Plath, Hughes, Astrology and Tarot
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
Depending on where you are in the world, you’ll experience this epic Full Moon – the Super Pink Moon – on Tuesday the 7th or Wednesday the 8th of April 2020.
A Full Moon is always a full stop. March was like reading the same paragraph backwards, at really high speed. That was down to Mercury Retrograde and a few other historic patterns in your horoscope.
In astrology, this Super Pink Moon is the pause, or full stop, you have really needed.
The C19 situation where you live is making huge demands on your mind, body and spirit. I look at my comments and questions and see people who have sleep disruption, more tiredness than usual, or just really strong reactions to anything from caffeine in coffee to a partner’s remote control TV habit!
In other words, we are stretched pretty tight. This Super Moon is a reminder to let go, and give yourself and others so much more slack. Try to create as much space and time as you possibly can.
This Moon in Libra falls at 18 degrees, so please do check your personal birth chart if you are a Premium Member. It’s opposite the Sun at 18 Aries.
Anything at 18 Libra in your Seventh House brings you to a full stop with a former, current or potential partner. Work or love.
Anything at 18 Aries in your First House does the same thing in terms of your reputation, image, name, title, profile, personal appearance.
More than anyone else in the world, on this very pink Moon, you need to hibernate, take your time, go into your own world – a Do Not Disturb sign can be a useful thing if it’s written politely.
You have choices to make. And I hope you are using all the Astrology Oracle cards and the e-guide that comes with them, if you are a member, to make them.
The astrologer Richard Nolle gives us the term Super Moon. In astrology we know, just to repeat, that’s like a full stop. A big pause before the next paragraph in the story of your life.
Astronomers say, it’s a Full Moon with a perigee on top of each other. Sounds uncomfortable. Correct.
You may also be living on top of someone now! Family? Partner? Maybe even an apartment block is enough. Please let this Full Moon (which is what it really is) pass with the least possible reaction. Don’t buy into other people’s lunar transits.
They call it lunar for a reason – we get ‘lunatic’ and loony tunes’ from it – and so cartoonists are really fond of it. We have a lot of standard memes and jokes about howling at the moon.
The reason this particular Super Pink Moon/Full Moon in Libra is so important is not really the Libra part. It’s actually just its opposition to the Sun in Aries.
Now, that’s really important. Because in April we are in Aries season and this is going to challenge, test, prod and provoke you in one area of your life, which I’ll look at in a moment.
Photo by Sanah Suvarna
Best time to see the Super Pink Moon is from 11pm, and the exact full moon at 12:35 pm on Wednesday 8th April, for Sydney, Australia, use time and date for your own location and timezone. We’ll be tracking it @jessicacadams #SuperPinkMoon and I’ll be taking your questions, live.
I am in Tasmania with closed borders – on an island within a greater island – Australia – but I will do my best to track your time zone too, no matter if you are in Barcelona, San Francisco or London.
What else is unusual about this pink Supermoon? It is sitting on the third rung of a ladder in the sky, with Mercury at the bottom. Then Mars, the Moon itself (the star of the show), Saturn and Jupiter. This ladder has special meaning for both your personal astrology chart, and your general Sun Sign (zodiac sign) too.
To be specific about this special Moon (and ladder) for your nearest town or city, use timeanddate.com.
If you are one of our astrology students at Sun Sign School you’ll be figuring out the whole ladder and applying it to your chart. It’s worth it. This is a real moment in astrology.
Let’s look at the sleep issues I’ve been talking about.
We live in a 24 hour world thanks to the internet. This is one of the reasons all of us are having so many unusual sleep patterns now, never mind the obvious C19 challenges.
The very bright, powerful wow-factor light of this Super Pink Full Moon in astrology is obvious through the bedroom curtains!
In London, for example the Full Moon is exact on Wednesday 8th April 2020 at 3.35am. Beyond the obvious spotlight effect of this during your normal R.E.M. sleep patterns, astrologers like me would say you are also feeling a real full stop in your life.
As I’ve said, in relation to the life departments below – do give yourself more time and space on a Full Moon – and other people too. When the Sun is opposite the Moon, people also have to deal with opposite points of view, or there may be some kind of opposition within you – you can’t agree with yourself.
Here’s how it goes for the 12 signs but for the deeper meaning according to your personal birth chart, based on time, date and place – follow @jessicacadams and @theastrologyshow and #SuperPinkMoon.
