Astrology Eclipse on Moon 50th Anniversary
On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, a partial lunar eclipse falls in the zodiac sign of Capricorn 50 years to the day that the U.S. mission to put people on the Moon took off. NASA are celebrating – but do you also have reason to celebrate?
As we’ll see in a moment, this is a time for caution in astrology not celebration! And I’ll show you why, according to your Sun Sign, but also your personal chart, if you are a Premium Member.
When the Moon is Overshadowed – Life is Shadowy
In Great Britain, about 60% of the Moon will appear to be red or dark grey around 11.30 pm on Tuesday, July 16th at the height of the eclipse. What does it mean for your horoscope? We are seeing a huge number of Moon-related books taking over the internet in July 2019. How do astrologers see this partial lunar eclipse on the Moon Landing 50th anniversary though? We know animals respond (and even small children know that, below) but in astrology, how does this Moon Landing ‘Moon’ trigger your chart? Pro astrologers like myself and my colleagues at the Sun Sign School – Barbara Dunn, Natalie Delahaye, Debbie Frank, Bernard Fitzwalter, Maggie Hyde, Stephanie Johnson, Joanne Madeline Moore, Penny Thornton – all know an eclipse is to be taken seriously!
Going Backwards to the Years 2000-2001
For a start, you’ll be sent backwards to the years 2000 and 2001. Even if you can’t remember what was going on as the Millennium took hold, trust that around 19 years ago, you set certain things in motion – that now come back to you in July.
Astrology is about the cycles of time, based on the Moon’s South Node also going backwards, in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. In fact, we can go all the way back to the 1960’s when the Apollo 11 mission was underway. This is a really good example of the ‘back in time’ rule of this Moon Landing Lunar Eclipse.
It falls in Capricorn at one end (ambition to get to the top) and Cancer at the other (home). I am sure you can see how the Apollo Moon Mission itself, at the end of the Sixties, was about being first to fly the homeland flag as part of the most ambitious plan of the 20th century. You can work right around that Cancer-Capricorn theme – the crab who carries his home on his back – the mountain goat who will do anything to make it – in the 1960’s, the early 1980’s and the start of the Millennium – and see a pattern.
That pattern might be in your own life. Perhaps that was when you left home to go to university. It may be in the lives of the people around you – partners, friends, family. In July 2019, these old loops in time are back. When we have a full moon, so beautifully illustrated (below) by Diana Toledano in her book with Laura Cowan, it seems like child’s play. We grow up with the moon in nursery rhymes so as adults we tend to think we know it. Actually, on this lunar eclipse on July 16th 2019 we don’t. Why not? Because the moon is in shadow. And you will be too. We will all be overshadowed by a lack of visibility. It’s a time of not knowing/not seeing. It’s literally a shadowy period.
Capricorn Weather and Your Horoscope in July 2019
This is a Lunar Eclipse which will affect every zodiac sign not just Capricorn. It means that the earth crosses between the Sun and Moon casting a shadow on the lunar surface. Even though you might feel you need to do something about the Capricorn-ruled area of your life (this is career, if you have personal birth factors in Capricorn too) – hold off.
This applies to people you know as well. If they are actually Capricorn, or have horoscope factors in that sign, then they have patterns which are about success, achievement, ambition, social climbing, social status, rank, position, mission and ambition. These are more intense in July 2019 as Pluto and Saturn are also in Capricorn. The squeeze is on! Yet – astrology tells us, as does history, that if you act or judge on an eclipse, you do so without full awareness or knowledge.
An eclipse conceals it never reveals. It leaves you in the dark so you cannot see and do not know what is there/who is there/what is really present! Eclipses are rather like driving a car with one or both headlights broken. It’s not unlike looking through a windscreen trying to decide which way to turn on a journey, with (in this case) about 60% of the windscreen blacked out. This particular lunar eclipse on Tuesday July 16th puts 60% of the moon’s usual light in shadow. This wonderful book below, Faces of the Moon, shows what you would normally expect to see – a bright, light, white ‘full face’ Moon. Instead, what we get on the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landings, right on this eclipse, is blind spots, cover-ups and patchy vision.
