Plath, Hughes, Astrology and Tarot
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
On Thursday, 8th November at 12.38pm UT until December 2nd, 2019, Jupiter in Sagittarius will deliver opportunities and solutions to help travel, education, the internet and publishing. In your own life, Jupiter will also bring about very particular effects. In the second part of this series we’ll look at how this affects Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. In the third part I’ll look at the future of Airbnb, easyJet, Brexit, Nauru and other questions in 2019.
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Europe, America, Australasia Calling!
Libra, you will be spoilt for choice in 2019 and not know which part of the world to embrace first. Will you travel or move to a tempting part of the United States? Spain? A fascinating part of the United Kingdom? Australasia, from Sydney to Hong Kong? You have to remember that everything is just dream until you make it real. There is a fair amount of confusion here, as Neptune in Pisces forms a square with Jupiter in Sagittarius twice this year (first of all on 13th January 2019). Some of this confusion stems from your lifestyle. Your daily routine. Also, your relationship with your own body, mind and spirit. If you are going to embrace the people and places which are out there for you, Libra, there must be a commitment to reality! If you are burning the candle at both ends then you will not have time to travel, let alone emigrate or take a gap year (or sabbatical). If you are too busy being distracted, or uncentered, or unfocused – then you will be in a whirlpool of your own making and it will be hard to roll up your sleeves to make the effort required to organise the transport or pack your bag. You also need to choose. Can you do everything at once? Is this a round-world ticket? Perhaps you can only do one thing! The potential is vast in 2019 but it begins with your self-management, grounding and ability to make the dreams, real.
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The Road to Travel or Property Dreams
Jupiter in Sagittarius is associated with journeys and the road to travel or property dreams is laid out before you in 2019. The issue for you will be breaking free of a situation where you feel embattled. Why embattled? Uranus is in Taurus, your opposite sign, for probably the first time in your life. Whenever you have this planet in a sign opposite to your own, you must deal with opponents and opposition. People, organisations or situations which surround you. Scorpio, the truth is, you have a blind spot in 2019 and you need to get rid of it. Once you can see straight, you will realise just how close that desirable vacation, house, apartment, holiday home or long overdue renovation actually is. The blind spot is best overcome as early as the Jupiter-Neptune square on 13th January. June 16th and September 21st are the next dates. Use who or what you feel has been against you, to liberate yourself. Set yourself free so you can roll your sleeves up and get to work on removing who/what has blinkered you, or blinded you, to reality. You could play the victim if you like and yell for help, like Dr. Who’s assistant in days of old. It’s much more satisfying and far more effective to be your own saviour, though. Satisfy yourself that you are in a safe place and act quickly to remove the ties that bind – psychological restrictions you have placed on yourself – and enjoy what it feels like to see just how close the loveliest of property or holiday destinations can actually be.
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Larger than Life
Jupiter is not the only planet in Sagittarius in 2019. Ceres is also there, and she is a symbol of compromise, change and a shift in the balance of power. You will embody this for people this year as you play the peacemaker and change-maker. You’ll be right across the people politics, Sagittarius! Ovid linked Ceres with resolution in his Fasti. “Peace nourishes Ceres, Ceres is the nursling of peace.” You will hit a Ceres crossroads in 2019 when Jupiter conjuncts Ceres in your own sign on 25th October. We associate your zodiac sign with a sense of humour as Jupiter your ruler was also known as Jove and the word ‘jovial’ is drawn from this. Who better than you, to play your part in a difficult situation where people must sort out their differences? In the old Roman myth, Ceres was caught between her daughter Proserpina and son-in-law Pluto. It is up to you to play your part in a conflict in 2019 and to remove any future source of difficulty or difference. You will not do this because it makes you look good, Sagittarius – but it will. In fact, you will find you play a much more prominent role online or in the public eye this year, as Jupiter makes you larger than life on our computer or television screens, in front of a camera, on the radio or behind a microphone. A new world, new deal or fresh arrangement will be the result, once you have sorted out the people politics. There will be a new division of power and shared controls and you will make it happen, Sagittarius. After that, it is to the group that you must then turn, because the group – the network, social circle, band, team, club, society or association – will provide you with the enjoyment you need in 2019 as the delightful asteroid Cupido spends such a long time in Libra in your Eleventh House of companionship and pooled resources.
