The Libra Weather Zoom 2023

The historic arrival of the South Node in Libra on 18th July 2023 begins a new karma cycle for the duet or duel that occupied you, 18 or 19 years prior. The cycle runs through 2024 and into early 2025.

South Node in Libra Zoom Event

You need to be a Premium Member to attend this complimentary Zoom about the South Node in Libra, the new cycle in the Seventh House of your birth chart from July 18th 2023. This new cycle is about your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner. It is about your ex. It is about your professional partner. Karma from 18-19 years before is coming back. In this feature I will take your questions, reading your birth chart (I can see it on the screen when you post your question in Comments). As I have so many questions (18,566 today) I can only answer a few, but I will answer more at the Zoom, exclusive and free. Alicia Fulton from The Astrology Show is our host for this Zoom event.

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203 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I have signed up and can’t wait for this zoom!
    I’ve had an interesting ceres cycle this year while ceres has transited in and out of Libra. Mother issues (classic ceres) but also an ex lover. On the ingress to Libra at the time of the full moon in cancer in January, he unexpectedly told me he was engaged to the woman he left me for. Fast forward to the latest ingress or Ceres to Libra, news that he is now married arrived. I know I have a stellium in Aries, in addition to the moon and Juno in libra which I’m guessing must play a part.
    After being forever unlucky in love, I’d really love for some good karma on this cycle. I drew the justice card from the tarot!! I’d be grateful for your thoughts!
    With love and light, Fishie

    1. Fishie, Justice is actually the Libra card. Your former lover married. Now you have a new South Node in Libra cycle in 2023, 2024 and early 2025. The justice may be that he divorces his partner. That can happen. It really depends on what went down for you 18-19 years ago. And only you know that. With Aesculapia at 12 Aries and the Moon at 11 Libra you have a recurring pattern of mothering your partners as if they were your sons, then going back to your old single identity. Have a look at Moon in the Seventh House as a pattern and look at a Tarot card to show you how this opposition has shown up in your life. Aries is appearance, title, image. Aesculapia is revival and resurrection. So the break-ups send you back to your single profile. You will have a rare chance to sort this out when the South Node goes to 11, 12 Libra and North Node goes to 11, 12 Libra on this transit.

  2. Hi Jessica – I’m interested for your insight regarding the T nodes square to N south node , with T Pluto also conjunct N sth node and N descendant. A bit of a crisis brewing as I work from home and I have a compulsive feeling and have begun packing , tho I have nowhere to go ? !
    Regards Jen

    1. Vulcano at 29 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, academic career and unpaid work is under transit from Pluto at 29 Capricorn for the rest of 2023, but it’s nothing you didn’t survive last time. Pluto is just going back over 29. The Descendant and Ascendant are a degree away, so close, but only if your birth time is strictly accurate. If it is, then this is about your title, reputation and appearance (classically, the business card with this sort of transit) and your other half or partner. The nodes are too wide. Modern astrology uses exact aspects with a 1 degree orb at most. I would not be concerned about Pluto on Vulcano. This is a test of professional strength and your Vulcano tends to triumph. People, situations or organisations which take over, try to dominate, have huge power – are back. You know what to do because you did it before. And Vulcano does actually win.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    I’m so looking forward to this session. I’m a Libra Sun with Mercury and Ops also in Libra. 18-19 years ago I was in a remarkably similar yet also very different situation to what I am today (in how I handled /managed/ steered things – and what I did about it!) this time right now, I feel the reigns are mine and that the Karma coming to me is good (surely because truthfully, I can’t break again – sometimes think there’s not enough left with which to re-build) I’ve also looked a further 18-19 years back and the contrast of Horrid and Happy was bizarre – but pleased to see that I am so much more self-aware and stronger than I would have ever imagined.
    No matter what, I have lived the most amazing life and my experiences can, do and will help others; because if we are not here to assist each other…then why? (typical Libra? LOL!)
    Sandie xx

    1. Thank you Sandie. It is amazing how life 18-19 years prior shows up on the North Node and South Node cycle. It’s rather like Groundhog Day. You wake up to the same thing again. Karma can be settled quite rapidly on these cycles and with surprising speed and in odd ways. Even if the person concerned has no conscience, the universe keeps score and you will realise – “Oh. This is the closure.”

  4. Thank you Jessica, looking forward to this Zoom event!
    It certainly feels like a make-or-break moment is coming up quite soon in my relationship. We have different views about what the future holds, including where we live/settle. I’d love your insight into what may happen over the next few months?
    Using the tarot on this website, I pulled the seven of cups – the description was fascinating, I’d never quite looked at that card that way before!

    1. Thank you. The Seven of Cups has answered your question. You are projecting. The house or apartment you want, you see in the card. But it is in your head. So are the situations or people you find poisonous (the snake) or threatening (the dragon) or frightening (the skull). None of it is real. So there is a big message here to stop fantasising and imagining – making things up – and to change the slides in your personal projector. The internet is often the culprit. If you spend too much time on Twitter or other pictorial social media, like Instagram (which is notorious) you end up in an echo chamber and bubble. It’s a feedback loop of what is imagined, or assumed, or guessed, or expected, or theorised – based on what is in your headspace. You do have the nodal axis at 16 Libra-Aries so absolutely will be dealing with karma from about 19 years ago, in February 2024, March 2024. And yes, with your partner – though it will be the partner or opponent who was around 18-19 years ago which is the actual karmic story. Beyond that, it is time to get to know yourself. This card shows you in the dark, blacked out, obscured to yourself. It’s all about what you are externalising. Yet it’s you. Talking to yourself in a mirror can be a good way to snap out of projecting and get back to who you are. And then things will change.

      This is the most important card in the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. This surprises some professional Tarot readers, because it is a Minor Arcana card. It is also less striking, say, than cards like the Two of Cups, or the Ten of Staves.

      The card shows a person in silhouette, in the shadows (that is the first clue: everything and everybody is a shadow projected on a wall) who is confused by a billowing cloud of rich symbols, ranging from diamonds and pearls, to a skull and snake.

      It took me several visits to Dublin before I understood this card. Pamela Colman Smith, who created it, was mentored by W. B. Yeats. Both were involved in magic. Magic spells and their outcomes are expressions of quantum reality. In other words, there is no single, objective reality. Science tells us (in fact has proven) that until we measure what is ‘real’ it can exist in at least two states at once, and logically, many more. It’s like Doctor Who. Many words. Many universes.

      What you measure with, defines what you find. What you measure with, is in your head. This is how astrology works. So many people do not understand that astrology is science. Quantum mechanics. The multiverse theory, which proposes that what we get, is what we see. A flipped version of the famous saying.

      Astrology which rests on angles and aspects, divided from a circle of 360 degrees, is a yardstick for a particular sort of reality. A certain kind of universe. It’s quantum uncertainty writ large. No wonder astrology has not just survived, but thrived, over the last 2000 years or so. It’s a beautiful fit for multiverse theory.

      The realisation of dreams, wishes and hopes by supernatural means is one way of defining magic. W.B. Yeats (very likely, the third man who worked on the Smith-Waite Tarot) lived a few doors away from – not a magician – but an outstanding scientist whose emerging 20th century field of quantum mechanics was also about mystery. Quantum uncertainty.

      Across the square, Merrion Square, in the heart of Dublin, there is a plaque to Oscar Wilde, whose wife Constance was a magical acquaintance of Yeats in The Golden Dawn.

      Across Dublin itself was the theatre impresario Annie Horniman, who founded her company on the back of a Tarot card reading – more magic and mystery. The Golden Dawn members had extraordinary lives. It could be said that W.B. Yeats used magic to win a Nobel Prize. Who knows? Only Yeats.

      This is a card dominated by a cloud. Unpopped possibilities. Competing parallel universes. A multiverse full of ghosts, poisonous people (snakes), palaces, diamonds and pearls, victory and dangerous dragons. None of it is real. It is all a projection. The imagination, hope, fears and daydreams of someone living in a quantum world. Time to pop what you want in favour of what you don’t want. Nothing is real until you look for it, and measure it. It is the act of measuring that decides which universe you get, and so the measurements you use (astrology, perhaps?) become extremely important. The most obvious measuring device non-astrologers use is memory, based on apparent years or months; birthdays; old calendar dates. Time is a construct. There is nothing real about it.

      So, if you really want to get into this card, which for me is the most important in the entire deck, you’ll begin by considering what you assume to be true about the past. Your past measurements of time. It is on this that you base your projections of the present and future so it’s worth a much closer look, if you are projecting all these rich fantasies and horrid visions!

      The person in silhouette here is nothing to herself/himself. Just a slide projector whirring in the dark while the ‘show’ takes place on the facing wall. The trick with this card is ‘Know thyself’ and to understand that nothing is real. There are only realities to find. You may want to use measurements that serve you, when judging what is ‘there’ for you.

  5. Long term member and love your insights. I have 4 placements at 29 and am enduring a tricky time in both my family life and work. Endurance is the word that springs to mind. My work is my vocation but with everything that is going on it is not getting the attention it should. Any insights would be gratefully received.

    1. Tricky is an understatement with this Grand Cross at 29 of the Cardinals triggering your chart. You were born with Mars at 29 Capricorn. Getting to the top and staying at the top has always been a battle. You are fiercely driven to succeed professionally, in academia or with unpaid roles. You are also driven with matters of status and social position – rank. What is happening now can only take place every 248 years with Pluto at 29 Capricorn in a rare conjunction with Mars. That lingers longer; the intensity of the nodes at 29 is over on July 28th. So is that peak moment on July 23rd. You do actually have to focus on your success and position, mission and ambition. As you say, it’s very important to you. What is going on may well involve your marriage or partnership (Libra node transit) or even an outright existing battle (Libra rules the duel as well as the duet). Yet, the nodes are gone from Libra pretty quickly and you are left with Mars at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House. I daresay you will still be drawing on all your willpower and self control with professional, academic or non-profit plans in January 2024 when Pluto at last signs off from 29 Capricorn to give you a break. This feels like a decision made to me, likely around January 20th. At this time of year people resign, are sacked, hired, get promoted, start courses and so on. So this would make logical sense too.

  6. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you very much for all your dedication to all of us.I’ve had the most beautiful time in 2004-2006 when the South Node was in Libra.I finished my studies and i began to develop my pharmaceutical profession in a big Pharmacy in my country.I dated my future husband and had two daughters till 2009.Strange,so many things in so little time.I have a big stellium in Libra (Moon conjunct Jupiter and Saturn ,Pluto and Juno) and i don’t have anything in Aries.What should i expect from the South Node conjuncting all these planets?The same good karma ,because things have changed a lot since then.
    Thank you in advance,
    Greetings Dori

    1. Dating your future husband is common on a South Node in Libra transit. You have the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn in a rare triple conjunction so you always have dramatic episodes in love and sex, Dori. Whenever you have transits to those degrees – 1, 2, 3 Libra – big things happen. It will take the South Node ages to reach 1, 2, 3 Libra but that’s Christmas 2024 so for whatever reason, you and your husband spend December sorting out life as it was 18-19 years prior and how to balance the scales between you, once again. It’s your life’s work in a way, to get the symmetry correct. My eyes are also on Pluto at 1, 2, 3 Aquarius trine this aspect in your chart so something or someone powerful, dominating, very much ‘in charge’ and on top, appears at around the same time. This takes you into early 2025.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    I was looking forward to your article.
    Last year you told me I was living a cycle called the South Node in Scorpio in the Eighth House of family money (and family property and valuables) which comes around every 19 years.  You had added it will be with me until July 2023, so during this time I will have to think about how to handle the budget with my parents and how best to balance everything out…and it was all true! Now I wonder what it will bring to me the cycle with the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries. Actually I still take care of my elderly parents but I’m concerned about housing issues. We live in a condo where there are expensive renovations going on.
    Will we be able to buy another house and live more peacefully in a better place? Professionaly speaking, I’m currently trying to get back on track creating planners, books, journals and calendars. Next August I will be selling on Amazon my first planner, and I hope it will be the first of a long list…do you think this might be the right way for me?
    I have asked the Tarot how will the full South Node in Libra cycle affect me, and I drew the Four of Cups.
    Thank you very much for your patience and availability.
    Mary 🙂

    1. Thank you Mary – and for confirming the astrology was correct. You want to buy a home and are starting a planner business on Amazon. The Four of Cups is best explained in Pamela’s Tarot, free to download here. You will make or save a lot of money by 2024 so will presumably be able to purchase a home, if you take the opportunities to stash the cash and look for what you can afford. You have a huge Taurus stellium at 9 through 23 and Jupiter is now passing from 9 through 23, until the end of April 2024. That is expansion of your bank account for whatever reason. The planner will work best if it involves 2 or more languages and is launched after May 2024 (at any point from then) as Jupiter then goes into Gemini and your Third House of media, publishing and language translation. Later on the concept may be transferred to new inventions; new technology – if you wish.

  8. Dear Jessica,

    Writing to you this Monday morning from Sonoma Valley, northern California wine country. I am a Libra (south node) and my husband is an Aries (north node). Et voila. What began years ago as magnetism then, today is a play of apparent, often incompatible differences. We are at a key “fork in the road.” Factors of influence: we live in Sonoma because of his work and years of attachment to this area. He does not want to part; yet I feel I am going through the motions having tried to repair and recapture what once was in the beginning, but no longer exists. We own a home in Palm Desert, Coachella Valley. It is where I believe my present and future is in terms of energy to attract new work for me; where indeed opportunities exist and building community as friends have moved there too, leaving wine country for similar reasons. And while in Coachella Valley for two months this spring, I began a conversation with a prestigious Swiss company focused on global wellness, longevity and the maintenance of health as we age (my deep interest). I hope to be engaged (fingers crossed) be it in 2023 or 2024, involved on some level of consultancy, yet to manifest. So everything is up for change, in my life. From here forward. This is a year that feels so life changing pivotal to me: how to resolve whether to end my marriage or at least shift from being together so often by keeping two locations (Sonoma and Palm Desert)? Allowing for space between us, allowing for whatever the ultimate decision is to be, to reveal itself without saying the word “divorce” prematurely. “Conscious Uncoupling” if you will. My dream: a base in the desert/a place in Europe in the high heat months of desert life June through September. In my imagination it is possible if the Swiss company does engage me: then I could travel between U.S. and Europe as it would be my way of life, then. I write these words knowing you are also a medium and so I suppose I am appealing to you at that level too, in addition to my birthchart. I am a creative, a lover, and still a wife, someone who is always loyal. This is the year of change–so often these days I yearn for reinvention, recreation of my own story line. The year for magical thinking as I like to think of 2023-2024. To fall in love again, to be in an intimate relationship based on vibing on the same level of frequency. My marriage no longer offers this; so I often think about Gwyneth Paltrow orchestrating stepping away from her first marriage. Probably for the same reasons as I now describe my own marriage. Paltrow is a Libra sun, too. Reaching out this morning because I trust your judgment and your intuitive, astrological, mediumship perspective. Thank you, Jessica. See you at the Zoom meeting on Libra weather. Love/Anya

    1. Thank you Anya. You and your husband are both just starting this node cycle in Libra and Aries and you want to chase your ambition. You want a divorce or two live in two places. As Gwyneth Paltrow says, ‘Conscious uncoupling’ which is clever. As a medium I don’t hear anything for you from spirit. That does not mean your family in spirit is not there – they may just not want to communicate now or I cannot tune into them. Looking at your chart, Uranus at 18 Cancer is square the Sun and Saturn both at 17 Libra. This is very common in the charts of women who find freedom and independence find them – at home, with the family, in the household – in quite sudden ways. It always brings in the partnership. (Libra) so you may have done this before. You were born with Uranus square Sun, Uranus square Saturn, Saturn in conjunction with the Sun and from the Fourth House to the Seventh House this does not suit domesticity. You would actually do far better not living together with that combination as you know. Have a look at the interpretations of these aspects here, but also from good astrologers who are experienced with natal charts. You can also draw one Tarot card – “How does the square show up in my life?” Then you can sit with the card to find out ways to deal with it. I would expect the transit of the South Node at 17, 18 Libra to be the clincher so that is January, February 2024. You have boxed yourself in with one answer and it may not happen (Switzerland). There are no guarantees. Yet, there are many, many more answers and just understanding yourself may help you to find ‘the ways’ as they say.

  9. Hi Jessica. Thanks as always for allowing this space for questions on your website. Grateful.
    My ascendant, moon, Juno, Cupid, Uranus, Pluto are in Libra.
    And my Chiron, Mars, descendant are in Aries so I look forward to this nodal change with a mixture of excitement and unleashed terror lol.
    Im a widow and I have no desire to start romantic relationships now and professionally associations and collaborations are something that does not appeal to me.
    Could you shed some light on what bigger impact these nodes will have for me?
    I’m a professional tarot reader and spiritual therapistand Im already feeling very strongly the changes in Aries that are coming, including my natal Chiron that will go retrograde in a few days.
    I feel like a warrior and with little patience, something that is not normal for me and that makes me uncomfortable.

    1. I am sure as a widow you don’t want another relationship. You are also a professional Tarot reader so know what’s coming. Essentially you are going back 18-19 years to a situation (then) with a partner or opponent. It may have been your late husband, it may not. You will find the Tarot tells you the nature of the karma. You only need one card. The more often you look at the card over the next year or so, the more you will get. Cupid at 0 Libra and Pluto at 1 Libra are very close and you also have transiting Pluto going to 0, 1 Aquarius trine that. This begins in January 2024, takes you past St. Valentine’s Day that year and is on and off all next year. So I would expect someone or something powerful, dominating and quite forceful to arrive, in terms of your late husband, or perhaps a new partner. Even though you don’t want one.

  10. Hi Jessica, thanks for another thought provoking article; I am now mulling and contemplating the last 18/19 years cycles.
    As a Libra rising, with 5 factors in Aries, Pluto at 29 Virgo, it feels like a never ending, uphill lonely battle in every aspects of my life.
    Any chance it will start getting, maybe not easier, but less difficult at some point?
    Thanks again for your work.

    1. Libra Rising (Libra Ascendant) is not the issue here, as it’s just your shopfront or image. You say you’ve had a lonely life Anne and wonder if it becomes easier. You have the South Node at 23 Leo in the Fifth House of courtship and the bedroom, pregnancy and children. It is opposite the North Node at 23 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. This is not unusual in the charts of people who bypass marriage and children, because it doesn’t work out for them, or they have had so many past lifetimes of difficulty as mothers, or wives, or single women dealing with unwanted pregnancy – that they steer clear. It would be a mistake to think that courtship, motherhood and the bedroom are your happiness in life, because they are actually really hard work. Forget what you are told is happiness because your chart is quite different. You are strongly Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries and belong in a group. Several groups. Maybe you already do. For all that it’s effort, clubs, teams, societies, communities, associations are what feels right to you. You are also a traveller, literally or digitally. You are here to be a student of life forever. So the answer for you is to join or rejoin one, two, three or more collectives where you can learn more, but also perhaps mentor, guide or teach. You can have friends who feel like husbands or wives but lack the complication. Friendship for you is the heartbeat of life. I would expect your entire life to change in respect of allies and circles of people from January 2024 when Pluto re-enters Aquarius. This is a 20 year transformation. You are actually the least potentially lonely person on the block because you know how to plug into a circle of people. You just have to find the right one.

  11. Well, this is interesting. Just attended a family wedding and always feel like the 3rd cousin twice removed. This event crossed the line and I am mentally and emotionally and quietly divorcing my family. Spent too many years trying to bond and perhaps it is the Libra factor, but it does feel like enough is enough. Part of me wants to make it clear what I am doing, the winning part says, withdraw and be dignified. They don’t see it anyway and think I had a lovely time. I drew the seven of wands and the High Priestess.

