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COVID-19: What Astrologers Know

The Astrology Show looks to some of the world’s leading astrologers to help shed some light on what astrological aspects were in place when the COVID-19 outbreak occurred and what to expect in the weeks, months and years ahead.

Just like number cases of COVID-19, the volume of information on the novel coronavirus is expanding second by second. The Astrology Show has pulled together some quotes from online articles by some of our favourite astrologers, along with social media posts on the topic.

The Law of the Stars   Astro Kate Tweet 600x496 - COVID-19: What Astrologers Know     Stephanie Johnson Tweet 600x258 - COVID-19: What Astrologers Know

Mancchanda Niraj Tweet 600x600 - COVID-19: What Astrologers Know   Joanna Chiu Tweet 482x600 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowKyra Oser Tarot Prediction from The Astrology Show 442x600 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowS J Anderson Tweet 452x600 - COVID-19: What Astrologers Know


Jessica Adams Stonehenge II e1563172363698 150x150 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowJessica Adams

Did you see my astrology prediction about a new world order with China here (Corona Virus COVID-19 In Astrology – Part I): 

“The New World Order Between Monday, January 6th and Monday, January 13th, 2020, there will be a critical change in the balance of power between the United States, China and Europe. One Last Note – Post-Millennium Bugs, Hackers and Viruses. As an astrologer, I always deal with American readers who type day, month and year dates in reverse order to British and Australian calendar dates. Yet, no matter how you key in the date of the eclipse on 10th January 2020, you end up with what looks like a memorable code. I am going to leave this with you. This is not my area. But I need to mention it. Over to you! This eclipse falls right in the extreme Capricorn ‘change’ weather zone.”

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And also a virus, set for January 10th, 2020 (1102020), way back on 28th March 2019? The horoscope also showed bugs and hackers. Here it is again: 

“In astrology, a virus, bug and hack are all shown by one planet. Neptune. By tracking Neptune and other factors, it was possible to see what was coming and date-stamp it. So, what happened around ten months later? The world saw the Microsoft Killer Windows 10 Bug near 10th January. Russian hackers were linked to the Donald Trump impeachment by The New York Times. And worst of all, the first Corona Virus fatality exactly on 10.01.2020 or 01.10.2020 depending on how you read the date. If you want to know which China horoscope works best for date-stamped prediction check the China astrology chart set for December 25th, 1947, the day that the Constitution of the Republic of China was adopted. I’ve tested this before in 2018 if you want to see what else is in store in 2020. How seriously should we take the Corona Virus in astrology? Well, it’s spreading on the same zodiac cycle as The Spanish Flu and The Great Plague. That’s the North Node and South Node cycle jumping from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius. Just knowing that can tell us more, from an astrologer’s point of view.”

(Jessica Adams also followed up in a detailed second article – Corona Virus COVID-19 in Astrology Part II.)


debbie frank 150x150 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowDebbie Frank

“The coronavirus which was seeded earlier in the year is likely to reach chaos proportions around the time of the Full Moon in Virgo, with the Sun’s proximity to Neptune and the Venus/Uranus conjunction on the 8th and 9th. The theme of invisible spreading and the psychic virus of fear that causes meltdown is highly reflective of the Pisces/Neptune theme and the opposing force of health-conscious Virgo which tries to contain. Alarm bells are the signature of Venus and Uranus as radical changes are implemented. As Mars moves to meet with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn this month, it’s a point of collective awareness. Saturn’s move into Aquarius – the sign of the people and global consciousness marks the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius. The virus is an awakener in this respect as it crosses all borders and is a global phenomenon requiring a co-operative response. We are moving into the One World mindset which is the hallmark of Aquarius.”

See more from Debbie Frank via her website Debbie Frank Astrology.


Joanne Madeline Moore 150x150 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowJoanne Madeline Moore

“The big news in March? Mercury turns direct on the 10th and then Saturn shifts into Aquarius on the 22nd (for the first time since 1994). Apart from a retrograde phase back into Capricorn (from July until December) Saturn will transit through Aquarius for the next three years. It’s a period when governments, businesses and corporations will become more innovative and inclusive. But it could also herald cuts to scientific funding and a complete restructuring of the aviation industry.”

For more from Joanne, please visit her website Boho Astro.

