What to expect from the Libra New Moon on 9 October

The New Moon in Libra on Tuesday 9th October 2018 is the start of a brand new chapter for so many couples - together or apart.

Libra New Moon on Tuesday 9th October at 3.46am UT we find the Sun at 15 Libra and Moon at 15 Libra in your birth chart. If you have anything at 14, 15, 16 Libra this is a new chapter for your marriage, work partnership, long-term relationship (or perhaps with your former partner). Budding new relationships may also be on offer.


qje8ur4jrew e1538977570774 600x307 - What to expect from the Libra New Moon on 9 October

Couples in Trouble and Separating Partnerships

Libra rules the scales – the balanced, evenly weighted scales that measure how fair a situation is. If the scales have become unbalanced in a partnership, marriage or other duet, this New Moon may well be the motivation both sides need to seek counselling, take a break from each other or even proceed to divorce.


It’s About Couples, Duets and Double-Acts

Even if you are not personally affected by this New Moon at 15 Libra – because you have nothing near that degree and sign – others around you will be. Look to your circle of friends, family, colleagues or professional connections for major decisions now, as people will be acting with their marriage in mind, or their work partnership. This New Moon is a trigger for Libran types who have horoscope factors in this zodiac sign, in their Seventh House of ‘the two of us.’

We are slowly winding down with the Libra conversations now, as Mercury (communication) is also moving out of this zodiac sign. So it’s the end of the discussion or paperwork about ‘we two’ and the start of something very new indeed.


Fortuna and Ceres in Libra in October 2018

If you have a Libra stellium (more than three factors in this sign in the Seventh House of former, current and potential partners) then October is quite an important month. Not only the Sun and Moon, but also Fortuna (the random spin of fate and fortune) and Ceres (the need for compromises over control) are at large, in the same sign.

Fortuna is often found in Shakespeare. She is depicted blindfolded, spinning a large wheel, where the King at the top is at the peak while others are falling off the wheel – hanging on down below – as they rise on the opposite side, hopefully to become the King’s next-in-command, or even to replace him. The wheel spins constantly and there is no rhyme or reason to it, which is why Fortuna has the blindfold. In the Tarot she is known as the Wheel of Fortune.


Tarot Deck Wheel of Fortune 600x400 - What to expect from the Libra New Moon on 9 October

Ceres in Libra and Past, Present and Potential Partnerships

Ceres brings raw emotions! She is really about loss, compromise, power, control and acceptance. Getting there can take a fair bit of time and space as the feelings are intense. As she slowly crosses through Libra (for example, she arrives at 22 Libra on Thursday 25th October, semi-sextile Mercury at 22 Scorpio) you may find you have to dig very deeply for the right approach.

A classic example would be the mixed feelings about a mother, daughter and son-in-law. Ceres lost her daughter to her son-in-law, who abducted her. Another example might be a couple who decide to take time out from the relationship while the husband visits family in another district.

A more complex example might be the woman whose former lover passed away, who now finds herself in a work partnership with a woman who was also his friend. Libra is about ‘two’ but as Ceres is a powerful symbol of fierce feelings this is about a set of scales which must be balanced, with that in mind.

Ceres in Libra Wants To Be Taken Seriously

Ceres wants to be taken Ceres-ly. Seriously. She always brings questions about demotion and promotion, status changes, reshuffles in influence and control – and usually a new order. What Ceres in Libra is telling you in October is that someone who is in partnership, or once was, wants that respect. This is a really interesting New Moon. Watch it play out in your own life if you are strongly Libran – or see how couples figure it out, around you. By November there is a whole new state of play.

If you have big questions about your former, current or potential partner you may want to try The Astrology Oracle for a more personal reading. If the Ceres card (below) actually comes up, you definitely need to find out more about this planet!

card ceres - What to expect from the Libra New Moon on 9 October



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96 Responses

  1. Dear Jessica,

    I write this on the eve of the New Moon in Libra knowing that my buffet of Libran planets and asteroids at 15’ are about to be zapped.

    My heart is torn. My husband is a Libran. We have many factors (astrological and earth plane) that bind us. However, ever since late last year, with each passing day, there is something inside me that has blossomed and refuses to be quiet.

    I have this internal ‘pull’ to be free, to seek a divorce ( Diana in Libra?) for reasons too complex to go into here- yet I have two small, kindred-spirit, elvish children who deserve me to try harder to keep the family together.

    Is there something in my chart that you can see that might help me find my way through this?

    Thank you in advance.

    With much love and gratitude.


    1. If you stayed together long-term you would still be dealing with Chiron in Aries (the teacher) opposing your Libra factors in the Seventh House of marriage. Chiron is in Aries until 2027. You would continue to be taught what a marriage is, and what it is not – and how to make ‘two’ work – in quite radically different ways. I understand the issue is the children MM. There is karmic closure from November 7th 2018 and then the circle closes. You have done and said, all you had to – and others have also played their part. That will make a big difference to how you feel.

  2. That new Moon falls right on my Vesta at 15 degrees of Libra! I also have a Libran ascendant and Neptune at a late degree of Libra. What should I expect?

    1. Vesta describes gender politics and situations where two or more females, must deal with the power and control issues surrounding one male. In your Seventh House this is involving your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps a rival or enemy. The New Moon suggests a fresh start. A new beginning. Decide how you want to play Vesta. You have been living with her all your life. Take a look at Vesta on Search and in your ebooks when you finish reading this.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    I don’t have those specific degrees on libra but I have Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in libra. What should I be concerned about? The two most challenging relationships in my life are my son and my marraige. My son due to his health issues and my marriage because of how different we are as individuals.
    Your advice would be much appreciated.
    Thank you!

    1. You will have Chiron (the teacher) opposing your Seventh House, Libra and marriage patterns for many years so you will need to modify the scales or even change them. The scales you have, when you married, are not going to last the way they were built. You need to re-engineer and rewire them, or get a new set altogether. The more flexible and open to change you are, the better. I am very sorry your son has health issues. There is a certain amount of karma here, as you have past life debts and credits with each other. This karma ends in November and one circle will complete for you.

  4. Jessica,
    What can I expect from Libra New Moon October 9… What will happen with work, finance, home , love …
    What do you see in my birth chart as I am Scorpio with six Libra factors and five Scorpio factors…
    Thank you with all my heart…

    1. People who are heavily Libra and Scorpio do better in life when they find a work or voluntary partnership to take the heat of love, sex and marriage. Given that we live in a world where millions of people born with Uranus and Pluto in Libra are constantly transforming the dating jungle, there is way too much stress on the heavily romantic Libra-Scorpio type who cannot bear life alone for very long and is frequently obsessed with shagging, mating, dating, relating, white weddings, wedding cakes and Hollywood romance. One way to remove the stress is to find duets and double-acts that have nothing to do with getting naked or getting hitched – but everything to do with being in a pair or couple. Ballroom dancing would suit you just fine.

