
    My descendant falls at 5’27” Scorpio, my ascendant 5’27” Taurus – what could be some impacts of this eclipse?
    Thank you

    1. You have a round-hour birth time which may mean it’s wrong, as parents and hospital staff or midwives tend to round up or down, when they can’t remember. However, if you have Taurus-Scorpio 5 degree patterns, your Descendant or DC will show the type of partner you attract; in Scorpio he or she is concerned with finances, houses, apartments, charity, or business. This may be professional or purely personal; your lovers are always very concerned about (say) mortgages, or pay packets; the nature of the relationship may revolve around (for example) one partner selling the house to the other, or the refusal of one partner to change his or her will in favour of the other person. Any time you have transits to 5 Scorpio this pattern repeats. Don’t make decisions on the eclipse as you cannot see and will not know. Wait for it to pass. You may not be aware of the property market in your street, for example – or the realities of your financial position with a de facto or live-in partner. It’s hard to say more as you don’t reveal if you are married, single, living apart or living together.

  11. Hello Jessica,
    I have Jupiter in Aries at 9d.
    I am in a bad spot in the last few years.
    What I should be looking into with regards to the housing market and interest rates.
    I appreciate your insight as always.
    Thank you!

    1. You have that 15, 16, 18 degree pattern across Taurus-Scorpio (all very close together) which suggests it never rains but it pours. Whenever you have transits at 15, 16, 17, 18 you either do very well out of a financial situation or find yourself in difficulty. You recently had the lunar nodes go across 15, 16, 17, 18 Taurus and Scorpio, in opposition, so I am not surprised that you have been stretched. You’ve also had transiting Uranus passing over those degrees. Right now, Chiron is at 18 so you’re not quite through this, although the worst is over. Wait for Jupiter to hit those degrees in Taurus; next year will give you a good problem-solving transit in your Second House of interest rates, housing and banking.

  12. Hi Jessica

    I have stellium in Libra
    how this eclipse may impact me , if you can shed some light looking at my chart


    1. Libra is the zodiac sign which rules the Seventh House of common-law marriage; marriage; separation and divorce. Scorpio is the zodiac sign which rules the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships ,so typically sharing the rent with a boyfriend, or dividing the money if your wife leaves you. HS you don’t say if you are single, married, have children, are divorced or anything else so it is impossible to say more, suffice to say that if a financial matter is on the agenda, you’d skip it on this eclipse.

  13. Hi Jessica! I have Ops at Scorpio 5 degrees 12. I’m reading what you wrote about her being the symbol of happiness after pain. What meaning does the eclipse mean in conjunction with her (a pretty close conjunction)? That week is very important to me as I am moving out of the house where I’ve lived for 29 years, with some big energetic shifts and decisions (not to try to buy the house). Besides Ops at five degrees, I have Pluto at 5 degrees Virgo 59 retrograde and North Node at 5 degrees 41. Chiron is at 4 degrees 39 in Pisces, less than a degree from the 5 degrees 09 of the eclipse. I am an Aries with Aries, Cancer and Scorpio stelliums . I think I’ve read the energetic messages correctly, and that it is good for me to be moving.
    Congrats on the big bid for the charity!

    1. Ops is not about happiness after pain, she is about resolution and benefits after difficulty. I don’t think the Romans would say Saturn’s Golden Age (after Ops acted) was ever about happiness; it was about improvement and acceptance after challenges. Knowing the proper meaning of the asteroid Ops is important as she is in Scorpio in your Eighth House of sex and money, but also family and property. She was mother to Jupiter and wife to Saturn, so this rather fits the meaning of the Eighth House. I am not surprised you are moving out of your house as the transits are picking up your solar and natal chart at the same time, so publicly and privately it’s time to pack your boxes after 29 years. The eclipse itself is not very useful so try and avoid the day or two it holds. The five-degree pattern is really under Saturn more than anything else, as he is approaching an opposition to Pluto at 5 Virgo which leads that cluster in your chart. Transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Pluto can only happen every 28-29 years and that is exactly how long you have been in your old house.

  14. Hello Jessica. I have Mars in Taurus at 5 degrees. But also Neptune, Diana, Bacchus, NN, SN are at 5 degrees. I am very curious what this means. Thank you very very much for everything you do. It makes life more interesting.

    1. Thank you. Mars in Taurus in the Second House fights for money, or fights over money – and sometimes property, charity, business or valuables. It’s not constant, it’s occasional, but it is a hallmark of the placement. Mars is the Roman god of war. Taurus rules gold bullion and also bull markets and is fixed on price. Mars hooks into a wider pattern on your chart, so when you do push back, or push hard, over money, valuables, charity, business, valuables – it affects everything else. Skip the eclipse which will leave you in the dark about who or what matters most. Later on you will discover what that was and be pleased you did not assume too much at the time as you would have been quite misled.

  15. Hi Jessica, thank you for another insightful article. I have stelliums in Scorpio, Libra and Taurus. I’m single; split with a long-term partner (mainly clashes over money, property and how he was handling a legacy he’d received) back at Easter. I also will be waiting to hear whether a work contract is likely to be renewed around that time, which would take care of me financially well into 2024. Any advice? K

    1. The eclipse is best avoided for the day or two that you are affected in Britain and if your work contract is abroad, allow for that time zone as well. You are strongly Scorpio and Taurus so the break-up over finance is not unusual. You just went through the challenge of the lunar nodes transiting Scorpio and Taurus, too. They are both fixed signs and take fixed positions on the bank account, bills and rent, mortgage or investments. It is far more important for you, than other people, to make sure you and any future husband or boyfriend are aligned financially as this is a core part of your life.

  16. Hi Jessica
    I have the Moon in 5 Scorpio, and Ceres in 5 Taurus. Can you please advise how this affects me?
    I’m a Libra sun, Cap rising, with Stelliums in Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
    Not sure how this may affect me as I am single, live alone, my divorce was over 10 years ago, last relationship ended 2 yrs ago, and daughter lives overseas.
    Thanks for any advice you can give.

    1. People always wonder how an eclipse affects them, but you never see an eclipse. There is nothing to watch out for or be aware of because you will never notice it. So you just avoid matters ruled by the signs involved, which in your case are financial, philanthropic, business related or tied to property. It’s rather like the general public asking ‘What should we watch out for when Diana marries Charles?’ and not having a clue that Charles’ mistress and future second wife was in the congregation. There was nothing to beware of, because nobody even knew she existed. They were all looking at Diana, the beautiful bride. So steer clear, basically. Try not to judge or act as if you can assume the truth on an eclipse, because you’ll never see it.

  17. Wow this article is so apt for what is currently going on in my life! My husband is a Sun Aries and the apartment building we stay in is considering redevelopment and inviting proposals. I have Aesculapia, Cupido and Sun in my Natal chart, and North node, Mercury, Uranus and Sun in my solar return chart in the tenth house. I am keen on this project going ahead, and drew the magician in tarot for this. But this will be a huge step and all residents are naturally nervous. How do I manage this period? Avoid the Eclipse week for any discussions and deals? Thank you in advance 🙂

    1. The Magician is an excellent card which shows your husband at his desk with everything well-balanced; his relationship with you, the money and his plans. I don’t use Solar Return charts so can’t comment on that. Yes, skip the eclipse period in Britain for deals and discussions as either the wool will be pulled, or you will have facts and figures staring you in the face, which you fail to see. You can find out more about the Magician in Pamela’s Tarot.