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Your Undercover Mission
Your Family Tree is subject to the winds of change in 2019. Uranus leaves your Fourth House of relatives and Chiron takes his place. That will require attention and energy, even when your focus is on other things. If you leave the situation with family members to one side, there is no guarantee that anyone else will be there to attend to it. Thus, you need a strategy for the year ahead. A master plan. One of the reasons for this is that you will be so busy, undercover. Jupiter is going into your Twelfth House, where you operate out of sight, behind the scenes or obscured from vision. The time has come to be a true believer. Your beliefs might be religious. You may just have a particular philosophy of life. Ask yourself who and what you are prepared to fight for. There is your answer. Jupiter in Sagittarius is often associated with a crusade and this year you will be prepared to make it. For some people the crusade will be for justice and fairness, because you believe the scales are unbalanced. In other cases, you have all the passion of Joan of Arc or Richard the Lionheart, but it will be directed towards a very modern battle. In 2019 the North Node of karma will be in your opposite sign of Cancer. You have fought this contest before. It’s karma. This time round, find the best way forward. It may not be the first way forward, or the fastest way forward. If ever there was a year to get a proper plan, this is it. You could succeed on your quest, Capricorn, but only if you have a superior strategy.
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The Proof of People Power in 2019
If you want to nail a difficult person in 2019 then people power is your answer. You can do more together than you ever could alone. Aquarius, you are slowly coming out of the North Node cycle in your opposite sign of Leo. You have also been dealing with a series of eclipses in Leo – again, your opposite sign. This has brought opposition and opponents. The Seventh House of your chart, where all this activity has taken place, rules your rivals, enemies and opposition. The planet of good timing and irresistible opportunity is Jupiter and as he is in your zone of groups, circles, networks, teams, societies, associations, unions, social media, political parties and clubs in 2019, it is to people power you must turn. You can’t do much by yourself, but with enough other hands, anything is possible. Your sign is associated with the water-bearer as you know. In Rome, where modern astrology comes from, he was literally an Aquarius. He carried the water that fed the Roman baths. Your sign is also associated with pooling resources. Once an obstacle has been rolled out of the way by everybody, it is time to share something special with the group as a brand-new day dawns.
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Money Fuels Big Ambition
In 2019 Uranus leaves your money zone and Chiron takes his place. This shift in your finances will give you a decent sum of money, with which to pursue big ambitions. First of all, though, you will need to attend to the immediate tasks at home or work. This has nothing to do with towering achievements and everything to do with the basics. Money management is also important. This cycle will make a negotiator and deal-maker out of you. It’s time to strike a bargain in 2019. Even though the basics of your life do not represent any great peak in your existence, they will also sustain you, in terms of your essential budget. This may not be particularly exciting, but you need to be grounded before you can begin the long journey to the top of your personal Everest or Kilimanjaro. Part of you may want to turn towards the family tree instead. Who you come from, or where you come from. That is a distraction, Pisces. You won’t achieve all you could, if you get waylaid by your relatives, or your home town or homeland. Instead, if you are going to conquer the top of the mountain, in your profession, industry, business or unpaid work – you need to be single-minded. You can get there from here. It will take time, as all great climbs do, but in 2019 you will be set up for the journey if you sort out the money, fix the basics, ignore what or who pulls you away and start your quest.
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Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.
Canada in psychic astrology with a 1982 natal chart and some Tarot cards which show why Mexico and America are in a highly-charged future.
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71 Responses
Hi Jess,
I have my Sag stellium. As far as these dates, my DSC is at 23. Otherwise I have Pluto and Uranus near 19 Virgo. Any thoughts for me for this transit?
Thank you –
You have Diana at 1 Sagittarius in the Ninth House and as Jupiter is her father and he is crossing 1 Sagittarius shortly, there is an astonishing link between both factors in your chart not possible in 12 years. She was the goddess of the hunt and is associated with exploration, adventure and the great outdoors. He is the god who released her from commitment so she could be free. You are about to be thrown the keys and it will be around your own region, across your country or over the water. Even if you are delayed or the plans alter at first, keep the faith.