Joanne Madeline Moore 600x422 - COVID-19: What Astrologers Know Joanne Madeline Moore Tweet 1 600x533 - COVID-19: What Astrologers Know


Penny Thornton 150x150 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowPenny Thornton

The below excerpt is from her Weekly Bite (September 12, 2018) – you can read it in its entirety here.

“As we go to press, the spread of the virus is rampant, and although governments and health officials have not yet declared a pandemic, common sense would inform you this is the scenario we’re facing. Which has prompted me to dig into the past and see what, if any, astrological markers can be found in flu pandemics. I’ll go through these shortly, but to whet your appetite Jupiter was conjunct Pluto during the 1918 Spanish Flu and the 1968 Hong Kong Flu, as they are indeed now with Covid-19.

In terms of patterns, the astrology also proves interesting. The cycles of the planets from Jupiter through Pluto trace the patterns of the times, whether in personal or global terms, which is why I have concentrated my efforts here on the major angles between the trans-personal planets.

  • 1847: Saturn conjunct Neptune in Aquarius.
  • 1889: Saturn in Virgo square Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini.
  • 1918-1920 (Spanish flu): Saturn conjunct Neptune in Leo at the start of the outbreak; Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Cancer at the peak of the outbreak – it went quiet in the summer and returned with a vengeance in the autumn.
  • 1957-1958 (Asian flu): Uranus in Leo square Neptune in Scorpio.
  • 1968 (Hong Kong flu): Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Virgo.
  • 2003 (SARS): Tail end of the Saturn-Pluto opposition (Gemini-Sagittarius). Jupiter in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces.
  • 2009 (Swine flu): Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Aquarius.
  • 2020 (Covid-19): Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

While a sample of eight flu epidemics can hardly be considered a study, it is interesting that Saturn has been conjunct Neptune twice (25% probability) and Jupiter conjunct Pluto three times (38% probability). Saturn and Neptune combinations fit the deadly flu virus rather well since death occurs mostly through liquid overwhelming the lungs – the patient effectively dies by drowning. Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions say more about the mass spread of a virus and certainly the mass panic response to it.

By the way, the next Saturn-Neptune conjunction will be in Aries in 2025 and the next Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in 2033. Fortunately, they don’t occur in the same year. Nevertheless, plenty of time to stock up on hand-sanitizers, zinc and vitamin-C, and for the Chinese government to put an end to its wet markets.”

See more from Penny Thornton via her website


neilspencer - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowNeil Spencer

Excerpt from his post “Your Stars March 2020.”

“Astrologers are usually the ones castigated for wrong forecasts, but so far the star-gazers have been proved correct about the shape of 2020, a year that’s long been marked out for planetary turmoil.

Your astrologer has waxed on about Saturn-Pluto in past forecasts, and the conjunction’s association with a major economic downturn, something just instigated by the spread of the Corona Virus, itself a tragedy still unfolding. Contagions are linked to Neptune, a planet strong in March’s stars, though Saturn’s change of signs on March 20th marks a change of outlook in late March.”

For more from Neil Spencer, please visit his website.


Thomas Rounded Bigger 1024x683 150x150 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowThomas Miller – Fun Astrology Podcast

Excerpts from his post “Astrology FUN! February 28 – Coronavirus, Stock Markets & Saturn Pluto.”

“That’s what I thought we would talk about today, the impact of the Coronavirus, everything that is going on, from an astrological perspective because we are reading it in every headline now this thing is getting serious, at first we understood it was going to spread but we haven’t seen anything like this in recent history, yes Ebola, but I think this just has a lot more legs is my personal opinion and what Ebola didn’t have is the Saturn Pluto conjunction. “This thing is nuts, this is Saturn Pluto” “This is going on from a soul perspective everyone chose to be here for this purpose, a good time to practice not being in fear” “I realise that Saturn and Pluto together can be deeply transformative.”

See more via his website – Fun Astrology with Thomas Miller.


Wow Astrology

Excerpts from article “Coronavirus and Astrology.”

Saturn and Pluto conjunct once every 34 years and it is therefore an important astrological event for the humanity. It practically prepares us for a new life and a new purpose. We are forced to work collectively. It forces us to connect our souls and higher spirits to find faith. This also contributes to the collective transformation of the Planet.

People are or should be more aware of the Planet and others. And if we don’t understand this message, a horrific tragedy such as a pandemic could force us into this: a global fight against coronavirus. We need determination and patience to cope with the emotional tumult and the individual and collective awakening to which we are subjected. We will coordinate our efforts because even if we didn’t realize it by now, we’ll be forced to see “the wrong”. And there is no other response to this awareness than CHANGE.”

