Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Jupiter-Neptune Sextiles 2020

We don’t often see Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces . This rare pattern in astrology takes place three times in 2020, beginning on February 20th, 2020. How can you use it best?

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

3.56pm UT (10.56am EST)
Jupiter 17 Capricorn sextile Neptune 17 Pisces

Here we have daydreaming and wishful thinking (Neptune in Pisces) inspiring a financial, business or career waiting game. This is a classic case of opportunities for success (Jupiter in Capricorn) fueled by fantasising. An example might be the vineyard owner who has visions of an award-winning wine, even though growth is so slow that all he can really do is see the pictures in his mind’s eye, rather than any results.

Why is there such slow progress now? We have to put Jupiter in Capricorn (opportunities for tremendous growth and great success) in context. He is alongside Saturn in Capricorn at the moment. Saturn brings delays. This pattern will be personal if you have anything in your birth chart at 17 Capricorn or 17 Pisces. Any placements at all at 17 degrees will also be important, as you will experience a domino effect from other people or large organisations which are cultivating some kind of fantasy-driven, potentially fantastic future.

This is the pattern which reminds us how blind Neptune in Pisces can be. Neptune rules distorted vision. The ‘blur’ of trying to see under water, or peering through mist or gas, both of which are ruled by this planet. Very close to Thursday, February 20th, 2020, there is a blind spot affecting business, finance and career.

Commonly, with Jupiter, this is an inability to see wonderful advantages, plus factors or glittering resources – right at one’s feet. So, as this Jupiter-Neptune sextile kicks in, no matter if it triggers your chart or not, now is the time to be very cautious about missing details. Wake-up calls, snapping fingers, calls to attention or elbows in the ribs might be useful. What is not being seen, by you or others, is precious. Open your eyes, look and see.

In world headlines on February 20th, 2020? Slow growth for the wine and champagne industry, affected by the climate emergency. Spotlight on farming and agriculture and seasonal delays.

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Monday, July 27th, 2020

4.06pm UT (12.06pm EST)
Jupiter 20 Capricorn sextile Neptune 20 Pisces

Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican, makes headlines near Monday 27th July 2020, dealing with the fall-out from previous popes, like Benedict, and new challenges. All eyes on his role, and the role of the next pope too.

Pisces, the two fishes, has long been associated with Christianity and across the entire Christian religion, this is a big moment of truth. Pisces, through its rulership of the fish symbol, is also about the fishermen in the Bible.

We’re going to see the laws of Christianity applied quite heavily near Monday 27th July. Jupiter has long been associated with ‘the law’ and what happens as we draw closer to August is the old holy law being applied. We might also be looking at Buddhism and Judaism, Islam and other belief systems near 27th July. There are major questions here about right and wrong, ethics and principles, morals and judgements.

In your own life, if you have factors at 20 Capricorn or 20 Pisces, this will be personal for you. There may be someone around you who is powerfully affected by religion or spirituality then, or you yourself may be drawn into a crossroads about your own faith. Anything at 20 degrees in your chart could also pull you into the situations unfolding in Rome, but also in other major religious centers. Expect a domino effect.

Jupiter in Capricorn is the top authority. Pope Francis, in the case of the Vatican. Neptune in Pisces is about the spirit, God and Heaven. Put those together and you have an historic moment.

The 20-degree hotspot is big in horoscopes cast for major religions. The Book of World Horoscopes (Nicholas Campion, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2004) has the Muslim Era beginning with Mercury at 20 Leo.

There is a chart for the Nativity of Christ showing Mars at 20 Cancer. The astrological chart for Vatican City set for June 7th, 1929, at 11.00am CET in Rome as Mercury at 19 Gemini, just one degree away.

You’d have to expect major headlines about the Pope, the media, the worldwide web and ‘the word’ close to July 27th, 2020.

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Monday, October 12th, 2020

7.05am UT (3.05am EST)
Jupiter 18 Capricorn sextile Neptune 18 Pisces

It’s fascinating to see the way Jupiter and Neptune play out three times in 2020, and on the third pass, we have news headlines about a world leader who is ‘all at sea’. Jupiter in Capricorn gives us the man at the top – a Prime Minister, President or leader in big business. We are now just a few weeks away from the American election, so are we looking at the USA in particular?

