Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


The Conscious Cafe – 2022 Astrology

Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions

I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now been posted, so you can catch up with the long-range forecast, not just for 2022, but taking us beyond 2026. Watch it here.

We have almost 100 questions here so it has taken me a while to sort through them, so my apologies if you have been waiting a while, but I will combine some answers together. For example, many of you wanted to know when the plutocrats would lose power. This covers PM Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party in Australia and of course impeached former president Donald Trump in America – as well as PM Boris Johnson in Australia.

Plutocrats go down on Pluto cycles when they end – especially in Capricorn, which rules the top 1%. So at the very latest, March 23rd 2023 is the astrological date for a first or second take-down. For example, there may be a resignation followed by criminal charges. Or an election loss followed by class action lawsuits. Perhaps, a departure altogether. Those are the Pluto rules.

2022 Psychic and Astrology Forecasts

Thanks to the hundreds of you who joined Gina Lazenby and I at The Conscious Cafe, to look at the psychic astrology of 2022. We glanced back at the 2021 event, on YouTube, where I predicted children for PM Boris Johnson (he had his second most recent child in 2021) and a cover-up involving the Ukraine. Well, that has come to pass as you read this. Sometimes the Tarot cards which turn up in these events say it all.

What to Expect From 2022

In 2022 we go through the last full year of Pluto in Capricorn, so this is the last full year that particular Prime Ministers, Presidents, Premiers and other politicians will be in power. Pluto tends to produce resignations, defeat or ill health at the end of the cycle, for particular power-players (if they have had too much control). It’s a rule with this planet.

COVID-19 in 2022

I predicted a virus, twice, back in 2019 as most of you know. It was date-stamped to two events. The first death in China (January 10th 2020) and WHO declaring a pandemic (March 2020: I was two days out with the announcement).

The virus obviously remains in 2022 – one look at the rising graphs of cases with Omicron tell you that. But what’s the long-term with this pandemic? There is no vaccine. Just to repeat another old prediction from The Daily Mail in October 2020, a silver bullet injection does not exist and it never will.

What we do have are ongoing mutations of COVID-19 and ongoing quests for ‘the solution’ which may or may not be there. An effective vaccine is a goldmine. But does it even exist? I asked The Astrology Oracle about this in 2020 when Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna were all publicising ‘vaccines’. At that point we assumed these would be a single needle in the arm, but in Israel full vaccination is now three and they are considering a fourth. The Astrology Oracle suggested confusion, wishing and hoping, a gamble, a quest. Not what we really wanted, which was an answer. There may be money in it. Or not.

The Astrology Oracle Guide 1 - The Conscious Cafe - 2022 Astrology

The New Travel and the New Planet

In place of globalisation, and in the face of COVID-19, we end up with new travel on a new planet. It takes time but peaking in 2026 and going past 2030, electric planes will replace failed kerosene airlines (watch Virgin and Richard Branson closely). Electric shared car and bike schemes will be in every suburb or village. Travel will become as it was in the 1950’s. Rare, special, luxurious, unforgettable. This replaces the old cheap model.

As we saw at The Conscious Cafe, the future is electric (Uranus in Gemini translates as ‘electric public transport’). With Pluto in Aquarius at the same time (people power in the group) these ways of getting around your area will be shared.

The New  Knowledge Exchange

The combination of the building Gemini weather (Mars and Ceres in Gemini in 2022, with Uranus in Gemini from 2026) is also about digital knowledge. This is about the new you, online (your virtual self) walking and talking with others from across the planet in virtual spaces. Immediate language translation or even the invention of a new global language (children will pioneer this) makes knowledge exchange in the Twenties intriguing. Early signs show in 2022.

This perfect storm is historic. We literally have to go back to the year 1351 to see parallels. This is what else we can expect:

*The new inner economy, as Gina Lazenby describes it. Riches inside from meditation, for example, or spirituality.
*Time at home, or time alone, will be rich in benefits in 2022.
*Your new virtual self online will be able to choose faces, wardrobes, wigs and nicknames – plural.
*Issues about identity, privacy, vaccine passports and (Aries rules the face) Facebook will be battled and won by 2023.
*Keep a pantry and supplies because we will see rationing and supply shortages in 2022, 2023.
*Use the cycle to negotiate what you want from an employer – working from home, a short week, job-share and so on.
*Local cryptocurrency will take off in 2022 and be normal by 2026: your suburb’s digital ‘dollars’ are coming.
*Expect a fierce local resistance to globalisation, mass tourism and COVID-19 super-spreading in 2022. Expect a victory.


I predicted this in my book, Essential Astrology for Women in 2006 (HarperCollins). I knew it would come.

Many people at the Conscious Cafe 2022 event followed up with me later, asking about politicians and businessmen, and the Pluto in Capricorn cycle. Would they go down for their crimes against people? I actually replied to this question 15 years ago!

“Corporations will crumble and fall. Anything with a big pyramid structure and massive skyscraper towers is vulnerable. Check where your pensions or superannuation funds are. A crisis involving retirement, old age and large corporations is extremely likely, astrologically speaking, as Pluto goes through Capricorn. Corporations as we know them in the first ten years of the twenty-first century may be unrecognizable after 2025. They are very likely to face class-action lawsuits for manslaughter or other serious crimes.” This is the year 2022 and afterwards – so watch this space.

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From Cyprus to Toowoomba, you came with questions. Here are some answers.

Where is the best place for community in America in 2022?
Hawaii, because in the future she will separate herself from the other states and partner with New Zealand.

Thoughts on Russia and the Ukraine?
The various Russian charts show them in their weakest position for many years in 2022.

When will New Zealand reopen and when will property prices fall?
New Zealand’s success in largely stopping COVID-19 makes her golden in the eyes of rich retirees and property prices will go up, I’m afraid. But do look at crowdfunded tiny house developments on shared land. New Zealand will continue to control the borders tightly as everyone knows Omicron Patient Zero was from Hong Kong via South Africa.

Cryptocurrency uses masses of electricity. What is the answer?
Local digital currency won’t even need Elon Musk to recommend it – it will be very simple. Same cycle as 1351. Bartering. The new local social media (replacing American corporations) will be the channel. You’ll trade online as the local area fixes its own budget, based on supply shortages, which will be common in 2022-2023. Later on local ‘money’ takes off for happier reasons.

Where is the safest place to invest or should I hold cash in 2022?
That’s your personal chart, so turn to that – and your own psychic readings. In general, globalisation is dying and ‘the new local’ is the future, starting in a potent way in 2022. Invest in what/who is local. You will see towns, villages and suburbs who are tired of COVID-19 being imported, turn to their own shops, cafes and other local business for solutions. They will mandate masks. They will use the new local currency (clever) for discounts or access. In this way infected tourists will be shut out. We are seeing Mars in Gemini in 2022, 2023 for a very long time. That’s anger, but it will be channelled into energy. Gemini rules the neighbourhood. The local scene. Further on from 2026, Uranus in Gemini turns this into a global switch – to local.

Will vaccine passports become real and be connected to the financial system and a social credit system?
I predicted passports would change some years ago, on this website, and yes. They will become a reality, proving third, fourth and more injections of Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and/or what governments approve, given the variant at the time. I don’t know your country. The Orwellian threat of total government control is unlikely beyond 2023, if it even gets off the ground. Please note, though, if you do happen to be in Britain. The NHS will be replaced (the charts are really clear on that in 2022) and your new card will only be issued if you’ve paid your taxes.

What about solar power for electric vehicles?
Solar power, and other forms of power not even invented or thought of yet (that starts in 2026) will start to roll locally. Yes.

I don’t understand why if the nodes leave Gemini and Sagittarius why there is such a focus on Gemini.
Gemini cycles dominate 2022 to 2023 in astrology. With the end of the damaging South Node in Sagittarius cycle, the last of the opposition to the Gemini cycles is finished. This is the end of globalisation and imported foreign COVID-19 variants and the start of ‘new local’. Ceres in Gemini February-May 2022 dominates the year. Mars in Gemini August 2022-March 2023 carries that Gemini transit forward. February 2024 begins the historic twin Pluto in Aquarius and South Node in Libra cycle setting up trines to Gemini lunar cycles. In 2024 Jupiter moves into Gemini as well and makes a stunning trine to Pluto in Aquarius. Jupiter is still in Gemini in 2025 and that is the year that Uranus moves in. Uranus remains in Gemini until 2033. Revolution.

Amazing Tarot card about Brexit!
Yes. I agree. Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite created the accurate Tarot deck. Try it on this website, free. I have the real thing as well (see photograph of me reading at The Conscious Cafe, below). I highly recommending buying a deck for yourself.

Jessica Adams 30 12 21 at 7.48 am 300x200 - The Conscious Cafe - 2022 AstrologyHow long do you see food shortages for?
It’s not just food. It’s anything with component parts from poorer countries. Shortages will be with us until 2026. On the plus side, gardening and recycling take off with mainstream people who, so far, have not got the message about the environment.

Is there a rebalancing of the masculine and feminine?
Yes. The generations born with Uranus or Pluto in Libra (gender balance) are going to come into their own once Pluto enters Aquarius from 2023 and begins to slowly trine their natal chart placements in the sign of equality, fairness, harmony. This will make a huge difference to the sexism we see worldwide.

How can African nations leapfrog in development?
By going to their local economies (see above) and concentrating on the neighbouring parts of the country, as proper ‘neighbours’ in the old-fashioned sense. By investing in girls and women’s education, which will be easy with the new technology of 2026 and beyond. Virtual classrooms with language translation and free access to volunteer teachers around the world is just the start. Africa will produce some brilliant female inventors who will make the country a fortune.

What about my second home that I have/want in Europe?
See above. Globalisation (Sagittarius) is dying. Local is the future. At least one airline will collapse. And you are likely to find France in particular sets stringent new rules on frequent travel.

