Jupiter in Taurus 2023 and 2024
Jupiter in Taurus will bring the biggest luck factors in 12 years for your business, your bank account and your budget – starting on Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 6.30pm in London (adjust for your time zone). This cycle is with you until May 25th 2024 so there is plenty of time to take advantage of the big bargains or the huge solutions. This is the cycle that gave birth to the worldwide web, delivered by Tim Berners-Lee.
If you have your personal birth chart in front of you, look at any Taurus factors in your Second House of personal income. If you have at least one, that is one rare chance to make or save a lot of money by May 25th 2024. If you have several, expect more chances.
First – let’s look at the good news that lands when Jupiter, the lucky planet, goes through the sign of Taurus the bull. You’ll notice that what launches on Jupiter in Taurus goes from strength to strength. The key to these brands is they hugely expand their ranges and grow their product line. So they are being true to Jupiter, which is a gas giant in astronomy and has long been associated with large-scale plans.
If you do the work and take the opportunities, the laws of astrology say, you will gain. How much depends on your personal birth chart and I’ll talk more about that in a moment.
Jupiter is also there when there is relief, release and rescue, as you’ll notice. And if you have the Sun in Taurus, you stand to shine at your brilliant best if you use the financial opportunities on this cycle.

Jupiter in Taurus Brand Launch Cycles From KFC to the Worldwide Web
May 16th 1940 until May 26th 1941
15th May 1940
McDonalds launches.
3rd March 1941
M&M’s launches and will become the world’s biggest candy. Its first customer is the US Army.
1st May 1941
Cheerios launches and will be the world’s biggest cereal brand with $18.126 billion revenue by 2023.
From Holiday Inn to KFC
April 28th 1952 until May 9th 1953
1st August 1952
Holiday Inn launches.
4th August 1952
First Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in the US.
6th September 1952
Television launches in Canada.
5th October 1952
Tea rationing ends in the United Kingdom.
7th October 1952
The Bar Code is patented.
30th November 1952
Lang Hancock discovers the world’s largest iron ore deposit in Australia.
15th December 1952
The Flower-Pot Men (BBC)
13th April 1953
The James Bond franchise
April 12th 1964 until April 22nd 1965
20th April 1964
Launch of BBC2.
22nd April 1964
The 1964 New York World’s Fair: 646 acres and 80 nations. 51 million Baby Boomers attend.
27th August 1964
Mary Poppins premieres and becomes Disney’s biggest money maker.
14th September 1964
15th September 1964
The Addams Family
18th September 1964
The Sun launches.
1st October 1964
High-speed rail launches in Japan – a world first.
28th December 1964
Diet Pepsi
March 26th 1976 until August 23rd 1976
October 16th 1976 until April 3rd 1977
March 26th 1976 Anita Roddick launches The Body Shop
April 1st 1976 Steve Jobs begins the Apple Computer Company
September 25th 1976 U2 is formed with Taurus singer Bono
September 28th 1976 Britain borrows a record $3.9 billion from the IMF International Monetary Fund
March 8th 1988 until July 22nd 1988
November 30th 1988 until March 11th 1989
February 5th 1988 Comic Relief launches Red Nose Day which raises £15 million then increases it to £27 million on Friday 10th March 1989.
March 24th 1988 The First McDonalds in a Communist country opens, in Yugoslavia.
July 15th 1988
The Die Hard franchise begins.
August 22nd, 1988 New laws allow pubs to stay open all day in England and Wales.
January 1st 1989 America and Canada launch their Free Trade Agreement
January 10th 1989 The largest US back payment in history from one employer, is made to women and minorities by the Harris Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago.
February 5th 1989 Sky TV launches in England
March 4th 1989 Time Warner begins
March 12th 1989 The Worldwide Web is invented by Tim Berners-Lee
Do You Have Taurus Factors in Your Second House?
Jupiter will form a conjunction with anything you have in Taurus in the Second House of money, houses, apartments, shopping, sales, charity, valuables and business as he transits through until May 25th 2024. This can only happen once in 12 years.

Even a difficult placement like Saturn in Taurus, benefits from Jupiter. This famous cycle is known as ‘Transiting Jupiter in conjunction with…’ in astrology. You will gain from the trickle-down effect of bigger events around you. The only ask? Be proactive. Jupiter opens the door and shows you the key. You do the rest. If you do nothing, then nothing may happen.
Yet, Jupiter is good news. Abundance where there was shortage. The discovery of valuable assets. Business breakthroughs (firsts) opens the door to increased money-making. Popular new inventions and new products arrive. They can start a long boom. Watch potentially lucrative investments now. Unpopular taxes are abolished. New trade agreements occur. Unemployment can drop to historic lows. Large mergers occur. Social security (welfare, benefits), housing and workers’ rights show big improvements with larger government spending. Something for nothing. You can begin with one book (the James Bond series, pictured) and create a forever classic.
Let’s Talk About Cheerios
Let’s talk about Cheerios. Jupiter is associated with the word ‘cheerful’ and this is a very happy story about a breakfast cereal that began with Jupiter in Taurus. Cheerios was launched on 1st May 1941 and is the largest cereal brand in the US. It was promoted by Peanuts in the 1980s. Growing. Honey Nut Cheerios then became the number one cereal in America between 2009-2011 according to The New York Times. Still growing. Incredibly, there were 139.1 million boxes of Cheerios sold in 2021 alone.
Lend-Lease arrived on March 11th 1941 in the same cycle. America gave a $31.4 billion gift to the United Kingdom which never had to be repaid. The Russian got $11.3 billion. China got $1.6 billion. The allies received a classic Jupiter outcome – an open door and a key – thanks to the generosity of the American people during the war.
Monster Success with Jupiter in Taurus
So what does astrology record on this cycle? Well, it starts like this. Something for nothing – free benefits, free services – are rolled out. You get more value from existing subscriptions or payments. More bang for your buck. There are two money signs. Taurus and Scorpio. Jupiter turns up in either, when the world gains from business expansion. Economic growth. Huge global trade expansion is normal. The small beginnings of what will grow to become huge global franchises are characteristic of Jupiter in Taurus. The entire web began on this cycle – the monster you are looking at now. The Addams Family, an oversized Jupiter clan, was the cartoon that spawned a monster, most recently with 2023 Hollywood success again.
Big currency value changes are typical. So shopping in some countries becomes much cheaper, or emigrating becomes a bargain – if you are lucky. Again, the luck factor is at play when house prices rise on this cycle. You may find your apartment or house makes you richer without trying. Housing booms (where the value of your home can go up by 50% or over 100%) are common as Jupiter in Taurus forms a sextile to the Cancer/Fourth House property placements of billions. This increases the overall wealth of a large city like London. Pay rises are common. Strikes producing pay rises can succeed. Lenders are more generous. You may be able to borrow more money, at a lower interest rate of repayment, for example. The ‘what’ of your Jupiter in Taurus cycle depends on what you have in Taurus in your chart. If you have a stellium (four, five, six or more factors) this will be an historic period for your bank account if you go with what is presented to you.
Main Picture: Rawpixel
Astrology Software: AstroGold.
Originally published 16th May 2023, updated with new photographs on 14th May 2024.
263 Responses
Hi Jessica, so exciting to see the ingress of Jupiter into Taurus and the potential it holds! I wonder if you could see my chart and tell me how to interpret this. I wanted to give you some context which you will find interesting.
I work for a big social media company (the one that you mention frequently in your articles ahem :)) Last November exactly on the day of the eclipse we had a round of layoffs announced. I wasn’t affected but it was close. This April again exactly on the day of the solar eclipse another round of layoffs was announced and this time I lost my job.
It’s a tough job market because of so many companies laying off and then economy not doing well.
I see in my chart there is a Uranus opposition coming up. Also hopeful that this new transit of Jupiter could bring some good news.
Please could you share what you think it could mean for me.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. Your astrological chart shows you are a Sun Libra with a Taurus and Scorpio stellium. Your issue has been the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, but they disappear in July. The reason you were laid off from ‘the big social media company’ on a spiritual level, is about the family or a partner – perhaps another close connection – and the reality of having your house, apartment, bank account and so on, tied in with other people. There is karma there and that is why you have been stuck. You will be given one opportunity after another to make or save money now Jupiter is in Taurus and July releases a lot of stuck situations which kept you in a loop. I am sure you realise that we are now in the Web 3 phase of social media so I am surprised that you are not a gun for hire with the competitors out there. Of course it begins with your signing up for your own accounts with them so you can see what’s what.
Very much looking forward to April 25, 2024, as my natal north node is at 22 Taurus! I have many plans rolling already, and dreaming bigger, as you have advised!
That’s great. You should already be seeing the smallest clues appear about something for nothing, or ways to gain. Check back over your emails today and tomorrow. Jupiter is such that you can also fix situations where you may have had your revenue affected even without realising it. And of course there is always the big house or apartment bargain to look out for, if that’s your bag.
Hi Jessica! My husband has Chiron at 23 Taurus (retrograde) and Minerva at 22 Taurus (retrograde) as well as his IC on 8 Taurus. Curious how the retrogrades impact him. Does he stand to gain more when Jupiter might also be retrograde? Still learning astrology, thanks for any insight.
Thank you. You don’t gain more with Jupiter Retrograde, but if a negotiation over a house or apartment stalled, it will move forward – and if a business venture was delayed – similarly so. Your husband tutors others in the so-called impossible or even outrageous, with his financial, charity, business or property plans in life and yet he has the wisdom to make it work. I expect what he has done with the world of fundraising, houses, apartments, auctions, valuables, companies and the like has left jaws on the floor at times, including his. Jupiter and Uranus at 22 Taurus are just one degree away from natal Chiron in a rare conjunction in April 2024 so it should be a happy Easter for him if he rolls up his sleeves and puts the work in, from today. His IC depends on a strictly accurate birth time, but the Minerva-Chiron conjunction holds, no matter when he came into the world. Audacity and deep wisdom.
Hello dear Jessica
Would love to know how this affects me. Been unemployed from Feb 2022 and rather unsure of work possibilities given my age.
I also am living in a small apartment without my daughters. I hope there is something in my chart that provides a clear path to a home and financial security.
Thank you so much if you have time to respond.
I am sorry you have been between jobs for such a long time. Age is not an issue with your working. You are a Sun Aquarius with a huge Capricorn stellium in your Tenth House of success and were hit by that Pluto transit in Capricorn which resulted in reshuffles, mergers and historic change. The worst is over as all Pluto can do now is go backwards. That’s your private chart. In your public chart you’ve had the South Node (stuck repetition) in Scorpio, same house of the chart – the Tenth House. That ends in July. So will the loop. You don’t have to wait until then to sort things out, though, thanks to Jupiter in Taurus from now (just an hour or so ago) you will gain from other people’s wheels turning as the money-go-round creaks into operation. It’s been 12 years. On a property and financial level you will gain from all kinds of options over a 12 month period, as Jupiter trines your Capricorn stellium and forms a terrific chain of conjunctions with your Taurus factors in the Second House.
Hi Jessica,
I am repeating the same question I have asked in another thread. I only have Jupiter in Taurus and nothing else. What does that entails?
Your Jupiter Return is on the way. If you were born with Jupiter in Taurus in the Second House then from a young age you became used to windfalls or ‘all or nothing’ situations. So, for example, you may have had big parcels arrive as a child, won contests or seen a parent spend heavily on you all at once. Later on you may have gained awards of monetary value, won prizes and so on, into adolescence. Scholarships are common. Later on, too, come the part-time jobs to earn you money on the side and again you may have been offered memorable lump sum posts even at University, or honorariums. From the twenties onwards it becomes more adult, so as you go from there into your sixties (and the next Jupiter Return) there may be an inheritance, or a large advance on earnings, a big profit pay-out and so on. The pattern continues now and if you are smart you will already have lined up one or two business plans and be quick to accept other ideas as Jupiter edges past 0 Taurus and towards the rest of the cycle, finishing up in May 2024.
Hello Jessica,
I so enjoy watching your predictions manifest! Donald Trump, Modi just lost massively in South India which many are hailing as the beginning of his end in politics. I loved the spook haunting the Royal Coronation too! Thank you so much!
I will try yet again to get my 2 cents in :)! I have Vesta in Taurus at 28 degrees and My IC is also at 11 degrees Taurus. I have had an extremely bumpy Mercury retrograde with no less than 3 attempts at new contracting work falling flat. I got the work , the platforms just turned out to be incredibly unethical and so I ran screaming ; literally ! I gave each concerned team a piece of my mind. Todays been great in terms of potential; 2 new opportunities have come up which hopefully will give me the security and stability on the financial front Ive been seeking a while now. Could you shed light please? Many thanks for all that you are and all that you do.
Thank you. Yes, it is the beginning of the end for the old India, as astrology predicted. The Coronation was haunted by not only Father Benedictus but also the eclipse which covered up the truth, as we’ll see once enough time passes. It may even be that the Coronation is invalidated as there is a sealed document held back containing legal opinion on the matter, only to be opened once Charles III has passed. I have had a look at your chart and it’s just Mercury Retrograde. Your IC in Taurus is the important factor here. Your contracting has been scattered by unethical platforms, which is a Taurus matter too. Your values. I am glad you have new opportunities. In fact, when Jupiter is at 11 Taurus, if your birth time is accurate, you will have a terrific property opportunity – early March 2024.
Hello Jessica! I love when you post your blogs.. I learn something every time. This sounds so exciting! I have Taurus sun, moon, Desc., Aesculapia, and Cupido.. My husband Simon (also a member)has a 6 planet Taurus stellium. and is currently looking at an interesting opportunity that popped up for him last month (just like you said would happen lol). I’m curious.. if my Taurus stellium and his Taurus stellium double the odds of a great year. We could use it. also, are couples with a similar stellium in their birth charts common in your experience?
Thank you. I am glad my prediction came true for your husband Simon. It’s unusual to have couples who both share a Taurus stellium. You two together are practical, down-to-earth, sensible and have the biggest decisions of your life to make, in terms of what you will not sell out for (you both have a strong value system of ethics and principles) versus the obviously lucrative nature of offers and options ahead. It is also possible to save a lot of money on this cycle. For example, apartment prices may come down substantially in an area you are keenly interested in buying in. The cycle gives you a nice long time to do very well from it, until May 2024.
Hi Jessica, thank you! I am learning so much from your website and very addicted to it.
I don’t have my correct birth time but even still I have a stellium in Taurus. My husband (scorpio) just accepted a promotion and we are currently relocating to another country. My youngest is leaving the nest, so this move will be life changing, being an empty nester. I am very focused on finding a new home (probably the most important thing for this move) but I am finding it quite hard to find something reasonably priced. Could you please take a look at my birth chart. I am hoping for good news. Thank you! Melissa
Melissa, thank you very much. Though don’t go being addicted, now. Congratulations on the promotion and the emigration too. You are doing all this on Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, but it ends on 1st June, when wheels will turn with property. There will be price adjustments in some countries which are yet to happen so you are spinning your wheels for a reason. You are a Sun Cancer woman with Cancer and Taurus stelliums and are in a terrific position, particularly after July when one big hard-work area with your money disappears. In fact, you should save or gain with your new home and it will also feel like a proper home too – no later than May 2024.
Hi Jessica, what a fascinating article. Since I became a member on your website last year I keep wondering what role Jupiter plays in my natal chart at 10 Gemini sextile Saturn at 11 Leo and trine Pluto at 11 Libra and in addition sqare my husband sun at 11 pisces. My impression is that Jupiter acts as a buffer for anything that triggers the 10/11 degree placements.
Also, on the day of our wedding transiting Jupiter (7th house) was in exact opposition to my natal Jupiter (first house) and square my husbands sun, trine my natal Saturn and sextile natal Pluto. I always wonder about the impact of transiting / natal Jupiter being in opposition/square to other placements. Is there a general rule? Thank you so much.
Thank you. Jupiter is always of benefit. This is true of the natal chart and also by transit. The only real drawback with Jupiter is excess. So people get fat because they over-eat. They can become like the gas giant Jupiter actually is, in astronomy. A country overdoing its Jupiter can be too much for other people – it dominates – it’s too big. Your wedding was probably over the top in parts. There may have been too much food, or it went on for too long, or a speech just went on too long. Yet, it would have been a great wedding. Jupiter in mythology had it all and wanted it all. He was a big, fat god (as the Romans portrayed him) with a huge head of hair and beard. He had a wife and lovers; far too many children; far too much influence. And yet, with Jupiter on their side, the Romans conquered the world. They really believed in him too.
Hi Jessica! Thank you for creating great content. It’s really interesting to read your insight about astrology. I have two questions. How does transiting Jupiter in Taurus affect my natal Leo north node and Aquarius south node? Also, I’ve enjoyed reading your articles about the coronation. Do you think information from the recent eclipse will be revealed on or near Princess Diana’s July 1 birthday?
Thank you. Good question about Jupiter in a T-Square with your nodes. This takes place when Jupiter moves to 20 Taurus in April 2024. Uranus is also at 20 Taurus, so this is really about your past live involving your courtships, your children, and also your friends and groups. Your last incarnation involved a split between being the authority with a circle of people, and issues there about loyalty and group cohesion – and issues like marriage, extra-marital affairs, and your sons or daughters. This may ring bells with you now. In any case, Jupiter is beneficial, even in a T-Square, so next April, Easter will bring gains from an uncomfortable, familiar, repetition of issues you know very well about being the Queen to the court, but also having to deal with the knights; the ladies-in-waiting; the heirs to your throne. You still gain from it, despite the squeeze.
Hi Jessica, thank you so much for all your amazing work you do! I really appreciate and love all your posts and horoscopes. I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but I would love if you could peek into my chart and share your insight. I just recently separated from my husband of 27 years. My first three kids who I’m really close to left the house to join the military in 2019/2020. From there my life seems to spiraling downwards and I feel so terribly stuck. I still have two younger children to take care of. I’m trying to relocate to the east coast and start a new life for us, and I’m a little scared because of the uncertainty in the world. I’m also trying to find out what would be the best career wise. I’ve been trying to share my love for cooking on YouTube but with not much success so far. I don’t like giving up on anything but now it is about surviving independently. I’m also contemplating if I should go back to school to pursue a degree in cyber security instead. I just want to make sure that the kids and I are going to be ok. Your insight would be greatly appreciated!
I am sorry about your separation after 27 years although it must be a relief. Your children are flying the nest but two chicks are still there and of course, with your chart, your maternal instinct is strong. You are thinking about moving to the East Coast of the US; a cooking channel on YouTube; studying cyber security. You are a Sun Aquarius woman with stelliums in Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces. You could actually do anything, so don’t limit yourself to cooking or cybersecurity (though the latter could be huge for you in 2024 as I will explain in a moment). Right now you want to move and should. Make a list of what you need for the house or apartment, the area, and the children and say it out loud asking your helpers in spirit to assist. When you do eventually move you will be delighted at your good fortune and the new residence will be bigger, with literally more room to move, but you will also gain so much from the new area. You do not have to rush this, but it will be in place by May 2024 at the very latest. You are a lifelong student who will always be learning, for fun or profit. If you were to move into cybersecurity/Web 3/computers at a deeper level it would pay off from May 2024 when Jupiter goes into Gemini and your Third House of communication, media and the internet. It would then change your life from 2026 when Uranus goes into Gemini. But as I said, you have ample choices about life paths and revenue paths too. The freedom you feel with the family and your home by 2024 will be exhilarating; like every window flung open.
Hi Jessica
Thank you for the post. I have my sun at 22 cancer. I am thinking of starting a small food business and I also started writing a cookbook of recipes from our restaurant that Pluto in Capricorn period forced us to sell years ago due to Pluto bullies. I am also recovering from a major surgery so am a bit stalled. Is there a specific time I should really push or can you give me any advice. Husband is a Leo working at a job he is happy with right now and we are living rent free in a beautiful area (so that is a lucky thing). Thank you so much
I am sorry you had to go through major surgery but it sounds as if your spirit wanted you to completely remove yourself from regular life for a time, to marinate (to use a cooking term). You are self-cooking because you needed a better recipe. You had bullies with Pluto in Capricorn and now you are in a new space, wondering about a food business and cookbook. You are a Sun Cancer woman, with stelliums in Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. You are ideally poised to try new paths to success from now, today, through May 2024. The clues in the chart are groups – find your tribes – online and in the real world. Turn to friends or make new friends and turn to them. You will do extremely well through a circle of people rather than alone or just with your husband. If you are thinking digitally then look at Substack and Twitter where you can now monetise your content and network with likeminded people, all at once.
Well Jupiter in Taurus started off well for me today. The head of the company I work for called me today out of the blue and offered me a newly created role working directly for him. I’ll start in early June, syncing with your comment that Jupiter in Taurus would trine my natal Jupiter in Capricorn in my 10th house, so if I wanted to make a move that would be a good time to do so. Spot on again Jessica, thank you!
Boom! I like an accurate good news prediction. Congratulations and thank you for letting me know.
Hi Jessica, I hope you are well. I left a similar comment on another blog. You’ve already told me that, like many other people, May 2023 – May 2024 will be a prosperous time for me. I’m unemployed for one year, running out of money, and frankly completely discouraged. Every job lead ends in a brick wall. I think maybe my age is a big factor. Part of me wants to give up and run away to Mexico or some place cheap to live (I live in the Northeast of US.) The last time Jupiter was in Taurus I had been unemployed for a few years due to a company shut down, but did get some freelance work in California. My finances were terrible then too. It wasn’t a great cycle for me. My question is are there any factors that make this cycle of Taurus Jupiter more auspicious than the last one (for me but for everyone else too)? As always thank you for everything. Chris
I am sorry you are in this rotten situation, with your jobs. You live in the Northeast of America and are considering Mexico. Chris, you had your Jupiter in Taurus cycle last time, and gained freelance work in California. There are some clues there about what is actually going on. You have factors at Virgo 3 through 27 in your Sixth House of lifestyle, work ethic, service and duty. Virgo also rules your hours, your wellbeing in relation to working and the whole package of ‘tasks for others, and the duty to myself.’ You also have a huge Scorpio stellium which is frankly, about money and property. So you tend to end up in situations where you have to rethink your values and life budget, as the freedom of being your own boss is priceless, but the reality is you will not become a billionaire that way. There are a ton of mixed feelings showing up here about making it; being successful; the system; status property; status places – versus making vegetable soup and doing nothing on Tuesday afternoons! That comes from your twin Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn placement in the Tenth House of ambition. You will absolutely be given solutions and opportunities as Jupiter trines your Virgo factors, from Taurus and also your Capricorn factors too. They will come in a chain. Figuring out the rest is an intensely personal choice. You do not have the chart of a hippy dropout, but you do have the chart of someone who really has to do his life budget/sums in a new way. Your age is irrelevant in all this; far more important is your willingness to retrain or be the old dog who learns new tricks. Please don’t be discouraged about your money situation in particular; you are going through the end of the Scorpio-Taurus node transit which has stretched you more than usual but it ends in July. One final note: divide a sheet of paper into two and write down what you can offer/give and what you want/need. All the skills and talents and abilities. Read it aloud and ask your spirit helpers to assist. When a door or key appears grab it and use it.
Hi Jessica. I’m very much looking forward to your Zoom on Friday. I’m excited about Jupiter in Taurus because my work, especially internationally, has been in a bit of a limbo for the last year. Can I hope for a change now with this transti? I have Ops at 0, and Jupiter will trine my Virgo stellium as long as it’s in Taurus. Thank you.