  5. Hi Jessica. I’ve been waiting for this moment, as I have Libra at 14 degrees in Pluto. How may the new moon or upcoming transits impact me and my relationship? My partner and I are moving into a new place this week (by Wednesday). I’ve been through a lot emotionally and have been in deep thought about the relationship for the past 3 months as I’ve been healing some past emotional issues and my perspective overall, but only now am I finding myself “ready” to fully embrace this change of status and relationship with my whole heart. It has been scary, as things have seemed to go back and forth (petty squables) between my partner and I since we met and I’ve been unsure of the outcome due to how fast the relationship has taken off. The mood seems lightened and we are getting along great — but after reading your article I’m wondering if it will last? Should I expect a change in my partner in the next few weeks? Or is all well.

    Hoping you can shed some light on this. I suck at trying to interpret my chart.

    1. You’re in synch with your horoscope. Pluto at 14 Libra in your Seventh House of partnership describes your need to control things, and your tremendous passion and occasional obsession. You have the North Node at 5 Libra too, in the same house, so this is karmic. You knew each other before. The New Moon is a new beginning, which is why you are moving. That all works really well. Keep the relationship open to change, moving, flexible and adaptable. This is not what Pluto in Libra always wants to know but it is important. Why? Transiting Chiron (the teacher) goes across 5 Aries in the short-term so your need to hold the reins will be challenged by new lessons. In 2021, for example, if you two are still on a journey together, there will be new maps, new guideposts and new handbooks. Read up more on Pluto and the Seventh House when you finish reading this – just hit Search – because this is that part of you which is coming alive right now.

  6. I have Uranus and Pluto in Libra… Will the backtrack to Aries (I have a stellium) flip my world upside down again for the next few months? Uranus has been painful in Aries, then it’s move to Taurus (another stellium) has been SHOCKING!!!

    1. Uranus at 28 Libra in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners is certainly in the zone. Your North Node at 29 Scorpio and South Node at 29 Taurus (the financial or property side of things) connects up. Transiting Uranus going through one final time will let you know the process of change is not over. That is okay. Think of it this way. The American War of Independence in 1781 had to happen. The British were unfairly taxing the Americans. The dreadful slave trade ran the American economy. So, the shock and upheaval was required – even though it was – shock and upheaval! You have had your own Independence Day already and you know who it was about, and what it was about. Now you get the final stage of the rolling changes and by March 2019 you’re done. Remember – liberty for yourself and others is very precious and is worth the effort.

  7. .Hi Jessica
    What can you tell me about the new moon in October having uranus 14 degrees virgo pluto 16 degree virgo chiron 14 degree pisces .
    Thank you for all the beautiful times that you put for explaining all the questions that all your readers ask you’re wonderful .

    1. You’ll find a great turning point thanks to a couple, or one half of a couple, where the duet was everything. This two-way street others are on with each other (or were on, or may be on…) helps you so much with your work, lifestyle and service and duty to others. You currently have a task or project where you are innovating – and also showing your power. That will be helped so much by this Libra New Moon.

  8. Hi, Jessica. None of my Libra factors are at 15, but I do have that interesting stack up in Libra, including Pluto and Proserpina, Vesta, and Uranus. Uranus currently in my own sign and the other three are hanging out in Capricorn at the moment. Can you help me translate that? Does that mean that whatever happens with this new moon, Libra activity and relationships will have an extra layer of hard work to it with a power shuffle/compromise/re-balancing? Are there other aspects in my chart I should note? Can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

    1. Saturn at 0 Cancer in your Fourth House is the most important focus in your chart. You were also born with Juno at 0 Pisces, making a perfect trine from the Twelfth House. We are about to move into crucial cycles for your house or apartment, your home town and perhaps your homeland. Uranus is moving to 0 Taurus, not once but twice, and for the first time in around 19 years, the Node is going into Cancer, where it will bring rather a lot of karma from your past, where your home life is concerned. You will collect rewards you are owed by the universe but also pay some dues. It may help to look at Saturn, Cancer and the Fourth House on Search when you finish reading this. If your house or apartment has been in your life for a long time, you may find something as basic as repairs are required on a room which was renovated around 19 or 20 years ago. It is far more likely to be about your sense of ‘home’ as in a place, though (any place). Your family and one relative in particular may also bring karma around for you.

  9. Dear Jessica,

    I have Minerva 15° Libra 18′ 27″ and Cupido 14° Libra 07′ 01″ could this Libra new moon have an impact on my current difficult work situation? Much needed relief on the horizon on the work front?

    Thank you for the very informative article. NP

    1. Nothing to do with work, but if you think that your enemy, rival or opponent is at work – absolutely, NP. I am unsure what your problem is. If you feel that you can’t stand a boss, staff member, colleague or client – or you in a feud with them – then this counts. Libra and your Seventh House rules the person you loathe. The New Moon right on your Minerva and Cupido would help you enormously if so. If this sounds right, use it. There is a brilliant solution just up ahead.

  10. Hi Jessica,

    Since September 25, 2018, my wife and I have been so upset. She is a Pisces born on 3-19-60, at 5:35 am, and I am a Leo born On 8-1-1968. I have Sun 09 degrees in Leo, and Venus in Leo 21 degrees, and Moon in Scorpio 13 degrees, Jupiter 08 degrees in Virgo, Mercury 03 degrees in Leo and Mars 27 degree in Cancer. We were hoping to get relicensed for foster care with the agency we have been taking care of children since October 2012. I have anxiety issues, and I take medication daily, and I have been in therapy for 14 years. The last Foster Care Coordinator relicensed us in September, 2016, and she did not contact my therapist at all. She was let go in August, 2018. I understand that the new FCC had to contact my therapist, and make sure I have been taking care of myself, but she was digging up about my past, with my therapist, and therefore, when she arrived at my home with her supervisor at 11:00 am CST, for a home visit, on September 25, 2018, with her Supervisor, and they told me and my wife, that they could not re license us. We have been so heartbroken about this. We are hoping to apply to a new foster care agency in January, 2019. Could you please tell me, if we will be able to be licensed again as foster care parents, or we might try to mentor a young boy, that couples can do with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We are not ready to close the door of not being able to nurture children in our lives. Please let us know! We appreciate everything you do for us, Jessica! Thank you, Paul and Genelle

