The March 29 Aries Eclipse
On Saturday 29th March 2025 at 3.58am in Los Angeles we have an eclipse on the New Moon at 9 Aries 00. But – this is a New Moon and a new beginning you may want to avoid.
Jupiter, the planet which shows growth and good fortune in your life, goes backwards and forwards in 2019. Here’s how to use your personal birth chart to see how Jupiter is tracking, month by month – and how to manage the cycle for amazing results.
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On Saturday 29th March 2025 at 3.58am in Los Angeles we have an eclipse on the New Moon at 9 Aries 00. But – this is a New Moon and a new beginning you may want to avoid.
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.
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110 Responses
Dear Jessica
Thankyou for another great article!!
I have Jupiter 0 degrees Sagittarius and 0 degrees Leo
I also have Apollo 18 degrees Sagittarius
How does this apply to me?
P.S There was a huge thunderstorm last week 14/3..lightning struck with a section of roof directly over my head, shattering tiles and also outdoor umbrella directly in front of me, shredding it
I would appreciate your thoughts
Thank you Candy. The thunderstorm which broke the tiles and umbrella was what the Romans would call an omen. Jupiter at 0 Sagittarius and Vesta at 0 Leo in your chart make a perfect trine. You are an opportunist, in the nicest possible way, within the world of education and academia, but also lifelong learning and guidance, even if it is not labelled as such. It’s rather like George Harrison committing himself to India and travel in the mind, even though he left school very early to go on tour with The Beatles. Whenever you go on the search/the quest, you bring along Vesta, so you periodically find yourself with other women competing for male attention and approval in your life. It may be a husband’s daughters with you, for example, or a boyfriend whose former girlfriend will not leave him alone. Sometimes Vesta turns up as one little baby boy in a large family of sisters. You can look up Vesta on Search if you are curious. The thunderstorm and lightning is of great interest to me as Uranus entered Taurus at 0 degrees and he is the father of lightning. Chiron also entered Aries at 0 degrees, so this whole pattern in your chart has been triggered. This holds for all of March.
Dear Jessica,
I’m really really new to Astrology having just been reading up for a few days and just got my done chart yesterday. Been engrossed in reading your articles here since earlt yesterday.
I have Jupiter 7 degree Aquarius, Pluto 6 degree Libra, Moon 18 degree Scorpio ( I hope I am reading corectly lol). Can I please get you help to shed some light how I can benefit from Jupiter’s benevolence and generosity, the upcoming supermoon to get a real break through in a series of bad luck that’s been bogging me down till now.
Thank you so much!!!
Sagittarius-Capricorn-Cancer patterns near 0, 1, 2 degrees suggest you will be tempted to move in 2019 as Sagittarius rules distant locations and Cancer rules property and home – Capricorn rules career. Uranus and Chiron will both trigger that pattern in your chart. Sometimes it’s not so much about moving, as dealing with family or household changes (Cancer also rules that) but the focus on Sagittarius suggests some kind of journey, no matter if it’s an intellectual journey involving far-ranging subjects like belief systems or philosophy – or just on the worldwide web. This feels like a crossroads with career and life path, but also home life -or family – in 2019. The answer will so often be tied to other faces from other places in other intellectual or spiritual spaces! Jie, it will set you free. The end of the year could easily bring a new job, promotion, or a commitment to study. I am sorry you have been bogged down with bad luck but 2019 is a radical change year for you.
Hi Jessica,
On second thoughts, could you kindly help me dechipher areas of my natal chart that I might need to work on please? I am really brand new to this and am still learning/guesssing to read it and understand the meaning of so the heavenly bodies interplaying with the zodiac signs. I do understand you must get a lot of request, so any insights into areas I should pay attention to or stuff I can leverage will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you and much love,
The Sun at 1 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel, study, teaching, publishing, emigration and foreigners – and Juno at 1 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, status and society – are the keys to your horoscope in 2019 and 2020. You shine brightly and brilliantly when you are among foreign cultures or belief systems, particularly as a teacher or student, mentor or guide, or just an internet world citizen ‘student of life.’ This will involve websites or books at different intervals, perhaps formal academia. When you’re not shining, you really feel it, and work harder to make this part of your life and personality better. Every time you do this, you bring in questions about achievement and ambition, and the commitments you make. Juno describes who or what you ‘wed’ yourself to and in Capricorn this is really about being at the top, professionally or in society. 2019 and 2020 will change your life regarding this, specifically in July and August when Ceres goes to 0, 1 Sagittarius and you have a compromise to strike and a deal to make. Again, when Jupiter goes to 0, 1 Capricorn in December, you will have a rare chance not possible in 12 years to make a serious commitment to your own status or success in life. Look up Ninth House, Tenth House, Juno, Sun, Ceres, Jupiter on Search to find out more – or look at your ebooks.
Hi Jessica, I did not realize until reading this, that there are a lot of similarities to 2007 which was right before the financial collapse in America which is clearly about to happen again. I saw the signs of it in 2007 in relation to decreaced job security and am seeing it play out again in my life now- as well as a few other things that 2007 and 2019 have in common. Fascinating! I’m still so new to reading charts. I cannot decipher what Jupiter means in my chart and if I have any lucky degrees or what it means for my 2019. Do you see anything that would infer a fortunate turnaround? Thank you!
Yes, you are right about the year 2007 and the lead-up to the Global Financial Crisis. We have been heading towards the second one, for quite some time, as the system has to change with Uranus in Taurus too. You have a Sagittarius stellium so will be given more than one fantastic opportunity to travel and broaden your mind in 2019. These vacations would be so much more than just another holiday. Right place, right time, right people to give you a departure you will never forget, that may actually contribute to important projects and plans beyond the actual time away. You have Jupiter in Aquarius the sign of diversity, equality and community. Your entire life will change regarding this from the year 2021, and it’s the kind of shift that we associate with people who sign up for rock bands that transform their career, or political parties where they ‘become’ the party and so on. You will of course find your own tribe if you have not already found them.
Another fascinating blog, and I particularly enjoy reading about specific people and events in your insights, it makes it so relatable and more easy to understand. Winston Churchill has always been a personal favourite of mine too!
I have a lot of Jupiter/Sag in my chart and whilst I’m excited about 2019 and my ninth house story, I have so many ideas buzzing about that I don’t know where to start.. A possible new Amazon side business that I’d love to launch, a possible move back to my home country or even considering dual living between two, and all at the same time wondering where a first child might fit into it all. In the near future, or in another few years. I’ve read a lot of your Jupiter content, and want to make the most of all of the opportunities which will hopefully be arising for me, I don’t want to let any pass me by if it means waiting another 12 years!
Does my chart indicate any sense of this I wonder?
Thank you. I always find it amazing that Churchill lived his chart like that, having no knowledge of it at all (unless he was hiding a secret astrologer somewhere in Pall Mall). This is a fantastic year of opportunity for you and it could change your life. The time has come to go to the next level as a student, teacher, traveller, publisher or worldwide web publisher. You are talking about Amazon and relocation and both of those fit. Your Jupiter Return at 18 Sagittarius takes place in June and late September/early October when changes in the wider world involving the online publishing industry, education and academia, and particularly travel and emigration, create a perfect storm of possibility for you that you have not seen in many years. Dream big dreams this year. Use your quarterly journal to write down what you want and check your progress.
Hi Jessica and thanks for another thought provoking article. I have Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn, opposite my Cancer sun – does this weaken Jupiter’s beneficial effect? I’ve always wondered whether you agree with the effect of retrograde planets being weaker, especially as my Jupiter is in detriment in Capricorn. Thanks again.
Thank you. The more important pattern (in modern astrology we can use orbs of 0-1 degree’s difference) is Jupiter at 27 Capricorn, Mars at 26 Gemini, Juno at 26 Cancer and Bacchus at 25 Libra. Don’t worry about the retrograde too much. This is the chart of someone who is blessed in career matters and/or social status, with the potential to get to the top – this is connected with a white-hot presence online, but with all communication actually, and also a strong commitment to people and place. The ability to enjoy partnerships for the sake of them is also tied into this. Any time you have transits at 26, 27 degrees of any zodiac sign the pattern goes off. You’d make a great real estate agent actually or a property investor – or National Trust patron. When Jupiter goes to 25, 26 Sagittarius in November 2019 you will find that trends in travel, or emigration in the wider world (Jupiter in Sagittarius) benefit you, specifically with home and family, home town and homeland, but also in your personal and family life too. You can look up any of the horoscope factors I have mentioned on Search to find out more, or in your ebooks.
