Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Super Virgo Weather 2019

We're in for super Virgo weather in 2019 with a high number of patterns, including the Virgo New Moon, in this sign. How is your zodiac sign affected and also your personal birth chart?

Super Virgo Weather 2019 – Time to Ground!

The New Moon in Virgo takes place at 10.37am (Universal Time) on Friday 3oth August and is part of a sweeping pattern of change in your life, as we also have Apollo in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo, the Sun in Virgo, Mars in Virgo, Juno in Virgo, Ops in Virgo, Bacchus in Virgo…need I go on?

Your zodiac sign (Sun Sign) is a good guide to a basic weather forecast and it can also help you to be proactive, using the Virgo climate to make the right decisions at the right time. In a moment I’ll give you some dates and also information about your personal birth chart, if you are a Premium Member.

Virgo is an earth sign. She likes to keep her feet on the ground. This Super Virgo Weather, starting with the New Virgo Moon, is your time to get real, be practical, come back down to earth (if you were losing touch with reality mid-year, for example). It’s a no-nonsense sign and you are entering extreme Virgo conditions.

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The Virgo Weather and Your Zodiac Sign – Where is the New September Start?

  • Aries: Your work ethic. Your identification (or not) with the working class. Your dentist and doctor. Your feelings about your body as a whole. Your current division of the 24 hours in each day, into sleep, work, housework and relaxation. Healers.
  • Taurus: Pregnancy and birth. Abortion. Miscarriage. Existing sons and daughters. Grandchildren and godchildren. Nieces and nephews. Sexual relationships with parenthood potential. Teaching, mentoring, coaching and guiding younger people.
  • Gemini: Your home town and your homeland. Your culture, roots, heritage and family tree. Your house or apartment. Your holiday home or investment property. You’re household. Close relatives. Flatmates/roommates. Renovation and building.
  • Cancer: Your blog or website. Your Twitter or Pinterest account. Your mobile telephone/cell phone. Your thesis, script, novel, article, broadcast or podcast. Your fundamental ability to communicate – hearing, speech, handwriting, literacy.
  • Leo: Your tax return. Your loan or mortgage. Your credit card or debit card. Your income. Saving money and making money. Your charity commitment. Your business or company. Valuables. Auctions and secondhand shops. Commission and bonus.
  • Virgo: Your physical appearance, from hair colour to cosmetic surgery. Your wardrobe and accessories. Your name and title. Your reputation on Google and in real life. How other people see you, from the outside looking in. Your first impression.
  • Libra: Your relationship with your God. Witchcraft. Inner demons. Psychologists and psychiatrists. Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity. Solitude. Soul-searching. Confession. Priests and vicars. Examining your conscience for sin. Therapy.
  • Scorpio: Friendships as a whole, within social media like Twitter but also in the real world – for example through an organisation like Greenpeace or your local football team. People power in a group – trade unions, political parties.
  • Sagittarius: Success and achievement. Ambition and striving. Making it to the top and staying at the top. Your social rank and status in the class system, but also in other ‘clout’ systems like the internet. All hierarchies which require climbing.
  • Capricorn: Your relationship with foreign people, their language, culture, food and beliefs. Travel and travellers. Tourists. Regional differences which can make others seem foreign to you. Academia and education. Publishing. The internet.
  • Aquarius: Your legacy to others. The money or goods and property left to you in a will by family or partners. Mortgage and marriage. Common-law marriage and rent, shared ownership of possessions. Sex and money. Death and money. Bankers.
  • Pisces: Your former wife or husband. Your current partner. A potential lover. Enemies, rivals and opponents. Legal battles. Duets. Duels. Business or professional partnerships. The person on the other end of the scales from you. Double-acts.

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Dates to watch during Super Virgo Weather

This is a really great period in your life for a new chapter – a genuine fresh start – with not much in your way. Sure, you will examine what you create or commence near August 30th by September 14th (Full Moon) but that’s quite useful. It doesn’t hurt to inspect something and make changes and adjustments. If you’re a Sun Cancer person, for example, then you may be relaunching your blog and that Full Moon will show you what is wrong with it – so you can fix it.

I mentioned a long list of asteroids at the beginning of this feature. They matter quite as much as planets in modern astrology, which uses the whole family tree – so not just Jupiter, but also his son Bacchus. Not just Mars but his rival, Vulcano. It’s only when you use the whole spread of horoscope factors that you start seeing date-stamped accuracy.

Friday 30th August is pretty remarkable as we see the Sun at 6 Virgo trine Uranus at 6 Taurus, with the New Moon also coming in at 6 Virgo too. Ops is very close by at 7 Virgo the next day, Saturday 31st August, conjunct the Sun.

Do You Have Factors at 6 Degrees in Your Personal Birth Chart?
If you have anything at all at 6 degrees you’re off to a flying start for September, as the people and organisations around you want to make big new beginnings – and you’ll be affected by that. You may find that a business wants to expand, for example, and contacts you to say they are hiring. Someone may decide to move house, to give you another example, and that gives you a new neighbour who opens up your social life – and so on.

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Extreme Virgo Weather

Extreme Virgo weather always brings front-page news about medical discoveries, but also taxpayer-funded health care schemes like the N.H.S. and Medicare, Obamacare and so on. September 2019 will be the most important month this year for major announcements regarding this.

The extreme Virgo weather will hit you more, to your total advantage, if you have Virgo factors in your personal birth chart. As a Premium Member you’ll be looking at that right now, in this story (above). Look at the segment of the circle which is roughly in the 3pm-4pm position – that is the Sixth House. The more packed it is, the more ‘Virgo’ you actually are. Having more than three factors in Virgo gives you a Virgo stellium.

If the following patterns line up exactly at the same degree as anything in Virgo in your horoscope, that’s a ‘trigger’ day for major new directions with your workload, daily routine, lifestyle, fitness, food, drink, drugs, doctor, healer, housework. I don’t need to mention that Virgo is associated with quitting cigarettes and dope. It is also associated with giving up alcohol, cocaine and an unhealthy dependency on legal drugs, like valium. Virgo is very much about diets and this extreme Virgo weather will result in a surprising switch to a meat-free way of eating for people you know. I have also seen vegetarians who were overweight, with pasty complexions, decide to start eating free-range steak and chicken again, during Virgo cycles – and lose the pounds and gain a much healthier appearance.

Virgo is Your Body, Not Just Any Body

Virgo is about your body, not just any body. It is very specifically about the DNA you inherited from your parents, but also the paid or unpaid work you do, and the impact that this has on your back (for example), your feet, your mental health (depression, anxiety, insomnia) and so on. Something that will feel quite new during this Virgo weather of 2019 is the focus on your unique mechanism – your wholistic health. If you are curious about Virgo as a sign, please do hit Search as I’ve gone into quite a lot of detail in the past, about the sixth sign of the zodiac and her rulership of the Sixth House.

Dates Which Trigger Virgo Patterns in Your Chart

A conjunction is like a car key starting the engine. Things begin – they rev up – and how you work, why you work, how you handle the 24 hours in your daily routine – are all charged. A new journey begins within 24 hours of these dates, below. If you are curious about what these planets and asteroids mean, remember you can hit Search at any time, or just turn to your guidebooks if you are a Premium Member.

  • The Sun conjuncts Vulcano at 8 Virgo on 1st September.
  • The Sun conjuncts Mars at 9 Virgo on 2nd September.
  • Mercury conjuncts Ops at 8 Virgo on 2nd September.
  • Mercury conjuncts Bacchus at 8 Virgo on 2nd September.
  • Mercury conjuncts Vulcano at 9 Virgo on 3rd September.
  • Mercury conjuncts Mars at 10 Virgo on 3rd September.
  • Bacchus conjuncts Vulcano at 10 Virgo on 3rd September.
  • Sun conjuncts Mercury at 11 Virgo on 4th September.
  • Mars conjuncts Bacchus at 11 Virgo on 5th September.
  • Sun conjuncts Bacchus at 18 Virgo on 11th September.
  • Mercury conjuncts Venus at 28 Virgo on 13th September.

For Everybody – Virgo Weather is Perfect for Decluttering

Virgo is the maiden (or unmarried young woman in the family) who was always charged with housework. The virgin who depended on her parents for support had to pay her way, so she was given the cleaning and tidying to do. This is an ancient symbol in astrology which goes back centuries! Today, we update it by associating Virgo with Marie Kondo and her famous ‘Spark Joy’ philosophy of decluttering. I would handpick September 2nd, 4th, 5th, 11th, 13th for you as great days to thoroughly clean your apartment, house or boat (if like me, you spend time on a yacht) and to get stuck into the gardening.

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Full Moon – Test What You Started in August – on September 14th.

A Full Moon is your inner conflict, plus a situation where there are two sides, two opposing forces, or two points of view, which cannot meet in the middle. This is a testing time to see what how robust particular plans you made or accepted, near August 30th, actually are. This one falls with the Sun at 21 Virgo opposite the Moon at 21 Pisces on 14th September at 4.32 Universal Time. If something/someone is clearly wrong, that’s when you’ll take action and sort it out.