Does the pushback against the foreign create more racism?
Pluto in Aquarius is with us from 2023 and people power (the international family) is the new power. No.

What will happen to the beauty industry?
Lipstick is hardly making any money in the Twenties, is it? Good question. We associate the face with Aries and Jupiter and Chiron in Aries together May-October 2022 suggest new opportunities to get away with the so-called impossible. Chiron is really about punk rock spirit (found in 1977) and maverick style (Zane Stein defined Chiron as a maverick, as did Dennis Elwell). So whatever the cosmetic companies do next will leave jaws on the floor.

Will politicians get instant karma?
Not instant. You have to remember Pluto in Capricorn cycles work slowly but surely. Pluto is plutocrats (the top 1% in power) and of course, absolute power “corrupts absolutely.” If you are sick of your leader, or sickened by him, you need to remember this is the same cycle as the slow end of King George III in the United States of America. And corrupt British rule (slavery, unfair taxation – without representation). What happened was slow but sure. King George III went mad and was replaced by his son. The slave trade began to collapse. America threw Britain out and 200 years later emerged as a superpower. Pluto is out of Capricorn on March 23rd 2023. He goes back in for a few months but from 2024 he is history and so are many politicians.

I am in Australia and want to know if/when COVID-19 will end.
Deep breath. We have to get through Saturn in Pisces from March 8th 2023 until February 14th 2026. Saturn is tests and trials. Pisces is opposite Virgo. Virgo rules public health. That does not mean that we have a repetition of the chaos of 2021-2022. It does mean that everyone born in the Sixties in Australia with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, is severely challenged to change. And also to change the system. This will be Medicare. However it will also be a new take on what ‘health’ means and immunity, too. Anyone who is talking about Post-Covid is fantasising, according to the astrology. And common sense tells you, this thing began with a Chinese virus in January 2020, which became an Indian virus in 2021 and an African virus later that year. It mutates.

I am a Sagittarian with planets in Sagittarius and want to know if I can travel again.
Not as you once did. Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries (always has, always will). The end of the South Node in Sagittarius on 19th January 2022 is the very last of Sagittarius cycles for many years. So the ‘weather’ is over. Foreign travel as it used to be, is finished. We don’t know why, just yet. I am writing your reply on 20th January so it’s only just begun. There were cover-ups when we saw eclipses in Sagittarius in 2021, so these will come out in 2022, though nobody will ever know the truth. The airlines, airports, ports and cruise ships will be at the heart of it.

Is there any good news?
It’s all good news if you are prepared to ditch the past. The new shared electric car and bike schemes will cost very little (and be free in many places). No more crowded trains. Air pollution will drop. COVID-19 rates will plummet, once foreign travel is controlled. There will be new forms of local/regional transport not even dreamed of yet. The United Nations, NATO, the World Health Organisation and other Aquarian bodies will actually have power from March 23rd 2023. You will eat and drink better, more affordably, with local produce and drinks, in season, from local restaurant, cafe, pub, bar communities. I could go on

Those Of Us Who Do Not Want Vaccination – a Question

Can those of us who do not want vaccination hold to that?
It depends where you live and what the border control is. And that will change over time as various counties, states, territories, regions, realise that uncontrolled travel is a disaster and bring rules back in. The astrology was always clear about the problem being travel. It’s been like that in every plague cycle since 1350. People forget – COVID-19 came from China. COVID-19 Delta came from India. COVID-19 Omicron came from South Africa. Without proper quarantine a plague will always result.

I mentioned our Tasmanian experience at the event. We simply did not have Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna on our island in Australia – and so tightly controlled travel to prevent any more deaths (cruise ships had brought that, in early 2020). The army guarded hotels in Tasmania. Our economy boomed. My property price doubled (true story).

We were Zero Covid for over a year. No masks. The Liberal Premier Peter Gutwein threw that away on December 15th and now we have rapidly spreading infection from tourists, those tourists confined to quarters because they are ill – and empty shops. That will not last. So, to recap – vaccination depends on your country/region and its border management and tourist management. If you are ‘opened up’ then you need to look at the science, the epidemiology and the medicine. To avoid hospital, get injected. To avoid Omicron, get injected three times. If your leaders aren’t managing travel properly, you have to get real. The people who die in hospital from COVID-19 (and I include two of my friends) were not vaccinated – overwhelmingly so. Unless you are in the rare and lucky position of having politicians who strictly control travel, I’m sorry – you are vulnerable.

Thanks to all of you who came along to the Conscious Cafe 2022 Astrology Event, and Happy New Year.

Your Personal Psychic Reading for 2022

If you are a Premium Member, your natal chart appears when I pick up your questions in Comments. For specific, private, personal questions about your life, give yourself a three-way reading (if you are a Premium Member now). This is the method I recommend for validation of your predictions. Just follow the rules and it will work for you.

The Garden Oracle

The Smith-Waite Tarot

The Astrology Oracle




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103 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, thanks for this post, I registered for the event but missed it due to work. What might you see for me with these transits?

    Thank you very much and wishing you a happy New Year!! 🙂

    1. 2022 is really about accepting two really intense lessons from 2021 about religion, Tarot, astrology, meditation, therapy, dreams, psychics, spirituality, counselling, self-help or hypnosis. You have been pushed and pulled by fate. Now, accept that you were being forced to change to help yourself. Create a plan for 2022 and stick to it. The tougher you are with yourself in terms of your soul/spirit/psyche the happier you will be, ironically enough.

  2. Thank you Jessica for sharing your awesome gift with all of us. Absolutly love your work.

    Should I be encouraging my family to start stocking up their pantries with the basics and garden seeds now?

    How do you see the water situation in the next 2-3 years?

    Can you see in my chart whether we will all be able to get back together to make a community based living as some of my family are scattered all over the Planet at the moment
    and I am hoping that we can all be together again to start this new way of living ?

    Pluto is hitting my sun at the moment and I am finding it hard to work with this aspect, do you have any suggestions that might help me cope please ?

    Have a wonderful 2022. Stay safe and thank you again.

    1. Thank you. Yes, please tell your family to keep a well-stocked basic pantry. We are going into the 1939 war cycle from January 19th 2022 and it began with rationing and supply chain shortages. The comfort of astrology is we know what to expect. There’s no harm in having things tucked away. The water situation? Climate Emergency does not stop until 2023/2024 when finally we see political change in individual governments, which leads to a proper UN and WHO with teeth. From that point forward water is actually taken seriously as is Climate Emergency itself. And action will be taken in a whole-planet way. This is a rare cycle and Pluto in Aquarius always delivers one world action. The problems with the scattered family have been there since 2008 and are over from 2023, mere history by 2024. You have had Pluto in Capricorn opposing the Moon in Cancer in your Fourth House of family every 29 days since 2008, did you know? It’s nearly over. You can find out more about Pluto and the square to your Sun by using your flipbooks and also – remember the Search button. Bottom line? Accept that who/what is so hard is actually here to discipline you to make you do what you should be doing! But don’t be overpowered. Push back.

  3. Dear Jessica.
    Thank you so much for your insightful talks and inspirational blogs.
    I live in Denmark which is a very small country.
    Will this country close in on itself or cooperate with neighboring countries (which?)
    When you talk about the local, are cities closing in on themselves or countries?

    Thanks to you I have invested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies .. is it a good idea for me? I have very few planets in Taurus or Scorpio or 4th and 8th house. Does this mean that the coming economic crisis or gaining or losing in economics will not matter so much to me? I do have 01 degree asteroid Fortuna in Scorpio. and 00 degree Ops in Taurus.. What does it mean?

    Thanks again for your contribution to all of us in a changing world. I read everything you write and say and act largely on the basis of all your advice- Not that you will be held responsible for my actions:-)

    Kind regards Lotte

    1. Thanks Lotte, that’s such a Danish name. I do have an astrology chart for Denmark. 5th June 1849 at 12.15 LMT in Copenhagen. Denmark is actually Gemini, so you rise or fall with your neighbours in Europe. You are going to rise, and actually go from one exciting change to another, over the next few years. This is part of the complete remodelling of the European Union. Also within Denmark, very importantly, you find Copenhagen itself becoming its own mini country. The new local push is driven by so many things, as we discussed at the Conscious Cafe. Electric shared cars and bicycles, so nobody can go too far. COVID-19 continuing mutations (variants) which lead to economic and health ruin for the local people in Denmark until travel is controlled. So when that happens, the local area becomes more previous and holidays are very much within Denmark or maybe to the countries either side. The neighbours. This Gemini weather is pretty potent and runs for years and it does hit the Danish chart exactly. As your money question is really personal and I don’t know about the timing of your cryptocurrency investments, please use the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to do your homework. In general Bitcoin is erratic, unpredictable and unstable until 2026. As are the others!

  4. Hi Jessica, I worked 8 years in Myanmar and I’m not supporting projects remotely. The situation in Myanmar is horrible and very sad. It seems there is no solution at short term and violence and oppression may continue in 2022. However do you see some potential improvements or light at the end of the tunnel? Thanks a lot, and wish you an happy new year.

    1. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Part of the issue has been foreign involvement/foreign influence/globalised interference and it is not aways made public. That ends on January 19th, at least in terms of its obstruction. It remains unsafe in 2022, 2023 but 2023 is also the beginning of the end of oppression. It starts on March 23rd 2023 and from 2024 it’s over. Myanmar will slowly withdraw from having to be part of a wider region or a wider world (and its rules and problems) in 2022, and by the time you get to 2026 it’s permanent. A great deal of the pain will go from 2023.

