Mercury Retrograde Pisces + Aquarius Sun + Leo Full Moon = Some Seriously Wild Weather

It makes sense that when Mercury goes retrograde in the water sign of Pisces, we are more likely to see disruptions caused by water – forcing us to reschedule, rethink, research or revise.

It makes sense that when Mercury goes retrograde in the water sign of Pisces, we are more likely to see disruptions caused by water – forcing us to reschedule, rethink, research or revise. As Jessica Adams explained in her blog back on November 11th, 2019:

We are going to see flooding, storms and heavy rainfall right around the world as Mercury Retrograde takes hold in Pisces (a water sign, associated with its ruler Neptune – the sea – and also fish). This began at 0 Pisces on Tuesday, the 4th of February and the chaos begins as Mercury crosses 0-12 degrees from that date until Monday, the 30th of March, 2020 twisting and turning in one long time loop.” (See full story here).

But the extreme wet weather patterns we saw around the globe over the last weekend – including days of continuous torrential rain and gale force winds along the east coast of Australia (which had already been so badly damaged by bushfires since September 2019), heavy rainfall and severe weather in the southern states of the USA and Storm Ciara in the United Kingdom – may also be linked to another line-up we have just been through – an Aquarius Sun combined with a Leo Full Moon.

BOM NSW Tweet on rainfall in Sydney Feb 2020 600x489 - Mercury Retrograde Pisces + Aquarius Sun + Leo Full Moon = Some Seriously Wild Weather

Storms hitting United States Feb 2020 AccuWeather Tweet 600x431 - Mercury Retrograde Pisces + Aquarius Sun + Leo Full Moon = Some Seriously Wild Weather

Anne Lawrence-Mathers released Medieval Meteorology – Forecasting The Weather From Aristotle to Almanac, which educates on “how scientifically-based meteorology spread and flourished from c.700-c.1600 this study reveals the dramatic changes in forecasting and how the new science of ‘astro-meteorology’ developed.

In the below excerpt from the book Lawrence-Mathers refers to the exact line-up which we’ve just been through:

  • Friday 7th February 2020 – Aquarius Sun – Cancer Moon transited to Leo Moon at 23:39 (UT/GMT)
  • Saturday 8th February 2020 – Aquarius Sun – Moon Leo
  • Sunday 9th February 2020 – Aquarius Sun combined with Leo Full Moon

 Medieval Meterology - Mercury Retrograde Pisces + Aquarius Sun + Leo Full Moon = Some Seriously Wild Weather   Excerpt from Medieval Meteoroloy  Forecasting the Weather From Aristotle to the Almanac 600x404 - Mercury Retrograde Pisces + Aquarius Sun + Leo Full Moon = Some Seriously Wild Weather

Interestingly, the moon transited to Virgo at 23:39 (UT/GMT) on Sunday, February 9th, which appears to be the time the storms seem to ease off. This particular full moon, known as the Snow Moon, also brought with it massive King Tides hitting coastlines around the globe. The Astrology Show hopes everyone is safe and dry today.

12mvi9sdl7i 600x338 - Mercury Retrograde Pisces + Aquarius Sun + Leo Full Moon = Some Seriously Wild Weather

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10 Responses

  1. Framed the following question based on today’s horoscope and got the following answers:
    What is about to make a comeback based on the aesculapia and minerva weather in gemini in my birthchart? (Personally I love aesculapia in my birth chart. And understanding psyche has helped in learning hive mind psychology.)
    Tarot: King of Swords
    Astrology Oracle: Psyche and Ninth house
    If I were to really take the literal descriptions of the cards into account they point to a passionate connection with a sag male from my past who has not been present in life for the last few years. Can you help me gain better understanding?

    1. The King of Swords is a tough and assertive man, a leading figure in work, business or with the family. An alpha male. Psyche is what endures/lives forever and the Ninth House is travel, education, academia, foreign people and places, regional differences, publishing and the worldwide web itself. I hope that helps you interpret.