    1. Paul and Genelle, I am sorry that you have been dealing with anxiety and also heartbreak about the situation with the children in your world. This is karmic in nature. It goes back about 19 years, but it also goes back into past lives. Sometimes you have to accept what the Node in Leo in your Fifth House is doing and understand that at a certain point it will feel as if the karma is over, or the circle is closed. This will happen to you around November 7th as the Node leaves Leo and your Fifth House of fostering and substitute parenting, for another 19 years. The last time the Node was in your Fifth House of children was the end of 1998, through 1999, into early 2000. It then moved into Cancer (the home, the family) where you also have your Mars, and the Fourth House – from around April 2000 into October 2001. You are actually quite strongly Cancerian as well, so the pull of having your people and your place – something to call your own – is very strong. What you are now experiencing is the ‘answering call’ of the Node as it goes from Leo to Cancer, and takes you from what happened in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. You could even go back another 19 years in the cycle all the way to 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992. If so, I suggest you look at your own parents, particularly your mother and the situation there. The North Node and South Node usually bring us past life contacts, so your marriage is very likely one of two old souls. It is also possible that one of the children, or perhaps your therapist or supervisor, is also tied to you karmically. What happens when the Node goes around like this usually feels unavoidable or inevitable. We say that we’ll ‘never’ do something again, or ‘never’ return to a situation, organisation or person again, but then destiny puts us on the spot and we find we have to. We cannot say ‘no’ to whatever is going on. There are other variations on this theme. We feel absolutely stuck or caught so there is no option except to repeat ourselves in some way! As I said, the karma around substitute parenting itself ends in November. Yet, there is karma there around your house, apartment, your own family, and the home life you have with each other and you will find you spend time closing the circle, finishing the chapter and completing what has essentially been recurring (as a theme) in 19 year cycles. It really is worth going back in time and examining your memory to see what is symbolically coming around again. Once you are past all these Nodal loops in Leo and Cancer a completely different life waits and it will be one you enjoy very much.

  11. Aesculapia is a symbol of miraculous comebacks, revivals, resurrections and sometimes quite powerful healing. He was the Romans’ chief deity in all medical and surgical matters and he is a potent asteroid in your chart. In Libra and the Seventh House he is about marriages, work partnerships or other duets and one-on-one relationships that come back from the point of no return. Just when you think something is over, or finished – it’s not. It is the same with enemies, rivals or opponents, which Libra also rules in your chart in the Seventh House. This is the knight in Monty Python’s film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, who is still fighting even without a leg to stand on. Literally. Try to avoid mad knight types for this reason!

  12. Hi Jessica! I’m trying to learn how to understand my horoscope interpretation. I’m wondering if you can help me with understanding my Libra factor. I have a stellium in Libra with Uranus, Juno, Cupido, and psyche…. which helps me understand why my love life sucks quite frankly. However, Uranus and Cupido occupy 15/16 degrees. Am I correct in believing that this week will bring revolution or surprise but that it will be short lived? Would that apply to work partnership?

    1. So your love life sucks…not easy when you are strongly Libran! There are no guarantees in life, but if you travel or move you may well find what you are looking for in another place. You have an idea you need to get off the ground anyway, or a project and you are in the wrong place. It is amazing how often the answer is literally to just find a different population and demographic! You will have your Jupiter Return in 2019 in your Ninth House. You are bound for adventure and could take a few months off, engage in a lot of work related travel or even emigrate. Time it right; you don’t want to waste a chance to develop and nurture some really high potential concepts you have. If you find a hot date at the other end – so much the better.

  13. Hi Jessica!
    I’ve been wondering about how this October (Venus retrograde and new and coming full moon) might turn out for me as they’re all touching important parts of my chart (12th house and ascendant, sun, Pluto…). How do you think it looks for me? Thanks so much!!!!

    1. October for you is about money and lots of it. You have Hygiea at 27 Scorpio and Jupiter (abundance, solutions, growth, expansion) is crossing 27 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance in the final days of this month. Enjoy it. Just reinvest it wisely! Don’t let anything off your radar – you need to get really good financial or property/business advice – or charity if that is your thing – and throw yourself into making more, from what you save or gain. Yet, it looks great for you.

  14. I have my DESC 16degrees Libra… So this is about my personality mirrored back?

    Not understanding what this might mean…?

    1. Have a look at your Descendant or DC on Search and also in your ebooks to decode it. It’s about your former, current or potential partner. Sometimes, an enemy. Usually your ‘other half’ in love or work. It does depend on an accurate birth time.

  15. Hi Jessica, I have a question for you. For a very long time I have been getting Diana or Artemis synchronicities in my life. Is this an indication that I am not meant to be in a love relationship as I have other priorities in my life? I have only been in one relationship in my life and that was 10 years ago. I have gotten to a point where I don’t feel that I need of a relationship to feel fulfilled in my life, however that took a long time for me to get here. A few years ago after looking at my chart, you let me know that I should be a healer of some sort. When you first told me this I was shocked as all I could contribute healing to was in the medical field. Now though, it has all fallen into place and I understand why I am here and what my mission is (and thank you so much for your guidance by the way! I didn’t understand it at first but boy has it all revealed itself). The one thing I always read wrong though is relationships, especially since I have a Libra stellium. Do all of my Libra placements just mean my relationship with the people that I heal and that the Diana synchronicities mean that I am dedicated to that in my lifetime and not to my own love relationships? Which is ok, I definitely get why if so. Thank you so much and I hope you are well! Your guidance and wealth of knowledge that you share is so appreciated!

    1. Diana does turn up a lot when women in particular are being told to pursue freedom and a certain amount of wildness as well – in the great outdoors, playing sport, or in the water for example. I am glad you figured out that you are a healer, by the way. Your Libra placements are alive and well and you will be in and out of partnerships your whole life. Yet, Diana in Aquarius is right at home there – she had nymphs as her companions, always in a group – and she valued their company as much as any man. You’re ‘doing’ Diana right now. Later on you will do your Libran side but only when you feel you have met your equal or other half. Slow moving outer planet transits will trigger that when the time is absolutely right.