  18. hello Jessica,

    On 28th will be my birthday, my degree is 4, almost 5 so the eclipse will impact me somehow. I have multiple Scorpio degrees in my birthchart, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Diana. I am not in a relationship now and I was a little dissapointed by the attitude of a possible pair in the past and now I want to focus on myself and to my career, any insights for me will be really appreciate. Have a nice day!

    1. Your Sun is at 4 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, but also family relationships based on property and possessions. A mortgage is typical so is an inheritance. This is where you shine, all your life, when you get it right; it’s how you draw attention and hopefully admiration. You may prefer to skip dramatic judgements or actions regarding the same on the eclipse.

  19. Hi Jessica. I have Bacchus at 5 Scorpio. As you made reference that those with 5 Scorpio would be directly impacted, can you clarify what Bacchus there adds to your explanation?

    1. Bacchus is an ancient symbol of pleasure, good times and good food, music and often sexual abandon. The Bacchanalia was well-known in Rome. Bacchus is the god we associate with grapes. As a reduced symbol in astrology he shows where you give or receive pleasure. You do so in sexual and financial relationships. Just skip dramatic judgements or actions regarding the same on the eclipse.

  20. Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for your insight on this upcoming eclipse. Just curious if you could shed some light on what this might mean for me. I’m in the middle of a very long drawn out divorce that I just wish would end. My future ex husband is also a Scorpio. He has nothing at 5 but I have Apollo at 5 Scorpio and Saturn at 5 Taurus. It worries me a bit about what I might miss. Thank you.

    1. You have Apollo at 5 Scorpio in the Eighth House, which rules sexual and financial relationships. I am sorry the divorce is taking so long. Skip the eclipse as your visibility will be lowered. Neptune at 27 Scorpio hooks up to a pattern at 26, 27 and that is your entire issue. Your long, drawn-out situation has been triggered by transiting Pluto stuck on 27 degrees in Capricorn for so long. I am sure you know Neptune in Scorpio is about the bubble in the marriage and the bubble has been burst. The worst is over and from January you can actually see a different new year ahead. Pluto will be out of Capricorn and right off that degree in your chart. Make it easier by bypassing the eclipse.

  21. Hi Jessica, I’m a sun Scorpio with a huge Scorpio stellium. Scorpio at 14 degrees is also my descendant (with Taurus at 14 degrees my Ascendant). I have Jupiter in Cancer at 5 degrees.

    Also single, living with two children, not a ton of luck in relationships since my divorce five years ago, but I desire a relationship (probably the big Libra stellium I have). Are there any themes I should watch for with this eclipse and after? Thank you, as always.

    1. The eclipse is a blind spot about sharemarkets, the world economy, cryptocurrency and trade. The wool is being pulled on a global level or there is outright lack of awareness of the truth about the economy. Avoid those two days. You would not buy or sell a house, for example. You would not buy or sell shares. You want to marry again. The eclipse has nothing to do with that, but you could easily remarry as Pluto goes into Aquarius from January 2024 and steadily begins to trine all your Libra factors. Empowering. Transformative. A different sort of pairing for you. It is a long-term transit.

  22. Hi Jessica,
    Great article. I would like to know the impact of this eclipse on me personally and professionally as a leo with stelliums in Scorpio, Aries, Virgo and Cancer. My partner is a cancerian. Many thanks.

    1. Let’s see if you have anything at 5 Scorpio or 5 Taurus. No, there’s nothing there. You will be affected at a distance by a global blind spot about the world economy and cryptocurrency or outright deception regarding sharemarkets. Not personally or directly.

  23. Hi Jessica,

    Can you please tell how the eclipse will impact me in general? Fyi, I have invested in both stock market and crypto. Thanks in advance.

    DESC 04° Aquarius 46′ 21″
    Saturn 23° Aries 22′ 07″ R
    Chiron 00° Aries 51′ 50″ R
    Hygeia 02° Aries 52′ 42″ R
    NorthNode 09° Aries 38′ 38″
    Proserpina 21° Cancer 49′ 35″
    Moon 00° Capricorn 56′ 01″
    Salacia25° Capricorn 05′ 37″ R
    ASC 04° Leo 46′ 21″
    Diana 11° Leo 44′ 36″
    Apollo 13° Leo 55′ 12″
    Sun 05° Libra 45′ 29″
    Uranus 00° Libra 00′ 39″
    SouthNode 09° Libra 38′ 38″
    Bacchus 05° Sagittarius 41′ 15″
    Ops 02° Sagittarius 17′ 48″
    Vulcano 02° Sagittarius 53′ 32″
    Mercury 00° Scorpio 06′ 43″
    Venus 02° Scorpio 38′ 05″
    Neptune 24° Scorpio 32′ 12″
    Juno 16° Scorpio 10′ 26″
    Ceres 20° Scorpio 42′ 31″
    IC 03° Scorpio 07′ 14″
    Panacea 17° Scorpio 56′ 00″
    Psyche 25° Scorpio 16′ 20″
    Vesta 02° Taurus 35′ 49″ R
    MC 03° Taurus 07′ 14″
    Minerva 11° Taurus 29′ 01″ R
    Aesculapia 22° Taurus 52′ 46″ R
    Mars 04° Virgo 25′ 58″
    Jupiter 20° Virgo 39′ 26″
    Pluto 23° Virgo 09′ 34″
    Fortuna 13° Virgo 52′ 20″
    Cupido 20° Virgo 21′ 53″

    1. An eclipse conceals, it never reveals. An eclipse is a cover-up or blind spot. Astrology is synchronicity or what the Stoics thought of as sympathy with the cosmos. So you are asking about a day or two on the stockmarket and in the world of cryptocurrency when the wool will be pulled over everybody’s eyes or they will be staring at the truth in plain sight. Are you strongly Taurus and/or Scorpio? Yes. You have Mercury at 0 Scorpio and have already experienced transiting Pluto at 0 Aquarius square Mercury so have been triggered about getting something for nothing, and it will happen again, when Pluto returns to 0 Aquarius next January 2024. Pluto then goes on to square natal Venus at 2 Scorpio from 2 Aquarius so this is a complicated relationship with others (financial, business or property based) which may again be the ‘something for nothing’ trigger. Neptune at 24 Scorpio is in your Eighth House of banking and finance and with Uranus now at 22 Taurus proceeding towards an exact opposition at 24 Taurus, you risk having your bubble (Neptune) challenged (the opposition) by a shock (Uranus). I am duty bound to pass this on although it is not the answer you wanted to hear, I expect.

  24. Hi Jessica,
    I have a stellium in Aries. I am trying to find either additional source of income or a job that pays more. You said eclipse hides the reality, what should I be careful of as I look for avenues to make more money.
    Thank you for the article and for taking our time to read the question.