See more from Wow Astrology here.


marjorieorr about3 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowMarjorie Orr

Excerpt from her article “Coronavirus – coping with dread ++ market meltdown ++:”

“Coronavirus has turned into a full-blown global panic as it spreads from the Far East into Europe and the USA. Despite the astrology being more similar to the Saturn Pluto 2003 SARS outbreak than the Saturn Neptune 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak, the numbers are veering alarmingly upwards. (See previous post January 25, 2020). Apart from understandable personal fears, there is also an almost certain prospect of a ‘sudden stop’ financially as supply chains dry up and international travel is restricted.”

For more from Marjorie, please visit her website here.


AstroTwins iTunes 1 150x150 - COVID-19: What Astrologers KnowThe AstroTwins

The below excerpts are from their post “8 Things Astrology Says about the Coronavirus Outbreak.”

“It’s been quite a week in the news, and as astrologers, we consider it our job to look for astrological patterns and predictions—NOT to fan the flames of fear. While panic about a pandemic could feel like an appropriate response, here’s a view of astrology and the coronavirus: how the current and impending astrological line up could shape public health, the economy and more.

A note about our November 2019 prediction of a “black swan event. In our 2020 Horoscope book (published November 2019), we predicted the possibility of an economic “black swan” event that could be triggered by the January 12 Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, the sign that rules governments and the economy.

These two planets aligned in Capricorn for the first time since 1518, traveling in close contact from December 2019 through late February 2020.

True to the nature of a black swan—an event that comes completely out of left field and has a major impact, but can only be contextualized after the fact—this sudden and stunning worldwide occurrence is indeed lining up with much of 2020’s astrology forecast. While our book was written and printed months before any mention of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, an event like this one has a long historical footprint—at least, according to astrology.

Now, we move into a new week facing shaken global markets, new international travel restrictions and the first recorded coronavirus death in the U.S.—plus virus outbreaks in over 50 countries.”

Read more from the AstroTwins via their website


Ask Astrology

Excerpts below from Blog post “The Astrology of the Coronavirus” located here.

“Uranus entered Taurus on March 7, 2019, where it will remain until April 2026. The last two Uranus in Taurus periods were from 1935 to 1942 and 1851 to 1859. World War II began under the 1935 to 1942 transit and the 3rd Cholera Pandemic (which killed up to 1,000,000 people in Russia) occurred during the 1851 to 1859 transit. Suffice to say, that when Uranus goes through Taurus, we can expect shocks to our daily lives.

COVID-19 is already adversely affecting travel and is beginning to affect the daily lives of citizens worldwide, even in places where few or no cases currently exist. There are many ways to understand the idea that the world is a single complex organism, economics is one way, travel and communication are another, … and pandemic disease, which is a way to “shock” the system.”

For further reading, visit


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Featured Image courtesy of CDC via UnsplashThis illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

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46 Responses

  1. Hello Jess!
    Thank You so much for article…

    If I may I wish to ask will Covid 19 effect me and my health in coming months as I had Influenza from middle of February to now.,,

    Thank You
    Love you

    1. If you have had flu since mid-February, please self-isolate and find out if you can get tested. Look up Medical News Today advice on immunity. Stay in bed and read this website – you are welcome. And listen to The Astrology Show this weekend. Please look after yourself! Take care and get well.

      1. I tested and it was confirmed Influenza but now I am getting a little better thank You

  2. HI Jessica, I read this with equal parts trepidation and fascination. Lately, (and I’m guessing I’m not the only one!), I’ve felt a strong internal urge to support more local, sustainable businesses and artisans along with the desire to grow my own organic food (although this Taurus has a mighty black thumb). A return to nature by treading more softest upon the Earth and living and parenting from a more conscious space. Could it be that the outcome of this Corona virus encourages more localisation than globalisation and a return to a more DIY and artisanal inspired movement? I feel like this aligns so deeply with the whole Uranus in Taurus ‘ethos’. Perhaps it’s a brutal wake up call to take a more holistic and creative approach to the way we trade and produce? I’d really love to hear any thoughts you would like to share. Thank you x

    1. Uranus is a planet associated with shock and it often feels like being wired. It is really important that if anyone out there is feeling anxious that they try all the meditation videos on YouTube they can find until they sort out something they love – and play it daily. Relaxation and good sleep help immunity. Immunity is Queen. The combination of Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Capricorn in 2020 will see a Dig For Victory revolution, and it will start with you and your friends and family. There will be a rush on gardening equipment, hen enclosures and the rest, though, so roll up your sleeves and get on eBay now. The new world is crash-landing.