  16. Hi Jessica,
    I’ve been looking out for a posting on Libra as I have a stellium (8). Until I discovered your website, I considered Libra the 2nd house – not the 7th house. So could you help me translate this line up?
    13° Libra 24′ 29″
    19° Libra 58′ 41″
    17° Libra 06′ 41″
    18° Libra 59′ 58″
    03° Libra 21′ 16″
    04° Libra 58′ 34″
    23° Libra 57′ 49″
    01° Libra 18′ 24″

    Thanks, as always, for your fabulous postings. Best regards, Mary

    1. Huge stellium in Libra there, Mary. I use the Natural House system so these all fall in your Seventh House, which describes the very particular chemistry you share with your former, current or potential partner (s) and of course it applies to work as well as love. You are really destined for a duet which lives on after you. What you achieve with your other person, over the course of your life, endures (Psyche in Libra). You can also fall in love with love, so easily (Cupido). Proserpina makes you a natural go-between in any duet. You also genuinely enjoy and savour being in any kind of two-way situation (Bacchus) and also know how to give space and ask for space (Diana). You have been in relationships where one male has been locked in with two or more females apart from you (sometimes a mother and sisters, sometimes an ex-wife and daughters, sometimes just other female admirers). Try not to fall into Vesta patterns as a rule – they can be very difficult! Neptune in the Seventh suggests marriage is a holiday from reality and it either works for you or it does not. Saturn there too suggests the wake-up calls from that have been very hard. You clearly have at least one huge episode behind you, in terms of weddings or marriage, separations or loss. This is really part of what it means to have such a cluster in one sign – it never rains but it pours. Yet, Psyche tells me, ‘two’ and ‘the two of us’ in work or love will outlive you. Look at Cupid and Psyche in art and sculpture because they are alive and kicking in your chart. Your life may even mirror the myth, Mary!

  17. Dear Jessica,
    In my chart Pluto is at 16 Libra. What it imeans to me because of conjunction this new moon?
    Thank you for your answer in advance.

    1. The New Moon is always a new question in your life, and that question is – do you make a fresh start – or do you go back to a situation and try to rebuild it? Either way it is a new beginning for you.

  18. Hey Jessica,
    Do u see anything working out for me on professional and even personal fronts as well? Both are in a mess these days! I dont feel like staying mum and feeling tortured with my husband and want to go back to my home country alone with my baby and on the professional front, i have an interview lined up! Do u think i should still wait for the things to work out for me in this foreign country or i will be better off in my home country with my baby! Plz suggest a way out thats the best as per my chart. Thanks a lot for ur priceless insights.

    1. You need to sort the money out. The next 12 months involves juggling, because your country is tied into a wildly unpredictable economic situation. You probably just saw how an April astrology prediction about Wall Street came true – to the day – right now, October 11th. You can see it here if you missed it (link below). This is a taster for global instability and you urgently need the best pro financial advice you can afford over the next 12 months through to October 2019. Your child, husband and other emotional issues are obviously so important to you but I am concerned about your budget and security. You have the Moon at 7 Taurus in your Second House of cash flow, debt, credit card, savings and so on. Uranus (radical change) is heading for 7 Taurus so be aware. You can’t really do anything until your budget is secure – then you can figure out parenthood.

  19. Morning Jessica,

    I hope that this message finds you in good health and good spirits.

    I have a lot going on in my life at the moment, testing times. I have to keep going. My Dear Dad (almost 82 -5.11.36), fell and fractured his hip on the 17th September, the last day of our Spanish holiday. After a tumultuous journey, we did get back home. I’ve moved in with him to look after him, although slowly, slowly he is healing. It was such a trauma.

    On top of that (nothing in comparison), I’ve had three out of four staff hand their notice in at work. This new start in my career, (17th January), is not proving to be the great success that I imagined. At times it’s been like working in a vipers nest with all the backbiting going on. Sure enough, this Tuesday I had a new person start, a Capricorn. She seems full of enthusiasm and positive energy, which I suppose you have when starting something new.

    I’d like to think that once all three team members have left (one down, two to go – one of whom leaves this Saturday, the other at the end of the month), the business will change and start being a success again.

    Do I stay and ride the storm or get the hell out of there?

    Your thoughts please.

    I appreciate your time.

    All the best,

    1. Okay Jeanie, there is definitely a lot going on. Good question – do you stay or do you go, to quote The Clash? Your father also needs your complete focus and attention following his fall. Between now and December 31st, the end of the year, there is overdue healing coming for you. You are quite Leo, with a strong signature in the sign of the lion, and you’ve been hammered by eclipses in Leo! You will be seeing a really gifted doctor, surgeon, therapist or perhaps a Reiki healer. Sometimes a dentist or yoga teacher can also work wonders. You will get your strength back. A large part of your personality is about leading – you do this at work, obviously – and being ‘Queen’, especially to a younger court. That has taken a knock. The terrific thing about now through the end of 2018 is a very special, spiritual experience with a born guide or ‘transformer’ type, who gets you back to your full royal power.

  20. Dear Jessica,

    Does my chart give you any clear insights about timing and opportunities surrounding work, love and home?

    1. I am entering a new work partnership with a lady who runs a UK youth charity. I don’t yet know her but I like this person. This role may be temporary or it may be longer term.
    2. Being a ‘libra-scorpio type’ I am very invested in my future marriage. I am not sure Astrology can answer this but my question would be how and where shall I look for the relationship?
    3. My property is on the market for sale but there have been no viewings. If there is no movement by November my plan is to take it off the market and rent elsewhere.

    Thank you very much x

    1. The property is on the market during a long chain of retrogrades, or backwards cycles, so people are stuck or changing their minds and that affects you. If you do plan to move, you may prefer to do that after Christmas to avoid the usual Mercury Retrograde madness – extreme weather won’t help! If you must go ahead with a property sale or a new rental before Christmas – try to give yourself flexibility. The new work partnership chimes nicely with the Libra New Moon although you would need your potential partner’s chart to really see what is in store. Love and marriage over the next 12 months? Think in terms of travelling as you’re going to be on the road- and will really love it – and you will have to put the luggage and map before the world of love. Who knows what or who you can discover out there, but you’re going to be invested in two places. Two cities or two countries, for example. This is a massive chapter in your life as Jupiter (growth, expansion, opportunity) goes into Sagittarius and your Ninth House for the first time in 12 years. There is also a tremendous amount of knowledge exchange, intellectual and spiritual growth and genuine enlightenment ahead. You have Uranus at 4 Sagittarius and Jupiter passes 4 Sagittarius as November ends and December begins. Not long to wait.

      1. Thank you so much for looking at my chart. I really like what you are saying and it’s most useful to have some further perspective re the property situation. X

  21. Hi,

    I have South Node at 16, Vulcano at 17 and Prosperina at 11 Libra. I wonder how things will unravel for me.