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84 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, I have Uranus in Virgo at 6. Can you tell me something? What will happen?

    1. To be born with Uranus at 6 Virgo is really a statement about your whole life, as you have had a history of job loss, part-time work, unpredictable jobs and sudden changes, which turn everything upside-down at a moment’s notice. As a result of that, you have become extremely flexible about your relationship with the world of work and learned that the phrase ‘new! different!’ applies to you pretty much every year. You have also learned not to tie down, restrict or limit people in the work environment. You may have done this only once in your life and been faced with revolt or rebellion, actually. Now, you are intuitively guided to give people as much space as possible and this is a far better arrangement. One thing you haven’t quite mastered yet is the art of fuelling your body (the machine) with what you need to work at your absolute best. You may actually have a physical constitution which rejects particular food groups or substances – for example gluten intolerance or sensitivity to sugar. September is important because it allows you to go the next level with work, even if it is unpaid work, and also to understand that the tiniest things have a huge impact on how focussed you are, how well you concentrate, how energetic you feel throughout the working day, and how you deliver/perform. It can literally come down to one teaspoon of sugar in a fruit yoghurt at breakfast. Virgo rules the very small. The contraceptive pill which came in during the years Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo, when you were born, is a good example of how something that is barely half the size of your little fingernail, can stop your body clock and also change society! So start with that idea for September. Uranus in Virgo will be triggered and the time has come to develop your relationship with the work you do, so that it becomes so much more than just another task or job – but also to recognise the small things you put into your body (or what your body may be missing, like vitamins) and just how massively that affects how you do the job.

  2. Hi Jessica, always love reading your posts! Would you mind giving me some insight? I just celebrated a wonderful birthday with so many well wishers. My friends are a wonderful part of my life. The more difficult part of my life is my financial situation. My husband is a Capricorn born 1=7=49. I have thought of coming up with an exercise routine for oldsters….I just turned 69. Is this a good idea? Also, what can I do to improve my relation with my daughter in law and niece? Thank you so much!! J

    1. Thank you and happy birthday. Your finances require a completely new and radical approach. The old budget or old mindset is not going to work in 2019 and beyond. Have a look at what other people have got away with. I’m not talking bank robberies, by the way! If you are now on the road to 70 then you are in a unique position with your finances, property, insurance, allowances, discounts and the rest. Open up to the idea of being taught, guided or mentored here and see if there is someone who can help. This person would ideally be unconventional, unorthodox, rather unexpected (not the stereotypical money man or money woman) and suggest what seems so audacious you can’t imagine it working – yet it will. I can’t comment on your niece or daughter-in-law without their charts. Your husband, born 7th January 1949, would actually be a good guinea pig for your exercise training. It would change him, actually – next year. Your market is actually slightly younger than people in their sixties and seventies. It’s people in their fifties, but do take a look at what is possible. You are a born networker and know how to make a group work. Start with that and keep going.

  3. Hi Jessica, I have three factors in Virgo. Over the last week and next fortnight I have been given multiple opportunities for professional development including a chance to act as manager. I am excited but a little concerned because one staff member seems disgruntled because she was previously acting manager. Your advice is much appreciated.

    1. You are having Virgo weather – and how. Congratulations on being given the role as acting manager. Part of the job is dealing with other people and their insecurity, or their personal problems/personality problems! Don’t be concerned but do use this opportunity to find out what works. I am sure you know there are whole bookshelves devoted to management training, shortcuts, tips and tricks. Take some time to read the Amazon reviews and see which books are really speaking to people. You may even want to find some of those famous old John Cleese videos on YouTube – he developed his interest in psychology in that direction. There are major issues here for you and for your staffer, about serving/being served and the whole power or control hierarchy in the politics of your workplace. These are also tremendously common issues and you are not the first person to walk into them. The reality of the situation is that it goes beyond what is on paper – the job description, duty statement and so on. This is unspoken stuff but very real and it needs to be met with tried, tested, trusted and true advice. That is where your homework comes in. You will be amazed at what one gesture or discussion can achieve. Longer-term, the September episode will be part of your overall development in career terms, leading to a pretty amazing year in 2020.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this amazing article. My birthday is August 31st, how do you think is going to affect me? Finally my ex agreed to put the divorce papers in by the end of the year after 26 years of marriage. I am hoping that my boyfriend finally will decide to get a divorce too and be with me. This will be my hope for this full moon.

    Thank you,

    1. Alina, thank you. The divorce papers must be a relief. Now you are waiting for your boyfriend to also divorce his wife. That second part may be harder than the first part, and it is impossible to say, without his wife’s horoscope – and his chart as well. You don’t mention children here but that would be the first question. Do you have a son or daughter? Do they? Do you want a child in your world? This is actually where the real work has to be done, and September is too early. It will be December 2019, January 2020 and then this situation will be much further along.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    I have 6 Virgo factors from 5 to 28. How do you see this period related to my work? Thank you!

    1. You’ll have to change your lifestyle and daily routine to deal with demanding but rewarding new projects, deadlines and plans. You cannot keep on going along in the same way, as it’s not really been that productive, in terms of your potential – which is huge. As your Virgo factors are triggered in sequence, you have about four weeks to ‘get real and get busy’ and really look at your daily patterns. One rather useful Virgo question is ‘Do you eat for fuel, or eat for fun?’ You also have to look at who/what fuels you, work-wise. You cannot function on thin air. Developing a different relationship with the work you do, is going to result in a huge leap in productivity if you focus on that, rather than just taking it for granted, or never really taking the time to sit down and analyse – why you do, what you do. I always suggest using a notebook to write things down, rather than just turning to the computer again, because the physical act of handwriting a journal changes the way you breathe. It slows you down. It makes you stop. That in itself creates a different rhythm and that is when the most interesting ideas, solutions or answers can come. You are in this cycle when it can be very difficult to ‘do the job’ or ‘get on with the job’ because the organisations or people you are dealing with are so tremendously heavy and dominating. Feeling intimidated or ‘heavied’ is pretty common, or resenting what feels like a master and servant situation. There are major issues here about how powerful you feel, or not! Getting to the bottom of that is worth doing, too. It all adds up to a new work direction by the end of September and that will make a tremendous difference to 2020, 2021.

  6. Hi Jessica ,
    Thank you so much for your predictions .
    They have been guiding me through life .

    As you can see in my chart I have 6 , 8 , 9 , 28 degrees ( as you mentioned on Tweeter too ) line up in Virgo, Libra , Pisces, Aries…

    If you have a chance, can you please give me your thoughts about what areas of my life will be effective .
    For what I have learned from YOU over the years Jess, please correct me if I’m wrong .
    Libra – my friendship, society networking house …
    Aries – partnership, lover, sexual relations, parenting house …
    Virgo – success , achievement or so on …

    After A long year I am still deeply wounded since 1st September 2018 last year, after my lover – my longtime client – Scorpio man broke up with me . So it meant I lost my lover plus my income at the same time .
    My heart is broken more than ever .
    I feel like I will never get over HIM .
    It likes a DEAD sentence for my soul .
    Every day I cry .

    I have been invested time, energy and resources on my daughters career – entertainment industry , which is her dream and passion .
    She’s a Leo – 13 years old .
    It’s still early days , i don’t know exactly where and what we should expect ( as English is not my first language and lack of connections )

    Another note,
    A kind Cancer man loves me since 2017 , but he’s NOT my type .
    He will visit me exactly 13the September .
    For his own shake and what he deserves –
    I don’t want to fall into him just because he’s so kind to me and because when I’m very sensitive like this .

    Dear Jessica, can you please let me know what is coming to my way .
    I am so exhausted of hoping .
    My heart and my soul are in so pain .

    Thank you so much for your time reading my words Jessica . Any response from you would be much appreciated as always .

    Your truly .

    1. I am so sorry you are suffering like this. You are extremely sensitive and can over-think a situation so that you get stuck inside your own head, and your own emotions. In fact, you can over-feel the feelings! I am sure that your tremendous losses with love, sex and money have been really hard to accept, but you also need to look at ‘what not to do’ in terms of feeling better about them. What not to do? Well, begin with what you do, habitually, all the time. If you repeat the same approach, or keep on thinking the same thoughts, then you see exactly the same results – unhappiness. So one first step is to use a notebook to write (not a computer, a notebook!) what you can see yourself doing, over and over again. If you are stuck please use The Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook on this website, to assist you. Ask ‘What do I habitually/repeatedly do, that keeps me stuck and feeling so unhappy?’ The answer can be really illuminating. It is very easy for you to build your own cage and stay stuck inside it, like a trapped creature. It’s crazy that you are making this cage for yourself and you really do need to be free. Can I suggest that you look at the friendship with the Cancerian man as well and see what patterns you repeat there? If this is the second year that he has been trying to seduce you into a relationship, and the second year that you are doing/saying exactly the same things, then you really have to question where it gets you. Isn’t it time to change that one pattern?