    1. Yes, family weddings are not always joyous occasions for everybody. I am sorry you had to go through it. Family matters are always Cancer/Fourth House and you were born with the Moon at 1 Cancer and North Node at 23 Cancer. You knew some relatives in a past life. The nodes are always your past life, so you have incarnated with either or both parents, perhaps siblings, being karmically tied. Beyond that, which is lifelong, you had the transiting North Node at 1 Taurus from July 1st to 6th, and transiting South Node at 1 Scorpio, in the same time-frame. These cycles, which can only happen every 19 years or so, both aspected your natal Moon. No wonder you felt an historic crossroads. Have a look at your Moon in Cancer and also your North Node in Cancer in the Fourth House – you can find that on Search and in your flipbooks here. Pamela’s Tarot in your library here, will explain the two cards for you at length. The High Priestess tells you about yourself as graduate, author, writer or website creator. Powerful and assured. Look and you will see the Moon at the bottom of the card. That is your Moon in Cancer. You will graduate, publish or see your name in print next year, if you take the opportunity.

  12. Hi Jessica, do you look at Venus being retrograde this summer when the south node is in Libra as a strengthening of the possibility of ex’s coming back into one’s life? Thank you. Best, Cecelia

    1. Yes, if you and/or your ex have Leo factors in the Fifth House of courtship and the bedroom at 12 through 28 degrees, you will go back to the past as Venus retrogrades. She started her shadow on 20th June and will go round in circles until October 7th. This is a complicated relationship going backwards and forwards, even if it does mean a revival. You have Uranus at 14 Leo in the Fifth House so Venus goes over 14 Leo on 24th, 25th August and September 14th-16th. What happens then will upset the applecart, as Uranus always does for you – in fact you upset your own applecart. You have a choice to go there, emotionally, or not go there. The Tarot can help you more at the time.

  13. Thank you very much Jessica,

    Here we go again!

    I am a Libra Sun with a Libra stellium. I would like to give credence to the karmic loop every 18-19 years in Aries/Libra. 1967-69 brought a sudden out-of -the -Blue forced relocation in my early years. The return of the loop in 1986-87 brought a sudden ending to a job and subsequent long distance move. Once again the 2004-2006 karmic axis brought a sudden unexpected end to a career an early retirement and change of location. The last two endings were created due to open enemies of the seventh house.

    These forced changes have created new dynamics and opportunity but have been very hard. I would like to know if this cycle will provide change in a calmer beneficial manner. There are many upcoming outer planet transits to my natal Sun (Pluto trine,Saturn/Neptune opposition, Uranus trine) and I expect many major changes to occur.

    Thanks for all you do!


    1. Thank you GB. That is interesting feedback about your previous node cycles. Every node cycle helps you because you remember what you learned last time. It becomes easier with repetition. Both times you had to relaunch yourself with a different role, identity, title, perhaps appearance. You know this backwards and your Aries-Libra patterns suggest you’ve ‘been there done that’ as a boxer, really boxing with mental gymnastics as much as anything. Now you can play Aries-Libra differently. Get to know those signs in your chart and be aware of the Libra and Seventh House karma coming around again.

  14. Dear Jessica I hope you are well. So far I have not changed job but I have tried really hard to create my plan B but I am still stuck. However my biggest problem is my wife Taurus in sign that for the last 6 months seems to avoid any physical touch meaning I just hug her with effort telling her I love her and I support her. She goes out everyday and our children and me miss her. I am so depressed and I try to hold on for the kids. I am into a very difficult situation. I planned our family holidays and when I told her so she was not at all excited. I am trying hard and whenever I try to talk to her in order to find a solution she is saying that she is very tired. I feel so dreadful. Is there something during the season we are into now that I can do to improve my life and of the people I love and care?

    1. I am really sorry you are going through this with your wife. You also have children, so you are trying hard to hold on. She sounds as if she has the illness that visits most of us, called depression. From July 18th, in a week, the South Node leaves Scorpio and your Eighth House (you are very Scorpio) and so the recurring, stuck situation involving this sexual and financial relationship will end. No more circling. For whatever reason, at last you can see your words and actions moving things along. This is the most important period for the marriage in 18-19 years and you have some work to do. A professional may be able to help – a counsellor or therapist. Sometimes another pair of eyes and ears can be what is needed. I would also hit the books and the websites which help. It’s that time in your life when you can’t be expected to do it alone or without experience or expertise to support you. Things will move and you will begin to see progress in any direction – a way out or way through – but it is the financial or property side of the marriage you also need to look at, as Uranus will be in opposition to your chart at 25 degrees (25 Taurus opposite 25 Scorpio) in June 2024 ongoing through April 2025 so there has to be a new deal between you. Quite a revolutionary new agreement or arrangement. Bearing that in mind you may want to keep your situation flexible so if you need to bend with circumstance from mid next year with her, you certainly can.

  15. Hi Jessica,
    I can’t believe how a lot of these planetary cycles are affecting me at the moment in my natal chart. At last after many years of an unhappy marriage with mental and physical abuse and controlling, things are happening to me!! I am sun scorpio and am nearly through my eclipse season. I have a libra stellium with ceres 18, north node 22, apollo 9, juno 4 and cupido 10. Does this mean the libra and aries eclipses will also affect me? I am recently divorced only a few weeks ago, he also has alzheimers. Am settling slowly with a new partner we have known each other for many years as friends. I have Jupiter in my 7th house and was born with Jupiter in Scorpio 12 degrees which is conjunct psyche also at 12 Scorpio at the moment. Forgive me if I have got that wrong!! Am so excited about things. I have learnt so much from you with your amazing insights thank you Jessica. Ps I have not joined zoom meetings yet but would love to is it easy to set up have never done this before.

    1. The Libra stellium you have in your Seventh House of duets and duels means it never rains but it pours. You are divorced and your ex has Alzheimers. So there is unfinished business there, even though the papers went through a few weeks ago. This would be about the vows you exchanged. What did you promise each other? That was legal or religious, perhaps, but there are other promises you made each other and it is important you fulfil them or resolve them, spiritually. This is the nodal cycle of karma, and it works on a soul level, as many astrologers will tell you.

  16. Jessica, thank you for the South Node in Libra zoom event. Just registered and look forward to hearing what you have to say, with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Would appreciate to know what’s ahead for me in the coming years.

    Sun Pisces but with factors in the Libra/Aries axis:
    ASC  14° Libra 27′ 53″
    Moon  24° Libra 54′ 56″
    DESC  14° Aries 27′ 53″
    Fortuna  15° Aries 56′ 37″
    Venus  21° Aries 32′ 25″

    Furthermore, stellium in Capricorn and Cancer. Though none at 29° exact but have Uranus 28° Cancer 46′ 15″ R , Mars 00° Capricorn 28′ 25″, and Neptune 00° Scorpio 12′ 04″ R. Ongoing Pluto Rx track opposing my Uranus in Cancer scares me.

    Just to share. If I recall correctly, you previously mentioned Desc could indicate one’s spouse or partner. Based on the dates you’ve listed in the above blog, both my ex-husband (lots of misery) and my late 2nd husband (love of my life) probably had South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries (where my Desc is located). But such a different experience. Astrology can tell so much, so thank you for continuing to help us understand the events of our lives.

    1. Thank you. Your former husband and late second husband are both indicated in this long transit. There may be a new man who reminds you of what you are owed, or what you owe. This is most likely, if your birth time is accurate, when the South Node goes to 14, 15 Libra and North Node goes to 14, 15 Aries – so first six months of 2024. Only you know the debt or credit.

  17. Hi Jessica, looking forward to the event.

    Back in spring 2006 I met and fell hard for a man who was significantly older, successful, living a very international life. Over the next couple of years we were on and off. It wasn’t a balanced relationship of equals: I wanted it to work out so badly that I rather lost myself, even though I found some aspects of his behaviour alarming, until eventually I (very unhappily) ended things. Even then I found it hard to let go of it and properly move on for a number of years, especially as he would periodically pop up on my socials or with a text message out of the blue. (If this all sounds like Carrie and Mr Big, you’d definitely be in the right ballpark). The whole situation had quite a toxic long-term influence on me emotionally, and coloured everything that came after. Whilst I’ve dated since then, I’ve never seriously committed or had kids with anyone else. He reached out again a few weeks ago with a message on LinkedIn, whilst I’ve recently also reconnected with another more recent ex and things are going very positively. I asked your website tarot how the South Node in Libra would affect me and pulled the Knight of Cups (ooooooof). Is he coming back around (please, no) or do I finally get to shut this chapter down for good and move on to be happy with someone else?

    Thanks for all the insights!

    1. Heavens, Mr Big is back in your life. In fact, two former boyfriends are. The Knight of Cups is your answer about the South Node in Libra from July 18th 2023 until January 11th 2025. The Knight of Cups is explained at length in Pamela’s Tarot, free to you in your library here, but this is a younger man meeting you halfway, with sincere emotions. He’s decent, straight and true and means it. He may have water signs prominent in his chart (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) as cups rule these signs. They hold the water. The key is he is junior to you. So that should tell you which man it is, if it is either of them. Looks positive. Will he keep travelling though, or settle with you? It depends on how you meet in the middle and what you both want.

  18. Well Jessica, you certainly put the wind up me with your March 21st predictions. (you were so accurate that change was coming)
    My best friend and lover for over 40 years suddenly died, (18th) I am shattered, and 4 months on still crying in private.
    Now we have July 18th on the radar… I feel I should be wrapping my family in cotton balls for those few days.
    Please tell me July wont be as dramatic as March.

    1. I am very sorry you have lost your person. This must be heartbreaking and I am not surprised you are shattered. You have a Scorpio stellium as you likely know, in your Eighth House of legacies, wills and inheritance. This is also the house of sexual and financial relationships. Along comes the South Node in Scorpio for the first time in 19 years and you hit a karmic cycle where soul contracts are fulfilled. This owes a great deal to life as it was for you two, about 18 or 19 years prior and maybe 18 or 19 years before that. One owes and is owed, spiritually. You will find a shift from July 18th, as you expect, when the South Node is gone from Scorpio for another couple of decades. You are strongly Virgo and will be healed by…healing, funnily enough. Be this hypnosis, meditation, walking, swimming, the hiring of professional healers, Reiki and so on – acupuncture, massage, whatever it takes. You will also be healed by a daily routine you can honour, which allows you to be your full tilt Virgo self. Work is also the great Virgo support. Be this paid or unpaid, a strong sense of service and duty, carried out in meticulous detail, thoroughly and as perfectly as possible, does the soul good if you have a stellium there. J.K. Rowling has a Virgo stellium. She lost her mother as we know. She also lost a marriage. Immense amounts of work doing what she loves helped to turn her life around. Have a look at your Virgo/Sixth House side as with the Jupiter trine there until May 2024 it will be incredibly therapeutic, despite the massive and sad loss. If you are interested in life on the other side of life, have a look at the work of Gordon Smith and Doris Stokes on YouTube. My friend John Edward. Great mediums are an eye-opener. His beat goes on.

  19. Hi Jessica,
    I am a Sun Scorpio with both Aries and Libra factors – Aesculapia 02° Aries, Chiron 17°Aries, and Mars 28°Aries, Pluto 05°Libra, Bacchus
    20°Libra and Uranus 24° Libra. I was in an abusive arranged marriage for 20 years and divorced in 2018, I am still struggling to find closure, counseling has helped me a lot but some days are just hard. I last saw my ex in-laws in 2005, the previous Aries-Libra node cycle, not sure if that is significant. Can you please tell how this cycle will work out for me? Thanks

    1. You have transits in your solar Seventh House of divorce and also your natal Seventh House of divorce. You will get closure, quite happily, by May 2024. You will be set free from this. April 2024 is the last thing you expected and even I cannot predict that.

  20. Hi Jessica, thank you for the work that you do and the guidance you provide
    This article particularly resonates with me as I’m going through separation and divorce, having been newly married 18/19 years ago when all the issues started within my marriage.Since the breakdown of the relationship ,I’ve tragically lost a son and this has complicated the emotional entanglement-my husband blames me for our sons death and is being even more stubborn about the divorce finalisation.I’m guessing its his way of trying to punish me.
    I feel even more regret about my marriage-I loved and in many ways still love my husband completely , and probably always will -I’ve lost not just a love but a best friend.I feel much regret in the way I contributed to the breakdown of our marriage-to be honest , we had a good life and we both allowed our egos to get the better of us .There is just so much of pain and suffering and hurt there hope or a way to heal the pain , especially for our other child?Even if there is no hope of rekindling a friendship , at least a way to bring some peace , forgiveness and closure to this situation would be great.

    1. Thank you. I am so sorry you are divorcing; you have recognised the nodes in your marriage, going back 18-19 years. You have lost your son and your husband blames you and will not finalise the divorce. This is even worse to hear and you must be very strong to get this far. As you say, you have lost a love and a best friend – but you also lost your child. You still have another child and wonder if you can at least be allies again. His reaction is appalling and may owe something to the Kubler-Ross stages of grief, which I am sure you know. Extreme emotion is one of them. Anger, very common. You have a Scorpio stellium and the North Node at 12 Libra. The Scorpio stellium is your entire issue with your husband and actually your other child. Scorpio rules legacies, wills and also any financial and sexual arrangement, be it marriage or divorce. You have had the transiting nodes in Scorpio and Taurus for a long time. It ends on July 18th and with it, ends the stuck situation, the circular or ‘looped’ standstill. At last, some movement forward. The Libra North Node will be crossed by the transiting Libra South Node at 12 degrees later on (it is a cycle that takes you from July 18th through 2023, through 2024 and into early 2025). So yes, you two will find closure with each other and the promises you made to each other some 18-19 years prior. You of course knew each other in a past life. The Libra North Node shows you and your husband have been married but also at war before. You are strongly Virgo and Sagittarius so don’t forget those parts of your life and personality. They have nothing to do with your husband or child, and everything to do with what else fulfils you and rewards you. You can look those signs up on Search or in your library here. This helps you get perspective on yourself and your life. There is more to you than just this episode, even though it is very painful. You will balance the scales with him. It may take the law to do that or a natural law – a higher power – which takes it in hand. It will take time to get the see-saw right with him but you will do it. Your other child, as you have said, is the key to everything. This child must also be financially supported with a secure, good home and after July 18th you can both make that the priority. It may comfort you to know your son is in spirit and a veil separates you. He is just a thought away. I don’t know if you are interested in mediumship or this side of life, but sometimes bereaved mothers find it hugely comforting to know the beat goes on. Have a look at Doris Stokes on YouTube. And remember your Virgo and Sagittarius side – your other self.

  21. Hi Jessica, I am so looking forward to your zoom event and very much resonate with what you said about the Libra -Aries dynamic, (we are- I am) I find this so difficult as a very Libran person with my very Arian partner, I just cannot seem to get into a “we” situation with him at all despite 16 years of living together. I feel alone and lack that sense of companionship and connection. I have been on the fence for the last few years about whether to end it. We have two daughters. I just realised now that my venus at 0 degrees Libra is on his south node at 0 degrees Libra. He also has Hygeia at ,29 degrees Aries. There is love there, but I really crave my own space, a house of my own, and a partner whom I can feel connection with, who actually spends time with me. I asked the tarot what the Libra-Aries nodes will bring for me and this relationship and drew the 4 of pentacles. I would be grateful for any insight. Thanks for the wealth of useful info you give us.

    1. This is a classic Should I Stay Or Should I Go? question. He is about himself. You are about the pair of you. I will answer this at the Zoom event as Aries-Libra pattern couples do meet this sort of difference. Your Four of Coins is about financial security; sitting pretty with the money. So for all that you are unhappy, there is solid wealth there. And there’s the rub, as Shakespeare said.

  22. Jessica,
    Just to update I am going on interview on July 13, 2023 and this is company born in 1992 four hour flight from where I am in USA and is all day event eight hours interview… OMG Anyway I am doing what I can and I will be taking opportunities and follow the money… Again I am thankful for all and any of your help and support….

    How will the full South Node in Libra cycle affect me?’ I have more libra in me than scorpio. I wonder what this representative for me. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you so much. How will the full South Node in Libra cycle affect me?’ Mercury 24° Libra 52′ 37″, Uranus 28° Libra 57′ 12″, Pluto 07° Libra 58′ 33″, bacchus – 00° Libra 36′ 17″, Apollo 04° – Libra 14′ 44″, ops – 11° Libra 18′ 18″ God bless you Jessica and thank you for your amazing article.

    1. Good luck with the interview. Remember your hand gel and N95 mask. I am sure you won’t forget – at all times. You are strongly Libra and always in a duet or duel. With one person or against one person. What happens after 18th July will allow you to find closure with another person, about a very old issue you never resolved, 18-19 years prior – possibly with a boyfriend, maybe with an opponent.

  23. Hi Jessica, thanks for this fascinating article. I’ll definitely be watching 22 July for the grand cross event and will keep my eye on Russia. Personally, I have four factors at 29 degrees but these are all asteroids not planets. I’m still learning astrology but does this mean less of an impact because asteroids aren’t as impactful as planets?


    1. Thanks Lisa. Asteroids matter quite as much as planets in the birth chart. So you will feel the classic Crosstown Traffic jam of the Grand Cross at 29 of Cardinal signs. You actually have Salacia at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, academia and unpaid vocation. So you inhabit two words, neither of them real. This becomes central on the Grand Cross as dominating, controlling, powerful people, organisations and situations find you resisting – but perhaps changing – the way you operate professionally, at university or with your unpaid work. Salacia is Neptune’s wife, a Trans-Neptunian object who was found in the year of the Asian Tsunami. She is similar to her husband but different.

  24. Hi Jessica, This is very interesting post as usual and something to think about! I left a job back in Jan after being there almost 20 years! Im unable to find a job until now and still looking, Im a Capricorn sun with a stellium in Libra also a libra moon, I broke up with my libra partner also last December and last month we tried to see if we could come back however i ended it again and felt a finality to it right before the Capricorn full moon on 3/7 and it feels like its done for good this time. I wonder if the nodes changing will have an effect going forward and would really appreciate your insights . Thanks a lot Reham

    1. Thank you. Nodes don’t change anything unless there is a big need for closure and then you are likely to see quite a dramatic turnaround. So it depends on where you both left things 18-19 years ago, if you were together then – or what you went through with quite a different person, that requires closure – and will now be acted out with a new person. Aries-Libra is nothing to do with jobs. If you are looking for a new job always look to Virgo and Capricorn in the chart. You have Ceres at 24 and Mercury at 25 Capricorn and Jupiter will move to 24, 25 Taurus eventually giving you a rare and terrific opportunity to use your way with words, connections, communication and ideas in a new role, or even as a student, should you wish. Jupiter is with you until May 2024.

  25. Hi Jessica, thanks for another fascinating article. Just a quick question.. I have nothing in Libra . What does this mean for me please? Thank you so much .

  26. Hi Jessica, This is a very interesting post, as usual. I have a stellium in Libra (6), I am separated and for the last 6 years I am trying to find someone and it’s impossible. I am going to be 60 years old at the end of August and I feel like life just pass me by. Could you, please tell me how will the full South Node in Libra cycle affect me? I have also registered for the zoom meeting. Thank you very much for everything you are doing for us! Alina
    Leave a Reply

    1. I think I’m going to get a lot of these questions so, Alina, we will look at your comment at the Zoom event. Timing, why age is not an issue, future partnership and life after separation or divorce. Thank you.