    1. Libra is about fighting the good fight – charging off in pursuit of justice, equality and fairness – as well as partnership. I sometimes read dopey internet astrology about ‘Libra the sign of peace’ and instantly feel like raising the question of Margaret Thatcher (Libra Sun) and the Falklands War! Libra in your chart works towards either pushing back against who/what is wrong – or pursuing duets and double-acts. At the moment we have a ton of transits to your Minerva in Aries, who is the goddess we associate with strategy in times of battle. That’s quite a feisty Minerva you have there who is also waking up. Between now and the Full Moon in Libra in March 2019 I think you’ll have to figure out why you’re fighting, what’s going to work, how you’re going to do it, when to do it – and the rest. Slow down. Have a look at Minerva on Search and do use her in your chart.

  22. Wow Jessica this sounds like it could be scarily true for me. I’ve recently started seeing an old friend I’ve known since school who is currently separated from his wife. When we first up again met he told me him and his wife would probably never get a divorce as they were both too lazy. Feelings were expressed at the weekend between us and he commented that he ‘still had practical stuff to sort out’ (there’s also a marital home to sell). I don’t want to put him under any pressure, but could this new moon mean things begin moving towards being tied up? I do feel a bit emotionally vulnerable in the current situation.

    1. He is ready to commit so let us hope it is with you. You don’t say if he has children or not, or if he wants them or not. That whole issue of fatherhood hangs over you. You have Ceres at 2 Leo in the Fifth House of step-parenting, pregnancy, adoption or substitute parenting (a big connection to godchildren, nieces or nephews). We are seeing the North Node go right over 2 Leo in October. There is a huge amount of karma here for you with him, and you have at least one past life connection. It would help him enormously if he would switch his attention away from the whole business of divorce, separation and also new partnership – and towards the elephant in the room. The elephant is the children he never had, or wants to have, or does not want to have! Next big issue there? The house or apartment, as you say.

      1. Thank you Jessica. YEs we both have children from previous relationships- and neither of us want anymore as we’re in our forties now! It does indeed seem karmic, or fated in some way. There’s a lot of North Node contacts in synastry and in composite a grand trine involving Ceres Jupiter and NN interestingly. I wonder how this will play out!

        1. The children are the story and you all knew each other before. Probably in different family roles. They may in fact have been your parents last time round, and you were the sons or daughters caught up in the middle.

  23. Hi Jessica
    I have Juno at 25 degrees Libra and
    North Node at 14 degrees Libra I
    I am not in a partnership at the moment
    I have been communicating with a ? Potential from another state not met them yet
    I would appreciate your interpretation of my Libra factors regardless
    Thankyou Jess

    1. You’ll find that partnership opportunities come around when there are slow-moving outer planet transits, or Node transits, to your Libra factors. Juno is about commitment – you are ever ready to do that – and the North Node suggests many lifetimes of experience with marriage and divorce, and other variations on the theme – engagement, jilting, adultery, combined professional and sexual partnership and so on! You are likely to be shown a potential new partner or the chance to create a different kind of friendship or association with an ex partner – when Chiron slowly begins to oppose your Node, then Juno, at 14 and eventually 25 Aries. That’s some years away as I write this. Dating is different. That is really a Leo and Fifth House concern and you have Vesta at 0 Leo, so you tend to attract situations where there is one man and two or more females close by. Dating men who have mothers and sisters around them, or dating men who are already with a woman, or whose ex won’t depart the scene, are all classic Vesta scenarios. So is the crush on the man in a harem of female friends who won’t commit to any of them! I mention all this because the Node goes over 0 Leo at the end of October and start of November so you are going to have a really familiar scenario cross your path then – it will be a chance to fix something you’ve never managed to fix to date – which is great. Look up Vesta on Search and in your ebooks for more information, and also the Fifth House too.

  24. Hi Jessica, I have 8 planets in Libra in my birth chart and am very much feeling the karmic pull at the minute. In the past few months I’m riding rhe waves of change with a new job, moving house back to the UK from ireland where we’ve been for a few years. The job is a retrograde (fitting) step back tona company I enjoyed workung for but there are big changes afoot wiith a huge merger and with it the potential for promotion or demotion in the next 6 months after a long term mentor retires. This all obviously affects my wife and 3 kids too who are on this crazy journey with me. In October we’ll complete a house sale and purchase which will hopefully bring a close to the tempest although I worry I’m used to the flux or even enjoy it!?
    Thanks for helping me to reflect on all of this change .

    1. Thank you. Chiron at 0 Taurus in your chart is waking up as Uranus crosses 0 Taurus in your Second House of finance, and along comes your work merger and property switch. You teach other people what it’s possible to get away with, when it comes to money, houses, charity, business, apartments and precious possessions. You educate others, in quite a confronting, spirited way – about what is apparently ‘impossible’ or not! This is now well and truly alive and kicking for you as Uranus (the revolution) sweeps through and he’ll be at 0 Taurus in the second half of October into early November and then back into that sign, making another pass at 0 Taurus, in March 2019. That month may be coming up already in terms of your company’s plans for the future. Stay as flexible as you can and leave as much wiggle room as you can afford because Uranus is tremendously liberating but it is notorious for turning things upside-down or sideways. Thus the need to wiggle. Have a look at Chiron on Search when you finish reading this and also the Second House, because that is a big, big theme into early 2019.

    1. Over the next 12 months the single most important thing about your life is this. The need to make a group work. You have a stellium in Aquarius in the Eleventh House. This rules networks, teams, communities and collectives. If you all united you could do anything. You all have such similar ideas. Yet, there is disharmony here. The Node is ending its time in Aquarius. You are headed for major transits in Aquarius from Christmas 2020. From 2023 groups change your life. I suspect this is about the same group or friends all along. As this is long, long term do whatever you can to find agreement and co-operation. Get grounded, get centred then move your position if you have to, and show willing. It is terribly important that you collectively join forces and build something together. It would change all your lives.

  25. Hi Jessica
    Although I don’t have a lot of Libra factors, I have a lot of factors at the degrees you mention. What does that mean for me in terms of my relationships.
    Also, I notice on many of your posts that you mention post 2019, when things will become clear, make sense, etc. I’m new at this, but what is significance of March 2019?
    Thanks so much,

    1. The most important thing in your life over the next 12 months, Teri, is your trip away, or your relocation. You seem set to travel extensively, move or even emigrate. Minerva and Bacchus in Sagittarius in your Ninth House are set to be triggered by Jupiter (expansion, growth, exploration, benefits, gains) also in Sagittarius. He was their father in Roman mythology. This cycle only comes once in 12 years and it starts next month. You have some great ideas or plans with huge potential, but they will not work where you are. You need to ship them (and yourself). It could change your life.