      1. Dear Jessica,
        I want to say THANK YOU so very much for taking your precious time to respond to me . You’re beyond amazing Jessica .
        You see through me . HOW ?
        Literally I have a brand new notebook I carry in my handbag – everyday – last few months… I planned to map out my new future step by step – without the only man I ever loved . I tried but I couldn’t get out of my hurting soul to start writing .
        But then I read YOUR September predictions I realised everything happened for the reasons .
        I wasn’t meant to be with the Scorpion man , let him take care of me financially because I meant to be free and slowly but surely ( your words ) builds my own future focus on my health and work on my special skills while Uranus is here in Taurus .
        And because Uranus is going through HIS sexual partners relationship in next 6 years since May 2018 ( EXACTLY when we were started dating ) . There is no guarantee for a stable relationship with him . So here I am , as painful as it is , I’m slowly moving forward and learn how to truly live life .
        Thank YOU again Jessica . Your insight and guidance have saved me from time to time, did you know ?
        You’re so wonderful . I wish I wish I can meet YOU in person one day ( I missed the meet up in Brisbane because I was too depressed to turn up after the breakup but please come back Jessica <3

        Wishing you a sweet weekend wherever you’re Jessica XO

        P/S : the Cancerian man is coming next week for work and visit me .
        I appreciate him so much . But the heart wants what it wants . I cannot give what I don’t have for him . He deserve better . We’re good close friends .

        Can I please have a hope that one day once after Uranus is moving out of Taurus another 6 years to come , I will have a chance to love and live forever with the Scorpion man .

        1. You are a true water-sign person in that you are emotional, guided by feelings, and live a passionate life. You understand poetry, music, novels and epic films and television series because of this. In fact, you live it. Try not to think six years into the future, but focus on 2020 and see what comes. If you are still in love with the Scorpio man by 2021, even if it’s from a distance, then you need to start asking yourself about why you have chosen to obsess about somebody you will never marry or have children with. Why is that? There is a small chance he will flip and surprise himself and you, by suddenly changing his mind – but please do not bank on that or think about it. He is in the most unpredictable love and sex cycle of his life and even in astrology you can’t foresee what he’ll do. Whatever it is, there will be a few shocks, so try not to second-guess. You do need more time to heal though. Music helps. So does writing it down.

  7. Hi Jessica, it’s great news that the Virgo weather is going to provide such good conditions for de-cluttering – we moved into our new house back in February & still have unpacked boxes! Definitely time to get them sorted 🙂

    I’ve got a few Virgo factors & some stuff around 6 or 7 degrees of various houses – is this why I’ve been feeling so out-of-sorts recently, or is this new Virgo weather around those degrees going to help break through that? I’ve been paying attention to what you’ve said about doing some deep diving alone but still been feeling a combination of anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, exhausted, generally stuck… but I can’t seem to get to the bottom of why! Any advice or astrological logic would be greatly appreciated Lx

    1. We put out an e-guide on decluttering, space clearing and energy clearing a few months ago which you are welcome to download from this website. Unpacking your boxes is an absolute priority and if you feel anxious, exhausted and overwhelmed I can understand – but every time you look at the boxes your energy will sink again. If you need inspiration about sorting out your new house, have a look at the letters Karen Kingston receives at her website (she is the originator of the Space Clearing phenomenon) and do watch the Marie Kondo series on YouTube or Netflix. Marie Kondo is another great source of inspiration. Anyone with a Virgo signature in her chart, even if it’s small, needs order and organisation. In fact, mess or unpacked ‘stuff’ is a sure sign that things are out of kilter. In astrology we do work symbolically as well. So we have to ask what is so heavy about your life. You’d have to be looking at the relationship side of things here. What have you not ‘unpacked’ that weighs a ton? What are you putting off facing, and so on? Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and sort out just one box. The other great inspiration is Denise Linn, who uses her Native American background to clear spaces. There is a reason why this stuff has been around since the Eighties and has only grown in popularity – it is because it works. Coming back to a home you love and adore is such a delicious feeling it is well worth taking a deep breath and ‘beginning the begin.’ I am also a great one for looking at the phrases my readers use when expressing their problem as the unconscious mind usually directs the message. You mention ‘can’t seem to get to the bottom’ and I’ll leave that with you! There may be an extra meaning there!

  8. Dear Jessica,

    Thanks for the very informative article as always:)

    I have Venus 07° Virgo 18′ 08″/ Vulcano 03° Virgo 29′ 35″ & Aesculapia 02° Virgo 47′ 38″. What can I expect from these Virgo weather. I’m currently out of work and looking for a new but different opportunities. Will there be a positive outcome in September?

    Many Thanks!


    1. You’re in an excellent cycle if you are seeking work and the trick is to serve. Your cluster in Virgo in the Sixth House is about doing your duty and fulfilling the needs (even the demands) of others in a very methodical and attentive way. If you see what people or organisations actually need (that nobody else is giving them) and make yourself of absolute service, you will find that you are gratefully employed. What is happening for you in September is that others who have an exceptionally strong work ethic and sense of duty, are going to realise that they need to delegate so they have more time off/time out and can ‘get a life’ after a year or two of fanatical attention to their careers, their public, their clients, customers and so on. They are looking for part-time or full-time help and if you. use the magic words ‘help’ and ‘assist’ in your application or interview and do the research on the details of the gig, above all – the tiny but important truths – you will be a terrific fit for the right boss or colleague, N.P. It goes without saying that Virgo weather is about meticulous attention to the words as well (Mercury is the ruler of Virgo) so run everything through spellchecking/grammar-checking software as often as you need to.

  9. Dear Jessica,

    Many thanks for this interesting article on the Virgo weather forecast. I have three planets in Virgo, would you know how it will affect me? Merci !

    1. You will see for yourself the difference that a particular form of exercise, meditation, yoga, swimming, running, sport, Pilates, hiking (and so on) makes to the way you feel, mentally. Once it clicks with you that your entire work performance (how productive you are; how well you do your work) depends on the rest of you – from the neck down – functioning at full force, you may well find that you can juggle the reality of your diary so that something becomes a daily routine for you. Even, a way of life. If you get the impression you are being coaxed and guided in the direction of one particular activity, you are absolutely right. You can duck and dive if you like but eventually the Virgo weather will get you! This could become a permanent lifestyle, with far more commitment than you’ve managed to date.

      1. Merci beaucoup Jessica ! You are so right again : I started nordic walking recently and I just love it ! I’m doing different kind of sports, but this is really a revelation.

  10. Hi Jessica, thank you for your insightful articles they have really helped me get through a very difficult time. I am looking for a complete career change and wanted to ask you if you could help to point me in the right direction with my chart. I have a stellium in Gemini and Leo (6 planets/asteroids in each), a stellium of 5 in Virgo and one of 4 in Libra – do you know where I could achieve fulfilment and success doing something which helps people in some way and is creative? Thank you so much x

    1. Thank you! You are strongly Mercury-ruled as this planet is in charge of Virgo and Gemini, and a large part of your chart falls in both signs. Mercury is at home with multimedia and of course the worldwide web, as he was the Roman messenger of the gods. You are also Mercurial in that you like to be out and about, on the road, making connections between people, places and ideas. Mercury is often shown with wings on his helmet and heels and whatever you do professionally has to allow you room to move – and enough stimulation that you are never bored. The Leo side of your chart is about guiding, leading, mentoring, perhaps teaching – younger people – old enough to be your children, actually. If you can find an interest which fascinates you, qualify to teach it, and use the web and/or media to do so, you would be on track. Add some short-haul travel to that, or the chance to run around town, and you’d be feeling very much at home, with that kind of chart that you have.

  11. Wow, thank you so much for all the articles. These Virgo pieces have especially hit me, as have your responses.

    I have three areas in Virgo – Ops at 5 degrees, Uranus at 8 degrees, and Pluto at 13. I also have Diana at 6 degrees, which you mentioned in your article. And as you discussed in your other article – Cancer, and Cap at 21 degrees.

    This summer has been a potent time of healing for me. My mother took a fall in May (she’s 89, July 26, 1930) I left an extremely toxic job to be the lead child in making sure she was ok. She refused a home, so we arranged for lots of visitors to the lakeside retirement home she and my father built in 1986 to keep her company and keep an eye on her health. And honestly, I have GREATLY enjoyed this time getting back to myself, doing things that I love, and rediscovering who I am. I’ve also been a single mother to three for over ten years. And honestly, I was a single parent before the divorce simply due to the amount of time he chose to devote to his job (August 28, 1964.) But all this attention to my mother has put working for other people in perspective for me. I hate it. I’m so weary of working my ass off for people and their dreams and never having time for myself.

    Is this attitude shift for me part of these emerging new trends here? I still need income coming in because my package for leaving the company has come to an end. I was doing the work of 4 people at my last job and my boss knew it and refused to compensate me better. Leaving was a definite blessing. Writing stories has always been my passion and protecting and caring for my children and now my Mom has gotten in the way of tapping my creativity because they have deservedly needed and required my full attention. Now it’s back. The ideas and plot lines are just coming to me with so much ease. I don’t want to lose this, Jessica. I want to be in touch with my spirit and the goals my soul has for this lifetime.