  3. Hi Jessica, Thanks! What happens now? Share markets are down 30% after Trump’s travel ban. He just poured gas on the fire. Are you and your astrologers see any reprieve in the next few weeks? Can the situation in Italy happen elsewhere or will it be less bad? Thanks

    1. I am afraid that May 2020 brings a 50% chance of global economic collapse. Even if the world pulls together and lands in a safe place, the entire planet is going to have to deconstruct. I am taking the paywall off The Astrology Show this weekend so please listen and read. Astrology called Global Financial Crisis 2 which has been with us in 2018 and 2019, despite Trump’s boasts. Today is a critical outcome of what has been in a slow nosedive for a very long time. An awful lot of economists would say that, not just astrologers! Italy will leave the European Union which astrology predicted a very long time ago. We will get through this. But it will be a different world.

  4. Hi Jessica, very fascinating read, thank you so much. I’m not a stock market trader and very rarely look at the markets anyway, but I can’t help but notice the American Dow Jones, UK FTSE and other global stock markets in complete turmoil and crashing. With all the current planetary activity are we going to see these stock markets continue to crash downwards or hopefully stabilise very soon? I look at this strain of influenza and it is nothing like the Spanish influenza that killed millions at the turn on the last century. God help us if we ever do get another killer flu. I feel this virus is being used as an excuse for the precarious global financial situation and the geopolitical house if cards that is beginning to wobble. What are you astrological future thoughts regarding the stock markets and current Coronavirus? Thank you.

    1. Take a deep breath and prepare for the new world. Have a look at ‘Uranus in Taurus’ on Google and see what we astrologers have been saying for a few years now (certainly in my case, before the cycle began in May 2018). I’m going to take the paywall off The Astrology Show this weekend so please do listen and read the links. It is extremely important that we focus on our own immunity. That we look after our older people. That we think about ‘Dig for Victory’ again, as they did during the war in Britain. I’m sorry but in May 2020 there is a 50% chance of economic collapse. That doesn’t mean we panic. It means we have to think differently about how to work – how to earn – how to save – how to spend. I’ll say more in the weekend podcast. Thank you.

  5. HI Jessica, actually a new world sounds pretty good, the old one has become selfish and self centered, and many seem to have no conscience. i Maybe the world needed to have a short sharp shock to make it a better place. Thanks for the heads up and warnings regarding Covid 19 and the possible financial crash. Will the virus in the UK become very much worse and any idea how long it will last? I am old enough to be in the “at risk” generation, so am taking precautions to try to protect myself and my friends and family, e.g. using eucalyptus oil/ti tree oil everywhere I go, even making up my own hand sanitiser. Also, we have been growing our own for many years – tastes much better than mile travelled veg. My husband has been asked “what’s that smell?!” But is using it. I turn to you for information before the media – thanks again

    1. Thank you. But scientists say, use soap. Soap for 20 seconds up to your wrists, then have fun with the essential oils. Apart from anything else the oils will of course help with germs and bacteria. And that helps your immune system. And you need a good one, for this pandemic. If you’re eating your own vegetables you’re ahead of the rest of us anyway!

  6. Hi Jessica
    What are your coronavirus forecasts for Spain? situation that begins to be difficult.

    1. If you search Spain and Italy you will find an old prediction I made about the fated way these two countries were tied together. Looking beyond the COVID-19 virus in both countries, into the distant future, we see a completely different version of the EU and at least one, maybe two departures. Different world.

  7. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for this article and introduce it me to some unknown astrologers. I have been following Astro butterfly and she has a very good article on the virus too.
    Stay safe and keep posting as we all need some hope

  8. HI Jessica,

    We are definitely living in an interest time. The energy felt different as soon as 2020 begun. I am having talks about working/moving oversees, possibly July time but nothing confirmed yet, especially with this virus in the air. Could you tell me how my chart pans out with the current situation and if it’s indeed wise to consider uprooting at such a time.

    Thanks as always and stay safe.