Interesting read, many thanks.
My Cancer 25 Jupiter is obviously triggered of late, and also my Sagittarius asteroids. I’m managing my gradual changes regarding work and house/finance situation, so slow, but manageable.
My love life!!!! You said I had a Shakespearean chart once!
I’m just about keeping my head above water, feel battered at times. So I guess it’s Neptune plus Mercury retrograde.
Also Saturn squaring my moon?
Is Jupiter going to have some positive effect for me?
You have a conjunction of Bacchus-Fortuna at 22, 23 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreign people and places, foreign languages, emigration, education and academia, publishing and the worldwide web. Also very much about your beliefs, be it astrology, Buddhism, Catholicism or anything else. Bacchus is about how you give and receive pleasure in quite a hedonistic way. Fortuna is about how you take people up and down, high and low, without realising what you are doing. You’d make a very good pilot actually, along with the Shakespeare analogies! Fortuna is commonly mentioned in many Shakespeare plays. You will have a fantastic opportunity to take the holiday of a lifetime, fly high in part-time or full-time education, emigrate or move – or just take an amazing intellectual or spiritual journey – when Jupiter goes to 22, 23 Sagittarius right now, March 2019, and again in May and October, November. It may be Europeans, Americans or further afield but when you hear the doorbell ring go and answer it then.
Hi Jessica. Thanks so much for this article. Sounds like it will impact me several ways. I have a Sag stellium including my Asc at 17 and Moon at 18 degrees. My jupiter in gem at 28 lines up with my ceres in pisces 28 and cupido virgo 29. Any advice/insight would be much appreciated.
Thank you. Your birth time is bang on the round half-hour and that is very unusual; it may have been rounded up or down, so I won’t look so much at the Ascendant (or any other angle, which depends on a minute-specific clock time) just to be on the safe side. There is an important pattern with your Moon at 18 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of travel and travel in the mind – Neptune at 17 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and money/love and property . -and also Fortuna at 18 Libra in the Seventh House of partnership and marriage. This is a lifelong pattern for you, so you find yourself in relationships (or in different phases of the same relationship) with people who push your buttons sexually and financially, and put travel, cultural differences, education and ‘travel in the mind’ centre-stage. When transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius goes to 17, 18 degrees in June and October this year you will have the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to hit the heights with your former, current or potential partner.
Thanks Jessica. My birth time is on my birth certificate so I would assume ot to be fairly accurate. Would this have any bearing on your advice given the time is confirmed?
Okay, so 1.30 does give you an Ascendant at 17 Sagittarius, and if it’s on the certificate, that’s fine. Jupiter will expand, improve, enhance and inflate your image, title, name, role and appearance out there in the world, as he goes to 17 at the end of June 2019 and again in September. Diana, Princess of Wales had this Ascendant. She used it to further her role as the champion of The Halo Trust overseas, working with children from other countries, and of course through her famous secret autobiography written with Andrew Morton. Sagittarius rules publishing as well as foreign people, places, faces and spaces. She was no university student, nor teacher, but she became a highly successful public speaker, thus ‘lecturing’ from the podium about what she knew best – international charity work. She’s a good example of this ascendant sign!
This is so lovely to read! In 2007 I got married and decided to move overseas (move happened just after the new year). And I feel very lucky to have several factors at the same or close degree as my 22 Jupiter in Aries. Any idea what this may mean? I have my IC (cap) and MC at 21 (cancer), Saturn at 22 (cancer) and Fortuna at 22 (Gemini)
Thank you. In 2007 Jupiter at 9 Sagittarius was conjunct your Neptune at 9 Sagittarius and he also formed a quincunx to your Juno at 9 Cancer. Neptune in Sagittarius in your Ninth House is your need to take a holiday from reality by travelling, relocating or emigrating – also studying, teaching, publishing and using the web, actually. Juno is about commitment (literally marriage or what/who you ‘wed’ yourself to) and in Cancer in the Fourth House she is about home, family, roots, heritage, culture, houses, apartments, home town and homeland. This is the chart of a natural explorer and adventurer and a born migrant. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2019 has gone past 9 degrees but Ceres will pass at 9 Sagittarius in May and again in September. That’s a new deal in your life, or a new compromise. Have a look at the Ninth House when you finish reading this, on Search, as this is where you ‘live’ in 2019 and it is where you will agree to share things in a brand new way.
Dear Jessica,
Part of what makes these articles so great is how well written they are which really helps to understand the nuts and bolts behind the astrology.
I have Mars at 1 Sagittarius and DESC at 28 Sagittarius and Jupiter at 3 and Uranus at 2 Libra. I am hoping for a positive outcome in a surprising reconnection with a Libra /former partner/now friend who I’ve known since we were kids.
We’re in touch again after many years and each have a child with our current partners. Although friends and at a distance, feelings still remain.
Actually, my child was born in 2007 and I hope to have luck getting them into a certain school this year.
Will you perhaps write about the Libra full moon this week at 0 degrees? Very interested as I have the South Node at 0 degrees Libra.
Thanks so much for this great site!
Thank you very much, I will pass that compliment onto James, Justin, Alyas, Kerry and Sarah. Your child was born in 2007? This is a fantastic year for the parent-child relationship to expand and improve and yes, your luck would be in, finding the best possible school. Your child is having a Jupiter Return actually and like an acorn growing into an oak, this is someone who could leap ahead in the education and academic system every 12 years, being a lifelong student actually! You are in the change zone with the line-up at 1, 2 and 3 degrees in both 2019 and 2020 as you are experiencing transiting Uranus going to 1, 2, 3 Taurus for the first time in your life, and also transiting Chiron at 1, 2 and 3 Aries. I suspect it’s actually Chiron at work here. You can look Chiron up on Search when you finish reading this. He is right opposite your Jupiter and Uranus in the Seventh House of marriage (and separation) and that’s what is going on here. You would expect the Full Moon at 0 Libra on 21st March to bring questions about ‘me and he’ and ‘me and she’ and ‘me and you’ as it’s splitting your chart between the First House, where the Sun is at 0 Aries, and the Seventh House, where you obviously have that Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. All choices this year are yours but it’s Chiron you are experiencing!
Dear Jessica,
I am not sure how perfectly accurate my time of birth is, but my chart has been rectified carefully. Accordingly, my natal Jupiter is 0 deg Cancer (as you can prob see in my chart). Does that mean – not a particularly lucky year for me?
There are a couple of things going on here. You have the Moon at 19 Sagittarius in your Ninth House, so you ‘need to be needed’ through other cultures, nationalities and belief systems – but also through the worldwide web itself, publishing, education or academia. You’re essentially a mother/mentor figure but also a mother/explorer type. Jupiter going across 19 Sagittarius gives you the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to take that path to the maximum in June 2019 and again in October. You can look up the Moon and Ninth House on Search when you finish reading this to find out more about how to use this part of your chart. With your Jupiter at 0 Cancer your blessings are with property, family, home and country for your entire life and this is where you will give your time and energy quite easily as you have so much to give. The stand-out feature here is transiting North Node at 0 Cancer in April and May 2020, when karma from around 19 years before, but also reaching back into past lives, comes around again, likely regarding a relative or someone at home. You stand to gain again then. Take a look at your house or apartment in those months if you wish to move, renovate, redecorate, invest and so on. The Node only goes over your Jupiter every 19 years and the cycle was known at Stonehenge.
Dear Jessica,
I have the following Jupiter and Sagittarius placements. Looking back at 2007 it was a difficult year with work and at home. Then in Jan 2008 I’ve decided I needed a change and moved Jobs and also to a new flat. How will Jupiter in Sagittarius this year effect me. Currently again going through a stagnated and unhappy period with my current job and looking/trying for a change without any success. Can you see any positive changes this year?
Jupiter 19° Aries 23′ 48″ R
Ops 15° Sagittarius 36′ 17″
Bacchus 16° Sagittarius 55′ 47″ R
Thank you and looking forward to seen you in London this Summer.
