Boris Johnson


Boris Horoscopes! Astrology Predictions

The new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is the only PM in history to have written a book which references astrology. Strange but true. What's also strange is his 2.00pm birth time. Not true?

How Astrology Predicted Brexit

You can’t really separate Boris horoscopes (Boriscopes?) from Brexit. Astrology predicted that Great Britain would leave the European Union on 22nd February 2016 when the opinion polls said the British would vote Remain – and Boris Johnson didn’t stand a chance. Well, it seems to have been written in the stars.

This is true to form. During the English Civil War, astrology proved itself repeatedly. So, maybe we should not have been surprised that the old horoscopes for the nation, work so well. In fact, there is such a long relationship between astrology and power in Britain (going all the way back to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth I and Dr. John Dee) that it’s not surprising that all the old horoscopes work. Boris was always on the right track.

This was the original Brexit vote forecast, on this website.

What Astrology Sees for Boris

Boris Johnson was born on 19th June 1964 in New York at 2.00pm and given the name Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. This gives us a natal chart for Boris with a B Rodden Rating (from a biography, in this case, Boris written by Andrew Gimson).  The 2.00 pm time is wrong, in my opinion. Few babies are born then.

Nobody from the Johnson family has amended those details in the book since publication, but a birth around 2pm may be right, as it gives Boris the Moon in sexually obsessive Scorpio, which might explain the complicated love life with Allegra, Marina and Petronella – all reported faithfully by Boris Johnson’s biographers, even if he was never exactly faithful himself. It’s just that even a few minutes can result in wrong prediction!

Scorpio has long been associated with marriage and mortgage, sex and money, passion and property.  Should the personal life of any political player, be a deciding factor in his/her suitability for the job at 10 Downing Street? Boris will get away with everything until the first week of December 2019. but he will have tremendous karma to deal with, starting May 2020, that dominates 2021 and does not finish until 2022. His past, in terms of his private life, will not be private then – and there will be some historic debts and credits to settle, karmically.

Close to his birthday in 2020 and 2021, Boris Johnson will have to deal with his former lovers and partners, as well as his enemies. Everything he did will be called to account. Blond Ambition, left, is just one of a slew of books about Boris Johnson which help us see what’s happening in the Boris horoscope. His own books are interesting too. Would you believe he’s actually written about (at least one) zodiac sign and its history?

Boris, Astrology and The Dream of Rome

At the start of this feature I mentioned that astrology was right to take on Boris, because Boris had taken on astrology. Well, he must be the only Prime Minister in Britain to have ever done so!

Back in 2006, before he was Mayor of London or Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson wrote a book called The Dream of Rome (HarperCollins) which referenced astrology.

Emperor Augustus and his Lucky Sign – Capricorn – According to Boris

“Augustus’ lucky sign was Capricorn, in celebration of the date of his conception…It was 23 December…which strikes me as being spookily close to Christmas.”

And – “It is no surprise that if you go to the press conferences of the most powerful man in the world, and you look at the roundel on his lectern, you will see the American bald-headed eagle, clutching the lightning bolts of Zeus/Jupiter in his claws.”

P.M. Johnson as he is now, also had this interesting fact about that astrological favourite, Mercury, on page 127: “The Gauls were particularly big on a god called Lug, who was associated with transport and commerce. No problem, said the Romans. Let’s say Lug and Mercury are the same.” (If you’ve ever wondered why Mercury is associated with lugging transport, now you know). 

There is more on Augustus and “the star sign with which he was identified” (Capricorn) on page 176 and also, interestingly, the Roman god Apollo, who lends his name to an important asteroid in modern astrology.

Jupiter Optimus Maximus and Boris

It is typical of astrology, which rests on synchronicity, that in this fantastically entertaining and informative book, Johnson should reference Jupiter (as he was known to the Romans, Jupiter Optimus Maximus) and, at the very minute he is announced as new Conservative leader – and new British Prime Minister – it should be Jupiter which lines up exactly in Sagittarius, at 15 degrees, perfectly quincunx the Midheaven or M.C. over London at 15 Cancer. 