Can you tell me what is coming for me…
How will my life look like in 2019…
Watch for Jupiter to go to 8 Sagittarius and then make sure you are past Christmas Day as you will have vacation/holiday delays or changes before then as Mercury is Retrograde across the same spot. However, soon after this you realise the getaway of your dreams has become affordable or even free and you have both the time, the budget and the means to lose yourself in quite another space and place. Jupiter is going right over Neptune.
Hi Jessica! I’ve got Neptune, Vesta, and the sun in Sagittarius. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what this next year might bring. Thank you!
You’ll have early clues in November and a nationality, region or place you had not really put much focus on, will slowly make itself known to you. Even then it’s too early to call, yet from the first quarter of 2019 this may be where you end up travelling to, or welcoming as a new place on your personal map, as either one of the locals (or a birth native) is growing in importance, or you find you even have work options there. Doors open!
Hi Jessica, thanks for this and the warning of the confusing period ahead until Christmas. About two weeks ago I entered a new phase regarding parenting/living arrangements for my son and I with his dad. Everything is so grey/unclear and seems to change minute by minute. Any tips where you see this headed with this shift in Jupiter? Cheers.
I’m sorry about this situation with your son and his father. You’re actually describing the North Node going into Cancer (family) for the first time in 19 years – right now. This is karma. You have a chart signature in Cancer in the Fourth House and we now have this point called the North Node going right across it, so 2019 is about settling past life rewards and repayments – soul or spirit repayments – with these two. You would have been involved in at least one incarnation with them before and perhaps last time you were the son or father. Take a deep breath and just take it as it comes. You can find out more about the North Node in Cancer on Search (either term or both together). It would be very likely that the zodiac sign Cancer also shows up in your son’s chart and his father’s as well. At a certain point the karma finishes and you just know there is closure. You do have enough Sagittarius in your chart to show the holiday of your dreams in 2019 or perhaps relocation – to a place which feels like a vacation from the real world.
Oh, sweet Sagittarius! I swear I read this site more than newspapers these days, so much to despair at in the world right now. I’m quite happy to spin my wheels until Christmas Day, working away behind the scenes. Question is, with Juno at 22 Sag, and a whole host of other spots in my chart hit, what should I be focusing on? Thanks Jessica and I cannot wait to read more!
The world will come up smiling eventually – we are just going through the final dregs of this very, very heavy Capricorn cycle. Now, your chart is Sagittarius-packed and you also have your Ceres Return in Sagittarius coming in 2019 in the Ninth House. You will be learning, educating yourself but also passing on that knowledge to others, following a trip to a place that may not have been on your radar before, or a headlong dive into its culture or history. In time you will come to see how life-changing this actually was. Very early clues in November but a huge finish in 2019.
Hi Jessica such interesting articles. I have Sag and Pisces factors which will be avtivated in this and I wondered whether my sag rising and moon would be particularly impacted. I have been looking forward to this cycle because 12 years ago it marked the start of my new financial independence and getting a foothold in the workplace in a new country. I was able to build on that during jupiter in cap. The difference was Saturn and I am wondering whether the Jupiter effect will play out differently this time. Once againany thanks fir these articles and the oracle book – downloaded that and starting to try to develop my reading skills there.
Thank you. I’m glad you downloaded The Astrology Oracle book too – those cards can be pretty amazing. If you began work in a new country 12 years ago you are in luck. You planted seeds then which will bear fruit now. Not immediately, as the cycle takes a while to get going, but by the final week of December you should be pretty happy with your life gardening. You have the South Node at 9 Sagittarius and are heading for your Nodal Return actually, in 2021. So you might say 2019 is the big leap forward and 2021 is the ultimate reward. You were a traveller, migrant or explorer, perhaps serially so, in one or more past lives. This may explain why particular languages or countries feel so familiar. Well – it’s all coming back – sooner than you ever expected. You’ll really love 2019.
Happy new Jupiter cycle Jessica. I hope you are rewarded with a super shiny acorn.
Yes, yes, yes, I have line up’s at three of the degrees you mention above. 20 cancer, 18 sag, 23sag. I have put little symbols in my diary but what can I expect from these transits?
Kindest wishes
Claire x
This cycle takes a while to get going, but 2019 brings the holiday or move you’ll never forget. It’s a lot more than a trip or relocation. It’s an escape from the real world. You’d have to suspect this is by the sea, on the ocean or by a major river somewhere, as Jupiter will cross your Neptune. Astrology is a funny thing and can sometimes be quite literal, Claire. This will really float your boat. It may come your way at a price you cannot believe, or even partly or wholly free.