The Ops-Bacchus conjunction at 15 and 16 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel (and travel in the mind) is directly related to Jupiter in Sagittarius, as he was Ops’s son and Bacchus’s father in Rome. So the family is coming together and it is about other regions or countries, perhaps just other cultures and nationalities, if you stay close to home this year. You will benefit from Jupiter passing over at 15 and 16 in July 2019, then again in September. This may or may not be related to your job, but you will be offered the opportunity to explore and expand, either by studying, relocating or travelling, or drawing people from different cultural, national, ethnic and/or religious backgrounds into your world. This can only happen every 12 years and it’s your chance to ‘be the change’ as they say (which is Ops) and also to enjoy life, but to spread the enjoyment (that is Bacchus). You also have Ceres going over 15 and 16 Sagittarius in October so it looks like September, October is the turning point. A major compromise or ‘deal’ would be done then. Your chart is not a million miles away from the United Kingdom horoscope actually.
Thanks Jessica!
Very interesting and looking forward to the Summer now.
Hi Jessica –
Thank you for an encouraging and inspiring post. If I think back to 2006-2007 this was a time when I began to innovate in my work around social media and online communities. I was doing very very well at work back then and those were some of my most productive earning years. I also did a LOT of travel both for work and personally during that time. It was fantastic.
Now I am in a different set up with my own business, which I have been doing since 2015, but it has been erratic and uncertain in terms of establishing and maintaining a steady income stream, and now, it feels very stalled. Not much has happened in the last six months or so. I am considering closing, to be honest, although it is not what I prefer. I think I am made for the independence of my own business and I have a very entrepreneurial mindset. I always remain hopeful and would love for things to turn around for me – can you tell me what you see for me business-wise and financially?
I have Jupiter in Aries 13 degrees. And I have my Ascendant in Sagittarius at 11 degrees and Ceres in Sagittarius at 15 degrees.
Thank you 🙂
Thank you. The most important chart pattern regarding this is your Jupiter at 13 Aries and Pluto at 13 Virgo. This is exact and it is what is known as a quincunx. Any time slow-moving outer planets go to 13 degrees this pattern is triggered. It is about self-promotion, being upfront (or being the front person), using your appearance, brand or image and – beyond Jupiter in Aries in the First House – also about taking control (Pluto) and using your power effectively (Pluto) at work (Virgo, Sixth House). Beyond that this combination talks about the mind, body and spirit. The Sixth House and Virgo are associated with food, drink, fitness, healers, doctors, drugs and the use of the body to influence the consciousness and soul – like yoga. As the First House is about appearance this is an obvious path to take and it would work very well for you. The reason you are stalling is Saturn slowing you down. He is going backwards and forwards across 13 Capricorn, but September 2019 is his last pass. On quite another subject, transiting Jupiter will in fact conjunct your Ceres at 15 degrees Sagittarius in July 2019 and stay close by, at 14 Sagittarius, in August, September and you also have your Ceres Return this year – very close by at 14 Sagittarius in April and exact in September. The month of September 2019 is really important and you could easily achieve a lot online then. The choice to stay or go with your business is your own, but do focus on how you can use your Aries-Virgo.
Thank you Jessica your insights are very helpful!
And in reading about the mind/body/spirit connection that you lay out with the transits, I can’t believe I forgot to mention, I finished a yoga teacher training certification program in…. 2006. And much of my personal travel 2006-2007 was yoga-related. I did teach 2006-2007 but abandoned it for various reasons. Perhaps these transits are encouraging me to take up my yoga teaching again?
Perfect. Yoga teaching is exactly right for you and this is a terrific year to get back into yoga again.
Hi Jessica – ‘Taking a Ride With Jupiter in 2019 – Your Travel Plans’ – do these planetary positions work even if you don’t have anything in Sagittarius? (which I don’t)
I have Jupiter at 15° Aries plus lots of others nearby – Fortuna 15° Aries, Apollo 15° Cancer, Chiron 14° Pisces, Ceres 14° Virgo; how am I likely to be affected?
I’m having a difficult year commuting back and forward to my Father’s town through lots of traffic (where I also work part-time) supporting him as he is quite poorly and a difficult time at work where I use the internet and computer to fundraise and we are going through an IT system change which I am really struggling to master. It all feels such a struggle. I know it’s Mercury Retrograde so I was expecting this to happen but what hope can Jupiter give me this year? I haven’t been away for a holiday for six years due to family support commitments which are ongoing.
many thanks
The 14/15 degree line-up is really about home and family (Apollo in Cancer in your Fourth House) and also workload and lifestyle (Ceres in Virgo in your Sixth House) and it’s being expressed through your image (Jupiter and Fortuna in Aries in your First House). I am sorry you are struggling with the commute and also the computer system change. One of the reasons for this is transiting or travelling Saturn going backwards and forwards over 14 and 15 Capricorn, which classically slows things down and parks obstacles in your path. In fact, you are experiencing what is known as a T-Square in astrology. Saturn forms a ‘T’ shape in your horoscope as he squares Jupiter and Fortuna and opposes Apollo. This cycle does not go on forever and the solution is actually to add new and different people to the mix. You can read more about this by looking up Sacred Geometry on Search. You need to create new patterns in your chart turning the T-Square into something more useful and easy to live with. Drawing closer to particular friends or making new friends/finding new people can help with that. In time the pattern falls away. To find out more about this phase of your life look at Ceres in Virgo in the Sixth House and Apollo in Cancer in the Fourth House, which you are living out in quite a powerful way.
Hi Jessica
I think I have totally missed the Jupiter boat, being at 8 in Leo it would have been December last year it was active for me. Life has really got in the way of making the most of it. I also have Ceres at 7 in Leo, but no other factors close to this degree at all in my chart. Does Jupiter have less impact if you dont have other factors corresponding in you chart? Thank you.
You actually have Jupiter at 8 Leo, Ceres at 7 Leo and Hygiea at 7 Capricorn, Lisa, so that’s an important pattern. That’s about your role in life as Queen to a younger court of ‘heirs’ to your throne, leading, guiding and mentoring the next generation, or the one after that. You can do this in paid work, unpaid work or more obviously as a mother, godmother, aunt, stepmother and so on. The Leo part of the pattern hooks into the Capricorn part of the pattern which actually is about your career, or your role in life in general, in society. So this is really a picture of quite a lot of authority, especially with the young. The pattern is there all your life and will unlock again when Jupiter goes to 7 Capricorn in January 2020 which is classically a time when post-Christmas family decisions or major employment/business reshuffles take place. As a general rule any time you see transits around 7 degrees, your Jupiter-Ceres-Hygiea pattern will be activated.
Thank you Jessica
That makes sense, I am giving up my accounts job to help my daughters with childcare so they can go back to work. I am also writing children’s/young adults books. I will try to do a little paid work from home as well. This is very much a big part of my life, helping with the grandchildren.
Great! Good to know the astrology is working so powerfully for you.
Thankyou Jessica I just cannot resist validating your feedback..fascinating and spot on
Every single relationship I have ever had has been ultimately been destroyed by the interference of other woman and resulted in subsequent heartbreak for me.
Last year I communicated with a man from interstate, when we organised to meet in January this year his ex came back on the scene which caused turmoil (at the final Leo eclipse)…We never got to meet
I don’t know if I will ever be free of these scenarios..is it ever possible at anytime in the future to find great love that belongs to me??
I don’t want to be greedy submitting further feedback here but your response To my original query verified everything
Thankyou so much
Than you for validating Candy it is much appreciated. Consciousness and awareness gets you out of the pattern. I had a client once who had suffered from Vesta problems her whole life. Typically she drew in men who found their power by making her compete for their attention and approval against other women. I showed her the art – paintings of Vesta and the Vestales (the famous Roman virgins) and she read about the symbol and the story. It may help you to do the same. Breakthrough. You will have no more Vesta problems because you simply won’t buy into it. The worst thing you can ever do is excuse the man and focus on the woman – trying to compete with her, fight with her or win over here. Always focus on the man and join forces with the woman if you possibly can. Look up Vesta on Search or in your ebooks as I’ve had a fair bit of correspondence about her over the years!
Hi Jessica,
What will it mean having Jupiter touch my north node later in the year? Does it oppose or support my Saturn and Apollo aspects in Gemini?
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks again,
You have a terrific line-up around your North Node degree and Jupiter will conjunct that and trigger a pattern you have not seen for 12 years and will not see for another 12. You have past life connections with another culture, nationality or belief system and that will return to you by December when Jupiter has finished his time in Sagittarius. The line-up involves career (Venus at 27 Capricorn) and the worldwide web and your languages Ana (Saturn 28 Gemini) and Uranus at 27 Libra is about partnerships and any conflicts. Apollo at 28 Gemini is again about the web and languages. The North Node at 27 Sagittarius and South Node at 27 Gemini do suggest you have had one or more lifetimes dealing with issues about being published, using one or more foreign languages, translating, and particularly beliefs, including religion and even astrology. This comes up again at the end of the year but you gain from stupendous breakthroughs and progress, going to the next level as an explorer and adventurer – of ideas, places, distant spaces and foreign faces. Do not be surprised if you feel deja vu as the people or situation will be familiar from a prior incarnation – this is what the Nodes are about. It is possible a sibling has a past life connection with you as Gemini rules brothers (and sometimes sisters).
