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About Sun Sign Astrology

Learn how to become a Sun Sign astrologer with podcasts - and more. - from Jessica Adams, Maggie Hyde, Stephanie Johnson, Susan Miller, Joanne Madeline Moore and Penny Thornton. The Sun Sign School begins in April 2019.

The Sun Sign School – Learn How to Become a Sun Sign Astrologer

If you want to learn how to become a Sun Sign astrologer from some of the best-known columnists, authors, presenters and writers in the world, watch out for The Sun Sign School, starting in April 2019.

You will be able to download podcasts or e-guides from Jessica Adams, Maggie Hyde, Stephanie Johnson, Susan Miller, Joanne Madeline Moore and Penny Thornton. That’s the first stage of The Sun Sign School. An entry-level website where you can listen to over 100 minutes of exclusive workshops on Sun Sign astrology and how it works.

From there, you may choose individual tuition from those astrologers who are offering courses. You’ll be able to learn from some of us, purely online – but also at events in Great Britain and Australia – with more to come around the world by 2020.

Solar Sign Houses or Sun Sign House Astrology – How it Works

There are two kinds of astrology. One is just for you. It’s personal and private. It’s based on your time, place and date of birth, which usually only you, or your parents know. The other kind of astrology is public and general. It’s based only on the zodiac sign the Sun occupied at the moment you were born. This makes you an Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on.

The actual meaning of the horoscope symbols does not change with either system. Jupiter is still the planet of opportunity. Saturn is still the planet of lessons. Yet – the house system changes. That is what makes the difference between a public chart and a private one.

What is a House System?

Stephanie Johnson’s Solar Fire program and Astro Gold (for iPhones) show many different kinds of house systems. These are all separate ways of diving the circle into 12 segments, called houses. Each house is ruled by a different zodiac sign, and numbered one to twelve. Each house shows a different department of your life.

In personal birth charts using your time of arrival, you will be using one house system. In Sun Sign work, designed for the internet and the media, you use Solar Sign houses, or Sun Sign houses.

The Sun sign (the sign the Sun occupied when you were born – your usual sign) goes on the 9pm position on the horoscope wheel, on the cusp or edge of the First House. You then follow round in order, placing the next sign along in the zodiac order on the Second House, Third House and so on.

The running order of signs is: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. That’s the correct order to follow when you begin working with the horoscope blanks,  you can print out, from this website, right now.

Example: Aries Sun People

Aries Sun people have Aries on the 9pm position (see photograph – imagining the wheel as a clock) and then, following around anti-clockwise, Taurus (the next sign along in the natural zodiac order) on the 8pm position, on the cusp of the Second House. Gemini is next, in the 7pm position on the cusp of the Third House. Cancer next, in the 6pm position on the cusp of the Fourth House – and so on. Doing it yourself you should end up with Pisces on the Twelfth House cusp in the 10pm position on the wheel.

Example: Taurus Sun People

Taurus Sun people have Taurus on the 9pm position on the wheel (imagining the wheel as a clock) and then, following around anti-clockwise, Gemini (the next sign along in the natural zodiac order) on the 8pm position, on the cusp of the Second House. Cancer is next, in the 7pm position on the cusp of the Third House. Leo next, in the 6pm position on the cusp of the Fourth House – and so on. Doing it yourself you should end up with Aries on the Twelfth House cusp in the 10pm position on the wheel.

Will you be joining us for The Sun Sign School in April? We are putting together the first set of training content now.

You can print out all the wheels now to make a start, just using a pen. Solar Fire Wheels

Important: there are other house systems for Sun Sign columns in use, but this is the most popular version we have.

Photo on 4 2 19 at 11.05 2 600x400 - About Sun Sign Astrology
Aries Solar Chart on the left.

Learning the Zodiac Sign Symbols and Signs by Heart

Astrology is a language. Learning to recognise the symbol, or glyph, of each of the 12 signs (below) is something which becomes easier as you get used to predicting the future every week, for each of the signs. Using the PDF printout (above) begin writing meanings for each of the 12 houses, for each of the 12 signs, as you work your way around the wheel. If you need to know more about zodiac signs, houses, house meanings and house systems – just hit Search on the topic that interests you.

So, for example, if you are a Gemini you can start filling in the houses with their meanings. You’ll have Gemini in the 9pm position on the wheel, ruling the First House of image. Cancer will go next in the 8pm position, ruling your Second House of money. Leo goes next in the 7pm position, ruling your Third House of communication. Then Virgo goes at the 6pm position, right down the bottom of the wheel, ruling your Fourth House of home. Continue until you get to Taurus, ruling the Twelfth House, in the  10pm position. By using this website, and so many other sites online, you can begin making your own notes on what each house rules – using your own words. Finding your own way to express things is part of being a Sun Sign astrologer.

We are a group of well-known professional horoscope columnists, authors and writers who are happy to train Sun Sign astrologers for the future – and that might be you. You can learn for fun, just for yourself – or if you are already working with personal birth charts, you can use a fantastic gateway to potential new clients, as Sun Sign astrology online draws many millions of people every day. Maybe you are an absolute beginner, but want to know how to become a Sun Sign astrologer, so you can start a website or blog. Later on, you can add new skills – Astrology and Tarot, or Personal Birth Charts – (which you can also learn at The Sun Sign School) to help you create an income.

Here’s a thought. I have over 7,000 readers in line, waiting for answers to astrology questions about their horoscopes. There is only one of me! The website you are looking at now had 2 million visitors in 2018. Again – there is only one of me. I want you to learn how to do this, because I hope to hire the right people to work alongside me in future.

Here’s another thought. Have you ever wanted to learn astrology in private tuition with a teacher who once counted Diana, Princess of Wales, as her personal client? Great! Welcome to The Sun Sign School.

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8 Responses

  1. Very excited about this, follow all of you individually and would love to one day be half as good at what you all do!

  2. Morning Jess,
    I now understand the house system a lot more, just by reading the above.

    So looking forward to learning more as this course begins.

    Thank you.


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