    1. At 16, 19 and 24 Taurus, you have a pattern which lends itself to expansion, growth, optimism, solutions and delivery, as transiting Jupiter is poised to transit 16, 19 and 24 Taurus. Think about a plan to take you to May 2024 when the cycle ends. This eclipse is not helpful though. Skip that period of 1-2 days globally as nothing is what it seems and the chance of an error of judgement is very high.

  25. Hi Jessica
    I hope life is treating you well. I have been trying to study the upcoming eclipses and am becoming confused. I was wondering if you could help me please? Is the solar eclipse opp my sun a part of this story or is it a different set of eclipses?
    With thanks for your time

    1. You are probably talking about the Aries-Libra Full Moon, not the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse so have confused the two. You are far more Aries-Libra and so the cover-up or blind spot ahead will be about a work partner (say) or your former partner (an old boyfriend or girlfriend). It’s about duets and double-acts, duels and two-way streets. Just skip it.

    1. You have a Taurus stellium, or unusually high number of Taurus factors in your Second House of business, shopping, charity, houses, apartments, land and so on. You have a nose for making or saving money and the older you become, the better it serves you. This eclipse is best avoided though, so try not to make that the time that you (say) ask for an answer about an inheritance, or start a company. By May 2024, though, Jupiter in Taurus will have given you some great open doors. There may be something there that does in fact deliver what your bank manager is pleased to see.

  26. Talk about the “how does this affect me, me, me brigade.” I thought Putin was supposed to be deposed by now? The Ukraine war over? Trump no longer centre stage? What happened to all the astrological predictions that despots would perish? The Ukraine war continues, Putin is alive and well, Trump could well still triumph, the world is in chaos and the posts are all about SELF. Any updates on Ukraine, Putin, global politics and everything and anything that affects everyone not just those asking for a free reading.

    1. I never predicted Putin would be deposed. I predicted his power would end and his visible illness (you can see his critical condition on any number of film clips on YouTube) as well as the obvious use of actors to impersonate him is evidence of that. The Ukraine war will end in 2023. It’s still September. Trump is going, going, gone as we’ve seen in New York. Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are both symbols of Pluto in Capricorn, the cycle which gives absolute power to one or two men at the top of a system. That system since 2008 (when the cycle began) is money laundering. The despots are headed for a loss of power which becomes final in 2024. Until then it ebbs away, either because they become critically ill (Putin) or because they face a jail term; resign; are removed from the scene for other reasons. This is a well-known cycle in astrology which goes back to Boudicca and Nero and because Pluto moves so very slowly, it happens in equally slow stages. There is no ‘Putin’ there are a number of actors. Trump is finished.

  27. Hi Jessica, Eclipses frustrate me. I hate to be in the dark about things:) I love clarity even if it brings challenges. So, I would appreciate your insights regarding my chart during this transit.
    I am a natal Taurus, 23 degrees 2nd house and Scorpio 17 degrees Saturn 8th house. Obviously, financial elements are in play here. I also have both Chiron and Aesculapia at 5 degrees Aquarius in the 11th House. I imagine that Chiron the wounded healer aligning with Aesculapia, the ultimate healer could suggest a turnaround in my finances. Can there be a light in the financial tunnel through groups, networks and VIPS? I could certainly use that!
    Warmest regards

    1. Thanks Emma. First of all, Chiron is not a wounded healer. I am not sure where this all got started in 20th century astrology, but it’s been repeated ever since, causing general confusion and a few wrong predictions to boot. Chiron is famously a teacher (he was in fact principally a music teacher) and although he was expert at herbal medicine, healing was the domain of Aesculapia. If you want a turnaround in your finances, the eclipse won’t do it (it’s a cover-up) but Jupiter will. You have an exact Minerva-Sun conjunction at 23 Taurus and when Jupiter goes to 23 Taurus you will have the opportunity you want to increase your savings or earnings; it’s not possible for another 12 years. By May 2024 you should have opened that door.

  28. Interesting take on eclipses, Jessica…My experience with our total Solar eclipse in July, 2017 was that I took up three completely new activities which changed my life significantly…Our neighbors, who never go anywhere, drove more than 1000 miles to see the totality….

    1. The 2017 total eclipse was actually in August, not July and it took place in the sign of Leo. It is in the nature of these things that there is always a cover-up at the time and back in 2017, that was (in general) about paternity, children, grandchildren, sexual relationships and teenagers. I’m not sure if that is what you are talking about, but readers have since reported that the truth about godchildren (for example) was being covered up. On a global scale of course we ended up with Jeffrey Epstein!

  29. Hello Jessica
    I’m really perplexed by this upcoming eclipse. I have the impacting factors and being a sun Taurus, the potential health impacts are a cause for concern. I only just discovered that I have fluid around my heart.
    I’m currently also working on building muscle to boost my low bone density. There’s just a lot going on right now.

    What are your thoughts on how this might play out with the eclipse and the above please?
    Thank you. x

    1. I am sorry you have heart issues, but you can take comfort in the fact that a Taurus-Scorpio eclipse has nothing to do with health. That’s Virgo.

  30. Hi Jessica, I have a few 5° marks in my chart and I have 18 Pluto in libra 12 Saturn in Virgo and Chiron at six Taurus can you please look at my chart and let me know what you see for me. I just recently received a job promotion that you predicted back in March I believe, but my relationship with my Aries spouse has had its ups and downs. Thank you

    1. Thank you for validating the prediction about your promotion. Your Aries spouse is in a karma cycle with you in 2023, 2024 and life as it was 18 or 19 years before (perhaps with a different girlfriend) is having an impact now, and next year too. He owes the universe, karmically, or is owed. Consequently you may find that your marriage is the proving ground for this as he has to tackle the spiritual balance sheet from the past, by going through the motions with you, in the present. From 2025 it’s all a great deal more simple. Do skip the eclipse for decisions and discussions about the financial aspects of the marriage, though; similarly the house or apartment, any possessions, valuables, sales or purchases and so on.

  31. Hi Jessica!!

    Would love your take on the Hollywood writer strike ending so close to the eclipse! I was wondering if it had anything to do with a Jupiter training mercury within a 2° orb on that day?

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Not so much the eclipse but certainly Mercury the messenger of the gods, finally leaving his long retrograde in Virgo, the sign of the worker, also ruled by Mercury the messenger. He is on the turn on Saturday 30th September. This suits the symbolism of a writers’ strike. Jupiter certainly helps.

  32. Sorry, that was supposed to say Jupiter trine not train! Oh, my phone keeps trying to change it now it’s trying to make it tribe!!

  33. Hi Jessica, I am a sun Libra and my husband is a sun Virgo and we will be putting our house up for sale on October 1st. I’m a little concerned about it selling during the upcoming eclipse. Any insights you can give me will be much appreciated.
    Thank you Jessica

    1. Just avoid the actual eclipse window for selling, but otherwise your chart looks terrific. You will be given one opportunity after another to save or make money, via the sale and next purchase, between now and May 2024. This is quite a long Jupiter transit.

