Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Free! New Moon in Virgo Event

Come along to a free New Moon in Virgo event on Thursday 17th September, hosted by Alicia Fulton. Jessica Adams will answer your questions and we'll find out why. that day is a global restart for employment and COVID-19. What do you need to know?


This event – The New Moon in Virgo – is now fully booked in America, Australia and Great Britain. Jessica will answer every question here, either during the Meetups event in your country, or at the end of this feature, over the week beginning Monday, September 14th, ending Sunday, September 20th, 2020. Now, here’s what to expect:

Holding the Virgo New Moon in Your Hands

We have a New Moon in Virgo every year, but this one is different. It shows a new beginning with work and health (ruled by Virgo) for all of us. This is a New Moon worth reaching for.

We are going to see the mass global introduction of job share, on the day of the New Moon, Thursday the 17th of September 2020. We will also see the planet-wide introduction of working from home and the 3.5 day work week. We will also see new announcements about COVID-19 which change the way the virus is managed.

In your own life and horoscope, there will be new beginnings which start now and peak in November. I’ll go into your zodiac sign and answer personal chart questions too in this live event. And, we will talk about how to use meditation, journals and even Pinterest, to set strong intentions on September 17th and see them unfold at the end of November.

New Moon in Virgo Meditation

The Zoom event – The New Moon in Virgo – took place on Meetup on Thursday, September 17th, 2020. Host Alicia Fulton and I scheduled two live sessions, where I answered questions and talked about the impact of the New Moon on your horoscope. You have not experienced a New Moon like this in your life as the lunar cycle sees perfect trines from the Virgo Moon to three outer planets in Capricorn, and one in Taurus. It’s time to close your eyes and set a strong goal. If you are not already a member of our Astrology and Tarot Meetups in New York, London and Melbourne you can join here:

New Moon in Virgo – Local Time

Melbourne – Thursday,  September 17th – 9.00 pm
New York – Thursday,  September 17th – 7.00 am
London – Thursday,  September 17th – 12.00 pm Noon

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The Virgo New Moon and You

The New Moon in Virgo on Thursday,  September 17th is a new beginning with employment, COVID-19, medical insurance and unemployment benefits for billions of people around the world.

You will be directly affected if you have horoscope factors at 25 Virgo. In general, the ripple effect of decisions made by Presidents, Prime Ministers, Premiers and other politicians will affect you, your friends, family members or partner until Saturday the 13th of March 2021, when we experience a Full Moon in Virgo. At that point, everything that was conceived with work, public health and unemployment on Thursday the 17th of September 2020 will be put to the test.

Is Your Personal Birth Chart Affected?

If you have anything at 25 degrees, of any zodiac sign, then the new beginnings with COVID-19 and the jobs market which take place on Thursday 17th September will affect you in a personal and direct way. So, for example, your boyfriend might get a new job, and that means you can afford a bigger flat. It is possible that your country will bring in new laws on travel, immigration and tourism which influence your career.

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25 Degree Patterns and the Future

This is part of a rolling pattern as Saturn at 25 Capricorn is also aspecting your horoscope if you were born with anything at all at 25 degrees. On November 26th, 2020, Jupiter moves to 25 Capricorn.

So, whatever is at 25 degrees in your chart is really important. Look it up now, by name and sign. That is a hotspot for reshaping and rebuilding. Rethinking and relaunching.

For example, if you were born with the Sun at 25 Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, it is your partnership with your wife or husband which is being remodelled until the end of November, but it begins on Thursday the 17th of September.

Using the New Moon

Astrology is life gardening. Thursday, September 17th is when seed meets soil and sunshine. In the live event for the New Moon, I’ll explain why this New Moon in Virgo is exceptional.

The Moon from 0-29 degrees of Virgo will trine Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn as she moves across your chart. Trines are flow aspects.

This is a down-to-earth, grounded and stabilising New Moon.

Do You Have Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Factors?

The trines from the Moon in Virgo to the transits of Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all weave patterns in your Second House (money), Sixth House (work and health) and Tenth House (career). This is a very good time to set goals, crystallise what you need and write a letter to yourself. It’s also a very good time to talk to yourself in the mirror. I’ll go into this more, when we meet online. The art of astrology is timing. If you catch a wave at the right time, you can surf somewhere special.

Work, Housework, Unpaid Work, Study

This is now true of your work, unpaid work, housework or course – especially if you have anything at all in Virgo in the Sixth House of your personal birth chart. I’ll have the candles ready and the kettle on, as we take notes, make notes and set goals. Goals made on a Virgo New Moon at 25 degrees, perfectly trine Saturn at 25 degrees, and (later) trine Jupiter at 25 degrees, suggest you could start moving towards your desired results on the 17th of September 2020 and achieve them, or something similar/better, on November 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th when Jupiter will trine (support) whatever you conceived about two months prior.

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How Astrology is the Real Time

The oldest record of a New Moon dates from 32,000 BC and is on the Marshack Lunar Calendar – a carved piece of bone. New Moons mattered as much now, as they did over 30,000 years ago. Why? Because they show – the real time. Human time. Sky-and-woman time. Clocks are pieces of plastic and calendars are electricity going across a computer. Moon time is true time!

For more on the New Moon read here.

From Stonehenge to the Marshack bone calendar, we know people measured their lives in loops. Circles. This was likely led by women, who menstruated in time with the Moon. Astrologers know that history repeats and thematically or symbolically, everything has happened before, and will happen again. This is how I predict the future. Tracking circular time for you.

The Moon takes about the same length of time to cycle from New Moon, to New Moon, as a woman does to have her monthly period. In fact the word ‘month ‘comes from Moon. A woman is a womb-man. The womb’s cycles are lunar.

It’s true time, real time, original timekeeping.

The First Astrology Prediction

This was the first prediction. If you could carve New Moon and Full Moon cycles on bone, or paint them in wet, white chalk on a cave wall (white like the Moon) then you could tell when a woman would have her next period. When a baby would come. (In nine moonths). Who the father was.

This circular timekeeping, every ‘moonth’ evolved into astrology which is a different sort of prediction – yet it is still forecasting, based on cycles and circular time. Most of all, it is based on synchronicity. Connection without cause. Correlation! If you use astrology you will have found this for yourself.

A New Moon is a conception. The Sun is father. The Moon is mother. When they come together in the same zodiac sign at the same degree, something or someone is always ‘made’ or created.

The zodiac sign and house shows you what. In Virgo, on 17th September 2020, it will be about public health, but also work and employment. These are Virgo matters. In your own personal birth chart, as Virgo rules the Sixth House, the new beginning will be about your doctor, fitness, healer, food, drugs, drink, dentist, optometrist, surgeon or similar. It will be about your part-time or full-time job, your unpaid work or your course.

There will be a second story in your life which is more general and public, related to your Sun Sign or Zodiac Sign. So, for example, if you are an Aquarius, the Virgo New Moon falls in your solar Eighth House of finance, property, business and charity. You might borrow money. You may sell your apartment. You could gain a new income source.

How To Use The Virgo New Moon

Whatever is conceived at the New Moon at 25 Virgo on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 develops (like an embryo) as planets like Saturn, also slowly reach 25 degrees of a zodiac sign.

For example, Saturn at 25 Capricorn trines the evolving idea, plan, relationship, project. It’s an exact trine or triangle shape in geometry – Saturn at 25 Capricorn is 120 degrees away from the New Moon at 25 Virgo in the 360 degree horoscope wheel.

There are important patterns here. September 17th is more than just a new beginning. It’s a complex, big new beginning with many, many layers which you will see in your life over the next few months.

Key Dates in 2020

What or who is conceived on September 17th, 2020 will grow through many stages, on the other dates you see below.

17th September
Saturn 25 Capricorn
Minerva 25 Leo
Sun 25 Virgo
Moon 25 Virgo

19th September
Apollo 25 Leo

23rd September
Mercury 25 Libra

29th September
Venus 25 Leo
Mars 25 Aries

1st October
Panacea 25 Virgo

2nd October
Vulcano 25 Sagittarius

9th October
Bacchus 25 Virgo

24th October
Venus 25 Virgo

29th November
Jupiter 25 Capricorn
Mercury 25 Scorpio

Key Dates in 2021
28th January

Venus 25 Capricorn
Pluto 25 Capricorn

25th February
Mars 25 Taurus
Pluto 25 Capricorn

The Moon Landing New Moon 1969

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Taking the New Moon of July 14th 1969 (just before the Apollo 11 Moon Landing on 20th July 1969) as an example, what do we have? Well, it was just two days before the departure of the mission, so the time was right. History tells us the Apollo 11 generators were turned on, the day of the New Moon. NASA also issued their official press release that day and the media teleconference with Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins took place at the John F. Kennedy Space Center. So the New Moon July 14th 1969 ‘new’ news was a conception.

What was conceived? The New Moon in Cancer was about patriotism, territory, homeland. The United States of America placed the Stars and Stripes on the Moon’s surface symbolically, claiming new space (outer space). The New Moon in Cancer is broadly about ‘home’ and our earth – our home – expanded her reach that day.

How a New Moon Works

The Moon Landing of 1969 is a good example of how a New Moon works. The conception, or coming together, on the day itself with the New Moon at 21 Cancer – the Sun at 21 Cancer conjunct the Moon at 21 Cancer (July 14th 1969). This sets up a 21 degree ‘launch’. Like an egg meeting a sperm. The other transits show how launch or conception will go. On the day of that New Moon at 21 Cancer, Pluto was at 22 Virgo. That helped lift-off and completion, or birth! Thus on July 16th 1969, Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins strapped in for launch, then on July 20th, Apollo 11 Commander Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon.

Your New Moon Questions In Brief

These questions have been edited from my Meetups pages (Astrology and Tarot in Australia, America and Great Britain). Longer answers and more questions will follow in Comments. I developed these replies at the live event on Thursday 17th September, according to your time zone (London, New York or Melbourne). If you missed out this time, we have a further global Meetup planned for November 2020. Please waitlist now.

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Questions and Answers From Meetups (These have been edited for space.)

Q. I invested in my cousin’s invention which saves energy. A patent obstacle has arisen. A legal ruling is coming up. PC. This invention or a further development of it, will do well over the long term – by 2026. Hang in there.

Q. I have the Sun at 25 Virgo. I’d like to get a new job and move back home with my family. Start this on Thursday 17th September (for example, job applications). You will have a new career and lifestyle, and probably a new home, by January 2022.

Q. I want to launch my website but it won’t be on the New Moon as I’ve been dragging my feet. Try to make a small move on 17th September, even if it is just choosing a photograph of yourself. Your next best window is the second half of November 2020.

Q. I have Neptune at 25 Sagittarius. What does this mean? Chrissy. Your future with travel, foreign people and places, regional differences, is framed on Thursday 17th September. The New Moon and Saturn both aspect your Neptune so this is a reality check for your vacation/holiday plans in 2020-2021. You may want to do some research on the 17th to see what changes.

Q. I lost my husband in 2016 and want to know what this New Moon means. Leah. I am very sorry you have lost your husband to spirit, although of course, as my friend the medium Margaret Dent said, “Love never dies.” This is a lifestyle change for you, which will develop slowly from 17th September, speeding up in November, when you realise some new fitness, relaxation, meditation or other Mind, Body, Spirit pursuits are part of life.

Q. I am a specialist physician and have the chance of a new position. Or should I stay the course? Your mind will be made up on (or close to) Thursday 17th September as facts you were not aware of, are revealed. Whichever choice you make is right, then. This is not just about work it is about your lifestyle.

Q. I have ongoing digestive health and exhaustion issues. And let’s hope Australia eliminates COVID-19. Lorraine. Australia will eliminate COVID-19 in every state (at least 28 days with zero new cases) by January 2022 at the very latest and Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory are already there, of course. Your digestion/exhaustion issues won’t be solved by just one remedy, but you will find 2-3 at your fingertips on 17th September and pursue them to see what happens. You will know where you stand and pick up even more options in November, and stick to your new lifestyle successfully in 2021. You’d gain from balancing your chakras in meditation as you focus on your head but can ignore the rest of you.

Q. Will the US join this new mentality (eradication of COVID-19)? After leadership changes in Washington and constitutional changes come in, some states will move to shut ports and borders and eradicate the virus. It really depends on what state of America you live in.

Q. I have questions about work, income and my love for an attached man. I have Mars at 25 Libra. Anna. It will be war if you pursue this man, as Mars is a symbol of conflict, and you would be fighting his wife or girlfriend intensely in February 2021. Your chances of finding new work, unpaid work (which later becomes paid) or a course which increases your market value are excellent if you begin on 17th September and keep going. In fact, if you start the process then, you will find success in November. Have you thought about working in a partnership or duet?

Q. What can I expect? I have Venus in Capricorn at 24. Aniko. That’s not quite exact for the New Moon but it is under transit by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, now through 2021. The complicated relationship (Venus) at work, with your unpaid work or studies (Capricorn, Tenth House) involves a mother-son dynamic, mother-in-law/daughter-in-law dynamic, wife-husband dynamic, or wife-lover dynamic. You need to understand the part that vanity, passion and insecurity play in this professional relationship and spend some months figuring out a way through. If you don’t work then it is about your marriage-as-career.

Q. How will the Virgo New Moon affect my health? Karen. You will find that free or affordable options for transforming your daily routine, lifestyle, physical and mental health are offered in rolling stages, starting on 17th September and increasing in November, then February 2021. You will be spoiled for choice and find November brings bargains, benefits, offers or gifts. The wellness industry is going to transform and you benefit.

Q. The New Moon is conjunct my natal Pluto. Katie. This is the beginning (or conception of) a new work, unpaid work or academic pathway for you which will be extremely successful, as you will see in 2020 and also 2021. There may even be a new job, Katie. Your obsessive, passionate attention to your work ethic, sense of detail and service to others will reward you in November, if you begin the project or plan on the New Moon on the 17th.

Q. I have Jupiter at 24 Virgo. Marie. This is close to the New Moon by one degree, but the real story is the trine from Saturn, then Jupiter, and finally Pluto – into 2021. So between now and next year you are going to benefit (Jupiter) from sheer timing with your work, unpaid work or course. You are in the right place at the right time to gain (Jupiter) but you will also be giving back. Luck will play a part.

Q. I met Jessica at her Adelaide workshop. Is there a career/wedding/house crossroads in November and December? Renee. There is a wedding crossroads because you and your partner have karma together and you will know what you must collect, what the other person must offer, and how to balance the books – near Christmas. You should hold the vision of your dream home, or your house/accommodation/domestic situation as a sanctuary in October and make the bubble real. Your career will take a new direction on 17th September and move in successful new stages into 2021.

Q. I have natal Aesculapia at 26 Sagittarius and other factors nearby in Leo, Virgo, Libra. Vandana. Your chart is being swept by Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto around 26 degrees, well into 2021 in the case of Pluto. Obviously foreign people and places, and regional differences (Sagittarius) is one issue. Who or what you thought was over will come back. A classic case would be a country which is off limits, becoming accessible. Leo rules your own or other people’s babies, children, teenagers or Millennials. That’s a huge change area – your role as parent, mentor, guide, teacher or substitute parent is reshaped. Virgo itself is of course work, unpaid work and study. You will be very successful with a brand new project or role over the next quarter. Libra is your former, current or potential partner. The squares from the Capricorn transits will squeeze you both into a new sort of chemistry with each other. New rules.

Your Host –Alicia Fulton – New Moon Questions and Answers

alicia fulton - Free! New Moon in Virgo Event You can also follow The Astrology Show on Twitter to keep the conversation going after the Meetup. Find Alicia and The Astrology Show @astrologyshow. You can also follow @jessicacadams and join the conversation about real-time astrology there, too.




All images via Unsplash
Image of Alicia Fulton (Copyright Alicia Fulton)

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288 Responses

  1. Thank you Jessica for what sounds like great times ahead for November I have Ceres at 24 Taurus and Uranus at 26 LEO and Saturn at 24 Capricorn I also have Hygiea at 26 Scorpio …….. I am a Sun Virgo though at 3 Pluto at 7 Virgo and Mercury at 15 Virgo I am floundering with my Hypnotherapy business that I have been trying to start and its fallen by the wayside I am also wanting to sell my home which is first in need of some care so I can return to home town if you have any insight please that would be amazing .Thanks so much for your knowledge Jessica I have one adult son and 3 Grandchildren that I have not really been blessed with having in my life The Hypnotherapy seems to be thwarted since Covid 19 I was just launching then …………… If you can see any relief please on the horizon or a new start would be so good …………. I am despairing that I have lost my initial launch energy I am also swimming and slimming this past month and am seeing results ………. my husband is Capricorn Sun at 11 Capricorn and Jupiter and Saturn at 24 Capricorn .Thank you so much Jessica have a great weekend

    1. You have Saturn at 24 Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition, success and achievement and currently have Saturn at 25, finally leaving you alone after a very heavy Saturn Return. Jupiter goes to 24 Capricorn in November when you will return to your hypnotherapy with greater rewards or put that to one side in favour of a new position, program, project or training course which leads to the most empowering fresh start as Pluto goes to 24 Capricorn and trines your Ceres in Taurus (income) so you end the year and start 2021 where you need to be. Ceres is about the property sale. If you went ahead you would be compromising and negotiating for quite a long time but if you are prepared to share the control, it could work for you. Just skip October, November for that. Mercury Retrograde is hard work.

  2. Thank you so much Alicia and Jessica. I am so looking forward to this. Would things close to 25 degrees (ie 24/26)also be Important? I have a lot in Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. My question is about money, work and any insight you can shed on what I should be doing to improve my situation. Thanks again and look forward to the event!!

    1. Late 20’s degrees are so important, as we have Pluto at 22, 23, 24, 25 Capricorn now through February 2021. We also have Jupiter and Saturn finishing up in Capricorn in the late 25-29 degree range, and gone by Christmas. There will be new work options you did not think were possible thanks to government intervention, new job share schemes and new work-from-home options. There will also be new training and education on offer which increases your job range. By 2021 you could easily be in another field, promoted, or in full time study – or just with a new responsibility in your old career. It would be empowering as Pluto offers that.

  3. Dear Jessica, I’m afraid to not be able to participate to the Virgo event. I have NorthNode 25° Sagittarius 05′ 45″ R and SouthNode 25° Gemini 05′ 45″ R. What does it mean? I’m leaving in Myanmar with my family and I’m trying to find a job in Europe. We are significantly impacted by COVID-19 as there is a partial lockdown again in Yangon. Thanks a lot for your amazing prediction.

    1. You are experiencing karma from previous lifetimes about foreign people and places, travel and of course emigration, and yet it passes. This year the Nodes at Sagittarius and Gemini just passed 25 degrees, so you had your Nodal Return. It becomes easier from this point, in very slow stages, as you also have Saturn at 25 Capricorn aspecting your Nodes too. The worst is over by Christmas and you will no longer feel so stuck. You are also being protected, which you likely know.

