

Psychic Predictions – Trump 2021

All that has come to pass had been predicted as far back as 2 years ago. What does 2021 hold for Trump?

Psychic Predictions in Astrology – Trump 2021

On September 25th, 2020, Terry Johnson interviewed me for the astrology conference of the year, Breaking Down the Borders. At 17.50 in this clip below, you see me saying “Trump goes down in October 2020” and so he did.

Trump and COVID-19 in October

charles deluvio rynR1JQzEIY unsplash scaled e1610415060287 516x600 - Psychic Predictions - Trump 2021That was the month the former President got COVID-19, the Coronavirus, and was admitted to hospital. What I said, using psychic astrology:

“Take-down, come-down, demotion – however it happens – you take a dive. Now, that’s one month off the election, so there will be an October surprise.”

What You Read in January 2020

What I told Terry Johnson about Trump was also in print, eight months before on this website. This is what you may have seen in a prediction How October Brings Donald Down published on January 26th, 2020, called :

“Arrest, Political Decline, Illness, Defeats – We see this cycle when Presidents, Prime Ministers, Premiers and Senators get voted out. Get sick and resign. Disappear (even). We see it when they see their ‘side’ fall or fail.”

The Trump Mental Health Crisis

Now, what about 2021?

Back on November 9th, 2020 you may have read this on my website here:

“Here in the American chart on this page, you can see Panacea (illegal drugs like cocaine as well as legal anti-depressants and tranquilisers) in Virgo in the Sixth House, which rules public health. Neptune is at 24 Virgo and Panacea is at 19 Virgo. My concern is the trine from Neptune at 24 Virgo to Fortuna at 24 Capricorn in the Tenth House, which rules the President of the United States and the First Lady. That is exact.”

Deadline January 25th, 2021

Those psychic predictions for Trump in 2021 also use astrology. I continued, in that forecast, on this website, giving specific dates:

“Let’s time the crisis in American mental health at the top, with a view to increasing awareness of the issues, to minimise the potential problems.”

“The transit of Pluto at 24 Capricorn between Sunday 27th December 2020 and Monday 25th January 2021 will trigger Fortuna at 24 Capricorn and Neptune at 24 Virgo.”

Donald and Melania Trump

“Between 27th December 2020 and 25th January 2021, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will be at the heart of deep, new, serious questions about the state of the nation’s mental health, no matter if the issue is depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety or memory loss.

We have all been so concerned about the virus, haven’t we, but the mutable weather (Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius transits, triggered Virgo in the American chart) tells us, this is about the mind.”

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CNN – Trump ‘Unhinged’

On January 9th, 2021, CNN described Donald Trump as ‘unhinged.’ The report ran: People who admired him, worked for him and followed him down dark paths before now say he has crossed into a delusional place, entirely detached from reality.”

The Mob at the Capitol

Looking back at these date-stamped astrology and psychic predictions for Trump in 2021, I also have to go to this, which you read on June 28th, 2020 on this website about the period ending January 2021.”

How the United States Chart is Triggered – You don’t really need to be an astrologer to know that we are going to see war risks from July 2020 through January 2021. In fact, the chart for the old Civil War in America is triggered.”

This was the result on October 19th, 2020.

Finally, on January 6th, 2021, came terrorism as the US Capitol came under siege.

Trump Family Crisis April-June 2021

So where is this all going to end up for the Republicans? Is this the end for the GOP? What you read here on March 27th, 2019:

“Between April and June 2021, the Democrats and Republicans will be at a critical crossroads which affects every American voter and between June 4th and 8th the nation has a serious choice to make.”

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

Predicted almost two years ago here:

“It seems very likely that June 4th to 8th, 2021. is about the Trump children – Ivanka, her husband Jared Kushner, young Barron Trump who is often overlooked, partly because Chelsea Clinton has championed his right to privacy – and Eric and Donald Trump Junior.”

Watch Barron Trump

What you may have also read two years ago here:

“In April, May and June 2021 the crisis which erupts for the Republicans and their finances – and values – will involve one or more of the children and perhaps Jared Kushner, married to Ivanka Trump.

Watch Barron Trump. He is a child and as Chelsea Clinton often says, he should not be drawn into any discussion about politics. Yet – we do have confirmed data for his birth, as his parents publicised it widely. Barron Trump will play an important part in what is to come.”

The Future is Bright

Yet, predicted way back on March 27th 2019 here, before we even knew Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be running for leadership.