  27. Hi Jessica. I love reading your blogs. I want to ask you about my daughter Navpreet’s future. She is Aries and you have her chart. she has nothing in Libra and she didn’t had much luck with love.She found her love in 2020 and things clicked without any problems.
    Both got married in 13 September 21 and got separate on 1st June 22 due to few misunderstandings. Her husband is Gemini. My daughter’s North node 05° scorpio and South node05° Taurus.
    it it because she was going through karmic period? Everything was so perfect . very difficult to understand and digest whatever happened. I know nodes changing 18th July. South node is moving in Aries. She has mercury 28° in Aries. Saturn 19°pices and Pluto 00° Sagittarius , Venus 23°pisces. Please enlighten me how long for different period to end and what future holds for her. So worried about her future. Kind Regards Pam

    1. Thanks Pam. Yes, this was karma for your daughter. Navpreet separated and has the North Node at 5 Scorpio and South Node at 5 Taurus. Scorpio rules sexual and financial contracts; marriage and mortgage are typical. She has been through the transit of the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio (the lunar node opposition) but even before that, she had Uranus in opposition to her North Node in the partnership and banking sector, so freedom had to be priced by her years ago, in relation to men. I doubt everything was perfect for her. Her future is with friends and groups. In fact her social life, the groups she becomes involved with, the circles she moves in, will offer her real power from January 2024, for many years into the future. She may marry again. That is not the focus, though. She has a lot to recover from with this particular divorce. She has Pluto at 0 Sagittarius in the sign of foreign countries and foreigners and transiting Pluto goes to 0 Aquarius from January next year, so 2024 is about a completely different future involving other languages and cultures, and that group of friends I have mentioned.

  28. Really interesting Jessica, I think the Libra cycle is affecting me massively at the moment. Currently off work with Burn Out, home life is heavy going as I’ve been holding everything together for too long. Recently promoted but not sure I’m in the right career anymore. All a bit of a mess. I’m getting professional help for me but it’s dragging along now and I’m massively impatient.

    I tried the Tarot and drew Queen of swords first which I’m sure is my wife, then asking about the way forward drew the chariot. Is there anything in my chart and / or with the cards you can see for advice? I read the Chariot could be travel but would that be the existing role or a different job?

    1. Okey dokey. So the Libra cycle’s not started yet (it starts on July 18th) and it doesn’t rule work anyway, but that’s okay. Your promotion, burn out, time off, and marriage is really Capricorn and Virgo, so we look to those signs in your chart and find you have a lot of factors in both signs. In fact you have stelliums in Virgo and Capricorn. You will be pleased to know you are reshaping your life and being reshaped, and it is to your benefit. In fact by May 2024, Jupiter at 28 and 29 Taurus will have made stunning trines to your factors at 28 and 29 Virgo and Capricorn. So you have plenty of time. The Queen of Swords is your wife. She is setting firm boundaries because of course you are at home. So there are rules, because she has to look after you, but also herself. The Chariot is your professional future which will see you telecommuting (on Zoom) or actually commuting, between two cities or two countries. You will be extremely successful. You also have a stellium in Sagittarius which is about the world; the worldwide web; export. This will be triggered for you and there will be an involvement with developing or even brand new technology as part of this. So your Tarot matches your chart. You will rediscover your Sagittarian self. I can’t tell if this is the old job or a new one, but whatever happens it will work out for you.

  29. Hi Jessica
    Really looking forward to what you have to say regarding these transits as l have stelliums in both. Pluto at 1 degree Libra does this represent another dominant person in my life? I’m watching very closely this month as l believe you said for me to watch for developments with my partner. He was made redundant in march which lead to another job fortunately so am looking forward to seeing how this plays out. I’ll be sure to report back. What I’m asking l guess is there anything l should be concerned about given l have the stelliums? Thanks so much as always l look forward every day to visiting your site.
    Very best wishes Selina

    1. You have Pluto at 1 Libra trine Salacia at 1 Aauarius, Selina. Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House of partnership is you. You are the one who is passionate, obsessive and wants control. There is a natural flow between the partnership and your social life, social media and groups you belong to, or feed into (Salacia in Aquarius). So the South Node slowly proceeding towards 1 Libra is about your need to run the partnership or run your partners. As you know from experience it never works, as you always have to compromise or just part company. We all have Pluto somewhere in the chart and this is where we have to hold the reins. Life teaches us this is impossible and it’s always a trade-off. I think transiting Pluto going to 1 Aquarius in the mid 2020’s will make these questions about who/what has the upper hand even more obvious. So it’s worth finding out more about this planet.

  30. Wow Jessica, thanks so much for another brilliant post! I am signing up for the zoom session so hope to see you then. I’ve been so looking forward to the nodes changing signs. Your predictions, that you’ve been so kind to give me from previous questions have been so accurate which I have been so very grateful for in some difficult times. You have previously told me that karma with my ex husband will complete when the nodes change signs. What is uncanny from the dates in your post is that we met in December 2004 and married in July 2006! The relationship was sadly disastrous; he was abusive and financially controlling and I’m still suffering the fallout now. I left him when I was 43 which also matches what you said in your post, but that was nearly ten years ago and I’m still chasing him for my divorce settlement! Some years ago a psychic told me that my then husband had secretly altered some documents and/or hidden some money or assets around the time of our marriage and he now owes me a great deal of money. This whole story also feels like a Pluto in Capricorn saga for me too as a sun Capricorn (he is a sun Gemini). Would you be so kind as to have a look and see if in my karma with him completing, I will received what I’m owed financially or if this was just an experience I simply had to go through with him. I drew a tarot card asking your suggested question of what the nodes have in store for me and the card I got was the ten of cups which really surprised me! With much gratitude, Alexia

    1. You have Jupiter in Scorpio, so abundance through a sexual and financial partnership – and drew the Ten of Cups. Your new partner will make up for your former husband. Jupiter is extremely fortunate and this house or apartment will be a blessing, as will the relationship. Plenty of fun for a younger generation too, Alexia.

  31. Dear Jessica,

    I’m hopefully optimistic for this transit. I say hopefully because other than a 7-year-marriage that ended in 2018 (and it only lasted that long due to court issues), I haven’t had any long-term romantic relationships and I’m a person who always desired a solid partnership with another person. As I enter my late 40s, I still struggle to understand why this aspect of my life has been difficult for me. I have always done well and been content as a single person, including as a single parent, but when I’m in a good relationship, I really thrive and blossom. Unfortunately, those have been fleeting. I don’t understand why I’ve always had potential suitors in my orbit who will “check in” or show interest without long-term action, and only one person — my ex-husband — truly made a straight-on commitment to me, until of course, he didn’t.

    Based on past questions, I know you said this year is the best time for me in 12 years to find someone, and I’m hopeful, but nothing yet. I do put myself in position to meet potential partners through my hobbies and activities (I’m definitely not just a homebody), but I haven’t seen any clear interest from people other than ones who are taken (but claim to be unhappy). I do have my North Node in Libra and a Libra stellium, and South Node in Aries, so I’m hoping that maybe, finally, my luck will change? I have had a Vedic astrologer in the past say that my best relationships will come later in my life — I’m waiting! Could you provide any insight? Thank you!

    1. Your Vedic astrologer predicted your best relationships come later in life. You have Libra factors at 14 through 27 degrees including the North Node. All in your Seventh House of divorce and marriage. This particular cycle is about closure with your former husband but also other men. Jupiter in Libra in 2028 may well see an opportunity for a second marriage. You don’t have to sit on your hands until then. You have Saturn in Leo in the Fifth House of motherhood, so you may want to make your child/children less of a priority when dating. Saturn is restriction and limitation – difficulty getting out of a situation – or difficulty getting in. I suspect at least one of the fleeting encounters happened because that man did not want to know about being a stepfather. We all have Saturn in our chart. It is always the great test of our lives. So, if dating is your aim rather than engagement and wedding bells, you would want to make your role as mother far, far less important. That might not be what you want to hear, but it may explain why dating so far has been so constricted. You are a Sun Scorpio so this is indeed your best cycle in 12 years to meet someone – you have until May 2024. Jupiter in Taurus in your solar Seventh House is always good news.

  32. Hi Jessica,
    I feel this is a big one for me. I have Saturn, Pluto and my MC all late libra – currently squaring Pluto in Capricorn that is sitting on my moon. I am really looking forward to the zoom call for some tips on how to navigate these transits. But my question is how significant do you think this weather is for me and do you have any personal tips to prepare me. Kind regards Sarah

    1. Thank you. The 27 and 28 degree squares at Capricorn and Libra are lifelong but triggered recently and again, by Pluto at 27, 28, 29. He is now retrograde at 29 as you know. The lunar nodes going to the other cardinal signs, Aries and Libra, at 29, 28, 27 (they move backwards) will create a trigger for you with work, unpaid work or academia after July 18th. So winter is rather intense, Sarah. This is T-Square so it usually feels quite tense and tight. I’m sure it’s nothing you don’t know about. A square in the chart is always what you cannot square. So you cannot square your professional ambition and need to do well in life, with partners, or even a partnership. That is one example of many. Or, you cannot square your business partnership with the wider profession or industry. Have a look at the Tarot and ask ‘How has my Libra-Capricorn square mainly manifested in my life?’ That could be handy knowledge and help you deal with this T-Square transit ahead, as well as the slow, ongoing transit of Pluto at 29 Capricorn.

  33. Hi Jessica, thank you once again for your thought provoking content. I do enjoy reading your blog. This is so interesting as I really did have a feud going on 18-19 years ago with my bosses at the company I worked for at the time. It was quite toxic and resulted in me being forced out of the company, which was a nightmare, but it led to me setting up on my own, which was very successful until the great financial crisis (during which I was lucky enough to get amazing opportunities and went abroad but that’s another story!). I’m in another fix now which I really don’t want to be in – with my (Gemini) mum who I am sad to say is frankly selfish and unreasonable. I’ve had her 1 mile down the road from me since December 2021 and do my best to look after her but my word she is hard work. I’m really trying to get a new job right now and am also managing building work so she can move in with me, but she complains and complains and is constantly moaning that I don’t do enough for her even though I am with her every single day and do all her meals and cleaning and shopping, I never get any support or concern from her or any evidence that she gives a damn about my well-being, she doesn’t care how anything affects me (e.g. demands to come and watch the late film at my house and be taken home after it finishes and has to be told No, that that is unfair on me Every. Single. Time.) I had four phone calls before 8am this morning berating me for forgetting to get her a box of tissues yesterday and calling me every name under the sun. Trouble is some of the money to buy and do up the house is hers, on the basis that she will be living here – so I’m a bit trapped! What kind of karma I must have! I guess this will keep me occupied for the next couple of years. Life!

    1. Thank you. Your difficult mother (impossible mother?) is Fortuna at 9 Cancer square Chiron at 9 Aries in your chart. Fortuna is about how you affect the destiny of relatives without seeing what you are doing. You send them high or low in their lives, quite blindly. Fortuna is throughout Shakespeare as fickle fate and fortune and she is in the Tarot as the Wheel of Fortune. Cancer and the Fourth House describe your family and the maternal line. The square is what you cannot square. Chiron in Aries in the First House is about getting away with the unthinkable or impossible, regarding your title, reputation, appearance. This is the mother who cramps your style and this has been the case since you were a teenager. Knowing she is a Sun Gemini woman is useful. Some of the house money is hers and this is her power. This is about control for her; she is interpreting the finance and the home as a question about who is top dog. She sounds somewhat batty, which is old age for some people. Very sad and I am sorry you are going through it. By Christmas you will feel the shift; the endless power and control issues for her regarding the money and home, will go. January 2024 really will feel like a new year. Have a look at your square, though. Ask the Tarot ‘How has this square manifested in my life?’ It could be useful.

  34. HI

    I don”t see the date for the Zoom!? My Sun is 29 deg. Libra and my North Node is 29 deg. Capricorn so am interested.


    1. You need to be a Premium Member to attend AK and so this Zoom link and the main feature are behind a paywall. Thank you.

  35. Hi Jessica,
    I am wondering what this south node movement means for me for my relationships as I have a stellium in Libra. I have been single for 18-19 years and the last time I had brief fling was in 2005 (never been married or in a serious relationship). Is there something in my chart showing a block in my love life/relationships? When I asked the tarot what the south node in Libra means for me it showed me the Nine of Pentacles. Thanks for any light you can share on my lack of a love life. I have made peace with the fact that I will never have children or be a grandmother but a partner/companionship is something that I am hoping for.

    1. Your Libra stellium shows Uranus at 29 Libra opposite Hygiea at 29 Aries. So you have an opposition between your Seventh House of marriage and First House of image. That’s the block. Uranus in Libra in the Seventh House is something your entire class at school was also born with, but it has become personal for you. You have a Rejection Dance going on. You reject suitors, they reject you. Even potential suitors (nothing ever happens, but there is a strong ‘No’ from either side). This gives you freedom and independence, which are very, very important to you. Diana in Sagittarius and the Moon in Cancer also fit into that pattern at 29 degrees or close to it. Diana begged her father Jupiter to release her from the entrapment of motherhood and marriage. He made her goddess of the hunt. She had a lover called Endymion but he was always asleep when they had sex. She was the alpha female and he was a passive man. The Moon as you may know is motherhood and in Cancer in the Fourth House, it is about how your mother and grandmother also influenced your ideas about what it means to be a mum. There is a lot there to unpack but there is a potent drive towards being your own woman and not losing your space. This does not mean you go without companionship, sex or even love, companionship and sex. It does mean that you need to look at that pattern in your chart and see how you have expressed it. Maybe you suit a part-time lover. The Nine of Pentacles can be further interpreted in Pamela’s Tarot in your library, looking ahead.

  36. dear Jessica, I have read this post in fascination. I have changed so much since having a child. I believe my Pluto in Libra manifests in how I want my husband to raise our child. He has Pluto in Leo so is very controlling. of our son. So we have this dysfunctional dynamic going on, at the expense of our child. I dont know how to break the pattern as all efforts to seek counselling go nowhere. He is a good man, just wont give our child the structure he needs and I have buried myself in work to try to give him the financial stability he says we need and to keep out of their way (I used to draw the 3 of swords regularly and tried to withdraw). Both are Sun Leos.He has a Virgo Leo and Libra stellium. Our child has nodes in Libra and Aries and has a Leo Aries and Libra stellium. I have a Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo and Libra stellium. we got together in the last Libra-Aries cycle. I am hopeful any advice you might have will help me put things in perspective and reduce the histrionics somewhat. I need to find balance and to make sure our 8 y.o. is ok. I love what you have said about looking to our stelliums to find ourselves and how to be joyful. I am quite anxious. thank you very much Jessica.

    1. Thank you. You have a small eight-year-old child and a difficult marriage. You have Pluto in Libra so want to control your husband. He has Pluto in Leo so wants to control the child, but also the bedroom. It’s good you can see it. Counselling’s not worked, unfortunately. You have also drawn the Three of Swords repeatedly which is the three of you. Ask the Tarot again: “How do I best get rid of the Three of Swords in my life from this point forward?” You have a Libra and Leo stellium so being a wife and mother is a huge part of who you are. Look at what you have in those signs, the patterns they make and how you act it out. Pluto/Pluto issues in marriage are best solved by carving up the territory; time-share works. So does power share. Your child has inherited your chart from you so is already learning by watching! Have a look at Pluto too, as well as these signs, which rule the Fifth House and Seventh House of your horoscope. Pluto was obsessive, passionate, controlling, dominating and was eventually forced to relinquish half of his power. Doing some kind of half-and-half arrangement is not a failure of the marriage; sometimes it’s just a practical solution.

  37. Hi Jessica, I hope you’ve been well. it’s been quite some time since I’ve asked a question and I was hoping you may answer what this libra nodes transit will mean for me and my love life? I’m recently single and still having issues meeting the “one”. although I did back in the 2004-2006 Libra cycle and sabotaged i.e ran from it at the time due to being a commitmentphobe at the time… a big regret I will always have.

    Much appreciated for any interrupting assistance you could provide when it comes to my chart . thanks again 🙂

    1. Thank you. There is no ‘one’ in astrology. A very few people have past life reasons for marrying one person and spending a lifetime of highs and lows sorting out the karma. They have often been married to this person in another incarnation. For most people, including you, there is no single partner. Just partners who teach you different lessons during different cycles. You found this out for yourself in 2004-2006. Now you have taken that on board and will be ready to date someone new, or begin a friendship – or pursue a deeper friendship. You have a Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House and this is all about love, sex and death. Commonly, living together with a man and paying half the rent. Also, changing your will to benefit your boyfriend, or having him do the same. Expectations about marriage or partnership always involve the house, the apartment, the joint bank account. That’s Scorpio. You will always have opportunities to pair up again with someone on that level, for the rest of your life, but it will help to understand what it means to have a Scorpio stellium and to live in your Eighth House for much of the time. Morrissey has this. It often brings in the family too; the family benefit from your money, or you inherit their legacy. This also affects how you feel about sexual relationships, or even an ex lover. Find out more about your Scorpio side and how to work it.

  38. Hi Jessica!
    I have to say you were right about a lot of things when it came to my Taurus/Scorpio nodes that are finally moving on July 17th.
    I am finalizing my divorce this week, however confused about one thing- I have to payout my husband a very hefty amount as a result even though there was so much abuse from him.
    I know you’ve mentioned Jupiter is in Taurus right now so there will positive financial gains…but it’s quite the opposite for me.

    I have Taurus,Scorpio, Aquarius Stellium…I’m a 25 degree Taurus Sun, 9 degree Sagittarius moon, 29 degree Leo rising with Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio.

    What can I expect with this upcoming nodal change? I’m currently living in the US but want to start a new chapter in a different country but not sure where to begin on that.

    1. Thank you. You have a Scorpio Eighth House opposition to your Taurus Second House stellium so it is different for you. You are divorcing (typical of this pattern in the chart when there are Taurus and Scorpio cycles). You’ve paid out. That is also typical. However you will be given an opportunity to save or make money before the cycle is over. It began in May. It’s only July. It runs into August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and finally May 2024. That is a very long time to make good. The worst is over when the South Node leaves Scorpio on 18th July and a stuck situation ends. I’m sorry you’ve been through this with him but this Scorpio transit is nearly over.

  39. Hi Jessica, thank you for the detailed explanations in this article. I wish I could attend the zoom event. But since that’s not possible for me this time, the article does a good job going into the various facets of Libra weather.

    I have a question concerning a peculiar issue. I doubt that you hear much on this from your readers. And normally I too would hesitate to bring it up. But since you are a gifted medium, I feel you would be open-minded and possibly aware of it anyway.

    The issue is dark magic. Unfortunately, once again, I’m at the receiving end of it.

    My first marriage ended in a permanent separation in September 2006, shortly after the nodes traveled out of Aries-Libra, and then a divorce that was finalized some years later. My mother-in-law from that marriage turned out to have solicited dark marriage to cause the end of my marriage.

    I finally remarried after a long time last summer. I love my husband and feel that he is my true soul mate – and he feels the same way about me. We are from different religious and ethnic backgrounds though, which unfortunately has not sat well with my new mother in law.

    She attempted dark magic to prevent our marriage, which thankfully didn’t work. Then she came after my health with the dark magic, which unfortunately did work. I developed awful health issues out of the blue last spring, the after effects of which I’m dealing with even now.

    She’s continuing to cast the dark magic. My family has a couple of spiritual protectors (very pious religious individuals whom we are deeply fortunate to have access to), one of whom is continuing to remove and remedy (as much as possible) the effects of the dark magic. But by the time I identify the effect of any fresh magic, and the protector verifies and removes & remedies it, some damage is already done. So the negative impact to my health is continuing, which is increasingly affecting every other aspect of my life.

    Since Libra rules the natural 7th house of not just partnerships but also enemies, I’m apprehensive about the dark magic continuing into 2025. I fear that it may even escalate between July 2023 and May 2024 because of Jupiter in Taurus (which is my solar 7th house of enemies).

    Am I right to be apprehensive, Jessica? Or could the nodal change and other elements of Libra weather (or maybe Jupiter in Taurus) actually provide some relief?

    I’m writing this because I’m at my wits end with this issue, and hope it doesn’t ruin this marriage too. Especially since the nodes are heading into a similar position as when the first MIL attacked me and my marriage (2004-2006).

    Your thoughts will be very much appreciated, Jessica. Many thanks in advance, and my best regards.