Thank you. Alicia Fulton and I were just chatting about the event and she used AI (Artificial Intelligence) to generate some research for the talk, which I think will convince everyone to back a winner in business soon (or banking, or charity, or property). You’ll be delighted with the opportunities which circle you as transiting Jupiter is in conjunction with Ops at 0 Taurus on May 16th-21st. Ops shows how you work at solutions and how you reach for answers, even in difficult situations, and you always succeed in the end. In fact, Ops was married to Jupiter. The long trines to your Virgo stellium will expand your capacity for fulfilling career goals and increase your lifestyle benefits as a result of the work you do. It often coincides with promotion or a new position, or changes within the company from which you gain.
Jessica, In 2nd House, I have Chiron 09° Taurus and IC 21° Taurus. Not sure where to focus with these, any insight would be appreciated.
Chiron in Taurus is an expression of audacity with money. Temerity with property. Chutzpah with valuables, charity, business or banking. You are a living example of what could not, should not exist – but does. You are also a tutor, teacher, mentor or guide figure to others, no matter if the issue is economics or retail. Jupiter going to 9 Taurus (transiting Jupiter in conjunction with natal Chiron) takes place in July 2023 and again in February 2024, so that’s two chances to expand that, gain from it and grow with it.Your IC depends on a strictly accurate birth time, but if you have it, a relative or ancestor had a life that revolved around business, charity, property or banking. He or she may have been on Wall Street or gone bankrupt, or worked for the church poor. You inherit that DNA and are here to explore your values; your life budget; what it means to be wealthy. Again, you gain from this when Jupiter goes to 21 Taurus (transiting Jupiter in conjunction with natal IC) in April 2024.
I am really excited to see which new brands launch during this lucky year! I looked at my chart, and noticed I only have one Taurus placement – 22 Taurus in the South Node. Will Jupiter in Taurus benefit me in any way? Many thanks as always
You have a past life being rich and poor, in turns, and are back here to experience an incarnation with cryptocurrency and the NFT market, as well as eBay. You needed to see how people would be using currency and valuables in new ways. Your karma from the past life rewards you when Jupiter goes to 22 Taurus (transiting Jupiter in conjunction with the South Node) and that’s April 2024. You are owed, on some level, and will be rewarded, in some way.
Hi, can you check my chart, have been struggling with career couple of years. Made bad decision and resigned from stressy job, now looking for new path to open up.
Thanks Jaana
I am sorry you have been put through this Jaana. You are a Sun Taurus woman who has had Jupiter, Saturn and now Pluto all in her Tenth House of career since Christmas 2020, in succession. So if you think this is historically hard work, you are correct. You never had those cycles before and will never have them again. You have a strong work ethic, have a gift for detail, are extremely responsible to employer or client/customer and so on – typical of your Virgo stellium. The good news is Jupiter with all his opportunities and solutions will trine your Virgo stellium, now through May 2023. Also good – the nodes move off Taurus-Scorpio and your financial zones in July, ending a big stretch for you, made more demanding because you are so heavily Taurus. More than one path will open up and you will ultimately realise your entire professional life had to be rerouted. You will end up becoming quite powerful and influential and rub shoulders with people who are also powerful.
Hi Jessica, please check my chart as I have a stellium in Taurus but unsure if it helps now. I am thinking of getting a lawyer to help with an injury compensation claim. Thanks in advance.
You have Taurus factors at 4 to 22 degrees of the sign in your Second House of income, possessions, houses, apartments, charity and business. You will gain or save money, make it or just stash it away, from June 4th when Jupiter starts to move to 4 degrees and by April 2024 when he reaches 22. I am sorry you have been injured. Those kinds of situations are typical of where you might gain, but it’s complicated. Best ask the Tarot about that one, for yourself. In general you will end up much, much better off on this cycle if you take the key and go through the open door when you see it.
hi Jessica,
I love this topic! I have Taurus 00 and 01 (apollo and desc). what does this mean for me? Financially I’ve been sliding backwards but trying to help family, also trying to get a Shopify store off the ground, sell my son’s house after a year of trying still no luck. (He’s an Aquarius.) I’m a writer but haven’t been able to write anything new in 6 months which is affecting my bottom line too.
Thank you. You are first to gain from Jupiter going over 0, 1 degrees. Even if your birth time is out, and your Descendant is wrong, Apollo is a sign of leadership and in Taurus it is leadership with money, charity, business or property. You are being given, or will be given, a terrific chance to do that and gain from it. The financial backslide is not your fault and comes from this rare cycle of Uranus in Taurus (instability in the national economy) but also the nodes in Taurus-Scorpio. The stretching stops in July. Your store may be the answer or there will be a second way to make or save money. Your Aquarius son will sell his house and the pair of you will consider it a bolt from the blue that works for you. That is by May 2024. Pure luck, actually, and the last thing you expected. Writing? Keep the ideas as you will use them in new technology and inventions, new formats and mediums, from 2026, which are yet to be invented.
Hi Jessica
Thank you for your hard work and guidance.
As I look towards retirement / resetting my life to not be working fulltime all I seek is financial security. I am hoping that Jupiter in Taurus time is financially fruitful for me (or win I Lotto!). Are you able to advise?
Many thanks Jane
Thank you Jane. You are a Sun Libra woman with stelliums in Libra, Scorpio, Virgo and Cancer. You are in for a really good year here (the year starts here) with any stretching or straining with others, over finance, property, business, charity gone from July. The nodes are right off Scorpio then so you will feel the change. You also have Jupiter making trines to your Virgo factors and a sextile to your Cancer factors, so retiring and resetting goes very well for you with exactly the right people, organisations or situations in a chain, now through May 2024. You may renovate or redecorate or even move, quite successfully, but there is also a new life here with better wellness options and a new way of ‘working’ that doesn’t feel like work to you. The security comes after 2026 when Uranus is off Taurus and the long cycle of ‘Whoops/surprise’ that started in 2018 also ends. But just for this 12 month period focus on how to save it and make it – there will be all sorts of terrific ways that had not even occurred to you.
Dear Jessica , thank you for all you do …
I have been vastly benefited by your advice which has been very spot on for me. I hope to have some difficult family property issues resolved soon and embark on a new phase of my life. You have mentioned life style issues to be looked at on my chart and I’m working on that.
I’ve registered for the event of May 19 and look forward to interactions with you . In India there have been political upheavals but our national elections are due in May next year. What does it look like from your perspective.?
Thank you. I am glad the astrology has been spot on. And you are very welcome to the 19th May event. India is a country I wrote about a long time ago, using the only chart I could see which worked for prediction. You will find power goes away from Narendra Modi and towards the people. This is the end of ‘one man to rule them all’ as Pluto goes out of Capricorn. Women and feminism will play a huge role in what happens. In your own chart you have that classic success signature, evolving now, peaking in 2024. You work hard and you have a strong sense of responsibility and pay attention to the tiny details, and so you deserve what is coming as you have earned it.
Hi Jessica,
Last night I dream of you telling me to remember the Aries/Libra south/north node change in July. Not sure why I dreamt of it, but I thought I’d mention it. I’m hoping this Jupiter in Taurus is helpful for me as well. I’ve been financially decimated in a divorce. I’ve had to take a loan to pay my lawyers. I work very hard every day, but the past three years all of my earnings have gone to my lawyers. Could you give me any insights on my financial future? Thank you! BTW: I’m blown away by the grim reaper in your 2019 blog post.
I love it when I pop up in dreams and chat to people. No wonder I wake up needing a huge cup of tea. Funnily enough I had the astrologer Patric Walker in my dream years ago. He said in a deep, booming voice, ‘Don’t forget the nodes!’ and then I woke up. You have a stellium in Libra and the North Node in Libra in your Seventh House of marriage and divorce. You will go through the transit of the South Node in Libra starting in July and it will be with you in 2024 as well so you will get balance, justice, harmony, equilibrium. I am sorry you were wiped out financially and spent so much on lawyers. I have to tell you, the nodes are past life. So you were with this man in your last incarnation. These things make no sense at the time but if you ever have a regression you may realise, you both incarnated to go through this. The actual lunar nodes transit from July (transiting North Node in Aries, transiting South Node in Libra) will go right over your own nodes so your ex-husband will be part of the balancing. I have seen this when women lose money on leaving someone, then get a new boyfriend and gain so much – access to his beach house, access to his car, all sorts of ways for the universe to make up for things. Financially, you are a Sun Cancer with a Scorpio stellium who will find relief in stages. July is a big one as the nodes go out of Scorpio and Taurus so the actual financial side of karma with him and anyone else is done, then. Totally over. Look at the next 20 years if you want to become powerful through property, business and finance. You can and will make it, if you use your willpower. It might not seem like it now, but you will be stunned at what is possible from 2026 in particular.
Hi Jessica, Thank you for your amazing insight, as always. I have a power struggle going on within the family business with my father. It feels like we keep repeating the same pattern over and over and over again. Given that I have been in the family business for over 25 years now, I am wondering whether there is any relief to this pattern anytime soon? I feel like my growth is stunted at times, even though on a rational level I am fairly successful. I am just tired of this merry-go-round of power struggles. I am a little more risk-aversive and sometimes would prefer if we could tone it down a notch. The company is doing pretty well overall. Any insights?
Thank you. I am sorry your father is in a power struggle with you. That’s the last thing you need, when it’s so close to home. You have a stellium in Cancer in the Fourth House of family and property and Saturn is in Cancer. That tells you everything. Saturn in astrology is a symbol of ‘the old man’ and he is literally your old man. It’s not just him. He is part of a wider family system or dynamic that enables him. I am sure you know all this. You will find it becomes easier now Jupiter is in Taurus. Jupiter will sextile, or form great flow aspects, as he passes through. By May 2024 you will have had a chain of chances to ease things with him. The other break is July. July ends the nodes in Scorpio-Taurus facing off, and that has been part of your issue, because Scorpio rules legacies and wills, and you are in each others’ presumably. So there is a really stuck situation there, about just that (though nobody talks about it) and yet it ends in July as the nodes push off those signs. So, in general, you were born with the hard work of Saturn in the Fourth House but it becomes lighter and easier for you, very shortly.
Kia ora Jessica
I have a big old empty Second House. Not one single Taurus factor in my chart.
I am in the process of planning a launch (of a new offering) for a mid- July start date. My work is with and for teachers.
What is an empty Second House and/or no Taurus factors telling me?
(p.s. I am married to a Taurean whose business is in the financial sector)
Thanks in advance x
Waving across the pond. You are a Sun Virgo with a huge Sagittarius Ninth House stellium; the sign of academia and education. So you are not in this for the money. Your Second House is empty. You will find this launch heads in the right direction after May 2024, when Jupiter goes into Gemini and opposes it. Even the opposition is good, although it will involve a big stretch, and at that point the ever-changing internet will play its part in what you are doing. Your Taurus husband will be quids in when Jupiter goes over his Sun; he will shine in business then.
Hi Jessica! I am so looking forward to this transit. I received a light bulb moment for a new project I could implement at work that is likely to change my trajectory-very exciting and I am ever so proud that I recognised it for what it is. I also got a strong expression of interest on the romantic front which was dead for ages – I am very hopeful that a long-term relation will manifest for me in this cycle. All of these within days of the ingress wow. I wonder if you could take a look at my chart – with my Scorpio stellium, I’m unsure whether I stand to benefit with Jupiter in opposition but I am hoping that the Capricorn stellium benefits from the trines.
Ps: you are the first astrologer I know who has made me aware that Scorpio is a money house! It’s always labelled as the death and sex house!
Thank you for all you do.
That’s great about the light bulb moment. Jupiter in Taurus works in mysterious ways. And really, this transit is just hours old at the moment. Sun 7 Scorpio is opposite Chiron at 7 Taurus in your chart, as well as your whopping Scorpio stellium in the house of sex, death and money. Taurus is your values and your budget. Your income. Scorpio is a husband or boyfriend (say), wife or girlfriend, mother or father. There are variations on this theme; we can find the Mafia with it! Basically this is a highly unusual year when you sign off from karma 18-19 years prior in July. You owe or are owed from that time. The other key here is Jupiter going to 7 Taurus and fixing the opposition. There will be gains or savings here and it will raise all the usual issues about my money/his money/our house/her house and so on. Values are at the heart of it. And yet it can be resolved and you’d feel you’d gained. The romantic expression of interest may well qualify as Scorpio. These flirtations tend to bring a bank account along with them.
Hi Jessica, I commented and its still awaiting moderation. Hope you are able to see it? It’s dated May 17th at 11.46 am
I just checked my comments and today there are 17,939 so that looks as if it’s on a distant screen, unfortunately. I’m just at my desk now and have seen your chart here, though, so let’s see what is going on. You are a Sun Aquarius, with stelliums in Aquarius, Taurus, Sagittarius. You stand to gain or save a lot of money from Jupiter in Taurus as he goes through your Second House of personal income, so use the New Moon in Taurus tomorrow, Friday 19th May, to set a goal and think about May 2024 for delivery. Even before then, the chain of Jupiter conjunctions to Ceres, Saturn, Juno and the rest will solve quite a few issues for you. There will be a lucrative or money-saving deal – a proper bargaining compromise – by this time next year and you will gain from it. You are also strongly Aquarian and must know that for the next 20 years your entire life will transform as a result of the groups you are involved with, and around, and the friends and allies you make. This hasn’t really started yet, you will figure out the group, team, club, society and so on, next year and from 2025 will realise this is where your power is and where you were always meant to be.
Hello Jessica,
I am so glad you wrote this article and I love feeling that happy Jupiter energy in the comments! Can you have a look for me please? I have the North Node at 23 and the Moon at 26 Taurus. I don’t know if my Neptune (19 Scorpio) is also relevant by opposition? I am slowly moving forwards in my life and I swear I can feel the “Winds of Change”, but I have a long way to go. I would so love to own my own house again one day, you keep saying that Cancerians may move but I don’t have a penny yet, nor am I sure where to go. I would like to start manifesting my journey though, so I am interested to hear your advice. Thank you xx
Thank you. Taurus rules personal income and property; Scorpio rules joint income and property. So your bank account, or your boyfriend’s bank account. The North Node at 23 Taurus and South Node at 23 Scorpio are the keys here. They show reincarnation. You were very poor or very rich in your last life and the person involved is back with you now. This may be your mother or your former husband, for example. Jupiter going to 23 Taurus in April 2024 is extremely beneficial, historic and will give you a huge opportunity to solve a question or go further with a reward. Yes, you could easily move when the South Node goes through your solar Fourth House of property, July 18th 2023 until January 11th 2025. This shows up in your public (solar) chart and private (natal) chart too. By the way, there is no such thing as manifesting. Just common-sense astrology.
Hi Jessica and thank you for your post. I was wondering if you could please look at my birth chart because I don’t know the exact time of birth other than somewhere at 4 in the morning, so am not sure what numbers (if any) in my chart are correct. My partner and I have separated in the last few days leaving me to find accommodation and an income source very quickly. I am considering starting a digital agency creating projects in the niche of woman and kids, however had a difficult time with the internet years back and am not sure whether to stay away from the digital world or jump in feet first. Thank you so much and good luck with your NFTs launch 🙂
I am so sorry you have split up with your partner and are looking for a home and income source on the fly. Without a correct time I will leave out the angles of your chart, and the Moon, but even so you are a Sun Libra, with stelliums in Libra, Sagittarius and Leo. Once Mercury retrograde is out of your way from 1st June the wheels will turn with your money, apartment or house and there is a good solution or opportunity just waiting for you. If you feel stuck, write down what you need, and by what date, on a piece of paper and read it aloud, asking your helpers in the spirit world to assist you. With Jupiter in your Eighth House of joint finance and property, though, something good will turn up for you, so please don’t worry – you have until May 2024 for Jupiter to scatter the opportunities and answers. You are a global citizen, at home with foreign cultures and languages and were born to study as a student of life, and perhaps to mentor, tutor, guide, train or teach. That is lifelong, no matter if you choose a digital life or not. Have a look at the Tarot now too, to personalise the reading, and follow the steps for clues – about next steps.
Hi Jessica, thanks for another brilliant article full of valuable insights. I’m currently looking for a home to buy and really need some help in understanding whether I’m on the right track. I keep missing out because properties are in such high demand the prices are often pushed up until they are out of my budget. I was shown one yesterday and am considering submitting an offer, I just need to know I’m doing the right thing by committing to this one. It ticks a lot of boxes while also being a compromise due to the ones it doesn’t tick. I really need a solid home base. I really appreciate any light you are able to shed on the way forward for me. Thanks x
You are buying a home (or trying to) with Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. That is, negotiations stuck and backwards with the bank or the seller. It ends 1st June. I post Mercury Retrograde dates a year in advance so you won’t waste your time and energy with circular trails, or houses and apartments which drop their prices just when you were offering on another (for example). If you are not in any mad hurry you may want to wait until June 1st then look, look again. You have a huge Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House currently being stretched by the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. That ends in July. So life will ease up with property and finance from that month, too.
Hi Jessica My two adult daughters are going through very hard times at the moment, one with her daughters and the other with a new pregnancy and work. Can you see from my chart what this latest movement holds for them and by extension we her parents.
I am sorry both your daughters are having a rotten time. As a parent, they show in your Fifth House of motherhood. You are also a Sun Scorpio. Publicly and privately your chart shows that it is time to accept new restrictions and new life rules with them, and your grandchildren and future grandchild. You have been in a bubble for years and reality has not intruded. Now you must accept a situation in 2023, 2024 and early 2025 where it is harder to gain access, with them, or harder to get out of a situation with them – it can happen either way. Once Saturn is out of Pisces in early 2025 this is over for good but until then the best way of dealing with this cycle is to make changes. To get real, even if you were not particularly a realist before – and to find out what other grandmothers do, or have done. The hive mind will help you. More happily, you and their father have terrific opportunities ahead by May 2024, if the two of you take the options on offer.
Hi Jessica, am I reading my chart correctly for the 19 May 2023 New Moon? On Twitter you said: If you have astrology chart factors at 27, 28, 29 degrees of any zodiac sign, push them on the New Moon and see what comes, May 9th-12th 2024. I have Bacchus 27 Scorpio, Hygeia 27 Sagittarius and Ops 29 Libra. Is it about making money in foreign places with partners? Do I push that on the New Moon? Thank you.
Thank you for following me on Twitter @jessicacadams. You are reading that correctly. You can also separate the life areas. You may find Jupiter (in future) drops you a green-light favour (now) without you having to do anything at all. If so, a new lover may turn up with money and a foreign accent. It happens. This is just the beginning. The New Moon. The potential reward is when Jupiter goes to 28 Taurus of course, so May 18th through 21st of next year, 2024.
oh and just got the king of wands in the tarot at your Jupiter and taurus zoom, thanks x
All the wands or staves are tree branches or trunks. Pulp for paper mills in Pamela Colman Smith’s and Arthur E. Waite’s day, they symbolise paperwork, newspapers, books, magazines, scripts and speeches. Smith and Waite were surrounded by journals, poetry, theatre notes, and the like. Advertising for Horlick’s (Waite worked there) or stage notes at The Abbey Theatre (Smith worked there too, alongside W.B. Yeats who inducted her into The Golden Dawn).
So here we have a figure Pamela likely knew. It could easily have been Yeats or Waite. Bram Stoker is another male writer she worked with and she also knew J.M. Barrie. This man seems almost alive, with his tense, expectant body language and his anticipatory expression.
The message is the thing here so look to Mercury in the chart and Mercury by transit. Mercury is the ruler of all communication. The messenger of the Gods. There may also be transits in the Third House and/or Ninth House of media and publishing.
There are lions (Leo) on the throne and a prominent lizard. Look at that lizard again, because details always matter in Pamela’s cards. What does this lizard mean to you? Perhaps it’s the place – the Lizard. Maybe it’s Kerry Packer, who was known as the Goanna. Maybe it’s a band named after a lizard.
Lizards are territorial – males fight other males – and use bright colours to attract mates. So these lizards are all rather like this king. Colourful, never dull, and possibly on the lookout for his Queen of Staves, or wondering where she is (in another story in his life, no doubt. Another reading may reveal her).
He is stuck or suspended. The branch needs to be planted in order to grow but if he does not get moving it will wither and die. His own paralysis of action is thwarting him and may endanger the success of the project. He can’t just sit there and look hypothetically successful. He has to get on with it. That means leaving the throne unoccupied – problem! Some schedule, some scheme, some plan and certainly some allies or supporters, must be found.
The idea or message will not work until someone helps him ground the project or message somewhere useful, or he gets up from his throne and gets a move on and entrusts the royal seat and presumably its power, to an heir, or to his partner. This is really interesting because he may abdicate to pursue his plan. To chase his concept or qualification to its logical ending.
More commonly, Kings leave someone else in charge, don’t they, when they go to Windsor at Christmas, or are they just rulers in absentia?
Our eyes go back to the lizard. We might also see a newt from the salamander family here in this card – it depends on your point of view.
Salamanders regenerate lost limbs. In myth, they were believed to be born from fire. There is a fiery hint in the red hair and orange robes of the King – so, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are written in the illustration and may be factors in the horoscope to consider. Aries is fast and wants action. Leo wants to rule. Sagittarius wants to travel and explore. The crucial thing is that the King not waste this idea. That would, you sense, be a real problem for him, emotionally or psychologically. Kings are born to succeed, not to fail.
Thank you for the webinar – I was on the edge of my seat! I drew the Four of Cups. I have I have Mercury at 29 Taurus, Saturn at 17 Taurus and Psyche at 12 Taurus. Panacea at 27 Aries, Bacchus at 28° Cancer, Vesta at 28 Leo, Neptune at 28 Scorpio, and Salacia at 29 Capricorn. I have North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo.
Thank you. It was an unusual Zoom. Never had technical issues like that before and I did have spirit world intervention at one point, though I just didn’t have time to talk about it. The Four of Cups is showing up with your Neptune in Scorpio; you go through phases of living in another reality where relationships are concerned, as you float in a different space and are not grounded. That is what the New Moon is picking up. It is telling you the relationships are solid gold but until you settle you will not find them fulfilling.
Cups represent emotions (feelings) or sex. Here we have someone who is being offered a potential relationship, of whatever kind – while being quite blind to the three solid-gold relationships which are there.
It’s so easy to blame everything on the quality (or lack of quality) of particular friends, or lovers, or potential dates, or work colleagues, or family members. Here we have a clear case of someone being quite unclear about the fact, that the issue is this or her, own state of mind. They are rejecting who and what is there because they are ungrounded (note the hovering position, several feet above the air) and very closed-off. Note the body language of the crossed arms and legs. They are on the defensive.
Note the tree (family tree) behind. This is one way out of the whole problem. This person needs to get back to his or her family roots. To ground. To centre. To focus. To feel the earth beneath his or her feet and take shelter in the family itself, or at least to grasp the origins. Remembering who you are is about remembering where you come from. Perhaps the family is the hidden core of the issue. A bit of digging might reveal that. Or is going back to the family, the solution?
There is Neptune symbolism in this card as he rules both clouds and blindness. You might look for Neptune by transit in the chart, or transits to natal Neptune. There is a certain unreality about this person. How can he or she be so blind to such solid gold potential?
Note the way the person here is in the lotus position but not grounded – floating in mid-air. As I’ve mentioned, the crossed arms are stubborn, resistant and unhelpful. This is blocked energy, in terms of Reiki, which requires you to be open, with palms facing upwards, to receive healing.
This is an archetypal experience shown clearly by Pamela’s vision, perhaps of herself; certainly of other people. A lack of enjoyment, a lack of appreciation, a lack of gratitude; awareness; perception. Everything is shunted onto the emptiness of particular relationships or friendships (empty gold cups) but the fact is, one never knows if the cups are full or empty, until there is some effort and investigation! How can you discover anything or anybody when you are not even on planet Earth with the rest of them?
