Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


The Astrology of World Cup 2022

The World Cup 2022 and Astrology

This horoscope for the FIFA World Cup 2022 final shows a religious nation winning the cup. Why? Jupiter (the biggest and best) is in Pisces, the sign which rules all beliefs from Islam to Christianity. Jupiter is at 29 Pisces in the Twelfth House of spirituality at 6.00pm on 18th December in Doha, exactly square Hygiea at 29 Sagittarius in the house of foreigners and foreign countries. There’s some slight tension there about whose deity is actually in charge of the result.

I’ve been turning to my favourite football account on Twitter, When Saturday Comes, to find out what’s going on. It’s the best football magazine in the world.  And on another note, the Tarot. You can see the card at the end of this feature. World Cup astrology is useful because it shows how Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite’s Tarot cards fall into place with the chart itself.

Kick Off With a Cancer Ascendant

Kick-off also shows us a Cancer Ascendant. The winners will make their mothers proud. In fact, the winning team may be youngsters. Germany’s teen prodigy Youssoufa Moukoko will be the youngest player at the Qatar World Cup. The Borussia Dortmund attacker will turn 18 on November 20, the day the World Cup kicks off. So does Germany win?

We have to look at Ghana with the youngest squad of all, aged just 24.7 years. It is also possible that we see a final dominated by a younger generation – a generation of players who have been carefully schooled by their coach.


FIFA WORLD CUP FINAL 2022 - The Astrology of World Cup 2022

The World Cup 2022 Astrology and a Libra Moon

We also need to clock the Libra Moon as the cup is handed over. This is about a partnership, duet or double act and it’s male-female. I do wonder if the cup isn’t symbolically handed to a female leader, or perhaps this ‘young giant’ captain will make a huge gesture towards women. Libra is the sign of equality and ‘the two of us’ as you probably know.

The Good Times World Cup in Astrology

This is also about good times, good feelings, a champagne victory and some seriously good vino as well. Bacchus is at 11 Scorpio in conjunction with the South Node at 12 Scorpio. This win will be very good for business. The country in question seems to run on both football triumphs and alcohol. Are we getting closer? World Cup astrology is an interesting thing.

The Capricorn suggests an ambitious team and country. This is also a solid, structured nation which has built up its success over time. Unusually for football, there is also a spiritual, entrancing, other-worldly feeling about the final. Perhaps it’s the music or the mood, but it seems to float in its own special space.

What Does the Tarot Say About the 2022 World Cup?

What can you see in this Tarot card? It is tempting to go for a team with a blue and red strip, which may be England, for example. You can see the astrological chart reflected in the card. This is a country with some serious property (in the background) but the foreground is occupied by the world cup itself being cherished by a child.

We could say he’s a teenager, perhaps, or just very young – in the team. The girl is important too. This is the Libra Moon. Females are upfront. The World Cup astrology and Tarot are echoing each other. There is something very sweet about it.

So Is This Brazil? Germany? 

Brazil have won the World Cup five times, and they are the only team to have played in every tournament.

If we take The Six of Cups literally, then this is the Sixth World Cup for this country. What do you think? Let’s look at the card again, though. Germany with four titles (and four final losses) is also showing up. There are four cups – four World Cups – at the bottom of the card. The fifth cup is in the captain’s hands, you could say.

And, as Capricorn ambition is right through the chart, perhaps our Captain has his eyes on the sixth World Cup on that pedestal. If you take the Tarot literally, the Tarot favours Brazil or Germany to win World Cup 2022. Perhaps you think this is Hansel and Gretel. German.

Let’s extend the discussion in Comments. I’ll also be tracking this with you @jessicacadams all the way to December.

Six of Cups - The Astrology of World Cup 2022

Main Image: When Saturday Comes @WSC_magazine
Tarot Card: Justin Tabari
Astrological Chart: AstroGold 


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210 Responses

  1. who is walking away? The romantic in me would love for Messi to hold the cup aloft, then retire. Argentina is known for its Catholicism, wine, culture, food and the cross foreground could be the St. andrew’s cross – Scots took football to South America

    1. You posted this on 20th November and it’s now 16th December so we have a natural psychic in the room. Well done. And if Argentina actually win, we’ll be asking you about more football results, I think! How fascinating. The St. Andrews cross is there and I did not know that Scotland took football to South America.

  2. Hello Jessica
    I am wondering about having experienced decades of good health (no sick time off work) that in November I had a freak accident and fractured my foot and then 2 weeks later get Covid for the first time. Feels like I am being challenged, as its the first time in my life I feel so confined and dependent. Anything to do with the nodes and karma?

    1. Sheila, I am sorry this has happened. You have a Virgo stellium at 1 through 25 degrees of Virgo, the health sign, in your Sixth House of doctors. You have Proserpina at 12 Virgo and the North Node at 14 Virgo. In November, for the first time in many years, the transiting North Node went to 13 Taurus and the transiting South Node to 13 Scorpio. That’s pretty close. Chiron was at 13 Aries. Again, just one degree away. November also brought you Covid. What does it mean to have Proserpina in Virgo? Well, you are the go-between who keeps two people or organisations – content. Both are powerful. This is a lifelong pattern. It is always at work, with your daily routine, with your unpaid work or academic career. Proserpina went between Ceres and Pluto and is a symbol of you, the human bridge. You also have the North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces, so your last incarnation involved your health (Virgo) and religion (Pisces). It was very common for monks, nuns and priests to attend the sick, as you know. So all this has landed in quite an unusual way, from last November, and as always with Virgo, we look to your work. This includes housework and any voluntary work too. What is it about your job, or your general sense of service and duty to others, that may have made time off, or more dependency, important? The Tarot can also help you here. In astrology we dig deeper as the Sixth House is always about mental and physical health, but it is twinned with the everyday business of ‘doing’ for other people. So one begets the other and it can be helpful to go further.

  3. Love, love your blog posts Jessica!

    On the tarot card, my attention was drawn to the girl receiving the cup in a cheetah print coat. I noticed that the Iranian team World Cup kit has a cheetah on it, but also that Brazil has a jaguar inspired pattern on their strips. This is so interesting!

    There is also a lot of controversy around LGBT rights and Qatar. Is there going to be a symbolic handing of the cup to someone representing minority groups within football (or the winning team itself)?

    1. The cup handover either at the final, or back home for the winning team, does seem like the perfect way for FIFA and football to promote equality. It will be so interesting to see if our television screens show us the card, symbolically.

  4. Budweiser tweeted that the winning country would get the beer they’re banned from selling at the stadium.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    From the look of the card it could be either England or Germany.
    England because the boy and the girl together coincides with the Lionesses winning the UEFA Women’s Championship earlier this year. The boy and girl sharing each others success. Plus the colours very reminiscent of the away shirts they use.
    And Germany because of the number of cups, plus the prominent glove the girl is wearing is very striking. Could be goalkeeper gloves? Who is the captain of Germany? Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer of course!
    Hopefully Uruguay could win but doubt it very much 🙁
    Anyway time till tell!
    Have a good day.

    1. This is really interesting. The girl is the Lioness, and the Lionesses won the UEFA Women’s Championship. The shirts are similar to the away strip too. My only hesitation is that the Tarot has almost yelled about the number of cups, here. It’s not only cups, it’s six of them. The four lined up at the bottom have something to tell us. Well done on spotting the girl’s glove. Yes, that’s a goalie’s glove. Germany has a goalie captain. I don’t think Uruguay but I do think you are onto something about Manuel Neuer. Thank you!

  6. Your opening section suggests a religious nation winning the cup. Tricky to identify any country in 2022 falling clearly into that category; but maybe a South American country – certainly not Germany. Argentina (blue & white flag) is fancied by a number of pundits. But let’s hope that Maradona’s ‘hand of god’ (1986) does not come into play again! Until this year, the Argentine Captain (Messi) wore a blue and red shirt at Barcelona!

    1. Jupiter in Pisces may show up as religion within the team so I should really amend that to ‘team or nation’ but either way, this final is a big push for spirituality or the church. We don’t know why yet. Thank you for pointing out Messi had the blue and red shirt, and of course Argentina’s flag is important. I’d not counted flags in the original prediction but another reader picked that up. Are the two figures in the card wearing their flag, or the away football strip? That is the question…

  7. Love, love your blog posts Jessica! On the tarot card, my attention was drawn to the girl receiving the cup in a cheetah print coat. I noticed that the Iranian team World Cup kit has a cheetah on it, but also that Brazil has a jaguar inspired pattern on their strips. This is so interesting! There is also a lot of controversy around LGBT rights and Qatar. Is there going to be a symbolic handing of the cup to someone representing minority groups within football (or the winning team itself)?

    1. Thank you. I do rely on my readers, many of whom are psychic, to expand the prediction, so this is great. The girl receiving the cup does indeed have a coat that resembles a cheetah or jaguar – some kind of exotic pattern anyway. Brazil has it. Iran has it too. I really like this idea of a symbolic gesture, handing the cup to a woman or girl. Some other readers are picking up on that. I have my spirit guides confirming it too. They are quite excited about this. The final, viewed by billions, is a chance for the winners to make a symbolic gesture about equality. As the Moon in Libra suggests this too, we will see something far more important than just a football event, here.

  8. Hi Jessica, I am new to your site and have been astounded by how accurate you are in your work. I am also fairly new to trying to work out my chart and still get a bit confused other than I know that I have stellums in Aries and Capricorn which I have closely followed in your book. The last 6 weeks has been rough with work politics and I just feel like my head is just now beginning to clear. I work in the NGO arena and feel my future in the new year is uncertain. I would really appreciate some feedback on my chart.

    Many Thanks

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It takes a while for astrology to sink in and there is no rush. I am sorry you have had work politics in the NGO area and understand why you are wondering about 2023. You are a Sun Aries with an Aries and Capricorn stellium, as you know. The worst is over from March 2023 because you will be in a new job March-June, or find the people or the problem vanishes of its own accord. Pluto has gone from Capricorn then. You are also poised for a new title, look, wardrobe, profile if you want one, from Christmas until May, as Jupiter goes into Aries and your First House of image. So that’s the timing. Pluto out of your Tenth House of career and Jupiter into your First House of self-promotion. You will also save or make more money from May 2023 until May 2024, so you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that you have a good alternative opportunity showing up. Have a look at the Tarot for a more personal forecast.