“The focus on the new leadership from inauguration in January 2021 will be on old, young, white, non-white, male, female, straight, gay transgender and so on.”

“At time of writing this does not look at all like a Republican line-up. The American President voted in 2020 will be a leader but his/her focus will be on the team; the party; the community as a whole. He/she will also challenge stereotypical ideas. That is the spirit of Aquarius in this new mini-Age of Aquarius.”

“There will be a huge emphasis on big taxation, for big millionaires and billionaires, with money going back to the poorest. There may also be a new focus on philanthropy and tax cuts for those who donate. The next POTUS gives – and gives back. Psychic predictions for Trump 2021 and astrology forecasts always showed – the ending and the beginning.”

Psychic predictions about Trump in 2021 made years ago are not all gloomy. Not when you realise it is written in the stars that the death of the old America is the brilliant rebirth of the new nation.

The Three-Step Trump Downfall

I have always seen Trump’s downfall in three stages. This is what you read back on 24th March 24th, 2019 here:

“We’re seeing major patterns in 2020 that suggest there is a take-down, come-down and downfall coming.”

COVID-19, Defeat and the 2021 Third Step

In October 2020, Trump was a victim of COVID-19, the coronavirus. That was the first step down.

The second step down was his landslide defeat by Joe Biden in November 2020.

The third step down in 2021 may be impeachment, resignation, arrest, or the use of the 14th or 25th amendment in the constitution to take him out of power.

There are other possibilities for the third step down for Trump. One closely involves Melania Trump. Let’s hope that their son intervenes, or Melania’s adult stepchildren.

I am writing this on Monday, January 11th, 2021 and I have discussed this private prediction with my colleagues at the Sun Sign School, Tara Buffington and Kyra Oser. We are not making it public.

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Shocks for the Republican Party

What you read on this website on March 24th, 2019 here:

“The Republicans are in for a revolution which will permanently change the party between July and September 2020, and more critically, April 2021 to June 2021.”

The End Game for the GOP

Almost two years ago this GOP psychic prediction was published here:

“The end game is October, November, December 2021 and January, February, March, April 2022. I am looking three years into the future here but between April 2021 and April 2022 the GOP will experience the biggest change it has seen in decades and it will not be the same party afterwards.”

The FBI, Nancy Pelosi and Impeachment

Again, this was predicted almost two years ago, on March 24th, 2019. It was date-stamped about January 2021, right now, as talk of a second impeachment is here:

Karma for the Republican Party in Astrology – Karma also comes for the GOP when the North Node goes across 10, 11, 12, 13 Cancer and the South Node goes across 10, 11, 12, 13 Capricorn. This happens all in one month. October 2019.”

“The Nodes move backwards in cycles of around 19 years, so this stretches right back to the era of Lincoln, Nixon and Reagan.”

“What goes around comes around for the Republican party in October 2019 when karma calls. *Note: This prediction was made on 24th March 2019, and in fact it did come to pass – Nancy Pelosi made her move for impeachment in September, one month before.”

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Shocks for the GOP

Continuing from this prediction two years ago:

“Between May 27th and June 11th, 2021, the Republican party will be forced to cut a deal and make a compromise over its funding sources, its financial documents, its deals and its donations – in the light of sudden and shocking changes which are set up in April 2021 and come to pass in May 2021.”

The FBI and the GOP in January 2021

Again, a date-stamped public prediction made almost two years ago in March 2019 here:

“Ceres in the Republican Horoscope – The extremes of that pattern at 11 and 12 degrees are repeated in January 2021 when Ceres goes across Pisces 10, 11 so that is certainly a statement about the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. which Pisces rules (undercover, under the radar, below the surface).”

The FBI and Florida 2016

I predicted this on the website on February 23rd, 2019. I am standing by this prediction about how the truth about the corrupted Trump 2016 election in Florida will come out from April 11th to July 4th, 2021.

The FBI and Florida – Watch 2021 It will not be until Saturn goes over 12, 13 Aquarius for the first time in three decades, that we actually know the whole story. This takes place April 11th through July 4th, 2021. The story then continues January 2nd through 19th 2022.”

Florida and Russia 2016 – “I am sure you can see how the F.B.I. locks into this Russia and Florida story too. In fact, it has since all the way back to 2016. Again, although the truth comes out in slow stages, it will not be until 2021 that we know exactly how deep the story runs.”