Strongly influenced by Pisces and Neptune, this ‘king among men’ is not remotely in touch with the real world. He inhabits his own world, actually. There are substantial issues here about the oceans, fishing rights, and ferry and shipping trade. This makes me wonder if we are not looking at PM Boris Johnson who is so concerned with the British fishing industry as he approaches the start of the real Brexit for 2021. There are lots of questions here about how out of touch a particular world leader is.

In your own life, you can expect a knock-on effect, so that people around you who are escapist at the best of times, are positively inspired to drift even further away from the real world, by this general climate of escapism at the top!

Men in particular (Jupiter and Neptune are male symbols) are likely to be harder to get hold of, more difficult to deal with, trickier to contain and control. We’re also seeing huge issues about climate emergency, rising sea levels, heating sea temperatures, and the melting of the ice caps, at this time.

All this suits the Jupiter (too much, excessive, overflowing) connection to Neptune (the oceans – quite literally). Manifesting in human form, we end up with men who have tremendous authority and power, removing themselves from the ordinary, normal world so much that they cut themselves off.

If you have factors at 18 Capricorn or Pisces, be aware that you might also be ‘leading from another world’ and holding your own, on the throne, in a world of your own! This suits you but makes it so difficult for those around you. Anything at all in your horoscope at 18 degrees suggests that you will be strongly affected by the currents of an unstable, unpredictable, somewhat chaotic situation. It’s very Rock ’n’ Roll.

Close to Monday, October 12th, 2020, we’ll see news stories about crazed sea captains, for example, or drugs smugglers who’ve lost the plot!

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19 Responses

  1. Thanks for another great post, really appreciate how you fill in the detail to paint a full picture. Very interesting to imagine how this might impact the Pope and religion. Feb 20th had passed when I read this, however it does make me worry I might be blind/or unable to see something precious!

    At 18º I have Pluto in Virgo, other than that it’s Diana at almost 20º Pisces and Apollo 20º Cancer, will these sextiles play out in those sectors of my chart?

    1. It seems the current Pope is in the headlines today, as he is ill and Italy is obviously in lockdown. This is a hugely important year for Roman Catholics and their faith. You’re a Virgo generation citizen who will change eating, drinking or smoking habits (if you smoke) in 2020 quite radically.

    1. Your chart is geared to respond to the Aquarius, Pisces and Sagittarius weather of 2020 as follows. A solid gold, heartfelt and sincere emotional connection made across borders, countries or regions. It’s a real journey for one of you, and a massive opportunity for the other. Just say yes.

  2. Hi Jessica,
    Your example : “vineyard owner who has visions of an award-winning wine, even though growth is so slow that all he can really do is see the pictures in his mind’s eye, rather than any results “
    Was exactly me right now with my design work in my house hoping to be featured on magazines,
    But I rely on builder which the building process is keeps delaying with defects work .

    Could you please explain with sextitels of Jupiter-Neptune in 2020 , was all that mean it’s not good / pointless anyway ?
    Or after that at some point, when the planets get moved on , the better outcome of the Jupiter in Capricorn will show up ?
    I only have Mars in Capricorn at 11 degrees in my chart as you can see , but at least 3 factors of Pisces .
    Should I give up my hope and dreams ?

    Thank you so much for your time and incredible work Jess .
    I wish to hear from you soon .

    1. Great. You have found your design work in the prediction. You need to be practical about your house. Look at the paperwork. now, and every time you hire someone. You need to be really aware of your neighbours, the council, other properties nearby. You also need to be aware of the builder you are using and his relationship with other clients, or colleagues. How does he get on with them and what agreements does he have with them? Really go over everything carefully. Where you are developing the property, the contracts and so on.

      1. YES builders drama is spot on dear Jessica .
        Plumber too . In fact right now I have my lawyer dealing with them both with defects and financial issues . It was with me being myself typical Sagittarius, I trust people and I did not bother to look at the financial details . They took advantage of me , they did illegal thing through out process, they thought I was blind and dumb . But actually I was just being Sagittarius .
        Now the people did the dodgy work pay the consequences, not me . But it’s still pulling away a lot of my time and energy to sort them .
        So yes YOU have warned me , but sometimes I have to learn lessons from my own stories .
        Thank you so much Jessica .
        Your incredible knowledge is much appreciated .