Seeing What You Can’t See – Around the World
In Great Britain, you can see this eclipse from Moonrise between 9pm and 10pm depending on your location. The rest of the world, from New York to Melbourne, will be experiencing it at different stages, live on Twitter – make sure you follow the hashtag #Moon50 to track its progress. In a moment I will look at your Sun Sign or solar sign chart, which shows the weather forecast for you in astrology (and everyone else born under your sign).
Like a real weather forecast it’s a good general prediction of core basic trends. On a more personal note, if you happen to live in Africa, Asia, South America and Western Australia then you will also see this eclipse. In astrology tradition states that the regions or countries where an eclipse is visible, suggest where there is a national blackout, blind spot or cover-up taking place. So if you’re in Perth, Western Australia, pay attention to this day. Later on you’ll realise ‘Blind spot!’
How Eclipse Blind Spots and Cover-Ups Show Up Later
It takes a transit, or pattern, crossing the same zodiac sign (Capricorn) at the same degree as the eclipse (24 degrees) later on, for us to understand that the jigsaw pieces were missing in a very dark puzzle. This will happen in January 2020.
It will honestly take that long for transits to cross over 24 Capricorn and wake us up to July 2019.
History shows this idea of the late wake-up call following eclipses.
The life and times of Diana, Princess of Wales, began with two eclipses either side of her wedding to Prince Charles (the cover-up was his love for a married woman, Camilla Parker-Bowles) and continued until she passed, with another eclipse and a further cover-up according to all the laws of astrology.
I was talking about this recently with my colleagues at The Sun Sign School, the amazing Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton who both served as Diana’s astrologers. They have both spoken to the media, on their own websites, and in their own work about Diana’s life in the half-light of eclipses. You can also find them named in the index of the now-classic Andrew Morton book on the Princess of Wales, written with her full co-operation. It is virtually her autobiography.
These two astrologers are rather like the William Lilly or Dr. John Dee of their day (both these astrologers were also closely entwined with the fate of the royal family in Great Britain). And they have an incredible story to tell.
John F. Kennedy and Eclipses
We also find eclipses playing a part in the saga of Lance Armstrong – a sports cover-up of epic proportions – and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Make no mistake. Eclipses leave us in the dark and the cover-up is often stunning.
This last point is important. I was giving a talk (in rather chaotic conditions) at The Astrological Lodge of London on Monday 15th July, when yet again their computer failed to show my films and photographs.
I turned to paper instead and was looking for a blank piece to write on, using a large flip-chart.
I found an old scrawl from years ago, by me (I recognised my own handwriting) showing…the chart of President John F. Kennedy. He was killed on the year of a sweeping American eclipse. Why did that flip chart show itself in July 2019 during a talk about the 1960’s ‘throwback’ effect of the current eclipses? You’d have to say – that is typical of horoscope work. It’s odd.
Reagan, Kennedy, Trump and Node Cycles of the Eighties, Sixties…and 2019-2020
They say everything goes in threes – we find two of the previous American presidents, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan – both entwined with unusual Moon cycles in their lives and careers. In fact, Reagan turned to an astrologer, Joan Quigley, for advice during his term, particularly after surviving an assassination attempt. We have no idea of Donald Trump’s real birth data, as it has been posted twice, with different dates, to the authorities. Yet – even without it – these eclipses in the sign of Cancer (the nation) and Capricorn (leadership) are dark days for him. As the leader of the nation he is symbolically tangled up in the cover-ups and blind spots of July 2019 and they will culminate in peak crisis in January 2020. Watch.
Eclipses – Negative or Positive?
Eclipses are not negative nor positive, but they do involve ‘driving’ your life with headlights which are not working, or street lights which are partly knocked out. Be aware that you are not aware. This can be for quite harmless reasons. Someone is planning a surprise birthday party for you. You’re pregnant and you don’t know it yet.
