Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Truss, Astrology and the Next PM

Liz Truss, Astrology and the Next PM 

I’ve had so many questions about PM Liz Truss, now resigned from 10 Downing Street, that I thought I’d put all my predictions about her in order. There were three in total.

They began three years ago, in 2019, when you first read about a third female Prime Minister, and continued right up until the economic turmoil and resignations, predicted just a few weeks ago after Truss arrived as PM. So let’s take a look.

The Truss Arrival Predicted 2nd January 2021

This was my 2nd January 2021 prediction: “On 2nd January 2021 as I write this, PM Boris Johnson has successfully led the nation past the historic 2016 vote for Brexit, into a thumping landslide victory for the Conservative party – and into power.

“Yet, we are in a pandemic. So what next? It is a woman, not a man, who heals the ailing nation. This will be the third female Prime Minister, or a ‘power behind the throne’ influencer. A Female Prime Minister?” (Image: BBC).

The third female PM did arrive, right on cue. She also ushered in the lowest UK unemployment since 1974.  This is just as reported, by The Guardian, as PM Liz Truss took over Downing Street.

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And yet, it is one thing to heal ailing employment figures and quite another to come into power with “hard times and deception” as the media reported my prediction.


Female PM and Deputy PM Predicted 23rd March 2019

Going even further back, three years ago, you read this: 

“There will be more female Prime Ministers in the British Isles by 2050 and there will also be a double-act: both the leader and her deputy will be women.”

PM Truss ensured two women would take both the top jobs in British politics and change the course of history. As the third Conservative female leader in the United Kingdom, she also pioneered a feminist approach to power.

Trouble for Truss Predicted 5th September 2022

Most recently, after these two predictions,  I ran the Truss astrology chart in a feature on 5th September 2022 as the new Prime Minister began settling into her job.  We still don’t have a time for her, but even then, a financial drama was unfolding.

You can see the original forecast here.

Quote: “The new PM will spend her entire time trying to manage the unmanageable,” And: “There will be sackings and/or resignations.” Well, there were.

RESHUFFLE - Truss, Astrology and the Next PM

The Female PM Double Act

This is the original prediction about a third female Prime Minister, to follow Thatcher and May (More Female Prime Ministers by 2050) – and also a female Deputy PM. 

PM and DEPUTY PM FEMALE - Truss, Astrology and the Next PM

10 Downing Street and Female Power Predicted

So, we have now had our third female Prime Minister, as the astrology showed some years ago. A successor to Boris Johnson. You then read “By 2030 we will either have a successor to Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May, or an extremely powerful woman who is ‘the power behind the throne.’ She is yet to come, at a time when there are problems for the heirs to the throne, “growing up fast,” as the prediction ran.

In case you missed it, this was the original forecast about Britain 2030

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What the Tarot Revealed in 2020 – The Star

I thought it would be interesting to show how literal the Tarot can be, as illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. Here we have a blonde woman with the EU flag stars in the background. This is what you read on this website back on 10th January 2020 when it was time to look at the Tarot about the United Kingdom in her new, Brexit phase. The fair-haired woman was indeed the third female Prime Minister, Liz Truss.

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Tarot Deck The Star 300x200 - Truss, Astrology and the Next PM

A Natural Feminist Leader and the New European Union

Liz Truss had only just started to start her “completely new relationship with the old European Union” (below) when her own party turned against her. The similarities between The Star and this photograph of PM Truss as she was then are quite striking. (Image: BBC). Here is the original Tarot prediction again showing the stars on the flag, as Truss pursued a new bond with France and the EU.

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The Liz Truss Horoscope and Conservative Departures

This was how the media reported my prediction about Liz Truss, back on 15th September 2022, before she was betrayed by so many, but I think it’s important to also say: she has a green future. I’m sticking to that prediction that this groundbreaking Prime Minister will lean green.

A Man to Lead the UK Next

The near future is also about a male, green, leader in the United Kingdom. A solid economist.

The distant future, to 2030, as predicted, is the woman who will take on a troubled House of Windsor but also Britain’s NHS health system. She may be a power behind the throne or next door to 10 Downing Street.

So there you are. From predictions which began some years ago, showing another Boudicca in the works, to the most recent predictions made as Truss arrived with her female Deputy PM, I’ve now placed these in order for you, to answer your questions. You might say, this is a curiously fated tale. This was the September 2022 prediction about the next election.

NEXT UK ELECTION - Truss, Astrology and the Next PM

Boris Johnson in October 2022 – Predicted in July

I published this on Twitter @jessicacadams on 8th July 2022, about Boris Johnson and the best timing for his next career.

The astrology showed 29th October 2022 was the day.

As I publish this on 25th October that’s just four days away as PM Rishi Sunak takes charge. So where will Johnson end up? NATO? The media? One thing’s certain about British politics, it’s a fantastic challenge for any psychic and astrologer. And for you, my uncannily intuitive readers.