People who pull this card usually instantly recognise themselves in the song Satisfaction in the portrait, or they quickly see that this is a picture of someone in their world, who may be mildly depressed, apathetic, unmotivated or feeling lost. The cups are all around but nothing is good enough. If the person changes, that can change. The cups can be enjoyed.
There is work to be done with the Four of Cups. Pamela’s cards are really about transforming reality by transforming attitudes. Everything here can be changed with effort. The rather unimpressed, flat, somewhat sad figure could open up, relax, unbend. Surely this is a candidate for yoga (proper yoga, not the kind that leads to feeling defensive or ungrounded) or just sport. This is mild depression as a physical condition, because the person who is so removed from he real world, and so distanced from other people, is in knots. Pamela occasionally portrays people caught in such a way: The Hanged Man is another.
It’s time to stop sulking or wallowing and start getting physical. Going for a walk is enough. The countryside all around is lush and inviting. Perhaps then it is time to go and talk to a medical professional, or just to understand that mild depression or low mood can be addressed by all sorts of alternative methods, from Reiki to running.
The person, in short, has to work on himself or herself, before we even get to the three or four relationships/friendships on offer. The tree behind is a tremendous clue. Look to Cancer and the Fourth House, which is associated with the branches on the family tree, as well as one’s historic, cultural and local roots. Literally, where you come from. There are some real questions here about the parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and grandparents in this story.
You can see how much happier this figure under the tree would be, if the arms and legs were uncrossed, the feet were on the ground, the family tree was seen as a shelter (not just unseen background) and the glittering cups (three people, with a fourth potential face) were enjoyed, appreciated and examined for all they offer. The landscape around is there to be explored as well. This is a card which shows someone who does not appreciate all he or she has been offered in life, because of a lack of perception and grounding. An action plan is called for with the Four of Cups, far more than many of the cards in the Smith-Waite Tarot.
Hello, I really enjoyed this call, was the first one I’ve done with you and won’t be the last. I have Chiron at 28 deg of Taurus (my 7th House) and I pulled the Emperor (Aries, I have fortuna at 25 deg Aries I think but no other Aries factors). What might this mean for me for this cycle? I like the energy. THANK YOU
Thank you very much. The Emperor has the zodiac hidden around him, as you saw – Aries the ram. This is your boss, possibly your father or husband, certainly an older authority figure; a senior male who has made it to the top. He is quite isolated by success. Yet, this can work for you if you find a way to talk on his level of business, or finance, or career. You have patterns from 27 Taurus to 27 Virgo, in your Sixth House of work, so this feels more like a client or employer of some import. What you two figure out will have a big impact on your C.V. and projects and of course it could pay. Sometimes you even replace the Emperor so you take the old man’s job.
Evening Jessica
I chose the Knight of Swords as my tarot Jupiter in Taurus experience.
Any insight is fab, cheers
This looks like it will be about the family tree as you have Mars in Cancer in the Fourth House of the clan and ancestors. Mars is your need to act and to do it swiftly and decisively. A younger man is the catalyst here. You may feel you have to intervene and slow him down, or even stop him. As Jupiter moves into a sextile with Mars this will be the case. The family tree probably does need some work; it’s long overdue and he is the catalyst.
Thank you very much for the New Moon Zoom meeting tonight Jessica. I drew 4 of Pentacles from the tarot and you said it would often reflect what’s going on in my birth chart and my novice interpretation is that it does exactly that? I have Taurus 02 in Taurus money and 28 in Cancer property. Can you expand for me please.
Thank you. You will make a nice amount of money or save it by May 2024 with that chart and Tarot card. It can be tempting to hang on and hold on, which is fair enough, but keep an eye on the property market in the background. Your Taurus/Cancer placements are exactly about that. In fact if you look at the person’s circled arms you will see the Cancer glyph hidden in there. This is the long interpretation:
Sitting pretty or looking greedy? It really depends on your point of view. The Cancer symbol is hidden in this man’s encircled arms. He is hugging the money, standing on the money and it even adorns his crown. As with all Pamela’s illustrations, this man can be you, even if you are a woman. Here we have a picture of the Trump family, don’t we? Those must be Trump towers in the distance and the clinging to cash is characteristic. Perhaps you see quite a different symbolic message. This card is for personal interpretation on the deepest level. Is this Scrooge? Perhaps it is you, with four sources of income, wondering who to pay, or where to donate profits.
Behind this character, as we’ve seen is property. The fact is, if you don’t let go, release and invest (or spend) you can find that the cash value of what you have and hold is irrelevant, compared to the rising value of houses or apartments – or business towers. That is one message about this card. Bitcoin is all very well, but what about the skyrocketing value of particular towns or nations, or specific listed buildings?
This man is grounded, yet also not grounded – he is floating in the air, if you look carefully. He’s Eight Miles High, to quote The Byrds, or Ten Feet Tall, to quote XTC. A great deal of money can be a high point; it makes us high; we hit the heights of success; we gain from investing in high-rise (spreadsheets in the sky) or perhaps we speculate on investing there. This could be any of the four Beatles at the height of their wealth. As Ringo Starr observed, he got high with a little help from his friends.
The grounding comes from the feet on the coins/pentacles and the astrological association with Taurus, an earth sign, and money. Capricorn, another earth sign, is associated with high-rise apartments and the penthouse suite or top floor. (The mountain goat who climbs to the top of the mountain). This is a mixed message. One is grounded in money like any good, materialistic, practical earth sign – Taurus is typical. Yet, here we also have someone whose feet do not touch the ground.
This card is also a symbol of the Fourth House ruled by Cancer (property) the Second House ruled by Taurus (cash flow) and the Eighth House ruled by Scorpio (assets) too. You can see the zodiac sign Cancer hidden in the curled arms. They resemble the Cancer the crab glyph.
Money can make us grasping, of course. The metaphor in this card is ‘To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer’ (he is holding on tightly, isn’t he?) We think about clutching our money, or hanging on to our values, perhaps. Safeguarding, protecting – but also grabbing – are suggested here. We talk about ‘money-grubbing’ and maybe that is also here!
Happiness is here, though. This wealthy man seems satisfied, full, secure, abundant – you would have to say it’s a rich symbol of someone who is really well set-up.
The trick with this card is to ask yourself how best money can be managed. Hanging on and holding on is one strategy, but the buildings behind hint at the possibility of an investment in property or premises, as we’ve seen. You also have to wonder at what holding on to money so tightly, does to a person’s life and character. Somewhere in that far-off city behind him is poverty. In Pamela Colman Smiths’s day, especially (in the Thirties, which she lived through) the towns were full of the poor. Perhaps this person is on the verge of transforming his attitude towards money and will give one of the four coins or 25% away. Maybe all of it.
The two big features in this card to interpret are the tightly folded arms and the feet on the ground/not on the ground. What are you being shown here and where can you take the card, in terms of directing the action or adding props, characters and backdrops?
Thanks for the Zoom session Jessica! I have stelliums in Taurus and Cancer. I pulled the King of Swords. It feels like my angry ex husband, as I plan to buy a new home. What do you think? Thanks again.
The King of Swords is Mars at 14 Taurus sextile Juno at 14 Cancer in your chart. Juno is commitment, Cancer is property. Mars is the god of war (so yes, your angry ex-husband or another tough man) and the two are linked. You can handle him. You just have to read his mind and talk to him in his language. This may also be a real estate agent, builder or the seller of the property you are buying. That can happen too. This is someone who calls you on your own Mars (you can also be tough) and things are very much on the line here about how committed you are; lots will come out of this.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for the new moon in Taurus session 🙂
You mentioned to look back June 2011-June 2012 at that time my life turned upside down, being 12 years very challenging in the finance front but also with a huge spiritual growth.From your twitter post you said If you have astrology chart factors at 27, 28, 29 degrees of any zodiac sign, push them on the New Moon and see what comes, May 9th-12th 2024. I have the placements below, can you give an example of how can I push on the new moon? How these placements may impact me in the next 12 years?
I have 27° 58′ Venus/Capricorn, 27°04′ Jupiter/Aquarius, 26°02′ Moon/Pisces, 28°09′ Mars/Taurus, 27°48′ Saturn/Gemini, 25°51′ South node retrograde, 25°51′ north node retrograde/Sagittarius, 27°33′ Uranus/Libra
I’ve got the Highest Priestess in the tarot
Thank you. Your placements are about success and ambition (Capricorn) and academia, education, publishing, the web and media (Sagittarius) and your Tarot picked this up. The High Priestess is you with a website, journal article, qualification or press clipping in your hand. This is going to be a great year for you as Jupiter and the New Moon pick up Capricorn/Sagittarius in your chart.
Jessica, thank you (and Alicia) for the Zoom session just now. When Jupiter goes to 28 degrees in May 2024 – it will conjunct my Mars in Taurus and oppose my Jupiter in Scorpio, square my Midheaven in Aquarius/IC in Leo, trine my Fortuna in Capricorn. I just pulled the King of Wands in the Zoom session which I have the few times I pulled cards this year, a repeating message. I was picking up in your Zoom session the interpretation perhaps his wand is broken off from the oak tree and needs replanting yet he is not aware? May I please have your thoughts about my chart also? Thank you so much. And the live sessions are a real treat, thanks again! Best Cecelia
Thank you I will pass that on to Alicia. The King of Wands card is about a good idea which could thrive and grow, but one which is being held up by a man who is dithering or lacking certainty. He may be your boss, colleague, business partner and so on. You could certainly get involved. He may delegate to you or you could assist him. This is your Fortuna in Capricorn, the sign of paid work or unpaid work. He may lack confidence or just not have a plan. It does involve you though of course you could choose to walk away! This plan has legs though, if he could only walk it in the right direction.
Hi Jessica, just got of my first zoom call with you; it was great! I have been through a very long and very murky stretch with no visibility and nothing that really “took” (i tried to launch a new business in june 2011-2012 – didn’t take of). I have a stellium in taurus in my birth chart (and 4 other ones at 28 degrees). The tarot card i drew during the zoom session was the ace of wands. I really hope that this transit will change life for the better, especially financially. Is there anything you can see in my chart (so i know where to direct my energies?) Thanks a bunch!
Thank you so much. I will pass that on to Alicia. The Ace of Wands, together with your chart, suggests the big idea is here (or will arrive) and when that happens, you need to be quick to plant in the right location. You could do research on that now; if not, be ready to do some rapid investigation because concepts come and go all the time (even dazzling ones like this) and fall over unless they are moved to the right space to thrive. Sometimes the right region or country. The degrees 25, 26, 27, 28 at the end of the cycle (so the year 2024) are suggested here; January through May 2024 triggers your whole chart actually, not just the Taurus business side of things. You see the Gemini/Sagittarius side picked up too, so this is the internet (Gemini) or the media; publishing or the communication/connection industries (Sagittarius and Gemini together). The idea of transplanting something is there too with these sign, which rules location, location, location.
Hi Jessica
I pulled the eight of pentacles. I am working extremely hard at the moment. Could you possibly look at my chart and see what it may mean?
Best wishes Selina
Selina, hard work is great for boosting your finances to May 2024.
This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.
The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.
Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.
The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’
Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.
There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’
Hi Jessica, Just double-checking if my comment/question posted from May 18 3:57am? I’m sure the queue must be overflowing. I had a Taurus and virgo stellium I was curious about for Jupiter. Thank you kindly!
Yes, the queue is long at the moment, both for this feature and for the website in general. Thank you for your patience. You are in for a terrific 12 months with a new job offer if you want it; a promotion (if you do the work); a number one hit in its field; a big upgrade with your existing position. Jupiter will help you save or make a lot of money and pick up Virgo in your chart, which is your career.
hi jessica i really enjoyed our zoom call today. thank you so much, thanks so much to Alicia and everyone else who made it happen. There was what looked like an “orb” going right across your face on the screen and almost rainbow faint tinge of colours. I got the King of Swords Jessica. What does this mean. I was also offered a very part time job today and got an unexpected call to discuss another job in a global company. The second job is my preference (I think). Do you have any insights to help me and what the King of Swords might mean in terms of jupiter in taurus. My NN is at 28 Sag. too and Diana at 27 scorpio?! many thanks again.
Thank you. I did have spirit world interference during the Zoom which is why our video and audio kept going off. I could not see the light orb but a few readers did mention it. We never record the sessions, of course, so that’s that! The King of Swords is your new superior or colleague at the company and/or with the part-time job. This shows up in your chart as you have Mars at 1 Taurus and we are now at Mars at 0 Leo, Pluto at 0 Aquarius and Jupiter at 0, 1 Taurus so this is about not clashing swords – but dealing with your need to protect or defend with finance, business, property – and the buffalo stance of a man coming the other way. Negotiating about a salary would be an example of this. This is the full interpretation:
This man can axe people (sack them) or make budget cuts. That is what his sword is for. He is powerful, intimidating and confronting. There are quite a few cards in Pamela’s deck which suggest Mars in astrology and this is one of them. There is cold and controlled anger here. This man is a coiled spring. He is the kind of human being who populated the war that arrived in Pamela’s lifetime, but also the Second World War too. We talk about ‘bloodless anger’ and the pallor of the King’s face suggests that this is someone who has felt all the emotion but tightly marshalled it. What we are left with is someone who is potentially lethal.
Of course, in civilised modern life (and we would hope you and he have a civilised modern life!) the King is just the tough former husband; the difficult partner; the intimidating boss; the hard taskmaster father. It is unusual to find the armed services here, although it can happen. The brutal businessman is a good example of the King of Swords today. The property developer who does not care who or what he destroys.
The butterflies on the King’s throne suggest Psyche, a horoscope symbol of what lasts forever. Psyche’s representation, the butterfly, can also be found on the Queen of Swords card, too. Perhaps it is the strongest and most formidable people who leave behind, the longest legacies. This is certainly true if you think about military figures past; The Duke of Wellington sculpted in stone and lending his name to a New Zealand city as well as a famous kind of boot!
The Queen and King of Swords, with their butterflies, remind us that what is carved out, endures. Like his female counterpart, the King of Swords hacks out a reputation, or cuts his legacy.
The story of Cupid and Psyche is being told on his throne and perhaps the asteroid Cupido in astrology is also part of his past. To the Romans, Cupido was the lover of Psyche, who was put to tests and trials by his mother Venus, and rewarded with immortality. This intensely romantic story has been captured in sculpture and it’s there in his background. Part of his back story involves a love that never died, or never dies. The King of Swords is not conscious of it, no, not at all – but it is there, forming part of his background.
You can see another couple (a pair of love birds) to the right of him. It’s interesting that someone so apparently cut off from human emotions, should be surrounded by so many symbols of past or potential future romance. Perhaps that is what has made him, the way he is. The King of Swords may be divorced and angry, deep down. He may have been disappointed in love, or just married and entered into family life, but lost the passion that began it all. Thus, the feelings have gone, to be replaced by this classically old-school masculine pose of control and strength.
The family trees of both his mother and father are shown to his left and right. This is interesting, if you know the story of either family, as it suggests that there is an explanation from either or both sides, as to his character and life to date. The family trees are there for a reason, even if the King is not fully aware of them. Perhaps he is descended from the Army, Air Force or Navy on one or both sides.
Note the clenched fist and furious, yet restrained, expression. A good man to have on your side when things are difficult and you need a champion or hero. A terrifying man to have against you unless you can persuade him to negotiate peacefully.
This, like all of Pamela’s cards, is there to be ‘worked’ although it is rather more difficult than some of her other Tarot theatre sets. How do you change this character? You cannot. But you can introduce people, or new props, which make it less important for this intimidating king to hang on quite so tightly to that enormous lethal weapon. You get the impression this king would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the therapist’s couch, and yet any psychologist would have a field day with his psyche. This brings us back to Psyche (capital P) and the question about who or what lives forever – endures – about the King of Swords or his life.
Hi Jessica,
This is such an insightful article. I work in Data Analytics field and I am now expanding into scientific research for medical companies. I am meeting a ton of new faces who’s first language is different – foreigners. I also am learning academic research on-the-go. All this is very exciting – 100% new stuff – but I am also nervous. What are some words of wisdom from your end?
Thank you. You are describing Sagittarius in your chart and you have a stellium there. It is the sign ruling the Ninth House of foreigners. You also have a Virgo stellium – Virgo rules data and also medicine. No need for nerves. You are the right person in the right place at the right time. This period through May 2024 is about hard work with meticulous detail and tremendous finesse. Your sense of duty to others will pay off. You will also find your own lifestyle and wellbeing benefits from new options and opportunities.
Hi Jessica, I’ve written you three times asking for help with my Jupiter in Taurus to see what it means for me. I would appreciate if you could help me out. Thank you, Jessica.
Thank you Anthony. There are 18,108 questions across the whole website and 236 just on this thread, so I am sorry that your three comments have gone back in the queue. Your chart shows you are a Sun Sagittarius man with stelliums in Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio. From June until early 2024 you will be back with a familiar financial, business, charity or property issue that tested your willpower before. This time it’s a replay or rewind and you know what to do. That will be the end of it and you should go into 2025 feeling empowered. That was then, this is now. The big financial gap in values or the differences between yourself and others over your life budget, vanishes in July. You will see fantastic support for your career, unpaid work or academic career – starting now. Even if you are beset by delays and rescheduling as May ends, from June you realise you were right to trust the potential and by May 2024 may have been promoted; landed a new job, secured a bit hit and so on as Jupiter picks up your hard-working Virgo side and nicely trines your ambitious Capricorn side. Nothing succeeds like success.
Hi Jessica, Sounds like your webinar was fascinating. I am so sorry I couldn’t be there. Envious of those who could participate. So I read their interaction with you afterwards with great interest. Do you ever record these events and make them available to your members? That would be super interesting as I am really fascinated by your insights, even if I cannot be part of the live event. My question: I am Sun Taurus (2nd House 23 degrees) with the Natal Moon in Aquarius at 28 degrees (10th house) and both Jupiter and Uranus at 24 Cancer (4th House) with Pluto at 24 Leo (rising sign) I am a writer and I was once told by another astrologer that my creative breakthrough would come when Jupiter ‘hits’ my Pluto and Uranus ‘hits’ my Moon (sic). Am still working and waiting. Any sign of this configuration up ahead? Thanks for all your wonderful work! Warmest wishes, Emma.
Thank you. We had a good Zoom session with some spirit world interference, which is good for mediums, but can play havoc with the technology. We do not record them as people ask intensely personal questions. As a writer, Emma, you look to Taurus and Scorpio for money, but Gemini and Sagittarius for success. They can be different as you know. You have the typical Gemini and Third House patterns of an author and scriptwriter and will be given one opportunity after another from May 2024 into the year 2025. Keep the ideas as from 2026 new technology will offer you a new outlet for them.
Hi Jessica, I love the work you do!
I am a Sun Leo with stelliums in Virgo (7), Taurus (5), Cancer (4), Pisces (4) and Scorpio (4). My stellium in Taurus has 5 placements – Fortuna at 00’, Diana at 3’, Hygeia at 12’, Proserpina at 21’ & my Ascendent at 27’.
Can you enlighten me on how Jupiter in Taurus will affect me with these Taurus placements please?
I have been considering starting a small business and also wanting to move to a better home but am seeking clarity on the right idea and decisions around these. I would appreciate your insight regarding anything you can see in my chart.
Many thanks.
Thank you. Jupiter in Taurus will bring you money saved, or money made, by May 2024 and it will happen in a chain of events. You should definitely look at a small business and property move, more than once, as Jupiter will also pick up your Cancer and Virgo placements. So you are in the right place at the right time, more than once, and it’s now or never by May 2024. Once Mercury stops faffing about from 1st June a lot of what has been circular or stuck will proceed. You have likely seen the potential but not the delivery yet, but that will come.
Thank you for your response, Jessica. The Four of Cups signifying the golden relationships I fail to appreciate made me blush with shame. New Moon, New (gr)Attiude 🙂
Hi Jessica, I enjoyed the Zoom call on the New moon in Taurus earlier today. I have also put this question on twitter before I realised there was an option to comment on here, sorry in advance for the double question.
I’m looking for clarity, as i pulled out The Sun Tarot card, my stellium is in Aries, Taurus Asc, Virgo & Jupiter 29 degrees, pluto 23 degrees.
Hygeia, volcano & salacia all at 28 degress, You mentioned 22 degrees as important for 2024? Both Minerva and Vesta are in Taurus at 22 degrees. My family and I are currently living back in the U.k (since 2017), we lived in Australia for 25 years. Would love to know if the planets are good for our finances, and if they improve so we can return to Australia.
Appreciate you for all you are sharing, guiding us through these weird and wonderful transits. Xx
Thank you. Twitter is a good first place to begin as I am on @jessicacadams every day catching up with the news and with friends, as well as readers. The Sun isn’t about your finances, but it is about the Cancer and Leo placements in your chart, which Jupiter will pick up. You are back in the UK and so young relatives or new arrivals are far more important. This may be godchildren for example.
Whenever this card turns up it puts a smile on your face, or your Tarot reader’s, because it is a shot of pure joy, delivered by Pamela Colman Smith all the way from 1909. So much energy is poured into this illustration it radiates years later. It is, of course, about a child. It can also be about someone old enough to be your own child. So, you could be 60 and this younger person may be 40! This is unusual, though. Mostly, we have a message here about welcome turning points and celebratory moments involving children or teenagers. Sometimes – a pregnancy.
This is pure Leo and Fifth House symbolism. Leo is ruled by the Sun – which shines here among sunflowers. The play on words here is also evident. The Sun can be ‘the son’ and so, the son and heir. It is amazing how often this card will turn up when a couple are going through IVF treatment and hoping for good news. The son and heir is on the way, even if this is an adoption.
We also associate sunflowers with ‘son flowering’ and the blossoming of youth. This card appears when children do well at school, or a girl becomes the captain of her netball team. It can be quite literal, in that a nephew does well at the local gymkhana.
This sign rules the next generation. Sons, daughters, godchildren, young relatives or just younger faces to be mentored, guided or entertained.
It dazzles with its radiance and happiness. Look at the horse, the flowing red fabric (right) and the wall behind for clues. Look also to the face inside the Sun and the child’s headpiece. Pamela’s cards work best when they are used as psychic triggers and just sitting with the imagery here and letting it speak to you can be useful.
Leo is associated by rulership with The Fifth House which rules the heirs to the throne. The son or daughter who inherits the ‘kingdom’ or influence, insight and inspiration of a parent, godparent, grandparent, step-parent, aunt, uncle and so on. The Sun rules Leo the lion, in the zodiac, and it is interesting that both J.K.Rowling (Harry Potter) and Beatrix Potter were born under this sign. I mentioned the play on words with Sun/son and the idea of a son and heir. The Royal Family has a high Leo count.
This card has traditionally been associated with a ‘yes’ answer if the question is about pregnancy or adoption, as I’ve mentioned – particularly with IVF. It can also turn up when a branch of the family tree turns up again. This card has a summery, celebratory feel.
Children can make everything seem new and different – exciting – and there is such joy oozing from this card. Pamela Colman Smith never had children, but she had a flair for communicating in a childlike way and a gift for understanding folk stories and myths.
This card is also ‘the golden girl’ or ‘the golden boy.’ The sign of Sagittarius is hinted at too, with the horse. In fact, all the horses in Pamela’s cards can reveal a Sagittarian theme – exploring and having adventures – learning and growing. Sagittarius rules the Ninth House of the chart, which is associated with education and academia, books and libraries, websites and the expansion of the mind. Perhaps you have factors in Sagittarius under transit now, or you may be experiencing a Sagittarius transit.