    1. Your mother-in-law uses black magic and you have two family members who are trying to stop it. They are part of an energetic loop with you, so this is quite powerful because those against it, are as involved as you are, and collectively you are all propping up a problem. I have come across this in my career because astrology and Tarot are infested with people like this. Basically, the ‘protectors’ in your family are not protecting you. Find your own path away from them. I have an understanding with my spirit guides that any person who attacks me with witchcraft, voodoo, psychic attack and the rest, finds it converts to my highest good. So it’s recycled, the same way that horse manure is recycled into rich soil for fertile flowers. You can probably spot what she is doing by Full Moon or New Moon dates on the calendar, if she is typical of these kind of low-rent astrologers. They do all their muttering and hand-waving on the lunar cycle. I would shop around for systems which work for you. Dion Fortune wrote a very good book on this. It may be that you need a guru on YouTube or by podcast. It’s personal. Ask your family in spirit for help. Ask them to show you a method which works or a person who can assist. Once you see it act on it. Tell the ‘protectors’ you no longer need them as you have your own way. I sympathise as satanic magic or black magic is real and operates on the lower astral plane where it can do damage to you in the real world. If blocking it is not working, recycle it. Ask spirit that this be instantly converted for your highest good. You need to opt out of this energy loop as you are all collectively propping it up. Try this free audio from Anna Parkinson, who is a teacher at The College of Psychic Studies in London.

  40. Hi Jessica, this will be my first time joining an astrology session, and I very much enjoy your insights on this site. I’m curious what this Libra cycle might highlight for me, given I have my north node at nearly 1* Libra. I’m trying to think of links back to 2004-2006, and 1986-7, but the only thing coming to mind is moving into more comfortable accommodation?! Any clues or hints most welcome.

    1. Give it time and you will remember – Libra is nothing to do with accommodation – everything to do with a duet or duel from those years. Thank you for coming along to the weekend Zoom.

  41. Hi Jessica
    I asked the tarot about how the south node in libra cycle would affect me and I drew the SEVEN OF SWORDS.

    Irrespective of the dark nature of characters in the background what stood out to me was the good fitness level of the main person, the hat which indicates a sense of style, the agility of picking up swords (situations) and being able to produce a good outcome.
    Do you think this is all me because I feel very positive about the card and my interpretation of it for the period 18 July – January 2025?

    While the premium description of the card mentions burying the hatchet and 18-19 years ago I was in a long distance dating relationship with my future husband and had many opportunities to stray but I was tremendously faithful. My husband divorced me after over a decade of marriage. Do you think he is coming back and I will be burying the hatchet? As of now I don’t want any contact with him.

    So these are 2 interpretations here one of me feeling very positive about the south node in libra cycle based on the tarot and another of the premium interpretation of the tarot?

    1. It’s interesting that you drew the Seven of Swords for the South Node in Libra. Libra rules the Seventh House of open enemies as well as partners. Here the Tarot is talking to you about people who are not on side. Fortunately, you (as the central player in the drama) is agile enough, energetic enough and positive enough to stage a pre-emptive strike and get rid of anything at all, that could be used for an argey-bargey. Thus, burying the hatchet or at least getting rid of the weaponry. Unless your husband is in a group of people who might be up to no good, it’s not him. What you are actually picking up here is the opposite North Node in Aries, which was also triggered 18-19 years ago when you realised you had to be an action woman. This cycle is back.

  42. Hi Jessica,
    I look forward to the zoom session. :). I’m a Sun Libra and I have Libra Stellium. My husband loves travelling and wants to move from one country to another every 2-3 years while I like to be stable, have a home and stay in one country (I like travelling too but I would like to have a base to go back to). We are working with professional to see if we can find a middle ground. I am curious to know how this Libra cycle will affect marriage? Many thanks.

    1. Thank you. You have a stellium in Cancer in the Fourth House of home, home town and homeland. You also have a huge stellium in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money. You know all about your Cancerian side which has a huge emotional pull towards where you come from, what you know and where you belong. It’s cultural as much as anything and very much from the heart. There is no place like home, or ones roots, to the heavily Cancerian person. You are having all these issues during the great karmic test of the South Node in Scorpio. This hasn’t happened for 18-19 years and in fact you went through something similar all those years ago, with the same theme (perhaps, compromise or issues about where to live). The big stretch is over from 18th July when the South Node leaves Scorpio and is out of your Eighth House. Yet you still have transiting Uranus in Taurus in opposition to 2026, when the cycle slowly starts tailing off. So the whole basis of the marriage, in terms of it being vested in money and property, has to change. It can’t really keep going as it was, before 2018. So that is your challenge. Uranus oppositions (in fact conjunctions too) tend to quite suddenly remove situations which limit your freedom and independence. It takes great insight to see that but it’s also the truth. One person can’t really shackle the other person on these cycles; the individual need to do what one needs to do, has to find its way out. I hope you can both find a solution.

  43. Hi Jessica. I’m an avid, daily reader of yours and am so intrigued to join the Zoom this weekend. My question is about my love life. I’ve been single for the vast majority of my life, and not for want of trying. I’ve travelled extensively, am happily child-free and my career has taken much of my focus over the years. Now in my mid-40s I’m expanding my business which excites me creatively–but is only going to see me busier and with less energy to put myself out there. I come from a line of ambitious, independent women…I’m wondering if meeting a soul mate is ever going to happen for me? And if it’s even meant to…? The nodes change signs on my birthday, which feels significant. I’d so appreciate your insight. With much gratitude…M x

    1. Thank you M. You are in your mid-40s and single, enjoy being child-free but want a soulmate. This is an old term meaning someone who has reincarnated to marry you. It is not always happy. Soulmates can go around different lifetimes with new challenges each time and given the world’s history, sometimes it is to deal with the most difficult karma. So, soulmates can seem familiar at first sight (this is usually the giveaway) and as the medium Rita Rogers says, can come into your life in an odd way (almost as if the fates had to move heaven and earth to get you together) but I have a ton of readers who would probably have wished they could skip the whole thing. Having said that, you have the North Node in Libra and have incarnated to try partnership in a different way this time. Partnerships can be professional duets of course. The ‘twoness’ of your life is something you will experience again and again, but in relation to the ‘me’ in the equation. Because your other node is in Aries, the sign of the woman who is out there in a category of one. Me, Myself, I. So it may be that you need a different vehicle for your inclination to pair up, and not marriage, which always leaves ‘Me’ battling ‘Us’ and ‘We’ with this nodes. You will be offered that vehicle by early 2025. The other key factor in your chart is the huge Leo stellium in the Fifth House of the bedroom, babies, children and young adults. You have Saturn there so avoiding motherhood has helped you avoid an awful lot of restrictions and limitations in your life that would otherwise have felt extremely heavy to you. Yet, the flipside of that, is that of course so many men want a mother for their children in their 20s and 30s and so you were never going to be that person. Age is no barrier in astrology and over the next few years, Jupiter will go into Leo, and then Libra, so around 2026 and 2028 you will be given the opportunity to have a very different sort of sexual relationship. But it may help to think less about just one soulmate and more about not repeating the past.

  44. Hi Jessica! I am very happy to attend the upcoming Libra weather zoom event. I do have many factors in Aries and two factors in Libra and wonder how this will affect me. Last time around, about 20 years ago it was a horrible and life changing experience, a real duel. I also believe I have a grand cross in my natal chart Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. In your comments to other readers you mentioned that Pluto will go over the early degrees In Aquarius and I happened to have some early degrees In Aquarius. What can I expect with all these planets pinging in my chart.Thank you very much for hosting so many live events. I truly enjoy and learn a lot from them. Your true predictions are amazing.

    1. Thank you. I will pass that compliment onto Alicia Fulton who hosts the events. Okay, so just because you had a rotten time on the last North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra cycle does not mean a repeat. You can also be reassured you do not have a Grand Cross in your chart. What you do have is a stellium in Aries in the First House of title, reputation and appearance. This is the Gladiator pattern, so a great deal of your life is spent behind a profile or label. What they say about you, precedes you. And the way you look is everything. You have had years of transits in Aries, and will have many more, when Neptune goes into Aries after 2026. This new cycle, with the North Node there, will ask you not to repeat the past. Yet, you will yet again be confronting the importance of image. As for Pluto in Aquarius, this very slow-moving cycle takes about 20 years to complete, restarting in January 2024. You have Bacchus at 2 and Juno at 4, so the mid to late Twenties will transform your friendships, social life and group, which is where you give and receive so much pleasure in your life, but also where you ‘marry’ friends or communities of people, wedding yourself to the circle concerned. A powerful person or organisation will emerge or re-emerge in the second half of the Twenties and show you exactly what people power means.

  45. Thanks for another great Zoom feature.
    So in 2004-2006 I was living in New York and ended up in a controlling relationship where I was encouraged NOT to work, etc etc. All to separate me from my own life and independence. I gave up some huge career opportunities at his insistence (including an Oscar winning film). And once I was completely dependant on him and isolated on the other side of the world, he ended the relationship and threw me out with 2 weeks to pack up my life. This lead to me returning to Australia after a decade living abroad and restarting my life from nothing. And I rebuilt my life into huge success from literally nothing. My ex from NY went on to become incredibly wealthy and successful in a business I helped establish. I didn’t have the energy at the time to exercise any legal rights when things broke down – I had to put my life back together.
    I am now happily married with two children to a wonderful man, and the last few years my career has been on hold due to outside influences. I had to let my business close, and just let a lot go due to the pandemic, children, unwell family members, etc. After fighting against it, I have finally surrendered to just taking some time out. I’ve been developing a TV series which was looking promising but a network passed on on Friday, and have a book sitting with agents. Nothing has been green lit yet, and I feel like things haven’t yet progressed. I so want this period of stagnation to ease and for the flow to return. I want this holing pattern to end, but also know I need to just finally take this time. My supportive husband is more than happy for me to just take a breather. But here I am again, financially dependent, only it’s a very different situation and relationship. Of course I would love another child, after many sad losses, but also trying to be realistic with my age; I’ve told myself I am only really giving myself another couple of months before closing the door on that little dream. I feel so strongly there is another child though.
    I am quietly afraid of ending up in the same situation as before, even though my husband is not controlling – he is the complete opposite; so supportive of anything I want to do, and really just wants me to be happy.
    Is the karma now that I am being supported this time, where as in 2004-2006 I was being suppressed?
    Thanks Jessica.

    1. You really did your South Node in Libra cycle with this man, last time. Now you are with a much better partner. You have a TV series in development and a book with agents. As you say, you are financially reliant on a man again. Same theme. You have a good, supportive husband, though – not somebody who will act out some strange kind of power trip. Your hunch is right. Similar situation, different man. It’s okay to lean on somebody financially in marriage. However you had the North Node in Scorpio so both with the first man, and second man, the astrology would say you have past life involvement. You knew them before. It was always as spouses or family members. It always involved money or property. Have a look at the North Node in Scorpio as you only just finished your South Node in Scorpio cycle, right across that. In fact it ends in days. The work side of things is really about timing. It will not be until Jupiter goes into Gemini and your Third House of media, publishing, film and television that you begin to see rare opportunities and historic solutions for what you want to do. You have a Gemini stellium anyway in your Third House so Jupiter will begin to show up as early as May 2024. Then Uranus goes into Gemini and the original projects, or their successors, rapidly throw you into the world of new technology – from the mid 2020s.

  46. Dear Jessica – I attended the Libra weather zoom meeting, and continue to deeply resonate with your incredible insights and analysis. During the meeting, I had 3 cards (in my own deck) pop out – QueenCupsRev, 4pentacles, 6pentacles…. Does this signify a sequential 3 part story over the time frame in question, or multiple energies co-occurring at once, for the duration? My most pressing life issue is not related to a 1-1relationship… but rather, the long struggle of trying to sell my property to eliminate debt. Thank you for all you do – cheers and best wishes.

    1. Thank you so much. You have your own Smith-Waite Tarot and you had a classic Tarot experience. The ‘falling’ cards. You intended to draw one and got three. Read all three together. This is about money. It is about property. However you cannot proceed towards the material world until you find a way to put a puzzling relationship on terra firma. Your future is about that. You need to change your attitude and change your life, actually, so you can stop prevaricating over a relationship that does not fit any category and actually find a way to make it work. To make it function. To find its best purpose. You have a Libra stellium so are prepared to spend a huge amount of time and energy trying to sort out love. You also have Neptune in Scorpio, the sign of sex, money and property – in your Eighth House. So you can easily become confused. All at sea. This is shown in the Queen of Cups in your deck. She is not anchored. She is lost in her own little world. Meanwhile, the peculiar relationship goes nowhere. I am sure you know about active imagination with Tarot and how to change a card, and change your future. This has financial application for you which is why the other cards popped out.

  47. Sorry, please disregard the sentence, “I will call the time”. Don’t know how that line got in there! My apologies.

  48. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for another great Zoom event.
    I was born with the North Node in Libra and the South Node in Aries, and I would like to know what this new Libra cycle means to me. I pulled the Eight of Pentacles.
    I have a stellium in Aries and Pluto in Libra.
    Thank you very much!

    1. Thank you ET and I am glad you enjoyed the Zoom event. You are strongly Aries-Libra. However, this card is about work. Ceres at 15 Capricorn is square Pluto at 15 Libra in your chart. Ceres is about the deal you make with your career. Pluto is about the power and control issues you always get with sexual and financial partnership, or marriage. So – a house or apartment. A mortgage or lease. For whatever reason, whenever you get the lunar nodes going to 15 Libra and Aries, they trigger this in you, and you turn to hard work, to make the money, with the property issue in the background. One has to be productive to earn the cash to pay off the house, or save up for the dream home. It’s all coming back. So let’s see:

      This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.

      The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.

      Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.

      The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’

      Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.

      There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’

  49. Thank you so much for the lovely meeting Jessica, it was very useful. I found the link between nodes and important events in our lives really fascinating.
    1997-1999- I finished university and then moved to London from another country. In 2004, I finished teacher training and got a job as a school teacher in London. I was then living outside of London, 2005 we sold our house and moved to London. Interestingly 2014-16 when the nodes were in Aries and Libra (South and North), I left my job in a primary school and started to work for a university in another city, so I moved, but by 2016, I moved back to London to work for another university, and again 2017, moved to another university. As if every time nodes are in Libra and Aries, I am moving or changing jobs…Do you think I will change job and home again?

    Thank you so much in advance x

    1. Thank you as always for your kind words. If the lunar nodes in Aries-Libra chime with work, it is because you have the North Node itself in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Every time you have the nodes in Aries-Libra you have a Grand Cross. Your South Node is in Cancer in your Fourth House of home, family, home town, homeland, household. Yes, this choice will come back to you from the previous cycle or two. It will be right at the end, so 2023 is too early, but eventually the transiting lunar nodes go to that T-Square spot and once again, you have a crossroads about work, but also moving.

  50. Hi Jessica. I just got off the Libra Weather Zoom session. I drew the 3 of cups. In 2005, I left one job and took another. I also had a friend from Scotland come to visit me in the Midwest and we then visited friends in Los Angeles and Seattle before going up to Victoria. I haven’t done any traveling since Covid. Do you see this changing? I’m also open to finding a different remote job. Will my history repeat itself? Many thanks for your insights and willingness to share them.

    1. Your card is about friendship, usually between women, but sometimes between women and effeminate men. I suspect Aquarius in your chart, which rules friends and groups. Sure enough you have a stellium in Aquarius. The South Node in Libra will trine this, so what happens with a friend’s partnership, marriage, divorce or separation will affect the wider social circle. It will filter down to you through the friendships involved. So one of you may be recently single or recently married for example, in 2023, 2024, 2025. You will find it all changes from January 2024 when Pluto goes into Aquarius. This is a potent group. It is a productive group, if you all try. It is a terrific way for you to remember you are strongly Aquarian.

  51. Hi, just watched the zoom session. I have Jupiter at 28o and MC 18o in Libra. I got divorced in 2019 (engaged 1987, wed 1988, went downhill from 2008) I’ve no interest in having another relationship! I don’t work either. I think the fact that my nodes in Scorpio and Taurus mean it’s over, complete, and maybe now I can have a better realtionship with myself. What do you think?

    1. You were engaged in 1987 on the South Node cycle and that long-lost past will come back to you on this one. You owe, perhaps, or are owed, and so one way or another the universe will find a way to settle up. You may hear about your ex-husband for example. The Tarot can tell you more about the way those scales will be balanced in 2023, 2024, 2025.

  52. Thank you so very much for this extremely informative zoom event! Jessica, I’ve said it before – you are a wealth of information and make it so easy to understand the ‘weather’.

    I drew the Five of Cups – which is very apropos for where I find myself. I moved to help my dad after my mom died. He died shortly thereafter. I stayed to settle their estate which took an extremely long time – seven years. I have three siblings yet the responsibility was mine. I helped my sister move in November 2022. I just helped my older brother move in May 2023 and my younger brother this week. And now I am moving. Back from whence I came. Coincidentally – my move date – given to me by the moving company is July 17 (seven years to the day I moved the first time). And I fly back July 18.

    Even more interesting….I shuffled the deck and decided not to select a card. I went back and started the process all over and selected the Five of Cups. Am I reading it correctly?

    Also – with a Libra stellium, I believe I am owed from a previous relationship (2004-05). A gentleman I was with misrepresented everything about himself. Yes. I have looked in the mirror to see what role I played – too generous; too trusting; too afraid to suggest he leave. As I said to a girlfriend – we are all guilty of staying too long or thinking someone will change or give it another chance. All that said – time to give relationships a chance once more.

    Again – my thanks for such an informative zoom event.

    1. Thank you! In 2005 you knew a man who was deceitful. I am sorry you went through it. Now, the South Node is back in Libra. So there will be karmic closure about him. This may literally involve him (you may get an apology) or discover fate has caught up with him. It is also just as possible you will be with a completely different man who ‘makes good’ with you on the past. You are paid back. The Five of Cups shows healing. You fix things and move on. This relationship fell over. He was toxic (this is shown in the card). You have also had a couple of other relationships fall over. Yet there are strong relationships too – and a very different future – you say you are moving. This is in the card as you can see. Pamela’s Tarot will explain further to you.

  53. HI Jessica! Thank you for your wonderful insight to the upcoming Libra weather in the Zoom event. I have Vesta at 29 degrees Libra, and I pulled the Judgement Card from the Tarot deck. In 2005 I left my ex and we (finally) got divorced several years later. Can you provide some insight as to how this card relates to my chart in this Libra South Node cycle? And how it will affect my relationships? Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Thank you. The future concerns your ex, directly, or another man who reminds you of the themes of fairness, justice and perhaps the law – from 2005. Judgement literally shows the scales of Libra. This will be a momentous cycle for you, of major importance. You left your husband in 2005. Now, the cycle is back. You will act out the ‘balancing of the scales’ either with him, or another.

      This card confuses Tarot readers who don’t accept mediumship and life after so-called death, because to understand it, you have to accept that we don’t die! Perhaps you know this to be true already, in which case Judgement lets you know that there is a huge shift taking place with your family or friends (perhaps partners) in the spirit world. There may be a transition taking place, so someone has just passed away, or crossed over – to quote my friend John Edward.
      What you see is what you get with this card.

      Two families rise from their coffins to embrace an angel, judging them from heaven. This card is linked to the Eighth House, home of the last will and testament, legacies and any inheritance.

      The trumpet was often used by mediums in the early 20th century to communicate with the spirit world. This card is a powerful symbol of transformation, redemption and rebirth. The asteroid Aesculapius may also tie in here. He is a symbol of what lasts forever – what resurrects and returns.

      Psyche is another zodiac symbol who was given immortality. This is a card of the next stage in a soul’s development as part of a family group of souls – perhaps two of them – and thus suggests people who incarnate and reincarnate together as family groups.