Amazing detail – one of your best posts. I have a few aspects triggered around my career and travel. I expected / hoped my career would take off next year but i had put aside my aspirations to move overseas because it was all too hard this year and there were so many things preventing it from happening. Do you see an opportunity to move overseas happening for me next year?
Thank you! You could easily move overseas in 2019 on your Jupiter Return in Sagittarius in the Ninth House. It could come together so quickly for you, yet do allow for an obstacle course to Christmas, then a rush from that point forward. I suspect big business, politics or similar will create a wave that is easy for you to surf.
Hi Jessica,
When you refer foreign, does it mean place/ country one is born OR is currently living in? And does it change if one gets citizenship of another country?
Uranus move has been painful and liberating at the same time, a lot has changed since 2011 and I am anticipating a lot will change in next couple of years.
I am yet to go through Saturn opposing my natal Saturn in cancer and also challenging my sun in Capri. So, indeed next couple of years are challenging in that sense.
Is there any relief? Do my sag placements are of any help!
The Ninth House in astrology is ‘foreign’ to you – so any place or nationality which has a different language, visa, passport system. You have some terrific Sagittarius placements in your chart Chetan and the Nodes are going back to Sagittarius eventually too (your Nodal Return). I would be very surprised if you don’t emigrate, move to another region of your country or pursue a heavy foreign career involvement starting in 2019 with a big finish in 2021.
Hi Jessica,
This is tremendous thank you! I’m looking to make some big moves soon and would love your insight on my situation.
This is a life-changing 12 months for you. You were born with Uranus at 4 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of relocation, emigration and extended vacation. (All the ‘ations’ in fact). Jupiter crosses Uranus quickly and you will be able to surprise yourself, actually, with what is released and unleashed. What you invent, create and produce in your life regarding other regions, countries or nationalities is not likely to be what you ever expected or even planned, but it will take on a life of its own and be so exciting. Expect freedom to be unleashed. 2019 will be remarkable.
Hi Jessica,
I have Neptune , IC and Fortuna in Sagittarius , I am not too happy with my existing situation at work . If you could provide some insight …
Amaar Rraut
You have Minerva at 12 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Saturn is going over 12 Capricorn in January 2019. Minerva is that wise old owl inside you who has solutions and deep answers. Saturn in your Tenth House can only happen every 29 years and is notoriously hard work, heavy going and very demanding but you will see this through. If you quit or invite redundancy in January be very careful about what you are creating as finding another job would be very challenging. Yet, the good news is, from the end of 2019 you are in the best career space in 12 years and may even end up teaching, or developing your skills and training, to your total delight in 2020, which is a major career reshape for you. You are about to experience a ton of traffic across Minerva including the South Node, so you may want to look her up. She travels with an owl and is that part of you which advises others, Amaar. Born with Minerva in Capricorn in the Tenth House you will need to lean on that wisdom in 2019 but from 2020 you are on your way, with the most fantastic solution or tremendous opportunity.
Hello Jessica! Loved all your comments on Jupiter. I have my MC at 17 Sag and many planets in Pisces including my natal Jupiter at 19 degrees. After feeling ‘ stuck ‘ for so many years now in many ways but mainly financially do you think that this will be the end of that restricted feeling ? Would love to know your thoughts and thank you for your wonderful astrological work. J x
You have Juno and Ops in Sagittarius, so Jupiter’s wife and mother are about to be visited by him. Your MC matters too but it is dependent on a strictly accurate birth time. You’ll love 2019 and may in fact be sent back to a place, culture, nationality, region or country you first knew around 12 years ago. You planted an acorn then and this year it will grow into a mighty oak. Finance is nothing to do with Sagittarius, that is really a Taurus and Scorpio matter. You have a huge number of factors in Taurus in your Second House of money and are about to go through the long Uranus in Taurus cycle which will radically change how you see shopping, security, lifestyle, earning and saving and actually end up setting you free, as sometimes it is a shift in attitude which liberates as much as anything which happens on the outside.
Hi Jessica,
I have Diana, Hygeia and Ops in Sagittarius. What does it mean for me in 2019?