  9. I asked the same question and pulled temperance. Brazil have yellow in their flag so May well be Brazil! But also the England Squad are very much lovely young lads, who have used their platform to voice their views for the greater good. Rashford was instrumental in free lunches for kids during the covid crisis in the UK for example. Also your reference to a female – lionesses come to mind! the magical quality you speak of, when England beat Germany in the euros their was a strange sense of happiness everywhere you went! Us Brits are not used to everyone being happy in tandem!
    In all seriousness I’m Clutching at straws here – but England to win!!
    I am appalled the World Cup is in Qatar, and FIFA are a disgrace for allowing it, but those young lads deserve our support. So I’m all in! Happy World Cup everybody

    1. That’s great. I hope other readers also draw a Tarot card to ask this question: “Who wins the World Cup 2022 Final?” Temperance is a strong image of the Aquarius zodiac sign, bearing water and pouring water. Each person has to interpret the cards for herself/himself though so I will go no further. I’d love England to win as well, being a Londoner by birth, but I also have to bow to the Tarot, which has chosen to be quite literal here and shown us a Sixth Cup. Have a look at what other readers are seeing…

  10. Hi Jessica. If you look at the Croatia flag, it is Red and Blue, just like your tarot card. Regarding the religious side, 86% of the population is Christian in Croatia. Perhaps this could be a winner of the cup?

    1. That’s great. I hadn’t thought of looking at the national flag; just the away strip. Croatian colours are there in the two children/teenagers at the front. It’s also a strongly religious country, which suits the horoscope. The only thing standing in the way of that interpretation is that the Six of Cups is so specific. We could have found ourselves with a Major Arcana card, or Staves (Wands), Pentacles (Coins) or Swords. We were led to cups, and not just any old cup, but a sixth cup. Brazil is heavily indicated unless we take Germany, who has four, could have the fifth in hand, and look forward to a potential sixth. Can’t wait for the final…

  11. Hi Jessica, so interesting…

    Also, FYI there might be a little glitch in your flipbook link- when I was trying to access the book for Pamela’s tarot (I’ve just started this and it’s such a fascinating deep-dive…) but today it simply showed an error and wouldn’t load. It said:
    UnexpectedResponseException: Unexpected server response (403) while retrieving PDF “

    Hope this is helpful! Usually that link works just fine so I wonder if it was a server issue…
    Best wishes to you and thank you for all the education.

    1. Oh dear. My apologies, how annoying. Maybe try again now. And there will be a new ebook for Premium Members in 2023 which contains a big new Tarot section to look forward to. If you are logged in and still can’t download the book, please click on SUPPORT and they can help you.

  12. What came to me, if you view six of cups in relation to England is that whatever the outcome, the English team^s behaviour will be a role model for football future.. The way the man is slightly bending the knee to his smaller female counter part and handing over a cup. Just like taking the knee in support of diversity and against discrimination of all sorts. Perhaps in this world cup particularly for LGBT rights and that bigger prize is ensuring participation for all.

    1. That’s fascinating – bending the knee – I hadn’t seen that. I believe you’ve read the card in a very pure way, which another reader has just done. This is not just the Tarot saying ‘The Sixth Cup’ for a team, it’s really talking to us about humanitarianism and human rights. Can’t wait for the final to see this all coming to pass.

  13. that’s interesting! One thing that just struck me about something which you mentioned was that also a country which has won the world cup has a star under the badge. Like the star flowers in the 6 of cups. this would suggest brazil (5 now).
    Also I feel there is going to be great controversy with VAR, for FIFA are showing great arrogance in the VAR refs being able to disallow a goal without informing the world why (imagine that goal which was disallowed yesterday happening in the quarter, semi-final or final … absolute uproar). It suddenly struck me as I looked at the military man in the 6/cups marching away from the scene. I believe it to be a Scorpio ruled card too.

    1. The star under the badge is an amazing insight, thank you. Brazil has that symbolism. And I think you are right about the military man departing the scene, which I’ve not mentioned at all. If we go back to the astrological chart and that Libra Moon – which is always about equality – here we have a huge gesture by the two figures, male and female – and maybe a member of the patriarchy stalking off. I wonder what we’re going to see happen in this final in December…

  14. Dear Jessica,

    I love that you are a big enough football/soccer fan to have a post about it! As I was reading your explanation of the tarot card, it seemed to me as relating more to a passing on of the cup to a young women. The World Cup is in the Middle East… Iran is over there too. Then a light bulb went on: have you been following what is happening there? A revolution, started by young women, to benefit women, with support by men. Am I way off base here?

    1. Clever you. I love that reading of the Six of Cups. The winning captain makes a gesture to a girl or woman, to support the movement in Iran. So the Tarot (created by a feminist, Pamela Colman Smith) is elevating the reading beyond merely asking ‘Who wins?’ to ‘What wins’.

  15. Thank you for your reply, Jessica. Good point about six of cups. It is worth mentioning this will be the sixth time Croatia is trying to win the FIFA cup. Croatia’s national football team have appeared in the FIFA World Cup on six occasions (in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2014, 2018 and 2022) since gaining independence in 1991. Perhaps six of cups can indicate the sixth attempt to win the cup?

    1. This is a wildly creative reading of the Six of Cups, I must say. My former boyfriend from University was Croatian so I know how patriotic people from Croatia are (especially about football). I think the issue is the four cups at the bottom of the card. Was there something special about four World Cups as a set, or group? I appreciate you keeping the conversation going. This feature will probably be jam-packed once we get to the final.

  16. Another great blog Jessica. Love everyone’s comments. England is a country that runs on alcohol and football triumphs. And not since 1966 have we won the World Cup. We’ve never stopped talking about it. It’s now 56 years of hurt. Looking at the tarot, I see the Roman numeral X meaning 10, plus 6 cups, (each cup represents 10 years), equals 60, plus 6 stars. That adds up to 66. 1966 was the last time England won this beloved cup. It would be great for business. On 18 December, Bacchus conjunct South Node in Scorpio. Does that mean stock market highs? Trade deals? The females in the card represent the Lionesses, feminism and equality. Let’s hope whoever wins, football helps to crush the patriarchy globally.

    1. I was also sold on the Lionesses, back on 22nd November, when you posted this. The Bacchus-South Node conjunction in Scorpio is about alcohol, sex and money so I suspect Qatar won’t be showing that! I do think that the World Cup will be used to promote equality, just because the Libra Moon is about that very thing. Thank you.

  17. The man who leaves the scène is wearing blue. The name of the French team who are now worldchampion (until the final) is : Les Bleus …

  18. This is really so interesting. When I look at the 6 of Cups, I see an old building in the top left hand corner, resembling a castle, and a man with a tilted cross behind him on the stone giving a cup to a young girl with her hair loosely covered. The current revolution in Iran was started by young women protesting the death of Mahsa Amini who was brutally killed for ‘not covering her hair appropriately’. England beat Iran 6-2, could this be the sign that England could win and that they dedicate their win to women fighting opression? Of course the blonde hair, could refer to it being England V Germany in the final. I just asked the Tarot who would win the final, and I got the Hanged Man! Could this mean that the Final could end up being a penalty shoot out? It has so far been a tournament full of surprises – Argentina lost to Saudi Arabia 2-1 yesterday! As I write this, Brazil haven’t played yet, but they are favourites to win this World Cup.

    1. You posted this on 23rd November and it did seem as if Brazil was an obvious pick – it would have been her Sixth World Cup, and this is the Six of Cups. You drew The Hanged Man as the winner of the final. That’s really interesting. You may have to decode the card differently now we know it will be France v. Argentina.

  19. I see him as receiving the cup from the girl (wearing a headscarf), not giving – maybe the cup will be presented to the winner by a young woman?

    I’ll ask my hubby what he sees – being an English football fanatic

    1. I was sold on England because the Lionesses feature in the Three Lions clip for Christmas 2022 and this is so obviously about a woman or girl in the story. It would be a strong gesture for FIFA to make sure a woman/women are front-and-centre on final day. Let’s see.

  20. Hello Jessica, what a nice blog, positive subject after mutch negative news. Proud to Germany, i saw the team picture yet, one love has to stay! spread the word.

    I think Brazil and Germany in the final. The 6e cup keep staying there. Brazil wins nr 5.

  21. Bonjour Jessica
    Today the German team stands by its position. :  «  armband or not armband » . They covered their mouth in protest.
    Human right are not negotiable ! . It makes me think your tarot card. I hope they will win even if I am French.

    1. Germany made a gesture. But none of the teams should have gone. That would have been a bigger gesture. Money rules sport. There is an argument that by going to Qatar, the teams publicise human rights abuse. But it’s a fairly weak argument. The Six of Cups is interesting, because it’s not about gay men/boys or homosexuality in any sense. It’s about male and female. So I’d say there is a plan to exploit the final, with its billions of viewers, to make a statement about male support of feminism. That’s what we should watch out for and you’d suspect Germany would be involved, as the players are obviously politically inclined. Thank you.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    I love articles like this about world events, astrology and tarot. The comments are also great and often informative and perceptive.

    But, first, I need to say thank you for not just one thing but several things.

    Thank you for the generous free download of your book “Modern Astrology 2050”. I jumped straight to the Gemini stellium chapter as although I have a Gemini stellium with the Sun, Mercury, Minerva and Fortuna in it, I have never felt that I am particularly Gemini.
    I read the chapter getting faster and faster and thinking – ohhh I do that – more than once, twice…. . I have now changed my mind. Maybe I am a bit Gemini.
    I look forward to the rest of the book but have decided I want an actual hardback copy so I can hold it in my hands. I love my e-reader but sometimes tangible is best.

    Thanks also for the kind words when I posted in the “ Charles, Astrology and the Royal Family “article of 14th September and mentioned I had had Covid. I must admit I felt more “pony and — than steel trap as I definitely had brain fog. Twice I tried to put the tea bags in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard and I dared not drive for at least 2 weeks after.
    Covid is nasty and serious and I hardly ever get ill.

    Thank you also for just being there. This website is such a source of information for so many.

    Looking at the 3 of cups I thought the same as several posters, that the girl and the boy might represent men’s and women’s football and that the boy is gifting a cup to the girl.
    I also see several indicators for Croatia particularly and maybe also England, France, Germany or Spain.

