Avebury Secrets
Avebury is the less famous stone circle after Stonehenge, even though they are within long walking distance.
As we approach the June Solstice, when the Sun appears to stand still in the zodiac sign of Cancer, what can Avebury tell you about your horoscope?
In the June edition of The Astrology Show, Sharon Knight (pictured, left) will talk about Avebury and what it means to her – and what it could mean for you.
Sharon Knight, M.A. holds the certificate and intermediate diploma from the Faculty of Astrology and the Horary Practitioner’s Diploma (QHP). She graduated in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University and in January 2016 was awarded Astrologer of the Year.
Sharon recently joined The Sun Sign School as a guest tutor. You can visit her website here.
She recorded this Astrology Show audio podcast in June 2020, ahead of the annual Midsummer Solstice at Avebury.
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The Making of the British Landscape
In his book The Making of the British Landscape (Penguin), Francis Pryor writes “Many sites have been discovered to have had solar, or, more rarely, lunar alignments. All manner of claims have been made for these observations, the most common being that they represent predictive calendars of some sort.
Today the consensus of opinion is that alignments were very significant and could be used to predict certain events, such as lunar eclipses, but that this was not their primary role. The main purpose of solar and lunar alignments probably had more to do with theatre, and a sort of astrology, than science or astronomy.”
The Avebury Circle – Moonwatching
The number of stones at Avebury shows a moon calendar, or lunar calculator. You can use the patterns at Avebury today, to track the Moon in your own horoscope. It’s the same at Stonehenge. In fact, both famous sets of stones have this in common. They are excellent prediction devices for the Moon’s eclipses, and so much more.
Aubrey and Moon Cycle Prediction
The amateur astrologer John Aubrey, after whom the Aubrey Holes at Stonehenge are named, also explored Avebury. John Aubrey was the client and friend of famous astrologers of the late 1600’s, like Elias Ashmole, who in turn knew William Lilly, the astrologer who had predicted The Great Fire of London in 1666. Another famous astrologer of the 17th century, Henry Coley (who had been William Lilly’s secretary) drew up John Aubrey’s personal birth chart.
Aubrey had no idea what he was discovering at Stonehenge when he found five holes. (The full 56 hole discovery would come after his death). Ironically, for someone who was fascinated by astrology, he missed the astrology ‘computer’ completely. Yet these 56 holes at Stonehenge, as Professor Sir Fred Hoyle proved, could have been used to foresee eclipses.
At Avebury things are different but still tied to the Moon. The stone circles line up. It takes 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds for the Moon to complete one lunar month (or moonth). It takes the Moon 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the earth. Amateur astrologer John Aubrey, ironically, was the pioneering author and researcher, who put Avebury on the map.
Avebury Moon Prediction Circles
The Avebury Northern Circle had 27 stones. The Avebury Southern Circle had 29 stones. One Moon orbit circle. One lunar month circle. You can walk from Avebury to Stonehenge today in about eight hours, over 24 miles. It was a good 1-2 day walk for the Neolithic people to cover, between these two massive moon prediction sites.
The Stonehenge moon prediction circles were slightly different. The Sarsen Circle of 29-and-a-half stones is the 29.5 day cycle from New Moon to New Moon, or Full Moon to Full Moon. In astrology today we call this a lunation.
The Aubrey Holes predict eclipses because they can accommodate four markers (one for the Sun, one for the Moon, one for the North Node and one for the South Node) which when moved according to Professor Sir Fred Hoyle’s simple instructions – foresee these future astrological events.
If Stonehenge fascinates you as much as Avebury, here’s a free invitation. Join myself, bestselling author and astrologer Maggie Hyde, Stonehenge tour guide, author and expert David Charles Rowan in conversation with the wonderful Natalie Delahaye, for a YouTube Premiere, Stonehenge Eclipse Astrology, on the Stonehenge Summer Solstice, June 20th-21st 2020. Details @astrologyshow
Stonehenge and the 56 Aubrey Holes
The 56 holes at Stonehenge are twice 28, which is about the number of days a woman has her period. One of the most incredible facts at the heart of astrology is that the moon, like a menstruating woman, has repeated cycles of about 28 days.
If the holes had been used to show one day, and one night, of the average menstrual cycle they would number 56. We get the word month from ‘moonth’ and we still talk about a woman’s monthly period.
In astrology, the moon is a symbol of your ability to mother, nurture, feed and protect. The sort of mother you might be, is shown by your moon sign. These associations are ancient.