  4. Thanks Alicia and Jessica. I only have Prosperpina at 24 degrees in Aquarius so assume I’ll have to act as a go between or make compromises in my (depleted) work team. I’ve the following in Virgo – Venus (7 degrees), Cupido (8 degrees) and Minerva (!0 degrees). Am I right in thinking the New Moon in Virgo will be a fresh start in relation to my work and/or my (pretty non-existent) love life? Thanks for your insight. All the besST

    1. The New Moon in Virgo and the Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto transits very close to 24, 25, 26 degrees, work together to reshape the careers and education of the people around you. Yes, Aquarius rules your depleted work team, but also other circles and networks; other communities and collections of people. One or two of those faces will be going through the most astonishing transformation in his/her career right into January 2021 and this will involve you as Proserpina – correct. You will be the go-between with two rather powerful people or organisations and be the human bridge between both. Later on this experience benefits you enormously as Jupiter (good fortune, growth, benefits) goes over 24 Aquarius in April 2021 and that is when you realise why you had to do, what you did, when you did it.

  5. Hi Jessica, Look forward to your meet up on the 17th. My natal sun is at 25 Virgo, jupiter at 25 Gemini, Pluto at 25 Leo, Saturn at 25 Libra, not quite what to think joy ? trepidation, foreboding or elation or maybe all of them ? Many thanks

    1. Too funny – trepidation, foreboding and elation are exactly what is happening in your chart. This is actually an entirely new direction for you online, in the media, in education and/or in publishing. From the year 2027 you will look back seven years and realise ‘this is when it all started.’ So this New Moon has really put you on the right track. Sometimes it begins with the smallest things. A book that arrives in the post. Even something you dislike at the time. An event that reroutes your thinking. Jupiter at 25 Gemini is only recently a pattern in your chart, as the North Node at 25 Gemini passed right over it, earlier in September. Some things are meant to be. You are here to explore your way with words, images an ideas and quite possibly languages. That will make more sense to you in 2021. In general, with Pluto going to 25 Capricorn in December 2021 I would expect reshuffles in business, your chosen field or quite another one, to bring you substantial control at work, as Pluto will trine your Sun exactly from the Tenth House of success, to the Sixth House of everyday jobs, roles and goals.

  6. O Synchronicity… Just today I signed up for coaching courses that begin on the 17th then I read this. Jessica, I have Jupiter, North, and South nodes at 25 degrees as well as being a generation Virgo. Can you look at my chart and shed further light on this Virgo point for me? I have searched so long for the right path for destiny joy and ease in work. I am beginning to feel the turbulent chaos of life since 2008 fade. Thank you so much.

    1. Going over these transits again, you are in the right place, at the right time, to learn new skills and to update your old talents and abilities. This will not be the final story for you professionally but it will help you with two future positions. One is less well paid or voluntary and another is what you want, in terms of a practical lifestyle. Take every opportunity you see in 2020 while it lasts as right up until Christmas you will see offers and options not possible in years. It will not be easy, but if you are prepared to put your head down and power on through, you will make astonishing progress.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    Wow!! I feel like my chart is going to be really affected by the new moon can you clarify how it will be affected. I had planned on relaunching my website on the 17th but due to unforeseen circumstances and I have to be honest also dragging my feet that is not going to happen until at least the end of September. I appreciate your insight and help and am grateful for your response as you have always hit the nail on the head.

    1. Just to recap (and thank you for the compliment), you have a few choices for a website relaunch so there is no tearing hurry. There is a new movement in social media coming in 2021 which will take over from the old Zoom, the old Twitter, the old YouTube and the old Meetup. It will be talked about at Christmas and be massive in 2021, from February, so if your website wants to tap into that, you are better off waiting anyway. Avoid Mercury Retrograde, though, as January and February are full of complication and stop-start. Have a look at the second half of March or April if don’t mind taking your time.

  8. Hi,
    I have Mercury at 25 in Scorpio (my sun sign is Scorpio) and Vesta at 18 and Proserpina at 19 in Virgo. I understand it has to do with internet/commuting but how will the new moon in Virgo affect? Also, I always wanted to ask, I have 7 factors in Sagittarius and 6 in Scorpio. Does that mean I am strongly Sagittarius than Scorpio? Thanks

    1. The New Moon ushers in changes with employment, work, government benefits, public health (obviously the pandemic) and by now – is over – but will have swiftly set your finances in a new direction for October. As you will experience Mercury Retrograde in your Eighth House, which rules your bank account, house, business, shares, apartment, insurance, pension/superannuation, credit card, charity, possessions – in October and November – make sure you have Plan B and C because the situation will be in flux for a few weeks from 28th September through 20th November. You are strongly Scorpio so have a real feeling for property in particular, but you are equally Sagittarian. No real difference between the two in your chart as Jupiter, ruling Sagittarius, and Pluto, ruling Scorpio, are equally balanced.

  9. Hi Jessica, Wow! Incredible insights. Thank you for your amazing predictions. Not sure how to interpret my chart yet, I know that I have three factors at 25 in Virgo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. Mercury @ 25 in Capricorn, Bacchus at 25 in Sag and Juno at 25 in Virgo. I would appreciate your reading and view of my chart please. Thank you!

    1. Just to add to this note – watch the 25 degree transits of Pluto in Capricorn in the last week of January 2021, during February and in July and August, as he retrogrades or appears to move backwards to 25 each time. This tends to reheat situations which are about power and control, highly political in terms of the person or organisation (usually professionally) and require a great deal of willpower to sort out. Yet, throughout this, the transit of Pluto will also hand you the reins so you actually end up in a stronger position to run your own life and be boss of yourself. Symbolically if not literally.

  10. Hi Jessica, I have Venus at 25 degrees in Capricorn. How this will affect me? I need some positive news ….. it’s been a rough week …

    1. I’m sure it’s been a rough week as Saturn at 25 Capricorn is in conjunction with your natal Venus for the first time in 29 years. A big, slow, stretch. Fortunately this is over very quickly and Jupiter will be on your Venus in the final week of November, when the most incredible opportunity to expand a professional or business relationship, will come your way. Sometimes the business is ‘a good marriage’ which can happen. More commonly it is a big, new, problem-solving career connection which deepens, and rewards you – or appears, having never been seen before. You will find this is one of the most significant bonds of your life, actually, so it goes beyond ‘doing well’ and ‘being successful’ into something quite powerful. Pluto going over 25 Capricorn in 2021 will transform its very nature and you two will have to figure out how to share the power. It’s rather like mother-son, or lover-lover or wife-husband, or daughter-in-law/mother-in-law. It’s on that level. As I say, it is usually career but it can sometimes be a partnership that feels like a job!

  11. Hi Jessica

    It’s definitely time for new things. I’ve a stellium in Virgo and my Mars is at 25 Leo. How does this new moon affect me?


    1. The Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of sleep, exercise, doctors, self-care, food, drink, drugs, relaxation, workload and unpaid work (also study) is well and truly triggered by now. Two hurdles you faced earlier in September have contributed to what is looking like a new approach where you break some of your own rules or habits and feel a lot better for it. This is the cycle when empowerment is found through self-control and willpower, especially with work, so if there have been highly political or complicated situations with a person or corporation, now is the time to ‘know thyself’ and use what you have. In other cases we sometimes find Virgo Breakout at this time! So, being dutiful, and good, and ethical, and responsible and all the rest takes a back seat to – simply escaping. With this chart, the escapism becomes the way, by October. Losing yourself, getting away from reality and so on, really calls you. And it may be very good for you.

  12. Hi Jessica and Alicia, I hope you are both keeping well. I have Hygeia at 25 Aquarius and I’m keen to find out what this may mean for my work in coming months. Jessica, I have noted in the past you’ve mentioned that one degree either way can be significant in a chart – I also have Mars at 26 Aries and Uranus at 26 Libra. Is this an occasion where one degree is consequential? Best wishes, Sarah

    1. Sarah, you have the 25/26 degree pattern of change, as you go into October, November, December 2020. This final quarter will reshape the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner, as you experience squares from Jupiter and Saturn to natal Uranus. This challenges you to change, because you cannot square X with Y, in terms of this person. It also challenges you to learn from the past so that you do not let things get to the stage where the whole cart just overturns, which has happened to you before. Mars at 26 Aries is the reason I say this, because you are seeing what is known as a T-Square in your chart, and you also have your Mars Return. There is anger there. A great need for action. Tremendous emotional heat. Just being aware of the astrological weather is enough to help you avoid the more obvious outcomes. Mars at 26 Aries just after Christmas returns to his own place. Your birth or very early infancy was a real stretch for your parents or the midwife as you arrived ‘like a howling orange in a black wig’ to quote Nancy Mitford. Not serene by any means! There is a tremendous need for
      ‘Me first’ with Mars in Aries and these babies are sometimes born too early, too late, and so on. Anyway, according to the astrology rules, this comes back to you just after Christmas. Perhaps the family makes you feel that way; they often can! It would not be a big deal except for this potentially hard work situation with a former, current or potential partner – so be aware. If you need to go for a very long walk, and a talk to yourself, leave the turkey and do it.

  13. Hi Jessica. how exciting. i cant make the on line event … and would love to hear whats in store for me and how I can support this. I have a stellium in Virgo and a heavy Capricorn Stellium with Scorpio and Sagittarius at 25 degrees.

    1. Your financial, property or ‘Material Girl’ identity is challenged and changed at Christmas and you will need to question how you see yourself, and how other people see you, in terms of all that you own, earn or owe. You have a pattern in the early degrees of the zodiac, so across 0, 1, 2, 3 degrees which Jupiter triggers in December 2020, January 2021. Saturn does the same thing. So the new life budget is coming. You will put price tags on the people, situations or feelings money cannot buy. This is a radically different experience but you will add things up differently, fix prices for yourself, decide who or what you will sell your soul for, and who or what is priceless to you. Sexual relationships, babies, children, teenagers or Millennials will be very much involved in ‘the new compute’ as you go into 2021 and these cycles have not been seen in 12 and 29 years respectively.

  14. Hi Jessica,

    I have Diana in Taurus @ 25deg, Neptune in Sag @ 24deg and Vesta in Leo @ 26deg. Currently what I’m experiencing is joy, unlimited freedom of expression, meeting new people from various walks who are helping me in my goals, cooperation from family. The only thing short of is money but somehow I’m managing.

    Hope this continues …. how will the Virgo new moon affect me?


    1. The Virgo New Moon at 25 degrees in your Sixth House is perfectly trine Diana at 25 Taurus in your Second House of banks, apartments, houses, renovations, shopping, business, contracts, income and loans. Changes in the wider world of work, employment and public health made by big business and government by Saturday, will indirectly affect you, so that you are able to break free of restrictions by Christmas and begin a new arrangement with your bank, or a new deal.

  15. Hi Jessica,
    Many planets in Virgo, none in 25 ‘. I just applied for a position within the company where I work now. Do you think I’ll have a chance? If you don’t think that, I could change to another outside the company?
    Thank you very much for always opening windows for us.
    Best wishes

    1. Your timing is a little early, but you are still in the zone with your company for job applications, promotion or sponsored training, until Christmas. You should also be looking at a rival company and a second field which interests you. Select and focus. Write down goals today 17th September.

  16. Dear Jessica and Alicia, Thank you for your generous offer for free questions. I have Ops at 23:52 and Panacea at 24:53, both in Capricorn. My work partner has Chiron at 25 Virgo. Will we get many contracts? Will I get a good career change?

    1. Thank you. Yes, you and your partner will both have excellent projects, plans, roles and goals between now and Christmas and the first clues will be there by Friday.

  17. Hi Jessica and Alicia,

    Looking forward to this event and thanks for running it. My question relates to the role of COVID in transitioning us into the radical new world we need to contain climate emergency. Jessica, you have written compellingly about this already but can I ask what you’re seeing now? I’m getting spooked by the number of reputable commentators saying that not only are even the significant emissions falls since the virus not enough to save us, but also that when things start opening up the emissions from economic recovery and green tape rollback will cause us to lose those gains. Sorry for the long question but it’s foremost in my mind and I value your insights hugely. Thank you.

    1. The Climate Emergency doom and gloom merchants do not realise Uranus (new inventions) is in Taurus (agriculture and farming) until 2026 and there are solutions which are just waiting to be used. Astrologers also know that in 2022 and 2023 we are going to see the return of low-budget, low-shopping, cycles which will also save the planet. Shopping eating and borrowing are finished from 2022. The old China-America mass consumption model at cheap wages is also finished. So – planet saved.

  18. HI Jessica
    I read your article on the Virgo new moon and I have both ASC 25 Virgo and DES at 25 Pieces what does this mean for me
    I am curious as I am trying to move into a new role in the Bank and have a interview with an executive on Sept 17 at 11am
    I live in Toronto Canada
    I’m hoping I WOW him and he wants me on his team. So this new moon I’m hoping will help me land this role ?
    Any thoughts on this for me.
    Thank you

    1. Lara your interview is perfectly timed. Rather than give you an outcome which will affect your performance, all I can tell you is that you are being moved towards the right role, the right goal and the right projects for 2021 by fate. Whatever it takes to get you there will happen. Your Ascendant at 25 Virgo is your job title and qualifications. Those will be refreshed and reborn for 2021.

  19. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you so much for showing us there is something brighter days are coming in this very dark year .

    May I please ask you Jessica
    I have Hygeia in Taurus at 25 degrees.
    And Ceres in Cancer at 26 degrees if that can be counted .
    Do I have hope for the better outcome for financial and housing ?

    Also my son is Libra , he has Minerva in Sagittarius (educational) at 25 degrees .
    About 3 weeks ago , last minute he got accepted to go to do a extremely hard exams try to get in a selective school exact on 18th September , the day after new moon .
    ( Then the result will come back end of November )
    . Just look at the timing itself I wonder whoever set the exam date must believed in Astrology ;D
    Could you please tell me If the stars is standing by his side this time ?
    He study very hard . .
    I’m so proud of him regardless .

    Thank you so much for your brilliant insight Jessica . Wish you’re wonderful weekend .

    1. Thank you. Your son will do extremely well academically so don’t worry about him. The trick is to encourage and praise, which you do. He will ultimately end up being a teacher himself, or perhaps a professional speaker or writer – if he does the work. The New Moon is about your money and your family. Your rent (or mortgage) and your household. Your bank account and your renovations, perhaps. Progress will be made in stages with this, from the 17th of September, going into the end of the year, and into February 2021, with Pluto in Capricorn making a trine to Hygiea in Taurus. Insurance will matter more, but so will insuring your house or apartment as a future residence, or if necessary, making changes – buying or selling, ending or starting leases.

  20. Hey Jessica, thank you for this wonderful article. As a Virgo Sun, I am sooo looking forward to this New Moon in Virgo, an astrological New Year for us Virgo’s. Been some tough years and I definitely welcome the new & favorable outcomes for me, my fellow Virgo’s & the collective. Hopefully it involves a better(new) job with a better income. (I have Virgo Sun @8 degrees, Pisces Moon @23 degrees, Pluto @22 degrees in Scorpio & Mars @24 degrees in Leo). The money blocks has been a real struggle. Letting go of 2018-2019 emotional & mental pain(divorce + debt) has been hard But as the saying goes: You will be amazed at what you attract when you start believing in what you deserve. Enjoy the meet up’s, as an Astrology lover I wish I could be there. Thank you again Jessica Adams for your work, it is always highly appreciated.

    1. Thank you. Divorce is tough anyway, without the financial cost, but you will use 2020, 2021 and 2022 to get away with the so-called impossible, outrageous or unthinkable with money. Stretch yourself and the situation so that you experiment with cash, houses, apartments, salary, benefits (perhaps) and the rest. A punk rock attitude towards money within the limits of the law is going to work very well for you.

  21. Hi! I have Ceres 25 degrees Taurus and Mercury 23 degrees Virgo – how will this effect my chart over the new moon?

    For the other important factors of Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus I have the following:

    IC is 6 degrees Capricorn
    Jupiter 04° Capricorn

    NorthNode 28° Taurus

    Minerva 29° Virgo
    Juno 08° Virgo
    Vesta 09° Virgo

    Seems to be lots of work based things? I am Libra sun, Libra rising, Scorpio moon

    1. You have a strongly earthy chart, as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are all earth signs. The Nodes suggest past lives being poor and rich. You took turns. In this life you have massive financial decisions to make about the house, bank, business or apartment between now and Christmas, and karma from 2001 will come back to you, either because you are owed, or because you owe – on some level.

  22. Hi Jessica

    I have Ceres at 25 Aries but I also have a 26 Libra and 24 Virgo, 24 Pisces and 24 Leo. Do these aspects just 1 degree off get pinged too? I have troubled Pisces and Virgo children and crossing my fingers that Aescuplapia at 24 Leo is the solution. I’m also hoping the Jupiter at 26 Libra works some magic too 😉

    Hoping the new moon brings in wonderful changes for you too.


    1. Sharlene, the New Moon is excellent for goal-setting with the children in particular, and yes – you will find transits to 24 Leo until Christmas help you bring something or someone back from the brink. I will talk more about goal-setting at the event.

  23. Hello, Jessica and Alicia

    Hope you both are staying safe and well.
    I have a stellium in Virgo, including Sun at 7 degree in Virgo. But I don’t have anything at 25 degree in Virgo.
    Instead, I have Uranus at 25 degree in Libra.
    I also have Hygeia at 8 degree in Taurus and IC at 1degree in Capricorn but not at 25 degree.

    Could you tell my what could possibly unfold for me and how I can make the most from this new moon, please?

    Unfortunately I can’t join this fantastic event on time…
    Just asked oracle card how should I spend time on 17th September and it was Neptune and 9 house. My guess is that card is telling me to join the event. Am I reading correctly?
    I wish I can join but don’t think that’s possible for me. So will catch up later.

    Thank you in advance!

  24. Hi. Love the idea of a zoom! I hope to make it. I have Hygiea 25 Leo and was wondering how you see that working with the transits please. I’m also wondering if this is the time to expand my farming sideline. COVID has been good to me. After many years of hell there has been a complete change of the guard at work with Directors replaced early this year which has changed the whole tone of the place from toxic to supportive. Have had a number of interesting projects to work on. Would like to also expand my farm but bit of a niggle in the back of my mind that I might be taking on too much with a full time job. Would very much like to know if the planets are supportive going forward. Many thanks.

    1. The Virgo New Moon will semi-sextile your Hygiea in Leo in the Fifth House, but this is about babies, children, teenagers and Millennials in your life, or sexual relationships which could bring them in. So, a new start for others, means a new start (with all that) for you – by Saturday. If you want to farm, the New Moon in Virgo is ideal for goal-setting. Begin the goal with notes on paper on the 17th and watch it grow.

  25. Resending a question adding my situation.

    Hello, Jessica and Alicia

    Hope you both are well and safe.

    My life has been taken over by my toddler and I have no time other than looking after him. At the end of the day, no energy left to do anything but vegging out. The more I feel that way the more I yearn to focus and learn about Astrology, AI and be creative to tell stories (I used to do marketing for music record companies.)

    I have a stellium in Virgo, including Sun at 7 degree in Virgo. But I don’t have anything at 25 degree in Virgo.
    Instead, I have Uranus at 25 degree in Libra.
    I also have Hygeia at 8 degree in Taurus and IC at 1degree in Capricorn but not at 25 degree.