My comment is still awaiting moderation. (18 May 2023 at 2.12am). I hope you can attend to it. Looking forward for your thoughts.
Thank you.
This has been a popular discussion, and I can see 241 comments up ahead, so yours is back in the queue I’m afraid. Looking at your chart, you are a Sun Libra woman with stelliums in Libra, Sagittarius and Cancer. You will gain from your house, apartment, land or property investments now through May 2024 as Jupiter will. be sextile your Cancer stellium in the Fourth House of home and housing, accommodation, leases, mortgages and Air B&B. Any issues you have with the same, will be helped by Jupiter and it is quite common for people to buy in the area they want, at a cheaper price, or to find an existing home goes up in value.
Thanks Jessica I found the Zoom call a much easier experience today – I have Hygeia at 16 Taurus and Jupiter at 12 Taurus – do you think the universe might finally change my luck. I got 7 of Cups today and it looked a bit like a celebration of sorts to me to see so many cups even though I thought the explanation was not so positive.
Thank you. You are in luck as you have your Jupiter Return ahead of you and will win big prizes; win money; be given large lump-sum project payments; sign a lucrative contract; find the value of a home doubles; land a huge bargain which goes up in value – and so on. The Seven of Cups is about reaching for it and making it real. You can see the jewels and the property in the cloud. The person is you. This is the bigger message
This is the most important card in the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. This surprises some professional Tarot readers, because it is a Minor Arcana card. It is also less striking, say, than cards like the Two of Cups, or the Ten of Staves.
The card shows a person in silhouette, in the shadows (that is the first clue: everything and everybody is a shadow projected on a wall) who is confused by a billowing cloud of rich symbols, ranging from diamonds and pearls, to a skull and snake.
It took me several visits to Dublin before I understood this card. Pamela Colman Smith, who created it, was mentored by W. B. Yeats. Both were involved in magic. Magic spells and their outcomes are expressions of quantum reality. In other words, there is no single, objective reality. Science tells us (in fact has proven) that until we measure what is ‘real’ it can exist in at least two states at once, and logically, many more. It’s like Doctor Who. Many words. Many universes.
What you measure with, defines what you find. What you measure with, is in your head. This is how astrology works. So many people do not understand that astrology is science. Quantum mechanics. The multiverse theory, which proposes that what we get, is what we see. A flipped version of the famous saying.
Astrology which rests on angles and aspects, divided from a circle of 360 degrees, is a yardstick for a particular sort of reality. A certain kind of universe. It’s quantum uncertainty writ large. No wonder astrology has not just survived, but thrived, over the last 2000 years or so. It’s a beautiful fit for multiverse theory.
The realisation of dreams, wishes and hopes by supernatural means is one way of defining magic. W.B. Yeats (very likely, the third man who worked on the Smith-Waite Tarot) lived a few doors away from – not a magician – but an outstanding scientist whose emerging 20th century field of quantum mechanics was also about mystery. Quantum uncertainty.
Across the square, Merrion Square, in the heart of Dublin, there is a plaque to Oscar Wilde, whose wife Constance was a magical acquaintance of Yeats in The Golden Dawn.
Across Dublin itself was the theatre impresario Annie Horniman, who founded her company on the back of a Tarot card reading – more magic and mystery. The Golden Dawn members had extraordinary lives. It could be said that W.B. Yeats used magic to win a Nobel Prize. Who knows? Only Yeats.
This is a card dominated by a cloud. Unpopped possibilities. Competing parallel universes. A multiverse full of ghosts, poisonous people (snakes), palaces, diamonds and pearls, victory and dangerous dragons. None of it is real. It is all a projection. The imagination, hope, fears and daydreams of someone living in a quantum world. Time to pop what you want in favour of what you don’t want. Nothing is real until you look for it, and measure it. It is the act of measuring that decides which universe you get, and so the measurements you use (astrology, perhaps?) become extremely important. The most obvious measuring device non-astrologers use is memory, based on apparent years or months; birthdays; old calendar dates. Time is a construct. There is nothing real about it.
So, if you really want to get into this card, which for me is the most important in the entire deck, you’ll begin by considering what you assume to be true about the past. Your past measurements of time. It is on this that you base your projections of the present and future so it’s worth a much closer look, if you are projecting all these rich fantasies and horrid visions!
The person in silhouette here is nothing to herself/himself. Just a slide projector whirring in the dark while the ‘show’ takes place on the facing wall. The trick with this card is ‘Know thyself’ and to understand that nothing is real. There are only realities to find. You may want to use measurements that serve you, when judging what is ‘there’ for you.
Hi Jessica
Thanks for the great article again !!
I have the following in my birth chart
Pluto 26° Libra 28′ 25″
Cupido 28° Libra 48′ 52″
Vulcano 28° Capricorn 58′ 02″
Diana 23° Scorpio 28′ 06″ and
have Chiron in Taurus
Last one year from April 2022 is full of stress from my job and now I decided to go back to my old employer
Can you please look at my chart and shed some light how this cycle impacts me
Thank you. The issues with your job are down to Vulcano at 28 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career. It is square Cupido at 28 Libra in the Seventh House of duets and duels. So your job has involved a duel with one or more other people and now you are back in your old job again. That is the New Moon at 28 Taurus, so you are living your chart. New Moon, new start. You have a huge Libra stellium and Jupiter in Taurus will not affect that much, but the South Node in Libra certainly will. Starting in July running through to early 2025, you have karma with a partner (old or new) from 18-19 years before. You are owed, or you owe. Closure will come with this person. It is usually a marriage though it can be a professional partnership. If you gave, on the previous cycle, you receive on this one. If you need to settle up with someone, or the universe, that situation will also arise.
Thanks Jessica! By the way, I love the weekly Sun Sign School sessions. After the scheduled sessions are completed, will you take a break then restart them later this year? I’m learning a lot out of a personal rather than professional interest, so thank you.
Thank you. Yes, Alicia and I will be back later in 2024 with more pop-up weekend Zooms for Sun Sign School subscribers. We are glad you enjoy them.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for a great event I couldn’t stay for all of it so I drew the 6 of wands this evening.
I would also love to get your thoughts on this new moon based on what you see in my birth chart I have Virgo at 28D and Taurus 0 Hygeia & North Node 10D in Taurus. Is there anything I should be on the look out for or to expect? I’m feeling at a crossroads in my career and looking for more financial income but feel a little bit lost to stay in property and also get a part time job to help fund my own business or change paths. Any guidance would help.
Much appreciated x
Thank you. Your Six of Wands card will comment on your astrology transits with Jupiter in Taurus, even if you could not stay for the full event. You are lucky to have that Virgo (work) and Taurus (money) combination as Jupiter will pick it up by May 2024 at the very latest. You may get a part-time job or a full-time one, actually. You could also stay where you are but have a huge achievement.
Victory, success and a big win on the board. This card delivers exactly what it shows. The Romans used to weave wreaths for triumphant leaders. Here we have a winning idea – actually, a winning project, plan or argument which is composed of many similar ideas. Many voices on the same hymn sheet. You can see two people in the army or team on the left who must have been involved, or who have either backed the plan, or perhaps not – I will leave it to you to judge the expressions. There is certainly a star here, as there always is, when one wins the war or an election. Yet nothing happens because of one person. And ‘the crowd’ or the masses must be considered.
The leader, hero or heroine is front-and-centre. The horse looks rather smug and coy and this may represent a person or ‘vehicle’ for the victor.
Jupiter is in this picture because he rules oak leaves and oaks. This is an opportunity waiting to happen, which Jupiter is also associated with. Natally or by transit Jupiter may now be central to the chart. This card feels big. Jupiter rules whatever is huge, like a really thundering landslide, such as won by President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris in 2020.
Jupiter also rules Sagittarius the archer and of course here we have a man on horseback, looking rather Sagittarian. It may be a woman; Pamela Colman Smith worked with Shakespearean actors and their friends and colleagues, where gender was fluid to say the least.
This is the procession or inauguration, the ticker-tape parade or the grand celebration. Now what? All those ideas, projects, concepts, plans and voices can now be put to good use. Great leaders or victors are not above the others. They may be ‘higher than’ and in an elevated position for a time, riding high and all the rest, but sooner or later one has to realise that every single face in the crowd matters.
Don’t rest on your laurels is the message here. The acorn shapes on the horse’s bridle also suggest ‘From little acorns come mighty oaks.’ This is very much a card to look for if there is a Jupiter transit coming up, or transits to natal Jupiter, as it shows where and when the big finish might come from. Jupiter is forever associated with the grand finale and quite often with the massive relief and release that comes after a long period of not knowing. It is really important to identify who the figure on horseback is, though. Look for clues.
Hi Jessica, Can you please tell what the New Moon, Uranus, the North Node and Jupiter in Taurus will mean to me in the coming year? This is repeat question under New Moon article. Thanks in advance.
DESC 04° Aquarius 46′ 21″
Saturn 23° Aries 22′ 07″ R
Chiron 00° Aries 51′ 50″ R
Hygeia 02° Aries 52′ 42″ R
NorthNode 09° Aries 38′ 38″
Proserpina 21° Cancer 49′ 35″
Moon 00° Capricorn 56′ 01″
Salacia25° Capricorn 05′ 37″ R
ASC 04° Leo 46′ 21″
Diana 11° Leo 44′ 36″
Apollo 13° Leo 55′ 12″
Sun 05° Libra 45′ 29″
Uranus 00° Libra 00′ 39″
SouthNode 09° Libra 38′ 38″
Bacchus 05° Sagittarius 41′ 15″
Ops 02° Sagittarius 17′ 48″
Vulcano 02° Sagittarius 53′ 32″
Mercury 00° Scorpio 06′ 43″
Venus 02° Scorpio 38′ 05″
Neptune 24° Scorpio 32′ 12″
Juno 16° Scorpio 10′ 26″
Ceres 20° Scorpio 42′ 31″
IC 03° Scorpio 07′ 14″
Panacea 17° Scorpio 56′ 00″
Psyche 25° Scorpio 16′ 20″
Vesta 02° Taurus 35′ 49″ R
MC 03° Taurus 07′ 14″
Minerva 11° Taurus 29′ 01″ R
Aesculapia 22° Taurus 52′ 46″ R
Mars 04° Virgo 25′ 58″
Jupiter 20° Virgo 39′ 26″
Pluto 23° Virgo 09′ 34″
Fortuna 13° Virgo 52′ 20″
Cupido 20° Virgo 21′ 53″
You have a huge Scorpio-Taurus pattern in your natal chart so it’s normal for you to feel the big difference between your attitude towards money, shopping, houses, charity, business, valuables, apartments – and that of a partner or relative. It works within marriage and co-habiting sexual relationships, but also with parents or other family members. There’s a gap. You may be a big spender and they are frugal. Or you may be a conservationist and they are a consumer. This stretch ends in July 2023. The nodes move off Scorpio and Taurus. Ongoing, you will be given the opportunity to save or make money into 2024. This will help you find solutions as you deal with the other person/the other people in the situation.
Mercury 00° Scorpio 06′ 43″
Venus 02° Scorpio 38′ 05″
Neptune 24° Scorpio 32′ 12″
Juno 16° Scorpio 10′ 26″
Ceres 20° Scorpio 42′ 31″
IC 03° Scorpio 07′ 14″
Panacea 17° Scorpio 56′ 00″
Psyche 25° Scorpio 16′ 20″
Vesta 02° Taurus 35′ 49″ R
MC 03° Taurus 07′ 14″
Minerva 11° Taurus 29′ 01″ R
Aesculapia 22° Taurus 52′ 46″ R
Hi Jessica, I am getting ready to join your session today to learn about the amazing Jupiter transit. As always I am very grateful to you for sharing your time, insights and talent with all of us. The past years were really difficult to say at least (personally and professionally).
Where I can expect the biggest changes (potential) because I am ready to make them, even the big ones. I do not want to waste my time anymore on people or places where I do not fit in.
Please thank Alicia for her time and support.
Thank you.
Thank you. I will pass that on to Alicia. It’s a pleasure to host these Zoom events for our Astrology and Tarot meetups. One of the good things about using astrology and Tarot in combination is that you can save time and energy on people and places where you do not fit in. (Or they do not fit you, and that is their loss). You have an Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House so you are in transition from your old social life and your former networks, into the new. It can feel quite difficult, like a chrysalis becoming a butterfly. Or, the egg cracking as the new you emerges. It is very common for strongly Aquarian women to feel as if they can’t find the right social or professional environment in these transits, but you will find 2024 is the year it all begins in the right way. You don’t have to wait that long. You can slowly start setting things up now. But, 2024, 2025 and beyond will bring big changes that not only bring in the right people, they also put you in quite a powerful position with them.
Dear Jessica, I have so much to share about the Mercury Retro and my trip to the U.S. for my son’s Doctorate conferment where a same name hotel was booked but in a remote part of town and we descended to the right hotel but it was full. Ultimately had to pay for a lodge that was almost 5x what was paid originally! This is just one of the impacts from the Mercury Retro during our travel. Thank you once again for the lovely sharing of Jupiter in Taurus. I picked the Knight of Swords and after reading it, felt really uncomfortable what I will be facing from May 2023-2024. Your enlightenment is greatly appreciated.
A true prediction came when you answered one of my comments about the difficult time I had been facing in my business and that money would come in mid-May. A client just made a large payment on 17 May, with contract signed (started since December 2022) on May 16 and more payments coming end of month. This is such a relief and I hope for more (lol).
Look forward to hear from you. Thank you to you and Alicia for hosting the meetup.
Thank you. I will pass this on to Alicia. I am sorry you are having a typical Mercury Retrograde experience. And thank you for validating the true prediction – I said money in mid-May and you just got it. The Knight of Swords is your son, which I am sure you recognised as your son, or perhaps another son. This is the full interpretation. No need to feel uncomfortable, just work with the future.
The Knight of Swords is a younger man, who drives fast on his motorbike, or in his car. In his speed boat or on his jet ski. In Ancient Rome he would have been galloping on his horse, of course. He lives for the moment and responds in the heat of the moment, too.
He is a symbol of Mars and Aries in astrology. An energetic, fierce, fast and furious man wearing red (the Aries/Mars colour) hurtling at breakneck speed towards some kind of attack, or defence. I mentioned circumstances and context. You have to fill in the rest of the picture, here. Is he part of a United Nations Peacekeeping Force? Is he ‘the enemy’ as far as you are concerned?
Very occasionally this card can be you. You will know immediately if this is the case. You will recognise your fast and furious intention and the impact that adrenaline is having on you. There is not a great deal of thought or contemplation here. Just pure heat.
The trees on the left-hand side of the card are being bent backwards. This may be a comment on a family in the picture (family tree). Perhaps that is part of the issue. The Knight of Swords is charging in to defend a family member, or perhaps attack one. There may be strife in the clan. You can see Braveheart in the Knight of Swords.
The family tree may not be a directly connected part of the story here; it may be pure background or history. Perhaps the Knight of Swords comes from a troubled background where male aggression was the norm. This is really for you to interpret. Maybe he has ancestors who fought in the First World War; the Second World War. That legacy stays with him in the background.
The horse cannot see; flying blind, all it can do is try to keep up. Who or what is the vehicle for the Knight of Swords’ energy? Perhaps he has attached himself to a cause. It may be a ‘blind’ cause and so those involved may lack awareness or insight. They cannot see what you can see. That happens too, in war. And in peace.
There is a healthy warning here about driving too fast, or driving oneself or other people too hard. Accidents can happen as Elvis Costello noted. What we really get from this card is a sense of rushing, not thinking. Not seeing or understanding much, beyond the central, core mission. Or just the immediate reaction. That can lead to speeding fines or worse.
The rider is also rather blind. Look at the eyes and you will see the Knight of Swords is in an altered state. You might call it frenzy. The heat of the moment. We talk about ‘seeing red’ when we are angry.
Are there other ways to fight the good fight or seize the day than this? And what is the motivation here? What on earth is at stake? You can see the Aries glyph on the reins. Aries is a really good way into this card. Aries the ram is a symbol of male aggression where there is territory at stake, or the need to compete, fight and win. Aries the ram is linked to the idea of a battering ram – an ancient weapon.
Aries is of course ruled by Mars, which Pamela Colman Smith would have known. She created this image a few years before the First World War but accurately portrayed the rush to the front, which of course involved horses as well as riders, which claimed the lives of so many young men of her generation. This card was dreamed up in 1909 under the guidance of Arthur Waite, Pamela’s mentor and employer, from The Golden Dawn.
This is the Charge of the Light Brigade, but it is also the Vietnam War, which was there when Pamela and Arthur’s cards were popularly revived in the early Seventies by Stuart R. Kaplan.
The idea of harnessing energy and controlling feelings is very close to this card. Even if you are racing into an emergency, there must be time – even a few minutes – to plot and plan. To pause and strategise. Not everything has to be done in a single streak of raw energy. There is a saying: “He who hesitates is lost” but in this case, I am sure you can see that even a modest amount of hesitation could help the Knight achieve what he wants in a more successful way. There is something so reckless about this flight of his.
The rest of this card really has to be interpreted by you as it is so personal. Some of the Seventies readers of this card (popular among the hippies of California) would have been in the peace movement and strongly disapproved of Vietnam. Others may have had quite different feelings about the war and found the Knight of Swords to be a valiant force for good worth encouraging.
Hi Jessica, thank you for a great post, I’m excited for this to unfold! I seem to have a few factors at 28 and also 27 and 29 if they count too? I’d be really grateful for your insight into what I should ‘push’ over this next year please. I have so many aspects of life that need serious attention and transformation; from problems with my daughters mental health, plus a bullying ex husband to career and work life balance not to mention constantly struggling for money as a single parent! My factors are: Jupiter 28 Scorpio, Mercury 28 Sagittarius, Venus 28 Scorpio, the Moon 27 Aries, Pluto 29 Virgo and Salacia 29 Capricorn. I also drew the tarot card Ace of Wands. Thanks so much! Alexia x
Thank you very much. The New Moon has kicked in now and picked up Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and other chart factors. So whatever is taking off Friday, Saturday is important. You will know what that is. The universe is chatting to you. What was a first for you, Friday or Saturday, developing? There may be more than one ‘first’ related to the same thing. That is a going concern and a growing concern. Money eases from July when the big stretch is over with your ex-husband, as it is part of the Taurus-Scorpio node opposition, which is over for another 19 years in a couple of months’ time. You will be offered a powerful way to work differently and better in May 2024 which will change your life. It will also be empowering in health terms. That is a good long-term goal to work towards; Jupiter will come along at 28, 29 Taurus and trine Pluto in your Sixth House and also trine Salacia in your Tenth House. Two bites at the cherry.
Hi Jessica
Would you give me some insight as to how this affects me and my chart? I am wondering what I can do to take full advantage of this.
You have a stellium in Taurus in your Second House of personal income, property, charity, business, possessions and values. Things can happen very quickly for you by May 2024 as you either win financial reward; sign a new contract; are offered something bigger and better than you may have thought. Go back to your core values, though. Where are your principles, ideals and ethics in relation to money? The more you have a wide vision of this the better you will do. And don’t stop with your ‘one’ project or plan in 2023-2024, see how it could grow across different areas in your life. That will help you the most Kara. Add a personal Tarot reading for guidance.
Hi Jessica…my comment is still awaiting moderation. Just wondering if you could look at my situation please. I need some advice desperately. Thank you so much.
The comments are not ‘moderated’ as such, they just show all the questions on the website which haven’t been answered. There are 18,107 of them this hour, and I’m afraid yours must be way down the queue. I can’t see a chart here as you are not a Premium Member so I can’t even do a general reading. Best bet is to use the Tarot on my website which is free. I use this for myself. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your clarity. Interestingly, I quit my membership in some professional organizations becaue I felt that our goals (missions) are not the same anymore. I am an academic with international background and education, and I do find some difficulties to be accepted by some groups (especially male dominated). I will see you shortly.
Hi Jessica – I really enjoyed your New Moon Zoom. I am a Taurus 25 degrees not 27. Cancer rising, Virgo moon. I am struggling to know if and how I can take advantage of this next year. BTW – I drew the 8 of Pentacles. Thank you for your site and horoscopes. You are spot on!
This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.
The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.
Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.
The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’
Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.
There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’
Hi Jessica,
Drew the Queen of Pentacles during the zoom meeting. Reading the description on the flipbook, it links the success of Beatrix Potter with this card. Just read a fascinating article today that experts argue that Brer Rabbit tales inspired her Peter Rabbit stories. “The unacknowledged debt Potter owed to the Brer Rabbit stories told by enslaved Africans deserves to be recognized, says scholar”. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/may/19/origin-of-beatrix-potter-tales-african-folklore-brer-rabbit
I looked at my chart and wonder what I owe. How do we know if we are owed or need to repay karmic debt? Hoping you can tell me more about what Jupiter 28° in Taurus means for me. I also have Juno 28° in Virgo and Panacea 28° in Gemini. My DESC is 29° in Taurus. Any guidance would be great to understand how to prepare.
Thank you. I am glad you have Pamela’s Tarot on your computer or phone now. How interesting about Potter, too. Perhaps her letters and diaries will tell us if this theory is true or not. How do you know if you are owed, karmically, or if you owe? The node will show you. I had a reader who had been poorly treated by a newspaper. On the node cycle, the same newspaper gave her a glowing write-up. She was owed, as she had been drawn into it by a charity where she was working for nothing. If you owe, however, something will come along that gives you a chance to repay the universe if not the original person/group/organisation. It can be quite broad, thematically, so you may be put in a position where you can help the son of a single mother, for example, because you owe one-parent families – from all those years ago. Only you will know and only you can tell what is going on. You will make or save a lot of money in 2024 and it starts now on this New Moon.
Hi Jessica—enjoyed the zoom talk on the new moon.
I drew 2 cards— the 10 of swords, and the 8 of pentacles. I really can’t relate to the 10 of swords. Do you have any advice for me? My sun is in Taurus, and moon in Aries.
Thanks so much.
Thanks Doreen. Why did you draw two cards? Go back and start again and this time just draw one, and you will see it line up with your chart.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for a great meet up tonight!
I pulled a Paige of Swords, I have a stellium in Taurus and Leo in North Node at 28.
I am living in the US but thinking about moving back to Europe eventually, where I am from, however, I’ve been also thinking about trying out new, more independent line of work, in real estate, in US, where I got my license, and I am torn if i I should pursue this before making the big move.
The card is a call to action, but which way? Am I reading this correctly?
Thank you so much, always appreciate your response!
Thank you Paulina. The Page of Swords is not you, it is a younger man in your life. So the Tarot did not comment on your question, it went to this:
Pages were young male servants in the theatre of Pamela’s day. This is a younger male, with the red boots of Aries (its colour is red) and the sword of Mars, the ruler of Aries. Of course girls and young women can dress up as young men. Who is this person? Perhaps it is a youthful and energetic part of your own personality, as much as a real person, as I’ve mentioned. Perhaps look to Mars in your chart, natally or by transit. Mars Retrograde, or Mars in square or opposition to other chart factors, can result in this kind of green light/amber light mixed signal.
We might associate this card with ‘Up and atom’ or ‘Up and at ‘em’ depending on how you read it. There is a certain amount of testosterone here, if the person in question is a young man or boy. The weather depicted by Pamela in this card is significant. This is not a calm, quiet, sunny day. It is really a day of tremendous gusts of wind, blowing us around, in search of a new direction. West, East, North or South? The page is unsure.