Nothing could be more fitting. Likely, the only British Prime Minister to have ever written a book which darts around zodiac signs and planetary archetypes, comes into power as Jupiter himself – in the sign of foreign relations, Sagittarius – aligns with the Midheaven (the highest point of achievement) in the sign of patriotism, homeland and one’s home town – Cancer. The recorded data was 23rd July 2019, 12.05pm at Westminster. It’s also typical of astrology (and synchronicity) that the new British Prime Minister should have been born with an exactly opposition from Jupiter at 15 Taurus to Neptune at 15 Scorpio – and that he should choose the eagle, Jupiter’s bird, to decorate the end pages of his book (below).



The Dream of Rome Boris Johnson HarperCollins 2006 600x400 - Boris Horoscopes! Astrology Predictions


The Gemini Overload in the Boris Chart

Boris was born with a stellium or unusually high cluster of horoscope factors in Gemini. 

London is a Gemini city, according to astrologer William Lilly in his 1652 book, Monarchy or No Monarchy in England, and Boris became part of the London landscape during his time as Mayor.

Gemini rules commuting, public transport and cars. Boris Bikes were part of Johnson’s legacy to London, and he also enjoyed a role as motoring correspondent for GQ (where I also write about astrology).  You can see the 2.00pm birth time chart below. This looks quite wrong to me. And it led most astrologers in Britain to predict a hung parliament election in December 2019. Actually, we were predicting what had already happened. Blocked Boris and Blocked Brexit in London, was ancient history by then. So – not 2.00pm!

Boris Johnson 600x323 - Boris Horoscopes! Astrology Predictions

Uber, Transport for London and Boris

It’s interesting looking at the astrological chart for Uber, which is set to implode during that key karmic period I mentioned for Britain and also for Boris. His own birth chart (above) has heavy, fated ties to Uber thanks to Saturn. 

Uber and the Pisces Connection for Boris

Sometimes in astrology, you see one series of charts, and then another, and make a connection. With all bells ringing. This is very much the case with Boris Johnson and the Uber corporation.

The story of Uber, which began life as UberCab in March 2009 is here.

That month, we saw the Sun in Pisces, Mercury in Pisces, Mars in Pisces and Uranus in Pisces too. That’s an overload of the fishiest sign in the zodiac. Karma will out, and we should be curious about just how that karma plays out in the Boris horoscope too. It may seem peculiar, but the charts are linked and so is the long-term future.

Boris Johnson Natal Chart Data

Where possible I always use Lois Rodden verified data, thanks to the generosity of Alois Treindl at Our best source for the time, date and place of the Boris Johnson chart is the Andrew Gimson biography, available on Amazon.

For those of you who have asked, I will try to obtain an accurate birth time when I can. You see, I was the Editor of The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome featuring a certain writer named…Rachel Johnson!

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20 Responses

    1. Gemini and bridges – quite right – well remembered. This will be an odd rulership because it will have so many echoes of those old London issues: bicycles, motorbikes, buses, trains, aeroplanes, ferries, flights, bridges…! Yet, somehow, applied to Britain and Europe, and the world stage. You’d have to wonder what is being mooted, even now, about that very narrow gap between France and the British coastline…You have asked about Scotland too. I predicted many years ago she would vote a second time, vote to leave, and become independent!

  1. Hi Jessica

    The forecast for 2022 really scares me. The year 2003 (19 years earlier) saw the start of the Iraqi war – ostensibly over Saddam Hussein but actually to do with nuclear power (and oil of course as per usual).

    The kind of coalition government you mention often indicates a war cabinet. So the obvious question: will there be yet more war in the Middle East and will it involve nuclear power? [Uranium, a major component in reactors and missiles, was of course named after the planet Uranus – the planet of ‘shock and awe’.] Or will the need for a coalition government relate to a world wide oil embargo – which certainly would bring world finance to it’s knees.