  5. Sorry, it’s me again. I forgot to ask about the music scene. I am a songwriter and have worked as a DJ and musician for small events. I have spent most of the time in the corona epidemic. To prepare a set of songs for small concerts with 1-2 other musicians. We have a vision to get out to play in small events maybe local venues. Will there be room for such smaller events and gatherings?

    1. No need to apologise, that’s what this website is for – a place to talk about the astrology and the Tarot/Oracles. I have been asked this before by musicians and the future is local, so your idea of small concerts near home is correct. Will there be room? Yes. What we’re going to see in 2022 is a double Gemini cycle, and Gemini rules your neighbours and local public transport, bicycles, cars and getting around. It also rules local social media, so online chat between people who are just up the road. This starts bubbling in 2022 and it’s the most fantastic outcome in 2024. I realise that is ages away but you need to daydream if you are in music, and dreaming bigger and longer is wise. Have you seen Tex Perkins on YouTube? He’s very clever. He began pioneering spaced gigs/live stream a long time ago. He’s also obviously an astonishing singer. Have a look at what Nick Cave did, solo, along the same lines. The other thing that is going to change your world is 2023 and Pluto in Aquarius when musicians form ‘supergroups’ online (very clever) and use Tik-Tok, YouTube, Twitter and the rest to organise mass gatherings with EventBrite ticketing. So plug in. It’s a little sea shanty in spirit but it’s a proper business model and it will be intensely social – genuinely social media.

  6. Hi Jessica! So many extremely exciting predictions!! I attended the even the other day (meetup) and hung in despite my internet being very spotty but I will try to view on YouTube when available to catch what I missed. Ok so, funny you mentioned Hawaii and as I mentioned before I have an opportunity to move and return to Hawaii or Portugal (Porto) we have been vacillating and are only hesitant about one thing which I will cover in more detail in stellium. In Hawaii there a job offer and Portugal will be a little more hustling for us. We love the idea of Portugal because we always wanted to live in Europe and I am starting to take a course to learn to teach online so we won’t have to struggle too much. We spoke of this and you felt it would be Hawaii and funny that I read that after I convinced myself it was definitely going to be Portugal and now without me saying anything, my husband is the one leaning in that direction (Hawaii) today. It’s funny because when we were in Hawaii he was pretty unhappy as he didn’t like his job and took it out on Hawaii. Right before COVID he got offered a great position but COVID killed it as we had to leave there to go to another state on the mainland for work as Hawaii really took a hit. We have since moved to Central America but the same offer has come up again. On another note…. I am also wondering can you take a look and see if you foresee and financial or legal problems I should be aware of? Thanks so much and loved this post!

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Pisces Weather. Alicia did an amazing job despite having COVID-19, I think we’ll all agree. Do catch up on YouTube as well, I am sorry about the issues with the timing. Your husband is psychic and picking up what I also see – Hawaii. You are too early for a choice though. Mercury Retrograde is here until February 24th and what you think you know now, will change later on. As for financial and legal issues, those are so personal, I strongly recommend you give yourself a three-card reading with The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and The Smith-Waite Tarot. Your husband could do the same.

  7. What do you think about Hong Kong in 2022? Apparently things didn’t go in a rather positive way in Hong Kong.

    1. Hong Kong will go back to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in good time. The exact nature of that, we are yet to see, but the horoscope for Hong Kong suggests harking back to the past. If you search Hong Kong you will find the prediction. The astrological chart is really clear.

  8. Dear Jessica, many thanks for this. I am trying to use your insights to help with business planning. My career started off in 2001 dependent on globalization (acting for domestic and foreign clients), and I have used the last 2.5 years to expand my skill set to include other types of legal work that is local (manufacturing nearshoring and reshoring) and/or global with local implications (supply chain due diligence, sanctions, privacy, ransomware). If you have time to look at my chart, please – given the upcoming astrology, anything else I should be focusing on in general terms e.g., green energy? As much as I love working with other countries and their cultures, I suspect those days are gone. And in Ontario, Canada, where COVID PCR tests are now being rationed because our horrible premier and his lackeys do not care about the people’s health – resulting in PCR test rationing to a select few while there is close to 30% SARS-CoV-2 infection, nearly 100K specimens awaiting processing, and Germany restricting travel from Canada – any chance the fairer world order arrives earlier on June 2, 2022, the date of the next election? I am definitely feeling the Mars in Gemini anger at this situation. Thank you for your wisdom the last few years – best wishes for healthy, safe 2022.

    1. Thank you. Your career is interesting because you are part of the globalisation (Sagittarius) generation with Neptune in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of reshoring, global supply chain and so on. From Ontario, which is in trouble because of your premier (same way so many readers in Australia feel) you are understandably concerned about the career issues, but also the election on June 2nd 2022. All those Gemini transits which begin in 2022 with the end of the Sagittarius nodal cycle which blocked them (on 19th January, a big day) roll soon. You are across the Gemini side of life with your legal work, ransomeware focus and so on. You have quite a Gemini chart and Ceres in Gemini in the Third House is the definition of local deal-making over local control. So that is where you are going. Canada and America. Perhaps, between individual regions within Canada. You will really notice this in 2022, because of the long, long Mars Retrograde in Gemini. You are seeing it now. The local push-back against globalisation (where a person from South Africa can wander into an Ontario suburb and unknowingly cause an outbreak, business closures, children in hospital) starts very quickly. Ceres goes into Gemini and you have your Ceres Return from February 10th. You’ll feel a bump around that date and it will concern transport, the internet, and other Third House matters. You will keep on learning for years, actually, and your skill set will go right back into domestic, not foreign. Those days are indeed gone. As for politics, the new world order begins when Pluto leaves Capricorn and the corrupt top 1% of men start to face jail, financial collapse, electoral defeat, illness, even worse – 23rd March 2023. Canada can and will deliver what you are all feeling before that date – because of the anger over COVID-19. Again the difference is local. Politics is no longer going to be won from the top down, it will be won across neighbourhoods.

  9. Hi Jessica,

    Happy NY! Are there any indicators during 2022 for justice in the forthcoming transits for Capricorn’s?

    1. Justice for Capricorn? That’s a little bit general, particularly if you have legal issues. If this is personal to you use the Tarot (free) on this website. Follow the rules and you’ll see it’s utterly reliable.

  10. Hi Jessica, do you perhaps have any predictions for South Africa.? I must say that the Covid-19 cases are still very much low despite Omicron spreading like wildflower. People are no longer dying like in the beginning of the pandemic. Hospitals are not over crowded and number of patients needing oxygen had declined. Secondly, do you think the current president will finish his term? All the best in the New Year

    1. Hospital admissions have declined in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces, which is a relief. The current President’s destiny really lies with the provinces themselves, as the future is local. Anyone elected in 2022 or 2023 has to be in tune with 2024, 2025, and it is local – not global. As I explained at The Conscious Cafe, we are in for waves of Gemini transits, and these block and stop Sagittarius-heavy organisations, politicians or businessmen – whom are usually pro globalisation. So it really depends on the policies you see this year. If they are in tune with ‘the new local’ he’ll remain, but if not, he’ll have to go. The departure of the South Node from Sagittarius on 19th January is a turning point for the world, actually, as that’s the very last of the Sagittarius slow moving transits we have. From this point forward, entire generations of globalised people (born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Sagittarius) will be hitting very hard squares – from Saturn for example – and ongoing oppositions – from Gemini transits. It’s about the neighbours in South Africa from 2022 on. Not ‘them over there.’ And the virus will continue to mutate, unfortunately, and as people continue to travel in poorly managed situations, COVID-19 will slip past us again. It will not stop according to the astrology until the airlines and airports are properly controlled.

  11. First off – Happy New Year Jessica!

    Thank you for the new site format (fabulous) and the abundance of new and very captivating/well researched articles.

    On this New Year Eve I am feeling especially hopeful for a break from a long long slog. I don’t know why I am suddenly hopeful but here I am. The long transit of Saturn and Progressed Saturn across 23 degrees Capricorn to my natal moon may have been the culprit but done and over. You previously mentioned, in the comments, a pattern around 23 degrees in April 2022. I would love to hear more about that. My primary quest is about the line up of transiting Pluto to my natal Midheaven (26:16 degrees Capricorn) concurrently with the passing transits of Mercury, Venus and Mars now and over the next few months. I am long term retired but aspire to have some kind of passionate and successful endeavor. Although successful in my career it was not passionate and disappointing personally.Perhaps transiting Pluto conjunct natal Chiron at 0 degree Aquarius trine natal Sun in Libra and opposite natal Uranus in Leo will be a break through? or eventually the lineup of transiting Pluto,Saturn/Neptune, and Uranus in early Air signs in aspect to my natal Libra Sun,Chiron and Uranus will be the breakthrough!

    Love to hear your thoughts.

    BTW your comments about Hawaii being the place to be in the USA in order to align with Taz and New Zealand for a Covid free and hopefully a blissful experience has ignited my passion to get there permanently.

    With Gratitude,


    1. Happy New Year GB. You want a calling, so we go to the Tenth House and/or Sixth House for that. In your solar chart, you are a Sun Libra with nothing long-term in your Tenth House, but the (very) long-term transit of Neptune in your solar Sixth. Jupiter is now there too, which is good news. Publicly, from now until May 2022 you will have opportunities (Jupiter) to expand (Jupiter) your escape from the real world (Neptune) as a function of serving others (Sixth House) and working to perfect the details of some daily task for others (Sixth House). The fact that when we go to your natal chart we find transiting Pluto in Capricorn in the Tenth House at 25-28 degrees echoes this. It’s on your Midheaven (MC) as you know. The MC can be tricky. You must have an accurate birth time or the timing will be out, but in general, we would expect 2022 to transform (Pluto) your vocation (Midheaven) even though you are retired. You don’t say from what. If you were in any sort of service/medical/military area before you may be called upon to volunteer in 2022, as America is at war with the pandemic. The National Guard are in the hospitals. That’s one of many, many possibilities, but the kicker in your chart is the historic Pluto pass over the MC in ambitious, steady, cautious Capricorn, going to the top – status, success – but after retirement. Now, how does that happen? Publicly it would seem to be some fortunate turn of events (Jupiter) and I’d have a bet on April 2022 as the peak moment. Hawaii is very special and I’ll find a chart for that at some point.