The family tree to the left is blown sideaways. This may be significant, if relatives or close family members are switching direction, or if there is some kind of disruption. Perhaps someone has come home to stay, or there is a departure. Maybe there is family politics, so the tree of one’s ancestors is being shaken. This seems to be part of the story, although it is in the background. It may be a background issue, or belong to the past, thus influencing the drive, personality and mixed feelings of this Page of Swords.
The group of birds, symbolising the Eleventh House, is scattering. In Pamela’s cards, read every detail. She knew groups very well, having been in The Golden Dawn (which indeed scattered its membership) and also involved in the Suffragette movement of early last century. She was quite sensitive to the hive mind, or group mind, and it shows up in quite a few of her cards. Here we see it as a flock, disrupted by the winds of change. This is another background feature, so it may belong to the past, or be an element of the situation approaching from the future.
Note that yellow, the colour of fear, is here too. The colours in Pamela’s cards really matter.
Saturn is a pale yellow colour and symbolises delays. This page is hesitating. Stay or go? Thrust and parry or head back? The winds of change are urging the page East but one foot is still turning West. This idea of turning on one’s heel, is really important if you are looking at the astrological chart, because we may be seeing a retrograde planet somewhere; likely Mars, but possibly Saturn (yellow) or even Mercury. There is a feeling of ‘Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?’ here, like The Clash anthem. If he goes there will be trouble, but if he stays it will be doubled…
Hi Jessica, I am also one of those waiting on the queue. Any chance you can see any improvement in my finances/work sector with this change of placement of Jupiter? Thank you!
You have a huge Virgo stellium and 23, 28, 29 degree patterns from Virgo to Capricorn. Both signs rule work. In 2024 you will have a chain of opportunities which help you to improve your lifestyle and workload, success and status, and it is quite common to gain a superior new job.
Hi Jessica,
I have been through a lot in terms of my health and hoping so very much for a good news. My latest medical results are one again a concern and Doctors still unable to figure out why as all the scans are clear.Will I have Jupiter’s help? Also I got Nine of Pentacles?
Thank you for your time and the great Zoom call,
Thank you Krassi. I am sorry you have this situation with your health. Health is Virgo and the Sixth House. Jupiter has nothing to do with that, and neither does the Nine of Pentacles. You have the North Node at 8 Virgo in an exact conjunction with Pluto at 8 Virgo and opposite is the South Node at 8 Pisces. For the first time in 29 years Saturn is going to 8 Pisces and triggering the aspect you were born with. This is a rare test of your self-control and willpower (Pluto) and it is directly tied to work, your unpaid work, housework and/or academic career. You need control there. You need to hold the reins and run the show. I suspect that your medical condition gets you time off work or even makes it necessary to leave work. So begin with that clue. Are you consciously doing and saying one thing about your job (say) and telling yourself things that your soul is in disagreement with? If so, your body will act it out, according to astrology, by giving you a reason, not to be there. Have a look at this and use the Tarot again to shed light. In astrology the Pisces and Twelfth House – Virgo and Sixth House axis is about the subconscious influencing the body, and it is usually about work, as Virgo also rules the tasks, chores and daily ‘asks’ we must do in service to others. I have included the Nine of Pentacles to explain it better, but it’s nothing to do with the work/health issue. This is very likely you by May 2024, or a woman you must negotiate with:
This woman is abundant, with a rich vineyard, coins at her fingertips and a lush property in the background. Who or what is the falcon on her hand? This may have personal meaning for you. It can be interpreted as an eagle, the bird of Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with opportunities, growth, optimism, expansion, generosity, blessings and largesse. There may be aspects to natal Jupiter when this card appears or transiting Jupiter may be making aspects, too. You might look to the Second House ruled by Taurus or the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio.
As I’ve mentioned, pace and timing really matter in this situation. Just look again at the slow-moving snail Pamela has popped into the foreground as well. This can be a slow market, or slow-growth investment. The snail tells us so much. It may represent a person or organisation you know. Patience is associated with the snail. Is there sloth or laziness there or just ‘slow and steady wins the race’? There may be snail mail here, or a snail’s pace. The point is, the lucky lady cannot see the snail or is ignoring it, yet God is in the details. This matters.
Everything in this woman’s garden is lovely, but until she stops her reverie and comes back down to earth, nothing will grow. This is a symbol of the urgent need for investment, re-investment and thoughtful expansion and management.
Without immediate care and attention, the grapes are going to wither on the vine. What a waste of a vintage year that could be. Grapes refer to Bacchus, the asteroid, in the astrology chart, too. Bacchus is a symbol of pure pleasure.
Here we have a falcon as well, in his hood, which as mentioned, can be interpreted as the eagle of Jupiter, as this is the bird which sees the big picture. There is a suggestion here that the lucky woman needs to rise above her current good fortune to also see the bigger picture. To expand and explore beyond her own immediate domestic or business bliss. If she were to see her garden from a higher perspective, she might gain a different view of its potential. As the astrologer Patric Walker used to write, “Let distance lend enchantment to the view.” There may be a person or organisation who plays the eagle or falcon, here. A messenger, observer or middle person. An agent or go-between. Perhaps technology is symbolised by the falcon, which could provide the broad scope of research and enquiry required to sweep the worldwide web for possibilities. Yet, much depends on the lady.
This card turns up when someone enquires about the financial potential of a project and is told ‘This is going to make a large amount of money.’ The grapes suggest Bacchus as a horoscope symbol and also Jupiter through the possible eagle in hand – and Bacchus was the son of Jupiter.
This card also reminds us that you have to grow grapes to make wine, but you also have to sell wine to make money – then keep replanting the grapes. This card lends itself to active imagination. Perhaps a gardener or two could be brought in. The snail clearly needs a safe sanctuary among the leaves so there is no risk of being trodden on or swept up. Sometimes, over the years, I have seen chocolate in this card. I did in fact turn it up in a reading for a woman who had made her fortune from the chocolate industry.
You can imagine a financial advisor could also be brought into the card, but there is also a great deal of monetary value placed on freedom, escapism, relaxation, bliss – nothing to do with bean-counting – by this woman. She clearly finds escaping from the number-crunching to be far more important than the calculator and profit margin.
There is also deep joy in her surroundings here, so this is literally ‘everything in the garden is lovely’. It may be a symbol for rainforests or wilderness, preserved from logging and deforestation, and that is quite priceless. Snails are obviously a delicacy in French restaurants, but it really depends on how you interpret the card; the meaning is much more likely to be slowness/delay/timing as an overlooked but important detail of the greater whole. A snail is part of a wider ecosystem and its presence shows the larger health (and thus great value) of a thriving property or farm.
Thank you Jessica for a great zoom session it was my first event and I definitely found it helpful and informative. It’s Interesting after the session ended I walked out of my office and saw my Christmas lights randomly turned on which was strange because they have been off since January. If you do get a chance to respond to my message can you please look at my chart and see how Jupiter and Taurus will affect me this year as I have 3 factors there. I did start a new job last October which was significantly better than my previous job in terms of stress but I don’t know if it still has the work life balance. in a previous question a few years ago you mentioned that I was going to have great career opportunity end of 2023-2024. Was this new job it or is there another better opportunity in the future? I did draw a 6 of pentacles in your zoom meeting. Thanks again for everything!
Thank you. I love this. Your Christmas lights went on. Both the British-Australian and American Zoom sessions had spirit world interference. As a medium I had spirit there both times, but it now looks as though lots of you had odd occurrences at home! That is someone in the family wishing you Merry Christmas. At 7, 10, 22, 23 degrees your career factors in Virgo and Capricorn are nicely spaced out so Jupiter will trine them four times. Four options with career. This is the Six of Coins for you:
This is a symbol of Taurus and the Second House and/or Scorpio and the Eighth House. It is also very much a symbol of Libra (the scales in the rich man’s hand). It’s Robin Hood, isn’t it? Or Mackenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, donating billions to people suffering in the 2020 Pandemic.
When you give money away you create a power-based relationship. When you beg for money you also create chemistry based on powerful feelings. Beyond the simple truth that money will be given away here (or perhaps lent; this could arguably be a banker) there is a big question about what money does to the soul.
There is a principle at stake with this card. Justice or fairness (the scales) and perhaps a legal ruling. Pamela Colman Smith quite deliberately put those meticulously balanced scales into the image. Libra rules the Seventh House of astrology, which describes former, current and potential partners. The partnerships can be personal (marriage) or professional (business). Who are the two recipients of generosity? Is there a partnership here and what does it count for?
Beyond Libra and the association with former, current and potential partners, we find Venus, the ruler of Libra, and thus the scales, in the picture. Venus is about the cost of marriage and the price of adultery. It is also about the value of beauty and the ‘reckoning up’ or settlement that comes with issues about justice. Fair play. Sometimes, legal rulings.
The gap between rich and poor here is extreme. What will the beggars do when they have their cash? Is begging a lifelong pattern? Would the rich man let go of his wealth if it meant the extreme gap between rich/poor was less so?
I have seen this card turn up both when someone is in the wonderful position of being able to pay others, in a less fortunate position, or even donate to them, or lend them money. It also turns up when people are down on their luck and are about to enjoy the relief and release of someone helping them out, with a hand-out. The only issue, as I say, is the motivation of the giver. There is also the common-sense question – when people get back on their feet, as you hope they will, how can they sensibly repay the original benefactor? Will there ever be a repayment?
Here you have a neat picture of capitalism. The rich, who are excessively rich, because they are at the sharp, top, pointy end of the system – and the huddled masses down the bottom who have almost nothing. These are coins being handed out, not notes. And the poor are not being covered in coins, they are receiving just a few. Given that the millionaire, multi-millionaire or billionaire (perhaps multi-billionaire) in question has so much, one has to wonder why those in rags are being given just a little.
There are more questions here to ask. Perhaps if those with nothing get too much (too much ‘something for nothing’) they will never know the value of money. As with all the Coins/Pentacles cards we are led back to Taurus, the sign which rules values. Your moral, ethical and philosophical value system is intensely personal and bound to be triggered by this card. Not everyone likes taking charity. Look at the expressions on the faces of the recipients. Then again, some people live on benefits and quite deliberately play the system, according to some.
Look at the face of the donor. Look at the attitude and body language. There is a tremendous message in this card, behind the mere fact of giving or lending. As with all Pamela’s cards, you also need to see if you can add stage directions. How could you direct this scene, add or remove actors or props? How could you turn it to your satisfaction, if indeed you have issues with what is being shown? This is Live Aid and Band Aid, isn’t it? As always with this card, you also have to wonder – what happens next?
Hi Jessica,
Wonderful Meet-Up tonight. I pulled the Chariot card for Jupiter in Taurus and would love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you. The Chariot always shows Gemini and the Third House (short journeys) or Sagittarius and the Ninth House (foreign journeys). This is about your Sagittarius stellium and no later than May 2024 this is coming –
This is a great symbol of the Ninth House in the chart as it suggests astronomy and astrology (stars on the canopy) and the Egyptian symbolism suggests academia, The British Museum – where Pamela’s colleagues in The Golden Dawn gathered – and foreign journeys.
You can see the symbol for the R.A.F. on the front of the chariot, which foresaw the air force which would be so important to Pamela’s country, some 30 years after she created this card.
Many people identify a red spinning top just below the R.A.F. wings. This is a tale of two cities or two countries. Someone once told me ‘The Charioteer has knowledge under his belt’ and so he/she does.
There are also two New Moons hidden in the epaulettes. This is one of those cards you can take apart, detail by detail and it usually reveals an intensely personal message which can’t be found in a book.
The reflective square on the tunic suggests a television, radar or computer screen. This is someone who is going places. It’s a trip but also a head trip. This card is full of so much symbolism you really have to interpret it for yourself in quite a personal way. The black and white sphinx on either side can suggest questions about race to some people. There may literally be Egypt in the answer. I was once given a reading by a person who told me I would be travelling (true, the Chariot is the old-fashioned version of a long train trip) and that I had astrology under my belt (also true) as the man in this card has those symbols right there.
In the days of Zoom gatherings, we find The Chariot is confined to small squares on the screen, but the arrival of the guest speaker is always dramatic and can be life-changing. It’s the same with a TED Talk. On comes the scientist or the philosopher, and in comes a close encounter with his/her wisdom and background.
This is The Eagles’ New Kid In Town. It is also Jimi Hendrix bringing black American culture to London in the Sixties. We think about two cities or two countries with The Chariot and it can turn up when we have a NYLON resident (New York/London) or someone who is used to living between Los Angeles and New York.
A Tale of Two Cities is suggested here, too. It is important to note that the charioteer has to submit to a two-way process of education, if he/she is wise. Life is not just about landing somewhere and lecturing the population. It is about listening and reading. Absorbing and appreciating.
This is rather like Lawrence Durrell (Larry Durrell) moving from England to Corfu with his family and bringing his typewriter and English book collection with him. It was never going to be a one-way street and he ultimately drew as much from Greek culture, literature and language, as the local villagers did from him. The Chariot can show up as a Gemini-Sagittarius opposition in the chart, and Third House and/or Ninth House transits. The aspects will tell the full story.
Hi Jessica! I like the sound of Jupiter in Taurus…I’m
Hoping for a permanent job so I can buy a home.. so this cycle will help? Take care, Aquarius Dreamer
Thank you. You are a Sun Aquarius woman with stelliums in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Taurus, Pisces and Gemini. A stuck and circular situation with your career, unpaid work or academic career will publicly end when the South Node leaves Scorpio and your solar Tenth House in July 2023. You will make or save a lot of money by May 2024 which may or may mot be related to a new paid position. You have a flair for the English language, the worldwide web, publishing and/or education and will be given a terrific opportunity not seen in 12 years to expand on this from May 2024 and from the year 2026 will find a new invention enables that in a revolution which will change your life. The arrival of Jupiter in Taurus will trine your Virgo and Capricorn placements in the Sixth House of workload and Tenth House of success, now through May 2024, so you have more than one opportunity to get a job.
Hi Jessica,
I always look forward to attending the Meetup/Zoom events. I’m still learning so much and your insight makes everything so clear and practical. While reviewing my chart for Taurus placements, I noticed my South Node is in Taurus and there’s a Taurus placement in my 2nd house. Can you help me understand how I can take full advantage of this transit?
Thank you for coming along. You have the South Node in Taurus and North Node in Scorpio so your last past life was spent being rich or poor. The marriage or the family in your last incarnation was tied into your wealth or poverty. In this life your partnership or family has brought back at least one of the same people. Any differences in 2022, 2023 are part of karma from that time, but the karma ends in July. Even before then you will realise that at some point by 2024 there will be closure and also gains. You’ve not mentioned the Tarot card you drew at the Zoom session which would have made that more specific, but perhaps you can see it now.
Hi Jessica
I’d love to hear more about how this might show up for me & how best to use Jupiter in Taurus. I can see I have Panacea at 22 Taurus.
The last few years have been a rollercoaster financially. My husband (Sun Aries with Moon & Mars at 11 & 26 Taurus) set up his own property business nearly 7 years ago & the pay off is yet to come, which has put us under pressure to keep coming up with solutions to stay afloat. I’m a stay at home mum from a well-off family – my dad has made money from property construction & investment – but I won’t see any real benefit until one day I receive some inheritance, as my dad keeps a tight rein on all family finances. Discussion of inheritance planning is becoming a hot topic in the family as my dad gets older (he’ll be 79 in December). The one investment property I own & control myself has a mortgage that has more than doubled in the last 18 months & I’m currently trying to sell it to clear the debt before it sinks me completely & so I can start a new chapter/make a new investment of my own that would work better for myself & my children. Given the sale hasn’t been going well, I could do with some Jupiter luck. I’d be grateful for any insights as to how I can move the situation forward & make the best of the months ahead to realise my goals & find a bit more financial stability.
I’ve also had an idea for a tech/fitness startup related to the market for group classes in London. Is there anything in my chart that indicates this could be a good direction to focus my energies?
Always grateful for your insights & guidance, thank you for your work. Lx
Thank you. If you have Panacea at 22 Taurus then you are always finding solutions, cures and remedies for financial matters (including business, charity and property) and although they have moral grey areas or ethical fuzziness, you habitually have to supply the fix. This becomes enormously important in April 2024 when the most sudden, unexpected, profitable or lucrative situation arrives. This may be your wealthy family. It may be your husband having his pay-off. Uranus in conjunction with Panacea suggests freedom, though. Independent wealth, or independent savings. So this may not be entwined with these men at all. It may be your investment property. What you are gunning for, your own space financially, is on offer near Easter. Your group classes could do very well and may also be part of this prediction. Find your USP and offer what nobody else is offering. If you did this strictly locally then double your luck, especially from May 2024 into early 2025. So think about neighbours and neighbouring towns then.
Hello Jessica – thank you for the meet up! I pulled the Sun card and my mom pulled the 8 of pentacles. I only have Taurus placement in my descent. My mom has Taurus placement for her moon, fortuna, descendant. I’m curious if you can shed any additional light on what this Jupiter/ Taurus transit means. I do hope it’s good news as we have both struggled to find employment and would like to buy a house. Thank you!
The Sun is about your children if you have them, or godchildren, young relatives or children in a professional or voluntary capacity (so, for example, the Brownies). Your mother’s Eight of Pentacles/Coins is below. From her point of view, she could buy a house. If she works steadily and hard it is there for her. For you, this is about being a mother or mother figure to a terrific child. You can read more about your cards in Pamela’s Tarot, in your library here.
This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.
The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.
Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.
The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’
Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.
There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’
Hi Jessica,
You mention in your article if you have anything at 22 degrees Taurus ♉️ in relation to the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction. I have my natal Jupiter at 22 degrees Taurus so hoping that means this time may be even better for me?? (Fingers crossed). My natal Uranus is also opposite in Scorpio so lots of opposite transits to the transiting Uranus and Jupiter during this period too.
And on 6 August this year my natal Jupiter is in conjunction (orb: 0.00) with transiting Uranus (happens every 84 years). Hoping this is good too?? Fingers crossed I could do with some financial luck, I’ve been working diligently towards it.
You are extremely lucky to have Jupiter at 22 Taurus and what happens in April 2024 will never happen again. Uranus and Jupiter in transit will form a conjunction with natal Jupiter in your Second House of income, business, charity, property, shares, valuables and so on. You could become independently wealthy. Without a chart it is hard to say more but in general, that simple conjunction is enough to plug you into something huge. Tip – plan 12, 24, 36 years into the future from that point as growing concerns do very well on this transit.
Hello Jessica: I attended the New Moon Zoom – my first on your website – learned so much! Big thanks to you and Alicia. I drew Ace of Wands and it rang so, so true to my current situation. Even more when you explained it. I sat with it for a bit. Especially the part about something planted 12 years ago coming back or finding me! Just that morning I was thinking about visiting the city where I formerly worked exactly 12 years ago and what solid creative and professional laurels it germinated and shaped more milestones in my path (it was my first job really; but was unpaid). Similarly, I was video chatting with a colleague just minutes before the Zoom and somehow their white coloured house facade in the backdrop most caught my eye. Just like the house in the ace of wands card. So much synchronicity here. Coming back to my current situation — I am in the midst of important overseas job interviews which have come after persistent efforts over the last year and more. I am also independently working on a highly ambitious creative research project (very high energy for me as a Piscean) that’s due by July end. I felt the ace of wands card was asking me to hurry up and keep up the work to find these projects a home. So many ups and downs along the way; but its a process 🙂 May I request if you could please look into my chart and advise on what more I could do especially in the Jupiter in Taurus transit? I have sun in pisces at 28, moon in sagittarius at 29, mercury in Pisces at 29, apollo in gemini at 27. How do I interpret these for this transit? Last time you advised that I am strongly pisces where I have a stellium, along with those in Aquarius and Capricorn. I know you have 18k+ comments to sift through so I’d be much grateful for your insights. xx – N
Thank you. I will pass that on to Alicia. The city where you were 12 years ago is important as the card showed you. You have also seen the house come to life in the card; it will become more meaningful later. Your Ace of Wands card is telling you to make your project real. It could be massive for you, especially in April, May 2024. It does need a home. Your chart suggests fantastic outcomes if you work the project now. This shows in your public and private chart. Set Easter 2024 into May, as a deadline, if you can.
Hello Jessica….I wish to thank you and Alicia for the zoom meeting on Jupiter in Taurus, and theTaurean new moon. The zoom was very informative, as you have given guidance for the next year…you mentioned April 25, 2024 as a special day..April25 is my birthdate, any comments or info?
Also, congratulations on your Elementals NFT’s. I’m looking forward to viewing the art work and possibly acquiring apiece or twoI know blockchain has been around for several year, and I’m just beginning to understand it, and the crypto currencies. Brave new worlds! I am also fascinated by AI…I feel it is with us for many years, before it evolves into its next “incarnation.” I am actually glad to see these changes and feel they hold such potential for humanity…if we don’t waste the opportunity. I’ve gone on a bit…back to the new moon zoom.
The tarot card I pulled from your site, is the 10 of cups. That was last evening. This morning I found I was on deep conversation with my husband of 24 years about our combined 3children, (two his, one mine. ) We were discussing, from our perspective, their individual strengths/gifts and places of being stuck. We ended the conversation acknowledging our mutual love of the family unit. It was as if I were witnessing an intuitive energetic interruption of the 10 of pentacles, with and in my personal domestic environment. It was extremely powerful! Thank you for including the personal tarot draw during the zoom….along with the new moon energy, I feel this card is also about family renewal and the dispersion of monetary abundance. Thank you once again for your wisdom and willingness to share your gifts..Cheers!
Thank you very much. I will pass that on to Alicia. April 25th is your birthday? You will be offered a rare and historic chance to save or make a lot of money near that day, and it will set you free so you can become financially independent. Thanks also for the congratulations about our NFT project. We are doing this on Mercury Retrograde but from 1st June this will be well and truly on the NFT map. The Ten card (to the power of ten) augurs very well for you and the family. I am glad the cards have been so powerful for you. You may find multiples of ten appear, so ten out of ten, or 100, or 1000 and so on. Maybe 10% will be important. Enjoy this cycle.
Hi Jessica, my mum passed away today due to cancer. Her health deteriorated 2 weeks ago after the eclipse in scorpio (she was scorpio and my dad is taurus). We are heartbroken. The new moon “took” my mum. Can I expect anything good? Thank you.
I am very sorry your mother has passed to spirit. This was not about the New Moon in Taurus, as that is about personal finance. What just happened was your Minerva at 0 Cancer in the Fourth House of family, met Pluto at 0 Aquarius and Mars at 0 Leo. That pattern can only happen every 248 years. You are the wise old owl in the family. You have a deep feminine wisdom about your relatives and also your ancestors too. That is being challenged, pushed and pulled by your mother’s loss. Transiting Pluto quincunx Minerva can feel as if something or someone powerful and dominating is bearing down. Pluto was of course the ruler of souls in Ancient Rome. What this will do, is remind you what it means to have Minerva in Cancer. You will be pushed to draw deeply on that wisdom you were born with, so you can help your father but also the whole family. You will also be required to handle the property/home situation as well, of course. Owls are Minerva’s bird and can turn up at this time as omens to show you that you are on track. My sympathies to you at this very difficult time, but one look at your chart and I can see your Minerva is there. Have a look at paintings and sculpture of her; it can be very inspiring to know, this is who you are, and you are being called.