        1. I’m sorry you are going through this, but at least you know. I just gave Jodi a feature to post, after she has created her usual wonderful design, on Mercury Retrograde for the next five years so you will have every date you need for your diary, to skip troublesome periods.

          1. You’re always so generous with your reader . Thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness Jessica.

  3. How can I use the Jupiter the best Jessica and what will my Jupiter offer me. Currently looking for a part time job and am heaving interview on Saturday. Will I be accepted.

    By the way where is your column where you answer questions about stellium I cannot find it?

    Thank You

    1. Good luck with your job interview on Saturday. I don’t have a chart for the firm or the manager so can’t say more – or the other candidates! You will be travelling, commuting or even moving more widely and taking a big leap into the unknown, soon. I don’t know if it is with this job or another situation, but you’re packing your bag.

  4. Dear Jessica Adams,
    Thank you for another interesting article. I was just wondering, I am feeling anxious to attend a hearing that had been requested at the beginning of February. Would it be the right time to resign and apply for a pension? Considering the future of the economy I question as to whether to leave now or is it not the right time? Otherwise be brave and attend the hearing?
    Thank you again for your words – it is much appreciated an I look forward to hearing from you with any information of support or guidance you may wish to share.
    Take care, kindest regards, Bea x

    1. Bea, your own Astrology Oracle is the best guide, as the cards and the ebook that accompanies them will give you the personal answers you need, because this is about you, not me. Should you quit and get a pension? It depends on so many things, primarily what you want from 2020, 2021 and beyond. And you don’t say that. What do you actually want and need? Until then use the cards as they will be very clear about the pros and cons. Some people want cash, some do not, some are ambitious, some are not, so you need to be straight with yourself about your actual priority and then an answer becomes clearer. I can understand why you would be nervous about a hearing but I am going to recommend Dr. Claire Weekes to you again as she leads the world on managing anxiety. Even years after she’s passed!

  5. Thank you Jessica for your message, it is much appreciated. I understand. I’m feeling I am not on the right path and have been using the oracles but receiving what seems to be unclear messages. I think I have decided what to do but don’t think it’s the right decision and I suppose influenced by the coronavirus to believe it’s safer to be away from shopping malls. Would this be a reasonable decision? For I wouldn’t know what to do with myself as I feel unable to connect to the energy that provided much motivation. Feel I’m wasting time and too late to begin/complete things. Thank you very much for your guidance and support, it is always much appreciated. Take care, kindest regards, Bea

    1. Bea a lot has changed since you posted this. Yes, avoid crowded areas for the next two weeks. No shopping malls. Have you created a favourite menu of meditation videos from YouTube yet? Do that every day. That will help still your mind and then you can check your choices. You also need to know that March is abnormal globally and things will change every day. So keep moving and stay flexible.

      1. Dear Jessica,
        Thank you so much for your kind reply, it is much appreciated. I understand, I am just wondering, if I return to work in the next 3-6 months, what may be the state of the retail industry if possible to foresee? I’m attending an interview next week but seems to be one that cannot change yet aware of Mercury retrograde shadow. Will the effort in attending be worthwhile or shall I look elsewhere during this time? Thank you for the meditation recommendations – I am compiling a list now =]
        Take care, kindest regards, Bea x

        1. Keep meditating Bea. In 2020 the focus will be on ‘bounce’ immunity. A high number of us are expected to become infected with COVID-19. So far, we have seen it ‘bounce’ off some people with very little effect. Why, is the big question. All the research on the immune system to date suggests that along with fruit and vegetables, exercise, good sleep – the lowering of anxiety or stress is really important. Enter meditation. Become as much of a ‘bouncer’ as it is possible to be. Why? Because the world will need them, particularly in retail, and that’s where you want to be. Go for the interview, if it is still on, and use this time to have a long, long conversation with yourself about what you can do, in this radically different new world of work, and how you are going to do it. We are entering a new world economy which will hit retail right between the eyes. Do some homework and see where all this is going, even now, and be fully informed before you start to think about your place in it all. That’s what Mercury Retrograde is best for. The research.

  6. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you once again for your kindness and support, always much appreciated.
    Sure, I shall continue to practice meditation.
    I am a fond researcher and so wasn’t sure if it would be a good time to use this for something helpful. Would it be worthwhile focussing on this path?
    Take care,
    Kindest regards,

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