Sorry, ‘tis me again.. Regarding the thunderstorm on 14/3 I just asked a friend about the type of tree we were sitting under earlier that day , pods were dropping consistently, one hit me on head..it was an ACORN tree!
I love that Candy. Thank you so much. Real, living, astrology that the Romans would have appreciated!
Hi Jessica
I have nothing in Sagittarius. I have Jupiter in Libra in my natal chart. I was just wondering how Jupiter will effect me? Thanks for the insight.
You have enough at 25, 26 and 27 degrees, including natal Jupiter at 26 Libra in your Seventh House of partnerships and also battles, to gain when Jupiter transits at 25, 26, 27 Sagittarius forming a sextile. In fact, the particular one-on-one relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner at those times will once again offer you an epic solution, breakthrough or opportunity. This affects many other areas of your life at the same time. Jupiter crosses this part of your chart in November 2019 and Mars also goes across Libra 26 so it’s really clear this is a major decision time regarding this person. If this is a battle not a duet, then you may want to look at the story of Winston Churchill again! He also had Jupiter in Libra like you.
Thank you Jessica for this article on my favourite planet. I have had a blessed later half of 2018 as I was able to renegotiate financial commitments, got many opportunities to speak in public and have retained a casual teaching position. I had once sought your advice on my business and you had said to look at networks within my community. Thank you, that was an incredible insight and has opened up many new paths. Since I don’t have any later degrees of Jupiter in Saggi, does this mean he does not influence my chart in 2019 and beyond? How do I read this? Appreciate your insights as always, and thank you again, Jx
I’m happy the astrology worked for you and that you have what you want from teaching, public speaking and finance. You do have Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of education, travel, beliefs, publishing and the worldwide web. That’s born lucky in regard to all those things. When Ceres goes over Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius from June 4th through 8th you will find a deal, negotiation or share compromise arrangement regarding that. The same discussion, or a similar one, would come back at the end of August when Ceres returns to 5 Sagittarius. You can find out more about Ceres on Search or in your ebooks: she is a symbol of a whole new world, actually, and one born from a change in the balance of power.
Hi Jessica,
I have Jupiter in Libra (3 degrees) and I have 3 factors in Sagittarius (IC, Fortuna, and Neptune). Since the degrees that get affected most are 14-29, will the the affect of this phase be less on me? Do we expect repeat of crises that happened in 2007? My 2007 was extremely difficult on personal level and reading this now as I am joining a new job is making me really nervous.
Thank you for all your help.
Thank you. If your personal life was an issue in 2007 it would not have been the transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius, which rules travel and travel in the mind – not relationships. If your obstacle then was pregnancy, children, love, sex, marriage or relationships that would make sense. You were born with Vesta at 25 Leo in the Fifth House and that year, Saturn was at 25 Leo. I am sure you know Saturn is associated with difficult learning experiences. You were born with Fortuna at 10 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of journeys, the worldwide web, publishing, education and academia, foreign people and places, and relocation. You also have Neptune there at 24 Sagittarius. That is the focus for you in 2019 with Jupiter the planet of solutions, breakthroughs, opportunities and genuine good fortune crossing both of those placements more than once. I suspect your new job will draw in faces, places and spaces from other cultures and countries. You’ll gain hugely from that.
You are right, it was marriage and my son’s health issues. Looking back, I don’t know how we managed to pass through that phase. I am relieved to hear that this phase would not be difficult. Thank you so much for your help.
It’s a pleasure. New home and new life in the not-too-distant future. Often, the change you need is about the actual environment. Your son is musical too – fabulous.
Hi Jessica, looking back at 2006/2007 period, it was a very difficult period in my working life/career where I was deeply hurt while doing the right thing for the organization. Looking back, the painful period that helped me look within, persevere and grow but I got very ill from managing the challenges. Could you please look at my chart and let me know how Jupiter will play in my scope and I have a number of Sag factors in my chart too. I may be embarking on a new job prospects this year as I reenter the working world after a year break from retirement. Thank you as always!
None of the 2007 period was about Jupiter in Sagittarius: it does not rule work. You had other aspects and transits in your chart that year. You are thinking about your job again in 2019 though so let’s take a look. You are strongly Virgo and need to work. So this is not about Jupiter, yet, but about your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of duty, service, diligence, devotion, routine, lifestyle and dedication to clients, employers, staff or colleagues. You will be back at work and how. When Jupiter goes into Capricorn from December 2019 and is there through 2020 he will trine your Virgo stellium and you will find yourself flowing through an organisation or small business which needs your input. Getting ill from the challenges of 2006-2007 was a classic Virgo outcome: have a look at Virgo on Search as you have a major pattern in that sign in your Sixth House. Also look up the Sixth House. Can I suggest that along with the amazing work options opening up by next year you also pursue a new way of treating (literally ‘treating’ or being generous with) your physical body? I think it will find you actually.
Thanks for this post, Jessica. In 2007 during the period you specified, I started therapy which has been a long process of ‘baby steps’ with up to two sessions of therapy a week. Now, finally, in 2019 I starting to reap the benefits with alleviated depression, enhanced communication and better relationships with friends and family. So this is some feedback for you on planting acorns and what you can reap.
Like other readers above , I have noticed many symbols of broken trees with wild storms here in Sydney during January and February…One was a young oak that was in half of the trunk…make of it what you will, but I like the synchronicity.
That’s so great your depression has lifted with therapy. I am thrilled to hear this feedback about the astrology thank you! Broken trees, oaks and storms are astonishing omens for you. Uranus is about the lightning and his grandson Jupiter is about the thunder. The oaks are certainly Jupiter. You’d have to expect your chart to show stuff at 29, 0 degrees where Uranus just passed – and you have a huge pattern around 0, 1 degree actually. Uranus is visiting your chart in 2019 – that horoscope symbol of the radical change and revolution which sets you and everybody else free.
Hi Jessica
Interesting article, thank you. I have my Ascendant at 26deg Sagittarius & my Neptune is at 22deg Sagittarius with quite a number of other factors around these degrees. I keep having acorns drop at me, I did think to myself, is that a sign of bigger things to come as I remembered your acorn saying. Life’s been feeling stuck & on repeat lately, family & relationship (long distance). I had put it down to Mercury. Just wondering how will this Jupiter cycle affect me?
Thank you, H
You have not really started your Jupiter in Sagittarius cycle yet. You have had a couple of sniffs of possibility with travel, foreign and regional differences, education and the worldwide web and the world of books. Nothing has stuck and you also feel stuck! Take a deep breath and focus on what you want from travel and also travel in the mind as you will be stunned at the thunderbolts which come your way in 2019. I can’t help noticing your location. What is happening in your beautiful country is so powerful. You will be part of it, and it will be part of you. They call it global progress for humanity but expressed through one city, one nation. You’re on the wave.
Hi Jessica
I have 4 factors in Sagittarius, all at 14 – 29. Will I recognise my boom periods – will they be work or personal life?
I run my own business and am worried what a new global financial crisis will do. I follow all of your advice on here, and am debt and mortgage free.
Jupiter will be in Capricorn next year – another area where I have a stellium – so feel like 2019 + 2020 should be beneficial years for me.
What can I do or where should be looking to make the most this? Or how will I be affected?
Many thanks as always xxx
Thank you. This is a massive year for you with your Sagittarius stellium and Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) and Ceres (empowerment, new world) coming up through the sign in your Ninth House. You could easily emigrate, relocate or travel extensively. At the very least you would be travelling in the mind as people from other cultures and countries draw closer. There is a commitment there. You will ‘wed’ yourself to a person, organisation, place or project which is foreign to you in every way. You are also heading for a massive career reshape with intense Capricorn weather starting in December 2019, and peaking in January 2020, continuing through that year. You will realise what your personal Everest is, and how you are going to climb it. It may be that you want a different mountain altogether – different idea about success. The choice is yours but boy you will feel it from January 2020 onwards as Jupiter goes right through your Tenth House. You can look up the Tenth House when you finish reading this. There will be an epic solution to an issue, or a big ladder and a hoist, to take you higher.