Hi Jessica, I’m loathe to bother you again but I notice my comment / question from Friday night’s zoom session is still awaiting moderation? Not sure if that’s a glitch so I thought I’d try again. I’m wondering if you might have time to look at my chart please? Thank you. Shona
Hi Jessica, thank you and Alicia for the zoom session – my first. Very interesting. I’d really value your take on all this in relation to my chart as the last 12+ years have been hell, and my future, if there is to be one, will depend upon an upcoming major legal / financial challenge. Either phoenix from the ashes, or … not. Congratulations on the laneways and music project too – sounds fascinating … so many venues, so many clubs, so many interesting music related stories, I’m sure:)
Thank you, I will pass that on to Alicia. And thanks for your comment on Chrissy Amphlett Lane. There are 18,126 comments today on my website so your comment from Friday is several screens back and I’ve not seen it. I am just picking this up now, though, so let’s take a look, Shona. You have a big legal and financial challenge. You are a Sun Capricorn with a Scorpio pattern in your Eighth House of ‘other people’s money and property.’ In both your public and private chart, you will find June and July give you a break. Pluto with all his power and control issues goes out of your public Second House of finance, business and property. In your private chart, July marks the end of the nodal cycle in Scorpio and Taurus. So mid-2023 is a moment of exhalation. By 2024 you realise that willpower and self-control are your keys to financial power and control. Nothing else is going to work. This is right across the board. Yet, you will be given a chance to slowly get into an extremely powerful position over the next 20 years and you will look back and realise this was the catalyst for that.
Hi Jessica !
Hope you are well.
Txs for your work.
Hope you see my birth chart with this Jupiter in Taurus cycle.
I’m interested to make some investments for example in Algeria ( I’m algerian from parents but live in France) like buying a house…
Thank You
Thank you. Chiron at 8 Taurus and the Moon at 9 Scorpio are in opposition in your chart, from the Second House of personal income and property, to the Eighth House, where it is held with others, or through them. There is a split there so you are habitually split down the middle about (say) a mortgage and marriage, or (for example) your parents’ situation entwined with yours. This is really important in 2023 and there is karma here going back 18 or 19 years before, so you are owed, perhaps, or you owe. This karma will reach final closure in July. You do stand to gain financially, saving or making money, when Jupiter goes to 8 Taurus, but it will immediately trigger some familiar issues about the difference between your life budget and that of others. It’s very personal. You can use the Tarot to help you find a way through it when it comes to pass.
Thank you for taking the time to reply – I really appreciate it. It is all starting to make sense. And I am taking your advice and studying the Tarot card itself and finding new things and interpretations coming to me. You are awesome and I look forward to the next zoom meeting!
Thank you so much.
Hi Jessica, My Sun is Virgo, Asc Sagittarius.
My Jupiter is Pisces. There is a conjunction of the Moon and Chiron in Gemini. Venus is Libra and conjunct my south node. My north node is Aries. My Sun is 4 degrees in Virgo and Saturn and juno is 3 degrees in Sagittarius. Can you comment on marriage from these indicators? Is it possible ? When? Do you think these aspects make marriage difficult? I born in İstanbul. Thank you..
Marriage for a Sun Virgo is hard work in 2023, 2024, early 2025 as Saturn is in your Seventh House along with Neptune. I don’t know how much of a hurry you are in to get hitched, but if you can wait until 2025 and beyond you would be in a much easier position. Hard work is not a bad idea, of course, it just depends on how many restrictions you can put up with. I am reading your public solar chart here as I don’t see a natal private chart in front of me. Were you to begin a relationship at any point from now through early 2025 it would come with a partner who was inaccessible on some level (possibly hard to get to, because they are committed to another, or inaccessible sexually) – or, you can feel lumbered – you can’t get out of the situation. That’s why you may prefer to wait.
Dear Jessica, Thank you for the detailed explanation of how to interpret the Knight of Swords card personally. My younger son lives in Denmark and is now contemplating moving to Washington State in the U.S. because he enjoys mountain climbing. Your explanation helps me put things in perspective and how to advise him about this major relocation for the sake of a hobby vs his work. He called me on 19/5 exactly on the new moon to talk about this move! That was before your sharing on meetup and the drawing of this card! Appreciate the time and effort taken to share your thoughts on the reading of the card. Have a lovely week.
Thank you for validating the astrology and Tarot reading. You could email him a JPEG of the Knight of Swords from the Smith-Waite Tarot; just find it on Google Search. It may talk to him.
Hi Jessica,
Ive never really understood what Satutn in taurus means, I have this placement in 6degrees, conjunct Ops.
What does it mean and how would it be likely effected by the Jupiter trsnsit?
I gave up one job this year, and have recently been offered jobs that I prefer, out of the blue. My finances are pretty dire, so I hope to get it together during this time.
You have Saturn at 6 Taurus in an exact conjunction with Ops at 6 Taurus in your Second House of personal income, valuables, houses, business, charity and apartments. Your life is a repeated pattern of problems and solutions but it always takes time. Dire finances are common if you don’t master the pattern, but a fantastic opportunity to rethink your old life budgets is coming as Jupiter goes to 6 Taurus. You have had job offers and this may be it. However the chance to save or make money comes, this is a good time to sit down with a notepad and pen and get real about your habitual approaches to the bank, or your house or apartment, which get you stuck in these situations. One really basic answer is to lower the stakes. Lower the amounts.
Morning Jessica on what I hope is a beautiful Tasmanian day. I don’t have any Taurus in my chart, but would love your thoughts on my other placements and how this may come to bear. I’ve just moved which you had said was a good time. I have a small debt which I’m okay with given this lovely space. However I’m wondering if my job/career will see a positive shifts and changes? My boss is challenging but not doing detail and I’m the catch all person. There is a younger Aquarius staff member who has been spending recklessly on projects that are costing way too much and now my Boss has finally worked it out but appears to not be making any consequences happen. The stress has landed on me to fix it and do it with no help at all. It feels like the entire company could implode despite my best efforts to try to keep everything moving forward. Any insights in career, job hunting etc with my chart? This aside, thank you for all your provide I find it incredibly comforting. With thanks x
Thank you. Your Aquarius colleague has Saturn with all his restrictions in the Second House of finance until early 2025 so there will be consequences. Don’t worry, the clampdown is coming. You feel the company may implode and want a new job. With Capricorn factors at 3 through 16 you will have one solution and opportunity after another, either with this outfit or more. Jupiter at 3 through 16 Taurus will trine your ambitious Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House and there will be more than one answer.
Hi Jessica, wonderful blog as usual, with so much illuminating intel, and astro tool tips. I read all the comments and I didn’t see a mention of the digital Yuan, which is suddenly expanding , internationalised not only through BRICS but France. Surely this is news as big as any of the wobbles in the US and European banks, but I am only hearing about it through non- Western media..perhaps Asian international finance and banking might still be a blindspot for Australia, US, UK media but this is definitely happening. Thoughts?
Thank you. You win the prize for picking up the big unseen story – the digital Yuan. This is huge, but of course not every country has newspapers or television which put it at the top of the bulletin. My nose has been twitching about Asia ever since the G7 met on that historic T-Square with Pluto, Mars and Jupiter in Taurus. It was exact, in Hiroshima, yesterday breakfast time. A perfect storm is coming with weak American banks; trade boycotts with Russia and China; the rise of digital currency. I posted a prediction about Wall Street a long time ago, calling the drama for now – through June. So let’s see.
Dear Jessica
What with over 18,000 comments I can’t imagine an answer but I want to try. The last two Sun school zooms have made a great impression on me. Jupiter entering my sign has brought energy and positivity for me, and the new moon has been fun for me trying to figure out all the 28s on my chart. But it’s the 00 degree t square that’s weighing on me greatly right now. During last weeks class, I offered to you that I had 00 degree Opps in Gemini and 00 degree descendant in Capricorn. Also 1 degree Saturn in Sag. I pulled the tarot card Strength when asking about it all. I thought it had to do with a family control situation that had just erupted the night before. You said that it was about siblings and that the lion was the family situation. I thought it would pass with time, and healing would happen.
Well, on the eve of the t square, my son in law, who had been in a control issue with my son the week before, was rushed to the e.r. with terrible pain diagnosed as Diverticulitis and is on watch for an operation. The siblings involved have been my children’s generation, not my own. I wondered about this and checked my son in laws birth chart and found that he has 00 Mars in Scorpio, Pluto at 1 degree in Scorpio, Mercury at 00 degree Capricorn and Juno at 1 Taurus. Explains the need for control, but we have mostly always gotten along because he knows how much I love his 3 year old girl, who is 4 Scorpio to my 4 Taurus. Incidentally, she was born in a chaotic birth with a broken shoulder bone and nerve damage with Uranus at 4 Taurus. Her father has his Psyche at 4 Taurus. My daughter, a Pisces, also has Mercury at 5 Pisces and North Node at 4 Pisces. My MC is 4 Pisces. I’ve pulled tarot today on my son in laws health twice on my own and got knight of wands both time- the guy with the blurry outlook. Today during the zoom, the card I pulled wasn’t a pentacle card like most of the others but instead Judgement.
I know you can’t change things, but am I reading everything somewhat correctly? I have only started to actually understand astrology just a little bit in the past year. Tarot, which was a big blank for me in the beginning has turned out to be uncannily accurate most days and has helped me greatly. What do you make of Judgement as pertains to all this?
Hope this hits you at the right time. I’m always impressed with how you try to help so many people with your gift.
Thank you. I have just sat down at my desk with a cup of tea and so can see your question now. I am very glad you enjoyed The Sun Sign School on Zoom. Alicia and I are planning monthly sessions, ongoing, later this year. You drew Strength as your card and have 0 degree placements in your chart, just triggered by Mars, Pluto and Jupiter all at 0 degrees. Your son-in-law is on watch for an operation and he has 0 degree placements. It is his daughter which is the issue here. Leo the lion rules aunts as well as mothers. She also needs healing along with her father. There is healing available here. Go back to Strength and visualise a higher power, or power coming through the hands of a nurse, surgeon or doctor. Perhaps a healer. Feel free to send the healing meditations on this website to your son-in-law. This does work out. That is why you drew the card. You have also drawn the Knight of Wands twice. His illness will help him to focus and get back to earth. He’s not been grounded for a while. Awful though it is, the time off work and spent recuperating will help him to slow down, see straight and stop tilting at windmills. Sit with Strength again for a while; there is a lot to come to you from both figures in the card.
Hi Jessica,
Many thanks for a wonderful article again. You are a guiding light xxx
I was wondering if you could possibly take a look at my chart? I have a stellium in Taurus and I also have a stellium in Scorpio so there may be oppositions to what Taurus might bring? Is that correct? Here are those aspects – I am logged in so it should show my chart.

Sun 14° Scorpio 19′ 56″
Mars 19° Scorpio 49′ 43″
Proserpina 28° Taurus 28′ 18″ R
NorthNode 03° Scorpio 35′ 51″ R
Moon 10° Taurus 37′ 30″
Jupiter 27° Taurus 41′ 45″ R
SouthNode 03° Taurus 35′ 51″ R
Mercury 13° Scorpio 51′ 19″
Ops 14° Taurus 11′ 26″ R
Uranus 07° Scorpio 54′ 30″
Aesculapia 13° Scorpio 51′ 36″
The South and North Node has stretched us with low income although luckily we have some inheritance to fall back on through my wife – although it has been hell and high-water with family bullying and feuding – (still not finished – notwithstanding one particular family member stealing 70k and getting away scot-free).
I also have a stellium in Libra so it looks like the fun with the nodes is set to continue – although the Tarot I pulled was two of cups so maybe there is promise there of renewed sparkle in our marriage maybe? I am a Scorpio and my wife is Cancer.
From a point of view of what has happened very recently – my wife has been getting very interested in AI, Midjourney and what she can do with it as an artist – so I have been researching that and even spent the evening looking through code to see if I can ask Chat-GPT to help make an app – crazy times as I’m not a coder!!!
She is looking to launch a Women’s NFT series based on an exhibition she did for International Women’s Day a decade ago so fingers crossed on that front. If it is a success maybe the crypto market will go up and help her also if she makes sales of the NFTs – so I seem to be involved in helping her.
That’s enough rambling 🙂 I was wondering what might my chart indicate as i seem to be heavily taurus?
Thanks again for everything you do Jessica
Thank you. The situation with your wife’s inheritance and the family member stealing 70k is unfortunately typical of Scorpio-Taurus patterns in a chart. Scorpio is your wife’s income and the will; Taurus is your bank account. The heavy stretching is over in July when at last the transiting nodes leave Taurus and Scorpio. At that point the issue with the thieving relative will either be over, or you will no longer care. You will make or save quite a lot of money as Jupiter goes across your Taurus stellium. The trick is taking the opportunity in the first place and then expanding, with one eye on life in 12 years, 24 years from now. You have your Jupiter Return in Taurus by May 2024 at the very latest and that will remind you of how the universe provides – you saw it aged around 12, and again aged around 24, and here it comes again. So this is a two-step. Right now you should be optimistic about the financial future. From July the heavy lifting is over. In April, May 2024 you will see a massive, historic breakthrough involving all that you own, earn or owe and to capitalise on it, should be thinking about doing more with it, even 12 years into the future. The Two of Cups is about the end of the Scorpio South Node transit in July as you can now negotiate new territory as a couple. And yes, the South Node going into Libra and your Seventh House of true partnership continues that process.
Thank you for bringing hope to so many of us, dear Jessica!
I was unable to attend the Zoom session due to a scheduling conflict. I have only one factor in Taurus: my South Node at 22 in Taurus! I pulled out a Tarot card and it was the Emperor. Since this is about a Capricorn man, can it be my husband, who has Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Capricorn? Will I benefit financially from him? I would love to hear your perspective on this!
Thank you. You have the South Node at 22 Taurus in your Second House of personal income and your North Node at 22 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance and property. The Emperor is your husband and this is about transiting Jupiter in opposition to the natal North Node in Scorpio, the sign which rules sex and money, legacies and inheritance. Here is the full reading. You will see the issue come to the fore when Jupiter goes to 22 Taurus, so in April 2024.
This is a boss, senior official, corporate male or perhaps your father or husband. It may be you, if you have risen to the top of your profession and are senior (this is a grey or white-haired man). Capricorn and Aries are both shown here. Two masculine signs to be reckoned with. Capricorn the mountain goat climbs to the top and is a social mountaineer but also King of the Mountain (usually a skyscraper).
Aries the ram decorates the throne. The red colour suggests Mars, the aggressive ruler of Aries. The mountains are pure Capricorn the mountain goat as we’ve seen, but Aries the ram butts heads and canb e a battering ram on the way to the top. This card is really telling you to look deeply into the soul, heart and mind of this man to figure him out and strike a deal. He is obviously receptive even though he is intimidating. And if this is you? Ask yourself if you want to stay at the top and why. And how you intend to do that.
Some people think The Emperor is holding what might be a Christmas bauble in his hand which also suggests Christmas, thus the Sun in Capricorn.
Other readers over the years have seen his golden helmet as a propeller head. Is this the C.E.O. or Manager in a high-tech company? Are we talking Steve Jobs here, or Bill Gates? The Emperor is on that level. A propeller-head is an old nickname for a geek, of course. Perhaps it takes that level of detachment and obsession to get to the top of a particular business, corporation or institution. If you’re the Dean of a university, you don’t get there by having picnics and going surfing.
Intimidating, powerful, influential and forbidding, The Emperor is an older man who is quite alone. He’s made it to the top, but what can you do for him? What can he do for you? He seems uncomfortable in his position, so ready to give it or share it. Perhaps. If you strike the right chord or make the right approach. This card can turn up when you are seeking a promotion, or an extension on your exams. It can turn up when you have to talk to your father about a loan, or your girlfriend’s father about her hand in marriage. There is a suggestion of the job interview about this card.
In old China The Emperor was the supreme ruler and was surrounded by all kinds of walls, gates, doors and locks. All kinds of protection. There is something so foreboding about men represented by this card. They are inaccessible. And yet, here we have the old man at the top, who seems available to you, primarily because nobody else is there. The question is, do you have what it takes to get up to him – onto his level – to begin the conversation?
This card is about classic male power, in that it can feel quite isolating to the man who has it, and in turn he can be very hard to reach – as inaccessible as the old Chinese emperors or only partly accessible, like an American CEO – to those in middle management.
Whenever we talk about Capricorn types we are looking at some kind of system, structure, traditional pyramid-tiered hierarchy or towering organisation. It frequently occurs when the headquarters is multi-storey, because The Emperor makes it to the top and can often literally be found in the penthouse office.
There is a great deal to be gained here by reading this man’s mind, as has been suggested. Put yourself in his shoes. Does absolute power, corrupt absolutely? Is it a long way to the top, as AC/DC thought? Is it lonely at the top?
Of course this may be you! If so, you need to ask yourself what success means to you, what is has delivered and what it has denied you. What might success be like after this and what would it take to bring it to your door? Maybe you need another new mountain to climb or you’d rather like to retire or resign from this one, or delegate – or restructure, perhaps, so that authority is not so isolating.
The Mars/Aries and Saturn/Capricorn combination clearly seen in the symbolism of the mountain, but also the rams’ heads, and the blazing scarlet robes, suggests someone tough, determined, stoic, rather aggressive, fearless and persistent. This is a man to be reckoned with, but the reality of these kinds of structures or organisations is that there is always some young blood, pushing his or her way up from the ground floor, past middle management and on to the upper corridors of power. Perhaps this is what is so lonely about being The Emperor. You know that the system you have served for so long, and supported, and ascended – is the same system which encourages your replacement.
This is an older man. A man nearing retirement, perhaps, or even with one foot in the grave, as the saying goes (and the television series). How does that feel and why does it affect you so much, too? You could have picked any of the 78 cards at all but something about you, your personality and your current situation has leaned towards this man. If The Emperor does happen to be you, then you have a great deal of deep thinking to do about next steps.
Here we have the very picture of a patriarch like Rupert Murdoch and his media and entertainment dynasty, or Prince Phillip. The mountain here has been built up over time. It is strong and sturdy, virtually concrete and as firm as Stonehenge. Even in stormy weather the mountain remains basically the same. It takes a great deal to want to be at the pinnacle. Understanding the psychology of power and ambition is part and parcel of understanding The Emperor.
Hi Jessica
Thank you so much for the zoom meeting on Friday 19-05
I picked up the card of the 7 of cups on Friday
And I’m wondering for more information on how it will affect me, regarding to my birth chart comports a stellium in scorpio, Cupido factor in Taurus, and my Sun signs is Sagittarius ( stellium as well in Sag ), professionally and financially.
29° Pisces 21′ 16″ R
29° Virgo 21′ 16″ R
04° Scorpio 28′ 04
14° Scorpio 25′ 42″
11° Scorpio 11′ 26″
07° Scorpio 43′ 51
25° Taurus 39′ 11” R
Thank you. The Seven of Cups is described below.You have Jupiter aspecting Scorpio (finance, property, business, charity) and Taurus (your own money) and it is there for the taking or earning. You need to believe it is accessible and get real about what it would take to be richer. You have until May 2024 to achieve what you want with a house or apartment and wealth.
This is the most important card in the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. This surprises some professional Tarot readers, because it is a Minor Arcana card. It is also less striking, say, than cards like the Two of Cups, or the Ten of Staves.
The card shows a person in silhouette, in the shadows (that is the first clue: everything and everybody is a shadow projected on a wall) who is confused by a billowing cloud of rich symbols, ranging from diamonds and pearls, to a skull and snake.
It took me several visits to Dublin before I understood this card. Pamela Colman Smith, who created it, was mentored by W. B. Yeats. Both were involved in magic. Magic spells and their outcomes are expressions of quantum reality. In other words, there is no single, objective reality. Science tells us (in fact has proven) that until we measure what is ‘real’ it can exist in at least two states at once, and logically, many more. It’s like Doctor Who. Many words. Many universes.
What you measure with, defines what you find. What you measure with, is in your head. This is how astrology works. So many people do not understand that astrology is science. Quantum mechanics. The multiverse theory, which proposes that what we get, is what we see. A flipped version of the famous saying.
Astrology which rests on angles and aspects, divided from a circle of 360 degrees, is a yardstick for a particular sort of reality. A certain kind of universe. It’s quantum uncertainty writ large. No wonder astrology has not just survived, but thrived, over the last 2000 years or so. It’s a beautiful fit for multiverse theory.
The realisation of dreams, wishes and hopes by supernatural means is one way of defining magic. W.B. Yeats (very likely, the third man who worked on the Smith-Waite Tarot) lived a few doors away from – not a magician – but an outstanding scientist whose emerging 20th century field of quantum mechanics was also about mystery. Quantum uncertainty.
Across the square, Merrion Square, in the heart of Dublin, there is a plaque to Oscar Wilde, whose wife Constance was a magical acquaintance of Yeats in The Golden Dawn.
Across Dublin itself was the theatre impresario Annie Horniman, who founded her company on the back of a Tarot card reading – more magic and mystery. The Golden Dawn members had extraordinary lives. It could be said that W.B. Yeats used magic to win a Nobel Prize. Who knows? Only Yeats.
This is a card dominated by a cloud. Unpopped possibilities. Competing parallel universes. A multiverse full of ghosts, poisonous people (snakes), palaces, diamonds and pearls, victory and dangerous dragons. None of it is real. It is all a projection. The imagination, hope, fears and daydreams of someone living in a quantum world. Time to pop what you want in favour of what you don’t want. Nothing is real until you look for it, and measure it. It is the act of measuring that decides which universe you get, and so the measurements you use (astrology, perhaps?) become extremely important. The most obvious measuring device non-astrologers use is memory, based on apparent years or months; birthdays; old calendar dates. Time is a construct. There is nothing real about it.
So, if you really want to get into this card, which for me is the most important in the entire deck, you’ll begin by considering what you assume to be true about the past. Your past measurements of time. It is on this that you base your projections of the present and future so it’s worth a much closer look, if you are projecting all these rich fantasies and horrid visions!
The person in silhouette here is nothing to herself/himself. Just a slide projector whirring in the dark while the ‘show’ takes place on the facing wall. The trick with this card is ‘Know thyself’ and to understand that nothing is real. There are only realities to find. You may want to use measurements that serve you, when judging what is ‘there’ for you.
Hi Jessica & Alicia- Thank you for the awesome zoom meeting. Please check my birth chart. I have South Node Taurus 19 & Gemini 28.
I am renting house at the moment. Is it possibility change with Taurus this year? Many thanks x
I’m afraid you are not logged in, so I cannot see your birth chart. Thank yo for coming along. Your South Node at 19 Taurus suggests good karma with money, charity, property, possessions or business from 19 years ago is coming your way, no later than May 2024.
Hi Jessica, I was spooked to read the comments about lights going on and off around the time of your Zoom session. I couldn’t attend the session, unfortunately. However, just this morning – two days later – I was woken up by what I thought was a fire in my home. Flashes of bright light streaked through the bedroom, coming from the hallway! No fire, thank goodness. Just strong sunlight, flickering through the branches of a tree in front of the living room window. Relieved, I went back to bed as it was just 5.45 a.m. on a Sunday morning. As soon as I hit the mattress, the light flashes began again and gave me a weird feeling. It was like a warm, playful glow. I felt surrounded by optimism and reassurance about an issue I had spoke to my father about. You mentioned the connection between this period of time and 18/19 years ago. My Dad passed away in 2004 – 19 years ago…We were very close and he was a strong believer in the spirit world. Is there a particular transit in my chart right now that triggers such a strong signal? I am Sun Taurus 23 degrees in the 2nd house, Moon 28 Aquarius in the 11th House, Jupiter and Uranus 24 Cancer 4th House and Rising Sign Pluto in Leo – or perhaps this is just my imagination playing tricks? Thanks for any light you can shed:) Warm wishes, Emma
That’s great that you had the spirit world messaging even if you were not at the Zoom. It looks like this may be a feature of future events. Light flashes and a good feeling is a sure sign that your family, friends in spirit (or guides) are communicating. Emma, even if your father passed to spirit in 2004 he will be in a unique time/space zone. He believed in life after life as well, which helps! The transit you would be looking for here would involve Cancer/Fourth House as it is your father. You have an exact Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 24 Cancer and when you experienced the signal from him, transiting Proserpina was approaching 24 Pisces in the Twelfth House of mediumship. Proserpina went between worlds. That’s your answer, as you had Proserpina trine natal Jupiter and Uranus. Incredibly, Uranus actually does rule sheet and forked lightning – and electricity too.