  34. Hi Jessica, May I ask you how this Full Moon affects my chart? My current job is surrounded by smoke and mirrors, I am feeling a bit lost and wish not to lose my patience therefore act hastily. I am often remembering the Tarot card I pulled during one of the Zooms with you this year…it helps for me to catch my breath. Would love your input. Thank you. Best, Cecelia

    1. Smoke and mirrors is usually a Neptune transit, Cecelia, or a transit to natal Neptune. Your job is always Virgo or Capricorn. You have Fortuna at 28 Capricorn and Neptune is transiting at 26, 27 Pisces which is close enough for a sextile. So, transiting Neptune sextile natal Fortuna is temporary, but slow. Neptune typically appears as people or organisations which you find muddled and muddling; unclear; confused and confusing. Natal Fortuna in Capricorn shows how you profoundly affect colleagues, employers, staff, clients and so on, but without realising what you are doing. You tend to put people on a pedestal but it doesn’t last. Neptune transiting Fortuna can make you feel as if you need more certainty and clarity. One way to get it, is grounding meditation which anchors your base chakra to Mother Earth. Walking also grounds you. These methods work well for Neptune transits, readers report.

  35. Dear Jessica,

    Can I just say.. I am astounded by your sheer grace! Reading some of the comments on here makes me wonder at the level of people’s entitlement! I am outraged on your behalf and have nothing but admiration for your ability to keep your cool and continue to help gadzillions. I shall take inspiration as usual.
    I just want to say thankyou. I have followed you for years and benefitted immensely from your generosity as have many others I have observed. On the bright side Im certain you have notched up sufficient good karma to never have to walk this dense energy again.

    All my Love.

    1. Thank you so much Kimberley. You are too kind. And enjoy Jupiter in Gemini from May 2024, which will pick up your Gemini stellium until June 2025 and bring the most incredible opportunities with the web; media; education; academia; publishing.

  36. Jessica,
    Thank you for a great blog as always! I assume you can see my natal chart (if I can stay logged in), so can you tell me if this eclipse will impact my current search for a law associate internship placement next summer?


    1. Next summer is July, August 2024 Sarah so your timing is right. The internship may involve foreign people or a foreign company. You would hear about it, or have confirmation, in January, February, 2023. Just skip the eclipse. You won’t see all that you need to see, then.

  37. Hi Jessica,

    I feel this eclipse will affect me quite a bit. Any insights on my chart please?


    1. You are a Sun Scorpio who is heavily Scorpio and Capricorn, so suited to a lifestyle and/or career which allows for ambition and also complex financial or property relationships. You can do that by working in business or by marrying somebody who is virtually a business proposition. The eclipse does tilt against shopping, selling, insurance, houses, apartments, land, charity, banking – so avoid those days. Later on, once the Scorpio traffic begins ahead of the Capricorn traffic (November, December, January) you will find big decisions reshape your direction with work, unpaid work or academia. This is most likely because of a wider reshuffle which also affects you.

  38. Hi Jessica! I have a few factors in Taurus and Scorpio. We are looking to move into a new house to accommodate my Taurus husband who has been diagnosed with ALS this year. Any advice on what’s in store and how these eclipses could affect us? Thank you.

    1. You are a Sun Aries with karma to manage regarding your husband, as you are in the South Node in Libra cycle in your Seventh House of marriage, which takes place every 18-19 years. Life as it was back then, either involving him or another man, now returns to you and in 2023, 2024 you will be slowly achieving closure, in terms of what you are owed (spiritually) or all that you owe. I am sorry about his diagnosis but it is not uncommon to find a partner’s situation changes on this cycle – and so you have to change with it. You’ll find the move is much smoother now Mercury Retrograde is behind you (from 30th September). Skip the eclipses for decisions or action plans, though, you will be missing too much information you need.

  39. Hi Jessica,
    any enlightenment on how this eclipse might affect me would be appreciated. There are many question marks hopping about in my life at present. And that of my daughter’s (pisces 21.02.05). In almost every field… career, moving country, and finances being the most prominent. There is a sense of fear that I have been dealing with… imaginary or real I’m unsure.
    Thank you so much for your wisdom.

    1. The eclipse is best avoided as you won’t have all the information about your bank, income, finances that you need to make the right judgements. In fact, you may find you can’t see what you need, to make informed decisions. It’s only a day or two, so not a huge deal to move past it. If you have anxiety then please use the Paul McKenna or Michael Sealey recordings on YouTube, or the books of Dr. Claire Weekes. You are a Sun Cancer woman who will make a fresh start financially in January or February 2024. Moving countries is extremely common when both Saturn and Neptune are transiting your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign nations; if you are going to do it, this seems most likely from late February to April, so 2024 is already calling you.

  40. Hi Jessica, your prediction (earlier in the year), that I could turn around a difficult work situation (if I accepted solutions that were coming down the pipe), came true. I did accept the solution, and it changed my working life for the better, massively. Thank you! I have Scorpio ASC at 6 degrees Scorpio, therefore DESC at 6 degrees Taurus. Any advice on what I should watch out for or miss, as the case may be, over the eclipse period? You are the most accurate astrologer I have come across.

    1. Thank you for confirming the prediction came true. I’m glad work is so much easier for you. This eclipse is best avoided, given your chart. So steer clear of dramatic decisions or judgements about your money, house, apartment, charity commitments, valuables, business.

  41. Hi Jessica, On the one hand, I feel optimistic that I have both my natal Sun and Minerva at 23 Taurus. The Jupiter in Taurus transit seems to offer opportunity for growth here. On the other hand, I am not so optimistic about having natal Saturn at 17 Scorpio and also Juno at 7 Scorpio. I suspect that that factors at any degree of Scorpio can scupper things. What can you tell me? Emma X

    1. Transiting Jupiter in conjunction to natal Sun in Taurus is really beneficial in terms of expanding your profile as a businesswoman, real estate investor, philanthropist or financier. It really depends what your job or lifestyle is, which you don’t say. The larger profile is to your benefit. You could have bought the cheapest house in the country, for example, or one of the cheapest houses, and see it go up in value five times, having paid cash for it. It’s obvious to all, because there’s a story in a financial paper about your suburb’s rapid growth in price. Transiting Jupiter in conjunction with natal Minerva in Taurus is more useful as they were father and daughter in mythology; she was born fully formed from his brain as I am sure you know. There is a natural relationship here and so the growth, improvement and expansion is really about your financial acumen as well as any study you are doing, say, in economics. Even in opposition, Jupiter benefits you. Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Saturn is helpful, and again they were related in myth as son and father. Juno was Jupiter’s wife. It’s impossible to comment more without any information from you, but you can of course use your flipbooks here to continue an interpretation.

  42. Hi Jessica!

    Thanks so much for your post! I don’t have anything exactly at 5 degree but I do have Venus and Jupiter at 4 degree. I also have Scorpio in Vulcano, Pluto, IC, and Juno.

    For Career/Professions, I’ve been working and preparing to change job but haven’t got the opportunity. I wonder if this eclipse and the eclipses in 2024 will bring more opportunities for my career?

    Thanks Jessica!

    1. Thank you. Eclipses do not bring career opportunities. They cover up the facts and hide the truth. In Scorpio and Taurus this is about the economy; the sharemarkets; your banking; interest rates. Avoid those two days to judge or act. If you want a new job then as a Sun Capricorn you should be in the job that is bigger and better than anything else experienced in years, from May 2024, if you follow the path laid out for you then and be far happier by June 2024, as Jupiter goes through Gemini and your Sixth House of lifestyle and work.