  12. Hi Jessica,

    Happy New Year and best wishes for a prosperous 2022.

    I missed the beginning of your talk but, thankfully, I will turn to YouTube to watch from the beginning. I am wondering about my work situation as I am on strong immune-suppressant drugs atm and I work in a primary school. I am using this holiday period to study Auslan online as well as tarot. I am thinking of an astrological sideline too and wonder if any of these will be useful in generating an income in the future.

    On another aside, I was going to purchase theatre tickets as a gift but feel this is a little optimistic in the current Omnicron environment. However, would I be right in thinking that local community theatre will start to build in Sydney or Australia in general? I feel if there were “Zoom” sessions, people could pay to see performances from home at reasonable prices until technology develops for a holographic “live” experience. Or am I being too sci-fi with that belief?

    Again, All the best for 2022 and I look forward to more articles and presentations.

    1. Thank you. The Conscious Cafe will send out the recording next week. You are a Sun Sagittarius going through the Uranus transit of your Sixth House. It began in 2018 and will be with you in 2026 and this pulls in your primary school role, which puts you at risk with COVID-19, but also your immune-suppressant drugs, of course. It’s good that you are studying Auslan and Tarot, and thinking about astrology. This puts you in synch with the transit, which as you may know, is about ‘meeting change with change’ rather than staying the same. It’s a similar story in your natal chart. Here, you have Pluto transiting your Tenth House of career. The difference between the Sixth House and Tenth House is emphasis. The Sixth is about serving, doing your duty, putting others first – but also having to monitor your health, fitness, wellbeing, mental health. Without that you cannot serve. The Tenth is about the top – ambition – striving for peak outcomes professionally. You have a late Capricorn chart signature (patterns in the final degrees of Capricorn) and this is exactly where Pluto is passing, in 2022, 2023, before he begins to depart and has gone by 2024. You are quite right to want to transform your career and in fact, your career will transform you. The entire education system/school system will be part of that, as Pluto is about a change in the balance of power, so this may actually be the government/education department as well as your own school. Making money from your current studies is a question for the Tarot itself on this website. It’s personal to you. There may be a fourth profession you have not looked at yet. As for the theatre tickets – the crisis around Rapid Antigen Testing in Sydney is well-known at the moment. You need to really think about the presents you buy people in this climate. I am friends with a nurse and she would tell you to give a book instead! As for the theatre of the future, yes, it seems likely that it will consist of avatars in virtual spaces and be interactive with you, the viewer. For all that the pandemic has been cruel to theatres, theatre will eventually draw more people, make more money and be more popular by rethinking itself. The Gemini transits rolling from 2022 seem certain to do that, as Gemini rules theatre scripts.

  13. Hi Jessica,
    Happy New Year and best wishes through out the year. Thanks for such detailed astrology articles and helping thousands of people for making good decesions about their future.
    My question is, would i be abble to immigrate this year?

    1. Happy New Year. Thank you. It’s hard to say if you can emigrate in 2022. From where to where? It all depends on that, you see, because large parts of the world (including France) are rapidly becoming inaccessible for (even) travellers. I strongly recommend you use The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle together to give yourself a three-way reading, trying different countries in turn. You are in the luckiest cycle in 12 years for emigrating, now through May, and from October to December. Yet, some places will be a doddle, and others not. It’s all about where.

  14. Hi Jessica. Really interesting information, as usual. And Happy New Year! (hopefully) It must be strange to have such a clear vision of the future, just for yourself, never mind globally. I honestly find some of the predictions quite scary, especially all the digital stuff and shortages. Like another commentator, my family is a bit scattered globally and we’re quite fractured anyway. I have been caring for my mum, who has dementia, these past few years but had always hoped to move away from Northern Ireland eventually. It sounds like this will become very expensive and maybe close to impossible from here on though. Is this the case? Also, have you ever looked at Northern Ireland specifically and what will become of it? It’s still a bit contentious here, the whole British/Irish question and we still have a lot of sectarianism. We haven’t had much community spirit when it comes to Covid either. Personally, in spare moments over the past few years, I have been trying to develop as an artist, something I was good at as a child but had totally given up on. Does my chart show any chance of success? I’m trying to ‘pivot’ I suppose. When I no longer have responsibility for mum, I don’t want to just return to life as it was, as I was very stuck, in my work life and personally. Gotta say as well, you make astrology sound easy but I find it incredibly difficult and complex. Makes me wonder about my brain. Thanks for all the info anyway.

    1. Thank you. Happy New Year. Yes, being a psychic medium is difficult when you see the grave errors people make during a pandemic. (Flying, top of the list). However, on the plus side, you do have quite exhilarating visions of the new transport, which will be electric and shared. You are in Northern Ireland looking after your mother with dementia which is much tougher. You are a Sun Aquarius having that kind of cycle when both your mother and Northern Ireland are unpredictable, erratic, and you never know what is coming next. My knowledge of Derry is limited to Derry Girls and the novels of Joan Lingard, who wrote compellingly about Belfast, but I understand it’s tough there. By 2026 NI will break with the past and you may find a united Ireland (the shock of that would be in keeping with this Uranus transit) and a split with England (the entire United Kingdom chart shows the separation of the four nations). That’s far into the future though and you need to live now. You are absolutely in tune with what is going on when you say you want a new life when you no longer have to care for you mum. You will – and it will be exciting. Right now, you are also thinking about art. You will make or save rather a lot of money in 2022 so will be able to buy time to do that, or at least invest in the right classes and materials.

  15. Hi Jessica. Happy New Year! I unfortunately missed your Zoom talk but am really looking forward to watching the recording when it becomes available.

    I tend to always start off every new year with a renewed sense of hope and optimism thanks to my Sagittarius placements, but 2022 feels…..different for me. For the last few months, I’ve been having dreams about finding silver coins, seeing an increase in my wealth while achieving victories/milestones. I see in mid 2023 Gemini will be in my natal Mars and in 2024 it will be in my natal Jupiter. I feel as though something *big* is on the horizon for me, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. (I’ve also been pondering a career change as of late. I’ve been in IT for over 23 years and my soul craves something with more purpose.) Can you please take a peek at my chart and see what the universe has in store for me? Thank you so much for the rich, concise content you provide. It’s a true joy to read.

    1. Happy New Year. Thank you. Gina and Judy will send out the recording next week. You feel something big is on the way. Possibly a move out of IT and a more meaningful career. You are a Sun Leo and yes, you will make or save a lot of money in 2022. It has already started, actually. Peak period is now through May, and again in October-December. The dreams about the coins echo the Tarot card I drew for Leo in 2022. A wealthy man pours coins into the hands of those who need it. You are already changing career, did you know that? You’ve mentally resigned from a lot of what you were doing before 2018 and in 2022, 2023, 2024 this is an itch you will scratch. The classic Uranus Tenth House and Pluto Sixth House transits of your solar chart are behind the urge to find something that is more fulfilling or leaves behind a bigger legacy. There is more to life than money, although finding a financial channel in 2022 helps you make different professional choices later. What you end up doing will be highly successful when Jupiter goes into Taurus and your solar Tenth House. That’s not that far off. I suspect a complete career change, actually. Or, you could keep elements of what you do now, but minimise it and rethink your entire strategy. Use the Tarot on this site to help.

  16. Hi jessica,
    Happy New Year to you and I Hope your are doing great. I also hope things get slight better for me this year. Can you see for me when southnode is in Scorpio conjunct with sun, mercury, and Pluto in my birth chart?? what planet Jupiter is going to bring for me in Aries when conjunct with north node and Jupiter itself?
    I am struggling with my higher education which is still no way close to completion, when that is going to complete?
    Do you see any promotion and salary raise for me in near future?
    I am also willing to invest my small amount of fortune, where will I get the maximum benefits out of it in the long run? I m thinking of buying property. Will that be a suitable investment what is your opinion on that?
    Best Regards,
    Love xx

    1. Happy New Year Sonia. Thank you. Lots of career and financial questions, which is typical for a Sun Scorpio. I am sorry you are struggling with education. It is dramatically better from 2023 and the obstacles are gone from 2024. You will be offered a fantastic new role May-October 2022 and it will go further in early 2023, or again be replaced by a superior offer, in the first quarter of 2023. The most stuck financial cycle in 19 years is over on 19th January. Investment is intensely personal and I don’t have any charts for your intended property, so I suggest you combine Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle readings. Just follow the rules and you will find they are accurate, Sonia.

  17. This is great. Forewarned is forearmed, thank you so much.

    Re: this last full year of Pluto in Capricorn, I am curious about a situation with an older male relative who has been outed as a predator. I am no longer in contact with him so in a lot of ways it feels “settled” but he has never faced justice and we don’t know the extent of his crimes. I am hopeful that we learn more in 2022. Curious if you see anything on that?

    And also housing. I recently relocated to a town I love but I’m in a short-term lease and it’s hard to find something permanent here.