Thank you!
At 10, 13, 17 degrees of Sagittarius this pattern is spaced out in your chart, but it’s a good one, as Jupiter is in the family tree of all three asteroids. In fact, Ops was his mother. You’ll see the chance to travel or move, or travel in the mind (making big connections with people in foreign countries or distant regions) from Christmas Eve and they keep rolling in January. The amazing two-way deal or understanding that comes that month will make January unforgettable in terms of your journeys in life, but that’s just the start. There is another peak moment in June and one again in September. I can’t help feeling this is connected to Brexit, even indirectly.
My son has many factors in Capricorn (born December 25, 1995). Can you see him moving or working overseas?
Your son is going through a total image, title, name, appearance and personal brand reshape through to 2020. I can’t predict if he’ll choose to go overseas or not as that is his choice, but he has his Jupiter Return in Sagittarius coming up and Jupiter also crosses his Pluto in Sagittarius too. He’d be mad not to pack his bags or boxes and either travel seriously or move. Just allow for delays, changes, reversals before Christmas.
Hi Jessica – I just renewed my membership after letting it lapse for a year and am so glad that I did! Your general forecasts are always so wonderful. I was hoping you could shed some light on the highlights of 2019 from the perspective of Jupiter transiting into my 3rd house. The things that are mostly on my heart and mind are my work in the world (I just started a new job at a law firm as the HR Office Manager in April of this year and also became a certified yoga instructor in August of this year as well), love (married since 1/2014 but never felt fulfilled or sure they were my life partner, wanting more children but can’t seem to envision it with my current partner), and of course anything else that pops out to you that I should be focused on. Thank you so much in advance for your insights! Namaste beautiful soul 🙂
Thank you. Jupiter is going into your solar sign Third House and you just qualified as a yoga instructor and are now an HR Office Manager. You’ll be asked to extend your yoga teaching across town or across your region, and will find an easy opportunity to create videos or develop an educational website. You will find a way to put things into words and images that nobody else is doing – just the way you do – and in fact bring across some of your regular job experience. You will also take a course related to yoga and expand your knowledge base. The rest of your questions are about love and sex – nothing to do with Sagittarius – and children as well. This is pretty normal for a strongly Libran person, which you are. You need to know that indeed the partnership is being tested from this point forward over a number of years, as Chiron in Aries will slowly oppose all your Libra placements. The partnership will need to change to continue. For more on Chiron do look him up on Search.
Hi Jessica,
How does effect those of us born in the 60’s?
Robin L
You will have Jupiter returning to 24 Sagittarius in your chart in 2019, Robin. This is the Jupiter Return and it’s very fortunate. You were born to pursue another country’s history, heritage and culture – or perhaps a region of your own country that you find foreign. The door will open to this next year and you’ll feel very blessed.
Hello Jessica
I am sagittairius and my life seems to me uncertain sometimes, i would like to be more secure in my affective life, professionnel too.
I would like to move too because i need a place where to live and work.
My companion is cancer ascendant cancer and he is very independant
I feel that it was very difficult for me with a lot of oppositions during this last years and i hope the way become easier
Thank you very mutch
with kind regard
You are strongly Sagittarian and have a stellium there – an unusually high number of personal horoscope factors. You will love what happens next year, with clues now and more to come just after Christmas. You will move in 2019 and will also attract people from other countries who want to exchange friendship, ideas, fun or projects with you. You will have one of the very best holidays of your life next year too.
Hi Jessica,
Love your work, you’re such an inspiration. I am trying to find a job abroad and been studying a foreign language for all 2018 now. I’m a Sun Libra (27 Libra). Have Psyche 3 Sag, Bacchus 5 Sag, Ascendant 16 Sag, Aesculapia 20 sag, Saturn & Uranus 27 Sag and Jupiter at 5 Gemini. Indeed, the past 3 years with my Saturn Return have been beyond difficult. So far, nothing is moving. Should I worry about Jupiter conjunct my Bacchus and opposite my natal Jupiter? Any word of advice much appreciated.
Jupiter is a delight even in opposition to its natal placement and the only real issue is taking on too much in terms of your work and unpaid work. You will find your language serves you really well in 2019 and may be tempted to do more with it. Nothing is moving because you have been stuck with your transits but wheels are turning, even now. Think about a couple of new conversations these last few days. Small acorns, bigger oaks later. You will be very tempted to move next year.