  43. Hi Jessica,
    I messed up communications the last few months, and a promising relationship with a Scorpio seems to be now ended, and has left a deep impact. Not sure if will ever get together again, or if there is any possibility on the horizon, I usually do not get attracted the way I did. I am headed off to travel/volunteer, but do not feel hopeful of life anymore, even though there are no real stresses. Also, on another note, I not clear on how am I supposed to make income? Overall, feel very unmoored. Would really appreciate some guidance on how these eclipses ( my MC is in Taurus and IC in Scorpio) or other factors can help me in the next few months.
    Also, a general question for me to understand your horoscope sections better: when there is planetary activity happening in say Scorpio, do I read it to mean it is influencing my 8th house or per my natal birth chart my 4th house or per the Virgo Sun horoscope my 3rd house? I am always confused about what house leads here.
    Thank you!

    1. Mercury Retrograde was with you in August and September, Leena, so you may have found the communication issues tied to that. The messenger of the gods got stuck and went backwards. I am sorry you have broken up with your lover. The eclipses are best skipped for the 1-2 days the world experiences them, particularly if you wanted to borrow money to travel abroad, or contact a charity about your commitment. These are areas ruled by Taurus and Scorpio. You are a Sun Virgo, with stelliums in Virgo, Libra, Cancer and Aquarius. You will gain closure with your ex by January 11th 2025, either because you get a new partner, or because the two of you reach an agreement. This is karmic in nature and goes back to your life as it was in 2005 and 2006 as you are owed from that time, in terms of duets or duels, or you owe the universe. Your last question is about the two systems I use for accuracy; the solar chart or Sun Sign chart and the natal chart or birth chart. When you read about Scorpio transits, as a Virgo, you are reading about your solar Third House, but in your birth chart, your natal Eighth House. Both developments will happen at the same time. So there may be a will (Eighth House) that ties in your sibling (Third House) for example.

  44. Hi Jessica, the only thing I have at 5 deg is Proserpina in Scorpio and I’m unsure how to interpret that. Can you please shed some light on how or whether that placement will effect me on this eclipse? Thanks x

    1. Proserpina in Scorpio in the Eighth House describes your role as go-between, whenever financial, property, business, shopping, charity or ownership issues come up. Two powerful people or organisations are always involved and you act as the intermediary or piggy-in-the-middle. This repeats in various ways throughout your life. It is common in the charts of children whose parents were divorced and who shared custody and financial responsibility for the daughter. It can also turn up without that at all – but a professional life that involves sharing time, energy and commitment between two different parties – often the employer and the customer. As this role is in the spotlight again but on a mystifying eclipse, skip that 1-2 day period for decisions.

  45. Thank you, Jessica. I will try to remain hopeful and open through 2024…
    One more clarifying question: With my Ascedant and First House being in Leo, even though my Sun is in Virgo, would Scorpio be considered my Third House or the Fourth House? It seems that in my birth chart, it is the Fourth House, not the Third? The reason I have always questioned about it is because I have had a lot of childhood trauma which is supposedly attached to IC/Fourth House/Scorpio, and so not sure if this will be impacted during the eclipses. Thank you!

    1. I use the Solar House System and Natural House System together. The former is public; the latter is private. So you have two horoscopes. One is your Virgo chart and the other is your natal chart. In your Virgo chart, Taurus rules the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries; Scorpio rules the Third House of internet, siblings and short journeys. In your natal chart, Taurus rules your Second House of personal finance and Scorpio rules your Eighth House of joint finance. Childhood trauma, which I am sorry to hear about, would involve the Third House if a brother, sister or cousin was responsible. If not, we go to Cancer, which rules the family and the Fourth House of your natal chart, where you do have squares and oppositions. The eclipses will not have any impact at all on your childhood trauma.

  46. Dear Jessica

    Please can you share your insight on how this eclipse is likely going to affect me. I have 8 placements in Scorpio. Thank you so much. Much Love

    1. You are strongly Scorpio so ‘live’ in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, but also family-based financial and property relationships. This may be reflected in your job (you might work in insurance, or a bank, or retail but bring home the bacon with one eye on your partnership or joint bank account). It may show up periodically personally, so you may be an heiress dependent on income from your father, or be yourself a self-made woman who makes sure her staff are well looked after. You don’t say anything about your life so rather than go on guessing endlessly about Scorpio and Eighth House permutations, I can only suggest you avoid decisions or judgements regarding same, on eclipse day. You would allow the day before and after too, for different world time zones and sleep cycles.

  47. Hi Jessica,

    I know you have my birth chart already 🙂

    I am trying hard to change jobs plus dealing with a lot of family situations (beyond my control).

    How will this eclipses potentially affect me?

    As always- thank you!

    1. Thank you, I can see your birth chart here. Reading your Sun Taurus chart as well as your natal chart, it looks as though January, February 2024 are the months you will change jobs, or succeed in a plan to take you out of your 2023 role into your 2024 role; it should be with you by February at the very latest if you combine your intuition with good timing. You could also get a job now and be promoted from January 2024, or even leave that appointment for a superior role as 2024 begins. The family situations are less important long-term than you think. The eclipse is about marriage or partnership (is that what you mean by family?) and you may want to avoid judging or acting on both days, if you are in fact married or in a couple.

  48. I got legally divorced on July 17th 2023 but have last bits of payment left to close the file for good.
    My mom has come to live with me now and is going through health challenges so I need to take care of her.
    Between all this and a very heavy workload, I am looking for a break

    Thank you so much Jessica!

  49. Hi Jessica,
    This eclipse will be conjunct my natal Venus/Psyche conjuction, inconjunct natal Saturn and sextile natal Jupiter. Interesting times.
    Thanks for the great articles.

  50. Experiencing huge financial issues. My car just got broken into, windows smashed and all my tax forms stolen from a carrying case. Concerned about identity theft. Just found out I owe a massive tax liability. This weekend, I traveled to a big city to interview for a job that seemed like a sure thing, but couldn’t close the deal, spent a bunch of money traveling on my own dime to try and get the job.

    I’ve been praying and trying to manifest. Can you please tell me if this is going to change soon or what I can do to make it shift? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

    1. I am really sorry about this. I hope you are feeling steadier on your feet after this awful event. By now you will have taken steps to protect yourself from ID theft which can be done quickly online. The tax can also be sorted out online; you are not the only person who will need to pay in stages. So take a deep breath and keep going. Your prayers will have been heard by your family and friends in spirit and wheels will turn for you. Transiting Pluto is at 27 Capricorn. You were born with Psyche at 27 Virgo in your sector of work and lifestyle. This trine can only happen every 248 years so the break-in, theft, tax bill and job interview are part of a massive crossroads when just about everything has to change. Pluto is people or situations which feel like they’re taking over. Psyche, natally, is a symbol of what lasts forever. In short, you do. What you do to pass these tests and trials will immortalise you, believe it or not. The obstacle course makes you stronger and more powerful. You are a Leo who should focus on your house, apartment, town and country in October to get delivery of some or all that you want by December. In the month of November, switch the focus to relationships and a younger generation. In December itself (the big one) book delivery of what you want from work, your lifestyle, your wellbeing and your daily routine. You will get some or all of what you want in 2024 if you follow the steps. Find the Astrology Delivery feature I filed and use those dates and follow the rules. By all the laws of astrology you will have a terrific new career by May 2024 at the absolute latest.

