Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


The Astrology Show – July 2020 – Meet the Quincunx

The aspects in astrology are all equally important. Meet the quincunx. Hard to say but it reveals the future in your horoscope.

All About the Quincunx

When I was learning astrology in my early twenties, I was taught that aspects (patterns) in an astrology chart were minor or major. Major aspects were the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. Everything else was minor.

The quincunx, when two horoscope factors are almost opposite, but not quite (not six signs away, but five signs away) were called minor.

Not So Minor

Actually, all aspects (patterns, shapes) are equally important. They are all parts of the astrological language. A quincunx shows you what is an awkward or uncomfortable truth. A difficult fit. It’s like a story that people know they have to hear but find it tricky to live with. Yet they can’t avoid it. It is the story of their lives.

VE Day and the Quincunx

I thought I’d show you the chart for VE (Victory in Europe) Day on May 7th, 1945. This is timed for 2.41am in Rheims when the signatures were final. An astonishing moment that people had waited since 1939 to see. You would hope for a chart that was full of drama, but the drama is led by a quincunx.

VE Day chart 600x333 - The Astrology Show - July 2020 - Meet the Quincunx

Jupiter at 17 Virgo is quincunx Venus at 17 Aries. Here we have a symbol of hope, release, relief, opportunity, growth, expansion, solutions and breakthroughs in the sign of Virgo – work, service and duty. Unpaid work and full-time study. Daily routine, lifestyle and health. Wellbeing and fitness. Food and drink.

VE Day was the end of gruelling life in the army, navy and air-force. It promised the end of rationing. There was already tremendous hope in Great Britain for a National Health Service.

Right opposite Venus in Aries, Jupiter made for an uncomfortable and awkward story about complicated relationships (Venus) within the army, navy and air force (Aries).

V.E. Day was a Jupiter in Virgo-Venus in Aries narrative about the difficult fit between the great news about the end of life in uniform for men and women in service – and the multi-layered courtships, flirtations, affairs and worse – which were a fact of life for those on active duty during the Second World War.

More Than One Quincunx

As historians know, the end of the war was the end of years of suffering and misery in Europe and the British in particular had been waiting (and asking astrologers) about it since 1939.

Yet, it wasn’t a simple knees-up. It was not a straightforward or easy resolution. There is more than one quincunx in this chart.

See if you can find it. You are looking for horoscope factors usually five signs apart (not six, as you find in a 180-degree opposition) and they will be at the same number or degree, but a total of 150 degrees apart.

If you really want to stretch yourself, take notes on the symbols you find, the signs they are in and the houses they occupy. Then cross-reference this with what historians tell you about that unforgettable day in 1945 and what it meant for millions of people. The astrology is specific, detailed and accurate.

The quincunx is uncomfortable to say and it feels like a tricky ‘fit’ in the astrological chart too. See if you can find one in your own horoscope.


Feature Image Credit: Photo by Goke Obasa via Unsplash

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12 Responses

  1. What my quincunx shows for me and what is an awkward or uncomfortable truth for me…
    Thank You for your feedback….
    Thank You for everything….


    1. Language. Never easy with two, even less with three, but it should be possible to improve two – while we have Gemini-Sagittarius weather until January 2022. Work it!

  2. Hi Jessica,

    This is fascinating. Unless I’ve made a mistake, I have four quincunxes in my chart.

    Mercury at 20 Aquarius q Panacea at 20 Virgo
    South Node at 17 Aquarius q Volcano at 17 Cancer
    Salacia at 17 Capricorn q North Node at 17 Leo
    Mars at 21 Capricorn q Moon at 21 Leo
    I can see the traits in my personality traits and the resulting internal struggles . It certainly aligns with some of the difficulties I have experienced.
    Wow. Thank you for opening my eyes to this. I love your passion and enthusiasm — the generous sharing of your knowledge.

    Much appreciated,



    1. Thank you Chrissie. Yes you have some exact quincunx patterns. The one you will notice most is Aquarius-Leo because now through 2021 and also from 2023 we have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius. You have karma with friends and groups you belong to or are affected by. You may want to clear all karmic debts and credits in 2021 when Jupiter is on your side. Who owes you? Whom do you owe? In what way, and how can it all be balanced?

  3. Dear Jessica, loved reading through this new post. Thanks for always bring the most interesting content!
    I’m in a bit of a cross roads in my career at the moment. I’m a Taurus Sun, Libra Moon, Virgo Rising (Vedic- Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo rising). I’m in my mid-20s, heading to study in America this autumn. I’m hoping to gain some clarity on which career path would be the best fit for me – I’m quite interested in intellectually challenging careers in the financial field like investing etc. Wondering if that would be a good career path for me? Also, being in South Asia at the moment, I’ll have to get visas etc to reach America, but there’s been some worrying visa rule changes, along with the COVID situation, hindering my process. Do you have any insights for me as to when and how this will clear up for me to finally go there.

    Love & light!

    1. Thank you. If you want to move from Asia to America you are out of step with the astrology as the tide is turning against travel and immigration, and also international study. Be really cautious about what you have signed up for. Read the fine print and be aware that we are in mutable sign weather, now. Things can change in the blink of an eye. You are going to America to study in Autumn but what about 2021 and 2022? Be sharply aware of how quickly things can alter and be completely aware of the hidden detail of agreements.

  4. Interesting. I have:

    Pluto Virgo 16 q Sun Aries 16
    Uranus Virgo 16 q Juno Aries 16
    Panacea 15 Gemini q Aesculapia Cap 15

    Would you share with me your thoughts on these combinations please?

    1. Your immunity is Queen and so is your self-protection in 2020, 2021, 2022. Governments all around the world are giving conflicting advice on COVID-19. Your ability to fact-check and research is also Queen. Use this to get through what will be the ongoing spread of a mutating virus – or viruses, plural. Be a realist about travel as well. Your Virgo side is good with knowledge gathering, so do use it to stay one step ahead. Take responsibility for your own good health.

  5. it seems I have Pluto and Neptune quincunx both Chiron and my AC. The story of my life, my issues with how I look like/ how others perceive me 🙁

  6. Hi jessica Minerva , Apollo ,North node Gemini quincunx moon , ops Scorpio .Can you please help me work this out .

    1. Sure. So you are strongly Gemini and will be involved in a big knowledge exchange in 2020, 2021, until January 2022 when the North Node in Gemini finally departs. What you learn, absorb, pick up will be circulated as you mentor, tutor, guide or actually teach. Sometimes this stuff is informal so you may be just sharing what you know in a casual, friendly way. It can also be professional in every way so we’re talking Oxford University online! You get quite absorbed by this idea of taking in information, processing it, and then channelling it out again. Later on when Uranus (massive change) comes along in Gemini in 2026, you are part of the revolution. I mentioned ‘many internets.’ You’ll be involved. By then you will have a second language, which is either foreign or perhaps HTML. It may be a code. It’s your second way of communicating.

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