BORIS - Truss, Astrology and the Next PM


Images: BBC, Shutterstock

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88 Responses

  1. Thanks for this Jessica, but I can see its going to take a long time to fix it all. The country is in such a mess, and just one farce after the other. The country is on its knees with the cost of living and inflation, our healthcare cannot cope with the volume of patients, the environment is a disaster and this lot are taking up even more time having another popularity contest to see who is crowned chief idiot it feels. We need real people who completely understand the mess and crisis we are in and start doing something about it. I have for a while now believed Princess Charlotte will have a lot to do with this country who she is able, as she strikes me as a very switched on, kind and empathic but doesn’t suffer fools! A couple on guys one on labour two in conservative spring to mind who may well be a possible change in things is either Jon Ashworth Labour. Edward Argar or Mark Spencer Conservative. If the public get there say I think they will turn to labour and I am not 100% sure Keir Stammer will be the one to make it happen. I look forward to seeing what you have to say on this saga as it plays out. As I am sure the Pantomime will continue for a while!

    1. We are seeing the end of Pluto in Capricorn and the transition to Pluto in Aquarius. Historically this is always (unfortunately) a breaking down of the old and it can be in front of our eyes. I agree with you, I am not sure Keir Starmer is Labour’s man. On the plus side, we are going into the biggest, bright and best economic phase in years, with Jupiter and Uranus both in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024. A lot of wrongs will be righted in Britain then. Pluto will also be in his new sign of Aquarius March-June 2023 so the ‘crumbling’ may have largely crumbled. Thank you.

    1. Boris may indeed come back as PM again; his chart showed that back in July, as you may have seen on Twitter. Yet, the date selected is about a terrific job offer. And if he fails to become PM he will have an alternative lined up. Let’s see.

  2. Nadine Dorries MP has written that the choice is bring back Boris else a general election. Boris was not allowed to stand for re-election as leader when he last resigned, but he can decide to run again now. We do live in interesting times!
    I assume you are hinting that Boris returns in some form or other this month and Mrs Truss says the new leader will be in place within 7 days or so… your 29th October being spot on then.

    Great work Jessica – many thanks again!

    1. That is very odd about the Dorries angle on Boris Johnson. The astrological date called back in July does seem to be spot-on. The Conservatives vote near or on that day, which was always going to be Johnson’s best career options in years. It is possible he could win, become PM a second time and then lose a General Election. Or, we may just find someone else takes on the poisoned chalice of Covid and Putin – and Johnson then goes to another career altogether, but a very good one. Thank you, for your thank you.

  3. After seeing the chaos in UK politics, it makes me wonder what will happen for US mid-term election which has started today and until Nov 8th. Will the GOP win the house or senate or both? It feels like what is about to happen is two steps forward and one step back.

    1. This is quite an old prediction but the American Midterms showed a blue wave. And a split America. If you search USA you should find that forecast. Thank you.

  4. Wow. These are the most astonishing predictions.

    In my opinion, the best policy document on renewable energy was written by Sir Ed Davey when he was Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change in David Cameron’s Coalition Cabinet. He is also au fait with agricultural matters.

    Jessica, do you suppose the Lib Dems will form a coalition Government with the Labour Party? The best bet for leader after Starmer would be Yvette Cooper. I wouldn’t describe her hair as blonde but then I wouldn’t describe Princess Charlotte hair as blonde – unless she follows her grandmother in lightening her natural hair colour.

    1. Thank you. We aim to be astonishing in astrology! That is interesting about Sir Ed Davey. I will take a look. These are very long term predictions, originally written about 2030, so we are eight years away now, but I think your instinct about a Liberal Democrat and Labour deal is good. I would also think, another hung parliament – and eventually – preferential voting. A new voting system in the United Kingdom which ends two-party power and leads to a far more diverse power structure, which would be typical of Pluto in Aquarius, kicking in – in March 2023.

  5. Well, where do we go from here Jessica. Again, astrology pointed the way but never thought Liz would only last a few weeks. Will Boris put his name forward or do you see another female PM…perhaps Penny Mordant!
    whats going to happen to the UK Economy and the pound?
    Worrying time for all with costs rising in every sector.

    1. It is a worrying time with inflation but we also have to remember the fantastic arrival of Jupiter (growth, expansion, solutions) in Taurus, the money sign, in May next year. By May 2024 people like us (not the top 1%) will have seen gains. Even during the war, on the same cycle, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, Britain saw record-breaking GDP figures. As for Boris, the most promising day for his next job was always going to be…the day we know who the next PM is. So he’ll rise to the occasion, or presumably leave the scene for a better offer, if he fails the vote.

  6. Amazed again by your predictions. I do hope that the new job for Boris from 29th October isn’t for him to be PM again. Thank you for the work you do, I am really enjoying everything I learn from your website and look forward to reading your new posts every day.

    1. Thank you so much. The timing is amazing for Boris Johnson isn’t it? Almost to the day. Yet, you could also speculate that if another Conservative party member gets the Prime Ministerial position, that would be the day he takes his other job offer or career alternative. So yes, it’s about 29th October in either case.