Hi Jessica,
I have Jupiter at 8 Capricorn and the moon at 14 Sagittarius. What impact will Jupiter have on me?
Alice, you have your Jupiter Return approaching by 2020. This is a career reshape to your total benefit. You’ll see change in the air in your business, profession, field or special subject area from Christmas 2020. This may also be about an unpaid role, like being a mother and charity patron. You are definitely a ‘Wonderland’ Alice and need to explore but also show others the way around. This comes through travelling or even emigrating/moving periodically but also through your interest in other cultures, beliefs, places, spaces and faces. You will go down the rabbit hole in 2019 and get so much out of it. Not so much fantasy but the ‘fantasy’ of exploring a distant region and its locals, history and culture.
Hi Jessica,
I have Jupiter 19° Aries 40′ 06″ – what do i have in store?
Thanks for a great blog with such “pearls of wisdom”!
Panacea at 18 Aries and Jupiter at 19 Aries in your First House of self-promotion, presentation, packaging and profile will work for you throughout your life. Panacea was actually Jupiter’s relative in Latin mythology and she is a symbol of remedies, cures, solutions and answers. Jupiter as you know is about how you are born lucky. It’s all about you, a lot of the time, but it works. This is a common pattern in the charts of people who become the face or name of their own business. We also see it with people in the army, navy or air-force who are the first to go to the front lines and become the symbolic representation of the fight. Whenever you have transiting (travelling) Jupiter at 18, 19 degrees of any zodiac sign you will experience special chances to be reborn, relaunching your name, title, personal appearance, brand or identity yet again and it will work very well for you. You have transiting Jupiter at 18, 19 Sagittarius trine that Jupiter-Panacea conjunction in June and October this year. Get out there.
Hi Jessica !
My Jupiter is 24 cancer , so new to this but learning! How can I take advantage of my Lucky Jupiter this year?
Thinking back to 2007 for days now, I just realized I had taken a sudden an unexpected (amazing and felt like I had been there before) trip to the South Pacific.
The sudden death of my dad after so many other family members, it had shook me up so much that I just took off for the farthest place I could go.
there was a move to the family home, that definitely was the acorn that the mighty oak grew into .
That home we moved to and renovated has just been sold to my son. Yes that little acorn grew into a tree that is now his.
Strangely I now live in the middle of many Oak trees with acorns abound.
There is some travel planned for this year but all is up in the air still. Also I had been thinking of trying to publish some children’s stories id written years ago… should I ?
Thank you for your helpful information
Life is tough enough thank you for the guidance!
In 2007 your trip to the South Pacific was your Jupiter cycle. You also moved your home and now you have sold to your son – perfect timing – you were using the cycle without even knowing it! You should pursue both travel and publishing in 2019, the most fortunate year for a very long time. You may not know where it leads you but make a start now. Even if you go back and forth for a while you will achieve something wonderful. The oak trees and acorns around you are a strange part of your story – you have ended up in the right place according to Jupiter.
Hi Jessica,
Will there be any good news coming? I see nothing is fixed which is such a worry. My husband and I are living seperatley not out of choice but need. He is working with an old partner after he was sacked last month. I see he is a 1 degree Jupiter in Leo and I a 1 degree moon Scorpio. Does this ensure we would have some kind of synchronicity at those degrees? We are so stressed out and spread out. Trying to start new endevours but as you say nothing is fixed. I am near panic at night but something tells me during the day we are headed for something big and better. Please tell me what you see. Thank you!
Please don’t panic. You would be living with anxiety because of the situation with your husband. Anxiety is a physical condition and it can be fixed, so please go and look up Dr. Claire Weekes on YouTube. She was an Australian doctor who specialised in anxiety states. Okay, so the astrology really is the kind of thing you both experience once in about 80 years as Uranus has not been at 0, 1 Taurus since then. If he has Jupiter at 1 Leo that is all about children, foster children, and children or teenagers he guides, mentors, trains or teaches. His luck is there. His protection is there. I do not know if this is relevant to his profession or not. If he wanted extra money he could moonlight in the education sector passing on his skills or talents to others. That’s a lifelong comment. You have the Moon at 1 Scorpio and Uranus is opposite at 1 Taurus. You ‘need to be needed’ when it comes to sex and money, marriage and mortgage, family and property. You mother people, nurture, care for them and protect them through the house or apartment, the cash or the valuable possessions. Yet, for the first time in your life, the old way is not working. You need to change, change, change – and keep changing. Unfix what is fixed. That way 2019 will be so much easier for you. The Uranus transit does not last. This does have an end point! This year, though, try to let go for a bit and surf. You will come back onto an easier wave in time. You should both use December’s solutions, opportunities and breakthroughs as Jupiter at 0, 1 Capricorn will quincunx his natal Jupiter and sextile your Moon. In plain English that is a big open door marked A for Answers.
Hello Jessica,
With Uranus at 0 Taurus, I’m wondering how that transit affects my Jupiter @ 0 Aquarius, Juno @ 0 Aries and Minerva @ 1 Virgo ? Are there any opportunities for me to focus on ?
Many Thanks !
Jupiter in Sagittarius won’t touch that 0-degree through 1-degree line-up at all, but once he moves to 0 and 1 Capricorn in December 2019, he certainly will. He will trine your Minerva in the Sixth House of work and also trine your Uranus in the Second House of money so given that Christmas is the time that there are reshuffles (people retire, get promotion, switch companies, resign) you stand to gain from the game of musical chairs, financially and professionally – assuming you work.
Thank you Jessica för this info.
Can you tell me what this mean for me 2019?
Thank you so mutch!
Carina, with your huge Virgo and Capricorn pattern, the real story is the year 2020, as Jupiter will go through Capricorn then and trine your Virgo factors in the Sixth House of work and conjunct (or sit on) your Capricorn factors in the Tenth House of success. This is a total professional, academic or unpaid work transformation and although it is not fast and easy, it will change your life. You will ‘live’ in your Sixth House and Tenth House next year so look them up on Search when you have finished reading this.
This is great – thank you again for the brilliant and positive article. I love it! I needed it especially during this rough time…I have Jupiter in (6) Leo and Chiron in (7) Taurus…I understand it has to do with lovers, children, property, cash etc…but what exactly does that signify for me personally? Thank you!!
Thank you. You were born with a Jupiter-Chiron square. Jupiter is at 6 Leo in the Fifth House of babies, children and young people who are not your own, but change your life – as you change theirs. A teacher with a class of pupils is a good example, or a foster parent. The square is to Chiron, a symbol of education (again) in Taurus in your Second House of money, values, valuables, property, charity and business. A square shows what you cannot ‘square’ or make fit so easily in your life. So you might want to throw yourself into parenting, or unpaid projects which help young people, only to find that it conflicts with your need to show others what you can get away with financially. This pattern holds for your entire life and any time slow-moving outer planets go into the fixed signs – Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius – it is triggered. You will see it coming to pass when Uranus moves to 6 Taurus, right on your Chiron. I have written long features on Uranus in Taurus so look those up as you will be personally affected. In general, your luck in 2019 comes from Jupiter transiting or travelling to 16 Sagittarius, where he sits on (conjuncts) your natal Neptune at 16 Sagittarius in the Ninth House. That’s September 2019 and that’s the travel opportunity of your dreams – perhaps even relocation.
Hi Jessica,
I have Jupiter Retrograde at 10 in Libra in the 5th house.What will the Jupiter Luck mean for me in 2019?
Thank you,
You have Jupiter at 10 Libra in the Seventh House of former, current and potential partners – both professional and also personal (marriage). You have Saturn one degree away at 9 Libra. This is really unusual. It is called a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction and means that you have repeated patterns of challenge and breakthrough, hard-work karma and heaven-sent solutions. This may be with one person for years, like a husband, or you may have a number of different partners who tell the same story. Any time a slow-moving outer planet crosses 9, 10 degrees of any zodiac sign the pattern is set off. If you are single and begin a relationship, or in a partnership and begin a separation, when Chiron is at 9, 10 degrees of Aries (right opposite) in 2022 for example, you would really feel the full measure of having both Jupiter and Saturn in Libra, the sign of the scales. As this has no doubt affected your love life before, and perhaps any business or work partnerships (like Churchill and Roosevelt) you may want to do some more reading on what it means to have the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. You can look both those planets up on Search and also in your ebooks. Also look up the Seventh House which is the house you ‘live’ in for a lot of the time. This pattern will literally be activated once a month when the Moon is in Libra, so you could use your Astrology Journal to track it. Any time the Moon enters Libra for a couple of days you’ll experience it. As a final comment be very careful about starting battles with people or organisations as Libra also rules the scales where one side is against the other and it would take you a very long time to extricate yourself from those kinds of conflicts. You really have to know the fight is right and worth your time.