    Could you tell my what could possibly unfold for me and how I can make the most from this new moon, please?

    Unfortunately I can’t join this fantastic event on time…I hope you would upload to YouTube. I’ll definitely check this website anyway.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Life with a toddler is hard, and it’s a career by itself as you know (and so does every other parent reading this). The focus for you until 2022 is English, writing, communication, media, new media, social media (Twitter) and related areas like languages – in particular. No rush. Your chart is not timed for this New Moon. Later on, it will be Uranus in Taurus which brings the new income sources, following your own training or self-education.

  26. I’m so excited about this event, thank you for organising it. I’m a Pisces with Mars at 24 Sagittarius and Aesculapia at 26 Scorpio. What will this new moon trigger for me? I understand from the monthly forecast that there is an element of a fresh start with my former, current or potential partner, which is most welcome! Thanks again for the absolutely brilliant on line events so far this year, they mean more to us than ever.

    1. Thank you. Yes, this New Moon is important for sexual relationships, or former partnerships, which involved a house or apartment, and probably money or possessions. Marriage and mortgage, for example. This is a fresh start. Either with your ex, with a potential lover, or with a current other half. What you assumed was over will come back, by Christmas.

  27. Hello Jessica and Alicia, thanks for hosting this event, I am in Melbourne and really looking forward to this ! Two questions; do we include our Ascendant at 25 degrees at this new moon in Virgo ? ( Ac Aquarius) Also, I have Chiron in Pisces 25 degrees, is that supportive of my tarot and astrology endeavours ? Many thanks, Michelle Caithness.

    1. Michelle, your Ascendant is just your image, but if your birth time is right, and you really do have the Ascendant at 25 Virgo, you will relaunch your name or face by Sunday, or snap up the chance to do so. There may be a business card offer, for example, or a free website/blog hosting site, or your hairdresser may give you an invitation you cannot refuse. Long-term Chiron in Pisces is mediumship, Tarot, channelling, automatic writing and related areas like spiritual or faith healing and Reiki. Stay grounded as Neptune is in Pisces too, both in your Twelfth House. It is very good for Tarot card reading but you need to be strict with your grounding and protection, in terms of your chakras and aura, or you may find life is a stretch. I would avoid it on this New Moon.

  28. Hello Jessica! Thank you for holding this Zoom event and new moon question/Answer forum. How exciting! I have Cupido at 25 Virgo!! How perfect. I feel like my life has been at a stand still especially with Covid and my dad w/Alzheimer’s. My sis (Currently unemployed/13Dec 1976) and I are basically his caregivers and of course we want to be there for him but have let our dreams /lives go. Right before Covid hit we went to Paris fashion week and we kind of got back that inspirational spirit within. I’ve been wanting to get into fashion/beauty Industry and just when I thought it was happening or getting closer, well you know the rest. I’m a spanish middle school teacher and have zoom parent night on the 17th. Then, we also have all of these home improvements going on w our parent’s home. It’s like, great…I’m appreciative, but what is Or should be my focus for this new moon? I feel pulled in so many directions. Thank you, again!!

    1. It’s a pleasure. You teach Spanish but want an escape from the real world. Your father is also very ill and your sister is unemployed. You want and need a holiday from the real world and will have it. Take a deep breath and focus on five goals for 2021 and expect them to all come about, at the broadest level. So, the general gist or impression of what you need, will be offered to you, if you also take every turn on the map which destiny will show you from the 17th forwards. Into 2021.

  29. Hi Alicia & Jessica,

    Very much looking forward to Thursday’s event.

    I just finished reading the Hygeia article and then read this one and laughing as I have Hygeia at 25 Virgo, Fortuna 24 Scorpio & Bacchus 25 Libra. I would be grateful for any insights as to how to work with this placement on the Virgo full moon.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hygiea in Virgo in the Sixth House is the nurse, doctor, public health or Medicare/NHS/Obamacare administrator who believes prevention is better than cure. You can use this in different ways all your life. You can use it on yourself, on people you care about, or at work. This asteroid is associated with cholera epidemics and their solutions – which revolved around hygiene – water supply. Thus the name has resonance and power. She is linked to your former, current and potential partners at every step of your life. Sometimes the reasons can be intensely personal, Patricia.

  30. Hi Jessica, I have a job interview on Thursday (for a role within my company as it’s restructuring) and I wonder how the New Moon will come into play. I have nothing at 25 degrees, but I do have Minerva at 24 degrees Capricorn. I’d be hugely grateful for any insights you have! Thank you.

    1. The New Moon will miss a trine to your Minerva in Capricorn – you are the wise old owl in your company. This augurs extremely well for your job interview. You will either get the job (but please don’t change anything about your interview preparation, which is thorough) or find the reshuffles within the company result in your promotion, or a project tailor-made for your expertise which is a stunning success by Christmas. Watch for owls. Minerva’s omen.

  31. Hello Jessica,
    This New Virgo Moon is exactly my 25* Pluto in Virgo. Capricornfactors: Panacea 24.21* + Salacia RX 26.29*. Do they count and what is their additional meaning?
    Dutch thank you ⚘

    1. You have Pluto at 25 Virgo in your Sixth House almost exactly trine Panacea and Salacia, and the New Moon will form a conjunction to your Pluto. You are obsessive about work or study and can also be passionate about unpaid work too. This pays off extremely well in 2020, 2021 and your attention to detail, your ability to finesse the smallest points, your perfectionism and your commitment to ‘a job well done’ will reward you now, but also in November, and again in December. A highly successful project, a flattering role or the crystallisation of your reputation in your field are all unfolding, even as I write this.

  32. Hi Jessica, How will this new Virgo Moon impact my life? I have 25 deg in scorpio in my birthchart.. Any improvements in my love life pls? I am still very much in love with my ex-Cap (14/01), relationship ended in May/June. Something inside me is making me feel hopeful for the coming months, though even communication between us slowed down alot. A bit confused. looking forward to your insight as always. Thank you x

    1. Your former boyfriend will have big decisions to make about you or another woman near Christmas and New Year and that will decide the matter for 2021. The New Moon in Virgo is not about sex and love – it is about work. You will be offered a completely different way to work and function by the weekend.

  33. This year the New Moon is on my birthday. What would you say about romantic partnerships? I have trouble trusting any man.

    1. Happy Birthday. Venus in Libra often mistrusts men. You were born with Venus in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation, adultery and affairs. A simple way to make your relationship with men easier is to learn about Venus and avoid being too Venusian. She was a vain goddess who was jealous of women who were younger or prettier than her. She was also unfaithful herself and had an affair with Mars even though she was married to Vulcan. She should never have married Vulcan in the first place because he was a lame blacksmith and she really wanted Mars, who was a dashing if somewhat violent soldier. She loathed her future daughter-in-law Psyche because the latter was more beautiful than Venus (‘Mirror, Mirror on the Wall’ comes from the old Venus archetype). In fact the Venus symbol in the chart is a truncated hand-mirror. Her son Cupid was the small god of mad passion, lasting as long as an arrow wound. She resented Cupid for being in love with Psyche and owned him, in rather a toxic mother-son relationship. So, the myth touches your life. You either fall in love with men who are like Cupid, or you find yourself with men who have toxic mother relationships, and so on. There are solutions for you and there are new dating options by Christmas but you will not change the pattern in your life until you recognise the pattern. Find out all you can about Venus.

  34. Hi Jessica. I’m excited about this event and about a possible new start. Work, love/relationship, health/wellbeing, home and home life could all use a “refresh” if not completely new beginning. Inspiration and motivation could use some rejuvenation as well. Very worn down. I have Uranus at 25 Libra and am also a sun Taurus. How can I best use this new moon?

    1. The New Moon is now passing but we still have Saturn at 25 Capricorn, Jupiter at 25 Capricorn and finally Pluto at 25 Capricorn, in a slow chain which stops at Christmas, then restarts for 2021. All this squares your natural Uranus at 25 Libra in the Seventh House of partners, former partners and potential partners. You never have a stable existence here, as Uranus is a core part of you which invites radical change, revolution and the ongoing rejection dance. So you reject, and are rejected, and the dance goes on! Each time you gain in freedom and independence, so there are rewards, but nobody would ever call your love life history smooth. These squares are meant to get you questioning how you relate, date, mate and separate. You also have Mars retrograding at 25 Aries opposite Uranus specifically after Christmas 2020 and into the New Year 2021 so be fully aware of that part of you which wants to upset the applecart and create and invent all that is new/different/new/different. That is perfectly fine but human beings are vulnerable creatures. Sometimes the partnership is work, but it’s usually sexual.

  35. Dear Jessica and Alicia

    My daughter is still waiting on a Canadian student visa she applied for in May of this year. Normally, you could easily go to the USA Canadian border and apply there – but with COVID, you now have to get it before travelling.

    I feel so bad for her. Her birthday is March 18, 2001 at 2:55 A.M. in Albany, NY. Any insight you can provide will be greatly appreciated. I am anxious because I have paid all fees – including dorm and food fees.

    Thanks for all you do. Great, greatly appreciated.

    Stay safe.


    1. Zappy I am sorry you have paid all those fees and your daughter is still waiting for her student visa. We are in that kind of weather, astrologically. The solution will come but it will not be quick. The reason for this is karmic in nature. You two have made similar agreements, gestures or ‘deals’ with each other in prior lifetimes and now the karmic test is back. If it all feels very familiar, that is because you two have been here before with similar questions about emigrating, travelling and moving – and trust, patience and compassion. By January 2022 the toughest cycle in 19 years for travel is over, and education too, but it takes time to get there.

  36. Thank you so much for hosting this event, Jessica (and Alicia)! I’ve signed up on Meetups and hope it works to post my question here. This new moon sounds so encouraging. Could you offer any advice regarding income and career moves? It looks like my Nodes in Aries/Libra and also Mercury and Apollo in Cancer will be triggered here within 1 degree. I’ve been circling around, sideways, up and down and back and forth on a big project for the last two years (oof) and finally feel like I’m on the right track with it, with a hopeful completion date in December. But I am also exploring some other side hustles and/or ways to make cold hard cash, which I haven’t yet launched. What’s the best way for me to harness this new moon’s energy? Thanks!

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to Alicia Fulton. Essentially you have been trying to move on a green light with work and money, while the world is on amber and red. Fortunately you are now rethinking your life budget, which was the big stumbling block. By the end of the year you will have figured out where to cut your losses, what to use, what to trade, and so on. This is not just about your side hustles, it is also about the main project, and your possessions, house or apartment, savings or debts, business interests or agreements. In fact, on every level you are being asked to get real and make hard choices. Yet, once you know what or whom you value most highly, you can do the sums and make the ‘trades’ with the universe. There will be a sharing out or compromise like no other from this point forward. It won’t be over until February 2021. Long-term your project takes off with foreign faces in foreign places in other spaces – by 2026. If finished long before then, there will be a second project which gains from the first and jaws will be on the floor as you get away with the impossible. I am being told for you, Mexico and Mexicans.

  37. Hello Jessica
    I am not able to join the Meetups event as I’m working on Thursday 17th Sept but I am debating whether to resign my part time job at the end of September which would mean working until the end of October and then taking early ‘retirement’ as my parents have passed away and left me funds and a house to sell which I am in the process of clearing.
    My question is whether I should resign my fundraising job now (I’m pretty bored with my job and tired of internal wrangling between staff – male CEO, female managers) or wait until Christmas when hopefully the house will have been sold. I’m thinking of taking some Open University studies or just being able to take advantage of good weather over the UK winter to get outside walking. 2020 has been pretty hard with the death of my father and the sorting out of his house and affairs. I’m not able to take part in my usual singing or volunteering activities because of Covid-19 restrictions in the UK.
    I have Vesta at 24 degrees Virgo but also ASC 25° Scorpio and DESC 25° Taurus – what is the astrology saying to me?
    best wishes

    1. I am sorry you were working Pauline, but hope you can join us in November as we have a Meetups event with special guest Penny Thornton, to look at the Sagittarius weather of late 2020 and 2021. You want to know about resigning your part-time job in September, or not. Mercury Retrograde is with you in October, November so if you want to avoid the delays and complications, you would quit by 28th September! Otherwise, from the second half of November into December, life is relatively normal. You want to sell your house and are thinking about Open University, but also walking. You are also a singer and volunteer who has been stuck with the pandemic restrictions. Most importantly you are still getting over the loss of your parents. The New Moon in Virgo isn’t the story with your chart, but the Gemini North Node at the moment is. Gemini rules the internet, writing, public speaking, teaching, studying, websites, blogs and all matters relating to words, ideas and images. You are being shown the future and it is important to know that Gemini also rules singing. It most certainly rules study. Don’t let 2020 go, before lining up all you can to employ yourself, either on a paid or unpaid level, and most certainly to commit to your own education and knowledge exchange with others. So much of the world has moved online and one look at EventBrite will show you that. Gemini also rules walking! So you are living out your Gemini Sun in 2021, as Jupiter makes spectacular trine patterns to your Sun throughout. The money is the thing. The heaviest and hardest lifting financially is done by Christmas.

  38. I have 25 degree factors in Aries and Capricorn. What does this mean? Have spent good deal of time from Jan – July 2020 undergoing cancer treatments so work (done remotely and unchanged by the pandemic) has changed little.
    Thank you for your insights.

    1. I am so sorry you are living with cancer at the same time that you have to live with our new, quite challenging, reality. As you might expect, your chart is putting you through the hoops. Saturn at 25 Capricorn is triggering a square in your chart, about your image, name, brand, title, personal appearance and reputation (Aries) and your career, status, position and ambition (Capricorn). You also have Mars Retrograde at 25 Aries. You are doing extremely well to power on through and in fact people who have cardinal sign signatures, like you, are seriously tough cookies. Part ram, part goat. You put your head down and get through everything. You will see the end of Saturn in November and that will help you hugely for 2021. Pluto at 25 Capricorn is the final part of the marathon and gone by 2022. You were born with Saturn at 27 Virgo in the Sixth House of health. The planet of serious life lessons in the sign of health in the house of wellbeing. You are also dealing with Jupiter at 27 Capricorn trine Saturn, and Saturn himself at 27 Capricorn, trine natal Saturn! You could not make this up. It’s so intense, so important and – it’s well and truly over, in terms of your greatest challenges and rewards – by Christmas Eve. So many of your questions about your body necessarily lead back to your career and your C.V. and your feelings about success, achievement, ambition, position and mission. If you are curious about the mind and spirit equation of the classic Virgo/Sixth House ‘Mind, Body, Spirit’ coverage – start with that. And actually, go back to adolescence.

  39. Hi. I have Pluto 25 Virgo, moon 25 cancer, prosperina 25 cancer and panacea 25 sag.

    How will I be affected by the Virgo new moon?

    Many thanks


    1. Yvette, if you think back to Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – every detail that related to work and home, your health and wellbeing, your family, your town and country, your relationship with foreign countries and their locals – is a huge hint about the next two years. This was more than just a New Moon on your Pluto in the work and wellbeing zone. It pointed to so many other things which will be tied into your destiny by 2021, 2022. So you may find you take up a brand new professional project which pays you so well, that you can afford to renovate your home, or even invest in a new home. That is just one example. It really depends on what you started.

  40. Hi Jessica
    I was just wondering if you ever do personal readings? I have so many recurring themes happening at the moment that I’d love to address.

    1. Georgie, thank you. I only give personal readings for charity auctions and the last one was for the Red Cross during the Australian bushfires. When they come up I announce them on Twitter. Otherwise a written report for 2022 and regular Q&A sessions online, about the report, is an option. That waiting list will open soon. The waiting list for 2021 is going, going, gone I’m afraid.

  41. Hi Jessica,
    I’ve been stuck in a holding pattern regarding house / living situations that have come full circle. Currently back living at home and desperate to break into the property market. Can you see anything for me?

    Thanks, HB

    1. House and apartment prices plunge in selected parts of the world right through 2021, 2022 and 2023 when finally things stabilise. It really depends where you want to buy. The tough, stuck situation with your parents is over at Christmas at the very latest. Much of it was karmic. They owed you. You owed them. This goes into past lives. That situation is easing even as you read this and from January 2021 you should be in quite a different position in terms of your house or apartment options. Long-term as my colleague Joanne Madeline Moore predicted years ago – so much becomes affordable either because mortgage interest rates plunge, or because selected areas become a bargain-hunter’s delight.

  42. I’m blessed with moon 25 Virgo, Juno 25 Libra, plus Neptune 26 Libra, Pluto 26 Leo, Chiron 24 Capricorn, plus Sun 27 Scorpio (conjunct Ceres) I had planned to purchase a new home for my new career. Market conditions have blocked that. I’m plugging along on the new career but don’t expect any breakthroughs soon. My health and family are okay, although I’m slowly recovering from an unexpected metabolic issue. Do you have any comments about how this new moon is likely to affect me?

    1. The New Moon is your Lunar Return and it’s rare. You also have an angle to Chiron in your career zone so now through 2021, you will not be plugging away with business, work or professional success – you will be shown a new pathway you did not realise was there. If you go down that pathway then you may find yourself with the most stunning success. It will be experimental, outside the ordinary, and very much mentored, tutored or guided.

  43. Hi Jessica,

    This is my first event and am excited about attending. I have a question as to whether I would still be affected if I have a planet 1 degree away from the 25 degrees mentioned. I have Jupiter in Virgo at 24 degrees.

    I would also like to generally know what is happening in my chart as I have had a hell of a few years.

    Warmest Regards,


    1. Marie, I have a few people asking about one degree’s difference. The answer is, the New Moon misses you, but Jupiter reaches 24 Capricorn in a perfect trine to your natal Jupiter in November, second half – so you have a stunning opportunity to snap up a work, unpaid work or academic opportunity, solution or reward. Later on Pluto at 24 Capricorn in January 2021 suggests a promotion or new job, or a good golden handshake if you want it.

  44. Hi Jessica,

    It will be much appreciated that if you could look at my chart and advise me of the areas of my life will be affected by this coming Virgo New Moon as I have Mar at Virgo 25, and I am sure of this New Moon will be very importart to my future but not sure which area(s) though.

    By the way I will be attending US event.

    Thanks very much in advance.

    1. LL this is about your lifestyle, daily routine, self-care, fitness, mental health, food, drink, housework, any animals you live with – all the details. With Mars there, you channel your energy into the small stuff. The New Moon on your Mars is unusual and suggests a launch or relaunch of much of this, but also your paid work, and any unpaid work or study. It is announced to yourself, by yourself, by Friday and goes into overdrive next week.

  45. Warm greetings Alicia and Jessica,

    I am hoping to join the wonderful New Moon event live. Thankyou for offering this nourishing gathering. I am a premium member ( using a new email for this event).

    I really enjoyed the last conscious cafe decided event

    As a Virgo, with Aquarius ascendant at 1 degree (often unsure whether Capricorn is more suitable to who I am, but love Aquarius), I was hoping to gain some clarity about work, home, town and life fullfill ment.

    With an open heart I wish to embrace life, though feeling a misty atmosphere is present. Maybe for All.