  7. Good morning Jessica. I am a fan of Boris for his outstanding support of Ukraine. Zelensky said the moral support he received from Boris was invaluable. I think that Boris was key to so much western support for Ukraine. For this reason alone I would like to see him have another go. He was close to death with covid so he must have been left on the planet for some, hopefully good, reason. I believe that Boris could be a Winston Churchill style war PM if Russian aggression takes an even more disturbing turn. He is born a dragon as am I, as are you, and we are pretty fearless when we are battling a massive injustice such as the one Putin is committing. Also Jessica, I have jupiter in taurus so in my second house … will the arrival of jupiter and uranus by transit next year bring a clearer way forward for my finances and my plans in animal welfare. I have been a bit all over the place on how I will finance my animal welfare dreams. Thank you for everything you do for so many people Jessica … a blessing for us all.

    1. Boris will likely to go the next role on the date astrology suggested, back in July (we’re days away now). He gave Ukraine support when she was in need of it; a great thing. You are interested in animal welfare which is typical of Jupiter in Taurus, who likes to give back. You will make or save quite a lot of money on your Jupiter Return, and the road is paved out from May 2023.

  8. Hi Jessica
    Have you looked at Penny Morduant chart? She seems to be level headed ands speaks up very well.could she be PM

    1. We lack reliable data for Mordaunt (and still no time for Truss, though maybe one day I can find out.) Her chances are now over, but yes, she could be a contender for this role nearer 2030, when the royal children are growing up.

  9. Hi Jessica, further to the comment I just sent to you, might be worth looking at the chart of Carrie Johnson, Boris’ partner. She is an animal rights activist, environmentalist, feminist. Might she make a move from former staffer to MP? Just a feeling I have …

    1. Thank you so much. Life moves swiftly in politics, doesn’t it? The prediction was about life to 2030, so we are a long way off knowing who the other woman is, in our distant future. This will be when the royal children are growing up fast, as I wrote.

  10. Wow. Thanks Jessica. Just reading the name Boudicca in a blog on a Friday morning is a tonic for the times.
    Loving the intel.

  11. Hi Jessica, I find your astrology predictions extraordinary – especially given the UK’s recent shocks, starting of course with our late Queen’s passing. Aside from the political dramas, my attention was drawn to the Star tarot that you wrote about on 10 January 2020 and I wonder if it also relates, literally, to flowing water? In Australia, since the fires of Summer 2019/2020, we have had an enormous amount of rain and flood events, with rivers in NSW & Victoria currently flooding. I note you mentioned about water pollution being cleaned up and wonder if this relates to these rain/flood events?

    1. Thank you. That’s a great compliment. The Star is literally about wasted resources; often water. The woman is walking on water; performing miracles – but she is not managing the water supply. The card was about the third woman in power after Boris Johnson. That was indeed PM Truss. The first thing she did was reshuffle water management. The miracle was the female deputy PM as nobody had ever dreamed of a two-woman team at the top. One day she may even get credit for that. Australia has quite a different story going on with water, but I will look at that in the New Year predictions.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    Absolutely nothing to do with Uk politics, but I just realised the Australian government will hand down the federal budget on a an eclipse. I wonder what will be hidden or concealed? When will we find out?

    1. I was late to remember that too, having been busy with Westminster questions. The usual eclipse rules apply to the Australian budget. The truth will be hidden in plain sight, but because we are not looking for that, we will not see it. We will be distracted by a shiny diversion. The story will come out, never fully known or explained, a few days later, when Mercury goes to 2 Scorpio.

  13. Thanks for this brilliant article, Jessica. Does Sunak stand a chance? I am no fan of his, but with his financial background and Taurus placements he might be the one mentioned who ‘would be good with money’.

    1. Things move so quickly in London these days that it’s four days on and Sunak is Prime Minister. The actual prediction was about an election, though, and we’re yet to go there. If he proves himself as the green economist I predicted, then he would be that man. If he doesn’t, that looks like another chap altogether. The message astrologically was – very earthy (earth signs; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and very focussed on economics (Taurus and Scorpio in the chart). Thank you for the compliment!

  14. One more thing, when I pulled a card from my Tarot deck last night asking who would be the next PM, I got the devil card! could the horns signify a Taurus male?

    1. That is very interesting. From your point of view, PM Sunak’s marriage is the story. I wonder why?

    1. Things change fast in Westminster these days, don’t they? This is four days on, and Sunak is PM and Johnson is no doubt lining up another job on that alluring date in his astrology chart (as predicted). The Conservative party would seem to be part of something bigger, up ahead. A hung parliament as diverse and conflicted as British voters. We’ll have to wait for a General Election date to see what’s what, but Pluto in Aquarius suggests that power in the future is not with the establishment, but with minorities in equality. PM Truss was given no credit for being a female PM with a female deputy but she opened a gate there.

  15. The story on the news yesterday is that Boris wanted Liz Truss to serve for a time so he could come back. But he thought it would take longer. He is on a speaking tour of the US making a lot of money.

    I know you predicted a blue wave for the US, and during mercury retrograde, it really looked strong, now it is a nail biter, with the momentum on the red side. Even the worst idiots are starting to lead in the polls.