  51. Hi Jessica:
    I left a message for other eclipse post, however this one caught my attention too.

    I have Stelliums in Sagittarius, Libra and Virgo, however, my father who is mentally unwell, with Alzheimers. He is.a Taurus and in his late 80s; his mental state has caused him to become very cruel and mean towards me, and so very possessive and paranoid about his finances. His memory is very challenged so I worry greatly what he is doing that I am unaware about – more specifically, the Trust and finances he had put aside for our family, now a constant daily risk of being ‘touched’, used or given away. I find it so very difficult to protect him and care for him, with daily attacks of paranoia and cruel threats, and still honor and follow thru with his requests and wishes he put in place before becoming sick.

    Can you please advise me if this eclipse will impact me in a way with regards to this particular situation with my father. Thank you..

    1. This eclipse is not about your father. It is also here and gone in a matter of hours, so just defer acting or judging on friends and groups then, which it does in fact trigger. The situation with your father sounds very difficult and I am sorry you are going through it. The financial side of things will be far easier after January 2024. The choices about him and/or his estate will peak in February, March 2024. So a lot of this can wait for later. I hope you are in touch with a support group online of other carers like you going through it. Your issue is the Saturn and Neptune transit in your sector of family, but of course it doesn’t last.

  52. Thank as always for your wonderful posts. I’m finishing up a publishing contract now and feeling completely stuck about whether to move on to stay put. Cue the music: Do I stay or do I go? Any insights you have about the eclipse’s effect on me would be much appreciated!

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Taurus with the classic Gemini stellium of publishing, writing, web and media. The eclipse will have no impact on this at all. You should use Astrology Delivery for publishing, in December, if you’ve still not made up your mind. Make a booking for the best contract and outcome you can and just follow the steps. This will help shape your future in specific ways. The peak decision time for the contract would come anyway in December 2023, January 2024, but you may as well control the process. Astrology Delivery is a good way of doing that.

  53. Hi,
    How does this affect me? There has been surprise things with family affairs and it has me stressed out.

    1. The eclipse is over now. It has absolutely nothing to do with your family. Your family situation is about a forthcoming change in January, February 2024 which is being set up now. As the new year begins there will be a transformation in the family which alters the controls, so what you are feeling now is giving you time to prepare for that.

  54. Hi Jessica
    I would be fascinated to see if you can glean from my natal chart any vital information I might be missing. I’m recently divorced and on my own now with 3 kids, it was a very difficult divorce and he’s making mine and my children’s future more difficult than it should be as hasn’t pay any maintenance over the past nearly 3 months. I am owed big time from 19 years ago and even more since my divorce in April. Any insight would be very helpful. Hope you’re well. Thank you

    1. I am sorry your former husband will not pay you and the children. You are a Sun Leo with the MC-IC at 26 Taurus-Scorpio. You are slowly moving towards complete financial independence which will set you free. You can’t put a price on freedom. Basically, for the first time in your life, the planet of liberation, Uranus, is going towards 26 Taurus where it will trigger that chart pattern. Pluto was just at 26 Capricorn, again triggering the pattern. I know he owes you maintenance – legally, ethically, morally. I also know that there are no quick and easy solutions to be had, but you are in a fantastic cycle for career and should get the best from your job situation you possibly can by May 2024. Don’t dismiss your being able to manage by yourself, without him. Your family tree reveals a relative or ancestor was also in your situation; having to fend for himself or herself for a time. From this comes total freedom. You literally won’t owe him anything.

  55. Hello Jessica, are aspects – natal and transiting – with nodes always karmic in nature? This eclipse degree is the same as my Aries south node , Libra north node degree of 5°. So is the 19 year cycle triggered here too? Thank you for all you do. Best.

    1. Yes, the transits of the nodes are always karmic and transits to the nodes, the same. This is because they go backwards in time, through the signs, in 18-19 year loops.

  56. Hello Jessica, could this eclipse be triggered by eclipses in Jan 2019?
    Can’t help be feel a karmic pull from 2004 & 2019 (counselling, adoption, status, finances, other peoples money and the internet). Can this be possible?

    1. No, there’s no connection between this eclipse and the 2019 eclipse cycle. If you’re talking about adoption that’s a Leo matter in your Fifth House. You have Leo factors at 8, 9 and 24 degrees. Your issue is the North Node at 24 Aries and South Node at 24 Libra, picking up your North Node at 24 Leo. That’s a lot of nodal action. They take 18-19 years to do this and it’s happening now. And your North Node in Leo is karmic, going back through many past lives. You can find more about it in Modern Astrology 2050, which was free to members a while ago.

  57. Dear Jessica,

    I would be grateful if you could give me any insight into this eclipse. I have a Taurus stellium and Mercury at 5 degrees in Taurus. Just accepted a new job and am about to hand in my resignation. Thank you!

    1. You may want to resign away from the eclipse and also look at the fine print on the original contract – before or after it.

  58. Hi Jessica,

    I have Uranus at 5 Scorpio, also Mars at 11 Cancer if it’s important for those aspects close to the eclipse… Sun at 21 Aries/Moon 13 Virgo. Looking into purchasing an existing business now. Also considering moving, don’t know where yet.

    Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Moving and buying a business are best done far away from that eclipse, if possible. There is low visibility then.

  59. Dear Jessica. Thank you as always for sharing, caring and daring
    I have Chiron @ 5 Taurus, so right in the face of this eclipse/full moon! What would I expect to be illuminated/triggered? The Tower for this week should make things interesting All the best from Denmark ☀️

    1. Thank you very much. My old flatmate was from Denmark. There won’t be any illumination on the eclipse; rather, there will be a blind spot about your money, possessions, property and so on. It’s best avoided. As a Sun Leo you have The Tower ahead; a symbol of the choice to go back and rebuild at work or home – or just leave a situation and begin. The Tower is full of unknowns as you cannot see in very clearly; that nods to the eclipse and an excuse to decide later, when light is shed.

  60. Hi Jessica,
    I have a stellium in Scorpio. Venus is in Scorpio at 5 degrees. Mercury is in Scorpio at 21 degrees, Sun is at 22 degrees, Neptune is 28 degrees, in Scorpio. Moon is at 00 degrees in Aquarius and Mars is at 07 degrees in Aquarius. Jupiter is in Libra at 24 degree so is Uranus at 7 degrees in Libra also. Saturn is in Taurus at 4 degrees. Pluto is in Virgo at 26 degrees. N. Node is in 18 degrees Pisces. How can this eclipse be triggered by the eclipse in January 2019? Since 2013, my life has changed a lot. I went through a divorce after 25 years of marriage. I have two beautiful children, both of whom are physicians, and two beautiful granddaughters. I have been talking with a guy since 2017, but there is no commitment. I also started a new business, and the first four months were amazing. However, suddenly the contract ended.
    I am currently facing difficulties in finding good employees. Additionally, some people owe me money for my services and I am not getting paid.