    Warm regards

    1. Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed The Conscious Cafe. Tara, you will find that the New Moon in your First House of image is about a relaunch of the way you look and package yourself. You also have Chiron in Aries in the First House in your natal chart, so it works twice. Mars Retrograde in Aries in 2020 and Chiron himself in that sign, suggests a new you by 2021. It works to your total advantage.

  46. Hi there Jessica & Alicia, I’m a premium member attending the Australian event. I have Mercury in 25 Cancer & currently on the job hunt with a view to a career change. I’m wondering how the new moon will affect this alongside the process of my sisters & I selling our parents’ house next year following the death of our dear dad a few months ago (mum passed away a decade ago)? My parents & grandfather built the house together 49 years ago & it’s also where we cared for dad during a lengthy illness so a significant home to say goodbye to. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, warm regards, ABK

    1. You have Mercury at 25 Cancer trine this New Moon at 25 Virgo so you will find the situation with your sisters and their jobs/lifestyles is going to affect things, along with – likely – their partners. So it’s other people’s working lives which ultimately impact what happens with your parents’ house next year. You will find lots of job possibilities by the end of September but don’t worry if you go back and forth for a few weeks as Mercury is retrograde October, November.

  47. Hi Jessica , I have Pluto at 25 Virgo in my natal chart and would love your insight into how that will effect me, right now I am struggling to re-submit my thesis and really want to move on in my career to a particular job but those ambitions of mine are going nowhere! Looking forward to another great event, thank you!

    1. You’ll be kickstarted by destiny today, Friday, Saturday and be on your way, having made a choice (you only have so much time and energy) about thesis and job. Your issue has been choosing, actually. An honest conversation with yourself will help sort that out.

  48. Okay, this is a good question: with Jupiter going direct, what will be the effect on world politics?

  49. Okay, this is a good question: with Jupiter going direct, what will be the effect on world politics?
    And I’m attending the US event.

    1. Jupiter direct is the start of Obama power. He came to the White House when Jupiter was in the same sign as Pluto and it is happening again. He is speaking to the demographic (younger) who will roll the Republican party out.

  50. Hi Jessica, I am attending the New Moon event. I am a Sun Sag born with the Sun at 25° Sag and Aesculapia at 25°, will the New Moon affect me? Any insights would be appreciated. Thank you, Beth

    1. Thank you Beth. Your new project, role, goal or course will come together (it may even be your next career) today and tomorrow, with news reaching you, or your mind made up, as September goes on. This is not the biggest story in your life, though. That is really about your relationship with foreign people and places, or other regions in your own country and the locals, and that keeps evolving until 2022. You will redraw the map completely.

  51. Questions for Virgo New Moon event.
    Melbourne event

    Hey Jessica,

    I am currently looking at purchasing my forever home in Beautiful Fremantle. Should I be pressing the button now, or holding out until after January?

    (you mentioned January to be a big time of shifting energy in your education/nodes event so just hoping for some guidance as to buy before or after Jan).

    Many thanks ladies

    1. Fremantle, Western Australia is stunning, Mish. Mercury Retrograde is with us as soon as October begins, so I am not sure how far ahead you are. If you were to pursue property you would find life goes backwards and forwards in October, November as Mercury Retrograde is about stuck or reversed paperwork, negotiations and prices and it is in Scorpio, which rules houses, apartments, banks and big business. So, this has nothing to do with the New Moon in Virgo, but everything to do with Mercury Retrograde, Mish. You may want to wait until at least the second half of November to make up your mind once and for all.

  52. Hello Jessica 0 I am super excited for this event!

    I don’t have any factors exact at 25 degrees but I do have loads of factors in Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo:

    Baccchus 1 deg. 25′
    Psyche 8 deg. 29′
    Mercury 9 deg. 49′
    S Node 11 deg 5′
    Vesta 12 deg 49′
    Salacia 20 deg 23′
    Panacea 21 deg. 55′

    Diana 2 deg. 9′
    Hygeia 5 deg. 48′
    Fortuna 9 deg. 40′
    Proserpina 17 deg. 46′

    Ops 8 deg. 39′ R
    Uranus 9 deg. 21′ R
    Pluto 13 deg. 50’R

    I can feel the stuckness of the last several years starting to fade and some new energy coming in – hurrah!

    With my chart, I see the trine between Mercury, Fortuna and Uranus at 9 degrees. And I am curious about the opportunities with work going forward – I wear many hats – yoga teacher, meditation teacher, caregiver to the elderly, marketing consultant – and I am starting a 2-year mindfulness meditation teacher training this week! Can you advise on key dates for launching anything new in the next 6 months? I know from prior comments to steer clear of late January 2021.

    And, should I be adding astrologer to my resume? I spend an awful lot of time here 🙂

    Thank you, dear Jessica!

    1. Thank you. The meditation teaching course will be a huge success and you will bring in your other skills, so you have a unique blend of different modalities and qualifications to bring to your education of others. This could easily receive community or government funding so don’t discount that, as well as private fee-paying clients. The trick with your chart is to be flexible on price and offer as wide a choice as possible because people will pay at the high and low end of the market. You probably know all this anyway but I am just repeating it for you. The key is Uranus in Taurus. That is the entire story here, sweeping your chart over many years. You will embrace new technology in your teaching and some of it has not even been invented yet.

  53. Dear Jessica,
    Regarding to a job I struggle for some years. I worked as a Project Assistant high voltage/ offshore matters.
    Since early 2018 I had several eye operations due to glaucoma and cataract. Currently it’s ok, just eye drops. Started 2019 with yoga and 6 months ago with pranayama.
    I had the idea about giving autogenic training due to glaucoma to keep the pressure low and it could be doable online as well.
    First step would be learning to teach the training and work it out.
    Do you have some insight for me?

    Thank you very much.


    1. I am so sorry about your glaucoma and cataracts, Christiane. Your whole issue is work and how you feel about being the person who delivers to others. The yoga is an excellent idea because it will clear your head so you can see straight (literally) on the inside. Then you will have answers. If the only thing that stops you from working in a job (or with a lifestyle) that your soul dislikes – is to have failing eyesight – then the body will provide. It is obviously better to be supremely conscious of how you really feel about doing your duty or providing a service, day in and day out. You need to make your peace with work, or just quit and find a substitute that your spirit actually wants. It’s very deep and very important. I will go into this more in the event. Thank you.

  54. Dear Alicia and Jessica

    I am going to ask more questions; ). This is second.

    Although I only have one day a week, I am thinking to apply for part time job in a research Centre at university. Maybe volunteer as one day a week isn’t enough. Their research is about risk for human being including climate change, technology and pandemic.

    But I am wondering if I am seeing big picture. Could you have a look my chart and tell me if there’s anything showing big picture in terms of “work”, please? And will it be good idea to take action (apply) now?

    Jessica, once you gave me good suggestion for honing a language skill for future. I am thinking exposing myself to language in work environment, it will help.

    I am looking forward to the event although I cannot join on time.
    Best wishes,


  55. I’m so very much looking forward to this event. I’m booked in as a premium member and have some questions as to my 25 and 26 degree placements. I have a trine from Cupido at 25 degrees Virgo to Bacchus at 26 degrees Taurus which in turn will trine the Saturn placement currently at 25 Capricorn. I’m curious as to how that may work out for me at large and where I can use this to my advantage. I also have a a 26 degree Jupiter placement in Gemini that doesn’t seem to flow with this new moon. How do you foresee Jupiter impacting the aforementioned trine on the new moon? Thank you for this free event Jessica and Alicia! So inspiring to give your time for these events.

    1. Thank you. You have wonderful aspects. The Virgo-Taurus-Capricorn earth trine is about money, food, lifestyle, work, accommodation (house or apartment), garden, health, wellbeing and career. It won’t be fast, because transiting Saturn is involved, and it will evolve from obstacles (Saturn again) but this total life reshape will be to your advantage, with breakthroughs in November and a downhill slope from Christmas with big, solid gains in 2021.

  56. Hi Alicia and Jessica! I am so excited about the new moon in Virgo event! Thank you for hosting it. Astrology is really working for me and been such a friend and support going through 2020 ( and 2017, 2018, 2019) I hope and feel this moon is bringing something more positive. I have many factors close to 25 degrees and would really appreciate to understand what that means for me. Everting has been stuck this year and I wonder when the stars will align. Many thanks, looking forward to seeing you on September 17th.

    1. Thank you. Jupiter at 26 Taurus in your Second House of money, possessions, houses, apartments, charity, business and cash flow is protecting your finances in 2020 even though the world is going through economic shock (Uranus in Taurus) from the pandemic. The economic shocks continue until the year 2026 but you will be given a safety net throughout, as Jupiter protects. Even more importantly, transiting Jupiter at 26 Capricorn trines natal Jupiter, later this year, so there is a huge opportunity coming to make or save money. Just say yes.

  57. Reposting to this blog post, as per Alicia Fulton’s request.

    Dear Jessica,

    Firstly, I’m glad Tasmania is symptomatic COVID-free. Thank you for all you do, especially before and during COVID. Forewarned is forearmed.

    Addressing the Virgo New Moon – I have Chiron 25° Aries and if orbs count, Saturn 26° Cancer. My Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn factors are as follows.

    Juno 06° Virgo
    Bacchus 03° Capricorn
    Aesculapia 18° Virgo
    Panacea 04° Taurus
    SouthNode 13° Taurus

    If it helps to have context – I switched career gears last year, after being recruited for corporate law role at a branded consumer products company, while shifting my own practice to PT. The corporate job was like being thrown into the deep end of an Olympic size pool, but things have gotten better recently it seems although there was a bit of tension about continuing to work from home in light of my health. I have had ongoing digestive health issues since 2004 when it appears they were misdiagnosed – my new doctor and I are putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and I am due for further testing this fall subject to COVID. I’ve put all aspects of my personal life – including health and fitness, platonic and non-platonic relationships (the latter because of an awful divorce – I don’t want to be put in a position to be abused ever again), fiscal management, household organization, hobbies – on hold because of my health and workload. It’s hard to do anything else other than work when you are chronically exhausted. After some fairly blunt talk a few months from a friend I’ve seen romantically on and off, I decided work shall rule my entire life no more – and ironically, made some progress this weekend on my home.

    I was wondering if you have any insights, please, on how this New Moon may impact me. I suspect it will lead to positive developments for my health, but would appreciate your guidance.

    Thank you in advance if you have time to read and answer my question. Here’s hoping good old Aussie pragmatism leads to a COVID-free Australia, and shows the rest of the world that it is possible to eradicate COVID on a country wide, if not regional, basis.


    1. I answered this in brief but will go into more detail at the event, as I’m going to talk a little bit about people born with strong Virgo factors who over-think and put their mind/mental process under huge demands, often without realising the impact it has on the rest of the body. It’s a really interesting one, and I’ll address Virgo issues in more depth and detail, including your own. Thank you.

  58. Hi, I’m on the waitlist for the event but wanted to ask this – with Venus in Aries at 25, moon in Virgo at 18 and Apollo at 21, will my hair/face/body shape determine my career progressions?
    Thank you so much in advance

    1. You’re correctly interpreting Venus at 25 Aries in your First House. The New Moon at 25 Virgo in your Sixth House will quincunx it. Hard to say, interesting to experience! New developments in the global gym, personal trainer, diet, skincare industries will make a huge splash by Saturday and you will sign up or purchase by 2020 with wonderful outcomes for your face and/or shape.

  59. How will the new Virgo Moon on September 17, 2020 affect me as a Leo? Born on August 1, 1968, 20 degrees Aquarius Rising, birth time, 8:36 pm. Thank you for all that you do for us! Sincerely, Paul:-)

    1. Thank you Paul. You’ll start a new way of saving, spending, borrowing or earning money by the weekend, following a milestone with a bank or lender; government announcements on tax (for example) or benefits; big developments with houses, apartments, charity or business interests. Use this New Moon to think about 2021, 2022, 2023 rather than just September. This is the start of something long-term and solid if you make it so.

  60. Hello Jessica,
    I have a lot of factors in Capricorn and Virgo but they are either 24 Pluto and Apollo in Virgo Panacea 24 in Capricorn and 26 Salacia in Capricorn. Will it still effect me?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    1. Yes, Pluto at 24 Virgo in your Sixth House of health, mental health, work, unpaid work, daily routine and lifestyle is perfectly met by the trines from Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in 2020 and 2021, so this is long-term transformation of how you eat, how you drink, which doctors, healers or surgeons you use; your approach to alternative wellbeing; the nature of your job and your whole attitude towards work, actually. It has already begun but completes next year. You could easily replace one income source with another or dramatically alter your life with the help of one professional, author and so on.

  61. Dear Jessica,

    I look forward to attending the event and have a few factors at 25. What area of my life will be most impacted and how? Thank you.

    1. Diana at 25 Taurus in your Second House of finance, charity, shopping, sales, houses, apartments, insurance, bills, banks is the key. There is a perfect trine from the New Moon at 25 Virgo, so changes in the world of work, employment, business, government benefits, public health which are made by Friday, affect how you earn, own and owe. Watch for news. There may be bank interest changes, for example, or there could be an offer in your inbox. Diana is about no commitment. No ties and no convention. She wants total freedom to roam, where she wants to – to quote the B-52’s song. You will be offered this by the weekend in relation to one list item.

  62. Shirli Marcantel, premium member
    Please. Take a look at my chart and see if it would be advisable for my family to return to the US. We are currently living in Mexico.
    Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you Shirli. Don’t move or apply in October, November on Mercury Retrograde, as the conversation or paperwork will stop or go backwards and it may cost you time or money. Or – start the process but allow for delays, changes and have Plan B and C up your sleeve. The first two weeks of October will give you a chance to step into the dream of escaping from the real world in another country or culture. Yet, Mercury is with us, so have fallback positions if things alter.

  63. Thank you Alicia and Jessica for putting on this event. I have factors at 25 degrees in the North (Aquarius) and South Nodes (Leo) of my chart and quite a number of Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn factors. Any insights for me on how I will be effected by this Virgo New Moon and which areas of my life I should focus on for goal-setting?

    1. The Aquarius Node in your Eleventh House is the key. What affects a friend, or the group as a whole, on 17th and 18th September is the first part of a long story in 2021 when you realise that friends can be like family, and groups can change a corner of the world. You did this before in a previous life and were heavily involved with friends in a trade union or political movement which depended on people power. First steps now.

  64. Hi Alicia &Jessica,

    This is my first astro event and I’m really excited about it.
    I’m also excited about this New Moon in Virgo because I have my North Node at 27 Virgo. I don’t know if it’s count? And if yes, can you help me understand.
    My MC is at 10 Virgo and I’m feeling that I missed the train on the full moon earlier in the month. I also have Jupiter at 25 Cancer.

    Thank you so much

    1. You are very welcome and I look forward to seeing you at our Meetup event. Your North Node at 27 Virgo in the Sixth House describes a previous life in service, in the army, navy or air force, or in a working-class culture and environment. You lived to serve, because you had to do your duty. The only thing that got you time off was poor health. Your job depended on your fitness for purpose so your body was really your tool. In this lifetime you have chosen to come back to explore all this, but without the pressures of the previous life. The New Moon is too wide to conjunct your North Node, but you will certainly experience Jupiter and Saturn trine the Node by Christmas 2020 and Pluto trine the Node, much later. Past life recall, flashbacks are common as you reshape your working life, lifestyle and health/fitness/mental health now through Christmas. You will also find the year 2001 comes back to you.

  65. Hi Jessica

    I have Jupiter in Cancer @25 and Uranus in Cancer @24, Ceres @25 Capricorn. My natal chart has Leo factors of babies, children, teenagers, younger generation , nieces, nephews to mentor, guide and lead. Apollo @26 Leo, Cupido @25 Leo, Pluto@24 Leo. I have also Virgo/Pisces IC/MC axis @13 .How would the New Moon 17th September Virgo @25 affect me ? A new beginning .

    I drew a Tarot Card Strength for this new Moon . The message is to help , heal and comfort. It has the healing potential of The Sixth House, Virgo which ties in with daily workload, doctors, nurses , surgeons, physical health and mental well being.
    Absolute trust in all being healed. The woman in the card is me, The Lion could maul the healer. The healer could hurt the Lion. I asked what healing issues ? I drew the Moon card twice . It is a major arcana. I think this is a serious full moon in Aries @9 degs. The Moon is also a conception card. I have a son who is Aries sun sign born in the chinese animal sign of dog. Lobster symbolise Scorpio of marriage and mortgage loan, financial realities, Eighth House. He has Jupiter in Scorpio.
    Thank You for your wise guidance.

    1. Evelyn, the Strength card is about you healing, but you also being healed. It will work both ways and September 17th, 18th will show you. You currently have Leo transits in your Fifth House of motherhood. You will help and heal your child, but your child will also help and heal you. Or it may be another child.

  66. Hi
    I’m excited for this event. I’m a premium member Virgo 8/25/70. I’m ending a marriage and starting a new relationship. My lover and I have moved slowly since New Year’s Eve, but we first met in 2001. Our kids are friends. Im falling in love and curious how thIs moon can support our growing love.

    1. Love is intoxicating. You’ll create a bubble together in October and find a way to keep the real world at bay, which you’ve done so far, with mixed results. In October 2020 you will find a really important way to make your own space together. Nothing else really intrudes and it’s a waking dream. Just make sure that you do the practical legal, financial or property related decision-making with another professional pair of eyes on it.

  67. Hello Jessica, this seems an auspicious time for me, especially as it is the Virgo full moon. I am looking for guidance regarding my career/purpose. What does my chart suggest?
    9-5-1961 11:20pm Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    Thank you!

    1. It’s a Virgo New Moon, not a Full Moon – and on 17th, 18th September you will hear about radical new ways to job-share and/or work from home that are being rolled out by brand-name companies and government departments. This inspires you to make changes of a similar nature in 2021.

  68. Hi Jessica,

    My question for the New Moon event on Thursday is:

    Will 2021 be a good year for me to start on a new path with my work and living situation? How does 2021 look for income stability? I plan to start working from home and to relocate long-distance next spring or summer.

    My Ascendant is in Virgo 10°55, Sun in Virgo 1°36, Moon in Libra 21°05, Mercury in Virgo 3°46, Venus in Virgo 0°57, Mars in Aquarius 13°21, Jupiter in Scorpio 28°04, Saturn in Gemini 5°59, Uranus in Libra 11°22, Neptune in Sagittarius 0°20 and Pluto in Virgo 28°29.

    Thank you!

    1. The important placement there is Pluto at 28 Virgo as the rest is too wide. You will take control of your work and lifestyle between now and Christmas 2020, as you use the trines from Saturn and Jupiter at 28 Capricorn to own your power and pursue job and health/fitness/mental health changes which give you the reins.

  69. I am moving to Sydney next year and I am also thinking about a change of career but I’m undecided about what line of work. I would really like to start preparing for this now but I have no idea what’s going to work for me given the current circumstances.

    1. You’ll see something work or study related cross your radar on Thursday, Friday. Follow up. It may not be the whole answer but it’s part of it. And it matters.