    And you mentioned water. Great Lakes are really low. 20% of the world’s fresh water. Mississippi super low. Barges reduced tremendously. Costs 1/10 to send wheat or other grains down in a barge compared to train or truck. And now you cannot get space on truck or rail. So costs in ag going up. Colorado river really low. So low that the water going through the hoover dam reduces the electricity available. (so much for Las Vegas lights) And on the other end, you have these storms causing flooding. People in Florida couldn’t get flood insurance and walking away from demolished homes. Lost everything. Just going with water theme.

    1. Never believe the polls on Mercury Retrograde. Remember, Donald Trump and Mike Pence declared victory on Mercury Retrograde. They lied to the world and themselves. Classic Mercury problem. The water issue will be central in March 2023 when the UN meets about that very issue in New York. Just as Pluto (power) goes into Aquarius (the people). That is a very hopeful sign.

  16. Well, Penny Mordaunt is blonde. And she does like to play around water, doesn’t she?
    Otherwise I would really pay attention to Scotland and Nicola Sturgeon (not quite a blonde). Liz Truss blatantly said she would ignore her – well, look at her now…

    1. Nicola Sturgeon is hardly likely to move into 10 Downing Street and become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is she? I suspect she’s quite happy in Holyrood. She’s a deeply patriotic Scot with an avowed commitment to independence.

  17. Greetings Jessica:
    Its nice to see you are at the top of your game as always. IMHO you have been one of the most reliably consistent astrologers on the internet. Your predictions about American the last few years have been spot on. Your current prediction about America being divided really hit home for me. As a person of color that has always been the case that there is actually 2 Americas but others do not see it or are unwilling to see it. Maybe they can’t or are unwilling is because it’s written in the stars. Reading your predictions have shown the current situation in new light. Not that it make things any better but at least there is more than just people being hateful. Could it be a cycle that eventually things will turn around? Or, things will never get better? What do you see?

    1. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to write. The cycle we are coming out of now, Pluto in Capricorn, was always going to be very difficult for anyone who believes in equality. Power has been used from the top down, and the system supporting that, has had a tiny amount of room at the top, in a really bottom-heavy, fixed, traditional structure. That has not been good for people of colour, or women, and if you are both, it’s been even more obvious. The good news is, Pluto is out of Capricorn in March 2023. He retrogrades back from June, but his power is waning, and has gone for good by the mid 2020’s. In his place comes Pluto (power) in Aquarius (the people) and you will see tremendous changes in politics, business and culture from that point. Aquarius rules people pooling resources for the common good. And nobody is more privileged than anybody else.

  18. Hi Jessica
    When you say that Liz Truss has lots of retrogrades and will ‘u turn all her life’, can you please specifically explain this?
    Sorry I’m a bit slow!
    I’m curious to deeply understand how I can apply this to my birth chart as I have retrograde factors also.
    Many thanks x

    1. It’s rather the opposite of PM Thatcher: “You turn if you want to, the lady’s not for turning.” She was talking about U-turns within the Conservative Party. PM Truss has a very different sort of chart; born on the turn. With transits to those retrogrades, she turns (and she has). Retrogrades are dormant. When you experience transits to them, you also turn – in relation to the sign and house concerned. I’m sure you know your chart backwards by now, don’t you.

  19. Hello Jessica, thank you for this article. I don’t know much about British politics, but your articles are helping me understand the basics. In general, it is concerning that no one seems to know how to operate a government that can function in the 21st century (on either side of the Atlantic.)

    Are you still predicting a blue wave for the U.S. midterms? Over the last month, polls have started to show Republicans are gaining a strong advantage. Is the cover up that will be revealed on or before November 8th going to shift things that dramatically? I’m skeptical that anything is capable of changing the mind of someone that would vote Republican in 2022.

    1. Thank you. The government failures we’ve seen since 2008 are classic Pluto in Capricorn. Plutocrats who want power from the top down and thus disregard democracy. Sounds familiar? The latest example of this is a relatively small number of Conservative voters deciding for themselves who is to govern Britain. Or not. Democracy has really suffered through Pluto in Capricorn but it’s almost over. As Pluto leaves Capricorn in March 2023 you don’t really get plutocrats back. I’ve learned to ignore opinion polls as an astrologer; you have to stick to the astrology. Pluto in Aquarius empowers men and women, as equals, and community and diversity are the watchwords. Given the abortion issue, that’s blue. Nothing else.

  20. Thank you for your insights, Jessica. Your predictions give us all comfort that things are not unfolding as randomly and haphazardly as they can appear.

    Wondering if you can please shed some light on a Tarot card. I asked if I should contact someone, with whom there have been a few blurred lines in the past. The card is Nine of Pentacles. On duets and duels, key in my chart at this time, is this just going to go at a slow pace (the snail) and should I let it play out by itself?