After the full stop comes the new beginning, but give yourself as many hours or days as you can to really pause before reset.
Aries – Image, brand, name, appearance, profile, style, reputation.
Taurus – Secrets, astrology, Tarot, religion, spirituality, psychology.
Gemini – Friendships, groups, bands, communities, clubs, teams.
Cancer – Success, career, unpaid work, study, status, ambitions.
Leo – Education, publishing, the worldwide web, travel, foreigners.
Virgo – Money, rent, business, charity, possessions, mortgages.
Libra – Former, current and potential partners in love or work.
Scorpio – Workload, health, lifestyle, daily routine, study, fitness.
Sagittarius – Sexual relationships, younger relatives, the next gen.
Capricorn – The family, household, property, home town/country.
Aquarius – The web, social media, multimedia, books, transport.
Pisces – Bank, income, credit card, charity, business, property.
Are you a Premium Member? What follows is about your personal birth chart and the impact of Chiron in Aries on your life as well as the Super Pink Moon. Please keep reading and of course, if you are logged in, you can refer to your chart throughout.
Enjoy full premium member benefits by selecting a plan below. All plans automatically renew unless cancelled by you. All prices are charged in US Dollars. Read more about Premium Membership.
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.
Canada in psychic astrology with a 1982 natal chart and some Tarot cards which show why Mexico and America are in a highly-charged future.
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6 Responses
Hi Jessica,
I hope all is well in Tassie. The moon looked pretty amazing in Melbourne last night! Thank you for your posts and articles lately- so so good and informative. Currently I’m WFH like so many. Deep down I want to leave the company as now in this new world it’s revealing all the ego and poor management I always suspected. But I also need income to live. I have major plans for 2021 but need the gift of time which is suddenly everywhere if I left the job to be able to create. With the full moon at 18 degrees and my Jupiter at 18 in Aries, Saturn 18 Cancer and Sun 18 Gemini should I just leap? Terrifying and liberating!
Tasmania is somewhere I feel lucky to have landed – the birds don’t know about Rona. They don’t care. They fly around, singing, amusing me with their behaviour and getting on with their lives. In a world of not-normal, they remind us life goes on. They own the planet not us. And they know the planet will go on, just as it always does (although this time the bird will be happier. No pollution). Try to breathe through the process with your company in Melbourne. By now you have had the Full Moon trigger your chart and will have made just the right choice. Exactly the right choice. You are quite right about Rona revealing ego and poor management. We are seeing the exceptional in people and also the worst. You already answered your own question. You want to leave. I think you will, but make sure you get the best possible sign-out and read the fine print. Do it before June if you can to avoid complication.
Hi Jessica, thank you for your reply. After 2 weeks of exhausting mental gymnastics on my part (trying to work out how to get to the outcome I wanted), I am amazed & astounded by what took place last Sunday 19th April. My boss proposed I take 6 months unpaid leave and he will give me JobKeeper. I now have 6 months to finish my manuscript, get an income, stay at home (thankyou Rona!), have had 3 literary agents contact me! Honestly the universe is simply marvellous at coming up with better, quicker, easier plans you could not have dreamt of. I feel like exciting times are ahead. Thanks again for all the work you do, it is greatly appreciated by many.
I am so thrilled for you. Three literary agents contacted you? WOW. This is not something we can share too widely, because people are suffering so much right now, but this transit (call it the Rona transit) is life-changing in the most empowering way for so many, too. In all the fear and the darkness that comes with this thing, we have to be honest and say – for some people, it’s the gateway to so much that’s good. I’d say your work is going to benefit many in some way, which is why you’ve been almost handed a golden key to make it happen. It must be meant to be. Well done.
Hi Jessica,
thank you for such an interesting post about this super full moon! with everything going now in the world I’m curious to know if this
full moon will have an effect on the Covid-19 course of events, also on a personal level how this full moon going to affect me knowing that im a Capricorn with moon in Libra and Gemini ascendant .
Thank you so much!
Keep safe.
Thank you Reham. By now we are over the Full Moon – I apologise for getting to these questions late. We have had our own issues here in Tasmania with the internet, the mail and just about everything else. Your main message for 2020 is to prepare for financial expansion in 2021. You are going to step up to play your part in the new economy, which will be local (very local) and yet fit in with the global picture. You will do the patient learning in 2020 but create a solid foundation to save or make money, likely generate it in business or fund-raising, next year. Worth every penny.