Hi Jessica,
Can you tell me what will happen in my life? I am very confused about the impact that jupiter will have.
You will either pick up another language in 2019 which will be the gateway to so much happiness, or go back to what you call your ‘other’ language and do much more with it. You are strongly Gemini and Jupiter in Sagittarius will trigger that – Gemini rules the written and spoken word. A man who is also fluent with 2-3 languages will play his part. There are other ‘languages’ you could easily pick up next year. Anything from sheet music to HMTL actually. You are very quick-witted, need the stimulation and can juggle skills so easily. It comes very naturally to you!
Hi Jessica
What an interesting article! Please could you provide insight as too what jupiter in sagittarius holds for me in 2019.
Thank you. You will be returned to a place, or its locals (it is in another region or country) that you know from a previous lifetime, in 2019. You will feel quite familiar with aspects of the geography, culture or history without knowing why. You were there before. You’ll love the trip, or possibly the relocation, as there is a chance here to pack boxes, not just suitcases. You’ll find this is the case right up until the very end of the cycle in November 2019. Travel and travel in the mind is in store as Jupiter crosses your Node and a prior incarnation will be the key.
Hi Jessica, next year sounds exciting! What might 2019 bring for me?
You are strongly Sagittarian Jen and round about now, will begin to see signs of progress in your life, with the right contacts, connections and opportunities in a distant region or foreign country. Any obstacles to travel there, or success there, will be rolled away and you should be delighted with your holiday next year. It will be more than a holiday, though – it’s the gateway to a lot of what you want and need. It just had to come from somewhere miles away, that’s all!
Your answer’s timing is quite amazing as when you were replying to me I had made up my mind to study with Olga Morales. Her course involves some online study and then her workshop is going to be in Sydney in August 2019. I did an Oracle reading and got Panacea in the 3rd house. Wasn’t sure about the Panacea aspect (the 3rd house made sense though) but had to laugh writing this reply. Her last name has moral in it…. my ethical dilemma!
Maybe I will meet someone there from afar? Maybe also I will understand the concepts she teaches and can put them to good use?
Thank you for your reply Jessica!
That’s very interesting – I had lunch with Olga Morales in Melbourne two weeks ago – you will love studying with her. The cards have spoken. Jen, this is one of those classic cases of what the astrologer Maggie Hyde calls ‘secret connivance’ where everyone ends up being part of the same story. You’ll certainly meet a host of international faces when you take Olga’s course – she has a big fan base in the United States.
Wow! Meant to be then!
I’ll sign up in January. Thanks again Jessica
Hi Jessica!
Kann you please tell how will 2019 will be for me?The good and bad?I had a not so fortunate 2018…sooo tired of it all!
Thank you!
I can see why you have had a hard time this year – you are strongly Capricorn and have been experiencing the tests and trials of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. You also have been through the North Node and South Node return so there has been a lot of karma for you to sort out. The future is already looking rosier and in fact you will be thrilled by developments involving your friends just after Christmas. You will join a new group, club, team, community or similar in 2019 or perhaps go back to something you feel you need to put more energy into. This will make one or two of your dearest wishes come true. Your friends will be worth their weight in gold next year.
Hi Jessica,
I am excited to read about Jupiter this coming year, as it’s in my natal sign. Thank you for such insightful information. I have a question about the Solar Eclipse in Dec. 2019, the day after my birthday and a few weeks after Jupiter moves into Capricorn. How does that affect me? I’m curious to know how the rewards of my Jupiter return will fare with an Eclipse behind it in my natal sun? Sounds like growth and insights abound. Thank you.