    1. Thank you. You asked if you should contact someone from your past. The Nine of Pentacles is you or she, if she is a woman, enjoying wealth and abundance. So the card isn’t answering you (the Tarot does not answer ‘Should I’ questions). Yet if you asked ‘What will the result be if I contact this person” that’s the story. If you were talking about a man, contacting him says something about your money.

    1. Uranus in Gemini opposing, blocking and stopping the Sagittarius generations (pro globalisation and tourism) will probably barricade the drug trade and put up barriers for important/export for some years. Neptune in Sagittarius translates as ‘foreigners without borders’ or ‘no boundary foreigners’ and that’s been not only the heroin trade, of course, but also the slave trade and sex trafficking. I daresay Uranus in Gemini will usher in some new technology and modes of transport/travel which stop that.

  21. Thank You for the predictions. Am in the US, and was horrified by Truss’s tax cuts to the wealthy. The US still can not shake off Reagan’s “Trickle Down” economics and the impact of it is enormous income disparity. I have reread your midterm prediction and it helps keep me sane as we grow closer to the election, on an eclipse day no less. Thank you for all the political and economic forecasts.

    1. Thank you. Perhaps one day we will find out the truth about the Liz Truss saga. I wish we had her birth time as we lack a big chunk of her horoscope, but she has certainly fulfilled the predictions of sackings and resignations including her own. Next, she will lean Green. The eclipse is almost inevitable with this election isn’t it? You would expect a cover-up, given the background of Donald Trump to date. As Pluto in Capricorn fades in the sunset from March 2023, though, the days of the plutocrats are going, going, gone. I have an astrologer friend who says he cannot believe he has survived Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. We all need a certificate!

  22. Your predictions are impressive, Jessica, and I keep looking forward to new blog posts like these, thanks for sharing. On a personal note, I do wonder if my own career as met a brick wall, or rather, that I have made a bad choice, and am really wondering if there is starry support for a break and new direction somehow, sometime soon. I accepted a new job in May this year, started there in July, which was a not insignificant step up pay-wise, but I have all along wondered if it was really worth it.. I find myself with tasks that do not play to my strengths, and the amount of work is overwhelming. Though I was happy to get away from my previous position due to bad leadership, I do not think I can stay long where I am and also keep my health. I crave something more meaningful, and the chance to be more creative, perhaps brushing up old skills, and adding new, even starting up something of my own. Can you see a possibility for this, astrologically, in the near future, and is there a certain path that would be especially lit up and supported?

    1. Thank you. Your career is extremely important to your happiness as you are a Sun Virgo, with Virgo, Leo, Libra and Scorpio stelliums. So you live in your Sixth House of work, duty and service. You are in the heaviest, most restrictive job cycle for 29 years, which ends in March 2023. At the same time you also have stop-start and rewind situations with your ambitions as a whole; again until March 2023. This is an unusual cycle; heavy Saturn in your solar Sixth House and Mars Retrograde with his backwards traction, in your solar Tenth House. This does get better. I am not sure if you can wait, but March 2023 is a transition month; Saturn leaves your Sixth House and Mars leaves your Tenth House. Fortunately you are in a position to save or make quite a lot of money in the first 5 months of 2023 which should help your decisions. March 2023 also sees the arrival of Pluto in your Sixth House of work, duty and service – health and wellbeing, too. This has never happened to you before and suggests the most powerful and empowering people and organisations draw closer. The Tarot can give you insight on that, but if you use your willpower you could end up with rather a lot of influence, which will give you the meaning you seek.

    1. Yes, it was always going to be Saturday October 29th (this is from a July Twitter post) for Boris Johnson. No doubt a second gig will appear and the weekend papers will be full of it. It will be a lucky break for him, though from March 2023, rather more is involved than he may have wanted.

  23. Jessica, as we nowhave two for the PM, Rishi Sunak & Penny Mordaunt, could she have an important part to play in the future, even if she doesn’t get the post at the present time? A bit of a dark horse.

    1. Yes, Penny Mordaunt is a good contender for the woman I saw in 2030, in that old, original prediction. She just needs to back women, which Conservative women say she’s not done. She may have lost more votes from her position that transgender women (men) are ‘women’ than she realises. The astrology is heading towards Pluto in Aquarius where there is space for everybody and room for all preferences. At the moment we are seeing transgender men behave like Pluto in Capricorn, seeking to replace women in sport and politics by wearing ‘womanface’. That’s not going to last. Mordaunt was going along with that angle and it has failed her, I think. Yet, she may change her mind in time for Pluto in Aquarius.

  24. Hi Jessica
    I’d like to think that the woman of the future might be Princess Charlotte. I’ve felt something very powerful and good from her energy since she was born.

    Re this line “This will be the third female Prime Minister, or a ‘power behind the throne’ influencer.”
    If it’s Rishi Sunak what about his wife. The real power in that marriage is her maybe? Will she be a power behind the throne? Can’t find a birth chart for her but did find she was born in April 1980 in Hubli, Karnataka state, north of Bangalore.