    How does all this Virgo weather affect me, as well as my ascending and descending?

    Thanks so much for letting me blather on here. I don’t like to air the past publically, but it felt important to share these concerns with these big changes arriving.


    1. You have some juggling to do, but if you want to write, and be paid for it, that is within reach. In fact, there are competitions, contests, part-time and full-time opportunities in abundance now through December as Jupiter (growth, expansion, increase) moves through Sagittarius, the sign which rules the publishing industry, and also digital publishing online – the world of websites and blogs. You have been stuck in Cancer-Capricorn weather for some time, as the karma of the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn has pulled you towards your mother, but you have also been living off your farewell package from your career. Cancer rules the family and Capricorn rules work, as you probably know. The good news is, you will collect good writing/editing/publishing karma from around the year 2001-2002 starting May 2020 and by the year 2021 should be well on your way, using your experience with your former boss, but also your mother, to help inform your plots. You also need to expand your vision of where to write, and in which medium, as you are going back to what you know or assume for yourself, but actually the wider world of opportunity embraces all kinds of mediums and media. Podcasts for children are just one example of that. Now is the time. In fact the Virgo Moon is about three hours away as I write this. Do set your intentions and use it. The invisible world is willing and able to assist but they can’t interfere and you also need to communicate with them, mind-to-mind and soul-to-soul. This may be your family or friends in spirit, or your guides. I have someone in spirit for you here, actually, and one of your children is your best test audience.

  12. Hi Jessica

    I have a stellium of 5 factors in Virgo. Can you tell me how this Virgo weather will affect me?

    Thank you,

    1. Sure, H. It begins in about three hours now, as I write this, with a strong Virgo Moon. Well into September you will be saving yourself a lot of time and money by identifying what actually works best for you – at work. You have not really been consciously addressing this, no matter if your work is paid or unpaid. You have fallen into it, and more or less managed. September will move the Sun into the Sixth House of your chart so that you actually see, clearly and in very sharp focus, what serves you and what could be reinvented or even scrapped. You also need to look at how energetic you are, day to day. How well-equipped you are to work. Even if something is a very old and ‘known’ obstacle to that, you can look at it again in September and update yourself on what’s out there to fix any issues. Virgo weather tends to put solutions in the spotlight and new discoveries, launches or crazes (like The Atkins Diet many years ago) tend to arrive at this time. This changes lives. You do have a lifestyle, no matter if you created it or not, or just fell into it. Your chart suggests you need to be much more aware of what that lifestyle actually is, and what it costs you, financially. It’s essentially a new life budget/work budget/energy budget and you’ll put it together in stages in September.

  13. Man, Jessica, this is bang on! Everything feels super fresh and much lighter. I am wondering if you have any advice for focus in the next month. There has been a lot of weird karma resolution stuff, and my unpaid work seems to be taking over my life. Thanks for any advice you have!

    1. Thank you. I am hearing that from many readers – everything feels fresher and lighter. Virgo weather is a relief after everything we experienced in July and August. September feels brand new already – because astrologically, it certainly is. If your unpaid work is taking over your life, this Virgo season will help you sort that out. Becoming perfectly clear about this role is the first step. Virgo is a zodiac sign associated with method and order, lists, diaries, schedules and details. Using the journal that comes with membership, which you can print out and personalise, you can start to pinpoint exactly what is going on, and why it happened in the first place. You can use this in tandem with a Pinterest vision board and start clipping images which speak to you, about this issue of unpaid work. You know you have the solution inside you but it has not appeared yet. By using Virgo weather to become crystal-clear about what actually drives you, you can shift things by October. Virgo also rules routine and it is very easy to fall into a ‘routine’ which just isn’t. A rather haphazard way of life doesn’t really serve you, and if ever there was a time to create something pretty new – and rather structured – it’s September. Time is money. Why are you effectively giving away your money?

  14. Hi Jessica,
    You are probably sleeping its 3:36pm here in Long Beach. Well my big 50 Birthday is 8/30/69 whoo hoo. I sure could use some good changes. I was born with 06/VIrgo and I have Saturn 08/Taurus and Uranus is 2 degrees behind. Saturn scares me honestly. Can you please share your expertise.
    If you are reading this I hope you have a beautiful day.

    1. Thank you LV – I was actually on my boat, The Lynnie Gemini – when you wrote. Wide awake here on the Southern coast of Great Britain! Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns – that saying is actually astrological. It means, as my colleague Derek Parker once pointed out, ‘many happy solar returns’. The Sun is going back to the same degree and zodiac sign it occupied, when you were born. You are looking for good news. You have already had a preview, actually, though you did not follow up. A few weeks ago you were thrown a fantastic opportunity involving your apartment, house, family, household, home town and/or homeland. It came and went but you didn’t take it seriously. It is still out there for you, to be exploited. There is a second opportunity right now, staring you in the face. It relates to the first one. Again, you are not taking it any further, but when the time feels right, you should absolutely see how you can take this and run with it. In both or either case you would be on the right path, and this or something so similar, would be in your hands by the first week of December, to your total advantage.

  15. HI Jessica, I am brand new to your website and LOVE it. I don’t understand how to decipher my chart, but understand this is quite a process to learn! I have Bacchus 16° Virgo 00′ 37″, Uranus 25° Virgo 09′ 08″ R and Pluto 20° Virgo 12′ 24″ R. So when you say, for example, look for “The Sun conjuncts Vulcano at 8 Virgo on 1st September.” how do I go about finding that in my chart? when you say “as we see the Sun at 6 Virgo trine Uranus at 6 Taurus” how do I find out if I have that ( or have 6 degrees) in my chart? Sorry for the ultra basic questions, I’m reading whatever I can on your website to learn…. but am having trouble. Would appreciate your thoughts on what this means and how it may affect me……MANY THANKS FOR ALL THAT YOU DO 🙂

    1. These are all really good questions and I am glad you asked them. What you are looking for is the first number in the line. You have Bacchus at 16 Virgo, Uranus at 25 Virgo, Pluto at 20 Virgo. The computer software gives you degrees and minutes, but it’s much easier to ignore the minutes (the second lot of numbers). You have a complimentary journal to print as a new member so perhaps do that – and just jot down the first numbers. Eventually you will remember the degrees of your planets and asteroids, angles and the rest off by heart. Let’s see if you are directly affected by the Virgo weather now. Yes. Your Bacchus at 16 Virgo will be conjuncted, or triggered, on 3rd September by Venus at 16 Virgo. It’s not going to change your life, but it will have a happy impact on the work you do – including unpaid work – and housework. It will have a happy impact on your health, wellbeing and fitness. Bacchus shows how you give and receive pleasure. You enjoy being of service and doing your duty. You also make others happy when you ‘do the job’ for them. Venus passing by suggests a complicated, intriguing relationship connected to that. It may be your boss, colleague, client. You can put this to the test by using your journal. Make a record of what happens. It may be the day before or after as I don’t know your time zone or country and all astrology time, is based on UT or Universal Time. You can also learn more about your chart by downloading the guidebooks here, or just searching Bacchus, Venus, Virgo, Sixth House which is what you are experiencing. Thank you for the compliment about the website which I will pass on to Alyas, Brooke, James, Jodi, Justin and Kerry who co-create this with me.

  16. Hi Jessica. I love your work and the way you write. It always feels like an oasis of peace when I come here to your website. Would feel really grateful for any advice. I am a Sun Libra and was wondering what happens when not only one New Moon/Full Moon triggers one’s chart but 2 New Moons/Full Moons in a row. I am born with Jupiter at 5 Gemini, Bacchus at 5 Sagittarius, Minerva 6 Virgo, Apollo 12 Virgo, Venus 18 Virgo. Had really high hopes for this New Moon as I’ve been interviewing for a Paralegal job and having Minerva there, I can’t understand why things didn’t roll out as expected. As I found out today that job is not going to be mine which has been disappointing. I was so looking forward to change my career.

    Jupiter will be conjunct my Ascendant soon (I have ASC 16 in Sag). Also have Aesculapia at 20 Sagittarius, Uranus & Saturn at 27 deg Sagittarius, Sun 27 Libra. It’s really been an uphill battle for me the last few years. I’ve been really trying to relocate and been studying German for a few years now, I’m unemployed for quite some time and so far, no matter how much I tried, Jupiter hasn’t delivered. My goal was to get a job where I can use my new language skills which indeed developed a lot. The annoying thing is whenever Saturn has been passing through my chart, he always delivered. When he was on my Ascendant, I was rejected from a relationship, I lost a long-time job (I was living for many years in a completely different geographical area back then). This year, with Saturn in my 4th house my dad died and it hit deeply into our family. A suite of other issues regarding our house followed which are not going to be resolved very soon.