  70. Hi ,

    I have moon in Libra 27 degrees and Mars in Gemini 24 degrees. How could it affect me? I hope something good.


    1. Mars in Gemini is most important here because you also have the North Node going through Gemini. Put your way with words, ideas and images into a project or course where you can siphon off tension as it will be a good container for your push-button reactions in 2020, 2021. Your Mars is also aspected by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto passing through Capricorn and in 2021 you have the joy of Jupiter at 24 Aquarius trine your Mars. I strongly recommend you find an online course or project now through next year to pour yourself into. It doesn’t have to be online. Some countries currently host Meetups where you get to talk or discuss books.

  71. Dear Jessica,
    What will be a new beginning with work and health in my case with a New Moon in Virgo on Thursday, September 17th.

    My horoscope factors Close to 25 degree are:
    • Mercury 24° Libra 52′ 37″
    • Minerva 24° Leo 42′ 57”

    Uranus 28° Libra 57′ 12″
    Jupiter 07° Pisces 59′ 14″
    Saturn 18° Cancer 53′ 53″ R
    Pluto 07° Libra 58′ 33″

    Thank You

    1. It’s really about Mercury and Minerva, and although the New Moon at 25 Virgo is a little wide, you are experiencing Jupiter, Saturn and/or Pluto at 24 Capricorn in 2020 and 2021, aspecting both. Take the pressure off by leaving dating to one side if it’s going to be hard work, mentally. There is no rule that says you have to date, mate or relate – even with former partners. Younger family members or other people’s children need your advice though. You’ll be Minerva. The counsellor.

  72. Hi Jessica,
    I have made a reservation for the event on Thursday, NY time. I am a 16-degree Capricorn Sun with the following placements: Uranus 24 Scorpio, Bacchus 24 Capricorn, Diana 24 Aquarius, Hygeia 26 Pisces, Aesculapia 26 Aries. Though out of orb, I have Saturn at 27 Virgo. My health and my financial future are my main concerns at this time, and I wonder if you may have any insight based off these placements. Thank you so much for the work that you do. Cheers, Nancy

    1. Thank you Nancy. I look forward to chatting to you from New York. If you were born with Saturn in Virgo in the Sixth House then your physical and mental health, wellbeing and fitness will be lifelong preoccupations and were there even at school, if you look back. One very useful thing to do is think about schooldays, as a child and teenager, and look for clues about your health now. What you ate and drank. If you smoked. If you had other issues. Saturn is cyclical in approximate seven year loops, so we think about life aged 6 through 8, then 14 through 16, or 20 through 22, at college/university. Decode your history. Your money is down to Uranus at 24 Scorpio under transit from the North Node, South Node, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (into next year, 2021). You must change to meet change. Not just Band Aid solutions but real surgical change. You are going to need to meet a revolution with a revolution, but you will do it and lighten your load.

  73. It seems like the event is fully booked and so unfortunately doesn’t look like I can join this zoom event :(. My question was: I have Neptune in Sagittarius at 25 degrees in my second house. Any insight on what that brings me.

    1. Please join the next November event, but it is filling up quickly. You have Neptune at 25 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel, emigration, foreign people and places, regional differences, study and teaching. The worldwide web, academia, education and the book world belongs to the Ninth House as well. This is classically where you escape from the real world and take a holiday from normality, or a vacation from the ordinary. I would say this even without the pandemic, but as you have sweeping transits from the North Node, South Node, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in 2020-2021 you must make a clean break with the past in terms of how you used to travel, or involve foreign places, spaces and faces in your life. You desperately need a new beginning and it’s coming. It will be part of life in 2021.

  74. Hi Alicia,
    I have never actually used meetup but tried to set it up previously when Jessica recommenced people join. Somehow it looks as if I have two accounts with one under Patricia McCormick and the other under Patricia McCormick-Lee which is same as phone and iPad. Somehow I accepted invitation under Patricia McCormick but no idea how. Definitely me with same Great Dane. I was one of first people to accept
    When I am unable to join tomorrow as Patricia McCormick tomorrow night, would it be possible to accept my request to join as Patricia MCCormick-Lee?
    Thanks, Patricia

  75. Hi Jessica, Thank you for answering everyone’s questions here. 2020 has been challenging for all. I appreciate the input to help navigate. My question is i don’t have planets at 25 degrees but multiple planets at 24 degrees and 26 degrees. Are these triggered, being 1 degree away? And are they triggered to a lesser extent or not at all? Does having a stellium in Virgo affect me in this Virgo new moon cycle?
    Thank you, Meagan

    1. Meagan, you have a sweep of factors at 24, 25, 26 which will be aspected by Jupiter (solutions), Saturn (challenges) and Pluto (changes). So, as if you did not already know it, you are dealing with mammoth change in 2020 and 2021 which will offer you a way out, but also really gritty obstacles to overcome. The New Moon on 17th September crystallises one issue for you, about your body, mental or physical health and fitness, wellbeing – and your lifestyle, workload and daily routine. This helps you. Later on in 2021 you will carve out a new path.

  76. Hi Jessica, I have Cupido at 25 Virgo. Does this hopefully signal a break from a romantic drought?! Very much looking forward to the event. Thank you. Jaquie (premium member)

    1. Cupido in Virgo in your Sixth House is not about love, but you do have crushes on colleagues, employers, clients, employees whenever this asteroid is triggered by transit, or inspire crushes in others. Yes, one is coming and it will be related to a past or present job.

  77. Hi all, very excited about this.
    For those of us with placings at 24 or 26 degrees, will we benefit from the 25 degree orb of influence?
    Thanks for taking the time to answer

    1. The slow-moving outer planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all aspect Apollo in Cancer by opposition. That is the really important pattern here, which challenges you and changes you, with your home or family, in 2020 and 2021. This may also be your apartment and household, or your house and local council. The impact of your local area and your country on your decisions has seldom been so important. So this is about more than just your own people and place, it’s about town and country. You will take the lead, despite an obstacle course, and jump it like Nigel Havers in Chariots of Fire.

  78. Hi Alicia & Jessica
    Thankyou so much for this opportunity! Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get into the meetups so I’m hoping I can get a response to this post. 25° is quite a sensitive point for me I think. The new moon is on the cusp of my 11 natal house at 24°58’45” Virgo.

    Aries: Sun 24°
    Taurus: Ops 25°
    Gemini: Apollo 25°
    Cancer: Diana 25°
    Leo: MC 23° Pluto 26°
    Capricorn: Hygeia 25°
    Thanks again.

    1. Ash, you have not only the New Moon in Virgo but, for some time to come, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all trine your Ops at 25 Taurus in your Second House of finance and conjunct your Hygiea at 25 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. This is a long and sweeping reshape of your income and position, mission and ambition which starts in a small but important way on 17th, 18th September and culminates in 2020. Do it step by step but this is very likely to be the end of one way of life, and the arrival of a new way of working, living, saving, spending and earning.

  79. Hello Jessica,
    I have factors at South Node 26, Mar 26 & Apollo 24 in Cancer along with North Node 26 in Capricorn. New moon squares my nodes and unable to understand new moon effect on the factors in Cancer and Capricorn.

    Appreciate your feedback as node are difficult to understand.

    1. The New Moon does not square your Nodes, it trines them. I don’t see a chart, but if you have the North Node at 26 Capricorn and South Node at 26 Cancer, then the Virgo New Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all slowly trine your career and home zones, from now through 2021. You will be given the chance to go back to an old job, company, role or organisation from about two decades ago – or an old boss, employee, teacher and so on. You will also be given the chance to revisit or even relocate to a place from your past, which will have a profound impact on you.

  80. Hi I had signed up for this new moon in virgo from the email the day I received it. It had asked if I was a premium member, I answered the question and now I don’t see that I am signed up for September 17 although I see “patty” and I cannot get in that profile. I just signed up for the November one and I think that worked under my Regular meetup account. Can you check that profile and see what email it is or whether another account was inadvertently created? Thanks so much for any assistance!

  81. Hi Jessica-

    Missed the RSVP, hoping you’ll see this here:
    -I have Moon/Cancer at 25
    -I have Sat at 26 & Chiron at 24 both in Pisces.
    -I have Fortuna/Sag at 24
    Plus all kinds of Virgo (My sun sign) & 22s (Cap, Libra, Cancer).

    Honestly? I’ve been feeling this build for a year. I feel I’m on the cusp of something big (it’s been a few years of sh!t show so hopefully good) but I need help with the house (I need a miracle here), new career pivot (kinda got something figured out) and love life (it’s been a crazy whatever since literally this time last year but I’m not sure he’ll ever get serious).

    I want to get this right. Any help or guidance would be so appreciated:)

    1. This is about your sense of homeland, country, nationality, locality and it will set you straight for 2021. The whole world is turning away from ‘the world’ and towards 10km from home, and you will see a turning point on 17th, 18th September which shows you how different next year could be. This is rather like the Moon Landing of 1969. Americans left home, to find a new home, in outer space. Answers will come about your house. Open your mind to those you’ve not thought of/allowed.

  82. I’m a premium member. Leah Lecates from US. I have experienced the loss of my husband in March 2016. I’m interested in what my news headline will be from now on professionally and personally,

    1. Loss hits you physically, emotionally, spiritually and I don’t need to tell you that. Your heart chakra is most affected. The time has come to explore alternative, even radical, ways of healing as you are not yet there. You will stumble across something that appeals on 17th, 18th September and it will be part of life in 2021.

  83. Hi Jessica and Alicia
    I have my MC at 25 Libra, my IC at 25 Aries with Apollo at 25 Leo. It feels like I’ve been in a decade long hard slog probably due to Neptune and Saturn triggering virtually everything in my chart through this period. It’s been constructive- but hard, with a real one step forward two steps back feel to it. I’m getting close to retirement and was dreaming of living half the year somewhere on the Aegean and the other half here in Oz. That dream’s gone up in a puff of COVID but the call of that part of the world remains strong.
    How do you see this new moon alignment shaping opportunities for me – and apologies if you’ve already covered this in the meetup.

    On another note I am so looking forward to Saturn and Jupiter going into Aquarius and seeing the back of this Capricorn energy. It will be so good to be able to breathe again and think about things other than money,money, money and work, work, work. Bring it on!

    1. You will take a course from December 2020 which rewards you in 2021 and next year, also expand your internet or media life so that you are using words, ideas or images in an experimental and deeply rewarding project. The local area or neighbourhood/village/suburb will become your ‘Known World’ by Christmas 2021 so don’t worry too much about dual nationality. It’s all about community.

  84. Hi Jessica- Looking forward to the new moon event online. Thank you and Alicia for hosting. I was just able to finally obtain my actual birth time and update my profile this week ( I’m adopted). My role was made redundant at the beginning of 2020 and it’s been slow going on the job/role front. I’ve ensured that my skills were updated and certifications current, etc. I’ve also slowly been working on a blog/website- eventual product in the health and wellness space, but it’s in no way earning money at this time and may be a bit before that happens. I’ve not experienced a gap like this ever before. Do you see any possible relief in the job/income area by the end of this year or early 2021? I’ve done my best to remain positive, network and keep my skills up. Trying to understand where the storm may fade and opportunities arrive and where to focus efforts. Many thanks!

    1. This too shall pass. You have been doing all the right things and the worst is over. Use the New Moon of 17th September to start a new course; part-time or full-time work applications; mentoring programs; work experience. You will have a breakthrough in November and December is the end of the toughest cycle in 248 years. Network, join groups or put more energy into existing groups from December. This pays off professionally, socially, financially.

  85. Dear Jessica

    Your guidance is much needed and I really really hope you will recognise this message.
    I have just found a 9 month old baby boy who needs therapy on gofundme. It is very slow compare to others causes and it is partly because of the scale of money he needs. But I feel it is also because people feels his situation is hopeless therefore less attention somehow. I want to do something about this although I am not related to him at all other than made small amout of donation. I have never felt this strong about someone else’s problem.
    This baby’s birthday is 12th Nov 2019, Leicester, UK. We don’t know his birthtime.
    How could I use this new moon for him to get enough fund? What direction this appeal should aim ? ( I mean just stay on gofundme or should I look for a company which may have charitable body within? etc)

    Here is the link.

    Really hope to hear from you.

  86. Resending a question as I might have made a mistake to ask question earlier than 14th.

    Hello, Jessica and Alicia

    Hope you both are well and safe.

    My life has been taken over by my toddler and I have no time other than looking after him. At the end of the day, no energy left to do anything but vegging out. The more I feel that way the more I yearn to focus and learn about Astrology, AI and be creative to tell stories (I used to do marketing for music record companies.)

    I have a stellium in Virgo, including Sun at 7 degree in Virgo. But I don’t have anything at 25 degree in Virgo.
    Instead, I have Uranus at 25 degree in Libra.
    I also have Hygeia at 8 degree in Taurus and IC at 1degree in Capricorn but not at 25 degree.

    Could you tell my what could possibly unfold for me and how I can make the most from this new moon, please?

    Unfortunately I can’t join this fantastic event on time…I hope you would upload to YouTube. I’ll definitely check this website anyway.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Just repeating that you will successfully retrain, add to your education or pick up a new part-time course and this will help you move forward once your child is a little older.

  87. Thank you PC. I will pass that on to Alicia. I did look at your question elsewhere, with one eye on your astrology. The cards are different. This is about a former, current or potential partner and a situation where miraculously, who or what was ‘almost finished’ comes back. It is a resurrection, revival or rebirth and it involves her or him, directly. The Ten of Cups in Tarot is personal and emotional. We are talking about your love life here, not your investment. Jupiter in the Seventh, same story. This is about marriage or remarriage, or a second honeymoon. Sometimes, reconciliation with a former partner.

  88. Hi Jessica,
    I didn’t make it in time to join unfortunately.
    I don’t have anything at 25 degrees, but my Asc is Sag at 26.
    Leo sun 12
    Virgo has Mars 5 and is also MC.
    Moon pisc and Jupiter also in pics.
    8th and 10th houses empty.
    Cancer stellium. (Venus, Mercury, Saturn, fortune).
    Lib: Uranus and Pluto.
    I’m new to this and not sure how this relates to current events or even what career path I would even look at now.
    Thank you for any insight.

    1. You aren’t directly affected by what is going on, but you will change your work direction quite dramatically now, in November, and again in January 2021. You could easily switch firms or take on a substitute or second line of work.

  89. Thank you for your amazing predictions. Not sure how to interpret my chart yet, I know that I have three factors at 25 in Virgo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. Mercury @ 25 in Capricorn, Bacchus at 25 in Sag and Juno at 25 in Virgo. I would appreciate your reading and view of my chart please. Thank you! I am registered to attend the meetup session. Looking forward to hearing your prediction.

    1. You have a very earthy chart with Capricorn and Virgo, and these are the work and career signs. The key to this New Moon is to do more with what you have already achieved. Old patterns of over-working or over-thinking, even trying too hard, may not be necessary. Rather than habitually doing what you always do, remember that you could be using an approach that was made up to suit the times – years ago. Not now. If you are still living mentally in the past with work and career, now is the time to look (really look) at what is actually going on in your chosen field, and perhaps another you are interested in. This is more than adapting, it is pursuing something radically different for 2021.

  90. Hi Jessica,
    My chart has moon 25 Virgo, Diana 25 Capricorn and Vesta 25 Taurus.
    I began a new part time job this year (that is taking all my time!) I am teaching remotely at a current COVID hotspot in Vic.
    This job was basically handed to me at the start of the year after my connection through volunteering art therapy at the school. I planned to work more independently and begin an art therapy practise this year. This was basically not possible because of COVID! I am grateful for my current position given the current climate of course and I have been able to work remotely and plan lessons online. I would also like to be practicing my own art more, however can never seem to find a good balance with work! I give all my time to my teaching!
    I just wondered how this moon might impact me and what you see in my chart?
    Thank you always for your extraordinary generosity and insight!

    1. You are relaunching your work, lifestyle, unpaid work, personal study and long-term success today, tomorrow – and it goes in stages. Teaching and art therapy, but also art as a whole, become your path in 2020, 2021, 2022 and you will become involved in other mediums, so (for example) film. You will find the balance eventually as you have not really settled down long enough in 2020 to realise what you can do. This goes beyond 9 to 5 into your housework, and also your own exercise, energy levels, relaxation and so on. It’s the entire picture. You will start painting it all over again from today and tomorrow. Later on you will look back at this year and realise fate was picking you up and spinning you around, but you will be free, exhilarated and empowered by the time Pluto is conjunct Diana at 25 Capricorn. For now start with the 24 hours in every day and how to divide them into 3 x 8 in a new way. It’s time.

  91. Hi Jessica,
    I’m an absolute mess right now. My relationship is emotionally unhealthy and makes me feel like crap as well as there is zero connection or physical intimacy, I have applied for over 50 jobs (only scoring one short term), and not got a single thing else, I’ve given up on academic study as I just don’t have the mental concentration right now and my money is dwindling down to the last dollars, my toxic mother won’t leave me alone . I couldn’t hate myself and my physical appearance more just to top things off.
    The only things that are keeping my going are my children and my therapist. Is there any glimmer of hope with any area of my life? I feel like an ugly worthless piece of rubbish right now. There is nothing else in my life to look forward too. I’ve tried the chakra things you’ve suggested in the past and Dr Claire Weeke’s work with anxiety and writing letters to spirit, but truthfully, although I believe in it all, for me it has been all to no avail. I’m not artistic in any way shape or form, so there is no outlet for me there. I faily miserably at everything I try. My children laugh because I’m so bad at everything, cooking, drawing, etc I can’t even crochet or keep a plant alive. If it wasn’t real life, it would be truly comical.
    It’s not depression (I’ve spoken with my therapist on that). it’s a huge sense of loss of personal power and ‘raison d’etre’. will things get better for me soon? This is TOUGH. I feel like I have no autonomy in my life and I feel hugely numb to anything and everything. I’m at a complete loss to see anything bright and hopeful or something I can be proud of, that isn’t tied in with another person and is for myself.

    1. I am sorry you are going through so much pain in your relationship and just about every other area. You are living with depression. You have a therapist but have you talked to your doctor? Or even seen a second opinion doctor? You are doing something people with depression often do which is down-talking. If solutions are suggested you talk them down. You also talk yourself way, way down. Feeling like rubbish is another symptom. So take comfort. This is textbook depression. Not you, the illness. You need medical help you are obviously not getting. I totally disagree with your therapist. Look at The Black Dog Institute and Beyond Blue online and take the tests. You have it. There may be a physical cause – low serotonin, the menopause, thyroid problems. Please get checked out. And telephone the Samaritans and talk. They want to listen.

  92. Hi Jessica,

    What an amazing wealth of insights have you left in all your replies. I know I’ve got a direct hit and aiming hard to do some re-launch steps, some will be purely goals due to not being able to pull everything together to have a full launch.

    Could you so very kindly leave your wisdom/ insights that you feel are important for me to hear from my chart, given you have so many questions and I get it’s about new beginning in my work & career.