    Do please set my mind at rest – if you can.

    Kindest regards


    1. That’s a really interesting comment, Liz. Thank you. Essentially what we are talking about here is a 19-year South Node karma cycle in Sagittarius (foreign people and places) which does indeed chime with war and peace situations: Late 1945 to 1947 then 1964-66 then 1983-1984, 2001-2003 and finally 2020-2022, as you’ve pointed out. We should really follow the rules here and look at the big beginning of the karma, which was essentially the end of the Second World War in Europe and the South Pacific. Huge debts and credits on a soul level were amassed by 1947, following Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the Nuremberg Trials and so on. You are talking about the Middle East but although that has a part to play, the major issue in the late 1940s was America and Japan – and Germany, Russia and Europe. Ask yourself where the real story is going to be in 2020-2022 and the likely answer is Russia – thanks to #TrumpRussia – but also the European Union. We are going to see a huge loop then. Yet, we should also be sensibly asking questions about nuclear powers because of the Atomic Bomb karmic loop too. This will take a few features to really dig into, but you are quite right to be concerned.

      1. Thank you Jessica.

        I am fascinated by these astrological cycles. In fact I think the 240 year cycle you refer to would take us back to 1780 or thereabouts and the ‘premiership’ of Lord North – famous (or infamous) for the rebellion in the United States which forced his resignation in 1782 after a vote of no confidence.

        Another example of synchronicity perhaps?

        NB. There is even a striking physical resemblance between Boris Johnson and Lord North, and even a similarity in education (Eton and Oxford) as well as in oratorial skills and wit. Both are also said to descend from Hanoverian Kings (though illegitimate in the case of Lord North).

        1. I love this kind of thing in astrology. I’ll look at Lord North now. We have fairly reliable data for Boris Johnson, and if there is also reasonable birth data for North, it would be intriguing to see how the two charts line up. With portraits of both men, of course!

  2. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are well. Many similarities between Trump and Johnson have been pointed out in past days. Given that Trump is also a Gemini, I wonder whether you any astrological affinities between these leaders, or the US making a special alliance with the UK. On a broader level, I wanted to ask how you see this will affect things in Europe as a whole, in a year where Angela Merkel will be gone. Personally, I’ve been torn a decision to make between two countries within the EU, and I’m quite concerned. Many thanks!
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you Ana. I am afraid Donald’s staff have approved two completely different birth dates for him so we just do not know if he has the Sun in Gemini. P.M. Johnson certainly does, though. If you want help deciding where to live, please use the Tarot deck on this website and get a second opinion reading for yourself using The Astrology Oracle and guidebook which comes with it.

  3. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for the very informative article.

    Do you think Mr Johnson will survive for that long? Also what kind of changes can I expect for myself in 2021-22?


    1. Thank you. I see Ladbroke’s are taking bets on P.M. Johnson failing to last – but the transits show that if he can get past December 2019 and January 2020 (when there is a sweeping crisis worldwide at the top – very much involving his ally Donald) – he could then coast quite successfully. It really depends on his team. It’s not ultimately about Boris at all, it’s about the entire group he surrounds himself with and his ability to understand he is not King and they are not court – they are all in it together. If he can do that, he’ll go on very successfully, bringing Britain into the world in 2021. His alternative is to depart for publishing and travel, and a wider foreign role, and he could also do this from 2021 onwards.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I remember in your early brexit predictions you highlighted well ahead of time the possibility of lightning on the day and I well remember watching it light the sky here in London the night before the vote. Obviously linked to Uranus and the aspects it was making to the uk chart. Reading this prediction in the immediate aftermath reinvigorated my interest in astrology at the time!