    So, returning to my initial question, the Full Moon in Sep will pick up a square with my Aesculapia but so will the Full Moon in Oct. And then the New Moon in Libra will again trigger my Jupiter.

    Any word of advice? Will all these New Moons/Full Moons keep being triggered? I just want to move forward with my life in a positive way as so much bad was happening in these past few years.

    Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you, I will pass that compliment onto Alyas, Brooke, James, Jodi, Justin and Kerry, who work alongside me to make sure this website is an oasis for its visitors. You are experiencing the classic effects of the North Node transiting Cancer and South Node transiting Capricorn, and this really has nothing to do with the Full Moon or New Moon. You are frustrated in looking for a job. You have also lost your father, which is very sad. I am sure you know Capricorn rules your Tenth House of career and Cancer rules your Fourth House of family. You have some spiritual debts and credits with other family members, presumably your mother if she is still here, and perhaps siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. The loss of your father is the real story here, and of course the house. You are owed, and you owe. Not having a job makes the situation more intense. If it all feels oddly familiar, that is because it is. In at least one other lifetime, perhaps more, these family members were also in your life in quite different roles. There was work and money at stake then, and property. Now, it is the same story. There are major questions here about loyalty, compassion, trust, and so on. You can and will use your new language skills in a new position and this holds in 2019, 2020 and 2021. In fact, you will be amazed at how right you were to trust your instincts all along. In the meantime there are issues to sort out with the family, quite specifically related to the fact that you need support. You also want to move and use your German. You can and will do all that, but there is a big karmic pull in your chart, which will not finish until May 2020, during which time the priority has to be balancing old soul debts and credits with your close relatives. If you are in any doubt about this, pop into church or anywhere else your father held his beliefs – perhaps he just believed in the universe, so a quiet park under the clouds will do – and communicate with him in spirit. Take answers or guidance seriously when it appears.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    I have Venus in Sagittarius at 6, what does this mean to me? I am stuck as far as my career part of my life concerned. I have been trying so hard to achieve what I wish to achieve but has gone nowhere, I thought about web for my business launching but to no avail, probably owing to culture differences or it is meant to be as I have nothing in Gemini in my birth chart? I may have to face the reality. Could you please kindly point me in the direction where I should go in order to achieve my goal? Any suggestion will be much appreciated (hard words may help me more so I will not be dreaming of unreal world, as you have been very kind with words).

    Thank you very much!

    1. Thank you. You will be successful using the worldwide web by 2021 if you start now and research who/what is available to you online. You are quite strongly Sagittarius and you have the vision across 1-2 cultures or nationalities, but you need the detail. You don’t say what kind of business you have in mind, but assuming this is something with a waiting audience/client base you need to look at what the competition is offering. Sagittarius is very good at the big picture or the broad dream, but actually this Virgo weather is about the details. Look very specifically at what your marketplace wants, where they are, and the rest. This may take you a couple of days. The internet is a vast space. Now is the time to begin, though, as you are in the best position in 12 years to make the most of new global trends, which will be a reality by 2nd December. You can see what is happening in Hong Kong but also in London. Massive change. Massive change creates new opportunities, particularly online, and research is the key. Virgo weather is very much about fine-tuning the facts and figures. Venus is a symbol of complicated relationships so it’s very clear that in Sagittarius, you will have one with a person outside your culture or nationality, by 2021, who will have a big influence on your ambitions. You will learn a great deal from this person whom you knew in a previous life. This is the South Node of karma moving to 6 Sagittarius for the first time in 19 years, where it will trigger your Venus exactly. You will spend your whole life across two or more cultures/countries and it will actually help you feel more at home in the world, as you were never meant to have just one language or cultural identity. You are actually a world citizen. Things will become even easier for you after Christmas 2020 when you join or rejoin a group, which uses Twitter quite a lot, and find that you have support and a solid network of people to assist you. That’s in the distant future, though. For now, start with some research.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for another amazing article. I get so excited when I open your page each morning – and even more excited at this time of year when it’s time for Virgo to shine!! I have 5 factors in Virgo. I know I need to change my lifestyle to balance hormones, age well, more energy etc and I feel it is coming! I know what I need to do. But I feel it is so influenced by my work ( or lack of it), lack of motivation and lack of finances. Can you see anything playing out in my chart? Thanks again x

    1. Aren’t you nice. I will pass that onto Alyas, Brooke, James, Jodi, Justin and Kerry who make the website such a success. You could actually change your life in four weeks, have employment and also a lifestyle you can be happy with. Begin by using the Virgo New Moon which is about four hours away now, as I write this. It does not have to cost you any money. You do need encouragement and inspiration. I noted this to another reader but you really need to use the internet’s free resources to start with and take a look at the letters readers have written over the years to Karen Kingston at her website – I spent some time with her a few years ago when I was working at ELLE magazine in Sydney and she was so far ahead of her time, it was ridiculous. Now the whole world is watching Marie Kondo with her Japanese version of the same thing. I also wrote about energy clearing/space clearing in a book I co-wrote with Anthea Paul and Jelena Glisic, called 21st Century Goddess. Essentially you need to start with your bedroom. If you try to do the whole house it may feel overwhelming. Just remember that in New York a square foot of space costs a fortune. When you clear your bedroom space, even the inside of a drawer, you are making yourself thousands of dollars, because the very rich always have more room to move. As a Premium Member you can pick up the ebook I created on this, designed by Justin Tabari. It is the single most powerful thing you can do to help yourself. Virgo weather is the time and you have all of September to continue getting rid of anything on your computer, in your bedroom, in your space at home – that does not spark joy. The other thing that will work very well for you is a list. If you work with a list and also a visual board on Pinterest (also free) you will do much better as Virgo is a sign which needs to see everything written down, or neatly pinned. If it’s all in your head it’s too fuzzy or vague. I have physically space-cleared two entire flats for people and seen them find gift vouchers (instant money) lost under the cushion of the armchair; sell possessions on eBay then buy secondhand juicers, woks and other equipment which enabled them to go vegetarian and lose weight; seen them. have massive awakenings about relationships they didn’t really want – or work they did not enjoy. You need to be aware of just how massive the changes can be if you energy clear, as it’s a commitment. You are committing to yourself. Not everyone can do that but it sounds like it’s time for you.

  19. Hi Jessica,
    Another great post from you; thank you!
    I don’t have any factor in virgo. Does that mean that I won’t be affected by this virgo weather? I’m starting a new program/degree at the university as in September. And I have started a new part time job and a new diet about 3 weeks ago. My studies are the most important of all these which I wish to be successful at.
    Any insight from you would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you. Study/university is ruled by Sagittarius and the Third House, not Virgo – which is usually paid work. You have more than three factors in Sagittarius in your Ninth House, which is a stellium. You are most affected by Ceres and Jupiter in Sagittarius, travelling through your horoscope together, and Jupiter does not leave until 2nd December. Make your degree the priority. I know you have a diet to keep, and a part-time job to stick to, but as this is your biggest and best chance in 12 years to make the most of university life, that has to be the number one priority. You will be amazed at your progress by December as the course goes far beyond the actual subject matter described on the website, into areas of learning you had not expected. One of the factors in this will be the impressive travel background of a lecturer or fellow student, who may have a foreign passport or heavily stamped passport. That kind of world view and international experience can’t be bought and you will learn a great deal informally from this person, who expands your view of other cultures and nationalities. Do everything you can to expand your mind, cultural and spiritual horizons by December – there will be a karmic return on this to your advantage – from May 2020 when the South Node goes into Sagittarius and also through your Ninth House. In late 2020 and 2021, then you will see all that you put out, being returned to you. By 2021 you will also become aware that one particular foreign country or its people has a past life link with you and when you make the connection it will feel oddly familiar. You were there before – or with those people before!

  20. HI Jessica

    I have 6 planets in Virgo including Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Pluto so I guess it will be intense weather for me. Could you please tell me a bit more about this will affect not only September but potentially 2020?

    Thanks a lot.


    1. Sure, Natalie. You ‘live’ in the Sixth House so your happiness, peace of mind and comfort zone in life is related to having a daily routine you can stick to and doing what is best for your mental health and physical wellbeing. If you ever let yourself down in that area you will know something is fundamentally wrong (you may have depression, for example, or anxiety) as the heavily Virgo person does best when she has some kind of individually tailored ‘program for living’ no matter what that is. Uranus is a symbol of all that is unique, so it has to be yours. The kind of toothbrush you prefer, the hours you keep, the specifics of your computer use – it all has to be tailor-made then you are content. There may be times when you feel like a robot or a machine with work (and unpaid work, plus housework too). That is not so far from the truth as you are part of the machinery that keeps the bigger mechanism operating! This may be a large corporation you work for. All of this comes into sharp focus in about five hours as I reply to you now – so I have no idea of your time zone or town – but across Friday 30th, Saturday 31st August there is a relaunch here. A classic example would be a job offer which you cannot resist, which immediately forces you to become more efficient, waking up earlier, which means going to bed earlier…these are all classically Virgo outcomes. You will certainly see a switch in personnel with your paid and unpaid work in September, either because the faces swap around, or because people go on different schedules/duties. This affects your own life. You will also master an area of your lifestyle – exercise, food, drink, prescribed or illegal drugs – which has eluded you to date. You’ll get it and do it.