    Thank you and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you. Your family member is a predator. You also need a home. Both of those issues are ruled by Cancer in your natal chart, which in turn rules the Fourth House of family and property. Sure enough, you have the Moon at 28 Cancer and Pluto is in opposition, hovering close to 28 Capricorn, for the first time in a quarter-century. So, this is big. The problem with/for your predator relative winds down in 2023 and is gone from 2024, when you either no longer care, or there is a resolution with him. Try to minimise involvement with his case if you want to lower the pressure. You are on a short-term lease and may want to really examine the fine print on any other leases/agreements as transiting Pluto in opposition to your natal Moon in the Fourth House is not helpful. Again, this winds down in 2023 and is over by 2024. Try to avoid taking on a new home with a powerful landlord/landlady or a power-tripping real-estate agent or council. Pluto is always about the corruption of power and too much control. You can read more about that by hitting Search or in your Premium Member library. Happy New Year. This does improve.

  18. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for a great couple of talks on Jupiter in Pisces and Aries and a Happy, Uplifting and Prosperous 2002 to you. A general question: when the big outer planet transits are aspecting the natal moon rather than sun, how is the impact different if at all e.g Pisces or Aries Moon in the Jupiter transits, Taurus Moon during the Uranus transit.

    Heartened to see David Attenborough is following up his Blue Planet series with a Green Planet one this week that looks just as stunning and hoping it has the same impact in opening people up emotionally to the beauty in a way that makes us fall in love with the planet and want to value it and protect it – could that be one of the positives of Uranus in Taurus teaming up with Neptune in Pisces? Awakening to beauty?

    1. Thank you. I am glad you could come along to the events. Transits to the natal moon are about your need to be needed. The moon describes, by sign and house, where you ‘feed’ other people. Sometimes literally. You cook for them. Usually emotionally – you take care of them, supply them, protect them, nurture them. Slow-moving outer planet transits to the moon are usually about major life events, so people have children or acquire godchildren or young relatives at such times. Or, there can be a new role with paid or unpaid work, if the moon is in Capricorn and the Tenth House of career, or Virgo and the Sixth House of service. You’ve made a good point about Attenborough. My grandfather knew him at the BBC. Awakening to beauty isn’t really Pisces-Taurus, but the new value we place on Mother Nature by 2026 is certainly Uranus in Taurus. The problem for plants, trees and the animal kingdom has been corporate values – they place a higher value on piles of money, than on piles of leaves! That changes from 2023 as Pluto goes into Aquarius. That double whammy of Uranus in Taurus (economic revolution) and Pluto in Aquarius (people power, not corporate rule) will really shift things. Especially as so many teenagers today have Uranus or Neptune in Aquarius and are waiting to hear the call. Greta Thunberg and friends will have their day. Class action lawsuits against corporations will win…and win.

  19. HNY Jessica, I have not watched the video, but I am intrigued with what you write. You speak about the end of the long Sagittarius cycles. Wouldn’t Big Tech be Sagittarius? And how would working for Big Tech change in the coming years? An opportunity for me has popped up from across the world for a Big Tech firm. The offer came mid-December but I am supposed to start work on Mercury Retrograde. Will this opportunity work/ last?
    I have had a rough few years regarding career, paid work and business. A lot of it to do with websites, internet, education and media. It has been a never ending cycle with the software developers and website engineers. The relationship snags have been minor but the damages major in terms of loss of time and effort. Learning though has been huge. Property and savings allowed me an escape from reality but I think a need for a regular income is making me consider this new opportunity. How do these next couple of years pan out for me. Many thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you. Big technology is not Sagittarius, it is really a combination of Gemini/Sagittarius/Capricorn as it is corporate and global, though vested in communication. You have a job offer there and they want you to begin on Mercury Retrograde. Have Plan B and C. This cycle is notorious for scuppering plans and people who have a sole back-up usually find it doesn’t work – so have the back-up for your back-up. There are delays, COVID-19 interference, staff shortages or absences, and so on. I am sorry you have had a rough few years with software developers and website engineers. You now need to make money. Will the gig last? Pursue it anyway and see where it takes you, as May-October brings a promotion, highly successful project or superior position. So begin the journey. Just be aware of Mercury Retrograde until February 24th with the usual problems. Slow or unresponsive colleagues can be very frustrating at this time as so many people ignore Mercury Retrograde or do not understand it. The bigger picture, though, is a big improvement for your lifestyle, wellbeing, daily routine and fulfilled work ethic, and that begins in May, as Jupiter goes into your solar Sixth House, in the sign of Aries, and immediately begins the path towards trines (easy flow) with your Sagittarius factors and a sextile (more easy flow) with your Gemini factors. That is largely big tech. You are also lucky to have another Jupiter cycle in the same space in early 2023, so long-term things look terrific for you.

  20. Hi, Jessica!
    I wish you a happy new year!
    This page is different from all the astrological pages I’ve seen – congratulations on the originality. I would even dare to say that your views are very close to scientific analysis.
    I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country that not so long ago was in a difficult war, and now ethnic tensions are high again. Many say Bosnia is on the brink of disintegration and a new war. Can astrology confirm or deny this? (In fact, I hope nationalist leaders lose the election this fall!)
    By the way, I am a journalist, and this year I plan to publish the first book I have written in years. I also want to start my own website and TV series. As a layman, I see that I have the support of Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus. Am I right?

    1. Happy New Year. Thank you. I worked with War Child about 20 years ago and know the Bosnia story well. Bosnia is part of a much bigger story, which is the deconstruction of the European Union and the Euro, and the reconstruction of the same, in 2023-2024. Your leadership has to fall into line with that, because the new Pluto in Aquarius transit from 2023 will transform the E.U. for some years to come. You will find the ethnic conflict fades when Pluto changes signs, as Aquarius rules the human family – community, diversity, equality – and the United Nations and WHO will actually acquire power from 2023. Bosnia will have to fall into line. Congratulations on the new book. You will hit the heights with it. It may be ups and downs all year (2022) for publishing, television, the web – but it is worth pursuing success because while you have it, you will be at the top of your game.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    Happy New ( & Old) Year. Thank you for your guidance on so many important issues we all face together (acknowledged or not). I am planning on exploring life as a potential ex-pat, (currently, in Ohio, USA, and looking to relocate as Ohio does not have my heart nor feel like home). Any insight as to where (even directionally) the river flows most freely on my path in light of upcoming manifestations of local economies and development? In my heart, I lean towards colder areas (Quebec, Iceland, Estonia).

    Thank you!

    1. Happy New Year. Finding a new place to live is intensely personal and the astrology charts for Iceland, Quebec, Estonia lined up with yours, will show financial, relationship, health outcomes – but I don’t know what your priority is. I suggest you use The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and The Smith-Waite Tarot together (see the feature Be Your Own Psychic) to try each country in turn. Just bear in mind it may be hard to go back to America. Expensive and/or a lengthy wait, and of course, a health risk. We are very close to the long Gemini transits now and they will block and stop international travel for many years. Yes, over and above what we saw in 2020 and 2021.

  22. Happy New Year Jessica! Thank you so much for always making these yearly predictions, as they have helped me live more in the present moment and without fear. I wanted to ask you about Venezuela. I’m moving there from the US and it has been quite an unexpected move as I never thought I would go back so soon after leaving 12 years ago. Water supply, electricity and food rationing has always been an issue in Venezuela ever since Chavez came into power in the late 90s and I wonder if it will get worse before it gets better? Any insights you can share would be greatly appreciated!

    Hopefully you’re having a great start of the week!

    1. Happy New Year. You are going home to a country with infrastructure problems. It will be hard work in 2022. From 2023 the country itself begins to go through massive changes, and from 2024 you realise you have landed in ‘the new Venezuela’ with all its politics and drama. It’s up to you to decide if you want to stay there. I think the Tarot could be useful for you, before you make that commitment. Do read for yourself and see what the card suggests.

  23. Hi Jessica. These past three years I have been stuck at home and cannot work because I am looking after an ageing parent. I also contracted the Omicron in the last weeks of December, luckily my mother and teenage son did not get it. My issue is my struggle with my mother. She’s also a Gemini (June 9, 1931) and even though she has lived with me for a long time, there’s no feeling of love between us. I read my 2022 horoscope and January too but somehow I feel nothing seems to apply to me. I don’t have a career, no partner either. I ask if you could peek in my birth chart to see if there is something to watch for, hope for and or something I could work on. I am not very good at interpreting the Oracles either. All I feel is like I still have many years of struggles ahead of me. So if I could work on something to better myself, I look at Astrology for guidance, your guidance.

    1. I am so sorry you are in this position, and thank goodness your mother and son did not catch COVID-19 from you. You are a full-time carer of a difficult mother. You will reshape that role or change it, replace that role or escape it, by May. There will be a further useful episode in October-December. The issue for you is probably the inheritance of her money or property, I suspect, and that very long saga in your life will be over from 2023, and history by 2024. For whatever reason, this is no longer in the background all the time. It certainly has been for her, but that does not go on, beyond 2023.

  24. Hi Jessica,

    As always I enjoy your articles so much! I currently live in Maryland ( which is 22 minutes from Washington, DC) This area has been reasonable controlling the covid-surges as the governors here actually believe in following the science ( mandatory mask, the majority of people have been vaccinated plus adults high levels of education here so I think that helps makes decisions more logically) in contrast to some parts of the USA 🙁

    How impactful the problems with supply/food etc be around the east coast of the USA? Also, should I start investing in crypto going forward? After the series of eclipses that fell in my Sag 2nd/Gemini 8th house axis for the past two years have been waking up my mind into diversification, investment and different types of businesses.

    I have a very stable job with a good salary ( and I enjoy it) but I also have a small business on the side which I fell called to open back in 2020 (astrology and candles) not sure if I should start adding more offerings to my business as I really want to harness the power of locally produced, socially conscious offerings like I feel called to really target community to make the world a better place but unsure how to focus on this with combining my astrology/candle work.

    Thank you always for your insight! I really really enjoy reading you!