    I have the card in front of me and it is the cups, the six of them that stand out. Like the world cup they are golden and of a similar shape and possibly size.
    I think the 4 at the front are the past and the cup in the boy’s hands is the now and the cup on the pedestal the future.
    I know that Germany has won 4 times and is a good, although not top team but could the cups represent an area rather than a country?
    The last 4 world cups have been won by European teams: France in 2018, Germany 2014, Spain 2010 and Italy 2006. All are secular and predominantly christian countries as well.
    The card could also mean the 6 confederations in FIFA: CAF (Africa), AFC (Asia), UEFA ( Europe), Concacaf (North and Central America and the Caribbean) ,CONMEBOL (South America) and OFC ( Oceania).

    The children are wearing warm clothes, hats, gloves and boots. Right now is well cold in the UK and probably also northern Europe as it is the start of winter in a week and we have an energy crisis thanks to an illegal invasion. We are all wearing what would be outdoor clothing indoors to save energy and money.

    There are mediaeval style buildings in the background and these are common in Europe.
    There is what looks like a fortified tower or fortress with arrow slits and also another building that has a church-like window. When I saw it I immediately thought of Dubrovnik and the children are within the city walls. It might also be the Tower of London.

    The colours in the picture could fit with several teams but there is little green.

    In your article you wrote about Jupiter in Pisces and that reminded me of the great conjunction theories that may explain the Star of Bethlehem.
    There are several candidates but I like this article from the BBC Sky at Night magazine. Jupiter was then in Pisces as a “bright star” (conjunct saturn)

    While looking this up I couldn’t help noticing that the Star of Bethlehem is also a flower that does look a bit like the flowers in the cups, however they only have 5 petals not 6 so it may look more like winter jasmine.
    The star of Bethlehem flower is found mostly in Europe although it is also found in parts of North Africa and the Eastern coast of the USA.

    Strange that this is a world cup taking place in the lead up to Christmas.
    It makes sense to move it from July in the small, very rich, hot nation of Qatar of no footballing heritage, but why December and not January? I did read the Sarah Vine article of 19th November that this makes it tough on women and she is so right.

    The young girl looks northern European with her fair hair and makes me think of Leah Williamson the England Captain or maybe Serina Wiegman the England coach but it does look ever so like Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović the former President of Croatia who I think is a football fan.

    One more thing I saw in the card is the shield on the pedestal. Both Spain and Croatia have shields on their flags and the X could be a christian symbol. It is why some people write Xmas as a shorthand.

    Again I have written too much but I get carried away.
    Thank you for reading and take care

    Happy Christmas and New Year in advance


    1. Thank you very much, for your thank you, Caitlin. I am now quite late to this discussion, which began last month, and here we are with Argentina and France at the final. I think this Tarot card has tested everybody as it is complex. Cups is great, because it’s the World Cup, and the Tarot has helped us by going straight to the main story. Then we have to interpret the X on the shield (possibly the Roman numeral 10) but also the departing figure in blue. At the moment most readers here favour Argentina. Let’s see. Merry Christmas! I am glad you are enjoying the astrology.

  23. Jessica i cant wait for the final as this post is so interesting thank you. In my mind when I initially read your post I saw a very blonde young girl being handed the cup/almost as if they were sharing the cup in a gesture. I guess it was the same as the tarot card. And there is a connection to sport but maybe could be more of a fan or a schoolgroup etc. that goes on the pitch with the team at the beginning of the game with a ceremonial aspect to it…..

    1. Thank you. I do think there will be a photograph or a viral clip of a male-female exchange, at the final, or perhaps at home for the winning team. Let’s see. Will that double whammy of the Libra Moon and the boy/girl in the card show up?

  24. Hi Jessica,

    What struck me the most from the card are the white flowers! I don’t know why, but they remind me of Edelweiss flowers.
    The Alps, so Austria, Switzerland, and Bavaria. And my mind went, wait…most of the DFB players play professionally in FC Bayern München? Including the captain, Manuel Neuer?

    1. Thank you. I’m replying rather late, but we now know it will be France and Argentina. You were getting closer to France with the Alps, though!

  25. So could the 4 Cups along the bottom of the card be Germany as they have won 4 times ( they could be in the final,The person receiving the cup bending his knee Could be Harry Kane England and the cup that sands on its own on the pillow could be the cup England won in 1966 . Also England have a fantastic youngster in Jude Bellingham , just 19 years old. Who currently plays for Dortmund in Germany.England have a few very young top players. The woman presenting the cup has a headscarf on that is not covering her head, so you can see her face and hair ( this could also be to do with Iran) interesting , I’m going to pull a card. So pleased you have done this.

    1. I am getting to these comments rather late, and you wrote on 25th November, and it’s now 16th December, so my apologies. You were right about Harry Kane. He was the entire story in that game, wasn’t he!

  26. mh maybe Serbia…the flag is red, blue and white and the players are very young. From what I know people are also very religious there…who knows 😉

  27. So Jessica
    I just pulled a card asking who would win the World Cup and I got the Judgement card, showing the English flag. Could this be relevant, and I think the Angel above is blowing a horn or a trumpet. Interesting. Lots of people in the sea seem to be celebrating and thanking the heavens.

    1. Oh, how I wish that had been the case, but the Tarot was being tricky. You are quite right. That is the England flag on Judgement. And yet those are the spirits of departed souls, rising. I’m wondering who they were, on the day!

  28. facts: Who will give the cup to the winner ? The FIFA, represented by the boy (FIFAboss or emir ?) Behind him is another cup on the pedestal.
    Behind … to protect him ?
    I read the follow on Wikipedia:
    The cup will forever remain the challenge trophy. The winning country can hold on to the original cup for a while to show it to the public after the final match and will receive a replica worth €100,000 to take home.[1] The original cup remains in FIFA’s possession and is kept in FIFA’s headquarters in Zurich.
    So, it is possible as follows : 5 cups for Germany ? and one for the FIFA ?

    white gloves stands for purity and chastity. Is this similar to the statement of the German team when they put their hand on their mouth before the start of the first match?

    1. I am getting to these comments late, and you posted on 25th November, so we are now near the final, and Germany has gone home. Yet, I think you had a very good take on the Tarot card. This is a tricky card, though, because of the way it is illustrated. Four cups below, one in the hand and one waiting. Germany did make sense at the time, but now we are also seeing the X hidden in the card. If we take that as 10, that’s Messi’s shirt. Thank you.

  29. PS: maybe they will refuse the cup because they are the moral winner and have nothing more to loose ..? 4 cups in front.. it’s only a suggestion..

  30. The Six of Cups takes you back to happy memories of the past. This might suggest England reliving their 1966 victory (two sixes). Not to mention 1066 (Battle of Hastings) and 1666 (Great fire of London)

    1. I agree with you. An England win would have been ideal with the Lionesses romping in the stands, with a double male-female victory – but unfortunately the Tarot has other ideas. Let’s see.

  31. I also was wondering about Iran, the team stood in solidarity with the women of gheir Country, quite moving
    “women, life. freedom”

    1. It has been incredibly moving to see the World Cup being used to publicise this cause. The cards in Tarot don’t often show male and female exchange, but here is a clear statement on the day.

  32. This is fascinating, thank you! What may be also interesting here, this is the first tournament to have 3 female referees and 3 assistants – 6 female officials! On the other side, the girl on the card is wearing a head scarf but her head is not fully covered which can be linked to issues in Iran. They are two different things but beside controversy currently in press, I wonder if this tournament will bring some changes we are not even seeing yet?

    1. Thank you for going to the next level with the interpretation. The female officials may be involved in the cup celebrations front-and-centre to make a point about this particular World Cup. There may also be more women announced, perhaps, for the next cup.

    1. Yes, Pope Francis, born in Argentina on December 17th 1936 fits the astrological chart, but also the symbolism of the chalice – the cup – standing alone in the card. We’re not going to get religion out of this World Cup Final.

  33. The trophy that sits alone (6th)? has an X underneath it. In Greek X is an abb for Christ in Christianity.

    1. Yes, the cup alone. Could this also be the Holy Grail of Christianity with our Argentina-born Pope watching the game? This Tarot card has so many layers in it, and we won’t know until kick-off.

  34. Hi Jessica and fellow readers. Maybe the female reference in the card is recognition of the first female referee (Stephanie Frappart) at the men’s World Cup? It may also be worth noting that the USA has a very young team and showed support to the Iranian players. They also have red and blue in their flag and uniform. But with Germany being bundled out today (2 Dec Australia time), it won’t be them. Also, does astrology show anything about Australia’s chances…?
    Kind Regards,

    1. Hello Wayne. Thank you for joining this very interesting discussion about the footer. I do agree that the female in the card could be Stephanie Frappart. That iconic moment when the winning captain has his chance for a photo opportunity – maybe it will be with her. That neat little trick of seeing four cups down the bottom, a fifth in hand and a sixth in the future has come to nothing now Germany has gone. Much as I’d love Australia to go further this Six of Cups shows no clues – no kangas, no green and yellow, not even a small wombat in the distance! Watch Brazil, I think.

    1. Thank you for updating me. I’ve not had time to catch up with the footer. It would be quite literal, if Brazil went to Six Cups!

  35. Hi Jessica,

    There is a lot in this card – the Six of Cups, but as you say it is the Cups that stand out.
    I was wondering if the 4 at the front represent the past. The cup the children have, the present and the cup on the pedestal, the future?

    The last 4 world cups have been won by European teams:
    France in 2018
    Germany 2014,
    Spain 2010
    Italy 2006.
    All are secular and predominantly christian countries as well.

    Could the cups mean that this world cup will also be won by a European team and also the next in 2026?

    The card could also mean the 6 confederations in FIFA:
    Africa CAF
    Asia AFC
    Europe UEFA
    North and Central America and the Caribbean Concacaf
    South America CONMEBOL
    Oceania OFC

    Maybe there will be a split within FIFA with some confederations breaking away.
    Qatar being awarded the tournament seems so wrong on so many levels. No footballing heritage, too small, too hot, too mediaeval but not too rich.
    Maybe 4 of the confederations ( 4 cups at the front) will agree on one approach, one will be separate and the other in transition?

    Brazil would be logical for the 6 cups but there is no green in the card and the scene in the card looks so European.