    Blessings and looking forward to the meet ups tonight. I join the Conscious cafe one and it was spine-tingling and amazing! x

    1. Thank you! Conscious Cafe did attract the spirit world as you experienced – the tingles are spirit coming into your aura or energy field to draw closer. You are in the work/career change zone for some time but the New Moon triggering your horoscope at 25 Virgo is telling you, this is your Moon launch. Thursday is the interview with yourself. Friday is the getting ready. Saturday is the reality. Next week you will land somewhere so new – but the story will continue in 2021. Aim high.

  93. Hi Jessica, firstly thank you for organising the online event. I can’t wait to be there. I wonder if you could help me have a look at my chart in relation to how to use this new moon. I want to launch an online course for health/wellness. Looking at the dates you published, so second half o Nov is a good time? I am afraid I can’t get it all ready. After Nov, when will be good time to launch? Also, my husband is stuck in UK ( I live in Melbourne , Australia) . Thankfully he received a visa to return but we really don’t know when the border will be opened. This Covid event really mess up with our plan, so I will have to move to UK (he has an OK job there) , so we can be together and we still want to try to start a family. So, just like to know if this new moon would provide any positive opportunity or give any clue if when will be good time for me to move to UK. Sorry, I have so many questions. Once again, thank you so much for your help and time!

    1. Thank you. Yes, the second half of November is a great time to launch. Your plan will change two or three times before launch but that’s okay. Leave yourself flexibility for a rehearsal period. Beta test it. The border issue with Victoria and Britain will go on throughout Mercury Retrograde in Libra in your Seventh House of marriage so expect to be held up in October, I’m afraid, and very likely the first half of November. If you want to move to Britain in 2021 it will come down to money and work, the big two. This Virgo New Moon is a good day to start making serious plans about that.

  94. Hello, I’m a Virgo sun (Sept 15) with several 25 degree placements:
    Mars 25°  Leo 51′ 52″
    Vulcano 25°  Scorpio 26′ 05″
    Salacia 25°  Capricorn 11′ 17″ R
    I understand this new moon in Virgo is largely about work/health. I work too much to the detriment of health, that I already know though haven’t been able to make myself change. Yet by far my biggest concern now is that I live in California and my mother is in Michigan and very ill. Thankfully my sister is there to help but the situation is serious and I want to go see them. My husband is worried about COVID and does not want me to go or to go with me. He even said if I flew he would divorce me (as putting myself and potentially him at risk, plus so much instability in the country now. ) I know COVID is serious, we’ve been isolated since March, no grocery stores no restaurants no nothing. But with precautions I feel I could protect myself (or we could protect ourselves if he agreed to drive, which he won’t.) I don’t want to have to choose between my mom/family and husband. It’s ripping me apart to be away from mom but can’t bear thought of not being with husband. Also my mom has a serious procedure tomorrow (Sept 17) in the early morning and so worried, she is so frail now. I just want more time with her, and not to lose my husband. Any insight you can provide would be welcome.

    1. You are really being put through it, with your mother so ill, your husband threatening divorce and your absolute need to be with your mom in Michigan while you are in California. This is awful for you, but you cannot go. You will endanger your mother, your sister (even if you wear a mask, planes, airports, taxis and public transport are highly risky for infection) to an unknown degree. It is literally unknown. You would also risk your own health on the outward and return journey. You would then risk your husband’s health again on return. Even with all the tests in the world, COVID-19 is like the ghost in the room. It’s the great unknown. If he won’t drive, then that’s it. You have no option but to fly or take a coach/bus and you multiply your risk. It is your choice not mine, but even though your husband is behaving like this – this is the lesser of two evils. You need to read up on the latest WHO research and what the epidemiologists are saying. Facts will be your safety net and cushion. The truth is, you would be putting her at risk as she is in the age group most vulnerable to this. I am truly sorry. Get her on Zoom as much as you can. So many older people, especially in hospital, have been kept apart from their daughters. It’s hell, I know. But you are not alone and this is the way things are. I know an older friend who died in a nursing home in England recently. There were nine of them. All struck down by COVID-19 and the source is a mystery to this day. So I am saying this on a personal note. Get the facts. Be aware.

  95. Hi Jessica and Alicia

    Sorry to have missed this meetup online especially as I attended the one in Sydney on 11 January. Little did we know what this year was going to bring!

    I have the Moon 25′ Libra, Oops 24′ Capricorn and a whole bunch of 21′ and 22′ (Chiron 21′ Pisces, Salacia 21′ Capricorn, Proserpina 22′ Virgo and Jupiter 22′ Gemini). Have felt very triggered by this New Moon … almost like I would with a full moon but including physical symptoms and not just anxiety and lack of sleep. Feels like I am about to do a very karmic jump into very fast external manifestation. Almost like the calm before the storm!

    Would appreciate your insights if I am not too late.

    Many thanks for the light you are shining on uncertain times.


    1. Actually, Alicia has reminded me about some of the predictions we made about that Sydney January event. Some have already unfolded. Your anxiety is down to an exact square from transiting Uranus at 10 Taurus to your Leo Sun at 10 degrees too. It is called Uranus Square Sun and can make you feel wired, as if you were carrying electrical currents. You need to ground. You also have Virgo chart factors which are prone to anxiety and depression – for remedies see the feature on Depression and Virgo Planets. Your Moon at 25 Libra is about your former, current or potential partner and there is an opportunity for a splendid new angle with this person in the second half of 2021. A new arrangement.

  96. You have the late twenties pattern of Taurus, Capricorn and are classically about to work on a huge film, Elizabeth. Taurus is of course income and Capricorn is success. You have unrepeatable transits in Capricorn so will transform your career, ambition and mission in 2020 but also in 2021, 2022 as Pluto will conjunct Jupiter in your chart. You could easily win awards. The key to production across this time is radical new technology and also alternative financing, so keep tracking that, it will work very well for you when Uranus goes to 25 Taurus in 2024 – if you have professional advice on the contract.

  97. Good morning.
    Happy NM everyone. It looks like it has some nice energy coming in. I and many people born late 60’s have this NM conjunct uranus. ( natal 23 degrees virgo in 10/11th) Im currently (like many) looking for work, also thinking of returning to study to finalise a post grad course. any inspirational thoughts welcome. thank you . Looking forward to seminar.

    1. Thank you. The New Moon will form a conjunction with so many people born in the Sixties, who are of course today’s employers, bosses and leaders. The Uranus and Pluto in Virgo placements at 25 degrees will be triggered. The future, arriving now, is job-sharing with others, but also working from home. Gig-juggling. Combining study and work. Your 23 Virgo patterns are picked up in your Sixth House of work, unpaid work and study by Pluto at 23 Capricorn, so the change in the balance of power in politics, academia and business in November, December offers you options that were not there before. We are talking policy decisions, tax shifts, funding alterations, reshuffles, departures, promotions, mergers and demotions at the very top, which have a massive ripple effect on your lifestyle and workload. For the better. Better lifestyle too.

  98. Hi Jessica. Looking forward to today’s event. New to astrology but excited to see I have Pluto at 25 in my 6th house (does it mean anything if I also have Jupiter and Uranus in my natal 6th house?) as well as Ceres at 25 Pisces. Last few years have been a struggle career wise. Really hoping fulfilling things are on their way. Funnily offered a new role in my organisation yesterday (more writing which I love) to start end November. But wondering if it’s my last chance to learn something new and take a whole different direction. This is a risk though as kids in uni to support. Is this a wave I need to surf (as you’d say). Thanks so much Jessica.

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoyed tonight’s event with our Bondi Beach host Alicia Fulton. You have a packed Sixth House. You were offered a new role yesterday which is the New Moon delivery. It will be extremely successful. In fact your writing will continue for years in different mediums. I realise you have children to support, but stick with it anyway. University education will become affordable after a massive shift in thinking in 2021.

  99. Hi jessica
    I am about to join your zoom meeting, looking forward to it. I have Pluto and Uranus in Virgo as well as my ascendant, so wondering what you see for me and my chart… thanks in advance. See you soon.

    1. Thank you for coming along tonight. You have Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in the Sixth House of your personal birth chart, which rules your physical and mental health, so the mind, body and sprit. You are being shown alternatives at the moment and will settle on some choices by October which end up becoming part of life in 2021 and beyond. So, for example, an appointment with a surgeon, a change in prescription, a new health insurer, a commitment to a particular kind of exercise. It’s on that level. You are also being shown a way to change the work habits of a lifetime with a very different sort of plan or project which challenges you to change.

  100. Hi Jessica,
    There has been many references to education, publishing and karma from 2001 in Aries. I have felt strongly regarding changes needed in education, specially after having to teach my child during lockdown. How can I, or we collectively,have an impact on updating a system that is so resistant to change? It seems most people are satisfied with this lack of change when everything else is evolving so quickly. Thanks for your guidance xx

    1. The teaching will continue in 2021, until January 2022 actually, and you won’t forget it and neither will your child. You will use this again in a different way using the new technology that is coming from 2026 past 2030. You will find that the system which resists change is dismantled from 2022 and it is Uranus in Gemini (the revolution in communication) in about five years which will really show you what is possible. This time now is your training wheels. I am being shown the piano for you, clairvoyantly.

  101. Hi Jessica

    I can’t wait to join you for this new moon event! I love love your teachings.
    I’m posting my question on here – I have 25 degrees pluto/ceres both in seventh house libra, but I also have
    23 degrees south and north nodes. I love reading the questions from other members and then looking at your answers and
    understanding how to make the connections and notice the themes that occur from the degrees and planets.
    I was hoping this new moon in Virgo would help my ebook that I plan to upload and self publish on amazon as the new moon hits today but I have a feeling my chart is more around how this new moon will impact my open house of enemies and friends. Could you expland?

    1. Thank you. You have patterns at 23, 24, 25 and some involve Libra and the Seventh House. The Seventh House is actually about a set of scales with you and a former, current or potential partner at either end. Love or work duets. Symmetry, harmony and equality are the goal but it can be hard when you have this kind of weather around you. It becomes easier from Christmas but you are really waiting for the second half of 2021 when so much will come together in your life that was so tough right now. You want to e-publish? You are in luck. But think about podcasts – Amazon launched its podcast Audible service today too. There’s a cosmic hint for you.

    1. It’s gone now, but changes in the working lives and public health of the world around you, sheds light on your own feelings about babies, children, teenagers or Millennials.

  102. Hi there! Hey Jessica I have Mercury and Saturn 25 degrees in Virgo! Sounds significant… I tried to sell up on my inner city life just on the cusp of covid and buy in the north coast. So put that on hold – had to wait and rethink. Trying to retire but still getting lots of contract work. Waiting waiting. How does January 2021 sound to retire and decide about moving my life somewhere else? Look ok? Also I have a health problem (congestion for quite a while) trying all kind of approaches to cure. Do you see some relief there? Somehow feel that once I get a car, things will get moving. Starting to look now. Thanks Jessica x

    1. You are poised for a relaunch and refresh and if you didn’t already get the clue today, you will by this weekend. It will of course involve paid work, unpaid work and/or education. You want to retire? You may want to keep your hand in part-time, sideline efforts that reward you on every level, not just financial. Never say never when you have Mercury in Virgo in the Sixth House of work, volunteering and study. Congestion has many meanings; not only on the health level. Try asking yourself when you dream. Who or what congests me? Who or what suffocates or stifles me? Write down your dreams regularly and an answer could easily come. In astrology we look at mind and spirit as well as body. It’s all interlinked.

  103. So super bummed to be missing now! I am on the wait-list. You are so incredibly kind to do this Jessica – the way you make yourself available as a teacher and a healer are really incredible. We are blessed and grateful.
    I am excited because I am starting a new project (I work in public health) that I am quite keen about and it’s been a looonggg time since I’ve been excited about much. But I need the same for my husband who has been in a huge funk over the past year with a venture gone wrong. There are two potential projects at play now – wondering if he’ll have any luck? Wish so much that I could add his chart to mine on here, but this is what I have for him (wondering about the asc/desc in particular):
    24 Bacchus in Scorpio
    24 Asc in Cap
    24 Desc in Cancer
    25 Venus in Scorpio
    25 Juno in Taurus
    26 Sun in Libra
    26 Cupido in Pisces

    thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments. Your public health project is perfectly timed and will attract powerful backers in 2021 when it goes to stage two. Your husband is having the classic 24-25-26 degree hit on his chart from Saturn passing 24-25-26 Capricorn as 2020 winds down. It is hard to admit when something or someone is over, or finished in one’s life, but it will be a lot easier for him to accept it and perhaps mourn it. There should be no tearing hurry to be up and atom; these things take time. It’s like the end of a band. He will be so very much happier in the second half of 2021 when Jupiter in the late degrees of Aquarius trines his Sun, for a start. And of course it will aspect everything else.

  104. Dear Jessica, thank you for such a wonderful New Moon Zoom Event! I have Vesta at 25 Virgo, Bacchus at 25 Sagittarius and Moon at 25 Pisces. Please, could you tell me what does the new Moon triggered in my chart? I also have Aesculapia at 26 Gemini, Fortuna at 26 Libra and Salacia at 26 Aquarius. Your suggestion on Zoom for Capricorns to use international influence is marvelous! What personally based on my chart I could use together with this New Moon? Thank you so much once again!

    1. Thank you very much, I will pass that on to Alicia Fulton as well, our host. You have the classic 25 and 26 degree placements which show that you are trying to start the new, while the old is still falling apart. This can be like swimming against the tide, but the tide turns at Christmas and you will be surfing your way to all that you want to change and do differently with the internet, work, foreign people and places, friends and groups – and former, current or potential partners, next year. In fact the second half of 2021 is really important as Jupiter at 26 Aquarius forms a Grand Trine. Timing is April 2021. Happy Easter.

  105. Dear Jessica, thank you for this well rounded article. I will carpe this diem! Pisces sun 25 degrees and Ascendant 23 Cancer, hope things will look up for me soon. Kind regards from Germany. Love reading your site and apologies that I am still not a paying subscriber, I want to change that soon once money comes in or crypto goes up. Best xxx

    1. Thank you. The New Moon opposes your Sun so you may want to give it a day or two before you launch into your next plan. At the moment, you are heading towards a spiritual path in 2021, 2022 and powerfully from 2023, when the spirit or soul will matter so much more to you, than other things which matter now. Of course you need a budget that works and you will get away with the so-called impossible or outrageous, from late March to late April 2021. The reason you are going back and forth with money now is Mars Retrograde in Aries in your Second House of cash flow. That is over January 2021.

  106. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you….Really enjoyed the New Moon in Virgo Zoom. I have a few late degree planets. Auspicious as my natal moon is 25 Virgo in 3rd house…. Sun is 25 Aqu conjunct Chiron 27 Aqu in 8th. Mars and Venus 23 Cap…Jupiter 27 Sag…. am a Premium Member so I guess you can see my chart. Have been wanting to find and buy a new apartment over the last couple of years but that has been stalled and my long term self-employed working life has declined and been in fits and starts….any insight for what is happening over the next 6-12 months would be appreciated. Thank you. Cheers. Cheryl

    1. Thank you for coming to our Australia-Britain event just now, Cheryl. You’re looking for an apartment and your business is stop-start. This sounds like Cancer-Capricorn to me, and Fourth House-Tenth House. You have Capricorn factors at 14 through 29, which means not only is your career (Tenth House, Capricorn) under pressure, every time the Moon in Cancer appears in your Fourth House of property, it is immediately opposed. You will see a huge shift at Christmas when Saturn and Jupiter leave Capricorn. You have bought into a system or structure and it’s coming apart. So it’s not you, it’s actually the whole field, industry or business sphere and the way it works (or does not work). You gain from one or more groups in 2021 with Jupiter in Aquarius so a wild clue about a very different, happier sort of future will involve friends who are part of a circle, society, club, team and so on – and it will be really obvious to you in February 2021.

  107. Thank you Jessica and Alicia, so very appreciative of your time, knowledge and generosity. Love the zoom sessions. Namaste MJ

  108. Amazing session Jessica, thank you. Now that I know the 26 degrees are also affected (in a slightly different way), I’m keen to understand the influence of this new moon on my nodes (south 26 cancer and north 26 capricorn). You already mentioned the massive power changes related to Capricorn, so will cancer be radical changes on the home front? Also, my late degree Virgo in Pluto (29) I assume could be majorly transformative? Thanks again. Ps. I love it when you are visited by spirit at the live events. Maybe you could do a session on helping us better connect with our own?

    1. Thank you. My spirit guides were also excited to be there. Open minds are great because of course communication flows. You have the Cancer-Capricorn Node position which will change the way you live and work well into 2021. There is some karma here going back in 19 year cycles, so in many ways the currents of the past propel you. You may have your plans, but you are also being taken back to places, situations, people, memories, themes which require closure and settlement. Sometimes people are forced to move on this cycle but end up nearer their family, or they are taken back to a town where they lived many years before. There can also be karma with career, so particular companies or people act out themes from 19 years ago or 19 years before that. You will reshape your existence by 2022 but also be taken back to the past in a really obvious way. It’s rather like Charles Ryder in Brideshead Revisited. ‘I had been there before. I knew all about it.’ Your very late Pluto at 29 Virgo will be trined by transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn in the year 2023 which is the biggest lifestyle and workload change in years. You will be offered control then. Rather like Jeeves you will realise that serving Wooster is actually like being his boss. Thematically, anyway!

  109. Jessica Adams
    September 17, 2020 at 5:19 pm | Reply
    You have a very earthy chart with Capricorn and Virgo, and these are the work and career signs. The key to this New Moon is to do more with what you have already achieved. Old patterns of over-working or over-thinking, even trying too hard, may not be necessary. Rather than habitually doing what you always do, remember that you could be using an approach that was made up to suit the times – years ago. Not now. If you are still living mentally in the past with work and career, now is the time to look (really look) at what is actually going on in your chosen field, and perhaps another you are interested in. This is more than adapting, it is pursuing something radically different for 2021.

    Thank you for this insight Jessica. When you address the chosen field or perhaps another one, are you talking about a change in career direction? Doing consulting in the field I retired from. Any additional insight is appreciated.

    1. You could easily become interested in a second field to the one you know so well and have mastered/now consult in. Uranus at 12 Taurus in June 2021 may well surprise you with the last thing/situation/person/company you expected to see, and it would get you thinking about alternatives.

  110. Good evening Jessica,
    I hope I’m not too late for a Q.

    I’m a premium member -Scorpio, who feels more like a Sag. Looking to leave Melbourne, for either Spain or England sometime in October/ November. What are your thoughts in so far as which country looks best for me, and the countries economy in 2021? Wondering which currency is best to purchase too. Hoping to finally find a home after too many years tooing and frowing – time to end the peripatetic lifestyle which feels was enforced . What will this new moon have me do?
    Best wishes – Kim

    1. Just another note to add to this – currency will swing wildly until 2026 but extremely so in 2021 so be aware that you will have to make your choice and stick with it, or end up constantly changing, to meet change. Uranus in Taurus is literally ‘shock economy’ but also ‘upturned economy’ so we are in uncertain times.