    1. Thank you Yoreim. So lucky your Maryland governors know their science. You will have shortages and rationing of various odd items – unexpected things – and it will genuinely be impossible to predict. So stock up on what you cannot live without, if it is preservable. As for cryptocurrency, you need to use The Astrology Oracle for that as it is personal to you. The candle business will skyrocket in 2022 if you target people who are committed to their meditation. It will boom until May and again from October-December if you find the right demographic and go out to meet them.

  25. Hi Jess,

    2021 played out for me just as you predicted with a karmic loop from 2000-2003, with my partner coming to an end. My partner and I of 31 years separated a couple of months ago.

    A lot of things in the relationship came to the surface to be cleared. It was a very special relationship and there is a lot of love still left between us.
    Communication was the issue, and being out of the relationship allowed us to see the 3 decades from a different vantage point.

    It’s been very hard emotionally on me as well as the process of drawing a line down all our assets and dividing everything 50/50.

    While I’m am trying to move on, it feels like this love story has many more stories to be written.

    Is The story forward- will we return to being a duet? She is a Sag (11/12/72).?


    1. Thank you. You want to get back together with the Sagittarius woman now that the karmic loop is almost over (it ends on 19th January). Could it happen? Yes, actually. You would spend 2022 cutting a long deal with her, and that would be a battle at times. It would take until early 2023 to figure out, if you were prepared to hang in there. Have a look at the Garden Oracle for validation on this timing. But yes – it could so easily come to pass.

  26. Dear Jessica,

    Happy New Year! Thank you for all your brilliant work for us, very enlightening and interesting. It’s always such a pleasure to read your articles!

    I live in Boston, MA in US. Any advice for me? I am a Leo, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time of my birth, as back then it wasn’t registered.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Advice for 2022 and beyond? Spend 2022 and 2023 reshaping your career, unpaid work and/or academia. Consider who or what excites you. Even, exhilarates you. Allows you to feel free and be far more independent. New technology would be involved. These two years, 2022 and 2023, are unique in your life. It would mean opening up to the last thing anybody expected you to be doing, but so what? A parallel development is a serious, then powerful, new duet in your life, or a new phase in an old duet, actually. This is again 2022, 2023. Happy New Year.

  27. “To avoid Omicron, get injected three times. If your leaders aren’t managing travel properly, you have to get real. The people who die in hospital from COVID-19 (and I include two of my friends) were not vaccinated – overwhelmingly so. Unless you are in the rare and lucky position of having politicians who strictly control travel, I’m sorry – you are vulnerable.”

    This is terrible mis-information.

    1. This is terrible misinformation? How? My friends Matteo de Cosmo and Sandeep Jain are dead. They were not injected with any vaccine. It took three weeks. It is an awful way to die. Had the borders been under quarantine, testing and exclusion, they would have not have been infected with the virus from China (one case) and India (the second case). They were unvaccinated and died. The majority of people who die from COVID-19 are unvaccinated.

  28. Hello Jessica and Happy New Year!

    Thank you for all you recent posts and articles. Very interesting indeed. Some of my work colleagues, bosses in particular, have been somewhat in denial about the impacts of Covid and several moves made towards getting staff back in the office, but armed with your predictions I could see that this was unlikely to happen in 2021. Moves are being made to bring us back end Feb 2022, but I suspect this latest Omicron flare up might put paid to that. Having worked, successfully, for 2 years from home, I am bewildered by this effort to get us back in the office. Do you see any thing in my chart that might indicate being able to WFH on a permanent basis, please?

    Also, and the main reason for my comment, I have several Gemini placements, including Jupiter so will be having my return in 2023, I imagine. With all this Gemini weather coming up, woukd you mind looking at my chart to see if you think this will this help or hinder me?

    Once again, thank you so much for all your insights. Time to think about getting a veggie patch going to pre-empt the shortages perhaps!

    1. There is galloping delusion at the moment on all sides with COVID-19 and so we go back to science, medicine, astrology and epidemiology. The whole point of this cycle is that working people become powerful. So actually you can negotiate with employers, not the other way around. Even though 2022 is hard in terms of working from home, from 2023 the power belongs to you. In fact you could be doing it for years after 2023. The Gemini weather for years, and your Gemini patterns, suggests either a full-time or part-time position with the web, publishing, education, media or academia. Very successful it will be, too – with new technology on side after 2026.

  29. Hi, I appreciate your work. I see in this article you say ‘get vaccinated’ in no uncertain terms. Because I personally know people who have been permanently harmed by the vaccine, I would like to know how you respond to so many people of all ages being injured or have died from heart attacks?

    To tell someone, to do something to someone’s else’s body is a big (karmic) responsibility.

    1. Lelle, both my friends died without any vaccination. They died in three weeks and it was like drowning on dry land. I have no experience of people having bad reactions to vaccines. If I did, I would write about that. They were both men in their early fifties and my godson is now without a father. So there you are. It’s personal.

  30. Jessica you wrote somewhere recently about factors at 12 degrees of Taurus. You also talk about not ignoring Ceres, which I have never paid attention to! I now see that I have Ceres…at 12 degrees of Taurus! Conjunct Saturn with Uranus transiting both. I read your fascinating blogs on the Taurus weather and the Financial years of 2022-2029 and the Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio cycles. I have been buying, selling and buying property since 2018 with no savings at all, but by using debt (credit cards overdrafts and loans) and by releasing capital from gains on older properties bought in the boom years 1996-2006 through remortgaging.. so very much using the banks money not my own to grow our gains. I feel incredibly blessed to now have the chance to sell our old home, which has doubled in value since we bought it December 2013 and be mortgage free, anytime between now and 2026, when the mortgage is up and we were going to sell…but thinking about the astrology is telling me to let go of it sooner. Maybe this 12 degree point in my chart is important, but I don’t know how to interpret it. Ceres is also transiting my 4th house now! But you said it acts like Pluto? Pluto is always difficult, but it also transforms? I would be fascinated to know how you would view how Ceres is operating for me, or factors in Taurus. Thank you Jessica for this new insight into chart interpretation.

    1. Blimey you really are a Ceres in Taurus person. You also have Saturn, the IC and Panacea in Taurus. So that is a crowded Second House. You have been in the property market on borrowed bank money – overdrafts and credit cards – and can now sell your old home. It’s doubled in value. The best thing to consider is that Uranus is in Taurus, until 2026, and (new) the North Node is in Taurus, in 2022 and 2023. So whatever you knew before, is no longer relevant. This is a radical new cycle for property and money worldwide. We’ve not seen it since the war. The nodes in Taurus-Scorpio (they are flipped around this time) and Uranus in Taurus. The shock to the economy. Be aware that in July, August, September, October something rare happens to your chart. Uranus goes to 18 Taurus and is in a conjunction with your natal Saturn at 18 Taurus. That is a revolution in the economy with a direct impact on whatever financial or property structures you have created to defend and protect yourself. The Uranus transit to natal Ceres is in March, April 2022 and that is absolutely your division of the controls or power, with the bank, or presumably your partner. It will be sudden. The nodes are also crucial and for information on those, look back at life 18, 19 years ago as you trawl through the karmic nodal cycle in 2022 and 2023. There is more information on this in your flipbooks.

  31. Thank you Jessica. I devour your blogs every time with the predictions. I read a few times that you have lost two people to Covid. My condolences to you….
    Happy to ask a question. I live in the Netherlands and am very curious if there really will be a new life with covid, so for example that there are lockdowns every winter and that we can do more in the summer. What kind of development do you see for the Netherlands in relation to the developments for the European Union that you see and are not so good.

    Furthermore, I am a Cancer with ascendant Gemini and I work as a coach and trainer for the people and teams in corporates.Your prediction about the books in 2022 for the Cancer is absolutely correct, I am working on several trainings and an education. I want to reach a huge number of people to take control of their own lives with these changes in the world. Is that achievable according to your astrology knowledge?

    Furthermore, my big dream is to physically travel internationally for my work to attend seminars and conferences worldwide so that I can use that inspiration again to coach and train people. Is there still a possibility in the coming years to create such a lifestyle?

    Lots of questions, but I’ll just give it a try. Thank you Jessica,

    warmly Katja

    1. Thank you Katja. Yes, two of my friends died from COVID-19 and it strongly affected me. I appreciate your sympathy. The Netherlands is nicely scribbled on in my copy of The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. I have Geert Wilders in the margin, along with tulips, windmills and Anne Frank. The chart I have is set for 26th July 1581 at 12.00 in The Hague. So this is a Leo country with Uranus and Saturn in Aquarius, the signs of people power, communities and typically, political parties or other organisations which are inclusive – everyone pools resources together. Because Saturn is at 26 Aquarius the Netherlands has its Saturn Return, a very heavy lesson about one party in particular. We also find Saturn in conjunction with Uranus at 17 Aquarius. I would extend this to your football teams as well. Aquarius rules a political party as much as a national sporting community. You will see a very heavy period as early as February 2022 on the first Saturn Return. In a country’s chart, the hospital system and health insurance is shown by Virgo and here we have Mercury at 0 Virgo and Mars at 12 Virgo. Much as I’d like to tell you that the difficulties are over, the Netherlands has to get through Saturn at 0 Pisces and 12 Pisces. That is from March 2023 until December 2024. Saturn is in opposition by transit so this is the continuation of COVID-19 through variants, but there may be other public health obstacles at the same time. You have to remember this also falls in your solar Ninth House of publishing and teaching. And of course, international travel, which can be deadly. So in a nutshell, get the travel and teaching/study/publishing over and done with in 2022 when your luck is in with Jupiter but be a realist about the future as the Netherlands needs to get through this massive Saturn opposition by transit.