  26. Hi Jessica,
    I have Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto(and Juno) in Libra- and my Ascending sign is Libra at 16 degrees. I’ve been feeling some rapid changes with a romantic situation- mostly for the better, but it’s still something that is rocky and unsure- what is the best approach to take? And what does having a stellium in Libra mean for this new moon? Thank you so much, your advice is always spot on!

    1. Thank you. So you have a rocky romance. The next six months – October, November, December, January, February, March – are about the financial news, actually. That is way more important than love and sex. Your Sun at 28 Taurus in your Second House of money and charity is opposite Uranus at 28 Scorpio in your Eighth House of banks and budgets. Jupiter is going right across 28 Scorpio and so is Mercury Retroshadow, as late as December. There will be a substantial pay-out here and you will learn so much about the money-go-round and how to make it work. This goes beyond the actual amounts, into questions about your values. Who or what you consider to be so precious it’s priceless. This cycle can only happen once every 12 years.

  27. Thank you for taking the time to give your insight into my post.

    It has never occurred to me before about having a Leo signature. Could you explain why, please?

    Thanks Jessica.

    Jeanie xx

    1. Your IC, Vulcano and North Node are all in Leo in your Fifth House, Jeanie. Your IC is your Immum Coeli or family tree and family history, heritage, roots and culture. So you inherited some Leo in your DNA as a relative was also a leader or King/Queen type. Your Leo side is triggered at the moment because we had a lot of weather in that sign!

      1. Jessica,

        Thank you for enlightening me, not only with this answer but for all that I learn from you whilst reading your amazing readings.

        You are gifted.

        All the best to you,

        Goody xx

  28. Jessica, thank you soooo much for your detailed answer to my query, on this posting. Life changing. You’re the BEST…

  29. Dear Jessica,

    I write this with mixed emotions, and really hope you can please provide some insight. One of my best friends who turned into a lover left his emotionally and physically abusive wife last month, and while we haven’t talked about being exclusive, he is talking to her again (despite literally separating households, finances and possessions). They split before, just under three (3) years ago, shortly after which we first got together. We have similar values, interests, but I think it is obvious that he doesn’t consider me relationship material and is considering going back to her – again. I don’t want to lose my friend but if he goes back, it will be very hard to take. Complicating things, we work in the same small industry. Do you have any insights? We are taking two (2) trips together over the next month, and I am thinking of calling the second one off to protect my heart. I don’t think he knows how I feel. I also have a lot going on career wise, and will find it impossible to take advantage of all those opportunities with a broken heart.

    Thanks for any guidance you can provide. My chart has the following Libra and Scorpio factors.
    20° Moon Scorpio 50′ 06″
    06° Uranus Scorpio 31′ 28″ R
    13° North Node Scorpio 19′ 43″
    10° Pluto Libra 39′ 13″ R
    28° IC Libra 35′ 53″
    01° Vulcano Libra 25′ 38″ R

    1. So your lover may go back to his wife. You also work in the same industry. You also have two trips planned! Let’s see what is going on, now through December 31st. We have a Ceres transit in Libra, for a start, and not only Venus but also Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. To translate that, this is going to take time, it’s complicated and it’s emotionally intense. You already know all this. First of all, I am curious to know if he has children or you do. This is about the family. If it’s not sons and daughters, it’s godchildren, nieces or nephews. This is about the entire family not just the two of you, or even him and her. We associate Ceres with the end of the old order and the start of the new world. You booked your travel across Mercury Retrograde so I hope you read my cautionary dates about this, a long time ago, and had Plan A and B. It is very hard to go on a happy holiday when you have a major transformation like this taking place which affects his family or your own. There is hope. There’s a wonderful new beginning up ahead. A brand new day. A brand new life actually. You’ll be in such a different place. However, you have to get there from here! This means allowing for your own and other people’s intense emotions, without over-dramatising them. This is important. Don’t play this out or let others play it out. This is an episode not a mini-series. Let the past go. Let the old order go. Look to the future because you will see it. I do feel you’ll take a trip, or even move, and this will be the start of your new life. I am concerned that his wife is violent. If this man is at physical risk of harm he must contact the police if he has not already done so. One other tip. Light a candle and pray, or have a quiet word with your guides and family in spirit. They have the biggest picture on all of this. Yet – the future looks just brilliant for you.

      1. Dear Jessica,

        Many thanks for your insights! He has teen children from his first marriage (shared custody, his kids adore him), the wife he just left is his second who has her own kids (they don’t have kids together, the two sets of kids don’t get along and the wife’s eldest just left for college). Hia daughter is a good kid (great student and athlete) who lives with her mom primarily and stays some weeks and weekends with her dad. His son is just started living with him FT because of school problems – learning disabilities and not handing in assignments even through completed. He just changed schools to live with dad. I dont have kids. The trips are both related to work conferences, not specific holidays. We decided to spend time when we can together, although discreetly since we are both big fish in the same small work pond. As for mercury retrograde, thanks for the remindwe. And get this – my original flights booked in summer were canceled and now departure times have been delayed by 10 min twice! How uncanny. Anyway, if you have time, would be interested to see how the kids factor into this. I don’t want to disclose his bday, but let’s just say he’s 7 years and one week to the day older than me. Thanks again for your sage insights.

        1. PS: part of the reason they split the first time was because the two sets of kids didn’t get along, and he strongly disagreed with her parenting style. When he started correcting her children, she apparently started incorrectly picking on his in retaliation. Thanks for advising me to keep an even keel and allow for intense emotions. He left for the airport ahead of me to get on an earlier flight to get home to his son, and while I said he should do that (he didn’t get the earlier flight), I felt a little cheap. Bad prior experiences with other men.

        2. It’s about the children. His children and also the stepchildren. It sounds as if your flights are already being affected by this long Mercury Retrograde we have coming up. Between now and 31st December 2018, the daughter is the focus – she is an athlete, as you say – and her life is being affected by this. The other children matter too, a great deal, and explain why he is behaving this way. We are in this long cycle of Leo eclipses which does not finish until January 2019 and I suspect he is being affected by that, as Leo rules sons and daughters. The North Node of karma is also going through Leo and the Fifth House and you are right in line for that, with your Leo and Fifth House (parenthood, substitute parenthood) placements. At all stages try to put his children and stepchildren first. There is karma there. What really matters, quite profoundly, is a settled home life. A place that offers grounding and security. It may seem very, very far away to his daughter at the moment but it can and should be there for her. I hope this helps. She is involved with a team which could do great things but at the moment it’s in a precarious situation.