Not surprisingly, eclipses also tally with crime. Murder, even. Conspiracy and corruption. We just saw a New York blackout in July 2019. People blamed this on Mercury Retrograde, as they are inclined to blame everything on Mercury Retrograde, but a blackout is literally the impact of an eclipse – and July began with a total eclipse. What was being covered up in Manhattan, or who was being covered up? As astrologers and astrology readers, we should always ask questions at such times.
The New York blackout of July 2019 also ran alongside a freak result for England against New Zealand in a cricket tournament worth millions. That freakish outcome must have paid handsomely to lucky gamblers. Or were they more than lucky? Prince Andrew served at the final. He had only just been named in connection with Jeffrey Epstein, and his underage sex trafficking circle – and of course Epstein had his apartment door kicked down and broken into by the F.B.I. a few days before.
I sometimes see astrologers saying ‘we shouldn’t predict the future.’ I couldn’t disagree more. We absolutely should predict the future. Astrology is for the people, by the people. If you can’t trust the news, trust the eclipses.
The Full Moon in Capricorn, Saturn in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn, the South Node in Capricorn
You can watch this lunar eclipse with the naked eye, but what you are seeing, astrologically, is what you are not seeing! We won’t see another partial lunar eclipse until 19th November 2021. This eclipse is unusual because this Full Moon in Capricorn is in the same house of your horoscope (life department) as Pluto, Saturn and the South Node.
So, most intensely in the last 12 months, for the first and last time your life, you are experiencing big questions about power and control (Pluto), patience and stamina (Saturn) and karma going back in 19 year cycles (South Node) regarding just one concern in your life. If you look around you, just about every other person you see is tired. There is a good reason for that. We are all being pulled, slowly, through an excruciatingly long period of tests and trials, courtesy of Capricorn weather.
If you are a Premium Member you will know that the more Capricorn factors you have in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and university life – the bigger the drag!
Do You Have Capricorn Factors in Your Premium Member Birth Chart?
For more in-depth reading on Saturn in Capricorn in your life – the cycle that demands staying power in the face of unavoidable life lessons – look at a previous astrology feature here,
If you have Capricorn factors (even just one) in your personal birth chart, as a Premium Member you can check that now, on screen. This means that the eclipse for the anniversary of the Moon landing is a cover-up or blind spot regarding your career, unpaid work or university degree. This eclipse is falling in your Tenth House of achievement, ambition, position and mission. So – you can’t see and don’t know what is going on! Best to avoid judgement calls and action plans at such times.
On a world scale, The Capricorn Effect are are set to see in December 2019, January 2020 is triggered by this eclipse. The cover-ups involving the people at the top (Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens) will have their final answer in about six months. You can read more about this history-making, life-changing period here as 12th January 2020 is the date that transforms the planet. From North Korea to the United States, there is no going back – but it all starts Tuesday 16th July with a huge blind spot for all of us. If you’ve been wondering, as I have, how the mountain is going to come down, who is going to fall, and why – in January 2020 – this may tell you.
I no longer trust the astrological charts of Donald Trump or people in his world, like Jeffrey Epstein, for some very good reasons. Epstein was just arrested and Donald’s people have given the world not just one, but two completely different birth dates. Yet, we hear Epstein is a Sun Capricorn. In which case – it may well be that particular goat who brings towers down, towers being modern equivalents of the old Roman mountains of astrology.
How Your Sun Sign is Affected by the Moon Landing Eclipse of July 2019
ARIES – Career, status, ambition, mission, position, social climbing, social mountaineering, rank, unpaid work, university.
TAURUS – Foreign people and places, foreign projects and plans, regional and cultural differences, education, publishing.
GEMINI – Finance, property, business, charity, valuable possessions, taxes, shares, rent, mortgage, legacy, will, insurance.
CANCER – Wife, husband, former partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, professional partner, enemy, opponent, rival, other half.