Trump Russia and the Republicans

Throughout 2016-2021, my main concern as a psychic astrologer was Russia and Trump. It does not end there, though. Russia and the GOP. Psychic predictions for Trump 2021 always had to come back to that. This was from March 24th, 2019 here:

“Astrology Prediction – the Republican Party Crisis of April, May, June 2021 – There is a perfect storm in the Republican horoscope between April 11th, 2021, and May 7th, 2021. The lightning strikes continue in May and June 2021. There will be one shock after another, and the party will change radically.

In April, May and June 2021 the Republican party is in serious trouble.”

The Mueller Report

Again, this was seen almost two years ago – here:

“The Mueller report was handed in on Mercury Retrograde. It was not and never will be the full and final story, as I write this on the weekend of March 24th, 2019. The peak crisis for the Republican party will be April-June 2021. Seriously, this hasn’t even started.”

When Psychics Agree

Psychic predictions for Trump in 2021 often involve a Minority Report approach. So, three or more professional Tarot readers who see the same outcome from different angles.

My colleague Tara Buffington is a tutor at The Sun Sign School. Her YouTube channel has a date-stamped November 14th, 2020 Trump psychic prediction:

“The closer we get to Donald Trump leaving the White House, he could try to dissolve Congress. That’s how coups are done.”

And – “He will leave the White House whether he goes under his own power or kicking and screaming.” She continues “It may not even be until January 20th that he leaves…He’s signalling to his base to come out into the street and he’s looking for bloodshed.”

Begin watching here at 16:45 minutes for these predictions.

Kyra Oser is my colleague and friend and, together with Tara Buffington, is a special guest tutor at The Sun Sign School, on the subject of Tarot.

On October 31st, 2020, she published this incredible forecast:

“The Democratic Party will be involved in a legal battle to contest election results. This card is predicting that while Biden wins the most votes, the Republican campaign will actively sabotage election results in multiple ways, which means there’s no agreement or backing down on either side.”

Psychic predictions for Trump in 2021 were also made in October 2020 by Kyra Oser here, before the current drama began.

“This election will be looked back on as a breakdown in the longest-standing democratic system in history…and the official start of revolution. Protests will ensure. Sadly, this card foretells a loss of life due to violence, although there will be moving and voluntary protection of life from everyday people.”

As we now know, November 16th, 2020 saw violent Trump Protests with neo-Fascist group The Proud Boys. 

The End and Beginning of America

The death of the old America will come to pass in 2021 and the mourning period will be long. After that, a brilliant, dazzling, rebirth is coming.

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Images courtesy of CNN article – credit given – as well as

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6 Responses

  1. Dear Jessica and team…..Amazing work. thank you so much. good wishes and fortune to all of us!

  2. Thanks, Jessica. Your ending begs the question…how long will the mourning period go on before the brighter America emerges? As chaos unfolds here, I’m debating whether to stick it out or try to move to another country, which is not easy during a pandemic. But worth it if we’re in for a long period of darkness. Thoughts?

    1. You have karmic ties with America until January 2022 and questions about what you owe the country and the people (and vice versa) take you back to 2002. If you think back to that year, there may be U.S. specific karma for you to sort out, or it may have been another nation or region but similar issues – wanting to move, or wanting to travel away. Later on, from 2026, you could easily make quite a radical shift to a completely different country and culture and be quite liberated in doing so, with a totally new approach to a house, land or apartment which sets you free. For now, yes, you have to deal with a long period of mourning, not only for the people we’ve lost on the ground, but also – it appears – the end of someone at the very top. What you personally get out of this is the need for a journey on every level – a journey across the country to somewhere safe, with safe means of transport – but you will also be taking a psychological and spiritual journey out of the atmosphere and the place. This divides the past from the future for you and you will be so much closer to a new beginning.

  3. Hi Jessica, I am based in London, UK and thinking of relocating in 2021 possibly permanently or just temporarily.
    My relocation decision will be informed by being able to do new business in the place I move to or continuing business in the UK remotely.
    I am currently looking at Florida as one of the options and would appreciate any insight you see from my chart.
    Thank you.

    1. You want to emigrate to America from Britain, and leave London for Florida. The most obvious point here is COVID-19 in Florida which is not going away, and is showing variants or mutations, which raise questions about vaccines. If you are going to move, then move in 2021 by December 29th at the latest, as you are in a fortunate Jupiter cycle. You may want to use Your Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and the Tarot on this website, which you can do as a Premium Member, to give yourself a personal three-way reading about Florida in particular. Look at all aspects of moving and set a time-frame for your question – are you talking about life in 2021, 2022, 2023 or beyond? Thank you.

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