Thank you. The Solar Eclipse on Boxing Day 2019, December 26th, does indeed find a New Moon at 3 Capricorn, right on your Sun at 3 Capricorn. As you probably know, it is always a blind spot. It is neither negative nor positive, it is what it is: you can’t see, don’t know or are not shown something crucial. In Capricorn, it will be about your career, unpaid work or university degree. We have to put this in context with the whole of your chart, though. So what is this Solar Eclipse about in detail? It makes an angle to your Neptune at 3 Sagittarius, which is the sign of religion, belief and faith. It also makes an aspect to your Venus at 3 Aquarius and Aesculapia at 3 Capricorn (right on your Sun). Thus, this is an important turning point in your year. You need to look at the ‘bible’ concerned, then. We may be talking about an astrology book or a Catholic Holy Bible. Perhaps this is Buddhism. You will be strongly influenced by a leader (Capricorn) with huge conviction and faith, who has a blind spot or cannot see what he/she is actually doing, in terms of influencing real people and their very real lives. It is also possible that you will put on the Sagittarian clothing or costume on that eclipse. It is Christmas, of course and for the Christian church around the world it’s a huge event on the calendar. Thus, questions about believers/non-believers tend to emerge more at that time of year. If this is about you and your particular faith, you may prefer not to act or judge too dramatically around Christmas Day and Boxing Day, as you just can’t see the effect you are having on other people. And, if it’s your local priest, for example, or a New Age guru, do be sharply aware of the very limited field of vision. Again, it may be wise not to act or judge too dramatically at this time.
Hi Jessica
Thankyou for you! Could you please look at my chart. I have a sense of anticipation and excitement for 2019.
I have been communicating with someone from interstate. Hopefully we get to meet in January. I am at a crossroads in my life, looking to new horizons and a fresh start. Thankyou for your time
Do you mean you want a sexual relationship with this interstate person? Get past the Leo eclipse first if you can, which is a blind spot (not knowing/seeing everything required) across 30th, 31st January, 1st February. In terms of a fresh start as a whole, you are in a fantastic position to move, travel ambitiously, enrol in education (part time or full time) in 2019. You have Jupiter in Sagittarius going across your Jupiter at 0 and Apollo at 18 in your Ninth House. First week of February 2019 finds you doing what comes naturally, expanding your geographical horizons thanks to the faces, places or spaces and doing great things. What you create in your life then will always be good to you.
Hi Jessica,
I love this information, I was born in 1963, 1st January to be exact, do you have any insight for me.
thank you so much
Cupido at 12 Sagittarius and Bacchus at 26 Sagittarius spell it out nicely for you Sandi. You fall in love with travel, travellers and foreigners and you can make other people love travel too. You also have a passion for learning and teaching on all levels. The deepest pleasure for you comes from the worldwide web and its worldwide corners. You get an opportunity not possible for 12 years to pursue this at the biggest and best, near the first week of January 2019 and November 2019.
Hi Jessica,
I have North Node at 24 Sagittarius and South Node at 24 Gemini so what should I expect on 8th of April? Thank you!
The Node is about past life experience and how the past repeats in the present. You have been a traveller and explorer, a migrant and wanderer, in at least one previous existence and perhaps many more. This may explain why one language or culture seems to come so naturally to you. You will love what 2019 brings as a very special place will come back to you – and again feel so familiar.
Hi Jessica,
I am free of the situation I mentioned, thanks to Jupiter and Diana and years of effort. I am wondering what is next for me, besides some travel, what is next for career and my personal life.
Mercury at 28 Scorpio in your Eighth House suggests an unfinished conversation or paper trail involving both sex and money (this is usually marriage and mortgage, but it can also be Stormy Daniels and President Donald!) Your personal life, if it did hinge on your house, apartment, money or possessions and the ‘deal’ you made with a former, current or potential lover – will be clarified in the first two weeks of December as Mercury goes back over 28 Scorpio and you see why October was not the end of it. Travel will be affordable in 2019 and you will be delighted to see that you can go to more places, or stay longer. We are on the brink of what will be a price war with airlines and hotels, but there will also be fantastic innovations involving good old trains and buses. Air BnB style accommodation too.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for this great article, I love Jupiter and the positive spirit it brings. Would you know how I will be impacted by all this in 2019? Merci et love.
The Sun, Mercury and Neptune from 11 through 16 degrees of Sagittarius suggests a life spent – as a student of life. Even if you never engage again with formal academic or educational challenges, you would continue your own wide reading. You’ll love the opportunity that comes your way as Jupiter passes through 11-16 degrees repeatedly in 2019. This sounds like much more than just a holiday or a course, though. It is a way of defining who you are. In fact, you could win widespread admiration and gain special attention for your plans, ideas and projects in 2019. You have what it takes to speak to your generation. Beyond ‘travel in the mind’ there is likely to be actual travel woven in, and what you achieve next year will go on giving back to you, 12 years from now.