    1. There are two separate predictions here, from two different articles. The third female PM was Truss. There was another female leader showing up for 2030, who would sort out the NHS, the Royal Family (troubled) and the environment. I’m curious about Rishi Sunak’s partner as she’s a bit of a mystery woman. Perhaps the Indian astrologers can locate accurate data for her. Thank you.

  25. Dear Jessica, environmental groups seem relieved about Rishi Sunak’s rise to Prime Minister of the UK.

    Do you think he will help move forward the green agenda?

    Here in India, it hasn’t been lost on us that an Indian origin man, a Hindu to boot, was chosen as the PM on Diwali day – the festival of lights.

    I keep thinking of your articles on karma. Is Sunak, a man of colour, from an ex-British colony ascending to power (unthinkable a century ago), part of the karmic cycle?

    Would love your thoughts on this. Thank you!

    1. Yes, he’s the green economist I saw – he may well be the next elected PM as well as the current PM. A lot of people on my Twitter timeline are happy he is leading Britain. He has taken a stand for women on the truth of their biological sex, which is popular (it may be one reason why Penny Mordaunt lost) and he’s also green enough for The Guardian to back him, as you see. I do wonder if he’s not the reason Truss will also lean green, but that’s another story. Rishi is really part of Pluto in Aquarius, coming in March 2023, which sees power in the black and white brotherhood and sisterhood of all nations. Yes, it was unthinkable a century ago. He’s a Taurus too, as was Tony Blair, and young. As was Blair.

  26. Sorry, had to add this other piece of news from today (Diwali again!) – the Queen Consort Camilla is in Bangalore for her yearly visit to an alternative health facility.

    Bangalore is also where Sunak’s wife Akshatha is from. I know it’s probably just my imagination but I thought it was a strange coincidence to get these two pieces of news today!

    Thanks again for your insights.

    1. That’s interesting. And Diwali as well. Camilla makes a chess piece move towards the new Prime Minister and his wife.

  27. hi Jessica, reading developments with great interest. are you able to comment on Rishi Sunak’s rise? Thank you.

    1. Yes, he’s the green economist I predicted at the end of this story. But Labour also has green economists who may be the next PM at the forthcoming General Election. Sunak fits the bill so could easily hang onto his new job, but we’ve not seen Labour finalise its plans yet. Rishi Sunak is a good symbol of Pluto in Aquarius, from March 2023, as Pluto is power, as you probably know, and Aquarius is the diverse community. It really depends on how many women there are in his team as the female of the species is still crucial, whenever you see Pluto going into the sign of group equality.

  28. Wow. I really shouldn’t be surprised but yesterday when I awoke that was the breaking morning news and I still found myself in shock. Now being from the States I don’t really know the UK’s politics and policy however I know enough to realize how significant this is to the UK! My goodness. It feels like the world is on fire with all this upheaval. Then I remembered I had recently read on Liz Truss astrological chart and also King Charles with both of them coming in during retrograde it made more sense as the cogs turned in my head. This is all so fascinating. As I am currently typing this I am listening to the news and how they are talking about the Republicans here in the States are turning the tide and the pendulum is swinging in their favor. I find this mystifying and yet in a way I can see that with the Democrats not always staying on the pulse of what Americans want it can be quite confusing. With our own upheaval in play you can imagine we all feel uncertain and that rise of the despots from before will take hold again not that they ever really left. We are as divided as we could ever be but then I have always wondered were we ever truly united. How could we be with a dramatic and traumatic start to how this country was formed? Thank you so much Jessica for your insightful revelations and words. I pray for the blue wave and I pray that the UK will find its footing in this chaotic time.

    1. Thank you. Retrogrades of all kinds (any planet) tend to rewrite, replay, rewind and reschedule. And sometimes events come to nothing. PM Truss is a casualty of that and is currently making a dignified Leo departure. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will now proceed towards a different kind of Brexit. I’ll be curious to see if Sunak returns Britain to a Free Trade Agreement with India. And in America, you are hearing noises about the Republican party: just remember those polls took place right through Mercury Retrograde. I saw a blue wave a long time ago and wrote about it on Substack and also on my website. This prediction really comes from Pluto in Aquarius from March 2023 (historic people power, diversity, community and equality) but also the end of Pluto in Capricorn (plutocrats in patriarchy). It is also very much about Uranus in Gemini from 2026, when neighbours (Gemini) break free from each other (Uranus) in a revolution. At that point I think Canada will develop a radically different relationship with America too. I was really flattered when PM Justin Trudeau subscribed to my Substack after I published that!

  29. Jessica, thank you for providing some hope and optimism during this difficult time for everyone. Apologies for being off-topic, but there was yet another school shooting today in the U.S. How will Pluto in Aquarius affect the abhorrent fetishization of guns within American culture? Is there any hope for a near-future where individuals have the freedom to exist in public spaces without the constant fear of being shot?