    Many thanks

    1. Cait that is serious drilling down, thank you. I agree, Brazil would be logical (even stunningly obvious) with the Six of Cups. There is no green in the card and the children look European. However, there are only 78 cards in the deck and needs must. The male-female exchange is important. Pamela Colman Smith did not have the footer in mind, when she created the imagery. It’s really about an innocent pairing – it’s about equality. That fits the astrology, with the Moon in Libra on the day of the final. So the winning team has to cleave to that. I think you are right about a split in FIFA and someone breaking away. Look at the man stalking off in the background. It makes the next Brazil game with South Korea even more interesting.

  36. Really interesting. There’s some information about Germany and religion it’s worth checking on and possibly factoring in – check out their more inclusive approach and their challenging of the Vatican. A while back all the women who do the day to day work in parishes went on strike!

  37. Tracking the matches, testing them out via pendulum divination. The pendulum has today correctly indicated re Netherlands v USA, USA out, and Argentina v Argentina, Australia out. Only fallible of course. Widening it out re Cup winner, Brazil looks likely, with the pendulum dithering over Morocco, hovering thoughtfully over Croatia. Chances not looking great for England alas, but would be great if it turns out otherwise. Alan Shearer seems hopeful.

    1. Brilliant, thanks so much. The pendulum is backing the Six of Cups here: Brazil looks likely. I’d love England to do well, too. Let’s see.

  38. Hi Jessica,

    I have been looking at the chart that you put up for the start of the match and reading through the article again. I often re-read it as there is so much info.

    When I first saw the card I was immediately drawn to the tower in the background on the right and it reminded me of Dubrovnik. It looks mediaeval and there are a lot of old castles and walled cities in Europe, especially Spain and also France. It could be the White tower at the Tower of London but the ground looks stone or sand and the Tower of London has mostly lawn.

    There is also a shield on the pedestal. Both Spain and Croatia have shields on their flags. On the shield there is a Chi (X) – a symbol for christianity.

    The two children in the mid ground of the card are the next most noticeable feature after the cups. You talk about the Libra moon as the cup is handed over from older male child to a younger girl.
    Maybe something unforeseen and unexpected will happen when the Captain of the winning team hands over the cup to a female. Maybe a Female Footballer, Ref or Coach or a Politician.
    The girl does look a bit like Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the previous Croatian President and I believe a football fan. Women’s football has come a long way and this would be a wonderful act of solidarity and empowerment, especially as it would take place in a Country where women are powerless. I hope this happens but I do think something is going to happen even if it isn’t this.

    Looking at the chart again I was wondering if there was any significance in Chiron in Aries 11° 56’ being sextile to Mars in Gemini 12° 21’. I’m new-ish to modern astrology and am very much at the beginning of the learning curve but I’ll attempt an interpretation.
    Could this be the outrageous, leftfield (Chiron) in the first house of appearances (Aries) and first impressions in a harmonious energy exchange with energy and go-for-it (Mars) in the third house of communication (Gemini). So a statement that is about appearance that is direct and a bit punky, anarchistic and no nonsense. Maybe the team will wear “One love” team shirts instead of armbands when they collect the cup.
    Football nowadays is meant to be inclusive and available to all to enjoy and not a “thing” that can be purchased and manipulated.

    Thanks for your work and this website


    1. Thanks so much, Cait. Well-spotted. The X on the shield is a symbol of the Christian faith. I think God is finding his way into this World Cup final, along with Jupiter in Pisces, the sign of the fishes, long associated with Christ. I also like your vision of the Captain symbolically giving his cup to a woman – likely another female captain or referee. Or is this the old Croatian president? She does like her football. Your interpretation of Chiron in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini is really great. Yes, this feels like a punk gesture. Looks like the footballers will use that massive TV exposure and web coverage to get away with the so-called outrageous, unthinkable or impossible. A statement to Qatar.

  39. Only just spotted your word cup football prediction Jessica. It came after I read your excellent Uranus in Gemini report as it will coincide with my second Uranus return. I found your Astrology and tarot interesting esp Jupiters involvement. I felt drawn to the USA for a couple of reasons. They have the largest population.. Jupiter. They also hold the current women’s World Cup in football so the sharing of the cup by the man and woman could be relevant. There is also the red white and blue of the USA flag. It’s also a relative newcomer to the World Cup so 6 of cups could fit esp the baby. The religious element could be the country where it’s being held with their strong religious views on lbgt.. and alcohol.

    1. Thank you. American colours are represented in the clothing of the boy and girl, as you say. I can tell you’re a patriot, by the way. I didn’t know the US holds the current women’s World Cup and that’s really interesting. Sharing the cup between genders. We’re still left with Jupiter in Pisces on the day, the sign ruling Christianity, but also religion in general. Sometimes the astrology can be peculiar; it may be that the captain or star player on the day thanks God, for example.

    1. I am updating the comments section rather late, but it seems we now have Argentina and France. Pope Francis was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I can’t ignore Jupiter in Pisces in the chart. Jupiter has always shown where the biggest picture is, at any cup. In Pisces, that’s Christianity. So there are a few big arrows here. Senegal played well didn’t they.

  40. Portugal has not been considered yet. Religious european country, young team making themselves noticeable. The 6 of cups has a medieval feel to it. The village houses could be Portuguese with the rocky road/pavement. What I’m not sure about is the female. Maybe the winning team will make a grand gesture to the women of the world as they receive the trophy?

    1. I think you are right about a grand gesture to the women of the world at trophy time. We don’t know what it will be yet. The combination of the Libra Moon (equality between male and female) and the actual card, showing the boy and girl with a cup, is really striking. It’s sad about Portugal but then I am still not over England and that referee. Ahem.

  41. I’m leaning still to Brazil win but vs Morocco
    It could be that they are the ones to make their mothers proud (as they’ve been showing in their celebrations including coach) and the stars symbol is similar to the Morocco shirt. First African to quarter final may best Portugal to semifinals if so it could be them ? “”
    Morocco made history on Tuesday as the first-ever Arab country to qualify for the World Cup quarterfinals. Fans of Morocco football celebrated the victory around the world.“”
    Might explain the celebrations of equality and unity as all religions? Brazil win but Morocco elevation- similar to Croatia last cup

    I’m team Australia and Portugal but I’m not anticipating Portugal or Argentina- if not Brazil then France vs Morocco (those images with their mothers keeping their dream alive)

    A week to go!

    1. This Tarot post on the footer has attracted so much interest; it’s one of the most-read stories on my website at the moment, so thank you for contributing to the discussion. Morocco would have better Tarot cards than this, to represent her – that is the only issue here. For example, we would expect The Star, which shows the stars on the Morocco shirt. I agree about the religious aspect, but that might be for other reasons, than a Morocco world win. Let’s see. I’ve been supporting both Australia and England, with my two passports.

  42. Hi Jessica. When Brazil is out, can six of cup means, good memory? (Since you may remember I drew this card in my own story)

    Like England?

    Hmmm. Honestly with actual squad and situation I also predict Brazil to win. But maybe football is really so hard to predict…

    Let’s see what will happen…

    1. The Tarot is clear on one thing. A boy and girl. The card was about the final itself, and here we have the gleaming Jules Rimet being exchanged between male and female. That is possibly the biggest clue of all. So are we looking at the Lionesses and the Three Lions? We should also look at the cross on the masonry and the departing male. I wonder what that means…

  43. Hi Jessica,

    So Brazil are out to a penalty shoot out against Croatia . So that takes out the six of cups favouring Brazil. I’m not sure what that now means as the six of cups seemed only relevant to Brazil. Croatia played an amazing game with the young keeper Dominik Livaković saving a penalty. You also mentioned a religious country and according to cultural atlas 86.3% identifying as Roman Catholic. But no blue/ red stripe just a red check. Not sure what this equates to at this stage but there have been so many surprises and upsets already I am sure we will see more before the final plays out and after such an exciting game its seems like anything is possible.

    1. Exciting time to be a Croatia supporter. Nobody likes penalty shoot-outs (although if you bet on them, you can win a fortune). Of course, the Tarot is not about betting. Croatia would qualify as religious – thank you for checking. I keep thinking ‘first thought, best thought’ with the Tarot, which would have been Brazil, the sixth cup waiting for them – but in this case, the answer will require more digging.

    1. Yes, despite the obvious ‘sixth cup’ interpretation for the Six of Cups, and Brazil, the Tarot is not interested in being obvious. We could go back to the four cups at the bottom of the card for clues, or just to the colours of the boy and girl, who are central. There may be some other details we are missing. When looking at the girl and boy, so many people have seen the Lionesses and England. We also have to remember the old football anthems, perhaps, for clues.

  44. When I look at the 6 of Cups, I see an old building in the top left hand corner, resembling a castle, and a man with a tilted cross behind him on the stone giving a cup to a young girl with her hair loosely covered. The current revolution in Iran was started by young women protesting the death of Mahsa Amini who was brutally killed for ‘not covering her hair appropriately’. England beat Iran 6-2, could this be the sign that England could win and that they dedicate their win to women fighting opression? Of course the blonde hair, could refer to it being England V Germany in the final. I just asked the Tarot who would win the final, and I got the Hanged Man! Could this mean that the Final could end up being a penalty shoot out? It has so far been a fantastic tournament .

    1. Oh, that’s interesting. You drew the Hanged Man for the final. As it’s your card, you have to interpret this, but we see a dangling man, upside-down, which may in fact hold us up. We may be left dangling for the result. I was born in England, so have to say I’m partial to your prediction. Thanks.

  45. Love the blog. Thanks Jessica.

    Well it’s not Brazil’s World Cup after losing that penalty shoot out.

    To me it looks like the girl is passing the trophy to the boy. The boy is kneeling slightly to receive it.

    The girl is looking at the trophy on the podium as if it belongs to her.

    Both boy and girl have the same colours.

    England’s women win the Euros. England’s men win the World Cup?


    Let it be so.

  46. Wow very interesting Croatia made it beating Brazil. May be it’s Croatia taking the cup since the tarot card show blue and red with cheetah prints in the middle in the dress of the girl. The Croatian flag looks similar with red and blue stripes with some kind of dots in the middle. Just my feeling:)

  47. I think it can be the Netherlands.
    The players are religious and we have the stripes. red white blue.

    1. You wanted Netherlands, I thought Brazil, but as people keep pointing out, Argentina is head to her sixth World Cup final. And Lionel Messi wears the 10 on his Argentina jersey – note the X hidden away on the stonework on the card. We’ll have to wait and see.