    1. Eclipses are strange things. They go unseen. You won’t see triggers; in fact you won’t see anything at all. It is only later that you realise how hidden in plain sight, things were. That’s why it’s best for you to avoid the actual eclipse day. You were born with Saturn at 4 Taurus in your Second House of business and invoicing which suggests regular restrictions and limitations; think about Saturn the ringed planet and you will see what it feels like to have Saturn in the zodiac sign of bull markets and gold bullion. Symbolically that is quite heavy and hard work; your issues will come and go, along with transits to Saturn. Transiting Saturn is moving to 4 Pisces where he will sextile natal Saturn so you may want to allow for the ‘rings’ then. Beautiful children and grandchildren? That’s in the chart too. Congratulations.

  61. Hi Jessica! Can you please take a look at my chart and see how the eclipse affects me? There is a leaking radiator in an apartment which I own overseas in Russia, which my relative discovered 2 weeks ago. The coop promised me to repair it, but they keep dragging their feet. Concerned they won’t do anything, the radiator will burst and the neighbors below will sue me. I am currently in the US, would rather not go Russia to deal with this given Do Not Travel warning from the Department of State.

    1. You are a Sun Virgo who may want to skip the actual eclipse to pursue outcomes with Russians; it falls across your solar Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. Timing is everything in astrology, though and the Sagittarius transits ahead will help you and your relative to sort out the apartment and the coop. Mercury (negotiation) goes in there from 11th November onwards. The key is actually your family member. You may have to pay your way through this but you won’t have to go there. See what the Tarot tells you.

  62. Hi
    Can I ask if it is only 5 degree exact in Taurus and Scorpio that is extra affected or does my 7 and 8 degree placement have any extra impact on the eclips?

  63. Thank you for your fascinating article. My chart shows Panacea at 04 degree Scorpio and my question is when there is one degree from a direct alignment will there be more of an affect during such transits? If I am correct Panacea is about healing health remedies and I wondered what studies show and how one could be affected? I’m always looking to improve everything but often take on way too many projects.
    I love your blogs, and you insight is so appreciated.
    Best to you,

    1. Thank you. Yes, you can allow a one-degree orb. Panacea is not medical. She can be, if she is in Virgo, but she is about fixes, remedies, cures, answers and solutions for anything at all. She comes with issues about right or wrong. As this is triggered financially, skip the eclipse + 24 hours either side.

  64. Hello Jessica, If it’s not too late to ask, my ascendant is 5 degrees Sagittarius, Saturn at 5 degrees Capricorn, Neptune at 6 degrees Scorpio. Thank you for your insights which are always very helpful 🙂

    1. This is about the restrictions (Saturn) in your career (Capricorn) which tie into your finances (Scorpio). Skip the day of the eclipse + a day either side to act or judge.

  65. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are well. Just read about ” Alleged 228 Million dollar Chinese money laundering scheme involving cryptocurrency being busted by the Australian Federal Police. And I thought I remember Jessica mentioning something about money laundering.
    Re read you post and found it here connected to the eclipse this Saturday and your quote above – Scorpio designed to catch “money launderers”.
    Bang on again Jessica, Well done you.

    Enjoy your day

  66. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for the article and all the hard work you put into your site.
    I am staying at home for this Taurus-Scorpio eclipse, last years was not great (it was close to my natal Saturn). The day after the eclipse I went to London for a meyer IV and was very nearly run over by a cyclist who ran a red light at serious speed as I was crossing the road to the clinic. Then the nurse asked me if I wanted to try glutathione in the IV, I agreed (I don’t think I would of if I hadn’t been shaken by the cyclist). I had an allergic reaction, luckily it wasn’t too severe, I vomited and had a rash around my eyes and felt awful for a few weeks but at least it didn’t affect my breathing and I got home safely.
    I have stelliums in both Taurus and Scorpio, my natal Uranus is 11 Sagittarius & Bacchus at 12 Sagittarius, please could you let me know how/if this is triggered by Jupiter at 11 Taurus and Mars & Mercury at 11 Scorpio near the eclipse?
    Thank you.

    1. Eclipses aren’t great. I am seeing readers already taking the steps towards the crossroads on Saturday 28th October. It’s best not to act too dramatically or judge too finally within +24 hours either side of the actual day. I am so sorry you had a dreadful eclipse experience last time with a dangerous London cyclist and an incompetent nurse. I can totally understand why you are concerned about this next eclipse but let me reassure you. If anything, this is catching your career, unpaid work or academic career, as you have factors at 5 Capricorn. Common sense says you won’t judge or act too dramatically regarding the same. You don’t know everything yet; you can’t see everything; defer judgement. This may be as basic as seeing a job advertisement in the Saturday papers, for example. This is not about health, cyclings or anything else. It’s about your 5 degree Capricorn placements being cast into shadow, temporarily, where you cannot see. Only use exact orbs in modern astrology; nothing else in your chart comes close. If you have drinks with work contacts, for example, on the weekend – you’d wait, wait, wait before drawing final conclusions.

  67. Jessica thank you for reminding us all about this eclipse. I asked tarot how the eclipse this weekend will affect me and I got the death card… I know it doesn’t mean “actual” death. But I was wondering if you might help me interpret it based on my chart? Thank you Jessica.

    1. The eclipse is shown in The Death card. The Sun in the background is partially covered. The Sun is now in Scorpio which rules death, inheritance, legacy and the will. So what you cannot see and do not know, concerns that. It is very likely that the legacy of someone close, concerning you, is unknown to you. Therefore don’t judge or act about these matters while the eclipse is here. You have Diana at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House of inheritance and Jupiter will move to 27 Taurus next year, in a useful opposition. So there’s a long term story here.

  68. Hi, Jessica,
    I’m picking up that this eclipse is a big one for me/my family. Nothing really points to it, that I can see, but intuition keeps pinging me. What should I expect? My imagination doesn’t help reduce the low level anxiety about my mother I’ve been feeling. A while back I drew 8 of swords, two different days/draws. A week later, a tarot reader drew it for me during a reading… (Mother Feb 9 1937 3pm)? How do I interpret that? I feel clueless, probably b/c I’m so close to it.
    Thanks for any insight you can provide.

    1. I’m sorry you are anxious about your mother. Nothing to do with the eclipse unless she names you in her will, or you have a financial or property arrangement with her. If so, skip the eclipse. It’s really that simple. Your Tarot card, the Eight of Swords, is about you breaking free of self-imposed restrictions which are past their use-by date. You are the woman in the card who is blindfolded and tied up, surrounded by swords (or difficulties). These are old news now. In fact, the tides will loosen the swords and they will fall over. What the card suggests you do is use who/what surrounds you to break free. It’s like using the swords to cut the ties off, then release the hands and remove the blindfold. Then the woman (you) can be free to go and head for a different destination. This card is a big one, psychologically and demands a bit of effort. You obviously have a good imagination as you are conjuring up all sorts of outcomes; use it to see how you could liberate yourself from who or what confines you. The eclipse itself isn’t about this, as I said, it’s really about money or property and you should just skip it for those particular decisions.