  111. Hi Jessica, enjoyed the Virgo new moon event tonight, thank you. My Gemini son has followed his Pisces partner Alice down the rabbit’s hole since the birth of their son in April I no longer know him there is discord and sadness in our family since the fall out, is there anything in my chart showing happier time for the family in the near future. I have Sun 14 Cap, Asc 24 Cancer, Mars 24 Scop, Cupido 25 Cancer. Thank you

    1. I am sorry about your son and his Pisces partner. There is karma for her, with you, and in fact with your whole family. This goes back into past lives and some of it is just unavoidable, yet it ends in January 2022. You two have known each other before. Alice could have played any number of roles with you in a prior incarnation but it may explain why very, very small things have packed such a huge emotional wallop for you. The situation will hugely ease when Mars moves out of Aries, so we are talking the first week of January 2021. From that point forward the anger goes and so does the endless repetition. The karma can be settled and balanced more easily then, and as I said, it’s out of your hair from January 2022. The son is in and out of your life to 2026 in the most unpredictable ways, and there may be another child, either for your son, or coming from quite a different part of your world. A niece or godson for example. This can and does get better but you have been dealing with this very, very heavy Saturn and Pluto opposition to Cupido at 25 Cancer in your Fourth House of family. Cupido (Cupid) was of course the son of Venus and he was caught in a rift between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Strange but true.

  112. Thank you for your insight on Venus in 7th house. I turned 36 today and yes I have noticed Venusian patterns in life. Thanks to you it does not seem eerie anymore and it seems familiar. I am currently considering two men. One is dashing, somewhat violent (Mars?) yet has a very tight and certainly complicated relationship with his mother. To complicate matters, he is a very special Oct 29 born Scorpio with strong takeover tendencies. The other suitor is an older man I recently met who’s had a hip injury (thinking Vulcan, are you?). He is very affectionate, appears to make mature well-thought decisions in life. I hope to pick one of these two but yes, not rushing into it 🙂

    Again, I thank you a ton for your insights. Your words have helped me avoid many a crying nights. Lots of love for you 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. Okay, so you have two men to choose from. You will choose the one (or even choose a third one) in October who is a total departure from the real world. This is rather like being cushioned against the reality that other people experience, as the love jungle can be so tough. Yet for you in October, you have a lovely bubble to step into and seal yourself inside. There is no other way of describing it. If your older man provides that experience, that is where you will step on board. The other clue is children. Either a good father, or someone who could bring children into your life. I feel there are more than two choices but it is up to you. The cycle ends at Christmas so don’t muck around!

  113. Jessica!
    I don’t know what I am more happy about- seeing you in person or receiving a reading from you (Queen of Pentacles). Want to thank you again for all that you do for your readers. I have received so many insights from you since 2015. Also feeling so calm and relaxed after the event. Was going through a catharsis since august. Take care!

    1. Thank you so much. I am glad the Reiki worked for you. The Queen of Coins is such an interesting woman. Read her heart and mind and she will appreciate it, as so many people never get past the money.

  114. Hi Jessica, i am so excited for todays event. Thank you for the opportunity and thanks to evetyone in your team for organization. Any insight on the impact on my chart is highly appreciated.

    See you shortly,


    1. Thank so much Aylin. You are a Sun Libra with a Leo chart signature so 2021 is about babies, children, teenagers or Millennials for you. This may be personal (you become a mother or godmother) or purely professional (you teach younger people or mentor them in some way). You will feel the bump at Christmas and realise 2021 is full of big, brilliant bright new hopes for the future. Sometimes people fall in love with divorced parents on this cycle so a stepchild comes on the scene. In other cases, they accept unpaid or paid positions which appeal to, and involve, those young enough to be their own children.

  115. Hi Jessica
    Just sending you good luck and blessings.
    Thanks for all you help over the past year.
    God bless.

  116. hi jessica
    virgo sun at 4 , Jupiter 24 in cancer, chiron 24 in pisces and ceres 24 in gemini .
    I have the chance to get back into music , in a different position but im thrilled at the possibilities that could come out of this.
    thank you !
    so excited about the new moon event tonight!!!

    1. This is an interesting pattern at 24 Gemini, Cancer and Pisces. What you were offered or what was revealed on that New Moon is part of your long-term future and if you made some moves on Thursday, Friday, you planted the seeds for future growth. If the music involves you writing lyrics or singing them, then this augurs well as Gemini rules language and words, images and ideas. Pisces is about your soul or spirit. Cancer is about your family, household, town, home and country. Ceres at 24 Gemini has just been crossed by the North Node of karma at 24 Gemini so if your musical career is very much about writing or singing, then you are being taken back to the years 2001 and 1982 to collect karma or past life credits and rewards.

  117. Hello! So glad to be a part of this meetup tonight. Glad the last one was successful!
    My question is: I have 26 Mars in Virgo; 26 Minerva in Aquarius and 26 Pluto in Libra.
    What kind of new beginning am I conceiving here that you may see in these aspects of my charts? I’ve recently (about a few Weeks ago) Started a new diet and exercise regimient with a new friend, a nice Cap sun girl I met earlier in the summer. My job is going great, and I may be in line for a better and higher salaried position in December : January (depends on the bosses daughter- she’s also vying for it). Those things are very sixth and eleventh house-y type things and they are tied into my chart I believe. But Pluto in the 7th house semi sextile Virgo confuses me. I am hoping (well lets be honest) beyond hoping that a new relationship is on the horizon, as I think my Situationship with the Pisces Man is over (I’d take him back, frankly) .
    Send help!
    Love and blessings your way!

    1. Thank you so much Melly. You are a natural astrologer; life is encouraging you to figure out your chart so it’s great training. The best psychics in the 21st century are also astrologers and vice-versa. Nobody wants robot computer apps, do they? So, you have this unusual 26 degree pattern involving work, unpaid work and your mental and physical health. It reaches across to groups and friends. And back to former, current or potential partners. You may be promoted by January if your boss’s daughter does not get the job. You broke up with a Pisces but are not over him. As your Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House of former boyfriends and future boyfriends is under pressure from squares from Jupiter, Saturn and Mars Retrograde until the first week of January, to get back together with him would be an army obstacle course with tunnels to crawl through and rope ladders to climb. Do you really, really want him? You will be thrilled to know that the second half of 2021 brings wonderful new opportunities through friends and groups, as Jupiter is conjunct Minerva, at Easter. These naturally lead to a new relationship if you want it, or perhaps the return of Mr. Pisces. There is a second episode in August and a third at Christmas 2021. So it’s a long and winding, fascinating and unforgettable road both with these friends, but also with your former or future partner. More immediately, you are in a spectacular position with work, as Jupiter at 26 Capricorn trines your Mars and triggers the rest of your chart in the first week of December. You will get this gig or a superior one. In fact with this chart you may want to quietly apply for all sorts of offers, opportunities and options.

  118. Recently I was given a decision in an administrative hearing that was not in my favor. The so called evidence was circumstantial and inconclusive (even according to other attorneys) and I feel the judge was always distracted and not really paying attention. My attorney was lackluster and unprepared even though I gave him tons of evidence contradicting all of the bogus l accusations. I am currently appealing the decision and have spoken to several other attorneys and really pressed the ones I have now including notifying partners in the practice and unfortunately am stuck with the attorneys that I currently have for numerous reasons but I have sought out advice from others in the field. The attorneys I have are aware and seem to be responding more responsibly as I have been relentless with them. What is routine and just another thing for them is life altering for me. I requested that I review the appeal with another more experienced attorney that I have also consulted with. The paperwork will arrive this afternoon and I will review and it needs to be sent out on either Friday or Monday (nothing like getting it done at the eleventh hour). Although I am happy to break the ties with the other side forever regardless, it could possibly cost me a ton of money in penalties. I am hoping that I get a favorable appeal but will still break the ties when this is over regardless of the decision. I want to release the grip no matter. I am just hoping that there won’t be much more bloodshed on my part. This tie has held me back in a lot of ways and I can clearly see that now. Can you see anything significant in my chart of some kind of huge debt or further issues with this down the road as the appeal could take months.

    1. This sounds stressful to go through and I am sorry you are being stretched like this with your attorney and the accusations. You have of course been going through oppositions from Pluto and Saturn to your natal Sun. Very, very hard to go through and you have done extremely well to get this far. You also have Mercury at 24 Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn is opposing that into January 2021. Oppositions in your chart usually turn up as opponents in real life and you have this transit until November 2021 so I need you to be aware of it. Mercury describes how you speak and write. Pluto opposite in Capricorn is the big, powerful man at the top who blocks you from talking or putting things in writing; being heard or read. This cycle can only occur every 248 years. My concern is that it is worth it to you. I am going to use the Tarot here to give a second opinion. Okay, so you have the Ace of Cups which is a spectacular new beginning, emotionally. Nothing to do with attorneys, partners in the practice, paperwork, money, penalties, appeals, broken ties and the rest. So turn your gaze. What we have here is a solid gold new spiritual or religious relationship, which is blessed, by a higher power. You sometimes see this with a purely asexual, soulful bond which appears like a gift. I knew a woman who forged a solid gold connection with an entire branch of the Roman Catholic church! It can turn up when a baby is Christened. The other side of this story is the group. You will join or rejoin a group in 2021 which offers the relief and release you need after a very, very tough time. It may be a yoga or meditation group; a therapy group; a netball team; a rock band. I have no idea what spells escapism to you, but it is on offer. You have to reach for it and make it real. It will take you away from this other matter and into a totally different realm, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically. The timing is just before Christmas, and throughout all of 2021. In your chart this is clearly shown by Saturn at 21 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of groups, being crossed by Jupiter with all his solutions, remedies and sweeping opportunities, next year. The Ace of Cups is often seen as ‘her cup runneth over’ and this is coming if you want it. With the rest, for heaven’s sake get some perspective on it by deep-diving into friendship and people power within this very supportive group and see if your first impulse or reaction, back earlier on in 2020 when you were going through the worst of this cycle, is still making sense to you next year!

  119. Hello Jessica and thank you for every amazing interpretation you offer!
    So appreciated especially in these times we are experiencing. I am a premium member so my chart is uniquely detailed. I have 9 factors in Capricorn and I see Minerva at 25th degree in Capricorn .Funny because tonight I had a dream of my beloved father (who has passed away) and a blossomed tree (house of the owl). I was standing under the tree and he was explaining something to me. I feel the sacred owl and the wisdom are activated to my benefit but I do not know in which way.
    I am really trying to leave my past behind including my former boyfriend, Taurus with Sun in 25th degree and Saturn in Capricorn in 25th and I would really like to know when will my love future improve and with whom. Recently a Sagittarius colleague (with his Sun in exact conjunction with my Moon) expressed his interest in me but I think the square from Neptune to my Uranus and Moon in Sagittarius will only confuse me more, (I am already having difficulties in verbally connecting with people but at least my yoga practices are meditative rewarding).
    Please can you look at my chart and offer your guidance for the coming months?
    Thanks so much for everything you and your team do for us.

    1. You have Minerva at 26 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, achievement, ambition and status. You are a natural academic, teacher, mentor or guide and have tremendous wisdom about traditional institutions and organisations, from large corporations to government departments. Your dream was important as the owl was in the tree to talk to you, and your father was there to explain. Try to get that back in future dreams. Tell yourself that you want to return. Next time write it down. You are also asking about love. The answer is babies, children, teenagers or younger adults. This matters more to you by 2026 than a partner. Expect the unexpected but it is a radically different, very new, exhilarating and exciting pathway as a parent or substitute parent, that will guide your heart in romance.

  120. Hi Jessica, thank you for your insight it is greatly appreciated. I have a Cancer sun at 5 degrees, Libra moon at 20 degrees, MC at 18 degrees Virgo , Desc at 27 degrees Taurus and Aesculapia at 28 degrees Taurus. Will this new moon bring anything new with work and work life balance for myself? Also, will Covid ever go away as a threat or do we learn to live with it and adapt accordingly? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. You are interested in work so we go to Capricorn and Virgo in your chart, which rules the Tenth House of highest achievement and the Sixth House of dutiful work. There is not a huge amount going on there, but the Sagittarius-Gemini axis of your chart (study, higher learning) is triggered in patterns not possible in 19 years, now and also in 2021. In fact right up until January 2022 you will be collecting past karma from 2001 and 1982, and also past lives, with a huge exchange of knowledge, ideas, discussion and debate – either formal or informal learning and teaching – probably online. It would involve a karmic connection to a foreign country and its people. On the subject of COVID-19 it arrived in the same cycle as HIV-AIDS and here we are. No cure. I think it’s fair to say that COVID-19 is not the only mutating virus in town, beyond 2026, when Uranus goes into Gemini and opposes the Sagittarius node and planet placements of billions, who were born into globalisation, travel, emigration and tourism culture. That’s a big clash and push back in all those charts so you’d have to suspect COVID-19 mutates again from that point, or we see another virus which wants to leap onto all those trains, cruise ships and planes. Either way we have a remodelled, reshaped world and the future is local. It will save the planet and stop the climate emergency. The universe has its own agenda!

  121. Looking forward to the New Moon session tonight! The new moon is right next to my natal Pluto is at Virgo 26 degrees (loosely conjunct my south node at 20 Virgo). My natal Mars 25 Cap will be trine this new moon. And, my natal Mars in that Cap line up is highly activated right now! Hope this new moon provides some relief! Thanks, Debbie

    1. Thank you, Debbie. Okay, so you have a trine from Pluto at 26 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, mental and physical health, unpaid work and housework. It goes to Mars at 25 degrees in your Tenth House of status, position, success and ambition. You can do anything if you put your shoulder to the wheel and you can be quite obsessive, actually. Very driven. You move mountains. This is a clear indication of a brand new project, role or course between now and the first half of 2021 which would see transits from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto himself triggering your commitment to serving others and dutifully pursuing those perfect results for them. At the same time you are highly competitive and fiercely driven and wish to come first or be first. You will achieve this when Jupiter goes to 25, 26 Capricorn in the second half of November and first half of December 2020. What you lay the foundations for then will be a springboard to a further achievement when Pluto transits 25, 26 Capricorn in 2021. Just be careful about letting something or someone take over your life to the point where you lose your sense of perspective and proportion. Mars-Pluto can also be as ruthless as Margaret Thatcher and Genghis Kahn. Be aware of that. Awareness is all in astrology.

  122. Hi Jessica,
    I have Vesta in Leo at 25 degrees but a lot of other factors close to 25 degrees and ASC in 27 Virgo. Do factors in +\- 2 degrees get affected? How does this new moon affect me?
    Thank you for you help.

    1. The New Moon at 25 Virgo has passed, so what you were shown and thrown over that 1-2 day period will affect your lifestyle, workload, daily routine, housework, wellbeing, physical and mental health for many months to come. Vesta in Leo was also aspected, exactly, which describes a situation involving sexual relationships, babies, children, teenagers or Millennials – and an overload of females to males. Whatever that means to you, there is a profound beginning there, perhaps even a conception, and it will develop in stages into early 2021.

  123. Kim
    Premium member
    Sun 25 – Scorpio
    Moon 25 – Aries
    Minerva 25 – Gemini
    Bacchus 25 – Libra
    Hi Jessica, would you please shed light on my options? I’m currently in Aus, hoping for redundancy so I can relocate to England or Spain, in October/November – I was offered a job in England back in April, but delayed – unsure if the job is still an option. If not, I’m thinking I’ll take up my residency in Spain, where work could be an issue – thoughts please. Also, on currency transfers – GBP or EU which economy will be best?
    In case you get to my question – many thanks in advance. You’re an inspiration.

    1. Thank you. Okay, so you have not only the New Moon just passed at 25 Virgo, but also Saturn at 25 Capricorn, and eventually Jupiter at 25 Capricorn as well, so you are between a rock and a hard place in terms of choices. Neither England or Spain is perfect and you are not sure if you will get the money from redundancy, or get the job offer back from April. You will have a lot more options if you can wait until Jupiter changes signs on December 20th, 2020 and even though there is still no perfect solution, you would at least have much, much better choices about a house, apartment, town or country to call your own (you will have to marry it) in 2021. If you are travelling or moving in the second half of January and February, though, do be aware of the potential for delays, changes or u-turns with your plans to relocate or renovate. Very close to February 11th 2021 you get the green light with where to live (and where to belong) but just allow for some fiddling around with the process until you’re past the first half of March.

  124. Thanks Jessica for your reply,! I think I won’t be able to launch the course by end of Nov. When will be the next good time for meYou mentioned that when Pluto is at 25 Capricon, Aries (I am a Sun 0 Aries), which is around the last week of January, this can take Aries to the next professional level. So, I gather, the last week of January will be the next good time? As I have Jupiter at 27 Taurus, which is closer enough to 25? Thanks Jessica! I am just quite nervous about this new online venture as I‘ve never done this before! Just hope that I pick the right time and give myself enough time to prepare (Nov is a bit too soon for me).

    1. Don’t be nervous, do use the astrology. No tremendous rush here. The 13th January is a New Moon in Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, ambition and achievement. The New Moon falls at 23 Capricorn and is very close to a conjunction with Pluto at 24 Capricorn. At this point there will be plenty of resignations, promotions, appointments, reshuffles around you in the wider world, so if your online venture can help those people, it will do well. You have a pattern at 24 degrees which is very close. If you launched on Wednesday 13th it would be intense, powerful, challenging but also empowering. Fortuna is at 24 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance, business, property. It is very tied to your former, current or potential partner then – but Fortuna always takes you higher in the end. If you don’t want to use that New Moon you could go forward, past Mercury Retrograde (which you do not want for the internet) into the second half of March, when the Sun goes into Aries, good for personal branding and self-promotion. Mercury races through Aries from April 5th to 19th, also in your First House of self-promotion, so if you are the name or face of your business, that would be ideal, with a New Moon at 22 Aries on April 12th, which does not aspect your chart, but is still a good green light for an Aries entepreneur.

  125. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for a wonderful time on Sep 17 Virgo New Moon event. I signed up, I enjoyed all the great information and
    knowledge you bring forth.
    I had trouble posting my question both times I tried. So I am not sure it even went through. This is why I am reaching out again.
    Thinking of going back to school, although money is tight I feel it will enhance my career as a medical massage therapist. Also, my dating/love life is next to non existent.
    Any thoughts on my career path, and love life ?

    I advice or insights please regarding this new moon ?

    1. A little bit more information to work with here – medical massage therapist is the key. This is pure Virgo, so we look to your Sixth House (dating and love has nothing to do with this New Moon, though). The North Node at 25 Virgo shows past lives spent as a doctor, nurse, perhaps a masseur, naturopath, healer, surgeon and so on. Your New Moon cycle just passed that, exactly, so you will be returned to the years 2001 and 1982 karmically but also way, way back into past lives. This is a new beginning for you tied to prior karma and you have some closure to achieve; some rewards to collect; some kind of settling up with others. This works both ways so it is not just about you massaging people, it is about you being healed as well. Two-way street. The big clues were there in the last two days.

  126. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for a wonderful time on Sep 17 Virgo New Moon event. I signed up, I enjoyed all the great information and
    knowledge you bring forth.
    I had trouble posting my question both times I tried. So I am not sure it even went through. This is why I am reaching out again.