  48. My initial reaction to the tarot card is that the winning team defeats a 4 time World Cup champion. The winning team may be already a one time World Cup (cup on the stand) or defeated a one time World Cup champion in their way to the finals. The winners come from a humble or developing country.

    My gut says this could be Croatia. My brains says Brazil, though they exited today. My gut also says watch out for England and Morocco.

    1. This card has been really hard to interpret for just these reasons. One cup in the hand, one on the stand, four at the bottom. My brain said Brazil at first, because it was so obvious – a sixth World Cup trophy – they were the only team who qualified. Yet the Tarot has been tricking us. The final will be really intriguing. Thank you.

  49. This is Croatia’s sixth World Cup since independence in 1991! There’s your link. Religion also runs strong throughout the team apparently.

    1. Many people also thought Croatia as it’s her sixth World Cup, but now we have Argentina and her sixth World Cup final. I tell you, the Tarot can be a tricky thing.

    1. Thank you. Kolinda and Luca would qualify if they have a camera-click moment where the cup is exchanged from one to the other. There is so much focus in this card on equality, and in a country like Qatar where the message needs to be heard, that I suspect there will be a really meaningful, powerful final in regard to this. So let’s see about Kolinda who would no doubt want to make the moment resonate. Or will we see the British Lionesses dancing around the stadium? Whichever, the future is half female here in football and very publicly so.

  50. Hi Jessica. I don’t see the male is departing in the card. I see he is defending the boy and girl.

    So just some crazy imagination. Maybe it is England goalkeeper like Pickford to save the goal or penalty, or Southgate to do some things to save the team?

    Let’s see how England do today….

    1. The departing man could be the keeper – usually the man who turns his back to walk away from us. I just saw the new clip for Three Lions and it begins with the lionesses. Very hard to resist not putting England forward again now Brazil has gone…

  51. Hi Jessica, you have been so busy, so much to read. Thank you. as this card seems set in medieval times could the cross be referring back to the crusades, perhaps meaning England v Morocco?

    1. Now that would be fascinating. If that’s the final, you deserve full credit for reading the cross in the card that way.

  52. Hi Jessica,

    I still maintain that the card is about England especially the sharing of success between the man and woman. However I didn’t want to mention until now something about that picture that kept bugging me. The glove of the girl is important, it sticks out in all solid white. But behind the man and woman sticks out the building tower to the left. When I first saw it the tower reminded me a lot of Everton’s logo. England’s goalkeeper Jordan Pickford plays for who?…Everton! The man below the tower looks like a guard, like someone who is there to protect the garden or the occupants. Like how a goalkeeper protects their net? Also he’s in blue. Everton play in blue.
    Maybe Pickford will pull off some major heroics or a penalty shootout save to bring the cup home to England? Maybe! It’s what I could see anyway. Time will tell.


    1. I now want to go back and watch the replay, and Jordan Pickford. It’s such a shame about England because the Lionesses would have been a perfect fit for the girl in the card, but I think we’ll see some other gesture at the final. Thank you for being part of the discussion.

  53. England can’t play Morocco in the final as they are in the same part of the draw.Maybe meet in the semi finals

    1. I’m just updating this comments section and by now we know – “They’re going home, they’re going home” – which is very sad for me as an England supporter. And no Morocco! We have to go back to the Argentina clues I think: we were talking about religion in the astrology chart and the Pope will indeed be wearing his lucky Argentina underpants that day.

  54. I think it could be France holding a cup on the throne (from World cup 2018) and passing it to Croatia. Both France and Croatia are only remaining countries in tournament that have red and blue colours on their flags. The one who receives a cup has red-white-blue clothes (in that direct order same as Croatian flag). Go Croatia!!

    1. It’s a shame that the easy-fit checks of the Croatian symbolism are no more, but it is to France we look, so you may be right. Passing it to Argentina? Is that X actually 10, and so Messi’s shirt?

    1. Nobody has realised that yet. The sixth World Cup for Morocco. And again, bingo. Thank you.

  55. Morocco is currently the only African, Arab and Muslim country to make it this far in the World Cup. It is also their 6th participation. Most of the participating countries are Christian. So it seems strange that this theme is discussed in the final. A Christian – Islam finale could explain something.

  56. I found this page a while ago and have been monitoring everyones comments to see what they think is gonna happen (and it has been very entertaining). I love astrology but am not the most knowledgeable, even less so on tarot, so I mostly have been paying attention to the charts instead of the card. Today I really looked at the card and it looked so pretty and even reminded me of a moment that already happened in the tournament. It was when Morocco beat Spain and Hakimi immediately ran to his mother (who wears a hijab) and embraced her. I thought it was such a sweet and beautiful moment between mother and son and was just reminded of it looking at the 6 of cups, especially with the one holding the cup bowing (sort of like a muslim) to a woman he loves with a head covering. It’s like you pointed out, this is the 6th World Cup for Morocco, and the young man is holding the only one he was able to win and dedicating it to the women in his life. I also think they could be facing Croatia because the background reminds me of Croatian castles. Either way, I really hope that Morocco can pull it off!! They’ve already beat two conquistadors with Spain and Portugal, and now they have the evil that is France ahead of them (can you tell I’m biased against the French lmao). Morocco has already united so many people, and I believe them winning the cup could really inspire the world!! Bismillah Morocco

    1. That Morocco moment was absolutely the image of this card. And now they are out of the final, so the mother and son with the head covering are no longer with us. It’s a huge shame as I would have liked to see a motherly pitch invasion. We must bid adieu to Morocco and now, for all sorts of reasons, the hive mind is saying Argentina.

    1. The hive mind is now saying Argentina with some brave Frenchies interpreting the red cap in the card as French Revolutionary. Thank you.

  57. my opinion of your astrology is it could be Morocco,
    First you couldnt get more religious than Morocco- today they were calling on allah and blessing their butts before entering the field. (admittedly Croatia / Argentina is close).
    Secondly look at the women in the picture, they are like the mothers celebrating with their sons at the Quarter Final today with the traditional scarves.
    Thirdly a number of their experienced defenders are injured including now the captain today, There is no real youth in any of the teams left but Morocco will have to use some 23 year olds for the 29/30 year old injuries

    1. A couple of readers agree with you here about Morocco. And yes, someone else spotted the scarves in the card. So let’s see…thank you for spotting the connection in the Tarot card.

  58. France has the blue and red stripes. I am concerned that there may be some violence on the streets in France preceding or following the semifinal match. All of the arab world seems to have come together to rally behind Morocco.

  59. Thank you, Jessica, what a fascinating thread! I think so many of us around the world would love to see Morocco have their Rocky Balboa world cup champions’ moment, Inshallah – a first for the African continent and the Islamic world while the event is taking place in Qatar of all places. The white flowers in the six of cups on Pamela’s tarot card all have five points like the five-pointed pentangle on the Moroccan flag representing the five pillars of Islam, which echoes Jupiter in Pisces. There’s something of the hijabi style in the children’s medieval headdresses also. Amidst the backdrop of a truly problematic world cup where human rights and wrongs are forefront, we’ve had a male protester run on the field of one of the games this tournament asking for respect for the women of Iran while also supporting Ukraine’s victory against warring Russia and carrying a rainbow flag in support of LGBTQ+. We’ve also seen Saudi Arabian women able to travel unchaperoned to attend the games for the first time. As other readers have pointed out this could well be a final between an Islamic and a Christian nation with this being Morocco’s sixth time to participate at the world cup. The appearance of an animal print on the girl’s dress could be indicative of the Moroccan women’s football team, the Atlas Lionesses, as counterpart to the Moroccan men’s team who are known as the Atlas lions. Time and the tarot will tell…

    1. Morocco would fit the religious angle of Jupiter in Pisces that dominates the astrology chart for the final. You’ve also spotted white flowers in the card which resemble the white pentangles on the Moroccan flag. And yes, something of the hijab in the children’s headwear. Imagine an Islam-Christian final. I love the way you are seeing so much detail in the card and if Morocco does win, your comment will become an instant classic on this website.

  60. One last thing, the Moroccan women’s team were the first Arab women’s team to qualify for the FIFA Women’s World Cup and will make their debut in 2023…Now doesn’t this all feel very significant with the boy child handing over the cup to the girl child in Pamela’s six of cups tarot card?

    1. Now we’re talking. England is out, partly because of that Capricorn Brazil referee Wilton Sampaio – so all eyes on Morocco. I agree with you. The Moroccan women’s team may well be represented by the girl’s hands on the golden cup. I don’t know enough about Morocco or the team to see any other clues in the card, but perhaps you may.

  61. Another interesting fact is that France won the previous World Cup in 2018. The cup on the pedestal next to the boy may indicate this. Morocco and France will play against each other in the next match. France passes the cup to Morocco? The only question then remains who Morocco will compete against in the final: Croatia or Argentina?

    1. Thank you. The other cup on the pedestal does stand out, doesn’t it? I think you can see from the comments here that a lot of readers will be watching Morocco v France with huge interest. Let’s see if those mothers end up on the pitch again!

  62. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for your wonderful work.

    Here are some of my observations of the Tarot card and blog, to add on the comments shared. I hope Croatia will win FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar.

    Following a loss to Croatia, newspapers in Brazil Estado De Minas had for the cover page Croatian language – Zbogom šesti naslov – that is, ‘Goodbye, sixth championship’. Zbogom means farewell, goodbye, literally translating in Croatian – with God. Brazilske novine objavile naslov na hrvatskom i pokazale koliko tuguju zbog ispadanja – Več ( (Dec 10 2022). That cover page also shows Croatian national football team coach Zlatko Dalić and captain Luka Modrić.

    “It was necessary to know how to arrange Croatia for the world’s top! Mother always says that Zlatko was rewarded by the dear God” this is a title in today’s Croatian Vecernji list newspaper ‘Trebalo je znati složiti Hrvatsku za svjetski vrh! Majka uvijek kaže da je Zlatka nagradio dragi Bog’ – Več ( (Dec 11 2022).