  21. Hi Jessica, it sounds like a good spring clean up is upon us all. I have three factors in Virgo-Ops, Apollo and Pluto. I have been taking medication/ undergoing regular therapy for depression and anxiety and have seen improvements and dropped in my meds and symptoms. However, I would dearly love to lose about 10 kgs and be more energetic and into a healthier weight range…the medication has weight gain as a side effect. Could there be any celestial support ahead? I feel that I have done my time with wrestling the black dog and digging deep ..What could this mean ahead? I would love to have less drugs and lose weight.

    1. You will do this very successfully in September and lose weight and also notice a difference in your mood. You will sleep deeper and want to switch your hours in bed eventually and this will also be a big turning point for you. A supportive female will help if you ask. She is a natural coach.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    Virgo is in 5 places in my chart. Can yo please tell what I should be cautious or take advantage from. I have bought a new house last year same time. I have finished all the interior re-do, about to start from/backyard demolition and rebuild. I have also taken on new and more responsibilities at work recently. What is a good time to look for a new job, I want to target a company I like, Google. My spiritual progress, taking care of aging parents in another country and one kid in college, other at home keeps me occupied subconsciously. Thanks in advance.

    04° Virgo 25′ 58″
    20° Virgo 39′ 26″
    23° Virgo 09′ 34″
    13° Virgo 52′ 20″
    20° Virgo 21′ 53″

    1. You should really be seeking new work, or a new way to handle the old role, in September. It’s the ideal time – and in fact one or two important contacts are already sliding towards the centre of the stage. Have a second look at your chosen industry, business, field or profession. You think you know it – and you do – but there are fascinating developments coming your way, with possible seminars, workshops or other new opportunities. You don’t have an issue with working hard and tend to do best when you ‘live to serve’. The traffic going across Jupiter in particular, and then Pluto soon afterwards, promises you a really productive month. The only other thing you need to do is commit to a daily fitness, sport or great outdoors program – if you don’t already do that. If you are looking for something or even want a substitute activity, you will find that ‘right time, right place’ is around you in September.

  23. I checked in the planetary and asteroid listings for descriptions , meanings and of course signs but I notice you dont have the MC/IC or nodes. Is there anything to say about this as I have these in Virgo? Or do you not use them at all?
    I wish I had something to add but lately there really hasn’t been anything in my life jiving with the “astrology”. It just seems like same old same old for the past year or so regardless of what I do!?!? I just dont feel motivated to push forward with any part of my life anymore 🙁 Maybe all these pileups in Virgo will help!?!!

    1. I’ll ask for our Search engine to pick up the MC/IC and North Node and South Node for you more clearly as there are long features written on all of these for you to decode in your chart – they are also in your PDF guidebooks. You do have a Virgo signature and if you have not already started to declutter and clean your living space; organise your workload differently; make better use of the local fitness facilities; explore a possible cure or remedy for a long-standing health issue – it’s time! In fact the ball is already rolling for you.

  24. Hi Jessica,
    I was so waiting to know about the Virgo weather , amazing article. You write amazingly well. I got my mom hooked too.
    In the past 4 weeks I have gotten into running during lunch at work with 2 colleagues (and I love it) , I’ve started swimming twice a week, tracking my food & calorie intake everyday. My goal now is to keep this routine up – it is the first time I am running. I have gone from sitting at my desk all day to an active person – and I am shocked. I have 5 Virgo Factors in my chart. Do you think these factors will enhance my routine ? and help me reach my fitness goals ?

    Thank you in advance 🙂

    1. Thank you! You are strongly Virgo and you are waking up to who you are. Swimming, running and keeping a food diary will have a huge impact on your mood, concentration, happiness, energy levels and work output. One of the things that will keep you more or less to that routine, beyond the year 2019, will be the realisation that you can save or make money by doing this stuff. You can take on more or better work, for example, which pays you on the side. Congratulations on becoming who you always were.

  25. Hi Jessica, this article made me want to knowvmore about me and I am writing after a long time. I just decluttered last week and it made me chuckle! I have
    south node at 6 pisces
    North node at 6 virgo
    Jupiter at 6 virgo
    Saturn at 23 virgo
    And few more at 7 degrees.i have had episode of severe depression triggered by an event about 3 weeks ago. But I have also found some energy healing techniques and commited more than ever to stop it from taking over my life. I also had some realisationsa and insights about myself and my realationships that I didnt have before.
    Is there anything else you can add? Will really appreciate this.
    Many thanks

    1. Well done. I remember a story involving Denise Linn who took a crisis call from a client and told her to clean out her drawer and call back. She cleaned out the drawer and it did more than any counselling on the phone! You are strongly Virgo, have major issues about the tiny details of everyday life, from the way the bathroom cabinet looks, to what is in the fridge. A lot rests on that and it’s central to your peace of mind. I am very sorry about the severe depression. Virgo/Pisces can manifest as ‘the body affects the mind, the mind affects the body’ until you are in a loop. It is worth any amount of work on your part, or the helping professions around you, to get to the bottom of that. The energy healing is a smart idea because it can either do the job by itself or powerfully help medication, for example. You will be on this path for the whole of September. You will come to appreciate that the tiniest, most trivial details of your day (going swimming at night instead of during the day, for example, or cutting out sugar) can make a huge difference to your mood. Keeping a mood diary is ideal for you – and a food/drink/drugs/exercise diary). You have incarnated to use past life experience as a nurse, doctor, surgeon or healer on yourself. You may have had a few lifetimes in a hospital or battlefield hospital, actually. In one lifetime it was all about the science and statistics. In this lifetime, and especially this September, you are here to realise you are a one-off, unique, and so are we all. The one-size-fits-all approach of so many big food and drug companies is plain wrong. Using yourself as a guinea pig you get closer to the truth. I am seeing diamonds and white for you, in terms of your aura and chakra system – are you packing that colour/tone in at the moment? Try it.

  26. Dear Jessica,

    Thanks for all the horoscopes, blog posts and insights – I have learned so much about psychic astrology from this website.
    I wasn’t looking forward to Virgo season because last year it was awful for me and I just assumed being a Pisces meant everything was opposite my sun.
    I only have three aspects in Virgo, IC at 1°, Diana at 14° and Pluto at 24° but with all the trines to Taurus and Capricorn as well as the sextiles to Scorpio and Cancer, things have been off to a flying start! So different than last year. Interesting to see what happens when all of these aspects trigger my Pluto at 24° Virgo.

    Just as you predicted, within a few days of the new moon in Virgo at 6° (trine my Juno 5° Cap) I received calls from fairly prestigious potential new and returning clients. Last year I was overwhelmed by work but this year I am just enthusiastic.

    On the 29th and 30th, I also received a lot of signs and answers regarding a situation I have been grappling with regarding a former Libra partner/ important friend.

    August 30 (1937) was my Mom’s birthday and she and I have always had a distant relationship. She’s had a hard time lately and I’m hopeful that the new moon in Virgo meant good things for her.

    Thanks to you and your team.

  27. Hi Jessica,

    I love reading your site and can get lost for hours! If possible, can you please advise me on the Virgo factors in my chart at 9, 8,20 & 14 in Pluto, Apollo, Panacea & Psyche, and how this affects me? I am hoping for a breakthrough in my creative life —working towards a more secure career path. Do you see it on the horizon for me?
    Thanks for all your insights.


    1. Thank you Chrissie. September is the month to find your future ‘work style’ lifestyle and you will need to piece it together like a patchwork quilt. This is not about the standard job path. Not at all. If you have not already been looking at grants, for example, alongside unpaid work which is still very rewarding and opens up a fantastic network of contacts, September is the time. Yet, there is also a paid position for you. As your Virgo side wakes up, you also need to think about a lifestyle as well as a ‘work style’ and weave it together, pulling in the strands so you end up with something that will pay your way, but also delight you and pave the path to 2020 when stunning trines from Jupiter the planet of growth, expansion and improvement to your Virgo stellium will open every door. September is a matter of research and homework for you, then follow through. Another old trick which works well is to write down everything you can offer and give, professionally – not just talents, skills, abilities, qualifications – but also more personal qualities. Perhaps you can give your compassion. Your imagination? Put that in one column. In the other column write down what you are seeking. Put a date on that. Leave it by your bed for a week or two. Ask the spirit world to assist – your guides and helpers in spirit. The invisible world is ever ready to assist and enjoys putting people together, but you have to ask. When you get signs, follow them!

  28. Hi Jessica, thank you as usual for the excellent insights and writing. Do you have thoughts on this month for me given a Virgo stellium? My natal moon, Venus, and several asteroids are clustered from 3-20 and align with many of the transits you mention. But life right now seems strangely … calm. After two years of uncertainties at home, work, and financially, everything suddenly seems quiet. I’ve been working hard and worrying incessantly forever, but all of a sudden everything seems to be moving (slowly) in the right direction without much effort. I’m not used to this and like Mr. Worry in the Mr. Men books, am scared that everything might go off the rails again. Any advice? Thanks for all you do!