      Judgement can sometimes be quite literal as a card, revealing a judgement to be made. Perhaps a spiritual, ethical or moral judgement, rather like being ‘assessed’ at the pearly gates. Your soul is weighed as you rise from the coffin – you are measured by a greater force. Note the red cross here too. That may have personal meaning for you.

      It can be seen as the Red Cross aid organisation or the St. George’s flag of England. You have to return to the people rising from the coffins, though. This is about new life from old. And it’s about families. Ancestors are very important when Judgement appears. You come from a long line, but a long line of what and whom? That lineage is now having an impact on your life here in the real world, as substantial transformation takes place with those who came before.

      As you can imagine, there are sometimes really heavy karmic stories played out with Judgement. It may be the case that a whole generation of souls tied to a particular religious group, or family tree, or business organisation, or similar, now goes to the next level – because events on earth make it possible for them to ascend.

      Purgatory is the holding zone for souls but here we have a large group of them rising from their coffins and going to the next spiritual dimension, perhaps. I have seen this card associated with haunting (earthbound spirits) because it has been impossible for a large number of people affected by one tragedy to accept it is time to move on.

      Judgement is a dramatic card which will have intensely personal meaning for you. I am sure you can see how it might turn up in situations when a great many people have lost their lives in one single tragedy (thus connecting all of them) and have been waiting for an event here on earth to set them free. This all sounds rather morbid but actually Judgment is about liberation. The angelic realms are calling. Heaven is ahead and on high and at last the signal has come. The idea of release and relief is close to this card. Depending on your belief system, reincarnation, too.

  54. Thank you Jessica and Alicia and your teams so so much. I thoroughly enjoyed the zoom and learning from you and being part of your community. I got the King of Cups…..Is my knight in shining armour on his way…..My child is so absolutely telling me all afternoon (ironically how I need to “put myself out there!). Im kind of cosy in my own way and I suppose too cosy after all I have been through in my life to be honest. However, it would be the “icing on the cake” in the sense of a companion. When I was younger I went through horrendous heartache and I have genuinely reached a personal point of contentment that I verbally said it aloud today. What do you interpret Jessica if you have time. I would like you to know how much I appreciate all that you do to teach, empower and share us with your gift. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, I will pass that onto Alicia Fulton. You will be tempted by a younger man who is prepared to meet you halfway. He will be travelling to your area or moving there. He is sincere. He is also really attractive. Here is the longer reading, but he is shown by Uranus in Libra in your Seventh House. You are most drawn by relationships with a lot of space and freedom. A lot of independence. This sort of relationship will find you, if you want it. It may be long-distance. Or he may be here today, gone tomorrow. This will be fun for you to negotiate. How do you both get what you want and need?

      The Knight of Cups is always good to see in the Tarot. Here is someone who is solid gold and who is also steady. He has stamina, a sense of purpose and something valuable to give you. That is, perhaps, why you should do at least half of the running here, so that he is not forced to make the journey to see you unsupported. He’s come a long way, but also has rather a long way to go – and a chap needs help sometimes.

      Straight and true, this is a man on a mission, wearing Mercury’s characteristic wings on his helmet and shoes. Sagittarius is suggested by the horse, but Mercury is riding it. There is a lot of astrology hidden in this card. This may literally be Mercury in Sagittarius, natally or by transit. There is the wavy Aquarius logo, but also Pisces the fishes, on the armour. So we are talking three zodiac signs here, and one planet – potentially.

      The cups are always a symbol of sex or emotion. He has something to give, but he needs to get there, to give it. This man can be courting you, or off to meet you for the first time after a period of internet dating.

      In other cases the cups have nothing to do with the heart, or romance, but everything to do with a family relationship. This is the young soldier returned from combat on his way with presents to put under the Christmas tree. Unlike some of the men Pamela created in her illustrations, he is firm, focussed and steadfast.

      He is a man on a mission. The Third House (short journeys) or Ninth House (global travel or emigration) is suggested here. Will he settle down? He might. If the exchange was the right one! There is a suggestion here of a new relationship, or a renewed relationship.

      This may be the backpacker on a Gap Year who wants to resume a holiday affair. It can be the new face hired by your company who is moving from another state or county. This is an attractive, interesting man. Nothing can really be decided until he has reached his destination and settled down. You have to ask – is his whole life like this, shifting from place to place – or is this the last leg on something that looks like permanence for both of you?

      You might say there are ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ for the Knight of Cups as he has quite a journey. Like all cups in the cards, this is a solid-gold symbol of something special, emotionally, which is being offered up, either for exchange or as a gift from the heart. This is an archetypal image of quest and delivery; he might be Sir Walter Raleigh returning to Queen Elizabeth I or the young Prince Phillip returning to Queen Elizabeth II after his travels.

  55. In 2005, My husband won money and cars from a raffle that I gave him the money to buy the tickets and put in our kids names. He put the tickets in his. Everything he did with the money, we ending up losing. The people who were around at the time and got helped by us have returned on the fringes of my life and his family have come back prominently in his.
    We seperated for good 2 years ago and I’ve been thinking it’s finally time to divorce. We had promised each other that we would always look out for each other even if we weren’t together. I know this won’t be the case.
    I would like a loving companion. Someone who accepts me as I am.
    I have Libra in Uranus at 8°.
    My ex is a Capricorn.
    I pulled the Temperance card.
    Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Thank you for also mentioning this at the Zoom event. This is an incredible story about karma in 2005. You can make your former husband the centre of the new partnership and friendship (a strong friendship between two people is shown). Or, you can find another man. You do have a choice. The South Node will go to Libra 8 eventually and trigger Uranus at Libra 8. So this is about space. Uranus rules independence from a man. Either with your ex or a new person, you can have distance, separateness and oxygen, yet also have a really strong bond. Temperance is terrific. It shows that the duet you share, ahead, is linked to a wider group of friends and allies. So you draw from that. And the community or circle draws, from both of you. A most interesting future.

  56. Jessica, thank you for your answer earlier, when you posted this blog five days ago. And for the Zoom meeting just now. The live sessions are a treat, and teaching live makes a difference in how I work with your knowledge, for me! The card I pulled – Queen of Cups – is uncanny, as I was considering this morning before the Zoom about the children that did not reach birth, much earlier in my life. Thanks again to you, and also to Alicia. Best, Cecelia

    1. Thank you so much, Cecelia, it was nice to see you at the event and I will pass that onto Alicia. She used to live in New York. The Queen of Cups is really important to you in 2023, 2024 and early 2025. You have a big choice.

      I have seen women change their lives when they draw this card, as they recognise that all their dithering is getting them nowhere and that something or someone must be physically moved to a space or place, where there is a purpose. Women who are affected by drugs and alcohol (even prescribed meditation) can sometimes feel quite spaced out, dazed and confused – and be vulnerable to the sort of scene we see here, where everything and everybody is ‘all at sea.’

      You would look for a Neptune transit, but also a transit to natal Neptune. The sea is self-evident in this card and getting in over your head, is one outcome of wasting time puzzling over a particular person, without doing anything about him or her.

      This is clearly a woman worth our respect (a Queen) who has a precious, unique relationship she does not know what to do with. If it was on Antiques Roadshow it would be priceless.

      It is a cup, like all the cups in Pamela Colman Smith’s deck, but not any cup you have ever seen. It is fine, detailed, rather odd, and we would suspect a one-off. So, this person in the Queen of Cups’ life is not commonplace or everyday. Nor is this person particularly easy to get to grips with, but something must be done here, or the tide may turn.

      In her past we find pregnancies that did not come to term, or the baby phase of her grown-up children. She is unconscious of this but it is the foundation upon which she rests. These babies are above her and at her feet, cast in stone. This is a woman who is quite unconscious about her abortions, or miscarriages, or the stepchildren she never took on, or the orphans she never adopted. More commonly, it is a woman who has built her world on being a mother, but is quite unconscious of the fact that she has permanently parked her adult son or daughter in infancy, somewhere at the back of her mind.

      The Queen of Cups is all at sea, cast adrift, not living in the real world, far removed from what people back home would call normal living. This might be the late Elizabeth Taylor pondering Richard Burton, or the late Princess Diana wondering what on earth she is going to do about her latest admirer.

      Of course, the cup can be a friend; a family member; a colleague. Yet in all cases the person concerned would be about emotion and feeling, for this queen, who is herself likely to have the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and/or Pisces prominent in her birth chart.

      This is a picture of Kent with its beautiful white chalk cliffs, where Pamela Colman Smith created her card. Our Queen is drifting further into the English Channel as the water laps against her feet and she forgets about the real world.

      This is a card showing the Fifth House of parenthood and relationships, and also Neptune, that symbol of drifting unreality.

      The solution is to put the cup down and go back to the village or town with it tucked under one arm, where the relationship (a cup is always a relationship) can be found an appropriate place. At the moment it is a distraction from the real issue – babies that came/didn’t come, quite some time ago. The Queen would be happier with dry feet.

      This is a trophy or a collector’s item. It may be a ‘trophy’ boyfriend or husband who is good-looking, rich or successful. If it is the woman’s son or daughter, there is something here that is so hard for her to deal with, or come to terms with, but still very special.

      Actual movement – taking action – gives the cup a home somewhere in one of the villages or towns up on the cliffs. The Queen needs to gather up her skirts, hold the peculiar but golden relationship fast, and set about finding the right environment for what she has.

      It may be a museum. Perhaps this is a former husband or live-in partner who belongs to the past, not the future, and until The Queen of Cups puts him behind a glass case she will never get on with her life.

      Perhaps she needs to pass the cup on! Maybe there is someone in the nearest town who would make far better use of this than she ever would. Maybe it is time to let go of a valuable but puzzling friend who one never quite moves into sexual territory with; this sort of platonic pal might be the ideal wife for a single man out there, but until the Queen lets go, nobody will ever know. The trick with this card is to realise that it is about the environment not the cup itself. It is about finding the right place for such a person or relationship and that requires some common-sense, self-discipline and a bit of shoulder to the wheel.

  57. Dear Jessica, Thank you for all your weekly wonderful insights on your blog. I was delighted to join your libra weather zoom event. With a stellium in Libra, I would like to know what the universe has in store for me in the next couple of years in terms of love, home and family. I got divorced a few years ago and then have moved countries with my child in the last couple of years leaving behind close friends and loved ones. Will I get a chance to move back to the country where I grew up and live close to my parents or is where I am now the place where I am meant to be long term? You mentioned on your recent podcast that there are many paths to take to get to where you want to be but at times I feel confused and lost as to whether I’m on the right path.

    1. Thank you. Your Libra stellium shows Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in the sign of marriage and divorce in the Seventh House. Go back to 2005 (the full dates are in the feature) and ask yourself where things stood with a man then, either as a past partner or current one at the time. You owe, or are owed. That will be settled by early 2025 and it may involve moving. It may not. This cycle is yet to begin. The Tarot card you drew will tell you more.

  58. Dear Jessica
    Thought I’d take a chance on getting through so that I could tell you my thoughts on the zoom- perhaps the most interesting one yet, especially when matching dates with life events. It seems that’s when the truly big things took place in my life-during Aries/ Libra cycles. In 1968, one of my Dads brothers was killed in Vietnam which really sent him( War veteran himself) and us in a tailspin that took about six years to crawl out of, in 1986/87, I was a newlywed, a new teacher and had just moved to my current home when Dad died, just missing my pregnancy and birth of my daughter. But 2004-06 takes the cake for busy times- it was the end of the marriage, a battle won against cervical cancer, another emergency with retinal detachment, which also thankfully worked out, and finally- my son with Asperger’s went through junior high, which I’m still recovering from! I have 28 Neptune and Moon conjunct in Libra, Uranus 28 and Diana 29 in Cancer. I may stay home for a week for the Grand Cross. Pulled the King of Wands. He should know where to find me. Anyway, I’m loving the education you’re giving. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you very much. Your uncle was killed in Vietnam on the South Node in Libra cycle, and so for his partner, or former partner, that was a karmic event. The late 1960s was about Vietnam for a lot of couples and the risk of death. A terrible time. On the 1986-1987 cycle you had just married. In the 2004-2006 cycle you ended that marriage. You have a classic chart pattern for Libra South Node triggers. Each time you learn. Diana at 29 Cancer in your Fourth House of family, home, property, town, country, household shows your independence and autonomy. You do not like being tied down. You need space. There is also a part of you which never wanted marriage or motherhood. Diana refused both. So, the Grand Cross ahead will trigger this pattern. Understanding Diana is useful and sometimes just a painting or sculpture will trigger your intuition. The King of Wands is your future or past partner who will be at the heart of choices ahead. He is a procrastinator. Always with the idea, project or plan but never going forward with it. The boy most likely. You can change that.

  59. HI Jessica
    I missed most of the event as I had a bunch of interruptions. I caught the tail end of it and you were referring to 2005/6. I went thru a divorce at that time after years of a mostly miserable marriage. HE controlled the money and also we had been to therapy a bunch of times due to his infidelities and verbal abuse etc. My family really despised him and in the end I just wanted out. The divorce was really contentious and I got pretty screwed on the deal. At that time, I was also in a very bad car accident and was out of commission for about a year. He was exceptionally cruel and wanted to move on with his pregnant girlfriend. Things got pretty difficult for me after that but I met someone else and we are now married and happy even though we have been thru some tough times (not with the relationship but other things). He has always stood by me and has been a really great support. Things are seemingly looking up now. We are in a new area after years of moving and starting over and in a better situation. I am hoping for both of us things are going to be on the upswing. I just went thru the same operation that I had in 2008 (another accident) but it was much easier because of the advancements and am now feeling good and thinking about what the future holds. I have done many things in my life (most recently teaching) and am wondering if there is still time to do something lucrative that also is enjoyable or rewarding. I don’t feel my age and want to contribute something but have no ideas on direction, unfortunately. I am so sorry I missed the event as I was really looking forward to it as a gift to myself. Thank you for any info you can provide that may be valuable or helpful for me.

    1. I am sorry about your 2005 divorce and his infidelity. You were also screwed on the deal, as you say. And he had a pregnant girlfriend, so it got worse. Okay, so we look to Libra in your chart for clues about 2005 and what to expect in 2023, 2024, 2025. You have Vesta in Libra in the Seventh House. Unfortunately love triangles are common. Vesta is about a harem. One male, two or more females. You can have it with a man who only produces daughters with you. You can have it with a cheat. What comes around now, with your second happy marriage, may still involve your ex. You may hear about his karma, for example. Or, there may be a harem situation ahead which reminds you of what you learned from the last one. Have a look at Vesta on Search and in your library here to find out more about this pattern in your birth chart. We’e had people ask for a second Libra Weather event in 2024 so I hope you can attend that, if we organise this.

  60. Hello Jessica, thank you to you and your team for another interesting zoom event. I have the ascendant in Libra, the descendant in Aries both at 29 degrees and my sun in cancer at 29 degrees. I have other planets in Capricorn but not at 29 degrees. Will the grand cross still impact me on the 22/23 July ? Almost forgot, I pulled a the Star tarot card, Many thanks Cheryl

    1. Cheryl, you need a strictly accurate birth time to have the angles at 29 Libra and Aries. You were born on the round hour so that is against the odds. It is far more likely you were minutes before or after (or even further out). So leave the angles to be on the safe side. Use the Sun at 29 Cancer, though. This is a crossroads for your family, house, apartment, town and/or country. It will take time, as it already has. Pluto at 29 Capricorn has been in opposition. So, you are dealing with powerful people, controlling circumstances or dominating organisations. The trick is to use willpower and your reward is empowerment.

  61. Hi Jessica, I unfortunately slept through my alarm (7am Canberra time) and missed this event. Was the session recorded and available for those of us who accidentally missed it? Many thanks.

    1. I’m afraid we do not record Zoom events as people talk about private matters, ranging from death to abortion, so they are never captured. Thank you.

  62. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you as always! Great meeting.
    I pulled 8 of Cups, which I feel is pretty on the money, given my situation. It’s been quite a messy year re romantic relationship and one friendship. Your description, in the flip book mentioned lunar cycles, aspects to natal Moon and eclipses, are you able to advice more on this? In 2005 my then relationship ended, it was mild, nothing dramatic. In 2007 I met my now, ex husband, we divorced in 2017, it was mutual and are still on good terms. Last year, a man who I was madly in love left me for another woman, it wasn’t exclusive, there were three people involved ( I was the one left behind) It was a short lived but very intense affair for me. For him, not so, to the point, where once things were over, after a while, he tried to convince we will remain friends, which I am having none of that! We are both very stubborn, when i see him in my neighborhood , i certainly walk away, is this some sort of energetic Libra duel issue?

    Thank you as always!!!

    1. Thank you. It will be 2005 that matters here. It will come back to you in 2023, 2024. So a relationship ending must be karmically balanced as there was never closure, even though you thought there was. It may be balanced through a different man. The Moon is very important, yes, and I gave you dates for eclipses and so on, in the Zoom.

      Just Walk Away, Renee! This card brings to mind a lot of songs. She’s Leaving Home by The Beatles is another one. This is an archetypal experience. Breaking up with a shared household. Breaking up with a social circle. An organised group of people. A family. Perhaps leaving ‘everybody and everything’ behind.

      The downcast face of the Full Moon suggests that the lunar cycle has reached peak squeeze. The Sun is always opposite the Moon on a Full Moon and here we have someone who is not exactly leaping for joy on his/her journey, but going because there is nothing left, emotionally. This is a classic case of there being quantity but not quality. There are people all around, but as Cold Chisel’s Jimmy Barnes sang, ‘You’ve got nothing I want, you’ve got nothing I need.’ We might also think of Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s classic, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. A disenchanted man, probably gay, tires of big city life and goes back to the countryside.

      When this card turns up, look at the lunar cycles, aspects to the natal Moon and (in particular) eclipse cycles going back months or years, in the same zodiac sign. The Moon is a symbol of mothers, breast milk and fed babies. Here we have someone who is not being fed, emotionally. In fact, he or she is being starved. The cups should be full and fulfilling. They are stacked high but there is nothing there, that we can see. There is certainly nothing there for this departing figure.

      The 8 cups here symbolise friends, family, lovers, former lovers and show solid gold people. The issue is the emotional climate, the lunar cycle and the times. When this person returns it may be a New Moon, a sunny day and things may look and feel so much happier. This case of mild to severe depression, anger or even deep rage, could become history, by the next turn of the lunar cycle. And – conditions can change.

      Who is not fulfilling promises or potential? Who is an empty vessel? Who is devoid of (insert some quality here)? These cups say it is not just one person, but all of them. Yet, times change and people can fill up again. They can become fulfilling. Cups are water signs in the Tarot. So, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Mother’s milk. The sweat, semen and occasionally the blood of Scorpio sex. The tears of sympathy, sensitivity and compassion that come with Pisces.

      For all that they are empty on departure, the cups are solid gold. These are precious people or valuable relationships with enormous worth – and could return so much more, another time. Perhaps. Maybe.

      Will there be a return? Sometimes people don’t come back. Some authors feel Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was depicting a famous eclipse of 1909 in this card.

      An eclipse is a blind spot. This person cannot see how precious and valuable these eight relationships or friendships are. His/her back is turned. Pamela herself did this, turning her back on British literary, artistic and Bohemian society and leaving for the coast of England and a simple life away from W.B. Yeats and his family. Her visitors’ book in London, once so full, stopped – and she departed for the sea and the countryside, Catholicism and anonymity. Very few people in the village of Bude, where she passed away, knew who she was. So, given that Pamela herself is the creator of this card, we have to say there is a decent chance that you, or someone else, will never go back.

      All the cards can be directed like a stage set, however, as Pamela was also a set designer for The Abbey Theatre among others. You are the director. Perhaps you want to change the lighting. Bring other cast members onto the set. Urge the central figure to alter the script. This card has tremendous potential for redemption, final reward and reconciliation. If you want clues about how this could happen, then pull another card.