          1. Thank you so much for your time and insights, Jessica. Interestingly, his daughter has been on crutches for the last few months with a sports energy and needs an MRI. Which means no basketball for her and she plays on a team. Hope his kids come through these changes unscathed. Thank you again, and have a wonderful week!

          2. Yes, I thought it would be about the daughter. She is his total priority, and in fact yours too, karmically. Good luck, I hope she comes through this with her basketball team.

          3. He called this morning from one (1) street over, and told me he got back together with his wife. A 20 year plus male friend from the same industry said despite all the support this guy gave me personally and professionally, he was probably playing a long con and when his marriage goes south again, he will try to come back into my life. I’m devastated.

          4. You must be devastated, but your male friend has said nothing to make you feel better and that is a bleak view. You have the advantage of The Astrology Oracle to give you a different one. Ask about the present to tap into the cards and know they are working – they will tell you what is going on. Then ask what you can learn, that will help you in future, from this situation – now and over the next 6 months. I will leave it to you to ask any other questions.

  30. Hello Jessica,

    I hope you are having a good day.

    I’m curious about Juno in Libra14, what does that mean? Thank you for your time.

    (Side notes: Sun in Capricorn- I thought the Aries connection you wrote was point on (I had no idea about that, wow!), plus my dad is a sun Aries… Libra stellium- I was complaining last month in a post that I don’t have partnerships at work and don’t want them-ha ha! As a teacher, I have two assistants in my class this year (which I need and am grateful for), first time ever-too funny!)

    1. Thank you. It is 9.14am in Australia and I am having my second cup of tea, at my desk, while Kipper the Jack Russell settles down on his bed. So far it’s a great day! Juno at 14 Libra in your chart has to be seen in context with Uranus and Pluto, also in Libra. They are all in your Seventh House of love, sex and marriage. Juno is about commitment. She was Jupiter’s wife. She gained from being his wife, in terms of status and lifestyle, but also had to deal with the realities of marriage. You have some conflicting needs and desires when it comes to partnership. Although Juno wants to commit, Uranus in Libra is really about rejecting what you create. In common with everyone else in your generation, you are tremendously inventive and creative when it comes to love and sex. You embrace technology – online dating and apps – to make it work for you. Yet, you end up chopping and changing, and it’s hard to find any stability or consistency in the love jungle. Pluto is about wanting to control the relationship. Obsession and passion is common with Pluto in Libra and yet there can be issues, because one person feels quite taken over, or there is a need to master and manipulate the partnership, far too tightly. Inevitably there is a forced compromise. Have a look at your patterns with dating, mating, relating or marriage. You are bound to see transits in Libra across your Juno, Uranus and Pluto each time. You can learn from this. Look up the Seventh House and these planets and asteroids on Search and in your ebooks. Balancing the scales is a lifetime pursuit for you, with former and current partners.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    I feel like I’m being hit in my finances all at once. My ex-husband is requesting a child support modification. He qualifies, as our oldest daughter is now 18 but he still has to provide financial support for our 12 year old son.
    The mortgage on my home is still upside down and I can’t sell it because of this. I just applied for a loan modification to reduce the monthly payment.
    My career seems to always be in a place of uncertainty as far as growth is concerned. I really need to stay employed to keep things afloat.
    As a single mom of two, will I be significantly impacted by the reduction in child support? Will the loan modification be approved? Will I stay gainfully employed?

    Thanks for everything

    1. The most important thing I can talk to you about, now through October 15th 2019, is Jupiter in Sagittarius which is tremendous for fixing issues and opening up opportunities. You have a stellium in Sagittarius in your Ninth House, which you can look up (the Ninth House) when you finish reading this. A stellium is an unusually high number of chart factors, in just one zodiac sign. Jupiter can only make this cycle once every 12 years and he will line up with everything you have. There is the most fantastic victory or triumph ahead, either for you, or your employer. You get to be on the winning team, or actually stand out as playing a leading role in what happens. This is not about your ex-husband. It is about your own success, status, ambition and achievement in life. The trick here is to realise that when a group of people all share the same basic ideas, they can achieve wonders together. It’s rather like everybody having the same conversations, strategy and opinions, then setting aside their difference in status, to do all they can to work together, with the most brilliant result. Jupiter in Sagittarius is your friend. Keep talking. Keep using the worldwide web. You are going places by October 2019 so enjoy the ride. Make sure you are on the right side, or the right team.

  32. Hi dear Jessica,
    I was aspected many changes in my life from November , but it is started sooner.
    I find my favorite job after 3 years searching and sending CV. Finally after 8 years my ex husband is accepting to start our divorce paperworks, everything is happend so unexpected but the most surprise from universe! I found my twin flame ( whose sun , Mercury and Venus in sagittarius and north node on 10 degree of scorpion ) . I don’t know how I can balance them. I have Pluto on 13 degree of Libra and also Cerese and North node in libra . Everything is new. I know also others astroid and planted are affected on all these happening but when I find the degrees of planets with new moon it make me more surprised and I am more curious about next weeks ..
    I want to thank you in advance also for your intresting information and blogs .
    You are on of the best

    1. Thank you. Between now and December 31st 2018, the most important thing I can share with you is this – time alone is time well spent. You have been through a lot, with a new job and the divorce. Neptune at 13 Pisces is transiting your Twelfth House of self-discovery, the soul and the spirit. He will conjunct your natal Minerva at 13 Pisces. She is a symbol of deep wisdom in your chart. She comes alive within you, when you are alone. Neptune passing Minerva is historic and can only happen, typically, once in your life. Neptune is about escaping from the real world and finding another reality, which we might call your inner light or inner self. You need to take the time to find out who you are, what you believe, what is inside and what Christians might call God or the Holy Spirit and what Buddhists might call something quite different. Perhaps there is no name for it.

  33. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve been thru many changes in short period of time last couple of months. A promotion in job under a tough boss in Aug, although welcomed and long overdue I was hoping I get a job outside my current company. Purchased a home, got into contract during July/Aug Mercury retro but signed papers on Sep. 5th. Since then spending lot of time and money on fixing the house, intense work pressure in new position, and guilty feeling on not spending much time with my kid who could use help in applying for colleges. No complaints but it’s just been intense, pushing me out of comfort zone, making mistakes and learning from issues at new property, getting ready to move out of current place after 18 years. We are moving into new house on Oct 18 while repairs are still going on, hoping we’ll be done by December. What more changes are due, what to expect in next birthday year?