    Over the last three days since Tuesday night we have again had a lot of lighting here in London, so around the time of Boris winning the leadership election, becoming PM and making his first statements. Obviously Uranus is now at a different angle in a different sign indeed, but I wondered if you could see any connection and whether this is linked astrologically to the vote in June 2016. Many thanks!

    1. Yes, the cycles of the planet Uranus have a funny way of showing up as real weather patterns. This planet has been linked with electrical storms, lightning and electricity since 1781 on discovery in Bath. I’ve also been in London for the announcement of Boris Johnson’s new position as British Prime Minister and the thunder and lightning was pretty remarkable. Thunder is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, optimism and expansion. Jupiter classically holds thunderbolts in both hands. It is strange but true, that Boris was given the nod, as Conservative leader (and thus Prime Minister) when Jupiter lined up exactly with the Midheaven. It is a fantastic omen. Until the first week of December anyway!

  5. Dear Jessica I am very interested in your comments about Anglo Franco relations. I know in astrology symbols can often be interpreted in opposite ways. The French and English are of course really one peole genetically, just speaking different languages. Afterall our monarchs went between the two countries in the middle ages and even now the Queen speaks fluent French. Both countries are champions of democracy and have fought beside each other in the two world wars. Macron’s grandfather was English. Churchill was determined to liberate France. As such is there possibility of much stronger links between the two countries? Could a new bridge unite them as one country as has been suggested twice in the last century especially if the euro, as you forecast collapses? Is this the true special relationship?

    1. Thank you. Actually in astrology, symbols can never be interpreted in opposite ways. They are, what they are. France in all her incarnations (with so many different ‘birth’ charts) is strongly Libran and rather prone to duels. She is now in the kind of cycle (as is the United Kingdom) when a duel is pretty inevitable. Boris also has that kind of chart. This is a long and complicated relationship, further complicated by America and her role in the war, and the wheel of very old karma from the 1940s is now turning. So – expect a duel. It will involve something nobody has really anticipated, which is flooding and rising sea levels, and climate change impact on the fishing industry. This is going to make the combat between France and Britain even more complex as the years go on. It can all be resolved but it’s there. Neptune in Pisces!

  6. Thank you so much Jessica. Your posts are so insightful. I really appreciate them. I am sorry if my analysis was wrong. I have one question if we leave the EU in a mercury retrograde what does that mean?

    Libran influence makes sense in France where beauty is so important. Karma from the 1940s is very interesting. The USA won its independence with French help. When the French asked for their help in 1940 it was not forthcoming. Churchill in contrast, suggested France and the UK join as one country in 1940 but he could offer no vitally needed planes which were for UK defense. Churchill , who loved the French country, was horrified by indiscriminate American carpet bombing of Western France in 1944. More bombs fell on France in its liberation, the UK’ s ally than by the luftwaffe on the UK
    After the war he and Monnet pushed for the United States of Europe which has become the EU. So Karma from that time will be very interesting.

    1. Leaving the European Union during Mercury Retrograde is something you’d have to hope PM Johnson avoids. Otherwise we can expect long-term complication. The French horoscopes repeatedly show Libra as a recurring zodiac sign so it’s very much about ‘duel or duet’ as you suggest with your take on Churchill. Thank you!

  7. Post script. One thing is for sure Climate Change is upon us and we all need to pull together

  8. Dear Jessica, I hope to attend one of your events in September.

    Do you think given the increase in asylum seekers crossing the channel by boat, this could be the source of tension between France and the UK? Do you think the French will give up policing this if there is a no deal Brexit and the numbers will dramatically increase?

    1. I look forward to seeing you in September on The Barge at Brighton Marina. You are quite right about illegal boats in British-French waters and this issue will not go away, as we have the North Node in Gemini (short journeys) and South Node in Sagittarius (foreigners, migrants) from May 2020, right through to 2021. The Nodes describe repetitive situations which are stuck in time, and there are some very old questions here about the English Channel, and French-British relations, going back to the Normal Conquests. Smuggling is the other obvious concern here. Watch that.

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