  63. Hi Jessica, I am so sorry to have missed your session this morning with wrong alarm hour set for 6am instead of 5am. As always, I am sure it was full of information. Please help me understand this. I drew the Two of Wands card and saw that my natal chart had 29 degrees in Leo and Scorpio (non-cardinal) with 26 degrees in Aries and Libra. Having mapped out the past two cycles of 18-19 years, it seems I had always “stepped away” or “retired” from a position. Is this what the next repeat means in upcoming cycle from next week? And in both cycles while I stepped away, something new was birthed as well.

    1. I am sorry about the alarm clock. It happens. The Two of Wands is as follows, below. You get this cycle through work. But why, when Libra is about marriage and divorce? The answer is, you have a Capricorn (work) stellium. Every time the South Node in Libra appears and the North Node in Aries, they create a T-Square with that in four stages. So yes, themes about work from the last cycle will come back on this one.

      Here we have Mercury the messenger without a leg to stand on. The first thing to say about this card is that it’s not enough to have budding brainwaves or concepts with potential, or qualifications to show. You need to come back down to earth, ground yourself, centre and settle down before you can begin the quest. Where is the second leg here? Exactly. It’s missing.

      This is a clear symbol of Mercury Retrograde, perhaps, or Retroshadow. Maybe it is just Mercury blocked by other planets. This is not inevitably the case with this card but it is very common. We also find Mercury under transit in your natal chart as he is the planet of ideas, messages, the worldwide web, export, relocation, travel, brainwaves and so on.

      The time has come to take a big idea or qualification across the world. What is remarkable is the total lack of awareness of the second option, which is ignored. It’s all about ‘the one’ idea and not both together, or even both separately. This, together with the missing leg, brings a couple of useful reminders. One is to ground oneself and the project or plan. The other is to wake up and see that this is a duet or double-act. A pair. One is not more important than the other. This could also be two versions or two drafts of the same idea.

      This is a big leap forward if it comes off. The roses on the left suggest the four compass points, and East and West are red, North and South are white. The 1-2 concepts could be planted much closer to home, if research and homework reveal other regions or countries are unsuitable. There is only one way to find out. The time has come to check and check again. To ask. To read widely and really size up one’s chances.

      Just look at the lush pasture in the foreground! Does this really have to travel all the way across the planet? It’s time to think locally, as well as globally. But not too long. Things wither and die unless they are planted on fertile ground, nurtured and nourished. This will not last forever without a great deal of rapid work and practical hands-on knowledge-gathering.

      A useful thing to do now is a yoga pose that centres your base chakra on the floor, or the ground. Walking barefoot on the grass can also ground you. So can any meditation which balances your base chakra. This card can show someone who is living from his/her throat, third eye and crown chakra (in the head) with no connection to the lower chakras, which pull us back down to mother earth. So, along with the research about location, location, location – you also need to make sure you have that other leg to stand on. This also means backing, support, credentials, qualifications, back-up. You ‘need to have a leg to stand on’ if you are going to convince and persuade others to support you. Otherwise all you really have is the idea. This is rather like angel investors wanting to know – who are you – as well as – what is the big idea?

  64. Hello Jessica,

    I always look forward to the Zoom events and will typically schedule my day around them if time permits. I’m learning so much about Astrology and the information you share is a huge part of my learning journey.

    During the Zoom session, I selected the Emperor card and it seems appropriate with the changes in my career. I’m starting some new business ventures with real estate and e-commerce while working a traditional job in sales. My goal is to balance this and my home life which reminds me of what Libra represents. The 2004-2006 time frame was one of the most challenging periods of my life. I struggled to find balance with all of my obligations (much like present day life). I graduated with a Masters degree while also caring for a terminally ill mother. She passed in August 2005 and I was on a downward spiral the remainder of the year. 2006 had a few highlights as I received my first major job promotion and my career trended upward for a few years after that. Since that time, I’ve gotten married and had a son. My marriage has experienced some strain over the past year and we’ve struggled to find balance in our relationship. I’m not sure what to expect for this upcoming Libra season. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you, I will pass this onto Alicia Fulton. The Emperor is of course your boss. It can also be your husband. You remember 2005 as being really tough. Your mother passed – very hard for you. Now you are back there with similar themes and issues, yet to appear. You achieved your MA in 2005 too. This all suggests Cancer-Capricorn, and you have factors in both, at 7 and 9 degrees. Cancer is mother. Capricorn is success. The nodes back then went to 7 and 9 Aries-Libra and created a Grand Cross. The big crossroads. You now go back there, thematically and symbolically. The balance you want in your marriage is all about these matters. And so you will benefit from learning from your past and remember what you were shown. This time around it can be so much better.

  65. Hi Jessica, thank you for everything! I thought this year would be about career, but I think since May, it’s completely been shaken up. I follow your website, and thing’s definitely seem to have shifted to being about partnership/love. I was married in 2005, and can feel that karma changing. Also just had a Uranus in Taurus transit at 21 degrees, and events as late as yesterday that may be changing my life. Any thoughts or insights? Thanks so much!

    1. Uranus at 21 Taurus will change your life. Sometimes people inherit from an aunt and the money liberates them. Or they find they are executors and a relative is depending on them, which offers a certain new freedom from the past. Uranus in Taurus is also the gateway to a lot more money in the future (by May 2024) usually because of a contract with multiple opportunities. So that’s you. Saturn at 21 and Ceres at 24 Taurus are the focus. Jupiter and Uranus both go over 21, 24 so I think April, May 2024 will be life-changing, as I’ve said.

  66. Jessica
    Thank you for answering. I must say one thing, You’re absolutely right about my Diana ways, but with I must tell you that one difference I have with what the classic Diana mold is that from the time I was a child I’ve always wanted children. I actually told my mother that I wanted children but not a husband. It did not go over well. And my property is my haven which I fought to keep for them. I know this doesn’t fit. When COVID came I gave up my freedom loving ways and settled in with caretaking my granddaughter, who will be starting preschool soon. No regrets. And my son is doing very well and supports himself and is still close by. I’m proud of what he’s an accomplished. Maybe because Uranus is next to Diana? The unexpected one? Don’t know, just is how it is. Thanks again for the guidance you give to your readers. I know it’s made a difference for me. I’m actually hoping the King of Wands is someone else- as long as there’s no formal commitment.

    1. Diana in the chart can have children. Just not marriage and children – the Roman package. So you have a very common example of Diana in your horoscope. Though Diana was usually considered to be a virgin goddess like Artemis, later authors including Cicero and Ennius, made her the mother of Janus, as well as of Saturn and Ops. Most women with Diana in Cancer in the Fourth House or Diana in Leo in the Fifth House or Diana in Libra in the Seventh House avoid marriage and motherhood, or find variations on the theme.

  67. Thank you for a very enlightening Zoom session! I drew the Five of Wands when I asked how the South Node will affect me. Wondering what this might mean for relationships. Thanks again!

    1. This will begin in January, February 2024 although there were hints of it in March-May 2023. Ongoing, it takes energy, but it can end very well.

      This is the band about to split because of musical differences. It reminds of every fractured rock band in history, from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones. It is any group, actually, because all groups have to deal with the central problem of who is the leader/the star (look at the shouty person on the left) and who is so wildly different to everybody else that he/she is on the outer (the person in the blue patterned tunic).

      If you read the history of The Beatles you find creativity and brilliance born from individual eccentricity and difference. The fifth Beatle was Sir George Martin. At other times the fifth Beatle was Yoko Ono or a passing presence like Magic Alex. It is only when the four/the five found common ground that they were able to raise an album. The albums reflect what was going on at the time: productive tension.

      You Never Give Me Your Money, Nowhere Man, The Two of Us, all tell the story of The Fab Four, but within a group of four, plus one, you can get pairs and solo acts. It’s all rather hard to manage.

      This is why bands have managers and it is amazing how often this card comes up with musicians and their tour manager, or business manager. Or, in Spinal Tap style, you may find yourself with the odd ‘creative’ girlfriend or dodgy A&R man to deal with. There is something funny about this card. Perhaps Pamela Colman Smith saw the humour in the frankly bonkers behaviour of some members of The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society she belonged to with Arthur E. Waite, her co-creator in the Smith Waite Tarot.

      We also have someone rather angry or overheated in red, in the centre. There is real potential for a split here. This is Mars the red planet if you are looking to the astrological chart, and of course the group itself is the Eleventh House, ruled by Aquarius. Some or all of this may show up in the transits, so at least you can tell when the end point is, and what the potential for resolution is. The sensible answer, as mentioned, is for two pairs to form, who co-operate, then the pairs to unite, and an accommodation of sorts, for the fifth person. A great deal comes down to communication of the tactful but truthful sort. Someone here looks like he/she wants to be loudest, upfront and central. Is that really the case, though?

      The ideas, theories, concepts or plans are all similar. That’s the giddy joke of this card. The actual notions or brainwaves are virtually the same. The rods/wands/staves look so much alike. Everyone wants to be a musician. Everyone wants to be a politician. Everyone wants to make a film. The individual personalities are really different, but what they are talking about, or putting on paper, or online, is very samey and so the potential is there for unity.

      Nothing can be built until people set their differences aside, along with their narcissism or anger, and co-operate. One person here has a spotted or polka-dotted costume. A leopard never changes its spots, or does it?
      Together these people will raise a barn or make a great album. Like this, they are a shambles and those ideas are not going to last long. They need to be planted. The potential is vast here but the problems are real. Without a secure place for what is on paper, or online, nothing will ever grow and the whole thing will fall over sideways. This is The Troggs in the studio on a famous bootleg tape, or the state of Australian politics for quite a few years, with leadership spills disrupting both the main parties. Look to Mercury in the chart too, as Mercury rules communication. Listening skills. Hearing as well as talking, or shouting. Negotiation!

  68. Wow! Always receive some useful direction from your replies. Wonderful help, thanks. Best, Cecelia

  69. Truly appreciate the opportunity to partake in the very interesting and highly informative zoom event this morning, thank you Jessica. Thoroughly enjoyed the new format which allowed you to interact even more with participants.

    May I please trouble you to share your thoughts on how the upcoming arrival of the South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries as well as the Grand Cardinal Cross on 22nd July 2023 are likely to affect my prospects of finding employment (I have been unemployed for over a year) and my personal relationships given my stellium in Aries, Libra and Capricorn and the following placements in my birth chart:
    North Node 26° aries
    South Node 26° libra
    Venus 29° libra
    ASC 29° cancer
    DESC 29° capricorn
    Additionally, I drew the Nine of Pentacles in reply to the question you raised during the zoom session.

    Am I right in assuming that Jupiter 12° taurus is about to conjunct my MC 12° taurus and Mars 05° virgo is about to conjunct Jupiter 05° virgo in my birth chart? If so, what are the likely repercussions please?

    Much obliged for your guidance.

    1. Thank you very much. It’s immediately clear that now through early 2025 you will work with/for this woman, and stand a good chance of becoming so much richer. One can do this through any number of ways. Your gain from unemployment is time out – and time off. Which you needed, to reset your life budget. This interpretation was written some years ago and happens to mention French cuisine. There is a snail in the card. That is a minor clue about France and the French. The rest is up to you and if your birth time is correct, then yes – Jupiter will offer opportunities to save or make money (or cash in kind gains). This is by May 2024. As for the Grand Cross, let it pass you by. With Venus at 29 Libra you really don’t want to get involved in some complicated relationship with family or partners, so just sidestep.

      This woman is abundant, with a rich vineyard, coins at her fingertips and a lush property in the background. Who or what is the falcon on her hand? This may have personal meaning for you. It can be interpreted as an eagle, the bird of Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with opportunities, growth, optimism, expansion, generosity, blessings and largesse. There may be aspects to natal Jupiter when this card appears or transiting Jupiter may be making aspects, too. You might look to the Second House ruled by Taurus or the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio.

      As I’ve mentioned, pace and timing really matter in this situation. Just look again at the slow-moving snail Pamela has popped into the foreground as well. This can be a slow market, or slow-growth investment. The snail tells us so much. It may represent a person or organisation you know. Patience is associated with the snail. Is there sloth or laziness there or just ‘slow and steady wins the race’? There may be snail mail here, or a snail’s pace. The point is, the lucky lady cannot see the snail or is ignoring it, yet God is in the details. This matters.

      Everything in this woman’s garden is lovely, but until she stops her reverie and comes back down to earth, nothing will grow. This is a symbol of the urgent need for investment, re-investment and thoughtful expansion and management.

      Without immediate care and attention, the grapes are going to wither on the vine. What a waste of a vintage year that could be. Grapes refer to Bacchus, the asteroid, in the astrology chart, too. Bacchus is a symbol of pure pleasure.

      Here we have a falcon as well, in his hood, which as mentioned, can be interpreted as the eagle of Jupiter, as this is the bird which sees the big picture. There is a suggestion here that the lucky woman needs to rise above her current good fortune to also see the bigger picture. To expand and explore beyond her own immediate domestic or business bliss. If she were to see her garden from a higher perspective, she might gain a different view of its potential. As the astrologer Patric Walker used to write, “Let distance lend enchantment to the view.” There may be a person or organisation who plays the eagle or falcon, here. A messenger, observer or middle person. An agent or go-between. Perhaps technology is symbolised by the falcon, which could provide the broad scope of research and enquiry required to sweep the worldwide web for possibilities. Yet, much depends on the lady.

      This card turns up when someone enquires about the financial potential of a project and is told ‘This is going to make a large amount of money.’ The grapes suggest Bacchus as a horoscope symbol and also Jupiter through the possible eagle in hand – and Bacchus was the son of Jupiter.

      This card also reminds us that you have to grow grapes to make wine, but you also have to sell wine to make money – then keep replanting the grapes. This card lends itself to active imagination. Perhaps a gardener or two could be brought in. The snail clearly needs a safe sanctuary among the leaves so there is no risk of being trodden on or swept up. Sometimes, over the years, I have seen chocolate in this card. I did in fact turn it up in a reading for a woman who had made her fortune from the chocolate industry.

      You can imagine a financial advisor could also be brought into the card, but there is also a great deal of monetary value placed on freedom, escapism, relaxation, bliss – nothing to do with bean-counting – by this woman. She clearly finds escaping from the number-crunching to be far more important than the calculator and profit margin.

      There is also deep joy in her surroundings here, so this is literally ‘everything in the garden is lovely’. It may be a symbol for rainforests or wilderness, preserved from logging and deforestation, and that is quite priceless. Snails are obviously a delicacy in French restaurants, but it really depends on how you interpret the card; the meaning is much more likely to be slowness/delay/timing as an overlooked but important detail of the greater whole. A snail is part of a wider ecosystem and its presence shows the larger health (and thus great value) of a thriving property or farm.

  70. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for the Zoom this morning. Enlightening as always especially as it made me realise I fell out with my mother 19 years ago over my marriage. She wanted me to take the kids and leave my husband and move into a house she own, somewhere where we would be isolated, and as I suspected my son had cognitive issues (he was diagnosed with autism a year later), I knew she would push to have him institutionalised etc as disabilities are not something she tolerates. She has Sun in Taurus, Gemini rising and Moon in Libra (18/05/1943, NSW, dawn) I would say all of this happened on my Aries/Libra nodal return and my Moon conjuncts the North Node in Aries.
    Then I pulled out the Ace of Wands for what the South Node in Libra would bring.
    I wonder if she will want to make a comeback into our lives, but I am wary of manipulating mind games she plays which I finally woke up to when I put that distance between us near 19 years ago.
    I hadn’t thought of her for sometime until this morning. Interesting.

    Have a great day and I look forward to the next Zoom,


    1. Fran it is possible that your mother, husband and children knew you in your previous life. They may have switched roles. In your life between lives, you all agreed to come back and try to level the playing field, spiritually.This can happen even with awful behaviour from your own mother. It’s complicated, as they say. The Ace of Wands has nothing to do with your mother. It is as follows and exactly reflects the marvellous opportunity that will come in May, June 2024 for you.

      A big, bold, brilliant idea. It might be Obamacare. Perhaps is it this Very British Tarot deck itself, created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite in 1909. Staves, rods or wands are symbols of paper, and the pulp from trees that used to make books and newspapers, journals and posters, over a century ago. In the Tarot they show possible websites or podcasts as much as they show likely song lyrics or computer programs. Formulae for scientific breakthroughs.

      Unless this massive concept is brought down to earth and made real it will remain forever a dream or fantasy. Like all Pamela’s cloudy illustrations, this ideas and its success is in the realm of parallel possible universe. Yes this could happen. It is close to becoming real. Yet, unless you and/or others act and secure this somewhere it can grow, it may vanish with the next weather pattern.

      Live Aid and Band Aid had to be moved from the pub to the meeting room and then to the world, via Wembley. This massive, groundbreaking charity enterprise began with Paula Yates and a message on her fridge door. Some things never happen at all without practical, down-to-earth thinking. She was a Taurus who inspired her then-partner, a Libra.

      Time is of the essence here, because leaves are already falling from the branch. This thing has to be planted at the right time in the right place – and soon. It also has to be planted in the correct environment so it is time for research and homework. Maybe, asking around. Auditions for a secure future, you might call it.

      As we’ve seen, this Ace is also part of a typical quantum cloud, seen often in Pamela’s deck. She did not know it at the time but she was channelling the new world of quantum uncertainty, proven by science in the Double Slit Experiment.
      Everything is in the uncertainty field of reality until you make a choice and make it real. Once you measure what is there, it becomes that. So measure your chances of transporting this from the realms of imagination or conjecture, into a solid place for success. Like all branches this can become a tree (perhaps literally the branch of a franchise) and then become a mighty forest, or hectares of woodland, in the years ahead.

      You’d have to guess that the building in the background (what some call The White House) is the right place to park this. What is the building and who inside can help here?

      In Pamela’s day this would have been the Rider publishing company who made Arthur Waite’s vision happen. It found another home in America in the 1970s with U.S. Games Systems. Not exactly the White House but ‘the right house’ for the dream of a modern reproduction of Pamela and Arthur’s old deck.

  71. Hi Jessica,
    I have divorced recently after nearly 3 decades of abusive marriage. I have started my career few years back so the financial position is in okay stage.
    I am actively looking to buy a home but nothing materializes. Would I be able to buy home soon and how my financial position would be. I would appreciate your insight!!

    1. Well done for walking out of your bad marriage. You want to buy a home and sound focussed. A stunning opportunity linked to a very special apartment or house appears in May, June 2024. You will find it unfolds very quickly for you. You are owed financially or with property from 18-19 years prior and will collect. The Universe has a funny way of ensuring spiritual payback.

  72. Hi Jessica, i joined the zoom meeting yesterday evening. I’m a Sun Libra.In November 2004, I got married and in January, our daughter was born. Still happily married, so could this shift have to do with our daughter, leaving the house? And two more siblings following her, meaning our whole family situation is about to change? I read in another comment Capricon and Virgo are career. I took on a new job in January and am looking around for a new job since it is extremely stressful with lots, lots of overhours. So looks like this part of m life is not concerned. Thank you fo everything, Jessica!!!

    1. Thank you. Yes, you are correct. You had your daughter on the last South Node in Libra cycle. She leaves home on the next one, upcoming. This is a textbook Libra South Node Return. You and your partner, her father, will now rebalance the scales between you. The see-saw you share will be re-weighted. This is a huge shift in your lives and it begins in days. The job is part of that. This goes back to the hours you spent as a new mother in 2005. Same thing. Housework, child care, paid work and the rest.

  73. Hi Jessica, I underwent a divorce between 2004 and 2006 from a man who was extremely controlling and emotionally abusive. I’m now in a new, serious relationship that seems to be heading towards marriage. Compared to the person I was in the early 2000s, I’m more mature now, financially secure, and my child is grown. I wish to avoid a repeat of the stressful period I experienced from 2004 to 2006. However, during that time, I also underwent plastic surgery and managed to get in great shape. In light of this, I’m curious about what you think I may experience with the Nodes in Libra-Aries?