    1. Thank you. Guns are Aries, ruled by Mars, the god of war. We are in that cycle with Chiron in Aries when men will see what they can get away with, as gun-owners. Women too. Chiron is in Aries until 2027. Chiron is a maverick. Unbranded. You tend to get a lot of punk rock attitude with Chiron as he was found in 1977. So we will have to put up with this for another 4 years, but 2027 also sees Neptune firmly in Aries, which is quite a rare cycle, and Saturn in Aries too, which can only happen every 29 years. So this looks like another election changeover year, and a new voter base who have had quite enough of guns. These are today’s teenagers. Political pressure in 2027 changes America and you would expect that to be a very tough year for the National Rifle Association.

  30. Super interesting as usual, Jessica. Your ‘take’ on global affairs is surely a key indicator of how Pluto in Aquarius will play out. Hopefully, the broader global society will embrace astrology – as our ancestors did – as a study in synchronicity, which will help us to deal with all the volatility and ambiguity we are facing. As a Taurean, with an Aquarius Stellium, and Jupiter and Uranus in lockstep at 24 Cancer, I am very focused on helping to create a healthy and creative society, globally, and the Pluto in Aquarius period promises to be the platform for that. I just wonder how we will get across the threshold – from the greed and self-serving attitude and actions of plutocrats (Pluto in Capricorn) to the sharing/caring vibe of Pluto in Aquarius. What will the interim look like? I’m afraid that disruption and chaos will happen before we reach the transformation we so desperately need. What do you see and what do you advise?

    1. Thank you. It would be better for everyone if the 2/3 of the population of Britain who don’t believe in astrology, began to see it for what it is: the oldest timing device on earth. Pluto in Capricorn in transition to Pluto in Aquarius is really the breaking down of society and its replacement. We saw it in the French Revolution and we are seeing it now. These plutocrats are reminiscent of King George III, King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette and they are doomed. The interim will be rather like a crumbling mountain with various goats falling off it, but if you are nimble and flexible, you will adapt to the new world. I am always astonished at the denial about Covid. Covid is a big contributory factor to the breakdown of the old systems.

  31. If we are heading for equality and room for all preferences, is there no room for transgender people though? Yes, there is a biological sex, but what if you don’t actually feel that way? One of my best friends was born female, but doesn’t feel female and I can see it’s a huge psychological struggle, and people are not very accepting…

    1. The problems will be resolved from March 2023 when Saturn is out of Aquarius and Pluto goes into Aquarius. It’s long been the sign of the community, which includes all minorities. So, women who feel like men, and men who feel like women. That is an epic transformation of many years’ duration and some kind of compromise will be floated then. I suspect it’s about space/room/territory/turf as all Aquarius transits usually are and concerns will be overcome once third and fourth spaces open up. That makes the Olympics interesting, doesn’t it!

  32. Thank you for your reply – Truss was setup to fail and some have made a lot of money from the so called ‘chaos’. Yep can’t wait for Pluto to move into Aquarius, group power/proportional representation, hopefully will work for the majority.

    1. I thought the Truss story was really the Sunak and Johnson story from the beginning. It’s rather like an episode of Midsomer Murders. Nobody was murdered except the British pound, but given these historic eclipses in the currency and sharemarket signs (one on the day Sunak came in, another to come) you’d be mad not to ask more questions. Proportional representation is a permanent reality after Pluto retraces his steps in Capricorn for the very last time, from January 22nd 2024. There is no going back from that point. In fact February 2024 could bring another vote on it. It’s so Aquarian to have all nationalities, religions and political persuasions pooling resources, isn’t it? Hugely important month for Aries Nigel Farage, who may lead it.

  33. Dear Jessica, I thought this article would be useful for those interested in the new PM’s wife – a South Indian from Bangalore. Everyone talks about her billionaire father but here in Bangalore, we’ve seen this quiet family live humbly, and with dignity. Unlike other millionaires, billionaires and even high flying corporate executives. Akshata and her brother Rohan went to a normal school, had to take public transport and like other South Indians, had to focus on doing their best at school. Again, unlike other rich kids, they never had fancy parties, clothes or holidays. Quite remarkable in a country where money and status is flaunted – but again, in South India (which has a distinctly different culture than the North), humility and simplicity are the norm.

    Hope this helps in unraveling a little of the mystery around Sunak’s billionaire in-laws.

    1. Thank you. As this is a Hindu family I assume there would be a Vedic astrologer somewhere in the mix, but I’ve not found her (or him) and also – oddly – there is no birth data at all with accurate times, dates and places for the extended family. I’d love to know as it is so unusual for a new power couple at 10 Downing Street to arrive on the day of an eclipse. I wonder if any readers in India can help?

  34. Hi Jessica, thanks for your blogs about some of the most important events in the world.

    You mentioned that the UK would develop a different kind of relationship with Europe in 2023 after the latter changes its shape and format with some positive economic benefits for the UK. Do you still see that under PM Sunak ?

    Do you also still see the UK economy improving from mid 2023 once Jupiter goes into Taurus as things are really tough at the moment and the Russia / China factors coming to a peak next year sound scary !