    1. You’ll hit Mercury Retrograde again (the cycle we are in now) mid-year so think about your timing. If this was me? I would stay put. Sorry. I don’t like the look of the T-Square between the North Node in Gemini (domestic flights) and the South Node in Sagittarius (emigration, visas, border control, passports) together with Neptune in Pisces – and that is January 2021. But it’s your life and I don’t know all the factors. Please use your Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook to help you make your own decision.

  9. Thanks so much for all of the info. I feel it helps so much for those of us that would like to make some sense of this and remain logical and calm. My husband is in hospitality and recently had a better job offer close by (he currently commutes to a hotel about an hour away). He will probably want to take it. I am also facing an issue next week that will possibly effect our income negatively. I am sure this pandemic will effect all of the world in a big way. So much insecurity for everyone. All insights are appreciated.

    1. It’s good that your husband has had a job offer closer to work. Less commuting is always nice. He’s done that on Mercury Retrograde so go over the paperwork carefully please and see what might change later and make sure he is covered for that. You have an income choice to make next week and are concerned. I understand why. Take a deep breath and do a new life budget. By that I mean give yourself the freedom and space to move numbers around on a piece of paper, and ask yourself what X costs you and what you would give for Y. Put things money cannot buy onto the list. Freedom. Compassion. Peace of mind. You have this cycle at the moment where sudden, shocking events (like this pandemic) will liberate you. It can be very, very hard to see it at the time because it just feels like disruption. Yet, you are being set free from something or someone that blocked you for so long. I don’t know your lifestyle, don’t have your husband’s chart and can’t see any more than that. Yet, Uranus in Taurus for the first and last time in your life will absolutely make you independent of X, or independent through Y. Fill in the X and Y on the sheet and take your time. You do have time. You will be amazed at how much simpler life becomes when you take what is inside your head and write it down. A new life budget is calling you, what is it?

  10. Dear Jessica – I am very concerned about this virus and it being the trigger for downfall of the economic house of cards and increasingly precarious democracies we have. I am also concerned about my health and finances. I started a new job last year (corporate position in a manufacturing company that makes household cleaners and disinfectants) and while our department is great, the larger company has a toxic culture with people not toeing the line with respect to policies. And I have been constantly getting colds and flu, although my GI issues seem to be on the mend. I’m terrified that I, who am single, will get COVID-19, lose my job and never financially recover. Does my chart indicate that I should be concerned? Thanks so much, and please be safe and well.

    1. So you have a corporate job in a cleaning/disinfectants business. You always have colds and flu. You are terrified you will become sick and lose your job. This is a lot of worry for one person. Give yourself a holiday from worry at least once a day and look at proven techniques to stop anxiety, please. Whatever works, use it. Enjoy yourself finding something (free) online or at the local library which will help. I say this having seen study after study which proves that your immune system depends partly on not having a stress overload. So as your first priority, find what works to reduce that load. I do not know where you live and work, but I do know that your corporate experience with household cleaners and disinfectants is now solid gold in a world desperate for clean surfaces. I also know that a number of countries are now rolling out guaranteed sick leave for all. Look into that and see what your rights are. If you don’t have rights in that area join others on Twitter and elsewhere who are lobbying for them. You currently have not only Pluto, but also Saturn and Jupiter transiting your Tenth House of career, ambition and life path. That is massive. It is total transformation. You are in a powerful position, okay? I can’t emphasise that enough. I know you have toxic politics where you are, but look at your wider industry. Look in your local area and beyond and keep looking at the trends, because they will change day by day and if you are quick, you can bring your experience and knowledge, your wisdom and know-how, to people who support you. Take a deep breath, because if you are prepared to throw yourself into 2020, it will change your life forever, for the better. Worry about the single part later!

  11. Hi Jessica

    Unrelated to the corona virus article but if you could respond I would be soo very greatful.

    Lots of Virgo factors – 7 to be precise, Uranus going through Taurus which is where my IC is, squaring my descendant in Leo and opposing my Taurus and MC in Scorpio.

    It’s brought me literally to my knees – have been without a job for over a year and now with corona no chance given the hiring freezes/short on finances and was already anxious.

    Then my ex ( born Jan 5, 1981) reaches out during this mercury retorograde – broke my heart 3 years ago and had come during the Leo-Aquarius eclipse period – promises this time is different and while I was simply a notch on his belt so to speak the last time around, this is serious. It’s again looking like he was simply trying to see if he could get me to fall for him again – I feel small, like a fool and stupid. Does this terrible period for me end? Please give me your sage and as usual good advice on how to rebuild and get myself to a better place.