    1. That experience with your controlling and abusive ex happened on the last South Node in Libra cycle so you are owed. The pay out may indeed be marriage with your new partner. The nodes do not repeat the stress. They repeat the themes, with 18 or 19 years of experience and wisdom since then. You have a stellium in Libra so it’s about the law – the legals. You also have huge stelliums in Aquarius and Capricorn so your friends, social life, the groups you are involved with – and your career – are also part of it. What the nodes do is restore balance. It can be very deep. You will understand more by 2024. You repay, pay out, are paid back, receive and so on – in relation to that divorce so long ago.

  74. Hi Jessica. I am gutted I missed this zoom session as I fell asleep but I am glad you and your team will be hosting next zoom on this topic in 2024. I am libra sun and I have north and south nodes-both in 29 degrees and I wonder what this means for me and how do I interpret upcoming Pluto, squaring at 29 degrees based on my birth chart please? I also wasn’t in any relationship 18-19 years ago and I am not now either but I am naturally ending some very long term friendships. I also drew Seven of wands card when I asked about this upcoming libra cycle, but I also drew Four of pentacles when I asked what the north node in Aries and south node in libra north will bring. With drawing two different cards, can this be the reason, I am searching more for what’s right for me (which can explain end of some friendships) and focusing on my career (I guess there could be some relation to my nodes in terms of focus on career)? Thank you and thanks for all your wonderful work.

    1. Amazing how many people fell asleep for this or missed their alarm clock ringing! You drew two cards which was not in the plan, so I will stick to your first card – the Seven of Wands.

      This is what happens when someone is living in their head (Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius live in a world of theories and ideas). Look for those signs prominent in your chart, or the person who is at the heart of this conflict.

      This person is not grounded and practically being pulled apart, with one foot East and one foot West. So there may be a lack of earth signs in the chart (Taurus, Virgo and/or Capricorn). There’s nothing settled about this position, it’s quite precarious and geographically split, or intellectually/emotionally divided.

      This card can appear if someone does not know where he or she stands, or there is no fixed address, or there are two business or work centres on opposite sides of the country, or town, or the world. It’s divisive.

      Without a centre to work from, how can any opinion, plan or concept ever hope to get off the ground, still less hold its own against the ideas of the wider group? The irony is that the words or ideas are all pretty much the same, as I’ve said.

      The Golden Dawn, illustrator Pamela Colman Smiths’s magical society, was similarly split down the middle and it must often have felt like ‘one against the many’ even though all the ideas were similar – based around astrology, the Tarot and so on.

      You can see the remedy here. The person doing battle with others’ points of view needs to come back down to earth, stop reacting or imagining, and actually put faces to names, and faces and names, to opinions. This is a classic internet fight card. You have a face on your Twitter feed, but ‘the many’ are anonymous and call themselves numbers, and use cartoon heads!

      This situation is untenable and depending on the state of mind of the person being pulled in two, it can be quite difficult and even risky. My issue here with this card is the land under the feet. What happens if there is an earthquake or earthquake? Not literally, perhaps, but thematically and symbolically? A leadership split can split the ground beneath your feet, but if you don’t have a leg to stand on and do not have your feet firmly on the ground, you can fall into the abyss or fall off the edge. Fall between the cracks.

      This card sometimes turns up when a person has become distracted by the debate, which can be on social media as well as in the real world, and forgotten it is just about words. This card is literally about what is on paper, in the newspapers (particularly the disgraceful, unethical kind) or online. And the internet, as we know, can be a real quagmire. There is nothing physically going on here, and sticks and stones can impact bones, but words can never hurt, unless you let them.

      He or she at the centre of this war of words, or intellectual opposition, does not realise that the lack of stability or agreement stems partly from his/her own position, which is temporary, unstable and split between two places, or two camps. The answer often lies in fixing oneself and one’s situation. From there, negotiation and agreement is possible as I’ve mentioned.

      This can be a man coming back into the fold, as David Beckham came back into the fold in football, despite being persona non grata for a time. This card tells us, rifts can close, balance can be achieved, unity can be found, harmony can be achieved. It takes a lot of work on both sides, but mostly on the part of the person who is so divided and also quite divisive.

  75. Thank you so much from California , Jessica, for your insightful Zoom yesterday about the Libra Weather, and all the world events wisdom on your website !

    As my own chart shows Stelliums in Capricorn, Virgo, Libra, Pisces, and a Grand Cardinal Cross with my 24 degrees Capricorn Sun (also in Capricorn, Mercury 3, Chiron 6, Juno 11, Bacchus 25, Salacis 03 degrees ), Libra ( Mars 28, Saturn 14, Neptune 25, Cupido 11 degrees), Aries ( Jupiter 7 degrees), and a North Node in 00 Pisces/ South Node 00 Virgo degrees.

    What does the Libra Weather foretell, as I just published the book that I was researching during the last Aries/Libra Nodal cycle in 2005-6 ? And now legally resolving settlement from a 2018 fire from which my life has been complete chaos for my cat and me ?

    Thank you again !

    1. Thank you for joining us from California. Alicia and I really hunted quite hard for a time zone that would work from Sydney to Los Angeles. And thank you for the compliment. Your legal resolution is the South Node in Libra from the fire in 2018, for which I am sorry. Draw a Tarot card on that and use the time-frame that is relevant. Libra is the scales of justice and the law, of course. You also have that Libra angle in your Grand Cardinal Cross. At 14, 15, 24, 25 degrees your Virgo and Capricorn factors set up your career very nicely for a useful reshape, as Jupiter goes to 14, 15, 24, 25 from August 5th until May 9th 2024. This trine from Jupiter to Virgo (hard work) and Capricorn (success) augurs well for your book, and any other projects or ambitions. For all that Capricorn pins down a Grand Cross for you, you also have this useful cycle, not seen in 12 years, to help you with lifestyle, professional reward and so on.

  76. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for taking the time to answer everyone’s questions here – I actually also fell asleep & missed the zoom session, which I was really looking forward to attend.

    During the summer of 2006, my boyfriend left me heartbroken, even though he had proposed several times. What will this South Node in Libra bring me? I picked out the Page of Pentacles.

    Many thanks once again for all that you do! xx

    1. I am sorry for your heartbreak. Is your boyfriend much, much younger than you? If so, he is the Page of Pentacles. You can find out the longer meaning of Pentacles/Coins in Pamela’s Tarot. You’ve not said if he’s younger or older so I don’t know who your Page is. You’ve also not said if you have a son, or if he does. Again this would be the Page. It will absolutely relate to a sexual relationship, marriage or the fall-out from his broken engagement to you. And it is always about a child or teenager. Sometimes a girl who is a tomboy, truth be told.

  77. Hi Jessica
    So good to connect over zoom again. Really enjoyed this article and the zoom session. This cycle in Libra and the grand cross affects my chart as I have factors at 28 and 29 degrees of the cardinal signs. I have been retired for nearly 4 years and have recently been offered a casual role which feels like the perfect opportunity for me. The house we have been building for the past 18 months is almost ready to inhabit and we will be moving out of Sydney where our three children and five grandchildren live. It is our 40th year engagement anniversary on the 23 July and we got married on the 24 October. I am married to a Sagittarius husband with a Libra rising.
    What do you think?
    Many thanks for your amazing insights and perspectives. Absolutely love your work.

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Zoom event and for the compliment. You have a classic crossroads choice. Job? (Capricorn). The house move? (Cancer). The family? (Cancer). The anniversary? (Libra). You may want to wait until the Grand Cross is over and for the nodes to move off 29 degrees, which happens on 29th July, before leaping to conclusions or making big decisions. It is like waiting for traffic to clear before you choose your road.

  78. Hey Jessica. Is it best to refer to the Sun sign or Rising sign? My sun sign is Libra and rising sign Sagittarius. My birth chart says I have the South Node at 20 Libra and the North Node at 20 Aries. How will the change in nodes affect me specifically please? I also have Ops at 29 Aquarius, Mars at 29 Capricorn and Psyche at 29 Leo

    1. I think I say this every few months, but never use the Rising Sign or Ascendant if you read my astrology predictions. I never use it. I use the Sun Sign for solar chart predictions. The Rising Sign is the least important part of the chart and so many people get it wrong anyway, as their parents get their birth time wrong. You are a Sun Libra with the South Node at 20 Libra, so you have the Sun and South Node in Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels. Partnerships, or one central partnership, rules. Always. You team up with your partner to fight others, or fight something, or campaign against (whatever) or push back against people. Two against the world. The other common outcome of this pattern is the person who fights – former partners. Rivals in love. Professional adversaries. Whatever pattern you set in June 2005 now returns for closure.

  79. Thank you Jessica for taking the time to give me a big picture of what I need to do next. So appreciative of your insights and education on how to read the cards. Have a wonderful week.

  80. Hi Jessica,

    Very nice Zoom meeting. Thank you.

    Can you please help me?
    I just realized that my natal Neptune @ 29 Libra is about to conjunct the South Node at 29 Libra
    My Sun at 29 Aries will conjunct the North Node at 29 Aries.
    Transit Pluto in Capricorn is Squaring my Aries Sun and Libra Neptune, while opposing my Uranus in Cancer.
    Also! Transiting North and South Nodes will soon be Squaring my Uranus @ 28 degrees Cancer
    I’ve been on a wild path of huge life changes since Oct ‘22.
    What has been affected? Family physical health, career, home, finances (all over the map) no time for love life … big stresses.
    BUT I am making good strides on strong mental health.
    Jessica, would you please give me your opinion on the current transits and their affect on my chart?
    Do the current aspects look as wild to you as it feels to me? I feel like I’m in the midst of a hurricane or a tornado and am just holding on.

    Many thanks!

    1. Thank you. You were born with Neptune at 29 Libra, in the Seventh House of duets and duels. It is opposite your natal Sun at 29 Aries in the First House of reputation, appearance and title. You have a pattern of zero boundaries with partners and opponents. This is the woman whose boyfriend crosses the line. Then you break up and he still crosses the line. Another very common outcome of Neptune in Libra in the Seventh House is the non-reality and unreality of a feud or dispute. It becomes a bubble to ride around in. Finally, Neptune in the Seventh House in Libra is about professional partnership too. So this is the woman who enters into a business arrangement which is a vacation from the real world and about as ‘real’ for whatever reason. In opposition to the Sun, duets and duels which confuse, and are confusing, work against your brand, the way you look and your name. It’s a tug-of-war that you have periodically spent a lot of time figuring out. This is very common with women who get married, change their names, divorce, change their names back. Everything about the opposition is there to be solved. You have already gone a long way to solving it, but as this nodal transit (not to mention the Grand Cross) goes to 29 Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn – just be aware. Do not walk into another conflict or partnership at this time. Eyes wide open. And don’t get in any deeper if you know the person or situation I am talking about. Basic astrology. Once the Grand Cross goes and the nodes are beyond 29 degrees on July 28th, this ten-day period of caution is no longer important. The last time this transit occurred, with the South Node at 29 Libra in conjunction with natal Neptune at 29 Libra, was December 2004. Pretty simple to remember – Christmas 2004.

  81. Hello Jessica and thank you and Alicia for our recent Zoom event. Fascinating as always. I was particularly caught by the timing of the Grand Cross.
    In Scotland, the notorious Treaty of Union was signed against the wishes of the people, 317 years ago on 22 July.
    We have been promised – on this very day this weekend, 22 July 2023, a revelation of magnitude from a non political group of people. They have been working on the “ hidden” aspects of this Treaty and have promised to hold a press conference and make a declaration from outside the Scottish Parliament.
    It is so amazing that you have highlighted this date and the significance of a Grand Cross. Who knows what will come of this? Greatness I hope. Thank you again.

    1. Thank you I will pass that onto Alicia Fulton. The Grand Cross and the Treaty of Union – amazing. I didn’t know that. We’ve known for years now that Scotland is headed towards independence from the United Kingdom. The hidden aspects of the treaty sounds fascinating. I’ll chase this, Isobel.

  82. Hi Jessica,
    My natal nodes are in Aries and Libra with stelliums in Aries and Libra. When the nodes were in the same position in 2005/2006, I experienced serendipity – I won the green card in the lottery and relocated in the USA from London. And before that, in 1986/1987, I graduated from high school and went to University that I’ve always wanted. It seems that the nodes do not affect my relationships so much. I think the Jupiter with Uranus both in Libra together bring luck and surprises.
    I wonder what will happen this time. I got the four of Wands in Tarot.
    Thank you for the insightful presentation last Saturday.

    1. This is good information for my files on Aries stelliums and nodes, Thei. You gained new ‘name’ paperwork on the last cycle because you emigrated to America. Your title, which Aries rules, became Americanised with every form you filled in, and you likely won a new job title. I expect your appearance changed too – all of these are Aries matters. On your prior Aries node cycle you acquired letters after your name. Again, your title. You’ll once again be reinvented on this cycle with a rebrand. The Four of Wands is a terrific card, and yet it is showing you the Libra node, not the Aries node. This is a brilliant partnership through which good times are possible.

  83. Thank you so much Jessica.
    Bang on description of many of my interpersonal relations
    … “Everything about the opposition is there to be solved” and “be aware” … “eyes wide open”
    Such helpful reminders.
    I definitely need to slow down, and be very thoughtful about my actions and interactions during the next 10 days.
    My Aries personality has been rearing it’s aggressive head and I’m very conscious of the effort it’s taking to subdue it.
    Crash course on maturing (long overdue)
    Memories of Christmas 2004 have been elusive for some time now, but I may be on to something quite recently.
    Jessica, thank you for your reply. I cherish your words of wisdom and love love love! reading your replies to others. They’re so full of wisdom and light.
    Sending you blessings in light.

    1. Astrology can be useful, can’t it. And thank you so much for your kind words. You’ll figure out Christmas 2004 eventually and it may in fact just come to you next year – what it was.

  84. Hi Jessica

    I’m not sure where to ask this question my nodes are in Aries and libra I’m single though. I hope my chart is showing.

    I’ve had horrible luck for months with cosmetic injections I never used to have issues before. I understand there is a Venus retro coming up but I’ve had no luck the months before. Now I’ve reached out to my friends in Dubai who all go to the same DR. I used to live there.

    Dubai is quiet in august and I’m considering flying in August to get my face sorted by this dr. He has to restore my face back to how it was.

    Is it bad to do it during Venus retro? I’m not sure why this happened to me. Everything is fixable and needs time as long as I’m in the right hands, which I haven’t been.

    Would I face more issues and complications if I did it in August?

    I’m so depressed and shattered I’ve been hibernating.

    1. I can see your chart, yes. I am sorry about your cosmetic injections. You poor thing. Venus Retrograde in Leo has no effect whatsoever on your face or doctor. See if you can fix a Zoom call with this doctor and get a second opinion from another. I know you feel exposed at the moment but you will feel less so, from July 24th. There is a New Moon in Cancer, your own sign, so it is time to make a fresh start with your face. As this has upset you so much, please also light a candle and ask your family in spirit to help you and follow the signs. This works out for you, but they can also help you. I knew a woman whose lip filler was incorrect. She was stunning, an actress and she learned so many things about human nature, work, her true friends and her loyal partner, and so on – so although it was hard, she did in fact become better off. The issue was fixed, she is back to normal and has a different television career now.

  85. Hi Jessica, I would love to know what will happen to me on this south node in Libra, I have Jupiter on my birth chart at 29 degrees. I feel I am at a crossroads and would be so grateful if I am lucky enough to have a reply. Thanks for all you do Jessica.

    1. The nice thing about Jupiter is that you already have the opportunity, the solution and the big answer. So even though this Grand Cross at 29 is an extremely difficult crossroads you will gain, for reasons that will become clear. You are a Sun Virgo with a stellium in Virgo who will spend the next 20 years or so completely transforming her lifestyle and workload. You were born to serve, splendidly so, and can do your duty and also run the show. You will look at this side of yourself through new and powerful roles and goals, starting in 2024 and will slowly reshape your daily routine, wellbeing, fitness, health, duty statement, schedules and so on, over a long period of time. You will find your power as you never did before, eventually.

  86. Hi Jessica,
    Your earlier prediction about my issues with siblings regarding inherited property has come true and matters are finally sorted out . Thank you so much for your guidance.
    I have the North Node in Libra and the South Node in Aries. What does this portend for my relationship with my husband who is a sun Piscean ? He has stelliums in Scorpio and I feel very trapped and dominated by his controlling personality. It is becoming a toxic relationship affecting my well being and health. I am unable to see a way forward.
    Looking forward to your insights and help.

    1. I am so pleased the sibling inheritance is finished as predicted. I am sorry about your controlling husband. You will spend January, February 2024 dealing with solutions regarding him. It will require willpower and self-control on your part but it will also make you stronger. You have the South Node in Libra transiting your Seventh House of marriage and it will trigger your own North Node in Libra, so the karma will be settled through him – as it concerns life 18-19 years prior. This is true from this point forward and into 2024. Either with him or another face entirely, you owe, or are owed, and so the scales will be balanced. There is a way through all this but you both have karma to collect or repay; his begins in 2025 and by 2026 you will have achieved closure with the past.

  87. Hi Jessica,
    Right on cue (or almost – the 17th) it looks as though my Taurus husband and I are getting divorced. I am feeling a sense of relief as I am tired of the volatility.
    We were married and November 2004 and had our first child in November 2005. When I was home on maternity leave he was upset that I didn’t do enough around the house. My daughter needed to be held more than most babies and slept less. The issues this time stem from me apparently doing too much for our children and also from trying to get him to stop constantly yelling at the children. We had very different upbringings and very different levels of parental involvement in our lives.
    I’m pretty sure that it will all turn out ok for me, but some reassurance would be great.

    1. I am sorry to hear you are divorcing but not surprised, as an astrologer. This sounds like a ghastly and completely unfair experience to go through. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with a huge stellium in Scorpio. As you know, the South Node has been in Scorpio all this time and just left today. So the stuck situation with him regarding the money, house, possessions – is over. Now wheels can turn. You will also be pleased to hear that solutions and opportunities regarding him will roll in your favour from May 2024 and by June 2025 you will realise you did this at the best possible time. The karma now is with the children, actually, and 2023, 2024 and early 2025 is about closure regarding one or both children, specifically from 18-19 years ago, possibly involving quite another child, or perhaps a pregnancy. That can happen too. In any case, you are on the straight road now. From 2026 your love life will surprise you, exhilarate you and liberate you; ongoing past 2030.

  88. Hi Jessica thanks again for a great zoom meeting it was very informative,I’m curious to know of what I owe or what I’m owed on this karmic cycle,past 2 are as follows
    1986 I met my ex partner 1987 I had my first son and got my first house.2004 I moved house my son went to the army,2005 I split from my partner,the relationship was very toxic for a long time,it was a very stressful time for me especially 2005 & 2006 due to these events and to various other problems.I’m hoping for a stress free phase this time around and maybe a smaller house.Any insight on this would be hugely appreciated.Thank you x

    1. Thank you. Only you know what you are owed, or what you owe, from 1987 – when you had your first son. His father was the story. Nothing to do with the house. You owe his father from 1987, or he owes you, so on this South Node in Libra cycle in your Seventh House of sexual partnership and break-up, there will be slow closure and a chance to draw a line under the past.

  89. Hi! I have my south node in Aries and North node in Libra. Does the prediction above hold the same with Libra South/Aries North? Or are there differences ? Thank you!