    1. The United Kingdom now has a new ‘birth’ chart following Brexit so we line them all up, going back to the Roman invasion, to see what’s going on with this sceptred isle. Former PM Truss, for all that she is criticised, did in fact start the process of a new relationship with the EU, for the UK as an independent entity. Sunak is already in hot pursuit. I believe the eclipse cover-up was about Central Bank Digital Currency and that will play a bigger role in trade. Yes, for all that life now is really tough in Britain, she will be offered fantastic solutions to current issues, as early as May 2023. As for Russia and China, unfortunately under male domination by plutocrats, they are doomed – at least under Putin and Xi – as Pluto is set to leave Capricorn in March 2023 and those patriarchal days are doomed.

  35. Thanks Jessica for your generosity. I hope you are well in the UK amid all the things that are transforming the nation. May I know if you will consider writing about Rishi Sunak? By the way, thank you for writing about Hong Kong some time ago as that place linked to my heritage, and honestly I have lots of question marks towards the future of that place now, just hoping that is not becoming concentration camp like the X_ _ J_ _ _ _ (Not gonna type that out).

    1. Thank you. Actually, I am in Australia. I do live on Zoom in London though! Rishi Sunak is someone we lack a birth time for, and so a chart is really only a guess, as we are missing the MC, IC, AC and DC. There may be some other placements which are in the wrong signs. We also lack (even) a basic birth date for his wife, who will be crucial to what happens next, as she is also his financial partner. Hong Kong is a place I looked at a very long time ago, and based on the old charts for the handover, she was going back to the UK. That prediction stands, for the long-term future. Strange but true.

  36. Hi Jessica thanks for that. That is encouraging for the UK but less so for Putin and Xi !

    It is clear since April 22 certain decisions by Xi have pulled China into economic decline and this could accelerate rapidly with further Covid lockdowns. Xi is able to project global and internal power due to having money and resources and a sizeable economy behind him.

    Is it that once the rug is taken away from under him ( the economy ) and that started April 22 his power will evaporate over time post March 2023 or is it a sudden dramatic ending ? Like a Hitler in the Bunker and gone dead ? No more ?


    1. Thanks Ashish. Astrology does cut through the noise and it was clear there was an implosion for Xi and the top of Chinese leadership earlier this year. In fact, if you go back to a China prediction I posted using the most accurate chart we have for the country, on 26th April, Chinese stocks showed the steepest monthly loss in six years (April being the predicted month of implosion at the top). Covid lockdowns created a crisis in governance not seen since the end of the Cultural Revolution, according to Forbes. Ongoing, Pluto in Aquarius replacing Pluto in Capricorn, is a clear signal for women alongside men, replacing ‘one man’ leadership. Pluto transitions can result in death, yes, but astrology never predicts that. Astrology predicts (in Pluto transits) removal, disappearance, demotion. And that can happen for all sorts of reasons. Watch March-June; it’s a taste of things to come.

  37. Funnily enough I think Truss has accidentally ‘healed an ailing nation’ – as for the first time since 2016 it felt like almost everyone in the UK agreed on something in politics (that she’d made a big mess of the economy and should resign).

    Do you think Sunak’s Brexit support has been based on a more Aquarian view (global equality built on the co-operation of independent nations) than the ‘little Englander’ variant (‘foreigners go home’)?

    I’ve been wondering if he’s kind of symbolic of the coming shift from Pluto in Capricorn to Aquarius, as a former banker turned public servant, and can see that there’s an alternative version of Brexit that is less about isolation and irresponsible deregulation than an ideal of not treating traditionally privileged European nations better than formerly colonised ones, or developing ones. Sharing economic power more fairly?!

    1. Too funny. But no, it was the lowest unemployment statistics since the 1970s while she was in Downing Street. Unemployment being one of any nation’s greatest ills, the astrology was correct. It was also correct about the economic instability, sackings and resignations. Why do you think Brexit was about little Englanders and foreigners go home? There is nothing in the British charts going back to the Romans, to suggest anything of the sort. If we ever get a birth time for Sunak I will look at his chart, then. Long-term, the future for Britain looks like proportional representation voting, and only Labour has any sort of interest in that, along with Nigel Farage and the Greens, so I suspect that is where the country is heading: true Pluto in Aquarius thinking. At last check, the Conservative party did not want it, because its landslide with Johnson was the result of the existing system.

  38. Thanks Jessica
    The only bit of extra information I’ve found is that she is an Aries born in April.

    1. That’s something, at least. I do get miffed when public figures don’t have a clear date and place of birth on the public record. A time is usually a faint hope, but at the least, it would be useful to know about a simple natal chart, even if the angles have to be left out. If a Sun Aries, then the partnership with the PM is subject to karma from July 2023 and it would tie in with events from 18-19 years before.

  39. I do remember my Hindu Yoga teacher saying that there was reluctance to disclose birth details in vedic tradition “for fear of people having power over you”.

  40. Hi Jessica,

    Rishi Sunak’s wife Akshata Murty born on 25th April, 1980 near Bengaluru (India). This information is on Companies House website.

    Both Sunak and wife are Taurus.


    1. Thank you so much for this, Anne, I will run the Sunak charts next. I have not seen this information anywhere else online, so really appreciate you passing it on.

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