Hi Jessica, thank you for this beautiful article – since the last Jupiter in Libra transit (right after hosting Saturn in my first house) I have been so intrigued by its auspicious nature and how exactly it works. I remember being so excited about having Jupiter in my first house and imagining it would be this magical experience. Your articles about Jupiter definitely give me a more practical view on this planets transitory influence. I have Jupiter at 12 degrees Scorpio and a host of other heavenly bodies at 11, 12 and 13 degrees. In 2007 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter whom I named Nia which means purpose. What can I expect or what sorts of seeds should I be planting at this time? Thank you!
Thank you. You were born with Jupiter at 12 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and money, family and property. The Sun at 11 Libra in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. Psyche at 13 Libra in the Seventh House. Venus at 11 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. If your birth time is minute-accurate you have the MC or Midheaven (highest achievement) at 12 Aries in your First House of branding and self-promotion. You have the IC or Immum Coeli (roots, heritage, family tree) at 12 Libra, again in your Seventh House of partners. Put all that together and this is a repeated story in your life about marriage – the forever kind of marriage – and gain through the house, apartment, valuable possessions or finances of the other person. When transiting or travelling Jupiter goes to 11, 12, 13 Capricorn in January and February 2020, he will trigger the whole pattern, to your total benefit, with some unforgettable breakthroughs, opportunities and options which could turn your life around.
Hi Jessica,
I would be so grateful if you could give me some Jupiter juice – with only the single Mars in Sag at 01. I know there is far more at play here!
Zoe you have a lovely trine in your chart. You were born with Jupiter (born lucky) at 28 Virgo in your Sixth House of work, service, duty and the body. He trines Venus at 28 Taurus in your Second House of valuable possessions, charity, houses, apartments and money. You have a sextile from Diana at 26 Virgo in your Sixth House, to Neptune at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of sex and money, and family property. That is very close to 28 degrees so you will have repeated, useful, productive, rewarding stories in your life – all your life – as the slow-moving Jupiter travels around your chart and makes patterns at 26, 27, 28 degrees, triggering his birth position in your chart but also activating those other horoscope aspects too. This is why we can predict April 2020 will be an unforgettable period of gains and breakthroughs for you. Start now, with your visions and goals, but know that you will have a huge wave of good fortune to ride regarding work and money that month.
Hi Jessica
I had a very cherished dream with respect to my career that I could not fulfill because of health reasons and being all at sea (both 6th and 12th house) matters, also being overpowered (pluto transit), made some very bad choices and never sought any guidance (saturn transit). I was in severe depression without even realising. I have come out of the fog now. Invested the whole 2018 on self care and healing. This dream of mine has all to do with 9th house and 10th house combined. Should I give it another chance? One last chance maybe? I am tired. Still harbour hope but dont know what to do with this hope. You will not be able to see my chart as my membership has expired. Can you guide me as to how can I frame my questions for the astrology oracle. Please guide. Thank you.
Hello there. Severe depression is like serious physical illness so I am glad you have come out of this phase of your life. You want to pursue 9th house matters? Go for it. You will have to make a lot of compromises with Ceres in your Ninth House, but with Jupiter also in your Ninth House, you will find one solution after another and have a fantastic breakthrough before the first week of December. Start now. The Astrology Oracle cards are only for Premium Members, though.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for another great article!
Can you please help shed the light on what it means for me this year having Jupiter 29° Taurus 26′ 56″ R.
Thank you!
Jupiter is a symbol of protection, help and guidance both given and received. In Taurus in the Second House Jupiter is in charge of your charity commitments, unpaid work, bank account, house, apartment, art or jewellery, shares, superannuation/pension, tax returns, income and so on. Even when things are tough you find the occasional angel looks after you – and when things are good – the amounts of money are enormous, or the reward is huge. A classic example would be a cheap house you purchase which trebles in value in a short space of time. Another example might be inheriting a painting which increases in price. Any time you have transiting or travelling Jupiter aspecting his natal position in your chart, there is another chance to do well, make more, or raise more. Jupiter at 29 Sagittarius in the final week of November and first week of December 2019 will do that, but easily your best transit is Jupiter trine Jupiter from 20 Capricorn, which takes place in December 2020. That will be a very, very Merry Christmas for you.
Thanks for the explanation Jessica – that explains the heavy going I’m experiencing!
How long will the transiting Saturn go backwards and forwards over 14 and 15 Capricorn? Are we talking weeks, months or years??
best wishes
Saturn can and does feel heavy and you are not alone in experiencing that weight on your shoulders, Pauline, as the triple transit of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn is affecting so many people at the moment. It is highly unusual and it can feel as if everything is taking ages to happen, and one has to put up with the realities in the meantime. Saturn returns to 15 Capricorn at the end of July and for all of August, hovering at 14 then early September, all of October, early November and he’s gone. From December 2nd Jupiter (solutions, breakthroughs, opportunities, expansion, improvement) enters Capricorn so 2020 is the year of repair work and answers – not possible in 12 years.
Hi Jessica,
This was an interesting read, especially the part about 2007. Most people were affected badly by the Global Financial Crisis, but I was too young and not in work to be directly affected. In fact, it was a year of important changes for me, I moved away from home for the first time. Mostly, I look back at 2007-2008 as very positive years in my life, except for a couple of heartbreaking losses. My health, motivation and productivity were at their peak and I would definintely like to return there. There were big changes in many parts of my life, most of it positive and so if this year echoes that time even a little bit, that’s exciting for me.
Also, interesting to read about travel. For the past year, I’ve been having a very strong yearning to break away and fly free in more ways than one, but a few obligations and current finances prevent me from doing that. I’m new to asteroid astrology and not really sure how to interpret them. I have three other aspects within one degree of my Jupiter. Could you help me shed some light on that please? Thank you.
The Aquarius-Taurus-Cancer line-up in your chart is about shared housing, communal apartments, time-share style holiday homes or Air BnB investments, group ownership or lease of land and market gardens and so on. You have a strong signature across the Eleventh House of groups and friends, the Second House of money, property, business and banking and the Fourth House of home and accommodation. This is yet to come, but when you experience Jupiter by transit going through Aquarius in the year 2021, you will be given one opportunity after another to think very differently about how to live, where to live and with whom to live. Uranus is also moving through Taurus by 2021, so there will be a radical new range of housing options on offer, thanks to quite revolutionary trends in your own country but across the world. You’ll have big choices.
You mentioned holiday homes and I actually did buy one abroad a few years ago, but I want to sell it and it’s been on the market for over a year now. Prices are down and the currency conversion is not working in my favour. I originally bought it to be close to family because none of us live near each other and we wanted to spend our summers together, so we all bought property close to each other. A couple of families that are friends of the group also bought property in the same complex. However, one individual made trouble with everyone and we can’t avoid them, so it’s poisoned the whole atmosphere and now everybody else wants to sell up. A few friendships were unfortunately ended quite badly because of this person.
The group has broken up and those of us who remained friends with both sides have to do an awkward balancing act of spending time with each side and not together as before. In short it’s very stressful and not as joyful as it used to be, so we don’t want to stay there anymore. Will there be a good time to sell? I’m not sure how it would work out if I keep it and just rent it out, or if I even want the responsibility. What are the options? Thank you.
Too funny. You posted twice so I literally just predicted what is happening to you, in the other answer. I am sorry you have had problems with the group and the holiday home. Friendship can become so political sometimes and it is such a shame that the joy has gone. Bottom line – you are pondering all this on Mercury Retroshadow which does not end until around April 18th depending on where you live. You are ‘looping the loop’ and so is the rest of the world so figuring out massive decisions like stay/go would be far easier once Mercury has corrected his motion.
Hi Jessica,
I love reading your articles ever since becoming a subscriber shortly after my birthday this year. I has helped me to begin to understand the many influences which shape my life, so I cannot thank you enough. As I am relatively new to understanding astrology at this depth, am I correct in thinking that I have Jupiter 17 Aries, Moon 17 Virgo, Juno 18 Virgo, North Node 18 Scorpio & South Node 18 Taurus which turn on campaigning/fighting for a cause/self promotion and image for Aries, while Virgo is about body/lifestyle/health/balance & duty, Scorpio affecting sex/money/marriage/houses/leases & legacies and then finally Taurus influencing value systems/money/property and valuables?