    Thanks in advance

    1. You are having a complete life reshape with your Virgo stellium. No job for over a year is very tough but it will force you to transform yourself and your world and you will be better off for it. You will find gaps in the market, new businesses springing up and so on. Just think of the soap industry for a start. Can you imagine the offshoots of that boom? Or loo paper! You are feeling vulnerable, which I understand, because of your former lover. Can I suggest that you use your Virgo overload to find out what makes the human immune system tick? You know about fruit and vegetables. Have you looked at the impact of anxiety, loss of sleep and so on? Lovers come and go, there are billions of men on the planet, you have a long time to meet some of them and this chap is history. He made you feel like a fool and a notch on his belt. Wave goodbye. Date yourself. Find out what and who makes you happy, what you are good at, and most of all – where and how you are *needed* in this extreme new world. Every heavily Virgo person needs to be needed. You are here to serve. So even if you are just volunteering now, get out there and do it. And do what makes you feel calmest and happiest. It does not sound as if hanging on for this man does that – at all. So find out techniques which help you mentally let him go.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    What your’ view on international air travel in future? Will these restrictions remain in force or will there be a complete change and rethink on how we will be traveling to other countries in future?. Keep up the great work and many thanks for your words of wisdom. – J.R

    1. Generation Sagittarius, born with the slow-moving outer planets in Sagittarius (which rules foreigners and foreign air travel) are going to be hit by the South Node in that sign, but also the North Node opposite – and Neptune in Pisces coming in from the side. They are also going to be coming up against Generation Virgo, all born with Uranus or Pluto in Virgo in the 1960s who put health before anything else. So you see, this is an evolving problem, not just for 2020, as these planets all take such a long time to move along their paths. I think the weekend and two-week vacations/holidays that churned up the planet for so many years are ultimately doomed. I believe airlines and cruise companies will collapse. Travel will be about quarantine then holiday, which means longer breaks and higher prices to get there. Many places will be off-limits to foreigners altogether. Most of all, the new holidays will be at home, and likely involve tents and caravans. What we are seeing is a perfect storm pulling in Generation Virgo and Generation Sagittarius – older people who are worried about their health and younger people who are used to jetting off on cheap trips to Europe – and they clash. The compromise will be pretty astonishing in terms of the way travel and holidays take place now.

  13. Hi Jessica

    Thanks for another great article. It is so hard to trust what is being presented in the media and I dont think any government in the world has a full proof plan to cope with this pandemic so better staying calm and weathering the storm. I also can feel that positive outcomes will be felt after the fear and panic have subsided.

    On another note, 2 of my children are meant to start studying in France, my son in July and my daughter in September. The cases in France are rising fast and it has been branded there as the worst health crisis in a century. Funnily enough I am not feeling any fear about them having to postpone or cancel their departure (although my daughter who has just come back to Australia from the UK for 7 weeks might be delayed back to Europe). What do you see? We have worked for over 6 months for both of them to get this opportunity which I feel will also benefit my own business.

    THanks for any insight you can share with me.

    xxx Natalie

    1. Thank you Natalie. The fear is actually useful because it is forcing people to wash their hands, avoid large crowds, avoid touching their face and other golden rules science and medicine are giving us. I think sounding the ‘squark’ alarm as early as possible as often as possible is very wise and I’m happy to join in that. You are all waking up in a different world, every day, at the moment. Uranus (the unpredictable, the unexpected) in Taurus (business) is hitting your chart in the Second House of cash flow, but also values. That last point is really important. We are all going to have to rapidly place a value on – say – protecting other people from a virus which may kill them. So, losing money on tickets, bookings, flights, hotels and all the rest in order to be ‘better safe than sorry’ for other people as well as ourselves. You will redo your life budget with the children repeatedly between now and July. I can’t say what life holds for them as I don’t have their charts, but for you this is a matter of karma with the children (which ends in May) and all year long, constant questions about the Euro/dollar value you put on X, Y and Z. Some of those sums are yet to appear, but we are in a rapidly changing world now on what will ultimately be a hugely transformed planet. Keep very, very flexible.

  14. Thanks, Jessica. So helpful. I hope everyone works together on this challenge and doesn’t panic. In my own world I’m right in the middle of getting financing for a startup in the entertainment industry. Of course that’s on hold now. Do you see big changes there? Should I just walk away altogether?