    The boy is the Tarot card looks a lot like Croatian goalkeeper, Dominik Livaković, with amazing performance in this World Cup. The blond girl in the picture could be Ms Iva Olivari, the Croatian team manager. She has been in working for the Croatian Football Federation since 1992, she became the first woman to sit on the bench for the national team at a World Cup in 2018. The New York Times article (Nov 22 2022) shares Ms Olivari’s view: “ For the current group headed to Qatar, Olivari, 51, considers herself in some ways a maternal figure, one who has helped younger men navigate the highs and lows not only of their soccer careers, but also of their lives: children, marriage, legal troubles and divorce.” In the same article we also read, “she has known Modric, 37, since he was a teenager, only a few years after he was forced out of his hometown and made a refugee by war.” And those could be olives on the coat in the Tarot card, with Croatia also being famous for its world-class olive oil.

    The X in the Tarot picture could also be number 10, which is of team captain Luka Modrić. This is what Mirror UK newspapers (Dec 11 2022) say in the article “Modric became a refugee when the war broke out in 1991 after Croatia tried to break away from the Serb-controlled Republic of Yugoslavia. The World Cup final will be played on the 31st anniversary of his grandfather’s execution at the hands of soldiers who have never been brought to justice. Modric is named after him – and has dedicated his career to his memory. Croatia coach Dalic insists his team can now take the final step after beating the tournament favourites on Friday.”

    The paving on the left of the Tarot card is checkered, just as is the Croatian football dress and the coat of arms in the national flag. The solder in the background in the Tarot card looks like he guards what has been hard won.

    The official bus carrying Croatian team in this sports competition has the hashtag obitelj, meaning family. To close with Zlatko Dalić’s words: “Faith, respect and pride, our players have one big thing, and that is togetherness. … I’ve said many times, for everything I’ve done in my life, I thank God and my family. ” (Nov 7 2022)

    1. Thank you so much. I am really enjoying this commentary on the World Cup. Are the boy and girl, Dominik Livaković and Iva Olivari? It would fit. So would the X on the card being interpreted as 10, not a cross. You have also spotted the checks in the card. The astrology is also there, with Zlatko Dalić’s statement about his religion (Jupiter in Pisces on the day). All of which makes the final so much more interesting. Football is a channel for quite a lot; it goes far beyond being sport. I wonder what other readers think about your take on Croatia?

  63. Well, the following gave me goosebumps: I saw the Moroccan football jersey up close in a news story last night just before going to bed, and you wouldn’t believe it when you see how similar the white five-pointed flowers in Pamela’s six of cups are to the white five-pointed emblem on Morocco’s football jersey! It’s like it’s been staring us in the face all along. There’s so much greenery surrounding the white flowers in Pamela’s six of cups also, and red and green are the dominant Moroccan jersey and flag colours. When I woke up this morning, I had a mental impression that the man dressed in blue walking away with a stick or pole was indicative not only of France (les bleus) or Argentina walking away from the tournament, but as representative of all the migrant workers who built the world cup stadiums in Qatar shown by the architecture in Pamela’s card, many of whom are from Islamic countries themselves and many of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice for this tournament. Spiritually, a Moroccan win would be a huge uplift in remembrance of those souls who are now in spirit who gave their all for this world cup in Qatar. Morocco’s winning streak has also been a huge uplift for the Palestinian cause. Another Jupiter in Pisces clue in the card is the sideways cross, indicative of Christ laying down his cross when his work is done. This could be any of the three Christian country contenders laying down the cross and walking away from the cup: Croatia, France, Argentina. Like you, I originally had a hunch it would be England with the lions motif in the girl’s clothing but now that I think about the cross laid down on its side things are reverberating differently for me. So, yes, my money is on Morocco now – it must have something to do with my opposition stelliums in Aries and Libra! As a young girl growing up in New Zealand, I couldn’t sleep the night before football and cricket seasons began where I would play on my school teams for both sports traditionally viewed as mens’ and boys’ sports. Women’s football and rugby on the international stage has come a long way since I was a tomboy growing up in the 70s and 80s. The libra moon of the 2022 world cup final could indeed be a watershed moment for women’s football with the up and coming Moroccan lionesses coming to play in NZ and Australia for the FIFA women’s world cup in 2023. Game on!

    1. Goosebumps are a sign your spirit guide has moved into your aura and has something to convey. The Moroccan football jersey does look a lot like Pamela’s illustration of white flowers, and as you say, it was staring us in the face all along. You have even been dreaming about the game, with your deep dive into the figure of the man walking away. I’ve said a bit more in your other post, but thank you for this complex reading of the Six of Cups. It’s almost a Tarot lesson by itself.

  64. Apparently if Argentina reach the final, it will be their 6th final , something to ponder about in relation to the cups. And with their links to religion, the current Pope is Argentinian. Last in 1986 was when Morocco qualified for the WC and did well. They managed to beat Portugal then too. It was year of the Tiger and only Brazil, Argentina and Germany till date has won WC’s in the year of the Tiger. I personally think it will be a non European team winning this , Argentina or Morocco m.

    1. Oh, the sixth final for Argentina. We have a new contender for a World Cup winner. And thank you for pointing out the Pope is from Argentina. We have to honour the astrological chart and Jupiter, with all his abundance and good fortune, is favouring religion – Pisces – on the day. Morocco would also fit, and another reader has pointed out the Christian-Muslim crusade history. This final is about a lot more than football, isn’t it.

  65. With respects to the Cancer ascendant, we are witnessing a lot of love between Moroccan players and their mums: Hakimi kissing his mum after the win against Spain, and then climbing up the stands after the win against Portugal to find his mum again for another embrace, and later tweeting a pic of him and her saying, “I love you, mum”; Boufal dancing with his mum on the pitch after the win against Portugal which melted everyone’s hearts; and coach Regragui rushing up the stands to find his mum for a winning embrace after getting his team into the semi-finals. The Moroccan Football Federation have paid for footballers’ parents to be at the games to support their sons and pay dues to the sacrifice shown by loving mums and dads who got their sons and their country this far. The mother and son relationship is a huge winner for fans at this tournament. One more thing about the cross being laid down in the story of Christ. It was symbolic for Christ to lay down the cross after his journey and stations of the cross in penance to pay for the sins of his followers, so there may indeed be something deeply karmic going on if Morocco were to win, harking back to the times of the crusades where Christians had very much lost their spiritual way in attacking Muslims. As we know, all organised religions have lost their way spiritually on so many levels throughout the ages to the current day. The purity signified between the two children in the six of cups tarot card reminds us of the higher values that can and do inspire us all through events such as the world cup despite all the corruption and shenanigans. Our spirits are still be uplifted.

    1. Yes, the Cancer Ascendant during the World Cup Final nods to mothers. Morocco is a matriarchy; Boufal dancing with his mother has made world headlines, hasn’t it. I didn’t know Morocco had paid for parents to be with their sons. That is also a Cancerian Ascendant fit. I was thinking about the Crusades too; the Tarot is ancient and would be far more interested in a historical perspective – beyond mere 2022 footer! I really appreciate your deep reading of the Six of Cups; you have picked up on the cross in the card in terms of the old Muslim-Christian story. Readers who are looking at the comments in this feature will be fascinated to see how the actual final plays out on television.

  66. Hi Jessica,
    I hope I’m not late to comment on this exciting subject. There is one detail which confuses me on the tarot card: does the boy giving the fifth cup out of six to the girl, or is it the six one? I see the winning cup on the masonery. The girl could represent the second best at the world cup. I think the card doesn’t want to show us clearly who will be the winner, and x is also a sign for the unknown. As far as I know, Pisces and Jupiter represent a Christian nation and Islam is more related to Scorpio. Jupiter Venus square was really tight when Brasil and Portugal lost their matches. Those countries are Pisces in mundane astrology, again, as far as I know… The Football as a sport is Taurus and its ruler, Venus. Uranus is in Taurus, the light blue Planet, and Argentinian team has a very interesting name “Albiceleste”. Taurus is ocupying the 10th house in the semi-finals chart. I find that Croatian team is represented by Mars, because they call themselves “the fiery ones”. I think that Morocco can’t qualify for the finals.

    1. No, not too late. In fact 35 comments have appeared this weekend, as England go home. Jupiter in Pisces on the day of the final does represent religion. I am not sure about the rulerships you mention. The main theme in the Tarot and astrology though, is male and female equality. The Tarot has been literal and shown us cups, in a World Cup final. The Libra Moon on the day is about fair play between different genders. So that is worth watching. Thank you.

  67. Hi all, I new here and for the 6 of cups, Argentina if they qualify for the finals it will be their 6th Time in the final… could it be them lifting in for the 3ed time in 6 attempts??

    1. Quite right, literally the sixth cup. Brazil was another contender for the sixth cup (literally the trophy and not the final) but here we are!

  68. If you look at the coat of arms of Argentina, you see a red hat, which really resembles the hat that the boy wears in the map.
    There is also a stick present in the coat of arms. The man in the background of the card also carries a stick. I’m going for an Argentina-Morocco final.

    1. Thank you. Argentina-Morocco sounds interesting. I wish WordPress allowed images in Comments and then we could see what you are talking about, but for now I will leave it to readers to check. Can’t wait for the final now.

  69. As a French afficionado to your site, the predictions scare me a lot, as no one sees France going to the final. To give hope for French supporters, I see french symbols in the card, with the man wearing a Phrygian cap (symbol of French revolution) and Marianne (the symbol of French republic) as the lady. Still cannot find anything about the number 6, except the fact that france has won 2 world cups, 2 euro cups, 1 olympic cup, so this would make it the 6th major cup won. Let me dream a bit… Cheers to all.

  70. Regarding Argentina vs. Morocco. As Astrosurf pointed out, Pope Francis is Argentinian. He is football fan, and has written about the role of sports in bringing people together. He has also met for peaceful dialogue with both Muslim and Christian religious leaders in the Arabic-speaking world, traveled to several countries there, and spoken in support of refugees. The Holy Father’s namesake, Francis of Assisi, also traveled to that part of the world during the Crusades, built friendships with Muslim leaders, and adapted some of the prayer traditions. (The practice of saying the Angelus, a prayer to Mary, at noon every day is traditionally said to have been instituted by Francis after his travels.) Might a match between those two countries be an opportunity for a spiritual rapprochement and to lay aside old grudges?

    Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, many migrant workers died and now the tournament has been marred by the death of an American journalist. Not everyone is welcome at these games, and much work remains to be done.