      1. I do hope you get to read this. Astrology doesn’t stop surprising me- even in daily life.
        King of swords manisfested as my Dad. The third house and 27 degree weather manifested as my sister whose 29 degree virgo sun squares my mars-saturn conjunction in sag. On top of it mercury retrograde on my natal north node 12 degree. Together they bought the same ancestral theme which had me in tears- depression-drama when saturn was in sag.
        I want to share with you how I used astrology here- I was aware of M.Rx at 12 pisces since january and Mars’s transit over my natal placements. I used meditation and journalling to not react or respond in my usual old ways. Surprisingly, I was calm and balanced, stood up for myself and hooray!!! feeling so empowered right now. On another note- sun’s transit in aquarius has been a good snapshot of saturn in 4th!! Unconscioulsy focus has shifted on cooking, working on blog from home and being both accepting and thankul for the family this incarnation has bought me in.

        I do hope that I soon get to relocate as so much of what I want to accomplish is not possible here. Thankyou for all your work here on this blog. 🙂

        1. This is really great feedback, thank you. I am sorry you had to end up in tears over the family situation, but you have turned your situation around using astrology and Tarot, and your journal. Which is exactly what I want people to do. You’ve worked it, and transformed it. Fantastic.

  2. Hi Jessica – would you know what the astrology says about earthquake activity in Los Angeles? Thank you 🙂

    1. Los Angeles earthquakes are a favourite topic among American psychics and astrologers – have been for years, actually. In astrology we look to Pluto for earthquakes (he broke the earth with his trident when he took Proserpina) and Neptune (flooding of the oceans, as earthquakes can also trigger tsunamis). There is no major disruption from earthquakes in Los Angeles in 2020, but the green movement, the environment and ecology/science activism will result in more in-depth exploration of the earth’s crust below Los Angeles. New technology will bring back new discoveries about what lies below.

  3. Dear Jessica,
    On February 24th I have an appointment at the hospital due to an eye operation, retina as well as they want to make a stent implantation. But…it’s Mercury retrograde!
    The thought of a stent implantation displeases me anyway.
    Would you please so kind and give me some insight?
    Thank you!

    Best regards

    1. Mercury Retrograde has to be taken in context. Always look at the zodiac sign Mercury Retrograde is in, when it is stalling and going backwards. On February 24th Mercury Retrograde is in Pisces, which rules your Twelfth House of religion, spirituality, astrology, psychics, psychologists and the relationship you have with your God. So it has nothing to do with your eye operation. That is ruled by Virgo and the Sixth House. If you had anything in your chart at 9 Virgo, that would be an issue, as we find Mercury Retrograde at 9 Pisces, right opposite, on February 24th. You don’t. Christiane, your final choice is up to you about this, and as it’s such an intensely personal matter, you may want to use your Astrology Oracle cards and guide.

  4. Hello Jessica,
    So This Scorpio,Sag wounded healer (acumen in my constellation isn’t anymore personal to me, I have eyesight only from my right EYE). I will share more deets with you one day. Thus My Taurus moon at 4* (you know where Uranus sits) is where my attention goes. You were clear with my homeland PR recently shaken by earthquakes.. I am now faced at my workplace, with giving a statement regarding a possible lawsuit (if enough evidence) against a dissatisfied patient. I was subpoenaed to serve as a witness. Mt first experience and hopefully my last in my 36 yrs of my professional career. While I have faith in myself and “trust” the system, I’m feeling anxious. I welcome any wise counsel. I need to rationalize first and prevent my heart from jumping into my sweaty palms while I unglue my tongue from the roof of my mouth to utter a cohesive and compelling statement.

    1. Mari, you have the kind of chart where your homeland can experience tremors and you can also feel shaken up (temporarily) by a patient. You’ve been a professional for 36 years and this is the first issue you’ve ever had, so a) you’re very good at what you do and b) you understandably want to feel stronger about it. Others have been down this road before you, millions of times, so find out their stories. We’re in Aquarius weather now so it’s about the group. Go back to your professional association, or to friends in the system who’ve been through it, or know someone who has. Remember you are part of a group, community, collective. For pure physical ‘managing’ skills, go to the free YouTube recordings of Dr. Claire Weekes. I should also add that on Mercury Retrograde it’s entirely possible this will all fizzle out. It’s hard to say without knowing the patient’s chart.

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