    1. Good question. You are experiencing the usual Aries-Libra karma of the nodes, but it is important to point out the difference between the North Node and South Node. A lot of people believe the North Node or Dragon’s Head is where you should take in, absorb, digest, feed yourself. They also believe the South Node or Dragon’s Tail is where you should release, let go, excrete, dispose of. This is absolute rubbish but it still does the rounds on the internet. As every astrolabe from the Middle Ages shows, the nodes (the Dragon’s head and tail) go around in a circle, and the head eats the tail eats the head. So you don’t separate them, they are all of a piece. You are Aries-Libra and so when you advertise your face (Aries) on dating websites (Libra) you find a partner (Libra) who you marry and change your name for (Aries). There are many variations on this theme. When you divorce (Libra) you go back to your single name (Aries) and may change your appearance to look younger (Aries) to get back in the dating game (Libra). Whatever you were doing in this department 18-19 years ago will come back to you now and in 2023, 2024, early 2025. You are owed karmically, or you owe.

  90. Hi Jessica, will the nodes still affect me even though I have nothing in Libra but Diana and Saturn in Aries? Thank you so much for all your fascinating articles.

    1. The North Node in Aries will pick up your Aries factors in the First House of reputation, appearance and title. Your situation 18-19 years ago will play a part in what unfolds, as you are owed from that time, or you owe others. Maybe you are owed an apology. Perhaps you are owed compensation by an organisation which needs to make good with you, having treated you unfairly. Sometimes the exact same person or company turns up and ‘events occur’ as they say. It is also quite normal to receive a settlement, karmically, from a completely different face, but they will act as a conduit for the karma.

  91. Hello Jessica,thank you for all your guidance.
    I was wondering how this change in nodes will impact me?
    your reply will be received with a lot of appreciation. Ernest

    1. Thank you Ernest. Well, we are only 2 days into this cycle and three famous showbusiness couples have already broken up. That gives you a clue about the rest of the cycle. You tend to find that separations and divorces influence others to do the same, so one thing you will notice about 2023, 2024 is the parting of the ways among friends and family, even if they’ve been married or living together for some years. You don’t say if you are single or married, Ernest, so I can’t tell you much more, I’m afraid. I need to know if people are single, married, straight, gay, lesbian and so on before I can say anything specific.

  92. Hi Jessica, I really enjoy reading your blog posts and I learn a lot.

    I have a quick questions, my ascendant is 29 degrees Libra, is there a personal significance here? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. The Ascendant is the least important part of the natal chart as it only describes your book jacket; the gossip about you; how you are seen at a distance; what people remember about you. It’s not the real person. The Ascendant (ASC in the chart) is also the Rising Sign, in other words. It depends on a strictly accurate birth time, at the cutting of the umbilical cord, and people frequently get it quite wrong. They also mix up AM and PM. You are more likely to have an Ascendant at 29 Libra as your birth time is an ‘off’ minute so it looks as though one or both parents were paying close attention to the clock. The South Node at 29 Libra will take you back 18-19 years to matters affecting your reputation, standing, place in the world and what you are owed from that time, or what you owe others, will come back to you. In Libra, your profile is about partnership, marriage, separation, divorce, common law marriage, professional partnership. That is how you were seen then and that is how you will be seen now, just for a few weeks, and the karma will unfold according to what you gave, 18-19 years ago, or perhaps what you need closure with.

  93. I seem to have “nothing” in Libra or 7th house. How do I interpret that astrologically?

    1. An empty house and an absence of anything in a zodiac sign simply means you are not defined by that. It is not particularly important to your identity or life path. So, boyfriends don’t say who you are. Boyfriends or husbands do not classify you or particularly contribute to why you are here. You can have plenty of sexual relationships or a long-standing marriage, for example, but it has nothing to do with what you produce in your life, or how you see yourself. It does not shape you.

  94. Hi Jessica,
    Great zoom session,. Thank you for that.
    I want to know what I owe or owed with this karmic cycle.
    Last time, 18-19 years ago, I started a nice career cycle, and had a couple of nice & passionate relationships.

    Now, after 19 years my career doesn’t give me anymore the thrill and I am single since a long time.

    Please let me know what to expect with this karmic cycle

    Thank you.

    1. I am seeing a few questions like this, so it may help to explain what the South Node and North Node are actually all about. The karma is personal. Only you know if you are owed from 18-19 years ago, or if you owe. You have just been through this with money, valuables, houses, apartments, business and charity. So if you came out of 2022, 2023 with an inheritance, it is because you gave unconditionally to others, on the last cycle. That was the North Node in Taurus (finance) and the South Node in Scorpio (shared resources). If you were offered lucrative contracts in 2022, 2023 it is because you were generous with others on the last cycle. If the value of your house doubled, it is because you accommodated others on the last cycle, perhaps by giving your time to a charity looking after homeless children. So you see, it’s intensely personal. Only you can be the judge and jury on your sexual relationships from that time. We sometimes see people separate or divorce on the South Node in Libra cycle, because they owe the departing person something spiritual or from their soul – a mirror of what happened, often with quite a different person – 18 or 19 years prior.

  95. Hi Jessica, I know you replied to my original post on here but along with others, I was made redundant today. Just reeling more from the financial aspect than anything. In France, so I am seeing what this means in terms of social security. We were looking to return to Australia in 4 years time, may be sooner but we would have to sell up etc. Any insights would be really appreciated on a day when a door closes.

    1. I am really sorry you’ve lost your job. We’ve all been there, so you are not alone in dealing with all the very mixed feelings. This is about the relationship with France and the French, more than anything, and it may take you until January, February 2024 to make up your mind, once and for all, about what you are going to do in terms of that country. This also looks like an ultimate decision about your ambitions for the rest of the 2020’s as you will be on a completely different path from New Year’s Day next year, for some years into the future. You are actually meant to be far more powerful and empowered than you were. This is yet to come. You will have sorted out where to live, and how to live, very quickly in August.

  96. Dear Jessica, I recently posted but haven’t seen a reply; I know you can’t reply to all. As I read the last couple of responses to others it appears s as similarity – I was about to settle in Portugal when I too lost the job which was guaranteed to run to December; this left me in a real predicament as I was renting on the work situation to make Portugal work. Unable to secure accommodation in Portugal, I’m note back in spain waiting for summer to end; things will improve accommodation wise. I can’t help feeling this is time to regroup before something else comes (work/relationship?) which could require s different choice of location to go forward; I’m hoping to settle and it’s been 14/15 years since I’ve had my own home – and rarely in one place for more than 6 months.

    My recent return to Australia also gave me diagnosis of 4 more chronic diseases, which I’m trying to understand and manage without drugs. I’m desperate for clarity for direction and purpose – if you’re able to tell from my chart, hen might it come?

    I’m also curious if my Tauren ‘friends will also get his life issues resolved and decision to do something together or not.

    I hope you’re able to give guidance here. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, unfortunately it is impossible to reply to more than a screen’s worth of questions at a time and this morning there are 18,734 comments. The chronic diseases are the priority here. You have a stellium in Virgo at 5 through 29 degrees in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. You have lost a job, you travel a lot and so there is an immediate question about how you feel about your line of work, or lines of work, plural. When people are ill, it is usually a message to down tools. Why this should be, only you can answer. Do you work too much, so that there are blurred lines between work and play? Do you not have enough fun in your life; pure holiday; pure escape? This is quite common with a Virgo stellium and sometimes awareness of your hours and lifestyle is a first step. It is also possible that you have taken on something that unconsciously you are blocked about; that block shows up as a disease. You don’t say what the four diseases are, but if any/all of them prevent you from working that is an obvious clue. Taxi drivers get back problems; footballers get feet problems. The unconscious is a powerful but odd thing. Part of you is pushing this but you may not be seeing it. I had a reader recently who wanted companionship in her life but she was not finding it; her body ‘manufactured’ an issue which meant she had to split her job in two and job-share; she found a good friend, spent more time in good company and less time labouring alone and her issue resolved. So you see, travelling constantly (never more than one place for six months, which I’m afraid is Covid-risky anyway) is part of the question and the answer. Have a look at what it means to be strongly Virgo. There is a huge issue there about work, service, duty, your work ethic, for whom you work, why you work and the rest. The Tarot can help you get to the bottom of it. If you address the work questions consciously then your unconscious mind will no longer have a reason to produce (whatever) ailments to get you out of your paid duties. Dreams can sometimes also answer basic questions – again they are a way of tapping your unconscious. My friend Jane Teresa Anderson has a good dream coaching website. In astrology, Pisces is opposite Virgo; Neptune (the unconscious) is always working against perfect health (Virgo) so that’s where you start the search.

  97. HiJessica,

    I ma trying to understand my husband and my chart and our connections. I pulled the card king of pentacles but it doesn’t seem to make much sense to me…other than I have a taurus stellium. He is renovating our house and this, combined with a house full of teenagers is causing a real strain on our marriage. Any insight gratefully received, as always. Thank you.
    24 Neptune sag
    24 pluto libra
    24 acs libra
    24 desc aries
    25 venus Aquarius

    Jupiter 8 libra
    Saturn 8 libra
    Juno 7 scorpio
    Panacea 7 aries

    Moon 12 scorpio
    Chiron 13 Taurs
    Mars 14 Pisces
    Ceres13 Cancer
    Diana 14 Diana
    Mars 14 Pisces

    NN 10 Leo
    SN 10 Aquarius
    Asculapia 11 Cancer
    Psyche 11 Gemeni

    Fortune 6
    Sun 6

    Cupido 0 Taurus
    Uranus 0 Sagittarius
    Mc 01 Leo
    Vesta 02 Virgo
    IC 01 Aquarius

    23 Leo Diana
    23 hygeia cancer
    24 Vulcano virgo

    Saturn 9 libra

    Sun 12 virgo
    Jupiter 12 Libra
    Salacia 13 Aquarius
    Cupido 12 Leo

    NN 0 Leo
    SN 0 Aquarius
    Apollo 0 Virgo
    Mars 01 Leo

    What am I missing or what can’t I see?

    Thank you, F

    1. The house full of teenagers is the first issue. He has the North Node in Leo in the Fifth House of fatherhood and Mars in a conjunction with this (Mars in conjunction with North Node). So there is a short fuse regarding sons and daughters and it’s being lit. You also have a Leo pattern in your chart, again in the Fifth House of motherhood. Leo is about being King or Queen to a younger court. Ruling, guiding, mentoring, influencing (but most of all, ruling). He is actually the King – you drew the King of Coins – so even though you are also very much a leader or authority with the adolescents around you, there must be a decision about whose word is law. As he has the money, and cares very much about money (to the point where he is rather stuck or set in his ways) you have a decision to make. Perhaps he doles out the allowance or is the signature behind insurance, superannuation/pension, mortgage, investments, business and so on. Pamela’s Tarot will give you a longer interpretation of the King of Coins/Pentacles but the issue is ‘Who rules?’ He is renovating the house and that work is really a saving for all of you (if you were to hire someone it would be expensive) so he has a keen sense of his own worth but also a strong awareness of his own ‘king’ status. Find a strategy that allows that without taking away your own authority. You can keep going with the Tarot to help you with that strategy. He is also very unlikely to want too much change in his world even though yourself and others would see a need for maintenance and upkeep in his life. Leo is a fixed sign, so he’s pretty fixed. You also need to work around that as this is a man who does not like his universe disturbed.

  98. Thanks Jessica for the detailed response.I did indeed receive some positive news regarding the divorce settlement, whilst not exactly what is fair , it’s certainly a step in the right direction-painfully slow but positive nevertheless.
    I am very much a believer that there is indeed life after death or at least more than just our existence on this earthly plain -I’m just nervous about “ crossing over “
    Or attempting to use a medium-for 2 reasons -finding the right person to approach for such a delicate and private matter and also unknowing about the effects on spirit our attempts to reach our and communicate disturb them or disrupt their journey? What if they don’t want to communicate? I miss my baby tremendously and would give anything to know that he is ok wherever he is ..for him to know that he is loved and missed and that his memory treasured every day
    As for other aspects of my life , the Virgo and Scorpio aspects are difficult to fathom I simply read those horoscopes as well, to get a deeper understanding of what other factors are influencing my life ? My career for example?

    1. I am glad you are finding positive news with the divorce. Funnily enough your question arrived on the day I found a signed copy of Margaret Dent’s autobiography in Sydney. I knew Margaret, one of the world’s great mediums, and we worked together on a radio show 20 years ago. She passed to spirit a few years ago, and in fact I wrote the foreword for an unpublished book of hers. So Margaret has turned up, and now you have this question about mediums. Her book, Love Never Dies, is a terrific introduction to life after death, should you ever be curious. Good mediums are hard to find, but your local spiritualist church may be a decent first step. Good mediums never advertise and are always booked out, so be prepared to wait, should you want to do that. Your baby will be looked after in spirit. Margaret wrote, our children grow up over there. I have personally read for a woman who was dying, without children, and been able to tell her she would become a kind of aunt/nanny figure over there, for babies without parents, and that was quite a powerful moment for her. Your loved one will of course know how much you feel and care but it is actually your own family who will have taken this on. Don’t read the Virgo and Scorpio horoscope. Do find out about those signs in your personality. You are one of those people who need to really enjoy your work and then you do an outstanding job of serving – meticulous, perfectionist in nature, absolutely invaluable and irreplaceable. That applies even if you become the Prime Minister or President. You are here to do your duty and be indispensable. You can also become an artisan or master of your chosen craft, field, profession, business and so on. The flipside of this is your health and wellbeing and it is very important that you come first, because you are the machine which must be tended very carefully. Your health and wellbeing on all levels, mental and physical, is your barometer of job satisfaction. If something goes awry with your body, look to your job, your academic career or unpaid work, because that will tell you why you are out of action and what you get from that. Scorpio is famously about finance and property, through partners, and through the family. It is not like any other sign. You can find out more about that on this website and in your library.

  99. Im sad. I already bought 2 months of membership for me, my mom and boyfriend and we didn’t get a single message/comment replied. I know you must have a lot of questions Im thinking perhaps should get more people in to help I’m replying many messages. Thank you.

    1. Let me explain how Comments works for you. I have 18,732 comments today. I can only answer one screen at a time and there are usually a dozen questions (seldom comments, usually people wanting a free short reading) for me to look at. It is physically impossible for me to do more than that. The comments appear randomly, like a lucky dip. And so your comment has now appeared, and you’ve done what a lot of people do, which is complain about my not answering, but fail to include your question. I have no idea what you, your mother and boyfriend need to know, as those posts are way down on the website, maybe 1000 comments ago. And hiring staff to reply to questions is a bit silly, really, isn’t it? So you see…on the plus side, I have your chart in front of me, so I can tell you what stands out. You are a Sun Pisces woman with a stellium in Pisces in the Twelfth House of religion, spirituality, scientism, counselling, Tarot, mediumship, therapy, hypnosis and the inner life. Jung and Freud belong here but so does Rupert Sheldrake. Angels belong here and so does solitude and meditation. You ‘live’ here a lot of the time so need to be alone. Your acceptance of God, or total rejection of him, explains a lot about what happens to you, not just now, but until you are well into old age. You are one of those people who needs to be alone, but also needs to ground herself, find a technique that works, no matter if it is Tibetan Buddhist mantras or just a relationship with the church – or a dream coach. For you, the inner life is as real and important as the external world. Neptune and Saturn now transiting Pisces in your natal chart, in the Twelfth House, but also Pluto in Aquarius, set to transit your Twelfth House in your solar chart, suggest the next 20 years will shape you on the inside. You may find you have a confessor figure, or a guru, or a guide of some type. Choose carefully. It is possible that when Pluto appeared in Aquarius briefly from March to May 2023, you found yourself drawn into (say) the world of Tarot, or perhaps the Roman Catholic church – maybe a counsellor or self-help pathway. Becoming who you are will take time, but as Pluto joins the Sun in Aquarius from late January 2024 until February that year, I think the start of next year will put you firmly on the path of powerful transformation of your inner self, your soul, spirit, psyche and inner life.

  100. Good day Jessica.
    Very great material as always.
    We are glad to have you

    The south node in Libra will be good for sun Sagittarius with a capricorn and aquarius stellium?
    It will be an improvement from the previous nodes situation?


    1. Thank you. I read the public and private chart together for accuracy. If the same story is told twice in two charts, you know something matters. So yes, the South Node in Libra will go into your Eleventh House of friends and groups in your solar chart. Meanwhile in your natal chart, you have Pluto going into your Eleventh House of friends and groups, from January 2024. Nothing has really started yet in your social life, with your circles and communities in any major way, but the situations will be set up from July 2023. You probably already see this. You are owed, or owe, karma from 18-19 years ago with these particular people, or just in general, as a strongly Aquarian person who is influenced by groups, but also powerfully influences them. This principle of friendship and community is back in your life now. So you must go for closure, either receiving your due, or settling up with the past. From January and particularly in February, when we have Pluto and the Sun both in Aquarius, you will realise that groups are powerful. They can change things. You will either see an existing circle rebooted with more potency, or become drawn into a circle of allies and friends where it becomes evident that together, you can all transform your corner of the world. This goes on for years. In fact, the Pluto in Aquarius cycle is a 20-year cycle for you, when you realise a friend is as important as a spouse and a band, club, society and so on, as crucial as a family.

  101. Thank you Jessica, this is a brilliant interpretation! It really is helpful to me for understanding the dynamics and the feeling of attempting to push against something that doesn’t shift or move.

  102. Thanks for another great article. Just trying to understand how to interpret the Aries/Libra South node for me. Do I still look at this as a Sun sign Pisces and these nodes are currently in my 2nd 8th house and how this impacts my relationships or am I only considering what I have in Aries and Libra in my natal chart .

    Last time Aries North node was Aries I got pregnant and had my first child so she has these placements. Sorry I just get confused with the nodes. I understand how my Pisces/Virgo nodes affect me personally I just don’t know how to interpret how other nodes impact me.

    1. No need to apologise. I work with two houses systems. Your public chart, or solar chart. And your private chart, or natal chart. You are a Pisces who has the lunar nodes transiting her Second and Eighth House, correct. I am sure you know the Eighth House rules sexual and financial relationships. The last time the North Node was in Aries, the South Node was in Libra (that is automatic) and in fact was in your Eighth House. So you had a baby and the father had to sort out the house, the money and/or the apartment with you. Now that cycle is back. You owe, or are owed, from that time and there will be karmic closure by early 2025. In your birth chart, the South Node in Libra was/is in your Seventh House of marriage, adultery, divorce, separation and common-law marriage. So it’s a similar thing. Then as now, you have karmic questions about the commitment that was.

  103. Hi Jessica, it feels like something is up. A client has hit hard times and I feel a divorce (amicable) is imminent. Feeling positive about other new opportunities. The astrology helps with keeping a cool head. Thank you.

  104. Yes, although just to clarify, you were born with the North Node in Aries in the First House of Self and the South Node in Libra in the Seventh House of partnership. So in 2023, you are experiencing the transiting South Node in Libra in the Seventh House again and the North Node in Aries in the First House again; your nodal return. Right on cue you broke up with your boyfriend. I am very sorry you are going through it. He is seeing someone new but he says, he still loves you. When we go back to the last time you had this cycle you did exactly, to your boyfriend, what has just happened to you. I hope you can see that. You felt neglected and so you left him when you met somebody else. Snap. Your boyfriend this time around has met somebody else and left you. Something to remember; this cycle goes through to 2024 and does not stop until 2025 begins. So this is long haul with the man in question. You do in fact have to properly go through all the emotions, all the discussions, all the soul growth that involves him. And if he really has met somebody new, you have to account for her as well. I’m curious about the way you are drawn to triangular situations. That’s usually Vesta. Sure enough you have Vesta at 13 Aries in opposition to Mercury at 13 Libra. Again, Self and partnership. This is very common with women who compete with other women for a man’s attention or approval. Avoid that if you can. “I have learnt that he started seeing someone new and may have left the relationship for this reason. he insists that he is not and that he still loves me.” That’s Vesta talking. Find out the truth and then find out about Vesta in your chart. Because that’s the other story here. The nodal cycle is not the only pattern at large.

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