    1. This is so fascinating. This does look like a Jupiter in Pisces, religious or spiritual rapprochement, as you say, with these two nations. And yet not for the final. Whomever wins now, France or Argentina, I don’t think we can keep the Pope out of this.

  71. Just to add one more detail, six of cups can represent sixth final appearance of Argentina. They have been in five finals 1930, 1978, 1986, 1990, 2014, hopefully 2022…

  72. Hi Jessica . I just found your post and I love it. Maybe Argentina is that country. The Pope is argentinian and 75% off the population is catholic. We are also a country that runs on football and alcohol. Argentina is the fifth wine producing region in the world. Football also runs through our veins at such a degree that we refer to Maradona as God (D10S). As for the two cups that are set appart in the card, those might be the ones that Argentina won in 1978 and 1986. This might be the sixth time the team plays a WC final match. Half of the team is 25 or under. The captain and leader, Lionel Messi, is a cancer sun and is very proud of this team. Those players under 25 grew up looking up to Messi, some of them have photos with him when they were just teens and dreamed about playing a WC. Argentina is also a cancer, with libra ascendant and capricorn moon. A red cap and a short spear called “pica” appear on the Argentine shield. Maybe the final is Argentina-Morocco. What do you think?

    1. What a difference two days makes to the World Cup, but Argentina is on her way to a sixth world cup final. You seem correct!

  73. Hi Jessica . I just found your post and I love it. Maybe Argentina is that country. The Pope is argentinian and 75% off the population is catholic. We are also a country that runs on football and alcohol. Argentina is the fifth wine producing region in the world. Football also runs through our veins at such a degree that we refer to Maradona as God (D10S). As for the two cups that are set appart in the card, those might be the ones that Argentina won in 1978 and 1986. This might be the sixth time the team plays a WC final match. Half of the team is 25 or under. The captain and leader, Lionel Messi, is a cancer sun and is very proud of this team. Those players under 25 grew up looking up to Messi, some of them have photos with him when they were just teens. Argentina is also a cancer, with libra ascendant and capricorn moon. A red cap and a short spear called “pica” appear on the Argentine shield. Maybe the final is Argentina-Morocco. What do you think?

    1. Thank you. I can’t believe there are 35 more comments today, and more by the final, no doubt. We are having a great global conversation here, with a Frenchman just appearing to politely point out the fact that France has not yet been mentioned. Erk alors. As you say, the Pope comes from Argentina. It’s a Catholic nation and you love your wine. I did actually think of Maradona and God, like you! I didn’t know a red cap appears on the Argentine shield. This Tarot card works visually (what we get, with the winner, is exactly what is shown) – but also with the numbers (six) and then the themed message which psychic people see beyond the illustration. I agree: I think the card says an Argentina-Morocco final.

  74. Hello everyone! As a french supporter, the predictions made so far scare me quite a bit, as no one sees France win the world cup. So, in order to keep the faith for all french supporters, here are my observations of the tarot card. The boy holding the cup seems to wear a red phrygian cap (a sign of freedom worn during the French revolution), and is dressed in the color of the French football team (blue, red, white). The lady could be Marianne, the symbol of the French republic. As far as the number 6, not easy to find, but I found out that France has won 5 major international tournaments: 2 world cups, 2 euro cups, 1 olympic cup. The 6th cup could be the coming world cup. And for the guy leaving, I interpret this as the final game of Lionel Messi for Argentina or Luka Modric for Croatia.
    These interpretations allow me to keep faith and dream of another win for France. Cheers to all.

    1. This is hilarious, and so French. You are correct about the resemblance of the red hat to the famous phrygian cap. The colours are correct. We could stretch the female to Marianne. And if France has won five tournaments, you may have your sixth here. And is that Messi leaving in a huff? I really like the way you are seeing the card. I have a feeling that the final, on television, will mimic the card visually and pictorially, so let’s see what happens. Bon chance Monsieur.

  75. Hello everyone! Sorry in so late to join the conversation but with Argentina winning and the fact that Pope Francis is from Beunos Aires, I’m thinking it’s going to be Argentina for the win!!

    1. Pope Francis from Argentina is a very, very big sign from the astrology chart with Jupiter in Pisces on the day. And yet that photograph of ‘the Morocco mother’ looks awfully like the card. Fun isn’t it!

  76. Argentina’s 6 WC final, Messi’s 5th WC appearance like the 5 petals of the flowers in the cups. I couldn’t follow the whole lioness thread in the comments and not sure how it relates, but Messi’s first name means little lion and his nickname is Leo. He is a Cancer sun, like the WC ascendent, and a Pisces MC. Argentina is a deeply catholic country and wine country. Everyone drinks it, even children, with meals. It’s highly likely they will win.

    1. Thank you. The Lionesses discussion was really about England having a successful female team, and the Lionesses featuring so heavily in the song for the 2023 World Cup: the new version of Three Lions. We were looking for a team with a strong equality theme and female presence! So Messi’s name and nickname aren’t really part of that, but the wine and the Roman Catholic nature of Argentina fit the chart – agreed!

  77. A few reasons it could be Argentina.As someone said pope Francis is Argentinian and is 86 yrs old the day before the final.1986 the year of the tiger was last time argentina won the world cup.2022 also the year of the tiger.Lionel messi was born 360 days after argentina’s win in 1986(36 appearing again).In 1986 there is a picture of Diego Maradona being held aloft by his team mates one hand holding the world cup and the other hand appears to be pointing to the qatar flag which is part of lots of flags around the stadium!Also their 6th final as previously said!

  78. I am Argentinian though I have lived in Canada for the last 33 years. Yes, kids in Arg drink wine … with soda so we used to have what is now called Spritzer. One (horizontal) finger of wine in a tall glass and gassy water to the top. Wine was no mystery so teenagers never ever got drunk until they started experimenting with beer…

    That said, let’s deal with religion. Most Arg surveyed for a census will declare Catholic as their faith, but doesn’t mean they go to church more than twice a year … If! However – like in the rest of Latin America – there’s a growing trend among the poorest to convert to Protestantism. Football and politics have replaced the objects of Argentinians’ faith. Now Morocco, that is a religious country!

  79. My take on the Tarot card on Argentina win:-
    1) Messi played in 5 World Cups. There are 4 cups on the ground & he only manage to hold 1 cup. Meaning he manage to win once & the other 4 is out of his reach.
    2) The other cup on the lectern which has a ‘X’ below is most likely the Player of the Tournament cup. The symbolism is that ‘X’ is representing the numerical number ’10’. Who is the player with the no 10 in his jersey? Messi
    3) As for the woman, I really don’t know. It could be a woman referee in the final or Messi could be sharing it with his wife since this is his last World Cup & fittingly his last World Cup match.

    1. Oh, that’s new information. Thank you. Messi played in five World Cups. The Player of the Tournament also gets a trophy. Now that is fascinating, above X for 10. The woman is the mystery. This goes beyond a wife and her husband. The Moon in Libra also on the day, suggests a major statement about feminism and equality. Perhaps we will see all these elements come into play for the final, along with Morocco.

  80. Thanks for your post Jessica! Loving all the comments from readers. So many wonderful insights around Argentina (Pope, etc.).
    However, the tarot card seems to suggest a Morocco win for me:
    – the Moroccan captain wears the #6 Jersey
    – the 5-pointed star (on Moroccan flag)
    – the man walking away on the left is likely Messi (last WC game and walking away without the Cup
    I wish I could see more in the card for a France win 🙁

    1. The five-pointed star for Morocco is exact, isn’t it? The astrology suggests the Pope because of Jupiter in Pisces, but it is also possible that you can have the Pope celebrating a Moroccan win, which would be very Christian of him. You are the second person to identify the man walking away as Messi. Once we know the winner, I will post all the photographs and YouTube clips that show what you and other readers are talking about so we can line them up with the card. One thing is certain. The Tarot is making us work for this prediction.

  81. What an amazing discussion! I am going with France for a few reasons:
    1) the scene in the 6 Cups just seems French and I too see the Phrygian cap! 2) the star is an important symbol in France also, eg. Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, Place de l’Etoile 3) The golden boot (for scoring most goals) could go to someone who wears #10 (Mbappe or Messi). I think it’s Mbappe as it seems Messi is walking away 4) in terms of equality and feminism, France has the highest Gender Equality Index of the remaining teams and France is diverse in terms of religions practiced (some of the French team players are Muslim).
    * I am a biased French supporter 🙂

    1. It is a whopper discussion about Tarot, astrology and footer. I have applied to you elsewhere, but top marks to you as a biased French supporter who is seeing that Phrygian cap. Now that Morocco is out, it’s Vive France for me too in the final. Thank you.

  82. Hello,
    The symbol of the French national football team (same for rugby) is the rooster. It is a clear symbol on the footbal jersey. And we all know that the rooster comb is red, same as the man’s red hat.
    So many interpretations, this thread is a great fun! Thanks for providing this Jessica!

  83. I saw the tarrot card and I think its Argentina

    To the point of Phyrgion hat , have you seen the coat of arms for Argentina , just google it all will be clear its Argentina all the way.

    X may be 10 belongs to Messi , VI belongs to sixth time they reach final.

    Lot of Blue and White in tarrot card , I think Sunday 18 Th Dec , sum 9 , Argentian Indenpendence on 9th July

    So all pointing Argentina and its official they will wear blue and white on that day.

    1. The Frenchies won’t agree with you about the hat, but I think everyone would have to agree X is 10 for Messi. Can’t wait for the final, thank you.

  84. Argentina will win the final.
    This is Messi’s 6th grand final (2 World cups and 4 Copa). He lost 4 (3 Copa and 1 World cup), thus the 4 cups on the ground. He won 1 on his 10th Finals appearance (4 World cups and 6 Copa). This is his 5th world cup and 11th for both. So the Copa cup is sitting on top of the ‘X’ which is representation of the number 10 appearance in finals.
    The picture is showing that he is receiving his second trophy from a noble lady (lady in white glove symbolize nobility). Normally, the head of state or government of the winning nation if present will also take part in presenting the cup to the winning captain. Argentina had a female president which is also currently the Vice President.
    As for the early mentioned of a ‘young captain’, it could be pointing to the Argentina coach which is the youngest in this world cup at 44 years old.
    — just having fun joining in which is interpretation. 🙂

    1. This is a very detailed and deep interpretation of that cup sitting on the X. Pamela Colman Smith must be enjoying this, for when she created the Six of Cups, I am sure football was the last thing on her mind! Maybe that’s the Tarot’s inside clue: as you say, it is Messi’s sixth Grand Final, if we include COPA. Can’t wait to watch this. Thank you for weighing in.