  32. Hi Jessica looking at my chart I have the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio at 27 degrees I also have Neptune in Scorpio at 22 degrees. I am concerned how this will play out this year can you advise

    1. Check your legacy and find out more about any legacy which names you. Taurus-Scorpio is always about the gap between your values and your budget and that of the family, or husbands/wives, business partners and so on. Neptune in Scorpio can be rather unrealistic, borrowing money, borrowing for property, or just on a credit card. The bubble. You usually get away with it, but if there is a huge difference between what you have actually earned, to own – and what you bring in – and what you have on tick from the bank – 2022 and 2023 will correct that. You will need to make changes. In general try to lower the stakes as much as you can, particularly with sexual and financial partners, and bearing in mind the entire world is dealing with economic karma from the war in 2022, 2023, keeping things simple and flexible is a really smart move. Things will change in a day. We just saw Hong Kong banish most nations of the world in five minutes. That’s big.

  33. Ps I have also spent months researching cryptocurrency and buying it since just before May 2020 and I believe you are right that cryptocurrency is here to stay

  34. Ps I have also spent months researching cryptocurrency and buying it since just before May 2021 until December 2021 and I believe you are right that cryptocurrency is here to stay

  35. Hi, Jessica!

    Happy New Year, all the best to you, and thanks for the great and inspirational work you are doing! How do you see the pandemic situation in Montenegro, and would you advise buying a flat / selling land in my country? I saw elsewhere on your website that you expect property prices to go down as of 2023.

    Thanks a lot!


    1. Thanks Ana. Each country is different (obviously) and the property prices will vary widely depending on how each area handles the pandemic. At the moment, for example, it is out of control in Tasmania (where I live) and that will affect the price of apartments in the inner city, Hobart. Then that could change again if we see a switch back to Zero Covid. The flux is ongoing for years. If you want to buy a flat and sell land where you live, know that it will be an obstacle course in 2022 as Saturn (waiting games, hurdles) is in your solar Fourth House of real estate. From 2023 it becomes a huge change area, so it looks as if Montenegro or wherever you are living then, goes through massive transformation with council or government which also affects property prices. I strongly recommend you use the Tarot on this website, Ana, to address your personal situation.

  36. Thank you so much for the guidance! I decided to try the Tarot and I got the world card, as soon as I saw it the word completion came into mind.

  37. Hi Jessica,
    I just read the blog on Apple and how astrology played into their success. I am really really trying to learn this stuff so I don’t have to keep asking questions. I have the list of where all my natal planets are in which sign & degree. I have the list of current planetary positions. I am trying to figure out when the best possible alignement will be for me to be successful in launching new ventures. Even if I jsut write it and sign it like the Apple agreement typed up on the fly. I have looked all over to find how fast psyche and other factors move with no luck. On your site and on google. What is the best way for me to determine on my own when the chart would be best. I am sure this determines on the venture, but finanically speaking. Thanks

    1. Money is Taurus and Scorpio so begin with whatever you have in your chart, in Taurus, in the Second House of personal income, and the Eighth House (Scorpio) of joint finance. You have Neptune in Scorpio so look up Neptune. What is it? (Hint: unreality; alternative reality). Usually borrowing money from the bank and fantasising it is actually yours, or using a credit card or mortgage to get what you want and falsely assuming it is yours (it is the bank’s). You have the Ascendant in Scorpio and Descendant in Taurus. IF your birth time is strictly accurate, you present as a financial creature, and your duets and duels in life are always with people whose lives revolve around economics. (If that is not true your birth time is wrong). You have Bacchus at 19 Scorpio in conjunction with Cupido at 19 Scorpio. Look those up. (Clue: pleasure and lust for life, channelled through finance, property, business, charity. And always the kind of big picture stuff you find in a legacy. And what is always at stake in a marriage or other sexual relationship). Now you have a better idea of who you are and where you are at, you can use that to make money. Or not. If you can stave off the non-reality of Neptune in Scorpio and use the ability to turn people on, with finance/property, you can certainly pull in income, as a lifetime rule. Use the three digital card decks on my website to narrow down time frames and truths.

  38. Wauw, thank you for your guidance Jessica and keep my feet on the ground :-), warmly, Katja

  39. Wow Thank you! Brilliant response. Heading to the divinations now! I am also tyring to line up my chart with the Bitcoin chart. I am racking my brain with the degrees and placements in my chart vs Bitcoin because I do hold Bitcoin and several other crypto currencies. Alas, I’ve always been a gambler so I am HODLing my stakes and hoping they way I read my chart w/Bitcoins is right because I see it as GOOD! I do hold Apple Stock too and have done quite well with it.

  40. PSS… I do have my original birth certificate so I assume the time is correct! My mom is deceased and my dads mind is not what it used to be so I don’t really have anyone to confirm the accuracy!

  41. hello jessica,

    I always enjoy reading you or seeing you on youtube when possible (I’m in France)

    I am Gemini ascendant lion (06/19/1976. 10:40 am). in couple with a Virgo ascending fish.
    what advice would you give me to get through 2022 as best as possible, whether professionally or personally.
    big decisions tend to me, and I am afraid to make them.

    thank you to enlighten me.
    take care of you

    1. Thank you. You were born on 19th June 1976. You’ll be very successful in 2022 if you take the opportunities offered to you by May, and again from October-December. You could have a big hit; gain a prestigious new role; celebrate a promotion. You can use the Tarot on this website, which is free, to find out the details.

  42. Dear Jessica, as you mention Mars and Ceres in Gemini I realised, that it will be for me return of these players to my sign of Gemini. What does it mean for me? As I know, these are the difficult planets /asteroids I can say explosif, what you could recommend me to succesfully manage this return. And with conversation of Jupiter of 23 deg in Pisces and My nodes in 23deg Scorpio and Taurus in April, I feel that this could be one of the important years for mé. So your insight is very wellcome. Thank you very much!

    1. Mars and Ceres in Gemini in the Third House of your natal chart are not the only factors, but in general you ‘live’ in your Third House, which rules siblings and cousins, internet and media, publishing and education, short journeys and commuting. This will be a hive of activity for you in 2022 and early 2023. Mars is easily managed. He’s a Roman soldier. Give him an action plan. A strategy, played over the long haul. (This is part of you). Ceres wants total control and she can’t have it. Learn to compromise. The focus will obviously be a project or course. A sibling or cousin. A journey or commuting issue. Maybe connected, maybe not. Later on, when Jupiter and then Uranus go into Gemini (by 2026) you realise that 2022 was a really useful learning experience about how to connect and communicate, and how not to. Look up Ceres and Mars, Third House in your flipbooks to help you.

  43. Hi Jessica,
    I hope i am lucky enough to see my comment published and answered by a perfect astrologer like you. what do you think about Iran?will the people revolt against the regime of Iran this year?

    1. That is very flattering, thank you. Have a look at Iran on Search. I wrote about Iran quite a long time ago. What you are waiting for is 2023. People power when Pluto goes into Aquarius, the sign of ‘we the people.’

  44. Hi Jessica
    I’m thinking about giving up the intense frequency of nannying and going to University instead. does my chart indicate any success this year as far as combining study and possibly casual work?
    Thank you and happy new year to you and your team.

    1. You are a Sun Taurus with a whopping stellium in Gemini, the sign of the student and teacher. If the course involves Gemini matters (remember Gemini is ruled by Mercury the messenger so it’s about literature, language skills, communication in all forms) you will be pleased to know this does work out long-term. You may have a bit of work to do in 2022 sorting out which course/how/when/where as Ceres and then Mars Retrograde go through Gemini (or the issues may be purely about the technology). Yet, you come out of the other end feeling truly like yourself. Becoming who you are, in fact. And then when Jupiter goes into Gemini, you will have spectacular success. Uranus in Gemini from 2026 takes you further into the future and by then you will be so pleased you set out on this road back in 2022.

  45. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you so much for another intriguing post, defiantly a top priority for me to read your blog for guidance.
    Was wondering if you don’t mind looking into my chart, is there any chance for us to buy a property where we are( Sydney) any time soon? And if my chart is suitable for investing (Crypto and shares)

    thank you and happy new year to you and your loved ones.

    1. Thank you and Happy New Year. You are a Sun Libra on an unpredictable money rollercoaster until 2026, so you need to be flexible, light on your feet and not heavily tied down with a huge mortgage, or depending on (say) a fixed, unchanging income for the pair of you, also until 2026. That’s your solar chart. So very publicly, in 2022-2026 you will be in a position with the money, house, business or apartment where the world turns upside-down in the blink of an eye. This will work for you from May 2023 until May 2024, when Jupiter (abundance, opportunity, luck) is also in your finance sector. In 2022 and 2023, though, you may find yourself stuck with karma from 18-19 years ago with property, finance, business, valuables and it may be that you owe others on some level, or the universe has decided you need to settle up. I have no idea what life was like for you then, as you are the best judge of that. Taurus and Scorpio rule banks, property prices and mortgages so do we also find them in your natal chart? You have Mercury at 7 Scorpio and Pluto at 8 Scorpio which is a conjunction. This begs the question of your partner’s chart, because Scorpio rules sex, death and money. Classically a marriage and mortgage, but also the legacy which you have, which names your other half, and your partner’s will, which names you. You have already had one shock, when transiting Uranus opposed the Mercury-Pluto conjunction in 2020 and 2021. I expect that was COVID-19. Of course it may have been something else. You are strongly Scorpio so I am wondering about your parents, siblings, other relatives – quite apart from your partner’s stake in your financial or property situation, and vice versa. Use the Tarot to validate this, but 2022 and 2023 look like really hard work, to me, with constant oppositions from the North Node in Taurus. So you really need to put a price on peace of mind, and then ask yourself what price you would be willing to pay, to own an apartment or house. I’m also not crazy about the squares to come from Pluto in Aquarius, after 2023. This is also really hard work. Have a look at what your card reading tells you. I am afraid I cannot read for your other half, as I only have your chart here.