LEO – Body, workload, lifestyle, duty, service, health, fitness, university or college life, housework, unpaid work, daily tasks.
VIRGO – Pregnancy, babies, children, sex, young adults, teenagers, parenthood-potential relationships, Generation Z.
LIBRA – House, apartment, land, family, household, home town, homeland, ‘My people and my place’, patriotism, home.
SCORPIO – Worldwide web, publishing, multimedia, education, communication, emails, publishing, public speaking.
SAGITTARIUS – Finance, salary, banking, taxation, business, charity, property, tenants, loans, debts, investments.
CAPRICORN – Appearance, profile, reputation, identity, name, image, brand, public face, social media avatar.
AQUARIUS – Secrets, confidential subjects, classified information, the occult, psychology, religion, spirituality, soul.
PISCES – Groups, Facebook, friendship, associations, clubs, teams, networks, circles, rings, communities.
What To Do/What Not To Do on an Eclipse
History tells us a lot about July 2019 and what to do/what not to do.
Firstly, in relation to the life areas listed above…Assume you don’t know and can’t see! It’s not the day to make sweeping judgements, big assumptions or to throw yourself into major action plans and decisions. It’s time to review and rethink. You are in Capricorn weather which is taking you back to the years 2000-2001 (about 19 years ago). Now is the time to try and appreciate how that period in your life affects today.
In general, in the areas of your life listed above, you are experiencing profound delays, tests of your patience, obstacles (like jumping over hurdles at the Olympics) and a real education. It may feel as if this cycle has been with you for years. Correct. It began in 2008 and intensified with the arrival of Saturn and the South Node both in Capricorn – felt tremendously in 2018.
This cycle eases up hugely when Jupiter the planet of solutions enters Capricorn in December 2019. It is mostly over from December 2020 when Saturn leaves Capricorn! So, you are in this for the long haul, but you also have light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, from the perspective of 2021, you’ll look back at 2018, 2019 and 2020 and shake your head. You will realise just how peculiar life was, in terms of its unusual challenges and big ‘asks’ – and how well you coped. You are also going to feel massive relief and release as slowly but surely, Saturn, the South Node and finally Pluto all gradually quit Capricorn. That zone of your chart will become like new. You will have made it through – and learned a lot.
Are you a Premium Member? If you are curious about the karmic aspects of what you are going through with this Capricorn weather, thanks to the South Node in Capricorn, you can read more about that here.
12 Responses
Dear Jessica,
Hope you are well. I’ve been trying to make up my mind with the Oracle, but so far I’ve got no clear intuition. The thing is that I have two job offers, one in Germany and the other in the Netherlands. I’d never had the chance to choose before in job matters. I feel quite privileged, but nonetheless very confused. Both are great options. I wanted to ask you what the stars say about what would be best for me job wise. Any psychic guidance would be much appreciated as well. Many thanks in advance! And happy eclipse! Best wishes, M.
Have you tried Tarot as well for a second opinion? If you follow the rules you will get your answer. Start with the present. Tune in and get that absolutely right. Then go to factors for/against Germany or Netherlands jobs – and your time frame. Within a year, two years, three years? The validation of Tarot confirming The Astrology Oracle will help you.
Thanks Jessica,
The last two passes of the nodes in Cancer/Capricorn were profoundly powerful regarding changes to my Home and career. Today the lunar eclipse is on my natal moon and the powerful event of January 2020 will align the planets on my moon as well. Nothing has transpired this cycle so far. Your input as to the transits ahead would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You won’t see anything transpire GB, because firstly the eclipse is hours away yet – and secondly because you just don’t know the full story – and it will take months, even years, before it becomes obvious. Just let it go. You will likely come across Cancer or Capricorn themes/issues/concerns/news/events and may want to let them drift before you make up your mind or swing into action. Without seeing a chart it’s hard to say if your horoscope is geared ‘neutral’ on this or if there is actually a challenge here – but as a general rule – skip Tuesday, Wednesday for any kind of statement, gesture and so on. Even a partial lunar eclipse blots out 60% of what you would normally feel or know, especially regarding your career.