    1. I really like the idea of Virgo being cast as Mr. Worry in the Mr. Men books. This is exactly what Virgo can fall into, because the truth is, he wants to do the job perfectly, and ‘the job’ means every tiny detail of the home, himself as well as the actual career. That’s far too much to carry around so there can be a tendency to obsess on details. You’re a highly Virgo person having an extremely Virgo month and September is really about appreciating your magic formula. The formula is – to serve. To be of service. You obviously do that pretty well. It’s an interesting position to be in, because it’s not about being a leader, or a star, or number one, or any of that stuff (even though you can be a C.E.O. and be strongly Virgo). Essentially what people need from you, is for you to put them first, and when you do that, it’s powerful. Hang onto that as the month goes on. The only real issue here is that you also serve your physical needs and remember that you have a body below the neck that needs care and maintenance, just like a car.

  29. ​Hi Jessica,

    I have Sun, Mercury, Mars and Cupido in Virgo. How can I use my Virgo side to enjoy more without getting stuck into details and hard work? Re-balance the scales of life in some way. While expansion seems necessary, still it is difficult to find the way through the haze and to see clearly enough which way to move.

    Many thanks for any insights.


    1. Justina, this is a classic Virgo problem and it’s quite common if you have a stellium (unusually high number of factors) in Virgo in the Sixth House. Try not to dwell on imperfection. Virgo is symbolised by the maiden, who over the last 2000 years of history was the teenage daughter of the house who had to clean it. She also had to remain a virgin. This is where all these ideas about purity, wholeness, and being ‘perfect’ in every way come from! It is impossible to have perfection, no matter if it is the bathroom floor, your skin or your work, so try to get used to that on a daily basis. Otherwise, as Mercury (the planet of the mind) rules Virgo you will find yourself over-thinking everything and doing head miles about what’s ‘not right.’ Nature can help. Walk along the beach or through a forest and you will see all the imperfection and yet it adds up to a raw, beautiful whole. Try to see your life as a painting with lots of bits that don’t fit, colours that don’t match – but the overall picture is great. Nobody’s life is perfect. Absolutely nobody’s. Don’t drive yourself nuts about what’s wrong, try to see it as part of the whole.

  30. Hi Jessica
    I have a stellium of 7 factors in Virgo and I feel exhausted, weighed down and quite depressed with my life supporting my elderly father, who is 89 and quite ill, to live independently in his house after my Mother’s death two years ago. I manage two houses, two gardens and work 3 days a week as a charity fundraiser. I feel like something has to give and at the moment it feels like my health and energy, or lack of it.
    I feel like I need to change something to make my life better but I just don’t know what to do. At the end of August I was offered an interview for another 3-day fundraising job but then withdrew as I decided it wasn’t really going to improve my situation. I’m now considering selling my house, moving in with my Father and giving up my job to care for him and live on the proceeds of my house sale for the next few years/year. I don’t know whether this is the right thing to do or not and I’m worried about making myself homeless and jobless at age 56 and having my life dominated by my father’s needs. I’m struggling to make the right decision but I’m worried that my own health might collapse if I don’t make some sort of change soon.
    What does the astrology indicate for me?
    best wishes

    1. Pauline you have run into a classic Super Virgo issue, which is the need to serve yourself before you serve others. You cannot do your duty by your father, or the people at work, unless you first of all do your duty to yourself. Exhaustion and depression is a sign this has gone too far. You are the only person who can resign from two homes, two gardens and a job – as a ‘lifestyle.’ That is not a lifestyle it is Virgo gone too far! You are heavily Sixth House and need to look up again, Sixth House on Search and read all you can about this sign which dominates your horoscope so much. You are thinking about selling your home, moving in with your father and becoming his full-time carer at the age of 56. My first question would be about the men in your family or your father’s circle of friends. Is there a younger man who could help with your dad? Otherwise, can you see who is out there, locally, particularly a younger man, who would become a paid part-time carer for your father? You may be able to strike a deal on the garden, but also providing lunch, for example. You have many, many options around this situation quite apart from the extreme option of a property sale and a full-time job, perhaps for years, as a live-in carer. I suggest you sit down with your Astrology Oracle and the free guidebook that comes with it and start experimenting with some choices. For the moment, my best tip is that students, creative people, self-employed artists and the like are always looking for extra income and the right person would cheer you up, take some of the strain off you, and give you some breathing space while you figure out the rest. With the Node weather in Cancer-Capricorn (family versus career) until May 2020 you are in a high-pressure cycle for these kinds of decisions, Pauline, and I don’t think you’d feel hugely relieved or happier to have made that massive choice. You are quite right though. You need to do something.

  31. HI Jessica! Not sure if this is the correct space to ask this question, but in the Taurus daily for Sept 13 you said Earth trines create a grand trine with your Taurus Sun today if you have it at 20 Taurus or 13 Taurus. I checked my birth chart and I have Venus 20° Taurus. What does this mean, exactly? Also secondly, what if I have 21 degrees, or 19 degrees? Does being “off” by one degree make a large difference? (For example I have IC 21° Taurus, and Apollo 21° Taurus).
    Many thanks, I am a newbie, and learning from you every day and highly appreciate your comments and blogs and thoughtful pieces of writing! 🙂

    1. Trines are flow – one side of a pyramid shape in your chart – and in the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – there is a natural flow between yourself and the places, people, plans and projects which are most practical in life. Most grounded and real. Virgo is about workload and the body. Taurus is about food and money – and home. Capricorn is about success and position. Nothing airy-fairy there! Your chart suggests you are in a flow pattern so it’s a really good time to pursue work or money options, for example, or to sort out your food and drink.

  32. A very good article, thanks for this. I have north node(9 Degrees) and saturn(10 degrees) both in virgo, almost as if they were conjunct. Apart from this i am right in the middle of a situation where my previous employer has to pay me two months wages. Also i am trying to get a work visa for australia/germany. In the middle of this i am looking for a girl to marry. Is this virgo weather any use to solve at at least one of these issues ?
    With so many irons in fire, could you at least tell me where i will be by december this year ? I hope in a good place with a proper job.

    Subramanya M.S

    1. Thank you. You have a great many questions and the only one which is relevant to September 2019 is about work. The time has come to remember it’s about your capacity for hard work – using your talents, qualifications, skills and abilities. It is not about your previous employer, or even your next employer. It is typical of Virgo weather, which triggers people with Virgo patterns in their horoscopes, that there should be a rather humble or modest acceptance of those above – as if they were somehow the be-all and end-all of a situation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Employers and bosses need hard-working, dedicated, vastly experienced Virgo types to provide what they need. So go back to your C.V. and your employment history, your education and also your unpaid work, and look at yourself as someone who can be the invaluable and treasured ‘wheel that goes around’ in the larger machinery of a company, firm, business or even a massive corporation. Figure out what it is that makes you invaluable and necessary. Virgo is not about the elite at the top. It is about the people who are in the middle and even down the bottom. Get your wages and seek legal advice if you do not. We are living through Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn at the moment when the people at the top of any business will see what they can get away with, in terms of refusing to pay. This is theft. Get the money and do not be afraid to say a prayer to ask your spirit helpers to assist as not handing over money for hard work is completely at odds with the laws of the universe. You also need to look at the massive differences between Australia and Germany in respect of working people, the trade unions, and gaps in the job market. That’s Virgo thinking. Put yourself in the shoes of the working people of both countries and ask yourself where you can be best needed and most useful. Again, that is Virgo thinking! Doing this will help you get on a path that is so much more useful for you too.

  33. Hi Jessica,

    This Saturday we have the sun/moon opposition at 21 degrees. I have Hygeia at 22 Virgo, and Ops at 21 Taurus. From what I know of Hygeia, she represents clean living and a healthy lifestyle. I have done this my whole life, even when all the people of my youth were damaging their bodies with alcohol and drugs, this never, ever appealed to me. I don’t know how I could possibly live cleaner. From what I know of Ops, she represents abundance. Please could you tell me what all of this might mean?

    1. We do in fact have a whopper of a Full Moon in Pisces, opposite the Sun in Virgo – and I can see it building in the night sky over Glastonbury now. This aspects your natal Hygiea in the Sixth House of daily routine, lifestyle, workload and health and also Ops in your natal Second House of money, budget and property. You will be asked to make a crossroads choice shortly, about the money, house, apartment, charity, valuables or business interests. You are normally an optimist (Ops rules optimism; the clue is in the name) and quite practical and can-do about that. This works in your favour. So, too, does your cautious, self-protective, sensible Hygiea in the Sixth House. Yet, a Full Moon is a Full Moon, and it’s an opposition of the Sun and Moon. So you may find yourself split in two minds about an issue which costs, or have a polar opposite situation with others: for example, a tax bill, or the bank, or just your paymasters professionally. You were born with an almost perfect trine from Hygiea to Ops which is wonderfully grounding and stabilising. As you say, you have avoided alcohol and drugs your whole life. You have saved yourself a fortune just by doing that – and not only on future medical bills! The Full Moon will ask you to look at what you spend on your health, food, lifestyle, fitness and so on – and also on the value of the money you earn, in relation to the hours you put in.