  85. A court in Argentina has sentenced Vice-President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to SIX years in jail for corruption. Just saying…

  86. Hello Jessica,
    I love your website & this article is a lot of fun. When you first posted this I used the tarot on your website to see what card I would get for the winner and I pulled the King of Cups. I was really pleased that the card I pulled mentioned the world cup in your interpretation. Now France are actually in the final. The setting in the 6 of cups reminds me of a French village or town. I agree with some of the comments that the departing blue figure in the 6 of cups is Messi, whether he is departing in triumph or defeat we will know soon.
    I don’t know if this will be posted or lost in the ether like the other comments I have tried to leave but thank you for the article and your website. x

  87. Hi, I’m new to the discussion but I thought I would share some of my astrological research I have done leading up to this WC, with an emphasis on eclipses. I’m sorry for the long post but I wanted to share my insights.

    France- In their natal chart they have a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio and there was a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces back in April. Every time there is a conjunction of those two planets, something significant happens to France. This speaks to a dream come true experience for France this year. I also noticed a lot of hype for France was really starting to pick up in April around the conjunction. Didier Deschamps natal Neptune at 25 degrees Scorpio was eclipsed on May 16, 2022. Just a few weeks after the eclipse France was losing important games in the League of Nations which would have forced Deschamps to confront some weak spots in the team. I also think with France’s and Deschamps Neptunes being strongly activated this year, they truly believed they would achieve something big at the WC. The 6 of Cups is a Scorpio card which could be speaking to their Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio. Deschamps Neptune was conjunct Morocco’s coach’s North Node, which weakened Morocco’s tactics.

    Argentina- Their natal Jupiter was eclipsed on November 8, 2022 just a week before the WC began. This could signify a big win and success for them this year. Mars Retrograde in Gemini crossed over their natal Mercury and Venus in their 4th house during the WC giving them passion and ambition for their nation. I also believe that they wanted to prove themselves this year because of the memory (4th house) of their poor showing at the 2018 WC. Argentina’s coach’s Sun was eclipsed on May 16, 2022, putting the spotlight on him. Argentina’s Pluto is conjunct France’s ASC and I would predict that Argentina will control the game against France. Argentina has a better record against France than France has against Argentina, which I partly attribute to this Pluto energy. I also found it interesting that Argentina’s coach’s Neptune was conjunct Croatia’s Pluto, making Croatia lose their energy in the game. 6 of Cups is a compassion card and it seems the whole world has been rooting for Argentina because of Messi and have been feeling sorry for him because he has yet to win the WC. If Argentina loses, most will have compassion for him and I think the French players would show compassion to Argentina as well.

    Croatia- In the months leading up to the WC, I predicted that Croatia would achieve something big because they were the most eclipsed nation at the WC. Croatia’s Mars- North Node midpoint was eclipsed on October 25, 2022 which is the midpoint of sports and athletics. This is also Croatia’s coach’s natal Sun and Luka Modric’s exalted Pluto in his 1st house. Croatia’s Part of Fortune was eclipsed on November 8, 2022 which is also their coach’s North Node. They had luck and power on their side during this tournament. It’s also interesting that their coach kept saying that Croatia needed to keep their emotions under control and to control their games as much as possible. This speaks to their coach’s Sun at the Pluto exaltation degree. With his Sun at Croatia’s Mars-North Node midpoint and his North Node conjunct Croatia’s Part of Fortune, I will predict that as long as he remains their coach, they will continue to have luck, success, and medals. His Mercury was on the Morocco’s coach’s North Node and both teams have been been communicating nicely to each other, and tactically Croatia outshined Morocco in their Bronze game.

    Morocco- Their coach’s North Node was eclipsed on May 16, 2022 putting the spotlight on him and bringing him some destined success. When I see eclipses on nodal points during competitions, it usually indicates tactical prowess.

    I like to use eclipses when making predictions and we can see that the most eclipsed nations were in the final four. This was also the case at the 2018 WC when France, Croatia, Belgium, and England (along with their coaches) were all eclipsed as well.

    Side Note- England’s coach’s Jupiter was eclipsed on October 25, 2022 and this should have brought some success. Brazil’s Mars was also eclipsed on October 25, 2022. Looking at the synastry between the opponents needs to be considered as well.
    Looking Ahead to 2026

    I have started looking at the 2026 eclipses and we will have an eclipse at 12 degrees Virgo a few months before the WC which will conjunct Brazil’s Sun. Maybe it will be their year….
    Sorry for the long post…

    1. I think this is a whole new website, given the interest in both the footer and the astrology. Thank you so much for your long and detailed analysis. Eclipses are something I associate with a cover-up. As FIFA is widely seen as corrupt, this would make sense for certain games. An eclipse conceals, it never reveals. How very interesting. Thoughts on the Libra Moon and the male-female equality in the Six of Cups?

  88. Hi, it’s almost kick off! A couple of quick snippets about Leo nickname Messi that may make sense

    Was reading about Italian Messi growing up and childhood and it revolved around a kid’s club, youth club/his attachment to his grandma Celia who passed just before his 11 bday (devout catholic) and looking up to sky when he scored goals as a tribute to her.

    Around age 10/X/shirt no -future was also threatened with growth hormone deficiency condition etc which led to a series of plot twists and no doubt foundation for his character building. He of coursespent a lot of time in Spain so backdrop of buildings Spain/Italy

    He has 3 sons I think, maybe a daughter in future….
    world cup kicks off with adorable line of boys/girls with players is a poignant symbol of the mass appeal and positive associations of game

    Regardless of what happens Messi’s football journey hits a milestone today.
    Thank you.
    Enjoy the game/Happy Xmas

    1. We did see the line of boys and girls, which was a faithful reflection of the boy and girl in the Six of Cups. We’re now at nail-biting time, but I just wanted to thank you for your comment. Merry Christmas.

  89. Eclipses sure are fascinating! I briefly mentioned it in my post but 6 of Cups is a Scorpio card and I believe France’s Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Scorpio would fit this. I agree with others who have pointed out 6 is relevant to both teams. Both teams will have their 6th WC medal after today.

    The woman in the card could be the Indian actress who will be unveiling the trophy today a few hours before the final.

    As for the Libra Moon, the game could finish as a tie and need to be extended. Both France and Argentina are considered to be Libra countries. Also both teams have many players who play with each other in their clubs and are friends.

    This has been a fun post and thank you for sharing it! Would you be interested in doing something similar for the League of Nations final in 2023? Thanks again!

    1. Thank you. You are quite right about the Libra Moon. Though this is so tense I think I can only manage the footer and Tarot/Astrology for the World Cup.

  90. Ha, not sure I’m psychic, but I do want Messi to triumph. The St Andrews cross could also be MacAllister, whose family hail from Fife with Northern Irish connections – could he score the winner?

    1. Correct with the St. Andrews Cross. And how about both Messi and Mbappe wearing the 10 shirt? And Mbappe being the youngest player to ever score 10 goals in the World Cup?

  91. You were spot on Jessica, Pope Francis was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Thank you for all the wonderful work you do for us all.
    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
    May 2023 be a wonderful year.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, it was a Christian World Cup. Jupiter in Pisces and the Pope had the winning team. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  92. Amazing! Over the moon for Messi and Argentina, and Mbappe is just brilliant. France will win it again with him

  93. Brilliant game to end the world cup. This world cup had some great games throughout the tournament. Very enjoyable viewing. Both teams should be proud today, I was cheering the football and would have been happy for either team to win. Congratulations to Argentina

    1. Thank you! I’ll post all the photographs from the final in a feature called True Predictions, New Predictions, for the New Year, because they were so uncannily like the Six of Cups Tarot card.

  94. Wow!!
    What a game, especially when France found their “mojo” or should that be “Je ne sais Quoi” Even the commentators on the BBC were saying it was an amazing game.
    With regard to the Six of Cups.
    There were 6 goals – 6 cups.
    Also 6 penalties, 4 to France (the cups at the front) and 2 for Argentina ( the cups at the back)
    2 amazing players, Messi and Mbappe both in the number 10 shirt (the X on the shield). The commentary even said the players in the number 10 shirt had the X factor.
    The child’s Phyrgian cap is a symbol for both France and Argentina.
    I have never seen players’ children at the finish of a Football Final before, as other people have suggested this maybe the children in the card.

    1. Thanks Cait. Probably the best World Cup final since 1966. Yes, there were six goals, so the Six of Cups was correct. And as you say, six penalties. Quite incredible. We had the two number 10 shirts, showing the X on the card. I had no idea that one commentator said the players in the 10 shirt had the X factor – amazing. And we had photographs of children with the cup at the end that were so close to Pamela Colman Smith’s drawing. This discussion has been such a lesson about the Tarot for me, thank you for being involved. Merry Christmas.

  95. Congratulations Jessica on this prediction. You are so talented! We are lucky lucky lucky you are here

    1. Thank you. The astrology was terrific here – Jupiter in Pisces – religion – and the Pope from Argentina and Messi with a Virgin Mary T-Shirt under his Argentina shirt. Libra also ruled the day with all those women on the pitch. His mother. His wife. Then all the Argentina WAGS. I wondered if it would be Brazil, then Germany, then England so was completely wrong about the actual teams, but then we were looking at themes not teams. Congratulations to ‘Lou’ who picked Argentina right on day one.

    1. The Christian religion aspects of Messi and Argentina are – some would say – over the top. That is Jupiter. He’s also been elevated to the status of a football god, hasn’t he. Thanks for this link to amazingly, the Catholic News Agency! Terrific validation for astrology.

  96. I also was thinking of Messi’s name. The Italian word for mass is messa. The Latin it’s derived from is missa.
    The outpouring of emotion/devotion from the Argentine people – it is almost religious like. Regardless, I’m
    Just so happy for the people of Argentina.

  97. some really interesting comments really enjoyed reading them all.Jessica are you going to be doing anymore of these on future sporting events?

    1. I’ll do the World Cup again, thank you, but nothing else as I’m only really interested in the footer. Maybe the F.A. Cup Final as I seem to have some psychic readers who’d probably nail it!

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