This all seems to speak to me on a personal level at this point in my life and looking back to 2007 resonates as well. I bought my current property, I had my youngest son (leaving a 14 year gap between my boys) went through a very rocky patch with my partner (we didn’t last although we spilt up after 2007). Will more of the same patterns follow in this year? I ask because my husband and I have been through a what feels like a financial minefield but will be clear within the current year. We’re planning to change the current mortgage to buy to lease, to enable my eldest to move in and form a legacy for the boys in the future, and this means looking for a new home too. Do you think that this will work out? I would be vey grateful if you could let me know your thoughts. Thanks so much. J
You are quite right about your chart and are reading your astrology like a professional (better than a lot of the people on Twitter calling themselves astrologers, actually!) Your patterns at 17-18 will be there all your life and you will try them in many different ways. You won’t see radical change of the life-altering and permanent kind until Uranus moves to 18 Taurus in the year 2023, but it’s not a bad idea to bear that in mind and keep your binding agreements flexible enough so that you can alter them. You also need to watch the way the wind is blowing with your national economy and the global economy. Set your sails to align to that new current, because it will be gale-force over the next seven years. You will feel it first when transiting Uranus at 6 Taurus opposes your natal Uranus at 6 Scorpio. This is July, August, September 2019 and again April, May, December 2020 and January, February 2021. You are keeping your options open with your mortgage, children, and perhaps moving. This is a smart move. Keep juggling the options and remember that we are about to go through a cycle which will seem as radical to us, as the departure of the British from America seemed in the 1700s. This new cycle will be about global taxation and trade. It will be about strike action. It will also be about new inventions, products, food and industry. The smart money is on people who see the writing on the wall for the old way of doing things, and write their own new chapters with each other, in the world to come. This might sound like a Blackadder episode, but there was a turnip boom in the 1660s. Uranus was in Taurus then too! We are going to see a massive shift away from supermarkets and high street banks towards alternative ways of producing and buying food – and a very different kind of food on the table. Just knowing things like this and also watching how it will affect business, house and apartment prices, will help you for years to come. Uranus rules the last thing anybody ever expected, coming to pass. Within 7 years the overpriced apartments of London and New York will drop dramatically in price, partly because of climate change, but also because some have been used to funnel money laundering. It’s that kind of thing which will cause a chain reaction. So, unfix the fixed ideas and stay open. Stay responsive and keep moving. The people who did best out of the American revolution were those who appreciated that slavery was not only wrong, it was never going to last – so they moved right out of areas where property depended on the slave economy and bought into areas where people were free. The word ‘free’ will be magic in the next 7 years.
hi Jessica,
I have been struggling with my family for a long period now, which needs fixing. I have been taking your advice and putting in the effort. I am also looking for acorns to be able to plant them, although I am finding it very difficult. I do not know if I may be missing them. I am hoping for a break from my struggles now that Jupiter is currently in my zodiac sign of Sagittarius. I do not seem to be getting any break at all.
I have factors at 4° (Sun), 8° (Venus), 10° (DESC), 15° (Psyche), 25° (Mercury), 25° (Saturn), 26° (Fortuna) in my birth chart.
I was born with Jupiter at 17° Scorpio 01′ 01″
Will my struggles with my family ever end? Please help. Thanks!!!
Jupiter in Sagittarius won’t make any difference to you, just because you have the Sun in Sagittarius. It just means a wider profile for you as a traveller, writer/publisher, a student or teacher, or an internet user. It’s about your image and appearance and although 2019 is a very good year to present yourself as a citizen of the world, or a mentor/guide/student of life or author/web publisher it is really no more than that. Like all Sagittarians you have been dealing with the total loss of boundaries with relatives since Neptune first went into your solar Fourth House in 2011. Neptune is a symbol for ‘no lines to cross’ and also ‘everybody everywhere, all the time, all over the place’ so this may have been affecting you in your house or apartment, with the way the family deals with its members, or even in your home town or homeland, which are also ruled by the Fourth House. This cycle ends in 2026. Until then the best way to handle Neptune in your solar Fourth House is to physically create boundaries and fences where you are. Is this about the kitchen, the bedroom, the sitting room, the garden? You need your own space. If you cannot get it, think about how you could do that. I wonder if you are relying on a family member for money or accommodation. You do not say if this is your husband or not. You do have Jupiter in Scorpio so attract largesse, generosity and help from relatives and also lovers and partners. If you are dependent on these people you may want to acquire your own financial independence and that would help you control your living space and borders/boundaries at home. At the very least you can find your own space outside – we would hope – through communal places like parks, libraries and so on. And meditation is inner space you can own. In fact you would be a born meditator as Sagittarius is the sign we associate with exploration but also multiculturalism and so many cultures have their own approach to it – Tibetans for example. I hope this helps.
Thank you Jessica for your response.
I am financially independent and not dependent on my husband. In fact I have been the primary breadwinner for all our married life. I am also not getting any help from any family member, nor do I need it. My adult children are also financially independent.
The reason I am struggling is because my children are estranged (only from me – not from my husband) and my husband is not helping me nor is he trying to get our family back together, since he himself has a very good relationship with our children and is close with them.
You are absolutely accurate about my troubles starting in 2011. I did have a few good years inbetween (mid 2013 through mid 2017), but my troubles have been back since fall of 2017. I just wish that the relief for me would come sooner than 2026 when this Neptune cycle will end.
Thanks again!!!
Okay so your children do not speak to you. That is actually the issue. This is a totally different question as Leo rules children and the Fifth House of your chart. You were born with the I.C. at 26 Leo, Uranus at 16 Leo, Vesta at 12 Leo. It may help to understand yourself better by looking up the Fifth House on Search and in your ebooks, but also the I.C., Uranus and Vesta. I suspect your problem is Vesta. She is a symbol of gender politics when one male tries to comfort his ego and feel more powerful by playing off females against each other. If you have a daughter this may be the case, or if your husband is involving his mother, your mother, his sister, another woman in his love life – and so on. Vesta can feel very painful and toxic. You can also deal with the entire situation by siding with the females at his expense or just refusing to play the game. I have helped a lot of female readers over the years by telling them to walk away from ‘the contest’ and to stop blaming or faulting the female in the situation when it is actually the man who is encouraging the contest! Uranus is a symbol of you, rejecting what you reject, and then rejecting that. This is the Rejection Dance. You have probably distanced yourself from one or both children. Then you chop and change. This lends life a very unpredictable, insecure quality. Find out as much about Uranus as you can. This will help you to find a positive way to live with the pattern and to channel it. I often see readers born with Uranus in Leo in the Fifth House who do not want babies – then they do – then they have them and don’t want the child – then they do – and so on. A smarter way of living with this horoscope symbol is to release it through a blog, for example, where you might write about football, or cookery, or gardening – for young people. You can chop and change with the blog without it actually affecting anyone very much!
Thank you Jessica.
Both my children are girls. You are correct, I have distanced myself from them both because no matter how many times I have tried to reach out to them, it has been futile and I do not want any part of the contest. But then I miss them too much and want to be a part of their lives and wantthem in mine. Also, my relationship with my husband is far from ideal. So yes, when he is angry at me, he plays this politics. It has happened before. They will reach out to me, if he asks them to. He has the power to make it happen. At the same time, my daughters are adults now, I would expect them to have a mind of their own and not listen to him – not the case.
Since I was born with Uranus in Leo in the fifth house, does it mean this pattern repeat itself for the rest of my life and I simply need to learn to live with it?
Thank you so much again.
Vesta often turns up when there are two daughters and one mother. The best way to handle Vesta is to keep your sense of humour and where possible, identify yourself with the girls. Remove yourself mentally, emotionally and energetically from any contest for his love, approval or preference. I have seen good results with a woman who became stepmother to two teenage girls, gave birth to another girl – and had a husband to deal with who also had an ex-wife who would not leave the scene. She quite deliberately found common ground with the teenage girls and their step-sister, refused to play games, withdrew mentally from the contest of being ‘His’ favourite or number one – and found everything improved enormously. For more on Vesta have a look at the Vestal Virgins of Rome because this is where the horoscope symbol comes from. It can feel very painful and quite toxic, because in those times it was a matter of life and death. Today it is not. But you need to sort this out. Uranus in the Fifth House can manifest in many different ways as you choose. It will always bring a lack of permanence and stability, but if you expect that, then it is easier – treat the parent/mentor/guru/teacher/guide role as an experiment. I do think it would help to find a way outside the actual family to explore this role, so it is less emotional for you and the stakes are lower. Life would seem a great deal easier and lighter!