    1. Okay, so you’re doing this on Mercury Retrograde, so you always knew it would be a first attempt, second attempt and so on. April is really the start for the new world (in terms of signatures and commitments). Entertainment which is produced with hands-on and close-face contact is finished. Forget film and television as you knew it, if that is what you are talking about. America has not even begun the crisis and it will transform every single part of life. Audio will work. Why? It is affordable, has zero contact, can be ‘shipped’ rapidly online and sold. What kind of audio? Ask yourself what people are going to need while they self-isolate. Beyond hibernating at home and needing audio, people will be out walking and cycling to help their immunity and because of a mass boycott of public transport. Walkers and cyclists need audio. I am currently looking at my old Penguin book 2020 Vision and as I own the audio rights, recreating it as 2030 Vision, specifically so people can listen in the car or out striding the park. So there you go…I walk my talk! Entertainment in 2020 is home recorded audio sold in affordable (because the economy is tanking) products. What is Tom Hanks going to do when he recovers from the scarey stay in hospital? Audio. We’re going to see fascinating new creative output involving actors simultaneously recording scripts at home, with production taking place in a studio. Like old-fashioned radio plays from the 1940s but for 2020. We are in the same cycle as the war – Uranus in Taurus – and the smart money is on radical reworking of what used to be a business.

  15. Hi Jess,

    How will Australia as a country fare in this pandemic? I have 2 placements in Virgo-7 Vulcano and 10 Proserpina. What does this mean for me?

    1. You are strongly Virgo so need to become part of the solution. Take a deep breath because Australia as you knew it is over. I have no idea what you do for a living, or what you want to offer as a volunteer, but the future is: travelling not tourism (because you will need to commit to two weeks of self-isolation before you begin your journey). The end of plastic. The end of patriarchy, because men have lost sport, the Qantas Club, and the rest which is where all the backroom deals are done and the glass ceiling blocking women is constructed. Shall I go on? Immunity is the new, mass, obsession of billions. So many of us will get this thing and the new $ industries are about finding why some people bounce the virus off them like a ball. We could also be talking here about the boom in walking and audiobooks. The boom in meditation, home yoga and hypnosis. Australia will be stronger and better as a nation if she lets Generation Virgo (now in their fifties) lead her – and you tap into that. Find your path.

  16. Hi Jessica, great article!

    I’m interested in your thoughts regarding this actually “age” we are in. I remember reading somewhere (article on I think) that we are still in Pisces, divide that by 12 you have “eras” and divide that further you have phases. After some quick math, we would be in the Age of Pisces, the Era of Pisces, as the just about to begin the phase of Cancer. We can see the phase of Gemini easily with mass migrations, and the boom of social media.

    I’m bringing this up, because I see many of the predictions are “One World Theme,” which I get. But I also see that (hopefully) we realize that codependency in other nations is not only unhealthy, but not efficient or pragmatic. Anyone who read Bill Mollison’s ‘Permaculture’, or Masanobu Fukuoka’s ‘One Straw Revolution’, will know our current agricultural and food systems need to be completely revamped…. and people need to get used to more locally sourced food.

    Anyway, wanted to hear your thoughts about these Cancerian themes… if there’s any relevance (or perhaps coincidence). Thanks again for a great article!

    1. Thank you. This was filed by Alicia Fulton, who looks after news stories at The Astrology Show. We are going into The New Age of Aquarius in December 2020. It starts in a few days. The question of ‘great ages’ is an old one in astrology and there are plenty of theories about the precession of the equinox and so on. I prefer to look at it in terms of historic weather – and we’re going out of The Capricorn Age and into The New Aquarian Age. This will indeed be the new global brotherhood and sisterhood (particularly sisterhood) and from this will come what you are talking about: local food. We are also going to see new vegetables/herbs for indoor growing. Beyond wheatgrass! This is really the Uranus in Taurus cycle which creates a square with the Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto in Aquarius cycles ahead from March beyond 2023. The Taurus-Aquarius square is very hard work but can be extremely productive and we are going to see world co-operation on the new global economy, which will bring an end to China and America as we knew them. Your books on Permaculture and so on, are way ahead of their time.

      1. Well, that is wonderful news then! If we are coming out of a Capricorn age, are we to experience a kind of “resistance” final push – so to speak – of all things Capricorn before going into an Aquarian age? As in a dystopian-like phase?

        1. Power will go across, not from the top down, as Capricorn dominance is the elite ruling the majority – and Aquarius is ‘forget the elite, we do this together.’ The difference is radical and extreme. 2020 will finish patriarchy. Survival depends on community, diversity and equality in the new world!