  34. Hi Jessica, A great article. Also the capricorn cancer two part series one. I have a massive stellium in virgo. Could you explain what impact it may have. I am eyeing a very high level position in my firm and am hopeful it would come through in next few months. Does anything indicate a big positive step or support astrologically? Many thanks

    1. We are going into Virgo season in Capricorn weather and yes, from now until 2020 in particular, the stage is set for new work for you. You will be working very hard, paying attention to details and perfecting a project and role in the most meticulous way. In fact, it will be tiny details which make it – and make your reputation professionally by next year. The high level position in your firm depends on a reshuffle which is bigger than you, and it is the same for another organisation which is similar, which you should also be aware of. There will be a change in the balance of power starting in December, peaking in January, as you see resignations, retirements or redundancies within the firm itself or just in your industry and at that point you may want to play musical chairs and take a new chair which becomes available to you. As a general rule, make yourself absolutely indispensable in this time, as this Virgo-Capricorn weather is really about showing the powers that be, that they need you. And showing your clients, customers or colleagues that you will give it 200% – Virgo is, above all, about putting other people first and serving them, no matter how great your own particular power or influence in your position happens to be. Barack Obama is strongly Virgo and he is a shining example of a President who served. That goes beyond politics. He made it clear he was there to work and put the people first. He succeeded because of that. You are also strongly Virgo. Doing more than is required is part of the path and it will make you successful in the end. Tremendous changes are coming at the end of 2019 and start of 2020.

  35. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your informative articles.
    Could you take a look at my chart, seven planets in Virgo. Any thing you feel I should know?
    Thank you

    1. Virgo is an earth sign and it is grounded in the real world, TCG. It is about the little things – the grass under your feet, the flowers in the park or nature, the cup of tea with just the right kind of tea bag. You have been living a life to date where you have underestimated the little things, actually, and now you will be reminded of just how much they are the mainstay of who you are, how you feel – and what you can do. This is especially true of work but also your life away from work. In September you will be shown (even for a day or two) what a massive difference it can make to earth yourself and to see just how the smallest bits and pieces of your everyday life and daily routine have accumulated – to give you a version of living which is not, perhaps, all it could be. That can be fixed. You can fix it. In fact you may even have made that discovery now. If not, it will come by the end of September when you see that solutions do not have to be dramatic, or expensive, or necessarily big picture. They are often composed of the tiniest things – yet I do suspect that you will want to make changes to your lifestyle in 2020 in particular to make sure you hang on to the good things you have found. Inevitably, how you use your body will be part of that. Walking more? Walking into nature more? Swimming? You have your own preferences, but once something clicks and you ‘get it’ you will hopefully not forget it, and not let go of it either. Coming back to earth/coming back down to earth is a massive theme for you now.

  36. Hello Jessica!

    Thank you for providing such an informative and entertaining hub of astrology and the seen and unseen universe within and around us. [I am registered for the Sun School, but need to catch up (will make that my retrograde re- priority!)]. Thanks to your team for making it such a pleasure to navigate.

    I recently had my personal new year kick off on the 20th of September and am curious to know how I might best approach an area that I need or really really really want to see something positive finally happen in. I need a new home, as our landlord will no longer make repairs. We stay until I can save enough to move Mom and I out. I improved my credit/savings since being knocked around so unpleasantly over the past years, but with flooding and Uranus in Taurus am a bit nervous about commiting if my instincts might be off. I found a home ownership program that assists with down payments from funds reclaimed in sertlement from major financial institutions as punishment for bad practices. My mother would be living with my boyfriend and I and hopefully, a baby in the next year or so. Age-wise, I would love to have one happy, healthy child very soon (we are open to adoption of older kids in decades to come). There hasn’t been new life in our families for years and we would make such loving, patient, playful, and encouraging parents.

    And in terms of health/beauty? I have a keloid scar that will continue to grow and become painful/unsightly unless I manage it under the right dermatological care. Isn’t Capricorn the ruler of skin? What might be a good time find someone reputable for better results or to have a surgery or treatment? Maybe next Jupiter cycle? I am proud of my normal scars, but this one just makes me feel sad and hope that no one will ask what it is.

    Thank you for any guidance you might be able to provide. I would say that the baby would be my highest concern.

    1. Thank you so much, and as I am hiring Sun Sign School graduates for 2020 and 2021, please do go back to the course and see if you might be interested in part-time work as a professional astrologer on this website. It sounds as if you are juggling a lot of questions. Without your boyfriend’s chart or mother’s chart, talking about a house, apartment and child is tricky, as those two people are involved. (Yet you should have learned enough astrology by now to look at both horoscopes, lined up with your own). The scar is easier. Scars are Virgo territory. September is the month to research healing, doctors, cosmetic surgery, new products, cosmetic cover-up and so on. If you have not already opened a new notebook and headed it ‘Keloid Scar Solutions’ do it in September, and start making your lists. You should look at photographs of before and after results with Rosehip Oil and also research Manuka Honey from New Zealand. What you have here is a common issue and the hive mind online (excuse the pun) will be very useful. Go beyond your own country – look right around the world at forums, videos, and blogs.

  37. P.S.: On-topic: (comment, not a request) Virgo weather was really strange. It felt like a fast-forwarded retrograde in the beginning with everyone doing manic impressions of what they think a Virgo does! Tons of tailgating and car accidents especially. My Gemini mom and boyfriend’s mom, and he with Jupiter in Gemini did really well. It helped them focus and execute ideas (paintings, issues at work, expression). It just made me tired this time around with so many people buzzing around. I prefer Gemini, Leo, and Taurus season!

    1. Completely right. Virgo weather through September has been full of chaos, crashes, confusion. It almost felt like Mercury Retrograde to so many readers on this website and on my Twitter feed. Neptune in Pisces was right opposite everything in Virgo throughout, thus the inefficiency, lateness, misunderstandings, disconnects, cancellations. It’s a lesson for all of us.

  38. Hello everyone! Last post for a while:

    Virgo Weather reading\viewing\Googling material:

    Dorothea Tanning was an amazing Virgo-American artist, who while married to Max Ernst, was overshadowed by art historians for some time. Her autobiography is a very interesting look into the life of a woman artist in years past, interactions with other artists and notables, and a look at how forward-thinking and bold she was. If you have a chance to see her in exhibition, please go! I think the actual painting “Birthday” is still housed at the Philly Museum of Art; the exhibition at the Menil in Houston is on for another few weeks.

    It’s a great look into how Virgo placements or weather can put the attention to detail into experimentation and stunning work; and how Pisces and Neptune peek through in Virgos’ daydreams and spiritual worlds. It’s not all checklists (although those can be life-saving or even romantic in certain situations)!

  39. (Oops, I insisted this one after logging in)

    Yes, I will definitely make that a goal! Great year to really dig in. How astrology has opened up the world for me (us)!

    The funny thing is that I researched Manuka honey from New Zealand (after healing a cut with an infused bandage–amazing) and purchased a well reviewed ointment a few months ago, just haven’t opened it. Thank you for reinforcing that area of thinking. One of my favorite things about your work is learning about the practices and politics of people around the world, so yes, I will be looking to India and Africa for an assist as well! So if Virgo covers the scar, then addt’l diet\nutrients should also be addressed for efficacy, I’m thinking. Uranus in Taurus has helped this Virgo to overhaul my diet in such a way that I lose weight at work (job was a surprise), while eating the whole\decadent version of treats, eat less meat, care about how the source of food affects the team, and don’t miss preservatives because I’m eating well.

    Should Uranus continue to be somewhat friendly to me as long as I don’t cling to the past and respect transits? I’ve made notes of degrees where I might get caught during Oct 11-Dec, but haven’t yet been able to process the big picture with my natal Ascendant being opposite Taurus. I realized during my flurry of questions in the first post that yes, our charts are compatible for living together, but my underlying concern was really about my individual resources for purchase\exchange of property and services.

    Whenever I feel a little intimidated by Uranus, I make playlists and go listen to interviews (Henry Rollins for example) to feel out the Aquarian vibe of someone who engages me socially, as an artist, activist, or inventor. I think there are many great ways in which Taurus and Aquarius can support and challenge. As you’ve mentioned, food source might be one. Gourmet bug proteins are in; bananas fungus scare might alter consumption of the standby, inventive neo luxury, unique new singers (Lizzo-Taurus, Meghan Thee Stallion-Aquarius), unique beauty and death of certain aesthetic standards. Trent Reznor and Brian Eno are Taureans who do really unique work socially or scientifically beyond what people initially know them for.

    Thank you, Jessica!

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