    1. The tough boss is really the Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn cycle and in December 2018, January 2019 you will see more changes ahead with your company, or in your chosen field, that may enable you to start the year ahead very differently. Intense work pressure is likely because you have planets or asteroids in Capricorn in your Tenth House and Saturn and Pluto are transiting there – but I can’t see a chart so I’m afraid I can’t say more than that. If you are moving after 18 years I also suspect you have Cancer Fourth House placements as the Node is about to reverse into Cancer and moves in roughly 19 year cycles. Look up the North Node on Search.

      1. Hi Jessica,

        My yearly subscription didn’t renew for some reason, I got it renewed. My chart should be visible now. Can you revisit this question with my chart when you get a chance. My move to new house postponed, hopefully first week of Nov, before Mercury Retro starts.

        1. I hope your subscription is now sorted out. Moving is always a little challenging anyway, but Mercury Retroshadow has actually already begun. He moves across Scorpio, Sagittarius so backwards through two signs and will be back to normal from Christmas Day. There will likely be some negotiations you have to complete about your money, possessions or the actual property in January so be ready to compromise, capital C with other people. The situation you assumed was completely over will be rehashed first two weeks of December but once you get to the end of January you will really, truly have figured it all out with your new residence.

  34. Dear Jessica,

    I have Mercury in 22deg in Libra and North node in 23 deg Scorpio. Can you tell me please in which way can I feel the arrival of Ceres in 22deg Libra when she is going to semisextile Mercury in 22deg in Scorpio.

    Thank you so much!

    1. Ceres in Libra is really about the business of being married or in a professional partnership with one other person. It’s about ‘the two of us’ and how to shape a situation which is fair. Sometimes it can feel as if one person, on one end of the scales, is doing all the giving and the other perso is taking or receiving. This idea of negotiating ‘two’ is very big for you at the moment no matter if you are doing it with a former, current or potential partner, or just experiencing it vicariously with a married couple you know, or a business partnership situation around you. It does not last much longer and there will be a resolution.

  35. Another great article, Jessica. Thank you very much.

    I was wondering if the coming New Moon affects me. Long time ago in another posting, you said I have a stellium in Cancer. Will the Libra New Moon affects me especially the relationship with my wife? Thanks.

    1. The improvements and answers you need with your wife will begin very slowly in November 2018 and although the discussion may go backwards and forwards in November, December, you will have good reasons to hope for a happier and better 2019 by the third week of November. Just after Christmas 2018 you can begin to call decisions firm, and next year you two will either fix your problem or find it vanishes. This is not so much about the New Moon as about Jupiter’s entry into Sagittarius, and the opposition of Chiron to your natal Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House of love, sex, marriage, divorce, separation and common law marriage. One way or another you are in a good place next year, together or apart.

  36. Hi Jessica,

    You are absolutely an amazing astrologer and intuitive. Your gifts have blessed me tremendously.

    I don’t have a birthtime. However, I was born November 14, 1981. I believe my moon and north node are in Cancer. I have been contemplating this 19 year cycle that’s ending and it appears to be so very tangibly real for me. I will be finalizing my divorce in 4 days. I got a new job this week as a substance abuse counselor as well. This job is different than any other because it aligns with my life path and what I naturally enjoy…..counseling. I worked so hard to earn this career. I pushed myself when the environment I was in wanted me to shrink.

    This job paves the way for my independence and I will be seeking my own place soon. I have been dependent on my husband for most of our 12 years of marriage. Im ready to break free. I feel it. It’s time. We currently live together co-parenting our 4 children.

    We started dating 19 years ago. He was a high school sweetheart. I left home for the first time for college 19 years ago.

    Is there any insight about what’s to come as far as new love, living in another country, etc. I have been healing myself for 3 years (single, celibate, studying esoteric wisdoms, and getting to know me). I feel like I’m ready for the new chapter that’s approaching.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. You are being strongly affected by the North Node and South Node cycles of karma. Congratulations on your new job as a substance abuse counsellor and also your divorce. You will travel or move in 2019 or 2020 and find yourself back where you started, either around 19 years ago, or actually from another lifetime. You may have karma in this place and find it strangely familiar to you. The biggest change over the next few years will be in the way you listen to your clients, but also communicate with them, and you may find new technology (beyond Skype) helps you do that.

  37. Thank you. I am glad you found out the truth about your husband. I am so terribly sorry to hear about his use of strip clubs. Please do not be worried about your divorce proceedings. That is easy for me to say, and hard for you to do, but from March 2019 life becomes smoother and more predictable. You urgently need healing, on a spiritual level, and I recommend you look at the work of Kerry McNally online and her Reiki (free) assistance. However, each person has to find her own healer and it may be that someone else works better for you – there are many generous souls on YouTube offering distance work. You are coming to the end of the Uranus in Aries cycle which has opposed all your Libra placements in the Seventh House of marriage. You are almost liberated. Not quite, but almost. From 2019 onwards you will be educated about love, sex and commitment by potential new lovers, for a period of many years. Chiron types will be your out-of-the-ordinary teachers. Your soon-to-be-ex husband is also your teacher. Not in a way you ever wanted, but he will educate you for some time to come in what you are prepared to allow or accept, in your life. This is a very good time to figure out what marriage meant to you, what it’s actually all about and to see the experiences of others in your situation. Over the long-term you will form a very different kind of partnership based partly on what you learn in 2018, 2019, 2020. And it will work.

    1. Anxiety and panic attacks are beyond astrology, but I recommend you go to YouTube right now and search for Dr. Claire Weekes and find her books at your local library. She has cured millions – see her reviews on Amazon. She passed away years ago but her work lives on. That’s your absolute first step, never mind the astrology!

  38. Jessica hi, This morning I pulled out a Hierophant (past), Lovers (present) and Sun (future) tarot combination. I am curious how this reading + birthchart + the various planetary movements are influencing my work and other partnerships I have going at this month. Would love to hear your insights. Super thanks xxxx

    1. The past was really about the institution of marriage and how you or your former partner felt about a formal wedding ceremony in a church or with a celebrant – and how one or both of you felt about the rules of being wed, as the Hierophant was once known as the Pope. Symbolically this card is about the heavy institution of being with someone. The Lovers is obviously your current situation and you two have a major choice to make. The Sun is a baby – potentially – or an adoption, step-parenting role, or a special godchild, niece or nephew whom you ‘parent’ for a time.

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