Hi – Such a great article thank you!
I have Jupiter and Mercury at 3 degrees in Pisces. Also at 3 degrees – Apollo in Cancer and Vulcano in Aquarius. What’s your insight on this combination?
thank you!
This is a good one to track in your journal, actually, as any time you see horoscope factors travelling to 3 degrees and transiting your chart, you can see exactly what is going on. Jupiter and Mercury are about the expansion of your understanding, and the benefits of your way with words, ideas and communication. In the Twelfth House, this is the mark of a psychic, a medium – but also someone who would be very good with detective work, classified information – or therapy. Apollo in Cancer in your Fourth House is trine this placement so your ability to take the lead with the family, or take on a leading role with your house, apartment or interest in property – perhaps your interest in your home town or homeland – works very nicely with this psychic ability, or capacity for undercover communication. Vulcano in Aquarius is related. This is really how you control your emotions with friends and groups, to your advantage – as refusing to erupt with anger or desire gives you remarkable potency! This chart pattern reminds me of double agents in the Cold War who worked undercover, were highly intuitive, worked for their country – and were part of a spy ring. You will have found your own way of manifesting this pattern. It will be triggered by Uranus at 3 Taurus and Chiron at 3 Aries, and later this year, Jupiter at 3 Capricorn.
OMG this is amazing thank you! i’m rather obsessed with solving everyday mysteries and I will totally start tracking in my journal.
Hi Jessica, thought this would really interest you since you mentioned 2007.
Thank you so much. I have my eye on Goldman Sachs and have for some years, because of the chart. I’ll follow through.
Right now Jupiter is hitting my moon and Neptune. And funny thing, is that I’m actually visiting my home town and staying with my mother for a couple of weeks. Also, reading journals I wrote in high school. Strange, but the timing adds up I suppose. I do feel that movement though, of stalling, getting stuck, maybe going backwards… but I’m glad that this feeling will push forward this year. Having Uranus, Moon and Neptune in this sign I can definitely feel the change. Finding a home, traveling, starting a new creative path alongside of what I’ve been doing all along. Very interesting times! Thank you, Jessica… very specific article!
Thank you! Going back to the past on a Jupiter transit can be incredibly helpful, especially if you want to look back over your shoulder 12 or 24 years. We are in an odd phase of the Jupiter in Sagittarius cycle at the moment but have faith because this does work out. We are yet to see the Jupiter effect take hold, but as this planet is associated with solutions and renewal, we can expect solutions.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for another excellent article. I looked up my Jupiter placement ( 14 degrees cancer ) and
for other chart factors with a similar degree… All I could find was Pluto at 13 degrees. Based on
your advice in the article about other planets being at a similar degree to our natal Jupiter, are you able
to advise what this could mean with Pluto given that it’s a planet which isn’t necessarily
associated with fun and happy times in astrology articles?!
Huge thanks!
Your Jupiter in Cancer in the Fourth House describes your natural good fortune and protection with real estate, property, accommodation – but also with the family. Even when times are tough you will always find you have a fantastic buffer zone or safety net. When times are good you could do very nicely, for example, by seeing the value of your house or apartment double or treble. There are many variations on the theme. The fact that Jupiter is linked to Pluto in your chart suggests these kinds of turning points for you transform everything (and Pluto is most definitely a planet, even if he was demoted to minor planet status in 2006). Watch what happens every month when the Moon goes into Cancer and conjuncts your Jupiter. Chances are that is when a family member, flatmate benefits you, or you do well with some aspects of your house, home town, homeland or apartment. We associate the Fourth House with your heritage, roots and culture so this is also where you are blessed, but where you can pass those blessings on.
Thank you! Look forward to reading more of your articles.
PS – Loved your piece on 5 minutes on dating a Cancer -made me giggle out loud and laugh at some aspects of my personality which I like to pretend don’t exist!
Aren’t you nice. Thank you!
Dear Jessica,
A big thank you for a fantastic lecture today! This is my first ever astrology lecture and I thoroughly enjoyed it! When I came back from the lecture, I immediately re-read this article about Jupiter. Hope to find some clues or tips on the timing of taking particular actions, so these actions will be aligned with Jupiter as you taught in the lecture. I am still trying to get my head around it.
So, my question is, we are still trying IVF. As you mentioned that Mercury Retrograde in July is bad timing, so I will definitely avoid it! However, how do I find a better timing for success? Do I have to align with Jupiter for solutions and breakthrough?
I have Jupiter in 27 Taurus, Aesculapia 29 Sag and Chiron 29 Aries, though 2 degrees away, I hope still close enough. As Jupiter transiting these degrees in Nov, does it mean that Nov will be the best time?
My husband’s birth time is 7th May 1964, between 1-2pm, in Hong Kong.
How I wish I could come to your workshop tomorrow but I have to work. Hope you will have another similar workshop again soon! Thanks so much again!
Thank you so much. And I’m glad you could come along to our event in Melbourne. You are trying I.V.F. so we look to Leo and your Fifth House of parenthood, but also Cancer and your Fourth House of family. It is also a classic ‘sex and money’ scenario as of course it costs you and your husband (a Taurus) a major investment. Jupiter is growth and abundance, as you saw in the talk, so Jupiter transits suit pregnancy very well. You have Saturn at 10 Leo in the Fifth House which is the most important consideration here. Saturn is waiting games, obstacles, learning experiences, and to a certain degree, tough karma to deal with. Saturn is associated with lead in astrology and it can feel rather heavy. You have been going through a series of transits in Leo (the North Node, and also a chain of eclipses) in recent years so your Fifth House has really been about not knowing/seeing all that you should have done. I wonder if you are seeing anything now about the IVF process, or fertility and parenthood in general? Perhaps, adoption too, as this is also ruled by Leo. Sometimes we wake up once the Node/Eclipse cycle is over and blink hard and realise that we have been missing something under our nose all along. Jupiter in Taurus in your chart is great for financial and property protection, and at its very best will give you bounty, bargains, wealth, and so on – glittering prizes, perhaps, or enormous lump sums – maybe very special or lucky apartments or houses, art or jewellery. It’s not really about parenthood. You have Vesta at 12 Cancer and Panacea at 4 Cancer in your Fourth House of family and I suspect the final decision about IVF, and all the many different kinds of parenting you can do (fostering, adopting, treating nieces and nephews as your own children) will come when the transiting North Node moves to Cancer 12, then 4 degrees. Why? Because the Node is about karma, past lives and reincarnation and it can only make these patterns once every 19 years. October 2019 and March 2020 are the months to watch for this. As this is literally the last of the big Leo/Cancer cycles I think this is also going to narrow your options. I mentioned Scorpio (sex and money, marriage and mortgage, joint bank accounts and the bedroom) and you have the IC at 3 Scorpio – which depends on a minute-accurate birth time. If you have that, then your IC or Immum Coeli in Scorpio will be opposed by transiting Uranus (radical change) at 3 Taurus in 2019 and 2020, and as the IC describes your home, foundations, family tree and the rest, there will be a challenge and a change. You also have natal Uranus at 11 Scorpio so in 2021 you have Uranus opposite Uranus – challenge and change, change and challenge again – affecting the marital finances and property situation. What this all adds up to, is no fast and easy ride for you, but plenty of adapting and evolving. This is clay on the potter’s wheel and no guarantee of a pot, according to the label. I do think what you are going to experience will bring about karmic closure as the Node goes over Cancer and a feeling that things are in place and everything has been settled with not just your husband, but his family and your family. That can happen in any number of ways. I also think you are going to discover what freedom, space and independence feels like. That is a very personal thing and you would know better than me what that means to you. Do sit down and have a look at Saturn in Leo in the Fifth House in your chart. Look up Saturn and the Fifth House on Search when you finish reading this and in your eguides too. Do some Tarot and Astrology Oracle readings for yourself. Ask what it is that scares you most about having children – and also not having children. Take a deep breath and go right in there and use your journal to slowly and carefully work your way through these questions. You are the best person to answer them. And that way lies breakthroughs and progress for you. You can’t really make Jupiter in Sagittarius ‘fit’ pregnancy as it just is not about that – but on a completely different note – yes, there will be a stunning opportunity to travel or move at the very end of 2019.