The Astrology Show Top 5 for 27 January

The Astrology Show Podcast on Twitter @astrologyshow brings you a new weekly feature in which they share with you the current Top 5 of what's new in astrology.

What’s new in astrology this week?

For more, follow The Astrology Show on Twitter featuring guest tutors from The Sun Sign School, around the world – Natalie Delahaye, Barbara Dunn, Bernard Fitzwalter, Debbie Frank, Maggie Hyde, Stephanie Johnson, Joanne Madeline Moore, Neil Spencer and Penny Thornton.

Join us at Meetups in Britain and Australia – Find information here.

For more information please contact Alicia Fulton, The Kei PR.

Chani Nicholas – First Book A Bestseller

Popular Los Angeles based astrologer Chani Nicholas, contributor to Oprah’s O Magazine, released a new book “You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance,” on January 7, 2020. Her debut title, focusing on three “foundational keys” – your sun, moon and ascendant – and their impact on your life, has already made it to New York Times bestseller list. Published by HarperOne. 

TWEET: While she won’t reveal her Hollywood client list, aside from recording artist Lizzo who she has done a public reading for, Chani Nicholas has written a new book aimed and helping improve lives of readers with “You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance.”

AFAN Awarding Grants – Applications Close February 16th, 2020

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The Association For Astrological Networking (AFAN) will be awarding up to US $5,800 in scholarship grants in 2020 to help members “further their astrological knowledge, enhance their professional skills & engage more with the astrological community.” To apply you must be a current AFAN member, applications close February 16th, 2020. Apply here.

TWEET: Ready to expand your knowledge in 2020? AFAN members can now apply for scholarship grants to help them further their astrological knowledge and skills.

Image Credit: Photo by JP Valery on Unsplash.

 Suzanne White Explains Year of the Metal Rat

2020 Year of the Metal Rat by Suzanne White 408x600 - The Astrology Show Top 5 for 27 JanuaryLooking at all 24 Zodiac signs – Western and Chinese – Suzanne White’s predictions for the year ahead are very always very entertaining covering love, money, health, career and family. Released on January 15 her latest book 2020 Year of the Metal Rat has already made it to #1 on Amazon’s New Releases in Eastern Astrology. Available as E-book on her website or Kindle or Paperback on Amazon,

TWEET: Suzanne White has unravelled the mix of Western and Chinese horoscopes for the year ahead into a simple to follow book 2020 Year of the Metal Rat.


Co-Star App Now Available on Google Play

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Power to the people! After 120,000 fans of the Co-Star astrology app put their names down on a waitlist for the popular iPhone app to be made available on Android they were finally rewarded on January 18, with it being made available on the Google Play Store. First launched two years to iPhone users, Co-Star says it uses artificial intelligence and data from NASA. But it also declares it may use cookies, the date and time of visits and other information collected from you to help formulate your astrology message.

TWEET: Co-Star has proved it’s not just for iPhone fans with 120,000 demanding it be made available for android users too.

Image Credit: Co-Star

Get an Astromap Before You Pack

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The New York Times has featured the work of astrocartographer Patti Carlson in an article by Priyanka Mattoo here. Carlson uses a mapping technique that was designed by the astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970’s. The maps Carlson creates show where her clients are likely to experience the best energy either to live or while on holiday. Carlson herself lives in Ohio, but maps she has done for herself have proven there are places around the globe that make her “soul sing.” 

TWEET: Decisions about where to live and take your breaks can be made easier with the help of astrocartographer Patti Carlson.

Image credit: Photo by Paula May on Unsplash

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4 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I recently became a premium member as your insights were so interesting and relevant to me during a very difficult time and I wanted to know more!
    I have taken great comfort from your general sun sign readings over the past couple of years. My marriage of 22 years had a very difficult time from May 2016 to December 2017 and we have been recovering, successfully, since starting counselling in February 2018 but I am still anxious about our future / my future. My work situation also completely changed during that period. I have been affected dramatically both psychologically and physically (much fitter now!). Since I received my birth chart I couldn’t help but notice the large amount of action in capricorn in recent weeks (the capricorn effect), with a lot in pisces also. It has been a little overwhelming to try to get my head around it all. I was specifically interested in my marriage and home life. With all of this activity is there anything you can see in my chart that shows a less stressful time ahead?

    1. Thank you. Make sure you scoop up your home library (tree-free reading) and all the cards and podcasts. You are going through the Cancer-Capricorn stretch, as you rightly suspected. Your Fourth House, which rules marriage, the household and home, is ruled by Cancer in turn. We now have the most intense line-up in over 240 years in Capricorn, right opposite. It can and does get better. In fact things are already on the turn, even though it might seem to outsiders that it’s only now everything is being fully revealed. There will be days when it seems very dark and difficult, so I am not going to beat around the bush. BUT good things are happening, simultaneously. It’s this odd combination of everything going right down to the wire, then beginning again. Jupiter is your friend in 2020 and there is so much hope for growth, change and improvement with both the relationship and your actual home environment. Things ease up a lot when Saturn temporarily goes out of Capricorn in March, and you get another break in April, when Jupiter moves close to Pluto, with all his famous help. You will end up with each other, in exactly the right place you are meant to end up – in December. You also need more rest. Time out. Something completely different, outside home. Every day if you must. You can find the time!

  2. HI Jessica,
    I have following your predictions for a while now and what really resonated with me were the predictions over the last 3 years for my sun sign. To say that you hit the nail on the head would be an understatement. You had it down to the exact dates and I kept reading in wonder and amazement. I wish I had followed your blog then. I have been through a roller coaster of my life with my marriage and the rug has been literally pulled out from under my feet while running. Trying to rebuild my life with my children slowly but it hasn’t been easy. I still have decisions to make with filing the paperwork for the custody, finances, etc. and I am not sure I have the strength to continue forward solo. And living life without my spouse has brought to the surface all the abuse and neglect I had been putting up with. I am curious – are there better days ahead for me and my children? If so, when. For someone who takes pride in speaking honestly, will I ever find a spouse who appreciates my inner and outer beauty? Much thanks and gratitude.

    1. Thank you. I am glad the date-stamped predictions came true. I am sorry about your separation/divorce but you are doing incredibly well, getting through the toughest cycle for family life in 248 years! You are over the worst. That was 2018 and 2019. In the year 2020 you will learn techniques to help you permanently overcome anxiety and depression. You will return your sleep patterns to normal and transform yourself into a new person. It will take a huge amount of work, but you can do it. You may want to look at meditation or hypnosis. You have a lovely home to relax in, so learn to relax. A lot of what is troubling you is in your head. It is not real. It is either a memory which you have coloured a certain way, or worry about the future. Neither is remotely real. Find out what works for you as a technique, especially before bed, and use it every night. Try Betty Shine’s audio on YouTube. She was a legendary master of mind, body spirit techniques and this may work for you. If it doesn’t, find something that does. Tibetan gong meditation is also very good. Once you train yourself to have peace of mind, serenity and good mental health, it will be with you for life. You also need to energy clear/space clear your bedroom. I have a guide for that, if you want to download – I call it Life Sweeping.

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