  46. Hi Jessica, I”m wondering about family dynamics in 2022 with adult children. My son is a sun Leo Aquarius moon with Virgo rising, my daughter is sun Sagitarius Taurus moon with Virgo rising. Is there any improvement coming this year?

    1. You are a Sun Cancer who is rightly concerned about her children. You have some karma to sort out with these two, and it will involve you all in going over the same ground with each other in 2022 and 2023. The karma goes back about 18-19 years and may involve them, or other children – perhaps past pregnancies – or marriage and relationship questions from that time, which had an impact on your becoming a mother – or not. So, karma is here. Find out all you can about the transiting South Node in Scorpio in the Fifth House which will explain the cycle best. You very likely share a past life with at least one of the children and perhaps you already sense that. In any case there is karmic work to be done. You can use the oracles on this website to help you.

  47. Hello Jessica! I am a new member and learning a lot every time I visit your website. My question relates to my marriage and my stelliums in Leo and Libra – with 5 aspects in Leo and 4 in Libra (particularly Diana 11°), I think I am interpreting my chart to mean that I require freedom in partnerships and that my children will always be the focus of my life. Vesta in Aries at 17° was also interesting to me, as I have two daughters and a son. I would love your perspective on this, and how things might play out in 2022 because of the amount of conflict I have had with my spouse about my children over the past year. Thanks so much for your time and for all of the great resources!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry about your spouse and your children. You are a Sun Leo who has had the South Node of stuck karma in her Fifth House of parenthood in 2020, 2021 but it vanishes on 19th January. The wheels go around again. The spouse is an ongoing issue, and a puzzle to solve, which you will do, if you take expert advice from tried, tested and trusted professionals (if possible) or just the best free sources you can find on (say) YouTube. This is also the case with any new partner. You have a Leo (parenthood) and Libra (marriage, divorce) signature in your natal chart, and in your solar chart, as a Leo, we find karma with the whole family actually, so that brings in your in-laws, in 2023, 2024. It also brings in your own parents, siblings (as grandparents, aunts or uncles to the children). The karma has to be settled, so the focus shifts from just the children, to the whole clan, for a couple of years. You can look up the lunar nodes on Search and in your flipbooks to find out more. The nodes then reverse into Libra/Aries which of course picks up your chart, in 2023, 2024 and again, there is karma to sort out with your spouse and any new partner in your life. This is an epic journey, so the more you find out about the transiting North Node and transiting South Node in your chart, the better. You can validate everything with The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Tarot as a Premium Member and this will help you.

  48. Dear Jessica! I have been using the Tarot daily. I have to say its nothing short of incredible. I got Ace of Wands and Ace of Cups and both days question was about what I most need to know in my life right now and writing my book. So they BOTH mention that there is an idea that must be brought down to earth. Until I do that it just remains and unbirthed idea. The Ace of cups also had the W, the word Python and cloud. I am studying the Python language and working on internet and cloud computing classes too! Then I asked this morning what is the most important thing I need to know for my father, who is elderly and I am caring for him. OMG It was him to a “T” exactly him, his life and his situation and mindset right now. It was the King of Cups. And he is a Cancer. Thank you for providing this amazing too. I have Tarot cards and took a small class on them but your insights go way way beyond anyting I know at this point. It really hit me when both cards said if I want to make something a reality I have to take it from an idea to bring it to earth. Also the card for my dad said that I need to get on his level to communicate! Wow I’ve been trying to pull him back into reality and to see things my way. What a paradigm shift. And then entire boat thing, WOW. In his younger days he canoed the Mississippi, sailed the Atlantic and lived in Costa Rica and did a lot of sailing and talks so much about all of these adventures as if he is still there, especially the Southern Cross. He loved seeing that out in the middle of the pacific. He is also a pilot. A great adventurer, he hiked the Applachain trail 3x and rode his bicycle across the USA then mailed it to Hawaii and rode it all over Hawaii. He’s never really been a part of society, just a traveler on one adventure after another. I don’t know what to make of his situation now. My brother and i are trying to get him to go to Fla to stay with my brother who is retired, has a nice one level home. My fathers home really is not safe for him and its far from me so I am spending hours each day to and from his house and taking him to doctors. Some days I feel he will get better and other days I feel he is slipping away. He keeps telling me he talks to entities and there are not bodies. He says everyone knows eachother by vibration and each persons vibration is unique. He also says that the colors he sees are not of this world and that the represent emotions. He said too that the entities are preparing him for life without a physical body. Its so fascinating to me,, not only because he’s not on any meds, just high blood pressure, but also because he is such an athiest and never in a millions years would have consciously spoke of such things let alone admitted he believed and/or was experiencin such things. If possible, I’d love to know any advice you have for me on him. His birthdate is July 14, 1944, born in Washington D.C. around 6am but no exact time is known. I know how busy you are and how many comments you get so no worries ifyou can’t get to it, he is not a premium member!

  49. Hi Jessica
    My second house cusp is at 22 degrees Cancer & would be trine the coming Jupiter/Neptune transit of 23 degrees Pisces. Do you see a financial gain at that time?

    Natal Juno is at 24 Taurus and 8th house cusp at 22 degrees Capricorn.

    1. Your second house is ruled by Taurus in the Natural House System, not Cancer. Cancer rules your Fourth House of property. And aspects to cusps don’t matter if you use this system. Your Cancer stellium in the Fourth House is about your house, apartment, land, alternative residences and property investment. What you will experience in 2022 is Jupiter at 17, 18 Pisces trine a couple of those factors in a short space of time. You will ultimately find the lunar nodes going to 17, 18 Taurus and Scorpio, so in sextile and trine. All this should keep you pretty happy with your own home or any property investment. It’s not strictly speaking about money. Use the Tarot to validate for yourself, on this website.

  50. Hi Jessica! Maybe the stop to globalisation is not such a bad thing? To go local will help our national farmers to get better prices for instance . I think its a good thing that we have to sustain foodsupply in our own countries. But ofcourse no country is an island though.

    This year is supposed to be a happy jupiter year for pisces, but we have some hard aspects about quarelling with friends and family.
    Could you look into my chart for what to do please?

    1. Yes, the end of globalisation will help to end the Climate Emergency as kerosene aeroplanes and petrol trucks are part of the problem, along with the global elite who fly to business meetings. Astrology and history give us 2000 years of similar cycles to look at. You will be over the issues with family (karma) from 19th January but work out a compromise with your relatives from February 10th to May 15th. Get it in writing and if required get an outsider to approve it. The agreement will be tested, August 21st to March 25th, but if you covered yourself back in February-May it won’t be that big a deal. It is the basis of huge, huge improvements with your family in 2024, 2025 which would not otherwise have been possible. Friendship is a big deal for you as you are strongly Aquarian. Do not leave it to chance or guessing. Seek expert advice or study ways to help the situation. It eases up hugely from March 2023; in fact that month and year may turn up as a key deadline or diary date later on. You will be completely free of it all from 2025 and those friends which remain will be at the heart of a powerful tribe.

  51. Dear Jessica,
    my dob: 14/8/65. I have passed TA certificate and am worried I might not get enough work in that field.
    What could help me in 2022 career wise and in personal life.
    TY so much. Ms Athina

  52. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for the video. I actually attended the event when it took place and I enjoyed a lot. In the video you mentioned Jupiter entering Pisces and conjunct with Neptune causing massive expansion. I have quite a lot of planets in 23 degrees and 24 degrees. Appreciate any insights in the year 2022 and beyond. Thanks.

    1. Thank you for coming along to The Conscious Cafe. If you do have factors at 23, 24 degrees then no matter what they are, the rare patterns of Jupiter and Neptune near 23, 24 Pisces will tip you nicely into a different world in the first half of this year, gathering speed in April. What sort of different world? Well, one in which telepathy, hypnosis, quantum theory, automatic writing, Buddhism, Christianity, meditation and the like, gain currency. The world is on the path to a great escape especially near Easter and people or organisations which embrace the invisible world/the alternative world will have a terrific impact on you then. It may change your life.

  53. Dear Jessica,

    Will there be any difference if I have natal planets going to trine or square the coming Jupiter-Neptune conjunction? I have both. Thanks again.

    1. Yes, trines are easy and flow. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio all flow together very nicely. The Fourth House, Twelfth House and Eighth House support each other. Squares are harder work. You cannot square what is going on.

  54. Hi Jessica,
    I have recently graduated and started a life and relationship for a few months abroad in a different country much to my family’s dismay (i have been at odds with them since around Christmas). Circumstances may have it that i must move back home for work but I am not sure if I should accept or continue looking for work online so as to stay where I am.
    Could you please look into my chart for what to do please?

    Many thanks 🙂

    1. You are a Sun Cancer person with a large Cancer stellium which always shows the family background (for better or worse), the ancestors (sometimes so influential) and the feelings about the home town and homeland – native or adopted. With Cancer factors at 7-26 you have been slowly experiencing the full weight of the long Pluto in Capricorn opposition, over many years. He heads back to 26 by Christmas 2022, so it looks as if the end of this year is the very last time you will have to deal with Pluto’s challenges. So this isn’t really about work, so much, as the house or apartment you rent or own. It is also about the family, pure and simple, but any pressure you feel will vanish by the end of this year. Until then, as with all Pluto transits, it is self-control that will put you in control and willpower that will empower you. We sometimes find the physical world reflects the transit, so your local area becomes riddled with property developers who shut out the light, for example, or there is a large and sudden influx of people, into your local area (Pluto tends to manifest as businessmen who put money first and people’s living conditions second). You would also expect someone in your family to be playing Pluto. It is usually a man. The good news is, this does not last. I would say, the more you can do to bring down the feeling of being controlled or dominated by others, the better. Only you can make that decision but you may find the Tarot on this website helps you too, and The Garden Oracle.

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