  69. Hi Jessica. Thank you for your blogs, which always give so much insight. I also listen to your podcast and it’s great to hear you explain things. October has been such a stressful month around work and money. On my birthday I found myself being questioned about my business. I have had to produce vast amounts of information in a short time to prove I do things right. It concerns money and mistakes others have made that I have been trying to put right. This is ongoing. I know I haven’t done anything wrong. However, I feel as if I’m being targeted. I had felt hopeful about the eclipse on 14th October but it does not seem to have provided me with a new beginning or ended the pressure I feel I am under, though I have found out useful information about how I have ended up in the position I am now in. I’d hoped the eclipse of 28th October would miss me – but I have Hygiea at 5 Taurus. I don’t think I can take much more! I used the Tarot and pulled the 5 of Cups. Have I more of the same to come or are there things I can’t see yet to be hopeful about?

    1. Thank you. I am sorry October has been so tough, but not surprised about the business and money issues. We currently have Mars, Mercury and the Sun all in Scorpio (the banking sign). Eclipses are part of the issue as they conceal, they never reveal. An eclipse is a cover-up but also a blind spot. You wisely drew the Tarot to find out about this next eclipse as it falls on Hygiea at 5 Taurus, as this is another cover-up or blind spot. You have the Five of Cups. That’s not about money. It’s about relationships which have finished recently or are on the way out. I think I know why; you have a lot of factors at 4 degrees (which counts, it’s so close) in Aquarius, which rules friends and groups, but also Leo, which rules partners and children. The person in the card is you; not looking! So just let it pass you by. Don’t judge or act regarding these relationships, which have fallen over (like the cups) until the eclipse is over and you can actually see. Okay, so back to the business. You know you’ve done nothing wrong so rest easy knowing that. You have a Taurus factor at 5 as you know and Scorpio factors at 9, 17, 24. This does work out in the end as luck is on your side. Jupiter is now at 11 Taurus and will eventually go to 17, 24 in opposition. Even an opposition is useful with this planet as he is about solutions, opportunities and breakthroughs. This is by May 2024 at the very latest so this is either a late answer to this particular issue, or a financial answer which is so solid that it helps to eradicate your memory of this episode now in October 2023. The current issues are basically there because of the Scorpio weather, sweeping over your Scorpio factors. It feels intense because it is. It does not last. Scorpio rules joint finances which is why this has been about other people, not you. You have Mercury, Proserpina and Vesta in Scorpio in your Eighth House of shared resources. Mercury is the paperwork which you have kept. Proserpina is you as the go-between or piggy in the middle between two people or two organisations. Vesta is one male, two or more females. Along comes the Sun, Mercury, Ops, Mars, Ceres in Scorpio (to give you the full list) and you realise you must deal with these questions. Long-term there are solutions, and short-term the pressure comes off by the third week of November. You will have to change the system you have had and alter the set-up that was there before, as Uranus in Taurus slowly but surely opposes that Scorpio pattern in your chart. You are not alone in this; so are millions of others. Nobody likes change but it has to happen. In terms of the Tarot, you could also use The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to give yourself second and third opinions. Go back and ask simple questions: “What is the best thing I can do about this in October 2023? In November 2023?” and so on. This is all about other people not you. It does get better.

  70. Hi Jessica, I was wonder if you could please provide some insight on my chart. My contract was suddenly terminated without warning Monday (Oct 23) – creating a lot of stress – and I had an informal job interview Friday (Oct 27, couldn’t control timing) with a classmate from 19 years ago. Not sure what to make of it all.

    In terms of global share markets, a number of pandemic scientists are wondering why more mainstream media are publishing articles on the pandemic’s health impacts (eg

    Thanks for all you do.

    1. I am sorry you lost your job. Juno is at 5 Virgo now approaching your natal Juno at 6 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, so you are having your Juno Return. You may in fact get this other job. Juno is commitment. Who or what you wed yourself to, symbolically. In Virgo, this is paid work, unpaid work or academia. This is a momentous time; the Juno Return. Global share markets may well be where there is a cover-up regarding Covid. Sixty Minutes airing an episode about airborne transmission. Pfizer altering the label on their vaccine to tell the truth. The Japanese have a Covid pill which is far more effective than anything yet seen. I don’t think anybody would be too surprised to find a new pill is coming which would attempt to top the Japanese offering. Of course this would only be available to richer countries and those who could afford it; not the masses in India or China presumably. Wait for the transits to go over the eclipse position to reveal some puzzles.

  71. I have less than 2 weeks to accomplish what my gut tells me is part of my true purpose, but the outcome is not in my control, but up to a “vote”. Would love your counsel on what I can best do with these last 11 days.

    Scorpio Sun, Taurus Ascendant, Pisces Moon
    10.28.82 birth time 7:04 pm orange, CA
    And today is my birthday:)

    1. Happy Birthday. Your booking window regarded image (October) and you have until the end of December to see final outcomes. Your next booking window is financial and about to begin.

  72. Hi Jessica,
    I am experiencing a painful feud with my two elder sisters and their sons who are still living in Mom’s modest flat. Mom passed on 30/10/21 from Covid and she stated in the will , her flat is to be sold and proceeds to be divided amongst her 4 daughters. I have a stellium in Taurus second house of income, flat, charity. I have been unsuccessful in persuading my to sisters to sell the flat. the flat is in my eldest sister’s name. Heavy karmic story . This lunar eclipse conjunct my eldest sister Taurus Sun, 26/4/1953 . Eclipses does not reveal information, I still drew a Tarot card , Knight of Pentacles, asking what is the obstacle I face in November regarding Mom’s flat? The inexperienced young man, dark horse who does not reveal much, guarded and defensive may refer to my sister’s son, Libra Sun, who has mental health issues. I think my nephew name has been added onto the ownership of the flat recently. I asked what is the solution? I drew the Judgement Tarot card. This is a reincarnation card. There maybe a transition, someone has just passed away and crossed over. No family member has passed in 2023. Your insight is very much appreciated. Thank You.

    1. You are a Sun Taurus so your booking window in October was about duets or duels. That’s now gone. November is about, indeed, your mother’s flat and her will. The Knight of Pentacles is the obstacle to your getting your fair share. Your nephew. Judgement is the solution; that is your mom in spirit, but also other relatives in spirit. So pray to them for a peaceful and fair resolution with your eldest sister and the rest. You have a few more booking windows Evelyn.

  73. Me again!

    I am wondering which aspect is causing all of these celebrity tell all books. I can’t for the life of me understand the embarassing and salicious details these people are sharing in their books. Starting with Demi’s Moore’s in 2019 but this past year has been completely awash in these Books from Harry’s Spare to Brittney Spears’ most recent release. This must be either nodes or a bigger outer planet transit I would think.


    1. Chiron in Aries will do it. Self-promotion, getting away with the so-called unthinkable, outrageous, impossible, unacceptable, GV.

  74. What happens when eclipses conjunct the ascendant? I got married this and am hoping to grow our family with a new home.

    1. If your birth time is accurate then an Eclipse in a conjunction with your Ascendant is a blind spot about your image or a cover-up regarding your title, appearance and reputation. It’s now passed.

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