Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


True NHS Astrology Predictions

How Astrology Date-Stamped NHS Predictions

On 5th July 2021 I published a list of dates showing drama for the NHS. People are surprised to hear that the National Health Service has a horoscope (just like a person) but in fact, you can look at the astrology of the NHS just as you can look at a baby. It was always born for drama in March and April 2022.

Easter 2022 has just passed, we are now entering May as I write this on 28th April 2022 – and indeed we saw changes at 10 Downing Street involving the Prime Minister and Her Majesty the Queen. And the end of ‘free for all’ healthcare.

Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock

On 14th April 2022, Partygate (the COVID-19 party scandal) hit PM Boris Johnson who was fined and called to resign. Also on 14th April 2022 , Matt Hancock (once in charge of health) was let off at an enquiry after losing his job over breaking COVID-19 rules.

You can read the original prediction, below. Detailed reporting in The Guardian shows the rest. And Her Majesty the Queen? She has stepped back from her old public life (the predicted reshuffle) but she is still set to give Royal Assent to the Health and Care Bill which will replace the old NHS. In April 2022  just as the NHS 1948 chart predicted. Despite the best efforts of Defend Our NHS on Twitter and other protests, the horoscope reveals this was always destined. The headlines were about COVID-19 breaches. So, again, this was always going to be a crisis about national health.



Easter Royal Assent - True NHS Astrology Predictions


Free For All Over - True NHS Astrology Predictions March 19 to 31 NHS - True NHS Astrology Predictions

Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Gina Coladangelo

Astrology can be a peculiar thing. CCTV footage of Matt Hancock in a clinch with non-executive director at the Department of Health and Social Care, Gina Coladangelo, breaking COVID-19 lockdown rules, did indeed result in resignation in June 2021 and result in his clearance in…April 2022. No prosecutions.

Meanwhile, The Health and Care Bill, on April 25th, went back to the House of Commons before Royal Assent. This is the lightning strike on the NHS that astrology predicted for April 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th – developing. Sajid Javid, now in charge of health in the Johnson government, posted a Twitter message about it, below.

April 9 to 12 NHS - True NHS Astrology Predictions April 25 Health and Care Bill - True NHS Astrology Predictions April 26th Health and Care Bill - True NHS Astrology Predictions

The Perfect Storm of COVID-19 and the NHS

Again, the astrology worked in peculiar ways in March and April 2022 as it ended in a British court ruling that the UK government illegally moved elderly patients to care homes during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The NHS horoscope was triggered at sensitive points as then-health secretary Matt Hancock was pulled into more headlines.

So, the horoscope for the NHS was showing more than just an April 9th-12th transformation (the new act, headed for Royal Assent). It was also about the faces involved in the NHS too. Here’s another flashback prediction below.

April 9 to 12 - True NHS Astrology Predictions

The Future of the NHS by 2023

These heroic nurses, top, profiled by Grazia at the height of the pandemic, will be swept up into the changes. But – it was always going to be March and April 2022 that triggered the crisis, not only for particular politicians, but for the whole institution. Read the rest of the old prediction here.




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4 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    I love reading your posts. You have been a light of hope and assurance for many of us in past 2 years. Thank you for what you do!

    One of your predictions really struck me. You predicted changes in 10 Downing Street between 9th – 12th April. It was Chancellor Rishi Sunak who was living in the 10 Downing Street flat while Boris lives in No. 11 because it is a bigger flat.
    Between 9th -12th April, Sunak moved out of 10 Downing street due to a barrage of allegations about his and his wife’s tax status. Could this be that change? Considering Boris is just for show PM and it’s actually Sunak who holds the fate of the country in his hands with control over spending decisions. It’s clearly evident now that it’s Sunak’s decisions that take precedent over Johnson’s.

    I also remember in one of your predictions about 2021 in which you wrote that Boris will eventually hand over power to someone. Is that hit on Capricorn actually a hit on Sunak who in terms of holding the country’s money and how it’s spent has the actual power.
    I might be waffling but it’s just a thought that occurred after reading your post.

    1. That’s interesting about Rishi Sunak and 9th-12th April. I’d not factored him into the changes at 10 Downing Street on those dates, mainly looking at the censure of the Prime Minister for breaking COVID-19 rules and the let-off with Matt Hancock, for the same thing, who was more chiefly concerned with health. It’s interesting that you remember my old prediction about Boris, too. That comes from a video interview with The Conscious Cafe where he was shown stepping back for a while, because of his children. He did in fact become a father again and do that. We are getting closer to May 2022 and an old prediction I made on Twitter about Boris. I gave a date for his ‘time of reckoning’ which turns out to be the date of the local elections. Watch that one!

  2. Hi Jessica-really interesting views and the coming change from CCGs to ICSs. There will be 42 ICSs in UK from July. If I’m being cynical I see these as more efforts to strengthen conservative hold on the country (much as the setting up of unitary councils eg Yorks)by ensuring UNFAIR distrib of funds across the ICSs and ‘rewarding’ conservative ones. ICS issues will be decided direct by health secretary btw.Many changes coming anyway all will be passed off under the guise of ‘better NHS; but over the coming decade the initial set ups and encouragement to take up private schemes will distort this once laudable institution into a super triage for the very poor.Very sad.
    You may have already seen this too.

    1. Thank you for this link to The Guardian article. We are now close to knowing the Local Election results in the United Kingdom, aren’t we. This will have a huge outcome for the NHS. I’d not seen the story on May 4th about the radical plans to transform the NHS but as you’ve seen, the astrology chart tallies. It was always going to be replaced. Actually, that would have happened with any government; part of the issue for an astrologer is that old horoscope. The bigger, bigger story behind all this is that everyone born in the 1960’s has Uranus and Pluto in Virgo (health) in their horoscope. This generation is growing older, of course, and they are on the planet to be their own health experts and to reverse a tradition their parents and grandparents knew, when illness was a doctor’s problem, not theirs. This pattern for Sixties babies, now approaching gradual old age, suggests a quite radical revision of their own health and wellbeing. Their very first challenge was HIV-AIDS. Now it is COVID-19 and the prospect of paying for healthcare. There is a lot more to say about this astrologically but that’s for another feature. Thank you.

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