  17. Hi again Jessica, I just had to reach out to you again after reading your response to a message above regarding airlines and generation Virgo. I wonder what your thoughts are regarding our countries domestic public transportatIon system such particularly trains, coaches, buses and maybe internal flights. I would have thought that they will be ok and actually, especially the buses and trains, will thrive moving forward. What does the astrology say about these for the UK and perhaps other countries too. Thank you so much again. By the way do you ever get away from your keyboard! :0) Very best wishes.

    1. In astrology public transport and domestic flights are ruled by Gemini and Sagittarius. From May 2020 we see a very slow cycle picking up these two signs – it’s the Node cycle, likely known at Stonehenge, where they recorded it. Because of this, and the critical horoscope patterns we can see, there will have to be a dramatic transformation (seating, space, air-conditioning, heating, ventilation) by train/bus/airline companies or they will collapse. We’re going to see the new travel, full stop. Tents and caravans, camper vans are in. Hotels and airlines which cram their passengers/guests in and recirculate old air are over. This is the Gemini-Sagittarius-Pisces T-Square of January 2021, creating a Grand Cross with an entire generation born in the 1960’s. People born in 1966 in particular. The old vacation market is over.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    Very Interesting! Thanks for the article. It is terrible what is happening around the world, countries are closing their borders. Just read that P M Johnson will have to extend time frame with E U as it will not be possible to agree to a new trade deal with European Union by 1 July 2020. I hope that this does not mean that U K will not leave E U. What do you think?

    Best wishes

    1. This is the end of the European Union as a whole which was predicted quite a few years ago now – of course Britain will leave as planned – I think the original prediction was about Greece’s referendum if you want to type ‘Greece’ into Search. Thank you.

  19. Hi Jessica,

    Am a regular reader of your site and articles. I read with interest your reply regarding the entertainment industry, particularly your comment, “Entertainment which is produced with hands-on and close-face contact is finished”

    I am a musician, I make a living from music, and have for many, many years both from recording and performing live and travel is very much part of my work, especially overseas tours, which are in no way touristy but more for work ie: performing to people.

    My question is, how is this all going to affect my future outlook for my type of profession especially in regards to live work and travelling. if airlines are going to crash, will this mean the end of touring as we know it?

    Thank you and all the best to you.


    1. Thanks Joe. Musicians on the live circuit will need to think creatively and laterally in 2020, along with promoters. If you think about the supply chain involved even in a gig with a few hundred people, just one case with the bar staff – or one case with the airport baggage handlers – the hotel cleaners – can lead to a cancellation. So the time has come for musicians to use their creativity to come up with wildly lateral ideas. The Italian opera singers are performing from apartment balconies across the rooftops, on lock down. Don’t worry about this but do start thinking differently. For example, people stuck at home will still be your fans, so you and your fellow musicians may want to record remotely together and create mini live events with a PayPal ‘entry’ fee. Maybe you add interviews, downloads of limited edition tracks and discounts on your back catalogue. Yet nobody has left their home! One thing is clear. Aquarian thinking (group thinking) is crucial in 2020, 2021 and you have the advantage Joe as you are so used to working with groups.

  20. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question, that’s very kind of you.

    That is very interesting what you say, and certainly some of the ideas such as special limited edition etc I’ve been having recently come into my head way before this current situation happened! And its something I started practicing a few years back, doing the opposite of what everyone else was doing, when I released a special cassette release after much opposition to the ideas from others who thought I was crazy to do this considering nobody buys cassettes or have a player these days. So I went it did it myself. And it every copy sold out! It was a limited edition, hand numbered, personally signed release.

    One last thing, I forgot to mention I am a solo act and have been for the past ten years, so if you mention about group dynamic, how is this going to impact me and others who are solo artists only?

    Keep up the great insightful work.

    1. No worries Joe. I am sitting down at my desk in Australia with a cup of tea, answering questions this morning as Melbourne is shut! It sounds like you are ahead of the curve with your signed, numbered cassettes. Think more along those lines. But I would join forces with other solo artists so you are in a circle or network together. That’s the way the astrology is going. It might take some time to get things going but with Jupiter in Aquarius in 2021 you could be on an absolute winner. Remote gigs, bespoke gigs, exclusive extras – but within a mutually supporting, promotional circle of like-minded musicians and fans.

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