Thanks for answering so quickly Jessica. And bravo for your website, I’m really enjoying it. Lots of love.
Thank you! I will pass that compliment onto James, Justin, Jodi and Alyas.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for another interesting article. I have a number of Sagittarius factors and would love some insight of how these will play out for me over next few months.
Thank you.
Thank you! The South Node in Sagittarius in your chart is really important, as Jupiter goes over that for the first time in 12 years. You will be travelling or moving in 2019 and the place is significant as you knew it in a previous lifetime. You will have a tremendous year of great learning, also great teaching, mentoring or guidance for others. It gets off to an uncertain start, but from Christmas Day, you’ll be on your way.
Hi Jessica, I loved all your comments on Jupiter in Sagittarius. As a Aquarius sun/ Capri rising with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in my 1st house since 2007 I have been going through really difficult times with my job (I lost a job in July, 27th 2008) and love ( I’ve started a relationship at September, 2007 – we broke up December 12, 2012). What Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring for me in 2019? From October I am feeling little ease in sense that my job is more settled down ( I’m a lawyer) and people around me are not hostile are they used to be. Am I done with karma and everything?! Аnd when finally my love life will be settled and I will see prosperity in this department?
You are reaching back a long way into the past there. You are also using an astrology system I do not know, so I need to spin your chart. Jupiter in Sagittarius is just part of the story here. You are a Sun Aquarius with her Sun in the Eleventh House who needs a group around her. You will have that in 2019 and it will be one of the best things that has ever happened to you. Within that group you will find new and old friends and allies, and find it is far more important to you than lovers. Believe it or not. You have a strong chart signature in Sagittarius in your Ninth House so were born to study, teach, travel, run a blog or website, or write a book. You will have a stunning chain of opportunities to see a foreign part of your country or the world by January, and even if you decline that chance, there will be others. One such trip will involve learning or teaching, and perhaps using the web in a brand new way.
I have to say I read this article a few times, as I found it very interesting to look at the degrees on my birth chart. I am happy that this process is actually helping me to make sense of astrology. I have so many factors in Sagittarius.
02 degrees north node, 05 degrees Neptune, 15 degrees Juno, 16 degrees Ceres, 25 degrees moon, the part of fortune 19 degrees.
Do you think these are good? I feel some intuition, actually I am feeling it for a while now, but also worried that maybe I am wrong…
Could you help me with this please?
Thank you.
Thank you. I’m glad you are picking up astrology this way. You are set for a stunning 12 months ahead and there are some clues and signs now. One or two people from a distant country may be in touch, as they are either travelling towards you, or you have a half-daydream to spend more time in their location, though you may not know how you are going to afford it financially or find the time. Let things unfold but do keep tabs on these people as there could be a win-win next year which makes a big wish of yours come true in terms of a holiday or even a working vacation. If you are not aware of any faces in your world doing this, think back as far as November as you may have forgotten or been in a rush! There may also be someone who has spoken out loud about wanting to travel, and this would have had benefits from you, yet he/she has not followed up. Don’t let this go as all things as possible next year and again you would gain in some way, from their journey.
Hi Jessica, firstly I am a new member so thank you for all you do, I am learning so much I too have a quite a few sagittarius factors – 6 actually , any help and insight for me would be lovely and much appreciated, thank you Merry Christmas
Thank you and Merry Christmas. The best is yet to come and in fact 2019 will change your life as you travel or move regionally or overseas, in the biggest and best way possible in years. Even if this is not on your agenda now some irresistible opportunities will come your way. This would be a more ambitious kind of holiday, relocation or work trip than usual and it would either give you more time than usual, more space, or at a more affordable price – and possibly even be free. Part of the deal when you go, or move, is that you have a rich knowledge exchange so you would be passing on what you know, but also picking it up. This may be cultural difference or something more intriguing. Very occasionally people go just an hour or two from their home but find they are light years ahead in terms of what they discover. Keep an eye on things like air fares, currency exchange rates, home exchange, car deals, property prices and so on, but on a more personal note it may well be a family member or friend who makes all things possible. 2019 is a whole new world. You have an unusual line up in the final third of Sagittarius that will be well and truly crossed by fortunate Jupiter, as 2019 goes on.