Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


What Your Indian Guru Sign Means

The astrology of India is similar to the West, in that Jupiter is seen as a symbol of learning, good fortune and growth. Known as Guru, your Jupiter zodiac sign in Indian (Vedic) will be different to the one you know from your Western chart. How can you use it best?

Abundance! Good fortune! In Indian astrology, Jupiter is known as Guru or Brihaspati. What is your Guru sign and what does it mean? How can you use this part of your Indian horoscope to draw on good karma and attract more?

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11 Responses

  1. Is it possible that Jupiter in a sign may bring struggles there? Mine is in Cancer, like many my home is not my own which makes me increasingly vulnerable. I come from a large family, have one child and all those relationships bring more pain and heartache than joy. I did fall into a career in property but had to leave a few years ago. Seeing inner cities gutted of heritage and planning laws watered down at the expense of cheap and ugly (badly designed) developments was making me highly stressed and physically ill…so Jupiter in Cancer, not so abundant for me…

    1. Jupiter, Ceres, Apollo and Ops are all in Cancer in your Fourth House so you have a stellium. Jupiter is always a symbol of protection, help, support, lucky breaks, blessings, abundance, win-win solutions and it tends to ‘trump’ or beat every other factor in a chart. So, not so far with the pessimism about your home, family or property career. I can see why it has been an obstacle course but you will experience the North Node going across your Cancer stellium (including Jupiter) in 2019 and 2020 so you will experience closure, apart from anything else. This may go back to the year 2000 as this was the last time the North Node swung through Cancer and your Fourth House. Ceres is very painful sometimes. You have her in your Fourth House. She lost her daughter to her son-in-law Pluto who seized her without permission. Apollo is your ability to take the lead, as Apollo in Rome was a kind of Renaissance man/god who mastered the art of war as much as he was a famed psychic. He was much imitated and led the way. You also have Ops here. She was Saturn’s wife. He ate her children so she fooled him with Jupiter, her last, who escaped. You may want to look up these myths and also the art works surrounding them as they are alive and well in your zone of family and property. Have a look at a long piece I wrote on Ceres and depression some time ago. Essentially, it’s all good here. It really is. But you need to know how to work your chart. You can and will have access to a house, apartment and/or land/garden that makes you extremely satisfied. That door will open repeatedly over the years to come as every transit to your Jupiter will do that for you. Yet, you are going to have to find out how to work with your Ceres in particular and Ops as well. It is possible you are/were married to Saturn.

      1. Thank you Jessica, I remember and have just reread your Ceres post. It was wonderful with much food for thought. I guess learning to work with it is a lifelong process and not sure who/what Pluto is yet.
        Interesting about Saturn too, I may be ‘married’ to limiting or restrictive stories about myself.
        Depression is a beast to manage!

        1. Thank you. Depression is certainly a beast to manage – Churchill’s black dog – but The Black Dog Institute online is a very good resource. So is knowing your chart and tracking the cycles, particularly the monthly cycles of the Moon, in relation to – say – Ceres. Self-knowledge helps with getting to the heart of these rhythms and it makes living with oneself a great deal easier. That’s what I have been told by people who use their astrology (and especially a journal – yours free to download as a Premium Member) to sort out the regular ups and downs of life with this planet.

  2. Jessica,
    This is so cool. Thanks for posting. It’s really interesting to learn about this . Any elaborations in regards to my chart would be most appreciated.

    1. Thank you. We will publish a long feature on your Guru or Brihaspati sign in just a few hours, so look out for it. It is Jupiter, filtered through Indian culture and history. And it works so well with your usual Western Jupiter.

  3. Wow!!!
    If I correctly read the table…
    This is unbelievable my Guru is in
    Aquarius – Kumbha and I work for Indian boss whose Guru is in Aquarius – Kumbha

    What does this mean for me I wonder as he clearly not allows me to grow professionally or financially as he hired other manager instead to promote me…
    Jessica can you give me some light on this…

    1. Amazing that your Indian boss and you both have Guru in Aquarius. You have both reincarnated to be part of a team or group and to use people power to get what you want, joining forces with others from totally different backgrounds, ages, genders and nationalities. You probably knew each other before and this situation is being reflected in his choices!

  4. Hi Jessica,

    My Indian Guru sign is Virgo, whereas I don’t have any factors in Virgo in my birth chart. So how does this work?


    1. Very simple FA. From an Indian point of view you were born blessed with the gift of understanding the body’s connection to the mind and spirit, so may have been (for example) a herbalist, healer, yoga teacher or even an athlete before. You were also born knowing how to work hard and well so may have been a servant, or perhaps in the army. In this life you ‘remember’ that and can use it to your benefit and the benefit of other people. From an Indian point of view your good fortune is tied to Virgo matters. Have a look at the Sixth House on Search because this is where you gain and give.

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