    Any thoughts on my career path, and love life ?
    Thank you so very much

    I advice or insights please regarding this new moon ?

    1. Career and love, two huge areas. There is karma going back to 1982 or 2001 involving a child or pregnancy. The cycle needs to repeat thematically and symbolically and you gain final closure in January 2022. This lays the foundations for a revolution in your relationships from the year 2026 which will take your parenting or substitute parenting in a radical and exhilarating new direction. Career? Allow for backwards-forwards paperwork, negotiation and plans in October, November and have Plan B and C up your sleeve. The toughest work cycle in many years eases up hugely from November and is largely a downhill slope from Christmas 2020.

  127. Thank you so much Alicia and Jessica, it was great joining you from Houston, Texas via zoom today. It was my first zoom get together ever. Hopefully I will learn to master the camera and chat until next time. Nice way to connect with a group. I learn so much from your website and It is reassuring to have a road/weather map to understand what is unfolding next. You have really helped me go through the last few years. A total transformation that has change my life forever.Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Looking forward to your next event!

    1. Thanks so much, that is a lovely comment to read. I will pass it on to the marvellous Alicia Fulton of Bondi Beach. See you online in November, in Houston via Sydney.

  128. Hey Jessica,
    I have some factors clise to 25 degrees. I am concerned about my health (trying to lose weight in a natural and healthy way), which does not seem to be working very well. Also, I am trying to setup a permanent income source ( may be international market, I am a Canadian, trying to get hold of some work from US on TN visa and working from home, specifically India, my home country). I want to go back and settle there. Would I be successful in both these ventures? What are the important dates for me?

    1. Pluto at 26 Libra and the Nodes at 24 Gemini-Sagittarius are the key here. The issue with being overweight is your sexual relationship with a former, current or potential partner. So it’s past, present or possible future. The New Moon at 26 Virgo semi-sextiles Pluto in Libra in your Seventh House which is your need to control marriage or partnership. To dominate it actually. Being fat means sex is difficult! So look at your body in terms of that, first of all, for clues. It may help you unlock why you are overweight in the first place. Astrology tells it like it is. Work? The Nodes are in your zones of visas, emigration and passports and you are trying to return to India. Start the process now and assume it will not be rapid or overnight – these nodes take until January 2022 to cycle out of their loop. If you do emigrate during the Nodal Return (what you are going through is karmic) you will be committing – marrying – the place you move to.

  129. Hi Jessica,
    I tried to join premium membership but there is some issues with the paypal account while trying my debit/credit cards to pay for the subscription. I will look into this matter later as I have an interview coming up tomorrow for a role which does not align with my work experience. Very much worried how it will proceed.
    My questions regarding the new moon 1) If its going to change or affect my married/family life how ?
    2) How soon will I get a new job in Jamshedpur, India.
    3) How this new moon will affect the other areas in my birth chart ?

    Thank you,
    Kamini Balsara

    Kamini Sharma (female)
    born on 19 October 1979 local time: 3:32 pm
    in Jamshedpur, INDIA U.T.: 10:02
    86e11, 22n48 sid. time: 17:35:53

    Planetary positions
    planet sign degree motion
    Sun Libra 25°25’18 in house 7 direct
    Moon Libra 6°38’15 in house 7 direct
    Mercury Scorpio 17°18’13 in house 8 direct
    Venus Scorpio 9°58’37 in house 8 direct
    Mars Leo 14°06’42 in house 5 direct
    Jupiter Virgo 3°41’28 in house 6 direct
    Saturn Virgo 21°57’00 in house 6 direct
    Uranus Scorpio 19°43’43 in house 8 direct
    Neptune Sagittarius 18°23’01 in house 9 direct
    Pluto Libra 19°23’18 in house 7 direct
    True Node Virgo 7°39’58 in house 6 retrograde

    1. Thank you for repeating the question from Meetups. It arrived too late for the event which is why I’ve asked you to repeat here. The New Moon at 25 Virgo was semi-sextile your Sun at 25 Libra so the spotlight goes on your former, current or potential partner. Nothing to do with a job interview unless your husband or wife is your boss! There are no other aspects at 25 degrees you are showing me, so although you are worried about work, work is not the story. It is firmly your former, current or potential partner (in love or business) and you will go backwards and forwards with/through this person in October as Mercury retrogrades in Libra and your Seventh House of duets. You will ultimately come out of this period with a fresh path and new direction with he or she who matters so much.

  130. Jessica ! wow !!! you are amazing and spot on my friend!
    I would be writting lyrics and adding backing vocals . The arthritis has made it much to hard to play bass any longer.
    2001 we were the only all female punk band in my area.
    Being all girls , we got the attention, made good money but zero respect as musicians.
    Thank you for giving me great hope , music heals !
    much love to you

    1. It’s great you are writing lyrics. There is a major story here about your hands. Arthritis is sometimes the body’s way of forcing the mind to do something different. I am sorry you are going through it, but quite clearly as a singer and writer you will be using your Gemini traits. Bass doesn’t really talk (unless you are in The Who and your name is Entwistle.) Later on when Uranus goes into Gemini from 2026 your punk instincts will take you higher.

  131. Jessica, thank you and Alicia so much for last evenings New Moon Meetup. Your crystal reading gave me chills, but really strange, as it was a like a whole body hug, which I have never experienced before, so thank you! Your discussion in regards to the last degrees of any sign being impacted to December was so interesting as I feel you were excited just speaking about what is to come with Jupiter and Saturn moving on from Capricorn by Christmas. I have a number of late degree aspects that I am hoping will help to shore up my job in HR, (or something new, not just sure what yet), as well as my whole lifestyle which has been lackluster for years! Thank you Jessica, I cherish the premium membership you offer, it’s priceless to me for all that you offer. Blessings to you and your team.

    1. Thank you so much. I will pass this on to Alicia Fulton who is starting her day on Bondi Beach. And thanks so much for being a Premium Member, I will pass on that compliment to James, Jodi, Justin and Kerry. The chills are really good news, as distance healing (Reiki) works on the aura and your energy field often registers the work as a drop in temperature, or a tingling sensation. A whole body hug is something I haven’t heard about before, but that sounds quite powerful. Your late degree aspects at 26, 27, 28 give you a distinct ‘beginning of the end’ in September-December 2020 as you break up with the past. This is your choice to do so, but you will also be forced to do so, likely because of the ripple effect of the pandemic. The late degree transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto – but also the late degree transits of Mars Retrograde – suggest the ending of particular arrangements, agreements or situations which have gone way past their use-by date. Don’t look back, as Oasis said. Next year, 2021, finds Jupiter with all his open doors, solutions, opportunities and advantages also moving across the later degrees of Aquarius in April 2021 so Easter is extremely rewarding and so is May. You are given new replacements for what you lost or gave up. It happens again in August, September and one more time in December. Jupiter’s slow retrograde over the late degrees 26, 27, 28 suggests a three-step process. Thematically or symbolically, what you parted with in 2020 is substituted with something or someone totally different – but you will quickly see that you are gaining so much more.

  132. Dear Jessica and Alicia,
    Thank you for the awesome hour with you online on September 17th. The warmth and connection could be felt as though we were in a room. Thank you for all your incredible powers to help and guide us with your insights which you deliver so calmly yet so convincingly. Looking forward to November 22nd. With gratitude!

  133. Thank you for your time to reply. I thought this new moon is about health but, OK. Understood. Will try spread a word for now anyway. Thanks for your exciting astrological engagement. xx

  134. This is very generous of you Jessica, your insights for all. Truly.

    If I may please, ask for your insights. I am
    Aries 0 Sun (21 Mar 1978)
    14.05 Venus. 17.55 Mercury, South Node 5.54

    Taurus Minerva 10, Chiron 3, Bacchus 17.19

    Gemini Vulcan 5.45, Cupido 21, Jupiter 27.24, IC 26.33

    Cancer Mars 24

    Leo Apollo 13, Saturn 24.43, Moon 16.55, Proserpina 22.50

    Virgo Descendant 25.28, Ops 15.02, Panacea 14.53

    Scorpio Psyche 23, Uranus 16

    Sagittarius Diana 1, Vesta 15, Neptune 18, MC 26.33, Hygeia 27.24

    Capri Juno 26.01 , Ceres 15.07

    Aquarius Aesculpia 20 , Salacia 10, Fortuna 12.41

    I just have few factors at 25 / 26.

    I really didn’t do much on new moon, just drafting an academic email which is taking time. I have to complete it by tomorrow latest and send it off. My health became the focus. Some side chest pain that the meds are not working. Also some sudden complexion matters there since some time, that I have to clean up , but my doc’s not giving it priority. All this was in my head making me angry. :/

    But the email and one more academic email after this are the focus and time bound. If you have the time , kindly please, it’ll be good to get your insights. And thank you for all that you do.

    1. God is in the details on a Virgo New Moon. Your medication is not working. Your doctor is not making this a priority. You should make it a priority between now and the end of September. Chest pain requires a closer look. If you dislike your doctor get a second opinion.

  135. Dear Jessica,

    I attended the event last night and was blown away by your guidance to the attendees and you foresight regarding the election and upcoming months. It is a very important time for me in terms of career-inspiration and finances.

    Can you please give me an idea of what my chart suggests in this area?

    Virgo, September 5, 1961, 11:20pm, Albuquerque New Mexico.

    Much gratitude!

    1. Thank you Bobbi. You will be returned to the past professionally (2001-2003) in terms of what you owe others, karmically – and what they owe you. There has to be some kind of settling up or balancing, and this will take place slowly but surely in a stuck situation which repeats itself, until January 2022. If you have struck an odd situation with your paid work, unpaid work or course in 2020 it is because you are being guided to make amends, or make good, with a particular person or organisation – or guided to expect some kind of apology or attempt at karmic repair by them/him/her. It’s ongoing. 2021 is your most important work year in decades and you will see hope, opportunity and solutions at Christmas, with more developments in January, February and March 2021. Even if one situation goes backwards and gets stuck then, it will work out very well for you in the end, but do get things in writing and read the fine print. A professional relationship delivers around February 11th-12th so even if you are sent back to the drawing board by March, you will be rehearsing and reshaping something really fortunate. Money is really about what you can get away with, legally (of course, unless you are one half of Bonnie and Clyde) and you are now in a cycle where you find yourself stretching the parameters of what is possible or admissible, seeing where you can take things with the house, bank account, taxes, apartment, possessions or government allowance. It is hard to say more without a chart but that’s the gist of it.

  136. Hello Jessica!
    The event last night was truly expansive. I joined with my mom and we are both avid readers of your horoscopes.
    I am an Aries sun, Virgo rising, Scorpio moon, venus in pisces and saturn in aquarius (I’m 28).
    I’ve had a lot of change (much like everyone else this past year) including a major move, career transitions and after the dark days I am feeling the momentum and the buzzing building within my spirit. I have have a knowing that the page is turning.
    My question is regarding romantic relationship. Do you have any insight into romantic projection in my chart? I had a major break up about 2 years ago now and have enjoyed being single but I’m very much ready to call in partnership and have been on that journey for some time now. Would love to have some advice and outlook from you.
    Best wishes and thank you boundlessly!
    another Jessica 🙂

    1. I am so pleased you and your mom could join us, Jessica. I will pass this on to Alicia Fulton, our host. You want a partner. You actually need full recovery from the dark days and all that you have survived, before you can move into potential parenthood (which is what this is all about). I said potential, because it’s a promise, but it’s there – a very special mother-child relationship. The recovery is about sleep. It is about healing. It is about dreaming. It is about a kind of resurrection, because you have been affected body and soul by 2020. It’s really a rebirth for you, so that you can rise again from the image of who you used to be, and where you once were. It takes time. But it’s absolutely required.

  137. Jessica,

    Thank you so much for both the wonderful meetup Friday and the very comprehensive reply to my question above, which is most helpful and settling. You hit the nail on the spot – I’ve been feeling at sea, which country would best work for me and as you said, ‘neither England or Spain is perfect’, as my preference would be France or Scotland – I shall eagerly await what December presents. Again, many thanks, Jessica.

    1. Thank you so much for confirming the prediction at our Meetup for this New Moon in Virgo. I have drawn The Fool Tarot card for you. Go to Google Images, type in Smith Waite Tarot and The Fool, and put it on your desktop. You are moving. Are these snowy mountains Scotland or France? That isn’t clear. The little dog is always a reminder to listen to warnings or notes of caution. Nothing and nobody is going to stop you from setting off with your bags packed, as it makes your heart sing to be on this kind of adventure. Yet – there are sensible routes and risky routes. The little white dog is of course at 10 Downing Street in the real world. There is some small but persistent piece of advice coming from PM Johnson just as you are about to set off, and you should listen. There are so many options open to you, please don’t make mistakes. Watch where you are going and you can have it all.

  138. Dear Jessica

    I am such a fan, and have been for a while and read your blogs with great interest very day. I have shared what I have learned from you with others, as I have admired how accurate you have been in your predictions – especially with Brexit and Covid-19. I wished I could have joined your live event but it was not possible for me. I have seen how you help so many people in their lives over the years, and how grateful they are for your help.
    I sincerely hope you can offer some help and guidance to me as I feel like I am at a crossroads in my life in relation to my job/ taking early retirement and moving home.
    I cannot decide whether to take action next year or wait until the year after….
    I really would appreciate it if you can offer any help and guidance on this as its such a life changing decision to make. Is the new moon calling me to decide and take action now?

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate this note from you. You have a crossroads with your job, early retirement and moving home. You are not sure if 2021 is the year for that, or 2022. I will use the Tarot for you, and I suggest you also draw a Tarot card from my website for a second opinion. Here we have the Knight of Wands. Do download this card on Google Images. Type in ‘Smith Waite Tarot’ and ‘Knight of Wands’ and slide it onto your desktop so you can really get a good idea of this card. The first thing to say is, this is a Sagittarius symbol. Horse and rider. You were born with Saturn at 9 Sagittarius in the Ninth House, which rules foreign people and places, regional differences, academia and education, publishing and the worldwide web. Proserpina 7, Bacchus 25, Diana 17 Sagittarius make this a stellium or unusually high count of Sagittarius factors. You are experiencing the transit of the South Node of karma, past lives and repeated cycles in Sagittarius, and the South Node is currently at 23 Sagittarius as you near the end of September 2020, so you have already had quite a self-indulgent, enjoyable, rather hedonistic time with foreign people and places, or regional differences and spaces. Perhaps the web, education or the book world was involved.On this cycle you also get taken back to the past, so February 2002 had a part to play. As the South Node moves forwards to conjunct Diana at 17 Sagittarius (she is a symbol of the need for freedom, independence, space and exploration) I think it will be hard to stop yourself wanting a new residence elsewhere. That happens in February 2021. Eventually the South Node goes to 7 Sagittarius to meet Proserpina in August 2021 so all the signs are pointing to a quest for the right place in 2021. There are a few things about the Knight of Wands to pay attention to. Not only is this a Sagittarius symbol writ large, it also shows someone who has an idea, project or plan to plant. This is the wand, or tree branch, which symbolises what is on paper (paper is made from trees) or what might grow with the right setting. Where you are now is quite wrong. This is not fertile soil. So yes, you do need to shift yourself and the brainwave or proposal. Can I suggest that rather than blindly racing off, you spend a fair bit of time working on yourself/with yourself with full vision? The knight is blindly unfocussed, you see. There’s a lot of fire here. A lot of heat and urgency. Sagittarius is a fire sign. Yet, this character would be much better off breaking the journey, sitting down and doing a bit of research, preparation and homework. Where will your plans and ideas thrive? Who has done this before you and succeeded? Who are you, really, and what do you truly want and need from the new place? Preparation is all. But 2021 is calling you.

  139. You said in your reply to me ‘don’t muck around’ and yet, how am I supposed to do that exactly. Only being funny – suddenly there are ALL THESE dating prospects and all are nice! I am spoilt for choice and I must settle down, get married, yada yada yada!

    I will, I promise to try wholeheartedly to NOT muck around!

    Lots of love for you!

  140. Hi,

    Im a Capricorn and I have mercury at 25 Capricorn in the 10th house , how is that going to affect me?


    1. Good question. You will go through reshuffles in your workplace or chosen field, in October, November or December and finish the year with new opportunities as Jupiter will make a conjunction to Mercury. There may be demotions, sackings or sideways moves; resignation or relegation. It’s rather like a football team in the F.A. Cup being moved down a division while another team goes up a division! This helps you. So much. Reham, if you see a job offer, award or promotion possibility do follow up, by Christmas. You also have Saturn going onto your Mercury which is rather serious and weighty but you can take the responsibility of the choice ahead.

  141. Dear Jessica,
    I hope you are well. Due to work commitments, I missed seeing you at the New Moon in Virgo event. I have Vesta at 25 Scorpio and several factors within one degree orb of 25. Could you please look into my chart for these issues that have been weighing me down quite heavily for the past 3-4 years:
    1) Career success and satisfaction: most jobs I have been at, start with a nice bang, however, maintaining a steady consistent relationship across the board has been an elusive issue. I have recently connected with a career coach who can hopefully help me see my blind spots. Is there something specific in my chart that dictates career relationships? If so, what can I do to work around it? Going forward, are there better career prospects with a firm where I could continue for at least 5+ years?
    2) Family life: separated, with divorce proceedings begun. Is reconciliation an option? If not, what chances do I have of meeting a decent partner and when? Finding a suitable partner and getting married the first time around was an enormous struggle as it is. I have zero factors in the seventh house.
    3) You sometimes mention Mars people and their energies. Am I one such person? If so, how do I channel this energy for the better?
    4) My goal and vision is to be financially independent. Is that a possibility?
    Much thanks!

    1. I am sorry you missed the event. You are concerned about your career, want to get back with your ex (or get married again), wonder if you are a Mars type and want financial independence. You are slowly coming out of one of the two hardest work cycles of your life, which began in December 2017, got worse in 2018 and 2019, and is slowly getting better in 2020. There are three solutions for you; one in October, another in November, a final one in December. From Christmas 2020 most of your problems with your career are over, either because they vanish, or because you no longer care. If you want to get back with your ex, then the chance will be there from Christmas 2020, into 2021, but it would be really hard for you in 2022 and a massive challenge from 2023. Think carefully before you do that. If you don’t reconcile, you will be given a potential date in 2021, but commitment really will mean Commitment with a capital C and be really challenging, so this has to be love, nothing else will do. Your Fifth House is about sexual relationships which lead to pregnancy and marriage which involves stepchildren and your Fifth House is under transit from December 2020, for many years. Are you a Mars person? Yes, there is an exact aspect with Saturn. Around aged two, on your first Mars Return, you had classic terrible toddler twos and were raised to push, and push. You may want to look up Mars-Saturn aspects to find out how not to be a toddler. Financial independence? You need two budgets and two income sources. One is not real and is a bubble. The other is real. This is the case until 2026. So one is random, unfocussed, an escape from reality, a relief and a release; a kind of other world budget. The second is sensible and will keep you out of trouble. Get a piggy bank if you do not already have one, and find a second income source if you don’t already have one!

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