Take a Virtual Tour With Astrologers
Take a virtual audio tour of Avebury with some of the other astrologers who are guest tutors at The Sun Sign School, like Penny Thornton and Natalie Delahaye – and financial astrologer Olga Morales.
Jessica at Avebury June 6 2016
Avebury and the National Trust
This short YouTube clip about Avebury has been made available by the National Trust, which looks after this living stone astrology calendar.
Moonwatching Every Month at Avebury
The two most important events involving the moon on the monthly lunar cycle are the New Moon and Full Moon. A new moon is a new beginning in your life. A full moon is a time of inner conflict or opposing people, organisations or conflicted situations.
On a new moon, the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign at the same degree. On a full moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, at the same degree. One is a birth. The other is a separation.
The Moon and Your Birth Chart
In June 2020, we had a Full Moon on Friday the 5th of June with the Sun at 15 Gemini and Moon at 15 Sagittarius. This was also an eclipse, so a cover-up or blind spot.
If you are a Premium Member, this took place in the Third House of your chart ruled by Gemini and the Ninth House of your chart ruled by Sagittarius. The Third House rules the media and the internet, your mobile phone and Twitter. The Ninth House rules foreign people and places, international organisations and connections, publishing, education and academia.
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Do the June 2020 Eclipses Affect You?
Check your chart now to see if you have anything in Gemini and/or Sagittarius and then decode the eclipse using the guidebooks that come with premium membership. What did you not see or not know? Time will reveal it.
The New Moon on 21st June occurs with the Sun at 0 Cancer and Moon at 0 Cancer. This is also an eclipse, so another blind spot or cover up.
This takes place in the Fourth House of your personal birth chart which rules your house, apartment, family, household, town and country. This is why astrologers always advise to avoid making big decisions or judgements on an eclipse. Eclipses conceal, they never reveal. Don’t be in the dark, about important life choices, on June 21st. Perhaps they knew this at Avebury!
Image Credits:
Avebury – Jessica Adams
Sharon Knight courtesy of her website
Featured Image: Zoltan Tasi via Unsplash
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6 Responses
Hi Jessica! Thank you for all the great information, reading and audio. I wanted to ask if you have a chance to look at my chart. I have been trying to sell my house (USA) since January and its been very slow and stuck. I also plan to move back to my birth county ( Scandinavia) You write that the new moon on 21st June occurs with the Sun at 0 Cancer and Moon at 0 Cancer. This is also an eclipse, so another blind spot or cover up. I have north node at 15 Gemini and south node 15 Sagittarius. So I guess I must still wait If this is a blind spot. When do you think things will move forward with my plans to sell and move? Kind regards.
Please do avoid that eclipse and also the next one on July 5th. That should get you over the hump with property blind spots. Your Nodes show you will have a Node Return in March 2021 and that is probably when you will relocate. It can only happen once in 19 years. It may be to Scandinavia or it may be somewhere quite different. June and July are excellent research months. But everything is in flux with property prices, residency, visas, passports and the rest while Mercury Retrograde is in Cancer so allow for that. Ultimately where you reside in 2021 will allow you to pursue domestic or regional travel and take you back into your own past in the most astonishing way. It’s karmic and it’s coming.
hello jessica,
I didnt feel much on the June 5th….are they both connected? Anything that I should look for on June 21st…or its just too far for me to get effected?
June 5th was an eclipse and you will never feel anything on an eclipse. It is a blind spot and cover-up. It takes months or years to realise how much you were not seeing, or did not know. It’s the same with June 21st. That is why it’s best to avoid judging or acting too extremely on an eclipse.
Thank you Jessica! I really appreciate you looking into my questions. I can’t wait for 2020 to be over and welcoming 2021. It’s been a rough ride ever since 2017, but a growing, learning and maturing process. To learn and understand astrology is like having an inner compass. I now approach every “problem” in life as a challenge to be solved and overcome. It’s far more better to have a challenge to face, overcome and deal with. I am so happy I found your website a few years ago and how much it has helped me. I know the number of people that looks into astrology is growing at a rapid speed but many times I feel people laugh or shrug their shoulders when mentioning astrology. They really don’t know what they are missing!!
Thank you so much. Astrology is pretty amazing – they had their own version of it at Stonehenge – and they survived and thrived. Even if you only ever use the Moon cycles you will gain.