Hi Jessica
Very interesting. My first book The “Moon” Crystal was published back in 2001. It turned out to be a crooked
deal, and the publisher didn’t deliver on what he promised. About 6 weeks ago I re-published myself on Amazon.
I have Minerva, Hygiea and Salacia in Capricorn. Will be interesting to see what 2020 brings.
I’m sorry that your book struck a crooked deal on the last Capricorn (career) South Node cycle. Now you are doing the right thing and gaining closure by republishing on Amazon! Your Minerva is the key here. This is your ‘wise woman’ and she’s in your Tenth House of success. Owls often turn up when Minerva is under discussion, by the way…
you have a chart for aoc. She is in danger of being eclipsed!
There’s really no point in working with charts for this 2020 American election, because we lack a birth time for Bernie Sanders, who is a serious contender, and of course Donald’s staff have supplied two birthdates in different months. I did look at the chart for A.O.C. bearing the slightly suspect data in mind…you can only really do broad brushstrokes. What I will say is that America begins the New Age of Aquarius in December 2020 and from 2023 the ‘Aquarian’ dominance of life in the USA increases. Aquarius is about the group. It is about diversity, community and equality. Women and men. Non-white and white. Old and young. The current regime is against that. You are not going to see this regime in power in 2021. I can say that even with dodgy data from Donald. And watch January 2020. Watch Epstein. This has not even started. As for AOC – her star is rising, but only in the context of the whole group – the whole team.
Hi Jessica, if you are still taking comments, I wonder if you have any insights please on how this eclipse could affect my career? Just started a new job, where the women (including my boss) seem nice – but there is one guy (there is always one guy!) who is the archetype of two narcissistic men I have worked with before. He’s just been hired back off contract when one of the women quit, and we are all concerned about how him having a permanent position will play out. Also wondering how the eclipse could impact my love life. Thanks for any insights you can provide. PS: Very interesting post re Epstein – but so sad that the additional time to reopen his crimes has resulted in more pain.
The eclipse is related to your career as this Full Moon, covered up around 60% by shadow, was in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign to look for ruling your Tenth House of work. It has nothing to do with your love life, but everything to do with the man in your new workplace who is a narcissist. Hopefully you avoided doing anything drastic on that eclipse. The situation will play itself out until December when you find yourself in a game of musical chairs in your chosen profession as there will be sackings (possibly him), promotions, resignations, mergers, changes of roles and responsibilities and a general massive reshuffle. Know your chair. When the music stops, take it. By ‘know your chair’ I mean be absolutely clear about your ambition, what you want from this organisation, how long you are prepared to wait and the rest. In January 2020 you will make your final choice. He is a dot on the landscape. In the meantime you are experiencing the classic ‘new girl’ syndrome of schooldays when you make instant friends with the other girls by ganging on a boy you all dislike! Let this situation play itself out, don’t worry too much about July, but see where you end up near Christmas because if you want massive change, then it is massive change you will have.
Hi Jessica,
I have a Capricorn stellium: Venus 14, Bacchus 14, Salacia 25, Vulcano 8, Ops 1 and most interestingly, my MC 29.
Wondering how this all plays out.
Thanks so much!
If your birth time is absolutely accurate then you will have a major shift in your career, unpaid work or university/college degree in 2020, not possible in 12 years. You will find one of your biggest issues is resolved and the door opens to an incredible opportunity. In July, though, you may want to backtrack to what you did not know (60% of the career or similar story was hidden) a few days ago. There is more to come and then you will realise what is actually going on…the triple transit of the South Node, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn in your Tenth House will reshape your position, mission and ambition in slow stages now through 2022 and you will be operating in two jobs, with two projects, or have two roles – neither of them real world – as everything slowly crosses Salacia in your chart.