Hi sorry, reposting my questions….
Hello Jessica, How are you? I’ve got the following in Taurus and was wondering what it means what could you tell me about it. Always appreciate your valuable input DESC 25° taurus – 13′ 07″ Diana 14° taurus – Taurus 36′ 25″ Fortuna 23° taurus – Taurus 14′ 06″ Hygeia 12° taurus – Taurus 44′ 55″ Proserpina 24° taurus – Taurus 38′ 51″ Best Thierry
Thank you Thierry. No need to apologise. There are now over 400 comments here so some questions are a few screens down. You are very lucky to have that line-up in Taurus and will gain hugely from the money you save or make, now through 2024. Diana is a symbol of independence and freedom so when Jupiter is at the same degree as Diana, you will be bestowed with autonomy by a benevolent person, organisation or fate. Jupiter was Diana’s father and he set her free, at her request. You have a lot to look forward to in terms of opportunities and solutions ahead.
As always, I got so much from the Zoom meeting, and the light show from spirit was something to see! I drew the 8 of swords, and was wondering if this means I can break through the restrictions of the past regarding my job and home situation? I want to get a different job so that I can move to a different state. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you. I keep hearing about this light show from the spirit world and of course I couldn’t see it! It may have been because I was talking about Chrissy Amphlett in one session; in both sessions I talked about Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. The Eight of Swords is as follows:
This woman who cannot see, and cannot move, is being trapped by her own inability to act. In fact, a new future is waiting. She could easily travel or move, to the promising accommodation in the distance, if she were to remove her blindfold. This means loosening what restricts or confines her and she needs to use the swords (past attacks or threats) psychologically, to do it.
This suggests you need to update yourself and do some new research on what you assume or imagine is preventing you from moving states and getting a different job. Maybe you are still in 2020 in your head, for example, and things have changed out there. The journey is shown in the card and in your chart, as potential. So is the destination. The rest is up to you. It’s rather like having a glasses prescription updated; the moment you put the new frames on, you can see clearly, where you couldn’t at all, before.
Hi Jessica. Your posts always bring a lot of insight, and I reflect on your horoscopes a lot to interpret them and apply them to my life.
I’ve been very fortunate lately in health and family, and my career is growing exponentially.
The sticking point I’m running into is the current housing market. My husband and I have been house hunting for a year and still no house. I’m keeping faith that this Jupiter cycle will bring momentum to that— thoughts?
Thank you for your time if you’re able to respond.
Thank you very much. House hunting is Cancer and the Fourth House in your chart and your MC at 7 Cancer is in a triple opposition to factors at 7 Capricorn so there is your answer. The issue is not so much the house you want, as the career questions (is it close to work) and the status questions (is it in the right area/is it the right kind of space). Cancer-Capricorn in natal opposition tends to be split between home and family, home town and homeland – and the ambition to climb higher in life and to make it. Have a look at the Tarot to see how you can break through this inner conflict about home, but also success and position. Jupiter will help you enormously when he goes to 7 Taurus and that’s close now.
Dear Jessica, thank you so much for your in depth analysis about Jupiter in Taurus. It’s always such a joy to read your articles. I started a new business with my husband recently which involves real estate. I wanted to ask if you could see my chart and give a little advice. Thank you, I really appreciate it. Best wishes.
You have Jupiter at 27 Scorpio and Pluto at 28 Virgo in a sextile from your Eighth House of joint finance and business to your Sixth House of work, wellbeing and lifestyle. That is lifelong and happily for you, in 2024, Jupiter will move to 27, 28 Taurus and support that sextile. So, you will experience flow, with your flow. In fact this changes your life, if it remains your sole line of work next year. Jupiter is about permanent luck with your husband’s co-shared business, property, charity or other financial pursuits as in Scorpio he favours intimate relationships mixed with money. The sextile to Pluto with all his power and control suggests you two have it right, here. Even the Jupiter-Jupiter opposition is beneficial, next year.
Just thank you. Clouds are parting a bit. Will take your advice.
Hi Jessica – I was not able to join the zoom call as planned, since my father passed away early in the week. It has been such a difficult six months with unemployment, so much unneeded emotional drama with my mother that I am hoping you can look at my chart to see when I might land a strong offer and get back on my feet from a career perspective. I am typically optimistic and always look at the glass as half full – but the Alice in wonderland rabbit holes trips seem to have me upside down. I have a cardinal cross in my chart and wonder if this is creating the constant obstacles. It’s been a few years now of very similar themes – not very helpful ones.
Thank you so much for all that you do – and I am so hoping you are able to reply and offer some thoughts.
Thank you. I am sorry you have lost your father. The family is ruled by the zodiac sign Cancer and the Fourth House of your chart. You have factors at 16, 17 and they trine your Neptune at 16 Scorpio in the Eighth House of inheritance. This degree of your chart is being triggered as you would expect. You were born with a Cardinal Grand Cross there. The trick to fixing crosses is to introduce new people into your life whose own charts create new patterns with your own, which turn the cross into a pattern of trines and sextiles or useful conjunctions. So, introduce new people, full stop. You will have no idea what their charts are, of course, but this kind of synastry can ease what is a hard work situation with your mother, not to mention the inheritance, which Scorpio rules. It may be old friends you call in or new friends you make, or particular professionals, or even groups of people who are also bereaved, but a cross is best helped by others. You also need a job. You are in a stunning position now Jupiter is in Taurus and by May 2024 will have had more than one terrific opportunity with paid work, unpaid work and/or academia as Jupiter trines your Virgo and Capricorn placements. You will also have your Jupiter Return in Taurus in 2024 and save or make a small fortune.
Hi Jessica & thank you for taking my question.
I asked you on a previous post when the nodes first moved into Taurus / Scorpio what it meant for me as I have stelliums in both, I didn’t like your answer but by God you were right!! It’s been a financial rollercoaster to say the least, my Virgo stellium came in very handy crunching the numbers in both my personal and business finances. Your subscription is the only thing that didn’t get the chop btw 🙂 You told me to get financial advice, which I did, and in the end It saved me 20k in unnecessary taxes. So Thank You! I also got an unexpected loan repayment from my business on the Taurus New Moon, so I’m hoping this is a good omen for the next 12 months?
I drew the 5 of swords, and like a previous commenter on this post, I too have a step family member who stole our inheritance (Mom passed during the last Jupiter in Taurus) and a legal battle started. You had asked me to question which I value most – and I chose peace of mind so I walked away from the battle last year. I see myself twice in the card, one as the broken victim and the second one who took their power back by dropping the swords and letting it all go, the one standing with the swords is the thief and can battle with himself and his own conscience. My concern though is the upcoming Nodal change as my North Node is in Aries and with a South Node and Sun in Libra I wonder if this is my karma to fight for justice for this inheritance ?
Also Pamela Coleman Smiths signature beside the mans left leg (emotional connection to the past / mother energy) on the 5 of swords reminds me of Hygieias symbol who I also have a 1 Aries and reading your interpretations of Chiron who I have at 0 Aries, and Aesculapia at 22 Taurus, Panacea 20 Scorpio and Apollo who rules my Ascendant at 23 degrees and also Pluto at 23, this all describes the business I am currently doing (herbal lotions & potions) and also the side shoot I am starting to grow which is Shamanic Energy Healing, soul retrieval / death & rebirth, counselling, psychic development etc. I also have Minerva at 10 Taurus and the Owl as my Spirit Guide.
If you have time Jessica I would love to hear your thoughts on what else you see here regarding the chart and also the Tarot
Thanks again for the time and effort you put into creating this well of wisdom for us all. Much appreciated!
Thank you for validating the prediction although I am sorry you went through it. And thank you for keeping your subscription, that’s very flattering. I am so pleased you saved $20,000 in tax though. The Five of Swords has been read correctly by you. You also have a good understanding of astrology. You will be a very good Shaman. So let’s go back to the Five of Swords.
Mars is at work in this card. The god of battle and war. You can also see Neptune in the sea. There is a great need here to escape from the reality of recent conflict. Someone is hurt. In the foreground a fiery type (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius chart signatures, shown by the ginger hair, red shirt and trousers, and mustard boots) takes the swords away – smiling! This card is wide open to your interpretation as the action could go anywhere. How will this resolve? A sense of humour and a cheerful outlook can remedy most situations, no matter if there has been conflict. It’s rather like a grown-up striding into a situation where children have been fighting and hurt each other. ‘No then, now then, what’s all this about?’ is the classic phrase, shortly before things are sorted out and the children are playing happily together again. On a more serious, adult note – here we have a wounded person, the antagonist or attacker – and the peacemaker. The key thing is that the swords are removed or it could all start up again.
Hello Jessica,
Can you please how taurus in Jupiter will affect me? Jupiter is my ruling planet. I red your book Astrology 2050 and if I remember, we can see result around May 4th 2024, I dont if it is correct.
Besides, I have only chiron in Taurus at 18°; what does mean?
Companies can use this period to expand, if we dont have a business and we dont plan to do so, can you please how can we use it as well? Thanks
Jupiter at 18 Taurus appears in April 2024 when an historic opportunity to make or save money, in connection with what others find outrageous, confronting and audacious comes your way. You may get away with it too.
Well, I got my promotion but I keep coming back to something you predicted some months ago about choosing how and when you want to work, looks like my org is trying to force people back to the office including cross country travel for meetings that could be done virtually. It leaves me confused as I want to work remotely as much as possible, I’ve tasted freedom and I want more! Does my chart – or even the mundane charts – show anything on this front? I was anticipating another round of lockdowns with a COVID variant by now that might force things, but it doesn’t seem to have happened. I’m strongly thinking of changing jobs but not sure if that’s the right thing to do. What has happened however, is that rather than chasing money it’s given me a wake up call to look after myself more, such an odd time. It’s like I’m being pushed towards something else
Congratulations about your promotion. I can’t see a chart here unfortunately – please log in.
I guess I do not have this in my chart. But i am thinking to stay at my current job and asked for a promotion.I hope a few changes will help me to stay at this current job. Do you see any improvement on this front?
I am really looking forward to see what the future holds in 2026 and further on, I hope things will be easier traveling and dealing with cross border stuff in the future. As my birth country is one country and the country I live in currently is another.
You have Venus at 29 Virgo so will be empowered by a Pluto trine to Venus in 2023, starting in June when he goes back to 29 and is obviously supporting a complicated relationship with your staff, boss, client, colleague and so on. Ask for the promotion after 1st June when Mercury is out of the retrograde loop that began in April – your chances are much higher.
Will this transit make life easier for Sagittarius? Thanks
Biggest and best lifestyle, workload and wellbeing opportunities in 12 years. You are off to a dodgy start on Mercury Retrograde but from 1st June this starts to roll and by May 2024 you’ll have said yes – we hope.
Hi Jessica,
This all sounds promising for many people but sadly as I manage a shelter for homeless women it is hard to see much hope in this blog to bring down the sky high rents ( what limited properties are available) and the cost to buy food etc. You do mention in some country’s food will get cheaper.
I don’t mean to be all doom and gloom here. I am just looking for some hope for many, many people struggling. Especially this year.
What will play out here in Australia ? I just read this article in The Guardian” people that are employed but still homeless due to the cost of rents”. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/may/23/nearly-half-of-those-seeking-australian-homelessness-charitys-help-have-jobs-but-cant-pay-soaring-rents
Some greedy landlords making a fortune from the disadvantaged. When does this end? I’m all for people doing well but when you work in the homeless sector you get a daily reality check on the disparity of the haves and haves not. That gap is getting a whole lot wider.
Thank you
Working in the homeless sector in Australia is very hard in 2023. You need young politicians to step up about this and one will. He will be vastly superior to the people you have seen ‘handling’ this to date. They’ve not handled it, have they!
Thanks, Jessica for your response. No , they have not handled it in any way.
Must say not surprising that 2023 will continue to be hard. I couldn’t really see anything miraculously changing any time soon.
We shall look forward to seeing some young politicians step up to take the challenge and drive change , hopefully sooner than later.
Take care
Next wave politicians have Uranus or Neptune in Aquarius, the community sign, and will slowly come to power as Pluto goes through Aquarius. Put that together with Jupiter in Taurus and this will see a few knights in shining armour for the have-nots, after 15 years of have-it-all with Pluto in Capricorn.
Dear Jessica,
For the past few years, and still today, finances and possessions have caused me significant stress. I’m hopeful about this upcoming transit, yet I’m concerned about my Saturn in Taurus, which you’ve mentioned is a difficult placement. Could you please examine my chart and give me some insight into what this transit might bring?
Thank you.
Always look to Taurus and/or Scorpio for the financial trends. You have Scorpio-Taurus factors in opposition which has made 2022, 2023 tough as the nodes have also been in opposition, in the same signs, but the stuckness ends in July, along with the nodes. You have solutions and opportunities all over the place, now through May 2024, as Jupiter goes across every Taurus factor you have in the Second House of saving money (or making it). Saturn in Taurus in your natal chart is about restriction – hard to get into situations or hard to get out of them. This is lifelong so was there when you were a child. The older you get, the easier it becomes, and the Jupiter conjunction to your Saturn will offer you sweeping solutions. The Tarot can help you with more insights. Just follow the steps.
Dear Jessica
I pulled ten of pentacles when asking about finances. I am in a very difficult financial situation out of work and looking for a home but without income it’s challenging. I couldn’t understand the meaning of the card if you could elaborate I would be so grateful.
Thank you in advance.
I have answered you elsewhere and you’ve made an error with either card – Ace or Ten of Pentacles, which? – Yet in both cases this is an opportunity to save or make money. As I’ve said, if you asked the Tarot ‘within 12 months’ that would also fit your astrology chart.
Dear Jessica
I pulled ace of pentacles when I asked about my financial situation as I’m going through incredible financial hardship with no employment and need for find a home.
Would appreciate further insights from you if you have time.
Thank you kindly
It’s the best card in the deck for money. You have to believe in it, trust it and make it real, but it’s there if you do that. The time frame you asked about matters. Assuming you asked ‘In the next 12 months’ that would make sense as Jupiter passes 4-18 degrees of Taurus in that period, making a conjunction with every one of your Taurus/Second House factors in turn. So you will be given the chance to save or make money.
Hi Jessica, the last couple of years has been tough financially post official divorce end-2021, and deciding it was necessary to pony up and send my son to a private school (after trouble with the public one) despite barely making ends meet already. Madcap Sag optimism I suppose! I know from your other posts this period will be have been karmic and tough with my Scorpio/Taurus nodes. My question: given my 6 sign stellium in Scorpio, will Jupiter in Taurus be more likely to bring me any financial relief or just opposition? I had hoped my Jupiter return in Aries would bring love into my life but despite my best efforts it didn’t, what it did bring me though was a renewed determination and opportunities in my career and creativity as a novelist. Now I just a need a bit of financial wiggle room, as I barely have enough to afford a short day trip, never mind any more escape than that! Thank you, as ever x
You are not alone in being stretched financially as the whole world is experiencing the lunar nodes in a tug of war, from Scorpio (our money) to Taurus (my money). It doesn’t help that Uranus is also in Taurus (revolutionary and quite radical change). However, you are now in recovery mode as until May 2024, as you know, Jupiter is in Taurus. This ancient symbol of resolution and win-win outcomes is here to help and we just need Mercury Retrograde to go out of Taurus from 1st June and finish his loop, for wheels to turn. You have had it hard because of your huge Scorpio pattern, which has been opposed by the North Node throughout, but this cycle ends in July. So this is a two step. Hope now, acorns for oaks in June and relief from a stuck situation from July. You obviously know to separate your novels from your money as the time’s not quite right yet, and when it does pan out from May 2024, it may be with quite a different medium or format – shorter and faster.
Hello Jessica, thank you for organizing the America-friendly Zoom last week, it was really great! I drew Justice, which excited me. Not too sure how to interpret it. Justice for who and what? Also, I see that Jupiter will conjunct my natal Diana at 3 Taurus on June 1. Are my instincts correct this could be a time of huge developments? Mostly good, I hope?
Thank you so much again for your wisdom and providing this space for us to learn.
Thank you for coming along to the Zoom and your kind words. Justice is usually about Libra matters and you have factors there at 2 through 19 degrees in your Seventh House of balance, equality, fairness and the law. Jupiter in Taurus will aspect that in what’s called a quincunx. So this may be about finance, business, charity or property. Perhaps, possessions. We see it when two people move in together and split the rent according to salary, for example, or when people divorce and call in the lawyers. The other obvious thing here, alongside Jupiter in Taurus, is the South Node moving into Libra and your Seventh House from July 2023, through 2024. Justice will be done.
This is the long reading of the card – Sometimes the law, in terms of karma (ancient justice) or the legal profession, is bigger than you are. There is something comforting here about these meticulously balanced scales.
This is a potent symbol of Libra the Scales as they rule the Seventh House of partnership, separation and divorce and are in turn ruled by Venus. (Scales can also be seen in the Six of Coins as a symbol of Venus in her rulership of Taurus and the Second House of money). It is very common for this card to appear when there are transits in the Seventh House, or aspects to natal factors in the Seventh House.
The scales seen here are almost exactly aligned. The judge, lawyer, barrister or mediator is threatening anyone who dares to challenge the outcome.
There are some curious little symbols here, typical of Pamela’s odd details. Is that a computer screen or hidden camera in the crown? Is that the Japanese flag on the gown? Why is only one shoe showing and why is it white? What is behind the brown curtain?
You will interpret these for yourself, and perhaps in different ways. It is one of Pamela’s richest symbolic cards and it will say something different to every person who reads it.
Of course it turns up when a legal process is ahead and if so, one has to bow down to the power of Justice herself. Look at the tiny details to see what you are being shown or told. Arthur Waite, who guided Pamela Colman Smith to create her cards and commissioned the project, successfully taking it to Rider, was a Sun Libra man.
In the Tarot, we see art imitating life. It is fascinating to note that this most famous of all Tarot decks, the Smith-Waite, was a two-person endeavour, but for many years Pamela was never credited on the deck, even though it was her vision which dominates the cards we see today.
Well, in the 21st century justice prevails and Stuart R. Kaplan and U.S. Games Systems who produce the many variations of her deck, have ensured that Pamela Colman Smith is properly recognised.
Sexism is an expression of the Justice card and Pamela had to deal with sexism at the start of last century, which put her very much in second place on this Tarot project despite her doing the lion’s share of the work. She was involved in the Suffragette movement, volunteering her talents for their publicity campaign. She was also of mixed race parentage and so we need to talk about racism with Justice as well as sexism.
This card operates on two levels. Lawyers, barristers, juries and judges – in which case justice will be served, fair and square. Those scales are so finely tuned. It can also operate when you are going through a situation which is patently, blatantly unfair. I once read for a woman, many years ago, whose ‘friend’ had slept with her former boyfriend, just weeks after the break-up. This card, Justice, turned up and she yelled out in triumph when she saw it. The friend was shed by both of them, and actually her whole social circle, and never darkened anybody’s door again!
There is a strong message here to respect the law in all its forms. When Justice arrives, imbalance is corrected. Injustice is repaired. Unfairness is dismissed. If there is/was a marriage, professional partnership or two-way sporting contest (tennis at Wimbledon for example), then here we have an umpire or referee’s verdict. Justice often turns up when a verdict is close. Would anybody argue with the crowned figure who presides over proceedings? I think not.
Hi Jessica, I have been going through some serious family drama. Saturn has been conjunct my Chiron in Pisces, Chiron has been conjunct my Venus, and Pluto has going back and forth over my Saturn. I just finished Chemotherapy in March, and am going through a year of maintenance therapy. My brothers are forcing me out of dad’s estate house – they either want me to buy it at an inflated price, or they want me out, like now. This to a cancer patient. The house has foundation issues and mold issues. I do not want to leave this neighborhood. It would be buying a house that has not been updated since 1981 for $325,000 and then having to put $150,000 into it, all cash, as the house will not pass inspection (USA) so no bank will loan on it, nor MLS realtor list it. Looks like I am moving into an apartment on Saturday (Tn – on my neptune line), and then have to go close an apartment in Maryland in June or July (60 day notice). They are raising the rent to $5000 a month. This is in Washington, DC. I never want to go through this again. My oncologist only gave me the clear to travel or move several weeks ago. I do not know why my brothers are playing hardball with me, but I never want to go through this again. I had a house deal fall through as well – but thank Goodness
as this was a structural inspection finding.
I am 62, I am sick. My job is in Maryland (health insurance). I am a remote worker, but I need to start seeing them. My treatment is happening in Tennessee. Treatment started in August 2022.
Neither brother is speaking to me. The neighbors who knew my dad are remarking on how cruel they have been. It has been a big lesson.
Any insight on buying another home would be appreciated. I am not so sure that I should trust my brothers in the future. Greed has got the best of them. I am heart broken but trying to carry on. Wishing you well,
I am pleased you have finished chemotherapy. That is out of the way. Jupiter trine your Virgo stellium at 2 through 29 degrees (now through May 2024) will really help as the planet of growth, improvement and solutions makes a stunning angle to your Sixth House (health) factors. Now you have brother issues as they want to overcharge you to purchase it, or will evict you. It’s a bad house and you would have to spend to renovate it. This is appalling behaviour and you are 62 and vulnerable, Kati. You are a Sun Taurus woman with Gemini, Aries and Virgo stelliums. This is resolved with one or both brothers and perhaps with a cousin involved, from May 2024 when Jupiter goes into Gemini and your Third House of siblings – until June 2025. From 2025 (when everything changes) Uranus, the planet of freedom, goes into Gemini as well so you will be liberated from one or both brothers, or even set free by them, from 2025 (or set free from them). This goes on past the year 2030 so please think very long-term. This can and does get better. You need immediate help with your home though. Whenever we get inheritance problems we find oppositions in Scorpio and Taurus in the birth chart, being triggered. You were born with them at 9 and 25 degrees, of your Second House of personal income and Eighth House of legacies. I am not surprised you are going through this as the lunar nodes, but also Uranus, are going across that opposition, over a long period of time. Take a deep breath and commit to freedom and independence. It can be very hard when you are justifiably resentful at the way these brothers are behaving but no matter how difficult it is to let go of the past, let go. Uranus is at 19 degrees now and will be at 25 in June 2024, so even if you hung on tightly to this house and the neighbourhood it will still end up in disruption and more upheavals with the family, which you don’t want. Uranus across an opposition like that is well-known for quite radical and sudden change and it can be a very big ask. So that’s why I say let go of anything that does not ensure your space, liberty and autonomy because that is actually what this cycle is all about. You can’t buy that in a catalogue or put a price tag on it. It is priceless. You are lucky to have Jupiter in Taurus trine your Virgo factors; this will help you get what you want from remote work, and your lifestyle and health in general. It’s early days yet but once Mercury is moving normally in Taurus from 1st June you have until May 2024 to negotiate over a work arrangement that will actually serve you, as much as you always serve others. Have a look at the Tarot to validate all I’m saying about the astrology. Kati, trust the future with either or both brothers as hard though it may be to believe now, this does work out. We don’t know why yet, but it does.
Hi Jessica, I hope you’re keeping well. I have a stellium in Taurus – what does this mean for me please? I have been studying (postgrad) for the last 5 years (and unemployed) and I’m hoping to start working again and hopefully get my own place.. possibly even move abroad.
Thank you in advance 🙂
Work is Capricorn/Virgo, property is Cancer and money is Taurus. Emigration is Sagittarius. You are a Sun Aries person with Aries, Capricorn and Taurus factors. I use both charts, public and private, so publicly you are going to be taken back to the same old willpower, power, control and self-control issues with your employment that you experienced in 2022 and early 2023. Back then you saw reshuffles or changes in the balance of power in your field, or at university. Now second time round you can use what you learned and start over. It’s a similar story in your private chart. Empowerment comes from willpower and control comes from self-control with your C.V. right through to January 2024 and again, from September-November 2024. Once more with feeling! There’s nothing to suggest emigration in your chart. There is a lot of money to be saved or made, though, which is very good news. Jupiter is back in your Second House of personal income, in both your public and private chart, so there is one opportunity after another until May 2024. Jupiter trine your Capricorn factors will also help you enormously with long overdue solutions for success in life.
Hello Jessica
I am nearly 86 & I am wondering if there is anything I could do? to make my transition easier, for the eventual end of this life ( & ? entering the next as I have a lot of issues to feel sad about in my past & wish now that I had made more considered choices, instead of sudden inappropriate decisions, which in the long run did eventually came out O.K. I guess that was my luck to have events come out better for me than they otherwise could have done) What I’m really asking “Is there anything more I need to do to help set the seal on my current earthly role as I hazard an educated guess that I have a few more years to go?”
Congratulations on making it to 85 years on this planet. You want to make your transition to the afterlife better, or easier, which is a good question to ask. Readers over the years have recommended a couple of things. One is the Tibetan Buddhist approach, which you may know about. The other is Swedish Death Cleaning, which is a typically upfront and practical approach to possessions, the house, the apartment and any storage. Essentially, it’s about older people sorting out their environments so nobody else has to get rid of the junk! I am sure you can find clips about the same on YouTube which will give you food for thought. Astrologically, we say, go back to both Saturn Returns and find out if there is anything unresolved, which you can resolve now. I am sure you have made a will as well, or updated it. If not (recently) then that can be a good way of getting things straight for yourself. Even down to funeral details. You can go on for years (the Queen Mother certainly did) and still have a will which is in line with your values these days; just writing it out can set you straight.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you. This is a glimmer of hope and insight. Thank you.
Hi Jessica,
I missed the zoom event, but just read your newsletter. Could you look at my chart and tell me what you see coming up for me? I have factors in both Taurus and Scorpio. I would love to retire or work a lot less in the next few years, but wondering if you see that for me?
Thank you in advance! Muffy
Thank you Muffy. You do have that Taurus-Scorpio pattern, but you are primarily a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. You will have more than one opportunity to take advantage of a new way to live and work, or retire to a different sort of work altogether, likely voluntary. This is by May 2024 at the latest. Jupiter will trine your Virgo and Capricorn factors, which has not happened in 12 years, so you are being lifted up by fate, to get what you want. In both your public and private chart, friends and groups are central to your life in 2023, 2024. You are strongly Aquarian and feel at home in the world when you feed or supply a group; people power needs you to plug into it. This will happen more and more as you head towards the mid Twenties and in fact your new lifestyle may heavily involve such a group.
Hello Jessica,
Thank you so much for this detailed article!
Could you maybe give me some insight, in how this transit may work for me?
I have Aesculapius, Hygeia, Bacchus, Juno and my Descendant all in Taurus.
Im not sure if it is related, but I left my 9 to 5 job in April to become an entrepreneur and start my own little business. I have many collaborators, but I feel like this past weeks nothing is advancing, difficulty making new clients, existing clients cancel most of the appointments, all this means that I’m also struggling financially; health is also suddenly not at best, relationships are also at havoc… What a rollercoaster!
My job is in the financial world, investments, insurances and I’m also a translator.
Thank you and greetings from Spain!
Thank you Carolina. Yes, your small business is related to this transit of Jupiter, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus and in fact you left your job to do this, as the Sun entered Taurus, in late April. You have a stellium in this sign and this cluster of Taurus factors (practical, sturdy, grounded, productive) was triggered. Your issues are down to Mercury Retrograde in Taurus in April, May but end from 1st June. Cancellations are typical. Separating business from health and love, and swinging back to the matter at hand, you are in an excellent position to enjoy making or saving money, marrying yourself to your job, protecting the future and even seeing the odd miracle, as you have the sort of chart where a business, client or project will always revive, just when you thought it was over. Now through May 2024 is a good time to think bigger and to use solutions as they appear. The more personal questions can be helped along by Tarot; you have access to the full deck and interpretations here.
hi Jessica thank you for all your wonderful information.
I wonder if you would look at my chart – I am very worried about my job and losing it – big changes and hoping something better comes – ive been searching but no opportunities arise – I fear Ive missed the boat. is there any good news you can see – you mentioned before it was good for cancer untiil May this year so I fear its too late.
Cancer 29°31′
9th House Moon Moon
Taurus 9°30′
7th House Mercury Mercury
Leo 25°56′
10th House Venus Venus
Leo 26°18′
10th House Mars Mars
Libra 12°36′
11th House
Jupiter Jupiter
Gemini 20°35′
8th House Saturn Saturn
Pisces 16°44’Retrograde
4th House Uranus Uranus
Virgo 12°27′
10th House Neptune Neptune
Scorpio 17°15’Retrograde
1st House Pluto Pluto
Virgo 14°31′
10th House
Ascendant Ascendant
Scorpio 7°26′
1st House Midheaven Midheaven
Leo 21°03′
10th House North Node North Node
Gemini 12°45′
8th House
Thank you. As a Sun Cancer you did in fact have Jupiter with all his solutions and opportunities in your Tenth House of success, ambition, achievement, status and rank, at least until a couple of weeks ago. If you didn’t make use of the cycle, that’s okay, as you have another cycle in the same sign (Aries) starting in July and extending into 2024, finishing in early 2025. This is the North Node in Aries transit of your Tenth House, and if you are owed good karma from life as it was 18-19 years ago, you will collect, in the second half of 2023 and all of 2024. I’m not reading the positions you have cut and pasted here, as they are from a completely different system of astrology. Just knowing you are a Cancerian, though, I can tell you that your Taurus Moon will protect you financially, or with property, as Jupiter will come along to 9 degrees of Taurus. This is transiting Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon and it augurs well for expanding your need to be needed, financially, or with property, or valuables and possessions. You have a strong maternal instinct when it comes to taking care of others with all that you earn or own and this grows, to your advantage, as this transit takes place. The Tarot is free to use on my website and can personalise this prediction.
Hello Jessica,
Good article on Jupiter in Taurus!
I have my Taurus Sun sign in the 2nd house. What will this transit mean for me?
Thank you. Even if all you know about your personal birth chart is that you have the Sun in Taurus, that matters. You were born with the Sun in Taurus, an earth sign, in the Second House of personal income, charity, business, valuables and property. You shine at your brilliant best when you publicly achieve things to be proud of here, and that has been the case since you were a little girl. So, saving up money in your piggy bank, or earning pocket money, or raising funds for a good cause at school, for example. If you don’t shine, or didn’t shine, it is likely because you were blocked by others, or there is something in your own chart which is square, or in opposition to, your Sun. So, factors in Scorpio, Leo and/or Aquarius can sometimes do that. So can a conjunction from a planet which is difficult, like Saturn (for example). All being well, you are comfortable with your Taurus identity and so Jupiter transiting Taurus, and arriving at the same degree (transiting Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun) will expand your presence online in the context of your financial, property or collector’s instincts; it will offer you opportunities to become far better known as (say) a philanthropist or a natural businesswoman, and so on. You don’t say what degree your Sun is, but if it’s early in the sign, in the first decan of 1-9 degrees Taurus, that is relevant now. If it’s in the third decan, the final 9 degrees, then it is 2024 which will bring this big chance to you.
Hi Jessica, I am worried about my academic career. Could you kindly take a look at my chart and let me know how this transit will affect it? Many thanks for your continued generous guidance and best regards.
You were born for academia with a stellium in Sagittarius in the Ninth House, and Jupiter in Sagittarius in a conjunction with the South Node at 15, 16 degrees. In fact, you were a university student or tutor the last time you were on the planet. The North Node at 15 Gemini pulls the other way so there will always be tension over language differences, communication, the written and spoken word, the worldwide web and being heard/read or reading/hearing. This is also past life in nature. You always overcome it and you will also get past the challenges now. In fact 2024 will be one of your most successful years as a student or perhaps as a tutor, if you head in that direction. You will reshape your goals, though and rethink what you are doing. From 2026 you will realise why 2023 had to happen to point you somewhere else and new technology then will help you.
Hi Jessica, Turkey’s autocrat had been ‘re-elected’. When I asked you about his prospects a couple of months ago, you said,”If the election is in May then Pluto has gone from Capricorn and he’ll be going, going, gone too.” What do you see happening now?
Pluto goes back into Capricorn in June, so the ‘Going, going, gone’ now slows down, but it’s steady until the end of 2023 and then back in 2024. Pluto is power. Pluto Retrograde is power, going backwards. Capricorn is absolute power, corrupting absolutely. All that can happen is a replay of something and someone that is crumbling as you look at it. It’s very similar to Donald Trump. He’s finished, but he’s hanging on for a second chance.
Thank you so much for a wonderful article. I was wondering if you could look at my chart and tell me how I’m affect about what you said in up coming year. I’m feeling quit directionless and have had many severe money issues. Will any of this get better? thank so much.
I was born 8:20 a.m.
Las Vegas, Nevada
You are not a Premium Member so I cannot see a chart unfortunately and you’ve given me no information about your date of birth. The Tarot is free to use on my website. Thank you.
Hi! Long time reader!
I am a Taurus Sun & having just come out of a dark night of the soul I am keen to know more about my chart WITH Jupiter now hitting the mix. I have a few other planets also in Taurus – 17 May 1976 3:15pm Parramatta NSW. Born during Mercury Rx I believe! I am wildly optimistic at the moment – wondering if this is due to Jupiter. I am expecting all of my wildest desires. I feel like I have just woken up. (I also just got the pay rise last week!)
Thank you. If you are strongly Taurus then Jupiter, the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury moving normally in Taurus from 1st June, make June, July a relaunch. You could lose weight, get contact lenses, hire people to fix your internet profile, create a new role/new title/new name and so on. Jupiter gives you the opportunity or solution and the rest is up to you. Uranus supplies the new freedom – you are no longer tied to who/what you were. The North Node is good karma from 18-19 years prior, in terms of how you are seen and how you appear.
hi Jessica,
There are no factors in my Taurus, will Jupiter have any impact in this transit..
what about other planetary aspects? will there be a hope for stability and growth in carrier ,property and relationship?
what are the planet will be in focus in the long term…
pls share your thoughts.
If you have nothing in Taurus, then Jupiter will not do anything of particular note. As always with these questions, we go to the public and private chart to see which horoscope houses are emphasised in both. You are a Sun Libra with stelliums in Libra, Virgo and Cancer. The most important cycle for your marriage, professional partnership, divorce, first marriage or sexual relationship in 19 years is coming. You have karma with this person going back some 18 or 19 years and starting on July 18th with the South Node in Libra, ending on January 11th 2025, you must complete closure with the other person, or the other side, as you owe – or you are owed. If, for example, you were married on the last South Node cycle but it was not legally binding or accepted by either spouse’s religion, that would come back to haunt you. If either of you had been involved in the fate of a previous partner, for whatever reason, that would also come back to you. It is possible that you are owed, karmically, and so did good things for a partner 18-19 years ago, beyond what most people would do, from the heart. If so, this is now going to reward you.
Thank you Jessica
Hello Jessica! I still didn’t get my last comments answered I would like to know how do you think I will do on my upcoming masters since I’ve always been in the arts and media field and I’m now doing something a slightly different but somehow related which is business with marketing. I’d like to know how could this masters open me doors to do something I’m passionate about. I enjoy learning but I do like to feel what I do is meaningful too. Also in terms, of love do you think it would be good to finally move in with my boyfriend(Libra)?
I must do a FAQ because so many readers don’t understand why their question is not answered, even when they repeat them three or four times. The reason is really simple. I have 18,199 commments (usually questions for a free reading) at any one time. I get to my computer every day or so, and look at the screen, which shows about 20 of these. I answer these then stop for the day. You just happen to be on top of the list this morning and I never even saw your previous comment. Do you know how long it would take me to scroll down 18,000+ questions? In astrology, we always look to the public chart and private chart and read them together for accuracy. You are a Sun Pisces, with stelliums in Pisces, Sagittarius, Leo and Scorpio. Both the MA and your boyfriend are involved in the same pattern. The South Node in Scorpio. In your public chart this stuck loop, or time-warp, is about academia. In your private chart, the rubber band of time, is in your Eighth House of sex, money and property. Everything will change from July 18th 2023 when the South Node leaves Scorpio and you are no longer on a circuit. Then you can make overdue decisions as you’ll have karmic closure.
Hello Jessica,
Could you please share your thoughts concerning the following data?
Male, unemployed, difficult financial situation
Sun in Cancer 18°16’57 in house 10 direct
Moon in Capricorn 3°54’31 in house 4 direct
Mercury in Cancer 12°05’14 in house 10 direct
Venus in Cancer 24°24’35 in house 11 direct
Mars in Virgo 2°05’36 in house 12 direct
Jupiter in Taurus 23°53’04 in house 9 direct
Saturn in Leo 4°06’08 in house 11 direct
Uranus in Scorpio 3°02’04 in house 2 stationary (D)
Neptune in Sagittarius 11°40’21 in house 3 retrograde
Pluto in Libra 9°03’20 in house 1 direct
True Node in Scorpio 10°14’31 in house 2 retrograde
Ascendant Virgo 18°10’41
2nd House Libra 15°13’21
3rd House Scorpio 15°30’17
Imum Coeli Sagittarius 17°27’47
5th House Capricorn 19°21’59
6th House Aquarius 19°56’02
Descendant Pisces 18°10’41
8th House Aries 15°13’21
9th House Taurus 15°30’17
Medium Coeli Gemini 17°27’47
11th House Cancer 19°21’59
12th House Leo 19°56’02
Thank you!
You will find your best bet is friends and groups, if you want new work, so if you are not already involved in circles, teams, societies, associations, networks try to step that up. You would have recently been invited to do just that or seen an opportunity to join. I hope you took it, but if not, there will be more. You could easily go back to a role you had 18-19 years ago, starting in July 2023, extending to 2024, or find that good karma from your life 18-19 years ago repays you with a different position. As you have your Jupiter Return in Taurus coming up by May 2024 you will have been given a chance to save or make money which compensates for this rough patch you have been going through. The Tarot is free to use on my website so you can give yourself a personal reading. Just follow the steps.
Hello Jessica,
I wanted to let you know about a bizarre synchronicity that happened today. Unbelievable quite frankly. I was let go from my job at the end of Feb due to control & power issues at the top – senior management had taken over all my projects – I guess they felt I was doing too much! Their reason for forcing me out was that I didn’t it in – apparently.
Since then I have been looking for my next move, a headhunter had helped me to the final stage of a job where in the 2nd stage round I had to complete a case study about investments/acquisitions. The final round was with a senior “Partner” of the company who after my interview has agreed to make me an offer. It’s in the same industry, same street and just down the road from my old job. A common theme for me this year has been “investments” and seeking partnerships that help me grow. I received the good news that I will get an offer yesterday.
Today Ops conjuncts my Juno in Virgo, one or two days after it conjuncts Minerva. I am in Henley-on-Thames having coffee with my mother and sister and who do I see walk in the courtyard of Cafe Nero when church bells are ringing from a wedding in the background? Its Theresa May and her Investment Manager “Partner”. She is wearing a flashy bright red suit and sits with her coffee and partner and swiftly leaves when the church wedding bells end.
I also have Ceres at 6 Taurus and it will conjunct Jupiter soon, which is when I hope I will find out the full details of the package and have the work contract / partnership finalised. Another weird synchronicity was that my mother, sister and I were eating a week prior to the Theresa May experience in a greek restaurant. We were stuffed from our main course – ate too much. My sister then at the end of our meal took a look at the dessert menu and told me about a dessert – it was called Ceres! She said next time we won’t eat so much main course so we have room for dessert..!
Hopefully she is right and Ceres is my dessert and what I didn’t get in February (which is when my bonus was due) because I ate too much “main course” at work.
Unbelievable connections that makes me believe in astrology and all its guidance if you monitor your environment – it felt like a living breathing tarot experience.
That is extraordinary about Theresa May. Have to say, astrology opens a door to such synchronicities. Juno is of course Jupiter’s wife. I’d say there is more to that experience than meets the eye. You will have more than one opportunity for great success by May 2024 and should aim high and take every opportunity you see. Expect delivery by May 2024 with Jupiter and Uranus in the Tenth House of your solar chart and Pluto in the Tenth House of your natal chart.
Hi Jessica
I’m very new to Astrology-please can you have a look at my chart and advise about the finalisation of my divorce..it’s been going on since 2018 and I’m so frustrated, I feel stuck with no financial stability…is there light at the end of this tunnel soon
I am so sorry you are in a frustrating long divorce. You are a Sun Sagittarius person with Sagittarius, Scorpio and Virgo stelliums. Okay, so from the middle of July the South Node in Scorpio, ruling sex, death and money (often divorce and settlement) is gone. This ends the stuck loop that began with the South Node in Scorpio for the first time in 18-19 years so you can finally start to see the record change. Because you are so strongly Scorpio you have factors at 2 through 22 degrees of this sign, so will need to actually go right through to July to lose the repetition. This does not mean the end of the challenges, as you going through a Uranus opposition (Uranus is in Taurus in opposition to your Scorpio factors in the Eighth House of joint finance and property) which can only happen once in your lifetime. Once it’s over, it’s really over, though, and that is not too far away. You need to invent a new life budget again which will absorb the instability as Uranus oppositions are notorious for offering up an unpredictable life with no certainty. As you are very fixed (Scorpio is a fixed sign) this is easy for me to say, and hard for you to do, but you must try. On the plus side, you are in a terrific cycle with Jupiter in Taurus, trine your Virgo stellium and will gain hugely by May 2024 from a new lifestyle, improved work or study situation, better wellbeing options. You are very much about daily routine, your work and your wellness and it is these tiny details of your comfort and fulfilment which will reward you so much, now through May next year. In your public chart we see the same thing; Jupiter in Taurus is in your Sixth House of lifestyle until May 2024. Long-term you will see the end of the power and control issues with the money or property brought to a firm close and you can turn your back and move on.
Hello Jessica,
thank you for your work.
In my horoscope many planets are also retrograde, including Jupiter. How does this affect Jupiter in Taurus?
And is it favorable to start something new with retrograde Saturn from 17.6.2023? Can it succeed or will it act like a brake? Or does Saturn have less influence than Jupiter?
Lots of people ask what it means to have retrograde planets in a natal chart. You only notice how much you operate backwards, when they are under transit. So cycles come along at the same sign and degree as whatever is retrograde, and you go into reverse. Jupiter at 0 Scorpio R or Retrograde would have been obvious to you in March when Saturn went to 0 Pisces and Pluto went to 0 Aquarius. You habitually give, help, support, benefit and make good with family property or sexual and financial relationships. You do it backwards. So whatever you did in March was about your benevolence and big-picture thinking with the money, the house, the apartment, charity, business or valuables, but it was circular or repetitive. It was not linear. This will be the case ongoing as Pluto goes back to 0 Aquarius, so it’s not a bad idea to look at the paperwork. Jupiter in Taurus is not particularly relevant to that, as he’s long past 0 degrees, but ‘transiting Pluto square natal Jupiter’ certainly is, if you want to look it up. Saturn and Jupiter have equal influence. Saturn Retrograde is always about revisiting where he was before but in Pisces, it’s purely about religion, therapy, Tarot, mediumship, hypnosis, self-help and your inner life.
Hi Jessica, reading about Ceres in the first house (Libra) from 22 June in Your 13-Month Astrology Report. Reputation and image in focus. Is there a way to make the most of this cycle? Thank you.
The Libra cycles also include the South Node in Libra of course, from July, so it’s a period of reinvention for you. Knowing who you are, and also what you are not (and what has failed or succeeded for you) is your foundation. You will see changes in the extended family that help this. Along with this Libra transit you also have Pluto going back into your Fourth House, which rules the wider clan, so there will be a change in the balance of power there, quite dramatically, by early 2024, and then more to come. Having played your cards right you can now play quite a different role and your new look will be part of that, along with different approaches to alter your profile out there.
My comment is awaiting moderation? What does that mean?
Comments are not moderated by me; I answer questions as and when I can, and just delete anything obscene or offensive (or course) but leave everything else. That then leaves me with thousands of screens in front of me, as today I have 18,294 questions, according to the ticker at the top of the website. I tend to answer a whole page when I do have time to sit down and go through the comments, and that’s why you are receiving this message. It is probably one of the 303 alone, which were sent to the Jupiter in Taurus feature. I always say, use the Tarot on my website, as well as The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle, in a three-way reading, as this is what I would use for myself or partners, family and friends in an urgent situation. Thank you for understanding.
Hi Jessica .. it is interesting that Uranus is currently at 21 taurus .. so I was wondering what your thoughts were on how the Uranus Jupiter conjunction will relate to what is happening now .. particularly in the uk where we have fast rising interest rates and little sign of inflation abating.
I have have Saturn at 21 Aquarius and so it directly squares transiting Uranus and I have had all sorts of electrical issues which have been costly to fix so I am hoping that this won’t be magnified next time Uranus goes back to 21degrees to conjunct Jupiter?
The Jupiter/Uranus transit is basically about a price drop on apartments and houses, making them affordable to people – I cited this as an example of what would come, some time ago – it’s pretty standard on this transit. Of course you have to have been saving up for a long time and have others ready to go in with you, when the prices plunge. Your electrical issues won’t be the Uranus-Saturn transits. Not unless electricity strongly affects your group, club, team or society (Aquarius). Have a look at your Fourth House of apartment/house instead.
Hi Jessica, im in a lull with my stock market trading after a year of Wall St. 500 pull back, what do you see for my trading / financial house for the financial year 2023/24?
Your 11 to 28 Taurus pattern in the Second House of personal finance is looking good. The stuck or repetitive situation which kept you on a circuit will end on 18th July. The North Node leaves Taurus. You then have Uranus and best of all Jupiter in Taurus to enjoy. You have already had some terrific opportunities which I hope you snapped up. There will be more. Your own trading should be focussed on your Mercury-Moon conjunction at 19 Taurus. Keeping a basic record of what happens when the Moon herself goes to 19 Taurus every four weeks could be interesting. When Jupiter goes to 19 Taurus there will be a huge expansion period of great growth, big solutions and I would suspect, an important paper trail. If you don’t have software AstroGold is very good, or you can download an ephemeris of course, from Astro.com.
Hi Jessica,
My Jupiter is in Taurus 20 degrees. Can you tell me how this transit might affect me? I’ve been looking to downsize to a better location for many years now, and seem to have an uptick in prospects lately but hesitate to find the right time. Thanks so much
When you see chances to save or make a lot of money in April 2024, take them. You will have your Jupiter Return then at 20 Taurus in your Second House of property, charity, business, valuables and finance. This will not happen again for another 12 years.